#Protect your art
poopyboiman · 4 months
since tumblr is going to start scraping blogs to train ai be sure to glaze and nightshade your art!! Not only will both of these programs protect your art from being copied but nightshade also poisons any ai that tries to steal it
here is some more info on these tools and where you can download them:
Nightshade: Protecting Copyright (uchicago.edu)
Nightshade: Downloads (uchicago.edu)
Glaze - What is Glaze (uchicago.edu)
Glaze - Downloads (uchicago.edu)
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drachenmagier · 5 months
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Get the best means and only acceptable way to be toxic online. :D The download might take a bit of time right now, a LOT of people want the online-arsenic~.
Have a fantastic day~! <3
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phoebelovingcare · 4 months
"what's it like to use nightshade/glaze?"
so based on my own experience I thought I'd make this more transparent since I know a lot of people hesitate to take action on some things if they do not know Exactly what happens. it's me i'm people. So;
Nightshade takes about 30 minutes on its fastest setting. The end result tends to look like mild jpeg artifacting, very slightly creased paper, or just brush texturing. Looking at it normally, it is undetectable. Glaze is very visually similar, given the strategy, except that Glaze's longest time setting is 5 minutes.
You put in a file, select how much you want it affected and for how long you want it to render. For Nightshade, you also attach a tag to it, that way AI finds what it's looking for with an associated word. You select a folder for the final result to save to, then hit run.
It takes a lot of GPU/CPU. The fans on my laptop sound a bit like I'm running Minecraft, and it refuses to run if you have too many programs open. I could run Youtube and Nightshade at the same time, but Youtube did Not like it. Best to just take a break while you let it do its thing. Run Nightshade before you go out or something.
It does NOT like transparent png backgrounds. Makes me wonder how AI does with 'em. Anyways, running a backgroundless drawing through Glaze and Nightshade respectively makes it turn out like this:
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creasing effect is more noticeable, and it adds strange blocky black and white backgrounds to it. If you want good results for your time, be that less than 1 minute or 180 minutes, consider getting rid of the transparency.
I would post a before and after picture of a Nightshaded piece but of course, I would like to post exclusively poison on this site.
As one last note, it took me a lot of effort to find where you're actually supposed to download these tools, so Glaze is here and Nightshade is here. Overall I highly recommend using them if you can. Don't let AI run you off of your sites: run the AI out yourself.
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glitchedember · 4 months
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So we all know that AI generators like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, DALL.E, Sora.AI, etc. have stolen the work from artists online to train their AI and since AI is starting to get quite scary, I've decided I'm going to start protecting my work via Nightshade, but I want to also talk about it with you and link to the official sites to Glaze and Nightshade, so you can get either of these programs to try.
First off, we'll start with Glaze AI.
What Glaze aims to do is to act on the defensive against AI. Glaze will scramble their generators by placing a “protective glaze” over your work, and what this will do, is when your work is fed into the AI, it'll trick the AI into thinking your work is something entirely different from what it is, simply by making small changes that only the AI will pick up on
To quote the official site “Glaze is a system designed to protect human artists by disrupting style mimicry. At a high level, Glaze works by understanding the AI models that are training on human art, and using machine learning algorithms, computing a set of minimal changes to artworks, such that it appears unchanged to human eyes, but appears to AI models like a dramatically different art style.”
I've tried using Glaze, but it's a very big program and my computer can't handle that, but I do highly recommend trying it out if you have the space for it.
If you wanna try it out, the link to the site can be found here.
Second is Nightshade.
Nightshade is aimed to “attack” the AI your work is being fed into. Like Glaze, Nightshade puts a protective “glaze” over your work, but it poisons your work and tricks the AI into messing up the user's prompt.
To quote the official site “Nightshade works similarly as Glaze, but instead of a defense against style mimicry, it is designed as an offense tool to distort feature representations inside generative AI image models. Like Glaze, Nightshade is computed as a multi-objective optimization that minimizes visible changes to the original image. While human eyes see a shaded image that is largely unchanged from the original, the AI model sees a dramatically different composition in the image.”
This program is also pretty big, but it's what my laptop is able to handle, so from here on out I'll be protecting my work with this. I'll also go back and protect my older works even if it's not as appealing as my newer works.
If you wanna try it out, the link to the site can be found here.
Keep in mind, these are only temporary solutions while we wait for more permanent ones.
But even if it's temporary, it's better than having no protection against the AI bros.
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bethanyberg · 2 months
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GLAZE 2.0 IS OUT TODAY FOR DOWNLOAD! Go protect your art!
NEW: Glaze 2.0 (Apr 14) We are excited to announce the release of version 2.0 of Glaze. This new version significantly improved Glaze robustness against the newest AI models, and requires less time to glaze images. Most notably:
Significantly improved robustness against Stable Diffusion 1, 2, SDXL, especially for smooth surface art (e.g. anime, cartoon).
Less noticeable modification to images, addressed non-convergent patch artifacts
Improved computational efficiency on most platforms (~ 50% speed up)
Built in Mac GPU support -- Over 5X speed up on Mac M-CPUs.
