#Project Valkyrie: Headcanons
rae-pss · 1 year
these two songs, but you're dancing to them at night with JACK.
mi gran noche – raphael
amante bandido – miguel bosé
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jack the ripper platonic headcanons with muichiro!fem!reader
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warnings: spoilers from the manga, ooc
This is a collaboration project with @onecantsimply, I really had a lot of fun doing this piece with them. Seriously, check their content guys, it is amazing.
With that being said, enjoy these headcanons! :)
[First Name] [Last Name] was the second Valkyrie in recorded history to have been a human prior to their ascension into Valhalla. ‘Mist Hashira’ was the only thing they could remember who they were, and quite frankly she did not care either way. All she wanted to do was have an easy life and spend her days watching the clouds without being nagged by her sisters, especially Brunhilde. 
Then there was the incident at the council hall, which led to Zeus allowing Ragnarok to decide the fate of humanity: preservation or extinction. Brunhilde was ready to rebel against the gods and prevent Midgard’s destruction alongside the other Valkyries through the method of the Volundr, the wielding of a Divine Treasure. 
 [First Name] did not have a choice in the matter, even when she was assigned to work together with the most despicable serial killer in mankind’s history: Jack The Ripper. 
To create a weapon that will kill the gods, the weapon and its user must synchronize their emotions. That might sound easy, but it’s a lot harder to pull off when someone in the party, well, lacks any emotion whatsoever. When Jack had formally met his partner for the first time, he was a bit stunned to see the Valkyrie’s ‘canvas’. 
It did not exist. More specifically, it was colorless. Cloudy even. [First Name] was practically invisible to his right eye. When she looked at him, her own gaze half-lidded and dull. A blank face to match a blank canvas that should at least be brimming with fear at the mere mention of his name. Alas, his and Brunhilde’s efforts were in vain as the younger Valkyrie remained unfazed. Brunhilde shook her head in exasperation and left in a huff, more than likely to pair up the other champions with their respective Valkyries. 
Over the next few days, he quickly realized that [First Name] did not care what he did so long it never included her. And even if he did try to do something, she could stop him without trying. That was probably why he wasn’t too upset with the young lady’s rudeness towards him. She fascinated him. 
It became his goal to make her feel fear. The Mist Hashira, in contrast, wanted to make sure he did not die in Ragnarok. So, she put him through a ‘special training’ regimen to help increase his stamina, strength, and agility in no particular order. 
But Dear God, she showed no mercy towards a gentleman. Not even a speck of compassion when he was worn out in body and soul, barking at him for being an incredibly weak fighter in the roster as her sword clashed against his knives. She might have the appearance of a young lady, her strength was nothing to scoff at. 
Although there were times when he wanted to simply quit and rest his weary body, Jack knew he could not do that. He was the one who took up on Lady Brunhilde’s offer to fight in this competition. And as much it pained him to say it out loud…he has noticed the changes in his body. He had been a nimble fellow when he was alive, yet his speed between then and now was….well, the difference is unbelievable. Not to mention he was not as tired as he used to be when doing anything particularly strenuous or physical. 
He’s changed quite a bit this past month….including his Volundr. 
It had been a slow process of [First Name] warming up to him, but now he can with certainty that she has actually begun to enjoy nibbling on the sweets and drinking Darjeeling tea when the clock struck three in the afternoon. However, there is still the issue of performing the Divine Treasure ritual. 
He had many emotions, and she still had exhibited nothing else beyond annoyance when he corrected her table manners and the slight wonder of gazing up at the clouds. Truly, what was so interesting about spending hours laying around the tall grass of a floating island and doing nothing? 
When Jack tried it out himself, sitting on a large boulder that was conveniently settled right behind his Volundr, he actually managed to space out a bit. Him, a productive gentleman and an artist! In retrospect, it could even be called a miracle that he has been able to form a bond with [First Name].
It was not an instant connection like some of his fellow fighters, but he knows she has grown more comfortable around him, even while knowing what he had done as an assassin who wanted to see the color of fear in his victims. Pardon him, his targets. 
A  slow, platonic relationship? He’s fine with that, even though you are still a little rude. A gentleman must be patient, after all~.
He eventually dragged her away from the island and back to the Valkyrie compound, only getting a blank stare instead of a glare this time….but he’s not too sure if that’s actually an improvement or not. 
With the clock ticking down to the first round of Ragnarok, he and his Volundr spend the rest of their time trying to link their souls together. They eventually were able to agree on a single emotion that did the trick: betrayal. 
Jack felt betrayed that his mother had never loved him, instead seeing his very existence as a chain to connect herself to a playwright that abandoned her to marry nobility. [First Name] felt betrayed that the pantheons wanted to destroy humanity, even after you had supposedly died to save them from demons. 
That’s all Brunhilde would tell her just to make sure the ritual would be completed. Jerk. 
When the ritual activated, a bright green light surrounded the two of them before a kaleidoscope of fragmented memories entered Jack’s mind. By meticulously piecing them together like a puzzle, a tragic story unfurled before his eyes. [First Name] had lived a hard but happy life in the mountains with her twin brother Yuichiro after their parents died, but it all came crashing down when a demon destroyed everything. 
It was [First Name]’s rage towards demons that kept her moving forward, even when she had been pushed into a corner by Muzan’s commanding officer, the Upper Moon One ranked demon known as Kokushibo. Even when her memories had been buried again in the dark corners of her mind, not because of the shock, but because of Brunhilde’s machinations. 
She wanted another Valkyrie amongst the ranks, a soul who was powerful and yet malleable enough to twist to her own design. After all, what use is the soul of a Hashira if they’ve lost their fighting spirit and desired peace?
Ah…poor thing. To go past her limitations and become a Hashira within two months, to obtain the Demon Slayer Mark and single handedly kill an Upper Moon demon…all of that power, to die at such a young age. And just when she had begun to express herself more, exhibiting a compassionate, teasing persona towards her comrades. The one she’d liked the most was a young man named Tanjiro. 
Jack assumed that he, at least, had survived against Muzan in the final confrontation. 
Including learning the truth behind her memory loss, he was also able to discover what was his Volundr's ability in combat: anything that he can touch with his hands  would become a Divine Weapon. Even a small pebble can be lethal to a god. 
The given name of his Volundr is Muichiro. In the Japanese writing system known as kanji, the name meant ‘nothingness’  but ‘Mu’ could also be written as ‘infinity’. 
Upon the transformation being released, Jack’s opinion of [First Name] changed. Someone he’d believed to be a disrespectful, slightly spoiled brat, to a young lady who struggled on how to cope with her memory loss.
Right up until the fourth bout of Ragnarok, he made sure his Volundr was comfortable and fully relaxed with snacks or blankets for her to curl up under on the couch. 
[First Name] was quite confused with his behavior, but did nothing to stop it. She was, however, taken off guard when her partner confessed that he saw her as a surrogate child. If something went wrong in the match, he wanted her to commence the separation ritual as quickly as possible and get to safety. 
