#Personal Logistics
artur · 2 years
Personal Logistics
We need personal logistics gurus.
Adulting is hard, and I wonder why. On the one hand, it is easy to make fun of grown humans lamenting about not knowing how to clean the house, meet new people or cook. On the other, there is a number of life skills that I feel like we would all benefit from, and yet I’m not confident we all perform them at a level we aspire to: Cooking healthy meals without effort and a big deal Maintaining…
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wheelchairtetris · 2 months
Every disabled person deserves several million dollars to build or renovate their perfectly accessible ideal home I am not even joking. I would dismantle the us military in a heartbeat and give millions of dollars to every disabled and/or unhoused person so that they can have a home they love.
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isjasz · 8 months
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[Day 202]
I finally designed him head in hands ITS SUMA!! >:D
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tvpsychics · 4 months
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[pounding on the bus windows] please does anyone remember the young justice 80 page giant 1890s vampire hunters au does anyone remember please pl[i am taken away]
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canisalbus · 6 months
You mentioned before that the people who would have access to Machete's bedchamber would likely already know about Vasco. How did that come up in your mind? Did they get caught in the act or was the subject broached with enough trust? How did those people handle it? Sorry if this is a bit vague but I thought about it today and I'm very interested. :)
I think it just has to be the case, I can't imagine how they could manage to hide the fact Vasco is bunking with him from everyone, for years and years. Machete doesn't live alone, he has staff and servants who do his housekeeping and run his errands. Even if Vasco didn't stay there for any extended periods of time and snuck out the back door to avoid attention, I'm assuming at least the people who do his laundry and change his sheets would eventually detect that some sort of funny business had happened. But the number of people who are in on it is still very very small and tightly controlled. His assistant Vittorio definitely knows and helps to manage this situation, so does his personal doctor, and on top of that maybe a handful of most trusted high-ranking emplyees, which he has vetted extremely carefully and pays handsomely for their discreetness and prudence.
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sen-ya · 3 months
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nobody asked but if u were curious here’s a where are they now: heart pirates edition
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dimetrodone · 4 months
Hard sci fi is an interesting genre cause I’m not actually sure how to define it. Defining it as purely the most plausible and “realistic” science fiction I don’t think is quite right since science and technology changes and makes old hard sci fi out of date, and also because different authors have different priorities and fields of interest, different science fiction books have breaks from plausibility and realism (books with really thought out plausible speculative aerospace engineering do not necessarily have good grasp on biology, or vice versa
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shaylogic · 4 months
"Oi, don't wait up for me, yeah?" Charles informs Edwin, "I'll be in Crystal's room all night."
"Charles! I'm surprised at you," Edwin exclaims, looking flustered.
"It's not like that, mate--she's been having nightmares about David and I've agreed to keep her company. Said she feels safer with a friend looking after her, y'know?" He shifts from one leg to the other, one hand rubbing his other arm, absent-mindedly. "It's not a big deal, alright? Just didn't want you wondering after me." He shrugs non-chalantly and gives his partner a gentle clap on the shoulder before re-entering Crystal's room.
She's already changed into her sleep clothes and curled up under the covers. Crystal meets Charles' eyes and pats the bed beside her. With a small smile, he approaches and sits on the side of the bed, leaning on one hand and looking down on her.
"Would you like to talk before bed, or should I leave you to it?"
Seeing him only sit on the edge, she takes his hand and guides him to lay down next to her. "C'mere. Just lay with me, okay? If you don't mind. . .?"
His eyebrows raise and a twinkle of excitement crosses his eyes that he fails to suppress.
Crystal rolls her eyes at him and he chuckles. She pulls his arm over her side and holds onto him as best she can, letting out a long sigh. Charles feels a fluttering sensation in his chest, like a memory of a quickening heartbeat.
"Thanks for doing this. I'm sure it'll be less interesting than however you usually spend your nights, and I'm not much company to you when I'm asleep."
He grins, fingers attempting to brush lightly along her back. "I wouldn't say that."
She looks him up and down. "Oh, geez, you're not gonna' like, stare at me all night are you?"
