#the importance of upholding family legacy....
a-driftamongopenstars · 2 months
the topic of found and blood family in destiny is so very important and so very well done, i'm chewing it like a toy.
for example, let's look at the guardians. when they are born, their have neither mother nor father, only their Ghost. and as they go out into the world, they get to choose their new relations, and they commit. they establish a certain hierarchy that builds off experience and what one can offer another. but they also love and they care. many older lightbearers choose to become mentors, and eventually parental figures to other guardians. for example, the way Saladin mentors Zavala - and from the recent TFS lore, considers him his son.
but there is more! my favourite example has to be of Rasputin and Felwinter. it could so easily be a machine and its child offspring, just a program, but it's so much more than that. because Felwinter acquired true consciousness. became a Guardian, with a heart and mind of his own. and Rasputin did consider him his son before that - and after, tragically. and when Rasputin himself achieved a level of humanity and humility, he saw the wrongs he committed. he cared.
civilians, too, have this. so many families are broken apart by the violence of the Darkness - and the Guardians. and so they form familial bonds. the way Zavala adopts Hakim with Safiyah. the way Devrim adopts Suraya with Mark. how Cayde takes Amanda under his wing.
and then we turn around and we look at other factions and i lose my mind. the Osmium siblings, that's a whole topic of its own, but it's love and violence and care in a volatile mix. "i kill you to make you stronger".
the Sov twins, their power imbalance, the craving for familial love - and a rejection of it. and when one is dead and brought back, does blood still hold up?
Caiatl and Calus, where personal needs and selfishness far exceed familial love, yet it is still there and it struggles against the other fiercely.
the Bray family, the question of legacy and choices to uphold it or turn away from it.
anyway, this is a massive topic to discuss. it's so complicated and it's so compelling. and it's both at the forefront of the story but also somewhere in the background, always present and threading through the plot. chewing it like a toy, i say!
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ceesimz · 4 months
I Did It All.
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"Alexia Putellas, what do you have to say about leaving the pitch for the final time?"
Twenty years done, not enough. Twenty years more, too much. A discrepancy far more complex than it needs to be.
Days spent treading the same grass that legends of the past had once done, winding and weaving fluidly through near faultless defences, roars of awe following as stars returned back to their rightful place in the sky with each jump of celebration.
Nights spent in clubs and restaurants, surrounded by people high on glory with medals around their necks, a privilege some may argue wasn't warranted. Though, when stadiums filled to their capacities chanted just one name over and over as if it was the holiest sacrament of Catalunya, fighting against that was as close to blasmephy as one could get.
To now slip off into the unknown, leaving behind only a name that no longer gave way to the presence of a figure the fields didn't deserve. The future would never know her, only her name, only her stats, only her achievements. Perhaps it was best to keep it that way.
Decades of critics speaking in such a way it was almost sacrilegious, months of shame in the media for purely being a human in the worst era of her life, weeks of slander and insults for fighting for rights in a system built to spite her, twisting her kindness into a weakness. But always, the rightful figure rises, pulling the sword from the stone and raising it to the skies in triumph. The crown could get heavy, but not once did it falter. Not once did it fall.
With the final few imprints of her boot studs as she stepped off of the turf, she simply relinquished the responsibility and handed the legacy over to the next generation, trusting them indefinitely to carry the honour in the same way she did. It wasn't just the handing over of a torch; it was the exchange of a rite of passage, a way of life, and a promise to uphold the standards of excellence and righteousness she had engraved into the sport she gave her life to. This passing of the baton wasn't solely focused on the end of something though, no, it was the beginning of something far more important than people could understand. It was time for the up-and-coming stars of the sport to take the pen and write their own chapters into the history books, encompassing the opportunity to build something even more empowering than those before them.
Allowing the armband she had worn with great pride to slip off her arm, she shed the weight of a thousand battles, all of the lessons she had learnt from each victory and each defeat now etched into every fibre of her being. The world watched as she exited the field for the last time, an understanding wordlessly divulged between millions at the recognition that this was a landmark moment.
Kaleidoscopes of nostalgia flitted past her eyes as if it were an old film roll, freeze-frames of time portraying unimaginably euphoric moments. Only for them to never be experienced again. Though every cheer, every chant, and every image of a shirt worn with her legacy stitched into the fabric of it, flooded through her veins, and would for evermore.
The high regard her peers held her to, whether she had come across them on the pitch time after time or never met them at all, was a testament to the irremovable mark she had left on the beautiful game. Other countless memorable figures that were desperate to meet her, brands desperate to work with her, all these examples of her undeniable impact.
Alexia Putellas never cared about being immortalised in her sport. She was just a girl from the outskirts of Barcelona, chasing a dream with her loved ones holding her hand along the journey. Some of those hands had slipped away as time went on, but that meant she only gained more guardian angels to watch over her. With a family as tight-knit as hers, each member past and present a constant reminder of her purpose, she never lost faith. Sure, there were moments where it faltered a little, but no matter how much people tried to make a mockery of her failures, she would step back up; each comeback better than the last.
Her longevity was unrivalled, performing to the highest standards near enough all the time, even when others didn't deserve to witness it. Still, she gave away every part of herself to a sport that tried to silence her and failed to give equity until the latest moment possible. Always undervalued and unappreciated in her place of work, but did that stop her? Dampen her spirits? No, of course it didn't. And she had ample evidence to prove it; awards, trophies, medals, and most importantly to her, an easier path paved for those following in her footsteps.
The final chapter was about to finish though, the book of a near flawless career soon to slam shut.
Football would feel the loss of her absence, but like the story of Ozymandias, the dust will blow over and erase her stature, the nature of the sport will run its course and she'll be a figment of the past. Her time had come, and she had done everything and more of what she needed to do.
She moved from an ever-present figure to just a silhouette with a few steps.
Here, now, at the crescendo of a note-worthy career run, there was only one way to answer such a question.
"I did it all."
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crimsonmoonlight88 · 4 months
Noa's Potential Love Triangle
"You like her--Soona."
"We were born within a sunset."
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Okay listen, I never thought I'd be here considering a potential love triangle in this series, but here we are.
Now, I won't even touch on the interesting choice of having Mae of all characters ask this, but there are so many answers Noa could have given that ultimately tell the audience "yes, I like her."
Yes. Of course. I do. Sure. Maybe. Why wouldn't I? What, no! *looks nervous*
(I could go on all day.)
But no, he only says, very matter of factly, "we were born within a sunset."
So with that baffling response, I thought about it some more, and two things came to mind for what he might have meant:
They were born close together, like family, indicating his feelings are familial. (This jives with the actual vibe between them in the movie, imo.)
It doesn't really matter. They were born within a sunset and that (possibly) has some cultural meaning for their clan, like a sign they were meant to be together. Therefore, a relationship would be expected of them, no matter how they feel.
Now it could be one or both of these scenarios, but with the second I can see that playing into Noa's upcoming hero journey of becoming who he was meant to be. Interestingly, in this trailer we get:
Owen: Noa has to make a choice Proximus: Do you choose a human, over an ape? Owen: And only one will prevail. Proximus: Together, you will die. Noa: No, together--strong. *cues scene of Noa reaching for Mae on horseback and saving her*
From that trailer alone, you get a sense of what his choice will be. But in the movie itself, when Proximus lays this out for Noa, he does not choose. (Yet)
"Do you choose a human over an ape? Your sweet, little Soona or that stinking human?"
I think that's intentional for now, as I think the love triangle is potentially a catalyst for Noa, and Mae and Soona in particular, are meant to represent two different paths (and endings) for him. With this concept in mind, it could mean:
Choosing Soona means following the path that is expected of him, the one laid out since birth, the one he would have gone down had Mae not come into his life. Following the rules, following tradition, upholding his clan's legacy, and choosing for the world to stay as it is with apes dominating humans. (Apes, together, strong)
Choosing Mae means following the path that defies expectations, the new one that was forged because Mae came into his life. Questioning the rules, embracing change over tradition, upholding Caesar's legacy, and choosing for the world to evolve with human/ape coexistence. (Together, strong)
So Noa's answer of "we were born within a sunset" is not a yes or a no, just as Mae's response to "can ape and human live together" is not a yes or a no, because these characters have not chosen this "together strong" path yet. They are questioning everything they've ever known, are changed by this connection to each other, but they're still following their "expected path" at the moment.
Now I might be wildly off base with this theory of course, and I acknowledge that Noa could definitely become who he needs to be with Soona by his side--but I'm looking at this from the two path/two love interest narrative, along with many other factors. But I'll just finish with these quotes from Wes Ball.
