#Ps: I had no beta reader so if there are any mistakes in this that I missed plz let me know
frowerssx2 · 9 months
Beyond the Boundaries~
Merry Christmas, Everybridie! This is the first time I have done a Secret Santa exchange! My recipient was @moonvarion. I hope you like this short fanfic I did for you ^_^
Summary: Hiyoko brings a Christmas present that allows Nageki to go beyond the boundaries of his prison which is the library. This Contains spoilers!
Word Count: 2,514
Like always, Nageki woke up in the same corner of the library without the knowledge of how long this "sleep" lasted. They were happening more often now, as they always do in winter. Apparently, ghosts need warmth to appear and having it in the Saint Pigeonation's library was an extremely rare thing. Anyway, at least there was a blanket for him to lie on now. It didn't offer him warmth or any sort of comfort physically. But, it did emotionally. It reminded him that he had good friends who truly cared about him and that was the best feeling in the world. However, it did also bring a strange sense of familiarity Nageki couldn't understand. With a sigh, Nageki stood up and shook both his feathers and wings to loosen them up. He then looked around, wondering what he should do today. After all, it was the Christmas holiday, wasn't it? Everybirdie will be at home celebrating with their families. That thought made Nageki wonder what his family was doing. Surely, he had one. Everybirdie has some sort of family, right? Maybe not made out of genetics, but made out of love and affection. 
"Love is not made by blood, it is made by caring for each other so much that you'd do anything, anything at all, for them"
Somebiridie once told Nageki that. Who was it? Why couldn't he remember them? All he knew about the mysterious bird was that he had a soft and caring voice. If Nageki had to compare it to anything then it would be a hug. Soft, warm, always welcoming, and loving. 
With another big sigh, Nageki walked to the window. Oh...It was snowing pretty badly too, if the forming ice on the glass was anything to go by. If any birdie living went out there they would no doubt freeze to death. Meanwhile, as a ghost, he wouldn't. Not like he wanted to go out there anyway. What would be the point? He wouldn't be able to feel the crackling snow underneath his feet, or the snowflakes that would fall gently and gracefully on his feathers. Suddenly, a flash of blue snapped Nageki out of his depressing thoughts. Was it lightening as well as snowing? Was that even possible? A second flash of blue a few seconds later made him realize that it wasn't happening outside, but inside.
Feeling both confused and curious, Nageki turned just to see beautiful snowflake Christmas decorations flashing above him in soft and calming tones of sunset orange. Nageki watched as the light nearest to him flashed then the one after it, then so on, causing him to feel tempted to follow it. But, could he? Was it safe? Curiosity killed the cat after all...
But, not a ghost…
Nothing in this world could kill a ghost. Well, not to his knowledge anyway. 
The lights flashed again, so beautifully that Nageki threw all caution out of the window and began to follow them. They had to lead somewhere and it was probably a little silly but Nageki hoped it would be somewhere different. Somewhere, he could escape his prison for a while. Somewhere that wouldn’t make him regret his decision to come back here instead of going onto the train with the King and the Migrant.  
He wasn't disappointed when he arrived at the end of the Christmas light trail. As there, stood proudly in the middle of the library was the most magnificent and beautiful Christmas tree he had ever seen. Soft glows of green, blue, red, and orange sparkled between the dark green branches of the Christmas tree. Each one, was as beautiful as the next, illuminating the dark library and the gold tinsel on the tree with the beautiful glow of a rainbow. That wasn't all though. There were stunning baubles shaped like Santa Claus, Christmas trees, candy canes, and round baubles that had faces of snowmen or were gold and red with glitter. But then, one decoration in particular captured his interest, so he slowly and gently reached his right wing to touch it. Now looking closely at it he realized that it was shaped like a N with what looked like shelves with books inside. Immediately, he smiled, his beak opening up to curve at the end. This was obviously a present for him and there was only one friend who knew him this well and cared for him this much and knowing Hiyoko, she wouldn’t do anything like this without leaving some way of communication. With that in mind, Nageki flipped his present over and read the engraving he found there: “Look under the tree, love Hiyoko”
At that moment, Nageki felt his heart flutter like his wings would if he took flight because this could only mean that there could be another present for him, right? That thought made his heart flutter again, this time it wasn’t just because of affection but also because of excitement. He slowly lowered himself down to look underneath the tree to find a literal winter wonderland with figures of snowmen, polar bears, reindeer, Iglu’s, and snow hills and balls. The sight of it made Nageki wish that there was some magical way he could live in this little snow village but, there was a large rectangular-shaped present waiting for him so he was going to pull it out and hold it in his wings.
“I hope you like it, Nageki”
For a second, Nageki thought that Hiyoko’s voice was inside his head because he was reading the card on the present but then he quickly realized there wasn’t one.
