#Platinum Primary
bonusdragons · 7 months
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February 12, 2024:
Platinum Primary, Snapper, Slime.
Craig of Andravious' clan!
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scryingworkshop · 7 months
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bubtans · 2 years
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fantastic-fr-scries · 2 years
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Obelisk Female
Cerise / Platinum / Cottoncandy , Pharaoh / Flair / Sparkle
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the-trinket-witch · 4 months
We as artists and writers like having sources for stuff, right? And we like giving credit to other artists for their work, right? Well, I've compiled a collection of resources I've personally used and thoroughly believe would benefit others.
Alchemivich's collection:
Ripped Assets Backgrounds SD Sprites (navigate via Excel Sheet) Login Font (free download site)
Robo-Milky: (Info Pulled from TWST Discord server)
TWST Game Font list
MonstroLoungeOfficial (HD Card uploads/limited sprite assets)
Blank OC Assets Magical Archive Profile Blanks
WolfLover10's Transparent Heartslabyul Uniform
TheDoughWorks (Twitter) Fanslated Prefect Profile (Original via DisneyJPGames)
TwiwOnCrackPopcorn's similar Prefect Profile fanslation
Twisted-Tech's Hair rendering tutorial
SilvyPretty_ (Twitter) Color Rendering guide (photos from Official Visual Books)
Szynkaaa's Pomefiore uniform lining
RubyPearl31's Club Badges:
Equestrian Pop Music Club Magift Science Film Studies Track/Field Gargoyle Research Society Basketball Mountain Lovers Board Game
Blank Intro Cards OC Profile Template Birthday Jacket Card Blanks
AraRoseheart's Broomquet Card Blank
Fumikomiyasaki's Platinum Jacket Card Blank
TomatoWar (Twitter) 妄想 Ramshackle Dorm Floorplan
Estcaligo's Cleaned Dorm Bedrooms
(my own Ramshackle 'cleaned' room)
OtomeAyui Shel_BB Ekala
TAGLIST: (lemme know if you want added/removed)
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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thelibrarian1895 · 6 months
Gotham Rich People
So there are other millionaires and billionaires in Gotham besides Bruce Wayne.
I'll wait for you to get over the shock.
You good? Ok
There are other stupidly rich people in Gotham. A thought that if you've really made it in stupidly rich society in the dc verse then you have to have some property in Gotham where you stay for like a month or so every year like it's the regency society season. It's a sign that you're so ridiculously rich that it doesn't matter if someone steals your priceless painting or holds you for ransom because you can afford it and still be ridiculously rich. You are rich enough that your bodyguards are so skilled that they can keep you safe in Gotham. Because people are stupid and people who are rich and want to be snobs about it and show off tend to be a little more so than not.
Ridiculously rich seasonal Gothamites will also absolutely think that being kidnapped and held for ransom by one crime family or another or a rogue shows a different level of quality and status. Because they are just that bored and just that rich. And it lets them deal with the ✨trauma✨ ala gallows humor.
Lex Luthor has a bunch of snobby rich people look down their noses at him because he doesn't have Gotham property (Bruce keeps outbidding him when he tries and then Tim does the same when Bruce is busy because neither want Luthor in their city though sometimes people just won't sell if they find out it's Luthor trying to buy the property because they don't want him in the city either) and while he's rich enough to make mechs to go after Superman he can't afford quality Gotham caliber bodyguards.
Oliver Queen might have had a tiny by rich people standards apartment in Gotham, he inherited it. It may have been destroyed during the quake. He doesn't bother to rebuild or buy a new one and just stays in fancy hotel if he has to be in Gotham for any length of time and grumbles that Bruce won't let him crash at his place.
Tim gets Drake Manor back, if he didn't have it already, and puts it in his and Kon's name so Kon can be smug at Luthor because Kon has property in Gotham. Tim might come up with another secret identity as Connor Luthor's Gotham bodyguard just for fun. Superman may be Luthor's villain nemesis, Tim is determined to make himself Luthor's social and business nemesis because Tim apparently doesn't have enough people who want his head on a pike. Also fewer people give Tim well meaning lectures against villainy when Tim makes trouble for Luthor than when he's made trouble for Clark after Clark has said or done something dumb to Kon. Plus having a business nemesis makes being primary shareholder in Wayne Enterprises less mind numbing for Tim.
