#Pokemon World Economy
nottheeconomy · 11 months
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But yes happy late Halloween hahahaha
They’re having a nice ghostly tea party!
(Brainrot under the button, come on, click it, you know you want to 👁️👁️👁️)
I’m shoving my vision of Ouma and Korekiyo being ghost type gym leaders into your mouths
Listen they’re perfect as ghost type gym leaders
Korekiyo is your typical Asian horror movie level spirit medium that fills his gym full of creepy dolls and seesaw boards while Ouma is the creepy clown type of gym leader that fills his gym with cracked funhouse mirrors and it’s essentially a abandoned carnival style haunted house
Korekiyo was the previous ghost type gym leader that retired to pursue travelling for anthropology studies and he chose some smelly clown gremlin off the street as his replacement hahahahahahha
Yes I used the art to bait you to read this far for my AU and no I’m not letting my hostages go
*slaps on AU Ouma design drafts*
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Ouma’s main partner is Sableye and Korekiyo’s main partner is Banette and Yamask
*slaps on another AU draft design*
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I have a whole google doc on this silly pokeronpa AU
So I *will* be posting more
I err spent way too much time thinking about this and if not for @lightbulb-warning (thank you so much for listening to my ramblings you’re way too sweet) I would’ve been rambling this to the white walls
That is to say!
I’m very normal about them yes :)
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Close ups!
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critterbitter · 9 months
What do you know- I'm trying out the askbox *eyes*
anyway I just wanted to say that high-key I think I'd follow any content you make at this point bc your art brings me so much joy. That doesn't tend to happen super often since i am,,,, very much so a hyperfixation-focused person HAHA
regardless I'm not exactly quiet about it but I adore your art and I look forward to each new time you post :D
I WISH i had the capability of pumping out art like you do bc man while I love to draw and have so many ideas all the time picking up the pencil is Hard Dude.
Also! In a recent post you mentioned the whole Twin Dragons AU and HC that people love to have- I'd be super curious as to your opinion on it!
-( ╹▽╹ )
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I’ll have to slow down at some point on that Submas Grind, but the hyperfixation throes are REAL. Thank you for inhabiting the tunnels with me! People that tag and cheer artists on are the real mvps of the art economy.
As for twin dragon aus!
I’ve always seen Emmet as more zekrom esque, and Ingo more reshiram esque. Is it cause the typing matches their starters? Maybe, hehe.
Ultimately though, the guys are too multifaceted for me to easily split them into truth and ideals.
I also see the legendaries as Eldritch Abominations Beyond Understanding, so having the dragons in my iteration become the twins would, uh, have consequences. The funny goofy story would dip into horror territory instead. (Reshiram demands only truths, and anything not Absolute will burn. And zekrom’s ideals are beyond human understanding, and trying to understand the mad tangle of thunder would drive somebody insane.)
(I’m a huge tma fan. Can you see it? Man.)
((Also N’s a scary mofo for summoning reshiram. I’m digging directly into the whole “twin heroes have a civil war and it destroyed unova” backstory that pokemon set up, and the more I think about it the stronger my dread mounts at the idea of Zekrom OR Reshiram casually flying overhead.
But this is also just how I see the legendaries of the pokemon world! Lugia sinks islands. Groudon covers towns. Arceus loves the mortal world, and mourns because its immortality only brings grief. Giritina hates, because it’s the ghostly remains of every one of Arceus’s mistakes given drive, banished into the distortion realm. Normal stuff!)
You sly dog, you got me monologing! But here’s the tldr: Not sure i’ll ever make my own serious Dragon AU that follows my internal world building for pokemon. I’m too attached to my favorite trope: “the smallest people can still initiate the biggest of changes”, and I’m too attached to my other favorite trope: “legendaries are actually gods and you Should Be Frightened.”
So that’s why, in this essay, if the trio gets turned into pokemon, I’d make them route 1 run of the mill rats. Because rats can do whatever they want.
(Plus, patrats and pachirisu aren’t banned from the subway battles last I checked.)
If i had to make a goofy crack dragon au though, I think this would be the result:
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The whole story would just be the trio and historians trying to figure out what the hell the twins got turned into, and concerns of other people becoming pokemon as well. So far, people are convinced they’re a paradox version of an archen. (I mean…)
(Alternate take of THAT, where elesa gets turned into a victini.)
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askmerriauthor · 2 years
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Regarding this post I made earlier examining Geeta's antics in Paldea.
In Defense of Geeta
I feel like Geeta absolutely was written to be the shitty boss she is intentionally. There's too many situations where attention is drawn to her bad habits, either as them being directly pointed out or indirectly referenced. But what I really hope the case ends up being is that she's not at all a villain. Pokemon has gone the route of the suspicious CEO-type character being the "twist villain nobody could have seen coming!" for several games now. It's getting pretty old and I feel like it would be a weak direction for S/V to take.
Interestingly enough, one actually can look at all of Geeta's actions and not really see anything nefarious about them. Discussion after the jump for the sake of spoilers and wall'o'text.
It's very easy to look at Geeta and think she's a Bad Guy, given her strange behavior and all the negative attention she gets among the fandom. I'm certainly not innocent of seeing her in a less than endearing light, given my prior post. But a lot of that view does come from real world parallels and comparing the game's presentation to past Pokemon games in which nobody ever says the slightest criticism of the Champion, which may not necessarily be fair.
One of the biggest justifications Players have to indicate Geeta is bad is the way she meddles with the Gym Leaders and how corporate she's made the League. I pointed that out myself. But to flip it around... maybe she behaves that way because it's what the Gym Leaders need?
We constantly see Geeta inserting herself into events throughout the game. She shows up at the Academy, pops up at Gyms seemingly at random, and is always talking about how she has other pressing business that pulls her away from lingering too long. The only way she gets time to participate in casual encounters is when others (usually Nemona or the Player, if not both) take some of her workload off her plate. While I criticized the way Geeta had apparently deeply intertwined the Pokemon League, the Academy, and the Paldean economy itself, it does stand to reason doing so puts a ton of work on her having to maintain it. That's her own doing though, so it's a case of her getting what she signed up for and she never seems to shy away from it despite her habit of recruiting others to help.
The Gym Leaders, though? While they do remark about Geeta meddling with them, giving frequent reviews, and otherwise sticking her nose into their business, they've also shown that they're all pretty flaky. Rather, they're a total mess both individually and collectively. It's possible that the reason Geeta is constantly keeping an eye on them is because they need that in order to fit the direction Geeta is trying to guide the League in.
When we meet each of the Gym Leaders both in our first encounter and in the rematch post-game, we learn a lot about their behaviors through casual exposure. All of the Gym Leaders have a job besides running a Gym and, with the exception of Grusha, all of them show that running the Gym is by no means their top priority. Nor are any of them especially reliable when it comes to managing their Gyms. Based on past games, we're accustomed to Gym Leaders taking a large amount of pride in their position and holding it in esteem even when they also had other simultaneous jobs. We've seen Gym Leaders and Elite Four who were also artists, performers, athletes, CEOs, and such before. That's not the case with Paldea though; to these Gym Leaders, it's just a job and not necessarily one they put a lot of personal investment into compared to their actual passions/careers. It's mentioned that Geeta "strong-armed them" into taking on the role, which can be read that she went out of her way to convince strong, capable Trainers to become Gym Leaders for the sake of Paldea and because she saw the potential they held but weren't utilizing.
