cabinofimagines · 3 months
Pipabeth's ABCs
I would ask the anon to ask a lil more politely next time, but then again it did take a year and some to get to. Welp, not getting paid anyways. Pairing: Poly!Pipabeth x reader, Piper Mclean x reader x Annabeth Chase Request: could you write pipabeths ABCs if you already haven't thank Warnings: None Word count: 2k - Asnyox
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Both Annabeth and Piper really enjoy being active together, and love to take you with them. Whether it's training, a hike, or visiting an architecturally cool building or monument. Piper tends to whip out the more 'childish' activities- going to a playground or doing silly crafts, while Annabeth tends to prefer going to museums. And what do you bring to the table? That's up to you of course.
Beauty - What do they admire in their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Neither Piper or Annabeth have ever considered physical beauty as the most important in a person. Piper did at first consider how you looked, but it was quickly outshined by the kindness you showed to those around you. Annabeth tends to fall more for the moments of unconventional beauty- you waking up, safe in her arms, or after a fight, both Piper and you dirty. You couldn't be more beautiful than in those moments.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Both of your girlfriends are amazing at comforting you, Annabeth has years of experience in dealing with bad emotions and Piper has learned a trick or two, not to mention her charmspeak working wonders. Although she has realized that charmspeak tends to not have you deal with your feelings, so they would come back later.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Piper and Annabeh have rather differing dreams- Piper wishes to be free of responsibility and image, free to go whenever and travel around as long as she can. Annabeth wishes to make something permanent, because even if her suffering is forgotten, her buildings would never be. But, neither has taken the initiative to talk about it, they are aware that they clash, but for now being together is enough. Where the relationship fits in their own dreams they do not know yet, and they are scared to figure it out.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Annabeth likes being in control, she knows what she wants and how to get there. Piper is less so, she doesn't mind following as it's sometimes easier to simply trust her lovers to plan things. It means less worries for her. It doesn't stop her from organizing impromptu activities, so be prepared for those.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights would be rather explosive- not loud, but aggressive anyways. Annabeth has her pride she hangs on to and finds it hard to admit fault, unless it's glaringly her fault. Piper becomes petty about it, perhaps she walks away but keeps glaring, and does not want to talk to either of you. Forgiveness doesn't come easily in this relationship, and it will always take time for fights to truly get resolved.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
They never let any help they get go unappreciated. Piper is very vocal about her thanks, and Annabeth likes to repay your favors by doing something in return. Either way, they are aware of what you do for them, as it always fills them with joy whenever you care for them.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Piper finds it hard to keep secrets from either of you, she often shares it whenever something is bothering her and found that sharing means sometimes she can get help that she didn't know she needed. Annabeth has a harder time- she trusts the two of you, but she's been on her own for so long and sees weakness in sharing and strength in overcoming her own troubles.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Annabeth is slowly learning to be less perfect, that her flaws are allowed and that she can depend on her lovers if she needs it. Piper is also coming to terms with who she is, and what her identity means to her. She has been working on it before you got together, but she has to admit that it's getting easier with your support.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Once again Piper and Annabeth are opposites. Annabeth feels secure in the relationship and trusts the both of you with her life, along with her heart. However, she does love showing the both of you off whenever someone is getting too comfortable with you. Piper gets jealous more easily, she has lost things over and over and feels weird and bad to see either of you go. She hasn't admitted these feelings yet, but she is aware it's something she should work on.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Piper, as a daughter of Aphrodite, has somehow a natural skill with kissing, and every kiss you share is amazing. Even the first kiss wasn't awkward at all, even if the tension was. Annabeth's kisses are less skilled but feel very good and comfortable whenever they happen.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It wasn't really planned, but Piper had taken the both of you out, not on a date, but somewhere midday she realized maybe she wanted it to be a date. Thus, she asked, and both Annabeth and you were surprised but agreed. It was nice and casual, with little overthinking.