Thankfully the confusion did not cause any mishaps as she transformed into a pair of tailor-made leather gloves, synchronizing their hearts together as a single unit to fight against Heracles, the beloved Grecian God of Fortitude. 
(Jack did have to hold back a snicker when his Valkyrie asked if she could punch Heracles just once, really hard, because the spiel he gave about asking Zeus to spare humanity if his opponent ‘laid down his arms’ is really fucking stupid. If Heracles loved mortals so much, why not just fight with them as a representative of humanity?) 
As to be expected, the battle had been tough. Timing was everything in order for Jack’s plan to be executed perfectly. He defeated a god, and gave humanity an advantage they desperately needed in Ragnarok. 
So why was [First Name] happy that her partner had changed over the course of round four? She’d seen through his memories, the good and the bad, and she didn’t mind it. Now, all of a sudden, his heart seemed to be purer than before….more than willingly to change some parts of himself? It did not make sense. 
Neither was the hate that Jack received from the angered guests in the god’s stands. Heracles knew what he was getting himself into, so why all of the fuss? What part of a combat tournament that can end in total annihilation for either party did these idiots not understand? 
Quickly releasing the Divine Weapon ritual, the sword at her waist quickly unsheathed, creating a veil of mist that disintegrated the shower of stones flung at Jack into a pile of dust on the ground. But one attack did not faze the screaming spectators, who now resorted to using glass and garbage. 
Annoyed, [First Name] maneuvered her grip on the hilt and created a thick veil of fog around the arena. Originally it was supposed to provide some cover until the two of them made it pass the drawbridge to humanity’s side of the coliseum, but hearing the crowd become confused and panicked amidst the chaos was worth it. Served the idiots right. 
Jack also seemed happy that she had helped him…but why? More importantly, what was with the sudden change of heart? She bluntly asked him this question, though the only answer she received was it had been Heracles’ unconditional love that saved him.
 A stupid answer, but whatever. 
Upon arriving at the medical wing, [First Name] kicked the door open just when a group of winged nurses were coming back from their break. Quickly realizing they had a patient, they immediately guided the Valkyrie to an empty unit where they instructed her to lay Jack down and let them start working on him. 
[First Name] nodded, following the command before plopping down in a chair and staring off into space. Ah…she was  tired. Is it time for a nap now? 
Bonus Content:
After hearing that Jack will need to spend a night under observation before being released, [First Name] left the medical wing to go get cleaned up. 
Once she had taken a hot shower and changed into some spare clothes, the Mist Hashira decided to reward her human partner with a box of sweets from a high-end patisserie shop. Purchasing two boxes and some other items, she ventured down the corridor leading towards the medical wing when she was attacked from behind by a god. She hasn’t had an opportunity to draw her sword when her entire body was encased in a floating sphere of water. 
The thought that she may die again in Valhalla triggered a flood of emotions to encompass her body, followed by…memories? Ah….that’s right….this is the second time she’s  lost them. 
How annoying. 
Feeling her face burn, it took only a moment to realize that her Demon Slayer mark appeared again. Half a second to decapitate the god who had the guts to try and kill the Mist Hashira with the same trick Gyokko pulled when she said his art was shit. 
Wiping the god’s blood off with the hem of her shorts, she sheathed her sword and continued her trek towards the medical wing, teal sneakers squeaking across the marbled corridor. 
Blinking, she stopped walking and looked down at herself.  Ah…she was covered in blood and water. Should she go back to her room and change again? No, it should be fine. Water will dry out, and these clothes - a black, long-sleeved hoodie, shorts with teal suspenders, and kneepads - were all that she had right now besides that stifling Valkyrie uniform. 
Besides, Jack was an assassin. Seeing her like this shouldn’t be too much of a shock to him when she tells him that she recovered her memories, right? 
Spoiler alert: The Ripper almost fell out of his bed when she greeted him, his face white with fear and shock even when she handed him a big slice of apple pie on a paper plate. He wouldn’t have reacted in such a manner if he didn’t just wake up moments ago. 
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thegreatpapaya666 · 1 month
Vox Headcanons
(I was working on these with a friend :3)
- Vox is a transgender man. - He has 11 sharks named Victor, Veronica, Vivian, Vincent, Viera, Victoria, Vance, Veer, Valkyrie, Vanessa, and Vark. - He is dating Valentino, though it is an explicitly stated "open relationship." Valentino often gets jealous of Vox flirting with other people, though, and the "open" status is subject to change on a dime. - Vox forgets to eat and sleep until either Valentino and Velvette remind him, or he passes out from exhaustion. - He puts his work before everyone else in his life, even himself. - He was friends with Alastor for a long time and gained most of his current power from working with Alastor. But after confessing his love to Alastor and his feelings not being returned, Vox didn't take the rejection well and fought him. He almost lost the fight, but Alastor chose to spare him and Valentino found him hours later. - The fallout was also caused by Vox changing as a person, being corrupted by the technological advances he was making with VoxTek. After partnering with Valentino, changing his own head from a CRT TV to a flat screen TV, using mind control to manipulate his viewers, and neglecting the quality of his products, Alastor felt like Vox was a different person. - Vox still has a crush on Alastor, though he hides it behind a facade of hatred and disgust. - Vox is an ENTJ. - He's touch starved. - Vox is horrible with kids, but connects with children on the autism spectrum. - Vox can open internet tabs in his brain, as well as view security footage and send messages. Everything he sees is recorded with high-quality video and audio. - Every interaction he's had with Alastor is saved in a folder buried deep in his files that he only opens during "alone time." - When Vox dreams, they're projected on his screen for anyone to see. He doesn't know about this. - Vox's screen gets a pink tint when he blushes. - His antennae twitch when he's overwhelmed or flustered. - Vox can show pictures and videos on his screen. - He can play piano and guitar. - When asked the question, "ass, tits, or thighs," he always picks ass. - He's somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. - Vox is always up by 5 AM and never sleeps in. - He can turn his pain, auditory, olfactory, and taste receptors on and off. - Vox had a traumatic childhood with a verbally abusive mother and a physically abusive father. - He had a brother who also went to Hell, but he hasn't been able to locate him. - Vox is a switch but prefers to top because of how much he likes being in control. - He's autistic. - When he was alive, he had a wife who he would frequently cheat on, and two children named Alice and James. - The first time Vox had sex with a man was drunk with Valentino, who was his bisexual awakening. - Vox was popular in school. - When he spawned in Hell, he changed his name from Mary to Vox as a fresh start. - He sleeps in shark themed boxers. - During game night with the rest of the Vees, when it's his turn to pick the game, he always picks Monopoly. Valentino and Velvette have yet to beat him, but they have an evil plan to cheat and make Vox cry and are going to enact it next game night. - He wears rainbow striped socks. - Vox sometimes listens to musical soundtracks while he's working. - His favorite drink is bourbon. - His favorite color is red, but he always lies and says it's blue. - Vox's favorite food is Alastor's jambalaya, but he'll never tell anyone. - He's from New Jersey. - He owns a shark onesie he wears for sleepovers. - You know those Terms of Service nobody reads when you make an account on a new website or agree to a new setting? Well Vox manipulates the fine print to be used as a soul contract if you own your soul. That's how he rose to power so quickly, because millions of unsuspecting sinners were unknowingly giving Vox their souls by signing up for Sinstagram and other apps.