But that could only mean…No way…Surely, she wouldn’t…
A turn of the head told Nageki that yes, she totally did. However, he was shocked and rather relieved to see that his human friend wasn’t frozen like an icicle.
“How did you?” Nageki stuttered out wondering if that question would have an answer that would be logical. “That’s not important”
No, of course, it wouldn’t, that would be expecting too much…
“Open your present, I hope you like it” Hiyoko excitedly said, her amber eyes flicking down to the present in Nageki’s wings, shifting closer to him on her knees.
“Go on” she said moving to knock him with her shoulder playfully just to end up falling shoulder first onto the floor which had the Mourning Dove snorting in amusement. How on earth could she possibly forget that he isn’t solid? The embarrassment on Hiyoko’s made it painfully obvious that she was wondering the same thing. But then, that famous smile of hers went on her face as her beautiful eyes flicked to Nageki’s present yet again.
Feeling another flutter within his heart, Nageki slowly opened his present with his wings. Feeling thankful that Christmas wrapping paper was so delicate that even a ghost could get into it without much effort. Plus, the fact that Hiyoko didn't go overboard with the Sellotape did help matters a lot. Underneath the dark green paper that was littered with red and white candy canes and ginger beard men was a large book named:
[The Christmas Village within the mountains]
The picture on the cover was of a beautiful wooden cottage covered in a small amount of snow and an unbelievable amount of Christmas decorations. 
Wanting to see what else this book had to offer Nageki slowly opened it to the first page, Hiyoko shifting closer to him as he did so. Together they looked down at the picture of the welcoming sign of the village. It was truly beautiful. Faux Holly vines were wrapped around the poles and travelled across the top of the sign where artificial mistletoe and red and white flowers. On the next page was a footpath covered by thick snow and surrounded by pine trees which also was covered in snow but also gold and red tinsel and baubles. Not only that, but between the trees were hanging snowflakes, stars, and flags. The footpath itself was surprisingly decorated too. It wasn't much. Just a trail of gold, green and red strings travelling upwards beside large deep footprints that were obviously made by heavy snow boots. All of this together made Nageki wonder what was at the end of this winter Christmas trail. Luckily, the answer was on the next page. 
So, he turned it...
Waiting for him were pictures of a wonderful village square that had rows and rows of market stalls. Above them were rows of orange circular lights, all of which were like fireflies in the night sky. Then on the next page were close-ups of the stalls, showing off what each one sold. There was one stall selling the most delicious-looking shortbread, cookies, bread, and gingerbread in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Another one sold stunning handmade Christmas decorations and stockings. Another sold toys and teddies. Then there was one that sold clothes. Another that sold traditional Christmas foods from all over the world. Just when Nageki thought that this page couldn’t get any better, he discovered that there was a little round sticker in the corner of each picture.
“What is this for?” He asked Hiyoko in confusion, wondering what on earth would happen if he rubbed at the sticker like it told him to. “Oh! This is really cool!” Hiyoko answered excitedly, rubbing the sticker so quickly and with so much strength that Nageki worried she would somehow find a way to find a fire. Thankfully, she didn’t. However, she still did something strange which was to sniff her arm with a hungry groan.
Okay…That was…Odd…
“You smell, Nageki!” Hiyoko then said to him holding her battered arm in front of him, her quick movement causing him to flinch backwards. But now, he was just staring at her arm in absolute confusion. That certainly wasn’t a normal request. Yet again, when did Hiyoko and a normal conversation go hand in hand? Almost everything the human did was bizarre, impossible, confusing, or somehow all three.
“Go on, it smells delicious!” Her arm smelt delicious? How did that even make any sense? This was definitely a conversation that was all those three things. “Hurry before it goes!”
Wanting this conversation to make some sense, Nageki slowly smelt Hiyoko’s arm. It was the strangest thing he has ever done but it was almost the greatest. He smelt her arm again and hummed. The smell of sugar-covered shortbread filled his nostrils, the smell was so alluring, and intoxicating that it made his stomach rubble which should have been impossible because of the whole ghost thing. It also made him wish that he could stick out his tongue and taste the incredible food. Not on Hiyoko’s arm of course, because that would be totally weird. But on the page…That thought made him look down at the other pictures and see what their circles contained. The clothing stall had a small circle made out of the softest material Nageki had ever felt. The toy stall circle had a small bird paper toy that flapped its wings if you pulled the paper lever.
Then came the next page, on it was a game where you had to decorate the picture of the Christmas tree that was sat in the middle of the market square stalls. Nageki couldn’t remember the last time he decorated a tree but somehow, he could remember that he always did it with somebiridie else. Somebiridie who he cared for and so, he shifted closer to Hiyoko so they could do it together. When the tree was decorated it wasn’t as dramatic or exquisite as the one in the library, but it was theirs and that is what made it special and perfect. Nageki wasn’t surprised at all, he and Hiyoko has always made a great team. This was proven yet again when they turned to the next page as it ended up being four different Find the Hidden Objects game that were in different locations in the village as they ended up finding all of them easily.
