#Personal Accessories Market Market
shrimp1y · 1 year
the relationship between labels and someone's personal/social identity is kinda getting completely demented due to capitalism and social media
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mikeshouts · 4 months
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Personal Accessories Market: Trends, Players, and Growth Opportunities
The personal accessories market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for stylish and functional products. This blog provides an in-depth analysis of the market size, share, and growth, as well as the key trends and players shaping the industry.
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Personal Accessories Market Size and Growth
The global personal accessories market was valued at USD 1.34 trillion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% during the forecast period, reaching USD 1.83 trillion by 2028. The market is expected to witness significant growth, driven by the increasing demand for premium and luxury products, the rise of e-commerce, and the growing popularity of personalized accessories.
Market Trends
Several trends are shaping the personal accessories market, including:
Personalization: The trend towards personalization is driving the demand for customized accessories, such as monogrammed handbags and engraved jewelry.
Sustainability: Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their purchases, leading to a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable accessories.
Digitalization: The rise of e-commerce and social media has transformed the way consumers discover and purchase accessories, with online platforms becoming increasingly important for retailers.
Innovative Materials: The use of innovative materials, such as recycled plastics and sustainable fabrics, is becoming more prevalent in the industry.
Experiential Shopping: The trend towards experiential shopping is driving the demand for immersive and engaging retail experiences, with accessories retailers investing in interactive displays and events.
Market Players
The personal accessories market is dominated by several key players, including:
Tiffany & Co.: Tiffany & Co. is a leading luxury jewelry brand, offering a range of high-end accessories including handbags, watches, and jewelry.
Coach: Coach is a well-known luxury accessories brand, offering a range of high-end handbags, wallets, and other accessories.
Michael Kors: Michael Kors is a popular luxury accessories brand, offering a range of high-end handbags, watches, and jewelry.
Fossil: Fossil is a well-known accessories brand, offering a range of affordable and stylish accessories including watches, handbags, and jewelry.
Kate Spade: Kate Spade is a popular accessories brand, offering a range of stylish and functional accessories including handbags, wallets, and jewelry.
The personal accessories market is expected to witness significant growth over the next few years, driven by the increasing demand for premium and luxury products, the rise of e-commerce, and the growing popularity of personalized accessories. The market is dominated by several key players, including Tiffany & Co., Coach, Michael Kors, Fossil, and Kate Spade. As the market continues to evolve, retailers must adapt to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements to remain competitive.
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amaranthineghost · 2 months
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oscar piastri x reader
when two friends visit the market and, upon seeing free flowers being given out to couples, they decide to pretend to date for the sake of free flowers. when they end up liking the idea of pretending to be together, they end up wondering why they need to pretend to begin with.
credit to @foreveralbon for the idea!!!! <333
authors note: this was so fun to make!!! i really wanted to make something for oscar and totally stole this idea from liyah (THANK YOU AGAIN!!!) so I finally have an imagine for oscar yay!!!
SOMETIMES IT’S NORMAL FOR FRIENDS TO PRETEND. pretend they’re fighting, pretend while playing games, pretend they’re racing against traffic, pretend they don’t really like each other more than friends.
they pretend they’re dating for the sake of free flowers from a random guy in a market that they visited as friends because they are friends. they are friends. it’s totally normal, totally completely normal for friends to do such things.
it was as simple as that.
at least it was before it all happened because now they didn’t know if they were just pretending anymore or if they had dropped the act hours ago. was it all really that simple now?
it was a clear day in oscar’s hometown and what better way to spend such a beautiful day off than in the company of his good, even best, friend at a market down the street from where he grew up. considering she hadn’t grown up in the area he had, he wanted to show her around all the classic spots that he used to frequent with his mum as a little kid.
well, now he felt like his mum when she used to drag him to all the corner stores or street markets in the blazing sun and smudge sunscreen on his face, except now it’s with her. his best friend, and only his friend and nothing more because his mother was convinced he was smitten. he always denied it.
but everyone could see the way he looked at her whenever he smiled, how she would be the first person he looked to when he laughed at a joke someone else made.
everyone knew except for them, it was painfully obvious that they both felt more for each other than they allowed, and they were painfully oblivious.
the walk on grass, through the bustling market, was relaxing with hands to their sides and their shoulders constantly touching. every so often, they'd look away with red faces and awkward smiles as their hands just barely grazed each other’s skin, but they never closed that gap. it had been happening for months and their friends were clawing at their eyes just waiting for it to happen.
but they weren't here to push them together, just the two friends walking past different stalls of clothes, antiques, accessories, and other various items.
a light breeze blew her hair into her face, causing the constant sputtering of lips as strands stuck to her lip gloss.
of course, in true friend fashion, he laughed every time at her struggles with taming her hair, telling her without fail, “you should really put your hair up, it'll only keep getting in your face.”
she scoffed at him as he pulled strands from her face and futilely attempted to tuck them behind her ears as they blew back into her face.
“i don't think i even have a hair tie,” she whined as she pulled her hair back but couldn't tie it up.
“oh, wait, i do,” he remembered the band on his wrist, years of being friends meant carrying hair ties around for the girl because she wouldn't.
she gasped softly, taking it from his hand that held it flat on his palm, muttering “oh my god, osc, i love you so much, thank you,” she rambled under her breath, “not going to question why you even have it.”
a smile graced his face, completely tuning out her last words at the nickname she had called him. it made his heart flutter every time.
the words ‘i love you’ had been said constantly throughout their friendship that it was second nature at this point. to them, it was just a simple sentence they threw around, though the saying became more and more frequent in the past few months.
maybe it was their way of getting to say their feelings in a disguised, double-meaning phrase that wouldn't confuse what they were.
oh, but it did.
at this point, the words ‘i like you’ held deeper values because it told them how they really felt, but they would never say it. they could've rehearsed it in their heads for days, weeks, or months on end just at the end of the day to say the thing that felt safest. i love you.
he simply muttered back in admiration, “you're welcome.” a smile played on his lips for the longest time, the more he looked at her, the warmer and fuzzier he felt his heart become.
maybe his mum was right.
he shook his head internally. no, she couldn't be. but as he looked at the girl, in such deep admiration like she was the only thing to have ever existed in his life before, he wasn't so sure.
he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as they continued on walking. the breeze had calmed, and her hair was safely tied up and out of her face. back to grazing hands ever so slightly and arms rubbing against each other caused goosebumps to line their skin.
it was cold, they said to play it off as they looked in opposite directions. the more time passed, the more they hung out, the more excuses they made, and the more awkward it became.
the awkward silence between the pair, birds chirping and other monotonous conversations were the only thing heard until a deep voice called from somewhere up ahead of the crowd.
she stood on the tips of her toes to see over the heads of other people while he made no effort to because he already could.
