#Peter Parker x reader fluff
belxveds · 8 days
Could you write a fic where the reader is Stark’s daughter and he catches her and Peter fooling around in her room/main room whilst they think he is out?
caught in a web of kisses
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pairings: peter parker x f!reader, tony stark x daughter!reader
brief: (requested!) misunderstandings and compromising situations with peter lead to a whole of cackling and screaming throughout the stark tower compound. a brief look into the life of y/n stark and your struggles with your stupidly overprotective dad and chaotically cute boyfriend.
tags: humour. fluff. borderline crack fic. "enemies" to lover. established relationship.
a/n: thank you so much for requesting! i appreciate it :) it always makes fills me with so much joy to know someone seeks out my writing <3
requests are open!
wc: 1.4k
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Perhaps it wasn't your smartest idea to pretend to absolutely despise your father's intern in front of your parents and the Avengers but . . . well- how could you possibly resist yourself when it was so much fun sharing sneaky, mischievous smiles with Peter as you both shot teasing glares across the room to maintain your appearance as rivals?
Plus, it was just a little prank to keep your relationship with Peter, as well as the days spent at the compound, more interesting. If anything, you and Peter were single handedly entertaining the entirety of Avengers with your debates and arguments. You were fairly sure they had bets going on about the two of you. It was harmless, really.
And it wasn't like you were going to keep it from them forever! You would tell them . . . eventually. You just- hadn't thought anyone would find out like this. With you and Peter in such a . . . compromising situation?
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You almost let out a small groan of exhaustion as you sunk into the unnecessarily large couch your dad had purchased for the lounge, melting into Peter's side as you fiddled with the remote to lower the lights and dim the windows. Pouting at the sliver of light that still managed to peek through the sunroof, you let out the smallest huff as you closed that as well before turning to take a glance at your boyfriend.
He let out a small yawn before shifting with your attention on him, cuddling into you tighter as he murmured, "You sure no one will be back for another 2 hours? 'Cause I swear if we get caught because you wanted to take a nap on the couch, I will never let you live this down."
Snuggling deeper into the blanket you'd draped over the two of you, you couldn't help but let out the smallest breathless laugh as you responded, "That's if they don't kill you first."
"Hey!" Peter quipped, voice growing the tiniest bit slurred as the nap you promised him began to look awfully tempting, "I'll have you know that I think your dad and also everyone else is quite fond of me, alright?"
You couldn't help but let out a snort as you mocked, pretending to push up fake glasses on the bridge of your nose as you raised the pitch of your voice, "I'll have you know-"
The gentle whack you got on your arm made you stop mid-sentence as you giggled, answering your boyfriend more seriously, "Everyone's schedule says they have stuff going on until at least 6:00, unless they were all just to magically-"
"What happened to, "God dad, if I have to see your stupid intern's face one more time, you're going to have to hold me back from stealing your repulsors and pulverizing the shit out of him?""
You're entire body pauses as you feel Peter tense in your arms, the both of you wincing in sync as you slowly, cautiously, turn your head around to face your dad, voice dragging out as you say nervously, "Uhm...so you see-".
Peter's bewilderment is audible as his head snaps to you, eyes furrowed in confused amusement as he hisses, "Why the fuck are you starting to quote Dhar Mann right now?"
"Peter", your dad interrupts, tone much too pleasant for the situation at hand and consequently sending both your spines into automatically locking up straight as you await his next move, fight or flight instincts activated, "You have 3 seconds to run."
"Mr. Stark, we can talk about this-"
"3 . . ."
"Oh shit!", your boyfriend scrambles, legs tangling into themselves and the blanket in his attempts to get free and run as he presses a ragged kiss to your forehead while declaring muffled through his panicked breath, "If I don't make it out of this alive, just know I wanted you to have my babies and be Y/N Parker-Stark."
The confession sends a surprised wheeze to rack through your body as you see him begin to take down the hallway, sparing a glance over his shoulder at you and your dad before maneuvering himself onto the ceiling and into the vents.
Your eyes tearing up from laughter, you try to speak through your immobilizing giggles as you address your dad, "Dad, father dearest, please- come on- spare him-" "2 . . ." "Dad! C'mon- you have to admit . . . from a completely scientific and objective lens with zero romantic emotions taken into account, considering all the teenage boys out there, Peter is definitely one of the better choices", you tried to level, summoning the critically-acclaimed award winning Y/N Stark inside of you and not the moderately concerned girlfriend worried that her boyfriend's cause of death may in fact be the same repulsors Peter had helped your father tweak in the lab earlier today. How unfortunately ironic. Shuffling over, albeit a bit awkwardly, to where your dad stood, you cautiously peered closer at his profile, trying your best to assess exactly how much trouble you were in. You knew deep down, he truly wasn't all that upset, though, maybe a bit grumpy about having been kept out of the loop for this long. In fact, you were positively confident he was quite happy with who you had chosen. Despite all of his teasing and successfully accomplished fatherly duties of bullying the both of you, it was stupidly evident how much he cared for Peter like a son. Not just anyone was allowed to intern for the Tony Stark, after all.
Lost in thought, you couldn't help but yelp slightly and flinch into your father's side as a muffled voice echoed down from the ceiling, cooing, "Aww Y/N, you really mean that?"
Cursing at your boyfriend's surprising lack of self preservation skills taking into consideration his literal job and particular set of talents, you glared upwards. Hoping your disappointment at his lack of distance somehow radiated through the insulated plaster, you deadpanned, "No, I was just playing. I wish I'd gotten with Harley."
"What?!" squeaked Peter, like a little vent rat, his offended gasp echoing in time with your dad's final countdown.
Giggling once again at Peter's frightened scuttling at the realization that he was out of time, you quickly reached to grip at your dad's suit clad bicep before he could make a motion to call at the Iron Man suit, your voice taking on a more serious tone as you asked softly, his opinion and approval still highly valuable to you, "You're ok with me and Peter dating though? Genuinely?"
The twitch of his signature smirk on the corner of his lips and the nodding glint in his eyes sent a happy thrill through your heart, instinctively grinning wide as you squealed and rushed to give him a tight hug, speaking through a stifled smile into his chest, "Ok, you have my consent to go squish my little spider now. Please don't bring him back to me flattened or burnt- I quite like how he is now." Your father's wrinkled nose and vocal sound of disgust at how you'd addressed his intern sent you into another fit of laughter as he spoke, "Ground rules since I know the kid's out of his freaky super-hearing range. One, ew. Never address him like that again, I might vomit. Two, if I see the two of you touch, I am immediately invoking a 50 year social-distancing ban between the two of you. 6 feet and everything. I'll throw in permanent masks if I ever catch you two kissing. Three, . . . no promises."
"In response- One, . . . no promises. Two, you don't want spider grandbabies crawling up the walls? All I'm hearing is that we can't get caught. Three, I'll tell mom", you grinned pulling back, your gaze filled with amusement and the look of humoured adoration you often had reserved specifically for your dad as he let out a little whine in complaint at your threat of telling Pepper.
It would just be a little rough up. You know, the classic "hurt my daughter and you're dead" speech. And Peter was Spider-Man! He'd be fine . . . probably.
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mailbox ༶•┈ peter parker's mailbox! ┈•༶ send letter
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blue-sadie · 7 months
Flashing Light
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Them comforting you during a storm
The bang and clap of thunder is what stirred him from his sleep but it didn't fully wake him what did was the small whimper that left you when a lightning hit close by causing the hall light to flicker.
He would wrap his arms around you pulling into your chest, he'd pull the blankets tightly around you as you held onto him with fear, his chest vibrating as he softly hummed your favorite song.
Your body would shake with each flicker and clap of lightning and he would tighten his hold on you and bringing you further into him if possible, his eyes staring into the darkness as he leaned his chin onto your head.
He wouldn't try to move to much he knows that he should just stay still and be there to comfort you, if the lightning got closer and louder he slowly move his hands to press them over your ears as he pressed his forehead to yours.
When the storm finally passed and your shaking figure finally calmed down he would stay awake for a few more hours coming up with a way he could sound proof the place or have something you could wear so it wouldn't bother you further.
Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen
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dorotheataylor · 5 months
Hugs and kisses
Pairing- Peter Parker x GN!Reader
Summary- Sometimes even the strongest ones need comfort and Peter finds it in your arms.
Warnings- none literally, this is just a soft fic coz peter deserves all the love and hugs in the world, my poor english is a warning tho :’)
Word Count- 687
A/N- I thought of this while listening to ‘Sweet Nothing’ by Taylor Swift and here it is. Also I changed fandoms lol. dw i still write for harry potter but i’ll write for marvel too now. And this can be read for any peter but I imagined tasm peter here :3 Hope y’all like this <3
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You were about to get into bed, after having done your nighttime skincare and changing into your pyjamas, when you heard soft knocks on your window.
You went over to open it, knowing it was Peter. Whenever he visited you after his night patrols, it was always near this time. You would go on about your day while he told about his and then went to sleep together while snuggled close to each other.
Today it seemed a little different. Because when you moved the curtains to get a look at him, his expressions were different from what they always were. Like he was upset about something.
You quickly unlatched your window and let him inside. You turned to face him and furrowed your eyebrows when he didn’t meet your eyes.
Something was definitely up.
