#Production Techniques Listed Below:
schrano · 5 months
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Fanart of Siffrin from @cinnamin-is-a-star's Villain Siffrin AU fanfiction To Extend our Reach to the Stars Above Chapter 2.
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elicathebunny · 10 months
Preparation to make 2024 a progressive Year.
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This is how you will prepare for 2024:
What not to do -
🚫 Start on a fresh week
🚫 Start on a fresh month
🚫 Start on new years
🚫 Plan goals that need good willpower before building the willpower first (like intense exercise every day)
🚫 Expecting too much at once and not easing yourself into a new lifestyle
What to do -
✔️ Start again the second you mess up and don't give up then and there
✔️ Get into a routine before the new year starts
✔️ Slowly introduce tasks that progressively get harder to build endurance and willpower
✔️ Change your surroundings to fit your new/ideal lifestyle
✔️ Allow yourself to have breaks, nobody is perfect
What to focus on -
> mental health
!shadow work
!embracing the inner child
!mirror work
!therapy (if you can afford it)
!rest (around 7-10 hours, anything below 7 isn't enough)
!reducing screentime
!affirmation tapes
> physical health
!working out
!balanced eating (learn how to cook nutritious meals at home)
!basking in nature
!supplements - get a blood test to find out what you are lacking (if you live in a cold country - coloured people especially, you are very vitamin D deficient so take vitamin D supplements and foods)
> environment
!decluttering and regular cleaning (throw out unused things, give stuff to charity or to people who might want it, keep productive spaces clean, use scents to freshen things up)
!hanging around with the right crowd (getting rid of people that don't/won't help you or support you on your journey)
!setting your space for up 4 success (e.g. if you want to run put your running shoes and sports clothes out as well as your water bottle to set yourself up for success)
> lifestyle
!create easy to follow routines (not too complex so you can stick to them)
!everything around you should resemble the life you are trying to create (clean space, healthy groceries, clothes - give the ones you don't use to charity, phone - remove contacts you don't use, unsubscribe from channels you don't watch and delete apps that don't serve you etc)
!change your habits/ways and get rid of the old ones (try new things, listen to new music, wake up at a different time, eat new food, go to different places, go into a new store, get out of your comfort zone etc)
!complete hard tasks first thing (get them out the way)
!keep a list of things you want to achieve so you can strive for them everday (doesn't have to be a big thing, small steps are okay e.g. walking x amount of steps a day)
> academics
!create a study schedule
!use studying techniques
!read often and always aim to improve
!complete homework as soon as it's set
!study and use other things as rewards (x amount time of studying before calling a friend or playing a game)
!make time throughout the day to revise
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lady-phasma · 4 months
This specific use of the 180 Degree Rule has been nagging me since the last trailer came out. The 180 Degree Rule refers to how the camera frames the subjects in a scene so that they are "switched" when the camera moves. This is less disorienting to viewers than if the subjects stayed on the same side of the frame every time (see example below). It's a small trick, but it is noticeable when it isn't used. Logic tells us they should stay on the same side of the frame but it really doesn't work. If you are interested in understanding this further there is a great sequence in Satoshi Kon's Paprika (2006) that explains it better than I have ever seen anywhere else.
Daemon's War
The exchange between Rhaenyra and Jace in episode 10 conveys so much meaning in so few words. I'm not going to discuss Rhaenyra's desires in this post or if they conflict with Daemon's. That would need its own post all to itself.
Jacaerys: Where is Daemon? Rhaenyra: I don't know. Gone to madness. Gone to plot his war.
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Daemon and his motivations are revealed so concisely. There is certainly foreshadowing here, but I appreciate that Rhaenyra knows him so well and has no expectations of him (at this point) beyond what she has seen in the past.
Daemon makes bold assumptions and is arrogant enough to think his way is the best way. When he lists Meleys in their assets there is no doubt in his mind that Rhaenys will side with them in the war. But why does he assume this? What isn't being said is intriguing.
We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys. Your sons have Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes. Baela has Moondancer. There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmont, still riderless. Then there are the three wild dragons, all of whom nest here.
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Then, at some point in season two, we see Daemon presumably stop Rhaenys by grabbing her arm.
This man is manipulative and good at it. Rhaenys is not pleased with him touching her. With no context at all, we only have a few words and body language to interpret. I can't wait to see if I'm correct about this when this episode airs. There is a threat or ultimatum here. Daemon's posture is so self-assured, hand resting on Dark Sister as if whatever he is saying has only one response: agreement.
Correct 180 (from trailer):
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Might be helpful to cover one while watching the other.
Incorrect 180 (my edit):
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What made this 180 rule from the trailer stick in my mind is how tight the frame is on Rhaenys for her reaction shot. A medium shot on Daemon cuts to a medium close up on her in order to show her facial expression. We can't interpret too much from trailer editing as it is specifically designed to manipulate and distract viewers in a different way from the final product. However, we are given Daemon's dialogue for this particular shot: "We are going to King's Landing." But what next? Why show her disdain, frustration, irritation? Is there an "or else" or some other technique to coerce her and House Velaryon?
Rhaenyra's words are relevant here as well as in the foreshadowing of the upcoming war. Daemon is not asking permission. His hostility, animosity, and wounded ego combine to make him rash. Another example of the applicability of the title The Rouge Prince. This isn't an argument that his character is made more complex by this foreshadowing, but that he has rarely, if ever, hidden his motives. His motivations are always clear even if they shift from selfish to selfless (which is only evident a handful of times). He is morally ambiguous to viewers because much of the time he seems to be amoral. He can stomach things that others cannot. He believes the end justifies the means. I think it will be fascinating to see how the showrunners, writers, and Matt can navigate someone becoming a villain without making him completely one dimensional. He is irredeemable and many of his fans love him for precisely that. He doesn't want to be redeemed. He wants to be in control.
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I started writing this last night and today this amazing gifset comes across my dash so I had to link it.
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part5of4podcast · 6 months
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Have an unpopular opinion about a BL? Don't worry, we probably do too. Saying all the things you do or don’t wanna hear Part 5 (of 4) is here to engage with BL media from Japan, Thailand, China, Korea and more. We're talking film-making techniques, narrative analysis, fandom woes, while asking questions like, hey why don't the bottoms move their arms? We may not be experts, but we are loud, chaotic, and full of opinions.
In today’s episode we’re discussing the origins of our hosts De and Sinna’s friendship and Only Friends! Mainly Only Friends cause, whew, is there a lot to talk about. Anyone else still salty over that ending? Or just us?
Show Description: Mew, Ray, Boston and Namchueam; a group of business students running a hostel together-blur the lines between friendship and romance.
Where to Watch: Only Friends
Check out the read more below for further reading resources on topics we discussed in today's episode like framing devices, and color theory in film. Along with a list fanworks we loved from the fandom! Add any fanworks you loved as well, give the people their stars.
