#Political System
b0bthebuilder35 · 3 months
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babybbboy · 11 days
might delete later
idk why being a commie is a bad thing, its not like im gonna now murder everybody, i just see good in this political system
maybe it's schools fault? or maybe im just stupid for thinking its good?
i don't support wars what happened because of a "bad communism" but i support theory of communism/marxism
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papirouge · 1 year
"this is a witch hunt" say the men threatened of being asked accountability for their predatory behavior, when History shows that witch hunt were for the most part targeting (destitute) women
"pregnancy is slavery" say the White women who participated in using Black female slave body to nurse their own children
"there's a Great Replacement" say the White Nations which are actually the only ones that invaded and replaced the native populations of the (many) place they invaded
remember friends: never let oppressors twist & shift the narrative.
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aunti-christ-ine · 2 years
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gamer2002 · 11 months
Democracy is the only viable system
Authoritarianism was functional back when the gold was heavy. The king had to build his treasure, create walls around it, turn it into a castle, hire warriors, ensure safety in the country for tax collectors, ensure the subjects wouldn't side with a foreign master... There was a reason to not fuck things up, and those who fucked things up paid dearly.
Because, even if they escaped with their lives, the gold was heavy. So, they've lost the majority of their gold.
Today, we have digital money. You fuck things up, and, like Putin during Wagner's revolt, you can flee and still be among the most wealthy. So, you don't have a good reason to not fuck things up.
Democracy ensures that at least majority of idiots who vote wrong will pay for it, because the majority isn't rich enough to flee on a sudden notice and keep most of their wealth. So, democracy is the only system that can punish the responsible for fucking things up, making it the only viable system on rational grounds.
What needs to be fixed in democracy is eliminating the unnecessary middlemen in legislative. Switzerland's model is the way to go.
Though we should also keep beheading servants that majorly screw things up for the sovereign.
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chaosbuzz · 11 months
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The Wizengamot serves as the parliament of Wixen Britain. It is a composite chamber made up of 25 Elders, as part of a hereditary peerage system, and 50 elected Members of the Wizengamot. 
There are no formal political parties in the Wizengamot. However, the Minister typically relies on the support of certain loose factions and patronage networks in the legislature in order to pass laws. For an Act of Wizengamot to be passed, it must be voted in by a simple majority. For laws relating to constitutional changes, a two thirds majority is required.
Elders of the Wizengamot
The twenty five Elders (who are granted the title of Lord, Lady, or Liege) represent certain ancient constituencies which are determined by family origin. These twenty five peerages are represented by Britain’s noble Houses.
The current noble Houses are as follows:  Abbott  Avery  Black  Bulstrode  Burke  Carrow  Crouch  Fawley  Flint  Greengrass  Lestrange  Longbottom  Macmillan  Malfoy  Nott  Ollivander  Parkinson  Prewett  Rosier  Rowle  Selwyn  Shacklebolt  Shafiq  Travers  Yaxley
The inheritance rules of such peerages largely adhere to the Peerage Act of 1963: descent is always to the heirs of the body, regardless of gender. A person who is a possible heir to a peerage is said to be "in remainder". In the past, peerages were sometimes forfeit or attainted, as determined by the other Elders. This was the case with the Weasleys and Potters whose titles were forfeited due to their historical practices of “diluting” magical blood. 
A title becomes extinct when all possible heirs have died out; i.e., there is nobody in remainder at the death of the holder. A title becomes dormant if nobody has claimed the title, or if no claim has been satisfactorily proven. A title goes into abeyance if there is more than one person equally entitled to be the holder.
Members of the Wizengamot
Following the Reform Act of 1892, the Wizengamot was modestly expanded to enfranchise part of the population. Today, two thirds of the Wizengamot are now elected by the public. 
There are a total of fifty elected Members of the Wizengamot, each one representing a particular constituency of voters in the United Kingdom. These boroughs do not reflect the Muggle Parliament’s constituencies due to the much smaller wixen electorate. 
Each MW is elected during a general election which takes place every five years by custom. However, the Minister of Magic has the power to call an early election, though they cannot delay or postpone one without the consent of the Wizengamot.
In Wixen Britain, the executive branch comprises the Minister of Magic and their Cabinet. The Minister of Magic acts as the head of state and is appointed by the Wizengamot from within their own ranks through an internal vote.