These other stupidly rich people also end up getting fleeced for millions by the Waynes for the Wayne charities because if they're going to have all these extra idiots to keep an eye on then these extra idiots are going to pay for things like the road work that the city isn't paying for because the city budget was embezzled by some jerk who ran off with the money to some other hole in the ground.
If Jason is bored enough he will be one of those rogues who kidnaps one of the Gotham elite visiting for their maintain the status month and the ransom money goes directly to literacy and educational programs. This way his preferred causes are funded and he doesn't have to be stuck in a suit at a horribly boring gala where he has to be polite. He is also considered the top tier platinum star in rogues to be kidnapped by since he is professional, has kidnapped Waynes before (Damian convinced him to do it so Damian could get out of a series of civilian parties and go hang out with Jon instead and a few times Cass has gotten Jason to "kidnap" her so she doesn't have to deal with a gala either) and is known for returning people when the ransom is paid. He has, on occasion, returned people after the ransom demands were made and denied and it is later discovered that he took the ransom anyway and the person who denied to pay the ransom finds themselves in serious physical and legal trouble. Seasonal Gotham rich people will absolutely brag about having been kidnapped by the Red Hood who clearly has good taste in hostages.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 55)
Uzi kept close to N's side, Tera perched on her arm, looking over everything and everyone as they entered the market; a long hall with stores set up on both sides like a mall. There were drones everywhere, milling about the stores and chatting in between them. Uzi gripped N's hand, the noise starting to give her a headache.
The first store they stopped into was bright and colorful with primary colors plastered on every surface. They did promise to get Tera a new toy. With her learning to use her limbs, she'd need more things to play with.
The store was filled with children, some in strollers or pillbabies in baby bags, some toddlers riding in carts or in their parents arms, and yet still young drones holding their parents hands as they were lead through the store, which… was probably why the store was so loud.
They started in a section that looked to be a little old for Tera, legos, toy cars, dolls, stuff that required the fine motor skills she didn't have yet. Although N did eye a model dog (for himself).
They moved on to a section for much younger kids, things that were softer and more colorful, rubber mallets and stuff that squeaked, as well as a bunch of stuffed toys made for kids to squeeze and sleep with.
“Okay Tera, here we are, you can pick anyone you like!” N chirped from behind her, and Tera's eyes roamed over the shelves, eyes narrowing as if she was making a huge decision.
At least, until Uzi felt something small grab onto her hoodie and hold. Causing her to look down at the sudden pressure.
There was a little girl holding onto her, at least 6 but not any older, she wasn't looking at her, but she had blonde hair tied up in a neat little blue bow.
It seemed she'd been mistaken for another mom.
“Hey kiddo. You lost?” She leaned down (ignoring how it made her core feel like it was going to fly out of her chest.) And got eye level with the girl, and Tera turned to look at her too, the girl looked nervous, confused now that she knew Uzi wasn't her mom.
“You're not mommy…” The little girl mumbled, looking up at her with her pearl white eyelights and stepping back from Uzi slightly and looking around frantically.
“No, but I can help you find her, come on.” She gave a motion to N to gesture that she was walking off, and he gave her a worried look before he nodded and she walked deeper into the store holding the little girl's hand.
Chances are, the girls mom would be easy to spot, all she had to look for was frazzled and frantic after her kid had wandered off.
Sure enough, next to a section for newborns, there was a lady with blue eyelights and platinum blonde hair spun up in a bun looking around frantically, she had a toddler in her arms, dressed in a little grey onesie with a mouse on it, and a patch of hair matching her mother's, the child was bawling, making her mother even more frazzled. The girl holding her hand gasped before running up to what had to be her mother, gripping onto her black sundress and hugging.