Memory - What’s their favourite memory together?
There is not one memory either of your girlfriends hold dearer than the others. Every day is filled with new ones. Perhaps Annabeth will mention simply surviving the war, or Piper will tell you that it's the one time the three of you got caught in a storm and sheltered in a cafe nearby. Either way, any memory is a favorite one for them.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Annabeth tends to have a teasing nickname for both of you, it's simply how she treats those she loves. Piper calls you by a cuter nickname when she feels like it, but she does so love the name of you and Annabeth and loves saying those.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Piper flirts, it's almost second nature to her. She also tends to look for those she loves in a crowd or conversation, even when you're not talking. Annabeth shows her love by taking care of you, scolding you whenever you do something stupid.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
They are both upfront about the relationship, but neither prioritize PDA as a way to show it off. Annabeth only likes holding hands, but always wants to have a hand free and Piper does enjoy shamelessly flirting with you both, but also likes the freedom of moving around. Neither cares too much if anyone is watching, it's simply their own comfort that has them refrain from doing too much PDA.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Piper tends to adapt really well to what is needed to be done, Annabeth overworking herself? She makes an indoor date night and forces her to take a break. You're having excess energy? Let's go spar or go on a run! Annabeth actually is a great planner, she always manages to find a spot for a weekly date in each of your schedules, which with three people tends to be quite the accomplishment.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Neither of them are good at making elaborate romantic gestures. Piper has some internalized disgust to her Aphrodite parentage, and refuses to take advice from her siblings and Annabeth just never learned how to be romantic and will be rigid about how romance should be done if asked to be romantic. But both of them are therefore way too romantic in random moments, without meaning to.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Both of them are your biggest cheerleaders. Piper loves offering mental support, and Annabeth will do anything in her power to help you.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Even though Piper would love to discover the edges of the universe, she does need structure in her life. She hasn't had a set schedule that was over her own making ever, and she would appreciate a structure in life. Annabeth simply enjoys structure in her life, because it keeps her calm, but she's open to a thrill every now and then.
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
They are both really empathic but for different reasons. Annabeth has taken her time to learn each of you inside and out, and keeps that knowledge close to her heart. She reads you like a book, and she loves to read. Piper's empathy comes natural to her, she easily picks up on your mood.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your girlfriends are very ride or die- they put the relationship very high on their list of priorities, even if other things might suffer from it. Annabeth sees the relationship with as much value as her legacy, and Piper truly would do anything for either of you.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
You started a tradition of going on painting picnic dates. You would pack drawing and painting supplies and then spend an afternoon on a blanket with snacks painting your surroundings. Annabeth prefers it if there are buildings nearby, but otherwise she'll simply imagine a building in the nature around you. Piper tends to paint close-ups of that which is around you. It's really sweet, especially since you tend to exchange the paintings between the three of you.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
When it's simply the three of you it's all touches and cuddles. Simply draped over one another when it's the end of the day, and everyone is still busy doing work.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
As long as one of you is around it's not the worst, they can deal with it together, but if it's the three of you split up you betcha you will have daily Iris messages. They won't admit it, but they will be missing you immensely, and often cope by simply trying to distract themselves.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Both Piper and Annabeth would go to great lengths for the relationship- life has tested either of them again and again, and the Gods be damned they will wage war simply to stay together. It's nothing they haven't done before.
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ssavinggrace · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Annabeth Chase & Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Jason Grace/Percy Jackson/Leo Valdez, Piper McLean & Drew Tanaka, Jason Grace & Piper McLean & Leo Valdez Characters: Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, mention of Sally Jackson - Character, Drew Tanaka, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez Summary:
she loves me
she loves me not. -- A one-sided pipabeth fic. high-school au.
