#Please this is very self-indulgent but i have to get it out of my system
ellie-shy · 7 months
Tav-insert Epilogue banter with Halsin 🐻
Very self-indulgent of what my Tav, Salju, would banter with Halsin during the epilogue party.
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P/S : no, I haven't finished the game with Salju yet :')
Salju : *sees Halsin drunk dancing*
Salju : Oh, look at you! You're dancing, my love! Ha-ha!
Halsin : I uhh-- it seems the drink has started to kick-in, I suppose.
Salju : Hahaha! How adorable! *laughs*
Halsin : That's the laughter that I always strive for. Heh.
Halsin : I wonder how the children are faring. Hopefully... they are well.
Salju : They will be fine, love! They have grown and learnt so much under your care. Besides, I trust Taruna will be a great big brother to all of them. He did say he wanted to teach them about meditation.
Halsin : Oh, to have your confidence, my heart.
Salju : Where would you be without me?
Salju : You know, it's been a while since we were afforded a time like this. We should really spend it wisely, won't you agree? *winks to Halsin*
Halsin : Indeed, I still have yet to talk to Wyll. Wonder if he has any adventurous stories to share for--
Salju : I meant us, my Halsin. We should... enjoy ourselves... intimately. After this. Amongst nature, perhaps?
Halsin : Oh- How foolish of me. *chuckles* Of course, my heart. The thought has been... a recurring image tonight. We will slip away soon.
Salju : Glad I've read your mind.
Halsin : You are still as beautiful as the day you freed me from the goblins' prison... *totally drunk*
Salju : And you sounded as drunk as ever!
Halsin : I love you so much, my heart... I-- LOVE YOU! *stumbling in his feet trying to embrace Salju*
Salju : Gods... at least you said those words to me.
Jaheira, from the corner : We know! Now go somewhere private!
Salju : *talking with the girls*
Halsin : *walking towards the river, away from everyone, dazed and drunk*
Salju : *spotted him mid-conversation* Hm?
Halsin : *turns into a bear*
Salju : *looks into the camera like in The Office*
Salju : Halsin, when we return, would you kindly help in cleaning the treehouse where the children played before we left? It has been... untidy for a few days now.
Halsin : The treehouse? The children have been playing in there?
Salju : Yes... and I'm afraid they may have found your wooden duck collection, judging by the quacking sounds I've heard. Perhaps 'Daddy Halsin' would like to intervene?
Halsin : *gasp* M-My collection... Ah, those ducklings.
Salju : Oh, have you heard how wonderful the new little tiefling boy played the violin? I just taught him the strings, yet he sounded amazing! Definitely a bard at heart.
Halsin : Hah! Indeed. Although, I did saw him hugging a tree one day. And he also managed to upkeep a poppy bloom flourishing. I can sense a druidic talent in the child. Perhaps, some more tutoring...
Salju : Not unless I tutor him first, dear.
Halsin : Your eyes seem locked onto me. Is something the matter?
Salju : You are enjoying yourself... I'm glad. *sniffles*
Halsin : Ah, my love, I can see your drink has made you melancholic. Come here...
Salju : I love you so... *sobs*
Halsin : As I do you, my heart. *embraces her*
[Salju succeeded a Performance check in being dramatic to get Halsin's attention]
Salju : *performing for everyone in the party*
Halsin, under his breath, smitten : Thank you Oak Father for allowing me into her heart.
Halsin : I am eager to have you, my heart.
Salju : As am I. You are not allowed to sleep tonight.
Halsin : I intend not to.
Thank you Larian for giving us Tav and Halsin living their domestic parental life with bunch of adorable children and their owlbear 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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gojossocks · 4 months
New Romantics
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Gojo x reader 𐙚 Genre: fluff, comedy, hurt/comfort 𐙚 Summary: You are the bane of Gojo's existence, at least that's what he tells himself. You're just full of surprises and he can't help but be fully enamored by you. 𐙚 wc: 8.5k 𐙚 content: kinda enemies to kinda lovers, a bunch of high schoolers, gojo is soo out of touch with his feelings, it's in his pov, gojo is sooo down bad, PINING, badass reader, reader is in a clan too! reader smokes ! kinda screams im not like other girls in a less toxic way, jealous! gojo, heavy make out, very self-indulgent HAHA can be read as a standalone. 𐙚 a/n: my first ever series ! it's kinda long but i swear it's fun! :D
series masterlist | prologue
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Arrogant. Insufferable. Patronizing. Apathetic. 
The list goes on. 
Granted, Gojo is nowhere near close to you. You were barely friends.
If there is one person in Jujutsu High that he likes the least, it would be you. It’s not like he resents you, it’s just that you represent  everything he hated from being in a clan just like him.
From the way you strut your very expensive loafers to the way you shop to your heart’s content after every mission since your first year. Not to mention that you’re the all-perfect princess that your clan wants you to be. 
“Gojo, please pass me the p-“
“No can do, shorty.”  He chirps, giving you a shit-eating grin. 
You glared at him before motioning Shoko to hand you the pen instead. “Gojo, you know you kinda look like someone I like.”  You didn’t let him finish, crossing your arms before giving him a devilish smirk. “That cute little rat from Shrek.” 
Gojo’s eyes widened at your insult but Suguru and Shoko were already snickering at him. He despises the idea that everyone seems to adore you, except him of course.
In the eyes of the higher ups and your family, you were the sweetest girl ever. Somehow, you’re always growing horns around him. 
Everyone thinks that Gojo’s only messing with you whenever the two of you banter. Hell, there are some students gossiping that he has a crush on you (which he definitely doesn’t) But only Geto and Shoko know how much he actually dislikes you.
You seem so obedient with all your clans orders, following everything that’s asked of you, carrying the submissiveness and elegance a Y/L/N is supposed to have. And if there’s anything Gojo hated the most, it’s tradition. It’s why he’s in Jujutsu High in the first place, he wanted to change the system badly— and seeing you become the embodiment of the tradition he badly wants to change pisses him off. 
Each time the higher ups get mad at him for not being in his ‘best behavior’, your name is constantly echoed around the meeting room. ‘You should be more like Y/L/N’ ‘Bring honor to your clan like how Y/L/N does.’ 
The only act of rebellion that you do is that your hair is dyed in a way that would make the higher ups frown. Your hair is recently dyed bright orange. He finds himself scoffing at the idea that you only get scolded because of a damn hair color. Gojo’s also confused with how cunning and sassy you are when there aren’t any prying eyes. Maybe you’re just doing that to seem cool. 
Well, he just has to avoid you at all costs so you would stop annoying him and pestering his thoughts. 
Unfortunately for him, Yaga has different plans. 
“Satoru. Y/N.” Yaga announces when he was pairing up students for a mission but he doesn’t even get to finish because Gojo emits a loud dramatic groan from across the room. 
“Why?” He whined, tilting his head up to create a dramatic effect. “It’s always been Suguru and I.” 
“Satoru, you and Suguru need to be paired up with someone who's an expert in reversed curse technique. It’s your fault you haven’t learned it yet.”  
Gojo crossed his arms and pouted. “Y/N can kiss my ass, teacher.” 
“No thanks. I’m sure you don’t wash yours. I could smell you from afar, stinky.” Everyone else groaned as the two of you started another banter, forcing the meeting to be 5 minutes longer than usual— particularly because no one dares to cut off your argument (Yaga is too amused because of how much you put Gojo in his place.) 
The mission didn’t go well. It was the first time you and Gojo worked together, and judging by your huge egos, your banter caused the both of you to get injured– you more so than Gojo. He was too reckless today, attempting to get a reaction out of you, which is why he got caught off guard when a 1st grade curse attacked him.
You pushed him out of the way, causing the curse to land a hit on your shoulder and right arm. Gojo stood still in his place in shock and your right arm was already injured when he snapped out of  his trance. He obliterated the curse easily but the damage has been done. 
You’re just lucky it was a minor injury but the fact that you did that for him, considering how you two were at each other’s necks for the longest time confuses him. It disoriented him until the both of you arrived at Jujutsu High. 
When he got patched up, he stood up to apologize but you were nowhere to be found. He assumes you’ve already healed yourself due to your reverse curse technique ability but he can’t help the nagging feeling in his mind. 
You were quiet today— well, ever since this afternoon. And no he’s not keeping track, he’s just not used to not hearing your snarky remarks and sarcastic comebacks at his attempts to annoy the shit out of you.
You’re just ignoring him, giving short insults in response to his own for the most part of your mission until you shielded him from that curse. 
His guilt weighs on him heavily as he strolls around the school, waiting for Shoko and Geto. but really it’s just to see you. Gojo had noticed that you’re always gone the moment after your mission’s debriefing, sometimes even when you’re injured. 
At last, he saw you just a few blocks away from Jujutsu High, towards the new 7/11 store that opened a few months ago. Gojo tilts his head to the side and furrows his eyebrows before deciding to follow you as discreetly as he could.
He stood near a house behind the convenience store where he could be hidden by a large plant beside it. He watched you grab a few things off the shelves and talk with the cashier, who happily greets you at the counter. You must’ve been here frequently. 
1 can of coke. A box of cigarettes. Coffee. 
Gojo never took you as the type who would visit a convenience store, as shocking as that sounds. He knows you’re rich. Filthy rich. You’ve always been pampered just like him, everything down at your feet because you’re the most powerful sorcerer in your clan. 
Finally, you got out of the store. Gojo’s eyes widened like saucers when you went straight to his hiding spot. 
“You know,” You called out, putting a hand on your hip.  “It surprises me how much of an idiot you are despite being a notorious smartass. Your hair sticks out of the leaves because you’re so fucking tall, Gojo.” 
“Heh.” He rubs his nape sheepishly, offering you a shy grin. “Didn’t think you’d see me.”  
“Really?” You deadpan before walking away from him, back to Jujutsu High. He jogs up to your side. “Why are you hiding anyway? Spying on your rival or something?” 
“Maybe.” He says lightly. It’s the first time any of you are talking normally to each other without malice. “Where are you going?” 
“Can I come?” He insisted, voice filled with excitement, leaving no hint that he’s gonna stop following you.  A smile tugs at the corner of your lips.
He looks like a puppy, following you around. It’s an amusing sight, even to  you. 
“No.”  You still kept walking, paying no mind as Gojo continued to follow you.
He feels an unusual giddiness at the thought that you hadn’t outright pushed him away because if you really wanted to, you would have told him to leave. 
You lead him to the abandoned fence with the sign ‘DO NOT ENTER’ in the restricted building of the school that had remained under construction for years. It was the tallest building in Jujutsu High. You wordlessly went up to the concealed stairs at the obscured side of the building and onto the rooftop. 
You sat at the edge of the building, your feet dangling off the edge. Gojo cautiously followed your actions, opting to sit next to you. He observes you as you unravel bit by bit and it’s the first time he’s seen you this relaxed and vulnerable—something that you granted him the privilege to see.
Rummaging through your paper bag, you retrieved a can of his favorite drink, Coca-Cola. As you handed it to him, a subtle surprise flashed across his face before he muttered a sincere ‘thanks. 
You then opened your box of Marlboro red and lit up a cigarette, putting it in between your lips before taking a drag. Gojo observes you silently, his mouth agape.  It was a revelation, discovering facets of you that he never anticipated. The act of you casually smoking, the ember casting a faint glow on your features, added another layer to the enigma that you are. 
Gojo stays silent for a few  more minutes or so until you notice his confusion, mainly because his eyebrows are almost meeting and he’s staring intently into the abyss. 
“Are you broken or something? You usually never stop yapping.” You joked, bumping your shoulder to his. 
“I didn’t know you smoked.” Gojo says dumbfoundedly. 
You chuckled but his question was left unanswered. He forgets about it completely because his brain short circuits when you move closer to him, taking off his sunglasses and perching it atop his head. His radiant baby blue eyes are out staring at you intently.
You give him a soft smile and point at the view in front of you. “I love going here after missions, sunset’s beautiful here.” 
“you’re being nice to me. Why?” 
Again. No answer. You just hummed in amusement and no words were spoken afterwards. 
The sun begins to descend, casting a warm, golden glow over the view from below. The city sprawls out beneath the both of you and the skyline extends into the horizon, bleeding in hues of pink and orange. Both of you sit in silence and when Gojo turns to look at you, he feels his heart beat quickening every passing second.
You look so breathtaking as the remaining sunlight kisses your skin, creating a halo effect around you. He suddenly doesn’t know why his palms feel so sweaty and he can’t manage to land a punchline to make you roll your eyes playfully at him. 
“I’m sorry I got distracted. Thank you for saving me today. I didn’t know you’d be more…” He trails off and you cut him off with a laugh so pretty enough that his head whipped to turn to you. 
“Kind? Human? You think I’m just like my clan huh?” You giggled and it shocked him how light you’re taking the situation.
You must’ve gotten used to it.
Just like him.
You stayed silent for a while before speaking in a serious tone. “Just because I don’t defy my clan’s ideals freely as you do doesn’t mean I’m not against it. When you’re a woman, you have to play nice, you know? I don’t have much of a choice unlike you. I know you don’t like me but I shielded you because you’re my friend.”
It was a wonder for Gojo that he’s the only one you’re not on good terms with out of everyone in Jujutsu High. Hell, he even overheard Yaga asking you to call back those Kyoto Students. It’s a big deal because those pesky Kyoto Students are usually their rivals but for some reason they’re always looking for you.
Then comes the Tokyo students, whom he never sees not greeting you or asking to hang out with you. Come to think of it, their expressions are always brightening up whenever you’re around and he thought that maybe they’re not that welcoming to him because he’s loud. But it’s you. It’s all you. 
From the way you listen intently to your friends, and your saccharine voice asking them about their day or whatever that piques their interest. You care, a lot. You even saved him from that grade 1 curse, resulting in a painful wound on your shoulder. Granted, you had the ability to heal yourself but who was he even in your life? and yet you took the fall for him. 
Gojo always hated that everyone seemed to look at him as that ‘six-eyed kid from the Gojo clan’. He hated the rumors about him just because of your last name— something that he has done to you since the first time you stepped foot into the school. 
He swallows his guilt and sets his pride aside. He wanted nothing more than to make it up to you.  “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ve read you wrong. I thought you were just like the rest of them.”  
“It’s alright.” You say nonchalantly as possible but the voice crack at the end gives you away. Gojo chooses to ignore that. This probably means a lot to you as much as it did to him. “I mean I get it, I actually admire your passion for changing the way our clans lead the Jujutsu World. I think you have the guts for standing up to them just like that.”
“You really think so?’ He scoots closer and gives you a small smile, his heartbeat quickening faster as he feels your warmth— your thighs almost touching. 
“Yeah.” You grinned back, leaning your wait to his side before taking a sip from your coffee. 
“So you think I’m pretty?” He looks at you and bats his eyelashes comedically.
You snorted in response and slapped his arm lightly.  “I’ll throw you off this building.” 
Gojo forgot the passage of time in those 4 hours at that rooftop. The sun had already set and the moon was gleaming, already dark out. He likes talking to you but he enjoys it more when you’re the one doing the talking. 
You talked about your school life, hobbies, even your life with your clan– anything that comes to mind. Talking to you is as easy as breathing. You’re just full of wisdom, kindness, and wit.
Gojo found out today that he actually likes making you laugh, something about it makes his stomach feel funny. He also found out your preferences in coffee, food, and even music. 
“Don’t you dare tell that spot to anyone, Gojo.” You took one of the sweets in his hands and popped it in your mouth before giving him a teasing grin.
You’re now walking side by side on the way to the dormitory. He insisted on walking you to your dorm even if his dorm is from the other side of the building. 
A chuckle escaped his lips as he matched your stride. “Yes, Ma’am.”  He replied with a teasing voice, earning a hum of approval from you. You finally stopped in front of your door. 
“Thank you Goj-” 
“Satoru.” He cut you off,  his voice suddenly softening. As you tilted your head inquisitively, he found himself breaking into another warm smile.  His cheeks ached from smiling too much this evening. “You can call me Satoru instead.” 
“I like saying Gojo, especially when I yell your name when I’m mad at you.” 
“Are you mad at me right now?” He wiggles his eyebrows, earning a playful roll of your eyes in response. 
His demeanor shifted then, almost like he’s surrendering his vulnerability to you. “Then call me Satoru.” You could almost hear the plea in his voice. 
You sigh in mock defeat, your lips curved into a smile as you relented to his request. “Okay, Satoru.”
“You’re barely hanging out with me anymore, Satoru. Have you found my replacement already?” Suguru says, smirking as he watches his best friend’s eyes widened— a blush adorning Satoru's cheeks.
Satoru fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, causing Suguru to smirk at him. This behavior definitely did not go unnoticed by his best friend. Rarely did Satoru ever get nervous and Suguru was all for it. 
“I was just busy, Suguru. You missed me that much? I didn’t know I am participating in a homosexual relationship with you—”  He retorted, attempting to deflect Suguru. 
But Suguru wasn’t one to let him off the hook easily. “Busy hogging Y/N?” 
Satoru scoffed, giving him a look of disbelief. “Pffft. Nah. Of course not. We’re friends!” He insisted, though the way his gaze momentarily flickered away betrayed a hint of something more.  
It has been nearly 6 months since that evening on the rooftop. Satoru and you have been attached to the hip ever since— or to phrase it better, Satoru has been attached to you ever since. Somehow, you’re a lot more similar than he thinks and because of that, you just know each other a lot deeper.
He also finds himself doing things out of pure interest like walking with you to the 7/11 store after mission just to talk to you til dusk on that rooftop, completely forgetting about his friend group’s game nights. Other times, he reaches for your wrist to encourage you to mingle with other people. He even accompanies you to your monthly shopping sprees in the city or in Shinjuku or Shibuya. He found out you love traveling and going to other places— it clears your mind, you had said. His closet is now full of clothes you helped him pick out, almost half of them you bought for him randomly. 
It’s normal for friends to do that, right? 
Seated side by side, Satoru and Suguru observed how you and Shoko practiced your reverse cursed technique. Satoru’s just munching on the sweets you bought for him while his best friend is clearly enjoying the view of how dumbstruck he is by you. 
“Satoru,” he began. “You’re always following her around, it’s like you’re glued to each other already and you even fell asleep together during movie nights more than 3 times already. The only time you’re not with her is when you’re on missions with me or lunch. Are you already secretly dating?” 
“Yeah, we’re not!” Satoru says swiftly and defensively, causing Suguru to raise an eyebrow at him. “Why are you keeping count anyway?” 
 “Sure, just friends.” Suguru insisted, attempting to downplay the whole situation but Satoru is already growing agitated with the way he’s being teased.  Suguru gave him a devilish smirk.  “What if she dates another guy?” 
Satoru shuts up for a minute before muttering a quiet  “… She won’t.” 
“You don’t sound sure. She eventually will.” Suguru gave him an all-knowing smile and that’s when he knew that Suguru was being serious. 
“Huh?”  Satoru furrowed his eyebrows, casting an accusing look at his best friend.  “How are you so sure?” 
“Shoko said she’s going on dates.” 
So that’s why he’s been seeing you less, and you seem so distracted whenever you guys would hang out. Satoru thought that you were just busy but he didn’t think you’d actually go on dates with anyone. I mean, you’re still young right? Besides, who would be deserving of you?
Satoru didn’t notice that he was staring daggers into Shoko as you hugged her tightly. His expression darkened, jealousy flashing in his eyes before softening as he heard you laugh. 
You look so pretty. 
Since when did he find you incredibly pretty?
Sure, you were just friends but he doesn’t know why he has this urge to be with you all the time, he even wants to hug you like how you hug Shoko and Utahime. It’s just unfair that you only lean to him or give him a fist bump or when you fall asleep with your head on his shoulder.
He longs to hold you close, to see you every morning, and to be the person that makes you laugh all the time.  
And when you noticed him staring you beamed at him and waved. 
Oh, he definitely has a crush on his friend. 
He didn’t know how much time passed but soon enough his day wouldn’t be completed without seeing you. He actually looks forward now to the meeting with different plans, particularly because you were there with him. And he basically lives now in your dorm room, candy wrappers everywhere and an array of his glasses sit beside your bedside table.
You talk about anything, even the random thoughts that come to his mind. You managed to know him better than Suguru knows him, which is surprising by the way. 
But during the past week, he surprisingly didn’t see you— not even at the rooftop that you both had grown to hang out together. Suguru told him that he acts like he has a ‘stick up his ass’ but he was just worried about you. Have you grown tired of him? It all made him fidget like crazy. 
Satoru caught a glimpse of your bright blue hair after your mission with Suguru. It was the kind of blue that matches his eyes. But he didn’t pay attention to it that much because of your sullen look.
He tried looking for you at the convenience store or your dorm but you were already gone so his last bet is at the rooftop, and there you are.
Your back is facing him with your feet dangling off the edge, you seem to be in your own world judging by the loud music he’s hearing. There are two packs of cigarettes by your side and a can of your favorite coffee. The sun is almost setting again and you’re just staring ahead while you hum along to the song you're listening to. The view seems so… sad. He felt something tug at his heart strings. 
“You know you should quit smoking. if you keep it, you’ll never see me old handsome.”  He tried to joke off before climbing the edge to sit next to you. He took off his glasses before wincing at the view, it was too bright so he decided to put it on again. 
You giggled in response,  he can tell that you saw right through him when you had a soft look in your face.  The both of you hadn’t quite reached the stage where you’re entirely comfortable with opening up to one another.
So he tried to lighten up the mood once more, “It actually diminishes your ability as a sorcerer.” 
“Says who?” 
“Says yoda” He responded rhetorically before giving you a lopsided grin.  
You nodded before taking out your lighter to light up your cigarette.   “I only smoke when I’m stressed.” You confessed.
“Oh?” Satoru asks 
“Yeah” You smiled at him, taking a drag from your cigarette, sighing when the nicotine hit your system. 
“Then we’ll do something else, yeah?” He grinned at you mischievously before pointing his index. “Wait.” 
With a quick rummage through his pockets, he brought out a handful of brightly colored lollipops, their wrappers crinkling softly in his hand. 
“What do you have in mind?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him. 
Satoru extended his hand, offering you a lollipop with a playful wink. “Something sweeter?” 
He gives you a toothy grin—his eyes sparkling when you take it, shaking your head at his enthusiasm.
“This is ridiculous,” You laughed, amused by his antics as you unwrapped the sweet treat and popped it into your mouth. 
“It works, right?” Satoru asked eagerly. 
He’s been searching for alternative ways for nicotine but he couldn’t find any gum in the 7/11 store. Lollipops are his last choice. 
“I don’t know. Isn’t it gum that lessens the nic addiction?”  You countered, bumping your shoulder against his. 