Then came a normal photo album of the rest of the village showcasing the school, hospital, church, shops, huts, shacks, and houses. All of them as beautiful as the next. All of them going overboard with Christmas decorations. Then came the famous mountain of the village, the photos taking you up the trail mile by mile until finally, the photographer reached the top. The view was astonishing. There was nothing but cloud after cloud, the lights of the village below reflecting through them so wonderfully.
“I wish that I was there” Hiyoko said to him, stretching out her arms as she did so “I want to feel the cold wind underneath my arms” “I do too” “So, let’s do it!”
Before he could even figure out a reply to that Hiyoko was gone, returning seconds later with a large desk fan, she turned it on to the highest speed which caused the branches of the large Christmas tree in front of them to rustle angrily. But, it was perfect. Nageki stood up, closed his eyes, stretched out his wings, and leaned forward a little. Like this, he could pretend he was above that mountain and embracing the powerful winds. Winds that made him feel so free. He just wanted to flap his wings and fly above those clouds in the picture. But, no matter how powerful his imagination was, Nageki already knew he couldn’t. That didn’t mean he couldn’t just enjoy the feel though. Flying for birds was a natural thing that they all took for granted, none of them embracing how much fun it could be.
After what seemed like an eternity, Nageki folded his light brown wings back into his side, in response to the rustling sound they made Hiyoko turned off the fan.
“Thanks, Hiyoko, that was amazing…This book is amazing” “It doesn’t stop there!” Hiyoko smiled brilliantly, moving to get the backpack that has apparently been sitting beside her all this time to pull out a large plastic food container.
“I asked Mr Nanaki to make us the food in this book. It took four months, three house fires, and one food-tasting trail with Miru and Kaku for him to get it right”
“Hiyoko…That is very thoughtful but I’m a ghost, I can’t eat”
“Yeah but you can smell, and if you understand a smell well enough then you can taste it” she replied and even though Nageki didn’t know how he felt about that logic, he didn’t have the heart to argue or question it.
“Alright, I will try…What else do you have?” “I’m glad you asked! I’ve got two travel books in my backpack and I thought we’d travel through the world together underneath this tree while we or rather I eat” “Let the adventure begin” Nageki smiled wishing for the first time that night that he was indeed solid because right now, he’d give anything to snuggle beside Hiyoko while she showed him the world beyond the library.
For now, though, he’ll just enjoy this new adventure beyond his boundaries with her…
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whalyrae · 1 year
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“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
Summary : All your life, you thought you were a beta, a simple and boring beta. Until everything change. But now that you've presented yourself as an omega, how will you manage to live and hide it from your six friends and best friend, all alphas and all in the same pack? (a/n : I'm a shit for summary I'm so sorry-)
Genre : soulmate au (of course I'm a bitch for this), omegaverse, bangtan alphas au!, omega reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 2.5K
Warnings : the usual one I guess, like smut, angst, fluff (yeah its a warning for some people ) mention of depression, abusive parents (physically and morally), violence and blood, PTSD, scars, self harm,...
A/N : finally have the courage to post this (again) ! Hope y'all will enjoy it  🥺 this is my first omegaverse fic, I took a lot of points from the omega verse, and modified some of them to my liking hehe  ps : sorry for any mistakes (again yeah), english is not my first language !  💜
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad
Chapter 2
☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ 
At first, it was only the two of you. Jimin and you. You were friends since High School and meet each other at the dance club. You always admired Jimin’s dance skills. After months of hesitation, you finally had the courage to ask him for advice. One thing led to another and you became inseparable. You had even taken the dance school entrance exams together. 
You wanted to go to the same one, why not do it together ?
To the world, the answer seemed logical. Jimin was an alpha, You were a beta.
Betas were ordinary and generally reclusive among themselves because of their low chance of breeding with alphas and omegas.
Coming from a wealthy, worldly background, you had therefore spent much of your life being snubbed and demeaned by the alphas or avoided by the omegas. You had noticed that this separation between classes was even more reinforced in the upper class, bordering on the aristocracy, of which you were technically a part.
Your parents had sent you to a public school from an early age, from nursery school to high school. That's where you met Jimin, who had the same mentality as you.
That was all that mattered to him. 
After both of you had been accepted into the same school and knowing that you would have to leave Busan for Seoul, the question of housing came up.
It was natural for you to become roommates. The salary and living costs would be cut in half and you would have someone you could trust near you if you needed it. That was all you needed to make the decision.