“Mommy!” She yelped, and the woman let out a relieved breath hugging back with one arm as she tried to sooth her screaming toddler with the other. She looked up at Uzi and gave her a smile.
“Thank you… Zoey has a habit of wandering off…” the little girl, Zoey, only hugged her tighter, Uzi felt Tera shifting up onto her shoulder to get a better look at the woman and her toddler.
“It's okay, I have a feeling this one's going to be that way too.” She gestured to Tera, who to prove her point, was making grabby hands at something at the other end of the store and threatened to teeter off her shoulder.
“Oh she looks it!” She tried to laugh but couldn't do much with an upset toddler in her arms, the woman had stress lines that had stress lines, and looked incredibly worn down.
“I'm Delilah, The sweetheart on my shoulder is Kiara…”
“Uzi, and the little gremlin currently trying to escape is Tera.”
“Cute name, like Terabyte?” Delilah asked as she tried to rock Kiara, but the toddler was not having it, her white eyelights were blocked by tears and her wailing seemed to only grow louder.
“Mama?” Tera questioned while looking between her mother and the screaming toddler, either confused or wanting her to do something about the noise, but Uzi couldn't help her here.
“Shhh… Kiara please…” She tried cooing, rocking, tickling, but nothing was calming her down. “She doesn't like all these people… I've been trying to ease her into it but…” she didn't have to continue, the screaming was enough.
Tera's eyelights furrowed, then she shifted her all her weight suddenly, causing Uzi to nearly careen directly into Delilah before she stopped herself, but Tera had succeeded in what she was aiming for.
She'd reached out and grabbed Kiara, who had suddenly stopped crying at the unexpected third presence, her white eyelights blinked, meeting purple.
“Hi!” She beamed, shuffling as Uzi backed away from Delilah and back to a respectful distance away.
Kiara didn't say anything back (she may not have been able to, or she may have been too shocked) but she did, shyly, wave back, eyelights darting away from where Tera was in Uzi's arms.
“I don't think I've ever seen little Kiara calm down so fast… uh, thank you?” Delilah seemed confused but thankful, adding to Uzi's own confusion.
“You're welcome. I guess?” She gave an amused smile as Tera continued to both wave and try to copy N in making silly faces at Kiara to make her laugh. It was somewhat working, Kiara was cracking a small smile.
“Kia!” Tera chirped, finally making the toddler giggle, and babble nonsense back.
“-ra!” Kiara chirped back, missing both starting letters but still managing to somewhat say Tera's name, Delilah laughed, covering her mouth while looking a little shocked.
“Some kid you got there! Kiara hasn't said anything but “Momma” and “Dada” until now.
Uzi felt herself well up in pride, her kid just got complimented!
At that moment, N came barreling towards her, holding something in his hands, Uzi immediately turned to him, halfway worried he was going to run someone (like you know… a child) over.
“N! You are freakishly tall and there are little kids in here!” She half shouted, grabbing him to slow him down, he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“Whoops… right.” Uzi glanced over at Delilah, who was still smiling and looked incredibly amused, Zoey was looking up at him with apprehension, and Kiara buried herself further in her mother's arms.
“Papa!” Tera however, was happy to see him, which made N smile and laugh, he cleared his throat and pulled something from behind his back. “Loooook what I goooot.”
A little black and purple plush in the shape of a bat.
Tera immediately lit up and reached for it, looking at it before crushing it in a hug, she kicked her feet in joy.
“Aww… I think someone found their new favorite toy.” Delilah commented, before looking at her watch and wincing.
“I have to be getting home, it was nice to meet you two. Let's go Zoey.” Zoey gripped onto her mother's hand while Kiara gave a small wave to Tera that she enthusiastically returned, and kept waving until she was out of view.
“I think Tera just made her first freind. “ Uzi said after watching the small family leave, and N laughed, ruffling his daughters hair.
“First and second! She loves that toy!” Tera was playing with the wings of the bat now, pulling them out from the body and looking at them curiously. Before smiling up and looking between both her parents.
“Then let's go pay for it and get out of here before another kid thinks I'm their mom.” She laughed before turning her head the the rack of newborn supplies, it was small, since pillbabies didn't require much, but something did catch her attention.