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   ⭑      ROLEPLAY INFO.
Vox  will  be  portrayed  as  I  see  fit.  I can and will include my personal headcanons  in the roleplay to add more flavor to his character. Don't like, don't interact. Unless you specifically state otherwise, you are messaging Vox on Tumblr or greeting him in his office. These two scenarios depend on whether or not you physically interact with him or his surroundings.
- Vox is a transgender man. - He has 11 sharks named Victor, Veronica, Vivian, Vincent, Viera, Victoria, Vance, Veer, Valkyrie, Vanessa, and Vark. - He is dating Valentino, though it is an explicitly stated "open relationship." Valentino often gets jealous of Vox flirting with other people, though, and the "open" status is subject to change on a dime. - Vox forgets to eat and sleep until either Valentino and Velvette remind him, or he passes out from exhaustion. - He puts his work before everyone else in his life, even himself. - He was friends with Alastor for a long time and gained most of his current power from working with Alastor. But after confessing his love to Alastor and his feelings not being returned, Vox didn't take the rejection well and fought him. He almost lost the fight, but Alastor chose to spare him and Valentino found him hours later. - The fallout was also caused by Vox changing as a person, being corrupted by the technological advances he was making with VoxTek. After partnering with Valentino, changing his own head from a CRT TV to a flat screen TV, using mind control to manipulate his viewers, and neglecting the quality of his products, Alastor felt like Vox was a different person. - Vox still has a crush on Alastor, though he hides it behind a facade of hatred and disgust. - Vox is an ENTP. - He's touch starved. - Vox is horrible with kids, but connects with children on the autism spectrum. - Vox can open internet tabs in his brain, as well as view security footage and send messages. Everything he sees is recorded with high-quality video and audio. - Every interaction he's had with Alastor is saved in a folder buried deep in his files that he only opens during "alone time." - When Vox dreams, they're projected on his screen for anyone to see. He doesn't know about this. - Vox's screen gets a pink tint when he blushes. - His antennae twitch when he's overwhelmed or flustered. - Vox can show pictures and videos on his screen. - He can play piano and guitar. - When asked the question, "ass, tits, or thighs," he always picks ass. - He's somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. - Vox is always up by 5 AM and never sleeps in. - He can turn his pain, auditory, olfactory, and taste receptors on and off. - Vox had a traumatic childhood with a verbally abusive mother and a physically abusive father. - He had a brother who also went to Hell, but he hasn't been able to locate him. - Vox is a switch but prefers to top because of how much he likes being in control. - He's autistic. - When he was alive, he had a wife who he would frequently cheat on, and two children named Alice and James. - The first time Vox had sex with a man was drunk with Valentino, who was his bisexual awakening. - Vox was popular in school. - When he spawned in Hell, he changed his name from Mary to Vox as a fresh start. - He sleeps in shark themed boxers. - During game night with the rest of the Vees, when it's his turn to pick the game, he always picks Monopoly. Valentino and Velvette have yet to beat him, but they have an evil plan to cheat and make Vox cry and are going to enact it next game night. - He wears rainbow striped socks. - Vox sometimes listens to musical soundtracks while he's working. - His favorite drink is bourbon. - His favorite color is red, but he always lies and says it's blue. - Vox's favorite food is Alastor's jambalaya, but he'll never tell anyone. - He's from New Jersey. - He owns a shark onesie he wears for sleepovers.
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vaguely-humanoid-form · 3 months
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homestuck blast (and humanstuck)
headcanons below!!!
Aradia: Aurelia Matsumo, wasian (Japanese), bi, she/they, demigirl
Tavros: Tadeo Navarro, black + Mexican, pan, he/him, cis guy
Sollux: Sovann Carver, blasian (Cambodian), bi, he/they/she, bigender
Karkat: Karlos Ventura, Mexican, gay, he/him, cis guy
Nepeta: Nemesis Lémieux, white, pan, she/they/it/cat, nonbinary
Kanaya: Kanta Mariam, Ethiopian + Desi, lesbian, she/her, cis girl
Terezi: Tereza Peng, wasian (Chinese), unlabeled sexuality, all pronouns, unlabeled gender identity
Vriska: Valkyrie Serafim, Portuguese, bi, she/her, trans girl
Equius: Ethan Zakharov, white + Puerto Rican, bi, he/him, cis guy
Gamzee: Gabriel Machado, white + Portuguese, gay, they/he, nonbinary
Eridan: Erick Angelo, wasian (Filipino), bi, he/she/they, genderfluid
Feferi: Felicia (pronounced Feli-sea-ah) Pillai, wasian (Filipino) + Desi, bi, they/he/she, agender
wdym I'm projecting my gender onto feferi that's so silly haha.
why did I name Nepeta Nemesis? I thought it was cool lol
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
I really liked your Child!Reader with Beelzebub! Do you think you can have Beelzebub reacting to seeing Child!Reader reincarnated not only as a Human but as Tesla’s Child? (And they’re rooting for their Papa as they’re with Brunhilde in the Human Fighter area since they helped their Papa with a few creative ideas of their own for his Armor)
Child!Reader reencarnated as Tesla's child
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[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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Part 1 [ HERE ]
Dear I love your idea!! Ive been so excited to write this since the very moment I recived the request, and im finally doing it!!