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mad-girlslove-song · 3 months
the shittiest human art will always be leagues better than the best ai "art". a child's finger paintings and macaroni crafts will always be better than a computer's subpar attempt at recreating the starry night. your stick figures and smiley faces will always surpass an algorithm's bastardized boticelli painting. the most mediocre hallmark movie will always be better than whatever bullshit sora churns out. the most cringeworthy "i'm 14 and this is deep" notes app poetry will always be better than whatever chatgpt can come up with. always
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volleypearlfan · 4 months
Everyone listen up! Owen Dennis is deleting the Infinity Train crew blog (infinitytraincrew) because of Tumblr selling people's art to AI datasets.
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I want to preserve the art, so I'll be reblogging the posts from that account. REMEMBER TO TURN OFF THIRD-PARTY SHARING IN YOUR BLOG SETTINGS! Also, here's Glaze, which protects your art from AI.
Update: turns out that Glaze does not actually work. please reblog this version instead!
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pokemonranch · 4 months
//If you allow me to step OOc again for something important:
As suspected, Tumblr has signed the AI deal. I won't go into any details here, as there are many other blogs that do it better. But for the people that follow me and may not know It or know how to protect themselves against AI scrapping: this is the step-by-step guide provided by staff:
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Here is a link to Glaze and here is a guide on how to use it. I will be focusing on glazing my art over the next few days, especially the most popular ones, just in case.
Rotomblr / Pokemon RP / Pokeblr is full of amazing and talented artists. I know that this is a shitty time to be an artist, and that our work is in danger due to venture capitalist techbros that would rather piss advertisements into our eyeballs than stop to think about the ramifications of their product. But we have to fight back and push forward.
Your art is yours, and no machine will do it better than you. Keep creating. I love you.
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hjbender · 4 months
Tumblr: *sells user data to Midjourney and OpenAI*
Tumblr users:
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catluniscia · 4 months
Okay I keep seeing the sadness of glazing and how you need a strong pc and just lot of you dooming over here. Going "Well I use an Ipad/phone" Okay folks I am gonna teach you all how to do a thing you can do on pc mobile what ever its called
Now here is how I do mine when I feel like making water marks and not going through glaze. Now I have mine with my name and my handle, I also have one that is the same and has sample on it (those are for commissions)
Now I made mine as a material and use it on clip studio like this
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Now you can also do like insignias, symbols what have you this is just a simple one for my sample!
Now next you make a layer over that and put colors over it use the gradient if you want put the colors in randomly via paint what ever go jackson pollock on it. Now I heard pastels really mess with the thing and also heard using more of a spray pain droplet like brush as well helps. If you want to do that or not up to you
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Now here is what I do, so I like to use the distort filters now sometimes I use twirl some times wave what ever your heart desires, I use multiple ones multiple times just to make well this. Again we are hear to make ugly bright annoying watermarks.
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If there is a large blob of solid color add anouther later ad some more then merge the colors okay next part, make the layer of pastel vomit as I shall call this into a clipping mask over the letters,
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Now you can merge it all down and add like a stroke on it and blur it then you adjust opacity some set it to multiply I dont care do what ever feels right for you looks good and basically do it. And just change it up everytime to add some chaos.
So those of you who don't have glaze due to tech limits, do moblie, etc etc, Here this is a thing you can do, If you got an art program on your phone you can do this, Again doesnt have to be text could be just your signature, doodle of something, just do this, and just make different color layers every time so it screws it up.
Is this 100% protection? Hell no, nothing is lets be honest, but it will cause chaos. If you want some extra ounce of protection here and don't want to deal with Glaze due to what ever.
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queensharotto · 5 months
Dear Glaze and Nightshade, you’re the GOAT
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mauvecherie-writes · 4 months
If you didn’t already know this, Tumblr allows for third party access (like a lot of social media platforms) INCLUDING A.I MODELS.
Why is this important for writers (especially fanfic authors as it pertains to me and a lot of my moots) ?? THIS MEANS THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR CONTROL AND WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE PROFITING OFF YOUR WORK!
What can you do to prevent this?
You’re going to go to the settings of your main blog page AND all of your side blog pages. Scroll all the way down your settings menu to Visibility. Click on it and make sure that Prevent Third Party sharing is ON to enable it!
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weird-little-horsey · 4 months
Hi everyhorsey, I'm turning off reblogs temporarily (and potentially permanently) for every post except this one and this other one.
I really didn't want to have to, but I treasure my art, and Tumblr's recent decision to automatically opt blogs into AI crawling scares me. I have opted out on my blog, but I can't guarantee that other people will opt out on their blogs before reblogging. I also will not be posting after this, at least until something changes.
Tumblr @staff, you NEED to make this an opt-in feature, not opt-out. As another user pointed out, opting people in by default is very likely a GDPR violation.
Similar things have happened on other websites. For example, DeviantArt opted its users into AI crawling automatically, and they got in serious hot water with their userbase.
