#Pink Brillante
hippography · 1 year
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Belgians in the stable of William Crownover. 
The winning grand display of Percherons, owned by Dunhams. 
The Carnot progeny which won the Percheron get-of-sire prize for W. S. Corsa. 
The grand champion Belgian stallion Alfred de Bree Eyck, owned by Charles Irvine. 
The grand champion Percheron mare Pink Brillante, owned by Dunhams. 
Blue ribbon Belgian mare and foal, owned by Henry Lefebure. 
The champion gaited saddle stallion My Major Dare, owned by Loula Long, Kansas City, Mo. 
The champion mule, owned by Wyatt Carr, Collins, Ia.
The Breeder’s Gazette, Vol. 70, 7 September 1916
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thatstupidplant · 5 months
So, I said I wohld have been gone for a while...
But I saw this artpeace  by @isjasz (her tumblr) and it became my reason to live
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So... Enjoy this oneshot while it last :D
Ps: I wanted to post it on AO3 too, but I don't have an account and I found out there is a FUCKING WAITING LIST, LIKE- WHYYYY I DON'T WANNA WAIT FOR MAY 18TH
Hotguy looked at at the city from the ceiling, it all looked to peaceful during the night.
He immediately forgot what he was here for though, which was a problem and a very Scar thing to do. But unfortunately he wasn't allowed to be Scar at the moment. His train of though stopped when an arrow almost hit him.
Ah yes, Cuteguy.
Cuteguy wasn't the best one with bow and arrows, he was way better at a close battle, but he was good enough to startle Hotguy when needed. In this moment it was needed.
Hotguy turned around to see who almost made him blind, ready to trasform to atoms whoever attacked him, but his face got painted with a smile as soon as he looked at the slim figure above him, in a near roof trying his best not to die of laughter.
Scaf realized that the painter decorating his face also, accidentally, splashed a little bit of red.
Just a tiny bit, hard to see without the mask and impossible with it.
"Hotguy, wasn't expecting you to be early" the avian figure said while getting closer.
While the pink and white wings made an awfull distraction, the taller hero remembered that Cuteguy had to talk to him about something important
"Why do you think I'd be late? I wouldn't want my darling to wait" The taller hero said while jokingly kissing the other hero's hand.
Until he noticed something.
The mask was normal, his wings were normal, but the outfit was different: Cuteguy usually wore a white and pink attire, which made him the 'opposite' of Hotguy, but today he was wearing black shirt and pants with his jacket. That was his 'hidden' outfit, used when the avian wasn't meant to be seen (it was something Hotguy didn't need as much as Cuteguy because his outfit was already pretty dark)
Hotguy had dark hair, Cuteguy's were light; Hotguy was tall, Cuteguy had the intention to be; Hotguy was flirtous while Cuteguy was...
"Are you listening to me?"
Scar mind said no, but his expression said 'please don't ask me that'
"Oh yeah, totally"
Cuteguy folded his hands. A suspicious expression on his face.
"Then what did I say?"
Yep. He was screwed.
The brunette hero searched is memory, but it was empty.
"Youu... weerreee.... talking about... safety?"
Yes, Hotguy was kind of screwed now.
"Ok, ok, I wasn't listening"
Scar said while moving his hands. Cuteguy slapped his face muttering something similar a 'this idiot', but Scar didn't hear it well.
"I was talking about what the public think of us!"
"And what does the public think of us?"
The avian started to mentally pray God to, please, have a smarter partner. But he started to remember all the time Hotguy had brillant ideas and hated the fact that he was just too innocent to be an adult man.
"The fact that everyone thinks we're dating, Hotguy"
Scar stopped. No, it wasn't Hotguy, it was Scar. The man hid his fear with the flirtuois smile and the confident attitude, but he couldn't lie saying the though of kissing those lips interested him...
'No Scar, you can fuck your collegue'
"And what is we made it true?"
Hotguy started to walk towards Cuteguy, with his sicure composure,a playful smile and an emotion Cuteguy couldn't innitially recognize.
But when the realization came, it made his stomach go upside down. Why did Hoteguy had lust in his eyes? He always joked about kissing him, calling him 'his boyfriend', offering his hand and playful flirting like these.
'Cuteguy' didn't have something to complain about it, but Grian hated how his face would become more and more like the red of his natural wings color.
He started walking back, searching to escape the bumping of his heart. He hit the border of the roof that, fortunately and unfortunately, had a small wall. He sat on the wall and waited. Hotguy stopped right infront of his face, looking in his eyes. Grian made his 'Cuteguy' mask fell off and decided to relax, just relax, even if Hotguy was always clingy it was rare to have him this close so maybe he should have just enjoyed the momeng. His expression calmed down, the sleepyness of the middle of the night appeared.
"So... do you accept my offe-"
Hotguy almost jumped when CUteguy's head landed on his shoulder. If you asked him, he would have said he was completely calm, but his heartrate said something else. Did Cuteguy really fell asleep on him? What was he suppose to do now?
"I'm not asleep, I just want..." Cute guys without continuing and putting his arms behind Hotguy's back.
They both remained there, too scared to scare the moment away by moving. After what we can count as some seconds, but for them seemed hours, Hotguy put his hands on Cuteguy's back making it the best hug Grian recieved in years.
When was the last time he was hugged like this? When was the last time someone cared so much?
They stayed there, waiting for the morning as the sun started rising from behind.
Author's note:
Idk if I like it or not, maybe I could make a second attempt in the future.
Anygays, gor now this is it, it was a pleasure feeling some Scarian, something that I will do more in the future with a ne-
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fantisyoflove · 2 months
more neville works please!! love the way you portray him <3
*fans face dramatically* phew don't freak out don't freak out.
Thank you so much and yes of course!
Neville had taken off his shoes and socks by the tree roots. He had taken to hiding them under the roots because some people thought it was funny to take his things and hide them or chuck them into the black lake. He could not handle another howler from his gran if he had to write home asking for another pair of shoes! He rolled his pant legs up past his knees and wadded into the waters edge.
It was cold, especially in the shade of the trees, but he didn't mind even if his wand wouldn't cast a proper warming charm for him. One day he was going to save enough money to get his own wand. Having his dad's was nice but it didn't answer to him worth a lick of salt.
He wasn't sure how much time had passed while he was searching along the shore line for elderberries as well as taking note of the other local flora and fauna.
You carried a small bag and two of the texts Professor Sprout had suggested to you down to the lake to join Neville. He didn't even look up as you set your things down and began taking off your own shoes and stocking. Finally as the water rippled around him he glanced up to see you. A confused look was quickly replaced with pure joy.
"Y/N! You came!"
"Well of course I did! Did you think I wouldn't?"
Neville got a funny look on his face, "well no I just... you know.. I wasn't.. not that you don't" he was sputtering as you wadded as gracefully as you could to his side. You reach out and touch his hand giving it a squeeze.
"I like spending time with you Neville and I really like plants too! I will always be up for going with you." You give him a soft smile and he returns it sheepishly. The pink tint to his cheeks stands out even in the shadows.
"I brought tea and that book Sprout was talking about. I figured we could picnic and look at it after this."
Neville nodded tucking his wand behind his ear. "That sounds lovely. I already found some of the plants Sprout was talking about during class yesterday. I wanted to see which ones could be transplanted and still survive."
"Brillant! Do you have some jars?"
"Under the tree roots"
"Perfect, let's get started." You shivered again against the cold water and cast a warming charm over yourself and Neville. His head jerked up at the sudden warmth but you had already turned away and didn't get to see the flush of his cheeks spread to his ears and the adorable grin he had for the rest of the morning.
The sun was high in the sky when you both decided to call it quits. You had helped Neville fill 6 jars with different plants and shrink them down for him to bring back to the castle.
You had been practicing your extending charms and managed to fit a whole blanket into your small bag along with tea for both of you.
You handed over the copy of the book you brought for Neville.
"The library had two copies?" He asked as he starts to skim through the pages.
"Oh umm.. no not exactly. I couldn't find it at the library so I went into town and got them."
Neville baulked at that. "Y/N you didn't need to buy me the book. I could have just waited for it to be returned to the library or just ...."
"Nope. Think of it as a late birthday gift. I won't accept anything else."
Neville hung his head suddenly overwhelmed. The book felt like it weighed a thousand pounds and he could barely hold onto it. His mind was racing. You bought him a book. You bought him the same book you bought yourself. You bought two books so you both would have one.
"Neville?" You reach out and touch his cheek drawing his face up to look at you.
"Thank you." He says so softly. You scoot closer so you are leaning into his side and open your book in your lap.
He stiffens at first, nobody has ever been this close to him before, but his body starts to relax into the touch. He tentatively leans back against you and opens his own book to read. The warmth from your body heats something deep in his chest and his body realises how truly touch starved he is.
He could definitely get use to this.
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cnth-rb · 7 months
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¿Sabían que mi personaje favorito de fma es Greed? Es porque es sexy. ¿Sabían también que amo el rosa, los colores brillantes y saturados? Eso es porque me gusta lastimarme los ojos.