"Her [Mae] whole journey is changed by meeting Noa, just as much as his journey has been changed by meeting her."
"These characters [Noa and Mae] have now saved each other, and they have a complicated connection. There is now a history and real feelings between the two, and that’s going to be important moving forward."
"Can apes and humans live together? Can we coexist? So that will be a continued theme throughout future movies, and if there’s any chance for peace between these species, it will probably be between these two characters."
"There's literally a door that opens at the end to hopefully many more possibilities. And the relationship between Mae and Noa and how they've changed each other, you know, is going to be crucial moving forward as they navigate the future together."
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syn0vial · 2 months
Mand'alor the Pretender, Mand'alor the Resurgent: Boba Fett as the Leader of the Mandalorians in the Expanded Universe
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Hello everyone! It's Syn with yet another Expanded Universe deep-dive, this time into the reign of Boba Fett as Mand'alor as portrayed in Boba Fett: A Practical Man and throughout the Legacy of the Force series of novels. Fett was indeed made Mand'alor some decades after the events of the Original Trilogy and this post will examine how he became ruler, his actions as leader, and how his reign connects with Mandalorian mythology regarding the relationship between Mandalore the planet and Mand'alor the ruler. I hope you enjoy!
Heir of the True Mandalorians
To understand how Boba Fett became Mand'alor, it's important to first understand his family background. Indeed, Boba was not the first Fett to be named Mand'alor; his father, Jango, also held the title during the tumultuous Mandalorian Civil War. Specifically, Jango served as the Mand'alor of the True Mandalorians, or Haat Mando'ade, a Mandalorian faction established by reformer Jaster Mereel that emphasized honorable conduct and strong community bonds. They were opposed in the civil war by the Death Watch, or Kyr'tsad, a Mandalorian splinter group that espoused ideals of Mandalorian supremacy and rule by brutality. The True Mandalorians would later be massacred by the Jedi in the Battle of Galidraan, and Jango, the sole survivor, would largely withdraw from Mandalorian society and quietly abdicate his claim as Mand'alor.
Despite their relatively short span of existence in Mandalorian history, the True Mandalorians had an outsized effect on Mandalorian cultural identity, with many Mandalorians adopting their tenets and valorizing their struggle against both Death Watch and the Jedi. Furthermore, as Mandalorian society became more suppressed and scattered following the Imperial occupation of Mandalore during the Galactic Civil War, some looked to the history of the True Mandalorians as a source of national pride and a symbol of renewed Mandalorian unity and prestige.
One such believer in the True Mandalorian cause was Fenn Shysa, who served as Mand'alor during and after the Imperial occupation of Mandalore. Widely adored for his charm and affability, Shysa nonetheless was determined to see the true heir of the Haat Mando'ade take the throne: none other than Boba Fett. Despite Boba's status as a Mandalorian being contested by many clans due to what was perceived as his dishonorable behavior, failure to uphold the Resol'nare, and the fact that he'd never completed his verd'goten due to his father's premature death, Shysa believed that Boba could serve as a powerful symbol for both the scattered Mandalorian people and the rest of the galaxy as both the heir to the True Mandalorian cause and a notorious warrior the galaxy-over.
Unfortunately for Shysa, Boba had no interest in taking up the mantle of Mand'alor. In light of Boba's unwillingness, Shysa pursued other leads for potential heirs of the True Mandalorian title, including Jango's sister Arla (who unfortunately had been rendered mentally unfit after her prolonged and torturous captivity under the Death Watch) and even one of Jango's clones, Spar, whom Shysa may or may not have presented to the galaxy as Boba Fett himself.
Yet, Shysa would eventually get his wish, though at a very high price. With a bounty placed on his head by Boba's former tutor, the Kaminoan Taun We, Shysa would come face-to-face with Boba himself on the planet Shogun. Despite being hired to kill Shysa, Boba would, due to events that are never fully explained, end up on the same side as him against an attack of Sevvet mercenaries. With the two of them overpowered, Shysa sacrificed his life to protect Boba and ordered Boba to kill him and take his place as Mand'alor. Indebted to Shysa for saving his life and unwilling to let him fall into the hands of the notoriously sadistic Sevvets, Boba would honor both of Shysa's requests.
Though it cost him his life, Shysa would see his ambition through in the end: the heir of Jango Fett now held the title of Mand'alor.
The Pretender Years: Mandalorian Deception During of the Yuuzhan Vong War
Boba's first test as Mand'alor would come fairly soon after he had taken power: an invasion by an extragalactic army known as the Yuuzhan Vong. These invaders intended to conquer the galaxy and either destroy, convert, or enslave all sentient life within it—but to do this effectively, they needed help. Namely, they needed denizens of their target galaxy to help them gather intelligence and do sensitive infiltration work that they themselves would be unable to carry out. For this, they approached a peoples whom they had found to be notorious for their mercenary natures, led by a man equally notorious for working with the worst of the worst: the Mandalorians and their Mand'alor Boba Fett.
While meeting with Boba and his second-in-command, Goran Beviin, aboard one of their ships, the Yuuzhan Vong commander Nom Anor presented their terms: work for the Yuuzhan Vong or be exterminated. Anor also made sure to present Boba and Beviin with two prisoners they had already taken, a Human and a Twi'lek male, outfitted with gruesome, surgically-implanted torture devices to demonstrate what would be in store for their people should they resist.
Deciding then and there that he despised the Yuuzhan Vong and that he'd do whatever was necessary to destroy them, Boba feigned indifference and, much to Anor's surprise, demanded a higher price: amnesty to the entire Mandalore sector, both during and after the invasion. Finding himself unable to sway Boba despite his repeated threats, Anor eventually agreed to the deal, buying Boba and Beviin much-needed time to prepare the Mandalorian people for their great deception.
The Mandalorian people would pretend to be traitors to their galaxy, serving the Yuuzhan Vong as spies and mercenaries—and all the while, they would sabotage the Yuuzhan Vong and funnel intelligence regarding their movements and tactics to New Republic command.
Under Boba, the Mandalorians would keep up this facade for much of the war, their intelligence proving instrumental in combating the invaders even while much of the galaxy believed them to be conspirators with the Yuuzhan Vong. Only towards the end of the war did their deception become known to the Vong, who responded with vicious, razed-earth attacks on the planet of Mandalore, not only killing its people but also carpet-bombing much of the planet's surface and poisoning the soil in an effort to render the planet uninhabitable.
Despite the heavy toll taken by the Mandalorians during the war, with their help, the galaxy was able to turn back the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and emerge victorious—though the challenges facing Mandalore and its people were still far from over.
Mandalore Resurgent: Post-War Aftermath and Policies
Following the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, Mandalore would find itself in a precarious position. With a third of its population destroyed, its industrial infrastructure in shambles, and much of its arable land poisoned, it was unclear whether the planet could even support its surviving clans. In addition, the Mandalorian deception that had proved so instrumental in turning the tide against the Yuuzhan Vong had worked a little too well; most of the galaxy still viewed the Mandalorians as traitors who had only turned against their Yuuzhan Vong handlers at the last minute. As a result, Mandalore was offered no aid whatsoever from the Galactic Alliance (formerly the New Republic) following the war in spite of the planet's dire straits.
Faced with these circumstances, Mand'alor Boba Fett pursued policies focusing on the internal restoration of Mandalore, including:
An immediate order for two million Mandalorians living in diaspora to return to Mandalore to help rebuild the planet. All returning Mandalorians were eligible receive an allotment of land, provided they agreed to restore it. Boba knew this was possible because he had seen Beviin, a farmer by trade, restore the land on his own farm.
Mandalore's official neutrality in the ongoing civil war between the Galactic Alliance and the Corellian Confederation. Individual Mandalorians were free to offer their mercenary services to whichever side they wished, but it was to be understood that Mandalore itself had no official involvement in the dispute.
The increased importation of food to Mandalore to feed the population until such a time that the planet's farming and infrastructure could sustain itself once more. Both Fett himself and the chief of MandalMotors would donate heavily to pay for these imports.
In addition to these policies, Mandalore would also benefit from a lucky break discovered more than a decade after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong war: a massive motherlode of beskar unearthed by the Yuuzhan Vong's extensive bombing of the planet. This discovery was extremely significant following the Imperial occupation of Mandalore, as it was believed that the Empire had completely strip-mined the planet bare of its beskar deposits. With both sides of the galaxy's newest civil war scrambling for weapons and armor, this newly discovered beskar would prove a massive economic windfall for the struggling Mandalorians, and also serve as the catalyst for MandalMotors creating the first-ever beskar-plated starfighter, the Bes'uliik.