Katy flat-out forgot that she was under review and only appeared for the rematch by pure coincidence because she just so happened to visit that day. When we first meet Kofu, he and his assistant are both a totally scatterbrained mess. Iono only bothers with being a Gym Leader because it gets her viewership for her streamer career; if something else better came along, she'd surely jump for it immediately. Brassius is very upfront about his artistic passions being the number one thing in his life and openly abandons his responsibilities as a Gym Leader to pursue them during the rematch. Tulip's modeling career keeps her busy and she only has just enough time to show up for a brief match before immediately leaving to get back to her work. Ryme is more focused on her music career and wasn't even the original Gym Leader; that position belonged to her sister, Professor Tyme, who left the role to become a teacher. Larry, despite being the most vocal about his dislike of Geeta's habits, is also the most distracted as he has three simultaneous jobs and constantly works overtime. Finally, Grusha doesn't have any job besides being a Gym Leader, but that's only due to an injury that has made it impossible for him to pursue his original passion. That same injury has likewise cost him his motivation and drive to improve; he's only hanging onto his role as Gym Leader because he doesn't think he has anything else going for him now.
With all that in mind, it makes sense a rigid sort like Geeta would want to keep a close watch and short leash on all these unreliable personalities, doesn't it? She has to keep tabs on them because they risk failing the various Trainers who hope to challenge them otherwise, along with squandering their own potential. Geeta is always very open about her desire to foster powerful Trainers out of Paldea, if nothing else. After the rematch, all the Gym Leaders express a level of understanding and even appreciation toward Geeta for what she's done for them. Grusha and Larry stand out in particular, as they both confess that her meddling has helped motivate them to go beyond what they've settled into. Where Larry mentions that Geeta will dock his pay if he wastes time, he also mentions that she insists he stop overworking himself with overtime hours. So it's possible she's simultaneously trying to keep him focused without letting him overdo it as well.
When it comes to how corporate Geeta has made the League, that's not technically fair to say either. It's an easy shorthand but not entirely accurate. The goal of corporations is to make profit no matter what, but that's not really Geeta's motivation. She's not looking to get rich or powerful, but to rally as many genuinely powerful and talented Trainers up within Paldea as she can. That, in and of itself, isn't at all a bad thing and is commonly shared among all regions that have a League. While I criticize League Points as being company scrip, it does supply not just Trainers but all citizens of Paldea with an alternative way of funding themselves. This would include the Gym Leaders; despite common remarks (which I have made myself) about Geeta not paying the Gym Leaders a living wage, it's entirely possible they do indeed make plenty to thrive on and just have their non-Gym Leader job because that's their true passion that they want to put their effort into. Be it cash or League Points, they do have a salary. Larry himself mentions it outright, while Grusha and Brassius don't seem to be in any financial straits despite their unstable working conditions outside the Gyms. When it comes to the region's economy as a whole, subsidizing major commercial chains throughout the region just to make food and supplies more accessible can't be cheap; when you sell goods to the PokeMart for cash, you only get a fraction of the total value, but get significantly more (usually double) the value in League Points. Geeta's overall emphasis doesn't seem to be shaping the League and its sphere of influence within Paldea to make herself wealthy or powerful, but rather to make the whole affair as plainly efficient and self-sustaining as possible. In that regard, she's done a fantastic job.
When all is said and done, I genuinely hope Geeta isn't a villain but simply a boss with lofty visions, exacting demands, and absolutely terrible interpersonal skills. I feel like she'd be a lot more interesting that way in that she'd be a genuinely flawed person without her issues just being dismissed as "because she's the Bad Guy".
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mewtwoandme · 11 months
I think we all need to ask some important questions….does Jericho and Sivith pay rent? I mean they are in Lakota’s home eating her food and using her hot water. Do those two got jobs to even pay her? Do they even pay taxes if they have jobs? Does Jericho even know about the IRS? If he did I think he would just blow up the earth if he could.
These are the questions we need to ask, people.
Well, its not like they couldn't get jobs, since in Ryme City, plenty of job positions are available to pokemon, but I think you're forgetting one itty bitty detail...
They're mewtwos
I don't think them going out in public looking for employment would be a good idea or the kind of attention they'd want on themselves. Even online wouldn't be easy, especially for Siv, cause she's not very tech savy. Jericho is, he'd likely be the most successful. However, how long would that last before someone finds out he's going under a false identity and looks into the matter? Even though Jericho is capable and he knows he is, he also knows not to be that risky. Plus, Lakota doesn't expect them to do any of that anyway. After the horrible lives they both had prior? Yeah sure, lets just go push them to go out to work cause they're just freeloading if they don't right?
She gets paid in appliances and furniture getting fixed when broken, chores getting done to lessen her own workload, and Jericho is basically her private tutor for college homework! All this for FREE! She's actually saving more money than spending it having them there. Also, this is the fictional pokemon world, I doubt their economy is as bad as real life, so Lakota most likely doesn't even need to worry about money.
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combat-pokemedic · 1 month
Hey there Rotomblr!
// OOC DISCLAIMER: This is a Pokémon are real blog, my setting contains the Pokemon universe and all of it's canon, as well as all real-world flora placed around the world depending on each regions inspiration and biomes. In my setting each region functions as it's own sovereign country, containing an economy, government, military, etc. My character grew up in a Unova, the pokemon equivalent of the US, his hometown is in a place similar to the Sierra Nevada of western America. If you have questions feel free to send an ask or DM!
My name is Andrew but feel free to call me Andy. I've been on mostly other social media but finally gave in and joined Rotomblr. So here's my introduction!
Born and raised mountainous rural Unovan but I have family in Apertia City.
Currently a Combat Medic for the Unovan Army
I handle four Pokémon, each registered as military use Pokémon
I have a wonderful boyfriend named Ryder who is a vet
Ask me about pokemon ecology I'm obsessed
Here's my current team!
Percival the Umbreon - Caught as a wild Eevee in my Junior year of high school. Found him as a pup in some forests 'round my home, I think he was abandoned due to being a shiny. He's bold and reckless but I love him. Vincent the Lycanroc - Caught as a stray Rockruff during basic training. My ds said I wasn't allowed to keep him but the little guy followed me everywhere so I got to send him home until I finished training. He's probably my friendliest pokemon and will not hesitate to knock someone over for pets. Lucille the Audino - Was gifted her by my highschool buddy's mom who works at the towns Pokémon Center before I left for basic. She told me shiny Audino's are lucky and that I'd need a lot of luck out there. Lucy is the sweetest little lady ever and keeps the boys in check. Sterling the Talonflame - A friend of mine found him as a Fletchling while on deployment but ended up giving him to me since she had no time or space for a Pokémon. He's quite but don't let that fool you, he's almost always plotting some chaos.
Occasionally I might post about pokemon at my boyfriend's veterinary clinic so stick around to see tons of cute pokemon.
That's all for now! Seeya!!!
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 10 months
If you could live in any video game, which one would it be and why?
pokemon. no competition whatsoever, just pokemon.
there are no drawbacks to living there. you get to have pokemon (!), it's similar to our world so you won't miss technology, healthcare is apparently free, the police are apparently there to do actual good, wars are long gone, there's, for the most part, global peace, they seem to have no crisis of anything (food, housing, economy, poverty), it's a HUGE world and we, as players, know most if not all of it (so we won't be out of our depth if you like, say, try to get out of the continent in botw or smth), just-
like yeah maybe i won't get any powers for myself, but i get to have a golett? an eevee? i get to travel around without worries for money at like age 11? the chance of anyone on the streed doing me any actual harm is .00001%? all you gotta worry about is the occasional team of weirdos trying to end the world (which is still, like, nobody targetting you in specific), but like-
look at our own world rn and tell me that's not like baby's first bully. plus, after the one or two events every region gets of some idiot trying to summon their local leviathans, they... no longer have any issues? like if i isekai'd into the world of pokemon right now, would all the plots have already taken place? if so, literally what could go wrong with going to live in, like, hoenn. team rocket doesn't even operate there afaik. and even IF you were to get isekai'd to before all the plot happens, that's still like- that's still getting solved anyway. and since money seems to be a non-issue, you could just peace out and then return to your preferred region.