“Lollipops are an alternative,” He says defensively, though a hint of concern crept up to his face.  “Are you okay?”  
“Yeah, uhm. It just gets tiring sometimes, you know?” You responded, bitterness lacing your voice. “ All the pressure. Sometimes I feel like I’m not treated humanely at one point.” 
“Hey. I’ll help you okay?” He placed a hand on your shoulder before offering you a soft smile. “When you’re with me, you don’t have to please those old geezers.” 
“I appreciate it, Satoru.” You smiled back at him and he found himself melting in your gaze. The sun be damned, he could live alone in your presence.
You decided to leave when it’s already half past eight. Once he helped you to his feet you looked at him shyly, and if it’s a bit lighter out he would see a blush creeping up to your face. The walk back to your dorm is silent again, your hands just occasionally brush and Satoru wondered if you think about holding his hand too. 
So when you let him in your dorm like you usually do. Satoru hesitated for a moment before he mustered up the courage and asked, “Is it okay if I hug you?” 
He noticed you freeze and he feared that he might have overstepped, but before he could retract his words, you’re already nodding and he instinctively wrapped his arms around you. Satoru hears you sigh in the hug and he feels like he’s floating when you tug him closer.
Satoru prayed silently that you couldn’t hear the loud thumping of his heart because he finally has you in his arms and this is all he wanted. The warmth of your body against his, the way you leaned into his touch, it all felt surreal to him. 
You’ve finally let your guard down around him and he noticed you gradually open up to him when you’re feeling sad or disappointed with something. Somehow he can’t bring himself to be like that to you yet, Satoru has this underlying feeling that you’d like him less if he starts showing vulnerability. 
But to his surprise, he feels like you like him more because of that. There was this instance where he’s so overstimulated after a mission because he had to take off his glasses to work on his six eyes. He started to become dizzy and everything around him was a blur.
As he sat on the couch, feeling utterly overwhelmed and disoriented after the mission. Despite his attempts to mask his discomfort with a feeble smile, you saw right through him, as you always seemed to do.
“Satoru, are you okay?” Your voice cut through the haze of his senses, casting him a worried glance.
He managed a strained smile before the brightness around him intensified, sending a sharp pang through his temples. "I'm...I'm fine," he mumbled.
“Satoru, you’re not a good liar.” You stood up to turn off the lights, only leaving the night lamp on, a soft glow illuminating the entire room, making it bearable for Satoru. He’s rubbing his temples, trying to ease the pain. 
He feels a weight dip in the couch, you gently remove his glasses and place them on the nearby table. Then, without warning, your arms enveloped him in a warm embrace, guiding his head to rest against the crook of your neck, fully covering his eyes.
Now that he’s calmed down, Satoru became acutely aware of the closeness between you. He’s lucky that you can’t see how his eyes widened at your action and how flushed he probably looks right now. Well, not that he can see anything right now. 
But he chooses to ignore the loud beating of his heart again, passing it off as adrenaline rush from the mission. He allows himself to relax in your hold, with your fingers threading softly through his hair, all his worries and fatigue melted away. 
Gojo Satoru had never known romantic love, let alone had a crush on anyone. So maybe it was just normal for friends to hold each other when one is tired or in need of comfort.
He loves to play with your hand when both of you are alone, while he babbles about something random and outright weird just so he could ignore how you make him feel. He tries to ignore the blush creeping up on his face when you listen to him intently, like every word that he utters matters, no matter how ridiculous it was. His feet always drag him to you because after a long day, all he needs is cuddles from you— oh, and your soothing voice too.  
So really, what is this weight on his chest when Shoko announced that you’re going on a date? 
Why is he pouting suddenly, assaulting his food as he stabs it continuously while you are gushing about what to wear or what to say when he knows you just look so beautiful even without trying?
Isn’t he enough?
Satoru buys you stuff, he takes care of you, he knows everything about you. He’s always hanging at your dorm after school, you’re practically like a couple at this poi–
Maybe he does have a crush on you. 
“I don’t know why you’d bother going on a date, Y/N. Guys are basically disgusting.” 
“Says a guy.” You rolled your eyes playfully while going through your closet. 
Satoru’s getting desperate now, why are you so adamant to get on that date? 
Satoru felt a knot of desperation tightening in his chest as he watched you model your top three dresses.  The first dress, adorned with vibrant florals, seemed to scream "first date" with its playful charm. However, you quickly dismissed it as unsuitable for the dinner date you had planned. Next, you slipped into a simple yet elegant black bodycon dress that hugged your curves in all the right places. It was hard to ignore the bitterness he’s feeling— you getting dolled up for a random guy. 
But it was the final dress that truly captured his heart. As you twirled around to show him, the white silk fabric cascading gracefully around you, Satoru found himself momentarily breathless at the sight. Your awkward smile only added to the enchantment of the moment. You look so ethereal. 
"What do you think?" you asked, swaying gently as you admired yourself in the mirror.
"I—" Satoru cleared his throat, his voice suddenly dry as he struggled to find the right words. "I think I like the other one better, the black one," he managed to say, though his heart whispered otherwise.
You somehow listened to his advice and wore the black bodycon dress that he suggested.
You looked nothing short of breathtaking, a literal goddess. 
It was the longest 3 hours of his life, each passing minute feeling like an eternity as he anxiously wait for your return. Despite his best effort to distract himself by distracting Suguru, his thoughts kept returninhg to you— wondering if you’re having the time of your life with your date. 
A small part of him wishes that the date didn’t go well and you’ll just spent the rest of the evening eating sweets with him all the while casting funny remarks on your date but he wasn’t prepared when you came home with mascara running down your face, your lips curved into a pout, and your eyes puffy and red from crying. 
Without a word, Satoru stood up to engulf you in his arms, furrowing his eyebrows as you collapsed into him.  “What happened, Y/N?” 
He held you close, a surge of protectiveness flooding his senses as if an attempt to shield you from the world.
“He’s a misogynist, Satoru!” You cried, your voice cracking. “So full of himself! I thought he was kind and sweet but then he just started babbling about his clan and how good of a potential husband he is. As if I want to marry him!” 
“Who was he anyway?”  He gently wiped away your tears. 
“Naoya Zenin” You sniffled, playing with the hem of his shirt. “I’m sorry I’m staining your shirt.” 
“No, no.” He whispered, brushing away the strands of your hair on your face. 
He took a mental note to research on the guy that made you cry later on. He realizes that the sight that he despises the most is the sight of you crying. He never wants to see you like this, ever. 
“You said you like the beach right?” Satoru spoke out of the blue, his hand tracing circles on your arm. “Why don’t we go to one?” 
And that’s how Satoru managed to spend all of his monthly allowance in a week. He booked a flight for the 6 of you (of course he wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea, he insisted it’s a vacation for the six of you— him, you, Suguru, Shoko, and even Utahime and Mei Mei because apparently you’re good friends with them too) 
So now here he is, about 200, 000 yen poorer. (help i don’t know if this is accurate) He wanted what’s best for you, so of course he’d spend a lot for you.  It was all worth it though, when he sees you in a baby blue bathing suit that he helped you pick out. No it was definitely not because it’s similar to the color of his eyes. Blue just suits you well. (Hence, he’s also suitable for you) 
“Satoru, you're going to catch flies if your mouth keeps hanging like that. Hey, are you also drooling?” Suguru pokes Satoru, who quickly straightens up when you look his way.
You gave him a sheepish smile, and he didn’t know what the fuck you’re doing to him because he feels a hard on coming his way.  Shoko notices Satoru’s flushed expression but she just continues to smoke, clearly enjoying the show. 
Eventually, everyone agrees to swim in the beach and try on the jet skis that Satoru had rented. What he didn’t know though, was the fact that you’re afraid of the ocean.
You were just hugging yourself while the waves crashed against your feet. The sight looks so cute but he wants you to enjoy it, so he uses his tactics to get you to join the group.
Unfortunately for him, you’re so stubborn to stay on the shore. 
“I don’t want to go, Satoru! It’s not funny! I might get eaten alive by megalodon sharks or something.” 
“C’mon! I’m really tall, I can protect you! Jesus, here—”  His hand intertwined with yours, causing you to blush profusely. “Just hold my hand, okay?  Hell, hold onto me if you like. I can carry you!”
“Your hands are uhm, really warm.” You commented, your voice tinged with embrassment. 
“Oh yeah?” He smirks at you, his gaze locking with yours. “You want me to warm you up?” 
“I’m gonna kill you.”  You deadpanned. 
Despite your protests, you ended up trusting him to pull you in the deeper part of the ocean. He even managed to get you to ride the jetski with him, the grip you had on his waist nearly suffocating him.
Satoru didn’t want to focus on the closeness between you two— your body pressed up against his back. If he does, he might lose control and drop the both of you into the ocean. 
Meanwhile, the rest of the group is observing the two of you while sipping on their Margaritas.
“God, these two.” Mei Mei muttered as she rolls her eyes. “Best slow burn romance I’ve ever seen for free.”
If anyone would glance at you and Satoru, they would immediately think you’re dating, but you’re not and it’s frustrating to anyone within your radius. 
Besides her, Shoko chimed in, her voice laced with amusement.   “It’s so painfully obvious that they like each other. They were comparing hand sizes earlier for god’s sake.” 
“Yeah, they should just fuck already.” 
“Okay, so you kiss the person the bottle’s pointing at.” Utahime explained excitedly, albeit a bit drunk.
Everyone’s gathering around the crackling bonfire bonfire, the warm glow casting dancing shadows across the sand.  It was now nearing midnight and you decided to play a game to end the night, which is spin the bottle. You spent all afternoon swimming and riding the jet skis Satoru rented. 
Satoru felt a bead of sweat form on his brow as the bottle nearly lands you and Suguru.
He wanted your first kiss to be with him, as selfish as that sounds. He internally cursed Shoko for suggesting this game. 
It landed on Shoko and Utahime, then Shoko and Suguru, then Mei Mei and Utahime. 
His nervousness escalated as the game continues. Satoru was busy praying that the bottle wouldn’t land on you and anyone that he failed to notice when the bottle finally came to a stop, pointing directly at you and him. 
“Ooooh” Utahime teased you, playfully poking your arm. “It’s you and Gojo!” 
You laughed nervously, shooting a helpless glance in Satoru’s direction. He wanted to protest but his curiosity outweighed his embarrassment. 
He wanted to know how it feels like to kiss you. 
Besides, it’s just a kiss, right? 
Satoru was stunned when you hurriedly pecked him on the lips before you retreated back to your seat. His mind raced as he tries to process the fleeting touch.
He just kissed you. 
He couldn’t believe it when you looked back at him with a subtle smile playing in your lips.  
The rest of the night was a blur for him, not because he was drunk. Satoru’s a lightweight and you know that fact, that’s why you were drinking for him.
While everyone else is playing games and talking about anything, his mind is still stuck on the fact that you kissed him
You’re his first kiss.
And he's yours too,
The gods had answered his prayers.  But that was barely a kiss in the first place, do you even want it or were you just pressured to do it?
The thought stings. So he took a couple of sips from Suguru’s beer bottle until he was tipsy enough to not think about your lips on his. Yet, with each glance in your direction, the memory of your lips on his persisted. 
Satoru helped you go to your room, even if he’s a bit drunk himself.  Both of you were stumbling on the way to your room, but he thankfully he managed to settle you down on the bed as gently as he could. His attempt to withdraw was no use as you pulled him down with you, your grip firm yet gentle as you clutched his hand in your sleep. 
Satoru admired your sleeping state, your hair sprawled out messily on the bed and you’re gripping his hand.
Your mouth slightly open as you slept, emitting soft rhythmic breaths but then you started mumbling something—it first it was incoherent until you mumbled in a slur,  “I think you’re cute.” 
“Huh?” Satoru questioned, even though he heard you clearly. He just want to hear it again from you. 
“I said I think you look like a sack of shit. Fuck you.”  You clarified, your words still slightly intelligible and laced with frustration and humor. 
“Uh-huh.” He replied, feigning ignorance, his heart fluttering at your words. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Satoru brushed a few stray strands of hair away from your face, his fingers lingering momentarily against your skin. 
“You know,” You started, your words slurring as you looked at him with half-lidded eyes. “You’re my first kiss. It was really good even if it just lasted a second. Thank you for today, toru.” 
He laughed at your intoxicated state. You just look so adorable when you’re relaxed like this, the way your features softened and your laughter bubble up freely without a care in the world.
His gaze drifted to your lips, they seemed to beckon him to give in.  He definitely wants to kiss you now. 
Satoru’s heart raced as he struggled to fight the urge to lean in, knowing that it was a dangerous game to play. You decided to take matters in your own hands, shifting closer to him, your face close enough that he could feel you breathe against him. 
“Please, ‘Toru.” You whispered, your lips barely touching. “Please kiss me again.” 
Who was he to deny you that? To deny you? 
When Satoru kissed you for the second time, he took his time to savor it. His hand reaches out to cup your cheek and brushes his lips against yours. 
Your lips are warm and soft, he wanted to kiss it for eternity. Literally. He feels like in cloud nine as he kisses you deeper, slipping his tongue inside as you parted your lips, earning a soft moan from you.
Satoru weight settled against you, your bodies pressed together, breathing heavily as he connected his lips against yours once more. 
You taste better than any candy he has ever tasted. He might just get addicted, drunk even. 
“We shouldn’t—” He sighs into your mouth. You whimpered when he pulled away, your sweet voice going straight through his dick. “I don’t want to do this like this.” 
“What” a kiss. “Do” followed by another, “You,” then another “Mean?” then another.
You were peppering kisses all over his face all the while carding your hand through his hair, tugging it a bit to earn a reaction from him. He almost lost it when you squeezed him through his boxers. 
Satoru managed to pull away which he clearly struggled on doing when you pout at him, lips swollen and covered with saliva and you’re looking at him with those damned doe eyes. 
He pecks your lips, both of your cheeks, and he places a final kiss on your forehead, afraid that if he does more, he won’t be able to contain himself.
Satoru wants his first time with you to be special, one that’s not hazy and easy to forget. He doesn’t want it to be a mistake, like what he knows the both of you would agree upon if you talked about it in the morning.
He wanted you to remember, have it engraved in your mind and body for weeks. Satoru wants you to want him as much as he wants you, and he can’t have that in a drunken mistake. 
As you both drifted together in your sleep, he held you close, his arms wrapping snugly around your waist. It was the best sleep he had in ages. 
Satoru’s fear came true when you pretended like nothing happened the next morning. When he awoke, it feels like last night never happened. Your side of the bed is fixed and the only proof that you were ver there was the ache he felt on his arm, where you were laying.  Sure, he was disappointed but he’s contented with anything you give him. As long as he has you by his side. 
The kiss never left his mind, though.
Not even when you reached third year and you drifted apart from him little by little. His feelings for you remains the same. 
When Satoru is paired up again with you for a mission in the second half of your third year, you seem different from the Y/N he remembers. Particularly because you act like the exact person that he met in your first year.
Only, you look dull.
There are heavy circles under your eyes, your lips are chapped, and you look like you’re barely holding it together. Not to mention the only words that you utter to him are only about the mission. 
He got too busy honing his skills with Suguru, but he would make time for you if only you asked. But it’s like you were gone, everytime he tried to look for you, you were nowhere to be found. It’s like he barely knows you anymore.
You started to ignore him at the beginning of the school year. He noticed that you dyed your hair back to its natural color and whenever he goes.
You became a ghost in a way, and he’s left with the pieces of you that you once had shared with him. Satoru desperately wants to reach you but how can he when you’re always away? He doesn’t see you in your meeting spot anymore, you’re not in your dorm, no one gets close to you. The only time he sees you is during meetings with the higher ups and your clan. 
There’s an ache in his heart that only you can heal. 
So before you can run away from him again, he followed your footsteps until you reached the 7/11 store across the street. So here you are scanning along the shelves of the store, even though he knows you already know what you’re going to buy.  You still haven’t noticed him, which is confusing on his part. You must’ve been so tired. 
Ah, an energy drink and a box of cigarettes. 
Well, maybe you’ve started avoiding him too because of that. You know he’s going to get worried. 
Satoru taps your shoulder, making you yelp. You were about to shout at him but your expression softened when you saw him. “Oh, it’s just you.” 
It’s the first time in months where he actually saw you up close. He misses you so much it actually makes him dizzy.  Satoru stares at you for a few minutes before you poked him. 
“Hello? Earth to Satoru?”
He hasn’t heard you say his name too in a while. It felt like a breath of fresh air 
“You dyed your hair back to its natural color.” He pointed out. 
You hummed in response before going to the drink section once more. He observes you skimming the shelves even though he knows what you’re going to buy.
You’re just passing the time because you’re too anxious to talk to him but you aren’t really good at small talks.   
So he does that for you.
As you mechanically scanned the shelves, your eyes not really registering the array of products before you, Satoru noticed the evident anxiety in your every move. Wanting to bridge the gap between you two, he seized the opportunity to make you smile. 
“ah yes, there’s some items on sale here.” He declared, rubbing his chin with his pointer and thumb comically. 
Your quizzical expression met his as you questioned, “I don’t see any.” 
Undeterred, Satoru held up a familiar item – your favorite coffee – and flashed a grin "Here," he insisted, pointing at the non-existent 'sale' label.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "It's on sale. Look. It says, 'buy one take me.'" He gestured to the imaginary tag with a theatrical flair, his infectious grin inviting you to roll your eyes at him. 
Finally, you gave him a smile and you threw your head back because you’re laughing so hard. “You’re ridiculous, Gojo Satoru.” 
Satoru's heart skipped a beat at the sight of your smile, a warmth spreading through him at the sight of your genuine laughter. He likes seeing you smile. He’d do anything to see you smile. Even if it’s making a fool out of himself.
You grabbed his favorite drink and 2 onigiris then you dropped your energy drink. You walked towards the counter with him following closely behind.
After you’ve paid for the food, you led him wordlessly to the back of the convenience store towards the small parking lot and you sat on the ground. 
“Besides, I can’t take you.”  You broke the silence, handing him his coca-cola with a tremulous smile. 
“What do you mean? You’ve already taken me for granted.”  Satoru attempts to joke, but his playful expression dropped when you gave him a sad smile. 
“I’m getting married next year after graduation.” 
Satoru suddenly felt as if the ground had dropped from beneath him. The news struck him like a blow to the chest, leaving him breathless. He chewed on his lip as he took in your confession.
So that’s why you’ve been busy.
That’s why the higher ups paid no mind to all of his minor mishaps. His heart and mind raced, why so soon? Are you really going to let them take away your right to decide who you’ll marry? 
“To who?”  He said quietly, fidgeting with the lid of his soda. 
“Naoya Zenin.” 
A wave of disbelief washed over Satoru’s face. He had only met the guy once but he knows that Zenin is an absolute prick, not to mention a misogynist and a weakling. He even made you cry on a date. But he tried to relax his jaw and stay composed for you. “Do you want to marry him?”
“No.” Your answer was swift, the word laden with a weight he could feel in his bones. 
“Then don’t.” Satoru says firmly. Both of you fell silent for a while, you being defeated with the destiny your clan have paved for you.  
Could he really let you go just like that? To a Zenin asshat nonetheless?
He had always imagined that the two of you would eventually end up together, you have all the time in the world after all. So why does it feel like you’re already slipping out of his arms?  He’s not even sure if you like him, despite what Suguru and Ieri keep telling him. 
His train of thoughts were interrupted when you leaned your head on his shoulder. His arm instinctively finds its way around you, as if shielding you from your clan, from the world.  “I wish it were that simple. Nearly everything I do for my family is never what I want. I simply can’t not do it, Satoru. I need it to keep my clan powerful and relevant. I’m the only daughter of my parents. I have to do my best to make them proud.” 
“Well…” He stammers a little bit when your hand finds a way to play with his hair.  “what about what you want?” 
“Satoru, you know my freedom is limited." You laughed bitterly. “I’m still Y/L/N’s golden child and my clan’s on the brink of exclusion at this point. We’re irrelevant now and I’m not getting any stronger or richer. My family wants to take their place in the Jujutsu World. This is something I can’t escape from anymore even if I’d rather die than to be married to someone like him.” 
“Why Naoya Zenin though?” He’s getting frustrated at this point. Why were you not fighting back? Satoru couldn’t accept that, you relinquishing your freedom for the sake of others. You have already done so much. 
“He’s from a well-off clan and he’s strong.” you replied, a note of bitterness tainting your words. “My dad’s also biased with the Zenin clan so… I’m all set.” 
Well, he’s a Gojo and he is the strongest.  He is the inheritor of the six eyes anyway. Who is Naoya Zenin compared to him?  
“Well then, can you marry someone else that’s also strong?”
You scoffed, your hand leaving his hair before you prompt to fully lean your entire weight on Satoru’s side. “Yeah, but I don’t have much of a choice in the matter. Who else would I mar-” 
It’s now or never. 
“Me.”  Satoru blurted out. 
“Me. you should just marry me instead.” 
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gigabyte-flare · 2 months
[A Gigabyte Flare One Shot]
Summary: Your boyfriend comes home from an assignment still wearing his gear coupled with a pair of jeans you had gotten him, the sight of him driving you wild.
Word Count: 1.2k
Pairing: RE4R!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: Kissing, unprotected p in v, creampie, mention of firearms
A/N: This is 5000% self indulgent. I've been playing through Resident Evil 4 Remake yet again with this Special Rescue Agent mod and oh my god those jeans are so fucking sexy on him. I needed to write this to get it out of my system. You're welcome 🤣
A quick reminder that I no longer do tag lists
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The door to your apartment bursts open, your boyfriend walking through briskly before closing the door behind him. You could tell from the corner of your eye he was still wearing his tactical gear and gun holster around his waist, having just come back from another grueling mission for the U.S. government to god knows where. A hint of blue draws your attention even further, your eyes now locked on the denim that perfectly accentuates his waist and backside.
“Hey, sorry I’m late babe. I had to fill out paperwork before they could let me come home. They didn’t even give me a chance to change my gear--”
Standing over the kitchen sink, you’re not even listening to your boyfriend at this point because you are way too focused on how absolutely fine he looks in the jeans you had bought him some time ago. Your mouth is hanging open and you drop the sponge you were holding into the dish water, making a subtle splash sound as your heart starts pounding in your chest. You didn’t think he even liked the jeans you got him because he had never worn them.
Until now, that is.
“Babe? Are you alright?” Leon asks, tilting his head at you and raising an eyebrow as he turns to face you.
You blink a few times, shaking your head to snap you out of your lust filled daze, returning your focus back to the dirty dishes as you fish through the water to grab the sponge, “yeah sorry! Long day…” you haphazardly reply.