Mirrored Destinies: Connection to Mandalorian Mythology
As an ending note to this lore post, I'd like to share a piece of Mandalorian mythology and how we see it exemplified in Boba's rule as Mand'alor. According to this belief, the fate of Mand'alor the leader and Mandalore the planet are inextricably tied; the two are synonymous to the point where, if something happens to one, whether for good or ill, one expects to see it reflected in the other. And this is absolutely the case in Boba's story.
Consider: when Boba first becomes Mand'alor, he finds himself leading a planet still recovering from Imperial rule. It is largely believed to have been robbed of its defining resource, its beskar, and thus, its soul has been stolen. Similarly, Fett himself is perceived to have "sold his soul" to the Imperials. He is the heir of the Haat Mando'ade, someone who is meant to embody the Mandalorian ideal as expressed by his grandfather Jaster Mereel, but that hope for him appears to have been in vain. He is isolated from the Mandalorians and has spent much of the past few decades at the beck and call of their enemies. He, like Mandalore, has enriched the Empire at the expense of his people.
Then, the Yuuzhan Vong War happens. Mandalore the planet is poisoned and no longer self-sustaining. Coincidentally, soon after the end of the war, Fett finds out that he is dying of a terminal genetic illness due to his cloned DNA. Both he and Mandalore are dying together.
But he doesn't go down without a fight. He learns to rely on others, such as Beviin, Mirta, and the other Mandalorians. With them, he is able to find a cure and begin the process of recovery. And, just like its Mand'alor, Mandalore is able to come back from the brink by the same means. It needs others to care for it, to restore it. Only then can it become a viable homeland once more.
Finally, after all that misfortune and suffering—because of the misfortune and suffering—both the planet and the man are revealed to not be so bereft and without soul as originally thought. In the crater of Yuuzhan Vong desolation, a new motherlode of beskar is found. In the midst of illness, war, and grief, something like a true Mandalorian is found—someone who cares for his people, his clan, and his planet. Both Mand'alor and Mandalore thus go through an arc of loss, desolation, interdependence with others, and finally, resurgence and rebirth. In this way, Boba Fett embodies the myth of the inextricable connection between Mandalore the planet and Mand'alor the man.
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2plottwist · 1 month
The Heir of Ravenshade
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Summary: As the young heir to the noble Ravenshade family of Baldur’s Gate, you are destined to inherit your father’s vast gem trade empire. One day, two men arrive at your family's estate, seeking an audience with your father to discuss crucial dealings in the gem trade. In an effort to prepare you for your future role, your father invites you to sit in on the meeting, turning what begins as a routine training exercise into a pivotal moment that could shape your future.
Word Count: 1.9k
Pairing: Early Vampire Astarion x GN!Reader
Warnings: weapons
Author: Kenna:)
The Ravenshade estate is a majestic exhibition of your family’s past and present. Its stone walls are draped in ivy tendrils and encircled by wildflowers, their vibrant petals reflecting the rich hues of the gems your family has traded for centuries. The fortress is a consistent reminder of the Ravenshade family’s status and importance throughout Faerûn history. 
You received an invitation from your father asking for your presence in the Great Hall this evening to attend a meeting with an esteemed nobleman of Baldur’s Gate. As you stride down the marble floors of the estate, you can’t help but think of the future your father is preparing you for. 
You are the sole heir of the Ravenshade empire. Your family’s dealings in the gem and jewelry trade have been documented since the founding of Baldur’s Gate. Your eyes roam to the portraits lining the wall. The faces of your former patriarchs who have upheld the grace and determination to establish one of the wealthiest family businesses in Faerûn. 
Your velvet garments move softly against your skin. Are the goosebumps rising on your flesh from your sapphire fabric or your anxiety? You cannot tell. Now that your father is climbing in age, it is important that you learn all that is required to uphold the dynasty that has controlled the gem trade for centuries. A large amount of pressure weighs on your shoulders as the oak doors of the Great Hall draw closer. 
Your father’s letter stated that you were to arrive well before the guests are expected to come, yet, once you push the creaking doors open, you see three men standing before the window overlooking the estate’s moonlit courtyard. 
A numbing sensation crawls around your torso at your father’s disapproving gaze. You checked your timepiece, seeing that you did arrive at the time the letter requested. Your father’s hearty laugh brought your eyes back to the present. Slipping into your practiced persona, you glide over to  the figures standing at the window. 
“Ah, yes, Lord Szarr and Ancunin, allow me to present my beloved daughter/son and the only heir to the Ravenshade legacy.” My fathers smooth voice floats across the room. Your elegant smile radiates one of wisdom, expertly crafted by your father’s copious amounts of training. 
You nod politely at both lords, noting their stances and making your initial assumptions. The first, Lord Szarr as your father introduced him, wears a tunic of emblazoned gold and dark red and dark trousers to match. His hair is well-trained to smoothly glides across his scalp and shapes around his pointed ears. His shoulders square towards yours, swiftly moving in front of the other man, bringing a sinister looking smile to his face. The second man, one of starlit, white hair that seems to move and curl in its own graceful manner, Lord Ancunin stands back, shoulders relaxed and poised. He’s obviously of past noble descent, knowing when to move and when to stay put according to status. His eyes roam your face taking in every dip and curve of your features. His gaze felt like a cold ray of moonlight upon your skin. 
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Lord Szarr begins, bowing his head to you, “You may call me Cazador.” 
“The pleasure is all mine, Lord Cazador,” Your polite smile never faltering. 
You look up to the silver embedded man, waiting for his remarks, but Lord Cazador’s voice hits your ears again, “And this is my vassal, Astarion.” 
“A privilege,” you nod again, this time towards Astarion. 
Your father claps his hands together, “Now that introductions have been made, let us get down to business.” His noble smile radiates off the golden walls of the Great Hall. One of power and prowess handed down by generations of aristocracy. 
Lord Szarr and my father, the commencers of this meeting, place themselves at the heads of the table, leaving their charges flanking their sides. A representation of hierarchy for both houses. 
Astarion’s incredibly handsome, pale face is a magnet to your eyes. The candles among the room do no justice for the beauty that emanates off his gods-crafted body. You shake your head out of the daze caused by the young lord, bringing your attention back to your studies. 
After small talk of newly discovered gems across the vast lands of Faerûn, your father’s voice slowly died down and his gaze moved to you. “My child, why don’t you show Lord Ancunin our newly developed courtyard. He seemed very interested in our plant life.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He invited you to attend this meeting, why is he excusing you so quickly? His eyes narrow in command, his word becoming gospel in a matter of seconds. 
“Yes, Father.” You reply, bringing your eyes to Lord Ancunin’s, weaving an inviting gaze to his. 
Excusing yourself from Lord Szarr, you lead the younger noble to the low staircase leading to your favorite place in the estate. Quietly hating the fact that you are forced to share your personal escape to a mere stranger, you fold your hands behind your back to keep from clasping them in frustrated fists. 
“You know,” a low, sultry voice emanates from behind you, “your father is too hospitable of a man to allow me time with such a gracious host as yourself.” 
His words send shivers down your spine, like ice envelops the very syllables he pronounced. 
“My father is one for kindness, most certainly.” You state.
“And beautiful, too.” Lord Ancunin adds. 
You look over your shoulder playfully, not thinking about your words before you say them, “I guess you could say my father is beautiful, as well.” 
The lord scoffs, yet a small grin climbs his face, “That is not what I meant.” 
A small laugh escapes your lips at his annoyance and slight embarrassment. You lead him farther into the maze of hedges and flowers adorning the courtyard, audibly noting the plant species and ecosystems that inhabit the land. Lord Ancunin politely nods along to your words, letting a sarcastic or snarky remark slip into the air. 
You finally approach the center of the moonlit stage. A large pool sits cradling dark water adorned with lilies and leaves that fell from the trees. You take a seat on the dark stone edges, weaving your fingers through the small ripples. 
“You do have a breathtaking estate,” Lord Ancunin states looking up through the trees. Your ears perk at his words, bringing your attending to his structured face. “Not as breathtaking as you.” His fingers grab your chin, raking his gaze across your eyes. 
His movements are unexpected, you were not trained for this sort of reaction. “Oh-” was the only sound that came to your voice. 
His smugness is infuriating. You aren’t even supposed to be entertaining the lord. You’re supposed to be at your father’s side, learning of business dealings and further establishing your role in the industry. 
You plaster another polite smile to your face and stand, “Well, thank you, my lord. Now, I believe we should be getting back to our meeting.” 
“Oh, I much prefer this meeting instead.” His body moves in front of yours, blocking the path back to the manor. 