so yeah,,
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Paldean League Worldbuilding
aka how Geeta is reshaping the poke-economy and making herself the most hated woman ever in the process
I generally try to keep any sort of real world analogues out of my HCs for Pokemon bc I think it's more of a utopian society and doesn't need to operate on the same logic of economics or politics as irl, but swsh and sv seem more grounded in our reality so I've been thinking about them (especially sv) a LOT. Decided I would just dump all my musings and HCs about the paldean league here if only to organize it all. Also disclaimer that I am not an economist and will never pretend to be so it’s more than likely this system would never work irl but it’s pokemon so it’s fine
The Galarian and Paldean Leagues always struck me as relatively recent, at least in terms of their current operation, and mostly spearheaded by a super ambitious head of operations who restructured the entire place as soon as they got there. I'll talk about Galar in another post, but atm Paldea has my brain in a chokehold so this is all about them
My main HC about the Paldean League is that up until extremely recently (20 years ago give or take I'm not doing specific timelines here) the Paldean League was extremely corrupt and poorly run. When the Paldean empire collapsed, the League was formed as a way to try and maintain the status quo and keep power in the hands of those who previously held it. It was, and continued to be for the next few centuries, an oligarchy. No one in the system was elected, and those in lower positions had to be personally selected and approved by their superiors. There were no checks and balances, so the people at the top could and did maintain power indefinitely. By the time we reached 20~ years before the main story, the structure was as follows:
Chairman: The leader of the entire thing. Has absolute power over everyone else in the system. Does all the boring stuff Top Champion: A battler and figurehead for the public. The "face" of the League, but generally not in charge of anything and has no political power. Their battle with up and coming trainers determines whether they get champion rank ^ If ur thinking this is similar to the Galar League, you'd be correct. They were based off the same model for a while Elite Four: Originally called the Council of Four, they act as a council that makes decisions along with the Chairman and test trainers' worthiness. Typically in charge of a handful of gym leaders Gym Leaders: Local political leaders that operate under the Council of Four and ensure things don't get too rowdy on the town level. In charge of testing trainers, protecting the town from wild threats, keeping up appearances, and union busting (they mostly did that last one) Everyone else: Salary workers. They have not yet unionized
The system, ultimately, was corrupt as hell. There was no job security, and the hierarchical nature of the league ensured you had to suck up to and do the dirty work for your boss if you wanted to get paid at all. Unions? Idk her. Corruption and embezzlement was the name of the game, and Paldea was basically flat broke because of it, with infrastructure decades behind neighboring regions and a bevvy of shitty trainers. The champion, unlike other regions, was not decided by who unseated the current champion. It didn't matter how good someone was, they had to be selected by the chairman to be Top Champion, and the Chairman would only select someone who would work with them without question. Paldea was basically the laughingstock of the world because of their complete and utter incompetence in any and all battle tournaments and lack of advancements in literally every sector. Then shit hit the fan and we moved onto the system we see in-game
I'm not sure what the event was (a recession, investigative journalism, doesn't really matter) but the newfound understanding of just HOW corrupt the league was and the resulting scandal made the Chairman resign and shook the very foundation of the League. Luckily or unluckily, a young upstart politician named Geeta was quick to fill that void, and through a few political loopholes and charisma, she managed to secure herself as Chairwoman. She had long since hated the current Paldean system, thinking that it held her beloved region back from greatness. She had always been gunning for higher and higher positions, a dark horse of Paldean politics with undetermined motives, extreme intelligence, and frightening levels of ambition. The Chairman had always had their eye on her, personally keeping her in check, but when they were gone Geeta immediately seized the opportunity to grab as much power as physically possible. Getting the position made her effectively untouchable, and that was the ultimate goal, because her plan for Paldea was about to make her the single most hated woman in the region's history
Geeta, upon gaining a position where they legally could not get rid of her, decided to fire every single person in the upper echelons of the league. Every gym leader, elite four, and the top champion were all fired, and she withdrew Paldea from every battling tournament and public appearance until she could workshop the league into something servicable. It was the boldest move since the dissolving of the Paldean Monarchy and it did NOT make her any friends
Though her ultimate goal was to reform the entire Paldean league, her early changes were only possible because of the old system. She could and did reform the system to her liking without consequence only because of the old hierarchy system already in place. Her ability to hand select her coworkers and fire people indiscriminately was one of the greatest abuses of power Paldea had ever seen, whether for noble reasons or not, and the people she fired tried to smear her as much as they could. Though these radical steps were necessary to undo and reshape the corruption hellscape the League had become, it wasn't exactly a good look for the new chairwoman (not that she cared)
Geeta also combined the top champion position and chairwoman position, which was so shockingly unpopular and suspicious-looking that she effectively cemented her godawful reputation. She saw the top champion as an unnecessary expense and decided to take on the responsibilities herself so she could funnel the top champion salary into public projects. This is part of the reason why she’s so Bad at being champion: she’s doing it to save the league money and only needs to the absolute bare minimum. Most of her job for the first decade was analyzing the current hierarchy, finding trainers to fill positions, and trying to figure out how to fix things so that would be sustainable after she left and wouldn't fall back into old corruption. She took on a job in the academy schoolboard to keep an eye out for younger trainers, put as much money into research and economic opportunities as possible, then got to work shaping the League to her vision
Her main vision for the league was to make as many parts of the system economically self-sustaining as possible, which was vital for her gym leader choices. She picked people who had *enough* skill in battling, but who all had other careers that would generate interest in and revenue for the gym. Paldea didn't have the pure battling talent yet to make a name for itself on any kind of world stage so Geeta was completely unconcerned about the actual battling skill of her picks as long as they were good enough and making cash. In terms of gym challenges, she mandated that they had to be free or extremely cheap and somehow tied to the town itself-- the giant contraptions of other regions were NOT in the budget. She wanted the gym system to be a celebration of the towns they were in and to inspire people to visit in the same way Galar's stadiums did, all in the hopes that gyms wouldn't need money from the league itself
The gyms would maintain a similar system as before, with each town and gym operating like a smaller independent organization. Most day to day operations and decisions like numbers of workers and salaries would be handled by the gyms themselves, but with all details publicly available so interventions could take place if things got fishy. All revenue generated by the gym would stay within the town-- it would be used to pay salaries, do upkeep, etc, and anything left over could be used to make renovations / add more stuff to gym challenges / support local businesses. If the revenue generated wasn't enough to cover upkeep and salary, the league would fill in the rest
The reason the gym buildings Look Like That is because the old league funneled most of the money into the pockets of the higher-ups and very little was allocated for building gyms. Geeta kept the design bc it's cheap, Paldea is broke, and the uniformity of the gyms allows trainers to find it more easily. it's also convenient if there's a turnover of the position-- no need to build a new gym! It's mostly an administrative office anyway, only there for paperwork and to house office staff, and Geeta is under the (correct) impression that most gym leaders prefer having stages at their favorite places instead of a specific building. Only two gym leaders have strong negative opinions about the building itself: Grusha, who can't have an outdoor reception area because of the snow and hates sitting in the lobby all the time, and Brassius, who thinks it's ugly as shit (he's right) and wants to paint a mural on it
The gym system is actually run much better than it was before-- it's still hitting its stride at the time of the game but is shaping up into a system that will work long after Geeta retires. The gym leaders also like how things are run quite a bit-- they just hate Geeta as a person (but that's smth I plan on exploring in another post)
The Elite Four is something Geeta admittedly hasn't put much thought into: her main focus was on redoing the administrative side of the league and ensuring the gyms were generating enough money to function + helping the towns they were in. The Elite Four, in her mind, were an afterthought, especially since she stripped them of their political power and distributed that power amongst regular office staff. She uncoupled politics from battling in the upper spheres of the league, allowing for more concentrated and specialized attention to issues so the Elite Four could just battle