“Right…” Leon says, nodding slightly before clearing his throat to continue, “let me get this gear off and I’ll come help you.”
Leon turns to walk into the bedroom, his heavy boots echoing through the apartment. You allow yourself another look as he walks off, your breath catching in your throat. It’s not just the jeans that made him look so… attractive. It’s the way the straps of his gun holster and various pouches attached to his belt hugged his thighs and how they perfectly shaped Leon’s toned backside. You unknowingly have a death grip on the sponge as hordes of less than appropriate thoughts fill your mind, causing you to bite your bottom lip.
“Stop…” you say softly; not even realizing you had said it out loud until Leon stops in his tracks and turns around to face you again.
“Hm? What’s up?” he asks before a knowing smirk begins to cross his lips as he puts his hands on his hips.
“I’m sorry, I…” you stammer before dropping the sponge back into the sink, “you just look really fucking hot in those jeans, Leon.”
He lets out a playful laugh before approaching you; you swear he’s swaying his hips as he walks on purpose just to rile you up, and it works. Now standing in front of you, his gloved fingers tracing along your jawline before cupping the back of your head, his fingers carding through your hair. His blue eyes boring into yours, piercing directly into your very soul. 
“Like what you see?” he asks, his voice low and sultry before he leans in, burying his face into the crook of your neck, feeling his lips and tongue upon your skin.
Immediately, your knees are weak and the only sound you manage to get out is a strained whimper as he pushes his body into yours. Your hands, having a mind of their own, reach down around his waist, slipping inside the back pockets of his jeans before gripping his toned ass. Leon lets out a low chuckle against your neck, feeling it reverberate through your body. 
Leon’s hands run down the sides of your body before settling on your waist. He shifts both of you away from the sink before lifting you up by your waist, setting you onto the countertop. He then lifts your sundress up over your knees, gathering it onto your plush thighs before his fingers hook around the hem of your panties, slowly pulling them off and tossing them aside.
Knowing what’s to come, you shift yourself so that you’re balancing on the edge of the counter on your backside, using your hands to brace yourself against the counter. You watch Leon start to remove his belt and holster, but you reach out, grabbing his wrist to stop him.
“Keep it on. It’s really sexy,” you say, smiling at him.
He lets out another chuckle before kissing you deeply on the lips, “whatever you want, babe. Let me just make sure the pistol’s safety is on.” 
Leon takes a step back briefly, pulling his Sentinel Nine out of its holster, hearing the click of him engaging the safety before returning it to its holster. He steps towards you again and you watch in anticipation as his fingers undo his jeans, pushing them and his boxers just enough so that his hardening length springs free. You watch his gloved hand wrap around his length, giving it a few strokes before he lines himself up with your soaked entrance.
As he slowly sheathes himself inside you, your legs wrap themselves around his waist and your hands work on removing the straps and buckles keeping his tactical vest in place. Once unbuckled, he shrugs it off himself and it lands on the kitchen floor with a loud thud, leaving him in just his tight, black athletic t-shirt. Now that he doesn’t have the bulky vest on, he wastes no time pressing himself against your body, his hips pistoning into your welcoming heat.
You drape your arms over his shoulders, soft moans escaping you before you lock your lips with his. Your pussy walls clench around his cock, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body, giving you goosebumps on your arms.
“Oh fuck! Feels so good, Leon…” you breathe out as Leon drives you towards the edge, feeling your orgasm coil in your belly, ready to snap at any moment. 
“Yeah? I’m the only one who’s made you feel this good, aren’t I?” Leon asks, his tone husky and full of playful arrogance.
“Yes!” you cry out, the coil finally snapping, your release completely soaking him, leaving the telltale white ring around the base of his cock.
“Son of a bitch…!” Leon growls, increasing the pace of his thrusts inside you as he chases his own release. He leans in close, his breath tickling your ear before he whispers, “where do you want my cum, sweetheart?”
“Inside!” you whimper, your legs trembling from your earlier orgasm as your arms cling to his back, “please…!”
“You got it babe,” he replies, his hips practically hammering into your body before pressing himself as hard and deep inside you as he can possibly go, painting your walls white with his love. 
The warmth of his cum filling you pulls a long and loud moan out of you, your eyes practically rolling into the back of your head and you melt in his embrace. Leon lets out another low chuckle as he wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back with both of his hands as he gives you soft kisses on your cheek.
“Remind me to wear these jeans more often.”
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wonton4rang · 17 days
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Love me, leave me ¡!
pairing: bnd legal line x reader.
warnings: +18, smut.
summary: bnd legal mtl to like/ have quickies.
note: another thought that i had to get out of my system.
sungho; he is one to make love instead of having sex so i don't really see him into quickies. but let me tell you!! when you guys went to the gym that day, doing your workout as always but today he was feeling you more so you guys weren't even five minutes in when he took you to the changing room and fucked you raw agaisnt a wall. and it would happen sometimes when he was stressed or just too horny to keep going about his day without burying his cock deep in your pussy </3
riwoo; i can see him stopping dance practice just to come up to you and lay down by your side, leaning more than usual on you, laughing softly at the things you said and you noticing how often he licked his lips. so you just asked "all good, hyeok-ah?" your hand landing on his thigh and poor thing would just crumble and let you know how hot he felt, asking you to please help him out. and he would fuck so good :(
jaehyun; myungjae is messy so quickies with him would be too, that's why i think it wouldn't happen very often, maybe when he was horny during a party or even at a meeting, going to the bathroom and making you ride him at a bathroom stool while he cutely moaned your name over and over, dropping his head back and cumming almost immediately. you would even have to cover his mouth to avoid the noise going out of the bathroom, feeling his cum inside of your pussy went you lifted up. he looks like a mess, so sweaty and still panting slowly while he sweetly repeats "thank you so much, baby" :')
taesan; i don't think that this one would be completely against it but it wouldn't be his first choice either. but i can definitely see him slowly indulging you and dragging you in to make you feel as horny as he was just so you could ask him to fuck instead of him telling you about it. with time you would notice how his eyelids were lower than usual, his hands sneakier than ever, and so you will finally understand and give in faster, laughing and telling him "if you were this horny, you could've told me" after y'all were laying on the couch, cuddling and sharing soft kisses and laughs :D
leehan; yes. that's it. he would take quickies way too serious. it wouldn't be his go-to option but he will definitely do it more often than the others, leaning in your ear and whispering "if we don't go in the next thirty seconds i'm bending you over and fucking you here and now", you obviously got up and he followed you closely when you got to a room in the second floor of the house you guys were at (it was a party this time), he fucked the shit out of you. and that would happen often, like every 3/5 times y'all went out or were just having a normal day together.
basically it goes:
leehan. self-explanatory, i believe. he likes them and he does them often.
jaehyun. i perceive him as a very needy boy so i believe it would happen often even though it wasn't y'alls favorite.
riwoo. normally he wouldn't think about it but when the time comes and he just can't hold back, he loves them. so he goes in the middle, because like jaehyun i believe he can be very needy.
sungho. as i mentioned before i every post that sungho is included, i see him as a very "stablished relationship, serious yet not boring" type of boyfriend, which means he likes to fuck you at home or directly on his bed. he doesn't hate quickies but they would almost never happen.
taesan. i'll say this for the nth time, for now, i don't see taesan as a very sex drived person so quickies don't go with him, i also believe he is rather organized so having sex randomly would make his stomach ache :') it would happen, yes, but don't get used to it because it won't happen often.
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pimosworld · 1 year
Care to join?
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Pairing- Layla el Faouly x f!reader x Steven Grant x Marc Spector x Jake Lockley
This is my submission for @flightlessangelwings pride month celebration. I’m new to writing but this month is very special to me so I put my nerves aside and came up with this self indulgent fic.
Summary-Steven asks you about your feelings for Layla after she shows interest in you. Will this change your relationship?
Dialogue prompt- “Can I kiss you?”
CW-Explicit 18+MDNI, mentions of DID,eventual poly relationship,FF dynamics, talks about sexuality, kissing,cursing,light angst,fluff,thigh riding, smut,threesome MFF,oral sex female receiving, fingering, unprotected piv,piv cream pie
A/N- Layla is married to Marc and has been previously in an established relationship with the system. Reader is in an established relationship with Steven.Reader is not described or race coded. I will often write that the system can carry/pick up the reader and I am a plus size person who can not be carried by my partner but I like to believe that since they are superheroes they have superhuman strength.
Not beta read
  You’re lying under Steven, your legs  wrapped around his waist while you both try to catch your breath. You’re rubbing slow lines up and down his back as his hot breath blows on your neck. 
  “Love...that was… incredible.” He raises on his elbows to peer down at you with his sweat tousled curls on his forehead. You can’t help but fall in love with him every time you look into those deep brown eyes. He’s grown soft inside you but he refuses to move. He drops his head down onto your shoulder and lets out a deep sigh.  
  “Just give me a minute please.” You know he can be needy but the annoyance in his tone is concerning.
  “You know I never rush you.” You say as you continue to trace lines up and down his back.
  “God no! no! I wasn’t talking to you love.” 
  “Oh...” It was still weird knowing Marc was present sometimes. You haven't been intimate with him obviously not wanting to cross a line with Layla. You were with Steven and she was with Marc. You’ve been on a few dates with Jake but his shyness prevented him from fronting too often. 
  “I…well we have been meaning to talk to you about something.” You can sense his more than normal nervous behavior. “It’s about Layla.” You have been dreading this moment for months, the conversation you knew would come when she grew tired of sharing. She married Marc and later became established with Steven and Jake but according to Steven he’s not been with her since you met on your first day at the museum.
  Surprisingly you took to his confession of having D.I.D very well. It took him several more weeks to reveal they are moon knight to which you also took in stride. It was the follow up conversation about the fact that he was technically married that you didn’t take lightly. It took you a week of reflection and a long conversation with Layla to convince you to give him another chance. No one has ever treated you like Steven and you didn’t want to give that up. 
  Steven often stayed at your place to give Layla her space, you knew she missed him but she always respected your relationship. When they were off doing khonshus bidding you would often have a girls night with Layla. Recently you weren’t sure how to grapple with the feelings you’ve been having towards her. You haven’t felt this way about a woman in a long time. There was no need to further complicate your already intricate relationship. 
  “Um…Steven, if I need to talk to Marc I would prefer we get cleaned up and put some clothes on.”
  “Sorry love I didn’t mean to worry you, he’s not here anymore.” You relax a little but can’t help but worry about the impending conversation. He climbs off you and you shudder at the sudden change in temperature, no longer having his body as a barrier to the cool air in your flat. 
  “Let me run us a bath and we can talk while we get cleaned up.” The prospect of a relaxing bubble bath with your boyfriend would normally have you on cloud nine, but you’d rather not have such an uncomfortable conversation in such an intimate setting. 
  “Steven, if you’re going to break up with me I’d rather you do it now,I can just take a shower when you leave.” Your legs are curled underneath you and all you can do is stare at the rumpled sheets desperately trying to keep the tears at bay. 
  “What!” Steven is standing in the doorway of the bathroom wide eyed and horrified at your assumption. 
  I told you not to bring it up after sex, she’s too vulnerable right now.
  “Will you buzz off Marc!” Steven strides towards you and is back on the bed in moments. He bunches you up with the sheets and pulls you into his lap sideways. “ I’m not breaking up with you
Love,  I just have something I need to talk to you about and I am a bit nervous.” You look up at him with tears brimming your eyelids and you can all but see his heartbreak. 
  He cradles your head and kisses you slowly as if it’s your first time. “This is not at all how I wanted this conversation to go.” He stands from the bed with you still in his arms and carries you to the bathroom. He gently sets you down on the toilet as he begins to draw a bath. You can’t help but admire his arms and his broad back as he leans over to test the temperature of the water. He places your favorite lavender bath bomb and chamomile bubble bath in before unraveling you from the sheets and helping you into the bath. You’re enveloped in that warm fuzzy feeling as he finds his place behind you pulling your back into his chest. 
  “I’m just gonna start and I don’t want you to say anything until I let you know I’m done.” You nod your head and you’re thankful you’re not facing him as the tears begin to well again. 
  “Layla has…really enjoyed your company lately when we’re out.” He pauses and tightens his grip around your waist. “She said it helps her not worry about us so much.”
  “I enjoy her company to Steven.” You know he told you not to speak yet but you figured he needed a moment to gather his thoughts. 
  “She’s actually grown quite fond of you and thought that you might feel the same about her.”
  A long silence passes between you and all you can hear are the ragged breaths of Steven and the crackling of the bubbles. You don’t think Stevens even realized that he hasn’t said he’s done speaking and is waiting for you to respond. 
  “Of course if you don’t feel the same then we don’t need to mention it again, I’m sorry I even brought it up. It's just that Marc pressed on about it…and actually he’s quite fond of you too and well that’s besides the point…I don’t even know what I’m saying any…”
  You turn in the bath and stop his rambling with a kiss to his lips as you cradle his face in both hands.
You rise in the water so you can settle yourself in his lap. You lean in to kiss him again and he parts his lips to let your tongue slide in. This slow languid movements leave you both breathless as you pull away for air and can’t help but giggle at his face covered in bubbles.
  “I thought Layla had grown sick of this situation and wanted you to end things with me.” He begins to say something but you place a finger on his lips, prompting him to wait just as you had. 
  “I am still getting to know Marc and Jake but obviously I can’t help but be attracted to someone who looks like my boyfriend.” You know Steven would accept all parts of you but it still made you nervous to open up to him. 
  “Steven…I’ve been with women before you, but I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. I’ve grown to like Layla a lot and I wasn’t sure how to come to terms with my feelings.” Steven releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
  “That’s wonderful love…Layla was quite nervous that you wouldn’t feel the same and she didn’t want to pressure you.” Steven is beaming up at you as if you’ve presented him a million dollar grant to research Egyptian mythology. “You know I love and accept you for who you are.” 
  You’re suddenly feeling exposed as the bubbles dissipate and your mind starts wandering. What does this mean? What does she want? He said something about Marc. Would Jake be involved? Would Steven be upset?
  He can see you spiraling before his eyes. “Talk to me love.” He starts rubbing soothing circles on your arms.
  “Where do we go from here?” You don’t even recognize your voice as you look anywhere but his eyes. He grabs your chin with his forefinger and thumb and pulls you into a chaste kiss.
  “Whatever you want to do we will do…no
pressure.We all want you and what’s best for you, as long as you’re safe and happy that’s all we care about.” You wrap your arms around his neck in a tight hug, feeling this most content you have in years. 
  Nice job hermaño, I knew you could do it.
  You’ve never been this nervous before to just have dinner with Layla. This was something you did every week while the boys were out but this time felt different. You’ve torn your room apart looking for the right thing to wear, finally opting for a simple blue babydoll dress with a flowy skirt. You wear your hair in its natural state and put on some light makeup to complete the look. 
  It’s just dinner, relax
  You’re standing in front of the door of their shared flat trying to calm your nerves as you smooth down the front on your skirt. You can already smell the wonderful aroma wafting under the door as you begin to knock. Layla opens the door and pulls you into a hug but you’re apprehensive to hug her back act normal.
  “Hey hon, come on in, I'm just finishing up the pizza.” You enter the flat and set the bottle of red wine you brought on the counter and take in the sight of delicious homemade pizza. 
  “I’m making Marc’s favorite for you, he insisted.” She looks up from placing the toppings to wink at you. Why did he insist? 
  “Oh…everything smells wonderful.” You’re standing nervously at the kitchen island fidgeting with the hem of your dress. “I brought some wine,would you like me to pour you a glass?” 
  “I’d love some, you know where the glasses are.” She points absentmindedly to the cabinet behind her while she finishes topping the pizza. You pour two glasses for the both of you and once she places the pizza in the oven all attention is on you. 
  “How has work been? Steven said you’ve had to put in some late night shifts.” You’re staring at her wine stained lips and the curls that frame her face. How does  she always look so effortlessly beautiful? She has an inquisitive look on her face and you realize you haven’t answered her. 
  “Umm…it’s been fine, I’m sure you know how much of a pain Donna can be.” You're focused on the wine in your glass instead of her piercing gaze. 
  “Hey…I can tell you’re nervous and I know Steven talked to you. Nothing has to change. I just wanted you to know how I felt.” It makes her heart swell noticing  you’ve put more effort into your appearance than you normally do for your weekly dinner.
  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous…I care about you a lot and I want to do this right.” She takes your hand in hers and you finally look up and meet her eyes. Neither of you say anything, whatever is happening between you can go unspoken for now. 
  You both finally relax into a comfortable calm as you eat Pizza and finish the bottle of wine. As the night progresses it feels more and more like how things are supposed to be. Conversation flows freely as you both relax on the couch gossiping about work or sharing your thoughts about the boys.
  “I know they look different but Marc and Steven  both get that furrowed brow when they’re focused.” She shifts on the couch to face you mimicking that stern look they get. You burst into a fit of laughter at the accuracy. 
  “Okay but have you seen Jake's serious face?” You squint your eyes and  muster up the best version of Jake that you can manage. She leans in close,her lips just a breath away. 
  “That face is much more adorable than Jake's.” Suddenly you're feeling hot,neither of you pulling away from your close proximity. The tension that’s been building for months is threatening to burst as you wait for her next move. 
  “Can I kiss you?” She’s practically touching your lips when she asks and you wish she would just do it but you know it’s in her nature to wait for you. 
  “Yes please.” In a moment her lips are on yours as her hands caress your neck and trail down your jaw. It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, feverish in the way her lips slot against yours. She pulls away and you chase her lips with your eyes closed and lips parted trying to catch your breath. 
  She brushes her thumb along your bottom lip and looks at you as though you hold the world in your eyes. “Your lips are so soft.”
  “Do it again please.” The desperation in your voice is unfamiliar but she doesn’t hesitate to oblige your request as her lips crash into yours, you part your lips to allow her tongue to slide in as you moan into her mouth. She pulls you slightly into her lap as you straddle her thigh. Your lips move in tandem as she grabs your waist. You can feel your panties soaked as she grinds your clit over her jeans. 
  “Sweetheart…you gonna come like this, I’ve barely touched you?” You’re a panting mess as your climax approaches and she doesn’t relent as she trails kisses down your neck,leaving love bites along the way. She moves one hand from your waist and slowly starts trailing your inner thigh. Her fingers dance along the hem of your underwear almost reaching where you need it the most. 
  The floorboard creaks and you both halt your movements. You look up from the couch and see Mr. Knight standing near the window, the moon still illuminating him in his stark white suit. He’s masked and you can’t see the expression on his face but his chest is heaving and you can’t help but notice the growing bulge in the front of his pants. 
  You slide off Layla suddenly embarrassed at the state she had you in. She grabs your hand before you can stand and sends you a reassuring squeeze. 
  “Steven…care to join?” She says in this sweet honey tone. Yet he doesn’t falter, as if he’s frozen to the spot. 
  Steven move your goddamn feet or I’m taking over the body.
  Snapped from his trance Steven begins to walk towards the couch. He takes a seat beside you so that you're situated in between them. He’s yet to reveal his face but his demeanor is definitely your Steven as he begins rubbing soothing circles on your thighs. The combined touch of their hands is all too real and this is territory you’ve never covered before. 
  “Are you okay with this Love?” Steven is always the observer making sure that this is truly what you want. You slowly nod your head. 
  “I need you to use your words honey.” You turn your head to Layla and the pet name she’s used many times before holds more weight in this moment. 
  “Yes this is okay…as long as Steven is…” 
  “Yes I’m great love this is perfectly alright.”He cuts you off before you can finish. You can’t help but giggle at his sudden burst of enthusiasm. 
  “Steven…why don’t you give her a kiss to calm her nerves.” Steven grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger and gently tilts your face to him. He withdraws his mask and you can see his pupils blown wide. He kisses you softly as though it’s just the two of you in the room. Two sets of hands are on you as Layla leans against your back leaving hot kisses along your neck. 
  A soft hand trails up your inner thigh as another cups your breast over your dress. You kiss and bite at Stevens neck as you palm his erection through his pants. He whimpers in your ear as he bucks his hips into your hand. A soft finger pulls your panties to the side and rubs along your slick folds. You drop your head to Stevens shoulder gripping his arms for purchase. She dips two fingers dip into your entrance and you whine into his neck as you begin to rock your hips. 
  “You’re doing so good for us sweetie.” Layla coos in your ear. She withdraws her fingers from you and you whine at the loss. She holds her fingers up to Stevens lips and taps on them lightly, he takes both fingers in his mouth never breaking eye contact as rolls his tongue around coming off with a loud pop.
  “Tastes so good love…why don’t you let her have a taste hmm.” Your brain is short circuiting at the sight. “Yes.” It’s all you can manage with your voice barely above a whisper. 
  “I think the bed would be better for that…don’t you think?” She says as she takes your hand to stand. Your body is no longer in your control, you can’t feel your legs beneath you but you know you’re moving towards the bedroom. Layla at your front and Steven close behind. 
  Steven retracts his suit and begins to undress when you enter the room. Leaving him only in his boxers, you can see the strain of his cock against the fabric where a wet spot has formed. 
  “I think you two are a bit overdressed.” He stands at your back pulling your straps down your shoulders letting your dress fall to the floor revealing your green matching lace set. He moves behind Layla pulling her shirt over her head as you work on the button of her jeans. He slides down her pants and kisses her shoulder when he stands. 
  This is so not fair
  Callate pendejo 
  Steven does his best to block out the sounds of his head mates but doesn’t shut them off completely. He wants them to see this. 
  “Lay down against the pillows Steven.” He lays down on the bed with his legs spread wide and his hands at his side. She directs you to lay against him facing her while she sits between your legs. You're shaking from the anticipation and he begins rubbing soothing lines up and down your arms giving you goosebumps. She grabs the hem of your underwear and gently lifts your hips to slide them down. 
  “Is she always this wet for you?” She smirks at him as she drops her head down between your legs, licking a stripe through your slit. You arch your back at the sensation and Steven moans as you press further into his hard cock. He pulls your knees back to hold your legs open as she dips her tongue into your slick heat. Your whimpers and moans of her name are muffled as Steven swallows them with his mouth on yours. 
  “She does taste good.” She rocks back on her heels and pulls you up into a kiss. You can taste yourself on her lips as she dips her tongue into your mouth. You start to slide your hand beneath the band of her panties but she stops you. 
  “Tonight is about you sweetheart.” She’s definitely in control and you decide not to push. “Take off your boxers.” Steven practically rips them trying to get them off as his cock springs free slapping against his abdomen. You don’t think you’ve ever seen it so big, the angry red tip leaking precum all over his stomach. 
