#tasm Peter Parker x bestfriend!reader
love-hs28 · 4 months
It’s okay, you’re allowed to feel this way.
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Having to stay after school for Chemistry help wasn't the most ideal situation to be in after having a bad day. And coming home to Peter being so nice makes it almost impossible to hold your emotions in. (You’re living with Peter, May, and Ben bc your parents died in an accident. Not important to the story but jsyk)
CW: Reader has panic attack & cries a bunch Hurt/Comfort & Fluff Reader's gender isn't specified 1.3k Words Posted on 5-25-24
My third post, ahhhh!! I cannot thank you guys enough for the love I've seen so far on my first two posts. PLEASE lmk what else you'd like to see! I hope you enjoy this one!!
You had to stay after school one day to get some extra help with your chemistry homework. You didn’t struggle much in your classes, but for some reason, your chemistry class had been giving you absolute hell all semester. It never seemed like you could get the hang of it, and just when you were starting to think you were understanding what was going on, a new concept would be introduced and your progress would restart from the beginning. Peter usually helps you with any tough classwork because he always seems to know what the teacher is going to teach before class even starts, but this time your teacher insisted that you stay after so you could get some ‘real’ help, whatever that meant. You’re pretty sure that if she was actually able to teach you better than Peter could you would have already asked her for help, but whatever. 
You come home and slam the front door as you walk in. May and Ben are still at work and Peter is in the shed working on something for his suit, as he typically is after a school day. You kick your shoes off and angrily walk upstairs. Your bedroom door slams shut as you carelessly toss your backpack on the floor, sitting on the edge of your bed with your face in your hands. You’d felt anxious all day and having to stay after for fucking chemistry and still not understanding it definitely wasn’t helping. You try to control your breathing and just forget about the day and focus on the plans you had with Peter later. 
Out in the shed, Peter could sense that you were home, (he also heard the front door slam), which meant that he could also tell that you weren’t in the best state. He set aside his spidey stuff and made his way into the house and to your room. 
You hear a gentle knock on the door and Peter hesitantly saying your name. “Y/n? You in there?” 
You sigh and look up. “Yeah.” 
He cracks the door open and peaks in. “Can I come in?” 
You muster a smile, “Sure.” 
He comes in and shuts the door behind him. He gives a warm smile and comes over to give you a kiss and plops down next to you. 
“Hey bub. How was your day?” He absentmindedly rubs your knee with his hand. You know he already knows how your day went and is just trying to be nice. 
You sigh, “Shit. How was yours?” 
He frowns and tucks a hair behind your ear. “Mine was boring. Much better now though; why was it bad?” 
You sigh and stand up and begin to pace. “Well, as you know, I had to stay after for chem help and I’m sure you can guess how that went. I literally cannot fucking understand it no matter how hard I try and it gets so annoying because I’m good in like every other subject but that and I just don’t understand why.” You run your hands over your face and Peter is looking at you, concerned but attentive. “Not to mention the subway ride home was horrible; I had to sit across from this creepy fucking pedo who wouldn’t stop starting at me and he fucking winked at me when I got up to leave,” Tears start prickling in your eyes and your breathing gets heavy and uneasy. Peter notices this and you see that he’s about to get up and come over to you. “And to make it all worse, I saw a stray dog on the way home and he was just limping and I think he hurt his paw or something and I wanted to go help him but I didn’t know if he was a nice dog or whatever so I didn’t want to risk it but he looked so sad and helpless and I felt so bad and now I wanna go back and find him and help him or take him somewhere or something because it’s not fair that he has to be all alone and scared especially when it's getting so cold and I also think I’m about to start my period so that doesn’t fucking help and I’m just-” You’re fully crying now, on the verge of sobbing, and Peter comes over and wraps his arms around you. You bring your hands up to his chest and sob into his shirt while he gently rubs your back. 
He guides the two of you over to your bed and you sit down, your body turned into him and his arms still around you. “It’s okay, honey. Let it out, I got you.” 
You sob and your breath is coming in short gasps. Peter softly kisses your head over and over again to try and calm you down. 
“I’m s-sorry. I don’t know w-why I’m such a m-mess.” You grip his shirt as tears stream down your face. You can feel him shake his head and gently shush you. 
“Shh, don’t apologize. It’s okay. You’re allowed to feel this way, I’m right here.” 
You let out another sob because he’s being so nice and his hand that's not on your back comes up to brush your hair out of your face. As always, when the tears start to die down, the uneven breathing picks up. Peter knows this pattern by now, and rubs your back more firmly. 
“Deep breaths, baby. Follow my breathing, okay?” He exaggeratedly takes deep breaths while maintaining eye contact and you try your best to match the rise and fall of his chest, focusing on his heartbeat under your ear. 
When your breathing eventually slows down, you pull back a bit to sit more upright and rub your eyes, hiccuping. Peter gently puts a hand on the side of your face and tilts it so you’re looking at him. He has a sad but loving look in his eyes that almost makes you want to start crying again. He uses his thumb to gently wipe the remaining tears on your face and kisses your forehead. 
You lean your head to rest on his chest and he rests his head on top of yours. You take a few more deep breaths before leaning up again to look at him. He kisses your forehead once more and softly smiles. 
“Thank you,” you whisper, and wrap your arms around his neck for a hug. He holds you close to him as you breathe him in, the last step to really calming you down.
“Don’t thank me, Y/n/n. ‘s what I’m here for. I’m sorry your day was so shit, you don’t deserve that.” 
You lightly shrug and lean back to softly kiss his lips. “You made it better, it’s okay.”
He smiles and tucks a hair behind your ear. “If you want, we can postpone our date tonight and just stay in and watch a movie. Whatever you want.” 
You shake your head, “No, I think going out to do something will actually help. Get my mind off everything, y’know.” 
He smiles and nods. “Good, because I’ve got something planned that you’re gonna loooveeee,” He says teasingly, and you laugh as he moves you both in a lying position. 
“Oh really, what is it??” You rest your head on his chest and pull one of your legs up over his. He pulls the blanket over you two and takes your hand into his to play with his fingers. 
“Nope, sorry bug, it’s a surprise.” 
You giggle through your nose and snuggle into him. “Well, I’m very excited.” 
He kisses your head once more and you lay there for a bit while he plays with your hair and rubs your back, and you’re finally at peace. 
Hope you enjoyed! As always, please leave requests and such for me. Love you all <3
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oneofstarkskids · 1 month
pairings: peter parker x reader
genre: mild angst but pretty much just fluff with plot
*can be read as romantic or platonic.
summary: school sucks and being best friends with the smartest kid in school doesn't make you feel any better.
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"fuuuuuucckkk," you said as you slammed your head onto the desk and brutally stabbed your notebook with a pencil.
peter glanced up at you in concern and tried desperately not to laugh at the sight before him.
you were being entirely over dramatic, but it still felt warranted. "why do they make us do this anyway?" you asked for the hundredth time.
peter shrugged, "i don't know, but the more you talk the longer it'll take."
you glared daggers at him before sitting up straight, "ya' know what? maybe i'll just quit. throw away all my text books, flip off the teachers and high tail out of this hell hole. can't fail if you don't have any tests to take."
peter shook his head. he knew you wouldn't do that. he knew better than anyone, that the only reason you complained so much was because you craved academic validation more than anything. and peter knew that you were actually very intelligent. the only reason you didn't get the grades you wanted, was because you never believed you could.
he spoke softly to you, "maybe we should take a break."
you pouted and looked like you were on the brink of collapse or possibly a mental breakdown. or both.
"coffee?" he asks with the sweetest smile. you laugh, "that would be great."
peter leaves the library for a bit and comes back with two cups of fresh coffee in his hands. you notice that they spelled your name wrong, but it didn't bother you.
how could you complain?
you thanked peter and started sipping the warm beverage, ignoring how it burned a bit as it went down.
the coffee was just what you needed. peter knew you so well. you took a deep breath and tried to clear your mind.
peter leaned over and started working out some of the questions step by step with you. you smiled and watched as it all came so easily to him.
after a few moments, you stopped him mid-sentence, "peter."
his eyes met yours with curiosity.
"you're a nerd," you said blatantly.
his brows furrowed as he shook his head.
"can't you focus for like five minutes?" he teased.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
A Friendly Proposition
Based on this request: Hi mae!!! Would you be open to writing tasm!peter parker or Remus lupin with best friend reader who hasn’t cum before, and he is outraged when he hears this? And he’s like, why don’t I show you (wink wink) -- Thank you for requesting!! I chose Remus for this but I would love to do some Peter smut in the future if anyone has any ideas :)
cw: smut mdni, fingering, not necessarily inexperienced reader but kind of has that vibe, basically smut no plot
bestfriend!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 2.2k words
“I dunno, I guess overall it was fine.” 