I loved it so much that this ended up being really long! Sorry if it bothers you! 😭
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Brunhilde has been preparing for the Ragnarok even before chanllenging the Gods, wanting to be completely ready at the moment of taking action, so she already had went to Tesla asking him if he would be willing to participate on it
It could be dangerous and he didn't want to leave you alone, but this was a really good opportunity for the humanity so he accepted (and if you cheries for him to accept he will do it right away)
And for that opportunity is when he decided to put his hands to work and start working on his armor, and at the very moment he gets the idea he share it with you and start explaining to you, even when all the others scientists come your opinion was always important to him, even if you aren't really into science he wants to share this with you (even name you the second in command), he is that kind of father
Also, Tesla is a kind of father that will always encoure you to be curious about the world around you, so in order to be able to help him one day you decided to go out and take a walk around in hopes to find some inspiration to help your father with his new project, and that is how you get the oportunity to meet Beelzebub once again
But since Beelzebub wasn't interested in anyone anymore the first time you two meet was because you two just across each other in a hallway, maybe you were too distracted and ended up bumping into him or you just politly greet him when he pass by, either way you had catch his attention with that, no one really bother to speak to him for being too afraid, even turn the cornere whenever they see him, but you not you just continue with your way
He tried to not pay much attention to it and just brush it off, thinking that this probably will be the only time he ever sees you, but how wrong he was, he ended up seeing you a lot of times again, since Brunhilde had give you and your father a special room for you to work you were more close to him and he always sees you when you go out to take a walk by chance, either that he sees you just from afar or because you had cross your ways once again
He hate it, but he can't help but remember his little friend, his very first friend that he had lost so long ago, he hate it but whenever he sees you running around, smiling and full of life he can't help but stare for a moment, it makes his heart hurt for the guilt that brings him remembering you but at the same time it makes him feel like happiess and some relief for seeing you again
The moment when you two start interacting again is either because you were interested on him and, once again, you approached him to introduce yourself (in that case he will shocked, you were doing it again, and even if he just want to ignore you and go away he can't help but answer you quietly), or because he get so curious and atracted to you that he can't hold back himself anymore and goes to Brunhilde to ask her about you since he had already saw you with her one or two times (and he doesn't feel ready to go directly to you)
The worst way for you to start again is if one day Adamas tryied to attack you, he doesn't really have much patience and your child-like personality doesn't help at all neither that you are a human, if this ever happen it would make Beelzebub so desesperate that he will run to your side to help you, even if the two of you didn't properly met yet, he doesn't understand why but he had feel an overwhelming need to protect you, and this will one of the only times Adamas had seen Beelzebub so desesperate and furious. In this case this will rush your relationship since Beelzebub will be scare of something bad happening to you for a while
After that you two had started hanging out more, always making you company when you take a walk or even inviting him over to hang out, and as much as he wants to he really never can't bring himself to decline any of your offers, he is just too atracted to you for some reason
Still, it doesn't take him much time to realice that you don't just are like the child that once had been his friend but that you actually are that child, even if now you have a different appearance or name or even that now you are human, you still are them, after he had killed you your sould had reencarnated as a human
All his remorse return to him and for a while he will be really conflicted about this, how he can even think on befriend you now when he was the one who killed you? you had done nothing more than bring happiness to his life and he had ended your life, making it rather short. But now he has an new opportunity, he can make it up for you (even when you don't know about what happened in the past)
So after that he start to pass a lot of time with you, every time whenever you aren't with your father or the rest of the scientists you were always with Beelzebub, he was helping you with your search for inspiration to help your father, he didn't know much about what he was working on but he doesn't care too much neither, he just want to help you, he even invited you over his own study (but won't show you the gross things he work on)
Beelzebub get pretty protective over you, he had failed in protect you once but this time will be different so he won't let anyone be rude to you, he can handle all the contempt and hatred everyone hold against him, but he won't let anyone even look at you in a bad way
Also, whenever you rant proudly about your amazing father and friends he can't help but feel jealous, he remember when you used to stand up for him whenever people talk bad about him, but it isn't like now he can ask for it, not after what he had done so he just let you talk all you want, and never interrupt you, not even once
He didn't care much about the Ragnarok when it started, but just hope that you don't get affected for it. When Hades goes to fight he didn't care much either, he was confident on him, but when the news of his defeat reach him he was furious, it affected him so much that he had forgot about the rest of the world and only concentrated on being the next fighter to take revenge for killing the person who reached out to him when he needed it most, the person he cherished the most
He was doing it without thinking properly, too blinded for his anger to do so, he was so confident on what he was doing to do that he didn't care for anything else, it wasn't until he was in the arena and Heimdall end the introductions that he finally were realicing what he was doing
Tesla seemed familiar, a little too familiar, from his name to his appearance, it was a little difficult to tell for the armor and his presentation, but just by giving a more close look to him it makes him realice, he know this man because he had saw him with you, is then when he realice that the person he was about to fight it was your father (and hearing you from the stands cheering for Tesla only confirmed it)
He feel bad about the whole thing and he is conflicted because if he wins he will do the exact thing that brought him here, he will take away from you the most important person for you and he doesn't think he will be able to forgive himself, in the other hand if he lose he will finally die but lost any chance he ever had to see you again. He hates it, he hate this situation and he hates himself for being so impulsive, but right now there is not way back, he doesn't have another option than fight
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popawritter12 · 8 months
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My name both here and on other networks is Popa or Peporovich, I have been a fanfic writer for a long time. I've been writing Yandere fanfics for a long time, and I love Tumblr, so i started to write in this app.
So, let me welcome y'all with this
Master list
So, maybe i dont know a lot about Tumblr post (because im accustomed to Wattpad) so excuse me if i do mistakes through this masterlist :<.
My native language is Spanish, therefore, since my English is not good, I will use the google translator. I'm going to upload my fanfics that are already in Spanish here!
I am part of several fandoms, but my fanfics and stories are purely and exclusively Yanderes, men, women, creatures, etc. Although these fanfics are in Spanish on Wattpad, I could post the English version on Tumblr.
One thing to clarify: I kindly ask that, if placing an order, you specify the gender of the reader, since it affects a lot when I translate it into English thanks to my lack of English <3
And, im gonna put the things that i can writte through requests.
Secondary Wattpad account (Were everything is in Spanish): @Mondongohater32
If you want to make a request, there are manly chooses!
But, if you want one, you need to put just two obligatory things.
And there are:
-Put if you want a One-Shot, Headcanon or other things that I do (I put them right here 👇🏻)
I can write:
-Only Yandere requests.
-Yandere female, male, non-binary, etc.
-One shots.
-"Correspondence messages to a lost lover"
-"In each situation, how would this Yandere react?"
-(Reader) storys.
I Cannot write:
-NSFW (At least now)
-Characters under 18 years x character +18 years.
-Extreme violence.
-Strange fetishes (Like feets or things that are common in R34).
Series, video games, movies, etc. for which I can write requests:
-The Witcher.
-Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
-Portal 1 and 2.
-Team Fortres 2.
-Stardew Valley.
-Devil May Cry.
-League of Legends (Not Arcane)
-Yakuza saga.
-Chainsaw man.
-Jojos Bizarre Adventure.
-Kengan Ashura.
-Demon Slayer.
-Shuumatsu No Valkyrie.
-Violet Evergarden.
-Captain Tsubasa.
-Teenage mutant ninja turtles (Rottmnt, 2012, 2014 ☝️🤓)
-One punch man.
And actual state: Request open
Also, I made a total count of the number of one-shots and Headcanons I've made so far (those I have saved and those I uploaded to Tumblr), each with their respective links to go there <3
The dynamic goes like this:
-The red color is for those already finished and uploaded to Tumblr.
-The light blue color is for those already finished but only available on Wattpad.
-The ones without color are NOT finished yet.