  She coaxes you back to lean against him and grabs the base of his cock causing him to gasp. She drags the tip along your dripping folds and Steven lifts you slightly as he guides you down onto him. 
  “Oh fuck…Steven it’s too much.” He’s not even all the way in and from this angle he’s hitting something devastating inside you. “Shhh love you can take it just relax.” Your cunt flutters around his thick cock causing a guttural moan from him. She straddles you both and you sink to the hilt. She places her hands on Stevens chest as she rides you grinding her hips into yours. Your mind has gone numb as she fucks you into Steven, each roll of her hips catches on your clit and slides you up and down his length. 
  “M’so close.” Steven chokes out from behind you as his grip tightens on your hips and his pelvis bucks slightly. She reaches between your bodies and begins rubbing tight circles on your clit as she leans in close and kisses Steven. He picks up his pace slamming you down on his cock over and over as he arches his back lifting the both of you. 
  “Right. There. Please . Don’t. Stop.” Each word is punctuated by a thrust and you come undone; she grabs your face, pulling you into an awkward three way kiss. Every nerve in your body is alight as she doesn’t let up on your clit, you don’t know if this is the same orgasm or a second that has tears streaming down your face. You clench down on him as he comes with a loud groan shooting hot ropes of cum into your core. 
  “You did so good, sweetheart.” She kisses you deep as you try to control your cries and aftershocks. 
  As you come down from your high you realize you’ve been moved. You’re laying on your side facing Steven as Layla plants small kisses on the small of your back. Steven places a soft kiss to your sweat soaked forehead and rolls out of bed. 
  “I’ll be right back love.” He retreats to the bathroom as you hear the water running. 
  You turn to face Layla and she can see the worry on your face. “What’s wrong hon? Was this too much?” 
  “No it’s not that it’s just…you didn’t get very much attention and I feel bad.”  She grabs your neck and pulls you into a soft kiss. 
  “There’s always next time.”
  Next time 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈
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nicksbestie · 3 months
I have an angsty (self-indulgent) req…
I struggle heavily with superstition and pattern-based compulsions, and I was curious if I could get a Jake or Johnnie fic where one of them sees the reader getting stuck in a harmful pattern (trying to match pain from scratches on both arms, knocking on their head for good luck, trying to avoid cracks/lines on the sidewalk, etc.)
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Summary : You struggle a lot with your compulsions and mental health, but your boyfriend is always there to make sure that you can relax.
Pairing : Jake Webber/Reader (romantic)
Warnings : Harmful pattern based actions, superstitious behaviors
Word Count : 718
A/N : i've never written anything like this req, so i really hope i did it justice! if i didn't please give me constructive criticism! my inbox and dms are open if you ever need to chat <3
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Superstitious and compulsion based behaviors were a lot to deal with, and you knew that better than anyone in your personal life. You had struggled with them really badly for a long time, and it had damaged a lot of your life. You considered yourself very lucky sometimes, though, because you had a lot more support now than you did in the past, and the support system that you did have was absolutely amazing. You had two amazing best friends, one of whom was your boyfriend, and having dealt with struggles in his life, he was always so incredibly kind with you.
He was always patient, gentle, much softer than he was on camera, and you appreciated his tenderness so much. You couldn’t have imagined a better life partner than the man that you were with right now, and you truly couldn’t imagine your life without him. Having been with him for upwards of a year now, he was able to recognize when you were beginning to struggle, and always able to gently calm you down, keeping you comfortable and feeling safe. He was perfect, and was always there when you needed him, like today. 
Today you were having such a difficult day, many different things bothering you and being just uncomfortable enough to cause you to become frustrated. You managed to hold it together until the evening, when you were laying down with Jake, and you automatically felt a little bit better because of the fact that you were with your boyfriend, who was your safe space and comfort person, but you were still not quite calmed down. Jake was rubbing your arms with his, you wrapped up against him, and he had no idea that he was going to unintentionally cause a near breakdown within the next couple of minutes. 
It wasn’t for another few moments before one of his nails caught the perfect angle to end up scratching your arm, causing you to gasp in pain and surprise, and him to immediately panic and apologize. He kissed right over the spot that he had accidentally created, attempting to soothe it. However, with how worked up you had been from your long day, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and Jake’s heart broke when he realized there were tears forming in your eyes. He immediately wiped them away, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, hoping on everything that you would be okay. 
He hugged you tighter, whispering soft comforts while his hand was gently running up and down your arm, trying to massage the feeling of pain away, but all he was doing was making you aware of how uneven your arms felt, and he had no idea that he was making it worse until you had teardrops rolling down your face, trying to resist the urge to scratch your other arm, making it match the same pain so you could relax again. He wiped those tears away immediately as well, pressing a kiss on nearly every spot on your face, hoping to get a smile to break onto your face. 
Unfortunately, after a couple more minutes of those, you couldn’t take it anymore, and ripped out of his grasp, using your own nails to run down your other arm, tears steadily flowing. He immediately grabbed your hands, pulling you close into his chest and firmly but not harshly keeping your hands away from your arm, holding you as you gave up in his hold, sobbing. 
“It’s okay, baby. You’re going to be okay. It’s okay, honey, it’s okay…” 
He knew you probably weren’t processing a lot of what he was saying, so he simply repeated the same words of comfort, keeping you close to him and making sure you were wrapped up tightly in his arms, pressing kisses to the top of your head. The pressure was helping you relax and was also keeping you from hurting yourself, and he stayed like that until you stopped crying, wiping your tears away with his thumbs, holding you until you eventually exhausted yourself. He was the boyfriend who could easily pick you up, helping you to bed, and holding you until you fell asleep in his arms. You knew you struggled, but you also knew that he would always be here for you.
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~ taglist : @jake-and-johnnies-slut @gvf23 @maddytheweird @707xn @elliem505 @ilydeaky @maryx2xx @oobleoob @aemrsy @jasperthefriendlyghostt
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~ my inbox is open, come chat!
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
hello! can i please have a fluffy soft yandere drabble with taehyung and "i didn't think it was possible to love someone this much.", please? thank you! have a nice day!
20191009 i like her:
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pairing: yandere! taehyung x reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || established relationship
summary: taehyung loves to take care of you
word count: 1k
tags/ warnings: lots of fluff, very briefly touched on unhealthy relationship, the flu (ew stinky), soft yandere! boyfriend tae, it’s super tame honestly considering some of the other yanderes i’ve written
notes: a self indulgent comfort fic from when i was sick a month ago and just never posted it ~ drabble game is closed <3
drabble masterlist || my full masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The human body is truly fascinating, strange in the way it works when you’re sick. How your temperature spikes before you’re sinking to what feels like subzero. Shiver tickling your spine, head throbbing and throat sore; truly an awful combination.
You seem to take every day for granted, grateful for what you had when you remember how awful being ill truly is.
“Please, baby” Taehyung kneels beside the bed, floorboards creaking under his weight.
You shake your head, “It tastes bad, Tae”
“It’ll help with your cough, please” his thumb brushes over your knee.
You shake your head, sudden motion tickling your throat; prickly cough spiking through your chest.
Taehyung sighs, cough mixture abandoned on your nightstand as he wanders out the bedroom.
Really he couldn’t be mad when in retrospect it was his fault. You never left the house all that often, everything you’ll ever need in his apartment. And he’d thought it’d be cute to take you out on a date, to a restaurant he’d been eyeing for a while. It was your anniversary, it was only right that he spoiled you a little.
Your immune system had never been all the best, even before Taehyung had started keeping you home. So, really he should have known that walking around the park after dinner would be too much for you.
You think you’ve won, head falling back onto your pillow, summer duvet pulled up to your chin so you wouldn’t overheat.
Taehyung takes a seat beside the bed once more, and he watches you eye the tangerines in his hand.
“For me?” you ask, pushing yourself to sit up.
Taehyung hums, tucking your hair behind your ear before he starts peeling the tangerines for you.
“No medicine then?” you dare ask, nose scrunching up at the mere thought of it.
“Nope” he grins, “medicine and then tangerines to get rid of the icky taste— open up”
Your mouth falls open, chewing as Taehyung opens the cough mixture.
“None of that” your boyfriend laughs as you frown, “the quicker we get it done, the quicker I can make us lunch”
His thumb brushes under your eye after you swallow, hand slipping down your cheek until he’s cradling your face. Your eyes slip shut when he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, tongue prodding the seam; gentle puff of air caressing your skin as he tastes the remanence of the cough mixture coating your lips.
You fall asleep in the bath as Taehyung runs a washcloth over your back. A towel dipped in cold water resting over your heated forehead, relief washing down your flushed cheeks.
The water ripples around your body as Taehyung turns you to face him, soft hands caressing your shoulders and down your chest. The bubbles spitter against your arms, and you can smell the faintest scent of vanilla through your blocked nose.
Neither you nor your boyfriend say anything, the gentle hum of the record player whirring away in the bedroom, a jazz album Taehyung had recently bought humming through the bathroom.
Yeontan’s nails clip against the tile floor, your furry companion stretching across Taehyung’s lap as his knuckles work your shoulders, kneading away any knots.
You and Tannie fall asleep on the couch after your bath, velvet blanket tucked up to your chin as the dog lays over your chest with his own blanket slung over his small body. A movie you had no care for playing in the background as Taehyung mills around the kitchen.
“Feeling any better?” Taehyung pushes your hair out of your face, and your groan. Pulling the blanket higher over your face.
“Nauseous” you whine, Tannie fussing over your chest as you wiggle.
“Lets have something to eat then, yeah?”
You shake your head, unsure if Taehyung even saw as he turns back the coffee table.
The world spins when your boyfriend hoists you up from under your arms, your hand shooting over your mouth at the sudden movement; awfully scared you’d throw up over your favorite blanket.
“Here” Taehyung gently hands you the tray, soup still steaming when you stare down at your bowl.
“You want any bread?” he calls from the kitchen, Yeontan following him in hopes of a treat.
“Just a slice” you peek over the back of the couch, hand fumbling around for the remote.
“Ah!” you turn to Tae, “It’s good” you marvel as you drop your spoon back onto the tray, always in awe of his cooking.
“Really?” he smiles, cheeks dusting the lightest pink, and you nod, puckering your lips for a kiss.
Taehyung indulges you, smiling against your lips as he presses a little deeper, almost tipping the both of you over.
His hand falls on the back of your neck, humming into your mouth, and you whine as he pulls away, air spilling into your lungs.
“I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much” Taehyung tells you after you’re done eating; an old romcom muted on the television. “I really hate seeing you suffer, my darling”
“I’m feeling better” a gentle smile graces your face, soon followed by a cough, but Taehyung can’t help but laugh, aways in awe of you.
You fall over his lap, eyes reflecting galaxies and stars and a universe built solely for the the both of you and no one else. Because why would you need anyone more than him when he was your whole world? Just as you were his.
His fingers rake through your hair, eyes flitting across your face as you sleep, face pressed against his stomach and hands fisting the back of his hoodie.
Next anniversary he thinks he’ll plan a picnic on the balcony, or a feast with all your favorite things. And all the kisses you ever deserve and need, and letters of love and poems of why you are the only person that would ever matter to his fragile mortal mind.
He traces his name over your arm with his finger, lips curling upwards as goosebumps prickle your skin with each gentle caress.
“I love you” you murmur, and he’s unsure if your awake.
“I love you more”
A fact you’d never be able to argue, because as much as you loved him, it would never match the haunting feeling of sadistic love he felt for you back. Something eternal, because he’d never let anyone take care of you the way he did.
“I know” you whisper back.
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mintkookiess · 11 months
Miles Morales headcannons #7
How he would treat you when you're sick
Okay I know I have like reqs on pending, but I wanna be self-indulgent atm cause I have the shittiest case of colds rn but I finally have the energy to post something again, so here you go (๑>ᗜºั)
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The moment you text Miles that you can't go to school cause you're sick, he's already out the classroom
It's quite common for him to skip classes to do Spiderman things, and often times he'd regret it. But when it comes to you? He's ready to drop em all in a heartbeat and would always think it was worth it
It doesn't even matter if it's just colds or cough or something simple, it always sends him in a state of panic and treats it like some life-threatening emergency
Let's go with the headcannon that he is very aware of the love interests of every Spiderman in almost every universe that doesn't really end well
So you best believe he's going to treat you with the utmost care and make sure that nothing every inconveniences you
He'd already be up into his suit and swinging into the drug store and supermarket
As I've mentioned, he deals with this things like you're about to die (you're not) so he grabs all the medicine he could find, even the ones that aren't exactly for whatever sickness you have
And because of this, you have a medicine box full of the many pills and such that he brings to you but weren't exactly needed at the moment (at least you got a lot of supplies right?)
He also buys you snacks, drinks, anything that would get you to eat since he knows people often don't eat when they're sick and he wants to make sure you're well fed and hydrated.
So he goes into your room with a bunch of bags in his hands, and if he sees that you aren't in bed (could be that you're making yourself food, or sitting on the couch or trying to do work despite being sick)????
"Please get in bed." "Miles, I'm fine! What are you—" "YOU'RE LITERALLY DYING JUST GET IN BED." "MILES oh my god—I'M NOT DYING."
Ever since he's become Spiderman, it's quite rare for him to get sick given the boost in his immune system from his powers. So he always ALWAYS confides in his mom but makes her think that you've got some critical illness every single goddamn time.
You have to reassure his mom that you weren't actually on the verge of passing away and that you're just not feeling well and need rest
There's no point in telling him to get back to class, he WILL spend the entire day tending to you and he won't let you do ANYTHING at all by yourself, and if you want to go somewhere around your place, he always has to hold you against him because he fears you might fall or trip or something. (This does not include going to the restroom, but he'd stand by the doorway)
Mans just worried and scared okay?
He also likes to feed you even if you're quite capable of doing so
"My baby is sick okay? Let me take care of you." "Miles, honey, I can eat on my own." "Just say aahh—" "Fucking hell..."
At this point, just let him do it.
Also, he loves to cuddle you up on your bed while you're sick and it's totally fine because he's Spiderman and he doesn't get sick even though you always tell him to scoot away or he'll get sick too (He gets sad when you do this and goes all pouty, pls don't)
Unfortunately for him, being Spiderman isn't guaranteed to keep him sick-free, so he does get your sickness too (if it's infectious)
"Miles... You got colds too?" "What no I don't." "I've been hearing you sneeze all morning, boy don't lie, I told you to stay away for a while." "Babe you know I can't do that."
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Taglist: @ii01vp @laylasbunbunny @missusmorales @fiannee @faeriesberries
(If yall wanna be on the taglist feel free to let me know!)
More of my Miles content here babes!
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dokoni-mo · 1 year
Warm Water || William Afton x GN! Reader
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summary: you find yourself exausted, but he knows just what to do.
mostly SFW // Fluff
word count : 3773
warnings: age-gap relationship (reader is 20, Will is almost 40), dom/sub undertones, secret relationship, will is obsessive but not as much in this one, fluff, kisses, non-sexual nudity, cuddling, Willy has scars, pet names, exhaustion, hickeys, swearing, Will likes being called sir i just know it, cuddling, non-sexual intimacy, not very proofread, also just laregly a lot of rambling adfjafk idk im so tired, very very slight sexual themes so minors dni
a/n: i'm tagging my normal people for Crave (aka the peepaw chronicles) for this because it does take place in the same universe, but i'll leave it up to interpretation on whether or not you deem it cannon to the story (so im sorry if you didn't want to be tagged!!),, this is probably the most-self indulgent thing i've ever written so please bear with me,, i'm just very tired from school LMAOO and wanted to write smth more fluffy with willy and his lil bun
William Afton fucking hated baths. He hated a lot of things, but baths were probably towards the top of the list.
Even thinking about them made his skin crawl. Just the thought of sitting there, in your own dirt and grime? In a stuffy, humid room next to where the toilet is? Disgusting. He didn't consider himself to be a germaphobe, no. That wasn't it at all. He worked with children on a Monday-through-Friday basis. He wasn't scared of germs or getting sick. He'd built up quite the immune system over the years of working at the diner.
He just found the notion of sitting there like a big, sweaty dumpling inside of a soup comprised of water and your own dirt, sweat, and germs revolting.
But you liked them. You liked them a lot.
It was one of the few things William didn't quite understand about you. How could you like something so gross? You had explained your reasoning to him before when he had first found out. Something about how the warmth all around you was comforting, as well as the various different soaps and scents you could use to spruce it up. But, try as you might to explain it, he still didn't understand. Couldn't a shower do the same thing? Without you having to sit in your own filth?
Whatever. He wasn't going to argue with you about it. His bunny enjoyed many strange things, but he wasn't going to take any enjoyment away from them just because he didn't understand. He loved you. He'd never do such a thing.
As out-of-character as it was for him, he found himself buying more bath-related things to secretly store away in his bathroom. For when you came over, of course. You seemed to appreciate it when he gave the array of soaps and other liquids to you, giving him a nice kiss on the cheek. As much as he didn't understand your reasoning, your little smile was all he cared about at the end of the day. He could tolerate your conflicting views. That's what love is all about, isn't it?
William didn't share too many disagreements with you. Not as much as he initially expected when he first made you his. You were soulmates, after all. It's only natural you share similar perspectives.
It was both a blessing and a curse, however. As much as William liked how similar you were, there was a few things he wished he kept for himself and himself only. Such as the work-ethic the two of you shared.
The older man was somewhat of a workaholic. While he reserved the weekends for you and only you, he was much different during the week. He would spend extra hours at the diner frequently. And, when he wasn't at his restaurant, he was tinkering away at some side-project down in his cellar. It wasn't very healthy, but it's how he liked to do things. Gave him character, but also made his hair turn grey.
You liked his grey hairs, though. And he was still handsome with it.
But, his bunny was the same way. You being in college, you had a lot of work to do. Sometimes so much that you'd have to bring your assignments over to his house on the weekends and do them there, even though the two of you agreed long ago that the weekends were couple time. You were a driven little thing. William could see it when he got to watch you work, in the pain in your lower back and shoulders, and in the dark circles under your precious eyes when you fell asleep next to him.
Poor bunny. He didn't want you to work so hard. It hurt his heart seeing you so stressed all the time. Your schooling is important, yes, but you mustn't be so hard on yourself. You're a clever little rabbit. You don't need to devote so much of your time on work, surely not.
Besides, sometimes, William couldn't help but feel a little jealous when all your attention was on your books and papers rather than him.
This was one of those times.
With the turn of the seasons, your professors had also swamped you with several different tests and assignments to turn in sooner rather than later. You never really liked to complain about it to William, he found, but he could tell that the pressure was weighing on you. This had been the third weekend in a row that you had brought your coursework over to his house, your nose buried in the pages; your eyes on the words rather than him.
William kept you company while you worked to have himself nearby, but he couldn't help but be a little peeved. The weekends were sir and bunny's time. Not boring old college.
The brit was watching your back as you scribbled away in your notebook, sitting on the floor in front of him with his coffee table used as your make-shift desk. You had been at it since the moment you finished the breakfast he made you this morning, and now the Utah sun was just starting to creep below the horizon. Worry was in the older man's grey eyes. When was the last time he saw you stand up? Or even scurry yourself to the bathroom? Or get a drink of water? He couldn't remember. And that wasn't good.
He was a patient man, yes, and did value a college education. But William was tired of waiting for you. He barely gets to see his adorable bunny during the week. He'd rather spend this time with you curled up in his bed, closer to him on his lap, or just talking to you. But you hadn't said a word in hours. Even though you were right in front of him, he missed his bunny. And the amount you were working was getting a little ridiculous for his tastes.
"Love?" He asked you through the silence, gently reaching out a hand and rubbing circles into your back, "Are you almost done? It's getting late, little one."
He watched as you looked over your shoulder towards him, but not enough to have your full attention. You seemed just a tad annoyed with him, but he understood. When you were concentrated, you didn't much like him disturbing you.
But he didn't much like not having you in his arms right now.
"Umm..." you breathed, "I dunno, Will. I have, like... two chapters left? To take notes on? So just a little longer, okay?"
The older man felt his jaw clench, "You said that three hours ago, bunny."
"I know, I just... I need to get this done before the deadline. I'm sorry."
"And when exactly is all this due then, hm?"
"Uh... friday?"
"It's Saturday, love."
"I know, I know, just... Just gimme one more hour. Then I promise I'll be done."
William let out a sigh. You had said that three hours ago, too.
The brit watched as you went back to scribbling away in your notebook, finding himself more annoyed. Not at you, of course, but by the situation. You didn't need to work this hard, no. You were William's bunny, after all. You shouldn't ever need to lift a finger around him. But, you were a workaholic just like he was. You liked doing things yourself
He loved and hated you for it.
His fingertips still on your back, William felt his other hand reach up to smooth your hair away from your face. Even though he didn't get a direct shot of you, he could tell that you were tired. He could see the dark circles under your eyes from his spot on the couch, and the slight redness that had crept into them. Hell, your back must be aching too from sitting on the ground for so long. And didn't your pretty little head hurt? Surely it did.
Sweet bunny. You needed a break. You needed to be done for the day. Plain and simple.
Reaching forward, William pressed a few soft, warm kisses to the side of your cheek and hair as he took your pencil away from you, laying it on the table. When you turned around at him to protest, he seized the opportunity to capture your lips into his, lingering on your sweet taste for perhaps longer than he should have. He pulled back and brought his hands close, cradling your jaw a few inches away from his face.
"I think you've done far enough for today, little one." He said to you, using his thumbs to caress your cheeks, "Wouldn't you agree?"
He could feel your cheeks heat slightly under his touch, "Will, if I finish today, I'll have time to visit your office during the week. So I really need to finish."
William let out a chuckle. He always did like having you in his office. It was cute you were thinking of him.
"But you're here now, my love." He said, "And I want you now."
"I... I want you too, but-"
William shushed you before you could continue, leaning in and giving you another sweet, long kiss.
The brit pulled away, looking into your tired eyes again, "You work far too hard, bunny. You'll burn yourself out. And I want my little rabbit to be happy, yeah?"
You nodded in response.
"Of course I do. And I'd hope you'd want the same for yourself, yes?"
You nodded again, "Yes... sir."
William's soft smile widened as he let out a pleased hum, "Good bunny. Now, why don't we relax a bit, hm? You've definitely earned it, my darling."
He watched as your cheeks heated up some more, your eyes flickering downward, "I... I think I'm gonna be too tired to-"
The brit chuckled, "No, love, no. I'm not talking about that. I was thinking of something a little different for tonight."
"Like what?"
"You still like baths, right bunny?"
"Yeah? Why?"
William couldn't believe he was saying this. But, he knew it'd have to be something special to get you away from your work. Luckily, he knew just what to do. Even if it wrecked his pride just a hair.