In the new league, the Elite Four isn't a council of politicians, just people who test the strength of trainers looking to be champion-- every current Elite Four member is an employee in another sector working the job for a bonus (except for Poppy-- her parents are accountants and she ended up in the position as a joke that went a liiiiittle too far). In the future, the Elite Four and Top Champion might be dedicated battlers rather than a side hustle, but Paldea doesn't have the talent nor money for that at the moment
In terms of economics, Geeta decided to set an inflation-adjusted salary rate for each position that was viewable by the public and that couldn't be changed without a public vote in the hopes this would limit corruption. She also redid the League Points system— it used to be how employees were paid, but now it’s mostly for trainers, allowing the league to subsidize common trainer goods and make things easier to buy (all employees are paid with regular money). Paldea doesn’t have designated trainer routes like other regions and cash is far easier to mug than digital currency, so trainers are encouraged to use LP as a precaution so they don’t get robbed while in the Paldean wilds. However because the LP system isn’t very popular and NOT secure, Geeta is debating phasing it out
In the new system, gyms operate mostly on their own, so the central administrative stuff (aka everything that happens in the league building by the academy as well as E4 salaries and whatnot) gets their money from returns on investments— mostly from Tera Orbs. Fees from defeating trainers also helps, but Geeta made sure not to tie it to anyone’s salaries so that they wouldn’t thrash trainers for money, as encouraging them is the whole point of the challenge. Side note about Tera Orbs: once the league got the patent, Geeta didn’t think twice about the professors, being far too busy with Everything Else to think about her old business partner. Not keeping an eye on them is one of her greatest regrets
In terms of future plans, Geeta has already implemented checks and balances on every position but her own. When she’s confident in how the League is progressing and is sure the system won’t fall back into corruption, she plans on turning her own position to an elected one. Geeta isn’t stupid, she knows that everyone hates her and will lose her position as soon as she puts proper checks and balances on it, so she’s waiting until she’s confident in the League’s system to let the rest of the league get rid of her. By that point, she hopes that the League will be organized, financially stable, and balanced enough so that it can run smoothly long after she’s gone. Also, the league is likely to enter back into international batting conferences by the end of the decade, since there’s a LOT of up and coming battling talent that can make Paldea proud (and hopefully bring enough positive attention and money back to the region so they can actually make the league profitable)
To me Paldea’s league always felt like it was in a transition period, building itself from the ground up again. We happen to see it right at the middle, just before it’s really up to a properly functioning and self-sustaining entity. I don’t really have a closer for this but if u read all the way here I’m very flattered and apologize for being a lil delusional about this :)
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cartoonedin · 2 months
sapphire dorm + video games hcs. probably ooc but idc <3
sophia touches grass too much to be considered a gamer girl but after rory introduces her to first-person shooters? you're dead. you're gone. you're her dad you're reporting her but she'll never be dead or gone because pro teams all over the country are trying to recruit her. which country. who knows. she only plays at her friends' houses on saturdays because she doesn't want her brother to snitch on her swearing but sometimes she uses her 'oops i fell off a cliff again and need to call for help' projection and gets banned from those houses too. she and her horse-poop-covered hands hate mobile games. her parents are the reason new candy crush levels are still being added but she has neither the patience nor the long-term planning skills for level one. did the genocide route on undertale in record time because she thought it was how the game was meant to be played. into red dead redemption for the horses and the bearded cowboys who learn about fatherhood via gunfights.
ava is a handheld console girlie. if pokemon nurse were an actual profession she'd be employee of the month thirteen times a year. her animal crossing island has a better economy than every continent combined. that being said the day her brothers introduced her to warioware was the day the world was introduced to true bloodshed. has broken at least one controller because of sheer emotional attachment to a cute character. treats pikmin like a survival horror game and dead space like a sci-fi romcom. got the pacifist ending in undertale and does not understand why other rpgs don't have the mercy option. unless rory's in the game at which point she brings out the laser guns or whatever to get back at him for making her reveal her middle name. you know he's let that slip to more than one call of duty lobby ok let a girl live.
layla's favourite game is google chrome. she's boring and i love her for that. she speedruns minesweeper and solitaire to get her mind off particularly devastating biographies. she's friends with everyone's parents on candy crush and scrabble. she could be a gm on chess.com but she overthinks her moves to the point of losing on time despite playing as white. she's almost been hacked so many times because she can't resist correcting bad moves on word formation advertisements and gets led to online casino #infinity or something. she has a lifelong streak on every new york times game except vertex because you cannot tell me wildstar's constant use of her magic didn't destroy her eyesight even further.
isabel puts the bro in smash bros. rotates between king k. rool, sonic, and greninja because she has a brand and it must be tangential to adhd medication. in the same vein as sophia i think she touches grass too much to be considered a gamer girl but she makes rory keep up with madden and fifa news just to figure out if she's been added to the latest installment. she has a skateboard on her dorm wall but never uses it so i'm thinking she played through the og trilogy of tony hawk's games as a kid and echoed every voice line to the point of perfect memorisation. take the word dude away from her and she's mute. also i think she discovered happy wheels on her mom's computer and ruined several important business presentations that way.
valentina is a slightly grown ipad kid. i'm sorry but you can't tell me she didn't steal her style from dress to impress. also she rates everyone one star on those games not because she's a corrupt voter but because she has a sixth sense for when a bitch is hiding bacon hair beneath a hundred layers of sparkles. up there with isabel in terms of lacking screen time video game wise because i truly believe her family would spend their money on better (read: elite-r) past times but she 1000% plays the sims. one world is for planning fashion moments and carrying on the digital furi bloodline. one world is for drowning people by deleting their pool ladders and saying "not now sweetie mommy's cyberbullying the mayor" to her baby who's on fire.
rory's room looks like a gamestop. idc about his canon phone case he is SILLY. he will play anyone in smash as long as it looks funny next to the other character but he has a soft spot for kirby, yoshi, zero suit samus (isabel side eyes him very hard for this at first but it's still a very gay choice i promise) and wii fit trainer. his personality is held together by goat simulator, untitled goose game, and donut county. also duct tape and blue raspberry gum. he trolls a little (a lot) on first person shooters and mmorpgs mostly so he can pretend with an ounce of plausible deniability that he's just having a fun unserious time when sophia and/or ava beat his ass at both even though they're on the same team.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Geography of Galar
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Galar is my home region, and I wanna talk about it more since there's actually multiple cultural regions of Galar. And, at some parts, even different languages! So, here's some stuff about Galar!
Just getting this out of the way. The most common language spoken in Galarian is, well, Galarian. But there are actually many different 'subcategories' of Galarian. For example, the Galarian I'm speaking is Hammerlock Galarian. But some parts will speak Lean (a language that isn't that common and is spoken and originated in the Glimwood Tangle area), while others might speak other forms of old Galarian. Keep in mind that the languages aren't as common as they used to be because the Hammerlocke kingdom colonized a lot of places. So you won't be completely lost if you visit these places and don't speak the local language.
Southern Galar
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Also called Dùaicha by locals, which doesn't really have a direct translation, but it has the old Galarian words for 'country', 'white', and 'field'. Southern Galar is mostly a farming part of Galar, where people have strong accents. The history is pretty neat, as it was once inhabited by different tribes and clans before the people of Hammerlock came and forced them away from their culture. As a lot of history passed, and Hammerlock's kingdom soon died out, the people of Southern Galar were able to gain their cultures back, but of course, there were reproductions, as a lot of their history was lost. While they mostly speak Hammerlock Galarian there, words will sometimes be different.
The people that live in the Crown Tundra tend to have heavier accents (basically the stereotypical Galarian accent you hear all the time), and tend to speak Hammerlock Galarian less.
Central Southern Galar
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The place I grew up! Central Southern Galar contains the 1st (first) Wild Area, Turtfield, and the 3rd most populated city in Galar, Motostoke.
The history of Motostoke is rather interesting, being founded in the 1st century and controlled by the old Hammerlock kings. But as time went on and technology started to improve, Motostoke became one of the first industrialized cities in the world!