Tally of all half-done stories/projects:
“Let me tell you a story” – One shots
One shots made:
Kimetsu No Yaiba
-Yandere! Upper Moons xfemale reader (Part 1):Only on Wattpad
-Yandere Upper Moons x female Reader (Part 2): Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Muichiro Tokito x female Reader: Only on Wattpad
Kengan Ashura
-Yandere! Kaede Akiyama x Fighter! male Reader: read here
-Yandere! Cosmo Imai x female reader: read here
-Yandere! Setsuna Kiryu x female Reader: read here
Super Champions/Captain Tsubasa
-Yandere! Genzo Wakabayashi x female reader:Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Kojiro Hyuga x female Reader:Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Jun Misugi x female Reader.: read here
League of Legends
-Yandere! Sett x Neutral reader: read here
-Yandere! Morgana Star Nemesis x male Reader: read here
-Yandere! Talon Du Couteau x female Reader: read here
-Yandere! Pyke x Male! Reader: read here
-Yandere! Primal Ambush! Talon x Fem! Reader: read here
-Yandere! Blood Moon! Shen x Male! Reader: read here
Dragon ball
-Yandere! Future Trunks x female reader:Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Goro Majima x female reader: Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Hidan + Yandere! Kakuzu x female reader:Only on Wattpad
Mortal Kombat
-Yandere! Smoke + Yandere! Sub-zero (Kuai Liang in this case) x female Reader:Only on Wattpad
Far Cry 3
-Yandere! Vaas x female reader : Only on Wattpad
DC Universe
-Yandere! Clark Kent + Yandere! Bruce Wayne x female Reader: read here
-Yandere! Evelyn x female Reader: Only on Wattpad
-Yandere! Baker x female reader
One shots unfinished in general:
-Yandere! Jack the Ripper x female reader (Shuumatsu No Valkyrie)
-Yandere! Fem! Angron x male Reader (Warhammer 40k)
-Yandere! Santana x female reader(Superchampions/Captain Tsubasa)
-Yandere! Harem! Captain Tsubasa x female Reader.
2. "More than 100 headcanons" (League of legends Yandere headcanons)
-Yandere! Aatrox headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Ashe headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Aurelion Sol headcanons:
-Yandere! Akali headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Aphelios headcanons: read here
-Yandere!Akshan headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Ahri headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Braum headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Caitlyn headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Cassiopeia headcanons:
-Yandere! Camille headcanons:
-Yandere! Darius headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Draven headcanons:
-Yandere! Diana headcanons:
-Yandere! Talon Du Couteau headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Zed headcanons: read here
Yandere! Blood Moon line of skins:
-Yandere! Blood Moon! Shen for a male Reader: read here
-Yandere! Blood Moon! Yasuo headcanons: read here
-Yandere! Blood Moon! Talon headcanons: read here
Yandere! High Noon line of skins:
-Yandere! High Noon! Talon headcanons: read here
I add more when i have time (and also im gonna put some one-shots that are only avaible on Wattpad <3)
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noxide-dioxide · 10 months
Why of course. Senti fits into the Fu Hua Armpit Discourse by fitting right under Fu Hua's arm. Tight and cozy under the wing of her oblivious Alpha. Although if you're asking my personal opinions on Senti's armpits, I shall be frank: no thoughts on these. After all, she always has one of her armpits exposed in all of her outfits, which - ironically enough - leaves no room for imagination, and thus no interest.
Foolishness, Alpha Fu Hua Anon, FOOLISHNESS!
You've forced my hand, I have built my tumblr identity around sending funny absurd asks to people, and you've come to my territory to try to Defeat me?
I was faced with 2 choices, to match you measure for measure and lose my humanity and my reputation among my mutuals, or to fade away quietly in the darkness and maintain my humanity, but today I have decided to awaken the devil within....
You say Senti "has one of her armpits exposed in all of her outfits" and yet, Fu Hua's has both armpits exposed in most of her battlesuits.
Valkyrie Accipiter, Hawk of the Fog: Covered
Night Squire: Covered
Shadow Knight: literally a translucent bodysuit so it's basically BOTH SHOWN 2.0.
Phoenix: BOTH SHOWN.
Azure Empyrea: BOTH SHOWN.
And to bury you once and for all, we can already see her armpits are BOTH SHOWN in her Garuda form from the CGs.
With these, we have a ratio of 4 fully shown battlesuits to 2 fully covered
this is a ratio of 2/3, or 66.6%, vs Senti, who has only one battlesuit (and you counted her outfits),
Senti has 1 armpit shown in her default, 1 in her DJ outfit, and 2 in her beach outfit, giving her 3 out of 6 armpits shown, a ratio of EXACTLY 50% OF HER ARMPITS SHOWN.
You, are a FRAUD. Which is EXACTLY why you hide as an Anon right now, you're too afraid to admit Fu Hua and Senti have a nearly equal armpit power(Which by your metric of interest, makes Senti stronger, by the way).
I will say what you don't have the strength to say, unleash my full tumblr power, even as it corrodes me, I will end your Hua armpit crusade right here and now. I will end your war.
Senti's powers mean that she can smell like whatever she feels like to anyone, because SHE IS A PROJECTION. And I will make it known, she chooses to smell like CHOCOLATE.
While Fu Hua smells of LEMONS. (This is because lemons are traditionally used as a "natural deodorant", yet don't actually work, but Fu Hua would use them religiously and not suffer the negative consequences due to her MANTIS biology anyways.)
If you can't think of Senti as an equal in this regard, then you have no place in here.
If you wish to face me once more in my askbox and be considered my equal in honkaiblr askbox power, reveal your true blog face, as I have shown my unwavering beliefs to you fearlessly.
Until then, let it be known that these asks have been the funniest shit to ever happen to my blog holy shit lmfao but also where did yall come from
(please end the armpit saga soon i need to be known for something like my bronya and seele headcanons rather than these endless asks ever since the inside joke that was my hsr username was shown)
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Omen for the character things? Val too, if you want.
Omen Darkly
sexual orientation headcanon I reckon he's pan to be honest, he seems like the kind of guy who'd be more bothered on personality than just looks.
gender headcanon I think he was born he/him and stayed that way? I haven't really thought about it.
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon Oh boy: he has anxiety, depression and probably survivors guilt as well, looking at him as Sebastian. He has PTSD from, well, everything. I could honestly go on and on about Omen and all of this, so ima leave it there.
3 random headcanons His parents haven't really changed much, in fact now they've gotten worse for Omen, expecting more from him. So when they get really overwhelming, he calls Never or occasionally Valkyrie to go and get some kind of food with him so he can chill out. Valkyrie and Skulduggery rewarded his time-travel mission with food afterwards because he hasn't been able to eat in years. Auger and him use their bond to tell each other goodnight every night.
Valkyrie Cain
sexual orientation headcanon
She a Bi girl
gender headcanon
I think she's always been a she/her. (IDK man, the Gender of characters isn't the first thing I think about.)
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon
Should I just list these out? So depression, PTSD, anxiety (towards seeing her family mostly, during the first half of phase 2). I think she has ADHD, and I can't explain why? I might be projecting.
3 random headcanons 1) She's coffee buddies with Nefarian, they go and get it whenever she has free time. 2) When Skulduggery was with the Faceless Ones, she went to his house and grabbed one of his hats to keep with her at all times. 3) She has a habit of randomly appearing in either Fletcher's or Militsa's classrooms and leaving just as the students come in. Some aren't even sure if she's actually there, someone started a rumour that Darquesse was haunting the school. Fletcher fed this rumour until he was caught by Never and Omen, who reported him to Militsa.
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help-i-lost-my-sock · 7 months
Hello, world!
Hello there, and welcome to my page!
I'm Moth, and I don't know what to put in this intro. I have a short list of Story Time! posts you can check out if you're curious.