Did you know that my favorite fma character is Greed? It's because he's hot. Also, did you know that I love pink, bright and saturated colors? That's because I like to hurt my eyes.
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months
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L'Art et la mode, no. 28, vol. 15, 14 juillet 1894, Paris. Art & Chiffons. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Robe en lainage rose, boutonnant derrière. Garniture de guipure blanche.
Pink woolen dress, buttoned at the back. White guipure trim.
Robe en batiste ciel. Garniture de linon brodé. Guimpe plissée.
Sky cambric dress. Embroidered lawn trim. Pleated wimple.
Toilette en taffetas changeant. Garniture de bouillonés de mousseline de soie. Col, ceinture et nœuds de satin noir.
Changing taffeta ensemble. Garnished with chiffon bouillons. Black satin collar, belt and bows.
Toilette en linon à fleurettes, de point à l’aiguille.
Ensemble in flowered lawn, needlepoint.
Ding ding! Ding ding! Le glas du départ est sonné, le Bois est désert, les salons sont clos. Paris a beau être joli et charmant, il faut s’en aller, qui à la mer, qui à la forêt, qui à la montagne, et quand l’époque du voyage est fixée, la malle est vite faite.
Au risque de passer pour rabâcheuse, il faut bien dire encore une fois que le blanc domine.
La vigogne fait des costumes simples et élégants, privés du moindre ornement; on ne les garnit que de grosses piqûres et d’énormes boutons de nacre.
La serge bleue semble être la nuance préférée des bicyclistes féminines, avec galons de mohair blanc ou rouge, ou écru; le chapeau Escadre en toile ou en serge bleue.
La saison s’annonce déjà très brillante à Cabourg, et l’on y fait, paraît-il, deux et même trois toilettes par jour… le matin, ce sont des costumes tailleur en covercoat, avec biais piqué dans le bas, petite jaquette pareille, col rose ou lilas, cravate en batiste; l’après-midi, ce sont les robes de piqué blanc, avec devant froufrou en crêpe de chine, boléro écourté sur des dentelles vaporeuses superposées, ce qui est plus habillé que le simple flottant de surah; mais ce qui domine, c’est la robe de mousseline à pois brochés, enrichie de volants ourlés de dentelles; à côté de ce genre, le style Pompadour, avec dentelles écrues; quant aux nœuds de rubans, on les sème partout, au relevé de la jupe, à la berthe au cou, à la ceinture, jamais le ruban n’a été aussi en vogue.
Ding ding! Ding ding! The death knell has sounded, the Bois is deserted, the salons are closed. Paris may be pretty and charming, but you have to go, some to the sea, some to the forest, some to the mountains, and when the time of the trip is set, the trunk is quickly packed.
At the risk of coming across as harping, it must be said once again that white dominates.
The vicuña makes simple and elegant costumes, deprived of the slightest ornament; they are only garnished with large stitches and enormous mother-of-pearl buttons.
Blue serge seems to be the favorite shade of female cyclists, with white or red, or ecru mohair braid; the Escadre hat in canvas or blue serge.
The season is already looking very bright in Cabourg, and it seems that there are two and even three ensembles a day… in the morning, they are tailored suits in covercoat, with stitched bias at the bottom, similar little jacket, pink or lilac collar, cambric tie; in the afternoon, there are the white piqué dresses, with frilly front in crepe de chine, cropped bolero on superimposed vaporous lace, which is more dressy than the simple floating surah; but what dominates is the muslin dress with polka dots, enriched with ruffles hemmed with lace; next to this genre, the Pompadour style, with ecru lace; as for ribbon bows, we scatter them everywhere, at the top of the skirt, at the berthe at the neck, at the belt, ribbon has never been so fashionable.
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chicinsilk · 5 months
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US Vogue April 15, 1963
Givenchy Haute Couture Collection Spring/Summer 1963. Audrey Hepburn wears a bubblegum pink cloqué silk evening dress, with a fascinating serpentine wrap that shows part of the leg in front, plunging down to a small fishtail train. Moderately bare back, falling, rounded, with a large drawstring. Pieces of faux ruby and brilliants surround the double row of pearls at the neck. René Mancini pumps.
Givenchy Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1963. Audrey Hepburn porte une robe de soirée en soie cloquée rose bonbon, avec une fascinante enveloppe serpentine qui montre une partie de la jambe devant, plongeant jusqu'à une petite traîne en queue de poisson. Dos moyennement dénudé, tombant, bombé, d'un gros cordon de serrage. Des morceaux de faux rubis et de brillants enserrent le double rang de perles au niveau du cou. Escarpins de René Mancini.
Photo Bert Stern vogue archive
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pompadourpink · 1 year
Sophie's Misfortunes - #1
Les malheurs de Sophie - la Comtesse de Ségur, 1858
Chapitre 1 - la Poupée de cire
« Ma bonne, ma bonne, dit un jour Sophie en accourant dans sa chambre, venez vite ouvrir une caisse que papa m’a envoyée de Paris ; je crois que c’est une poupée de cire, car il m’en a promis une.
La bonne: Où est la caisse ?
Sophie: Dans l’antichambre : venez vite, ma bonne, je vous en supplie. »
La bonne posa son ouvrage et suivit Sophie à l’antichambre. Une caisse de bois blanc était posée sur une chaise ; la bonne l’ouvrit. Sophie aperçut la tête blonde et frisée d’une jolie poupée de cire ; elle poussa un cri de joie et voulut saisir la poupée, qui était encore couverte d’un papier d’emballage.
La bonne: Prenez garde ! ne tirez pas encore ; vous allez tout casser. La poupée tient par des cordons.
Sophie: Cassez-les, arrachez-les ; vite, ma bonne, que j’aie ma poupée.
"My maid, my maid!" Sophie said one day running into her maid's room. "Hurry up! Open this crate that daddy sent me from Paris. I think it's a wax doll, because he promised me one!" The maid: "Where is the crate?" Sophie: "In the antechamber. Come quick, please!" The maid set her work down and followed Sophie to the antechamber. A white wood crate was on a chair. The maid opened it. Sophie spotted the blonde and curly head of a beautiful wax doll. She let out a cry of joy and tried to grab the doll, which was still covered in wrapping paper. The maid: "Careful! Don't pull it yet. You'll break everything. The doll is kept in place by some cords," the maid said.
Sophie: "Break them, rip them. Hurry, my maid, so that I have my doll!"
La bonne, au lieu de tirer et d’arracher, prit ses ciseaux, coupa les cordons, enleva les papiers, et Sophie put prendre la plus jolie poupée qu’elle eût jamais vue. Les joues étaient roses avec de petites fossettes ; les yeux bleus et brillants ; le cou, la poitrine, les bras en cire, charmants et potelés. La toilette était très simple : une robe de percale festonnée, une ceinture bleue, des bas de coton et des brodequins noirs en peau vernie.
Sophie l’embrassa plus de vingt fois, et, la tenant dans ses bras, elle se mit à sauter et à danser. Son cousin Paul, qui avait cinq ans, et qui était en visite chez Sophie, accourut aux cris de joie qu’elle poussait.
« Paul, regarde quelle jolie poupée m’a envoyée papa ! s’écria Sophie.
Paul: Donne-la-moi, que je la voie mieux.
Sophie: Non, tu la casserais.
Paul: Je t’assure que j’y prendrai bien garde ; je te la rendrai tout de suite. »
Sophie donna la poupée à son cousin, en lui recommandant encore de prendre bien garde de la faire tomber. Paul la retourna, la regarda de tous les côtés, puis la remit à Sophie en secouant la tête.
The maid, instead of pulling and ripping, took some scissors, cut the cords, removed the papers, and Sophie was able to grab the most beautiful doll she had ever seen. The cheeks were pink with little dimples. The eyes were blue and bright. The neck, the chest, the wax arms, charming and chubby. The outfit was simple: a scalloped, percale dress, a blue belt, cotton stockings and black, patent leather boots. Sophie kissed her more than twenty times and, holding her by the arms, she started to jump and dance. Her cousin Paul, who was five years old, and who was visiting Sophie, ran to her cries of joy. "Paul, look at the lovely doll daddy sent me!" Sophie cried out. "Give her to me, I want a better look at her." "No, you would break her." "I promise you I'll be careful. I'll give her back right away." Sophie gave the doll to her cousin, telling him once again to be very careful not to drop her. Paul turned her around, looked at her from every side and then gave her back to Sophie, shaking his head.
Sophie: Pourquoi secoues-tu la tête ?
Paul: Parce que cette poupée n’est pas solide ; je crains que tu ne la casses.
Sophie: Oh ! sois tranquille, je vais la soigner tant, tant que je ne la casserai jamais. Je vais demander à maman d’inviter Camille et Madeleine à déjeuner avec nous, pour leur faire voir ma jolie poupée.
Paul: Elles te la casseront.
Sophie: Non, elles sont trop bonnes pour me faire de la peine en cassant ma pauvre poupée.
Le lendemain, Sophie peigna et habilla sa poupée, parce que ses amies devaient venir. En l’habillant, elle la trouva pâle. « Peut-être, dit-elle, a-t-elle froid, ses pieds sont glacés. Je vais la mettre un peu au soleil pour que mes amies voient que j’en ai bien soin et que je la tiens bien chaudement. » Sophie alla porter la poupée au soleil sur la fenêtre du salon.