“Peter, love, is everything okay?” you said softly, not wanting him to break. “You know you can tell me anything,” you start, wanting to break the silence, but he flinches at your voice. you let out a shaky exhale and step forward, reaching a hand up, slowly, like approaching a skittish animal, to press your palm to his cheek. he unconsciously chases the warmth, his hair parting to reveal his eyes, sadder than you’ve ever seen them. your heart lurches for him. “oh, Peter.”
He leaned in your touch and sighed in content. Slowly you lifted your other hand to cup both his cheeks while he looked on the verge of tears.
“I- I just needed to see you. He- he said that,” Peter couldn’t even bring himself to properly say that. After that random bad guy he had just fought told him he had attacked you, he needed to make sure you were okay.
“It’s okay, Peter. I’m here.” You said, voice still soft as you start to caress his cheek with your thumb.
Peter couldn’t keep it in anymore, as he immediately buried his face in your neck and held you tightly, as if he were afraid you’d disappear.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop your heart from breaking after seeing him in such a state. The way he sounded, the way you could feel his tears on your neck, you couldn’t help but shed some tears as well as you spoke soothing words to him.
Moments like these brought comfort to Peter. Him in your arms, you holding him tightly, speaking softly and trying to comfort him, he sometimes wonders what he has done to deserve this, to deserve you. Your arms were his go to place when things got hard, being spiderman wasn’t easy. And it felt great that you out of all people knew about him and still loved the real him.
Both of you stayed in each other’s arms for what felt like an eternity, with none of you wanting to let go of each other. But you didn’t mind it, Peter deserved all your love and affection.
After few moments, you slowly spoke, breaking the comfortable silence you both were in, “lets get you changed so that we can cuddle in bed. Sounds good?”
He seemed hesitant to let you go, but he loosened his grip and pulled away to look you in the eye, arms still loosely wound around your waist. He seemed almost meek like this—to the point it almost felt like you’re not looking at the strongest. Right now, it kinda just feels like you’re looking at a man—a man who has the entire weight of the New York on his shoulders. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said, his voice still wavering. “You- You’re everything. God I love you so much.”
You smiled gently at him as you cupped his cheek again, he kissed your palm, and you said, “I love you too, Peter. More than words can express.”
With that, Peter cupped your face and brought his lips onto yours, pouring all his love, affection, fears and everything he felt for you into it. You kissed him back with same passion, sealing a promise of never leaving him into this kiss.
Because maybe in that moment, this was all you both needed.
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spiderfunkz · 10 months
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— summary : peter gifts you flowers.
— word count : 0,4k
— warnings : fluff, fem!reader, super cheesy stuff, dumb jokes, a kiss on the cheek, not proofread.
a/n : peter would be the sweetest bf ever!!
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the new york nights were loud. so loud and noisy, yet the only thing you can hear at the moment is peter laughing. as if everything else just went silent.
"so like, what's the weirdest valentines gift you ever gotten?" he asked.
peter was explaining that he got a sock with pickles and hearts on it once for valentines day a few years ago.
first dates usually felt awkward. conversations seemed forced and dry, the air felt thick, and one wrong move can spill whatever drink you bought on your date's new white shirt.
but peter made it feel so, easy. maybe it's his cheesy friendly smile, or his chocolate-scented cologne that made you feel so comfortable with him, or maybe it's the fact that you've liked him since middle school.
"the weirdest valentines gift i've ever gotten?" you repeated the question, "yeah." he nodded.
"i've never really gotten a valentines gift, i mean does a note from my mom count?" you say, sipping your milkshake.
"you've never gotten a valentines gift before?" peter gasps, you can't tell if he's seriously shocked or not. "no?" — "not even flowers?" he asks. "no, is it really that big of a deal?" you question. "uh, yes!" he nodded.
"i just can't believe no one has given a pretty girl like you flowers." he says in disbelief.
"what's this?" you ask.
after you mentioned that you've never received flowers before, it has been peter's mission to gift you flowers.
"flowers." peter smiled awkwardly. "you told me no one has ever given you flowers before."
you take the flowers, "you didn't even take the price tag off."
"i wanted to emphasize the massive amount of money i'd spend for you. also, you didn't even thank me yet." peter stood.
"peter it's 25 dollars! that's way too much." you point out, the bouquet was beyond beautiful though. "i'd spend 25 dollars for you any day." he replies.
you smile at him, admiring the bouquet of flowers, your first ever bouquet of flowers. "why is there a bite on one of the leaves?" you question the cartoon-y bite.
"uh, i may or may not have eaten one of the leaves." he rocks back and fourth, hands in his pockets.
"because i needed to know if it was real or not."
"so you ate it?"
"i took a little bite."
you stare at him, how can midtown sciences number two be this, unbelievable.
"did it taste real?"
"yeah, i mean it tasted like.. a leaf."
"you're unbelievable." you shook your head.
"i can already tell you're falling in love with me even more now." he makes that cheesy smile again.
"maybe." you give him a kiss on the cheek.
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modernstoner · 2 years
on his desk | p.parker
teacher!peter fucks you on his classroom desk.
pairing: peter parker x fem!reader
warning: smut. not proofread!
w/c: 0.7k
a/n: ye, what the synopsis says.
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peter was having a stressful day.
not only, did most of his students fail his test, but he has an overload of tests he needs to grade. he sighed, pushing the front of his hair with his fingers, he leaned against his uncomfortable chair.
he looked at the papers he needed to grade and mentally screamed inside. he felt a buzzing sensation coming from his pocket, knowing it was a message from you.
you always text him during his lunchtime.
peter got his phone out of his pants; "hey, i'm coming over." it said, shrugging, he thought nothing of it.
after few minutes, he heard a polite knock coming from his classroom door. "come in." he says, grading another failed test which earned an annoyed groan from him.
"whoa, there." you enter, holding a disposable container stuffed with sushi.
peter turned to you and gave you a weak smile. you walked over, kissing his cheek. "you okay?" you ask, placing the food on his desk.
he said nothing, grabbing your wrist, pulling you down, towards his lap. his lips immediately started to attack yours. you smiled against his desperate lips as your lips moves in sync with his.
a low groan came out of your mouth when peter started to kiss down your neck. "someone's eager today." you tease, pulling his brown curls as you threw your head back in utter bliss.
peter sucked harshly on your collarbone, making sure to leave a small dark bruise later. "gosh, (y/n), you looked so fucking hot this morning." he smiles at you.
"could say the same thing about you." you reply, leaning down to kiss his soft but chapped lips.
"hmm— i missed you— so— so— much." he says between kisses making you giggle. you slowly started to grind on his very obvious boner.
he lets out a low groan, pulling away from the kiss. you grind a bit faster, "no teasing." he warns before getting up, which made you warp your legs around his waist.
he gently puts you on his desk, shoving the paperwork away, some falling to the ground, but he didn't care.
peter wasted to time, swept your sundress up while you desperately unbuckle his belt. he pushed your panties aside, pulling down his boxers to reveal his hardened cock.
the red tip was already leaking precum.
he lines his cock with your aroused cunt before slamming into you, earning a loud moan from your mouth. your hands fly to his brown curls, pulling them a little.
peter lets out a low groan, and starts his fast and harsh thrust. he had no mercy, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as you shut your mouth in order to stay quiet.
peter kept moaning and whimpering in your ear, his each thrust hitting your sweet spot making you squirm beneath him, knowing that you can't make a loud noise.
even though, his thrusts were getting sloppy, peter didn't stop. pumping in and out of you like a crazy maniac, the desk moving with him.
the sound of skin slapping filled the room. you felt a familiar knot forming in your stomach, realizing that you are close, you clench around peter which made his hip stutter.
"oh— fuck, (y/n), just like that." he grunts in your ears. you do as he pleases, clenching around him. peter throws his head back, closing his eyes before looking at you.
your face scrunched up in pleasure, mouth agape as you felt peter hand cup your cheeks. he leaned in you, capturing you into a kiss while his thrusts never stopping.
"p-peter, i'm so close." you whispered against his lips, a small string of saliva connected between you and peter's lips.
"cum, fuck, please cum with me." he practically begged and you nod, releasing it all along side with him. his warm liquid shooting inside you as peter slows his pace.
both of you out of breath, covered in sweat. taking a moment to breathe. "best sex ever!" he says in joy, extending his hand for you to high-five him.
you laugh, slapping his palm with yours, obviously out of breath. "we should do it in your class more often."
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© modernstoner
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lynnlovesspidahman · 11 months
peter parker x reader
word count : 901
warnings : none :) just happiness.
summary : swinging with peter. — not that swinging you perv. web-swinging (bad joke.)
i did write this with insomniac’s peter in mind but any one of them can work here!!
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“What? Why?” Peter pouted at yet another decline of his offer, his bottom lip sticking out.
“Don’t make that face. You can’t convince me into this one.”
Peter’s been trying to talk you into swinging across the city with him for a long time now, ever since he had first told you about his alter ego.
You absolutely refused.
“Okay, 1. You know how I get with heights,” He rolled his eyes as you continued, “2. What if you let go of me? I mean, how am I supposed to even hold on?”
“I would nev-” He motioned his arms to form an X.
