#Plz blow up
fanfictions tags/saying I need to exist
Me and my friends use these when talking about Fanfics, and it always makes me so sad when people don’t know what I’m talking about so here ya go:
-Eddy-fying a character (The name is because of Eddie from Stranger Things, where a bunch of children or Twitter addicts take a character, remove true or personality, and then babygirl over them for a couple of months before, then when they give the character a bad reputation, decide to leave the fandom and ruin a different character. Minority characters that are Eddified are usually whitewashed, made straight, get rlly p¡ssy when people headcannon them as Neurodivergent, etc.)
-One-Month Fandoms (Name meaning is because the fandom just lasts a month or two before dying off again/Fandoms that re-emerge ((or are created)) for about a couple of months before being given a bad reputation and abandoned again. Examples include Stranger Things and Wednesday.)
-Anatomically Accurate (Basically fanfictions that have either heavy gore and guts n’ stuff)
-FBI Watchlist (fanfictions that made the author’s search history sketchy enough to “theoretically put them onto an FBI Watchlist”)
-Writing Lore (art lore but for Fanfic writers)
-Hyperfixiation Crossovers (Crossovers that don’t make sense, but they’re the authors interests so they want to see their interests combined so they don’t need to pick between which one of their interests they’ll write a fanfic about. It’s called HYPERfixiations just bc I like writing them and I’m neurodivergent and half of these crossovers are just neurodivergent chaos so I figured that hyperfixiation fit the best)
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jovieinramshackle · 1 month
It's done omgomgogfndasfdjdsreg4y4wsdpdksdreagbsad
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Sorry I've been working on this on and off for MONTHS and it's finally done OMG.
Anyways the song Collared by Vane reminded me a lot of my little guy Rollo so ofc I went ham with this drawing
(Screenshot I redrew)
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tagging: @ramshacklerumble @thehollowwriter @summerspook @scint1llat3 @skriblee-ksk
@cyanide-latte @twistedwonderlandshenanigans (lmk/dm if you wanna be added)
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pearllikeme · 7 months
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Why he must looks so handsome I don't understand
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fuel-me-coffee · 1 year
How boopable are the aeons??
Xipe (Harmony) – very boopable, u get to boop them 3 times, one for each head!! Triple boop!!!
Yaoshi (Abundance) – also boopable, ask for permission to boop and you shall receive!! You also cannot escape being booped back, those 6 arms are there for a reason.
Nanook (Destruction)–booping them is technically possible. The consequences are for u to discover if you're brave enough ((the author thinks it's totally worth it))
Lan (Hunt) – we're going into questionable territory. They wear a helmet/mask, but do they actually have a face?? They have a diamond-like shape on their helmet, the center of that could count as a nose probably. Might hunt you down to revenge boop back.
Fuli (Remembrance) – their possession of a face is questionable too. Regardless, this boop will go down in history.
Aha (Elation) – literally 80% of their head is missing. They will probably find your attempts amusing af and might boop you instead. Or pull one of their countless pranks.
Nous (Erudition) – is a computer that looks like the amalgamation of Wheatley and the villain from Wall-E. Why.
Qlipoth (Preservation) – while I don't think they would be opposed to the idea of being booped, their face appears to be a scorching hot star. Since they are an Aeon of preservation maybe they can figure out a way for you to boop them without any major injuries, but proceed at your own risk.
IX (Nihility) – look, I understand. I want to boop them too. But they are quite literally a black hole.
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catoperated · 23 days
At some point we’re gonna have to talk about how toxic websites like 4chan and Something Awful (rest in piss, Lowtax) influenced trans spaces online.
I only ever used SA back in the day, and it’s now mostly forgotten that “troon” came from a portmanteau of “trans goon” (goon being a member of something awful, not like a gooner… but, eh, it’s still apt), though it was always meant to be belittling.
And then there I was, a transmasc egg surrounded by transfemmes. I didn’t know how to express that I wanted what they had but different, cause I seriously didn’t know trans men existed back then. All I saw were transfemmes, and most of them were transmedicalists. I got called a transphobe when I said wearing a skirt shouldn’t be a required part of transitioning. I have since met many cool trans ladies who aren’t truscum, but the scars remain.