The Wild Area tends to be different. For one, there's barely any towns there, with some houses and cottages scattered about. And since it's not near most people, they tend to speak old Souther Galarian there (which I would speak with my mom and the other people in the area I lived in). In ancient times, multiple tribes and clans lived in the area, living side-by-side with the Pokemon around them. But the people of the old clans went away for various reasons (colonization, slowly failing economies, disputes, wars, etc).
Turtfield is the second most well-known city in Central Galar 1, purely because one of the gym leaders lives there. The history is still pretty neat, with the artwork depicting the Darkest Day. It's also one of the oldest towns in Galar, still having a lot of culture involved with it.
Central Galar
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One of the most well-known cities in Galar, which I find interesting since it's not even the capital (Wyndon is). Being one of an old kingdom, descendants from old Hammerlocke are known as Hammerlockians Anyways, Hammerlocke is located in the center of Galar, but I wanna mention it because a lot of stuff has happened here. I can't explain the entire history of it, because I'm most likely not qualified to do that.
But Hammerlocke was a super power in the Galar region, and it managed to colonize a lot of stuff, and is one of the reasons Hammerlocke Galarian is spoken all throughout Galar, spoken in Unova, and a commonly learned second language around the world. They had a monarchy and were run by kings and a couple of queens.
Other than the colonization, Hammerlocke was also known as 'The Dragon Hunters.'' They hunted a lot of dragon types in Galar to extinction, and even as Pokemon started co existing with humans, there was still a lot of stigma around having Dragin types in or near the city, and having one could get you seriously in trouble. Hammerlock actually designed their buildings like that to scare off dragon types. There also one of the reasons Flapple and Appletun look the way they do; they had to evolve to look friendlier to NOT get killed by them!
But now, Hammerlocke is one of the safest places to own a Dragon type in Galar. The wide and expansive area of it as well as the stigma of the area disappearing had led Hammerlocke to almost completely get rid of that stigma entirely (I also like to put that on the popularity of the gym leader here. Ngl, I might've had a crush on him when I was younger).
Central Galar is also home to the second Wild Area. Even fewer people live there compared to the first Wild Area since it holds a lot more dangerous Pokemon.
West-Central Galar
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West-Central Galar holds the Leantír and the Creuilg area.
Leantír is the term that refers to the entire Glimwood Tangle area. The word Lea is a Galarian suffix for woodlands or a clearing. Tír is just Southern Galarian for land. The people who reside in this area are known as the Lean people. A cool thing about them is that they are one of the few groups that managed to avoid the colonization of Hammerlocke, purely because the people in Hammerlocke thought that Glimwood Tangle was too dangerous since of the Pokemon there. Because of this, the culture was able to grow free from colonization, and their language has been preserved throughout the years.
There was some stuff that happened though. Like how a guy found Indeedee 7,000 years ago in Glimwood Tangle and took them out to breed them. But another thing that isn't well known is that Leantír use to spread a lot farther than it does now, reaching all the way down to the Stow-on-Side area, and even a bit of Hammerlocke! But Hammerlocke cut down their trees and got rid of their dangerous Pokemon fairly quickly. The Pokemon of the forest than became more wary of people from Hammerlocke, and they ended up attacking any human that wasn't from deeper in the forest, which is why Hammerlocke never went that far.
Creulig is a combination of the old Galarian word for rock and blood (referring to the red-like color of the canyons). One of the largest towns there (Stow-on-side) holds a gym challenge there. It's also the only desert on Mainland Galar.
There were civilizations here in the ancient past, which were realized when old artifacts were found here. But little is known about that civilization, as the history of it only started being documented when newer people moved in.
East-Central Galar
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East-Central Galar holds the Nixalba area, which got its name from a forgotten language. "Nix" means snow, while "alba" means white.
The history of the area is really cool (no pun intended), with the Circhester town being around for thousands of years. Originally, Circhester was made in 60 AD, where the first settlers there used the hot springs in the area as a spa area and built their town around it. It became a really popular tourist spot, with the added gym challenge making it even more popular.
The places around it (like Spikemuth and route 8) used to be a lot colder, but climate change and global warming have made it the way it is today. Route 8 has faced a lot of weathering and erosion, which is what gives it its more rocky appearance. But ancient people of the Nixalba area lived there, giving it the ruins it has. In the Hulbury area, people have used that place as a fishing port for hundreds of years.
Northern Galar
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Other than the Wyndon district, Northern Galar is inhabited much because of the large mountains making it hard for people to live there. Mostly hikers, researchers, and explorers head there.
However, the history of Wyndon is really interesting. The main city itself was founded in 43 CE when the Hammerlocke kingdom was making its way around Galar. Most of the ancient tribes that lived there were wiped out, and not much is known about the tribes that resided here (which is sad).
The Isle of Armor
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The Isle of Armor is a subregion of Galar. Back then, a lot of immigrants from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh came here, and the culture here reflects that. This place is very popular for trainers coming here to get stronger because of the famous dojo they have here.
So yeah, that's the Galar region! Have fun with this information!
Ooc stuff
Honestly, I know this probably isn't accurate to irl UK, but I think it would just be boring to restate UK history. Plus, I don't want the world building to be EXACTLY like it is irl. For one, the game doesn't mention much colonization, and I like that idea. But it would make sense that Galar would have some colonization (it's literally the UK), But I also like the idea of different languages being more common, since it sucks that irl UK has a bunch of dying languages because of colonization. So instead, I made them have colonization, but the languages would stay semi-alive, where you would meet a lot more people that would speak them.
The Isle of Armor was based on The Isle of Man, which mostly has a Celtic history. But from what we see in the game, it has a lot of East Asian inspiration, and I wanted to reflect that here.
I purposely made the places seem bigger than they were since it's stupid to only imagine one small town in the entirety of an area. Plus, we only really see that stuff in the game because it's all we need to see. We can assume there's more people and towns there.
The old clans and tribes are supposed to be old Celtic tribes, but I couldn't think of a name to give them in the Pokemon world...
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orreanintrepidness · 5 months
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How Orre works (2024 Lore Update)
This one is much, much longer than the original, and so is going under a keep reading
Orre has an actual government, somehow, nevermind the fact that said government is just Alistair, who doubles as the region's champion, alongside an advisory council that mostly oversees things on his behalf. Disagreements between himself and said council are frequent, and the two often act against one another until Alistair outright overrules them entirely out of frustration. Even with all this, support for Alistair remaining in the position he is in is immensely popular within Orre, meanwhile it is condemned outside of Orre. But with this power, Alistair does not meddle in the day to day living of Orreans whatsoever, absolute or not, he does not overstep without good cause, Tyranny is not his taste.
Non-Orreans CANNOT become the region's champion. Not only because Alistair seems nigh-unbeatable, but also because no Orrean would ever even bother listening to them, thus, making it impossible for them to remain.
Orre in fact, has very lax laws when it comes to weaponry, while other regions have laws that prohibit the ownership of many (E.g firearms) Orre has none to speak of, everything is fair game.
Technologically, Orre is no longer stuck in the early-mid 90s, though in some areas it does still lag behind somewhat, it is actually ahead of other regions in a number of areas primarily in the field of hover-based technology and power generation.
As such, the idea of paying for power to one's home is a thing entirely of the past. Orre produces enough power to not only fuel itself, but also enough to power all of Unova all year round, though this power is not shared with the Unovan network.
Touching Orrean mines, be they empty or not, as a non-Orrean is genuinely the FASTEST way to get yourself killed. The mines are seen in a way that is borderline sacred, especially since most of them have dried up and thus Orreans giving someone anything made of Orrean metals is considered an EXTREMELY significant gesture. Though, in more recent times, with the newer technology, most of these mines have since been re-opened to fuel the now booming Orrean industrial base.
Ownership of Shadow Pokemon is considered legal, and is extremely common in the region, even with the production of them being halted when Cipher was "Destroyed" the first time around. With the real destruction of Cipher, Orrean Shadow Pokemon production has genuinely and entirely been ceased once and for all.