“Fine?” Remus looks up from where he’s lying on his bed, one eyebrow lifted in that way you don’t think he knows he does. You’re sitting on the floor in front of his mirror, attempting to cover up a particularly bad hickey your date from last night had left you as a parting gift. His reflection has a wry twist to its mouth. “I should hope it was more than just fine.” 
You shrug, tilting your head to dab at the makeup on your neck. “Not the best, not horrible. I’d call it thoroughly average.” 
Your friend hisses sympathetically through his teeth. “Not the sort of rave review most guys strive for. If I left someone with a mark like that, I’d hope I made it worth their while.” 
You can’t keep your lips from curving. “I didn’t say it wasn’t worthwhile.” 
“Did he at least make you cum?” 
You cough in surprise. “At least?” You turn around, giving him a disbelieving look. 
Remus’ answering expression is equally incredulous. 
“How common do you think that is?” you ask him. 
The eyebrow lifts higher. “Well, now I’m not sure, but I’ve never had any problems.” 
You scoff, turning back to the mirror. “That’s because you’re a guy.” 
“No,” Remus says, amusement tingling in his tone. “I mean, yes, but I meant I’ve never had any problems making other people cum.” 
“Seriously?” You freeze with your hand upheld awkwardly above your neck. You’re doing your best to make this conversation feel casual, but sometimes having an attractive guy for a best friend can get confusing, and the room is starting to feel a tad warm despite the open windows. “Like, what’s your success rate?” 
“What’s yours?” 
“I asked you first.” 
Remus’ lips twitch, fondness beneath his exasperation. “For women specifically?”
He nods, expression turning pensive. “I can’t be exactly sure. I mean, it’s not like I’m constantly fucking loads of women.” He says it so offhandedly, but just the language makes a tickle of warmth start up in your cheeks. “There were a couple who didn’t, when I was younger, still learning, but since then it’s been fairly high.” 
You swallow. You wonder what the learning had entailed, what Remus had picked up that you and anyone you’ve hooked up with hasn’t. It’s typically not for a lack of trying, though some certainly invest more time into the ambition than others. You can’t say you’ve even tried that hard yourself, not in a while and not since you’ve reckoned with the idea that it may simply not happen for you. It feels like a pointless exercise. 
You break from your reverie when you notice Remus watching you in the mirror. 
“Your turn,” he prompts. 
“You can’t make fun of me.” 
“You know I wouldn’t.” 
You absolutely do not know that, he loves to tease, but he’s right in that you don’t think he would about this. You catch yourself nibbling on your bottom lip, and stop. 
You do your best to affect his unflappable blasé when you say, “Zero, so far.” 
That blasé hardly holds up now. Remus sits straight up. “Never? Not once?” 
You can’t bring yourself to look at him, so you focus on covering the spot on your neck. “Nope.”
“Not even by yourself?” 
“You make it sound like it’s so easy.” There’s some bitterness in your tone as you tilt your head up, inspecting your work in the light. “I haven’t tried in a while, because I was never able to. I got sick of it.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” 
You try not to melt. Remus will call you that, from time to time, but given the context of your conversation you wish he wouldn’t. Suddenly his room feels a little bit smaller, the atmosphere more private than before.
You look at his reflection, expecting to find teasing in his expression, but it’s thoughtful. Contemplative. 
“You said you wouldn’t make fun,” you remind him. “I feel like that should also include feelings of pity. Let’s not act like it’s some great tragedy to not have cum before.” 
“No, I’m…it’s not that. You’re right, there are worse fates.” One corner of his lips curves slightly, and you mirror him, relieved. “I was just thinking that I could…well, I might be able to help.” 
“What?” A little laugh trips off your tongue. Your face is really feeling warm now. “Do you have some kind of manual or something?”
“Would you want my help?”
“Is there a diagram you’re going to show me? Trust me, I’ve seen those.” 
“Answer the question, love.” 
You set your makeup down, expelling a breath. Meet his eyes in the mirror with a shrug. “Yeah. Sure, I’d be curious.” 
Remus studies you. Analytical hazel eyes and a map of scars you would know blind. “Tell me if this makes you uncomfortable, but I could show you, if you’d like.” 
Your breath seems to stall in your lungs. “On…” you trail off, not wanting to misunderstand him. 
“On you,” he confirms. “Would you want that?” 
You’re nodding before you can think enough to speak. Your head feels slow and fuzzy, like you’re navigating a dream. “Yeah,” you manage. “If you’re alright with that.” 
“Wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” Remus spreads his legs open on the bed, patting the space between them. “C’mere, love.” 
“What—like, now?” 
“Do you have another engagement?” He gives you a little smile. It squishes the scar underneath his left eye adorably, but when you hesitate he sobers. “Hey, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
You shake your head, and it’s like your body remembers how to move, propelling you up from your seated position. “No, sorry, I’m good with this. I think I’m just a bit nervous.” 
“That’s alright,” he reassures you. “You don’t need to be, though. It’s only me.” 
You see his eyes drop to your mouth, and you let your lip slip from between your teeth a second time. Remus is right. If there’s anyone you should be comfortable learning this with, it’s him. 
When you go to crawl up on the bed, he stops you. “Probably want to lose the pants first,” he suggests. 
Right. You set your fingers to the button, and it seems to fly open of its own regard. You feel Remus’ eyes on you as you slide them over your hips and step out. 
“Underwear too, or…” 
“No, we’ll keep those for now.” Remus holds a hand out for you, and you get up onto the bed, letting him help you settle in between his legs. It’s impossible not to be conscious of the feel of his pants against your bare skin, or how comfortably he wraps a hand around your thigh, pulling it open that much wider. “Do you usually start with everything off?” 
“Yeah,” you say. “Isn’t that sort of the point?”
“Sometimes,” he hums. “Sometimes, though, it helps to work up to it. You need to get warmed up, you know?” 
You murmur an affirmation, though you don’t actually know. There’s never been much warming up when you or anyone else has tried to do this before. But it doesn’t matter, because then Remus starts rubbing the outsides of your thighs with both hands, and any sound dies in your throat. 
“You have to start slow,” he says in a low voice. Scarred, strong hands moving over your skin. “Everyone responds to different things, and it’s about feeling out what works for you.” 
You can’t imagine how this wouldn’t work for anyone. Remus touch starts moving inward, until his long fingers are dragging over your inner thighs, fuelling a familiar warmth at their apex. 
“Are you feeling more relaxed now?” 
You wet your lips. “I think so.” 
“Good. If you’re feeling up to it, you could try touching yourself other places, see what works.” 
Tentatively, you slip one of your hands up your shirt. Your breasts feel more sensitive than usual, and when you squeeze one, combined with Remus’ hands on your thighs, it makes your breath catch. 
“There you go, sweetheart. You’ve got it.” 
Your body starts to slacken against him, but Remus doesn’t seem to mind. He only uses his grip on your thighs to drag you closer, propping you up. You can’t tell which one of you is warmer. 
Without warning, his hand brushes over your mound. You gasp. 
“Is this okay?” Remus asks, his voice closer to your ear than it had been. He gives you another stroke over your panties. 
“Yes,” you breathe out. 
“Alright. Tell me if I do anything you don’t like.” 
One hand continues moving over your thigh while the other drags the fabric of your panties aside, flattening over your cunt. 
“Oh, poor girl,” he coos. “Is all this for me?” 
Your silence must scream mortification, because he chuckles and bumps the side of your head with his affectionately. 
“Sorry, I’m only messing with you. Is it always like this?” 
You lie. “Yeah.” 
Remus hums, dragging two fingers through your folds. You squirm in his lap. Your hand has completely forgotten your breast. 
“I usually start here,” he says, one finger circling your clit. It slips and slides in the mess you’ve already made. “You do the same?” 
You nod fervently. He adds another finger, moving over it gently, and has to tighten his grip on your leg to keep it open. Your breaths start coming faster as he repeats the motion. You can feel him getting hard behind you. 
Just as your pleasure starts to take you under, Remus’ fingers fall away. 
“Your turn,” he says. His voice sounds slightly hoarse. 
When you hesitate, confused and a bit bereaved, he chuckles, taking your hand in his and pressing your fingers to your clit. 
“Show me how you’re gonna do it, sweetheart.” 
Tentatively, you try to copy his movements. Your own fingers feel clumsy and inadequate compared to his, but after all the work Remus has put in they’re still enough. You chase that tightening sensation, hips twitching into your own touch. 
Remus doesn’t leave you on your own for long. His hand finds your cunt again, seeking, it seems, every possible way to drive you to madness. He collects the slick pooling by your entrance, sliding it up and down through your folds, and when his fingers breach your hole you make a soft, surprised sound that sends his lips down onto your shoulder. 
Instantly, you’re aware of how much better this feels. Remus’ mouth is warm and soft, a contrast against the roughness of his stubble. He sucks at you gently, warming you up like he had your cunt, before letting his teeth scrape lightly over your skin. Your date from last night had been so eager to get your neck into his mouth, suctioning onto you like a parasite and rolling your skin between his teeth in a way that hurt more than it helped. Remus is all temperance. He bites you, and then licks it over to make sure you’re soothed. 