"Well, I don't sleep, but I could try closing my eyes and laying here with you. Seems restful, anyway, doesn't it?" Her brow furrows, and he mirrors her expression, sobering up. "I'm not sure, uh, what your plan was?"
". . .I guess I'm not sure, either. I just didn't want to be alone in this big, empty room tonight."
"You could invite Niko across the hall for a sleepover," he teases, tempting her to explain why she chose him.
She recognizes this immediately and narrows her eyes playfully, pursing her lips, and refusing to take the bait. "You've got a cricket bat handy if any other ghosts or demons decide to pop up overnight. Niko would probably just talk their ear off and try to set them up with each other."
He chuckles. "Tough to argue with that."
. . .
After a while, Crystal's breathing slows, her chest rising and falling in smaller increments. Charles does observe this for a moment, before realizing he's doing exactly what she told him not to do. He shifts so he is staring up at the ceiling.
He can't feel Crystal's breath and warmth beside him. Without looking at her, he could forget she's there. He could just be laying alone in this bed for no reason.
He turns onto his side again, facing her and snuggling as close as he can without phasing into her. He has to focus to keep his form solid enough for her arm to rest on.
He closes his eyes and replicates breathing, concentrating on being present, and trying to remember old sensations. How would this moment feel, if he still had his body?
A cold chill runs down his core and he tries to focus on the memory of body contact sharing warmth.
While Crystal has one of the best nights of sleep she's had in weeks, Charles struggles to remember how it felt to be alive.
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the-music-maniac · 2 years
I'm amused at how confused some people are at the idea of Puss being shipped with Death when Shrek is a series of movies that had a DONKEY canonically get together with a freaking DRAGON
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drdt fandom !! since chapter 2 part 2 is at 100% completion and is more than likely just on the horizon, I'd like to know what everyone's final culprit theory is!! you can go in as much depth as you want to
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girlboyburger · 1 month
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bambiraptorx · 7 months
in my heart leo is a brass player. possibly a trombone or tuba, maybe a trumpet. he has trumpet player energy tbh
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adinafay · 1 year
I'm sure Astarion has regularly used pet names as a way to distance himself from his marks. It makes everything simultaneously a little less personal for him and a little more alluring for the mark- it's not like the average person throws around "darling" so everyone assumes it means they're something, someone, special.
So, then, imagine how much it might take for him to actually say his partner's name in the context of a newly-real relationship. How meaningful it would be for him to occasionally drop the pet names, that for other people only come about as a sign of intimate affection, and say the true name of his love. The vulnerability of acknowledging, by speaking aloud their name, that he has a whole person he cares for and not just another body on his arm or in his bed.
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theriverbeyond · 6 months
if you’re looking for stuff about necromancy as violation I always considered the cow thing to be a big example of that! Maybe it’s my inner 4-H kid, but it’s such an undignified and horrifying way to slaughter an animal IMO. It’s this drawn out, grotesque death that parallels both Mercymorn’s death and the 7ths blood cancer. It’s just such a disrespectful way to slaughter an animal, and I think you can read it as John’s first major betrayal of self, especially as it relates to his indigenous roots. Anyway. There’s just so much there.
you're RIGHT and i also think this is a case of how this is a feature, not a bug of necromancy.
death fuels necromancy, but it is specifically cruel, violent death that results in the most necromantic potential. gradual death/senescence en masse gives general ambient power (necromancy only works in areas where things have lived and died) but it is a mass of sudden violent death that flips a planet. Siphoning, in both the style of the Second and the Eighth house, lends necromantic power via an exquisitely painful process that can easily end in death. Necromancy itself eats away at the tissues, leaving all necromancers essentially physically disabled (Ianthe barely had the ability to hold her arms up to braid her own hair). Babies give off the largest burst of power when they die, and the Fourth House -- a planet that could very well be filled with only children -- specializes in suicide bombs.
and then of course you have the eugenics that is built into both the Seventh and the Eighth Houses -- and the Heptentary blood cancer specifically fascinates me because of how it is positioned as, essentially, a boon. If you get death-fuel by being in proximity to death, and you yourself are always dying, then you always have access to a very personal well of power. Until you die. "A dying woman is the perfect necromancer"..... An entire House that values short-lived necromantic potential over anything else and breeds their heirs to have this violation embedded into their blood.