A little white blanket in the shape of a barn owl, it had a cute little pair of glasses printed under it's eyes. Uzi reached out and touched it between her fingers, it was ridiculously soft… it smelled like fresh linens.
“That's a little small for her honey…” N's voice brought her out of… whatever just happened and she blinked before blushing at his pet name.
“I know! Just… ugh whatever, let's just leave.”
Uzi grabbed his hand and went off towards the counter at the front of the store, pushing her weird reaction to a random baby blanket out of her mind, she had way bigger things to worry about.
Next ->
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Yknow, it took a very long time for me to realise what the title of pokemon x y (and z) meant bc up until then they were all pretty solid counterparts. Red, blue and yellow, the primary colours. Gold, silver and crystal, the luxurious. Ruby, sapphire and emerald, not only precious gems but the rgb colours (and just colour matching the legendaries too). Diamond (the classic ‘most valuable’ stone), pearl (the classic ‘most valuable’ biological ‘stone’), and platinum (the classic ‘most valuable’ metal). Black and white.
After x and y we of course had sun and moon, sword and shield and finally scarlet and violet (infrared and ultraviolet, the two ends of the colour spectrum. The only reason they wouldn’t have called it pokemon infrared and ultraviolet is bc pokemon red already exists and ppl would think it was a gen 1 remake, and ultra sun/moon also already exists).
But back when x and y came around, and I thought ‘it’s just letters, I know that the legendaries sort of look like them but if it’s opposites then shouldn’t it be a and z?’ (Cool how they brought that back with legends z-a)
And it took me way too fucking long to realise that x y and z are the three digital planes to symbolise Pokémon’s first mainline 3D game. Idk I just thought that was neat.
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snek-panini · 6 months
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Today I've got binderary book #3 to share! It's a lighthouse (burning) by books-and-omens. This is a really excellent canonverse (sort of) historical setting liminal ghost story-esque fic that I read practically in one sitting sometime last summer. It's fantastic, well-characterized, angsty and fluffy and fairly plotty and with some really unique worldbuilding. I honestly can't sing its praises enough; it's one of the only times since taking up this hobby that I've known I wanted to bind something before I actually finished reading it.
Have a look at the rest of the photos under the cut; this one came out really well and I'm in love with it.
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For this cover we have lineco book cloth on the spine, a strip of chiyogami paper that I got in one one ChibiJay's random paper packs, and blue-gray sketch paper for the primary gray space. It's a little hard to tell in the photos but the HTV for the titles is in two different colors, silver for "a lighthouse" and pewter for "(burning)". The effect is more pronounced in person and I love it. The pewter came in a multi-pack of cricut foil HTV and I can't seem to find it on its own anywhere, which is a shame because it's beautiful. The sort of streaky effect on the cover was unintentional but I'm kinda liking it? It's a more porous paper for drawing or painting or something, and I tried to wax it for waterproofing, but when I used the heat press to get the title on the wax darkened in the spots where the glue was applied to the cover board. At first I was disappointed, but the fic features a really massive unnatural storm, and it sort of looks like water running down a windowpane, so I'm leaning into that and calling it an aesthetic. The back didn't get this heat treatment, so it doesn't have the pattern.
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Top view, showing the bookmark and handmade end bands. The bookmark is a navy blue ribbon cut from the inside of a shirt, and I chose red and white because there are so many picturesque lighthouses that have red and white stripes. It's the only color in the book that's not blue or gray. The endpapers are a navy blue silk moire, and I had better luck with them than I did with the platinum ones on my Persuasion bind even though they are the same brand. Maybe it's practice or maybe navy just hides more sins than platinum.