Interpol is still outright forbidden from entering the Orre region at all, and instead, Orre is policed by a democratically elected Sheriff system. Each town/city/village elects their sheriff, who doubles as the town's mayor, as well as law enforcement, said sheriff is free to appoint deputies as they see fit. Each Sheriff is in place for six months between elections.
Outside Corporations are all but forbidden from operating within Orre, many of these corporations are the very same ones that almost stripped the region bare of resources after the collapse of the last real government of Orre. The sole exception to this ruling is the Aether Foundation, however even then, they had to create a seperate Orrean branch that has to answer to both Alistair and the greater foundation itself. The only real Orrean corporation is the OAA, the Orrean Arms Association, which is the primary head of the Region's military industrial complex which in turn fuels the majority of the Orrean economy, followed closely by it's subdivision, the OOA, or Orran Oil Association, which is responsible for handling the region's huge oil production. Both the OAA and OOA are headed by Alistair, who makes sure that the council cannot meddle in the goings on of these two key parts of the Orrean machine.
The OAA, however, is not entirely clean, a lot of the arms produced within Orre go on to end up in the hands of criminal organisations across the world, though this information is not public, nor is the reasoning for it known to anyone in particular beyond Alistair himself.
Orre has become an extremely diverse region, thanks in no small part to the fact that Interpol cannot set foot there. Many criminals from the likes of Team Magma, Team Aqua, Rocket, and other organisations that have either collapsed, or downsized, have ended up here. Though most are welcome, a key exception to this rule are those who were part of Team Plasma, who are instead shown the full length of Orrean justice, as though the crimes they committed elsewhere were committed on Orrean soil. Thanks to the fact that Alistair himself actively fought against them during his time living in Unova. Large parts of Orrean research is done by former members of Team Galactic and a few stragglers from Flare, though those are much rarer.
Even with this diversity, tradition, at least in it's historic form, is dead in Orre. The Shrine for Celebi no longer sees use, the gods aren't worshipped, the old ideal of might makes right no longer applies. Old Orrean tradition has all but ceased to be, replaced by the tradition of progress, and the future ahead.
The above however, does not apply to the much, much older indigenous religions and faiths that exist within Orre, which are treated with respect. They live freely within Orre.
With all this, Orre has reached complete and total parity with the other "major" regions, and is now seemingly unshaking in it's new position, finally asserting itself as the large region it is.
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ghostchanuwu · 5 months
Brain is running again it's not windows longhorn I swear so now I'm gonna yap about aniredux before I post more character redesigns
Ye I'm adding a cut bc this is gonna be LONG
Hilda and Hilbert are twins and attended BB Academy before officially going on their journey (they broke off around Nimbasa,Hilda traveled with Iris while Hilbert remained with Bianca and Cheren)
Hilda is one of the co-founders of Driftveil's PWT since she convinced Clay to fund the project to draw in more people to bolster Unova's economy (Draydon,Alder and Grimsly are also co-founders)
Hilbert runs the PokeMusical building in Nimbasa along with historical preservation efforts in the city (ie the Ferris Wheel and the old gym)
Caitlin swaps between fairy and psychic on a bi-yearly basis along with Shauntal having a partial specialty in ground
Alder became champion on complete accident and when Iris took the title he went back to Floccesy Town to become a full-time teacher since that is his passion outside of battling (Benga got his Larvesta from him on his 7th birthday as an egg)
Unova is the 2nd oldest league with the oldest being Kalos (Kalos' was originally founded as an annual festival in celebration of the war against Paldea ending,Paldea holds a similar festival which lines up with Uva-Naranja graduations)
Central and Northern Sinnoh is very cold year around which extends to nearly the whole region in the Winter aside from Sunnyshore and Canalave which are actually quite warm
As lax as Hoenn seems it's actually one of the more volatile regions to travel to,the populace compensates for that by making the towns and cities as inviting as possible (ie Slateport's massive seaside market,Lilycove's regular hosting of national Contest Finals,ect) along with having a shockingly high happiness rate
Kalos has a charming tradition of all their fairy specialists taking up a partial dark type and vice versa with it originating from how deeply the region cherishes Xerneas and Yvetal (dragon specialists in the region also usually end up having either a dark type or a fairy type on their team)
Johto funnily enough is still mostly rural despite having the strongest economy on the continent (Goldenrod is a major hub)
And now for some not so world building blurbs
Nobody actually knows where Brock came from and the only thing really known about him is that he is loosely related to Bruno (the Pewter Mining Company adopted him when he was a toddler since he didn't have any parents,turns out he's from Orre and has family in Alola)
I've actually been toying around with the idea of giving Steven an older brother who never became a trainer and instead is a member of the Hoennian Navy (the Navy is actually quite small and mainly functions as a much more well funded coastguard along with reporting to the Ranger Corps),he would be 6 years older than Steven and would take over Devon after their father gets ousted since Steven wants nothing to do with any of them anymore (still trying to come up with a name for him and leaning towards Silas or Abram,he's much more on the stern side with a serious nature and rarely ever smiles)
N and Ghetsis are fully related (reading through the Underwater Ruin's text again with the story of the king gave me an idea what to do with N's character),N is the one who inherited the King's Blood whereas Ghetsis didn't,it was Ghetsis who wiped out his bloodline (N was an infant,the pokemon who raised him belonged to his Mother and Father and the Zorua having hatched around the same time that he was born),N is 19 at the time of Unova Arc
Sycamore and Lysandre aren't officially together but they do flirt with each other on occasion with the professor bringing him his favorite strawberry macarons and Lysandre taking Sycamore out to dinner in Annistar during the meteor showers
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krishgupt · 6 months
Ash Betrayed (Part - 4)
Delia was bliss, seeing her Son (and his friends) helping her in the Ketchum's family farm, riding the tractor, working along the Farm Help, dealing with the Tauros and Miltank. She was especially happy to see Ash help her. See knew Pokemon were his destiny, but she always had the desire that he settled down, work with her in the farm and finding a wife. It is a good size, 1000 hectares. Maybe big for the rest of the world but in Pallet, this is the normal size. The Economy of Pallet still remains agrarian with negligible service industry and non-existing Manufacturing. The Population still consist of Landlords (Like Delia and Prof Oak) and their farm help, who, based on the norms set millennia ago, are paid handsomely. A very small percentage is part of the service industry, that consist of the teachers of the local elementary School and Aides, Assistant and Interns of Professor Oak. Pallet, remains in a Time Capsule, with the only interaction between it and the other world is trade and the Young men and women who leave their nest to fly far in the world.
Time flies faster than a Ninjask's wings. And soon, it was time for Kiawe, Lana and Mallow to go. Everyone came to group the three. Mallow and Lana wanted to stay for longer, but Kiawe reminded them of the fact that they had to reach Alola so they could request for proper investigation against Sophocles. And so three of Ash's Friends leave, leaving Ash feeling lonely............................. or he would have felt lonely, but his other friends were there. No one can replace Mallow, Lana and Kiawe, but with others, they absence would hurt just little bit less.
When everyone reach home and started the TV to see the News, they eyes widen by what they saw.
"Good morning, everyone! Welcome to Alola Daily and today's breaking News, are we going to have a change in Champion? Last Month, the Ultra Nationalist, Conservative and Xenophobic Party, Hui Waiwai Kanaka, meaning People's Value Party, won the National Election, forming a comfortable majority at the Centre. They promised to rid Alola of all External Influences and Pressure, but who knew, their first Target will be First Champion of Alola? Since taking charge, the Govt, in attempts of bring the Alolan league under its authority, has started a purge of all Non-Alolan Employees in Govt Services as well as Alolan Pokemon League and its seems now they have set the sights on Champion position. The Party's official Social Media handles have, since taken power, posted a lot of Defamatory stuff against Champion Ash Ketchum, who has recently been Crowned World Champion, with the main point of offence being 'Alola's first champion can't be non-native!" The Party has organized mass protests a Minister of State of Foreign Affairs has recently given a statement that a possible cancellation of Ash Ketchum's Visa to Alola can be done. The Party seems to desire that the Champion position be taken Ash, who according to them shouldn't have been allowed compete, and give to the Runner Up, Alolan Born and Naturalized Citizen Gladion Aether, son of Sinnoh Born but Alolan Naturalized Businesswoman Lusamine Aether. While the Aethers have opposed any such notions, being close to Mr Ketchum, it will be interesting to see how long they can oppose this? Especially when there is a high chance their daughter might get in trouble. Yesterday, the audio of call between Cabinet Foreign Minister He Papeti Au and President Aloha 'ole Wau was 'leaked' and this is its contents," The Reporter said as he plays the Audio.