Once voted in, each Minister selects their own Cabinet, a group which acts as the Ministry of Magic’s senior decision-making body. Cabinet members are typically civil servants who by virtue of their appointment are granted a vote in the Wizengamot. However, if a Cabinet member is already a voting elder or member of the Wizengamot, they do not have an additional vote. 
The Cabinet is made up of the Heads of the ‘Big Five’ Departments in the Ministry of Magic: the Treasury, the DMLE, the Department of Mysteries, the Department of International Magical Co-operation, and the Home Department. 
Unlike in the HP canon verse, all trials, courts, and tribunals operate independently of the Wizengamot.
The Wixen Supreme Council is the highest court in Britain and is the final court of appeals, established to decide on the most important or controversial points of law. It is made up of eight judges who are initially appointed by the Minister for Magic from a list of recommendations put together by the Wixen Independent Judicial Commission. A Supreme Council judge’s tenure is for life. Judges do not sit on every case but are allocated cases from the docket so that there is an odd number of judges for each trial.
Beyond the Supreme Council, Wixen Britain’s judicial system by and large follows that of the muggle version. For matters of criminal law, prosecutions are carried out by the Wixen Prosecution Service operating under the DMLE. The WPS’ duty is to make sure that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence, and to bring offenders to justice wherever possible. Their work ultimately relies on the co-operation of the Aurors and other DMLE offices in terms of evidence and coordination. 
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sailing-ever-west · 5 months
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the trolley problem vs. systemic oppression: a comic.
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>Join a union
>Hear people constantly complaining that the current union leadership is super corrupt, it's all just the same ten guys making all the decisions in secret and nobody else in the union ever gets to know what's going on
>Go to the monthly union meetings that are completely open to all 1200 union members
>The only attendees are the same ten guys every month, giving detailed reports about everything that's going on
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On Friday, a group of protestors walked on Highway 89 in Cameron, Ariz., protesting Pinyon Plain Mine owner Energy Fuels trucking uranium ore through the Navajo Nation to Utah. Uranium has a long history of impacts on the Navajo Nation and its people since the 1940s. "We've seen the effects of these things in the past on our land, the spills into our rivers, into our communities, the residual effects on our on our health, of our children, our elders," Cameron resident Adair Klopfenstein said. "It's awful, and we don't want it to happen again." The Pinyon Plain Mine, formerly known as Canyon Mine, began mining uranium ore in December and is expected to be actively mining for at least five years. The company had told 12News at the end of June it would start transporting the uranium ore to a mill in southeast Utah in July or August. That hauling appears to have started before the pause was put in place. "I call it illegal smuggling across our border and then through the Navajo Nation," Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said.
And from June:
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whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
The MMA movement Kampf der Nibelungen also hints at the need to fight the prevailing system and liberal democracy. Its mission statement reads:
While in most 'fight nights' across the country participation of the athlete depends on his declared belief in the liberal democratic basic order, Kampf der Nibelungen doesn't view this discipline as part of a foul political system but wants to establish it as a fundamental element of an alternative and mainstream it.
"Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists" - Julia Ebner
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lasseling · 6 months
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b0bthebuilder35 · 2 months
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independentjournalism · 7 months
I'm Not Voting!!!
Check out this and more from Independent Journalism and Media Group... Please Subscribe!
image of black man hold vote card Hey there, iJam Power Radio listeners, this is Jordan The Producer coming at you with a serious question: should some Black American voters be considering not voting in the upcoming elections? In recent times, there has been some talk about whether or not participating in the voting process is worth it. Some are feeling disenchanted with the political system and…
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inadeemblr · 7 months
Key Points to Know About Iran's Friday Vote
Iranians head to the polls on Friday for crucial elections that will determine the composition of the country’s parliament and the Assembly of Experts. Here are the essential aspects to understand about these elections: What’s At Stake Parliament (Majlis): Iran’s 290-seat parliament holds legislative power, responsible for crafting laws, approving the national budget, and ratifying…
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a-contemplative-soul · 10 months
I believe that one of the biggest problems with current political systems is the strong centralization of power, if there was a way to eliminate such form of government, many problems would be avoided, because when you put a lot of power in the hands of just a few, it creates a greater chance of happening serious mistakes, because if a mind with high power makes a bad decision, many who are at the mercy of that power are harmed. So I think it would be ideal to avoid centralization of power as much as possible, the more fragmented society is in terms of distribution of power, the better it would be, because in case a mistake is committed it would cause less damage, since there would not be so many at the mercy of the same leader.
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atissi · 5 months
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kras mazov lookin ass
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