For the title page I went fairly simple (for me anyway) with just a frame I pulled from rawpixel. It suits the story, though, being set sometime around or before the early 20th century. I also played with text colors on the title page, with some words being grayed out to mimic the effect on the cover. The section break is me getting clever with a feature of my printer. I often use a gray line to denote section breaks, but for whatever reason my printer doesn't like them and often makes them blurry. It is only these lines that come out blurry; larger images don't do this even if they are complex. So for this one, where a major feature of the story is trying to figure out what's real and what's a supernatural occurrence, I made one that was deliberately heavier in the center so it would come out sort of smoky or fuzzy, like it wasn't quite real and couldn't be clearly seen. It doesn't look this fuzzy in the unprinted file but I love the effect and I feel very clever for manipulating the printer like this.
I'm going to show off some interior shots but this bit contains spoilers for the story, so if you don't want to see that then maybe skip the rest of the post.
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I wanted to get creative with my title placement since a lot of my binds look very similar inside, and this concept really let me try that out. The plot of the story is that the reason there are so many supernatural phenomena at this lighthouse is that someone in the future ran an experiment to harvest energy and accidentally cracked spacetime with it, and bits of the future and the past and the might-have-been are seeping through the cracks, and the longer the cracks exist the more seeps through them and the worse the ghostly stuff gets. At first it's not clear whether there's anything weird happening at all, and it becomes clearer that something is wrong the further in you get because the cracks are worse. So I had this idea for a vintage lighthouse illustration with an overlay of cracks in glass, that become more defined as the story progresses until something is done and they're sealed up in the end. I am not a visual artist and even this straightforward concept was too much for my skills, so I chose the lighthouse and the crack overlay and my amazing husband did the actual image manipulation. There are five different images, with the cracks invisible in the first and final chapter and most visible in chapter 10 and 11, when the characters are trying hardest to fix the problem. I'm really really proud of how well this turned out.
And that's it! I have several more binderary books to post but they are all still waiting for titles before I do the photos, so I don't know when I'll have them up.
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ikroah · 7 months
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I have reached the breaking point, the point of no return, it’s very clear to see a fool like me will never, ever learn. I have reached the breaking point, I hear the drums of doom, I’m gonna flip my wig in one great big atomic boom! —“The Breaking Point,” Bobby Darin (1966)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #27 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding VI
Collaborative Issue! Guest Artist: @sas-afras
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Transcript:
Huge thanks to Monty over at @sas-afras for getting this one done! I handled the original layout and lettering, but the rest was all them. Layouts like this can seem simple and easy because of how straight-forward and repetitive they are, but when all you've got are a dozen and one reaction shots, every single one of those reaction shots needs to be as perfect as you can get them. And Monty did a hell of a job. Especially on the coloring! Monty, if you're reading this, you're a hell of a good colorist (on top of everything else). Thanks again!
Another note about this issue is that it, along with the previous one, were some of the most difficult to write in this whole damn comic so far. I really hate repeating in-game dialogue verbatim without good reason, but there's really not much else I could do here. It's a very necessary part of the story that is also literally a part in the game where your character is fixed in place listening to a monologue. I took some liberties, did some punch-up, not just for its own sake but to really drive home what I find most interesting and vital here about Mr. House as a character.
Anyway, Agnes is in trouble. And there's only one issue left in Volume 2! The next one closes out this arc of the story, at long last. Stay tuned.
INT. LUCKY 38 BASEMENT. From an observation deck of sorts, AGNES SANDS watches several SECURITRON robots position themselves in a testing area, containing several sandbags, dummies, and makeshift fortifications. A voice booms from an unseen speaker.
MR. HOUSE: You're well familiar with my Securitron police force. But have you ever wondered: what exactly makes them the marquee option in perimeter security and pacification?
AGNES glances in the direction of the voice, uncomfortable.
MR. HOUSE: Well to start, the reinforced titanium alloy housing of each unit, which protects its electronic core, easily deflects small arms and shrapnel.
MR. HOUSE: As for its offensive capabilities, its X-25 gatling laser—produced to spec by Glastinghouse, Inc.—is deadly against soft targets at medium range.
AGNES recoils as a red glow washes over her from the testing area.
MR. HOUSE: And then for close-range suppression or crowd control, the Securitron is also armed with a 9mm sub-machinegun.
AGNES shuts her eyes, wincing from the crack of gunfire.