Your parents had been reluctant at first, but as their youngest daughter was a simple beta from an alpha family, the treatment you had received in your life from your parents had always been more careless than your siblings. So you didn't have much difficulty persuading them. 
You had a new life ahead of you. Away from your families, accepted in the school of your dreams, the most prized and reputed in the country, to be able to learn and practice your passion as much as you wanted.
And that's during the holidays before you started dance school that Jimin met Taehyung, also an alpha. 
When you met Jimin again a few weeks before they started school and moved into your apartment, Taehyung introduced himself. He was the same age as Jimin and you and worked at a florist. It was love at first sight.
You noticed right away that they were made for each other. And before you met the others, you were even sure that they were soul mates.
Soon, classes started and you found yourselves in the same group where you met Jungkook and Hoseok.
Jungkook was two years younger than you and had managed to get into the school on a scholarship. A young prodigy like you rarely see.
Hoseok was probably the most talented dancer you and Jimin have ever met. He was a year older, but had spent a year in the United States perfecting his skills before entering this school.
Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok quickly became friends. You took longer, being more reserved than your best friend. And then as a beta, you had always had trouble with alphas, because of your experiences with some of them. 
But Jimin had quickly changed your mind about them. A lot of the students here didn't come from posh backgrounds like you, the mentality was different. 
Well, unfortunately, it wasn't true for everyone.
There was that day when two second-year alphas decided to torment you. They said that as a beta like you, you didn't belong in such a prestigious school, which was completely wrong. 
Status was of little importance here, only talent. These guys were pretty well known among the first years. They were always bullying the betas and sometimes even the omegas.
Jungkook and Hoseok had intervened. They happened to be walking through the corridors when they heard the two students and recognized you. They intervened and defended you. 
That day you knew that once again Jimin had been right and that he was rarely wrong about people. 
It was on that day that you really became friends with them.
Yeah, Jimin was right. Not all alphas were like these two guys, or the guys in their high school, or your family.
Being the only beta in a family of alphas was not easy. When you didn't show any signs of being an alpha, your family became colder and more distant than they normally were. Coming from an upper class, it was out of the question for your parents to show that their daughter was just a beta, an ordinary person.
You kept asking yourself why you still went home several weekends a month. You couldn't count the number of times you returned to the shared flat on Sunday nights in a pitiful state. Jimin and Taehyung had stopped counting the number of times they had found you crying, sometimes even with minor injuries on your face. But you couldn't afford to cut ties with your family just yet, you couldn't afford it. You were going to live in this hell for some time yet, until you could fully emancipate yourself.
Or until they were the ones to throw you out.
There was still one thing you couldn't stand about alphas. Their auras. They all had this overpowering aura about them that weighed on you. Even more with your housemates. You knew they couldn't help it, they were like that. 
You had always believed that it was unique to alphas, that every beta and every omega felt that way.
It wasn't the case, but you didn't know that yet.
Jimin aura had never bothered you, on the contrary, you had always found it soothing and comforting. Perhaps because you had always had this fusional relationship with each other and because you had known each other for so long. As for Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok, let's just say that you got used to them over time. 
Unlike the other alphas you were around, they did not seek any kind of domination over you, conscious or unconscious. They considered you, and every other beta and omega, as their equals. 
A few months after school started, Taehyung had moved into your apartment. Anyway, he was still there. Things had happened naturally to a point where neither Jimin nor even you realized it. And that hadn't bothered you. 
Their neighbors, an old lady, had also moved out. It didn't even take a month for new neighbors to move in. There were three.
When they had come to introduce themselves, Yebin had to use all the force in the world not to laugh at the situation.
Three more alphas.
Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi et Kim Seokjin.
The first one ran a library. He was without doubt the most impressive alpha you had met so far. He didn't need to speak to earn his respect. But he was still a lovely person... and very clumsy.
Yoongi and Seokjin worked together. Seokjin ran a rather famous café in town while Yoongi was the pastry chef.
Unlike Seokjin, who, with Hoseok, was probably one of the most adorable and caring people on earth, you had some difficulty in sympathizing with Yoongi. It was true that despite his size, this guy was very intimidating. Cold on the outside, you quickly learned that a very warm personality was hiding behind him.
In the meantime and for the sake of convenience, as the dance school was close to the building, Jungkook and Hoseok had moved into the apartment above yours.
Something strange had happened between those seven boys. You quickly felt that a certain chemistry had developed between them. You could never explain why. Every weekend, when you came home, you felt that they were all getting closer and closer. You didn't have to be an Alpha or an Omega to feel it.
It was like they have always known each others. 
Weeks passed, the bonding continued, and what had to happen, happened.
You didn't know when they became a pack, but it happened.
Honestly, you didn't see it coming. Taehyung and Jimin were already a couple after all. But later you learned that Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi were one, too, long before they became your neighbors.