and that isn't even really getting into the fact that this is just the violence that the House enacts upon it's own citizens. the majority of people on the business end of necromancy aren't House citizens at all, but non-House civilians whose death and dead bodies are hijacked to serve the Empire's purpose. but that's another essay
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lesbianfakir · 7 months
The ONLY romantic fakiru dynamic I will accept is fakir fighting for his life to bring a duck into a fancy restaurant so they can have a nice anniversary dinner
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muaka-safari · 2 months
May I ask, did you get around to writing that essay about ga-matoran in Metru Nui and their connection to the Great Temple? Not expecting anything! Just curious!
Oh, I think I wrote a bullet-pointed list on ga-matoran and their connection to the Great Temple, specifically looking at how it affects their concept of gender here, but I never wrote anything long-hand.
If a quick rundown is what you're looking for, follow that link. If you do enjoy long(ish), rambling essays from someone making far too extensive headcanons for fictional worlds, read on.
So. Ga-Metru. The metru of the ga, the metru specifically for the ga, that metru. Now, I could launch straight into the impact of Ga-Metru being Mata Nui-favoured... but this is my essay, so I'm gonna roll this a bit further back and delve into a possible reason of why Ga-Metru is favoured.
Because I have a personal headcanon that Ga-Metru's favoured status was very much a byproduct of the natural resources.
Look at it this way: You need to build a protodermis purification facility on Metru Nui. You've already built the forges and furnaces; now you need to be able to source the building material for these smithies. So you need somewhere with a lot of liquid protodermis readily at hand - somewhere, for example, like Ga-Metru.
And then, because you probably shouldn't put all your important masks in a place full of burny, melty fire, you store your kanohi mask here (instead of Ta-Metru) as the other major building in this budding metru.
So, ta-da, you now have your second major site in Metru Nui, and over time that becomes Ga-Metru, home to the Ga-Matoran. Second-eldest metru, not out of any holy significance, but because it provided an important resource.
Time passes, and your purification/storage facility becomes a place of spiritual importance. I mean, it makes sense. It's an old, vital building, storing items of power, and isn't the hot, noisy space of Ta-Metru, plus the act of purifying carries a kind of holiness to it.
So, the next logical train of thought: if Ga-Metru is home to the temple of your god, then - obviously - god must like this metru best.
Next, next logical train of thought: if Ga-Metru is the favoured metru, then those who live there must be Mata Nui's favoured matorans. Or, at least, they are spiritually closer to Mata Nui, living basically on the doorstep of your connection to him.
By this point, matoran have certainly been granted sentience, and with that comes all the messy irrationality of thinking for yourself. What a lot of religions like to do is recognise those singled out, spiritually, with a title. Father. Reverend. Back in the medieval era, catholic priests were called "Sir" the same way a knight was.
Regardless, the point is: you need a name or a title to recognise that Ga-Matoran are different. And (headcanon going strong here) because Matoran weren't programmed with a sense of gender, they only really have "he/him" for daily use, with "brother" as a title of respect.
So language does what it always does in these circumstances - it adapts. Except, well, the Matoran may not have a concept of gender, but the Great Beings who created them did. So, somewhere in that pesky programming and superfluous data, there's a not-memory of "sister" being an equivalent title to "brother" - they don't understand how it relates to gender, they just know it feels right. And with "sister" comes the pronouns "she/her" so suddenly you have a whole metru with their own special pronouns and titles.
And, ta-da! Matorans have now accidentally ungendered gendered pronouns.
I also think it adds an interesting sense of irony for any (head)canons that Ga-Matorans consider themselves above or better than other Matorans (because then their importance is built on a coincidence, rather than actual Mata Nui favour) but that's for another day - or for other people to take a crack at, if they'd like. (I know I've certainly seen some interesting posts about Ga-Matoran self-importance!)
I personally was just fascinated by the fact that the "female" Matoran are the "holy" Matoran, despite gender being nonexistant, and examining one possible reason for Ga-Metru gaining its favoured reputation. (What can I say? I love clawing my way into the cracks of existing world-building.) Feel free to agree, disagree, whatever, but these are my personal headcanons and I hope people enjoyed reading about them!
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