“guy’s handing out free flowers,” oscar started before pausing and looking at her, “for couples.” he scratched his neck again.
she exhaled sharply, “we could totally pull off being a couple,” she slowed down to the side and stood in front of him. he looked down at her with raised eyebrows and a racing heart.
“you think?” he tilted his head with thought, pursing his lips, “free flowers are free flowers.”
“exactly,” she said in a intellectual tone, holding her hand out for him to grab, “what do you say?”
he thought for a moment. at least he acted like he did because he would've grabbed her hand in a heartbeat, but he couldn't make it obvious.
“alright,” he agreed, hesitantly interlacing their fingers together, “but if you’re uncomfortable at any time, we can stop.”
she rolled her eyes, turning back walking into the crowd, now with his hand interlocked with hers at their sides, “yeah, yeah.”
but he pulled her back before she could slip into the crowd, bumping back against his arm, “promise me, you'd say something.”
she paused, and sighed, “i promise, okay, let's go,” she pulled him along, feeling his slight resistance while dragging him because he thought I'd be fun to see her struggle.
when she gave him a look when she turned her head, only then did he follow alongside her.
the guy handing out the free flowers wasn't too far from them, considering how loud he was when they first heard him.
when they first approached him, they could tell he was skeptical. for some odd reason, they didn't fit the image of a couple. it didn't mean they didn't suit each other, they did by all means look amazing side by side, but he knew. somehow he knew.
maybe it was the way they looked so naïve, how they stood with space still between them, or the nervous energy they put out. either way, he didn't believe them.
“kiss then,” the guy shrugged, causing the ‘couple’ to look at each other confused. she pursed her lips before opening her mouth to say something when he spoke first, “if you're really a couple, just kiss. not that big of a deal.” 
it wasn't like they were uncomfortable with what he was asking. oscar was just unsure how she felt about it, meanwhile she didn't care. deep inside, she was nervous because they're just friends, they've never held hands—until now—let alone kiss.
though once she noticed oscar's hesitancy to make a move, she knew she would have to be the one to do so. she didn't give him time to react, hand around the back on his neck to pull him down to her level and his chapped lips met her glossy ones. his hand ravelled its way into her tied hair, messing up the perfectness she had.
she tasted sweet, the gloss on her lips transferring to his before she pulled away less than a second later. his lips were pinker with the blood rushing to his face.
the guy was smug and satisfied, handing them the bouquet they just kissed—as friends—for.
by the time they had walked away, still no words had been exchanged between the pair. their faces still flushed red and their lips left pink and glossy. every glance in the others direction led to them looking the opposite way. they hadn't processed the fact their arms were interlinked now as Oscar held the flowers in his other hand.
he cleared his throat, prompting her looking at him as he held them out to her, “here.”
her lips parted as she stuttered over what words to say, “are you sure?”
he furrowed his brows, “yeah, why wouldn't i be?”
she nodded, “right, yeah.” she took them from his grasp. she looked at then how oscar looked at her, but maybe it was because oscar had given them to her.
she felt fuzzy, she felt a smile creep into her face as she smelled the flowers. her heart was pounding in her chest. she liked the idea of this fake dating thing, but she didnt imagine the length it would go to in such a short amount of time after she proposed the idea.
maybe she only liked the idea of pretending to be together because it was the closest thing she had to actually being with him.
they remained in silence for the whole walk back to his car, she still clutched the flowers with almost both hands. his hand still laced with hers as she held the bouquet against her body. they only separated as they went to their respective sides of the car, carefully getting in before buckling their seat belts.
the drive was silent, even the volume for the radio hadn't been turned up, only the air conditioning could be heard. it was like that for a while as he drove her back to his house because they'd made the plan to hang out afterwards. he thought it would be rude to change routes and drop her back at her house.
when they arrived, they sat in the car, unmoving in silence.
“do you want to talk about it?” his voice was uneven, and he wasn't looking at her when he spoke, not until the silence consumed them again did he turn his head.
“i mean—there's nothing to talk about really,” she shrugged, unsure of what to say as she bit on her lip, “we were just—pretending, right?”
she turned in her seat to look at him, and he nodded, “right, so just friends.”
“right,” she repeated in confirmation, nodding along as they both looked ahead again.
she hesitated. she realized things had already changed between them, their dynamic had shifted and it wasn't going to be the same. it wasn't going back so if she was going to do any more potential damage, she knew now would be the time.
“but—i guess i didn't mind it,” she muttered under her breath, causing him to gaze across at her, “the fake dating, I mean.”
“really?” he questioned, hand gripping the wheel despite the fact they were stationary.
“i mean, it was fun while it lasted,” she finally met eyes with him, fidgeting with her hands as she pursed her lips, “i enjoyed it.”
“the fake dating?”
“the kiss.”
he only nodded, thinking deeply in his head, but on her end, she thought she majorly fucked up whatever they could've salvaged from before. now they couldn't.
truthfully, he just had no words. the kiss had given him a different perspective because now he was longing to kiss her again, to feel and taste the lip gloss on his lips that came from hers.
it was like every feeling he had ever felt for her was pushed to the very forward part of his brain and refused to be put away again.
“i enjoyed it too.” he muttered so quietly, she nearly didn't hear him.
but when she had finally registered the words, a smile cracked her serious face and she looked at oscar, “really?” her voice was high and so unsure.
he only nodded in confirmation as she melted back into the car seat, smiling giddily as if she hadn't been waiting for this.
“hey,” he spoke softly, still gazing at her with eyes of admiration she only saw now, “i guess—it doesn't have to be pretend.” he shrugged.
“are you saying what i think you're saying, piastri?” she leaned back and watched him roll his eyes, only pulled in by oscar's hand on the back of her neck to make her meet him in the middle above the center console. he felt her lips smile against his which caused him to as well. it was infectious.
he cradled her face in his hand, this second kiss lasted much longer than the first, and it marked the end of their long-lived friendship and short-lived pretend dating, but marked the hopefully long-term relationship that had now sparked between the two.
taglist (found here): @slut4lrh @taylorslovesswifties13 @sbella13 @kaa212 @nhlfs @poppyflower-22 @thearchieves @beskardroids @lorenica @hiireadstuff @delululeclerc
proofread by @foreveralbon <333
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nishloves · 10 months
jelly; yuji itadori (jujutsu kaisen)
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yuji itadori (jujutsu kaisen) x f! reader // fluff oneshot //
words : 1.5k // masterlist
requested by @feat-sun
hey there sunny! i sincerely hope this is upto your expectations and that you like this little oneshot which I wrote (I'm sorry that it's rather short) yuji is such a walking green flag and it was so fun to write him 😭🩷 also let's pretend that sukuna is prolly hibernating inside yuji's brain (coz i didn't know how to add his snarky remarks in the fic 🥲) also, hope it's to your liking <3
"yuji~" a small pout graced your features as you laid your head on yuji's shoulder while he gamed, too oblivious to your pout and desperation.
you just wanted cuddles and he wasn't giving you any, you understood he couldn't just turn the game off and spoil you and you didn't want to seem like someone who would deprive her boyfriend of games but you were feeling clingy and yuji not paying attention to you did slightly hurt a little.