Listen to this podcast on: Spotify | Soundcloud | Youtube
Framing Devices
A Story Inside a Story: Using Framing Devices in Fiction
10 Films that Utilize a Frame Narrative
Color Theory in Film
Color Theory in Film — Color Psychology for Directors
What Is Colour Theory In Film?
Color Symbolism in Literature: Examples and Meanings
Stain: Phenomenal and Literary Approaches to Color Studies
BL Budgets
The Storyboard: Interview with the Dee Hup House director Tee Bundit - Original Interview | Translation
BL Production Info from Strongberry - Original Interview | Translation
Fanworks We Loved:
ONLY FRIENDS as SZA Lyrics 2/? -> SMOKING ON MY EX PACK by @firelise Run away fast as you can by @iwantoceans GIF Set BostonNick by @taeminie Boston GIF Set by @khaotunq Top x Boston | Only Friends | Crazy in Love by stb Boston & Nick | Angels like you can't fly down hell with me by Scodders sand x ray | ''i need somewhere to begin by thanxxjessie “Compared to Boston, you're a saint” by @rabbiitte If Boston has a million fans by @no2tinngunshipper Only Friends FMV | Cardigan | BostonNick by @technicallyverycowboy Told You So by CaffeineAddict94 You’re On Your Own by technicallyverycowboy “Boston was ostracized, isolated and berated to the point that it completely shattered his sense of self” and “Boston and his “friends”” by @neuroticbookworm “Dear Boston” by @lurkingshan "go for it." by @gunsatthaphan
Goodbye Forever (Until Next Time) by Anonymous
Chaotic Hosts: Dé & Sinna Beloved Editor: Bones Creative Kingpin: Libby
Support the podcast
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oblivionbladetd · 4 days
SO! The Sai server was passing around Lily's list of tropes for Niva.
We get bored when we don't have purple woman saying the funny, okay? While looking through the list, I found something that fired up my pet peeve, and I can not and will not be stopped.
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Why the fuck would Niva use these techniques! Now I'm sure some of you are like, but blivilade why not? Let me walk you through.
A fun thing you wanna do when working with any power system is give it a good think, provided your audience isn't extra young (below 8) it can really add to the believability of an otherwise odd and chaotic world. The word of the day is effort! So we have a glass shard throw (a separate post of hers confirms that this happens in less than a second.) And boiling rain. Now, rather than trying to figure out the mechanics of making rain boil, I'll focus on the glass.
For easy reference, there is proof in real life that this is possible in the rock known as fulgerite, specifically a crude glass from lightning heating sand. So, at a base point, Niva is at least pumping 1 billion joules worth of energy into the sand. For perspective, a bolt of lightning is about 3 million volts, electricity arcs in the air as low as 30 thousand, which is the likely starting point for lightning bending, which in the show always takes a less than combat effective charging period. Now Niva's glass probably is more refined, so to save on time and math, we'll just say 5 billion joules or 15 million volts. Now the big one is that to cool this now molten glass with air in less than half a second?... it's actually impossible. Past a certain point it air could be going too fast to cool and cause friction instead, the only way it would work is if the air was supercooled, like absolute zero... air is not a good heat conductor, and neither is glass.
Now that we've gone through the steps, the end attack is!... hitting opponents with really sharp rocks.... bit underwhelming considering the feats. So let's have a little fun and talk about all the other things she could do within this same time frame!
Hit the opponent with 5 damn near unguardable bolts of nature's wrath without warning since near zero charge time.
Use that 5 billion joules with firebending to make the area in front of her stop existing.
Just use that 5 billion joules of energy to simply accelerate the sand to ludicrous speeds where it would have the effect of a high powered shotgun.
Air bend with that energy to just rend the flesh with sheer force of air.
Cool the air around her opponent to where the gasses we breathe are rendered solid.
Metal bend some coins to have a razors edge and send them out at bullet velocity.
Cover the opponent in molten glass...
Just earth bend rocks to be sharp...
The rain isn't that bad, but it also suffers from the fact that its steps are just as, if not more dangerous than the end product. The amount of water she'd have to boil to make a super heavy cloud that has drops that can hit the ground before they evaporate could easily just be a boiling flood... or lava...
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I'm pretty sure there's meant to be an embargo on press discussing Ripley until the 4th, but this Danish reviewer appears to have jumped the gun a bit.
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Aesthetically pleasing series with chilling Andrew Scott is a welcome alternative to the summer vacation-ready movie adaptation of Highsmith's thriller.
(English translation below the cut)
By Kristian Ditlev Jensen
Ripley is the title of Steven Zaillian's adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's recurring character Tom Ripley, who is the protagonist in five of her psychological thrillers.
The first book is the magnum opus The Talented Mr. Ripley, which has been adapted into several films. Most famously, the 1999 version starred Matt Damon and Jude Law.
The story is about a young conman, Tom Ripley, who hustles his way through life, but one day gets mistaken for someone else. He seizes the opportunity and gets the offer of a lifetime from Mr. Greenleaf, an elderly shipyard owner.
"Go to the stunning Amalfi Coast in Italy and find my son Richard Greenleaf. Persuade him to come home!"
In Italy, Tom quickly finds Dickie, as he is simply called. But instead of bringing him home, he murders the man and assumes his identity.
In a formidable double-cross, he fools everyone by pretending to be both Tom and Dickie when it suits him. All goes well until a police inspector from Rome starts to smell a rat. And soon the hunt is on for the perpetrator.
The journey takes them via Sanremo, Palermo in Sicily, Rome and Venice. But the the criminal is always gone, even though the policeman is actually sitting and talking to him!
Anthony Minghella's feature film is good, but it's also a legitimately summer-holiday-ready, box office-targeted take on the story of a con artist and low-life con man. Now this version finally gets competition from a far more uncompromising, over-aestheticized and visually astonishingly harmonious work, starring Andrew Scott (All of Us Strangers) with warm charm and icy creepiness.
It's not every day you see such a well-designed series, where everything from the dramatic choice to shoot in black and white, to the typography, to the production design of interiors and costumes is thought out down to the last detail.
"The light. Always the light."
The line comes from a Catholic priest standing just behind Tom Ripley, who is looking at a Caravaggio painting.
Michelangelo Merisi, as the Italian painter was originally known, took his artist name from the village of Caravaggio near Bergamo. And it was he who coined the art term chiaroscuro - or clairobscur in French - in the years around 1600.
The term refers to a painting technique where dark and light are contrasted so that the images almost appear as black and white paintings.
Steven Zaillan - who wrote the screenplays for Schindler's List, Awakenings and Gangs of New York - has just modeled Ripley on the painter Caravaggio, who lived a dramatic life to say the least.