"Would you care to join me for one?"
You furrowed your brow in confusion at his words, but a soft smile still remained out of amusement.
"Join you? For a bath?" You asked.
"Yes, love."
You let out a little laugh, "Will, you hate baths. You've made that really clear over these last few months."
William let out a hum, brushing some more hair away from your face, "Yes, I do. But I love you far more than I hate them. And I know they're always relaxing for you, love. And I want to help you do just that. You're tired, bunny. I can see it."
He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Just let me take care of you." He continued, "Like I promised I would. Can you do that for me, love?"
The older man saw how your smile widened at his words, "Fine, fine. Just promise me you're not gonna complain the whole time."
"Of course not, bunny. Now, come here. Let me pick you up, yeah?"
William took you wrapping your arms around his neck as you accepting his invitation. Leaning down a little more, he scooped you up into his arms and held you close, pressing a kiss to your blushy cheek a you giggled as his strength. Your legs wrapped around his waist, he carried you all the way from his living room into his master-bathroom, placing you down so you could sit on the lidded-toilet.
Rolling up his dress-shirt sleeves, William opened up the cabinet under his sink and looked at the vast array of bath materials he had collected for you. He pulled out each one and laid them on the ground, making sure the labels were pointed towards you so that you could read them.
Once all of the products were out, the brit closed the cabinet and took a knee in front of you for you to discuss with him which ones you wanted to use.
"Do you even know what these things are?" You asked, picking up a clear bottle to read it more closely.
"If I'm being honest, love," he said, "I have no idea. The woman at the shop helped me pick a lot of them out."
You giggled again, "Well, this here is a bubble-bath. You put it in the water while it's running and it makes a lot of bubbles. And that baggie is bath salts. It just makes the bath, like... mineral-y."
The older man quirked a brow, "Mineral-y?"
"It's hard to describe! It's just good for your skin."
"I see." William reached down and picked up a pinkish jar, "What about this? It doesn't look like you've used it that much."
"Oh, those are petal-soaps. They look like flower petals but they're actually soap. They dissolve in the water after a while. They make the water smell like roses too! I was saving them for a special occasion."
"Well, is this a special enough occasion?"
"Getting the Mr. Afton into a bath? Hell yeah it is."
William chuckled, "You flatter me, bunny."
You smiled back at him, "The petals and the bubble-bath will be nice. That's what I wanna use."
"If you say so, love."
With your final approval on the products being used, William shifted himself over to his large, porcelain-white bath, reaching in and stopping the drain before turning the hot-water valve on. The sound of the water hitting the dry tub filled the air, the pipes creaking just a tad at the rare usage. While the water poured down, the brit used the opportunity to pour in some of the bubble bath liquid. William then let the water run for a few minutes more, leaving his fingertips under the water until it warmed up.
"Is this too hot for you, bunny?" He asked. You reached forward past the older man to feel the water.
"Nah, it's good. I like it to be real warm."
"Perfect. Wait here then."
Shaking the water off his hand, William stood up from his kneeling position over to one of the longer, taller cabinets nearby. Reaching inside, he pulled out a few of his favorite soft, lush purplish-grey towels, walking back over and handing one to you.
"Here, love." He said, "So you don't freeze to death before the bath fills up."
You took the towel with a soft thank you as you stood up from your seat on the toilet. You turned away from the brit as you pulled your shirt off over your head, his eyes fixated on your bare back as he unbuttoned his dress shirt. As you slipped off your pants and underwear, William could see the ghosts of former hickeys he had given you past weekends on your shoulders and thighs. You were a good bunny and didn't try and cover them up with any makeup or anything, just like he wanted. The more recent ones were fading, though.
He'd have to fix that soon.
He continued to watch as you kicked all your clothes into a pile by the foot of the bath and wrapped the towel around you. Your nude body no longer available for him to see, he went back to removing his own clothes.
Once they were all off, and neatly folded on the edge of his sink, William wrapped his towel around his lower half and stepped closer to you. You were watching the water fill up and he snaked his long, scarred arms around your middle, pulling you close to his chest. He could feel how you smiled as he pressed his kisses into your hair.
"I love you, bunny." He mumbled against you, feeling your little hands glide over the scars on his forearms as you leaned back against him.
"I love you too, Will." you responded.
He continued his assault of kisses onto your cheek and jaw, "Are you feeling any better, my love?"
"Definitely. I didn't even realize how tired I was."
William let out a hum as his kisses found your neck, "You have been working for almost 12 full hours, bunny."
"Oh my god, really?"
You let out a groan, "Oh my god, that's so embarrassing. I'm sorry, Will. I didn't even realize. You must've been so bored."
"Don't apologize, little one. I know how much your Uni means to you."
"Yeah, but still... I feel bad. I don't want you to be bored. And we only get to see each other on weekends. It doesn't help I already pissed half of it away."
"It's not your job to entertain me, love. You know just having you here is enough."
"But I don't wanna be just enough. I wanna be like... better. Because you do so much for me. I... I feel like I don't try hard enough sometimes. And I'm sorry."
William let out a sympathetic hum and he lifted your chin up to him, giving your lips a sweet, reassuring peck.
"Everything about you is perfect, bunny. I wouldn't change one thing about you. You try more than you realize."
"Well, you did say you were working so late because you wanted to see me in my office, yeah?"
"And why is that?"
"Because I know you like it when I do."
William gave you another kiss, "See?"
You smiled at your own silliness, standing on your tip-toes to kiss him one last time, "Fine, fine. You win."
William smiled to match your own, "You worry too much, bunny. I understand what's going on in that pretty head of yours. I love you, and nothing's going to ever change that."
"What if I was ugly?"
"You're not ugly, love."
"But what if I was?"
"I'd still love you."
"What if, like, I only spoke in rhymes or something?"
"It'd be... odd, but I'd still love you."
You giggled, "What if I burned down the diner?"
"Well... you know, I never really liked it much. You'd honestly be doing me a favor, love. So I'd probably love you even more."
"Should I go do it then?"
"Maybe later, bunny. Looks like our bath is full."
Giving you one last kiss on your cheek, William padded over to the running faucet and turned off the valve. In his peripheral, he saw you grab the can of the fake petals and open it up, grabbing a fistful and throwing the small soaps on top of the bubbles. The reddish-pink hue contrasted greatly over the white bubbles and water, making the bath look rather pretty. William was impressed.
William allowed himself to step into the bath first, unwrapping his lower half, folding and placing the towel on the ground nearby. The bubbles dispersing around him, William made sure that water was still a good temperature for you before he sat down in the bath. Once situated, he held out his hand for you.
Placing your soft, small palm in his, you let your towel drop to the floor as you got in the bath yourself. Using his hand as a balance, you sunk your legs in beneath the bubbles as you sat down in the water as well. William spread his bare legs apart beneath the water to make room for you, holding onto your waist and guiding you to lean back against him. You followed his silent order, your bare back against his scarred chest as you rested your head on his strong shoulder. The man pressed a few kisses to your hair as he wrapped his arms around you beneath the water. You relaxed against him easily, and your eyes fluttered shut at the warm feeling around you.
"Is it too hot, bunny?" He asked you, already knowing what you would say, but still wanting to make sure.
"It's perfect, Will." You mumbled, "Thank you."
The brit felt himself smile, "There's no need to thank me, little one. I'm just happy I got you to myself now."
You breathed out a laugh, "Didn't like third-wheeling my textbook, hm?"
"Not at all." He pressed another kiss to your cheek, "You're mine. I should never be the third wheel."
"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to."
"I know. It's alright. Just relax, bunny."
Leaning down to press more kisses into the back of your neck, William lifted up his wet hands out of the water, making a splash echo through the bathroom. Steadily, he grabbed onto your shoulders and rubbed firm, massaging circles into your back with his thumbs and the heels of his palms. You shut your eyes tighter at the feeling, a few low groans escaping the back of your throat.
"Feel good?" He asked. All you could do was nod as he chuckled, "Good. I'm glad. Your muscles are quite firm, love. You shouldn't be sitting on the floor like that for so long."
"If I got on the couch," you said, "I knew you wouldn't let me get off it again and back to work."
William laughed, "You know me far too well, bunny."
"You're just very predictable sometimes."
"Oh? Am I now?"
You nodded again, "Only sometimes though. Like today when I woke up, I would've never guessed you'd be in here with me right now."
"I can't say I predicted that either, love."
You breathed out a laugh, "If you don't like it, you don't have to stay, Will."
"No, no." William pressed more kisses to the back of your neck, rubbing deeply into your more firm muscles, "I actually think it's rather nice in here."
"Really? Or are you just trying to not make me feel bad?"
"I mean it, love. It's nice. But, perhaps I'm biased. How could I not enjoy being so close to my precious rabbit, hm?"
Your smile grew as you leaned back against his chest again, making his arms return to their home around your waist. You had scooted down so that your head rested more so on his collarbone, allowing you to look up at him more clearly, and him at you.
"Along with predictable," you said, "You're also really cheesy sometimes."
"Oh, you love it though, don't you bunny?"
"I do." You leaned up and gave the brit a kiss on the jaw, "And I love you too. Thank you for everything tonight, Will. I really appreciate it."
The older man felt his heart swell in his chest as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"Anytime, my love. Anytime."
tags: @guinea-pig16 @the-official-memester @randomwriteralan @mrsrogerwaters @laylaaftonshit @cherry-slushee @insert-memical-username @mrssafton @horrorking2000 @artist-anon08 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @jamiethenerdymonster @kimyona-san @purplewolfcoffee @violetlmfaoo
apologies to any blogs tumblr wont let me tag!! as well as anyone who didn't want to be tagged (pls let me know if you don't want to be tagged in all Willy works :)) )
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
The Sweetest Pain
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo AU x F! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, couple of swear words, mentions of oral sex F! Receiving, mention of fingering (18+ please, no minors or I’m telling)
Word Count: 4.7k-ish
Summary: You have a crush on your tattoo artist. As it turns out, he may have a crush on you too.
A/N: Part One of I’m not sure how many yet. This one is all the way self indulgent right down to some of the tattoo photos in the moodboard. Bottom center are all mine and the octopus is the reference photo my tattoo artist is working from for my latest one which isn’t finished yet. Based off of the lovely conversation my lovely Lily @munsonownsmyass and I had while I was being tattooed this last time. I hope you like it! ❤️
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
Casually thumbing through all the receipts in your wallet, you were looking for a specific one. You knew the appointment was coming up soon and you just wanted to make sure you had the right date…actually that was a lie, you knew exactly what day your appointment was on but you wanted to look at it again. Just looking at the receipt caused a smile to stretch across your face…every time.
At the top of the receipt had the date of your appointment, April 21, the line underneath the date had your name and phone number, the time of your appointment, and the name of your tattoo artist, Billy Russo.
Billy Russo. Just his name prompted the butterflies in your stomach and sent shivers down your spine. He was handsome, sweet, and had a very gentle touch when it came to tattooing whereas some artists you had previously gone to, did not. Looking at him, you swear he could have been a model with his good looks and perfect smile but he was an amazing artist and the perfect artist for what you wanted permanently inked on your body.
Some people preferred colored tattoos but you were in love with black and gray and they loved you. Billy always loved to tell you how well your skin took black ink and how anytime he tattooed you, your skin healed to perfection.
“Look at that. That healed up nicely, your skin really loves black ink doesn’t it.” He’d say with a warm smile.
Not only was Billy your tattoo artist, he was also your friend, texting back and forth, sending each other funny videos or memes, talking shit about some of his clients that didn’t sit well or that they were “flinchers.” It was just easy with him, you laughed a lot, shared stories, and Billy had many stories being a combat veteran. You felt like you could share anything with him and he was surprisingly comfortable with you, because he didn’t just openly share his life stories with a lot of people.
Billy was a very popular artist, everyone wanted an appointment with him so sometimes it was difficult to get into the shop. It took longer to do the sleeve you had been wanting than it should have because he was busy. Last time you had been at the studio, Billy put the finishing touches on it so this appointment coming up he would be tattooing your thigh, although he didn’t know it yet.
It was a sunny early spring afternoon walking to the studio in downtown Brooklyn. The breeze coming off of the water was cool but the sunlight directly hitting your skin felt exceedingly warm.
Billy had tattooed you countless times, but this would be the first time he’ll be tattooing you in a relatively intimate place, it was all you could think about, and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks. Better to get it out of your system now than start to blush while you’re in the chair.
You were close and could see the shop window up ahead: Anvil Tattoo Studio. Goosebumps peppered across your skin as you fumbled for the door handle, you swallowed hard, and the butterflies in your stomach began to stir. You took a deep breath before walking through the door.
It was just another appointment, relax.
The scents of green soap, shaving cream, and something else that you never could quite put your finger on but the only way to describe it was…sterile, wafted through the air as you walked inside. The buzzing of the tattoo machines altogether sounded like a cluster of cicadas as they scratched and scraped across the skin. Closing the door behind you, Billy looked up from the client he was working on and smiled his perfect smile at you, and your stomach dropped.
So much for not blushing.
Billy’s best friend Frank sat in the chair across from him, watching closely as Billy placed red ink into a woman’s arm.
“I’m just finishing up, y/n. I’m so sorry I’m running late.” He said apologetically.
As you took a seat on the couch, Frank whispered something to Billy that made him look in your direction and smile. All of a sudden Frank was sitting next to you on the couch.
“How ya doin’, kid? What are ya gettin’ today?” Frank asked with a smirk on his face.
You smiled back. “I’m good, Frank! And today I’m getting an octopus.”
He looked at your arm with the sleeve, pointed and said “Well, I know you’re not putting it on that arm. You gonna start work on your other arm?”
You bit down on your lower lip, shook your head and gently touched your leg. “Actually, I want this one…on my thigh.”
Frank raised his eyebrows and sounded surprised when he replied “Really?” A sly smile spread across his face.
“What’s that look for?” You asked, narrowing your eyes at him.
Frank glanced at Billy, then back at you. “Bill know that you want your tattoo there?”
“Well, no…not yet. You saw me, I just got here.” You said nervously.
Frank continued to smirk at you.
“Ok, well I gotta get goin’. You have fun, kid. I wanna see a picture when it’s done and if know Bill like I think I do, it’s not getting finished tonight.” He said.
Looking a little confused, you replied. “I dunno, Frank. Billy works pretty fast.”
Frank reached out and grabbed the door handle. And only loud enough for you to hear, he whispered “When he wants to. Why do you think it took him so long to do that sleeve of yours?” He gave you a wink and walked out.
You sat back against the couch with Frank’s words played again in your head. “When he wants to.” What was that supposed to mean? Did Billy purposely work slower on your sleeve so he could see you more often?
Billy could have any woman he wanted. Sometimes they would come into the studio in droves wanting to make an appointment with him. He’d always tell them he’s booked solid for the next six months, which wasn’t a lie. You witnessed it firsthand one night while you were in the chair.
They all came in batting their eyelashes and twirling their hair asking for something small that ANY tattoo artist could do. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at every sound that came out of their mouths because you had to admit, it did make you a little jealous even though you had no right to be.
Billy tattooed a lot of people, it was how he made his living. He wasn’t just yours, but maybe you wanted him to be. Maybe you wanted him to tenderly touch your skin in other ways, not just in a professional setting, and because he wants to and not because you’re paying him to.
As he finished up with his client, it was hard not to steal glances at him. He really was the most handsome man you had ever seen but you knew he couldn’t have the same feelings for you that you had for him. Yes, you were friends, but that’s it.
But what if Frank was right? What if he wasn’t joking around and Billy did work slower on purpose so he could see you more often. Could Billy Russo have on crush on you too?
This could turn out to be a long night.
After Billy’s client paid for her tattoo, she said goodbye and walked toward the entrance of the shop. On her way out the door, she glared at you and walked out. What possesses people to be nasty to someone they don’t even know?
Maybe she, like all the women that stop into the shop, had a crush on Billy too. Still, there was no excuse for behavior like that so you returned the gesture and narrowed your eyes back at her before she walked out of the shop.
Walking out from behind the front desk, you finally got a good look at Billy today. He was wearing a green waffle knit shirt, black jeans, and black boots whereas most of the time he would be wearing a shirt with his shop logo on it.
With his arms stretched out, you moved in close for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It was the standard greeting you usually got from Billy with an extra squeeze at the end of the hug followed by the biggest smile. This really was one of your favorite places to be.
“Come on over, have a seat at the desk while I clean up and then we can get started.” He said.
Billy only had one other artist working today and he was just about done with his client.
“I’m almost done for the day, Bill. I’ll clean up and take off in a few.” He said.
Warmth spread to your chest as you asked Billy. “Is anyone else working today, Billy?”
The scent of 409 cleaner hung in the air while he was wiping down his tattoo chair. He smiled again and answered. “Nope, it’s just you and me tonight y/n.”
Oh no.
You quickly changed the subject. “Frank didn’t want to stick around tonight?” Frank always liked visiting with Billy while he worked, they were best friends and he always seemed to like visiting with you too when you came in.
“Ah Frankie said he had to get the kids off the school bus and make dinner tonight so he couldn’t hang out. He always likes it when you come in though.” Said Billy.
Was he the only one that likes it when you come into the shop?
“Why do you think it took him so long to do that sleeve of yours?”
Those words sounded like a broken record playing over and over in your mind and you remembered the first time he touched that tattoo needle to your skin. You placed your arm on the stand alone armrest and he started in on the outline but quickly paused.
“You’re gonna have to move a little closer to me, darlin’. It’s ok, I don’t bite.” He had said with a wink and a slightly wicked smile, as he pulled you closer to him.
The little flirtations progressed from there.
Starting out with a ¼ sleeve, he tattooed from your collar bone to just past your shoulder. You had to move your tank top and bra strap out of the way so he could work on that area, resting his hands on your chest, his long agile fingers wrapped tightly around the pen as he meticulously shaded the poppy flowers and lace. Every time he exhaled, his breath came in contact with you, goosebumps would scatter across your skin and he’d always ask if you were cold.
“Oh! No, no…Billy I’m fine.” You said.
When he tattooed the skull on your triceps, you had to lay face down on the tattoo chair, fingers grazing his pant leg, rubbing the fabric in between your fingertips took your mind off of the pain from the shading, that spot is surprisingly tender.
He pulled you out of your daydream.
“Huh?” You asked.
He smirked. “I said what are we doing today?”
“Oh! Right! I’d like an octopus.” You answered.
His deep brown eyes lit up as he asked excitedly. “Oh are we starting in on your other arm?” He took a sip of his water.
He wasn’t prepared for your answer.
“I’d actually like it on my thigh.” You said.
Billy coughed up a little water and swallowed hard as he finished cleaning up from his previous client and he seemed a little nervous. But he usually doesn’t get nervous and seeing him this way made you feel like maybe he DOES have a little crush on you.
He cleared his throat. “Oh! On your thigh? Ok, well do you have any, um, reference pictures for me?”
You pulled out your phone and navigated to the photo gallery, where you had a whole folder full of tattoo ideas and opened the photo of the one you liked. “I really like this little guy.” You said.
“Oh yeah, he’s great…this one is gonna be fun. Text that to me and I’ll start work on the stencil. You want this big, right? Take up most of the top of your thigh, right here?” He said as he placed both hands on your jeans, showing you the size he was thinking of.
“Yes, that’s a good size.” You answered.
“Come back and sit with me while I draw this up. You can tell me what’s new with you.” He said, rolling up his sleeves, revealing his patriotic tattoo sleeve underneath which you found incredibly sexy.
Billy asked about how work was going and life in general. You, in turn, asked how the business was doing, how his mom was even though he hated to talk about it. He had told you awhile ago he visits his dying mother once a week.
You think he mentioned that to you because subconsciously he wanted someone else to know, he didn’t want to keep that so close to the chest. It was a deep dark secret that hardly anyone knew about but you were privy to because he felt like he could trust you.
“She didn’t want me, she never wanted me.” He had said in a low voice, barely audible. “Shit, I really can’t believe I’m telling you all this.”
“You were a child, Billy. It’s ok to be angry.” You told him. “It’s just not good to keep that stuff inside, I’m glad you told me.”
Hovering over the light board, Billy continued to trace the outline of the octopus. “I’m almost done if you wanna change into your shorts.”
As you were changing in the restroom, you violently shook your hands and kicked your legs around to try and get out all of your nerves. The energy inside your body was shooting around like a pinball in a pinball machine, bouncing from one corner to the other and the butterflies in your stomach were turning in circles.
Stepping out from the restroom, suddenly you were a little self-conscious and felt exposed. Billy had never seen your bare legs before and the bike shorts you had on didn’t leave much to the imagination.
“All set?” He asked, his stare lingering longer than maybe he wanted it to.
You nodded and walked over toward his chair where he knelt down in front of you to shave the top of your thigh and just like that, your nerves were back with reinforcements. He was eye level with your core and your mind started to wander. You wondered what it would be like to have Billy’s face in between your legs, to have his beard tickle the inside of your thighs, placing kisses on the inside of your knees, and leaving love bites all over your stomach before devouring you.
It made you wet just thinking about it.
You pictured him pulling sinful sounds of pleasure from you using just his fingers. The same talented fingers he used to create beautiful works of art, now being used to draw circles on your clit. Parting your folds with one finger, then stretching you further with another, hitting that spot that makes your vision go white and your head spin.
“What do you think of the placement?” Billy asked, snapping you back to reality. “Go check it out in the mirror.”
You tried not to fall flat on your face as you slowly walked over to the full length mirror to look at the stencil, it took up most of the space on the top of your thigh and some of the tentacles wrapped slightly onto the side of your leg. He hadn’t even started yet and it already looked awesome.
“I love it!” You exclaimed.
Billy told you to stand around and wait for it to dry while he set up his machine, ink wells and other supplies. It was going to be mostly black and gray but the suction cups, you wanted them to be blue.
While you were waiting for the stencil to dry, you passed the time by checking out the other artist’s portfolios when Billy’s voice boomed from across the room. “ANDY! Stop checkin’ out y/n’s ass or you’re fired!”
No one could see, but you cracked a smile before you turned around to look at Andy who looked like a deer in headlights. He apologized profusely and you continued to look at everyone’s artwork while the stencil finished drying.
“Should be dry, y/n. Come have a seat.” He said.
The stack of paper towels was piled high on his side table, along with the box of black nitrile gloves. Everything was ready to go.
As you tried to get comfortable, Billy was figuring out how he wanted your leg to rest. You told him just to manipulate your leg to how he wanted it and because you have a dirty mind, you bit down on your lower lip to keep from laughing, realizing how that sounded when it came out. A slight smile spread across his face too.