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audhdnight · 11 months
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autistic-katara · 1 year
part idek of me making random polls cause i’m bored
all of these ships i only ship person A x person B x person C not A x C but if u do i won’t judge u since none of its like illegal or anything
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echo-stimmingrose · 3 months
I'm so glad I got over myself and just accepted that I'm a multi shipper. When I first joined fandom spaces I clung to only shipping one character in one specific ship and nothing else. (I was fine with other people multi shipping but me personally had to pick one for whatever reason cause my brains weird).
But now? Fuck it. I love Percabeth and they're my favorite couple to write for- However, Jercy with wingman Annabeth? Absolutely. Poly Amorous Annabeth dating both Percy and Piper because she has two hands? Definitely. Pipabeth with besties Percy and Annabeth?Absofuckinglutley. Pipabeth and Jercy in the same universe? Yes yes yes.
Do I think Percy was in love with Annabeth from a young age? Yes I do, but he was also head over heels for both Charles and Luke. In the same vain- Annabeth had a crush on Percy since she was twelve but that didn't stop Silena from being her bisexual awakening.
I absolutely adore AroAce Leo Valdez, however I will always ship Valgrace, especially when it involves Piper meddling to set them up. I love (fanon) Solangelo but Valdangelo is so heartbreakingly wholesome I can't help but love it. And don't even get me started on Jasico- more often than not I imagine them as siblings however I do love their romantic ship too. Nico and Leo are great with a lot of characters but I also like them just being single besties who gossip about all the relationship drama while they play video games.
Clarrise x Chris and Silena x Charles are my favorite canon side couples but I love Ruegard so fuck it, they're all polyamorous and dating each other. Clarrise and Charles spoil the fuck out of Chris and Silena and Chris and Silena treat Charles and Clarrise with the love they deserve.
Fandom gives me a menu of characters and I will mix and match how I please. And that's enough of my rambling, goodbye.
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iadoresolangelo · 2 years
I love pipabeth but I also love percybeth so... Polyamory headcanons on those three.
- Piper is a lesbian, so Annabeth is dating both Percy and Piper, but Piper and Percy are metamors.
- Annabeth is a master of time managment so none of her partners are neglected.
- After Annabeth came out to Percy as polyamouros, he was really supportive and Percy started thinking about his sexuality more openly. ( He realized he was bi, more women leaning)
- Annabeths extreme jealousy towards other girls about Percy was comphet. Change my mind.
- Hazel was shocked when she learned that, but did her research ( with Franks help, cuz technology hard) and was supportive about it.
- Annabeth had a discussion with Piper and Percy about boundaries where she made a PowerPoint presentation with infographics.
- Piper is poly too, Percy is mono.
- Piper and Percy are not besties, but they still are pretty close friends and both love Annabeth equally.
- Jason ( who DIDN'T die) after he learned that he was also not straight had been also really supportive because lesbian×Gay friendship supremacy.
Maybe I will expand this a bit but I still love it.
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my-apollo-gies · 4 years
*during tlh*
Jason: I'm not sure how I feel about being the only straight person here right now
Leo: The hetero is upsetero
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deadcorvid · 5 years
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strickenice · 7 years
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Pipeynabeth for @pjofemslashnet‘s poly event
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owo-shenanigans · 2 years
poly pipabeth with a deaf +mute reader pleaseeee
Sure sure. Im gonna gloss over how the reader made it to camp bc damn u must have had incredible luck
Piper and Annabeth x Deaf & Mute reader (poly)
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Even before the two of you were friends, Annabeth was put in charge of your training. Chiron knows that you have abilities, yes, but going around without being able to hear without training to compensate is a death sentence. She trains you pretty hard, and while you likely won’t ever be the best fighter in the world (what with needing to keep looking around to make sure no one sneaks up on you), you’re good enough to keep yourself alive.
Annabeth insists that you teach her sign language so that she can talk to you (and once you teach her, she tells Chiron it should be a standard thing to be taught. After all, being able to communicate without making noise is always a useful skill to have.