In 1606, Caravaggio stabbed pimp Ranuccio Tomassoni in the thigh with a small sword, causing him to die from the blood loss. The painter lived on the run for years before being pardoned by the Pope, but died immediately afterwards of a fever at the age of 38.
This story is on every level behind the series.
Ripley is shot in black and white, i.e. modern clairobscur, just like Caravaggio's own works. It's also about a criminal on the run and a murderer.
The story goes on and on.
In a key scene, there is a cross-cut between the historical Caravaggio sitting at a table with the murder weapon, a short dagger, and Tom Ripley sitting with a fountain pen in front of him.
In the twentieth century, you could kill with a pen. Today, you'd probably do it over the internet.
The whole analog universe that Steven Zaillian revels in - the series is set in the 1960s, while the novel was published in 1955 - is a stroke of genius. It allows him to work sensually with a wide range of things that seem to have disappeared today.
There are phone booths and people write notes to each other with pens. The typography is almost a tribute to the printed media in the form of newspapers, books, writings, signs, stamps, letterheads, patches of text, forms, checks and so on.
Similarly, shoes are a little story in themselves. And drinks. And ashtrays. At the same time, the declaration of love for the Amalfi Coast is so authentic it makes you dizzy.
The fact that the series is shot as something of an homage to the black-and-white king of them all, director Orson Welles, doesn't make it any less impressive. With a wealth of indirect and direct quotes from, for example, The Third Man, where the play of light and shadows on the walls of the stairwells play a major role.
Ripley is a rare true work of art on Netflix.
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Do you have any coping methods for having “non-human” days at a job.
What I mean is those days where clothes don’t feel right, every noise is too loud, and you just feel negative in the key of sad.
Hi there,
I’m sorry I’m just now getting to this. I found an article that might help. It gives some tips on how to handle sensory overload at work.
Tips for Handling Sensory Overload
Make a catalog of all the things that negatively impact your senses while at work. Consider all five of your senses, sight, sound, smell, touch/texture, taste, when you do this.
Try to rank order them, if possible, in order of what bothers you the most.
This week, pick one thing from the top of your list and see if there is something you could do that would help. Often it’s a small change that can make a big difference for you.
Consider joining a support group to discuss these challenges and practice coping techniques
Workplace Modifications to Cope with Sensory Overload
Wear noise cancellation headphones,
Eat lunch out of the office. Especially if you have a coworker that is eating something that smells offensive.
Keep a hat at your desk if you need to block out lights while you work,
Shift where you sit at your desk or in your office to reduce the number of visual distractions,
Consider working from home once a week, if telecommuting is possible
The full article will be below if you’d like to read it.
I also found another article listing some things that also might help with sensory overload:
How to Prevent and Cope with Sensory Overload
1. Identify triggers and recognize early symptoms
2. Understand how sensory overload works
3. Develop coping strategies that work for you
It also goes into coping mechanisms for sensory overload at work:
If you work in an office, there are a few ways you can minimize sensory overload. Set up your desk in a quiet corner, with your boss’s permission of course. If you have control over your work hours, consider coming in early, when it’s still quiet. You could also put on noise-cancelling headphones when you have to do focused work. Finally, you can discuss working from home one day a week to prevent sensor overload.
Don’t keep too many tabs open – neither on your screen, nor in your brain. Multitasking requires a lot of brainpower, leaving you with less capacity to process sensory input.
Take brain-recharging breaks. Not all employers acknowledge this, but you can’t crank out high-quality work for 8 hours straight. To be actually productive, your mind and body need time to recharge. Alternate your mentally-stimulating work with more physical breaks, like a short walk or desk stretches.
The full art to this will also be below in case you’d like to read it too.
I hope these can help you. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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cgcgs43046 · 3 months
Bartering for a Co-Writer
Hello Tumblr users...
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I'm looking for a full-time co-writer: 
Helluva Boss: Chaos Reborn/Omniversal Mix-Up! on AO3
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3900844
Check out my other work/series as well
Fandoms I Write For
These can be found on my user page. MAINLY FOCUSED on the Hellaverse (Helluva and Hazbin). There are other shows I have tagged on my fics, but serve as references or are blended into the lore of Hazbin/re-written versions of themselves and are minor in the storyline, or certain characters from that universe are referenced or just appear it is not full-blown crossover between the entire cast of every single show, I don't do those crossovers... so I'd consider it "world-expansion" or "lore-building".
Pretty much, as long as they follow my supplementary lore that I give them or they can read my works... my story is pretty convoluted with lots of twists so... but if they know most of the fandoms after visiting my user page, then they could make sense of it
Genres - Genres are varied for me, I just try to follow the style of the show/movie I would be writing about, but I'd consider being a big writer on horror/scary stuff, gory stuff, smut (explicit), fluff (try my best), romance, adventure etc. (idk)
What I'm Looking For:
Knows Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss or any other fandoms well enough so you understand the characters and their personalities/lore and little details and stuff and would want to make suggestions
Is a chill person, and nice (Idk why I put this here, but this is a requirement)
Has good ideas and suggestions
Can write well (with good grammar/punctuation/dialog format, good formatting NO spacing, textual styles for emphasis, advanced vocabulary/writing/dialog techniques. I know I'm asking a lot, but I believe in creating quality content)
Is not a hardcore shipper and chooses to annoy me with my ideas and hates what I do with the characters, and their stories (cough, cough Stoliz cough, cough)
DNI with Viv stans/strong Stoliz shippers who refuse to see reason... keener on HB/HH critics (sorry) 
Willing to write explicit sex
My ideas can be a bit outlandish, so bear with me, please! 
Has a light schedule and can keep up with my writing/ideas
Can interpret ideas well enough/create ideas off the top of their head, and can think creatively 
Is open to constructive criticism and can provide it as well.
Enjoys collaborative writing and can actively contribute to plot development.
Is flexible and can adapt to changing storylines or character arcs.
Has experience with or is willing to learn about the specific lore and nuances of the other fandoms mentioned.
Is reliable and can commit to regular writing sessions.
Can communicate effectively and promptly, ensuring smooth collaboration.
Is passionate about storytelling and dedicated to creating engaging high-quality content.
Good story planner and a great plot idea-giver
Projected word count may vary depending on the tone of the chapter (the more serious, the longer it could be)
I am willing to help you in turn with anything like improving grammar/writing style and bouncing off ideas as long as I know the fandom
If you think this is you, comment down below and just list me any terms you are okay with/message me or ask, any terms you need more information on, and any specific topics or themes you want to avoid. Let's make sure we're all on the same page moving forward! 📘 
Hope this doesn't sound intimidating...
If you're confused:
Beta reader - A fan who looks over fanworks for errors is called a beta reader (or simply a beta). They help the creator improve their work before it's shared publicly.