The thought occurs to you that maybe you shouldn’t be comparing Remus to someone you actually dated. 
He curls his fingers inside you, and every thought you’ve ever had falls away. All you are is a collection of sensations and wants. 
“You’ve got it, darling, keep going. You’re doing so well.” 
Your fingers and Remus’ working like one mind, until your thighs are shivering and he has to redouble his efforts to keep you still. Your head lolling onto his shoulder, the way his lips transfer to your neck as if it's the most natural thing in the world. His scruff scratching under your jaw, moving as he says your name. 
The myriad of other things he says, sweetheart, baby, good girl, you’re doing so good, growing raspier as the pressure in your core worsens until you worry you’ll shatter if he doesn’t keep ahold of you. 
“Let go,” he instructs, kissing the skin beneath your ear lovingly. “You’re alright, just let go.” 
You choose to trust him, and your body—your being—snaps.
You make sounds you can’t hear, your own fingers stuttering and stopping while Remus works you through the new sensation, murmuring assurances into your skin. Runs his free hand over your trembling thigh. 
Eventually, your mind quiets enough to hear that his breathing is nearly as labored as your own. He slips his fingers out of you. You try to turn around to face him, but your body betrays you, slumping against his front. 
Remus chuckles, smoothing a hand up your side. “Good job, sweetheart. You did beautifully.” He smears a kiss over your cheek. “How was that?” 
You sigh blissfully. Your brain feels pulverized. “Really good.” 
Another soft laugh. “Yeah? Glad to hear it.” 
“Thank you.” You lean your head on his shoulder, trying to look up at him. 
“You’re welcome,” he replies, voice warm with amusement. “Honestly, I should probably be thanking you. I feel quite lucky.” 
You hum bemusedly. Remus’ sex-slicked fingers run lazily over the inside of your thigh. Perhaps your mind is still addled from your orgasm, but this feels incredibly normal to you now. 
“Really? Why?” 
“I just,” he exhales, leaning his head against yours lightly. “I just can’t believe I was the first person to hear you make those sounds.” 
“Oh.” You feel the tickle of embarrassment coming back to you. It draws your shoulders in. “Sorry. Was I very loud?” 
“Don’t apologize, sweetheart.” Remus turns his head, kissing your temple firmly. “You were perfect.” 
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keerysfreckles · 9 months
kinda really into a bestfriends w/ no boundaries with tasm!peter 👀
andrew’s just seems the touchiest haha <33
touchy feely fool – peter parker (tasm)
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pairing: tasm!peter x bff gn!reader
warnings: use of y/n, no specific pronouns mentioned, PETER FLUFF!!!!!!!!
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
you laugh, "why are you being so touchy today? i have to study for kaminksy's test."
"you're the smartest student in our grade. everyone knows you'll pass," peter responds, not daring to move his arms from hanging loosely around your neck.
"plus, you promised we'd have our movie night tonight, since someone bailed last weekend," he added.
"not really my fault i got sick pete," you answer, gaining a small chuckle out of the boy.
peter rests his chin on top of your head, watching as you continue writing flashcards for biology.
"are you almost done?" peter whines.
you giggle at his impatience, "i have four more cards peter. think you can wait that long?"
peter lets out a grumble for an answer, before flopping backwards onto your bed.
twelve minutes pass and just as promised, you stand from your desk chair to face peter. the boy instantly lights up, "are you done?"
you nod, "yes pete, now what movie do you want-"
before you can even get your question out, you feel your body being lifted off the ground. you can't help but laugh as you realize peter's holding you by your waist and running down your hallway towards your living room.
"peter!" your laughter continues, until he places you on the couch. "was that really necessary?" you move any hair that got in your face from the moment prior.
"yes, it was absolutely necessary," peter simply answers, before kneeling down and looking through the dvds beside the tv stand.
"you're an idiot parker," you can't help but smile.
peter smiles, "your favorite idiot."
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Moonlight Confessions
Pairing: TASM!Peter x Bestfriend!Reader
Word Count: 0.7k
Trope: Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Tooth-rotting amount of fluff
Summary: Peter’s always there for you when it’s hard. But this time, Peter’s the one making everything hard, until he doesn’t.
Author’s Note: Please do not copy or translate my work. English is not my first language, so please understand grammar or spelling mistakes.
This fic was in my notes for so long, and I finally decided to finish it. Enjoy!
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The city lights of New York twinkled like a thousand stars, casting a shimmering glow over the sprawling metropolis. From the rooftop of an old brownstone apartment, the distant hum of traffic and occasional chirp of a night bird provided a soothing backdrop. You sat alone on the rooftop, your gaze fixed on the sprawling city below, lost in thought. The cool night air brushed against your cheeks, but it did little to soothe the weight on your heart.
It had been two weeks since you last saw Peter Parker. His absence felt like a void, amplified by the emotional strain you were feeling. The B on your recent test, while not disastrous, felt like a personal failure. And missing Peter, your best friend and confidant, only deepened the ache.
The rooftop door creaked open, and you turned sharply to see Peter stepping out into the moonlight. The night had cast a soft glow around him, highlighting his tousled hair and the warm, genuine smile on his face. In his hands, he held a bouquet of sunflowers, their bright yellow petals stark against the darkness.
“Hey, Y/N,” Peter’s voice broke through the stillness, carrying a note of concern and warmth. “Sorry it’s been so long. I thought you might like these.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as he approached, the sight of the flowers lifting your spirits despite the heaviness you felt. You took the bouquet from him, your fingers brushing against his. “Peter, these are beautiful. Thank you.”
Peter sat down beside you, the night casting soft shadows across his face. His usual playful demeanor was tempered by genuine concern. “So, what’s been going on? I’ve noticed you’ve seemed a bit off lately. Anything you want to talk about?”
You hesitated, the cool breeze making you shiver slightly as you clutched the bouquet. The B on your test wasn’t the only thing troubling you. It was the emptiness of missing Peter and the struggle to keep your emotions in check. You wanted to be strong, but Peter’s presence was a comforting balm.
“I—I’ve been feeling a bit down,” you began, your voice shaky. “My grades are okay, but… I’ve been struggling with other things. It’s hard to explain.”
Peter’s expression softened, his eyes filled with understanding as he reached out and took your hand. His touch was warm, a stark contrast to the cool night air. “Y/N, you don’t have to face this alone. If something’s bothering you, you can always talk to me. I care about you, and I want to help however I can.”
Your eyes welled up with tears, and you struggled to maintain your composure. Peter’s concern was more than just friendly; it was deeply personal and sincere. You had always admired his kindness, but tonight it felt like something more.
“I didn’t want to burden you,” you whispered, your voice trembling. “I know you’ve been so busy…”
Peter shook his head, his gaze intense yet gentle. “You’re never a burden. You’re my best friend, and you mean a lot to me. No matter how busy I am, you’re important. If you’re struggling, let me be here for you.”
Tears finally escaped your eyes, but they were accompanied by a soft, grateful smile. You looked at him, feeling a rush of emotions. “Peter, I—”
Before you could finish, Peter cupped your face gently in his hands. The moonlight seemed to make the moment even more magical as his lips brushed against yours in a tender, heartfelt kiss. It was soft and sweet, filled with unspoken promises and emotions that had been building up between you. When he pulled back, his eyes searched yours with a mixture of hope and longing.
“You mean so much to me, Y/N,” he murmured. “I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a long time. I care about you more than just as a friend.”
Your heart raced, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly. The relief and happiness you felt in that moment made everything seem right. “Peter, I—”
He pressed his forehead against yours, his gaze never leaving yours. “Just know that I’m here for you. Whatever happens, you’re not alone.”
In the quiet of the night, with the city lights shimmering around you, everything felt perfect. You felt a sense of peace you hadn’t known in weeks. Peter’s embrace was a comforting reminder that, no matter what, you would face everything together.
Thank you for reading!
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His favourite restaurant
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Tasm!Peter Parker x bestfriend!reader
Summary: Peter lost a game of chess, now he had to cook dinner.
Warnings/tags: nothing but tooth rotting fluff, flatmate!bestfriend!reader, peter being stupidly in love, Star Wars.
Word count: 2k
A/n: this is a little self indulgent thing I started writing at 3 am. It’s currently 5 am. But I hope you enjoy!
“Spider-Man saves the day once again, today find out how…”
The endless chatter from the small tv drowned like background noise as they both sat on the carpeted floor. Peter had brought home an old chess board he had found at the thrift store down the street. It was old, the pieces were built of wood, thick and tall. It looked like an expensive board much to its being found at a thrift store. So, much to your complaints, he decided it would be a great idea for you both to play against each other.