At the time I couldn’t fully articulate how uncomfortable I was with the idea of transitioning to the same old binary, because I also didn’t know GNC was a thing. So for a time I was suicidal because I had no idea of the options open to me. I’m not sure that reading Theory back then would have helped. Having read Theory now (both feminist and communist), I’ve come to the conclusion people lean on it way too much, take it way too literally, never considering that the things proposed have to be adapted to changing times and circumstances. It’s almost like evangelicals interpreting the Bible literally—to everyone’s detriment.
My point being, you can read anything, watch any YouTuber, but for fuck’s sake form your own opinions instead of just throwing books and videos at people like it’ll explain everything and also must be followed to the letter. It won’t, and it shouldn’t.
Yeah, I was also briefly suicidal over leftists dogpiling disability activists for daring to get groceries delivered or using plastic straws. Only other disabled people probably remember this, but it was perpetuated by that butter cat account, which was the most surreal fucking thing to watch unfold.
I’m just tired. Tired of self-proclaimed feminists failing to recognize the patriarchy is what makes us all suffer, including cis men, and that’s the real enemy. I know radfems are largely to blame for pushing the “all men bad” narrative again with the express purpose of dividing trans people, I’ve seen them cackling about what they get away with on accounts where they pretend to be trans. It’s sad people are making their work so easy for them.
I don’t hate or resent transwomen (I can’t remember if the space is preferred or not, but I’m sitting here sweating over it, afraid someone will call out my language when “troon” is already up there), but here I am right back at that awful feeling I had when trying to say skirts should not equal femininity. Fuck, I would probably be suicidal again if not for my partner, who is the best thing to ever happen in my life (love you, babe).
I don’t know how to word this better or more succinctly. My mind wanders a lot when writing. But it’s not just me, right? I see the schism forming and it’s bad for all of us, because the people who want us dead do not care how we present ourselves or how well we pass. We desperately need to support and uplift each other if we’re going to survive all the shit they keep throwing at us all in governments across the entire goddamn world.
So yeah, we need to look at how those websites poisoned the well, as it’s where that mentality of “if you’re not queer/trans in the proper way I deserve to call you a slur” mentality comes from. The pickme urge to go “I’m not like those cringe fags/trannies, I’m one of the cool ones,” too. To reiterate, the people who want us dead for existing do not care one way or the other.
Fuck, why am I worrying about how I word this? If people are gonna interpret this in bad faith there’s nothing I can do to stop them. I just wanted to get this off my zipper-tits—which I’m stealing from you fuckers who use it against transmascs. I got my dirty testosterone fingers all over it and it’s ruined now, sorry.
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eff-plays · 1 year
Hey y'all, send me your Tavs/Durges and their backstories (preferably in post form) so I can look at them and reblog! I wanna see all the little guys you make!
Also let me know if you're ok with me reblogging them and leaving comments in the tags.
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Got this in my algorithm generated ads today
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sophapop · 1 year
Man in the mirror 🪞🎭
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Happy Sycamore Sunday fellas >:)
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h-didanart · 3 months
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- sadly yes and he'll probably kidnap bloodmoon
- he likes bloodmoon and loves being a big brother
- sun anyone else no
- yes they keep him in the daycare at first until a kid stomped on his arm...he now stays in the house with Puppet
- called bloodmoon a goblin
- one likes him and the other doesn't
- yes and bloodmoon calls him "mom"
- sadly yes
- 1. Watermelon 2. Toy knife 3. Mostly games involving violence
- friend
- yesssssss
- >:( give them hell Bloodmoon
I imagine they get rescued? Do they? And if they do who saves them?
- :D yay!
-ah I see
Does he like Sun?
- ah, babysitter Puppet, lovely
is this implying Bloodmoon bit the kid or that he was too tiny to keep in the Daycare?
- understandable, they are a goblin
- awww :3
Can Bloodmoon pet the cat?
- AWWWWWWWWW [dies of cuteness]
- >:( bad Ruin, horrible Ruin, f u Ruin
Does Ruin die for this or do they have a genuine virus and are cured?
Who gets rid of the collar and weak point? And how does Bloodmoon feel about it? Do they even understand what was going on with that? :<
- oooh, the watermelon I didn’t expect, neat. I see the baby has retained some similarities with their predecessor lmao
- Friend! :D
- aw heck yeah!!!!!