“Hush, I wasn’t finished. And 3. What if someone sees us? Then I’ll really be in danger. All of your “fangirls” would come for me.”
“Very valid reasons, honey. I love the way you argue with me to get your way every time,” He sarcastically remarked.
“Whatever, Pete. I’m sorry I don’t wanna die early,” You crossed your arms and let out a hmph.
“You saying you wouldn’t die for me?” He put one hand on his heart, pretending he was hurt by your comment.
You didn’t answer, the best you could do was stay quiet and ignore his antics. No way in hell would you go swinging with him, no matter how hard he’d tried to persuade you.
“Oh, so now you’re ignoring me.” He took a step to close the space between you, “I’m sorry, honey.”
“What?” You raised an eyebrow, and turned to face him, “For what?”
“For this.”
He grabbed your waist and hoisted you onto his hip, “Hold on tight,” He smirked as he pulled his mask down.
“Peter,” He ignored you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to grip onto him as tightly as possible.
“Peter, I swear to God if you ju-”
He ignored your warning, and jumped off of your apartment building’s rooftop.
As you were free falling, you screwed your eyes shut completely. You would’ve screamed, if it weren’t for the fact you were focusing on trying to securely wrap yourself onto your boyfriend.
You heard his web shooter make a thwip noise as you felt yourself floating upwards now. And downwards again.
“Open your eyes, honey.” Peter whispered, he seemed so relaxed. On the other hand, your stomach was still doing flips.
You peeked one eye open, and were immediately in awe.
New York has never looked so beautiful.
The sun was setting, and was peeping through the many buildings along the horizon. Each building had so many little squares of lights, from their windows.
“It’s amazing,” You let out a breathy laugh, and looked over at Peter through his mask.
“Is this what you see everyday?” You beamed, if you weren’t as high in the air as you were, you would’ve been jealous of him.
“Yeah,” He let out a breath, “This is why I’ve wanted you here. This is what I’ve wanted you to see.” He looked back at you.
“Eyes on the road, don’t let us crash. Please.”
“Okay, okay,” He laughed.
He started to swing a little higher, and you couldn’t decide if you wanted it to be over or not. It was breath-taking, but terrifying.
He aimed at the roof of a building, and stuck the landing, luckily.
You still had your legs wrapped around his waist, and your arms locked around his neck. Whether you were on stable grounds or not, it was still high up.
“You can let go now, honey, I promise it’s okay. We’re done, now.” He reassured you as he giggled at you still being scared.
“I’m okay, after that, I don’t even think I can trust the ground. How did you do that?” You made eye contact with him through his mask.
“Do what?” He cocked his head to the side.
“Hold onto me for so long! While swinging!” You widened your eyes at him.
“Super-strength, sweetie,” He winked with the eye of his mask. You almost hit him, he was so corny. But he was so adorable.
“Peter!” You were in a fit of giggles.
“Did you have fun?” He pulled his mask up just enough so you could see his lips and the tip of his nose.
“Yeah, somewhat,” You let go of him, finally. “But don’t you ever — and I mean ever — surprise me like that again.” You made your face all serious, to show you really meant business.
“Alright, alright. I’ll try and warn you in advance next time,” He stuck his hands in the air, as a surrender.
He was so cute, you thought.
“I love you,” You smiled at him and stood on your tiptoes as you leaned into his face.
“I love you, too.” He leaned into you, and kissed you.
You wrapped your hands around his neck, as he grabbed one of your cheeks and the back of your head.
Ending the kiss early, you pulled away and brought him into a hug, swaying him back and forth.
“My place?”
“Sure,” He smirked.
“No. We’re walking this time.” You took a step back. He didn’t stop smirking.
“Peter- No, please!” You begged him as you both laughed.
He grabbed onto you and jumped before you could let go.
You hated him for a moment, but as soon as you felt his grip on you, you forgave him immediately.
Swinging isn’t so bad, but you wouldn’t tell him that.
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just a short lil fluff for yall. i’m so addicted to playing spiderman again and i just can’t stop writing. 😗
(john bubniak marry me)
hopefully you all enjoyed!!
likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!! 💗💗
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shayyprasad · 5 months
right next door // part one | peter parker
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ahhhh new series!!
summary: you move in right next door to a cutie, problem is, he isn't much of a talker. or anything at all. but it's okay, because you're dead-set on getting him to warm up to you.
warnings: mean peter :(
pairing: peter parker x fem!bubbly!reader
word count: 1.9k+ words
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you scowled under your breath, absolutely frustrated.
“if you want us to take the boxes up to the fifth level, you’re going to have to pay us extra,” the man spoke, arms crossed. the movers you had hired looked to be twins, around the age of 30, perhaps? they had heavy accents and took you to be a gullible female if they believed that you’d pay an additional 25 dollars for that.
“look, i included the information about my flat being on the fifth floor, and despite having that knowledge, you took this job. i am not paying you extra, so how about you do this right, okay?” you scoffed in disbelief; you didn’t know that moving into a new apartment would be so difficult. all you wanted was for these insufferable men to take your stuff to your flat so you could finally relax.
finally breathe, because you hadn’t gotten any “you” time since you made the decision to move into a whole new state, which you were starting to regret now.
no, no, independence is always worth it.
either way, it was nice to get away from your overbearing parents that were currently all the way over in florida.
“lady, we don’t got all day, so either pay up, or-”
“i’ll take it from here,” a male voice interjected. you looked over to see a brunette, with honey-brown colored eyes and a perfectly sculpted face.
perfectly sculpted.
you’d seen him a couple times when checking out the building. he lived in e11, which was part of the reason you’d moved into e12, right next door. there wasn’t anything wrong with wanting a god for a neighbor, right?
that was a rhetorical question, of course there wasn’t anything wrong with it.
after poking around (begging your landlord for his name and room number), you found out that he was peter parker from e11.
you watched him walk over and raise an eyebrow at the men, who stood unmoving. “i said we got it from here.”
“you her boyfriend or something?”
“and what would it be to you?” peter adjusted his position to where his arms were crossed, shirt tight and muscles flexed.
okay, so it wasn't just his face that was perfectly sculpted.
the men exchanged eye contact and shook their heads, sighing. you stuck your tongue out at them, despite the fact they were already walking out the door, backs facing you.
you called out, “and that’s one star for you guys on yelp!”
brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, you looked back at peter, who was already picking up a box. “oh, hey, you don’t have to do that. i’m sure i’ll manage.”
“it’s okay. i don’t mean to underestimate your strength, but these boxes aren’t very light.”
“yes, but-… are you sure? i don’t want to burden you with this.”
he glanced at you, balancing a box on top of the one he was holding, “it’s no burden. unless you don’t want my help, which is a different story altogether.”
“uh, no, nothing like that,” you hesitated. he seemed very stoic, in no mood for small talk, or to converse in general. “but thanks for what you did. i didn’t need the help, i could have handled it on my own, but… um, thanks.”
“did you a favor,” he shrugged, “you weren’t really getting anywhere with that.”
you frowned at his bluntness, but bit back a retort. he was willing to help you, this complete stranger. and for that, you were grateful.
picking up one of the lighter boxes, you followed after him on the stairs. “so… um… i’m y/n. l/n,” you added after a second.
“peter parker,” was all he said, and you nodded as if you hadn’t previously known that.
“nice to meet you, peter.”
“what room do you live in?”
“e12.” you stopped yourself from adding right next to you.
“what about you?”
“w-where do you live?”
“oh,” you smiled, as if you didn’t know that as well. “that’s so cool! we’re neighbors!”
it seemed like that was sarcastic, so you decided that it was best to maybe shut up. so that’s what you did.
after a while, you were able to get all your boxes (with peter doing most of the work). you stood in your flat with your hands on your hips as peter put the last box down. “seriously,” you breathed, “thank you so much. i have no idea what i’d do if you weren’t there.”
“negotiate with russian twins and get nowhere.”
you laughed nervously, unsure of whether or not that was a joke. “um, you can stay a little longer, if you’d like. or not. that’s fine, too.” you were hoping he’d stay, even though you literally had nothing for him to sit on. there was no furniture… but maybe he’d want to stay anyways?
“i’m good.”
“o-okay, peter. see you around?”
without another word, he slipped out of your apartment, shutting the door behind him.
you thought that moving in next to peter would make you a little less lonely, and maybe you’d make a new friend.
but perhaps your mother was right. what if you weren’t ready for all this?
new job, new home, new state… new everything.
you were all alone in the big city.
but- but it would be okay, you decided, shaking your head. “it’s fine. i can do this. i’m going to do this. today was a minor setback, which my mom doesn’t need to know about… and i need to make new friends before talking to myself becomes a habit.”
you stood in the middle of your flat, grinning. nothing was going to stop you from achieving your dream.
your new job at the daily bugle wasn't going to start for another week, so you had time to unpack and adjust. music blared from the speakers, helping you get into your new groove. you sang and danced around to it, laughing like a fool (you were sleep deprived).
you took the plastic wrapping off the couches and adjusted them to where you liked, with much struggle, of course. next came chairs and tables, and you were glad to get those out of the way. once you’d completed moving and unpacking some of the bigger things, you had gotten bored.
but, nevertheless, you still wanted to be productive. finally, you settled on decorating the living room. taking out pillows, throw blankets, and pictures, you put them all in their designated places.
in complete exhaustion, you tossed yourself onto your couch. “aw, crap, where i am gonna sleep tonight?” you groaned.
in hindsight, maybe you should’ve done the bedroom first. man, you were kind of a mess without your mother.
laying there, gazing up the bare ceiling, your thoughts drifted to peter. he was mean, but in a reserved way. like it wasn’t really to be mean, but more about how his personality was. “oh, well, i’ll just make him warm up to me.”
after all, you did need friends. so why not start with peter?
with a new task at hand, you jumped up, speeding towards the kitchen. you planned on making him cookies, after all, who didn’t like those? you preheated the oven… before realizing you had to unpack all your kitchen related items.
and you had to go shopping for ingredients.
you had some money to last you until a new paycheck, so you might as well spend it somehow. besides, this could be a way to get peter to like you.
not like that.
well, not yet.
first, you had to get him to be friends with you. no, scratch that. you had to go shopping first.