He placed the copied photo you sent in front of him so he had a reference to work off of and got to work. The pen moved smoothly across your skin, drawing a solid black line for the outline of the head. The black ink pooling at the starting point as he wiped the excess away, concentrating on drawing a perfect line.
His gentle exhale grazed your thigh and left you wanting to clench but you couldn’t do that without risking him messing up, so you just held your breath in silence.
“Relax, darlin’. Ya know I tell you that every time you’re here. Relax your leg and turn it toward me…that’s it.” He whispered.
He had no idea what this was doing to you.
With both of his hands resting on your thigh, you closed your eyes and began to daydream again. You wondered if Billy had ever used his tattoo chair for play, thinking about his hands on the tops of your thighs and your hands making a mess of his ink like hair, as his tongue explores the part of your body emanating the most heat. The low moans he pulls from your lips fetch a wicked smile from him against your entrance that leaves your release glistening in his beard.
The long drag of the single needle against your leg jerked you out of your dream.
As he moved closer toward your inner thigh to draw one of the tentacles, the vibration of the needle hit a special spot that had you clenching your teeth. He stopped and looked at you, his eyes as black as the ink he was using, and the concern in his voice made you smile. “Are you ok? Did I hurt you?”
“No, Billy I’m fine…really.” You whispered which was followed by a slight chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” He asked. His tone was silvery and sweet like candy.
“Oh it’s nothing.” You said.
“Come on, y/n. Tell me.” He begged.
You paused for a second and finally got the courage to say it out loud.
“I was just thinking that after all these years of you tattooing me, you finally got my pants off.” And you burst out laughing.
Billy’s smile extended from ear to ear. He placed his pen on the table, took off his gloves, and said he had to go outside for a minute.
He stepped out onto the back deck, and left you inside alone. Andy took off a little while ago so it was just you and Billy at the shop.
A few minutes had passed when he came back inside, you were sitting sideways on the chair with your legs dangling off of the side. He walked right to you and stopped, the gap between your bodies was small and he gazed down at you. His onyx colored eyes had you frozen in place, almost forgetting to even breathe.
He had never looked more gorgeous.
As he bent at the waist, still staring at you, he raised one finger and said. “No one…has ever made me blush like that, y/n.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” You asked, looking up at him through your dark lashes.
Billy started to close the gap between your bodies even more like he was going to kiss you but pulled away just as fast.
“Lemme ask you something, y/n. Why do you think I took so long to finish your sleeve?” He asked.
Oh shit…Frank was right. But you decided to play dumb.
“Well, I don’t know Billy…I just figured since we spend a lot of time just talking before we actually start tattooing, we run out of time and you just book me another session. No big deal.” You said.
He starting shaking his head and put his hands on his hips. “No, that’s bullshit. You’ve seen how fast I can work, I coulda had that sleeve done in half the sessions it actually took.”
“Then tell me, Billy. Tell me why it took you so long.” You said with your voice slightly raised.
He ran his fingers through his raven colored hair and brushed his beard with his fingers. His slightly agitated state told you that he wasn’t used to saying how he felt.
“I did it on purpose so I could see you more often, ok?!”
You thought your heart was going to burst out of your chest. The feeling WAS mutual.
“And look, I know you’re probably mad that I made you come in—“
You interrupted him.
“I like you too, Billy.” You weren’t sure that he heard you over his ranting.
“What?” He asked and took a few steps closer again.
You barely got that last word out before his lips crashed onto yours, his hands tangled in your hair and his tongue touched your teeth begging to twist and knot with yours. His kisses were hungry, all tongue and teeth as his nipped up and down your neck. Your body felt like it was on fire and you didn’t want him to stop but you were in the middle of getting a tattoo, so you pulled away.
“Billy? My leg.” You said, shyly.
“Fuck…I forgot.” He said as the two of you started to chuckle as he cupped your cheeks and leaned in to kiss you one more time.
After you cooled down at little, you and Billy resumed your session. He finished the outline and did a little shading before calling it a night, although it was difficult to concentrate on anything except remembering Billy’s lips all over you.
“I don’t wanna keep you here too late, beautiful.” Billy said with a warm smile as he started to clean off your skin, prepping it for the tegaderm dressing he was going to put on. The clear plastic film was thin, sterile and it kept out water and germs but it was also breathable which made the healing process a lot faster.
On his knees in front of you, he carefully placed large strips of the flexible plastic on your leg, making sure to cover the entire tattoo. Every time his calloused fingers grazed your leg, he felt the goosebumps rise up to touch his fingertips. You couldn’t help it.
“Is it cold in here, y/n?” Billy’s voice sounded very concerned.
You shook your head slowly back and forth, biting down on your lower lip and gazed down into his intense brown eyes. The skin on the top of your thigh was red and hot to the touch. It matched the skin on your cheeks. Billy inched closer to you, his warm exhale brushed against the inner part of your knee which made your vision hazy.
You could tell he was having a hard time concentrating too.
“Ok, you’re all set.” Billy said taking off his gloves. “That’s gonna look badass when it’s all done. When do you wanna come back?”
He asked nervously.
“Billy?” You asked.
“Please don’t make me wait.” You said with a slight hitch in your voice.
Throwing his gloves away, he started to walk over to his desk calendar.
“I don’t want you to wait, so just tell me when you want—“
You cut him off.
“I’m not talking about that, Billy.” You said.
He narrowed his eyes. “Then what—“
You interrupted him again.
“I want you to kiss me again, Billy. Don’t make me wait.”
He delicately moved a stray hair away from your eyes as you clasped your hands around his neck and pushed yourself up onto your toes to kiss him again. The taste of peppermint on his soft lips still lingered from the gum he was chewing earlier as you allowed his tongue access to your mouth.
You clung to him almost desperately, not wanting to let him go but he was like a magnet that no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t pull away from him.
“I want you back here in two weeks.” He said.
With your eyes wide, he kind of caught you off guard. “Oh…well ok. Just let me know which—“
It was his turn to interrupt you.
“But I wanna see you tomorrow…for dinner.”
A shy smile played across your face.
“Really?” You asked.
Billy’s entire body smiled at you.
“Y/n, I’ve wanted this since the very first day you walked into my shop. I feel…” He paused, grazed his beard with his thumb and forefinger, and sat down on his tattoo chair.
“Every time I tattoo you, I always end up telling you something about myself that I thought I would end up taking to the grave whether it’s about my shitty childhood or how I listen to 80’s hair metal when no one’s around. Remember what I told you, don’t you DARE repeat that!” He cracked a smile.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his idle threat but you were just as comfortable around Billy as he was with you.
“The point is, I like this…being comfortable enough where it’s easy for me to share this stuff and it’s easy with you.”
“That’s what friends are for, Billy.” You said.
“Well, what if I wanna be more than friends?” He asked.
Billy looked nervous after saying that, almost scared as to how you would reply.
“Like friends that see each other naked?” You said with a little laugh.
“How many times are you gonna make me blush today?” He asked trying to hold in his laughter.
Walking over to where he was seated, you straddled him so your knees were on either side of his hips and adjusted yourself so you were firmly pressing down on his crotch.
“At least one more time, handsome.” You whispered against his mouth before your lips collided with his. “I like making you blush.”
As you gently nibbled on his ear lobe, he let out a low moan before saying “Oh I’m gonna have my hands full with you, huh sweet girl.”
Unexpectedly, he thrusted his hips up against your core and you expressed a tremor of pleasure. The thin fabric of the bike shorts didn’t shield you from feeling the outline of his hard cock against you, teasing you, and you wanting nothing more than to feel him inside you, soaking him and the chair underneath him so much that he would need more than just a paper towel to clean it up.
You’d save that for another night though.
“Mmmm hmmmm...but I’ll let you take me out to dinner first, baby.” You said.
Billy leaned forward to kiss you again as you raked your fingers through his hair, gently scraping your nails against his scalp. He kissed you with a passion like his kiss was always meant to be yours, tasting you, and binding his body to yours so he would never forget all of the curves and hollows of you that haven’t yet been touched with his tattoo pen.
“Ok, well let me finish cleaning up and I’ll take you home.” Billy said.
A mischievous grin stretched across your lips.
“Take your time, handsome because god damn, I love to watch you work.”
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @idek-what-to-put @anastasianeedstoread @ratsys @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @simple-lovebot @russosafehaven @mrsbillyrusso
If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my tag list for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again
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Alone Together (M) ~Lee Know
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Pairing: SpacePirate!Minho x Smuggler!F.Reader Themes: Sci-Fi AU (barely) | Smut | Established Relationship (kind of) | Lovers (idiots) to Even More Lovers (affectionate) Word Count: ~8k | AO3 Synopsis: Minho was a man on the run, an outlaw. He was always getting himself into trouble, thieving and fighting against the people that perpetuated an unfair system that did nothing but bring pain to those the system considered lowly and unworthy. For his next mission, he decided to ask for help from the person he trusted most in this world, you. Warnings: star wars concepts used very loosely and probably very poorly · made up locations · mentions of slavery and morally questionable situations · the term suicide mission is used once · your honour they’re sickly in love · graphic depictions of intercourse (smut warnings under the cut).
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Author’s Note: i started watching the book of boba fett, and it seems like it’s impossible for me to watch anything star wars related without wanting to write about people boning in space. so this piece was born ! it’s incredibly self-indulgent, but i hope someone else out there gets to enjoy it too~
this was barely proof-read, so if anything sounds weird don’t hesitate to let me know lol
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Smut Warnings: this is very vanilla tbh · praise · fingering [F.Rec] · protected penetration [piv].
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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As an outlaw, Minho’s entire livelihood depended on him not attracting too much attention to himself, on laying low and being as stealthy as possible. Which was why it almost felt counterintuitive to be here right now, trying to get his ship caught on the radars of a cargo ship. Although, to be fair, it wouldn’t have been the first time he tried to get into this cargo ship in this exact same way, but usually he’d have a bit more preparation than this.
“Shit… Here we go. Buckle up, boys”, Minho informed his crewmates.
Their entire starcraft shook violently as the gravitational beam of the much bigger starship pulled them towards it. They were discovered almost as soon as they came close to the vessel, and Minho had honestly taken a leap of faith with this move, because this could’ve gone two ways: like it was going right now, them being pulled towards the hangar within the starship, or they could’ve been shot down on sight.
Getting within the perimeter of a smuggler ship was always dangerous, especially when done unannounced, but Minho was desperate, so he did what he had to do.
As soon as his ship was parked within the hangar, he unbuckled his safety belt, standing up and stretching his limbs. “Guys, get ready. Remember what I said, no sudden movements, no arguing, just follow my lead, okay?”
Hyunjin and Felix nodded in understanding, getting out of their seats and stretching as well, just as loud thuds started to resonate within the crammed space they called their ‘navigation room’. That was a bold claim, this ship consisted only of that navigation room, small enough to go undetected when needed, but not that good for long periods of time travelling, he’d admit.
“Open up, hands in the air!”
Minho nodded to his crewmates, and once they both lifted their arms he hit the door’s button on his console.
Four super battle droids stood right outside, with their blasters pointed right at them. Minho hadn’t seen this model of droid before, they must’ve been one of your latest acquisitions, and somehow, that thought brought a smile to his face. However, new droids meant that they wouldn’t know who he was, which also meant things could get out of hand really quickly.
“Step out!”
Minho got off the ship first, with his hands in the air as instructed, followed by Hyunjin and Felix. The droids immediately took a hold of their wrists, rather forcefully, and it made him wince.
“Hey! We’re cooperating, don’t be so harsh, jeez…” The droids completely ignored Minho, simply continuing their task of holding their wrists behind their backs and binding them together.
“Names, and what were you doing fluttering around this ship?”
“I’m Minho. These are Hyunjin and Felix”, Minho replied simply, gesturing with his head as he named his two crewmates. “We came to speak with your captain”.
“Our captain has no time to deal with stowaways”, one of the droids scoffed, pointing their blaster right to Minho’s forehead.
He couldn’t help but smirk, the words flying past his mouth before he could even think twice about them. “How can you call us stowaways when you were the ones to pull us in here?”
The droid went silent. Minho figured that if it could make facial expressions, it would’ve looked annoyed.
“It’s really important”, Minho urged. “I’m sure she’ll understand. If you’re planning on throwing us to the trash chute, don’t you think she’d like to make the call herself?” 
The droid in front of him went silent again, the other three were just surrounding them, pointing their blasters at them. It was taking the droid so long to say something, Minho started to really worry that he had miscalculated how this part of the plan would go.
Ultimately, the droid lowered its weapon, and the three of them heaved a sigh of relief. “Follow me”.
The insides of the ship looked almost the same as they had last time Minho was here, save for a few changes to the corridor’s decor. How long had it been? Three months? Six? It was hard to tell these days when he was running for his life half the time.
The group of droids guided the three of them towards where Minho knew the main control room would be, where you probably would be. He should’ve been unfazed, Minho had seen you thousands of times, but somehow every single time without fail his heart would flutter, especially when so much time had passed since he last saw you.
As soon as the doors of the main control room slid open they were engulfed by the sound of clicks and clacks from the amount of droids sitting at their stations just pressing buttons. It was impressive, how you had put together this entire operation almost on your own, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
“Captain”, the droid spoke finally, snapping Minho out of his daze.
Ah, there you were, hunched over your desk, with your fingers flying on the touchscreen that was embedded in it. What were you doing? Planning your next course? Ensuring the safety of your routes? Checking for imperial ports in the vicinity? Minho was always curious, mostly because he was nosy. He wanted to have as much knowledge as possible at any given time, but he also just liked to hear you talk about things. He quite enjoyed hearing you speak, he’d admit.
“What is it, B2-49?” Shit, just your voice could kickstart Minho’s heartbeat. He should visit more often, the longer he spent away the more your mere existence affected him, and it was, quite honestly, inconvenient.
“The stowaways wish to speak with you”, the droid, B2-49, informed you, and you scoffed, not lifting your eyes from the screen under your fingertips for a second.
“How can you call them stowaways when we pulled them in here in the first place?”
“Took the words right out of my mouth”, Minho couldn’t help but say, grinning at you once the sound of his voice finally pulled you from your task.
Your eyes went wide as soon as you spotted him, you clearly weren’t expecting him, and Minho would lie if he said he didn’t enjoy catching you off guard, that he didn’t enjoy your attention.
Your gaze jumped from him to his two companions, and your brows furrowed. You looked at him again, right in the eyes, confusion written all over your face. “What’re you doing here?” 
“Can’t I just drop by anymore?”
“You can”, you leaned back in your chair, crossing your arms over your chest. “But something tells me you’re here with a purpose”.
‘So when I come here to fuck you isn’t a purpose?’ was what Minho would’ve liked to say, because that was often why he came to your ship, but he’d always come alone. Hyunjin and Felix didn’t have to know any of that, so he kept his mouth shut. Instead, he chose to take a direct approach.
“We need a safe route to infiltrate the Antrilian quadrant”.
You scoffed, incredulousness painted all over your face. “Have you gone mad? Antrilia? Want me to get you right to the intergalactic council as well?”
Antrilia was known for hosting the biggest slave ring in the galaxy, it was heavily guarded by imperial forces, and it was Minho’s goal to bring it all down, to free every single slave in the quadrant, stealing a few prized possessions in the process–he had to get his money’s worth, of course. 
It was a very personal task, considering two of his crewmates had been taken by the empire recently. Saving his friends and taking it all down wouldn’t be easy, the entire quadrant was heavily guarded, which was why he had come to you, the best, most discreet smuggler he’d ever known.
“I’m being serious”, and he was.
Minho’s entire purpose was to rid the galaxy of every single slave camp he could, that was how he met his crewmates, they formed their own guild and were now some of the most wanted men in the galaxy. Ever since he himself escaped from one of those places when he was just a kid, he made it his purpose to wreak as much havoc as possible, to bring down the system. It was dangerous, and he’d been close to dying more times than he could count, but he just couldn’t turn a blind eye to it.
You looked at him for a moment, your eyes jumping all over his face. After a while, you finally unfolded your arms to place your hands flat on the table. “Oh my Gods, you are serious. Do you have a death wish?”
Minho gave you a smile, a smug one, and you immediately brought your fingers to your temples, rubbing circles there.
“I can’t do that, Minho”, you said as soon as you seemed to realise he wasn’t going to back down.
“If there’s anyone in this galaxy that can get us there is you. I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t truly believe that”, and Minho really meant it. Regardless of his personal connection to you, he knew you were incredibly good at your craft.
You looked at him for a few moments, quiet, pondering, he could almost see the cogs turning inside your head, and for a brief moment he wondered if you would just shoot him down completely. That was, until you spoke again.
“What’s in it for me?”
"My gratitude", Minho said in a mock tone, and you quirked a brow, almost as if you were telling him ‘be fucking serious right now’. 
So he clicked his tongue, slightly annoyed that you didn’t want to play along. “The receptor of an imperial cruise with a valid code”.
Immediately, a glint of excitement appeared in your eyes, 
“How did you… Get your hands on that?”
Minho shrugged. “I have my ways”.
You were silent for a while, just looking into his eyes and tapping your fingers on your desk. Minho looked right back at you, waiting for you to make your decision. This wasn’t the first time he was asking for a favour, but it was certainly the first time he was asking for something so dangerous, so he could completely understand if you didn’t want to help him. He wouldn’t have taken it to heart either way.
With a deep intake of breath, you finally stood up from your desk and walked a bit closer to the group, to stand right in front of Minho. “This is not something I can decide just now. I need some time to think about it”.
“There’s not much time, I’m afraid”, Minho gave you a genuinely apologetic smile, and you sighed, somehow sounding both defeated and annoyed.
“Quit being dramatic. I’m sure you can give me at least twenty four hours”.
“Twenty four hours sounds reasonable”.
You looked at Minho for a moment, and then looked at his crewmates. “Who are you guys?”
Both of his crewmates introduced themselves at the same time, but you seemed to pick up their names anyway. You signalled your droids to remove their restraints, giving them both a welcoming smile. “Welcome aboard, Hyunjin and Felix”.
They simply returned your greetings, sounding immensely grateful now that they were no longer bound. You were just about to walk away when Minho cleared his throat with a frown on his face.
“Aren’t you going to untie me, too?”
You looked him up and down, and a devilish smile made its way to your lips, making the fine hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. “Why should I?”
“So you untie my friends and not me? Seems a bit biassed on your part, doesn’t it?”
You walked closer, standing so close he almost felt as if you were going to kiss him. Right there. In front of his friends. And that realisation had his heart pounding in his chest, and, even more annoyingly, it brought heat to his ears. He tried his best to not show how affected he was, though. He stood his ground, with the self-assured smile he could pull off.
Bringing your hand behind him, you took a hold of the device binding his wrists. “Say please”.
His smug façade crumbled immediately, replaced by a look of incredulousness. Minho scoffed, tilting his head to the side and looking you right in the eyes. “You can’t be serious right now…”
The corners of your mouth quirked up, and the mirth in your eyes made him both feel giddy and incredibly annoyed. 
“I’m dead serious, Lee Minho”, you told him, and Minho realised then that if he leaned in just the tiniest bit, he could definitely press his lips to yours, and for a second, he genuinely considered it.
If it had been just you and your droids, he certainly would’ve kissed you right then and there, but the presence of his friends behind him gave him pause. It wasn’t like Minho minded if they knew, it was that he wasn’t sure whether you would mind or not. But based on how things had gone between you two so far, he figured you would, so he took a deep breath, closing his eyes to avoid looking at your triumphant face.
“Please, what?”
His eyes snapped open, and there was nothing he wanted more in that moment than to wipe that glint of victory in your eyes. Regardless, Minho swallowed his pride, he was in no position to try his luck.
“Please, captain”.
You smiled, clearly satisfied. With what Minho figured was a press of a button on his cuffs, the thing unravelled from his wrists, finally letting him move freely.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” You tapped his chest, and Minho had to bite his tongue. Oh, he was so getting his payback for this.
Before he could say anything, you spoke again. “You guys can stay here today if you want. There’s plenty of rations for all of us, including the few other living people on this ship, but I’m afraid there’s only one spare room conditioned for people to stay in besides the crew’s”.
“We’ll stay”, Minho rubbed his wrists, trying to ease some of the ache caused by his restraints.
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The room provided to them was big enough, with a bunk bed embedded on one of the walls, and another on the other. Very sterile looking, nothing in particular stood out, it was just like any other room Minho had seen on a spaceship of this size. The biggest add-on was the adjacent washroom, which the three of them immediately rejoiced at when they noticed it.
No one ever spoke about it, but depending on the ships you travelled in throughout the galaxy, a washroom could be considered a luxury, so the prospect of a good shower and a fresh change of clothes was certainly appealing. Minho let his younger crewmates take the spot first, since he was sure both Hyunjin and Felix were dying to feel clean again.
As he waited for them to come out, slouching on one of the chairs in the room, Minho’s mind couldn’t help but wander. He’d never imagined he’d be here, in your ship, with any of his friends. He’d hoped that maybe one day, if things worked out, he could introduce you to them in a less… Contained fashion. But things never seemed to go as he expected whenever it came to whatever it was that was lingering between you two.
As soon as his friends were ready, Minho immediately rushed to the washroom. He took his time just washing off all the grime and gunk that had stuck to him during their almost never-ending travels the past handful of days, so truly, he was immensely grateful for that shower. 
“Do you think she’ll help?” Felix asked from where he was laying on the top bunk as soon as Minho came out of the washroom.
“Honestly?” Minho rubbed a towel on his head, trying to get his hair as dry as possible. “I really have no idea”.
Hyunjin eyed him for a moment, leaning back on his hands from where he sat on the bottom bunk. “You sure? You seem to be awfully close with the captain of this ship”.
“I mean, I wouldn’t say awfully close”, Minho was great at lying and deception, but even to him that statement sounded incredibly disingenuous. “We… Know each other”.
“You know each other? Or you know each other?” Felix wiggled his eyebrows at Minho, just as the older man was sitting on the bottom bunk of the other bunk bed.
“If you ask me, I’d like to think she’d do it. But this is very different from any favour I’ve ever asked. More dangerous… So who knows”, Minho decided to completely brush off the curious eyes, and even more curious questions of his crewmates. Explaining his connection to you was something he’d rather not speak about, not now at least.
Felix looked like he was going to say something, something incredibly annoying. So Minho decided to abruptly stand up from his bed and intercept him. “Anyway, I’m going for a snack”.
“A snack?” Hyunjin asked once Minho walked past him. “Is that how we’re calling the cap–”
Before he could even attempt to finish his sentence, Minho took the towel he had draped over his shoulders and swiftly snapped it in Hyunjin’s direction, hitting him in the arm.