A slight blush dons your cheeks, “You’re very kind, Lord Ancunin -”
“Please,” he purrs, “Call me Astarion.” 
A small sigh leaves your lips, “My apologies, Astarion, but I do believe we should-” 
“Now, now, running away so quickly?” His hands raise to block any further movements, “I was hoping you would grace my presence longer. The night is young and so are we.” 
You would much rather accompany the lord for the rest of the evening instead of listening to your father’s droning voice, however, Astarion leaves you flustered and feigning for his smile. No prestigious noble, especially one trying to close what appears to be an important deal, should act as such. 
He can see the indecision racing through your thoughts, “I insist.” He purrs again. 
Your stomach flips with the sound, and you nod without further thought. Leading him through the winding trails and hallways of the Ravenshade manor, you and Astarion share bouts of riveting conversation ranging from your travels among the shores of Faerûn to his duties as a former magistrate of the city. While his explanations of his life are rather vague, you still enjoy hearing his boisterous laugh and dramatic retellings of his days in court. You find that your interests in history and literature align with his, while he has a more in-depth understanding of the writings, leaving you once again speechless with his words.
“You are a very interesting person, Astarion.” You state after controlling a laugh. 
“As are you, darling.” His voice sounds like an icy breath against your garments. His endearment racing through your body, silently wishing for him to use it again. 
Your heart aches for the end of the evening. You can hear Lord Szarr and your father exchanging farewells, and you know that the young lord will have to follow. Your eyes gaze into his. The crimson nearly bleeds into a gorgeous sunrise like the one you hope never comes, for it means the dawn of a day without Astarion’s voice. A sense of curiosity and sadness fills your chest, knowing you may never be able to see his eyes or pull a smile from him again. 
“Thank you for a wonderful night.” His sultry voice appears in your ears again. 
“Of course, thank you for joining me.” Keep it poise. Keep it polite. 
“Ah!” A boom shakes the walls of the hallway adorned with portraits. “I do expect you two had an eventful night?” 
“Yes, Lord Ravenshade.” The young lord’s smile radiates. “I do so deeply appreciate the time spent with your heir.” 
“Well, we appreciate yours and Lord Szarr’s visit to our esteemed home.” 
The pleasantries are excruciating compared to the words you and Astarion exchanged for the past few hours. 
“I do hope you will consider my proposal, Lord Ravenshade.” Cazador’s sharp words slither across my shoulder and to my ears. 
“I will.” So simply stated, so ingenuine. 
“Then farewell.” Cazador states, extending a hand for Astarion to follow. 
His eyes linger against yours. The same resistance, the same want to stay and speak of literature and life until the sun rises, but alas, our master’s take their leaves. 
The Swordcoast sun is sweltering. How is Shadowheart able to meander amongst the sand in a full set of armor. Your sweat blinds your vision in a simple cotton garment. 
A call for help brings your and Shadowheart’s attention to a clearing off the path. “Hurry, I've got one of those 'brain things' cornered.” 
Your steps are too quick, needing to extinguish the overall anger coursing through your body at the thought of the illithid ship and the nasty bug moving around in your head. Before your senses come back to reality, your back hits the ground and a knife grazes your neck. 
“Shh. Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours.”
“As are you, darling.” 
Your eyes widen. The pale skin of the arm threatening to slice your throat is familiar. The scent wafting off the figure fills your nose and brings you back to a moonlit night of stories and laughter. 
“Astarion,” you whisper, fighting against the figure. 
His movements halt, as if realization washes across him as well. His hold loosens allowing you time to quickly move away. Familiar crimson eyes land on yours. 
“Oh, thank the gods, a breathtakingly familiar face.” The sultry smile growing across his face, “Is your father still as beautiful as I remember?”
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inmyfxith · 2 years
Being a member of the Sully family (Oldest child version)
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A/N: Female reader.
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Being born before Neteyam, making you the oldest after Spider as you were already in your mother’s belly when your father transferred his consciousness into his avatar self. Bonding with your mother and the Pandoran collective consciousness through the Tree of Voices instantly after your birth and developing a strong connection to Eywa and the natural world.
As the daughter of Jake, you may have inherited some human physical traits due to your father's Avatar status. One such trait could be the presence of five fingers on each hand, rather than the four fingers that are common among the Na'vi. That would maybe lead to you experiencing discrimination or prejudice due to being a hybrid of both Na’vi and human ancestry.
As the oldest daughter of Jake Sully, you would have the opportunity to learn a lot from your father, who would encourage you to develop your curiosity, independence, your sense of adventure, and to pursue your own passions and interests. For example, your father might take you on hikes through the rainforest, teaching you about the different plants and animals that you encounter and encouraging you to ask questions and explore your surroundings. He might also teach you how to defend yourself and your loved ones, showing you different techniques and strategies that you can use in combat. Additionally, your father would likely encourage you to follow your heart and pursue your passions, whether that be in the arts, sciences, or other fields.
You would also have the unique opportunity to learn about both the human and Na'vi cultures. Jake would teach you the ways of the Na'vi and the importance of protecting Pandora. You would follow in his footsteps as a warrior, a leader, and a defender of your home, learning how to use your natural abilities and connection to Eywa to protect and defend your people. You would also have the opportunity to learn about human culture, gaining insights and understanding of their ways and customs. With your father's guidance and support, you would develop the confidence to become a strong and capable leader in your own right, using your unique perspective and connection to both cultures to make a positive impact on Pandora.
You can count on your father to be there for you whenever you need him. He will always be there to support you and help you through any challenges you may face. For example, if you were feeling overwhelmed, your father would be there to listen and offer advice and guidance. He would also be there to help you celebrate your accomplishments and successes, and to encourage you to pursue your dreams and goals. Additionally, your father would always be there to protect you and your family, using his skills and training as an Avatar to defend Pandora and ensure the safety of all its inhabitants.
As Jake and Neytiri’s oldest child, you would be expected to represent your family well in all your actions and words. This might mean working hard in your training and duties as a warrior, upholding the values and traditions of your clan, and always striving to improve and better yourself. You might also be expected to be a role model for others, especially younger members of your clan, and to be a strong leader who can inspire and guide others.
You might feel pressure to live up to Jake's legacy as a skilled warrior and respected leader within your clan. Jake has achieved much in his life, and you might feel that you have to work hard to measure up to his accomplishments. Being Neytiri's daughter may also involve a certain level of scrutiny and pressure from the community, as Neytiri is a respected tsakarum and leader within the clan. This could be both a source of motivation and a source of stress, as you strive to fulfill the expectations placed upon you.
Being Jake's daughter also comes with certain privileges and opportunities. Jake is well-respected and influential within your clan, and his position as your father could open doors for you and provide you with access to resources and support that might not be available to others.
Your father may also rely on you to help him in his leadership duties within the clan, such as mediating disputes or assisting with important decisions. However, Jake's overprotection and control could also be a source of frustration for you, as you may feel that you are not being given the same opportunities to make your own mistakes and learn from them as your younger siblings are.
Overall, you would have a close relationship with your parents and siblings. But you may also struggle with jealousy and resentment towards your siblings, especially if you feel that Jake favors one of them over you. This could lead to conflicts within the family, and you may need to work on managing these emotions in order to maintain a healthy relationship with your siblings.
Neytiri would likely be a strong influence on your upbringing and would teach you about the importance of harmony with nature, the sacredness of Pandora's wildlife, and the role of the Omaticaya clan in the spiritual and cultural life of Pandora.
You may also have additional responsibilities towards your siblings, such as looking after them and helping them to learn the ways of the Na'vi. You may also feel a strong sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards your family and may be willing to put yourself in danger in order to defend them. As the older sister of Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Tuktirey, you may also have a close and supportive relationship with your siblings. You may act as a role model for them and help to guide them as they grow and learn about Pandora and the Na'vi way of life.
You have a close and supportive relationship with your younger sister Kiri, and you often act as a mentor and guide for her even if you’re only a few months older. You try to be patient and understanding with Kiri and to be a positive influence in her life. You deeply love and care for Kiri and you are always ready to lend a helping hand when she needs it.
Neteyam and you often work together on various activities, whether it’s hunting or exploring the Pandora wilderness. You also share a strong bond through your shared experiences and challenges, such as growing up in a world filled with danger and uncertainty. Despite the occasional sibling rivalry or disagreement, you deeply love and respect Neteyam and value his guidance and advice. You have a deep understanding and appreciation for each other, and you know that you can always rely on each other for support and love.
You have a supportive relationship with your middle brother Lo'ak, although you sometimes struggle with his reckless and impulsive behavior. Despite this, you deeply care for Lo'ak and you are always ready to stand up for him when he needs it. You try to be understanding and supportive of his feelings and to see things from his perspective.