“And..check” He glanced towards you before making his final move. A smirk crawling up his plump lips. Sure, he had a few tricks up his sleeve, but you were no stranger to the chess arena, either. “Nuh uh…look again, Skater boy.” Pointing towards the knight and rook that had surrounded his king, the move he was currently trying to make was only going to put his king in a difficult position…checkmate.
“Checkmate.” You stated, sitting back up with your legs crossed you extended your right hand towards him. He looked up, brown puppy eyes looking inspecting your hand like it was something alien.
“How did you do that?” He questioned, looking more in disbelief than you had initially thought.
You shrugged, smirking. “Call it beginner's luck.”
Moving your hand back towards, encouraging a shake.
“Win with dignity, lose with dignity.” You spoke up again. “We shake hands after games because it’s a sign of respect no matter the outcome.” You continued.
The light streaming from the window across the room was making it really difficult for you to keep your eyes focused. From here, the orange and pink streams glided their way in, bouncing beautifully off of Peter’s hair. It looked as though he had a halo right above him. Pale skin glowing underneath the dying sunlight as he sat up, matching your position and taking your hand in his. It caused an electric impulse to travel right up your spine. You shuddered under his warm touch as he softly shook your hands up and down. Dropping it after a few long seconds.
“Loser makes dinner, remember?” You reminded him teasingly. He groaned in response, throwing his head back on the couch as he covered his eyes with the heel of his palms. He wasn’t a bad cook, not at all. May had taught him well around the kitchen. He was just too lazy to do so sometimes. And today was only one of those days.
“Can I do it tomorrow, please?” He pleaded, soft brown orbs glowing in the light as he leaned against you, pouting. “I’ll clean the dishes instead.” He added quickly. Knowing that you were a sucker for not doing them when the sink had piled up on a busy morning or after late night dinners.
You juggled with his proposal. Consider it for a minute or two before an idea lights up in the dark of your mind.
“What if we both cook together?” You counter-proposed. As Peter nodded a little too aggressively in agreement, you laughed.
Carefully standing to stretch the numbing feeling out of your legs as Peter sat there with his head on the couch. Staring. You could have felt his gaze even from a mile away. Scarlet blood rushed up your neck and towards your cheeks as you tried to busy yourself with something.
Peter was staring. He knew he was. But just couldn’t bring himself to tear his eyes away from your figure in the dim light of your shared apartment as the sun set from behind the windows. You looked like an angel, in your long Christmas Pajamas, a shirt that had ‘Merry Sithmas’ written in the middle of it in a big, Star Wars font. He felt like he couldn’t breathe.
Once you had managed to fully get your feet to wake. Turning the TV off, you gestured to Peter to come along towards the small area that was your kitchen. Soft feet padding down towards the small area as Peter was left to gather his thoughts in the next minute. He glanced back towards where you had once been, now shifting into the kitchen and taking out the bit pucks needed for dinner. He liked nights like these. Where it was you and him and some random tv noises. The whole world just melted away and it was only you and him.
“You coming or not, Parker?” You shouted from across the room. Breaking his chain of thoughts. He looked dazed. Wisps of soft hair in messed all directions. He shifted his head towards you, still on the floor, not moving.
“Be right there, bub.” He reassured you. Rubbing a hand down his face as he gets up, cleaning up the mess of chess pieces on the floor and arranging it again on the coffee table.
Peter joins you in the kitchen a good minute or two after you had called for him. You had turned on the small radio in the window sill, old 80s soft rock pouring around the kitchen. As you both fall in a smooth rhythm, working your way into the process before Peter stops abruptly in the middle of the kitchen, stopping you from moving towards the other side to your chicken.
“Wait, did we discuss what’s for dinner?” He questions. Which makes you halt your tracks as well, as you tried maneuvering your way from his side.
“I thought we could make our Chinese order.” You commented, matter of factly. Peter stood there, his emotions evident on his features as a smile appeared on his face.
“You got the recipe?” He asks in disbelief as you nod profusely, mirroring his smile.
“Yeah, Mrs. Kim said if I asked for it as a Christmas present she might consider giving it. Turns out she wasn’t kidding” You laughed. Moving past Peter, towards your (seasoned) chicken and putting it into a pot of boiling water.
Before you could move to cover the lid of it, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist, lifting and twirling you as you let out a squeal. Scolding Peter to put you down so you don’t knock over the boiling pot of chicken. Peter laughed at your protests, only going faster as you both laughed your heads off.
Setting you down, his hands stayed out on the dip of your waist. Turning you around to face him, his face held an unreadable expression. Earthy orbs moving between your own and then your lips. Soft, filled with joy and something else you couldn’t quite place. Before you could fully decipher it, Peter leaned in. Hands shifting to the low of your back as he nuzzled his face into your neck, breathing you in.
It took you a second to come to your senses before you wrapped your arms around his neck. Reciprocating the hug back.
You felt his lips move against the base of your neck as your eyes closed in delight. But they opened right back as you realised he was probably trying to say something.
Removing the grip you had on him, you leaned back. Still in the intimate range you had once been in but more comfortable.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you.” You apologised. Gesturing him to repeat himself.
“I said: Thank you.” He repeated. Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear as he smiled down at you. Registering your lack of answer and the blown out look you had on your face, he continued:
“It was Ben’s favorite place. It was where he and May went for their first date actually.”
You were shook. Emotionally and mentally. You had known Uncle Ben for quite some time before he died. He was a great man. Always so kind and caring. You had spent a few nights at Peter’s to know he was a great cook (somehow managing to joke that it was better than May’s cooking).
After he passed, it was not easy seeing May and Peter cope with his death. It wasn’t easy for them, either . And for Peter to share that place with you, now. It somehow managed to sting your eyes before salty tears started pouring their way out.
“Aww, bub don’t cry. I was only saying thank you.” He cooed, feeling his own tears pooling at the edge of his eyes. He pulled you back into his arms as you sniffled. Slightly soaking a patch into his shirt.
“I’m sorry, I know you miss him, I didn’t know what that place meant to you. I’m sorry.” You cried a little more into him. His chest tighted, something pulled at his heart strings as he watched you cry for his Uncle. It wasn’t like you hadn’t heard of his death. You simply didn’t cope well with abrupt deaths.
“Sshh..it’s alright. Maybe he is happily looking over us right now.” He comforted, looking up towards the ceiling and imagining Ben, looking down on him with a smile on his face.
He hears the radio, a familiar tune dancing it’s way into his ears as he looks towards you. Taking a step back, and dropping his hands from you. You immediately miss his touch but before you could question his movements he offers you his hand. You look at him, confused before you recognise the familiar tune from the radio: Time after time by Cyndi Lauper.
“Dance with me, Y/n.” He says, with a smile so intoxicating that you couldn’t bring yourself to protest.
So you nod, taking his hand in yours as he twirls you around. A hand behind his back, the other above your head, spinning. Moving you out at an arms length and twirling you back in, flush against his chest and back again before he has you pressed against his chest, laughter filled with heavy breathing.
There is that look again, the soft smile, the puppy eyes with pupils blown out and…tenderness. He looked at you like you’d hung the moon and stars. He licked his lips. His eyes darted between your eyes and lips, slowly leaning in as if he were being cautious that a sudden movement would scare you away. You met him halfway, a hand at the back of his neck as dry lips met chapped ones.
It was gentle, and tender, like the ones writers describe in books. With butterflies in stomachs and fireworks and the smell of home mixed with him. You couldn’t think straight. Your lips danced against each other, perfectly fit before you were left gasping for air.
You both whispered, words overlapping against each other before Peter pulled you back in. It was more passionate this time. His arms enveloped you completely and you busied your hands into his hair, tugging and pulling before small groans were heard from Peter. He pressed against you as you started walking backwards till your back hit the kitchen counter. His hands were all over you, your neck, waist, hips.
He was all over you before you knew it, until a burning smell hit your nostrils and you gasped into his mouth. The chicken that you had forgotten to cover was now raging, the water overflowing out of the pot. Making a mess on the stove.
You broke away from Peter, gently pushing him away to grab the pot lid and slowing down the heat to stop the chicken from over cooking. As you looked back towards the brunette boy, who was still standing near the counter, touching his lips as if it weren’t there. You realised, you were in love with Peter Parker.
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inklore · 2 years
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aka i need ya’lls help, filthy festive minds, and ho-hoiest thots!
so with winter on the cusps of freezing us out and christmas coming full steam ahead (not to mention my birthday next month and the fact that i never did a 12k celebration cause life): i want to do something fun to tis the season!!!
i have three set fics in mind that i’m 100% doing already, they are planned and ready to be written. but ya girl wants to write more, and since i’m feeling a little rusty getting back into the swing of things, making myself write as much as possible will fix that.
that’s where you amazing, babes come in! send in concepts, prompts, thots, scenarios, for any of the characters down below + make it holiday/winter themed. this can include any and all kinks, au’s, tropes, hcs! all is welcome and encouraged <3
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characters applicable.
namor, steve rogers, tasm!peter parker, attuma, namora
jake ‘hangman’ seresin, mickey ‘fanboy’ garcia
lloyd hansen, ransom drysdale
fics already planned.
midnight rain: ex!fiance!steve rogers x reader
snowballing: rooster x reader x hangman (mmf, poly au)
untitled: bestfriend!mickey garcia x reader
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you can send asks for more info on the fics already planned, as well as thots, or feelings on them and i’ll possibly expand on those thots, turn them into hcs or blurbs.
please note that i won’t write every idea because i have a life, but the ones that stick out the most to me will turn into one shots (and be in the main celebratory post) and the rest will end up as blurbs!