« Que fais-tu à la fenêtre, Sophie ? lui demanda sa maman.
Sophie: Je veux réchauffer ma poupée, maman ; elle a très froid.
"Why are you shaking your head?" "Because that doll isn't solid. I'm afraid you're going to break her." "Oh, don't worry. I'll take such good care of her, so much so that I'll never break her. I'm going to ask mother to invite Camille and Madeleine to have lunch with us, so I can show them my beautiful doll." "They'll break her." "No, they're too nice to hurt me by breaking my poor doll." The next day, Sophie combed and dressed her doll, because her friends were supposed to come. While dressing her, she thought she was pale. "Maybe," she said, "she's cold. Her feet are freezing. I'm going to put her in the sun for a little bit so my friends can see that I'm taking care of her and keeping her nice and warm." Sophie went to put the doll in the sun in the sitting room's window. "What are you doing at the window, Sophie?" her mother asked. "I want to warm my doll up, mother. She's very cold."
La maman: Prends garde, tu vas la faire fondre.
Sophie: Oh non ! maman, il n’y a pas de danger : elle est dure comme du bois.
La maman: Mais la chaleur la rendra molle ; il lui arrivera quelque malheur, je t’en préviens. »
Sophie ne voulut pas croire sa maman, elle mit la poupée étendue tout de son long au soleil, qui était brûlant.
Au même instant elle entendit le bruit d’une voiture : c’étaient ses amies qui arrivaient. Elle courut au-devant d’elles ; Paul les avait attendues sur le perron ; elles entrèrent au salon en courant et parlant toutes à la fois. Malgré leur impatience de voir la poupée, elles commencèrent par dire bonjour à Mme de Réan, maman de Sophie ; elles allèrent ensuite à Sophie, qui tenait sa poupée et la regardait d’un air consterné.
Madeleine, regardant la poupée: La poupée est aveugle, elle n’a pas d’yeux.
Camille: Quel dommage ! comme elle est jolie !
Madeleine: Mais comment est-elle devenue aveugle ! Elle devait avoir des yeux.
Sophie ne disait rien ; elle regardait la poupée et pleurait.
Mother: "Be careful, she'll melt." Sophie: "No, mother, there's no danger. She's as hard as wood." Mother: "But the heat will make her soft. Something bad will happen to her, I'm warning you." Sophie didn't want to believe her mother. She laid the doll out in the sun, which was scorching hot. At that moment, she heard the sound of a carriage. It was her friends showing up. She ran to go meet them. Paul had been waiting for them on the front steps. They ran into the sitting room, talking all at once. Despite their impatience to see the doll, they first said hello to Mrs. de Réan, Sophie's mother. They then went to Sophie, who was holding the doll and looking at her with dismay. "The doll is blind. She doesn't have any eyes!" Madeleine said. "What a shame! How beautiful she is!" Camille said. "But how did she get blind? She was supposed to have eyes." Sophie didn't say anything. She was looking at the doll and crying.
Madame de Réan: Je t’avais dit, Sophie, qu’il arriverait un malheur à ta poupée si tu t’obstinais à la mettre au soleil. Heureusement que la figure et les bras n’ont pas eu le temps de fondre. Voyons, ne pleure pas ; je suis très habile médecin, je pourrai peut-être lui rendre ses yeux.
Sophie, pleurant: C’est impossible, maman, ils n’y sont plus.
Mme de Réan prit la poupée en souriant et la secoua un peu ; on entendit comme quelque chose qui roulait dans la tête. « Ce sont les yeux qui font le bruit que tu entends, dit Mme de Réan ; la cire a fondu autour des yeux, et ils sont tombés. Mais je tâcherai de les ravoir. Déshabillez la poupée, mes enfants, pendant que je préparerai mes instruments. »
Aussitôt Paul et les trois petites filles se précipitèrent sur la poupée pour la déshabiller. Sophie ne pleurait plus ; elle attendait avec impatience ce qui allait arriver.
La maman revint, prit ses ciseaux, détacha le corps cousu à la poitrine ; les yeux, qui étaient dans la tête, tombèrent sur ses genoux ; elle les prit avec des pinces, les replaça où ils devaient être, et, pour les empêcher de tomber encore, elle coula dans la tête, et sur la place où étaient les yeux, de la cire fondue qu’elle avait apportée dans une petite casserole ; elle attendit quelques instants que la cire fût refroidie, et puis elle recousit le corps à la tête.
Les petites n’avaient pas bougé. Sophie regardait avec crainte toutes ces opérations, elle avait peur que ce ne fût pas bien ; mais, quand elle vit sa poupée raccommodée et aussi jolie qu’auparavant, elle sauta au cou de sa maman et l’embrassa dix fois.
Sophie's mother said, "I told you so, Sophie. Something bad would happen to your doll if you insisted on putting her in the sun. Fortunately, the face and the arms didn't have enough time to melt. Come on, don't cry. I'm a very skilled doctor, I might be able to give her back her eyes." "It's impossible, mother. They're gone," Sophie cried. Mrs. de Réan took the doll with a smile and shook her a bit. They could hear something rolling around in the head. "Those are the eyes making the noise you hear," Mrs. de Réan said. "The wax melted around the eyes and they fell. But I'll try to get them back. Undress the doll, children, while I get my tools ready." Right away, Paul and the three little girls came upon the doll to undress her. Sophie wasn't crying anymore. She waited restlessly for what was going to happen. The mother came back. She took her scissors and detached the body sewn at the chest. The eyes, which were inside the head, fell onto her knees. She took them with some pliers and put them back where they were supposed to be. To prevent them from falling again, she poured some melted wax that she brought in a little pan on the place where the eyes were. She waited a little bit to let the wax cool down, then she resewed the body to the head. The little ones didn't move. Sophie watched this whole operation with fear. She was afraid it wouldn't work out. But when she saw her doll fixed up and as beautiful as before, she jumped to her mother's neck and kissed it ten times.
« Merci, ma chère maman, disait-elle, merci : une autre fois je vous écouterai, bien sûr. »
On rhabilla bien vite la poupée, on l’assit sur un petit fauteuil et on l’emmena promener en triomphe en chantant :
Vive maman ! De baisers je la mange. Vive maman ! Elle est notre bon ange.
La poupée vécut très longtemps bien soignée, bien aimée ; mais petit à petit elle perdit ses charmes, voici comment. Un jour, Sophie pensa qu’il était bon de laver les poupées, puisqu’on lavait les enfants ; elle prit de l’eau, une éponge, du savon, et se mit à débarbouiller sa poupée ; elle la débarbouilla si bien, qu’elle lui enleva toutes ses couleurs : les joues et les lèvres devinrent pâles comme si elle était malade, et restèrent toujours sans couleur. Sophie pleura, mais la poupée resta pâle.
Un autre jour, Sophie pensa qu’il fallait lui friser les cheveux ; elle lui mit donc des papillotes : elle les passa au fer chaud, pour que les cheveux fussent mieux frisés. Quand elle lui ôta ses papillotes, les cheveux restèrent dedans ; le fer était trop chaud, Sophie avait brûlé les cheveux de sa poupée, qui était chauve. Sophie pleura, mais la poupée resta chauve.
"Thank you, my dear mother," she said. "Thank you. Next time, I'll listen to you, for sure." They quickly redressed the doll, set her on a little chair and went for a triumphant walk while chanting: Hooray for mother! I cover her in kisses! Hooray for mother! She is our angel! The doll lived for a long time, well cared-for, well loved. But, bit by bit, she lost her charms. Here's how. One day, Sophie thought it was a good idea to wash dolls, since people wash children. She took some water, a sponge, some soap and started to clean her doll. She cleaned her so well, that she removed all her color. The cheeks and lips became pale as if she were sick and were forever colorless. Sophie cried, but the doll was still pale. Another day, Sophie thought she had to curl her hair. She put some foil in her hair. She ironed it so that it would curl better. When she removed the foil, the hair stayed within. The iron was too hot. Sophie had burned her doll's hair, she was now bald. Sophie cried, but the doll was still bald.
Un autre jour encore, Sophie, qui s’occupait beaucoup de l’éducation de sa poupée, voulut lui apprendre à faire des tours de force. Elle la suspendit par les bras à une ficelle ; la poupée, qui ne tenait pas bien, tomba et se cassa un bras. La maman essaya de la raccommoder ; mais, comme il manquait des morceaux, il fallut chauffer beaucoup la cire, et le bras resta plus court que l’autre. Sophie pleura, mais le bras resta plus court.
Une autre fois, Sophie songea qu’un bain de pieds serait très utile à sa poupée, puisque les grandes personnes en prenaient. Elle versa de l’eau bouillante dans un petit seau, y plongea les pieds de la poupée, et, quand elle la retira, les pieds s’étaient fondus, et étaient dans le seau. Sophie pleura, mais la poupée resta sans jambes.