"yuji," you reluctantly whispered in his ears as your boyfriend just hummed, "y/n, give me like fifteen minutes please, todo and I are nearly going to wipe this round off!" he announced, burying himself deeper in his video game as you pulled away from him.
you could vaguely hear todo's voice asking yuji if he can still play the round and your boyfriend immediately said a yes with so much hype that it almost made your pouty mood foul.
you realised you weren't gonna get any attention from him, so you switched to the next best thing, megumi.
you got up from your boyfriend's side and went over to megumi's room, who looked at you lazily and allowed you to come in.
"itadori annoyed you?" megumi asked as he passed you a can of coke which you happily took.
"precisely. i don't really think it's his fault though, maybe I'm just being clingy and desperate," you groaned, sipping your drink as you settled yourself on fushiguro's bed who scowled at you as he had just made his bed.
"it's not bad to want your partner's attention," megumi muttered.
"but atleast lay down like a person, not an animal," he smacked your leg as he sat on his bed's edge, thinking about how to retain his peace back and help you without offending you.
"not my fault that you're grumpy, grandpa," you muttered, nudging fushiguro with your toe as he sighed in exasperation.
and then something clicked in his brain,
"hey, you had a crush on inumaki, right?"
"mhm yes."
"how did you go from inumaki to itadori is beyond me, but why don't you hang out with him?"
"inumaki?" you asked, your eyebrows quirking up.
"yeah, you used to like him so maybe you won't leech off attention from him," he rolled his eyes as a grin embarked on your face.
maybe megumi didn't mean that it will help making yuji jealous but that's what you thought.
you suddenly got up from his bed and left the can on his bedside as megumi called after you, while you just grinned in his direction and saluted him before taking your leave.
"did i accidentally do something?" megumi whispered to him himself as he smacked his head on the bed.
you rushed towards inumaki's room, a small smile on your face as you knocked on his door.
"good morning inumaki!" you greeted as inumaki's eyes turned into crescents on your arrival.
"kelp." (greetings)
"well, yuji is busy, so i was just wondering if you would you know... like to go to the market with me? i was thinking to buy some clothes and accessories," you said, a bashful smile on your face.
"tuna mayo?" (me?)
"tuna tuna" (do you really trust my skills?)
"i do, and it will be more fun if I have someone with me, so please?" you asked, trying your best to seem convincing as inumaki sighed, a small smile evident on his face as he replied, "salmon." (okay)
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as much as fun you were having with inumaki, it was better posting every picture you took with him on social media; a picture where you both are grinning next to each other, another where you dressed inumaki up with jewelries and a girlish hat, another where you both hid your faces beneath ridiculous masks and another which you took next to beach and the best of all, you captioned the post with "a platonic date" and inumaki commented with red hearts on it.
now amidst the outing, inumaki had himself understood the meaning behind your actions, but you were really so sweet to be around that he didn't say anything, well why should he when he was having so much fun too?
"thankyou so much, leaving my intentions aside, i really did enjoy the outing," you grinned at inumaki as he smiled at you slightly. his eyes looked away from yours to the scenery as he said, "oh salmon cod roe." (hey look here)
you whipped your head around to where inumaki was pointing and it was the prettiest sunset you had seen, pinkish sky with hues of blue still lingering, clouds framed the sun as slight wind blew on the beach, you grinned and clicked a picture of it, and then a picture of inumaki with the sunset, and then posted it too.
"salmon tuna mayo kelp roe cod," (you're really going after yuji, aren't you? even he will get jealous of that.)
"I am," you affirmed as you chuckled, a small smile on your face as you found yourself lucky for having such great friends.
"thankyou so much."
"mustard leaf." (it's okay)
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now when you had returned, maki had called inumaki over for some second year discussion and your eyes fell upon megumi and then on yuji who was talking to gojo behind megumi.
another wild thought crept up to your mind as you rushed towards megumi to give him a giant bear hug almost making the poor guy fall, but as cold as megumi was he was still very tolerant of you and he still reciprocated the hug.
you could feel yuji's eyes boring into you and you could see gojo's lips quirking up as he understood just what was going on.
"thanks for the drink today megumi," you gushed as fushiguro slightly patted your head.
as soon as you pulled away from megumi you eyes landed on another pair of kind brown ones, his face contorted in a frown as he looked away from you, you giggled as gojo whistled, "I think there's some talking due here so~"
he pulled both you and itadori together as yuji whined for being dragged.
"nu-uh you both are gonna talk and we," he pointed towards himself and megumi, "are gonna leave."
he pushed you both in a room and closed the doors (he didn't lock them) as yuji groaned and looked at you, "what was that for y/n?" he asked, a pout etching it's way on his face again as a small smile quirked up on your lips.
"what do you mean, yuji?"
"baby~" he whined, looking away from you, "you know what I mean..." he fiddled with his fingers as he looked down at the floor, "you know... you going on a date with inumaki..."
"but that didn't mean anything," your heartstrings pulled at you as despite your plan you rushed towards him, your hands snaking around his waist as you rested your cheek on his back.
"i don't know, you both looked pretty happy, and you were gone for practically the whole day," yuji murmured, his hands coming to rest on yours as he leaned his head back on yours.
"yuji," you laughed at his whines as his pouts became more prominent and he pulled you in front of him from his back, your eyes widened slightly as you momentarily stopped laughing from the pleasant shock.
yuji's hand rested on your shoulders as his eyebrows were furrowed, you don't think you have seen him look this adorable before.
"you shouldn't laugh on that!" he whined, a deeper frown on his face as his eyes sincerely looked sad. "i came to find you in fushiguro's room and then he told me that you were out with inumaki, you didn't even inform me by yourself."
your smile dwindled as you lean forward, letting your lips rest on his as you kissed him softly, you could feel yuji's hold relax on you as he pulled you in a hug, pulling you closer to him.
"sorry for making you feel bad, yuji."
you both pulled away as your noses still touched, both of you red with slight embarrassment and proximity, and both immediately realising that you just had your first kiss with itadori!
"sorry for ignoring you earlier, baby," he muttered against your lips as he looked at your eyes for any signs of discomfort from the kiss, but all he saw was your radiant and bashful smile as his heart started beating miles faster.