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fragileruns · 1 year
james potter
─── barista!james
─── fake dating james
remus lupin
─── sparks fly
eddie roundtree
─── eddie x bestfriend!reader
tasm!peter parker
─── finding out peter’s spiderman
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licensedqueerio · 2 years
I have a request for a story. If your requests arnt still open that fine you can ignore this or keep it for later. Peter P. specifically AG
After/during the cross over. Im TH Peter Ps Bestfriend ive known him longer than Ned.
When MJ falls off the building TH Peter catches her. But AG peter catches me.
When that happens TH Peter P doesn't pay any mind to me falling and ONLY MJ, That puts a few negative feelings in my head, but ones that aren't selfish. So its more of " He didn't care that I was going to die" appose to " Wow hed pick his girl over me" type thing if you even understand what I mean.
That sets off a chain of events leading to me n AG Peter together or smt.
Whew it took me forever to get this out, and for that, you have my sincerest apologies. The ending is a bit rushed, but I didn't really want to wait any longer to post this, but I hope you enjoy!!
Also, sidenote, I have no clue about timeline and how many years isn't been since Endgame so the exact years are kept vague. And I hope no one minds, I talked about what I think it was like for the people who survived after Thanos' snap, maybe he was right--as terrible as that is. Hate to say it, but what do I know.
Word Count: 2.5k
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: No Way Home spoilers, mentions of death, injuries, suicidal implications if you squint
Request Here
Part Two
Your friendship with Peter began when you were children. Peter was the nerdy kid who’d stay inside all of recess reading or tinkering with some toy. And you were the nice, friendly kid. Praised by your teachers and usually the go-to kid to make friends with kids like Peter.
You did it, of course. You'd sit with Peter as he went on about what comics he liked or TV shows. Who his favorite superhero was—real or fake. And you nodded along and tried to understand what he was talking about.
As time went on, your bond grew. You stayed friends for years. You were there for him every step of the way.
When he got bit by that spider, you were the first to know. You poked fun at him for his first costume, because that’s what friends did. You worried about him day in and day out when he went patrolling. And you bet your ass you gave him so much shit for disappearing to Germany when he fought half the Avengers.
Then Thanos happened. Peter left with nothing more than an “I have to help,” before jumping out of the bus. And that was the last time you had seen him. That had been the last time you’d seen any of your friends.
You were one of the select few that wasn't blipped. Lucky in some eyes, unlucky in others. You had mixed feelings about it, honestly. You didn't disappear, but…Peter did. Your best friend since kindergarten was gone. Hell, almost everyone you knew was gone. Peter, Ned, MJ. All gone.
But…you moved on. You had no choice but to move on with your life and adapt to the new situation, no matter how hard it was.
At your graduation, you cried. Half of your senior class was missing. Half of the world population was dead. And the people who were left had no choice but to continue on with life. The wheel of life kept turning. You adapted or you got left behind.
You wouldn’t be left behind. You’d live. For Peter. For Ned, for MJ.
You got into college and got a job to support yourself. Ironically, wages were better than ever now that half the population was gone. And everywhere was hiring, so finding and securing a job wasn’t difficult.
And you lived. You bought an actual home for decently cheap after a years hard work. You couldn’t stand to live on campus. Not when the blip was the only thing people talked about.
Four years later, the blip…was a thing of the past. People of course talked about it still, but not as much. Life was drastically improving. Poverty went down. Homelessness was all but over with. You hated to even think it, but the blip did bring good things for those left.
You got your college diploma and couldn’t stop thinking about how proud Peter would’ve been. You didn’t stop smiling that day, looking back on old photographs of the two of you wishing he was here, but understanding he was gone.
But then they came back.
By some…miracle or curse, every single person who disappeared reappeared. Horrifically, they appeared right where they had vanished from. Death was rampant that day.
You heard horror stories of how people had appeared back in building that had been taken down and perished. Of people who appeared on roads or highways. People on boats. It was a nightmare. You couldn’t stomach looking at the news that day.
The family—or should you say children—that had lived in your house before appeared in the living room and freaked out. You had the unfortunate pleasure of informing them five years had passed. That you were living there. Whispers of reassurances and heart wrenching confessions of, “I’m sorry, I don’t know where your parents are.”
That year had been the worst year of your entire life. The death rate skyrocketed along with homelessness. Wages dropped. People were going hungry again because there just wasn't enough food to go around.
But perhaps the worst thing that happened was Peter returning. As terrible as that sounded. Peter came back as a 16 year old boy while you were now 21. You had lived your life while his was on pause.
It didn’t feel fair. To either of you.
But humanity did what it did best. It adapted. You adapted to having Peter back. Even though you didn’t see him often. That was your fault, though. You’d grown apart from him in those five years. For him, nothing had changed.
On a good day, you could barely stomach looking at him. On a bad day, you wished everyone had stayed blipped. That Peter had stayed dead like you thought he’d been. Your grief had been invalidated. Those sleepless nights where you wished for the comforting arms of your closest friends felt pointless. And Peter couldn’t even begin to grasp what you were feeling.
So naturally, you grew apart. But then you realized you still missed him. So you grew close again. And all was calm. Things finally started to look like they were heading upwards once again.
But things could never really stay calm. Not in New York.
The multiverse opened, because of course it did, and villains were coming in looking for Spider-Man. And then two other Spider-Men had come into this universe to defeat said villains.
All of these events led to this singular moment. You were falling. But you felt like you were floating, traveling in slow motion through the air, your arms stretched out, seeking to grab something—anything—to save yourself.
Your mouth was open mid scream, barely audible over the roaring wind in your ears and the hammering of your heartbeat, blood rushing in your ears. You knew then that everyone was right. Your life did flash before your eyes when you were about to die.
With the realization that this was it. You were about to die after being thrown from the statue of liberty, everything came rushing back. You were falling fast through the air, the air punched out of your lungs. You turned your head.
You weren’t sure what possessed you to do so, but you did. And you saw Peter jump off the building. He was going for MJ.
In some sick sense, you thought it was karma. You ignored him for the better part of a year. Treated him coldly. And in your moment of need, he didn’t even notice you. He went after his girlfriend.
You squeezed your eyes shut with the realization that this was it. No one was coming to save you.
Finally. It was over. Your time in this nightmare of a universe was over.
But then, there were arms around you. Your falling slowed until you came to a standstill. You took short, fast breaths as you opened your eyes, staring at Peter…2? No—no, this was Peter 3 if you weren’t mistaken. He had amazing hair and was…gorgeous, to put it simply.
“Are you okay?” He asked. His eyes were glassy and the words came out thick. You distantly recalled him mentioning he lost someone. His MJ. You didn’t know the details but you just knew it happened in a similar scene to your current situation.
You slowly nodded. “Are you?” You returned, staring up into his eyes. You could've sworn you saw a tear roll down his cheek. You didn’t mention it.
Peter 3’s smile was watery as he delicately set you back on your feet. “Yeah,” he said, before clearing his throat. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, placing his hands on your shoulders and looking you over.
“Yeah I’m…” Your voice trailed off as you caught sight of Peter—your Peter, behind him. Holding MJ in his arms. You let out a breath of relief. You were at least glad she was okay. Peter had saved her.
You expected him to look at you. To at least spare you a glance and make sure you weren't dead on the pavement. But no. He didn’t even notice you. He didn’t see you fall.
Somehow, that was worse than him intentionally going for MJ over you.
Peter 3 waved his hand in front of your face. “You don’t seem alright,” he stated with a frown. “You could be in shock, you should sit—”
“Yeah, I’m just…he doesn’t care,” you murmured. You didn’t want to sound…selfish or anything. You were fine but it was the principal of the matter. Your Peter had been too focused on MJ to even realize you had also fallen. Jesus, you could have died.
“Hey, that's not true,” Peter 3 said. “I’m sure he cares. It's just….adrenaline. He saw her fall first,” he tried to reassure and soothe. “Look—he’s seen you,” he pointed out.
You looked up to see Peter looking between you and Peter 3. He weakly smiled, holding a thumbs up. You weren’t convinced.
“...okay, I didn’t believe that either,” Peter 3 conceded. “But I’m sure he cares. Of course he does. You guys are best friend’s, right?” He squeezed your shoulder. “He cares.”
You were beginning to doubt that.