Tuk often looks up to you and seeks your guidance and support. You also deeply care for Tuk and you are always ready to lend a helping hand or offer advice and guidance when needed. You try to be a positive influence in her life.
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Jewish Song of the Day #42: Hana Mash Hu Al Yamin
This song is a really important one, because this piece speaks about the singers' family history as Israeli Yemenite Jews:
"The songs on this album are inspired by our great grandma," Tair, the eldest sister, says. "She was traveling from Yemen to Israel as a single mom and ["Hana Mash Hu Al Yaman"] talks about her arrival in Israel. They put all the Yemenite Jews back then in transition camps or a tent camp. ... We talk about all the mixed emotions she felt."
With Bayti Fi Rasi being sung from the point of view of the sisters' great grandmother, Rachel, in 1949, Tair explains that this music upholds her legacy.
"She was a feminist before she even knew what a feminist is," Tair says. "She was so strong. Her journey was so courageous and she didn't have any help from anyone. But thanks to her, we are a generation born in Israel and our future and our present are better. We have a better life."
(per NPR)
While I would encourage you to check out the entire album, this one is perhaps the most pointed and forward.
I will likely post other favorites from them later on.
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Kagami couldn't break away.
Knowing now that Kagami was a senti all along, who's amok Felix could sense was also tied to her own family's ring, makes the conversation they had later on during the Diamonds dance all the more important about Kagami and how she had lived her life, unaware of the true level of control her mother had over her growing up. 
(As holder of the peacock miraculous, Felix can sense amoks in his civilian form, Nathalie experienced this as well back in "Feast" when she sensed the amok of the petrified Feast senti at the museum.)
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Seeing as it took Felix years before he finally realized his life was tied to the ring his father wore and how that same ring was being used to control him, its no wonder Felix looked so troubled as he stared at Kagami's ring all the while he heard her talk about how people in her family choose to obey orders, he knew Kagami was not aware that her choice to obey, was never her choice to begin with.
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In "Protection", Tomoe said she deemed Kagami so perfect, she didn't need to control her, basically revealing that she only gave Kagami the ring that contained her amok, because Kagami was conditioned to obey even without the ring in her mothers possession. This is of course saddening for Kagami, because for much of her life, she did not wield the ring containing her amok, Tomoe did. Tomoe had already made it very obvious throughout the series that she had ensured Kagami would not stray from the path in life that was already decided for her, she was conditioned to never do anything without her mothers permission even after being given the ring that could directly control her.
There was never any need for Tomoe to believe Kagami would stray away from her mothers expectations, because Kagami was well aware she needed to uphold her title as the perfect daughter and only heiress to the Tsurugi family, one her mother would approve of to carry on their family legacy.
( Tomoe is not afraid to show her immense disapproval over Kagami's sense of free will)
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Kagami never questioned her willingness to obey the orders her mother gave her over the years, because her mother made it seem like she was entirely in control of deciding for herself if she wanted to abide by the orders given to her, because doing so meant she was just carrying on the traditions their ancestors expected their descendants to uphold, but such tradition only wound up pressuring Kagami to stray away from a life she wanted to choose for herself.
Although Kagami had gradually begun to realize that her family's way of life was making her miserable and that the beliefs she was expected to carry on were not very morally correct, she had yet to talk to her mother about her disapproval over much of what their family stood for. The few times Kagami had talked to her mother, only ever wound up leaving her too timid to directly question her mothers authority, but left her thinking nonetheless how much her mother's words felt wrong to abide by. Kagami is normally not afraid to speak her mind to others, but in her mothers presence, that courage falls silent the moment she is at risk of facing the consequence of her mothers disappointment.
(When Kagami tried to talk to Tomoe over the matters of making new friends in "Ikari Gozen", Kagami said nothing over her mothers final word that friendships would only prove to be disappointing later, words she held onto and even believed were true for a moment when she thought Marinette never actually consider her a friend in "Perfection")
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( When Kagami tried to explain her reasoning for not getting back together with Adrien in "Protection", Kagami remained silent as her mother instructed her to end her friendship with Marinette in order to take Adrien back, words she was not willing to obey due to her love and respect for Marinette, but later became willing to consider when Lila convinced her Marinette manipulated her so as to steal Adrien from her.)
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Kagami was not yet made aware that she was a senti who could be controlled through her family's ring, but seeing as Kagami is at times willing to take delight in disobeying her mother, so she could do the little things she wanted to do in secret, even showing delight over Felix's(disguised as Adrien) suggestion to leave the Diamonds dance, despite the possibility of it angering her mother and Gabriel, makes it obvious there has always been a part of Kagami that wanted to break away from everything her mother continued to use against her to keep her under control, she just didn't know how to do it without her mother enforcing the idea that she had brought shame onto their family name by choosing her own feelings.
Kagami would often times find herself lying to her mom to obtain brief moments of freedom, but it was that one conversation with Felix(disguised as Adrien) in "Emotion", that finally made her realize that as much as she talked about not letting others pull the strings of their lives, it was she who was not yet willing to accept that she was not as in control of her own life as she wanted to believe.
(Back in "Risk", Kagami was angered over Adrien continuing to let others control his life, doing everything others told him to do without question, like a puppet, and not taking the risk to put an end to it all by cutting his strings and taking back control of his own life, all the while not yet realizing that she was living the same struggle with her mother. Kagami wanted to cut her own strings, but couldn't.)
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(Even without the ring, Tomoe is able to keep a strong level of control over Kagami by enforcing the traditions of their family.)
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Despite having the free will to choose when and where she could pretend to be her mom's puppet, to be the perfectly obedient daughter her mom expected her to be, Tomoe's sense of control still loomed over Kagami no matter where she was or what she wanted to do.
(As excited as Kagami was over the idea of leaving the dance with Adrien(Felix), Kagami realizes that displeasing her mother was all she could prioritize, proving to Felix, as well as herself, that she was not as free to make her own choices as she claimed)
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The only time Kagami felt some sense of freedom in making her own decisions, was when she knew her mother was not around. Of course this never meant she wanted her mother to quite literally disappear off the face of the earth as part of Felix's plan to free her and Adrien from their parents control, through the use of a red moon that would allow Felix to make anyone disappear, but she did have to face the reality that she needed to confront her mother if she ever wanted to break away from such control.
Kagami was already well aware of how disapproving her mom would be over hearing her daughter go against everything that was expected of her and was raised to believe, but if fulfilling her mothers expectations meant she had to give up the freedom of experiencing what little happiness she had in her life while living in Paris, then she had to try to take the risk of changing things.
(Kagami decides to follow Marinette and Adrien's choice to confront Gabriel, and decides to confront her mother about the level of control she has over her life, knowing fully well it would not be an easy task, but was something she had to try and do for herself if she was ever to regain some level of freedom in deciding her own future just like Felix said)
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haydenigmatic · 8 months
Aurelia/n Mezzei
Meet Aurelia/n, the firstborn and heir of the Duke Bricriu, yet burdened by the shadows of a turbulent family history. Raised amidst the opulence of noble court life, Aurelia/n's journey is a delicate dance between duty and desire, navigating the complexities of power and privilege while grappling with the ghosts of their lineage.
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Their face and voice claim are: Medalion Rahimi and Şükrü Özyıldız
Family Dynamics:
Father - Duke Briston:
Aurelia/n's relationship with their father, Duke Briston, is strained due to the turbulent history of their family. While there is a sense of duty and respect towards him as their father and as the head of the house, there is also resentment and disappointment. Aurelia/n struggles with conflicting feelings of loyalty and betrayal, especially regarding their father's unfaithfulness to their mother. Despite this, there is an underlying desire for approval and acknowledgment from Duke Briston, fuelling Aurelia/n's drive to excel as the heir.
Mother - Duchess Elvina:
Aurelia/n shares a close bond with their mother, Duchess Elvina, who has been a source of support and guidance throughout their life. Despite the challenges in their parents' relationship, Aurelia/n finds solace and understanding in their mother's presence. Elvina serves as a confidant and ally, offering wisdom and comfort in times of turmoil.
Younger Sister - Izevel:
Aurelia/n's relationship with their younger sister, Izevel, is characterized by a mix of protectiveness and rivalry. While they care deeply for Izevel's well-being and want to shield her from the harsh realities of their family's dynamics, there is also a sense of competition and jealousy. Aurelia/n struggles with feelings of inadequacy and resentment towards Izevel, who is often favoured by their father despite being younger.