Still absolutely love this au, just amazing, very lovely
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deshamynx · 20 days
HEY YA'LL IM BACK (i think)
Im sort of busy of school but now the school wasnt rlly busy for awhile now:333
Have these doodles from my future AU🫶🫶
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Shoutout to the ronniecoln ya'all
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Im kinda into ronniecoln, wasnt expecting that😀
Bonus about my aus :
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Heh, i do have divorce au of ronniecoln 😈😈
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jeena-says-hi · 1 year
Do you ever think about the memes that people would make about your life if your life was a tv show like in Truman show?
Because I do
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enhleui · 6 months
guys should i js discontinue the smau 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰i’m losing my sanity it’s literally not getting any attention AT ALL. like help im gonna shoot myslef plz blow up my smau PLEASE this is so embarrassing and demotivating ☺️☺️☺️😛☺️😛☺️☺️😛😛☺️☺️
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dr-giggle-touche · 1 month
DECIDED TO CHANNEL MY RAGE INTO a fun lil story thing. Will there be more? Maybe if this actually blows up and I feel like it.. I'mma do some pre story context then jump right in.
Pre story context:
1. Juniper knows ONLY PARTIALLY of Tay's feelings and past to her family
2. Tay's only vaguely mentioned "disliking" her family
3. Juniper is trying to help btw she thinks she's helping
4. due to Ivory being the favorite, she believed anything her parents said so her parents fed her lies on to why Tay feels the way she does
Tay and Ivory had always seemed "joined at the hip". They were inseparable up till their middle childhood years, then it all changed. Their parents were going through a tough time. Ivory kept herself ahead and afloat in school, doing sports, all she could to be the best. And it worked. Her parents gave endless praise. Going to all of her games, assemblys, awards shows. Tay, however, just couldn't. She couldn't keep up. Falling behind by the days, weeks, months, years. She grew frustrated, not as much as he parents did. With their problem, they seeked an outlet. A sort of, "source", to their problems. Tay was their answer. Praising her sister while mocking and ridiculing her. Everything she did, was "wrong". Which caused her to grow angry, to lash out. Her grades worsened, calls from school more and more. "Tay got into a fight", "Tay threw an object at a teacher", "Tay argued with a higher up". She practically lived in detention. She hated it. She hated herself for it. But she didn't want to admit it, too stubborn for her own good. She needed an outlet. A blame. Seeing Ivory have all the love, all the attention. It was perfect. She grew a festering, bubbling, HATRED towards her own sister. The one she called her other half. She couldn't stand her. Every move she took, every breath she made. She wanted her dead. Her mind plagued her with thoughts. Thoughts she never thought she could or WOULD ever ponder up. While Ivory graduated high school, Tay ran away. The thoughts consumed her, she needed to get out. Quick. She couldn't wait till graduation. She would've even graduated too. Despite her grades, she would've just passed enough to graduate. No one claimed her certificate. Tay lived her life, doing jobs for people, even finding a girlfriend. She was living well for a short time. Though soon. Slipping up. She was caught. Spending a years in jail, nothing drastic. Mostly due to pleading innocent. Finally, being out.
Tay squinted her eyes from beating sun on her eyes, a honking heard in the distance. Her girlfriend, Juniper, waiting for he in the car. A warm smile plastered on her face. Opening the door, Juniper gave her the warmest hug. Warmest she ever felt. A thought, crossed he mind, but she ignored it. Shaking her head as she forced up a smile awkward smile, "hiiii juni", "Oh c'mom Tay! Tired?" , she nodded. Tired. She gave a sorrowful smile and kissed her cheek, and started to drive. Tay made a small face, a feeling of dread just. Sinking her stomach. Soon enough, they arrived at Juniper's apartment. It was a small part of the city, the poorer side, but neither complained. Tay got out the passenger seat and grabbed her belonging from the trunk. Juniper freaking open the complex's door, fetching an elevator ready. Tay just gave a silent nod as she walked in the elevator, Juniper gave a, less energetic, gentle smile as she walked in. The elevator doors sliding behind her. Gentle creaking is made as the elevator rolls up, stopping at their floor. Juniper going out first to open the door as Tay walked behind with her stuff. Silent. Once inside, she just threw it to her room's corner, closing the door behind her and staring up at the ceiling. Today was her sister's birthday. She didn't bother. A buzz from her phone as she saw the message, 'you are invited! To Ivory's 25th birthday! Don't forget the date! Saturday the 23rd', 25 already? God was she old. She was one to talk, being just behind at 23. Just as she closed her eyes with a soft sigh, Juniper busted open the door. "Sweetheart! Ivory's birthday! I just got the invite", odd. Juniper was never introduced to her family. "How did you-", "I.. Uh.. Kinda went to look for them? And did..?" , Juniper looked down. Sheepishly. Tay felt a frustration rise up from her, but before she could say a word. She just continued to lay on the bed, arms spread, staring up at the ceiling. Juniper knelt down. And laid beside her, head under her fore arm. "Are you mad?" , Tay grunted. "No, no it's fine. I. I don't blame you. And, sure. Finally out of jail, wouldn't hurt to see my sister finally." Juni had a quizzal expression, though shrugged. Next Saturday. Can't wait.