Currently working on my first long fic and having a blast with it! I have some short WIPs too that I hope to get out way before the long fic.
For now, please see my works below. Titles are listed by word count (ascending), not publishing date.
💖 - Fluff
💘 - Hurt/ Angst
❤️ - Suggestive/ mildly NSFW (N/SFW)
🔥 - Smut / NSFW
💛 - Other
One Piece
Multiple characters
💛 One Piece Playlists (may be subject to changes); Includes individual playlists for: Ace, Luffy, Robin, Sabo, Sanji
💛 The Straw Hats Drawing Lots to Dress Up as Each Other (SFW) - WC: 266
Ace x Reader
❤️ Period Comfort HCs with Ace (Suggestive; HC) - WC: 622
❤️ PDA Headcanons - Ace (Suggestive; HC) - WC: 655
💖 Sleeping Beauty (SFW) - WC: 1,170
💘💖 A Penny for Your Thoughts (SFW; Hurt & Comfort) - WC: 2,900
Sanji x Reader
🔥 Dining at the Y (NSFW) - WC: 333
💖 Fireworks (SFW) - WC: 1666
Moth Mumbles
One Piece Puns - Brook + Sanji
One Piece Blood Types - Luffy + Sanji & Zoro
The Gloriosa-Rouge-Ace Theory
Record of Ragnarok/ Shuumatsu No Valkyrie
Buddha x Reader
💖 Period Comfort HC with Buddha (SFW; HC) - WC: 483
💖 Candy Thief (SFW; fluff) - WC: 1,020
🔥 Birthday Present (NSFW) - WC: 2,900
🔥 A Helping Hand (NSFW) - WC: 5,092
Also on AO3 !
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
I'm so curious about your headcanons about Narvi and Vali (and honestly all the Loki's children!).
What do you think their personalities would be? Their likes and dislikes? If their spirits are stuck in the chains with Loki, can they do like their father and be in more than one place? If they are with Hel how is their relationship with their sister?
Alright here are my headcanons for them
•Depending on the AU i headcanon them as 10 or 13 at death.
(10 for the main and ToL AU and 13 for a Narvi went to valhalla AU another anons headcanon gave me inspo for)
I Can't speak on their personalities because i have not developed them enough outside of one AU and only Narvi. (And the circumstances on shaping his personality for that AU are very different then the other ones)
And in ToL AU they are in Helhiem (but for this lets just assume V+N stay in Helhiem after SoTD as well) they have a good relationship with Hel. It was a bit awkward at first because she'd never had kids living in her house (also they tried to fight Baldur but thats a story for a different day) and she didn't quite know what to do with them but they slowly got used to eachother.
And in the Valhalla AU Vali' has the same relationship with Hel but 's relationship with Hel stays the same but Narvi and Hel haven't met in person tho Narvi prays to her alongside Loki and Sigyn regularly
Headcanons for all my AUs (mostly appearance based)
•Vali was born with a forked tongue, Narvi wasn't but the moment he learned to shapeshift he gave himself a forked tongue to be like his twin.
They are fraternal not identical twins. Vali has curly red hair he got from Loki. Narvi has dark brown almost black straight hair he got from Sigyn. Both have amber eyes.
Loki told them that he'd be back in an hour before he went off to kill Baldur...
Yeah we all know how that turned out. I blame this song for this headcanon and the stuck in the chains headcanon. Cus it is such a them song to me
Main AU and (mostly) ToL AU headcanons
•It's kinda hard to explain how Narvi and Vali are when trapped in the chains but basically they are aware and not aware at the same time. Some days they can get a vague feel and visions of whats going on around them and talk to eachother, some days they are in a sleep like state.
(I wasn't thinking of either medias when making that up but it reminds me of the game Amanda the adventurer and the ghost kids from Coraline)
•They can project themselves on the aware days like Loki can but only in dreams and very rarely, and not for very long cus the are/were young
(i have a oneshot of them talking to Samirah through a dream and she is so fucking confused and low-key (ha) scared because she has no clue who they are)
•On the days they are aware they are absolutely enamoured by Magnus and he has no clue of their (continued) existence.
(They think he's just an interesting, funky little guy)
It's unknown if Loki and Sigyn are aware that their sons are basically suffering with them
(in other words I cant decide which one is more angsty)
They got released at the end of Hammer of Thor when the chains were cut. It is unknown what's gonna happen to them after Ship of the Dead since the Aesir are rechaining Loki
(also because I can't tell which one would be angstier)
Valhalla! Narvi AU
Not many headcanons for this one cus its new and based off another Anon's headcanon but:
Narvi and Vali died at 13 but while Vali got put in Helhiem. Narvi got sent to Valhalla.
Narvi was like Alex when she first got to Valhalla but a lot worse...Like alot...and that anger still has not faded after fuck knows how long.
Horror stories and rumours are still told to new Valkyries about him.
One of those rumors is that how no one saw his Valkyrie again after taking him. (This is in reality false. She just quit after he ripped part of her hair out but he continues this rumor for funsies.)
Technically he should be on floor19 like the main gang but got moved on the top floor away from everyone after too many people complained.
He rarely comes out of his room and when he does it is usually an absoulute blood bath. Because he fights like a beast.
Litterally the only person he has tolerated and respects in valhalla is Snorri Sturluson.
why? Because thats the guy who wrote Prose Edda and Narvi is still a thirteen year old boy who loves the idea of being 'famous' and written about even if its about his death.
Is fine with Alex but hates Samirah with a burning passion. Because she's a Valkyrie and he sees that as her being a traitor to their family and won't listen otherwise.
Alright this is getting a bit too long and kinda deviated from the questions so i'm gonna end it here. Keep these kind of asks coming tho I love answering questions about my headcanons and AUs
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
The Valkyries friendships
Someone asked about it and i got way too much into it so i'm also making separate posts lol (you can find the original post here)
【 The Valkyries 】
Extra headcanons
☆ Roommates
☆ Thigh knitted group, wouldn’t let a man destroy their relationship.
☆ All equally friends but with completely different dynamics, if you asked them who their best friends was, Mary and Lily would probably say each other’s and Marlene would say Pete. That doesn’t mean that Marlene doesn’t feel included in the trio. Sometimes she jokes that she’s Marylily kids, when they had a big argument, she Really felt like a child of divorce.
☆ They would have sleepover parties every Saturday, because Sunday was the day Lily would take the afternoon off from studying. They would get food from the kitchen and play Mary’s record player. Sometimes they played cards, others than would braid each other’s hair or play with Mary’s makeup.
☆ Sometimes Lily would read them a story and Mary and Marlene would sit and listen entranced. That was when Lily would be fully confident, making different voices, moving her arms, she was spectacular to see. How much life there was in this adorable little red haired girl.
☆ The numbers were off and so they got one of the three person room. The last bed was used as a bazar and the closest was used by Mary who would always bring extra clothes so she could lend them to Lily and Marlene. The bed was full of books and art projects and random class reports (Marlene).