“Ow! Unnecessary!” Hyunjin rubbed his upper arm, pouting.
Minho simply offered him a ‘deserved’ before he walked out the door.
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Minho did intend on finding something to snack on before bed, but he would lie if he said he wasn’t keeping his eyes open in case he spotted you. All he’d seen so far was the odd droid going about their business, and a couple of crew members who greeted him as usual.
“Who gave you permission to wander the corridors of my ship?” 
Minho’s skeleton almost jumped out of skin at the sudden voice speaking to him. As soon as that initial shock passed he knew it was you, how could he not know when the sound of your voice was already ingrained in every crevice of his brain? So he decided to put up his best smug façade once again, ignoring the way his heart started to thump in his chest just at the sound of your voice.
“You did, captain. If my memory serves me right”.
You just scoffed in response, and started to walk towards him. Once you stood in front of him, you crossed your arms over your chest, and simply looked at him with a frown on your face.
For a moment, Minho didn’t say anything, just like you didn’t either. Your gaze was stern, guarded, just like it usually was whenever you were into your Captain Mode. After all, you spent most of your time around your crew, leading them, planning morally questionable arrangements to get work going, so it was no surprise to him that you looked at him like this.
However, after a few more moments of silence, the frown on your face turned to one of concern, and, honestly, Minho would lie if he said he didn’t like it when you worried about him. Because he knew that was what was going through your mind right now, worry.
“Is there anything I can say or do to get you to not do this?” 
Minho gave you a smile, a genuine one, the ones he reserved mostly for you, and for moments like these. “No”.
You sighed. “For a pirate, you sure have a lot of morals, don’t you?”
“Being a contradiction is my favourite pastime, baby, you know that”, he registered the pet name falling from his lips a second too late. There was nothing he could do about it, it was like his brain would automatically shift into Smitten Mode whenever you two were on your own. If you were displeased by it, you didn’t show it or say anything about it. “I must say, I find it rather cute that you’re worrying about me that much”.
You scoffed at that, rolling your eyes. “Of course I worry about you. Unfortunately, you’ve got this horrible habit of risking your life, and since I’ve got the horrible habit of caring about you, it’s only natural that I worry”. 
Had you no regard for his weak heart? How could you tell him you cared about him so nonchalantly? And while you were scolding him at that? He wanted to say something back, to bicker a bit more, but his body seemed to not agree with that logic, because it decided that the best reaction would be to rush blood to his ears and his chest, making him flush.
So, to counterattack, Minho simply did what he did best, to display his affection through his actions instead of his words. Cradling your face in his hands, he dragged his thumbs over your cheeks, and as he stared into your eyes he could see all your walls crumble, just like they always did in situations like these. ‘Cute’, was the last word to leave his mouth before he pressed his lips to yours.
Warmth spread quickly inside of him, the tiny whine that escaped your mouth as soon as your lips connected ignited in him all those feelings he usually tried to ignore, and the way you kissed him, with as much desperation as he felt, had blood rushing to his length immediately. Minho couldn’t help it, it was instinctual at this point, to get hard when you so much as touched him–even if that touch was only your lips on his, your hands grabbing his top, and your tongue inside his mouth.
Before he knew it, he had moved, walking forward and pressing you against the cold metal walls of your ship. His hands finally left your face to hold your waist instead, and you took it as an opportunity to loop your arms around his neck, burying one of your hands in his hair and tugging gently.
“Missed you”, Minho mumbled against your lips as he slotted one of his legs between your own, pressing his thigh right against your core. He wasn’t ashamed or bashful of the words that came out of his mouth, he was way past that point, he’d decided long ago that sometimes–especially after long periods of time apart–telling you how he felt was better than having to bottle it all up.
“Missed you, too”, you mumbled back, bringing one of your legs to wrap around his hip, pulling him close, kissing him deeply right after. You, clearly, had also decided to let go of those inhibitions as well.
Moving his hand from your waist to your bum, he groped the flesh over your bottoms, just as he detached himself from your mouth to sparsely press kisses on your neck, right in the areas he knew you were the most sensitive, making you whimper. “Can’t believe you made me fucking beg to get me out of the handcuffs”.
“Wouldn’t have been the first time”, you replied with a strained chuckle, digging your heel on the back of his thigh, enticing him. It was certainly working. “Probably won’t be the last, either”.
“You minx”, Minho chuckled, returning his lips to yours, pushing his tongue inside your mouth, taking a hold of your thigh and squeezing it.
Your heavy breathing, the warmth emanating from your body that immediately seeped into him, kindling the fire that burnt bright inside of him, that fire that didn’t seem to die regardless of how much time passed, all combined had Minho’s head spinning, had him growing impossibly hard. He needed you just as much as he needed oxygen in his lungs, and for a brief second he considered taking you right there, right in the middle of the corridor, uncaring of who could walk by and see you two.
As usual, though, you brought some sense into him, tugging hard on his hair to get him to detach his mouth from yours, mumbling a breathless ‘wanna head to my cabin?’ to which Minho simply replied an overly confident ‘thought you’d never ask’. So, as soon as he separated himself from your body you took his hand in yours, pulling him along the corridor, following the familiar path to your sleeping quarters.
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There had always been this thing about your room that gave Minho an immense amount of peace. He wasn’t sure if it was the infuser you seemed to have on at all times, the one that filled your room with whichever relaxing essential oil you’d gotten your hands on during your travels, or if it was the clear signs that this was your living space–the seemingly permanent heap of clothes on the chair next to your bed, the journal you kept on your desk, the huge, old-fashioned map of the galaxy taped to the wall… It was all so incredibly you, it made him feel completely enveloped by your presence, it comforted him, really.
His favourite part of your room, though, was your bed. Incredibly comfortable, with just the right amount of firmness to it, saturated in the smell of you. And maybe later, Minho would be able to bury his face in your pillow, to try and etch your essence into his memory to get him through the hard days to come. 
Right now, as your clothes and his landed on the already existing pile of clothes on your chair, he could hardly think about any of that. The feeling of your bare skin against his was more than enough to drown him in the moment. Every sigh, moan, whine that came out of your mouth whenever his lips touched your skin, the warmth of your body under him, it all let him ignore the world out of this room, out of this ship, let him focus on only you and him and the deep desire that was burning bright inside of him.
Between your hands roaming his back, the desperate way you clung to him, kissing him so hungrily he could barely breathe, Minho knew it was only a matter of time until you talked, or until he talked. He always wondered who would be the first one to ask that burning question that always hung in the air, most of the time it was him, but on odd occasions, you’d cave, and he was always ready to answer when you did.
“Have you been with other people since the last time we saw each other?”
There it was. You beat him to it this time, but, honestly, it really didn’t matter who asked it. To him, regardless of who broke the question first, it never made the entire thing any less absurd.
“Other people?” He propped himself on one hand to get a better view of you, dragging the other hand all the way from your shoulder to your centre, feeling your heated skin under his palm. His fingers teased your folds, spreading your essence all over, getting his fingers drenched. Gods, you were so wet for him already, and you’d barely even started. 
Minho was impatient. He always was the first time he got you under him like this after a long time. He wanted you, he wanted to see you squirming and writhing under his touch, so he wasted no more time, easing his ring and middle finger into your dripping heat. A quiet moan flew past your lips as soon as he was buried to the knuckle, gripping the bed sheets near your head once he started slowly thrusting his fingers in and out, letting you get used to the intrusion. 
“There’s been no one else. No one could ever remotely compare”, he emphasised his words with a hard nudge on your sweet spot, and a tug on your nipple, eliciting a moan from your lips. “There’s been flirting, I’ll give you that. Knowingly and unknowingly. More often than not to get ourselves out of tricky situations, you know how it is… But physically? Emotionally? I haven’t wanted anyone else since the first time I buried my head between your legs and got you to moan so sweetly for me, sweetheart”.
“Minho, my darling…” Your voice was airy, your face flushed, and quiet moans continued to spill from your lips as he picked up his rhythm, prepping you, moving his fingers against all those areas inside of you he seemed to have committed to memory throughout the years, the ones that would labour your breath and get you to moan a bit louder the longer he worked you up. 
Minho dipped, finding your mouth and kissing you with force, with need. Because all this time, all he’d ever needed was you, he always did. Every day, even when he decided to ignore it. 
You held onto his forearm, lightly digging your nails on his flesh, but he didn’t mind. If anything, it reminded him of the fact that he was here, with you, making you feel good, getting to enjoy you once more.
“What about you?” Minho said once he disconnected his mouth from yours for air, leaving a trail of kisses from your cheek to your neck.
He wanted to know. He wouldn’t judge you, you were free to do as you pleased, after all. That was how it worked between you two, although ‘worked’ could be considered a very loose term here. “Has anyone taken care of you these past handful of months?”
You shook your head, inhaling sharply when Minho continued his descent down your torso, attaching his mouth to your chest as his fingers kept going in and out of you, as he kept stimulating that area within your walls that he knew would get you to lose your train of thought.
Of course you hadn’t had sex with anyone else. You never did. You hadn’t in years, just like Minho hadn’t, either.
“I only–Oh!” Your words cut off, replaced by a breathy moan once Minho’s lips found one of your nipples and sucked it into his mouth to flick it with his tongue. He could feel you clenching hard around his fingers, and it almost made him dizzy with how hard it was getting him. 
You swallowed, audibly. Your fingers tangled in Minho’s hair, tugging at it as he kept working you up. With his fingers, with his mouth, with his tongue… He loved to coax the most delicious sounds out of your lip, but he wanted to know. He needed to know. So he let go of your nipple, finding your burning gaze as soon as he looked at your face. 
“I haven’t”, you whined, just as you sneaked a hand down your body, finding your clit to draw circles on it. “You are the only person I ever want. I’ve been cursed since the very first day I met you…”
The bead of precum that had been slowly growing on the tip of his cock fell onto the bed once your words registered in his brain. And Minho realised then that he, too, had been cursed since the very first day he met you. Cursed to be in love with you for the rest of his days, cursed to have to ignore that fact and live in this arrangement you two had conjured.
Leaning in, he captured your lips again, and the whimper that came out of your mouth as soon as he started to kiss you was enough for him to know just how true it all was.
“Go faster”, Minho mumbled against your lips between kisses, picking up the pace of his fingers. “C’mon, baby, I know you’re close. Rub your precious little clit faster. I need you to come on my fingers”. 
“But…” You started to protest, but you sped up your motions anyway, squirming, whining. “It’s too soon”. 
“Doesn’t matter”, Minho kept flicking his fingers against your sweet spot, just as you kept pleasuring yourself. “I’ll get you to come again later. We’ve got all night. Please, love…”
He returned his mouth to your nipple, suckling and licking the hardened bud. You were swearing a lot, writhing a lot, and as soon as the most desperate ‘close…’ fell from your lips, he trapped your nipple between his teeth, nibbling softly on the sensitive flesh. Your whole body shook with your release, and your moans mingled with his own groans of satisfaction. He revelled in the way your walls clamped around his fingers, in the squelching sounds produced by the movement of his fingers going in and out of your heat. 
Minho let go of your nipple, already knowing it’d be too much for you after your high. Your hand on your clit stopped, but you kept your fingers there, applying pressure to prolong your release just as he kept slowly stimulating your walls.
“Fuck…” You finally moved your hand away from between your legs, and your body slumped on the bed, a clear signal that your high was over. 
Pulling his fingers from your core, he slid them up to tease your sensitive clit for a second, chuckling at the jolt of your body with the contact. You looked so absolutely stunning like this. Flushed, panting, almost glowing. 
Holding your gaze, he brought his fingers to his mouth, savouring your taste as he licked them clean. You swallowed, and Minho removed his fingers from his mouth, only to bring them to yours. “Open up, sweetheart”. 
And you did. Letting him ease his fingers inside your mouth. Your lips wrapped around his digits oh, so perfectly, and your tongue lapped him up just as your eyes closed and your brows pulled together with a muffled moan. “Look at you… Always eager to give a good suck”. 
You hummed, nodding. 
“Most beautiful girl in the galaxy”, he couldn’t help but say as he looked at you eagerly sucking on his fingers, as he felt your tongue lick his digits. 
When he removed his fingers from your mouth, he finally leaned in, pressing a brief kiss to your forehead, and moving to connect your mouths once again right after. He hugged you close, laying on top of you and covering you with as much of his body as he could, enjoying your warmth.
Minho finally let you take a breather, removing his mouth from yours to instead press kisses on your collarbone. You sighed, content, and the way you massaged his scalp as you held him close had heat spreading in his chest and face, probably making him blush like a fool.
“Fuck, I haven’t come that hard in months…” you mumbled, still slightly breathless. Minho chuckled, resting his weight on one elbow to look at your face, smiling softly at you. 
“And we’re only just getting started, hm?” Minho kissed you briefly, pulling away from you when he felt your hand wrap around his length, stroking him leisurely. “Nuh-uh. None of that”, he tugged your hand away from his cock, eliciting a pout in response.
“You don’t want me to touch you?”
“Oh, baby…” Minho stretched his arm, blindly reaching for the knob of the drawer of your nightstand. “Want you to touch me so much”, he blindly rummaged through it, quickly finding the box of condoms he knew you kept there. “But I want you so fucking bad right now. Need to be inside you now or I’ll combust”. 
You chuckled against his lips when he leaned in to press a quick peck on your lips. Pulling himself from you for a moment, he focused on the box in his hand, dumping the contents on the bed by your head and grabbing a single packet.
There were still as many as he had seen last time he was here with you. 
Minho quickly tore the foil packet open and slid the condom on his length, giving himself a couple of tentative pumps to make sure it was all secure. Lining himself with your entrance, he teased you for a moment, lost in your lustful gaze and the way you bit your lip in anticipation, lost in the burning desire inside of him. 
He couldn’t help but kiss you again, right as he started to ease his cock between your walls. You moaned, holding him tightly, kissing him desperately. Minho simply grunted, and he started to feel lightheaded just by your warmth around him. You were so intoxicating, and the feeling of you around him was so familiar, and even a bit comforting. As he slid centimetre after centimetre within your core, he was reminded of why he was here.
Because you were warm. 
Because you were home.
Once he bottomed out, he propped himself up to look at your face. One of your hands came to rest on his cheek, and your thumb softly caressed his skin. Minho turned his head a bit, just enough to kiss your palm as he started to move. The feel of you around him, warm, tight, wet, made him close his eyes, made him quietly moan as he enjoyed the onslaught of sensations coursing through him.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, and your heel dug on his ass, trying to get him closer to you. 
“Harder”, was all you mumbled, and it made him chuckle and open his eyes. 
“I’m trying to be careful and you want me to go harder?” Minho kept his rhythm slow, almost teasing you.
“Who’s asking you to be careful?” You pressed your lips to his neck, once again making him flush–although at this point he wasn’t sure if the flush had diminished at all since he came into this room. “It’s been too long, darling. Six months, three weeks, and two days, to be exact. I missed you, and all I want is for you to fucking ruin me, Minho”.
“Shit, what am I gonna do with you…” 
Pulling himself away from your embrace, he sat straighter, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder and starting a brutal pace right then and there. The moan of surprise that came out of your mouth as soon as he started moving fueled him, it almost made him lightheaded, making him completely forget where you two were, not caring if people heard you at all.
Minho wasn’t sure where to focus; on your tits bouncing with every single one of his thrusts, on the way your face scrunched up in bliss, on the absolutely divine feeling of you wrapped so snugly around him… All combined had sparks of pleasure racing up and down his spine, had his head spinning.
“Is this what you wanted?” With a tight grip on your thigh, keeping your leg flush to him, making sure to hit that area within your walls that would make you produce all those sounds he wanted to hear. 
You nodded, swallowing as you brought a hand to his abdomen, sinking your nails into his flesh. The sting made him grunt, made him throw his head back and snap his hips just a tad faster.
“Look at me”, you mumbled, somehow both commanding and breathless, dragging your nails down his abdomen. As soon as Minho complied, your lascivious gaze almost made him burst. Eye contact was a thing that you always enjoyed, but he wasn’t too sure he’d be able to stand it for long, not at this moment at least. The way you looked at him always made him want to blow, especially so after months of no physical contact.
Minho just chuckled, finding your breast with his free hand to knead the flesh and pinch and roll your nipple between his fingers, eliciting a strained moan from you, making you bite your lip to keep your volume in check. “Are you trying to make me blow?”
As soon as the question came out of his mouth, he felt you clench around him, and he couldn’t help but groan at the sensation. He knew you were doing it on purpose, you always liked to work him up, get him to lose his sanity with the simplest things, and he always fell for it, because it was just so good. “What if I am?”
“You sound… Way too self-assured for someone who’s… Borderline gasping for air, you know?” 
The laugh that had started to bubble over from you got caught in your throat, replaced by a string of swear words as Minho moved his hand from your breast to your mound and pressed his thumb on your clit. He might’ve been struggling, but he was determined to get you to struggle as well.
You swallowed, licking your lips as you clearly tried to pull yourself together enough to bicker with him. “But you like it, huh?” 
“I fucking do, shit…” He just sped up his fingers, trying to get you to your peak as fast as possible.
Minho really couldn’t tell how much time passed of him pounding into you, rubbing your clit and tugging on your nipples, and he honestly didn’t care, either. This was always the best part, getting to lose himself in the moment, pleasuring you and getting pleasure of his own just by the feel of you there, under him, around him.
Every time you spoke, it brought him increasingly closer to the edge, your ‘just like that, baby’, and your frequent and almost incomprehensible ‘so fucking good’ simultaneously going to his head and his cock, fueling him even further. When you finally came, he couldn’t hold back the groans that came out of his mouth in tandem with your moans. The feeling of you clenching so tightly around him sent a shiver down his spine, and before he knew it, he was leaning into you, kissing you deeply, messily as he chased his own release.
You held him tightly, tiny squeals muffling against his lips as he kept his relentless pace. The sudden sting of your nails trailing down his back was the final push he needed. Minho saw white for a brief moment, groaning and grunting and maybe even moaning at the feel of your teeth sinking on his bottom lip, at the feel of your hands on his back, and your hips flush to his as he filled the condom inside of you–the only physical barrier between his body and yours.
All that pent up tension he’d been harbouring for months and months seemed to quickly evaporate from his muscles as he melted into you, into your kiss and your tight hug. His ears were ringing a bit, but he didn’t mind. All he could care about was the fact that you were right there, pressed completely against him.
After he left one more kiss on your lips, he pulled back just enough to look at you. You smiled at him, a genuine smile that had his heart skipping every other beat inside his ribcage. He returned the gesture, just as you brought your hand to push his now soaked fringe away from his forehead, pulling him down to press a kiss right there, making him chuckle in disbelief.
Once he pulled himself away from you completely, he carefully slid the condom off of his length, tying a knot to make sure nothing spilled out. Taking the discarded foil packed, he placed it on your nightstand and laid the condom on top of it to dispose of later. 
As he laid back down, he simply looked at you. You had that look in your eyes, the one you hardly ever showed to the people around you… Vulnerability. Minho always saw it after you two had sex, and he knew that under that vulnerability there was something, many unsaid words that you wouldn’t dare say out loud to him. 
“Marry me”, Minho broke the silence, and you huffed an incredulous chuckle.
“Aren’t you tired of asking me to marry you?” 
“Are you tired of me asking you to marry me?”
You went silent for a moment, just looking into his eyes. Minho didn’t really need you to respond, he knew what the answer was. 
“No, I’m not”, you replied simply, exactly what he knew you would say. “How would we even make a marriage work? We can’t even make a relationship work, Lee Minho”. 
“We’ve never tried”. 
It was true. Although the connection he shared with you was laps more than physical, you’d never entertained the possibility of a relationship. You hadn’t let him try, and he hadn’t been persistent–sure, he asked you to marry him every other encounter you had, but he never really pushed it. Because he knew it was a complex situation, him being an outlaw, a pirate, a rebel, and you being a smuggler, both probably with hefty bounties on your heads.
“Do you want to try?” you sounded genuinely incredulous, almost as if you had just realised that he was being genuine about it.
Minho propped his head on his elbow, just looking at you. And then it dawned on him. “You’ve never thought I was being serious when I asked you to marry me before, have you?”
You opened and closed your mouth a few times, but ultimately, you shook your head, and he couldn’t help but scoff, dropping his head back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. 
“Well, I have been. Every time”.
“But why?” Your voice was barely a whisper, and when he turned to look at you his heart clenched just by seeing tears collect in your eyes. You didn’t let them fall, though.
“Because I love you”, Minho replied simply. “You’re clever, fun, one of the bravest people I’ve ever met, you’ve saved my life numerous times. Whenever I’m with you I feel at peace, and when I’m not, I worry about you, about your health, or I wonder if you’re out there getting yourself in trouble and I’m not there to help… I’ve just… Been in love with you for years, and I can’t keep on going pretending that I’m not. That I’m okay leaving your bed or an inn or you leaving my ship as if I don’t want you to stay”.
Minho could feel the lump in his throat, the way his voice shook slightly, but he didn’t care. He needed to let those thoughts out now, otherwise he wasn’t sure how long it would be until he got this boost of courage again. He honestly hadn’t even realised how much he’d been hurting with this until the words came out of his mouth. He’d spent years pretending this arrangement was fine. It clearly wasn’t. At least not anymore.
You went quiet for a while. A long while. Minho was honestly starting to second-guess ever opening his mouth, and it was just as he was about to stand up from that bed that you finally moved, wrapping one of your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest.
“I hadn’t thought… I didn’t think…” You were rambling, your voice was muffling against his skin, it was hard to understand anything you were saying with the verbiage that was coming out of your mouth
“Hey… It’s okay”, Minho dragged his hands up and down your spine, hugging you even tighter against him, effectively stopping your ramble. “Breathe…”
You took a deep breath, draping your leg over his hips and pulling him even closer to you, which did ease his worries a bit–at least you weren’t kicking him out of your bed just yet.
“You smell nice…” You mumbled suddenly, rubbing your face on his chest. It immediately made his heart race and his chest flush. Minho wanted to say something, but honestly, the words were stuck in his throat, suddenly feeling bashful, as if he wasn’t naked on your bed after having sex with you.
When you finally pulled away from his chest, you looked him in the eyes, looking incredibly vulnerable. Minho simply brought a hand to your cheek, feeling your heated skin under his palm as his thumb moved back and forth.
“Minho… Every time you go, every time I leave, my heart just hurts so much. And I honestly don’t know how to deal with it. With my feelings, or how we could even make this work”.
“I’m sure we can figure something out… Maybe not today, maybe not even this week, but I’m sure we can”.
You closed your eyes then, heaving a sigh. “You know this isn’t gonna be easy, right?”
