#Plural Coining
banesberry-anomoly · 5 months
Ive been looking for a system term to describe myself for a while, and decided fuck it we ball and made one myself
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A lockhost is an alter in a system that seems to be the 'main' host, and is almost always fronting. They may also decribe themself as 'front-locked' or 'front sticky,' but this may not always be the case. They may be able to leave front or the front area, but are usually aware of whats going on with front anyways, and they are quite often pulled back to front within a short period of time. Because of this, they usually become the bodies 'main identity' in a system.
Other alters may use the identity of the lockhost as a mask in the case that they do not want to show themself, and may also interact with or control the body via the lockhost. In the case of a lockhost being an introject, it would not be uncommon for several doubles of the lockhosts source to also be present in the system.
Lockhosts may also act similarly to 'Observers,' in that they are always aware of the body to some degree, and can quickly be pulled to front in the case that they happen to not be fronting in the traditional sense. The lockhost may also serve many other roles in the system, but not always.
In the case of a lockhost also being part of a subsystem or side system, they may or may not be a lockhost of those as well.
We are aware that there is a similar term to this that was made by an anti endo, however this term was coined without knowledge of the post existing. Do with that info what you will, keep us out of discourse. And like we said before, we don't care who uses this term, but we ask that anti endos not reblogged so we don't get dragged into discourse.
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thecouncilofidiots · 2 months
We made our own plural pride flag <3
Calling it the Dusk Plural Pride Flag, primarily made with cool colors to represent calm and peace; the "sun" setting and allowing for rest
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Dark Purple : Plurals/Systems of any/all origins; whether traumagenic, endogenic, spiritual, involuntary/voluntary, ect
Light Purple : Non-system plurals, partial systems, median systems, ect; essentially any non-singlet, no matter where they are on the plural spectrum
Pink : Disordered and non-disordered systems; whether diagnosed/self-diagnosed or undiagnosed, functional multiplicity, ect
Light Grey : Community and Love; promoting a welcoming environment, finding connection/others to relate to, ect
Dark Grey : Advocacy and Acceptance; encouraging acceptance of all under the plural umbrella, destigmatizing plurality and dissociative disorders, ect
This flag is free for anyone to use, as long as they do not use it to promote hatred, exclusion, bullying, ect. We do allow it to be used in art/edits, just please credit us <3
Disclaimer : This flag is not inclusive of radqueer/transID. Please do not use if you are transDID, transOSDD, transUDD, transCDD, transRAMCOA, transOEA, or anything along those lines. We are endo-safe, we believe in disordered endos, but we do not associate endogenic systems with transID, and do not want radqueer/transID to interact.
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coiningcoiningcoining · 3 months
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CDD (Complex Dissociative Disorder) Flag for ALL people with CDD.
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Meaning of flag:
1. Trauma recovery, therapy, self-care and self-acceptance.
2. People with Complex DID/polyfragmentation or strong dissociation.
3. Diagnosed/medically recognized or undiagnosed/looking for a DID, OSDD, P-DID and UDD diagnosis.
4. medically recognized or self-recognized as system/plural.
5. "non-accepted" people with CDD. (Introject heavy, pro-endogenic, endogenic (like mixed origins, traumabased, etc.), etc.)
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This flag was made by an undiagnosed CDD person, but medically recognized as a system.
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deertism · 2 months
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✦ the coffin dwellers gift to thee ~
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✦ ── Computer themed , System alt terms
001 ── 'System' ; Computer , Network ノ Net , Code , Matrix , Motem , Motherboard¹ , CPU , Cache , Hardware¹ , Database ノ Datacenter , Hardrive ノ Drive , Domain , Server , Brower , Cloud , Index , Local area network ノ LAN , Operating system ノ OS , Sort field , Zipfile , Mainframe , Peripheral , Console , Terminal
002 ── 'Alters' ; Floppydisks ノ Disks , CDs , Robots ノ Bots² , Scripts , Facets , Wires , Bytes , Cookies , Ports , Software , Proxies , Clients , Users , Profiles , Files , Drives , Players , Accounts ノ Account holders , Add-ons , DLCs , Skins , Hackers , Developers ノ Devs
003 ── ¹ May also be used for body , ² May be reminiscent for those who have been called bots for using proxies on discord.