Deceased Younger Brother - Bisha:
Aurelia/n's relationship with their deceased younger brother, Bisha, is marked by grief and sorrow. Bisha's untimely death has left a profound void in the family, casting a shadow over their relationships. Aurelia/n carries a sense of guilt for not being able to protect Bisha and harbours unresolved emotions surrounding their loss.
Some details about her/him:
Their dangerous side is honed through rigorous training. Aurelia/n is a formidable combatant, skilled in the art of whip combat, a talent that is known and respected in both noble circles and less savoury territories.
Has a habit of regularly looking up at the sky when deep in thought. It's a meditative gesture that helps them centre themselves, especially before making important decisions.
Has an irrational fear of enclosed spaces, stemming from a childhood incident.
Despite their reserved nature, has a mischievous streak and enjoys playing harmless pranks on their friends.
They have a tendency to overthink situations, often analysing every possible outcome before making a decision.
Their childhood was marked by summers spent exploring the vast estates of their family's holdings.
Carries a heavy burden of guilt over the death of their younger brother, Bisha, feeling responsible for not being able to protect him.
They have an estranged cousin who resents them for being the heir and is almost always trying to undermine their position.
Harbours deep-seated resentment towards their father, Duke Briston, for his infidelity and the turmoil it caused within the family.
Feels a strong sense of duty to uphold the family legacy and honour their ancestors, despite the challenges they face within the family.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Children's media can absolutely and does radicalize kids when written correctly,it's just that shitty bigoted adults in fandoms deliberately misenterpret their messages and trick them into believing they're canon and that's how we got here.Bleach had Ichigo be a goth punk dude who's a fantastic older brother and choose his female love interest because she's his best friend and he finds her weirdgirlness to be enchanting which is good rep for us because being punk is about nonconformity and so is the fact that he never joined the military system his species was largely a part of because he didn't give two shits about them but over half the fandom is convinced the mangaka is a 'sellout' and 'pandering' for not making him essentially a paranormal cop for the sake of pairing him up with the fem mc that he has a familial and queerplatonic relathionship with as confirmed by the aformentioned mangaka
Pjo had Percy hate the gods as much as Luke does and act on it too but directly TO them instead of grooming younger halfbloods to work for him as soldiers and in fact he basically adopted every one of them he came across as his siblings and pseudo-kids and this is explicitly framed as why he's a hero and Luke's evil but you see nonstop erasure of his anti-corruption and anti-authority mentality and direct action despite being his core character traits to make him more palpable as an 'average fantasy protagonist' when the point of him is that he's not normal in any way
The Owl House had 3/5 of it's mcs be poc with the two white ones being an autistic and ocd lesbian and the other a disabled boy with zero conventionally physical traits that're never made out to be ugly and the protag is an inmigrant afrolatina girl while the big villain is a puritan colonizer and every single ship on the show is queer including the m/f one and the token white boy has almost all the important characters to his arc being black and the only one who isn't is a fat asian girl who's also disabled but the HUGE amount of positive rep in the show is deliberately taken out of context for bad faith critisism by a bunch of 20/30/even 40 year olds who've never written actual good stories themselves and this includes them adoring and gushing over the colonizer guy while dismissing the poc and women in the cast as irrelevant
Across the Spiderverse had an EXTREMELY black in every way character literally named SpiderPUNK who makes his beliefs clear in every single one of his lines and isn't all talk for a single second but he's reduced down to 'annoying edgy older brother figure' and made to listen to Taylor Swift and go to Hot Topic and called 'obviously a skater boy' and every other poser punk trope in the books
Atla had Aang and Katara be a gnc boy of a lesser known type of asian race and Katara a brownskin native girl that reclaims femininity for herself with their character drives being to save the world with Zuko's arc hammering it in again and again that while he always had good in him,he WAS evil,he DOES have a lot of bad traits and that made him do a lot of bad things and THAT'S why he needed a redemption arc to be a hero but Aang gets called racist for following the buddhist belief that in-universe he was sole remaining follower of that killing humans is bad,Katara gets adultified and stripped of her actual personality to make her just 'hashtag relatable teen gurl' and Zuko gets infantalized and upholded as the least problematic character in the whole show
And my last and not quite like the rest example is Harry Potter,including the spinoffs and fanon.Everything in it is neoliberal bs and the fandom just made it worse-Oh,the house that's a metaphor for fascism and white supremacy legacies?They're just misunderstood little babies and every minority-coded🥺The lower class family who canonically were Jkr's best attempt at good people that still flopped?Awful homophobic bastards😡All the female characters?Perfect slay 'You can't sit with us' girlboss,precious little baby angel who can't tie her shoes without her reverse harem's help or manipulative self-obsessed hyperfemme pick me,those are the only three categories they can ever fall in.Marauder's Era not only existing but being very,VERY popular is nothing but whiteness-What is there for you to be attached to there exactly?With the canon cast i can least see why you'd have nostalgia but M Era is literally nothing.You just CHOOSE to pick a franchise that's violently bigoted towards basically everyone and who's creator actively influences and helps caused that hurt irl oppressed groups instead of making ocs since you're already building them from scratch anyway
It's not the fault of actual good creators and especially not kids in fandom that grown ass bootlickers couldn't accept that their precious 'escapist comfort media' isn't apolitical at all instead of absorving it's messages like they should have since they have no care for other people despite insisting how kind and unproblematic they are
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celestialastronmy · 6 days
Social Network Analysis: Nathan Prescott in Life is Strange
Nathan Prescott is a complex and troubled character. His relationships and interactions with other characters play a crucial role in shaping both his own arc and the overall narrative of the game. This analysis aims to provide a detailed examination of Nathan's connections, analyzing the nature and quality of each relationship, and exploring how these relationships influence his actions and decisions.
Throughout the game, Nathan's behavior is deeply influenced by his mental health issues, family pressures, and the manipulative influence of Mark Jefferson. His interactions range from hostile confrontations to moments of vulnerability, painting a picture of a young man struggling with his identity and place in the world.
Mapping Nathan's Connections
To begin our analysis, let's map out Nathan's key relationships in Life is Strange:
1. Sean Prescott (Father)
2. Mark Jefferson (Teacher/Manipulator)
3. Victoria Chase (Close Friend)
4. Chloe Price (Antagonist/Victim)
5. Max Caulfield (Protagonist/Antagonist)
6. Rachel Amber (Victim)
7. Frank Bowers (Drug Dealer)
8. Kate Marsh (Victim)
9. David Madsen (Authority Figure)
10. Principal Wells (Authority Figure)
Now, let's delve into each of these relationships in detail, analyzing their nature, quality, and impact on Nathan's actions and decisions.
Detailed Analysis of Nathan's Relationships
1. Sean Prescott (Father)
Nature of Relationship: Familial, Authoritarian
Quality: Strained, Pressure-filled
Nathan's relationship with his father, Sean Prescott, is perhaps the most influential and problematic connection in his life. Sean is a powerful and wealthy businessman who exerts immense pressure on Nathan to uphold the Prescott family legacy. This relationship is characterized by:
- High expectations and constant pressure to succeed
- Emotional distance and lack of genuine support
- Financial control used as a means of manipulation
- Possible emotional and psychological abuse
The impact of this relationship on Nathan is profound:
- It contributes significantly to Nathan's mental health issues, including anxiety and possible personality disorders
- Fuels Nathan's desire for power and control, often manifested in bullying behavior
- Creates a deep-seated fear of failure and disappointment
- Drives Nathan to seek approval and validation from other authority figures
Nathan's actions throughout the game, including his involvement with Jefferson and his aggressive behavior towards others, can be seen as attempts to gain control and assert his identity in response to his father's overwhelming influence.
2. Mark Jefferson (Teacher/Manipulator)
Nature of Relationship: Mentor/Manipulator, Accomplice
Quality: Toxic, Exploitative
Mark Jefferson, Nathan's photography teacher, presents himself as a mentor figure but is, in reality, a dangerous predator who manipulates Nathan for his own nefarious purposes. This relationship is characterized by:
- False sense of mentorship and guidance
- Exploitation of Nathan's vulnerability and desire for approval
- Complicity in criminal activities (drugging and photographing young women)
- Manipulation of Nathan's mental instability
The impact of this relationship on Nathan is severe:
- Deepens Nathan's involvement in criminal activities
- Exacerbates his mental health issues
- Provides a false sense of purpose and importance
- Ultimately leads to Nathan's downfall and arrest(or death)
Jefferson's influence on Nathan is a dark mirror of his relationship with his father - both men use Nathan for their own purposes, disregarding his well-being and exploiting his vulnerabilities.