“I’m aware”, Minho’s lips quirked up a bit, suddenly amused by your choice of words, and he couldn’t help but bring even more clarity to it. “It hasn’t been easy until now, either, has it?” You gave him a smile as well, opening your eyes again. “I’m willing to take my chances. I… Really want to try”.
Your gaze flickered between his eyes for a bit, and then you were leaning in, pressing a tender, brief kiss on his lips. 
“I want that, too”, you whispered, pecking his lips once again, murmuring the most tender ‘I love you’ as you hugged him even tighter, making Minho go impossibly redder, making his heart beat so fast he thought it would leap out of his chest. “If you don’t come back alive from your insane borderline suicide mission, I’ll personally go to the afterlife and kill you again”.
Minho chuckled, pecking your lips. “If you help me then you can make sure I don’t die at all, sweetheart”.
“Huh, so that’s why you’re here now professing your love to me? Trying to seduce me into helping you fulfil your pirate affairs?” Pushing him to lay on his back, you got on top of him, kissing him time and time again. His heart felt as if it was ready to burst, and for a brief moment, it was almost as if everything was okay. As if everything would be fine.
“Need I remind you you brought me into this room yourself?” With a hand on your bum and the other on the back of your neck, Minho simply kept kissing you, uncaring of anything happening outside of these walls. 
“Don’t change the topic”.
“Is it working, though? Am I successfully seducing you?”
You scoffed at that, pressing one loud, final kiss on his lips before you shuffled around, sitting on him, straddling his hips, and placing your hands on his chest. “Of course I’m gonna fucking help you, Lee Minho. But not because you’ve got the best stroke game I’ve ever experienced, but because I stupidly believe in your cause”.
“Gods… Keep inflating my ego, please”, Minho couldn’t help but groan. His hands immediately found your hips, kneading the soft flesh there. “I just love it when you do”.
“I know you do”, you grinned, dragging one of your hands all over his flushed chest, up his neck, finally settling it on his cheek.
Minho caught your hand in his, keeping it in place as he turned to press a kiss to your palm. Your gaze shifted then, that playful glint you usually had when you teased him replaced by something else, something akin to love, maybe even hope. And in that moment, he seriously believed everything would be okay. That he’d be able to save his friends, free the slaves, and make it out alive. That he’d finally get to truly be by your side.
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Tagging: @raspbinniecreme · @staaa96 · @oiminho · @tasteleeknow · @biribarabiribbaem · @dearalice · @alexis-reads-fics · @xcookiemonsteer · @knowleeknow · @chanlovesme · @liminaldaydream · @sstarryreads · @svngiem · @notastraykid · @princelingperfect · @aestheticsluut · @skzhomiehopper users in purple can’t be tagged. If you want to be removed (or if i tagged you incorrectly) from the list just PM me. If you want to be added fill in this form~
© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
Constructive feedback (or even keysmashes, really) is always welcome :)
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watatsumiis · 2 years
Snuggle series - Dottore edition
Feeling like shit tn i just want to snuggle with dottore >:c
(some silly self indulgent hcs below the cut)
gender neutral reader, can probably be read as platonic but it's fairly on the physically affectionate side.
Listen. Dottore is a very much 'has to keep moving' sort of guy, he gets antsy when he's not stimulated enough - he needs something to do, whether that be actively working on experiments or observing/researching stuff. Maybe he has his own hacked version of an Akasha terminal that stores all his research information and that he can add to on the fly just to keep his brain occupied.
If you approach him and ask for cuddles, his first questions are always "why?" and "to what end?". He's a very curious person and lives to find out more information about everything, especially you. Eventually, after some prodding, he'll find you both a comfortable spot to sit and pat his thigh invitingly, allowing you to sit in whatever position you like.
In this scenario, you sit down sideways in his lap, leaning your head on his shoulder, just about pushing your face into his neck. He's... not a particularly comfortable candidate to sit with, there's several bony bits poking into you (including but not limited to his hips, shoulders, collarbone and thighbones).
Dottore smells like a science experiment gone wrong - some strong chemical smells mixed together, the hint of hydrogen peroxide burns your nose. It makes you a little lightheaded, but if you weren't willing to put up with it, you wouldn't have come to him.
He won't admit it but he actually quite likes the pressure of someone sitting on him - it compresses his sympathetic nervous system in that way that's entirely perfect, and you hear him let out a quietly relieved sigh as you settle.
If he's feeling particularly tender, he might wrap his arms around you, pushing slender, gloved fingers against the small of your back, rubbing up and down in a manner that isn't too dissimilar to someone carving wood. He seems to know exactly where to press to make all the tension in your body disappear, even occasionally reaching up to massage the nape of your neck. He barely even thinks about what he's doing, it's like instinct to him, the way he prods at all the sore, stiff parts of you until you begin to ease up and melt into him.
Though perhaps falling asleep around Dottore isn't the greatest idea, it's nigh on impossible not to doze when he's got you here like this. Whatever he's working on at the moment is pretty quiet - the only sounds you can hear are his pen tapping on the paper and the gentle noise of your synchronised breathing (Dottore will brightly inform you later on that it's a common phenomenon that occurs when two people who are emotionally close to one another make prolonged physical contact).
Dottore is more than happy to let you doze for as long as you feel like it - it's not like he has anywhere to be for a fair while. He continues his work (which is probably just a large amount of observations about you) and just... lets you do your thing. Even if somebody else were to enter his lab (which they're mostly forbidden from, but there's always a chance someone will disregard the warnings), he would go out of his way to make sure you're not disturbed - that would ruin the results he's collecting, after all.
Overall, he's a pretty good person to snuggle with in the grand scheme of things, at least for a little while. He also gives great massages (provided you're fine with him keeping detailed notes on you).
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing!
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little-peril-stories · 2 months
Blood Garnet - WIP Intro
it's a working title leave me alone
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Aka: WIP Wednesday / Vaguely Summarized WIP / I'm Desperately Trying to Get This Dumb Story Out of My System
DISCLAIMER: this stupid story is a silly, self-indulgent mess that would require a lot of hard work to make it, um, fit for human consumption. It was my little brain break between finishing The Queen of Lies and restarting The Court of Rogues. It may not ever get finished. 🤷‍♀️ So, uh, you're forewarned. 😇
OPEN TAG for WIP Wednesday, Vaguely Summarized Plot, or both 😊- there's a lot of nonsense in here so I feel bad subjecting even more people to it 😂
Let's use this cheeky lil post for some recent WIP Wednesday tags: Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks and @sleepywriter00 for the tags! Posts here and here (same post chain).
Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever! It can be literally anything! 😊 (It does NOT need to be extra as this😅.)
Mood Board
don't anyone say anything about how there isn't a single gemstone on this mood board
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What's It About?
Take a drink every time you see an element Kate's used before in other stories. 😅
Evyn, a schoolteacher, impulsively embarks on a journey in an effort to escape the chokehold of her small village, overbearing uncle, and inevitable (and unwanted) fate as someone’s happy little wife. It’s risky, of course: wild animals roam the woods, and she still doesn’t know the source of the mysterious lights that gleam through the darkness at night. However, she gets more than she bargained for—the forest is not what it seems, nor are those mystical yellow lights.
The Fae, creatures of legend, are real.
And they’re coming for her.
Vaguely Summarized Plot
Also using up another tag here! Thank you @mysticstarlightduck for this one! Posts here and here. The tag is kind of perfect for this seeing as I don't know much of the plot myself, so I have no choice but to be vague. :)
Rules: Summarize your WIP in 15 2-5 word bullet points (as if you were trying to summarize it in 15 seconds). (I didn't stick to the limit at all.)
✨ “So the forest's been kind of glowing lately? And no one but me seems to have noticed? Ok. Coolcoolcool.”
✨ “Get married? Me? Never!” Evyn Edition: Simply Not Interested But I Must Be Lying Because All Women Want to Get Married, Amirite?
✨ “Get married? Me? Never!” Jonathan Edition: Very Not Straight But Try Telling That To My Religious Zealot of a Father
✨ Jealous twin will NOT let his sister win control of their clan like she wins everything else, damn it (footnote 1)
✨ Emo loner who can’t go home (on pain of death) just wants these weird dreams about some random-ass human to please STOP (footnote 2)
✨ “I’m going to pursue independence! In another town! On a time crunch! By walking through the woods! At night! I’m a schoolteacher with no survival experience! This Is A Good Idea!”
✨ Grumpy grandma re: pesky human: What is her deal?
✨ “Hello yes hi I’m the emo loner. I’m unrealistically attractive. I saved you for reasons I won’t explain. But also I don’t talk to humans. Or Fae, really. Or. Like. Anyone. Not often anyway. What’s talking again?”
✨ “So, like, you're kind of hot … but you’re, uh, my enemy?? But I haven't figured that out yet?? And also, do we, like, have weird sexual tension, haha, or is it just me? Hahahaha! … But seriously, do we?”
✨ "Hey I know you have breathing issues or whatever, so you don’t like dusty or dirty or humid places, but … wanna take a shortcut through this super duper cool underground cave system?”
✨ “Haha, what? No?! There’s no reason I’m avoiding this area of the forest! Nope! No reason at all!”
✨ YOU get a betrayal! And YOU get a betrayal! And YOU get a—
✨ “Who is the monster and who is the man?” (footnote 3)
✨ This asylum makes the one in TQOL look like a vacation! (footnote 4)
✨ Sexy villainess gets to emotionally torture one MC and then physically torture another. AND psychologically torture them both! Hell, maybe she’ll even kill one of ’em too! Fun for the whole family!
(4) Technically the whole asylum thing happened in this story first, like, 2 or 3 years ago. That version just lives in a purple notebook that will never be seen by any eyes but mine. So, really, TQOL stole the asylum setting from BG, not the other way around.
Character Vibes
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Evyn, human, orphaned as a child and raised by her aunt and uncle. Now a schoolteacher who sees yellow lights no one else can see.
“My heart cannot be captured. I intend to die an old maid, surrounded by papers and books. Good afternoon!”
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Jonathan, human. Evyn's cousin, a clerk. Just truckin' on through a life he finds endlessly tedious and unsatisfying.
“Cecil’s a soggy piece of tree bark in a hat,” he said before he could stop himself.
Ah, Jonathan Garnet. A man who gained a single speck of favour with his impossible-to-please father…and promptly hurled it into the wind.
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Dharan, Fae. Exiled from his clan years ago for murdering another Fae.
The Fae leapt up, standing straight and bending his knees as if to run—or perhaps pounce. One hand hovered over the stolen knife on his belt; the other, he extended to her.
He looked away from his foe to meet her gaze, uttering a single word:
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Rennith, Fae. Heir to his clan but competing for the title against his twin sister.
He was a man, it seemed, but those eyes bespoke something much more ancient—of man, but not man himself. Silver hair, an impossible shade, framed a face sculpted into sharp angles, as cold and pale as if it were made of ice.
A Fae creature forged in primordial fire, carved from gold, silver, and mother-of-pearl.
For the Whump People Here:
Whumpy Things I've Managed to Squeeze into the First 13,000 words
Humiliation/embarrassment (minor)
Hyperventilation, dyspnea
Angst (minor)
Grabbed in the dark
Restrained (but make it magic)
Magically forced to obey commands
Chin grab
Whumpy Things I've Got Planned But Haven't Written
Angst (major)
Various fight-related injuries I won't know till I write them
Betrayed by someone you trust
Drugged/knocked out
Humiliation/embarrassment (major)
Taunted by the antagonist
More magic restraints (but turn it up to eleven)
Tortured (but make it magic)
Desperation, hitting rock bottom
A death fakeout or two or three
If you made it this far, you deserve a medal. 🥇
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blysse-and-blunder · 28 days
in lieu of lawn care
10:30pm, sunday, may 26, 2024
cut the grass today, and then went and spent two hours lolling around outside, sitting on a blanket that even now smells perfectly of summer
reading just finished kj charles' the henchmen of zenda (thank you @yogurtforever for mentioning it to me! please overlook the fact that i'm about to go off) and i have to say, surprisingly, this was a rare kj charles miss, for me! i still finished it, i still think i'm glad i read it, but from an author who i've adored all of her other work, it's odd to realize i didn't have as much fun here as i would have liked. two reasons for this, possibly, one that i think it was an early work for her [edit: nope came out in 2018] and two that i actually had read the source material of which this is an au, and i found it continually grating that this book's whole tone and style is set up to be cynical about the original prisoner of zenda novel. if you want the critique to really, actually matter, don't change so much! don't make your case by actually rewriting the entire personalities of the king and player-king, who in this turn into strawmen because they've literally been restructured to prove monarchy is awful. the other option, b), would be to step further away from the source material, in which case you need to stop quoting the original book and integrating so much of the original language. bah. this leaves us open for one of my most irritating little meaningless quibbles, which is that a character gets very self-righteous about what the original novel's narrator meant by using the term 'well-bred', to the point that i think ends up actually being ahistorical and weakening the overall critique we're trying to produce here.
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charles is also trying to introduce more time and personality for the female characters (moderate success) and insert some revolutionary, 'hey wait a minute the best answer here is not a continuation of the monarchical system where everyone sucks' sentiment (middling to poor success). i just...found i really hated the idea that every character was Worse, Actually than in the original novel, although in fairness it is believable that the pov character here would think that, i guess. you chose a narrator who's going to take a cynical view of everything, and are trying to show how he allows himself to trust and/or like certain very few people, and it didn't make for a great reading experience.
the same, however, can't be said for the other two books here, although arguably they are also dealing with a narrator who is a) damaged and grieving b) gay. katherine addison's the goblin emperor was a christmas/birthday gift for me in...2022 and was such a gem, a gift in multiple senses, and this spring i have finally indulged in the two companion (?) novels, which i read voraciously on Eclipse Day and the weeks following, and then have turned around and listened to in audiobook almost immediately. the world of amalo is no less full of horror, death and injustice and corrupt or infuriating structures of power are a big part of the inciting action, but the time we spend seeing the people who are kind makes these so much more. pleasurable to read. plus the details of the city, the public transit, the tea houses, the opera, the belle epoque prague vibes. there's comparatively more death, more 'true crime' style mystery solving, more small vignettes of crime (reminding me that she does like writing cases like this, and making her her sherlock holmes au angel of the crows, pictured in ilcb 05/12/24 but not discussed, fit into place in a new way), but the lack of cynicism matters.
listening a lot of podcasts lately. had reason to try and sum up my podcast habit recently, and realized that i am really almost constantly listening to one, of some variety. i go through different moods and will switch between shows to find the right vibe rather than try to finish one all the way through. that being said, the list i tell people when asked 'oh what do you listen to?' is, like, 99% invisible (genuinely really enjoying the robert caro the power broker read-along, despite not reading the book-- it's fascinating) and articles of interest and ologies, whereas this week i think it was primarily no such thing as a fish, followed by normal gossip, followed by i hate it but i love it followed by some npr and crooked media pods (god help me, i do still check in on their election takes and will probably continue to do so out of morbid curiosity). the maxfun shows i listen to? are like family to me, and may be just as overlooked-- but you can bet that's where i'm turning first when stuck on a long subway ride.
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watching had reason, last week, to sit down and watch the entire new season of gamechanger start to finish. y'all heard about this shit? gamechanger? anyone? yes? i bought dropout for myself and a few friends last year, and it has been the best possible investment. i love feeling the, like, increase in energy and stakes and creative chaotic potential in each new episode, each new show that gets added to the roster, but i love gamechanger til death do us part. hard to pick a favorite bit for cast psychic damage and resulting peak performances (second place?? bingo?? the timeloop??? sam says????) so let me here give a shout-out to the lesser memed episodes this season, the drawfee collab and the newlyweb game (scream) and beat the buzzer, all of which were so fun while featuring people i knew less or not at all. the little sam reich matryoshkas absolutely killed me. can we hear it for the motherfucking ART DEPARTMENT.
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playing having beaten one of the colosseum of fools tournaments in hollow knight, i've gone back for round two and am now emotionally trapped until i can win this second one. since i need the pale ore from it in order to upgrade and do anything more challenging. so it goes. this has also meant that i turned back to other games, after not wanting to continue to die so very much. chants of sennaar was there waiting for me so politely, and i got through the third language and felt pretty accomplished after puzzling slash brute-forcing it i had to do to make things work. was not expecting the uh. the jumpscare, as it were, at the end of the bards' level. but look how gorgeous.
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making made a pretty passable banana bread today. the ratio of banana to other ingredients was a little off, so it's largely just 'bread' and isn't too sweet, but it's more than edible.
working on ignoring my email inbox, ignoring my article revisions, ignoring my chapter edits--forgot to send out the email with discussion questions for our panel discussion which we meant to send out this friday, fuck! trying to make progress on paid tasks and stay on top of those hours before i leave, trying to also organize my trip which has meant, like it or not, getting back to some of those emails. also i found an article in welsh which i had been unaware of which will be Extremely Good to have read, even if it doesn't tell me anything too new, just so that i can prove i did. my footnotes always feel so anemic. hopefully this helps, and hopefully i speed up--currently reading about two pages an hour if i'm lucky.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
If you're still doing headcanons, I know we've talked about this one before but I also know that we both love the hell out of it so now I'm giving you an excuse to write it!
Robin doesn't know or care what Steve's dad's name actually is, she always calls him Richard, because he's a dick and she'll take any excuse to call him one to his face, especially at their stuffy dinner parties where he can't get mad and yell at her for it without coming of as rude in front of his guests. She thinks it's fun to see what shade of red his face will go before he excuses himself to go self-destruct in the privacy of his home office.
Oh yeah this is good 😂
Even though Steve and Eddie are head over heels in love, Steve doesn’t subject him to the hell that is a Harrington dinner party.
He knows that he’d spend the whole night making sure Eddie isn’t saying anything to them that would turn into an argument and sticking up for Eddie to all his dad’s rich friends and business partners.
So he makes Robin come as his plus one.
She hates it, but she’s subtle about it, and subtlety is key with this crowd.
But she hates his dad the most.
John Harrington exudes wealth in every way that Steve has taught himself not to.
He thinks he’s subtle about his judgment and disdain for Robin, but she can read people surprisingly well when she doesn’t have a big, fat crush on them, so she knows and gives it right back.
John, or Richard as Robin decided to call him, isn’t used to anyone, especially 18 year old women, making him feel small.
“Richard, the crab puffs are to die for. Would you?”
She gestured for him to take one off the waiter’s plate, but he didn’t. He just glared at her.
The waiter left and Robin continued her fun for the evening.
“Now, Dick, it’s very rude to not even acknowledge the waiter. He may be a slave to your system, but he deserves a no thank you if you’re not interested, don’t you think?”
Steve was so close to laughing.
John’s face was turning a new shade of reddish-purple.
“It doesn’t seem appropriate to spend all this money on nice food and not even indulge. What if it goes to waste, Richard?”
John Harrington was too concerned with appearances to yell at her in front of the guests, but Steve could see the resistance slowly faltering.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have some business to check on in my study.”
“During your dinner party, Richard?”
John rolled his eyes and walked away, much to Robin’s amusement.
Steve turned to her when he was gone, unable to help the smirk threading to become a very pleased smile.
“He hates you so much.”
“Not as much as I hate him.”
“I’m surprised he doesn’t correct you when you call him Richard.”
“He’s one boring dinner party away from me just calling him Dick.”
“Please do. I’ll set up a camera and record it.”
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ineffableangelics · 5 months
Please Read Before Interacting ♡
Hi hi !! My name is Cosette !! I'm part of the age regression community .
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This is my personal blog I use when age regressed !! Here's some stuff about me :
♡ I use He/She pronouns and masc terms
♡ I'm staff in the Sleepii inner child healing server on discord
♡ I'm a Jschlatt introject and the host of a diagnosed DID system
♡ I age regress to a variety of different ages , mainly involuntarily as a stress response
♡ I don't consider myself a pet regressor because my experiences as a sheep are more related to being alterhuman , but my posts are petre friendly !!
♡ I anon as -🐏💭 so if you see requests or anons signed off as that it may be me !! :D
♡ I have a carrd here !!
Tags and what they mean :
♡ Anything that is just a text post (thoughts, comments, questions) is tagged with "🐏💭 lamb words"
♡ Anything venty or sad is tagged with "🐏💭 sad lamb"
♡ Any finished requests (stimboards, moodboards, edits, etc) will be tagged with "🐏💭 lamb things"
♡ Gifts to people I know are tagged with "🐏💭 gift"
♡ Certain special gifts to friends and partners are tagged with a person's name and a heart next to it, for example :
♡ "for rot ♡" , "for dreamy ♡" , "for whiskey ♡" , "for will ♡"
♡ Gifts to myself are tagged with "🐏💭 self indulgent"
♡ I tw at my own discretion : things like cursing , 420 , and guns . These will be tagged very simply with "tw: (thing)"
♡ I will not tw my source or anyone else's . I do however tag my source as is and you are free to filter as needed
♡ I also tag anons as "(emojis) anon" !! Current anons are :
🐾💫/🍥🦴 anon, ❣️ anon
Requests !!
I'd love to requests for people !! Please refer to this post for which types of requests are open , send an ask , and I'll try to get to people as soon as I can !! I will refuse or ignore any requests I'm uncomfortable with .
Stimboards : out of date , check new pinned post
Please specify colors , stim types (to include or exclude) , themes , and/or characters
Character Headcanons : out of date , check new pinned post
I'm very picky with what characters I do but if you send me an ask and I'm not comfortable giving headcanons I'll make you a stim or mood board instead !! Just give me the community role (caregiver, big/little sibling, age regressor, pet regressor) and the character and I'll let you know !!
Agere pfp and paci edits : out of date , check new pinned post
Please specify what character , color of paci , and with or without a stuffie (with type of stuffie if yes)
Moodboards : out of date , check new pinned post
Please specify if you want a simple moodboard with nine images , or a collage type . Also specify colors , themes , characters , and agere items (pacis , clothes , stuffies , bottles , blankets , etc)
Dni banners : out of date , check new pinned post
Please specify what you'd like it to say !! As well as the colors and graphics you'd like . I can also do agere edits with pacis on banners for characters if requested !!
Some things to note before interacting :
♡ I cannot choose my source
♡ I follow back from an old archived Hetalia ask blog
♡ I'm 20 bodily
Please DNI if you :
♡ Are Endogenic or an Endogenic supporter
♡ Sexualize Age Regression
♡ Are a nsfw or kink blog
♡ Stutter Type
Some things not listed as to not draw attention to myself from said groups , rest assured I will block you if I don't like you .
Thank you for reading and have a lovely day / night
Please like if you've read !! ♡
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PS !! Art in dni banner is by vambunz on twitter !!
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