Depuis tous ces malheurs, Sophie n’aimait plus sa poupée, qui était devenue affreuse, et dont ses amies se moquaient ; enfin, un dernier jour, Sophie voulut lui apprendre à grimper aux arbres ; elle la fit monter sur une branche, la fit asseoir ; mais la poupée, qui ne tenait pas bien, tomba : sa tête frappa contre des pierres et se cassa en cent morceaux. Sophie ne pleura pas, mais elle invita ses amies à venir enterrer sa poupée.
Another day, Sophie, who was busy with her doll's upbringing, wanted to teach her to do some amazing feats. She hanged her by the arms from a string. The doll, which wasn't holding on well, fell and broke an arm. The mother tried to fix her up. But, since some pieces were missing, she had to heat up the wax quite a bit. The arm ended up shorter than the other. Sophie cried, but the arm was still shorter. Another time, Sophie thought that a foot bath would be useful to her doll, since all great people had them. She poured some boiling water into a little bucket and plunged the doll's feet into it. When she pulled her out, the feet had melted and were in the bucket. Sophie cried, but the doll still didn't have legs. After all these misfortunes, Sophie didn't love her doll anymore. The doll had become hideous and Sophie's friends were mocking her. At last, one day, Sophie wanted to teach her to climb trees. She put her on a branch and sat her there. But the doll, who wasn't holding on well, fell. Her head struck some rocks and broke into a hundred pieces. Sophie didn't cry. Instead, she invited her friends to come bury her doll.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
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Un nuevo poder surge de mí (Vive en mí, Butterflix) Un halo de luz libera mi espíritu (Whoa-o-a-oh, Whoa-o-a-oh!) Todo se eleva de la tierra al cielo (Y soy yo, Butterflix) Alas brillantes ya puedo volar Butterflix!
I KNOW Y’ALL ARE THINKING I SKIPPED LIKE 5 FORMS but since Butterflix is the last form that’s more directly based on Glamourix, it felt fitting to do it next so I got the basic higher forms all done at once. Once again, some colors changed around again (most notably Flora, Stella and Aisha reclaimed their pink, orange and teal), and Roxy is brown this time instead of red. The wings are back to being a sort of doily/hollow concept, because it’s honestly really cool and it’s one of the places where canon Butterflix had rights, actually lol
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yamikittycat · 1 year
If you are taking requests can I request Thor fluff? Cuddling him and singing him to sleep after he had a rough day with all father? :)
Hey anon! Sure thing! Hope it’s what you’re looking for
It was getting late and the sun was beginning to paint the sky first pink, then to a brillant red as it sank behind the great wall of Asgard
You were getting ready for bed, but didn’t want to go to sleep yet. You wanted to wait a little longer
You wanted to hear about Thor’s day, like you always did.
But you noticed dark storm clouds brewing. Lightening threaded through the dark clouds and a large bolt struck the ground outside of the Great Lodge. Then the loudest crack of thunder you’ve ever heard followed not even a second later, shaking the Lodge. Following that, the loud caws of of a mass of ravens.
And shouting.
They were arguing. Again
You opened your door and made it to the dining hall just as Thor threw open the doors, barreling his way past the Einherjar and other Asgardians as Odin followed behind, yelling something at him before he went off to his study and slammed his door.
Thor, fuming, went into your shared room, with you close behind, just as he slammed the door as an answer back.
It was so hard that it felt as if the entire Lodge itself shook with his rage.
“Thor, what happened love?” You asked trying to understand why he was so furious.
Thor couldn’t answer, he was pacing back and forth from wall to wall. Blue sparks were coursing down his arms and around Mjolnir and in his eyes.
You figured something must have happened between him and the All-Father while they were out.
When he was on his course back closest to you, you grabbed his hand causing Thor to come to a stop, sort of grounding him and bringing him back to you.
You pulled at him to get into your bed. He reluctantly dropped his Hammer and obliged.
You motioned for him to lay his head on your chest and you began to run your fingers through his red mane. You began to sing softly to him. It was an old song you had learned from your mother as she had from hers and so on.
Thor closed his eyes and listened to your gentle voice and your heartbeat and after you had finished your song, he finally was calm enough to speak softly.
“Thank you, my dear. You always know what I need.”
You smiled softly and kissed the crown of his head. “Of course, my love. Now let’s get you out of your armor.”
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inspiredwriter · 5 months
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Stefany : Leo,¿te gusta mi vestido rosa brillante? ☺️😄👗🩷💖💞💝💘
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Leonardo: Wow, girl, you look so dazzling in this outfit~!😃😍👗✨🩷💗💓💕 I want to kiss your pink lips~😏😘💖💘💞
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jonathan-pradillon · 5 months
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Peinture contemporaine sur toile | Grand dégradé carré or rose violet
Œuvre créée au couteau à la peinture acrylique sur châssis en bois entoilé en coton 100%
Couleurs iridescentes
Rebords de la toile peints à la peinture acrylique noire
Protection / Finition : œuvre vernie à la bombe aérosol brillante
Pour voir un aperçu vidéo de cette peinture, rendez-vous sur : https://youtu.be/DqlKUyoZ9pc
Format : 80 cm x 80 cm x 3,5 cm
Diagonale : 113,1 cm
Poids approximatif : 1,5 kg
Date de réalisation : 03/2024
Artiste : Jonathan Pradillon Pièce unique Œuvre signée Certificat d’authenticité fourni Emballage soigné
Prix : 350 Euros.
Pour acheter cette peinture, rendez-vous sur :
Artinsolite : https://www.artinsolite.com/product-page/grand-degrade-carre-or-rose-violet
Artsper : https://www.artsper.com/fr/oeuvres-d-art-contemporain/peinture/2198140/grand-degrade-carre-or-rose-violet
Amazon : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0D1Y34KMV?ref=myi_title_dp
Artmajeur : https://www.artmajeur.com/jonathan-pradillon/fr/oeuvres-d-art/17785435/grand-degrade-carre-or-rose-violet 
Artfinder : https://www.artfinder.com/manage/jonathan-pradillon/product/large-square-gradient-gold-pink-purple/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=bookmark
Singulart : https://www.singulart.com/fr/oeuvres-d-art/jonathan-pradillon-grand-d%C3%A9grad%C3%A9-carr%C3%A9-or-rose-violet-1976161
Etsy : https://jonathanpradillon.etsy.com/fr/listing/1701683336/grand-tableau-carre-sur-toile-o-grand
Saatchiart : https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-Large-square-gradient-gold-pink-purple/968246/11654003/view
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sciatu · 2 years
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Hai mai visto le scogliere di lava di Pantelleria? Alte sul mare hanno un colore scuro cangiante, ora nero e tenebroso quando le nuvole coprono il sole, ora di un marrone rossiccio, quasi rosato, quando ad est il sole rotola oltre l’orizzonte come un rosso melograno caduto dall’albero e colora il cielo di mille sfumature rosa ed arancio prima che la notte arrivi vestita di stelle infinite. Il mare a volte è quieto, immobile e pigro, culla i grandi pesci nel grembo di piccole baie o stretti fiordi colorandosi di un blu zaffiro intenso e seducente. Altre volte il vento gonfia le onde, le inquieta rendendole enormi come se negli abissi del mare enormi mostri lottassero rabbiosi tra loro e le onde fossero l’immenso effetto della loro infinita forza. Allora le onde partono da lontano, alte, immense e dalla chiara cresta e dopo una corsa che pare il respiro del mare, con fragore urtano le nere scogliere con una forza che le spinge in alto sui pendii scoscesi. Tanta è la loro rabbia che cambiano colore e ora da profondo blu diventano una schiuma di un bianco luminoso, rabbioso e ritirandosi graffiando la lava, scavandola con unghie invisibili, mutandosi in un verde delicato e fragile stretto tra la luce brillante della schiuma e il cupo colore blu notte del resto del mare. Nell’aria senti l’urlo che le onde fanno infrangendosi contro le scure scogliere figlie dell’antico fuoco e nell’urlo trasformato in fragore, respiri le infinite gocce che dallo scontro titanico sono nate, ne senti il sapore salato e l’intenso profumo di mare. La tua mente, abituata a cercare nel visibile, quella invisibile parte che Dio vi pone per parlarci, paragona quell’urto liquido e distruttivo contro un corpo invincibile e indifferente, a quelle che sono le parti della vita, come l’amore, la gioia, la vita stessa, come se ogni amore, ogni gioia, ogni vita, nulla possa contro il tempo, l’egoismo, l’indifferenza e sia destinato ad esserne vinto e domato. Eppure, il gioco d’azzardo della ragione, portato ai suoi estremi, rivela l’ambiguità del suo senso, ne definisce i limiti, perché cambiando la prospettiva ti chiedi invece, se amore e solitudine, se onestà e verità o ogni altro senso tu consideri dell’animo umano, non siano quella roccia immobile e invincibile e in questo tuo diverso pensare, arrivi a credere che nel difendere con fermezza i pilastri della tua anima, definisci chi sei, riassumi te stesso nella lotta contro il mare degli egoismi e delle falsità, contro le onde dei silenzi e dei tradimenti e nella forza della scogliera, anche se erosa e provata, motivi il tuo essere e dai una forza universale a tutti i tuoi giorni.