"Sir, Lillie Aethers is in Kanto, what should be the next move?" Papeti asked.
"Good, now, we will not let her enter Alola until Ash transfer his rank the first champion of Alola to Gladion, let's see how much he cares about her," Wau said as the Audio ended.
"This audio has caused a mix reaction in the Internet, some oppose this clear hostage situation but others, surprisingly, have supported this, saying everything is fair in love and war and this is a war to rid Alola of Foreign influence! A strong Ground movement, let by the family of Intellectuals of Ula'ula Island's Trial Captain Sophocles, supporting the Govt in its struggle to see the transfer of Champion Position, is going on. Captain Sophocles has stated that while Ash Ketchum is a good friend, it is necessary that Alola's First champion be a native! Now, to the Weather," Reporter said as Brock shut off the TV.
"That Bastard!" Brock said as he switched off the TV.
"Oh Arceus," Lillie said as she was about to fall but was saved by Serena and Dawn.
"Ash," Delia said as she put her hand on Ash's shoulder.
"Mom........................ I need pen and a paper," Ash said.
Respectable President Aloha 'ole Wau
Seeing the current situations and clear anger among a section of Alolan public against me, an non-native, holding the office of Champion, with you yourself supporting, encouraging and promoting this anger, as well as the fact that you are willing to use any means necessary to support this Anger, it seem to me that I have no option left but to ask you to transfer the office of Champion and the title of First Champion to my dear and loyal friend Gladion, the runner-up of the first Alolan league.
Honestly, if you would have asked to me to surrender the title without the extra efforts and struggles you took to force me, I would have happily surrendered it. I have no desire for titles and ranks, Pokemon Battling is not about the ranks and titles, it is about the thrill, and the love for Pokemon.
I would also like to ask you to correct Captain Sophocles' statement that 'Ash Ketchum is a good friend', he has a betrayed me (I am not talking about the movement) and has betrayed our friendship.
I don't understand much about politics or about other occupations, but from what I have learned from my friends and family, movement of people is inevitable, mixing of people is inevitable, communication between people is inevitable. I would like you to lessen your Xenophobic stands and work for peace and cooperation.
P.S This all is actually too formal for me, I may not truly understand what Xenophobia actually wishes to achieve and how can we truly achieve Peace and Cooperation, but I think I know enough to understand that Xenophobia cannot achieve Peace and Cooperation
Your Truly
Ash Ketchum
Good Ash Ketchum
I received your Letter Yesterday and I am pleased you took the right call! I am happy that you are so Co-operative and I promise you or your friend will face no issue travelling the Greats Islands of Alola. We still respect you as a good trainer but you have understand to free our Great Region from external influences and pressures, we have to take, Drastic steps. It is all for the protection and preservation of National Culture
Regardless! I have definitely taken note of what you said and I will definitely look into it. But for the current matter at hand, your title will be transferred to Master Gladion along with all the responsibilities and privileges. You will be allowed to keep the Money and trophy you receive.
Your Truly
President Aloha 'ole Wau of Alola
Ash was in the Veranda was reading the Letter Send by President Wau. The sarcastic tone was blood boiling but he was relief that Lillie will face no troubles.
"Anyone sitting here?" a voice came as Ash looked up to see Champion Lance Draco of all standing in front of him.
"Lance! What are you doing here?" Ash asked as Lance sat opposite to Ash.
"Wanted to talk about a topic," Lance said.
"That topic being-
Cliffhanger! Boom
Previous: Ash Betrayed (Part - 3) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
Next: Ash Betrayed (Part -5) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
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winxwiki · 9 months
*looks at the calendar* since easter is coming here's a funny anectode
every fucking year the Winx easter eggs go sold out roughly a week before Easter
every year
by sold out I mean sold out, period, gone. They will no longer get any Winx eggs in that area for any grocery store. You may buy them online for a much higher price. Production over.
this has been going on since I can remember. Like 2006. There's always Winx Easter Egg mass psychosis in supermarkets. I got pushed and trampled as a kid once
you know what eggs were always readily available?
Star Wars eggs. Jurassic World. Avatar. DC and Marvel Heroes. Pokemon. Mario. Sonic. Gormiti. Soccer team of your choice. Their easter eggs stalls were always nearly full.
These get sold for half the price after easter's over. Always.
The only half-full stalls I've seen were other girl eggs. Barbie, Disney Princess, Easter Egg For Her, Generic Pink Easter Egg. Those always sell (never full sold out like winx tho)
Do not fuck with the girl economy in Italy
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“A lotta the 'mons out here can be quite territorial sometimes. At least, that's what I remember being told all the time. You gotta be careful where you wander!"
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“Yes, it is true. Those that gather at various towns are more welcoming to guests. For those that choose to settle in a more recluse location, usually outside of towns in the forests and mountainsides, they simply wish to be left to their own personal communities.
"It's important to know which areas are already inhabited, as well as learn how to find the signs of occupied territory. If you find yourself in marked territory, you would do best to find a way out as soon as possible. Some do not take too kindly to strangers."
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“Being out here, it is nothing like Mezagosa! The largest town in the continent, located in the very heart and center of Paldea, has a bustling economy that relies on things such as tourism and transportation of goods. Some of the communities outside town borders have their own economies that rely on similar things, but places like Mezagosa are fun to see and explore. I surely hope we have a chance to visit while we are here!"
Prince stares off, wide-eyed and bewildered at Maria’s explanation. It looks like he’s trying to contemplate everything she’s said…
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"A-ah, my apologies! I'm sure you did not come here for an historical or geographical lesson. Prince gets enough of that from me back home. I am a ‘mon well-versed in all things Paldea, and I would love to share some of its history! Feel free to ask me more specific questions later if you wish to know more…!”
((Maria's Ask Hints have been updated!))
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(I didn't fully address the original question in it's entirety, but I promise that I wasn't avoiding it! I wanted to at least TRY to keep this post trimmed as I could, so I figured putting more specific details under a Read More would be the best way to go.
As you might have read in my World's Page, this world of Paldea is different from that which you would know from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. For starters, there are no humans! In this world, Pokémon make up the entire population of Paldea, whether you're in a town or out "in the wild". Without a natural bond with humans, Pokémon rely on each other to get by.
Pokémon you would find "in the wild" are not considered feral Pokémon, but rather individuals that prefer life outside of heavily-populated towns and areas. This is the "danger" that Prince was referring to; a lot of those that choose a more solitary life do so from preference, and as such don't take kindly to outsiders. At least, not complete strangers.
In addition to solitary individuals, some Pokémon prefer living outside of towns, but still wish to gather in groups to build their communities. Again, it's all preference! These groups could be compared to the groups of Pokémon you would see in the wild in Scarlet/Violet, but more the size of a small community.
The real "danger" that exists in this Paldea region fully depends on the group you find. Some might be willing to let you pass, others may demand payment to move through their territory. Others may straight up attack you for trespassing! As Maria said, however, it's important to be able to tell what areas are occupied. Though the characters have mentioned being away from Paldea for some time, I assure you that Maria is more than capable of navigating these areas with ease!)