MR. HOUSE: These features have been sufficient for keeping the peace within Vegas, but with the NCR and Legion closing in on Hoover Dam, and sizing up my city like a piece of prize cake, more than ever we need to be prepared for, well...external conflict. Policing is one thing, but when geopolitical powers are involved, my Securitrons can only pose so much of a threat.
MR. HOUSE: That is...if they're forced to rely exclusively on their secondary weapons--as they have been, all this time!
AGNES looks upward, surprised.
MR. HOUSE: Remember, the Great War interrupted a pivotal moment for RobCo's work. Consequently, all extant Securitrons have been stuck, running on a mere Mark I operating system—the first production version of the OS—which has simply lacked the software drivers for the use of their primary weapons all this time!
AGNES looks around, as if HOUSE were in the room somewhere and she could find him, in a panic.
MR. HOUSE: The platinum chip, you see, was never just a token. At a time when industrial espionage ran rampant, it was minted as a high capacity, proprietary, and uniquely irreplicable data storage device. In a way, it's more like a computer chip. And now—with the data from the platinum chip finally installed onto my nextwork—it's time for a very crucial software update. Behold: the new Mark II Securitrons!
AGNES gawks downward at the testing area, eyes wide. Oh no.
MR. HOUSE: Their newly accessible M-235 Missile Launcher gives them the ability to engage ground and air targets at significantly longer ranges...
AGNES flinches, covering her face for protecting, and screams as explosions rip apart the testing area below.
MR. HOUSE: ...and their rapid-fire G-28 grenade launching system, another part of the Mark II, makes them much more powerful in close-range engagements as well.
AGNES, nearly frozen, watches the bombardment with horror.
MR. HOUSE: It also includes rewritten drivers for the Securitrons' auto-repair systems—although always sophisticated, the new optimizations render them inexhaustible in even the most protracted and attritious of engagements. Altogether, the Mark II upgrade confers a 235% total increase in combat effectiveness per unit—and it's all because of you!
AGNES lowers her arm slowly, jaw slack, mortified.
MR. HOUSE: Vegas finally has an army—worthy to protect not just the city itself, but the best interests of all of mankind, at home and abroad. Which is to say: this simple display of might remains a mere teaser for what I can, and what I will, accomplish, in an illustrious new epoch.
AGNES sinks further into a paralytic terror.
MR. HOUSE: What we will accomplish, Agnes—should you accept my offer, of employment. Ah—but I digress. I'm certain that you've had a long day. You can rejoin Miss Cassidy in the presidential suite for the night, if you'd like to, as they say, "sleep on it."
MR. In fact...say for as long as you'd like. However long you may need, to think everything over. And you'll be very well provided for in the meantime, consider it a taste of what could be...should you make the right choice before you.
MR. HOUSE: That reminds me—I've already sent Victor to collect your belongings from the Vault 22 Hotel, so no need to exhaust yourself further by making that trip on your own, hm? There's much about your future to consider, Agnes—and I would like you to think of it as our future.
AGNES stares straight ahead with a deadened expression.
The testing area in the basement has been reduced to smithereens. Fires rage on the rubble of obliterated structures, gnarled steel, and collapsed walkways. The dummies have been dismembered entirely.
MR. HOUSE: ...Goodness, what a mass. With friends like these, I sure wouldn't envy my enemies.
MR. HOUSE: Wouldn't you agree?
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bonusdragons · 5 months
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April 29, 2024:
Platinum Primary, Ridgeback, Opal.
Bennett of Success' clan!
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The first pokemon I got really attached to was Shinx. Would Shinx be a good pet?
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Shinxes are surprisingly (at least to me) a fairly good candidate for pethood. Like many, if not most, electric-type pokémon, there’s some definite safety concerns when it comes to shinxes, but their friendly demeanor and small size bring up their score to a B rank.
Shinxes are small, social critters (Shield). They are not particularly violent, much preferring to distract and flee from threats rather than fighting them (Diamond). I will point out, however, that shinxes are pretty rough-and-tumble. Shinxes are playful and energetic (pun intended). Shinxes with the ability Rivalry may be more likely to wrestle with other pokémon of the same gender, which can become dangerous for pokémon without the immunities to electricity that shinxes have.