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systuffs · 5 days
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an origin term for those who's system was formed or influenced by roleplaying!
F2U, credit appreciated but not required! Coined & Requested by @mysticpridesys!
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transplurality · 2 months
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Transplural Transsinglet
a transID for those who identify as a transplural and transsinglet, this can be at the same time, fluid, static, or whatever the user sees fit
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coiningfocus · 3 months
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Multi-souls plural/system - someone who have two or more souls in a body and identify as system/plural (or other PMSC& label).
Multi-almas plural/sistema - alguém que possui duas ou mais almas em um corpo e se identifica como plural (ou outros termos PMSC&).
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bethmeds · 3 months
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An adaptive origin term for systems formed from the stress of moving house/state/country multiple times over their life.
I was looking for origin terms that have something to do with constantly moving house and couldn't find anything so I thought I'd try my hand at making my own term. The flag was more for fun but I liked it so much I thought id share. This is for all of us who had parents that didn't understand a stable living situation is key for development lol
I also think this origin term could be used as a created type origin too if one felt they had more influence in their changes/intentionally changed themselves every move and it turned into something more. And honestly anyone who feels this fits in someway I wont gatekeep it
Some fun facts
The name is based on the word Peripatetic. Which means "traveling from place to place, in particular working or based in various places for relatively short periods."
The design is supposed to mimic looking at streetlight through the window of a car in the dark. I have astigmatism so its influenced by that unintentionally lol. But it also looks like when you take a picture of the lights. I tried to give it a sort of dreary but familiar color scheme. But its my first flag so how well i pulled this all off is debatable
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interstellarsystem · 3 months
We don't do coining posts often, if at all, but this one applies to some of us and we figured we'd tentatively share.
Intra-Disordered: A person within a system with the experiences of having a disorder/symptom the body does not have or is not known to have.
Intra as in "within", referring to within a headmate.
This can be the result of trauma, isolated symptoms caused by trauma-holding, symptoms a headmate has in source, psychosis, or other reasons. This can also include symptoms of a disorder the body has that are not experienced by others in the system, such as a system with autism collectively being okay with sounds of all types, but one of them is sound-sensitive.
To be used with sublabels if you prefer, such as intra-ADHD or intra-anxiety, and can also refer to specific symptoms, such as intra-hallucinations or intra-tics. If you'd like a headmate role-esque phrasing, intra-disorder holder is an alternative, which can be coupled with the sublabels such as intra-BPD holder.
This term is specifically to differentiate from bodily-disordered experiences while also having ways of easily phrasing disordered symptoms the body as a whole does not have, while keeping both validated. Similar in purpose to "exotrauma"--to acknowledge both experiences while they are similar, but separate, and both are deserving of support.
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the-silent-fellowship · 5 months
AGAF | Assigned Gender at Formation
[PT: AGAF | Assigned Gender at Formation]
AGAF, this term is exclusive to systems. This is meant to be sorta a specific type of AGAB that can be used by system members due to the fact that gender is more complex than one may
Flags seen: AFAF (Female), AMAF (Male), ANAF (Neutral), AGnAF (Genderless), AXAF (Xenic), and Overall AGAF
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[ID: In ALT text]
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[Tag] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai, @agab-archive
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evergreen-coining · 2 months
im mostly just making this post for proof im the one that coined it (to the best of my knowledge and in this specific context):
Faulty Switch
[PT: Faulty Switch]
An incomplete switch between headmates in a system/collective/etc. This can be for any reason at all, so long as it's a switch that does not complete. For us, this often looks like getting 80-90% through a switch, and something suddenly pulling the original fronter back to front/out of dissociation, much like a rubberband snapping.