Other than other deaf campers, she’s likely the best at using sign language, her perfectionistic tendencies (and desire to be a good friend) making her practice manically for weeks and weeks until she’s nearly as good as y’all.
Piper takes a lot longer to learn, once she gets to camp- being told you’re part of a huge prophecy for the fate of the world and training constantly so you don’t die from said prophecy take up a large part of your day. But she bonded fast with Annabeth, and Annabeth was attached at the hip to you (even moreso after her best friend Percy went missing), so she decided learning was the better part of valor and spent some spare time studying sign language daily.
Honestly Piper and Annabeth forget to speak after hanging out with you for long periods of time (because they only use sign language with you) and have to be reminded by Jason or Leo that, hey, they aren’t quite as fluent in sign language so could the two of them please use English (or Spanish, Leo adds).
Piper is probably the one who speaks for you when y’all take a trip outside of camp. Annabeth just gets annoyed at the workers for not knowing sign language smh --- Also she and Annabeth buy you literally everything you want (bc your girlfriends are rich like my god)
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cabinofimagines · 3 years
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-This is a masterlist ordered with the poly pairings we wrote for!  here’s where all of the drabbles, oneshots, headcanons, series, etc. for them will reside!
key : fluff → ✨ | smut → ** | angst → ☁️ | gender neutral → ღ | female → ♥ | male →♡ |
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Chronological Order Masterlist
You, Him and his boyfriend  ღ | ✨
Ghosting your heart   ღ | ✨
Warmth of your boyfriends  ღ | ✨
You, me and my boyfriend?   ღ |  ✨/ ☁️
Celebrating Survival  ღ | ✨
Pieces Together  ღ |  ✨/ ☁️
Solangelo’s ABCs  ღ | ✨
Nightmares  ღ | ✨
Weak and tired   ღ |  ✨/ ☁️
Lover’s Orders  ღ | ✨
Take Care  ღ |  ✨/ ☁️
Communication is key  ღ |☁️ / ✨ 
Get Spooked!  ✨
Practice Makes Perfect  ✨
Wait for me?  ღ |☁️ / ✨
Tradition  ღ | ✨
All the Pawsebilities  ღ | ✨
Affection headcanons for poly!solangelo  ღ | ✨
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Halloween cuddles    ღ |   ✨  
Poly!Pipabeth’s ABCs  ღ | ✨
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Te Amo, Se Agapó, I Love You    ღ |   ✨  
Falling face first   ღ |   ✨  
Under The Stars ღ |  ✨
- Dating Headcanons   ღ |  ✨ 
- Valentines Day   ღ |  ✨  
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Fierrochase’s ABCs  ღ | ✨
All fine   ღ | ✨
Reminders  ღ | ✨  
- Dating Headcanons  ღ | ✨
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That’s The Spirit. (Poly!Reyna, Calypso, and Reader)  ♥ | ✨
Poly! Percabeth Headcanons!   ღ | ✨  
Poly!Jercy Headcanons   ღ | ✨  
Poly!Percabeth ABCs  ღ  / ✨
Poly!Frazel headcanons ღ | ✨
Last updated: August 12th 2022, Admin Asnyox
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audhdnight · 11 months
Shout out to literally the most incredible reader ever 🫶 I adore you
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Percy Jackson Ship Names
A (incomplete) list of Percy Jackson ship names for PJO and HOO; cross posted from AO3.
