#Pretentious Animals
egophiliac · 7 months
Okay so I've been wanting to tell you that you're literally my favourite twst artist 😭🩷
So my question is, how do you manage to come up with these funny comics? CUZ I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
(P.s: Lovin' the art style ✨)
oh geeze, thanks! 💚💚💚 I'm really glad people enjoy my stupid sense of humor; mostly I just draw things to make myself laugh, and if it makes other people laugh too, then bonus points! usually it's just one joke or mental image that gets stuck in my head (every time I saw Fellow spin his cane, all I could think about was him go-go-gadgeting away on it...) and in my quest to justify it, it picks up other jokes and bits along the way and usually doesn't even end up as the main focus anymore. entire narrative arcs have spun out just so I could use a single bad pun in a throwaway line. this is a terrible way to explain it but I'm not sure how else to put it into words!
and sometimes it's just "weird things my sister has said that I make fun of her for"
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nonbinarykai · 1 month
I think the biggest hot take I have is that I genuinely prefer the old style faces instead of the new ones
Yea the new ones are a little bit more expressive but they also feel like kinda uncanny to me?
The faces work better when they look like emojis because in part they kinda are. Lego designs are meant to be simplified so it makes sense that simplified faces work better then the slightly more detailed ones
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derrydeer · 4 months
for valentine’s day hannibal leaves a human heart in will’s shoe and waits patiently for him to find it like the lovesick dog he is
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whos-tanya · 4 months
Very few things will be quite as chilling to me as when Will hides in Martha’s closet — only to emerge with “The name is Lila.” I cannot describe the amount of confusion and fear I felt hearing that voice during my first playthrough.
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mossymandibles · 10 months
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The doctor lives among the highest cliffs of the fjords of Tattered Wing, an island northwest of Marrowtide. Although she’s human, at times Dr. Asheweaver seems far more dangerous than the monstrous things she tends to.
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Wonder Egg Priority shitting itself at the end makes more sense when you view the creator as the Japanese equivalent of Sam Levinson when it comes to misogynist men making deep 2edgy4u content disguised as having depth. Like the instant I saw his comments about how when guys kill themselves from bullying it's logical, but when girls do it it's usually emotional and went "OHHHH, this is why my hatred feels so familiar"
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girlswithp90s · 23 days
I still find it funny that Light was already so into the god complex he thought Ryuk had chosen him specifically for the task of creating a new world and Ryuk was just like, “bro…*what* special purpose?”
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garyfischy · 9 months
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i stand by Eltingville Club Indie Comics guy here he was right.
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mihai-florescu · 3 months
I just saw someone call crazy:b a polycule I think I need to run into traffic
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Oh...thanks for sharing...:|
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loopscereal · 6 days
questionnn how come some characters have human ears and some dont?
it started off as us just . being unable to make animal ears work with people we gave undercuts, such as Fox and Bon. Onnie originally also has human ears.
so now we kinda have a 50/50 thing going on.
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effei-s · 8 months
okay, question time! are all monoshippers THIS INSUFFERABLE or just twitter kurokuras?
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babe, let's get back to that soulmatism bullshit when I have at least one confirmation that chrollo remembers kurapika's name, ok? or when you all learn that parallels, mirrors and foils are three different words with three different meanings...
i've been in fandoms for the better part of my life, i started with young adult books and, trust me, ten~ years ago those spaces were A BATTLEFIELD. but still, i never EVER encountered this level of pretentiousness and MY SHIP IS BETTER THAN YOURS energy. this is the first time i fell out of love with something only and only because of the fanbase and that "#they don't understand characters like WE DO!!!" fuckery.
understanding in question: chrollo obsessed with kurapika, kurapika in love with chrollo. ooc, ooc, ooc, and more OOC. did you know that leorio is ugly? OOC kurapika the housewife, chrollo cosplaying tserriednich (or hisoka because his "obsession" is uncanny-valley similar to what hisoka had towards chrollo in canon), more ooc.
nothing but obnoxious behavior toward other people, a superiority complex and the most overused cliches you can easily find in the dark romance section of the bookstore.
rant ended.
p.s.: is it the ship's fault that the fanbase is awful? no. are there talented people writing and drawing krkr? yes. but this bunch is the loudest.
p.p.s: never saw this behavior on tumblr (or anywhere else) so i guess it's twitter-only phenomenon.
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the-land-of-dreams · 8 months
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One last thing to hold on to.