“He disappeared for five years. Life went on for me, we’re hardly even friends anymore,” you muttered. “It’s fine,” you dismissed.
Things only went downhill from there.
Your Peter tried to kill the Green Goblin. Peter 2 stopped him. Peter 3 was stabbed. The multiverse was broken and everyone who knew Peter Parker is Spider-Man was coming into this universe. You could see Strange casting a spell, but you were a little preoccupied.
You hurried over to Peter 3, who was still on the ground. You kneeled down at his side, “you okay, Spider?” You asked, trying for teasing, but the concern outweighed it.
Peter 3 grimaced as he nodded. “First time I’ve been stabbed, woohoo,” he half-heartedly cheered, attempting to push himself up into a sitting position. “And it’s Spider-Man.”
“Here, let me help you,” you said, putting his arm around your shoulder and helping him to his feet, bearing a lot of his weight. “How’ve you not been stabbed yet? My Peter’s been stabbed.”
“Your Peter?” He asked. “Thought you weren’t friends?”
“Peter 1,” you clarified. “He’s not mine, of course, but he’s—he’s from my universe. Besides, he’s still so young.”
“I got it,” Peter 3 nodded, inhaling sharply and holding his side. “So there’s a chance for a guy like me?” He asked wryly.
“A guy like you?” You asked, raising a brow.
“Y’know,” he grinned, gesturing to himself with his free hand. “Guy like me.” He shrugged, that goofy grin still on his face. You had to admit, it was cute. He was cute.
“We’re from different universes,” you said, wrapping an arm around his waist, mindful of his injury. “So, ‘fraid not.”
Peter 3’s grin didn’t falter. “Can I at least get a kiss goodbye?” He asked. “I think the wizard is ready to send us home,” he said, pointing up to where Doctor Strange was doing his thing. “I can promise I’m not as young as Peter 1.”
You looked at him, debating your choices. What's the worst that could happen? This was the only chance you would get since he was going back to his universe. It’s not like your life could get any worse than it had been.
“Only because you're injured,” you lied, like you didn’t want to kiss him just for the hell of it. You turned to face him better, lifting your hand. Your fingertips traced up his cheeks before burying in the hair behind his ears. Running your fingers through it, just to sate the urge you had since you saw it. Then you leaned in and captured his lips in a kiss.
The smile fell off his lips as he kissed you back.
After a moment, he pulled away, pressing his forehead to yours, a dopey smile spreading across his lips. “I think I’m all healed now,” he said with a laugh, pulling away completely, turning to Peter 2, who was staring up at the sky that was fixing itself.
“...I think this is goodbye,” Peter 3 said. The hand that hung off your shoulder raised into a peace sign, which Peter 2 returned just before he faded away.
“Goodbye,” you murmured, kissing his cheek as he too, began to fade.
But instead of feeling his weight disappear like you expected, everything faded to black.
You woke up with a sharp inhale, groaning at the splitting sensation in your head. You squinted at the white ceiling as you struggled to recall what had happened. You drew a big blank and sat up slowly. You felt like you’d been hit by a truck.
You looked around the…bedroom you were in. It was messy, for starters. And you didn’t recognize it at all. Not the pictures, map, and sticky notes pinned to the corkboard or the Albert Einstein photo on one of the doors.
You turned as the window scraped open, staring in confusion as Spider-Man climbed in. But he froze when he saw you, ripping the mask off, eyes wide. “What are you doing here!?” He exclaimed, voice rising in both pitch and volume.
“What are you!” You exclaimed in equal surprise. “Where am I!? What’s going on?” You demanded.
Peter 3 stared at you with his mouth hanging open. He shut the wind and stumbled over his things until he stood in front of where you sat on his bed. “This is…my universe,” Peter said. “You’re in my bedroom. I—the spell returned me to this point in time. Right before Max died. But he didn’t. Max is fine. Gwen is fine, she’s on a plane to Oxford right now, and Harry—Harry got arrested, but he’s fine.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “I’m…” Your sentence hung in the air, unfinished as you stared at him harder. He looked younger. Which made sense, you supposed. He’d been returned to the past, right before Electro died. And somehow, he brought you with him.
You really hated the multiverse right about now.
“I don’t understand," you said. "I'm not from this universe, why would I—this makes absolutely no sense!" You laughed, gripping your hair as you leaned forward. "This is unbelievable."
"Hey—don't worry. Uh, we may not have wizards but I sure we can find some way to—" Peter stammered over his words.
You stood up, interrupted his nervous tirade, and kissed him. Because right now he was the only constant you had. The only familiar thing you had right now.
And maybe things would be alright. Maybe you'd go back to your own universe. Or maybe you'd stay in this one. Would that really be the end of the world?
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saviorellie · 3 years
no rain, no flowers.
pairing : tasm!peter parker x reader
pov : third person, she/her pronouns
word count : 893
warning(s) : angst & like lots of it, bad boyfriend!peter 💔
notes : bestfriend!gwen is my new fave i think
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*gif not mine , creds to owner
carpet scratched at her legs, made her skin itch, crawl. or maybe that was her emotions attempted to claw their way out of her body, to escape.
the mirror she slumped in front of reflected a version of herself she ran from, hide from, loathed.
messy hair, unwashed, greasy. barefaced. runny nose. chapped lips. tear stained. dull eyes.
she sat, motionless. and she stared.
peter doesn't love you anymore.
her eyes stung again and she laid on her side, away from the mirror. she shut her eyes but could still see what she kept trying to ignore.
threadbare strands of the rug were an anchor to ground her, something to hold onto.
she should've had someone to hold onto. she
should've been able to go to him, the boy she'd been dating for months upon months. she should've been able to look him in the eye and relay her thoughts and trust that he would hear her. listen.
she should have. but they'd grown apart.
affectionate touches were disregarded or pushed away, bad days were turned from without the empathetic blink of an eye. she tried, she fought so hard, to salvage their relationship. peter just wouldn’t do his part.
he’s with you for the title. not for you.
a resounding knock on the wood of the bedroom door.
often, it slipped her mind how many times a week her best friend would arrive at her apartment unannounced. let herself in, help herself to ice cream, take a can of sprite, sit on the couch, turning on whatever show she was invested in at the moment.
"y/n?” gwen’s gentle voice.
she didn't bother to pull herself upright. waited.
silence swelled and then was disrupted by another soft rap of knuckles. the tv was playing gossip girl in the living room down the hall.
"yeah,” she answered half-heartedly.
"just wondering if you wanted to join me. i know you don’t like this show, but i can change it."
her eyes were still closed and she didn't care. didn’t care, didn't care, didn't care.
"yeah. yeah just a minute.”
a weighted pause.
"are you alright?"
she didn't care, didn't care, didn't care.
there were hot tears running down her face,
clouding her vision, eyelids sticking together. she didn't care, and she didn't answer.
her dearest friend called her name again, concern laced in her tone of voice. she knows that gwen wanted to come in, but she didn’t turn the knob.
more silence. shuffling. her footsteps retreating down the hall.
and she just didn't care. so she sobbed until the door knob was wiggling, twisted open, she guessed gwen had changed her mind.
there were hesitant, gentle hands on her torso, her shoulders. gwen muttered her name sadly, this having occurred before. watching as her best friend was beaten down by lack of communication made her heart ache.
she lifted her from the rug easily, pulled her into her arms, rested her head against her chest.
she’s holding you. but she should be peter.
gwen didn't ask if she should call for the boy; she knew all too well that is was entirely concerning him.
eventually, the buzzing subsided, peace left in its wake.
peter’s voice in the doorway. he moved around the bed, took in the scene.
he trailed off.
she peeled herself away from gwen’s grip, met her best friend's unwavering gaze. nodded. she left the room without a word.
she stood, limbs aching. her heart didn't. her shoulders squared back- nearly defiant.
and peter just stared, alone in a dark room with the girl he suddenly realised he knew less and less about. that gleam in her eye, the rigidness of her frame; he expected her to start yelling, for a fight to break out.
instead, her tone was unwavering, calm. deadly serious, demanding his undivided attention.
"what happened," she spat out, but there was no malice in it. not a question, a statement. "what did i do? what am i to you?"
his face paled.
"do you know how you've been treating me? are you aware that you don't give me the time of day anymore? that we haven't spent time together- alone- in so long, that we haven't had a genuine conversation in even longer."
she shifted.
"i’m tired of this."
panic flared like stoked fire in his eyes.
"i’m tired of putting work into this just to have it unreciprocated."
she finished, not intending to say anything else.
it took so long for words to fill the gaping space of his mouth. "love, angel, i…. i’m... so sorry. i don't even… i’m so sorry."
he didn't deserve a response, and he knew that.
"are... are you breaking up with me?"
she hated how guilty he sounded. she hated how he said it like he dreaded the idea. she hated that she wasn't angry, just tired.
she hated that she didn't tell him yes.
when his feet drifted toward her she stepped back, shook her head slightly.