Demigod x Demigod Ships (m/f)
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase - percabeth
Percy Jackson x Reyna Ramirez-Arellano - preyna
Percy Jackson x Zoe Nightshade - perzoe
Percy Jackson x Piper Mclean - pipercy
Percy Jackson x Thalia Grace - perlia
Percy Jackson x Hazel Levesque - hazercy
Percy Jackson x Bianca di Angelo - peranca
Percy Jackson x Silena Beauregard - perlena
Percy Jackson x Clarisse la Rue - perrue
Chris Rodriguez x Clarisse la Rue - chrisse
Charles Beckendorf x Clarisse la Rue - beckenrue
Charles Beckendorf x Silena Beauregard - beckengard
Luke Castellan x Thalia Grace - thaluke
Luke Castellan x Annabeth Chase - lukabeth
Luke Castellan x Zoe Nightshade - lukzoe
Luke Castellan x Silena Beauregard - siluke
Jason Grace x Reyna Ramirez-Arellano - jeyna
Jason Grace x Annabeth Chase - jasabeth
Jason Grace x Hazel Levesque - jazel
Jason Grace x Thalia Grace - gracest
Jason Grace x Rachel Dare - jachel
Jason Grace x Piper Mclean - jiper
Jason Grace x Drew Tanaka - gratana
Leo Valdez x Hazel Levesque - hazeleo
Leo Valdez x Piper Mclean - pipeo
Leo Valdez x Annabeth Chase - leobeth
Leo Valdez x Reyna Ramirez-Arellano - leyna
Frank Zhang x Hazel Levesque - frazel
Frank Zhang x Annabeth Chase - frannabeth
Frank Zhang x Piper Mclean - fraper
Frank Zhang x Reyna Ramirez-Arellano - freyna
Nico di Angelo x Reyna Ramirez-Arellano - reynico
Nico di Angelo x Thalia Grace - thalico
Nico di Angelo x Bianca di Angelo - diangelocest
Nico di Angelo x Hazel Levesque - diangesque
Nico di Angelo x Annabeth Chase - nicobeth
Travis Stoll x Katie Gardnier - tratie
Travis Stoll x Drew Tanaka - drevis
Travis Stoll x Annabeth Chase - trannabeth
Connor Stoll x Drew Tanaka - drennor
Connor Stoll x Annabeth Chase - connabeth
Malcolm Pace x Annabeth Chase - athenacest
Ethan Nakamura x Bianca di Angelo - ethanca
Damien White x Chiara Benventui - chiamien
Sherman Yang x Miranda Gardiner - sheranda
Octavian x Reyna Rameriz-Arellano - reytavian
Cecil Markowitz x Lou Ellen Blackstone - cecilou
Other Ships (m/f)
Percy Jackson x Rachel Dare - perachel
Percy Jackson x Nancy Bobofit - perancy
Percy Jackson x Juniper - junipercy
Percy Jackson x Kelli - kercy
Luke Castellan x Sally Jackson - saluke
Luke Castellan x Rachel Dare - racheluke
Luke Castellan x Kelli - lukelli
Grover Underwood x Juniper - gruniper
Grover Underwood x Annabeth Chase - grovabeth
Grover Underwood x Thalia Grace - thaver
Tyson x Elle - tysella
Sally Jackson x Gabe Ugliano - ugliason
Sally Jackson x Paul Blofis - blofison
Sally Jackson x Frederick Chase - chason
Octavian x Rachel Dare - octachel
Will Solace x Rachel Dare - soldare
Mortal x Immortal Ships (m/f)
Percy Jackson x Calypso - perlypso
Percy Jackson x Artemis - pertemis
Percy Jackson x Hera - pera
Percy Jackson x Aphrodite - perodite
Percy Jackson x Athena - perthena
Annabeth Chase x Poseidon - poseibeth
Annabeth Chase x Hermes - hermabeth
Annabeth Chase x Zeus - zuebeth
Thalia Grace x Apollo - thallo
Luke Castellan x Artemis - lukemis
Jason Grace x Aphrodite - gradite
Jason Grace x Hera - jera
Jason Grace x Lupa - lupace
Sally Jackson x Poseidon - posally
May Castellan x Hermes - hermay
Rachel Dare x Apollo - rachello