You didn't really understand, and you didn't try to understand. It was an alpha thing. As a beta, you were part of the normal people, you didn't care about all that. In fact, you didn't mind it at all. Whether they were a couple of two, three or even seven, as long as no one suffered and they were happy, especially Jimin because he was your best friend, that was all that mattered to you.
But the question had been: did you still belong in that apartment, with them ? Surrounded by all those alphas connected to each other ?
One Friday evening, before leaving for the weekend, you asked them. They were all together in their living room.
They were all surprised, as if what you had just asked them was the most absurd thing they had ever heard.
“Why would you leave?” asked Hoseok.
“That's right, we don't want you to go ! I don't want you to go !” Jimin was quick to embrace you, his head resting on your shoulder, “aren't you happy here?”
“Yes, I am! Of course Chim, it's not that, it's just that- ”
“Because we're an alpha pack, and you're a beta?” Namjoon had finally stood up and approached you, “this is bullshit, you're our friend, y/n. You're one of us and you're a beta. You're one of us and you belong here, as much as any of us. If we've made you feel uncomfortable about something, I'm sorry.”
“But you don't have to leave!” Jungkook clung to your arm, his doe eyes meeting yours, “we like having you with us, don't go Noona, please!”
You had sighed, before smiling.
“I'm the one who's sorry, I thought that since you're... a pack you know, my presence might interfere and I don't want to…”
“You're not interfering with anything, don't worry.” Namjoon ruffled your hair, as you saw the others nodding at his words.
Namjoon was sort of the leader of the pack. Even with you, he would always have the last word. You trusted him. You nodded in turn, and kissed Jungkook's cheek before reaching for your bag.
“So forget what I said, okay? Ah, you're going to have your ruts soon by the way, right?”
These seven were so fusional they'd managed to get them at the same time, well, that's what they were saying, you couldn't make any sense of it anyway.
“Let me know when it's over,” you'd pointed your phone before putting it in your pocket, “it's not that I don't want to be smothered in your alpha pheromones and... hear you guys doing whatever it is you're doing to relieve yourself but... I really don't.”
Your ironic tone and grimace made them laugh. You gave Jimin a final hug and greeted the other alphas before leaving the apartment.
Mating season, yes. You were a beta, you had nothing to do with it. You should have stayed with your parents. The house they lived in was big enough for you to avoid them and your brother and sister. You would stay in her room, work on new choreographies, you had even taken with you some books that Namjoon had recommended. In short, you had plenty to do.
You were just a beta. What could go wrong ?
The night at your family's house, while you were lying in your king-size bed, the first heat wave took possession of your body. It was not the first one you had felt in your life, although this one was more violent than the others. But soon a second, more intense heat wave came, then a third, and a fourth. 
When you had wanted to move and the simple friction of your (surprisingly wet) thighs between them made you moan... when the only thought that crossed your mind was that you needed something inside you, now. 
Something big. 
Something that could fill you up. 
With your eyes closed, you had had a vision of a certain person, someone you knew all too well, leaning over you, his gaze piercing your being. 
At that moment you felt that something was wrong.
Betas weren't supposed to be in heat. You knew that. You'd learned that in class. Yet your symptoms... no. That couldn't be it. You didn't want to believe it.
You had no choice but to call your mother. First, she gave you some suppressants to calm you down. She then calmly explained that there was nothing much to say or do.
It was rather exceptional, but it could happen in rare cases that the first heat of an omega could be triggered very late, when an omega denied being one or when it was submitted to a strong pressure or a very big stress. This was logical for you because of the family you had lived with all your life and the constant pressure they put on you. 
You realized then that you were not a beta at all, as you, and everyone else for that matter, had thought.
On the top of that, your mother urged you to come to their house less often when the season ended. You had never seen so lacking in love and compassion in someone's eyes. The pain of this new rejection was made worse by the fact that it came, once again, from your own mother.
Were you really that disgusting now that you turned out to be an omega?
You suddenly thought of the boys. Of course, you were thinking about them, how could you not ? Since the beginning of your... heat, Jimin wasn't the only one who invaded your mind in visions... anything but innocent. 
Panic suddenly surged through you. 
Shit. You were an omega. 
An omega who lived with alphas. 
An omega surrounded by alphas. 
Alphas who thought you were just a beta. 
How would they react when they found out?
Probably like your mum. They'd end up rejecting you, too. They would be upset at you for not telling them. They would act differently and end up hating you too. You couldn't bear the thought of them looking like your mother, of Jimin rejecting you too. The thought of that hurt even more than the damn heat.
No, you couldn't tell them.
It was simple. You had to make sure you continued to act like a beta.
For your next heat, you would just improvise.
Yes, it was simple, wasn't it? What could go wrong?