"you can't, peter. you can't, keep doing this. you can't put nothing into this relationship and expect my utter dedication in return."
a distant memory of an afternoon surfaced in her mind. it had been warm where she was reading. one particular sentence had stuck with her for days, that melted into months that melted into years.
no rain, no flowers.
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bellaramseysgf · 2 years
Marvel Masterlist!
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Guide To The Stories!
Smut = ❥
Fluff = ✿
Violence = ➼
Bucky Barnes
╰─► Save Me ✿ ➼(Bucky x girlfriend! reader)
╰─► Tour with me ❥(Rockstar Bucky au! X girlfriend! Reader)
╰─► Daddy ❥ (Sugar daddy! Bucky X Fem! Reader)
╰─► Fixation ❥(Bucky Barnes X girlfriend! Reader)
╰─► Feelin’ Sick ✿(Bucky Barnes x girlfriend! Reader)
╰─► Follow The Rules ❥(Steve x Sam x Bucky x Reader)
Loki Laufeyson
╰─► Becoming yours mini series (Loki x Fem! Reader)
Steve Rogers
╰─► Rescue ❥(Police officer Steve x fem reader)
╰─► I wanted you ✿(Steve X bestfriend! Reader)
╰─► Follow The Rules ❥(Steve x Sam x Bucky x reader)
╰─► Babysit ❥(sub!steve X Fem! Reader)
Peter Parker (NWH)
╰─► No more ❥(Sub! Peter x Dom! Reader)
Peter Parker (TASM)
╰─► Innocent Sins ❥(DBF! Peter Parker x Innocent Reader)
╰─► Fingers ❥ (Peter Parker X girlfriend! Reader
Sam Wilson
╰─► Bad Girl ❥(Dark! Stepdad! Sam x Fem! Reader)
╰─► Follow The rules ❥ (Steve x Sam x Bucky x Reader)
╰─► Housewife Part 2 Part 3❥(Sexist! Steven x fem! Reader x mentioned Marc & Jake)
╰─► Obsession ❥(Moonboys x sweetheart! Reader)
╰─► Professor ❥(Professor! Steven X Fem! Reader X Mentioned Marc & Jake)
╰─► Pushing Buttons ✿(Marc Spector x Fem Reader x little bit of Steven grant)
Thor Odinson
╰─► To be added!
Bruce Banner
╰─► Tattoo ❥(Bruce Banner x girlfriend! Reader)
╰─► Need you ✿(Bruce Banner X Fem! Reader)
Matt Murdock
╰─► Take me too church ❥ (Matt Murdock X priest’s daughter)
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nikoruistyping · 3 years
♥ = Smut || ★ = Angst || ✿ = Fluff || HC = Headcanon
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Peter Parker (MCU)
Imagines/One-shots:  COMING SOON!
Peter Parker x BestFriend!Fem!reader
Amazing ||✿ ★|| 1K || REQUEST
College!Peter Parker x Stark!Fem!reader
Tangled In Webs ||  ♥ ★ ✿ (UNFINISHED)
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Peter Parker (TASM/TASM2)
Imagines/One-shots:  COMING SOON!
Boyfriend!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
So Cliché ||✿|| 1.4K || REQUEST
Study Break ||✿|| 2K || REQUEST
Puppy Love ||✿|| 2.4K || REQUEST
Rule Breaker ||✿ ★|| 2K || REQUEST
Love on Ice ||✿|| 1.8K || REQUEST
Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Chemistry ||✿|| 1.8K || REQUEST
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Tony Stark (MCU)
Imagines/One-shots: COMING SOON!
Tony Stark x Avenger!Fem!reader
Fits like a Glove ||★ ✿|| 1.6K || REQUEST
Field Work ||✿|| HC || REQUEST
One of Us ||✿ ★|| 2.1K || REQUEST
Tony Stark x Romanoff!Fem!reader
An Old Flame ||★ ♥|| 2K || REQUEST
Tony Stark x Assistant!Fem!reader
Promotion ||★ ✿|| 2.2K || REQUEST
It’s Always Been You ||✿|| 3.3K || REQUEST
Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!reader
Everybody Dies ||★|| 2.6K || REQUEST
The Relaxing Shower ||♥ ★ ✿|| 2.9K || REQUEST
Home ||★|| 2.5K || REQUEST
Valentine’s Day ||♥ ✿|| HC ||REQUEST
Domestic!/Dad!Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!reader
Shit! Shit...||✿|| 1.9K || REQUEST
Dad!Tony Stark x Pregnant!Wife!Fem!reader
Stark Jr. ||✿|| 1.6K || REQUEST
Surprise Visit ||✿|| 1.7K || REQUEST
Soon to be Irondad ||✿|| 1.9K || REQUEST
Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Fem!reader
Snooze Time ||♥ ✿|| 3.4K || REQUEST
That Time of the Month ||✿|| HC || REQUEST
Home for The Holidays ||✿|| HC || REQUEST
Kitten ||★ ♥ ✿|| 1.5K || REQUEST
Show Off ||✿ ★|| 2.5K || REQUEST
Accident ||✿ ★|| 1.4K || REQUEST
Ex-Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Fem! reader
Should’ve Said It ||★ ♥ ✿|| 3.4K
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Steven Grant/Mark Spector/Moonknight (MCU)
Imagines/One-shots:  COMING SOON!
Blurbs/Headcanons/Requests: COMING SOON!
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Steve Rogers (MCU)
Imagines/One-shots:  COMING SOON!
Technical Difficulties ft. Peter Parker || HC || REQUEST
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oneofstarkskids · 1 year
spider bite
genre: fluff
relationship: tasm!peter x best friend!reader
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you were standing in the aisle of the subway looking at your best friend who was now upside down and clinging to the ceiling, "what the f-"
he suddenly drops to the ground with a bewildered expression. you stand there with your mouth slightly agap in shock as he just brushes the incident off casually and tries to help the girl he accidentally spilled beer on, "i'm so sorry-" but he stops mid-sentence when he realizes his hand is stuck to her shirt.
"uh..." peter shook his hand desperately willing it to release itself from the already pissed off woman. "get your hand off her," the man next to peter antagonizes. he moves closer threateningly. "peter, take it off," you say from behind him.
he whirls around, hand still stuck to the shirt, and whispers to you, "i can't take it off."
"take it off!" you say with wide eyes.
"i can't take it off!" peter repeats.
suddenly the man pushes him backwards. peter's flying body barely missed you by an inch. simultaneously, the woman's shirt was ripped clean off and she was left standing in her bra. "oh my god," you say with raised eyebrows before rushing over and giving her your jacket.
"are you kidding me!? are you freaking kidding me?" the man says in a rather annoying voice. you watch as peter turns away from the man and gets distracted with his hand getting stuck to yet another object. the man takes this as his chance to swing at peter, "HEY!"
peter dodges the man with ease and sends him tumbling into the seats with a kick. "man, i'm sorry! oh man, are you okay?"
and though what peter did seemed purposeful, his voice was clearly laced with genuine regret. you watched as the people next to you started going after peter too, "peter!" without turning around, he pulled himself up sideways on the subway pole and blocked one of their attacks. more started coming after him and though you could see that your friend can clearly handle himself, you couldn't let him fight alone. you picked up your skateboard and broke it on one of the larger men's backs. he just turned around to face you with a sneer, "uh, hi," you waved cutely before the man lunged at you. peter grabbed him by the shirt and tossed him to the side. with another strange and sudden movement, he was hanging upside down on the pole and just pulled it out of the floor like pulling a toothpick out of cake batter.
you had to jump out of the way to avoid the pole that peter was now carelessly flinging around. after knocking down two more of the attackers, peter put a hand to his mouth in pure shock. "i'm so sorry!"
you just looked around at the bodies scattered on the floor and the two girls who hid themselves away in the corner.
peter dropped the pole and looked down at his hands with a mixture of emotions.
it just so happened that the next stop was yours, so the both of you got off the subway and away from the scene of the crime as quickly as possible. you two went straight to the abandoned warehouse you guys hung out at together. it was like your secret hideout where you'd go to skate, listen to music and talk about shit that you couldn't talk about with anybody else.
you were sitting on an old, rusted bench beside peter. "so..." you said under your breath as you looked down at the gravel beneath your feet.
peter nodded slowly, "so."
"that was kind of weird back there, huh?" you asked, not that it was really a question.
"definitely weird." he confirmed.
"you kind of stuck to the ceiling for a second," you stated, still trying to wrap your mind around it.
"definitely stuck to the ceiling."
you cleared your throat, "how long- how did..." you paused to get your thoughts together.
peter looked up from the ground and put his hands on your shoulders, "okay listen, i have to tell you something. something that i should've already told you, but i didn't and now i have no choice. something you can't tell anyone else."
you shook your head, "peter stop rambling and just spit it out."
peter nodded before sighing, "okay. remember how i kind of snuck away earlier at oscorp?"
you rolled your eyes, "yes, you left me there to deal with gwen. by the way, she didn't believe for a second that you weren't stalking her."
peter frowned, "what? i wasn't!" you gave him an accusing look.
peter changed subjects, "that's not the point. the point is, i found a lab."