"y/n, baby..." he murmured as you hummed cooly, "yes?" his hands rested on your waist as he leaned his forehead to touch yours, his ears red as he still looked into your eyes.
"can i kiss you again?"
you grinned, rubbing your noses together you said, "yes."
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zhongrin · 1 year
so that even the world does not doubt that you are mine
— aka their ways to stake their 'claim' on you (in a cute and wholesome way)
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, ayato, childe, xiao, diluc, wanderer, cyno, al haitham
◇ tags ◇ teeth-rotting stomach-hurting fluff, dragon!li, childe calls himself your puppy
◇ a/n ◇ *throws this at yall after the angst last week* HERE'S YOUR THERAPY BILLS /j
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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aside from the obvious way he gravitates around you whenever you’re in public - sometimes with his arm resting on your back and other times with yours looped around his - zhongli never does tell you but he has a little ritual he never fails to perform every morning before he goes his merry way to the funeral parlor.
they do not look like much from a normal person’s perspective, but had you listened religiously to all the tales he told you throughout your relationship, you would have understood the ancient gestures’ meanings to the dragons of the olden days.
today too is no exception; he lets you run your delicate fingers up his proud, battle-scarred horns as you clean them before moving on to clip his hair with his usual hairclip. at the end of it all, he thanks you with a soft nip to your nape.
“there you go. all set. thank you, dearest. have a good day, and i’ll see you again at lunch later, yes?”
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ayato believes that the way one dresses - at least in public that is - could make or break a business deal or a potential ally, therefore, he always upholds himself to dress sophistically at all times. and while he normally does not force you to follow this belief, the number of clothing articles and the finest accessories gracing your doorstep could get a little burdensome…
but the moment he sees you out and about with that specific haori he custom-tailored just for you, its color scheme and the fine embroidery literally screaming ‘kamisato clan’? hmmm… perhaps if wearing them would make him this happy, you should consider doing it more often?
“that haori looks lovely on you, darling. hmm? people were being more polite than usual today, you say? haha, i’d say they were besotted by your loveliness, dear. soft blues and whites have always looked good on you, afterall.”
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childe might be a good actor, but sadly his subordinates are not.
so it really isn’t a surprise when, after befriending the harbinger, you open your door to see a fatui agent conspicuously spying on you right across your lawn.
and when you started dating?
it got worse.
it didn’t even take you a full day to count all five agents trailing after you like lost puppies. you would have thought they learned to disguise themselves after all these times, but no. they look horribly out of place with their huge weapons and flashy uniforms. sure, they’re fulfilling their purpose by being flashy, but you’d prefer if people don’t run away from you in fear whenever you try to talk to them!
…. it seems like it’s time to give them a crash course on how to dress and act more inconspicuously.
“did the dogs misbehave today? no? i’m glad!! ….. still, you sound like you’re getting fond of them…. hey, i’m still your number one puppy, right? right??”
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there are no such things as adepti’s blessings, and yet you carry xiao’s with you everywhere you go.
not that you’re aware of it.
but it shows. it's indicated by the remnants of anemo energy trailing upon your steps. of how his trinkets clink gently against your accessories, always subtle and never too intruding, effectively shooing the evil spirits vying upon possessing your body. in the way the breeze hums gently as it listens to all of the sounds surrounding you, silently protecting, watching, vigilant.
though he might not be able to watch you 24/7, xiao will always continue to make tremendous efforts to keep you safe.
“welcome back. i’m glad you had a good day today.”
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a walking contradiction, this one.
wanderer says he does not enjoy being stared at as you walk through the market, yet he scowls when people ignore him in favor of talking to you instead. he says he does not enjoy sweet food and yet he continues to kiss you, tells you that you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted, silently pleading for more with the insistent chase of his lips when you retreat. he says he doesn’t feel the need to announce your relationship to the public eye, and yet the moment someone gets just a little bit too friendly with you, he’s there, almost hissing like an angry cat chancing upon a dog wagging their tail at his unsuspecting owner - his hand settles on your and his hip sticks onto yours, and if looks could kill the unfortunate soul would have been blown a thousand feet into the air and falling rapidly to its demise a hundred times over.
“…… hah! coward. shouldn't have coveted what you can’t have. stupid human. wh- the hell are you doing?! stop pinching my cheek! and how many times do i have to tell you that i’m not ‘cute’!”
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him staking his claim on you? ha. elementary. no, no, no. the tcg legendary player uses an uno reverse card on this one. in everyone else’s eyes, there is no doubt that he is yours.
the way cyno wears your accessories whenever he’s out on duty (it matters not if it “doesn’t match” his aesthetics - he claims seeing it on himself gives him a sense of peace), the speech ticks and the mannerisms he adopts from you (tighnari was the one who picked up on it; he thinks it’s very adorable), the way he walks about sumeru city with a bunch of padisarahs in hand, tied with a ribbon of your favorite color (and more often than not, with a bag of your favorite drinks or snacks in his other hand)…
... and most of all, the way a gentle smile always spreads on his lips when someone mentions your name.
“[name]…………. hm…... come on, tighnari. i need to finish this job. what? you think we can get this done before dinner? that's ridiculous. we will finish it by lunchtime. now, get moving.”
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diluc is so hesitant to stake his claim on you most days, but after a while, it comes almost naturally to him.
he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, but the way he refers to you as his whenever your name comes up in conversations is so smooth, people could easily miss it if they don’t pay enough attention to his words. from “my spouse? yes, they’re doing fine” to “adelinde, where has my beloved gone off to? they weren’t in the study room”, he has mastered the subtle art of painting you as one of his people in others’ eyes, but on the contrary, the implied message is clear - “if you hurt them, i will not hesitate to take action.”
“my betrothed? no, they’re not with me today. but if you need to tell them something, you can always tell me and i’ll relay it to them.”
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whenever he is not within the walls of his new office, al haitham is always seen with you.
in the bustling streets of sumeru, the acting grand sage sticks by your side, sometimes with his hand holding yours, or with you sticking to him like a koala under that cape of his. if one stops by the grand bazaar, they would see him carrying bags upon bags of items as you try to haggle for the 'exorbitant’ amount of mora needed to buy a pack of allspices. and whenever one happens to take a spontaneous stroll in the lush woods surrounding the city, they might stumble to the two of you stargazing, with your head pillowed on your lover’s arm, his expression smoothed out in serene bliss.
there is no mistaking your relationship, for the whole population of sumeru could unanimously agree even without the now-obsolete akasha terminal’s guide: he is yours just as you are his.