The day came. The weeks flew by. Here she was, in her best flannel. A present in her palms. Her girlfriend in a casual dress and jacket, holding her arm. Her heart was racing. She hated this. Before she even opened the door, a face she hadn't seen in, years, opened up. Ivory. Her afro flowing with the door opening so quick, a stupid little paper party hat, a simple dress and heels. She squealed and hugged her, Tay let out a soft gasp. Before awkwardly returning it back. Ivory's hands rested on her shoulders, eye to eye. Ivory gave a gentle smile, "welcome home."
The party was, there. Tay hid in the bathroom the second they got there, there for around 30 minutes before a gentle knock. "Taytay? It's me, Ivory. How are you?", she stayed silent. Ivory opened the door, Tay was on the floor between the bathtub and sink, knees at her chest, staring at the semi grout lined tiles. She gave a sympathetic smile and knelt down in front of her. "What's wrong?" , she asked while tilting her head. Tay had a mild fury in her eye, but took a breath and responded, "I don't want to be here." Ivory looked saddened from that, Tay realised she fucked up her words. Stammering slightly, "no-...not because it's your birthday! I just. Don't..", she shut herself up. They grew up in the same house. She should know. Ivory tried to reach a hand, but Tay scooched away. With a frown, she got up. "The party's still going, if and when your ready. I'll be outside the door. Family missed you, y'know? Mom and dad too." They. Shit. She forgot they'd be here. Almost slipping on the tiles, she got up. "Fine. Let's go." , Ivory was gleeful. Wrapping and arm around her's, and leaving the cold bathroom.
The music was blaring, chattering all around. The backyard littered with small balloons and confetti, a small snack table near the back and a food table. Juniper can be seen playing tag with some kids, she chuckled softly. Still at Ivory's hold. Going to a few uncles and aunts. All seeming ecstatic to see Tay back, every time they did. She felt warm, they were soon broken by backhanded comments. "Oh you were such a good kid! What happened to you?", "Well look who decided to show back up!", "Wow! I never thought I'd see you again, after you stormed away". They ached her every single time. Growing to her last nerve. After greeting and striking convo with all her uncles and aunts. It was time. Her parents. She felt her heart pound, her palms sweat. She felt like she needed to throw up. In a little edge of the party, where the resided. They were thrilled to see Ivory, of course. "Oh how's our little sunshine doing! Great as always!" , "Mhm! Another year, not getting any younger and not getting any slower!" they all laughed heartily, except Tay. She frowned slightly, stopping when they did. They stared at her in silence for a bit. "Ah, Tay." , her dad spoke. There was a thick awkward silence. "Thomas. Eleanor." nodding slightly to their names. Her mom scoffed, "names??? Did I not give birth to you?", "yah, uh. Sorry. El- mom. dad." They seemed proud of themselves. "Much better, now, how's you been? I heard you got out of priso-", Ivory interrupted. "DAD." , "what? Am I wrong? Did I forget to take my meds again?" , her mom snorted with a laugh and elbowed him teasingly. Tay wasn't amused, "yah, and?" , "well I mean I wasn't surprised, seeing how you ran off just two days before graduation", her mom chimed in, "oh yah! All over a little disagreement, you could've been just like your sister, y'know? She's studying to be a lawyer! You might need her for, whatever you do.", Tay gritted her teeth, Ivory gave an awkward laugh. "Haha, ok mom that's-", "Oh! And I can't forget your little phases! Oh! You were such a comedian". Tay was puzzled, "...phases?" her parents gave a glance and chuckled, "oh don't you remember! Your little gay phase, your tomboy phase! It was so silly", "mom I don't think-" Ivory tried to chime but was cut off, "oh it was such a funny thing to tell the family every time you were gone! And who's that?" she turned her head to Juniper, who was playing some games with the kids. "A friend from prison?" , her dad said with a chuckle. Again, Tay was not amused. Far from it. "That's my girlfriend." , her parents disregarded for a second, before snapping back. "What." , despite how long Tay had been around tougher people in prison, she felt. Horrified. She nodded. Her mom gave a face before scoffing, "ugh, so the woke media DID get you. Knew it. If only you stayed under my roof you could've been saved. Right, Thomas?" he nodded like the suck up yes man he was. She felt her blood boil. "I left because of everything you put me through." , her mom was shocked she spoke back. "Excuse me?"