Speaking of electricity: being electric-type pokémon, shinxes of course have the ability to generate and use electricity as a result of their peculiar biology. Shinxes have evolved to have a muscle-based system in their forelegs that can generate an electric charge that is used for multiple purposes (Pearl, Platinum). When a shinx has built up a lot of electric charge, they will tremble excitedly (Shield). The primary use shinxes have for this electric charge is self-defense. When shinxes feel threatened, their fluffy fur begins to glow brilliantly to momentarily blind and disorient enemies (Diamond). Similarly using the glow of their charged-up fur, shinxes use flashes of light to communicate with other members of the species (Shield).
Now, interestingly, it seems like shinxes have control over their electric charge; while their glowing threat response may be instinctual, we don’t see shinxes wildly discharging electricity outside of their control. That being said, they likely need to discharge somehow, unless they are able to generate infinite amounts of energy without discomfort.
Of course, shinxes can use the electric charge they build up in their legs to perform a variety of dangerous moves. While moves like Wild Charge and Crunch allow shinxes to deal a lot of straightforward damage to foes, they can also use many moves to insight paralysis, which is, needless to say, pretty dangerous depending on the context. So, think about what we’ve covered so far: shinxes are playful creatures that build up a lot of charge by running around and playing. Even if your shinx is well trained and doesn’t attack people with the intention of harming them, playing with a shinx can be rather hazardous alone. Caring for a shinx would require finding safe ways for your pet to discharge the electricity that they build up. It would be smart to invest in toys that can absorb electricity to keep your shinx’s charge low.
While caring for one may not be the easiest, shinxes would certainly not make the worst pets! If you are really determined to adopt one, it wouldn’t be too hard to make it work. Just make sure you know what you’re getting into!
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roxannepolice · 1 year
I just want to personally thank BBC, Neil Gaiman and Russel T. Davis for looking at David Tennant and deciding yes, this is the man upon whomst we shalleth toss the dialectics incárnáté as low key sexual tênsiôn with a platinum blond man that is hith enemý of ages so everýone shalleth hath the révélàtiôn of what the ancients meant by love and hate being primary énérgíes that move the world all the whileth hith skinny ass is contemplated.
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Undertide Male
Platinum / Shamrock / Pear , Pinstripe / Myrid / Ghost
Nature Multigaze
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anhilliator1 · 3 months
You look on some people comparing Warframe and TFD and it's so clear so many people have no idea how consumer-friendly WF actually is.
"Full of MTX"
Mentioning that you paid real money for anything that isn't Prime Access, Cosmetic Pack, or Tennogen is a very quick way to make other players think you're dumb. Also, Tennogen cosmetics are a special case given that the main reason it even is a MTX is due to the fact that DE splits profits with the creator.
"Premium currency"
Oh, you mean the one that's tradable? And before you point out you can buy it with money - first, refer to the above. Second, the only other way to get it is via trading Prime Parts and Mods - which are only ever obtainable by trading or gameplay. Platinum is ridiculously easy to get if you know what you're doing. (That said, avoid Trade Chat.) Yes, you can pay money for it, but the primary way majority of players will get their plat is by trading.
"Too intimidating"
I'll concede, but only partially. Yes, Warframe is intimidating. But you must understand, Warframe is a MARATHON, not a Sprint to endgame unlike literally every other Live-Service out there. There's no FOMO. The endgame's not going anywhere. Play at your own pace. Plus, community's super welcoming. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
"But Primes"
Are they slightly better? Yes. Do you have to pay for them? Hell no. In some cases, just grinding for the Primes from relics and plat trading is MILES less time-consuming and has less hoops when compared to the regular versions. Also, Prime Parts come from relics, and relics can only be opened by playing the game. Throw as much money as you want at the screen, those relics aren't opening unless you jump into a mission and play.
Also, "TFD is basically Warframe with fanservice"
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If I wanted to play Warframe with Fanservice, I'd still be playing Warframe.