Co-writer - Actively contributes to the writing process: Brainstorming ideas, writing scenes, and shaping the overall story. Shares creative control and responsibility for the final product. Should have strong writing skills and be compatible with writing style. Ideally, understands vision for the story and can contribute ideas that enhance it.
Difference - A beta reader acts like the test audience, giving honest feedback on how engaging the story is without directly adding their own creative touch. In contrast, a co-writer dives into the creation process with you, brainstorming ideas, crafting scenes, and shaping the story into a collaborative effort.
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jeremy-queere · 1 year
The major downside of the OCR squip song line is I have to live with the knowledge that Rich doesn’t wash his hands after using the bathroom </3
Still, wish they kept it. The best version is probably the off-broadway one, cuz not only does it keep the line but it also gives us an extra verse
(also hi this ask is an excuse to hear your opinions)
HAHAHA. Depressingly I would assume that's canon for all versions of Rich.
You gotsa tell me what extra vers you're talking about?? unless it's the bit I will rant about below bc
so!!!!!!!!! christ this got long. you are not contractually obligated to read it
The SQUIP song is literally an infomercial. It is. And it's great and I love it. Way back in the day I did an in-depth analysis of a Heathers song line-by-line about how each element was used to make JD more manipulative. The SQUIP song deserves that too so. I'll see if I need to do that in this post?? We know what an infomercial is!
Random Google result for the structure of an infomercial brought up a guide on writing one. It defines the format as 4 sections:
The introduction introduces the product or service and the problem it solves. It should be concise and serve as an attention-grabber for the listener/viewer. It’s a teaser and should be written in an engaging and lively manner. 
The product demonstration explains how the product or service works and its benefits. The product is presented in detail so the audience is informed of features and benefits.
The call to action encourages viewers to take action and purchase the product or service. Ideally it includes a special offer or some enticing incentive to get your audience to act. 
The closing summarizes the key points and offers a final call to action. It repeats the benefits of the service, the special offer incentive, and where and how to buy the product or service. 
For an example of this in song form, check out TWRP's The Perfect Product:
Lemme also google persuasive writing techniques... and one of them is just a list of fallacies, so let's head there for more SQUIPspo. And a list of infomercial techniques. I'll only include them if they're relevant to the SQUIP song, but Rich uses a ton of 'em so. Here's a sampling!
Appeal to ignorance - Your claim is true because there's no evidence against it. Compare with argument from silence - "assuming that a claim is true based on the absence of textual or spoken evidence from an authoritative source, or vice versa" False dilemma - An either-or problem without considering whether a third option is possible. Definist fallacy - Defining a term in a specific, emotionally biased way, making the argument hard to refute if the listener accepts the "loaded terms"' definitions. Divine fallacy - "because something is so incredible or amazing, it must be the result of superior, divine, alien or paranormal agency" Reification - "treating an abstract belief or hypothetical construct as if it were a concrete, real event or physical entity" Focus on the problem and its solution in the ad, not just the product/service itself. Talk about solutions and benefits, not features. Storytelling to connect to customer's emotion - including the power of testimonials Create a sense of urgency. "Because they know if they can’t get someone to act right away, they’ll come up with reasons and excuses not to act later" Add value by showing multiple uses. Use memorable phrases and taglines. Before/after comparisons Repetition Various appeals to emotion including fear, ridicule, and "Wishful thinking – arguing for a course of action by the listener according to what might be pleasing to imagine rather than according to evidence or reason" Argumentum ad baculum - An argument made through threat of force Genetic fallacy – a conclusion is suggested based solely on something or someone's origin rather than its current meaning or context
Infomercial programming is full of powerful words that sweep viewers into a world of possibilities. They structure their content to bring people to an emotional high thinking about how different their lives could be… if they only picked up the phone. Then, to hammer home the point, infomercials contrast that ideal situation with the viewer’s current reality. They point out how the viewers’ lives won’t improve and will only get worse if they don’t take action.
Also golly. I can't finish reading through this list of cognitive biases because it's too damn long but here's the wiki link anyhow. (Also in the above list, I quoted a lot of the sources without specifying which one - but then I remembered this is me just rambling about a Be More Chill song I like, not an academic report, so myeh :P)
OK FUCK AFTER ALL THAT. I guess it won't take much MORE time to do a line by line, huh?? I'm not going to point out which fallacy Rich uses and when because tbh I'm lazy. I worry that this is over-explaining because Rich's not like. Subtle. But whatever
Freshman year I didn't have a girlfriend or a clue I was a loser just like you
Setting Jeremy as the "before" in the infomercial with Rich as the "after." Also connecting the concept that being single = being a loser. Even though the focus of this song isn't about "getting the girl," that seed's already planted - not as an end goal, but that having a girlfriend is an important prerequisite to become like Rich.
Good times would only Soar by
This is important to connect to the "picture this" segment, so put a pin in this. Everything Rich says about himself is a descriptor of how he sees Jeremy and, therefore, how Jeremy should see himself. This is setting up the problem in order to create a solution down the line - or rather a huge host of problems: You're single, clueless, a loser, you miss out on the good experiences you're supposed to get in high school...
I was gross As every female would attest
Here, note that the boys' opinion of Rich aren't taken into account yet. Being "gross" isn't just a personality flaw or about something physical - it's a measure of one's worth in a way that can be objectively measured by how popular they are with girls.
This will also segue well into Be More Chill Pt 1 & 2 with the focus on Jeremy's slobbery.
My sexting was a futile quest My little penis was depressed He was so lonely Poor guy
More of the same in that sexual conquest is linked to self worth, but the language here is important too. Firstly, Rich is sliding in words like "depressed" and "lonely" without openly diving into those emotions. In fact, he's suggesting that feeling depressed and lonely (which again, Jeremy is meant to see in himself) is at its heart a sexual problem.
I'd also expect that, with the bathroom setting and the "confidence" line in the play, Rich talking about his penis is an alpha male dominance thing.
But! If nothing else, Rich was right that it speaks to confidence. The first thing we learn about Jeremy is his sexual frustration, which is an introduction for us about his feeling of powerlessness in his own life. The point isn't that Jeremy masturbates, but that he tries it unsuccessfully, making him uncomfortable, making him extremely self-conscious around peers, all of which he sees as his natural state.
Like, not to get too Freudian I guess. But Jeremy puts a lot of emphasis on his own dick (and balls... thanks, More Than Survive...) as a symbol of shame and lack of control. Rich picks up on this innately (stalls are for girls, Jeremy!). I headcanon Jeremy as needing testosterone shots due to being intersex and that he has a lot of body image issues related to this
I was Hopeless, hopeless I was Helpless, helpless
Repetition! Also like, alliteration/slant rhyme, but let's not get into that.