Have you ever seen the lava cliffs of Pantelleria? High above the sea they have an iridescent dark colour, now black when the clouds cover the sun, now a reddish brown, almost pinkish, when in the east the sun rolls over the horizon like a red pomegranate fallen from the tree and colors the sky of a thousand shades of pink and orange before the night arrives dressed in infinite stars. The sea is sometimes calm, still and lazy, cradling the big fish in the lap of small bays or narrow fjords, coloring itself in an intense and seductive sapphire blue. Other times the wind swells the waves, disturbs them making them enormous as if in the abyss of the sea enormous monsters were fighting each other angrily and the waves were the immense effect of their infinite strength. Then the waves start from afar, high, immense and with a clear crest and after a rush that seems like the breath of the sea, they crash against the black cliffs with a force that pushes them up the steep slopes. Such is their anger that they change color and now from deep blue they become a foam of a luminous white, angry and retreating scratching the lava, digging it with invisible nails, changing into a delicate and fragile green squeezed between the brilliant light of the foam and the gloomy midnight blue color of the rest of the sea. In the air you hear the scream that the waves make as they break against the dark cliffs daughters of the ancient fire and in the scream transformed into a roar, you breathe the infinite drops that were born from the titanic clash, you feel the salty taste and the intense perfume of sea. Your mind, accustomed to seeking in the visible, that invisible part that God places in it to speak to us, compares that liquid and destructive impact against an invincible and indifferent body to those which are the parts of life, such as love, joy , life itself, as if every love, every joy, every life, can do nothing against time, selfishness, indifference and is destined to be won and tamed. Yet, the gamble of reason, taken to its extremes, reveals the ambiguity of its meaning, defines its limits, because by changing the perspective you ask yourself instead, if love and loneliness, if honesty and truth or any other sense you consider the human soul, are they not that immobile and invincible rock and in this different thinking of yours, you come to believe that in firmly defending the pillars of your soul, you define who you are, you summarize yourself in the fight against the sea of selfishness and falsehood, against the waves of silences and betrayals and in the strength of the cliff, even if eroded and tested, motivate your being and give a universal strength to all your days.
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yeowangies · 2 years
Close Encounter
Chapter l | Chapter ll | Chapter lll: Torture | Chapter lV | Chapter V
PAIRING: Raditz/Reader RATING: Explicit CONTENTS: Canon Divergence AU, Romance, Some fluff, Expicit Sexual Content, Dirty Talk, WORDCOUNT: 4828
“I don’t know how humans behave. Do you not fuck to patch things up, even if you might still be angry at me?”
“How crude,” You said, actually surprised at his choice of words, but not at all put off. “Is that how you are trying to seduce me?”
He chuckled darkly against your ear, giving you goosebumps. You were still flushing intensely simply by the tone of the conversation. 
This whole chapter makes me so... insecure? I don't like writing sappy scenes, as small as they are, I cringe so much, I don't think I'm good at them (and with Raditz nonetheless...).
Also the dirty talk thing... yeah I think he would be into that but also... I don't think I'm good at writing that either lmao. So basically this whole chapter is an experiment and I don't know how I feel about this but yeah. Hope you enjoy it either way!
You fucked up. What were you thinking, throwing him out like that?
Until then, you were getting along quite well, but you couldn’t help it when he said all that. You knew you were a little unfair with him, but you couldn’t control your temper sometimes. Bulma’s brillant plan was out the window now.
Raditz could have walked right back in and killed you if he wanted to. You knew he wouldn’t, though. Your brain reminded you that he had the power, and he could do it. But you simply knew he wouldn’t harm you. And the fact that in all that time he hadn’t just proved you right. He actually seemed to like you well enough, especially after that day he basically came onto you.
You didn’t know if all that applied to the rest of humanity.
It’s not like what he insinuated was entirely wrong either. You did have sex with him as soon as you met him (for the Earth or whatever). And it’s not like you have never done it, though never as fast, for sure. You just had a problem with the way he said it. 
The scouter thing though… that was embarrassing. But in retrospect you should have noticed. And it wasn’t really his fault (you assumed there wasn’t anything he could have done about it).
You groaned, rubbing your eyes while lying on the couch. You would have to go out and find him if he didn’t come back. You hoped he would come back. 
You barely waited an hour before you went out to the yard. Raditz obviously wasn’t there. Your house was near the woods, so he could have gone in there, but you weren’t particularly excited about it; it was getting late and the sun was setting. You paced around in your garden, hoping that he would magically appear somehow. 
When you went back inside to put on your running shoes, deciding it was best to go into the forest after all, you heard the front door open. 
“Raditz?” You called, sprinting to the living room.
There he was, standing as tall as ever near the entrance of your house. He looked fine (you didn’t know why you even worried about his safety), his wild hair had a few leaves poking through, but that was it, and you let out a long sigh. 
He didn’t say anything, and you couldn’t read his face; his brows were furrowed but then again, most of the time they were. You would have to apologize first, after all, you did throw him out without really explaining anything.
When you were about to speak, Raditz took a step closer to you and suddenly held three flowers in front of your face.
You blinked a couple of times, in disbelief. Those were wildflowers, white, yellow and red, not like the ones that grew in your garden. 
“Sorry,” He said, and you looked at him. There was a faint dust of pink on his cheeks, and he wasn’t looking at you. “I don’t know what it was that I said that offended you, but…”
You froze, your eyes going back to the flowers he was holding. Did he go into the forest to pick them out for you? And he was apologizing as well? 
When you didn’t say anything you noticed he shifted, obviously nervous at your lack of response. 
“Men did this when they wanted to apologize on those shows you watch on TV… Is this not how it’s done?”
“Oh, no!” You quickly grabbed the flowers from his hand. “I mean, yes, I was just surprised. Thank you.”
Raditz turned his head to the side, in a weak attempt to hide the blush on his face. Your heart skipped a beat, yet you still couldn’t wrap your head around it. 
“You didn’t say anything wrong… I overreacted.” It was your turn to look elsewhere, choosing to lower your gaze to the floor. “I should have explained things better, I suppose.”
“What bothered you about what I said?”
“Um… Insinuating I sleep around.” You paused, blushing a little. “And… knowing they heard me, us…”
“I wasn’t saying that. There’s nothing wrong if you do it, though.” Raditz sighed loudly, before speaking again. “I didn’t know that would bother you. Maybe I shouldn’t have told you.”
“What’s done is done, I guess.” You said, unsure of what to say about that, and still looking at the floor. “I’m sorry I threw you out.”
When Raditz didn’t respond after a while, you assumed there was nothing left to say. You were still embarrassed about the whole situation, and turned around to put the flowers in a small vase without lifting your gaze towards him. 
He suddenly spoke when you were putting the vase on the kitchen table.
“It turned me on.”
“What?” You turned around to look at him, thinking you might have heard him wrong.
“It was arousing, how you push me out like that.”
You didn’t dare to look him in the eye, but you still inspected his face to see if he was not teasing you, but he looked completely serious. 
“You were aroused when I threw you out?” You asked quietly, feeling heat creep up your neck.
“Yeah, your whole attitude aroused me.”
You turned your back to him with eyes wide open. Your entire face was red, you didn’t even need to look into a mirror to confirm it. 
Was he serious? Nobody ever told you they were turned on by your anger. It seemed crazy. Most men didn’t like it; you were aware you got angry at every little thing way too often, only to cool down quickly afterwards. But that wasn’t attractive to human men. You supposed it was a Saiyan thing that made him attracted to that trait of yours, otherwise it made no sense.
You flinched when you felt his hand on your waist, but you didn’t stop him.
“Weren’t you excited when you threw me out?” 
“Not really.” You snorted. “I mean, I was angry.”
“I had to fight the urge to go back inside and take you right there.” 
Was dying from blushing so much a thing? It certainly felt like it was. At the same time, warmth pooled inside you when you felt him getting closer, both of his hands now on your hips.
“Weren’t you angry?”
“I was. And surprised you actually kicked me out like that.” You could practically hear the smirk on his face. 
“It was a little funny, I guess.” You tried to contain the giggle that threatened to leave your lips.
Raditz squeezed your side, making you jump. He nuzzled your neck next, his breath ghosting your skin, making you shiver.
“I don’t know how humans behave. Do you not fuck to patch things up, even if you might still be angry at me?”
“How crude,” You said, actually surprised at his choice of words, but not at all put off. “Is that how you are trying to seduce me?”
He chuckled darkly against your ear, giving you goosebumps. You were still flushing intensely simply by the tone of the conversation. 
Still, you knew you would give in. You were already giving in. You spent too much time around him to keep ignoring your attraction to him, especially when he so openly and explicitly let you know he wanted you. 
When his hands slid under your shirt, caressing your skin, your breath hitched. 
“Maybe I should show you how I want to seduce you.”
Raditz planted a kiss on your neck, grazing his teeth, and you tried not to moan at something so small when you haven’t done anything yet. You gasped, however, when his hands pressed you against his body, and you felt his erection through all your clothes. You wanted to turn around and face him so you could kiss him, but his hold on you was firm, and he kept nibbling and sucking on the skin of your neck. 