☆ In first year, Mary had asked the house elves to not clean their room because it made her feel weird, and so they would spend the morning of Sunday just cleaning up so the room would have a fresh start for the new week. Lily was the one making sure it would be done, Mary and Marlene would complain, but end up doing it while playing music and talking about the week to come.
☆ Marlene got really into Ancient Greece mythology after Lily brought back a book and would read only the parts about the girls, skipping all the rest. She especially cared for Medusa and Hated Zeus. Mary had little interest but sometimes Lily would told her some story so she wasn’t fully out of the loop. They all became Zeus haters and even made a club as a joke.
☆ After the marauders gave themselves a stupid name, they were all having one of their sleepovers and judging how stupid it sounded. Marlene said she would be way better at naming them if they let her, only to propose the shittiest name known to men. After making fun of her, Mary and Lily also gave it a try. They thought it was kind of fun and the conversation shifted to band names and so the three of them thought about how they would name their band; because, of course, they would be together. After a few fails, Marlene had the best, for the only time in her life, name idea, and said “The Valkyries!!!”. Lily quickly gave a definition of them, and Mary sprung herself from the ground to jump because it was a great name. They never said it to anyone, but secretly they would call themselves the Valkyries.
☆ When Lily discovered Abba one summer, she immediately showed Mary and they spent the summer saving up money to buy records player to bring back for Marlene. She Loved it and it became their music of choice anytime they would organize a party. Their favourite song was Honey, Honey because it was the first one they spent endless afternoons dancing to.
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sirendeepity · 7 months
For the fanfic writer ask game:
Nikiiiii, my love, it's so good to see you here! <333
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
So, this one's tough. Not because I have the hands of Midas, but because I simply... Have no idea? I did skim through metanoia, though, because if that's where the good stuff is, and I found a few because I'm physically unable to choose just one I really liked, two of which are quote quotes
“I gave him the power he thinks he has now, and by not agreeing on meeting with him we’re just proving his point: that he has something, that he’s worth something. I’d rather die than give him the satisfaction.”
That night was not for deep, belly laughs. That night was for healing what others had broken. To build anew.
while the third is more of a context quote
What caught her attention the most, tho, had been the fact that Rhysand had been ready to put so much of himself, of what he’d been through, at stake. For her. Nesta shifted in her seat, not stomaching the starlight violet any longer. She felt Night caressing her mental shields, purring, asking to get in. She let it. You’re worth the risks. She turned, the bones in her neck cracking with the fast motion, and stared speechless at Rhysand. She’d let him in her mind, yet the voice wasn’t there. He’d said those words out loud, had made sure the stars heard them too.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I answered this one here, bUT I'll give you another one, which is also a spoiler for a possible future multi-chapter fanfic I've been thinking about for a while and recently I'm entertaining the idea of actually try to write it? We'll see. Anyway I have this idea that the Valkyries (well, Nesta, at least, since she's the one who's part of the Inner Circle) will "give up" their citizenship? And they're not members of the Night Court anymore? Or they're just a private citizen like any other? I still have to think this trough, but they're going to do all that because they are going to tour around Prythian to recruit and train more females and officially revive The Valkyries, and make them an army for the people: basically, there will be a base in every Court and legions/battalions for each, but overall they don't belong to a single Court but rather all of them, but really, if you think about it, none at all. They're like an independent army, the "neutral party" which will not stay so neutral if things get dirty. They'll stand for equality and freedom, they'll protect the innocents, and by not "legally" belonging to any Court they won't have a High Lord or High Lady that can order them around and such, so they'll be like an Eight Court of sorts without really being a Court at all. Does this make sense?
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Oh bestie I'm so happy you asked this because y e s. Yes. Yes, I do. And I am completely cool about it. Not acting weird at all.
I'm almost done with the first draft of this personal project of mine that I've been working on and off for the past ..year..s? But I keep procrastinating so I've been "-10 chapters!!" for the past week, but still. To keep things sweet and short, I'll make you a list, because we love lists on this blog:
Crown of Thorns (4): (high?) fantasy; reluctant found family where each and every one of them is "in it" for their own personal gaining, but what started as a shallow "they took my crown from me so now I'll take it back because I can? and because I'm petty and hold grudges" will turn into "I have to stop the Lord of Darkness from coming back from the dead and destroy the world as we know it, and maybe start a revolution while I'm at it". It's messy, and sometimes I think I won't be able to pull this off the way I intended to (good intentions, bad delivery, you know?) so don't ask me to tell you more than this because I really don't know how without spoiling the entire thing;
Cursed Goddes/Blessed God (2): CoT spin-off that is actually a prequel and kind of explains/shows the events that led society to become the way it is in CoT and yes, I really did dig my own grave with this whole series, but now I'm in too deep to stop so down we go;
Kill Your Darlings (1): dark academia-ish, paranormal vibes and a hint of mystery, too? Think House of Anubis, but everyone is gay and mentally ill. That's it, that's the plot.
The Haven Island series (3): contemporary romance, interconnected standalones following a group of friends navigating life in their 20s, where every story is meant to represent a different aspect of girlhood/womanhood (aka toxic/abusive relationships, motherhood, sexism and mysoginy, etc.)
I'd also like to write something in the dystopian sub-genre, because who doesn't love that feeling of impending and unavoidable doom? But I have absolutely nothing in my hands if not some sort of relationship dynamics that for the sake of logic and coherency I had to cut out from the CoT plot, so, yeah, we're really basing it all on vibes at this point
Ask me a question!
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enswap · 1 year
Ensemble Swap! / Unit Swap!! AU Masterpost
Hi! I'm Sible (he/it) and welcome to my sideblog dedicated to my Enstars Swap AU! This was a bit of a passion project, started in April of 2023. Currently, I'm not really working on this but there might be some updates here and there. Here is the full announcement post on that. Every character is in a different unit than in canon and the lore is changed because of it. Some things are reversed or swapped from canon, and others are new entirely... Tags: Main tag -> #enstars unit swap! Canon/lore -> #enswap lore Ideas/Personal headcanons -> #enswap pseudocanon Artwork -> #enswap art Card Edits -> #enswap edits Fanworks -> #enswap fanthings Non-Lore Related QnA/FAQ -> #enswap qna Updates/Chatting -> #not really enswap Other Enstars Swap AUs -> #other enswaps
Unit Intros
[ Fine ]
[ Trickstar ]
[ Ryusetai ]
[ Alkaloid ]
[ Eden ]
[ Valkyrie ]
[ 2wink ]
[ Crazy:B ]
[ Undead ]
[ Ra*bits ]
[ Akatsuki ]
[ Work in progress! More will be out soon!! ]
[ War Era ]
[ Idol Order ]
[ Age Changes ]
[ Unit Popularity Changes ]
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Serotonin by girl in red
Nikola Tesla
(I am especially attached to this song with him because both the song and Nikola helped me when creating a character i love till this day)
Serious and negative assistant
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ Nikola Tesla ]
[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
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› Song that inspired this [ Serotonin - girl in red ]
This went a little messy, still I did my best! The song was really interesting, I loved the rhythm! And it brought me a really interesting idea!