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molsno · 7 months
I've always looked back on the johto remakes fondly, as I know most people have. they're very beloved games, and for good reason! they brought johto to life on the ds and added lots of wonderful new features. pokemon fans have long since considered them to be the best remakes in the series, and I think they deserve that reputation. however, I've been replaying pokemon soulsilver the past few days and I've been coming to realize that they still suffer specifically because they're johto remakes.
my main issue with the johto games, a problem that continues to haunt their remakes, is that the variety of pokemon available is very limited. if you want to build a full team of 6, then most of your options are likely going to be pokemon from kanto. in the specific context of gold and silver, this makes sense. they were designed as sequels to the original red and green, with the primary hook being that 100 new species of pokemon have been discovered. the original 151 were extremely beloved, so it makes sense that they would continue to be featured prominently in gold and silver. that way, whenever you did find a new pokemon, it would be exciting for the player! I understand the approach that gamefreak took with the original johto games given this context.
the problem is that most johto pokemon just... aren't very good. most of the new pokemon have very poor stats - made worse by the fact that a significant portion of them are baby pokemon. on top of that, many of the ones that are good are often inaccessible until late in the game; skarmory isn't available until after you get the 8th badge (in an optional route that many players are likely to skip, no less), and tyranitar isn't available until mt. silver, the very last location you get access to. even some of the new pokemon which are mediocre at best aren't available until the post-game; houndour and slugma can only be found in kanto despite being johto pokemon, and misdreavus - the only other ghost type besides the gengar line - also can't be caught until mt. silver.
because many johto pokemon are unusable on a team, whether due to poor stats or inaccessibility, your team is most likely going to consist of kanto pokemon. again, I understand why this is the case given the context that the games were released in, but I find it frustrating! I want to build my team around the pokemon native to the region I'm playing in, and I feel my ability to do so is being limited!
so, did heartgold and soulsilver fix this? not really. the same problems mostly persist. one of the only saving graces is that some of the formerly weak johto pokemon received evolutions in gen 4. and you can obtain some of them! however, most of them are locked behind the post-game once again, and some of them are unobtainable entirely without trading. for example, there's no good reason that you shouldn't be able to evolve eevee into leafeon or glaceon in these games, but you need to trade it to diamond, pearl, or platinum to do so because there is no moss rock or icy rock in johto. they could have added them, but they didn't.
it frustrates me because the context these games were released in was different from that of the games they were remaking. technically, they didn't need to remake them; all johto pokemon were made available in gen 3, albeit many of them were locked behind the paywall of having to buy far too many games and accessories. the primary reason for these games to exist was to make them easier to obtain. it wasn't like firered and leafgreen, which were made specifically because the majority of kanto pokemon were completely unobtainable in gen 3 due to the gba not being able to connect with gb and gbc games.
speaking of which, it feels like they didn't learn their lesson from firered and leafgreen. one of the primary causes of frustration in those games is that you are completely unable to obtain any non-kanto pokemon until the post-game, for the sake of being "faithful" to the originals. this was a problem because they already weren't faithful to the originals, as frlg featured new mechanics from gen 3 such as abilities, but I digress. with hgss, the fact that gamefreak intentionally limited which pokemon you can access until the post-game feels like another attempt at being "faithful" to the originals, but they didn't even commit to it as hard as they did before. in frlg, if you maxed out a golbat's friendship, it would attempt to evolve into crobat every time it leveled up, before stopping prematurely. in hgss, you can evolve yanma into yanmega by teaching it ancient power and then leveling it up. if you want a togekiss though, too bad, because a shiny stone isn't available until after you beat the champion.
by this point in the pokemon franchise, I don't think gamefreak needed to remake gold and silver with faithfulness to their original context. hoenn and sinnoh were both designed to be new and refreshing, so it was reasonable for fans to expect each region to have its own identity, with its own pokemon being featured prominently. they could have adapted johto to suit this new convention for the series, but they chose not to, and I can't help but feel that heartgold and soulsilver suffer as a result.
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