“Raditz…” You pleaded, stroking his forearms, trying to convey what you wanted. 
He understood; in a second he spun you around and his lips were on yours, kissing you fervently. You responded just as intensely, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and sliding a hand into his hair to tug at it. He groaned into your mouth, tongue tangling with yours in a kiss that left you breathless quickly. 
“Bed…” You said breathily, when he left your lips to kiss the side of your neck he hadn’t explored yet.
Grunting in response, Raditz wrapped his hands under your thighs and hoisted you up, his tail promptly wrapping itself around your waist. You gasped, instinctively wrapping your legs around his waist, feeling like you were too far from the floor by how tall he was. 
He was quick in getting to your room, placing you on the bed and covering you with his own body, kissing your lips once more. You had forgotten what it was like to lie underneath him, but it was all coming back as he ran his hands up your waist. He pulled away to take off his shirt, and you took the opportunity to do the same. 
“I didn’t get to see you fully naked last time,” Raditz said with a wide smirk on his face as you removed your bra, throwing it somewhere on the floor. 
“Me neither,” You replied quietly, as his hands traveled up your torso. “Though I see you shirtless way too often.”
“Yeah, I noticed how you look at me,” He sneered. 
“What? I-” 
You breathed loudly when his thumbs ran over your nipples experimentally.
“When you changed my bandages, your eyes lingered a little longer than usual.” 
He didn’t give you a chance to reply, leaning down to take a nipple into his mouth. You gasped, arching your back as he kept teasing your other nipple with his fingers. He kissed and licked at the sensitive skin, looking up at you to gauge your reaction before turning his attention to your other breast. When he grazed his teeth on your skin, you moaned, your body shivering underneath him.
“You like that?” He asked, voice low, before running his tongue over your nipple.
You nodded, locking your eyes with his. 
“Say it.”
“Yes, I like that!” You replied, embarrassed when you saw the smug smile on his lips.
He sucked on your breast, and you hummed approvingly, closing your eyes. He left your chest, licking all the way to your neck, pressing his body to yours.
“You drive me crazy,” Raditz whispered in your ear, his hands caressing and squeezing your sides. “I’ve been wanting to do this for so long. You sure as hell tortured me, woman.”
“Torture you?” You turned to look at him, and he kissed you briefly before speaking.
“I had to see you every day, but I could not touch you.”
You let out a breathy chuckle, but it quickly turned into a moan when he bit at your neck. 
“Is that funny to you?”
You ran your hands down his sides, tugging at his pants. Raditz pulled away to slide them down, and you took that opportunity to push at his shoulders, rolling over so his back was against the bed, your legs on each side of his waist. He looked up at you with wide eyes, but he soon smiled at you.
“This is the second time you caught me off guard.”
“You should be more careful then.” You said, looking down at him smugly as you slid your hands up his chest, feeling every muscle under your fingertips. “And I had to see you every day too, you know.”
Raditz seemed to enjoy having you on top by the way his eyes hungrily traveled up your body, taking you in. His hands squeezed your breasts first before sliding down towards your hips.
“I’m gonna be in charge this time.”
He raised an eyebrow at the proud look on your face. 
“Aren’t you bold?” He jested, but he didn’t try to switch positions. 
You quickly tried to remove your pants and panties as Raditz worked to take off his sweatpants and underwear as well. It was hard to do without actually getting off him, but you managed. 
It took you by surprise when he suddenly hooked his arms underneath your thighs once you were both fully naked, and dragged you upwards in one move. You yelped, bracing your hands swiftly against the headboard so you wouldn’t smack your head against it. You opened your mouth to yell at him to be careful, but you noticed right away that you were straddling his head. 
“I wanna taste you,” He said, wrapping his arms around your thighs. 
Raditz didn’t give you time to utter a single word as he brought you down, closer to his face. You sucked in a breath when he swiped his tongue over your entrance, thighs quivering as he shifted a little underneath you to position himself better. He licked again, stroking your clit, and you moaned loudly. 
At least, you were still technically on top (though not in charge, apparently).
You couldn’t contain the sounds leaving your mouth when he began to earnestly eat you out. Raditz was just as messy as you remembered, gliding his tongue everywhere, not leaving any trace of you untouched. He lapped at your entrance and kissed your clit, and you trembled, your hips bucking on their own accord. 
His eyes were on you, but you didn’t dare to look at him, slightly embarrassed at the position you were in. And the noises he was making flustered you even more at the same time that heightened your arousal; he hummed and slurped as if he was eating the most delicious dinner. 
When he sealed his lips around your clit, you cried out, pleasure pulsing through your veins.
“Fuck…” You panted.
You did look down then; his eyes were blown by desire, taking you in as he sucked on your most sensitive spot. You ran a hand through his hair, fingers stroking his scalp, making him hum softly. His tongue swirled eagerly over your folds before he closed his lips around your clit again, and you knew you weren’t going to last much longer. One of his hands squeezed your butt, and your hips moved against his mouth, feeling heat growing inside your belly. 
You heard a slick sound behind you, and you looked over your shoulder to see that Raditz was slowly stroking his erection with his free hand. You moaned at the sight; he couldn’t be more perfect even if he tried. 
He kept lapping, kissing and sucking at your clit with intent, and soon your thighs started to quiver. You came with a stuttered moan, seeing stars behind your lids. He wrapped both his arms around you to keep you in place when your body started trembling, his tongue still greedily licking your folds, slurping on your release. 
He softened his tongue against you, gently lapping at your entrance as your high subsided. You shivered when he didn’t let up, and you slowly moved your hips backwards and away from his face. He gave you one last lick before you slid down completely, and he chuckled darkly as you repositioned yourself on his hips. 
“I love how good you taste,” He commented, wiping away the slickness with the back of his hand.
Still slightly out of breath, you leaned down and kissed him. Raditz smiled against your lips, pressing you close with his arms around your waist, his tail wrapping itself around your thigh. You hummed into the kiss, holding onto his shoulders as he moved his hands down your hips, stroking your butt and thighs. 
“I wouldn’t mind eating you out again.” He murmured against your lips, squeezing your ass.
Fuck, I wanna keep him forever.
“You’re making it hard for me to say no,” You kissed him briefly before pulling away. “But I had other things in mind.”
Sitting back on his thighs, you wrapped your hand around his length, looking directly at his face as you stroke him. Raditz inhaled deeply and smiled at you, humming pleasantly when you slid your hand up and down slowly. You kind of wanted to have him in your mouth again, but your need to have him inside you was stronger. Maybe next time (would there be a next time?).
He squeezed your hips when you raised to your knees, positioning yourself over his cock and rubbing the tip over your entrance. You both gasped at the same time when you sank down onto him, slowly taking him in. You hadn’t forgotten that he was big, but the sensation of having him again inside felt new; maybe it was this position that made you feel him so deeply. You slowly sat down, taking your time until he was fully sheathed, sighing loudly at the delicious stretch you felt right then. You didn’t move, closing your eyes to savor the moment for a second, getting used to his cock again.
“You’re still torturing me…” Raditz commented in a breathy voice, kneading your hips once more, urging you to move, but still letting you do as you pleased. 
You offered him a half smile. Maybe you were torturing him a little bit; even his tail had tightened its grip around your leg. But you wanted to enjoy this moment, he was too fast in taking you that first time that you didn’t get to really feel him.
Supporting yourself with your hands on his chest, feeling hardened skin under your fingers, you carefully lifted yourself up before sinking back down. 
“Fuck!” Raditz cursed at the same time you gasped loudly. “I forgot how tight you are.”
“Did you?” You panted, rolling your hips slowly, making him grunt. “Let me remind you then.”
His grip tightened when you buckled down on his cock again. You started an experimental pace at first, it was still new to have him inside you, so you wanted to take it slow and find the right angle. Raditz was staring at you intensely, grunting and groaning at every roll of your hips, but he let you move at your own speed.
When you shifted, sitting back slightly, he suddenly thrust up. A cry escaped your lips; that was the perfect angle. He noticed it too, by the way he was smirking at your sudden noise. You didn’t want to waste anymore time, you lifted your hips and sank back down rapidly. 
“Fuck yes!” Raditz groaned, his hands grabbing onto your butt. 
He started meeting your hips, jerking his own upwards just as you moved down onto his cock. You couldn’t control the moans that left your lips every time he hit that sensitive spot inside you, that heat inside your abdomen steadily growing with each move. You dug your fingers onto his skin, and by the growl he made, he seemed to like it. 
“You look really fucking good like this.” He said, eyes roaming your entire body before meeting your gaze. “Riding my cock.”
It certainly added to your arousal that Raditz liked to talk during the whole thing.
Leaning up, he captured one of your nipples in his mouth, and you whimpered when he sucked on it earnestly. Your rhythm faltered, but he still thrust up, holding onto your ass as his dick slid in and out of you. 
“You’re so fucking hot.” He groaned against your chest, before lying back on the bed. “Do you know how crazy you’re driving me?”
“No,” You let out a breathy chuckle. “But you can keep telling me about it.”