It wasn't like you were thinking of them as alphas. Absolutely not.
Seven alphas were waiting for you at home...
Lying in your bed, you curled up on yourself. You were sure they could fill you up perfectly, each in their own way.
You squeezed your thighs and caught your hand between them, which made you moan again. 
Yeah, maybe you were in trouble.
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dinsverdika · 2 years
A Yellow Leaf & Glowing Flowers (one shot)
Pairing: Din Djarin/Reader
Tags (as posted on AO3): fluff, mutual pining, early relationship, me making stuff up about space flora, me making a planet up, angst, hurt/comfort, cuddling, helmetless din djarin (but only in the dark), keldabe kiss (which can be considered as a first kiss), use of mando'a, not canon compliant, reader's gender is not specified
Word count: 4,098
Notes: Hi! This piece has been sitting on my WIP shelf for many months. The entire premise of this one shot has been changed as I couldn't find any more inspiration for it. I hope you enjoy!
not canon compliant: Din's ship hasn't been blown up (it honestly makes writing x reader fics easier.)
use of Mando'a: translations in the footnotes.
ps: the Reader doesn't know Din's name but the narrator and well, you the real reader, do. I'm also my own beta reader so mistakes and typos may've slipped by me, apologies!
You had been walking for a while, it seemed. You could not exactly pinpoint how long it had been but this matter swiftly left your mind as the walking trail you’d been following opened up to a glade. You stopped dead in your tracks and scanned the area, nothing seemed out of order or unsafe. You left the pathway as you stepped forward into the secluded spot.
Your chest expanded as you inhaled deeply. You held your breath, letting the scent of the nature surrounding you reinvigorating your senses. A renewed feeling of wellness blossomed within you as you exhaled, making you feel weightless. You repeated the breathing exercise a couple of times until every single muscle in your body had let go of unwanted stress. You blinked your eyes open, focusing your gaze on what was above you: a purple sky decorated with a few orange clouds here and there. Their fluffy texture made it seem as if someone had painted them there. The sun was not entirely set but a pink moon was high in the sky and a few stars had started appearing as well, freckling the sky with their soft twinkling. 
A splashing sound diverted your attention from the sky, you almost missed seeing a tiny frog swimming away after it'd jumped into the water.
A river. 
The body of water was a few steps away from your feet. The stream created a soft burbling sound, putting you at ease.
You threw a look at the walking trail behind you and weighed your options. With a shrug, you chose to enjoy what the glade had to offer. You promised to yourself to not lose track of the time. You'll go back to where you came from eventually.
Your shoes were in your hands as you wiggled your toes in the fresh grass beneath your feet. It was soft and slightly wet as you strided to the riverbank. The river was not as shallow as you had expected. The water was clear, allowing you to see the riverbed easily. You patted your morning self on the back for choosing to wear mid-length trousers, you could dip your legs up to your calves without worrying about making your clothing wet. 
A single yellow leaf appeared in your field of vision as it floated on the water, following the stream. You trained your eyes on it until it had disappeared down a short waterfall on your left and continued its way deeper into the woods. You had no idea how seasons worked on this planet, making you wonder if it was a sign that autumn was near. 
With that in mind, you dipped your toes, testing the temperature. The water was cool but not cold.
Leaned back on your hands, sitting on the side of the river, your legs were swaying back and forth in the water. 
The sun had fully set now, going below the horizontal line hidden by the trees in front of you, letting place to the darkness of the night. The clouds you had seen when you first arrived had dissipated; nothing was obstructing the moon from casting its purple-ish glow on the glade. Contentment filled you as you fully relished in the peaceful moment the galaxy had granted you. 
A flower suddenly bloomed near you with a soft puff. A soft, comforting glow emanated from it, lighting up the darkness surrounding it. Child-like wonder buzzed within you as a few dozens of flowers bloomed around you as well. You glanced around in awe; the flowers all bloomed randomly around the glade. The trail you had taken also had the same flowers on each side of it, as if to guide night-time visitors to this spot in the middle of the woods.
One last flower bloomed by your thigh. 
“Late bloomer, aren’t you?” you chuckled quietly. 
You gently held the flower from below its receptacle and tilted it, wishing to take a better look inside it. It had white petals with a thin light blue streak in the middle. Each petal had the same pattern. Even though you could not tell how or why it happened, it was evident that the glow was coming from its pistils. Its faint sweet scent hit your nose, urging you to take an even closer look; you feared that the pretty glow emanating from the flower would die off if you were to pluck it out. 
“Here you are,” said a modulated voice from behind you.
The sudden voice made you jump. Relief coursed through you as you whipped your head around, your eyes landing on the Mandalorian. 
“You scared me,” you said, resting a hand on your chest. You could feel your heart beating at a rapid pace beneath it.