Every time I'd walk the hallway I would trip
Maybe more than the previous lines, this characterizes old-Rich (and now-Jeremy) as socially awkward. As far as we know, Rich doesn't have any mobility issues, so the image we get is of someone who's so anxious that they don't look where they're going - then accidentally becomes very negatively visible by creating an obstacle in the hallway.
I was Stagnant and idle
Connecting to Jeremy's I-want song - what Jeremy fears most is stagnation, of survival without thriving. We now know that the SQUIP would have known this, but for Jeremy, this probably just resonated unexpectedly.
I was So suicidal
Finally we get the briefest glimpse of Rich as a kid with genuine mental health problems. Jeremy doesn't express suicidality (until the SQUIP encourages him to). Because it doesn't apply directly to Jeremy, maybe that's why Rich hurries right past it to the next lines.
But arguably, if we're taking all of the SQUIP Song as disingenuous, this could be more of a threat. Like, this is the ultimate point that Jeremy is striving toward if he doesn't make a change and fast.
And then Then, then Then, then Then, then Then, then Then, then Then, then I got a Squip
I love this bit. The repetition really does serve to draw you in, put you at the edge of your seat. Almost reminds me of Jenna in how carefully crafted their stories are (in comparison to Chloe, whose retellings are always written much less engagingly lol because she has such a shallow grasp of the situations).
The "then"s acting as a drumroll are important imo to keep this from feeling like a blast of information that Jeremy's forced to listen to. And then? And then? And then?!
And indeed, Jeremy does finally express interest instead of immediately running for the hills.
Note that this section of the song officially ends the introduction and moves onto the demonstration. We have the problem established - now here's the miracle solution.
[JEREMY, spoken] You got quick?
Side note - I do love a lot of things about the Broadway musical and cast. Will Roland's high notes are gorgeous.
But in most respects I prefer the original recording because the camp seems a lot more... legitimately weird, rather than played up for fans. The dynamic between Jeremy and the SQUIP is just so vastly different in the Broadway version. Broadway SQUIP is a fun bombastic villain, but he never gets the chance to schmooze Jeremy the way that OCR SQUIP did.
Other lines suffer from the same melodrama, including this one. Broadway Jeremy says it fearfully, knees practically knocking together. But OCR Jeremy says, "You got quick?" like a confused kid who WAS cornered in the bathroom but is now just trying to figure out what the hell Rich is talking about, which is closer to how the audience feels too. The "then"s really built up anticipation for all of us (and I'm sure there's another musical explanation about waiting for the phrase to resolve or something).
[RICH, spoken] Not quick Squip
[JEREMY, spoken] I've just never heard of it before
[RICH, spoken] Yeah, that's the point! This is some top-secret, can't-even-look-it-up-on-the-internet shit
The SQUIP having a weird name isn't a flaw. It's a feature! Duh!
It's presented as secret, illicit, dark-web technology. That gives it an exciting air of mystique but also explains away any doubts Jeremy would have.
It's also, I guess, a way for the musical to skip past several chapters of Jeremy googling the SQUIP and selling stolen beanie babies
It's from Japan
Now this line! This bit, I feel like I still don't totally understand. Obviously it's playing on the early 2000's hype of Japanese products being high-tech, cutting-edge, and a little bit weird. Everyone makes it pretty clear that the SQUIP being Japanese is a major selling point. Unfortunately, I suspect it's there to sound, at some level, exotic and confusing and untouchably cool. Sort of like the tech version of "ancient Chinese medicine" (which is smacked on half the labels in the vitamin aisle no matter their origin to give them a false air of authenticity)
It's a gray, oblong pill
Very important to mention lol. Imagine buying a SQUIP without knowing what it looks like and then getting the tictac.
Look on a bottle of prescription medication and you'll probably find a similar description- "yellow round pill" etc. The "oblong" language links the SQUIP to not only being tech but being psychiatric medicine, which Jeremy immediately picks up on.
That medical aspect also lends the SQUIP some authority and legitimacy, which it will happily abuse when it tries to treat Jeremy's various mental health issues later.
Quantum nano-technology CPU
Technobabble, again making the SQUIP sound advanced and, if you don't understand it, YOU'RE the dumb one, Jeremy.
The quantum computer in the pill will travel through your blood until It implants in your brain and it tells you what to do
Honestly? Very up front. Thanks, Rich. Setting expectations! He's building a lot of hype about something hard to quickly describe.
We know from Jeremy reprising the song later that the finger tutting Rich does is a vital part of the message of the song. It's the demonstration aspect.
[JEREMY, spoken] So… It's like… Drugs?
[RICH, spoken] It's better than drugs, Jeremy
I always appreciate the condescending tone here, like Jeremy's a child who just asked a very silly question.
If we're getting in the weeds - which clearly for some reason I am - we can read this as an acknowledgement that, for a kid in Jeremy's situation, drugs are in fact good. Jeremy saying "drugs" cautiously informs us as an audience that he isn't especially familiar with drug abuse, which is probably important context for how we understand his and Michael's weed use later. They're not using drugs like "cool kids" - they're using drugs like "losers."
Basically, Rich is acknowledging that drugs are one way to cope with all the problems that Jeremy has... but they're not the solution. It also distances himself from the dodgy role of drug pusher, which would be very easy to see him as in this interaction. Rich sounds like someone who has tried drugs (which for a teen, implies money, connectedness, a way around authority, and an exciting danger) but doesn't even want them because a SQUIP is like drugs but better.
[RICH & (ENSEMBLE)] It's from Japan! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah) It's a gray, oblong pill, (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah) Quantum nano-technology CPU. (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah) The quantum computer in the pill will travel through your blood until (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah) It implants in your brain and it tells you what to do. (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)
Repetition legitimizes. Repetition legitimizes. Repetition legitimizes.
The chorus in the background sounds almost like a religious choir, raising the stakes, sounding inhuman and huge and overwhelming.
It tells you what to do
Now this may just be headcanon, but the way I hear this line, it's always as if Rich is trying to communicate to Jeremy that Rich is not the one singing the SQUIP song.
Jeremy, it tells you what to do (it gives you directions)
Unfortunately, if that's Rich's goal, it doesn't work because Jeremy is used to having no power. He wants to be guided and have his own impulses set on the back burner. Rich thinks this is a red flag but Jeremy sees it like a racing flag being dropped.
It's preprogrammed (Ohhhhh)
As a description of features, this is pretty lame, right? You don't sell an iPhone by saying, "It can make calls. It has apps. Oh and also, it has its own OS :)"
This is just throwing words out there for the emotion of them, not the meaning. At best, we can argue that being "preprogrammed" means that Jeremy doesn't have to take responsibility for making any choices when it comes to the SQUIP's installation. Hooray.
It's amazing (Ohhhhh)
This is SO infomercially and I love it.