He licked his lips and smirked just as you slanted forward, your hands sliding towards his shoulders. You looked him in the eye, his gaze dark with lust, and you were sure your eyes matched his. Raditz was certainly a sight to behold, especially from that position where you could see every muscle flex underneath you.
“I had to see you every day.” Raditz breathed, his fingers digging into your ass, making you cry out just as your hips met, his cock once again hitting deep inside you. “I wanted to bend you over the table and fuck you hard every time.”
You moaned at his words, picturing the scene in your head. You hoped that would happen at some point.
“But seeing you on top of me…” He practically growled, and it sent chills up your spine as he eyed you hungrily, like he wasn’t already fucking you so good. “Your body is perfect.” 
Raditz slid his hands towards your waist, squeezing your flesh just as he moved to kiss your chest once more. You mewled when he licked your nipple, and when he pulled away you leaned down to kiss him, his tongue darting out to roam your mouth. His hands slid up your back, pulling you closer before moving back towards your ass, kneading it roughly. 
“You’re gonna kill me…” You whispered against his lips.
“Hopefully not.” He grinned, just as he pushed his hips upwards with calculated intent, making you wail. “I really wanna fuck you again after this.”
You moaned again as he kissed you, before you pulled away, intending to go back to fully riding him. You pushed your hips back onto his dick just as he jerked his upwards, both of you moaning in unison. Every time his cock hit inside you where you needed it to, you felt closer and closer to the edge. You didn’t know how close you were to that moment of bliss until Raditz started talking again. A lot. 
“Your pussy grips me so tightly.” He groaned, his fingers digging into the skin of your behind. “Do you like how my cock feels?”
“Yeah…” You panted, trying to somehow focus your brain to form a coherent sentence. “I love… the way your cock feels…”
Raditz hummed in response, pushing his hips upwards harshly and eliciting a low moan from you.
“Fucking you again is all I could think about.” He grunted with a strained voice. “You’re perfect, you feel amazing.” 
You moaned at every single word he said, feeling that warmth inside you so close to bursting and tipping you over the edge. Your hips were faltering, your mind too hazy to keep up a steady rhythm, but Raditz was gripping you tightly, rapidly lifting you up and pushing you down to meet his own hips. 
“You are made for me.” He went on, staring deep into your eyes. “Your pussy was made for me.”
“Fuck…” You panted as his hips started thrusting into you more roughly. “I’m so close…”
A stuttered scream left your lips when you felt his tail in between your legs, rubbing your clit. You couldn’t move your hips anymore, at least not at a stable rhythm, so you were glad Raditz was moving them at his will now, with his hands guiding you onto his dick. 
“I wanna feel you come all over me.” He said, his breathing now ragged. 
He slammed into you, chasing his own release, at the same time his tail never stopped caressing your clit. You dug your nails into his skin, feeling your legs starting to tremble. You were so close, his cock kept hitting inside you just where you wanted, and the sensation of his tail stimulating you was new yet so good. 
“Come for me.”
You would have come even without his command, but his words still triggered you. You came with a dragged out moan, your mind going blank. Your entire body shook, and your walls clenched around his dick.
Raditz groaned at the sensation, holding onto your ass tighter as he slammed into you harder and faster. You looked at him through hooded eyes; his jaw was tensing and his chest was heaving, he was going to come soon. His thrusts were already prolonging the feeling of your orgasm, and you whimpered, purposely clamping around him.
“Come inside me.” You said, staring into his eyes.
His tail wrapped tightly around your waist when he came, a guttural growl leaving his lips. He buried his cock deep inside you, and you felt it pulsing as he filled you up, making you moan. He pumped into you once, twice, riding out his climax, and your entire body slumped onto his, exhausted.
Raditz pulled you in for a kiss, and this time you returned it just as fiercely. He squeezed your ass before trailing his hands up your back as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You made out lazily for a while before you felt the need to catch your breath, pulling away and resting your head on his shoulder. 
His chest was still heaving slightly, but he didn’t push you off. It surprised you how softly he ran his hand up and down your back, and it surprised you even more when he slid his fingers through your hair, tucking some of it behind your ear. When he grazed his lips on your forehead, you couldn’t believe this man wasn’t even human. You didn’t get to experience an afterglow with him last time, but was he always this soft?
You were starting to feel a little gross about how sweaty you were, so you slipped off him, both of you groaning when his cock slid out of you. Raditz kept his arm on your shoulder though, and the grip of his tail on your waist tightened. 
You blinked a couple of times, still a bit stunned at his current demeanor, but you settled down beside him, lying your head on his shoulder again and wrapping an arm around his waist. He sighed loudly and squeezed your arm. You nuzzled in closer, burying your nose in the crook of his neck. You were both sweaty, but you could still pick up his scent, a little musky mixed with something earthy, it soothed you.
“I was really dying to fuck you again.” Raditz said after a minute of silence. 
The comment took you off guard, but you still chuckled. He said that before, but now you wondered how serious he was about it.
“Yes, you really made me go through hell, woman.”
“I mean, you kinda deserved it.”
He squeezed your arm, and you playfully slapped his hand. 
“So was it all on purpose?”
“No, of course not. I wasn’t even doing anything to torture you.”
He hummed, burying his nose on the top of your head and pulling you closer.
“Do not torture me again.”
“Alright, tell me what I did so I don’t do it again.” 
He didn’t reply for a minute, and when you looked at his face, he seemed to really be considering his answer.
“Certainly yell at me like you did earlier,” Raditz grinned down at you and you snorted. “Wear your sleeping clothes in the morning, getting on your tiptoes to get to the top shelf- ”
“You bastard, you watched me trying to reach something and you didn’t help?”
“I was busy trying not to laugh at how small you are.” 
He laughed mockingly when you slapped him on the chest. 
“I’m not small, you’re the giant…” You muttered as he went on.
“Look at me with those eyes when I walk in with my shoes all dirty, walk out of the shower… Actually just walking in general.”
You could not contain your laughter, and you pulled away to look at him.
“Wait, I can’t not do those things! I would have to stay in my room most of the time!”
“Stay here with me, then.”
You were taken aback by his response, and Raditz smirked at your reaction. Before you got a chance to say anything, he leaned up and kissed you, the hand on your shoulder moving upwards to hold the back of your neck. That surprised you as well, and you kissed him back after a beat, sliding your hand up his neck to cup his cheek. 
“Do I have to go through hell once more to have you again?” He murmured against your lips. You kissed him briefly before replying. 
“I expect a little courting,” You replied without pulling away. “I won’t give in that easily.”
“Are you still mad I made that comment?” He quirked an eyebrow, never losing the smug smile on his face.
“I’m not, but I did give myself away way too quickly the first time.”
“You said it was ‘for the Earth’.” He mocked you, but you ignored him.
“You’re gonna have to work for it from now on.”
“I like a challenge.”
Raditz kissed you again, hungrily this time. You made a noise of surprise, but returned it swiftly. He rolled you over gently, pressing your back to the mattress, his body covering yours then.
Your intention of not giving in so easily would certainly not be easy. But you knew you were bluffing the moment you said it.
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phantom-emmet · 1 year
Ritual Repercussions
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After Emmet finished his ritual becoming a hybrid and merging with a long dead exctinct pokémon species , a sorto ripple effect of energy came from the Ritual which struck Archeops’s pokeball.
When Phantom got a good handle and feel over his new self he finally noticed the strange aura affecting his pokemon after releasing the fossil he had to blink multiple times to make sure what he was seeing was real.
The beloved pokémon of the Subway Master has completely changed like himself , they turquoise teal like skin which runs on its back has turned a creamy bone white with new white markings like ribs , long fangs , red skin to a deep pink and once yellow feathers a golden orangey light colour .
The blue feathers becoming almost firey yet ghostly like Chandilure’s with lavender hues, the pokémon looks at Emmet confused with hollow grey eyes with black pupils, head tilted curiously.
“I’m Emmet and your Archeops still, yet we have changed as well hmm curious wonder why you changed too? Is it cause you are a fossil?”
Many thoughts ran through his mind as Emmet gently held his hand out , his newly typed pokémon sniffing him , reconigtion suddenly flashed through its eyes and it head butts him happily chirping which seemed to echo through the room, Emmet smiles and hugs and pets his partner.
“I’m sorry i changed you , i did not mean too,hope you can forgive me you look just as brillant as ever”
Archeops chirps and nuzzles him seeming not to have mind the change or ethier doesn’t blame its trainer for its new look or if it even remembers what it was before.
A silence lays out through the room as he hums to himself thinking before speaking up.
“This is gonna be hard to explain, better do some research before allowing you on the train again with a good excuse”
Had this thought where if a Fossil Pokemon is in range of a Ritual that they can get a complete type change, this happens cause a Ritual being connected mostly to spirits and the dead the amount of spiritual energy that comes off of successful Rituals can cause a wave of energy and since Fossil pokemon use to be dead and the mystic energy senses this it latches onto what it reconsigses as SUPPOSE to be dead and tries to fix it.
Though since those pokemon were resurrected and living again, it ends up changing their typing to that of a ghost type instead of filling killing it again.