Leo Valdez x Calpyso - caleo
Leo Valdez x Echo - lecho
Demigod x Demigod Ships (m/m)
Percy Jackson x Luke Castellan - lukercy
Percy Jackson x Nico di Angelo - percico
Percy Jackson x Jason Grace - jercy
Percy Jackson x Charles Beckendorf - jackendorf
Percy Jackson x Frank Zhang - frankercy
Percy Jackson x Leo Valdez - perleo
Percy Jackson x Will Solace - solackson
Percy Jackson x Connor Stoll - perconnor
Percy Jackson x Travis Stoll - peravis
Percy Jackson x Ethan Nakamura - perthan
Percy Jackson x Octavian - pertavian
Jason Grace x Octavian -jasotavian
Jason Grace x Nico di Angelo - jasico
Jason Grace x Leo Valdez - valgrace
Jason Grace x Frank Zhang - frason
Jason Grace x Will Solace - solgrace
Nico di Angelo x Leo Valdez - valdangelo
Nico di Angelo x Frank Zhang - franico
Nico di Angelo x Will Solace - solangelo
Nico di Angelo x Octavian - nicotavian
Nico di Angelo x Ethan Nakamura - ethanico
Nico di Angelo x Luke Castellan - lukico
Leo Valdez x Charles Beckendorf - hepheacest
Leo Valdez x Frank Zhang - fraleo
Frank Zhang x Octavian - fratavian
Luke Castellan x Alabsater Torrington - lukabaster
Will Solace x Leo Valdez - willeo
Will Solace x Butch Walker - solker
Ethan Nakamura x Damien White - nemecest
Ethan Nakamura x Alabaster Torrington - ethabaster
Pollux x Castor - dioncest
Travis Stoll x Connor Stoll - stollcest
Malcolm Pace x Sherman Yang - shercolm
Clovis x Butch Walker - bovis
Charles Beckendorf x Chris Rodriguez - beckeniguez
Other Ships (m/m)
Percy Jackson x Tyson - pertyson
Percy Jackson x Gabe Ugliano- gabercy
Percy Jackson x Paul Blofis -peraul
Luke Castellan x Paul Blofis - pauluke
Luke Castellan x Chiron - chiluke
Nico di Angelo x Minos - minco
Apollo x Lester - apollocest
Charles Beckendorf x Tyson - tysondorf
Chiron x Blackjack - blachiron
Mortal x Immortal Ships (m/m)
Percy Jackson x Hermes - permes
Percy Jackson x Apollo - apercy
Percy Jackson x Kronos - kronercy
Percy Jackson x Dionysus - dionercy
Nico di Angelo x Dionysus - dionico
Nico di Angelo x Apollo - nicollo
Luke Castellan x Hermes - lukemes
Luke Castellan x Dionysus - dionluke
Luke Castellan x Ares - lukres
Luke Castellan x Atlas - lukeatlas
Luke Castellan x Kronos - lukronos
Will Solace x Apollo - wiollo
Will Solace x Dionysus - dionwill
Demigod x Demigod Ships (f/f)
Annabeth Chase x Thalia Grace - thaliabeth
Annabeth Chase x Reyna Ramirez-Arellano - reynabeth
Annabeth Chase x Hazel Levesque - hazabeth
Annabeth Chase x Piper Mclean -pipabeth
Annabeth Chase x Silena Beauregard - silenabeth
Annabeth Chase x Clarisse la Rue - clarabeth
Annabeth Chase x Bianca di Angelo - biannabeth
Annabeth Chase x Zoe Nightshade - chashade
Clarisse la Rue x Silena Beauregard - rugard
Piper Mclean x Reyna Ramierz-Arellano - pipeyna
Piper Mclean x Hazel Levesque - pipazel
Piper Mclean x Drew Tanakaa - aphroditecest
Piper Mclean x Thalia Grace - pipalia
Hazel Levesque x Bianca di Angelo - biazel
Hazel Levesque x Reyna Ramierz-Arellano - hazeyna
Thalia Grace x Bianca di Angelo- thalianca
Thalia Grace x Zoe Nightshade - thaloe
Drew Tanaka x Nyssa Barrera - drewnyssa
Drew Tanaka x Reyna Ramierz-Arellano - dreyna
Holly x Laurel Victor - nikecest
Zoe Nightshade x Bianca di Angelo - zianca