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juxlijan · 2 years
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Adult trio
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theanonymousninja247 · 2 months
My toxic trait is that I genuinely think I could be friends with Damian Wayne 😶
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 months
I have a Beloved Pal who is absolutely obsessed with a main character from a mainstream anime that I don’t like and her birthday’s coming up so I’m looking thru mercari for plushies of her guy while making a face like I’m eating a lemon
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
ok but reinhard x julius would simultaneously be the most hilarious yet tragic pairing of all time. reinhard thinks they met when he was fourteen and julius was sixteen and like yes they did, but julius vividly remembers being ten years old and learning about reinhard and julius was like METAPHORICALLY FROTHING AT THE MOUTH BC REINHARD?? MOST POWERFUL MAN ALIVE?? ILL NEVER MEASURE UP TO HIS LEVEL.... meanwhile reinhards like hahah julius is such a good friend of mine, im so lucky to have him haha we met when we became knights when i was fourteen haha. reinhard sees him as an equal while julius is vividly aware of the Distance between them while joshua is VIVIDLY AWARE OF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN HIM AND JULIUS AND LOATHES JULIUS FOR IT. joshua loathes reinhard too so its like this big giant envy triangle from joshua to julius to reinhard and julius doesnt know about joshua and reinhard doesnt know about julius OR joshua and reinhards so head empty hes like haha julius and joshua are so nice haha. meanwhile joshuas CLENCHING HIS FISTS AND FIGHTING BACK INTENSE RAGE BY GASLIGHTING HIMSELF. hes like haha i love my brother i love my brother i love him so much haha EVEN IF HE HAS HIS HIMBO OVERPOWERED PERFECT BOYFRIEND WHO CAN KILL ANY OF US WITH JUST ONE TOUCH WHILE ALSO PERFECTLY COOKING ANY MEAL IN EXISTENCE....
meanwhile heinkel takes a five extra shots every day on top of the usual bc reinhard and julius clock in at work every day and make lovey dovey eyes at each other EVERYWHERE. joshua and heinkel are going INSANE while julius has a bad case of ace gay person who doesnt know if they wanna Be their crush or if they wanna Be With their crush and Am I Even Having Romantic Feelings? and then theres the crisis of. oh god im not allowed to have this anyway. i have to marry a girl and have kids like a good noble knight. meanwhile reinhard has no idea about any of this, partly bc hes dead inside partly bc of Too Many Powers partly bc of neurodivergence partly bc of also probably being ace partly bc of having to continue the sword saint line.
until one day he has skin to skin contact with julius and is like haha oh whats all these emotions haha? are you okay julius? :,DD and julius promptly decides to NEVER HAVE SKIN TO SKIN CONTACT WITH REINHARD AGAIN. meanwhile felix is pulling his hair out watching all of this unfold. heinkel and joshua have joined forces and are HATING EVERY INCH OF THIS DEVELOPMENT bc they WILL be homophobic only bc its REINHARD AND JULIUS. subaru gets involved in the family drama and julius personally thanks him for clowning on julius’s crush’s dad, who is also julius’s boss. and then reinhard forgets julius even though reinhard was like the MOST LIKELY PERSON to remember julius. and then reinhard’s great great great x100 grandfather vibe checks julius into oblivion. 
and thats the end of reinhard x julius a tragicomedy in several, several parts. 
#reinhard van astrea#julius juukulius#clowns. both of them.#joshua juukulius#heinkel astrea#i have way too many feelings on reinhard x julius. funniest and saddest couple alive. they dont even know theyre a couple but they act like#it.#i stand by my ace spectrum reinhard and julius headcanons.#ALSO WITH ANY JULIUS X ANOTHER GUY PAIRING. REID GOING HAH youre gay. IS GONNA BE TRUE.#EVEN WORSE IF ITS WITH REIDS LITERAL DESCENDANT....#the hilarity of heinkel being at work and then suddenly reinhard and julius get caught holding hands (soooo scandalous) and he'll be RAGING#WHAT DO YOU MEAN REINHARD HAS A CRUSH ON THE F I N E S T OF KNIGHTS. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. hes immediately homophobic purely bc its#reinhard and the other most famous knight.#joshua is like one of those anime little siblings thats going INSANE bc their older sibling now has a partner#hes gonna be like NII SAMA CHOSE REINHARD OF ALL PEOPLE??? THAT PRETENTIOUS FUCKING PRICK????#THE LITERAL SWORD SAINT???? URGHGHGHGHGH.#maybe i should start a tag just for my rambling...#arc 5-6 spoilers...#rezero#and its like.... julius and reinhard can relate to having Expectations to follow... family expectations. societal expectations. the pressur#to be refined and perfect and good.#and the importance of Your Name....#the importance of upholding family legacy....#and theyve both known loss from a young age thats for sure.#and they both cast large shadows on others... especially their own family.#they had to mature too quick......#and. of course. julius being the tender age of ten and meeting reinhard CHANGED HIS LIFE.
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