“tsk. it is outside office hours right now, i- hm? ah- i… see. you merely wished to inform me where [name] is? very well. this does not mean i will approve of the proposal for your darshan.” “.... but i will at least extend my gratitude and check on it latest by the end of office hours tomorrow.”
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @diebischesther | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam | @ansy-tea | @irethepotato | @nachotrash | @algrimmammon | @sassy-cat-in-town
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sxorpiomooon · 1 month
What should you dress like based on your rising sign.
hello!! If you guys want to you can also check for your venus sign for a more accurate description and lmk if you guys would want me to make a post with some clothes example!
check out my paid readings as well
Athletic wear,edgy bold prints, leather, acubi aesthetic, cargos, lose shorts, formal, bold genderbending style. Y'all just wanna look cool😭
Colours- red, monochromatic.
Taurus -
Feminine clothes, net, maxi dresses, sweatpants, a lot of accessories, satin plain shirts, blazers jumpsuit y'all love smelling and looking rich and classy lmaaao
Colours- sage green, beige
Playful, I literally had a vision of jeans with dress and jersey with skirts, mix and match, two three aesthetics all at once, vibrant colours, Y2K, bratz, quirky accesories, glasses lmao I'm seeing so many tiktok videos in my head rn
Colours- neon, vibrant colours, splash or colours
Soft, coquette, loves pearls and carrying purses or cute wallets, cutely and ethereal at the same time, white colour
Colours- soft feminine colours such as sky blue, lavender etc
Wants to stand out, flashy colours, gold jewellery, rings, bold colours, rock grunge might suit you guys
Colours- black, prints.
Formal,old money ralph lauren lmao, skirts, belts, floral skirts, forest fairy core? Cares alot about details and will always want to personalize the look somehow
Colours- green also you guys would look really good with basic jewellery
Cute maxi dresses, clothes that have art on them, bunch of charms, alot of colours, ethereal jewellery and clothing, old channel vintage or clueless sort of clothing.
Colours- soft colours like baby blue, baby pink as well as lilac
Scorpio -
Bold cuts and colours and clothes and accessories, less accessories more eye makeup perhaps, bold fashion statements, might, v cut and boots. You guys might also look good while wearing only one colour instead of two three at the same time
Colours- wine red, maroon, velvet clothing
Eclectic, upbeat clothes, lose shirts, flamboyant, mix colours and different patterns at once it's like wearing different earrings on both ears.
Colours- yellow, orange
Capricorn -
Formal, elegant, old money, big handbags, old vintage watches I also heard Italy flea market for some reason so lmao
Colours- neutral tones
Aquarius -
Comfy, sweatpants, trousers, oversized, streetwear, patterned clothes might really care about good statement shoes, thrift, flamboyant clothing lmao
Colours- faded jeans and clothing, blue eyeshadow or blue colour in general honestly
Transparent, net, shiny, pastel shiny colours, chunky aesthetic jewellery, pendants, sunglasses, delicate, silver.
Colours- lavender, baby blue etc
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lassieposting · 9 months
Clears throat
Actual Detective* Garrus Vakarian noticing immediately when Shep's accessories - the paint she puts on her fingernails, the signature stripe on her armour, the dust she puts on her eyelids - start to skew towards what she calls "Vakarian blue". The shade his armour is, the shade his colony markings are. And being lowkey emotional about it because he's always kind of been the disappointment - the rebellious son, the mouthy recruit, the cop who quit, the failed vigilante - and he's never really been in a situation where someone whose opinion he cared about was proud of him and wanted to be associated with him, wanted to make it clear they're a matching set
* i see a lot of "garrus was basically a beat cop before shepard" but if you think about it. He's actually not
When he introduces himself in ME1, he says he was in charge of the investigation into Saren. He also mentions on the Normandy that c-sec didn't suck at first, but every time he got promoted it came with more red tape = he's a detective.
Corruption in a high-profile Spectre is not gonna be assigned to a rookie = he's a damn good detective
His personal quest and his comments when you talk to him around the citadel give insight into the kind of cases he worked at c-sec, which include black market trafficking and homicides.
He also speaks to Detective Chellick in a way that's familiar enough to imply they were work colleagues, and what's Chellick investigating? Black market gunrunning.
Anyway, my point: garrus wasn't a beat cop, he worked the turian equivalent of major crimes/vice/robbery homicide. And for someone who's only in his mid-twenties? That's like. impressive as fuck, his progression through the ranks must've been meteoric
He does talk about his time as a beat cop though - "My first posting at c-sec was here on the presidium. Mostly for show, not much crime up here."
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lunastrophe · 1 month
Drow Fashion 🕷️✨ Drow Textile Markets
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Spider silks, particularly black spider silk and textiles that resemble spider webs, hold a special place in drow culture and fashion. Dark elves, though, use also other textiles in their clothing, depending on their social status, personal preferences and region they live in. Some raw materials, like wool of deep rothé and fibers of mushrooms, are usually easy to obtain and to process into cloth. Some less common or luxury materials, though, are obtainable only for wealthy drow.
🕷️ Raw Materials And Trade - like many other denizens of the Underdark, drow are often forced to rely mainly on local resources. In communities with connections to trade routes, merchants often ensure supply of raw materials like fibers, fleece, wool and threads, as well as semi-finished and finished products.
In large trading cities like Sshamath, drow typically have access to assorted goods from various regions – sometimes also from the surface. Some rare and valuable surface goods, including luxury textiles, are also occasionally transported to drow cities as raiding spoils, becoming possessions of noble drow and their houses. In general, though, surface fabrics, clothing items and accessories are rare in the Underdark, and they can be incredibly expensive there.
🕷️ Where To Buy? - drow-made textiles are among major products of numerous drow settlements, including cities like Menzoberranzan or Ched Nasad.
Dark elves typically like to dress as good as they can, so in drow communities, stores that specialize in selling fabrics and clothing tend to attract many customers – from large, fine cloth emporia of big cities to smaller shops and merchant stalls.
In Ched Nasad, one of such stores was located …along the side of the street leading to the plaza. (…) The store offered fashionable, decorative silk wraps and other clothing (T. Reid, Insurrection). Its building looked a bit quaint and it had a rounded roof that was shaped like a cocoon.
In Duthcloim, a district of Menzoberranzan know also as Manyfolk, there are many drow merchants who specialize in selling textiles and clothing. The most wealthy and influential ones are drow male Du’arthe Klendara and drow female Sh’aun Darnruel (E. Greenwood, Menzoberranzan, 2e).
🕷️ Drow As Customers - drow often look down their noses at goods produced by non-drow, considering them inferior. Despite of that, many wealthy dark elves appreciate materials and products that come from the surface, and are willing to pay for them – provided they are top quality, appeal to their aesthetics and personal tastes, and befit their station and rank.