I hope you like it as much as I did! Please enjoy ~
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You always loved to learn, science is something that had always amused you and you wanted to be able to enter on this magnificent world and work on all kind of studies, that is why when the the opportunity presented itself do not think twice before accepting, however nothing prepared you for what you will face with Nikola Tesla
You knew he was consider a pretty crazy man but you never thought he will be that crazy, you admire his work, you really do but you can't just understand how he can be so innocent and selfless at times, always with a smile in his face and working with an inmense passion. You admire him but don't understand him
Having the opportunity to work with him wasn't difficult, what were difficult was to actually start working, since Tesla is always so pasionate with his work and is used to work alone he almost always forgot to give you something to do, and even when you call him out for it he just apologize with a smile. At first you tried to be polite and remind him that you are here to work with him but soon you lost your patience and start talk to him irritated, telling him that you want to work and learn too, and no matter how you say it to him he never lose his smile
As irritating it can be you were learning a lot, Tesla is always explaining out loud what he is doing or all his new plans for you to be able to follow him on the project, always willing to answer every one of your question, even if that means explain the complete function and theory behind each project, it was amusing how dedicated he is on his work and on teaching you everything he knows but at the same time he has being idiotic for sharing his work so easily, someone can just steal it from him, but when you point it out he just laugh at the posibility, not with arrongance, Tesla find it pretty funny since he believe from the bottom of his heart that knowledge must be shared and science exist to help humanity improve, you really don't understand him, is really okay with the posibility of someone stealing something for what he has been working so hard?
As time pass you had learn enough to start helping him more in the projects, starting to help him while making the theory and planning how you two could make it happen, but you two constantly argue by it since while you try to keeping your feet on the ground and think in all kind of posibilities that you sure you could make work Tesla's mind goes wild and thinks in posibilities that sounds imposible before even trying to think how it could work (and yet, for him it always make perfect sense), you always got mad at him for doing it and ask him to be serious but he reasure you with a big and proud smile that he never jokes when it comes to science
It had been some times where you can tell that there are some errores or big posibilities of failure with the progress of a project, and while you try to find a logic solution to it Tesla seem to be three steps forward and has one more of his strange solution, other time he just continue with the project and end up failing, like you tried to warn him, even making clear that you already told him that it will happen and yet Tesla never seem to be truly frustrated or irritated by failures, he just stand up and wins even more motivation to continue working, you don't understand how he does it
You don't understand him, you don't know how he does it, how is posible that this man always carries a big and bright smile on his face, while you worry about things not working he just decided to search for another way to do it, when you feel like everything will go bad he has confidence on his projects, when a project fails you repeat to yourself over and over again how you knew this would happen or how you didn't prevent it while Tesla is winning more determination and motivation to continue, while you take science with an inmense seriousness and dedicaron Tesla always goes to his study with a big smile and inmense passion
You don't understand him and that frustrated you a lot, is there something wrong with you? is there something wrong with him? is that you should be more like him? is he just crazy like everyone thinks? is that you were expecting too much from science? were you expecting too much from him? You truly don't understand
Your irritation and frustration grows more and more until it start to mess up your work, you were so troubled that started to worry Tesla so he decided to take you on a break, he wanted to help you relax and distract yourself so he takes you out of the study, but you were hesitant, why you should go out when the important is in the study?
When he finally manage to get you out of the study he just take you to different places to help you distract yourself, to just enjoy the moment without worring about the projects, but you still don't understand why he is doing all of this!
After a long time of trying to relax Tesla finally talks about the work again, he tells you that he is working on the science because is something that had always amused him, he does it because he wants to see humanity improve, he wants to make everyone smile with his creations... and that includes you, he want to be able to make you smile with the science you love so much
You don't understand his reasoning and yet you can't help but feel flattered by his words, you have being so busy taking too serious science that you had forgotten about your love for science
You don't understand him and sometimes thinks that he is just a crazy man with his head in the clouds, but you were sure that you won't change him for anyone else in the world
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
Discord Highlights: Elevators in Minas Tirith
Writing Valkyrie (in response to the idea of Theodoc with wooden feet):
I've kinda been working on a (semi) SI fic about the wheelchair accessability of Middle Earth... ...I have the first chapter posted, but I need to plan it out more...
Writing Valkyrie:
oh my word you got isekai’d into Middle Earth
"Throw Me Into Middle Earth and Call me a Potato" 😂
Obviously Mordor is a no-go, but I think Rohan would be a pain too. Tall grass around your wheel axels. D-X
Writing Valkyrie:
Also, bumpy. I can feel every micro-bump under my behind. A little dip is a hill, and so on and so forth. If I have to go down a slope, I hate it.
Which would be worse: Hobbiton, with its dirt paths over hills, or Minas Tirith, paved but with multiple levels??
Writing Valkyrie:
Dirt roads are awful due to the bumpiness in general, I'd get a booty massage the whole trip. Minas Tirith roads, while paved, would most likely have steeper inclines, and so that would be an ordeal. Depending on how well the road is paved, it could still be quite bumpy.
Yeah I imagined both would have their pros and cons. I imagine the gaps between the flagstones would be a pain. 😬
meg is me:
Minas Tirith with elevators Get some
Writing Valkyrie:
Excuse me, I need to write a letter to the High King.
I mean by the end of the book the city has a gate made of mithril and steel so why the heck NOT elevators??
Windmill to the Stars:
Gimli and Legolas were totally planning to help Aragorn improve Minas Tirith!!
Gimli could help make that happen, I think.
Kasey Gondor:
gimli invents elevators
meg is me:
One thing in rings of power khazad-dum that was neat was that they did have an elevator
Windmill to the Stars:
At least like pulley lifts
An elevator is one of the simplest machines there is!! A pulley with a large box on it! They could TOTALLY figure that out!
meg is me:
slams fist on table CANON
Windmill to the Stars:
I've done a lot of imagining Frodo wandering around Minas Tirith still getting his strength back after Mordor
Kasey Gondor:
this is only vaguely related to the subject at hand but did you know that the word "escalate" is a back-formation from "escalator"
I love that we mention elevators in Middle Earth and we get “several people are typing” 🤣🤣
meg is me:
Accommodation is NECESSARY
Writing Valkyrie:
I'd hope that they'd also have better regulations than the regulations we have here. Don't get me started on how they need improvement..
meg is me:
They do because we are making this up and we say so
Windmill to the Stars:
Aragorn will pay attention to his people's needs
Good King Elessar would have some proper legislation for mobility
I mean, that for sure falls under "he ruled wisely and well," doesn't it?
meg is me:
lady glasses another headcanon compilation post might be in order 😂 We've had some QUALITY stuff tonight
I was already gonna post the “Gamgee homeschool van” stuff but now I’m gonna have to do “elevators in Middle Earth” too 🤣
Writing Valkyrie:
What about second post?
Writing Valkyrie is @writingvalkyrie, InvisibleWashboard is @invisiblewashboard, Kasey Gondor is @captaingondor, Windmill to the Stars is @windmilltothestars, and meg is me does not have tumblr :-3
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