Speaks to you directly (Ohhhhh Ah ah)
Our first hint that the SQUIP isn't just a "thing" but a "being." For Jeremy, this is also a selling point, as per his I-want song.
You behave as (Ohhhhh) Its appraising (Ohhhhh) Helps you act correctly (Ohhhhh)
This section is so very tailored to its audience. Jeremy actively wants instruction. A personal trainer in his brain would be life-changing.
It's also a little insight into the ironically binary mindset of a SQUIP. They don't choose actions based on moral character, right and wrong. They analyze situations and categorize actions as correct or incorrect. Pass or fail. For Jeremy, who sees himself as constantly somehow failing at being a person (relatable), this is a breath of fresh air, of honesty.
[RICH &ENSEMBLE] Helps you to be cool
The book SQUIP didn't like the word "cool" because Jeremy conceptualized it as some weird unattainable state of mind: "Cool," capital C. The musical SQUIP doesn't have to worry about that (especially since they're in an audiovisual medium now). Instead, this underscores exactly what the SQUIP is supposed to do if Jeremy hasn't gotten the picture from the snapshots Rich has provided yet.
It helps you rule
Later called back as the kids "ruling" the world/school/human civilization/it's unclear, but for now, it's just about having a positive impact on the world and enjoying your time alive.
Previously, we described the SQUIP's physical features, its mechanism of action, and how you interact with it. Now we're taking it as something beyond a product that you can buy. You're not getting a SQUIP. You're getting a change in who you are. You can "be cool," which is about being perceived positively by your peers. But that's a passive action. The SQUIP can also help you to do... something vague and positive. It's easy to insert your own interpretation in this phrase.
[RICH] Picture this:
We are comparing the before and after! This is the vital part of the presentation! We have the "before" of Rich being a mentally ill loner loser. Then he got a SQUIP, which can help you self-actualize. So it's stupidly important to demonstrate the consequences of installing the SQUIP in order to illustrate the goal Jeremy wants to obtain!
This isn't a vague promise of being cool. These are tangible, concrete improvements that Rich is living proof of. This is his testimonial of a positive SQUIP user experience. This is what Jeremy can strive toward and this is what he can obtain by buying a SQUIP.
This is the money shot, basically!
Nobody cares if you are late 'Cause even teachers think you're great
Nobody cares sounds like a loser thing... but it's flipped on its head. Nobody's paying you negative attention because people all like you. You aren't just cool with your peer group, but you have specific powers you can wield within the school for your own ends. You're no longer going to be bound to the schedule of high school, which is one of the biggest sources of disempowerment for Jeremy already - c'c'c'c'mon - he's constantly late, constantly uncomfortable, constantly belittled. But with a SQUIP, he can take control of his own time.
Realistically, this sounds a little weird, right? If a teacher is that invested in the high school hierarchy (hi Mr. Reyes), they're probably not doing their job that well.
But this isn't a realistic list of features. It's a beer ad with laughing faces, parties on the beach, bikinis. It's a smear of joy and bombast.
Your weekend's just a full-on slate of blowout benders
Jeremy's not only going to have friends, to be cool, but his everyday life is going to transform dramatically.
In Loser Geek Whatever, Jeremy explains that half of what he was proud of was just doing something he hadn't thought he was capable of before. This entire section is similarly aspirational. Jeremy hasn't gone to blowout benders before, but he envies the people who do.
Of teenage rockstar splendor
This is the height of the coolness promise! You're going to be incredible, Jeremy! You're not going to be alone ever again! You're going to be treated like a rock star, and what's more, you're going to know you deserve to be treated that way!!!
Right now you're Helpless, helpless You are Almost hopeless
I still don't get how Broadway skipped everything above and went straight down to Jeremy getting insulted again. The negging doesn't work without Jeremy having a clear future to look forward to.
Anyway, if Jeremy didn't realize before that the old Rich was supposed to represent himself, he does now with this further repetition. The word "almost," though - that's a hope spot. A tiny chance of redemption. The SQUIP isn't just a solution. It's Jeremy's only solution.
On the school's social map you're just a blip
This is given more meaning in its contrast to the idealized future Rich promised above. Without that context, it sounds like Rich is just insulting Jeremy to rub salt in the wound. But in context, it's reminding Jeremy that he's not at rock star status and can't hope to get there on his own.
But if you Take my advice
We're officially beginning the call to action, the if->then. Rich isn't selling you something, Jeremy. He's giving you advice because he sees himself in you.
and if you pay the listed price
I believe it's the OCR that has the threatening tone in Rich's voice for this one? I prefer that. It's a subtle threat of punishment (argumentum ad baculum!).
The "listed price" phrasing again makes this sound like a legitimate product rather than a back-alley deal, even with Rich pounding his fist in his hand.
If you wanted to get fake deep, you could again make the argument that Rich is warning Jeremy off by hinting at the SQUIP's price... but I truly do think this is more of a "bitch better have my money."
It's a nice contrast to the friendly advice, since Rich is Jeremy's bully, after all. This isn't too good to be true because Rich is demanding something in return.
I would call this part of the time pressure just based on Rich's demands outside of the song.
Well, then you go from sad to interesting To hip
We might see a person described as "sad" and think that's an emotion they're feeling. But no - this is who Jeremy is right now. He's a sad excuse for a person.
And it's not an immediate transformation. There are stages Jeremy will go through to get himself noticed and eventually admired.
I am doing the song a kindness by not paying extra attention to Rich using the word "hip"...
Your whole life will flip!
Again calling back to the rock star fantasy. This will change Jeremy's life. And Jeremy? Can it really get any worse?
[RICH & ENSEMBLE] When you buy a Squip!
This is the only time in the song where Jeremy is explicitly told what to do - and it's no longer "if" you buy a SQUIP. It's "when." You're going to do it eventually because you'd be crazy not to. Why not get started on fixing your life right now?
Rich is talking like he's already made the sale in between the lines "If you take my advice" and "when you buy." Confidence! This is also the conclusion of the sales pitch, when we're reminded that this is a tangible product that can be bought.
[RICH & (ENSEMBLE)] Hey, yeah, a Squip! (Ahhh, ahhhh) Oh, a Squip (Ahhh, ahhhh) Hey, yeah! (Ahhh, ahhhh)
Not much more arguing done here, but the repetition is pretty valuable for the weird "SQUIP" name. Rich is just building hype and emotion.
BMC ensemble is often what Jeremy, as our point of view character, perceives "everyone" to be feeling or doing. The ensemble isn't pushing a SQUIP on Jeremy, but they're in awe of what Rich is presenting to Jeremy.
No longer a drip when you got in your grip
Given the context of the rest of the song, I think it's more than fair to read a double entendre here as a callback to how the conversation started. Or maybe that's just my limp mack daddy game talking.