Drow-made clothing materials and items typically surpass many others in quality, so dark elves, especially nobles, tend to be picky buyers, hard to impress and even harder to please.
🕷️ Noble Houses - not all drow need to rely on goods sold by merchants. Noble drow houses typically have their own skilled workers who can weave cloth, as well as craftsmen who can work cloth and other materials into garments (E. Greenwood, DotU, 2e).
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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Archaeologists Unearthed Dozens of Roman Tweezers in Britain
Archaeologists have unearthed dozens of Roman tweezers in Britain, revealing the ancient culture’s obsession with hairlessness.
The collection has now gone on display in a new museum at Wroxeter Roman City, which in its prime would have been as large a settlement as Pompeii.
The simple tools would have been used not only for plucking eyebrows but for removing any unwanted hair – including in armpits.
The tweezers are part of a wider exhibition of more than 400 artifacts which illustrates the Romans’ preoccupation with cleanliness and aesthetic beauty.
Among the other items on show are a strigil (skin scraper), perfume bottles, jet and bone jewelery, make-up applicators and amulets for warding off evil.
English Heritage, which runs the museum in Shropshire, revealed the find on its website.
Cameron Moffett, English Heritage curator at Wroxeter Roman City, said online that the find was one of the largest of its kind in Britain, indicating that tweezers were a “popular accessory.”
“The advantage of the tweezer was that it was safe, simple and cheap, but unfortunately not pain free,” he said.
The Romans greatly valued personal hygiene, attending communal baths daily. Many people would have had their own personal cleaning sets, including an ear scoop, nail cleaner and tweezers.
Usually associated with eyebrow shaping today, tweezers would have been used for general hair removal, including to pluck armpit hair, said English Heritage.
“It may come as a surprise to some that in Roman Britain the removal of body hair was as common with men as it was with women,” said Moffett.
“Particularly for sports like wrestling, there was a social expectation that men engaging in exercise that required minimal clothing would have prepared themselves by removing all their visible body hair.
Often performed by slaves, hair removal could be very painful. According to English Heritage, Roman author and politician Seneca complained about the noise at the baths in a letter, saying “the skinny armpit hair-plucker whose cries are shrill, so as to draw people’s attention, and never stop, except when he is doing his job and making someone else shriek for him.”
Wroxeter Roman City, or Viriconium Cornoviorum as it was known, is one of the best preserved Roman towns in Britain.
Previous excavations have uncovered the forum, the market, the bath house, a large hall known as the bath-house basilica and the town houses of wealthy residents.
By Lianne Kolirin.
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girlsdressingrooms · 3 months
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Iris Barrel Apfel, Decorator and Fashion Stylist
(August 29, 1921 – March 1, 2024) 
Ms. Apfel was one of the most vivacious personalities in the worlds of fashion, textiles, and interior design, she has cultivated a personal style that is both witty and exuberantly idiosyncratic.
Her originality was typically revealed in her mixing of high and low fashions—Dior haute couture with flea market finds, nineteenth-century ecclesiastical vestments with Dolce & Gabbana lizard trousers.
With remarkable panache and discernment, she combines colors, textures, and patterns without regard to period, provenance, and, ultimately, aesthetic conventions. Paradoxically, her richly layered combinations—even at their most extreme and baroque—project a boldly graphic modernity.
Iris Barrel was born on Aug. 29, 1921, in Astoria, Queens, the only child of Samuel Barrel, who owned a glass and mirror business, and his Russian-born wife, Sadye, who owned a fashion boutique.
She studied art history at New York University, then qualified to teach and did so briefly in Wisconsin before fleeing back to New York to work on Women's Wear Daily, and for interior designer Elinor Johnson, decorating apartments for resale and honing her talent for sourcing rare items before opening her own design firm. She was also an assistant to illustrator Robert Goodman.
As a distinguished collector and authority on antique fabrics, Iris Apfel has consulted on numerous restoration projects that include work at the White House that spanned nine presidencies from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton.
Along with her husband, Carl, she founded Old World Weavers, an international textile manufacturing company and ran it until they retired in 1992. The Apfels specialized in the reproduction of fabrics from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and traveled to Europe twice a year in search of textiles they could not source in the United States.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute assembled 82 ensembles and 300 accessories from her personal collection in 2005 in a show about her called “Rara Avis”.
Almost overnight, Ms. Apfel became an international celebrity of pop fashion.
Ms. Apfel was seen in a television commercial for the French car DS 3, became the face of the Australian fashion brand Blue Illusion, and began a collaboration with the start-up WiseWear. A year later, Mattel created a one-of-a-kind Barbie doll in her image. Last year, she appeared in a beauty campaign for makeup with Ciaté London.
Six years after the Met show she started her fashion line "Rara Avis" with the Home Shopping Network.
She was cover girl of Dazed and Confused, among many other publications, window display artist at Bergdorf Goodman, designer and design consultant, then signed to IMG in 2019 as a model at age 97.
Ms. Iris Apfel became a visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin in its Division of Textiles and Apparel, teaching about imagination, craft and tangible pleasures in a world of images.
 In 2018, she published “Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon,” an autobiographical collection of musings, anecdotes and observations on life and style. 
Ms. Apfel’s apartments in New York and Palm Beach were full of furnishings and tchotchkes that might have come from a Luis Buñuel film: porcelain cats, plush toys, statuary, ornate vases, gilt mirrors, fake fruit, stuffed parrots, paintings by Velázquez and Jean-Baptiste Greuze, a mannequin on an ostrich.
The Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History in Boynton Beach, Florida, is designing a building that will house a dedicated gallery of Ms. Apfel's clothes, accessories, and furnishings.
Ms. Apfel’s work had a universal quality, It’s was a trend.
Rest in Power !
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A Dive into the Personal Accessories Market Size, Share, Trends and Market Segmentation
Personal accessories are more than just embellishments; they’re statements of individuality and expressions of personal style. From the timeless elegance of jewelry to the practical convenience of handbags, the personal accessories market is a thriving global industry. Let’s delve into the statistics, trends, and players shaping this dynamic landscape.
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Market Size and Growth: A Booming Industry
Global Market Value: The global personal accessories market is estimated to reach a staggering USD 642.9 billion by 2028, showcasing its substantial size and economic impact.
Growth Trajectory: This flourishing market is projected to reach a significant USD 760.9 billion by 2033, demonstrating a robust CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 3.4%.
Market Segmentation: Catering to Diverse Tastes
The personal accessories market caters to a wide range of products and preferences:
Jewelry: This segment reigns supreme, encompassing precious metals, gemstones, fashion jewelry, and costume jewelry.
Handbags and Wallets: Functionality meets style in this segment, offering bags for various occasions and wallets to meet everyday needs.