Type: Rock/Ghost
Ability: Cursed Body/ Levitate (haven’t decided which )
These types of Archeops’s soar through the sky with hardly a flap or two as they survey the skies watching from above as life goes on.
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hakodate-division · 1 year
"If it wasn't difficult, everyone would do it. It's the difficulty that makes it great."
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Kokomi Morozov is the third and final member of the Hakodate division rap battle team, Kuma no ie. She is often called by her MC name, Snegurochka. After fleeing her home country to get away from her overbearing and materialistic father, this Russian snowboarding champion is taking a break from snowboarding professionally. She now simply wishes to use her board for fun as she enjoys this new and wonderful land called Japan.
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To say that Kokomi is a work of art would be putting it mildly. Even before she become a famous celebrity, she was already well-known for her beauty. She has pale white skin, which is due to her Russian blood, but also maybe because she has spent the majority of her life in Russia. She has crystal blue eyes that are slanted showing off the Japanese in her. She has lipstick on, giving her ruby-red lips, and a birthmark beneath her right eye. Her most astonishing feature is her long silver hair, which is natural.
For her attire, outside of formal events, Kokomi simply wears the winter gear that she uses when she goes off snowboarding or skiing. She wears a simple black long-sleeved T-shirt with a red and white jacket over it. She wears a pair of matching-colored sweatpants and black snow socks and snow boots. She also has a bear charm on the collar of her jacket. She'll often have a long faded pink and white scarf around her neck, but doesn't wear it when snowboarding. She also wears a pair of blue and gold snow goggles.
Name Meaning
Kokomi (心結) - 心 meaning heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 結 meaning tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.
Morozov - The surname comes from the given name Moroz, which in turn derives from an Old Russian word meaning "frost."
"The Reincarnation of Snow White"
"A Modern-Day Snegurochka"
"The Silver Surfer"
Koko - Ted
Kokomi-san - Katon
Biographical Info
Gender - Female
Age - 30
Birthday - December 21st
Ethnicity - Half Russian, Half Japanese
Hair Color - Brillant Silver
Eye Color - Crystal Blue
Height - 178 cm/5'10"
Weight - 73 kg/160 lb.
Star Sign - Sagittarius
Piercings - Gold stud earrings in both of her earlobes.
Markings - A large faded scar on her right leg which she obtained during a practice run.
Mother (Deceased)
Voiced By - Masha Hima (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - Snegurochka
Occupation - Winter Athlete
Division - Hakodate
Position - Third Member
Favorite Food - Beef Stroganoff
Least Favorite Food - Indigirka Salad
Likes - The snow, the mountains, bears, vodka, snowboarding, skiing, Russian legends, cold mornings, thinking about her mother, trees, fishing, winning, cloudy days
Dislikes - Weak alcohol, thinking about her father, being used, injuries, hot mornings, being made to be someone she isn't
Hypnosis Microphone
Kokomi's Microphone is a handheld microphone that is colored light blue and white, making it look like freshly-fallen snow. It is also decorated with carefully drawn white snowflakes.
Her Speaker takes the form of a light blue and white spectral lady with a hood on her head, surrounded by wind, snow, and ice. Floating and flying around her is a group of speakers.
Her rap ability, Deep Freeze, allows her to temporarily "freeze" her opponent solid, forcing them to bypass their turn. She can use this move twice per battle, but doing so uses up some of her stamina.
Kokomi's rap themes are centered around her love for the snow, her love for the mountains, and her life as a whole. On serious matters, she'll often rap about how one should be allowed to live life as they choose without the pressures of society or parents bearing down on them. She also talks about how success feels, and that one shouldn't get caught up in one accomplishment, as there are many more to fulfill.
A cheerful and good-natured young woman from Russia, Kokomi is one who tries to live each day to the fullest, if possible. She enjoys the sights and sounds of her mother's homeland of Japan, citing it as far different from her homeland of Russia. Though she was, at first, nervous about visiting a place that was unknown to her, she has come to really love the city of Hakodate, as well as the people that live there.
When it comes to most things, she tends to be fairly calm and laid-back. When it comes to activities in the snow, such as snowboarding or skiing, she's greatly determined and frequently puts her life at risk, ignoring self-preservation for the act of fun. Though she can be a bit of an air-head at times, when she is interested in something and wants to know more about it, she tries to learn everything about it. This made learning how to snowboard easy as she quickly mastered everything about it in a span of two years at a very young age.
As stated, Kokomi tends to be a bit of an air-head at times. Despite being half-Japanese, she was raised in a Russian household and doesn't fully know how to act. Thus, she tends to accidentally do things that most people would find inappropriate or rude. She also has little to no subtlety or tact, meaning she says things that can be both rude and offensive without meaning to be.
Despite that, Kokomi is a good person who means well. She cares deeply for her friends and wants them to succeed as does she wish for herself to succeed. She is a good friend to Kotan, and tries to remember to be more respectful and courteous with him so as not to insult him or his people. She cares and likes Ted very much, and enjoys spending time with him and his son.
One key aspect of Kokomi is that she dislikes being made out to be something that she knows she is not. When her snowboarding career kicked off, her father, in an effort to get her name out there and increase her publicity, began giving her a number of aliases and nicknames, which caused everyone around her to put her on a pedestal. Eventually, the weight of it all became too much for her and she eventually broke down under the pressure. As such, though she takes pride in her accomplishments, she doesn't like people lording it over her or making her seem to be bigger than she is.
*Coming soon*
Despite being half Japanese, she doesn't know how to speak it fluently since her dad always forced her to speak Russian.
She is not really coordinated when walking on flat land, preferring to walk on elevated services or the snow.
She always cites that the bears in Japan are quite smaller than the ones in Russia.
She chose her MC name because Snegurochka was her favorite fairytale character as a child. Her mom frequently likened her to Snegurochka because of her appearance.
Though she owns her own house in the city, she rarely lives there, preferring to rent a room in Ted's chalet where she can be closer to the snow and him.
She is acquainted with Katsumi Kenzaki since they both have competed in the Olympics.
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 4, vol. 19, 24 janvier 1897, Paris. 6. Travestissements. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
1. Fée du houx. Robe en gaze vert tendre semée de haies de houx. Guirlandes de houx posées au corsage et sur la jupe. Touffe de houx dans les cheveux. Baguette dorée avec piquets de houx.
2. Costume de dame anglaise au XVIe siècle. Robe de dessous en satin bleu pâle quadrillé de galons d’or avec cabochons de turquoise au milieu des carrés. Manteau en soie ou velours vieux rouge orné de galon d’or. Manches en satin blanc. Bande de fourrure dans le bas de la jupe. Coiffure en satin blanc avec pierres de couleur autour du fond et une grosse pierre turquoise ou brillant sur le front.
3. Costume de dame italienne, fin du XVe siècle. Jupe en satin rose broché. Corselet velours grenat, manches et robe de dessus en velours mousse bordés galon or. Draperies du corsage et crevés en satin blanc ou rose. Collier perles fines. Petite couronne or et perles au-dessus du chignon.
4. Costume de Pierrette. En satin jaune avec boutons bleu ciel.
5. Costume de clownesse. Robe en satin rose recouverte de gaze verte. Manches gaze verte et rose alternées. Papillons de paillettes brodés sur le corsage et sur la jupe. Gants et bas noirs. Papillons sur les souliers en satin rose. Papillon voltigeant au-dessus de la tête au moyen d’un fil de laiton léger.
6. Costume de Suissesse, fin du XVe siècle. Corsage velours noir à chemisette satin jaune. Jupe soie bleu paon avec bande satin jaune bordée galon argent. Chapeau feutre gris avec plumes bleues et jaunes. Las noirs, souliers cuir bleu.
1. Holly Fairy. Soft green gauze dress strewn with holly hedges. Garlands of holly placed on the bodice and on the skirt. Tuft of holly in the hair. Gold wand with holly stakes.
2. Costume of an English lady in the 16th century. Underdress in pale blue satin squared with gold stripes with turquoise cabochons in the middle of the squares. Old red silk or velvet coat adorned with gold braid. White satin sleeves. Strip of fur at the bottom of the skirt. White satin headdress with colored stones around the bottom and a large turquoise or sparkly stone on the forehead.
3. Italian lady's costume, late 15th century. Brocaded pink satin skirt. Garnet velvet bodice, sleeves and top dress in foam velvet edged with gold braid. Draperies of the bodice and crevés in white or pink satin. Fine pearl necklace. Small gold crown and pearls above the bun.
4. Pierrette's costume. In yellow satin with sky blue buttons.
5. Clown costume. Pink satin dress covered with green gauze. Alternating green and pink gauze sleeves. Sequin butterflies embroidered on the bodice and on the skirt. Black gloves and stockings. Butterflies on pink satin shoes. Butterfly fluttering above the head by means of a light brass wire.
6. Swiss costume, late 15th century. Black velvet bodice with yellow satin blouse. Peacock blue silk skirt with yellow satin band bordered with silver braid. Gray felt hat with blue and yellow feathers. Black wearers, blue leather shoes.
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