“I didn’t mean to,” deadpanned Din. 
“Was I gone for long?” you asked, recovering from the short-lived scare. 
“No," he replied, shaking his head. "You were gone for an hour, I’d say. The sun had set fast, though,” he added. “I was working on the ship until these flowers bloomed and grabbed my attention. It's been a short walk from the ship.” 
The cold air of night surprised you as soon as you got up as it hit your wet legs, making you shiver. The temperature must've dropped a lot quicker since the night had settled in.
“This place is beautiful,” you stated, making your way to the Mandalorian. “I've never seen anything like it before. Do you know what these flowers are?” 
“I’m afraid I don’t,” he replied, crouching down to gently tilt one just like you did a few minutes ago. “They’re pretty, though.” 
You nodded in agreement. “Do you think their glow would die out if we were to pluck some of them out?” 
You gasped as Din swiftly pulled on the flower he was holding, ripping it off from the grass. 
“Mando!” you shouted. 
Din pushed himself back up and inspected the flower wordlessly. He rubbed the inside of the petals, smearing the pollen on his fingertips. Curiosity overtook you as you pressed your side against his, taking a better look at what he was doing.
He hummed and brought his hand closer to your face. “I don’t know if you can see it but it seems like each particle of pollen produces light. That must be where their glow comes from,” he explained. 
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Din watched you take his hand in yours, he tore his eyes away from your joined hands to train them on your face. A frown had appeared above your eyes, creating a crease between your eyebrows as you focused on the product smeared on his fingertips. Endearment washed over him as you tilted your head. He swallowed as his eyes lingered on your pursed lips, they've never looked more kissable than right now. The moonlight complimented your face beautifully.
“These flowers must contain a lot of pollen then,” you said, pulling him out of his thoughts.
The Mandalorian hummed in agreement and replied, “it also means that they only lose their glow once they have wilted.” 
“I wonder if bugs pollinate these flowers…” you said out loud. “Do you think glowing honey can be produced out of them?” you asked. 
"It could be a possibility," he replied. 
He glanced around the area, seeking anything that could resemble a pollinating bug. Nothing unusual jumped out of the darkness surrounding you, even after he'd activated thermal vision on his visor. 
"I'm not seeing any bugs around, though," he added. 
His gaze landed on your face once more, your attention wasn't on his hand -although, you hadn't let go of it- anymore but on the glade too.
A soft breeze made the leaves of the trees around you rustle before hitting you head on. The Mandalorian couldn't feel it, his armour and flight suit protecting him from it. 
The same couldn't be said for you, the thin clothes you were wearing were optimal for warm weather -which this planet had proved to have a few hours ago- but not for the colder temperatures the lack of sunlight was providing. 
You shivered and wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to shield your body from the unrelenting breeze. 
Your arms were of little help as you shivered once more. Your legs were still wet from earlier, accentuating the coldness striking you.
In a flash, the Mandalorian had you pressed against him, his back turned to the breeze; doing a better job at shielding you from the cold than your arms. 
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You brought your curled fists up to your mouth, deeply exhaling into them, warming them up in the process. Din's hands were on your back, rubbing it up and down. Warmth spread in your chest as you nuzzled his chestplate, pressing yourself against him even more. 
A giddy feeling joined the warmth in your chest as you relished being pressed against the sturdy Mandalorian. The beskar against your cheek may have been cold but his touch was making it easy to ignore. 
You'd thought his attentiveness was part of his job, being a bounty hunter meant being on high-alert all the time; being aware of your surroundings at all times must have become second nature for the Mandalorian. Yet, Din had proven to you countless of times that his attentiveness was not only reserved for his bounties, but for you as well. 
You hadn't been the only object of his attentiveness, you'd seen how conscientious he was with Grogu. You tried swallowing around the painful lump forming in your throat. 
“We should probably head back to the ship, it must be getting late,” said the Mandalorian, tearing you away from your reverie. 
You agreed wordlessly, reluctantly untangling yourself from his embrace. Din cupped your face, his leather gloves were warm on your skin, their oaky scent filling your nose.
A frown appeared above his eyes as you gave him a contorted smile. 
"Is everything okay?" He asked, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. 
You sighed and leaned into his touch, "yes," you lied. "I'm just tired." 
The Mandalorian didn't believe it but let it go for now. Soon enough, his hand was on your lower back, guiding you towards the walking trail. 
The soil crunched underneath your feet as you walked back to the ship in comfortable silence. 
Din was scanning the area from under his helmet, ready to unholster the blaster hanging off his belt if a threat were to appear out of nowhere. Your eyes, on the other hand, were gazing up the trees, searching for a beehive… a glowing beehive, maybe? 
Disappointment felt heavy on your chest as nothing popped up to your eyes and the shape of the Razor Crest appeared on the horizon. 