“you need butter to make cookies, right?” you asked yourself, glancing over to your cart that currently held milk, eggs, and flour in it. “oh! and sugar! …vanilla extract? why on earth haven’t i googled this yet?” shaking your head in dismay, you pulled out your phone, searching up what you needed.
“okay… so…chocolate chips. gah, how did i forget that? cornstarch, and salt,” you looked at the aisle you were in, pausing momentarily. after a second, you threw a pack of measuring spoons in. “obviously, you need chocolate chips for chocolate chip cookies!”
sighing, you glanced up, only to be met with the eyes of a bewildered woman. “um… sorry,” you mumbled sheepishly, forgetting you were in public.
seriously, you needed new friends. pronto.
you wheeled your cart to the checkout aisle and waited in line. looking up, you saw a masked figure on the television. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and tilted your head, squinting to read the caption; “spider-man stops yet another robbery”.
“huh,” you murmured quietly. “spider-man.”
“mommm, isn’t he so cool?” turning your head, you saw a little boy pointing at the screen.
“what? yeah, he is,” she said, filing through her wallet.
you pulled your phone out of your back pocket, going into safari. the knit between your eyebrows hadn’t left as you tapped on the first news link, jjjnews.com.
spider-man, the masked menace.
you looked up and frowned. menace? you thought he was a hero, given the whole robbery thing. come to think of it, the name sounded familiar. “spider-man…” you hummed, testing it out once more.
whether he is in affiliation with the avengers, we do not know. the infamous spider-man, often referred to as the masked menace by his critics and opponents, raises an intriguing question: why does he feel the need to conceal his identity? what secrets is he keeping from us that drive him to hide behind a mask? could it be fear of exposure or perhaps a deeper motivational factor? but what drives him to conceal his true self from the world? what secrets lie beneath that mask, and what is he purposefully keeping hidden from those around him?
these questions continue to haunt not only the citizens of new york city, but also his closest allies. while spider-man is praised as a courageous crime-fighter, some question if there is more to his story than meets the eye. as a beloved hero or feared vigilante, the truth behind spider-man's persona remains a mystery waiting to be unraveled.
with the emergence of new heroes comes a surge in villains as well, and perhaps spider-man's presence only adds fuel to the fire. it is time for the authorities to take action against this dangerous masked figure before any more harm is done.
you pressed your lips together, and exited the app. that was enough of that, because as far as you knew, this guy sounded like a hater. this man, expecting no incentive at all, risked his life every day to keep others safe.
what more did people want, honestly?
seeing as it was your turn, you picked things up from the cart and set them down onto the checkout. pulling out your wallet, you inserted the chip in the credit card.
“that’ll be $37.50.”
“um, okay,” why was that more than you thought it’d be?
 yay, cookies, right?
somehow, you managed to make it home without crashing into someone, or someone crashing into you. you didn’t have a car yet, nor did you trust yourself with on here in nyc, so you took a taxi.
being completely honest, you were kind of excited about this. being more completely honest, you didn’t know how to bake. (or cook.)
but maybe it’d be okay. i mean, how hard was following instructions on a screen?
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spideyzgirl · 2 years
that first kiss
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summary: you and peter reminisce about your first kiss, but you both have very different takes on it.
warnings: fluff, a lil angst
pairing: tom!peter x reader
wc: 891
masterlist | taglist
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“hey y/n, look at this.” peter beckoned you over, showing you his phone. it was a picture of you two together on your very first date.
“aw, look at us! that’s our first date, yeah? we were so cute.” you gushed. “is that the time we watched wonder? you cried your ass off at the end.”
“rightfully so. he made friends, and for the first time everyone accepted him.” peter said as he teared up.
“are we really doing this right now?” you sighed.
“he got a standing ovation.” he wiped a tear away and sniffled, clearing his throat when he noticed you trying to suppress your laughter.
“hey, do you remember our first kiss?”
“how could i forget it?” you shrugged. “it was so, uh…”
“sloppy.” you spoke.
“perfect.” peter said at the same time.
“wait, what? did you just say sloppy?” peter gasped.
“well, yes? you have to admit, it wasn’t our best.”
“i can’t believe this. after all this time, i’m just now hearing about this? i’m- i’m heartbroken, honestly.” he slapped his hands over his heart dramatically, flopping onto your shared bed.
“oh come on peter,” you giggled. “we were playing seven minutes in heaven. that’s like the shittiest way to have your first kiss.”
“i beg to differ. i think it was quite romantic, actually. we were so close, wrapped in each others warmth.”
“that’s my main point. we were cramped up in a small wardrobe. our breaths were turning it into a sauna. hot, sweaty, and steamy.”
“but it was comforting, right?”
“it was so intimate. our bodies were literally pressed together.”
“yes, due to the lack of space. we couldn’t even breathe without our chests touching each others, which gave my boobs a great deal of discomfort by the way.”
“but i swear i heard angels singing. no wonder it’s called seven minutes in heaven.”
“those weren’t angels, that was me wheezing for air. we were suffocating, peter. i think we were trying to steal air from each others mouths when we kissed.” you laughed.
“i think you’re lying.” peter smirked.
“and i think you’re in denial. we’ve had better kisses and you know it.”
“that’s it. you’re on a kiss ban until you admit you liked our first kiss.” peter declared, sauntering off into the kitchen.
“what? you can’t do that!” you exclaimed, following him shortly after he left.
“can too! let’s see how long you can last before you break and tell the truth.”
“this is ridiculous. you think you can stop me from-“ you tried to steal a kiss swiftly, but his lightning quick reflexes had you kissing a cereal box.
“banned!” he shouted, fleeing to the bedroom.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
from morning to night, you’d been livid. you woke up to a sticky note on your forehead, a note scribbled in peters messy handwriting: sorry, had to leave early to be new yorks hero this morning. you missed out on your goodbye kiss since you wanted to be a naughty little liar last night <3
you’d been waiting for him all day to get home, ready to chew him out for dragging this situation into the next day. it was funny at first, but now he had taken it too far. those morning kisses meant a lot to you. even when you were taken over by sleep, you were still aware of when he left a quick kiss to your forehead or cheek.
peter never really knew if you even felt the kisses or not, but he still did it anyway. it was the sweetest thing ever, and he took that away from you.
as he crept into the bedroom window, you entered the room at the same time, just finishing your skincare routine in the bathroom. you gasped upon seeing him and darted towards your bed, grabbing multiple pillows to throw at him.
“hey cutie, i’m back- hey!” he effortlessly dodged a pillow. “what the hell?”
“jerk! what kind of boyfriend deprives his girl of her morning kisses?” you threw another pillow at him, which he caught.
“i told you, you were on ban, but-“ you threw another pillow, hitting him right in his face. “really?”
“fuck your stupid ban! you took it too far. you’re so childish!” you fussed, tossing two pillows at him.
“says the one sending pillows flying all over the room. also, i never realized how many pillows we had.” he ripped his mask off and tossed it elsewhere.
peter gave you a sympathetic smile when he saw you doing that cute little “i’m upset but i want your attention” pout. “alright honey,” he walked over to you, engulfing you in his arms. “i’m sorry, okay? i didn’t know how much those morning kisses meant to you, and i didn’t really mean to drag this ban on for so long. so from this moment on, the kissing ban has officially been lifted. you are free to kiss. am i forgiven?”
“yes,” you pressed a long overdue kiss to his lips, humming when he ran a soothing hand over your back. “but never do that again. and don’t you ever leave me without my morning kiss again. you hear me?” you squinted at him, & he nodded.
“yes ma’am. and hey, was our first kiss really that bad?”
“i was wheezing for air. let that sink in.”
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taglist 🏷️
@niallhoransupremacy @raajali3 @crazyknight @evermoresilk @hqllandxx @popeheywardssecretgf @sukiinet @luvhann @tellmeonce @tiredofc0ffee @saliciaknows @eatasockortwo @timotheechalametswife @fairydxll @lnmp89 @tomhollandsslut @chaostudee @ayle4231 @powerpuffluuvv @aurelie39 @eviewriites
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devotion · 2 years
only you | p.p
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summary: peter needs you after his patience snaps.
w/c: 1.1k+ | p.p masterlist
warnings: swears? tiniest bit of angst, fluff (should fluff really be a warning tho?)
prompts: kitchen counter make-outs | “i’ve had a terrible day at work so just kiss me”
notes: when i read this before continuing this wip after so so long, i realised that it was inspired by a spidey/venom comic i read in march/april so... idk which one it was but hopefully you don’t need much context. also, i love (v)eddie, but for the purpose of this blurb.... i do not. (i do.)