3. Victoria Chase (Close Friend)
Nature of Relationship: Friendship, Peer Alliance
Quality: Supportive but Potentially Toxic
Victoria Chase is perhaps Nathan's closest friend at Blackwell Academy. Their relationship is complex, marked by mutual support but also by shared negative behaviors. Key aspects include:
- Shared social status and participation in the Vortex Club
- Mutual support and protection within the school's social hierarchy
- Enabling of each other's bullying behaviors
The impact of this relationship on Nathan:
- Provides a sense of belonging and acceptance
- Reinforces his elitist and bullying tendencies
- Offers emotional support, albeit in a potentially unhealthy manner
- Serves as a connection to "normal" teenage life
While Victoria is one of the few people who seems to genuinely care for Nathan, their relationship also reinforces some of his more problematic behaviors.
4. Chloe Price (Antagonist/Victim)
Nature of Relationship: Antagonistic, Victim/Perpetrator
Quality: Hostile, Violent
Nathan's relationship with Chloe Price is fraught with tension and violence. Key aspects include:
- History of drug dealing (Nathan as supplier)
- Attempted assault (Nathan drugging Chloe)
- Violent confrontations
- Murder (Nathan killing Chloe in one timeline)
The impact of this relationship on Nathan:
- Escalates his violent tendencies
- Increases his paranoia and instability
- Leads to one of his most extreme actions (murder)
- Serves as a catalyst for the game's main events
Nathan's interactions with Chloe represent some of his most violent and uncontrolled moments, highlighting the extent of his mental instability and the dangerous influence of Jefferson.
5. Max Caulfield (Protagonist/Antagonist)
Nature of Relationship: Antagonistic, Investigative
Quality: Hostile, Potentially Redemptive
Max, as the game's protagonist, has a complex relationship with Nathan. Initially antagonistic, their interactions can potentially lead to a moment of vulnerability for Nathan. Key aspects include:
- Initial hostility and threats from Nathan
- Max's investigation into Nathan's activities
- Potential moment of confession and vulnerability (depending on player choices)
The impact of this relationship on Nathan:
- Increases his paranoia and defensive behaviors
- Potentially provides a moment of catharsis and confession
- Indirectly leads to the unraveling of his criminal activities
Max's role in Nathan's story is crucial, as she has the potential to either further antagonize him or provide a moment of potential redemption.
6. Rachel Amber (Victim)
Nature of Relationship: Victim/Perpetrator
Quality: Tragic, Pivotal
While Rachel Amber is missing for the majority of the game, her connection to Nathan is central to the plot. Key aspects include:
- Nathan's involvement in Rachel's disappearance and death
- His guilt and mental anguish over the incident
- The catalyst for the game's central mystery
The impact of this relationship on Nathan:
- Deepens his mental health crisis
- Increases his dependence on Jefferson
- Fuels his paranoia and erratic behavior
- Serves as a source of deep-seated guilt and trauma
Rachel's death represents the darkest consequence of Nathan's actions and his manipulation by Jefferson.
7. Frank Bowers (Drug Dealer)
Nature of Relationship: Criminal Association
Quality: Transactional, Potentially Threatening
Frank Bowers, the local drug dealer, has a business relationship with Nathan. Key aspects include:
- Drug purchases and distribution
- Potential blackmail or threats (Frank knows about Nathan's activities)
- Shared connection to Rachel Amber
The impact of this relationship on Nathan:
- Facilitates his drug use and distribution
- Adds another layer of criminal activity to his life
- Represents a potential threat if Frank decides to reveal information
While not as central as some other relationships, Nathan's connection to Frank adds to the web of criminal activity surrounding him and represents another potential source of exposure.
8. Kate Marsh (Victim)
Nature of Relationship: Bully/Victim
Quality: Abusive, Guilt-inducing
Kate Marsh is one of the students victimized by Nathan and Jefferson's scheme. Key aspects include:
- Nathan's role in drugging Kate
- His participation in her bullying and public shaming
- Potential guilt over his actions
The impact of this relationship on Nathan:
- Demonstrates the extent of his involvement in Jefferson's crimes
- May contribute to his increasing mental instability and guilt
- Represents another potential exposure of his criminal activities
Nathan's treatment of Kate is one of the clearest examples of how his own victimization (by Jefferson) leads him to victimize others.
9. David Madsen (Authority Figure)
Nature of Relationship: Antagonistic, Investigative
Quality: Hostile, Threatening
David Madsen, Blackwell's head of security, represents a threat to Nathan's activities. Key aspects include:
- David's suspicion and investigation of Nathan
- Nathan's fear and hostility towards David
- Potential confrontations between the two
The impact of this relationship on Nathan:
- Increases his paranoia and defensive behaviors
- Represents a constant threat of exposure
- May contribute to his escalating erratic behavior
David's presence serves as a constant source of stress for Nathan, adding to his already fragile mental state.
10. Principal Wells (Authority Figure)
Nature of Relationship: Authority Figure, Potentially Complicit
Quality: Complex, Influenced by Prescott Power
Principal Wells has a complex relationship with Nathan, influenced heavily by the Prescott family's power over Blackwell Academy. Key aspects include:
- Wells' reluctance to discipline Nathan due to his family's influence
- Nathan's sense of immunity due to this protection
- Potential guilt or conflict on Wells' part
The impact of this relationship on Nathan:
- Reinforces his sense of being above the rules
- Potentially enables his continued negative behavior
- Reflects the broader theme of corruption and power in the game
This relationship demonstrates how Nathan's family influence extends beyond his personal life, affecting his entire environment and contributing to his sense of invulnerability.
Nathan Prescott's social network in Life is Strange is a complex web of toxic influences, manipulative relationships, and missed opportunities for genuine connection. His actions and decisions throughout the game are deeply influenced by these relationships, particularly:
1. The overwhelming pressure from his father, driving his need for control and validation.
2. The manipulative influence of Mark Jefferson, exploiting Nathan's vulnerabilities for criminal purposes.
3. The enabling friendship with Victoria Chase, which provides support but also reinforces negative behaviors.
4. The antagonistic relationships with characters like Chloe and Max, which escalate his paranoia and erratic behavior.
These relationships create a perfect storm of negative influences, exacerbating Nathan's mental health issues and driving him towards increasingly destructive behavior. The tragedy of Nathan's character lies in the fact that he is both a perpetrator of horrible acts and a victim of manipulation and abuse.
Understanding Nathan's social network provides crucial insight into his character, the events of the game, and the broader themes of power, influence, and the consequences of unchecked mental health issues. It also highlights the game's nuanced approach to morality, showing how complex and intertwined the relationships between victims and perpetrators can be.
Ultimately, Nathan's story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of toxic relationships, unchecked privilege, and the failure of support systems for troubled youth. His social network is a key element in understanding not just his character, but the entire narrative and thematic structure of Life is Strange.
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bitterrobin · 2 months
rehashing the Damian-Tim-Dick dynamic (as it goes in canon) is soooo tiring but by god i'll do it. I NEED to explore all of those events from Damian's POV, because so many fics out here only portray Tim's side of things. And, not that Damian whump can't be well-written, but sometimes even Damian-centric fic delves too deep into helpless baby-child territory and doesn't explore the actuality of cult-indoctrinated child assassin with inherent issues around parents/legacy/family etc etc. Plus, the bonus of Taxonomy!verse being an AU with things a little tweaked means I can change things and include other characters that weren't in the canon proceedings.
Keeping Tim as Robin for a while longer and having him chafe under Batman!Dick provides just a little bit of leeway into Tim's deal with the mantle. He's growing up. Robin will always be his and always be important, but its not allowing him to do the things he feels he needs to do on his own (search for Bruce, intentionally isolate himself etc) And Tim's conflict with Damian doesn't change much anyway because it can pivot a little more into "I don't trust this kid with Robin and I don't think he can uphold the mantle the way it needs to be done" which blends easily into "Damian is not my family" and "I'm worried Dick is going to kill himself taking care of this bomb(child)/I'm terrified I'm not going to be enough this time save him and Bruce" and "screw it I have to save Bruce because only I can do it"
Including characters that aren't popular in wider fandom means fresh perspectives and interactions not previously explored. Bette provides a less grief-laden perspective among the many mourners and a detachment to wider Bat-lore provides an opportunity for her to connect to Damian in a way a character with prior opinions on Bruce/Talia/the League can't. Colin provides a similar-aged perspective on Damian in a sea of adults and teenagers, a view of life from another child just as wounded and yet still cared for in ways Damian wasn't, and a deeper connection to Gotham that Damian doesn't have. Calvin Rose willingly became a Talon, strived for greatness the way Damian once did but he ran and he kept on running - Damian can't leave. Rory Regan teeters on a razor's edge of forgiveness and death, the suit he wears is salvation and damnation, and he has a father's legacy he must uphold even when he questions it (the struggle of religion and the concept of sin). Chris Kent is...so much to explore there that I already made a post lol.