Watches and Eyewear: From timeless watches to trendy sunglasses, these accessories add a touch of sophistication and practicality.
Belts and Scarves: These versatile pieces can elevate an outfit and add a personal touch.
Headwear and Hats: Offering protection and style, this segment caters to diverse preferences and weather conditions.
Market Trends Shaping the Future:
Several key trends are influencing the personal accessories market:
Sustainability Focus: Consumers are increasingly opting for eco-conscious brands that utilize recycled materials, ethical sourcing, and sustainable production practices.
Personalization and Customization: The desire for unique pieces is driving the demand for personalized jewelry, custom-made bags, and bespoke accessories.
E-commerce Boom: Online platforms are revolutionizing the industry, offering wider product selections, convenience, and personalized recommendations.
Luxury Resale: The popularity of pre-owned luxury goods is rising, driven by affordability, sustainability concerns, and access to vintage treasures.
Influencer Marketing: Social media influencers significantly impact purchasing decisions, shaping trends and promoting specific brands or products.
Market Players: A Diverse Landscape
The personal accessories market features a diverse range of players:
Established Luxury Brands: Iconic names like Cartier, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel hold significant market share, offering high-end jewelry, handbags, and accessories.
Fast-Fashion Brands: Companies like H&M, Zara, and Forever 21 cater to trend-conscious consumers with affordable and stylish accessories.
Emerging Sustainable Brands: Focusing on eco-friendly materials, ethical production, and transparency, these brands cater to a growing segment of environmentally conscious consumers.
Independent Designers and Artisans: Handcrafted and unique pieces by independent designers and artisans are gaining traction, offering a personalized and one-of-a-kind touch.
Looking Ahead: A Market Full of Potential
The personal accessories market presents exciting opportunities for businesses that can adapt to evolving trends and consumer preferences:
Embrace sustainability: Implement eco-friendly practices throughout the supply chain to resonate with environmentally conscious consumers.
Offer personalized experiences: Leverage technology to provide personalized recommendations, create custom-made pieces, or offer engraving and other customization options.
Focus on innovation: Develop new and innovative products that cater to specific needs, utilize cutting-edge materials, or integrate technology.
Embrace digital marketing: Utilize social media effectively and leverage influencer partnerships to reach target audiences and showcase products.
The Final Touch: More Than Just Adornment
The personal accessories market transcends the realm of mere adornment. It’s a reflection of personal style, cultural influences, and evolving trends. By understanding the market size, growth trajectory, segmentation, and key players, businesses can contribute to creating unique and meaningful accessories that resonate with consumers worldwide.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Learn To Love Yourself & Heal From Toxic People
Allow yourself to feel all your emotions and thoughts, authentically and without self-criticism or judgment: Acknowledge that you're grieving. Accept that you need to mourn your loss. Even if it is better to move on in life without these people, it is healthy and completely valid to grieve the relationships you had with these people – regardless of whether they were one-sided, deluded, or otherwise toxic. Allow yourself to cry, be angry, lie in bed, etc. Hit a pillow, sleep in all day on a weekend, or wear a set of pajamas for a WFH day. Give yourself permission to engage in self-soothing behaviors without any type of self-harm or self-sabotage.
Rest, relax, and pamper yourself in your leisure time: Spend time taking it easy – reading, watching TV, doing a face mask or another indulgent skin treatment, using a body massager, cooking dinner in a silk robe and slippers, lighting a candle, cozying up in a blanket, etc. Allow yourself to feel at peace. Create a sanctuary in your space.
Take time for introspection and self-discovery: Being in any type of relationship with toxic people is draining and can cause you to feel as though you've lost a part of yourself by trying to make the relationship succeed. Now, it's time to reclaim yourself after you've courageously cut out these toxic people from your life. Consider and honor your deepest desires, values, interests, hobbies, lifestyle, goals, aesthetic, food, sexual, entertainment preferences, etc. Go on a self-discovery journey to figure out who you really are, what you believe, and who you will work to become as you enter this new, exciting chapter of your life.
Journal, read, eat healthily, work out, drink plenty of water, and sleep: Go back to the basic healthy habits. Try to journal for at least 5-10 minutes a day (using a 5-minute journal, morning pages [writing 3 pages of stream-of-conscious thoughts first thing in the morning], journal or shadow work prompts), make 2-3 whole food, plant-based meals with carbs, veggies, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats, find some ways to incorporate movement into your day – 30-minute walk or yoga session is enough if that's all you can manage consistently, have your body weight in ounces of water daily, and sleep for around 7-8 hours a night. Do some inner child healing by taking care of your core needs.
Indulge in all of your favorites: There's a lot of fun you can have when you have total freedom regarding your daily activities and choices. Give yourself permission to enjoy this solitude. Wear your favorite outfits every day (occasion-appropriate options, of course), including pajamas, loungewear, lingerie, and accessories. Make your favorite meals and snacks throughout the week (incorporating some healthy options in there to feel your best – I love a good oatmeal bowl, frozen grapes, baked Japanese sweet potato, or a hummus and vegetable plate). Watch your favorite TV shows or movies. Indulge in a glass of wine you love or reread a favorite book. Create a masterful playlist. Plan a day of your favorite activities (a long walk, getting a coffee, indulging in a spa day, going to a farmer's market, going to a yoga class, etc.) Treat yourself like your own best friend.
Get comfortable doing things alone: Honestly, no one cares or is paying attention to if you're doing activities alone or with someone else. If someone shows too much interest in your solitude, they're probably projecting their own insecurities regarding their perceived social ridicule. Take yourself shopping, to the nail salon, out for a meal, to the movies, etc. alone. Personally, I love doing most of these things alone anyways. Running errands alone gives you some space to clear your mind and think freely.
Define what an ideal social life and/or relationship looks like for you: Once you've become comfortable with yourself and living life on your own terms, it's time to embrace your desire for human connection and socialization. Consider the types of people you want in your life – their values, personalities, interests, goals, favorite activities, relational boundaries, etc., and where/when/how often you want to interact with them.
Create an action plan: Reconnect with the people in your life who continue to show up for you and have been a light through these toxic relationships and their lasting effects over the months or years. Decide on the places, groups, and ways you'll reach out/try to meet these people. Figure out how to expand your network, and make new connections. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You won't vibe with everyone you meet, but it is worthwhile to engage in small talk with several strangers if even one of these new faces, later on, becomes a good friend or acquaintance. A varied social circle is a great way to enrich your life.
Take small steps, then strides: Be gentle on yourself throughout this entire process. It is perfectly okay to take one day at a time during the grieving process. Everyone's healing journey will look different and evolve at a different pace. Don't let these toxic people remain in your heart, mind, and spirit. Remember that you deserve love, kindness, happiness, success, peace, and patience.