・──・──────── ⋆✦⋆ ────────・──・⁣⁣
peter’s hot-headed, irate and enervated whilst a throbbing headache troubles him.
there are a number of conspicuous changes in his behaviour that you notice instantly when he’s like this; along with his clenched jaw, his fist closed into a tight ball has his upper arm bulging out of his t-shirt, and one specific vein more prominent than ever, you would go out your way to consider that this attitude in some way is lewd. but not when he has the super-strength to punch through the wall with his bare hands and you both have to suffer the consequences of it.
it’s more than evident when you see the steam emitting from his ears, as his figure storms through the front door. peter’s composure only seems to settle the slightest bit when he turns around to lock it. his arm then rests on the doorframe, followed by his head.
he comes through to the living room of your usually humbling home that you two share, rips his bag off his shoulder and throws it off to the far end of the room, whereupon you hear a tear from behind him as he does so. a series of cracks sound after his bag hits the wall. it makes you cringe badly.
by the looks of it, not only has he tore the wallpaper, but he’s cracked the wall behind.
peter, realising what he’s just done, begins to blurt out to apologise, “i-”
“—no. just... water first,” you cut him off, leaving to the kitchen to fetch a glass.
rubbing the back of his neck as he pads to the kitchen, he sees you fill it with the water filter once he’s there. your eyes dart towards him in the doorway, moving to go get some ice from the freezer.
you’re surprised he’s simmered down so quickly, but you know him best — he isn’t one to be enraged for too long. now that he’s caused damage to the wall in the living room, he definitely shouldn’t be anyway.
when you give him it, he’s relocated to the counter behind you, accepting the glass when you offer him it.
peter mumbles a thank you before drinking, then waits for a moment or two for you to meet his gaze. after downing it whole, a hand finds yours, causing you to look up. he maintains eye contact whilst he starts with, “i’m sorry, baby. i really am.”
your eyebrows raise to indicate that he explains further. his shoulders slump.
“he’s pissing me off,” he admits, voice tremulous, “so so much, y/n.”
“who?” you squeeze his hand.
“you know...” he replies, before you squint an eye, tilting your head ever so slightly to indicate that you, in fact, don’t know. “eddie...” peter comes out with before he sighs, “it’s eddie.”
your mouth turns in an ‘o’ as he hands you back the glass. he’s mentioned a friend that he’s known for a long time, but the problem is that he’s become somewhat of an adversary as of recently. a walking havoc, new york thinks, and a hulking and distorted version of your boyfriend’s alter-ego.
“he does everything he can to show me that i’m some kinda wimp to not have done anything about kasady,” he observes in annoyance, “in every. possible. way.”
“he’s gonna let it go some day, pete,” you try to convince him, to no avail since he begins to roll his eyes and replies with, “it’s been 3 months. he’s even got a job at the bugle.”
he contemplates loudly, “he killed him though, so what’s left?” he laughs before shaking his head, “stupid bastard.”
“weren’t you once friends with said bastard?” you tease.
“and i fought tooth and nail to get him away from me when he sabotaged everything we had: our trust.”
and with that, peter’s reminded of the relentless ordeal he's having to endure with eddie. it must be the nonsensical alien in his mind.
“no way am i letting you talk to him.”
too late. you met at a party weeks ago.
“wasn’t fucking gonna anyway,” you huff, having no intention to in the first place, “he’s like a smidge hot but he’s not...” you move your hands in an attempt to try to explain what you’re about to say, mouth fumbling for the right words, continuing instead with: “you know, a hero, if you will.”
“yeah,” he smirks mockingly, tongue clicking against his cheek, “hero, my ass.”
he thinks about the thing that’s nagging him, one that eddie confessed to him just half an hour ago. he trusts you, with everything and anything, but the image of eddie sweeping up your feet torments him.
you’re noticing his demeanour again, shifting to what seems to be more angry, “that bad, huh? i—”
“—he likes you!”
startled, your eyes meet his — seeing him look down and away; poor peter thinks that you knowing that will ever change your feelings for him, that eddie has a chance with you. it’s all a ruse. why would you ever think of doing so, when you have the paragon of a boyfriend right in front of you, in your heart and forevermore?
then your hands proceed to his shoulders to gain his attention, letting them rest there before you rub them.
“peter, i know.”
“look, i don’t li- wait... what? how?” his eyebrows relax, eyes softening. it was stupid thinking you hadn’t bumped into him yet.
there’s a few moments of silence as he gazes at you, unnecessary insecurities gnawing at him briefly before he lets it go to ask in a whisper: “why didn’t you tell me?”
“because he means shit to me, sweetheart,” you urge, “i don't have an ounce of love for him, i don’t see him that way.”
the jealousy vanishes into thin air as you say that, leaving him feeling feeble-minded that he ever even thought about eddie with you. you continue to reassure him, “better yet, i’ve never really thought about it. you shouldn’t either.”
“fine,” he nods, sighing, “i’m so-”
“stop apologising, pete, just... forget about it, it’s okay.” you bring his head towards your chest, and he nestles in the midst of it.
all until he grabs the underside of your thighs, spinning you a hundred and eighty degrees so your bum sits comfortably on the counter.
he beseeches you, “i’ve had a terrible day, though, so just please... please kiss me.” he pouts. “tell me i’m yours, baby.”
your palm rests against his cheek, grinning, “you’re mine, pete. always have been, always will be.”
when your lips meet his, he smiles into it instantly, the ache in his heart recovering. his arms embrace you whole as he leans into you, desperate, and you taste nothing but the burning kick inviting on his tongue. it tells you only one thing, which only you’re able to discern as such.
you pull away, wiping the moisture that’s evident next to his mouth. “upstairs?”
he nods fervently.
・──・──────── ⋆✦⋆ ────────・──・⁣⁣
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shellxrls · 7 months
peter parker falls in love with something new every day. you liked to say he was born with more love in his body than he could truly handle. he would go off in the morning the minute an alert came through on his phone, and return in the depths of the night - a little piece of his heart extended to the tabby cat he saved from a tree, its fur still clinging to his suit, or the old lady he helped cross the street, F.R.I.D.A.Y alerting him that she had successfully made it to her apartment. whoever or whatever it was, you knew your boyfriend could never, ever stop himself from loving. sometimes the thought made you jealous, welling up from a buried orifice of your brain and telling you that maybe you're not enough, maybe he needs more, more that you weren't equipped to provide. but then he's get into bed with you and wraps his hands around yours because he knows your fingers run cold in the night; and he'll text you 'good morning!' with some stupid new emoji combination he thought was funny if he can't be home when you wake up; and he'll tell you, every single opportunity of every day, how much he loves you. so yes, peter parker does fall in love with something new every day, but whats important is that he chooses you every day, over and over again.
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belxveds · 1 year
[wisdom has left the chat]
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pairing: peter parker x f!reader
brief: you get your wisdom teeth removed . . . who the fuck gave you your phone? (peter did.) where you're extremely high on anesthesia and pain meds, flash can't get a hint, and peter is flushed bright red at your lack of filter on the group chat.
tags: humour. fluff. crack fic. texting. sex mention.
a/n: ✩
requests are open!
wc: 1.6k
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"Am I being kidnapped?", you whisper out breathily as you writhed under the fastened seatbelt that Peter had done up a couple moments earlier, twisting around clumsily as you tried to press down on the buckle and free yourself from the restraint.
Peter who had just placed away the prescription note and after-surgery procedure instructions in the backseat sighed before quickly getting a grip on your wrist, holding it in place so that it wouldn’t do more damage.
Making eye contact with you and holding your gaze for a few seconds to make sure that you wouldn’t try to get away for the 4th time that evening, he dragged your hand over onto your lap and let it drop softly against your legging clad thighs before responding, “No babe, I’m taking you home.”
You crossed your arms, or at least tried to- only whacking Peter’s nose twice before pouting through the window like a petulant child, spit and blood pooling up underneath your chin as the gauze between your teeth started to fall out. Grumbling under your breath, you garbled out, “Don’t call me babe.”
Peter let out a giggle as he reached for a napkin, holding you by your jaw with extreme caution and turning you towards him so that he could clean up the saliva gathered there, “Why can’t I call you babe, babe?”
Your pout deepened at the outright disrespect as you you gently patted Peter’s knee, as if trying to let him down easy, “Only my boyfriend can call me babe. He’s Spider-Man, you know?” The second part tilted up at the end into a proud and fond voice, your eyes turning soft before realizing where you were and snapping your hand back into yourself.
“Is that right?”, Peter asked amused, finally pulling out of the parking lot of the dentistry and towards the road.
“Yup.”, you exclaimed, popping the p and dancing your fingers across the dash in front of you as you felt the small vibrations tingle up your palm, smiling wide when a small brr emitted from your nails dragging along the textured pattern set around the vent of the AC.
A few more seconds passed of you randomly grazing your fingers along different parts of the interior of Tony’s car, the different materials stimulating your touch before you turned your head completely around and faced your body and attention towards him. Your gaze flickering across a strong jawline and soft set cheekbones, stopping as you paused at his hair. “You have curls.”