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echoequinox · 8 months
Just flew on a plane for the first time in a few months and forgot how much I love them and I took notes about her the whole time, waxing poetic about how beautiful and graceful she is
She's flexing her little wings before takeoff :) Making sure she's ready
Latios and Latias arent enough we need a sexy plane woman Pokemon, like those planes the furries wanna fuck
The little narrow struts on the undersides of her wings... little aerodynamic things with antennae like quills
We're passing a truck yard for like, construction equipment and they're the kobolds to my big plane dragon wife
Magical draconic runway in the shape of a big rune that eases in traveling dragons while also serving as a landing strip
The rumble as we take off, that ROAR of hers. She's so beautiful and powerful. The speed that pushes you back in your seat and pops your ears and shakes you around and then the DIP as you take off and that feeling of disorientation but she's fine. She loves it. And in SECONDS, the ground is like toys, like ants beneath us. It took less time than writing this for cars to be the size of bugs. The world is so small to her. She's so beautiful and strong and carries us aloft with such grace. I love you plane
Oh those little struts I mentioned move as we do!! They help guide her just a little bit! Probably help with banking and shit
Cartography wizards (cartogramancers? Lol) astride enormous dragons who keep note of all the changes in the landscape below. Listing every road, every footpath, every river, scribing it into an endlessly long magical atlas. Noting how the roads below form glyphs and runes, how they mirror the natural magic of rivers and tributaries, how homes and castles are built in the most defensible - or beautiful - positions and seeing vistas groundbound humans could never dream of seeing. The beauty of it all.
Fantasy alternate history ww1 where biplanes are replaced with steampunky dragons
Walter White looks up and sees two dragons fucking *lighthouse awed face meme*
This is getting away from airplanes and more toward dragons, I love the plane I think that a machine with the sole purpose of holding people tight and carrying them to far away places to see loved ones and new experiences is so beautiful, it's such a FASCINATING marvel of engineering prowess. This thing is BUILT on math and that's so cool. Every inch of her frame, every cubic centimeter of metal and plastic and cloth, are all accounted for in every flight equation. It's amazing. She's amazing.
I could *feel* her start to dip. That's another amazing thing - every single thing she does is NOTICEABLE. Every dip, every shudder, every increase or decrease in speed. My heart is pumping in time to her turbines, the electricity that runs through her veins is nearly palpable as we prepare for our descent
I'm polyamorous the way a plane is, compared to private jets and shit - they want to please everyone, they just want everyone to be happy and loved and safe, they want to deliver them with speed and safety and warmth and just. I love u miss plane
When my dog first came home with us, only a couple weeks old, he'd sit in the yard and look up at the sky as planes went by and made noise and he had a sense of total awe. I wonder how many dogs are looking up at me now while I look back down at the ground with equal splendor
Very funny to still see those pizza huts with the red rooves
The lights come on as we descend. She's been half asleep, coasting on air currents and pointing herself where she needed to go and now that we're dropping she's awake and aware. She's circling the landing strip like some kind of predator, watching and waiting for an opening so she can swoop down and attack the tarmac
Seeing the way cities are laid out, in perfect little beautiful grids, is so relaxing. Suburban sprawls packed with strange, enormous lives in little blocks of land, chunk by chunk, eventually touching residential, long strips of business and economy, commerce and trade and social lives, into the large, messy, chaotic industry beyond that. Infrastructure is beautiful. The leylines upon which planes were borne.
Water towers are so funny, why the hell did we refurbish an outdated means of water reservoirs, surely there could be a way to store more water more efficiently in treatment plants. Are they just for the Fun Cultural Aesthetic? Are they REALLY still that useful as a buffer?
Those little struts *are* at least partially used for banking but I think they're probably more like communications arrays combined with.. ballast isn't the right word. Counterweight? Idk. Beautiful regardless. Still love the little antennae
A little boat skims across a river, under a bridge where a highway passes over. I can tell it's moving fast, even from this high up. Tiny ecosystems exist beneath the hull, trillions of microbes, so far down beneath me now it's hard to make out any details other than the trail of white foam spray behind the boat.
Another water tower.
And another. Wild.
She rumbles as she drops, like she's grumpy, like she doesn't want to be on the ground. Silly girl, you can't fly forever. You need fuel and new passengers. She's flexing the little bits along her wings again, preparing for true descent now. The whistling is getting lower and lower pitched as we lose speed. I'm sure she isn't happy about it, but it's only going to be probably a half an hour or less before she's up in the air again. Calm down, girl.
One last roar as we slow. Beautiful. 💖
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bootstrapparadoxed · 9 months
creative works & links
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adult sci-fi; a queer, existentialist space adventure
In the distant future, humans live in a utopia where even death is not the end—for everyone except Amber’s parents. At 25, she is a cynical, aloof Ph.D. in history who resents her sheltered life at home and yearns to find her place in the world. Then, an exciting job offer comes her way—the chance to uncover the mystery of a civilization that disappeared thousands of years ago. Teaming up with the archeologist Lullaby, Amber embarks on a hitchhiking quest to find the fabled Aquamarine Moon and, perhaps, some much-needed meaning in her life.
Publisher’s website | Amazon
Video Essays
"Science Has an Accountability Problem | Dumpster Fire Data"
Do you know how many researchers anonymously admit to fabricating data? The answer is not a number of individuals, it is a percentage. As scientists, we like to believe that we are the pinnacle of accuracy, honesty, and accountability. In reality, we are no different from any other human, just as capable of making mistakes. And it’s time to fully admit to that. Welcome to Dumpster Fire Data, a series in which I analyze the hell out of crumbling institutions.
“Representation DIY: What Headcanons Can Teach You About Autism”
On why representation of minority groups in fiction has such a powerful influence, why I prefer headcanon autistic characters over canon examples, and how headcanon discussions can improve the public dialogue and be an additional push for better diverse media.
“Night in the Woods: Cosmic Horror and Optimistic Nihilism”
An exploration of themes and narrative threads of “Night in the Woods” through the eyes of an exhausted Gen Z anarchist. On the terrifying world that young adults of today were born into and how it affected us, the two ways in which NiTW explores cosmic horror, why humans always look for stories, patterns, and meaning, and whether you can be sane and happy without meaning altogether. 
“Disability and Capitalism” 2-parter
A deep dive into the intertwined history of ableism and the capitalist economy, starting from the dawn of humanity and ending with a hopeful look into the future. Featuring a shitton of citations/research and generously sprinkled with science fiction.
“Squid Game and the Gamefication of Capitalism”
"Squid Game" is a South Korean survival drama that explores themes of class disparity and inequality with a Hunger Games-esque, thrilling plotline. Is the reality show / video game aesthetic of Squid Game just another compelling visual element, or an additional metaphor?
"Is Phylogenetics a Proper Science?"
Birds are dinosaurs, whales are cousins of cows, and fishes do not exist – these are the kind of things you learn in phylogenetics lectures as a biology undergrad. I have compartmentalized this knowledge in my head for years without giving it a second thought. Then, I fell down a rabbit whole of weird philosophy of science papers, and it broke my brain a little.
"Pokemon Evolutions Are Real... Kind Of"
More people have probably heard the word "evolution" in a pokemon game than in a high school biology class. And they aren't even actually evolving, they're going through metamorphosis. Probably. Well…
Published Fiction
Short Story: "Satisfied", cyberpunk horror, in HyphenPunk Magazine Issue 7
Selected Fanfiction
One Septendecillion Brass Doorknobs: AO3 - Royalroad - Rebloggable Link
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency S3 as a full novel length (82k words) fic written in my best attempt at the style of Douglas Adams
where fire and ice collide: AO3 
30k long/novella length doctor who and good omens crossover with Tenth and Rose and all the GO characters; mostly focused on the mystery/adventure plotline but it also has tenrose and ineffable husbands tones in the mix
when it’s time: AO3
good omens 20k ineffible husbands slowburn. you know the cold open of E3? it’s 20k more of it. with mutual pining and angst and an eventual happy ending
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