In any case, "grip" (along with, you know, rhyming with "SQUIP") is a strong word to choose implying power and, again, personal agency.
A Squip A Squip A Squip (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)
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naina-2024 · 28 days
How to Increase Online Sales for Your eCommerce Store
Running an eCommerce store can be highly rewarding, but increasing online sales often requires strategic efforts. Here are ten detailed strategies to help you boost your online sales and grow your business.
1. Optimize Your Website
User-Friendly Design A user-friendly design is crucial for keeping visitors on your site and guiding them towards making a purchase. Simplify navigation with clear menus and categories. Use a clean layout with plenty of white space to avoid overwhelming visitors. Ensure that buttons and calls-to-action (CTAs) are easily noticeable and intuitive.
Mobile Responsiveness Over 50% of online shopping is done on mobile devices. Ensure your website adjusts smoothly on all device sizes. This means using a responsive design that automatically resizes and reorganizes content based on the screen size. Test your site on various devices to ensure a seamless mobile experience.
Fast Loading Times Slow websites frustrate users and can increase bounce rates. Aim for page load times of under three seconds by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and using a reliable hosting service. Use tools like Google Page Speed Insights to identify and fix performance issues.
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2. Improve Product Descriptions
Highlight Benefits Effective product descriptions do more than list features. They explain how the product solves a problem or enhances the customer’s life. Use storytelling techniques to make descriptions engaging and relatable.
Use High-Quality Visuals Include multiple high-resolution images and videos showing the product from different angles and in use. Visual content can significantly impact purchasing decisions by providing a better understanding of the product.
SEO Optimization Incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the descriptions to improve search engine rankings. This helps potential customers find your products more easily through search engines. Use keyword research tools to find the best keywords for your products.
3. Enhance Your SEO
Keyword Research Identify and use relevant keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and meta tags. Effective keyword usage can improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.
Content Creation Regularly publish blog posts, guides, and other content that provides value to your customers and improves your SEO. High-quality content can attract and engage visitors, encouraging them to explore your products.
Technical SEO Ensure your website has a clean structure, fast load times, and is indexed correctly by search engines. Technical SEO improvements can enhance your site's visibility and performance in search engine results. Continue Reading... Click the link below. https://www.bharatgo.com/blogs/Boost-Sales-With-Proven-Strategies
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pexcent · 4 months
How to top exams in 10 days
Stressed about finishing your syllabus on time? Don't worry! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create an effective schedule and stay on track with your studies.
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Analyze and Break Down Your Syllabus
Start by analyzing the entire syllabus for all subjects. Break it down into manageable sections and allocate dedicated time for each. Make sure the schedule is realistic and takes into account your strengths and weaknesses in different subjects.
Prioritize and Balance
Consider the complexity of each topic and prioritize accordingly. High-weightage topics should receive more attention, but don't neglect weaker areas entirely. Balancing your study load is key to preventing burnout.
Integrate Breaks
Incorporate breaks into your schedule to maintain focus and prevent mental fatigue. Short breaks between study sessions can significantly enhance productivity. Use this time to relax, stretch, or engage in a brief physical activity.
Regular Review and Adjustment
Regularly review and adjust your schedule as needed. Flexibility is crucial, especially if unexpected events or challenges arise. Be realistic about your capabilities and make necessary modifications to stay on track.
Allocate Time for Review Sessions
Set aside specific days or time blocks dedicated solely to reviewing previously covered topics. Create a systematic approach, starting with the oldest material and progressing to more recent ones. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the entire syllabus.
Complete Daily Practice Papers or Mock Tests
Start by simulating exam conditions during practice sessions. Use a quiet space, time yourself, and adhere to the same rules and constraints that will apply during the actual exam. Daily practice papers are excellent for targeted skill development, while full-length mock tests provide a holistic assessment of your overall exam readiness.
Recognize and Correct Errors
Approach errors with a positive mindset. View them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Analyze the reasons behind each mistake to identify patterns and root causes. Create a log of common errors and revisit them regularly.
Make a List of Important Topics
Review the exam syllabus and understand the weightage assigned to each topic. Identify high-scoring areas and prioritize them in your list. Divide the list into short-term and long-term goals to ensure both immediate success and sustained knowledge.
Develop Strong Writing Abilities
Practice articulating your thoughts clearly and concisely. Focus on creating well-structured paragraphs with a logical flow of ideas. Work on improving your writing speed without compromising on quality through regular timed writing sessions.
Avoid Last-Minute Cramming
Understand that cramming provides short-term retention but is unlikely to lead to long-term mastery. Focus on understanding the underlying concepts of each topic. Utilize visualization techniques to reinforce learning and engage in self-assessment quizzes or discussions with peers.
By following these strategies, you can navigate the challenges of exam preparation successfully. Remember, the journey to exam success is about the cumulative effort invested in understanding, practicing, and refining your knowledge.
Want more details on creating an effective study schedule and excelling in exams? Check out my full blog post for comprehensive strategies and tips. https://examtips42.wordpress.com/2023/12/22/how-to-top-exams-in-10-days/
Join the Conversation!
How do you manage your study schedule? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below. Let's support each other in achieving academic success!
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influencingforjohn · 4 months
Here are some tips to help you become more productive:
1. Set clear goals and priorities
2. Create a schedule and stick to it
3. Use a task list or planner
4. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks
5. Eliminate distractions (e.g., turn off notifications)
6. Take regular breaks to recharge
7. Stay organized and declutter your workspace
8. Learn to say "no" to non-essential tasks
9. Use productivity tools (e.g., apps, browser extensions)
10. Practice time-blocking
11. Stay hydrated and energized
12. Limit social media and email checks
13. Use the Pomodoro Technique (work in focused 25-minute increments)
14. Learn to prioritize self-care and sleep
15. Stay focused on one task at a time (avoid multitasking)
Remember, productivity is a personal and ongoing process. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you!
Additional resources:
· Productivity books (e.g., "Getting Things Done" by David Allen)
· Productivity apps (e.g., Todoist, RescueTime)
· Online courses or workshops
· Productivity blogs or YouTube channels (e.g., Tim Ferriss, Productivity Game)
Keep in mind that productivity is not just about getting more done, but also about living a fulfilling and balanced life.
Thoughts 💭 ? Please leave a comment below 👇 🩷
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rugsforeverusa · 4 months
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Have a look at our new black scalloped jute rug which will add a bold and dramatic look to your interior. A black scalloped rug could make a striking statement in a room. It could also be a great addition to spaces where you want to add a touch of sophistication and personality, such as a bedroom, living room, or even a home office.
The natural jute is used for making the rug with natural and sustainable processes.
The rugs can be customized in your desired design, size and color also.