Peter glanced at you quickly before returning his focus to the road, sparing a look at himself in the mirror as he ran a hand through the unruly mess, “I do.”
You sighed wistfully as you rested your head against the cushioning of your seat, “Peter has curls.”
Peter let out a laugh, “Y/N, I’m Peter.”
You gave him the most incredulous look before falling into a fit of hiccupped laughter, your palms spaying on your flushed cheeks as you looked back up at him again as if he had just the funniest thing you’d ever heard, “Oh! Don’t be silly, Peter’s at home!”
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed. He doesn’t think he’d ever heard you use the word “silly” unironically in his entire 3 years of dating you. Anyway. That wasn’t the point. Peter only hesitated for a second before continuing, if the roles were reversed, he knew that you’d do the exact same thing, “Hmm, right. How . . . silly . . . of me. So ba-Y/N, tell me about Peter.”
You sighed wistfully, twirling your hair as if you were in a teen rom-com before starting, "He's so pretty and oh my god, you should see his abs. You could wash your clothes on them, I'm telling you. Washboard. And he's so smart and kind and fuck . . . the way he fucks-"
Peter choked a little, wide-eyed, sneaking a quick glance at you as he swerved into the parking lot of the pharmacy before interrupting, cheeks red as he said, "I-uhh-listen, I've got to go in and grab some medicine for you so I'm going to need you to be very responsible, ok? Can you do that?"
You scoffed, offended, "I am the most super very much responsible person in this car, sir, and for your information, I'll have you know, that I am very responsible."
Peter let out a small giggle at your antics before nodding, slowly bringing out your phone from his pocket before begrudgingly handing it over, watching you squeal like a child as you gripped it to your chest, "Call me if you need anything and please, Y/N, for the love of god, don't post anything or text anyone."
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Y/N Stark's FanClub 🤩 10 members . Private Chat
11:52 am . May 7th
Y/N: HLEP SOS RED Jason: ... Betty: Y/N WHAT HAPPENED?? Y/N: I'ev been kidnpaped 😧 Cindy: And the kidnapper didn't take your phone? Kind of a stupid kidnapper if you ask me Betty: CINDY- OMG Sally: HUH 😧 Y/N: He's hot tho...so it's fine ig BUT STILL >:( how dare he Flash: Idk what you're talking about hun, I didn't kidnap you Y/N: Shut your ulgy ass up Jason: BAHAHAHBDAJBDJKSFBK Sally: pFFTTT- Betty: Is no one else concerned? :,) MJ: Peter took her to get her wisdom teeth removed, she's fine. Cindy: high y/n 😧 Charles: Why tf are there so many 😧😧😧 Charles: Y/N IS KIDNAPPED?? OUR QUEEN- Charles: oh :) nm
Jason: nonono cindy it's more like
Jason: high y/n 😈
Y/N: yes jason hehe 😈
Ned: @peterparker @peterparker @peterparker
Ned: bro come collect your girlfriend
Y/N: hey! pter doesn't own me >:( i'm an indepnedant woman
Sally: yeah ned wtf
Sally: sexist
Cindy: that's so digusting
Betty: you think women belong to men 🤨
Ned: skfjnskjfednsjkefnskefns 😭😭😭 ?!?!?!?!
✩ Y/N STARK has started a group call for Y/N Stark's FanClub 🤩 ✩
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Blinking a bit deliriously as familiar faces of your friends popped up on your screen, you giggled in glee at their appearance as you struggled to smile through your puffy cheeks and bloody cotton pads.
Propping your phone up on the dashboard with some struggle as you folded back, your eyes widened over the chaos of questions erupting from the speakers as you caught a glance of your kidnapper returning.
Based on his stern glare as he checked his phone and then back up at you, you panickedly gargled, "Guys! Oh no oh no oh no- he's coming back!"
Sally, still in her pajamas yet more alert than half the rest of the group call attendees, pitched in, "Hide? I-"
You stared at her in confusion as you looked around at the limited hiding spaces big enough to fit your uncoordinated body in the car.
"What?", Jason snorted, "No- Y/N, Y/N, hear me out . . . seduce him."
Your face of disgust made him burst out into laughter as Betty played along, no longer concerned, "Tell him your dad's Iron Man!!"
Jason who'd finally caught his breath wheezed, "I still think my idea is the best-"
You'd just let out a noise of distress at the thought of flirting with someone other than your boyfriend when the door to the driver's seat swung open.
Wincing as the handsome man sat down, you made panicked side-eyes at the screen as you murmured out a small, "Hello, not-my-boyfriend Peter."
Watching him roll his eyes, he peeked his head into the view of your camera as he gave a small wave at your friends. All them chorusing their greetings as he turned and huffed at you, "What was the one thing I said not to do when I left you with your phone?"
"Well . . . technically it was two things-", your murmured as you withered in your seat, bringing your palms to your face as you heard laughter echo from the screen.
"I don't think you guys see the opportunity in front of us right now", Flash grinned, "This is basically Y/N on truth serum."
The mischievous glance Flash gave you made Peter sigh in defeat as he pulled out of the parking lot, knowing a lost battle when he saw one. There was no going to make you cut the call now as you squealed forward, taking the phone into your hands and giggling, "Like truth or dare!"
"Ok Y/N . . . I'll ask first . . .", Flash began, Peter's forearms going up in goosebumps as he heard noises of wariness erupt from the screen. This was going to be interesting.
"Are you actually in love with Peter?"
The smirk MJ gave at your bewildered expression made Peter let out a snort of laughter, Flash's endless pursuit to get a chance with his girlfriend nothing less than amusing.
You sighed wistfully, smiling like a disney princess as you looked off out the window, "He's like a shot of espresso, like . . . being bathed in sunlight. He's incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, and has this sense of… play and fun when you're alone with him, which was incredibly exciting."
You faced the phone again, "He's so- smart and sweet and caring. Like a prince. Extremely charming, especially when he's nervous. And there's thing he does when he's trying to pretend he's annoyed at me as he fights off a smile like- like he just scrunches his nose and it's so . . . he's so cute, I just want to pinch his cheeks and suck his dick, you know?"
You leaned in close to the camera ignoring the embarrassment of Flash's face and the giggles from everyone else as you whispered, as if indulging them in on a secret, "He's also amazing in bed. Like there's this thing he did with his tongue last night and-
Peter's hand had never moved faster as it slapped across your mouth to keep you shut, his ears burning red as he let out a cough, "Aaand that will be the end of that, say bye to them, we're almost at the compound."
The hoots and hollers from your phone made him groan, knowing he'd never hear the end of it as Charles brokenly said in between tears of laughter, "S-simp."
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mailbox ༶•┈ peter parker's mailbox! ┈•༶ send letter
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blue-sadie · 6 months
Blood Flood
Peter Parker x Girlfriend Reader
Summary: Peter knows somethings up when you miss school so during lunch he races to your rescue
Warning: bad cramps, short
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Yn/3rd person pov
I moaned out in pain curling further into my knees as a surge of pain shoot through my stomach no matter the heat that radiated from the hot water bottle or the painkillers I took nothing helped.
"Yn yn yn" I cringed out of embarrassment as I heard Peter crawl through my window, I pulled the covers tightly over my head "hey hey whats wrong" he asked his voice a bit raspy and breathless from his journey here.
"I'm fine" I grumbled and grunted as another pain surged, he quickly cooed taking a seat next to me on the bed his hands gently grabbing the edge of the blanket urging me to let go.
"Whats bothering you baby" he murmured as I finally let the blanket go so he gently pulled it away revealing my face dried tear stains ran down my cheeks and the makeup I tried doing this morning as I got ready for school smudged all over my face.
He gave me a sad smiled as he raised his hand to caress my cheek "the time of the month again" he questioned and I nodded sadly nuzzling into his hand the warmth somewhat easing my pain.
He smiled fondly dropping his bag onto the floor and removing his hand from my face and moved to the other side of the bed climbing in behind me, his body pressing up against mine and his arms wrapping around my torso.
"What about school" I whispered turning my head to look at him, he shook his head his arms grazing my skin in a calming matter "I'd rather spend time with my girl and make her feel better" he said pushing his head into my shoulder.
"Do you need anything food, water, juice, junk food" he rumbled "I can go to the convenience store down the stre-" I stopped him as I turned my head pecking his lips "I'm fine peter, I'm better with you with me" I smiled raising my hand to run through his hair, he hummed in satisfaction.
We fell into a comforting silence just enjoying eachothers company intil another surge of pain rippled through my body, a struggled cry left my lips making him sit up and cradle my body into him.
"I-is there anything I can do to help" he stumbled his voice fill of concern "painkillers" I muttered holding my stomach tightly he nodded furiously as he jumped from the bed fumbling with the things on my bedside table looking for the pill bottom.
"Baby where are they" he asked picking up the few things that fell and putting them back onto the table "bathroom" I groaned somewhat gesturing to my connecting bathroom.
He rushed to the bathroom whisper yelling out a yes as he found them "here you go baby" he murmured as he came back grabbing the half full glass of water and the pill bottle, I gulped down two and groaned out as he took the hot water bottle from my stomach.