Zoe Nightshade x Reyna Ramierz-Arellano - zoeyna
Mortal x Immortal Ships (f/f)
Annabeth Chase x Athena - athenabeth
Annabeth Chase x Artemis - artabeth
Annabeth Chase x Aphrodite - aphrobeth
Annabeth Chase x Hera - herabeth
Annabeth Chase x Calypso - calabeth
Zoe Nightshade x Artemis - zartemis
Thalia Grace x Artemis - thartemis
Thalia Grace x Aphrodite - thadite
Thalia Grace x Clapyso - thalypso
Piper Mclean x Calypso - calyper
Bianca di Angelo x Artemis - biartemis
Other Ships (f/f)
Annabeth Chase x Rachel Dare - rachabeth
Annabeth Chase x Sally Jackson - sallabeth
Piper Mclean x Rachel Dare - piperachel
Piper Mclean x Shel - shelper
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano x Rachel Dare - racheyna
Sally Jackson x May Castellan - maysally
Annabeth Chase x Elle - ellebeth
Annabeth Chase x Juniper - junibeth
Poly Pairings
Percy Jackson x Luke Castellan x Nico di Angelo - lukercyco
Percy Jackson x Luke Castellan x Rachel Dare - peracheluke
Percy Jackson x Luke Castellan x Kronos - krolukercy
Percy Jackson x Frank Zhang x Hazel Levesque - frazercy
Percy Jackson x Jason Grace x Nico di Angelo - jasperico
Percy Jackson x Jason Grace x Reyna Ramirez-Arellano - perjeyna
Percy Jackson x Jason Grace x Annabeth Chase - jercabeth
Percy Jackson x Will Solace x Nico di Angelo - solangelson
Percy Jackson x Grover x Juniper - grunipercy
Percy Jackson x Hermes x Apollo - apermes
Percy Jackson x Silena Beauregard x Charles Beckendorf - beckengardson
Clarisse la Rue x Silena Beauregard x Charles Beckendorf x Chris Rodriguez - beckenrodruegard
Clarisse la Rue x Silena Beauregard x Charles Beckendorf - beckenruegard
Luke Castellan x Annabeth Chase x Thalia Grace - thalukabeth
Luke Castellan x Ethan Nakamura x Alabaster Torrington - lukethabaster
Jason Grace x Will Solace x Nico di Angelo - solangrace
Jason Grace x Leo Valsez x Piper Mclean - jipereo
Annabeth Chase x Travis Stoll x Connor Stoll - traconnabeth
Annabeth Chase x Zoe Nightshade x Thalia Grace - zothaliabeth
Annabeth Chase x Reyna Ramirez-Arellano x Piper Mclean - pipeynabeth
Annabeth Chase x Grover x Juniper - grunibeth
Leo Valdez x Frank Zhang x Hazel Levesque - frazeleo
Leo Valdez x Nico di Angelo x Will Solace - soldezangelo
Sally Jackson x Paul Blofis x Frederick Chase - blochason
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princess-of-luxure · 5 years
Percy Jackson AU Project
So I'm doing a possibly dumb thing, but hopefully a fun one. Basically, I'm going to wing a Percy Jackson AU based on prompts sent by you guys, basically meaning you guys have some influence over the story! It'll basically be a bunch of one-shots set in one big universe. It'll be posted here of course as well as over on AO3!
If you want to participate all you have to do is send an ask with a sentence starter/prompt/line of dialogue and either a character or a ship from the list below. Don't worry about if your character is already in a ship, I'm down to write poly relationships.
Ship List
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solange-lol · 6 years
I love percabeth, jasper, jercy, and pipabeth. And I also love poly relationships soo...OT4 anyone?
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