"a lab?" you interrupted.
peter just continued, "yes. it was filled with these...spiders. they were crawling on thick, almost synthetic looking, webs."
"i reached out to touch one-"
"naturally," you said, not shocked in the slightest by his stupidity.
"and they just started falling," he continued.
"ew!" you said and shook off the mental image he'd placed in your mind.
horror movies, were fun. clowns, were entertaining. heights, were manageable. but spiders? definitely not.
peter had a terrified look in his eye, "i got out of there as quickly as possible, but one must've fallen down my shirt because i felt it bite me."
"where!?" you asked, voice laced with concern.
peter turned and held his neck to the side to show you, "back of my neck."
you frowned at the sight of the truly disgusting spider bite and a string hanging from it.
you reached for it and tugged. "ow, what the-" peter yelped.
"stay still," you ordered as you pulled the detached string from his shirt. at the end, a rather large translucent spider was curled up and dead.
"oh my god, take it! take it!" you practically shoved it into peter's hands. he examined it for a moment.
"i know this is going to sound crazy, but..." he started.
"you think this spider gave you," you paused. it didn't matter. any way you said it, it would just sound crazy. "powers?"
peter shrugged, "i don't know."
"and you're sure nothing else life-altering or suspicious happened to you within the last twenty-four hours?" you asked. peter gave you a look.
"i think i would remember."
"just checking."
you sighed and tried to process this newfound information.
"you know what this means right?" you asked.
peter looked over to you expectantly with his eyebrows raised in question.
"my best friend is a spider!" you joked.
peter shook his head, "not exactly."
"well, you're like, a spider-boy," you said, separating the words. peter laughed.
"are you gonna go like, full spider?" you asked, suddenly disgusted.
peter's eyes widened with worry, "i hope not!"
"sorry! it was an intrusive thought!"
peter stood up, "i should get home. are you staying for dinner again?"
you nodded before he turned and started walking off.
"hey, pete!" you shouted from your place on the bench.
he spun around, "yeah?"
you stood up and ran over to walk with him as he put his arm around your shoulder, "you know i'm always gonna be there for you right?"
peter smiled and kept looking forward.
"even if you turn into a big ugly creature with six legs," you said confidently.
"spiders have eight legs," he corrected.
"same thing."
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oneofstarkskids · 2 years
Without You
pairing: Tasm!Peter X best friend!reader (platonic)
genre: angst/fluff
warnings: when I say "guy" in the chair, I mean person in general. Not literally a male (pronouns are not mentioned) <3
Mentions of blood/injury
Mentions of Gwen and Uncle Ben's deaths
summary: Peter won't let you be his partner so you take matters into your own hands.
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Ever since you found out your best friend was Spider-Man, all you've wanted was to help. Time after time you'd try to convince him, but the answer was always the same.
Like the day you and Peter were walking through the halls at school.
"Okay but I could be like your guy in the chair!" You offered.
Peter furrowed his brows, "Guy in the chair?"
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah! Ya' know. The mastermind behind all the missions who helps the vigilante navigate their way in and out of situations and constantly saves them from ultimate death."
Peter laughed, "So now you're a mastermind?"
"C'mon, I'm serious!" You whined.
Peter just shook his head, "No."
Or the time you were at the skatepark.
"I'm so tired," Peter yawned.
"You wouldn't be so exhausted if you'd allow people to help you out on missions," you mumbled before shoving a handful of chips in your mouth.
Peter, having enhanced hearing, heard you but decided to ignore your snarky remark.
And the time Peter agreed to watch a movie with you.
"See! Even Sherlock has Watson!" You said as you pointed at the screen.
Peter frowned at you, "So?"
"So everybody needs a partner! I can be your partner!" You stated matter of factly.
"No, Y/N!" Peter argued.
No, No, No. It's like that was the only word Peter knew. It didn't seem fair to you. You were perfectly capable of being a sidekick. All you wanted was for Peter have a little faith in you.
You decided to take matters into your own hands.
One night you stayed out late and waited for Peter to go on patrol. You watched from the shadows as he climbed down the side of his house and dropped to the ground.
Peter shot a web onto a nearby street lamp and began swinging off.
You desperately sprinted after him, hoping not to lose him but also staying hidden.
Finally, he perched on a building in the center of the city. His eyes scanned everything below until they met yours.
"Shit," you cursed before ducking behind a car.
Peter just rolled his eyes and shouted into the night, "I already saw you. You can come out."
You slowly peeked over the vehicle.
Peter swung down to the ground to lecture you. "What are you doing here?"
You were still trying to catch your breath from chasing after him. "Uhhh..." You looked around for an excuse. "I was out getting ice cream?" You lied before gesturing towards the nearby ice cream shop.
Peter crossed his arms and even though he was wearing a mask you could feel his glare, "10 blocks away from your house?"
You gave him an unconvincing smile.
"Y/N, you can't be here!" Peter shouted in frustration.
"I know, I know! But just hear me out-"
You were interrupted by a loud clanking.
Peter put a hand on your shoulder to tell you to stay there as he snuck around the corner to investigate.
And you did...for a minute.
"So? What is it?" You asked as you moved closer to get a better look.
Peter spun around and put a finger over the place his mouth would be if he weren't in his suit.
He turned back to see a guy with a large black briefcase quietly speaking to another man with his hands in his pockets.
"Ooo! Is it a drug deal? Are they dealing drugs?" You asked excitedly.
"Shhh!" Peter hushed.
Once the man handed the other guy a wad of cash, he opened the case and a bright green light beamed into the ally.
"Definitely not drugs," you spoke a little to loudly.
One of the men looked over in your direction and pulled out a gun.
Peter pushed you to the side before webbing the guys gun and tossing it away from the scene.
The other man revealed a switch blade and went straight for Peter.
The guy who wasn't armed headed for you, but you dodged him, making him run right into a truck. Peter webbed him to the vehicle. "RUN!" He yelled.
You didn't know what else to do so you obeyed.
You hadn't even gotten three blocks before Peter came up behind you.
On defense, you whirled around ready to use any combat skills you had acquired in the 2 years your parents made you take karate as a child.
Peter put his hands up, "Whoa there Jackie Chan. It's just me."
"Peter," you sighed. "I could've killed you!"
Peter just snorted at your statement.
"Hey, whoa! You're bleeding!" Peter said frantically as red patches seeped through the fabric of your clothing.
"I'm fine! Just some minor scratches," You replied shrugging.
"No you're not. C'mon, I'll help you clean your wounds at Aunt May's." Peter demanded, not taking no for an answer.
You were sat on Peter's bed as he dabbed a cut on your knee with hydrogen peroxide.
"OW!" You hissed.
"Well I wouldn't have to do this if you'd just listened to me in the first place!" Peter complained.
"Well maybe next time you'll let me help!" You shot back.
Peter was seething. "Next time!? You think there's going to be a next time!?"
"I mean there should be! I was pretty badass back there!" You retorted.
Peter shook his head.
"You have to admit, it was kind of fun." You stated.
"Fun!? No Y/N, that's not fun!" Peter was so upset his hands were shaking.
He stood up and began pacing, "Your idea of fun isn't a sport. It's a job that someone has to do and just because I happen to be that someone, the people around me get hurt."
You looked at the ground, but not before seeing the tears that glossed over your best friend's eyes.
He went over to the wall and slumped down against it.
Peter closed his eyes and laid his head back.
Finally understanding why Peter always told you no, you climbed off the bed and sat down next to him.
After a couple minutes, Peter broke the silence.
"I can't lose you too." He said staring straight ahead as he relived the events of Gwen's and Uncle Ben's deaths.
You laid your head on his shoulder as a silent way of saying, "you won't."
"I don't know what I'd do without you," Peter croaked, letting tears roll down his face.
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inklore · 3 years
wip ask game!
thank you babes @aphrogeneias @fluffyprettykitty and @ambrosiase for tagging me in this <3
rules — list all your wip titles; meaning even the ones that are vague or nonsensical. tag as many people as there are wips.
i only included the ones i have been actively working on and excited for / ones that have been sitting in my drafts for too long now.
— her interlude (band!yelena belova au)
— is there someone else? (tobey!peter x reader x tasm!peter)
— fade into you (roommate!steve rogers au)
— i confess (tasm!peter parker)
— love, with an audience (bestfriend!bucky x camgirl!reader)
— give me light (so i can read your heart) (professor!andy barber x student!reader)
— wild horses (cowboy!bodyguard!steve rogers au)
— beautiful stranger (neighbor!bucky x plussize!reader)
no pressure tags: @holyvictim @wint3r-h3art @waspswidows @aniqua @achaoticeternal @siempre-bucky @simplystevies @cityofstqrs
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