"Don't worry I'm just going to warm this up and refill this" he said taking the now empty glass from my hands before leaving my room, I relaxed back into the bed the bad cramps subsiding as the painkillers kicked in.
"I'm back" he sung sweetly walking back over to me placing the glass on the table and placing the hot water bottle against my stomach "thank you" I whispered smiling up at him, he smiled back placing his hand onto my cheek.
"I am always here for you whenever you need me, all you need to do is ask, I love you and ill do anything for you, especially if your in pain I wish I could take it all away but I can't so I'll make up for it anyway I can"
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love-hs28 · 1 month
You can let it out, I'm right here
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Having to stay after school for Chemistry help wasn't the most ideal situation to be in after having a bad day. And coming home to Peter being so nice makes it almost impossible to hold your emotions in. (This takes place in a universe where you and Peter are childhood best friends turned lovers. You've both lost your parents in the same accident and are currently both living with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Not super important to the story, but still nice to know.)
CW: Reader has panic attack & cries a bunch Hurt/Comfort & Fluff Reader's gender isn't specified 1.3k Words Posted on 5-25-24
My third post, ahhhh!! I cannot thank you guys enough for the love I've seen so far on my first two posts. PLEASE lmk what else you'd like to see! I hope you enjoy this one!!
You had to stay after school one day to get some extra help with your chemistry homework. You didn’t struggle much in your classes, but for some reason, your chemistry class had been giving you absolute hell all semester. It never seemed like you could get the hang of it, and just when you were starting to think you were understanding what was going on, a new concept would be introduced and your progress would restart from the beginning. Peter usually helps you with any tough classwork because he always seems to know what the teacher is going to teach before class even starts, but this time your teacher insisted that you stay after so you could get some ‘real’ help, whatever that meant. You’re pretty sure that if she was actually able to teach you better than Peter could you would have already asked her for help, but whatever. 
You come home and slam the front door as you walk in. May and Ben are still at work and Peter is in the shed working on something for his suit, as he typically is after a school day. You kick your shoes off and angrily walk upstairs. Your bedroom door slams shut as you carelessly toss your backpack on the floor, sitting on the edge of your bed with your face in your hands. You’d felt anxious all day and having to stay after for fucking chemistry and still not understanding it definitely wasn’t helping. You try to control your breathing and just forget about the day and focus on the plans you had with Peter later. 
Out in the shed, Peter could sense that you were home, (he also heard the front door slam), which meant that he could also tell that you weren’t in the best state. He set aside his spidey stuff and made his way into the house and to your room. 
You hear a gentle knock on the door and Peter hesitantly saying your name. “Y/n? You in there?” 
You sigh and look up. “Yeah.” 
He cracks the door open and peaks in. “Can I come in?” 
You muster a smile, “Sure.” 
He comes in and shuts the door behind him. He gives a warm smile and comes over to give you a kiss and plops down next to you. 
“Hey bub. How was your day?” He absentmindedly rubs your knee with his hand. You know he already knows how your day went and is just trying to be nice. 
You sigh, “Shit. How was yours?” 
He frowns and tucks a hair behind your ear. “Mine was boring. Much better now though; why was it bad?” 
You sigh and stand up and begin to pace. “Well, as you know, I had to stay after for chem help and I’m sure you can guess how that went. I literally cannot fucking understand it no matter how hard I try and it gets so annoying because I’m good in like every other subject but that and I just don’t understand why.” You run your hands over your face and Peter is looking at you, concerned but attentive. “Not to mention the subway ride home was horrible; I had to sit across from this creepy fucking pedo who wouldn’t stop starting at me and he fucking winked at me when I got up to leave,” Tears start prickling in your eyes and your breathing gets heavy and uneasy. Peter notices this and you see that he’s about to get up and come over to you. “And to make it all worse, I saw a stray dog on the way home and he was just limping and I think he hurt his paw or something and I wanted to go help him but I didn’t know if he was a nice dog or whatever so I didn’t want to risk it but he looked so sad and helpless and I felt so bad and now I wanna go back and find him and help him or take him somewhere or something because it’s not fair that he has to be all alone and scared especially when it's getting so cold and I also think I’m about to start my period so that doesn’t fucking help and I’m just-” You’re fully crying now, on the verge of sobbing, and Peter comes over and wraps his arms around you. You bring your hands up to his chest and sob into his shirt while he gently rubs your back. 
He guides the two of you over to your bed and you sit down, your body turned into him and his arms still around you. “It’s okay, honey. Let it out, I got you.” 
You sob and your breath is coming in short gasps. Peter softly kisses your head over and over again to try and calm you down. 
“I’m s-sorry. I don’t know w-why I’m such a m-mess.” You grip his shirt as tears stream down your face. You can feel him shake his head and gently shush you. 
“Shh, don’t apologize. It’s okay. You’re allowed to feel this way, I’m right here.” 
You let out another sob because he’s being so nice and his hand that's not on your back comes up to brush your hair out of your face. As always, when the tears start to die down, the uneven breathing picks up. Peter knows this pattern by now, and rubs your back more firmly. 
“Deep breaths, baby. Follow my breathing, okay?” He exaggeratedly takes deep breaths while maintaining eye contact and you try your best to match the rise and fall of his chest, focusing on his heartbeat under your ear. 
When your breathing eventually slows down, you pull back a bit to sit more upright and rub your eyes, hiccuping. Peter gently puts a hand on the side of your face and tilts it so you’re looking at him. He has a sad but loving look in his eyes that almost makes you want to start crying again. He uses his thumb to gently wipe the remaining tears on your face and kisses your forehead. 
You lean your head to rest on his chest and he rests his head on top of yours. You take a few more deep breaths before leaning up again to look at him. He kisses your forehead once more and softly smiles. 
“Thank you,” you whisper, and wrap your arms around his neck for a hug. He holds you close to him as you breathe him in, the last step to really calming you down.
“Don’t thank me, Y/n/n. ‘s what I’m here for. I’m sorry your day was so shit, you don’t deserve that.” 
You lightly shrug and lean back to softly kiss his lips. “You made it better, it’s okay.”
He smiles and tucks a hair behind your ear. “If you want, we can postpone our date tonight and just stay in and watch a movie. Whatever you want.” 
You shake your head, “No, I think going out to do something will actually help. Get my mind off everything, y’know.” 
He smiles and nods. “Good, because I’ve got something planned that you’re gonna loooveeee,” He says teasingly, and you laugh as he moves you both in a lying position. 
“Oh really, what is it??” You rest your head on his chest and pull one of your legs up over his. He pulls the blanket over you two and takes your hand into his to play with his fingers. 
“Nope, sorry bug, it’s a surprise.” 
You giggle through your nose and snuggle into him. “Well, I’m very excited.” 
He kisses your head once more and you lay there for a bit while he plays with your hair and rubs your back, and you’re finally at peace. 
Hope you enjoyed! As always, please leave requests and such for me. Love you all <3
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
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✧.* cold hands
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— summary : frozen yogurt dates with peter
— pairings : tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
— word count : 0,6k
— warnings : fluff, pet names, the normal cheesy first dates, peter and reader being awkward and cute, holding hands, messy plot, not proofread, lmk if i missed any !!
a/n : more fluffy peter blurbs because i may or may not have an angsty idea for him soon wink wink ;) this blurb is so random but i've been craving frozen yogurt so i thought this would be cute.
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you grab onto your leather jacket as you see peter from across the street right next to the frozen yogurt store.
"hi." you smiled.
peter's eyes immediately lit up as he saw your smile, "hey." he smiled back.
"you look pretty nice." he says, fumbling his words — "wait- not pretty nice i mean you do i-" he pauses sighing as he couldn't find the right words, "you look pretty, and nice. really pretty and really nice."
the skies turn pink as your face does the same. "you look really pretty and nice too." you nodded.
"oh! these are for you bye the way." peter pulled a flower bouquet from his bag, a bit crumbled. "aw they're lovely." you commented as a petal fell, "they were nice."
"i'd say they held up pretty well, you got my favorite colors there too." you added.
"i'll get you new ones, that don't have missing petals on each flower." peter smiles, putting the flower back in his bag.
"well, let's get some frozen yogurt now." you say, gesturing towards the store.
peter bought you some frozen yogurt and you two talked for a while, walking towards a park as the sun begins to set.
you got to know eachother, his interests, your interests, favorite colors, food, music taste, and much much more.
you've always admired peter from afar in your class. he always stood out to you, his sarcastic humor, his well written character, the way his hair is always so perfect everyday.
he's always nice too, standing up for you that one time flash made a comment about your art studies.
but you've always just seen him as a small crush, too afraid to make any moves. until you found a note from peter in your locker, asking if you wanna hang out sometime.
you've worked with him in projects before, but you've never had an actual conversation and interaction with him.
you're nervous yes, but peter is just that type of person that you could easily talk to, like talking to an old friend you haven't seen in a while.
"you wanna try it? it's really good!" you offered, "no it's fine you go enjoy it." he nodded still smiling at you.
"it's really good, pete," — "really, try it!" you offered again as he accepts it.
"see?" you look at peter as he furrows his brows. "not a fan?" you pout.
"sour." peter states, "it's yogurt peter, say it with me, yo-gurt." you smiled.