Damian is justified in being angry and bitter. (Not justified in violence towards others before you get me btw) But also Bruce really isn't his father. He didn't raise him. He flits in and out of his life and then he's dead. Theres no connection there besides Bruce yelling at him/ordering him/placing expectations. Talia didn't raise him either. They have a nervous connection that doesn't reach far enough to pull Talia out of her dazed and hurt state. They like (?) each other, but Talia can never look at him and not mourn the boy he isn't. Damian can't look at her and not scream "why did you leave me?" and "if I am so painful, you deserve a life where I don't exist." Bruce is the shadow that haunts Damian's world and Damian is Talia's open bleeding wound and Talia is the haloed mother he can never have.
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orangerosebush · 1 year
The specific non-reproductive (sterile?) masculinity*** of Butler is something that I find interesting to revisit in the series as an adult. He is the epitome of what a Butler should be -- he even sets a new record for being the youngest graduate from the training program necessary to uphold the family legacy. The relationship that ties the Butlers and Fowls together is at the heart of the primary and sequel series, with Butler (and Juliet) helping Artemis to usher in a new era of prosperity for the Fowl family.
Yet notably we do not see (human) relationships that Butler has that might divert his energy from Artemis/the Fowls -- it is as if the energy that would be directed toward raising an heir is diverted to guarding Artemis. Butler decides to spend some of the last years of his middle age helping Artemis undertake the Mars mission; Butler is unable to create a family outside of the Fowls due to both the constraints of his job and certain tensions created in the narrative. After all, what if Butler were to have a child? What time would Butler have for a family of his own? Who takes precedent -- the heir or Artemis? These are all questions beyond what the books were equipped to confront, so Colfer doesn't try to address them. However, this creates a situation in which Butler is both the platonic ideal of what it means to be a Butler, and the end of the family's legacy by virtue of leaving no heirs. Juliet similarly splits her time between her career and the twins, begging the question of whether the series depicts the end of the Butler family line.
I note also that Butler (and by extension, Juliet) is never mentioned as having a mother or father -- just a deceased uncle. The previous generation is presumably dead, yet of so little import that they get no reference. We have Colfer’s tweets to outline who their parents were, and we have a suggestion of extended family, but these characters never impact Butler or Juliet’s characters or arcs. In the same way that Butler can't be primarily beholden to the next generation of Butlers, there's no previous generation to which Butler has a duty or familial ties.
*** The class dynamics of the Butlers and Fowls -- though the Butlers are technically old money -- make confronting Butler's agency in having desires tricky. Back in the day, a lot of fans assumed (though there isn't a textual basis) that something in Butler's contract required celibacy for the duration of his working years. There is a reason that Colfer really pulls back from the implications of this dynamic after book 1 lol -- the only book (IIRC) where you have Artemis being referred to as "Young Master Artemis" instead of simply "Artemis".
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Can we talk about, how that whole episode is the first time Jaune and Ruby actually had an argument, like they probably disagreed sometimes in previous volumes but THIS is absolutely the first time they actually got to argue with each other
And I think this is for one very important reasons, which has also contributed greatly to both of their breakdowns
Ruby and Jaune have been pretty lock step with each other from the very beginning. They’re both the awkward outsiders on their prospective teams. Ruby because she’s a prodigy with the legacy of Summer Rose to uphold, and Jaune because he’s a complete novice with the legacy of his family to uphold
But because they’re leaders they’ve become the mediators, the happy face, the ones who have to stay positive when everything is falling apart. So they’ve never really argued because since they’ve been shouldering this TOGETHER, they also can’t argue because that wouldn’t be the thing to do as leaders
Gonna be real, not in small part because of Ozpin passing on HIS ideas of how leadership should work. Which were, ya know, born from literal centuries of being the only one shouldering an impossible burden
So maybe that’s not the best outlook on leadership to put on two teenagers
But now they’re both in the worst place they’ve been in mentally. Ruby has been repressing all her negative thoughts and emotions since BEFORE V1, and Jaune has been wallowing in his grief and trauma for over a decade
So of course they argued
That was the harshest way to get across to WBY that these two are SO MUCH worse off than they thought
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I would definitely say that it makes 100% sense WHY Randall ended up being the sabateour because Roger specifically said that when he was on the phone with his dad, Mr. Waternoose, he mentioned of how his dad had gotten someone to vandalize the laugh floor and in turn would blame HIM for it which that same EXACT someone who was affiliated in Mr. Waternoose's evil plan to kidnap children in order to save his company from going under who's none other than Randall himself .
Now I have two headcanons of how Johnny became Randall's accomplice and how he was able to locate the EXACT door that lead to the EXACT place where Randall was banished.
I think that in Johnny's private lair that the doors on the conveyer belts are EXACT replicas of the ones at Monsters Inc. therefore Johnny was able to have an exact replica of the very door that Mike and Sulley destroyed after banishing Randall therefore was able to go to the very place where Randall was banished and managed to save him.
Now I believe that the reason Johnny had became Randall's accomplice may likely be the fact that both Johnny and Mr. Waternoose where in cahoots with each other on Johnny's permanent blackout plan with most likely the latter wanting revenge on Mike and Sulley for exploiting him and the former wanting to uphold his family's legacy towards Fear Co.
Now what does that have to with Randall willing to be apart of Johnny's plan you might ask? Well obviously like I said before, Randall was affiliated with Mr. Waternoose but I think the most important fact to consider might've been that since Mr. Waternoose and Johnny were in cahoots on Johnny's plan that since Randall was affiliated with Mr. Waternoose that he might've been aware of Johnny and Randall's direct ties back in Monsters University and insisted Johnny to bring back Randall from the human world in order to have him as his inside man on the job upon Mr. Waternoose's request but likely Randall also wanting revenge on Mike and Sulley for banishing him.
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xinamie · 7 months
— kung lao thoughts !
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just saw someone on another platform say that kung lao is not complex and lemme just. ok hold on. he's more than a cocky, food loving man.
i'm gonna focus on mk1 for now, but hear me outtttt !!! mk1 story spoilers ahead, you've been warned!
kung lao, a humble farmer, who is the descendant of the Great kung lao (lord liu kang's champion in the past iirc and like they were CLOSE bcs remember the scene with the jade statue? anyway off topic).
of course with family honor like that, lao would have this confidence, this arrogance, this ego that everyone groans about. he has this reputation to uphold - this legacy. he wants to be as great as his ancestor!
in the beginning, you find out that he isn't satisfied with the farm life like raiden is. he's the first to jump and react when liu kang tells them all about earthrealm after the test with the lin kuei. he craves adventure, glory, and a sense of just ... achievement.
he loses the title of champion to raiden, but sucks it up and congratulates him. he supports him along the way - bragging about raiden to general shao and cheering for raiden through the outworld matches. even if he was upset that he wasn't the chosen one (re: liu kang hitting him with that one line 'if you trained harder, you would have been champion' LIKE OW DAMN ok) - he still honors raiden and accepts the outcome.
let's talk about his story ending, kung lao messed up with shujinko! shujinko went haywire and it was because he didn't learn humility because kung lao couldn't teach it to him!! lao had always been so confident that he didn't put that into lessons for his student which led to liu kang and raiden stepping in. in this moment, i like to believe that lao learns how important humility is. not through himself directly, but seeing what had happened to shujinko.
omg what about the funny little lines about acting? how johnny offered them movie roles in the end and when raiden politely declined, lao whined. maybe he's intrigued about being able to work on a movie, to get out there and experience the world than just that farm life he knew.
kung lao didn't get to be champion, but he was able to go on missions in outworld and i like to think that he thrived. he got a taste of that adventure, that journey, you know?
kung lao is playful - those lines about wanting to spook raiden's sister with syzoth or how he whined to kuai liang(? i think or tomas?) about how he wanted to test raiden's sister too. how he flashed johnny with the flashlight LMAO. how he gets scolded by madam bo for making excuses sometimes.
LASTLY and also something i think people forget here and there, kung lao is ALSO respectful to some degrees omg. remember when johnny pulled that ripley line and kung lao was like bro??? that plus how he stood up for raiden as mentioned before, he literally becomes a shaolin master ... he may not be a saint, but i don't think he'd be treating people horribly or the type to be flirty every single time.
all in all, there are many sides to kung lao and i think there's a lot to be explored here. i'm down for the silly fandom lao moments, but also serious lao, conflicted lao, focused lao, etc etc. he's a champion to me.
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