Eventually, they switched to opting users out automatically, but the damage was done. Countless users had their artwork scraped for AI generation, and this was a violation of trust that broke the camel's back for many users... Including me.
You cannot abuse your userbase like this and expect that there will be no consequences. You cannot say one thing and do another. I'll give you a month, and if nothing changes, I'll pack my bags and leave.
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skrungblyshifter · 4 months
Buenos dias, amigos. Is a wonderful day to cause the downfall of AI! We all hate it, so let's work together
I got this idea to draw the most fucked up warped shit ever and post it, purposely letting AI scape it. I can't use Nightshade so I'll do what I can. If anyone else would like to contribute please do!
Fellow artists, let's poison our wells.
Edit: fair warning this might not work at all, but I'm having fun with it and if enough people join in it means AI will have less actual art to scrape from (on Tumblr at least)
Edit 2: I'll add a list of names on this pinned post. Any name mentioned has argued in support of AI or made the false claim it doesn't invade copyright or steal from us. We can defend the good parts of AI when its not being used to steal from us and replace us. Until then, we only protest in this house. DO NOT HARRASS OR ENGAGE WITH LISTED USERS this list is here for all us normal people to block, not attack!
@/Vergess ("debunking another stupid anti ai post from people who can't be bothered to actually learn about it")
@/demise-of-soul (literally said stealing art was good?)
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lauravanarendonkbaugh · 3 months
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Guys, this is really easy. I just ran my first render on Nightshade, and it's very simple to use.
What is Nightshade?
It's software to "poison" the AI image-"generating" models which scrape your art without permission. It works by telling the AI software that this car is really a cow, or something similarly improbable, so that someone using that scraped art to "generate" a car will get a cow instead. This makes stealing art dangerous and costly and ineffective.
Thieving tech-bro: "That's so mean! They're poisoning our data!"
Hey, you know the absolutely guaranteed way to make sure you don't eat brownies full of laxatives? Don't steal brownies out of someone else's lunch in the break room fridge. This will only poison data that's stolen. Be ethical, be unaffected.
Download Nightshade here.
How To Use Nightshade
First, you can choose how intense to make the poison. :D It does increase render time, but that's okay, we know wars aren't won in a moment.
You can specify a tag for your primary image content ("fire," "rabbit," "forest," etc.) to establish content for the scrapers, and it reminds you to use this tag in the alt text and description, and in the post, for maximum impact.
Nightshade takes a while to download and then again to update libraries on first open, but that's a one-time thing. And then it takes a while to render, but again, we are here to preserve art and save the internet, so I can wait a bit to post.
And the output quality is good! Allegedly there are some image effects, but I'm not good enough to spot the difference when I have the before and after together.
The guide says to run Nightshade last, after resizing, watermarking, etc. This will be most effective.
Do Nightshade before Glaze, if you choose to do both.
Render in PNG for best results but it's okay to convert to JPG after.
Remember to use your content tag in alt test, description, and your post! This is exactly where you'd be putting accessibility text anyway, so it's good practice with or without Nightshade.
Please share, please protect!
Note: I'm not an artist, I'm a writer, but I'm using Nightshade on promo images I'm putting together for a future project, because those software companies didn't buy that stock art either and I won't make it available to them for free on the license I purchased.
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Please share, please protect!
(Now, speaking as a writer, I wish we had something similar for text!)
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borbology · 4 months
If you, like most of us, are beyond disappointed about tumblr's deal with midjourney to steal our art...
Give tumblr feedback through the service center
Contact tumblr's CEO on twitter
Contact tumblr's CEO through wordpress
The actual account to contact tumblr staff is @staf , but like others have stated, please be civil because the people who run this account are not responsible for the decision involving midjourney.
Good points to bring up:
Midjourney and OpenAI (and other ai image generation companies) are in the center of a legal controvery for violating copyright law and have both already been the subject of several lawsuits.
Midjourney's founder admitted to using "a hundred million" artworks without the consent of the artists who made them.
It is in violation of copyright law to have already allowed the scrapers to learn from all the art that has already been uploaded to tumblr because it was impossible to have gotten all the artist's consent, especially if the uploader has since deactivated their account or passed away.
That the ability to opt out of allowing ai scrapers to learn from your artwork is useless given the points listed above.
Both longtime and new users are deleting their accounts or now refusing to upload any more art due to their decision.
Many people who were going to make tumblr accounts are now no longer going to.
Artists will be sharing within each and every one of their communities to not use tumblr.
That any paymemt tumblr recieved due to the deal with midjourney will not be worth it given the points listed above, alongside whatever it may cost them when Midjourney and OpenAI, or even tumblr itself, get in even more legal trouble.
Good tags to follow:
#no ai art / #anti ai / #protect your art / #support human artists / artists rebel!
If somebody who is pro-ai comments, reblogs, or messages you about your stance, kindly just block them.
keep reblogging posts like this one or other ones you see to spread the request of action against tumblr's new ai policies.
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