"i mean if you like it i can learn to like it too." he shrugs his shoulder.
you smile at his sentence as you arrive at the park with peter.
you finish your frozen yogurt, sitting next to peter at the bench, getting the best view of the sunset.
you rub your hands on your jacket, warming up your hands from the cold treat you just had.
"you cold?" peter asked, "oh, no, just my hands." you reply as he looked down on your hands before gently holding it.
he looked every where else other than you, avoiding the awkwardness of eye contact.
"that is literally so cheesy." you smile, holding his hand back. "cheesy?" he laughs — "it's sweet, but cheesy." you stated.
you continued your afternoon walking around the busy streets of new york before peter walks you back home.
"tonight was really nice y/n." — "i had an amazing time with you, really." continued, "it was really nice spending time with you peter, i really enjoyed it." you wave.
"i'll see you tomorrow?" he says, referring to school. "mhm, bye pete." you wave goodbye as he skipped away.
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spideysquake · 9 months
“good answer” - p.p
summary: peter is scared to love as much as he does, but sometimes you have to do the thing that scares you. [i got the idea/inspiration from ‘banyan tree – interlude’ by machine gun kelly, even though that guy kinda sucks and his music is generally pretty mid]
word count: 1k words
warnings: cursing, i genuinely cannot tell if this is angst or fluff and i’m okay with that, this can be imagined as any iteration of peter bc i know everyone has their favorites
a song on the side: banyan tree – interlude by machine gun kelly
“You know, I would do pretty much anything for you.”
You were sprawled out on Peter’s dark blue comforter, your head resting against his thigh and your feet dangling off the edge of the bed. The sky was beautiful and gloomy and there was a good chance that it was going to rain – the kind of rain that makes you want to light a candle and dig out the heavy blankets from the back of your closet. It had been about twenty minutes since either of you had said anything – Peter had been almost positive you were asleep until your words broke the silence in his tiny, dusty apartment.
“What do you mean?” Everything you did was vital to Peter. Everything you loved, he wanted to love. Everything you craved, he wanted to give you. Everything you thought and felt and said, he wanted to know and hear and understand. The day would never come when he felt he was too close to you or knew you too well. To know you was to love you, and he was content to spend the rest of his life doing both.
“I mean it. I would do just about anything for you,” you hummed, though you refused to make direct eye contact with your boyfriend. Instead, you traced your fingertip over the set of initials you had inked in Sharpie over the hollow point of his wrist, where the soft skin met the jutting tendon – your initials on his wrist, and his on yours. “Anything you want me to do, I’ll do. Anything you want from me, it’s yours. I’m yours.”
It was the most romantic and terrifying thing Peter had ever heard. If he was just another broke, anxious twenty-something college student, your words would be the greatest thing he’s ever heard. But he’s Spider-Man. And being Spider-Man means constantly putting the people he loves in harm’s way. As long as he had these powers, as long as he used his abilities, you were never really safe. Peter hated that he was putting you in danger, but he couldn’t let you go. He had lost too much. For once in his life, he wanted to be selfish. And he wanted you more than anything.
“I don’t want that, though.” Peter felt like his body was on fire. Whether it was from love or fear, he wasn’t sure. Was there really much of a difference? “I want you to be you. To be free. Don’t just do things for me.” His desperation was clawing at the inside of his chest like he was holding it captive. He was damn sure going to try.
“No, I know.” You were sitting up now. “But that’s what I mean. Like, doing things for you isn’t just doing things for you, you know? It’s also doing things for me. They aren’t really different anymore. Making you happy makes me happy.” You threaded your hand through his overgrown curls, your thumb smoothing back and forth over his freckled cheek. His ears were hidden under small tufts of untamed locks, but he could still feel the tips of them heating up as you gazed lovingly as him. Suddenly, he was overcome by his need to be holding you, to hold your head to his heart and to feel the comfort that came with knowing that you were real, and you were with him, and you weren’t going anywhere.
“What makes me happy is knowing that you’re safe, that you’re on the other side of the phone, waiting to pick up when I call you. What makes me happy is knowing that you are going to live a long and happy and fulfilling life, and that you get to wake up every morning and know that you are loved.” Peter buried his chin into your hair, which he noticed smelled like his minty conditioner. There was a weight behind his eyes, but he refused to cry when the conversation began with an admission of your love. “Even if that means it isn’t with me.”
“Baby, that’s not… That stuff only matters if it’s with you. I don’t want any of that otherwise. I only want a long and happy life if I’m waking up to you every morning. Without you, it’s not a happy life. I’m happy with you.”
Peter was scared. If he’d learned anything in this life, it was that bad things happened to people who loved Peter Parker. He couldn’t be your downfall.
“But Spider-Man… What if you — What if I do something? What if someone bad finds me, or finds out who you are to me? What if I’m the reason you —”
You wiped at Peter’s tear-stained cheeks with your fleecy sleeves, and you pressed your forehead to his – so close that you could the smell the peppermint tea he’d been drinking when you first laid down together.
“Pete, baby… We can’t control any of that shit. Yeah, bad shit is going to happen. And yeah, maybe some of it will happen because you’re Spider-Man. But even if you weren’t, bad things would happen. That’s life, honey. But we can’t run away from the good things because they could end one day. I would rather die knowing that we loved each other as much and as hard as possible than live forever wondering if there was ever something I didn’t say, or a kiss I didn’t give you. If I die knowing exactly what it felt like to love and be loved by Peter Parker, then I did it right.” You pressed your lips to Peter’s forehead, and he wondered what he could’ve possibly done to earn you.
All he could think was that he would spend the rest of his life earning this moment: your hand in his hair, your scent in his sheets, your warm breath against his cheeks, and your heartbeat lined up right next to his in your chests.
His throat felt thick and his voice felt heavy, but he couldn’t let such wonderful words go unanswered.
“And just when did you get so wise about matters of the heart?” Your noses brush and it’s the most glorious millisecond of his life.
“It comes with the territory of being so hopelessly in love with the best guy I’ve ever known.” You beam up at him like you hold the secrets to the universe under your tongue, and it’s all he can do not to go searching for them.
What a wonderful answer.
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jahayla-parker · 3 months
🎆 Hey J!! Congrats on your 1.5 followers I'm so proud of you girl!! So for my request I was wondering if it could be a Peter Parker one where y/n is somehow transported into Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, or Spider-Man No Way Home you pick and chaos ensues 💜
Multiverse : Peter Parker x Real-world!Reader
Descr: short fic in which y/n finds herself in her favorite movie and has to decide how to proceed.
Warnings: I’m not really great at these kind of AUs but other than that, I can’t think of any but let me know!
This sucks; I'm sorry, nothing was coming to me
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Y/n bounced her right leg nervously as she looked around. She didn’t understand what was going on. One second she had been rewatching the latest Spider-Man movie, No Way Home from the comfort of her apartment. The next, she was standing in front of a glowing circle, identical to the ones that were portals in the movie she’d been watching. She hesitated briefly but nevertheless let her courage guide her into the multi-dimensional opening.
Y/n squinted as her eyes adjusted to her new surroundings. She quickly realized she’d somehow seemingly entered into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How that was possible, she wasn’t certain. Had it not been for her literally pinching herself several times, she’d have thought she was simply dreaming. But she wasn’t. This was real.
Y/n slowly made her way across the bridge, stopping the moment she heard the fighting begin. She was actually in No Way Home.. or… in the universe that held the No Way Home events..? She wasn’t sure how to phrase it, it was all so bizarre. Either way, she knew from having seen the movie countless times already, that she ought to run and hide unless she wanted Dr. Octavius or Green Goblin to harm her.
Y/n let her feet guide her away from the immediate threat, only looking up when her legs came to a halt. She blinked rapidly as she found herself standing in front of Doctor Strange’s Sanctum. Of course she’d managed to make it here. Perhaps she should just go with the flow and try to help. After all, she knew how things would go, maybe she could prevent Tom Holland’s char Peter from getting hurt and May from dying.
That idea turned out too optimistic as Peter understandably was weary of y/n. It was one thing to bring people who knew him/Spider-Man from other universes. But a universe in which he was actually just a character and not real, that was another thing to digest. Nevertheless, Peter didn’t want to take any chances so he let her help him, Ned, and MJ.
It was a bit difficult at first to get Peter to trust her. As in his eyes, she seemed to be able to tell the future and was offering to stop the bad things before they happened. Luckily, having seen Far From Home, y/n understood why he was so weary of such a thing being too good to be true. So even when Peter trapped her in a sheet of webs as he demanded answers he could understand, she remained calm.
Once he had heard her out and understood that she meant no harm, Peter let y/n guide him on what to do and what not to do. There were some moments of chaos nonetheless as they were trying new things that y/n knew Peter hadn’t done in the movie before. But, she figured it was worth all the danger and chaos because she was helping her favorite superhero.
Only that too was much more intense than y/n had anticipated. Yet, she was simultaneously thrilled to be playing an active part in the movie she loved so much. Especially since they were now near the ending and May hadn’t died!
The only issue is y/n now had to return to her own universe. As much as she wanted to stay and make a place for herself in this one, she refused to risk ruining the MCU by accident. So, with a sigh, y/n closed her eyes as she said goodbye to this universe before stepping back into hers.
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