"All that shit? You and dad's near divorce? You falling to addiction and nearly losing the house? Dad cheating on you? None of that ring a bell? You two were too pathetic to seek help or just break it off all together you decided I be the perfect outlet, right?" , "TAY LEONA JACKSON." , her dad shouted. The music lowered. All eyes were on them, even Juniper stopped in her tracks. Watching. Startled. "AM I WRONG???" her tone mocking her dad's earlier tone of how he joked saying it. "All because I wasn't 'little miss perfect' like sweet baby Ivory? You two were too god damn pathetic in your own shit that you left me to rot and kicked the corpse. Every single DAY in that house was a living HELL. I LEFT THAT DAY. BECAUSE YOU, MOM." Tay was yelling, going from a horrid rant to just screaming all the dread a d frustration from her gut. "THAT 'little disagreement' WE HAD? Oh don't you remember? You'd found out about my first girlfriend and beat the fucking shit out of me. That 'little argument' was me pleading my last innocence to you that I'm still you baby girl. Until I FUCKING HAD ENOUGH. I LEFT ONCE YOU WENT TO GO BITCH IN YOUR ROOM. I never fucking looked back. YOU MADE ME NEARLY KILL MYSELF. TILL I PACKED MY BAGS, AND LEFT. YOU'RE NOT A MOTHER AND YOU NEVER WILL BE, ELEANOR." Tay was shaking with rage. Ivory was shocked, speechless while watching behind her. Tay snapped around, "OH AND DID LITTLE MISS PERFECT KNOW NOTHING?" she yelled while jabbing a finger at her chest. Ivory gasped, "I-no! I didn't-!" , "LIAR. WE SHARED A ROOM. AND YOU KNEW NOTHING??" Ivory was in a panic and at instinct looked at their parents, all she was really fed were lies, they were too pissed to speak. Juniper rushed over, wanting nothing more than to try to help Tay. Tay pushed her away, "AND YOU. I TOLD YOU TO KEEP OUT OF MY FAMILY. IT'S ALL COMING BACK. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED? TO SEE MY CRACK? YOUR JUST LIKE THAT FUCKING GROUP I MET YOU IN." Juniper tried to fight back to calm her down, "no no! I didn't mean- I just wanted to try to help! To try to bring you closer to your family!" , her voice was tear filled. Tay was scaring her. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. You know what. I'm done." She gave a shakey breath. Squeezing her own arm. She brush past Juniper, Juniper not far behind. "Wait! Please! I'm sorry! We can never see them again! Just come back..!" Tay grabbed her by the face with a hand. Hard. Juniper let out a pained squeak. "Don't bother finding me. Keep my shit. Never call me, text me. I don't want anything to do with any of you." she pushed her back by the face and walked off into the night. The party silent. Juniper sat on the floor, breathing rapidly. Her face felt hot, there was a slight red mark from where Tay held her. Tears burnt her eyes. She never wanted to let her go, she wanted to help all she could. But in the end. She lost her. All together.
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headlamprey · 10 months
Hey so I got ROYALLY SCREWED and was wondering if someone with a few bucks could blaze this picture of Fizz to help fund animal food and vet situations?
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Cashapp is $AernEif and my PayPal is on my blog!!
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1fansturniolo · 1 month
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Him and his beard😫~The first picture is to much~✨
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wearily-confused · 7 months
can't have one (1) family outing without an argument </3
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