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Go through the below link for more information of the product:
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uldren-sov · 5 months
💋 , 🍳, 📥, 🎭 for Camy please? <3
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tyty!! (Sorry again for the delay anon!!) the second part of the ask is below the cut Ask meme here
💋 — kissing
WROW WOW WEE WOW. She's a big fan of a quick, hot, kiss, to leave 'em wanting more, or something slow and smoldering - and there's not a lot of in between. Either way, she's quick to get hands on her partner: carding through their hair, cupping their jaw, drifting up a thigh. She's a pretty good kisser, she'd like to say, and she's quick to slip into that affection and haze of a good kiss especially with close friends or potential hookups.
🍳 — cooking
She's been cooking for herself since she was about 15 since she got real tired of only having like, microwave mac n cheese and frozen meals. So eventually she just asked her parents to buy her what she wants from a grocery list, and when her mom didn't think that was too presumptuous and making too many demands of her/them, she actually started to learn how to cook. By now she's pretty decent at it, able to get creative with some general success and definitely has dishes that she can just knock out of the park.
But baking is beyond her. She ruins most everything she bakes because she's pretty lose with the recipes. :) and then wonders why it comes out bad.
📥 — organization
She's not organized, not half as well as she'd like to be. Everything generally has a place where it should go. But sometimes laundry gets left on The Chair or in The Hamper and plates remain in the dishwasher and used from there. And most other things can be hunted down and found, but anymore with more traveling she's tried to be better about organization, especially with her clothes. So overall she can definitely get better.
🎭 — performance art/acting
The last time she was in acting was in senior year of high school but she gave a really good performance at the time. It was the mix of Seven dragging her kicking and screaming to become more sociable and being a theater kid, that made her as comfortable on stage and as outgoing as she is right now.
In senior year her teacher decided on doing a musical as like, the big senior production and BEGGED Camila (not Camy at that time :) ) to be the lead when she decided on doing Heathers the musical given her singing capability. And well, she had to at that point. It was great training because it forced her to work on her voice and technique and stage positioning and being able to sing well while still moving around and doing stuff as opposed to chorus. (Which she was too shy to try out for)
⌛️ — time management
She's had to get a lot better at time management than she was even just a couple of years ago. She has a calendar now and a day planner (that honestly she only uses here and there) that she has because Oriana got it for her but Oriana reminds her about all of the events and gigs Camy has anyways so what's the point of the planner----
But with all the events she's a part of, all the parties she goes to, all the gigs they have, and the importance of using her time effectively. She's prioritized learning how to discipline herself when it comes to just not wasting time. Up until BOTB she definitely felt that every hour in a 24 hr day had to be better accounted for.
⚽️  — sports
She KIND OF played soccer in high school. Back when she had to focus on boosting her transcripts, she applied to a lot of clubs, and soccer was the only team to really take her. She was on the bench for most of the season, imma be real LOL. Beyond that she's picked up being Oriana's gym buddy and tries to go with her sometimes to kick/boxing classes when she can.
🎉 — hosting parties
She almost CANNOT host parties. lmaoo her apartment is still so small. She's still in the same apartment she had when she moved out at 18 with grant/scholarship money and she does NOT have the savings (that she wants to spend) to move to a better apartment.
Any parties she hosts are only for the band and she's pretty good in making the most use of her space and keeping people entertained while they're there (and she has inflatable mattresses now if people just get too sloshed to go home). She puts in a fair amount of effort to have a good party with friends at her place but she is not on the level of others of, like, maybe planning an outing and a party elsewhere.
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a-fox-studies · 1 year
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We've reached 50 followers!!
Shoutout to @xiabablog, for being my first follower ever!
To mark this milestone, you can ask me anything from the list below :D
What's my favourite colour?
At what time of the day am I productive the most?
What's my desk setup?
What's my favourite thing about the studyblr community?
What's my favourite thing about the codeblr community?
Why did I choose to get a double degree?
What was my least favourite subject back in school?
What are my other interests apart from STEM?
What's my favourite app on my phone?
What applications do I use to stay productive/track productivity?
Who is my role model?
Who is my inspiration when it comes to coding?
What is my favourite genre of music?
What language do I prefer to listen to music more?
Who are some of my favourite youtubers?
What are my thoughts on self-doubt/imposter syndrome?
What no-device activities do I indulge in to pass time?
What study techniques do I follow?
What is my typing speed (words per minute)?
Am I left-handed or right-handed?
Ask away!
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birindale · 8 months
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Page 4 of S J Stine’s Production Journal. Rough transcript below the cut to maintain edit-ability down the line.
Open to critique I still can't read. We're getting into the actual production shit soon guys I need second opinions
bold means ‘I’m pretty sure this says X’, italic means ‘based on context i assume this says Y’. Don’t worry about the links they’re for underlining.
47) It’s all just about management
48) Team collaboration Ben will ask a board artist to help out or [???] board artists’ sequences if they have time & 2nd person doesn’t. “Can you help me out w/ this?”
49) You HAVE to get stuff down early. Because if something doesn’t work you have to come up with a solution. 
50) If you have time (anything for Sam/[???]/from board artists) the editor doesn’t, ask for a Quicktime (so you can redraw)
51) Editorial appreciates it if you have a list of what you want to do (that’s why it’s good to return the Quicktimes beforehand)
52) Give the board artist [???] [???] [???] @ [???] [???] - don’t [???] everyone. Teamwork! You’re only as good as your [???] [???] - so we have to get along
55) Everyone gets a hold of everything (Just so everyone has something to do) 
54) Reward your people for doing good work, don’t punish them!
55) You have to work with your editor’s system
56) It’s okay if a sequence has a lot of problems - solve that in your head by pitch and & think up solutions after
» Storyboard Pro > Licensing Tools > Licence Wizard > [???] > Deactivate (or Return) > & then Activate [???] [???]«
57) If you want to fight a story [???], you have to turn in a big 1st draft (Every draft has executives’ notes and approvals). Don’t change it during boards b/c you’re disrespecting the notes from the executives. There is a hierarchy.
54) Clarity is #1! Trumps [???]
55) It’s all timing
56) Always give yourself 2 days’ worth of work in one day - if you get it all done great if not that’s fine, not freaking out
57) Make the [???] work for you (Shortcuts in Team [???]) 
58) On BH6 @ least drawing for a 2D show doesn’t mean drawing on model, but neither [???] [???] done [???] proportion 
59) Use lazy techniques to get [???] [???] done [???] 
60) Call editor “[   ] as needed [???] [???] [???] edited) to give them freedom to edit w/o you
61) SILHOUETTING a character to [???] [???] composites what’s good posing & what isn’t 
⭐62) Velcro patches on keyboard key [???] [???] to help you find shortcuts w/o looking @ keyboard
⭐63) Different reaction = New Section (No [???] [???]) Don’t make any section longer than 4 pages (15 [???] [???] 3 [???]
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