This isn't the same as "frontstuck" or "front sticky", because, in our opinion, these describe the phenomenon causing the faulty switches. A faulty switch is just a faulty switch, in the sense that it's explaining the mechanics instead of emotional perspective.
IMPORTANT NOTES ‼️ everyone can use this, don't be a dick, don't start syscourse, blah blah blah. if ur annoying im blocking u 🥰
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moonpool-system · 2 months
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A thoughtform flag, since we couldn't find one with a broad enough range!
Thoughtforms are non-tangible beings that're created from the mental energy of another being, in one way or another. This is a very broad category that can include created system members, to dæmons, to some collective deities, and more.
Blue: represents thoughtforms that come from outside of the system/mind, spiritual/metaphysical thoughtforms, and collective thoughtforms.
Orange: represents thoughtforms created within the system/mind, psychological thoughtforms, and individual thoughtforms.
White: represents the crossover between these categories and types of thoughtforms outside of such dichotomies.
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deertism · 3 months
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✦ the coffin dwellers gift to thee ~
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✦ ── MISCEREJECT ; A alter / headmate identity term for an alter / headmate who is both brainmade & introjected. This can be described as an alter / headmate who was formed with ones own memories before gaining a source & source memories.
001 ── self indulgent
002 ── tagging ; @accessmogai
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systuffs · 11 days
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a system origin term for those who are/identify with willogenic & neurogenic!
F2U, credit appreciated but not required!
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curiousitycollective · 4 months
Traumagenic origin coining + paired term
Eisogenic/Eisotraumagenic - a term for collectives/systems/plurals or members who feel they formed from the trauma of experiencing symptoms of mental illness or other disabilities such as intrusive thoughts, hallucinations, pain, or seizures.
This term is specifically about the trauma of experiencing the symptoms themselves.
From the ancient greek word εἴσω • (eísō) - inside/within
Eisogenic collectives can present and form in many ways and there isn't one set experience or roles to take, however some collectives may:
Have members whose identities or pasts are connected to symptoms like intrusive thoughts, delusions, or hallucinations in a way that recontextulalizes them. Such as a collective with intrusive thoughts about violence splitting a member that is a soldier or warrier
Have members whose dissociative barriers affect the amount of pain they experience as a way to cope with things such as chronic pain, migraines, or sensory overload
Have dissociative barriers that change how different members experience the same disorders
Roles or the ability to front may be tied to symptoms or recovery from them
Eisogenic and eisotraumagenic mean the same thing however both are equally as valid as some may wish to emphasize the fact that trauma is involved
The paired term is eisotrauma, meaning trauma that happened due to experiencing symptoms of mental illness or other disability.
There's some extra notes on why we wanted to coin these terms under the cut. Also huge shout out to @moonpool-system whose coining of the term nourigenic inspired us and also for giving us tips on how to get started.
We created these terms because as a collective whose been disabled our entire lives and experienced severe mental illness from a young age we wanted a way to refer to the trauma of experiencing psychosis and intrusive thoughts as well as chronic pain.
Our first experience with trauma focussed therapy was about dealing with the trauma that came from experiencing OCD and psychosis, and both of those as well as having experienced chronic pain our entire lives has greatly effected us and our formation
Because these experiences are intrinsic to existing in our body and brain there are many ways healing from and living with it is different from the trauma we experienced from outside our body.
And we've never really had a term to discuss it so we have to awkwardly talk around the gap in language making starting conversations about it much harder. We're hoping that having these terms makes it easier to have conversations about these experiences
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bluecube-coins · 8 days
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.. Sysinfinic !
a gender that feels vast and infinite due to being a system !
this could be because of system headcount, having a large innerworld, having metaphysical origins, or really anything !
if you feel like it fits you, you don't need a specific reason !
bluecube first coining !! be kind
let us know if this term exists somewhere, we couldn't find it anywhere ..
temp byf
we are pro mspec lesbians, pro endo, and anti-rq so just dont be cringe
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