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tokyo-fashion · 1 year
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19-yr-old Japanese fashion brand staffer and Tokyo street style personality Mapi on the street in Harajuku tonight. He's wearing a bright pink flea market blazer, vintage top, vintage skirt, vintage bag, Pays Des Fees accessories & vintage shoes. Mapi on Instagram
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Crochet, fiber arts community, and artists come in real quick for a sec.
So I’m crocheting this bag and I’m getting a point where I can see myself selling my pieces, and I’m purposely making this bag to sell. I might keep it for a small bit to make content with it and show it off but I want it sold and I want to make more like it to sell. So I decided to look around to see what a bag like this might sell for online.
Im thinking about selling it at markets but this is a pretty pricey bag. To sell this I would also have to have cheaper items to sell and that requires more planning. Also, the big thing to note here is that while most crochet would be expensive because of the time you put into it, this bag has a pretty pricey upfront cost on top of the time. We’re talking $40-$60 in upfront, something you only see with like blankets or maybe a dress.
Anyway, I decide that the type of person who might want this kind of bag may be on Etsy, and I know there are people selling this kind of bag on that site and so I went over.
Tell me why most sellers are selling the exact same bag for $60 🥴. Also mind you, it takes about 6-8 hours to make depending on your energy and skill.
I included both upfront and just the minimum wage (in FL) for the amount of hours, then rounded up to get a minimum cost of at least $150 if I were to sell it. Close to $200 if I have to add different colors and accessories. You also have the concept of selling for twice the amount that you paid for to be able to get double the materials to make more and thats over $300. I’ve seen one person selling for $400 (marketing was on point for it but still…). And Etsy sellers are only selling it for $60 🥴🥴🥴 that’s not even enough for the labor!!
I know we want to make art accessible for everyone. And yes, an artist can sell their art at any price point. But damn, at least put cost and labor into it 😭 it really hurts my heart to see people undervaluing themselves selves. Like yes the recession is technically here for consumers but it’s also so for artists too. Artists will forever deserve to get paid, and we as a society gotta do better with paying them and showing that appreciation.
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zhongrin · 2 years
hold you close to my heart
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, childe, xiao, al haitham, thoma, scaramouche
◇ tags ◇ modern!au, gn!reader, fluff, headcanon format
◇ a/n ◇ zhongli is ngl acting like an asian mom in this and i am not sorry. i need him in my life bc i hate fishbone (the number of times i've had a fishbone stuck in my throat- you don't want to know. let's just say pressing down my gag reflex is one of my talents now) and peeling shrimps.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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tries to be as quiet as possible as he shuffles around the house while you’re asleep.
peels fruits for you.
will care for your hair for you (brushes / applies oil / braids)
debones any sort of meat-with-bone/shell dishes, including fishes and crustaceans for you (this might be the ultimate expression of zhongli’s love considering how much he hates the smell of seafood).
will not hesitate to spoonfeed you when your hands are occupied or if you’re forgetting to eat.
“zhongli do you know where did i put my shawl-” “second drawer, right side.” “and my dragon-printed socks-” “-is in the sock box on the third drawer, you probably missed it.”
will threaten people who wronged you with a sandal in his hands “i will have order!”
headpat machine - you want headpats? you’re getting headpats. you don’t want headpats? you’re getting a kiss on top of your head…… and a headpat <3
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will fall into the habit of carrying tissues and hair ties and the everyday essential items which you often use.
slips his credit card into your wallet before you go out.
keeps your fridge stocked with groceries and pantry full of your favorite snacks (either by doing the shopping himself or getting them delivered to your doorstep when he can’t be around)
lets you pet the dogs you encounter on your walks first. also alerts you when there’s a cute dog in sight.
owns a special phone with the best camera in the market, just for the sake of taking your selfies.
headpat machine 2.0 - you don't want headpats? too bad you’re getting one! you want headpats? beg for it first, darling <3
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buys you matching accessories. wears them everywhere and every time he’s out.
always walks on the side closer to the road. also holds your hand when crossing the street (and pretends he 'forgot' to release it afterward)
always lingers around you in social settings. not just because of his social anxiety, but also just in case you need something, he wants to be there to help.
lets you pat his head (and enjoys it immensely), but will murder-glare any other person who tries to do so (read: venti, heizou).
is only able to fall asleep in either of these conditions: 1) he is completely alone, or 2) he’s not alone but you’re with him.
piles up pillows and blankets and plushies on your (or his) bed as a silent invitation to cuddle. you tease him by saying “are you inviting me to your nest, little bird?” and he blushes every single time. it’s very adorable. please give this boy his cuddles.
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corrects the typos in your papers for you. crosschecks your citations and adds comments detailing how you should add or remove certain things. he accepts payments in kisses. or super spicy curry. he’s not picky, really.
will dust your bookshelves for you (is it because he loves you or because he loves books? ….. don’t ask).
will wordlessly lift you up to cross a big puddle on the road. you only get to be bridal-carried if you're lucky. otherwise, you're getting the sack of potatoes' treatment because he's a bastard.
tells you that you have x minutes left to do certain tasks. yes, he has your schedules memorized. yes, he will flick your forehead if you keep whining and procrastinating.
will gently pull your head to settle on his shoulder when you fall asleep on the bus.
“did you cut your hair? it’s five centimeters shorter.” “you trimmed your eyebrows?” “your lips look pale today. have you eaten lunch?”
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cooks and cleans for you. his payment? your awed smile. if you tip him with kisses he’ll be over the moon.
sends you daily cute animal videos. mostly dogs. or cats. or him being silly with his adorable doggie taroumaru.
will mess up on purpose just to make you laugh on your bad days.
buys everything in twos because he always, always wants to share it with you.
squishes his cheek onto yours and nuzzles you to show affection. you think you see dog ears and dog tails whenever he does this, but it's just a trick of the light... right??
refrains from drinking at parties just so that when you do, he can take care of you properly and get you back home safely.
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denies your kisses in public but pulls you for a kiss every five minutes behind closed doors.
links his pinky with you when walking together (but on his bad days, he would really appreciate it when you link your arms with him).
looks so scandalized when you flinch from his touch - because somehow he’s a superconductor and most of the time you feel zapped just from touching him. just tough it out and hug him if you don’t want to deal with sulky!mouchie.
will not hesitate to try and claw people’s eyes out when they made you upset.
fills up your water bottle for you.
uses the same laundry detergent / perfume as yours. claims that he does it so you “won’t complain about how your clothes smell weird” when you stay over. he just wants his clothes to smell more like you so he can pretend you’re hugging him when he misses you.
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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