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The Mandalorian reached the top of the ramp and turned around to be greeted by the sight of you standing at the bottom of the ramp, staring into the darkness of the wood. Your shoulders were low as if you were carrying the weight of the galaxy on them. You were chewing on your bottom lip, preventing it from trembling. 
An invisible force pinched the Mandalorian's heart. He made his way back down the ramp and grabbed your hands, covering them with his. You looked up at him, a silent gasp died on his lips as he noticed tears gathering on your waterlines. 
“I’m sorry this is all very futile, it’s just that-” you apologised. A sob came up your throat, making it difficult for you to finish your sentence.
“I understand,” he nodded. “It’s been difficult for me, too.” 
Your eyes bounced between his eyes through the visor. It was fruitless, the tinted transparisteel was impenetrable. 
Seeing his face contorted by sadness and pain was not something you could've handled anyway.
“We should go up and rest,” said Din, trying to move the two of you away from the painful topic. 
You nodded in agreement, not trusting your voice to not give away how upset you were.
The Mandalorian made his way up the ramp once more, his fingers laced with yours.
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“Come on,” Din said once the ramp had hissed shut. “Let’s go.”
His hand was back on the small of your back, guiding you towards the cot. He rummaged under the pillows and retrieved your sleeping clothes. You quietly changed into them while Din had retreated to the 'fresher, offering you a few moments of privacy while he freshened up. 
Exhaustion washed over you as you pulled your sleeping shirt over your head. A grimace pulled on your features, vulnerability crawling its way in your chest. Insecurity prickled your fingertips as you uselessly flattened your shirt with the palm of your hands. The lump in your throat hadn't reduced, sobs threatening to breach your lips to ease the pain. 
It had been a long day. 
"A few long days," you corrected yourself internally.
With your sleeping attire now on, you crawled into the cot and slipped under the cover. Air hitched in your throat as you turned on your back and your eyes landed on the hammock hanging above you. 
Nothing could have held back the painful sob from breaching your lips this time. The Mandalorian had crafted and hung it above the cot many months ago -which felt like years now.-
Grogu's little coos had become a comforting sound, it made you feel at home and safe. Yet, seeing it now brought you no comfort. All it did was remind you that he was gone.
Din appeared in your field of vision, blurry by your tears. He had removed his armour apart from his helmet. He'd ditched his flight suit for a long back shirt, his legs were bare. You leaned up on your hands, tears rolling down your cheeks. You used your shirt to wipe them away. 
The Mandalorian was also staring up at the hammock, his helmet blanking his face of expression. 
You hiccupped a muted sob as you watched him. Din shifted his attention to you, he brought a hand to your ankle, grounding you a bit.
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You sighed into his neck as he maneuvered you onto him, his lips pressing kisses on the crown of your head. His helmet was now forgotten on one of the shelves implanted in the walls of the cot. The door had been slid shut and the lights turned off, plunging the two of you in darkness. 
Quietness fell upon you as you settled in your night-time routine, enjoying the physical closeness.
"He would’ve loved it," said Din after a while. 
His arms tightened around your middle and you scooted closer to him, pressing your fronts together. One leg tangled between his legs, one leg above his hip. 
“He would’ve,” you agreed. “The frog I saw jumping into the river before you arrived would've not appreciated his presence, though.” 
Images of the Child squinting his eyes in concentration, lifting his three-fingered hand up, channeling all of the energy his tiny body could muster into the force as he would try to levitate the poor frog out of water popped in both of your heads. It made your bodies tremble with laughter, knowing that Din would have to reprimand him while you would feel sympathetic towards the frog he would have been forced to spit out.
Your laughter eventually died down and quietness filled the cot once more. You fell asleep with no more words exchanged between you.
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Your eyelids were still heavy with sleep as you fluttered your eyes open. Slightly dehydrated, your mouth felt pasty. A yawn bubbled up in your throat and breached your lips. You patted the mattress beside you, expecting to feel the body of Din next to you. A confused crease appeared between your eyebrows as it fell flat on the mattress. 
You pushed yourself up and reached for the button near the sliding door. It slid open, letting the light from the cargo hold seeping into the secluded, dark area. You squinted until your eyes got used to the bright, artificial light. 
One look around the cargo hold confirmed your suspicions, the Mandalorian was gone. His helmet was not on the shelf either. It’d always been one of the skills you envied the most; being discreet and stealthy came with the job of bounty hunting. Yet, you couldn’t help but wonder how you hadn’t heard the cot opening and closing. You must’ve been dead asleep. 
You threw your feet over the edge of the cot, the durasteel floor beneath your feet pushed the remaining drowsiness out of your body with a final yawn. You brought the heels of your hands to your eyes and rubbed them until tiny suns appeared in front of your closed eyes.
When you'd reached the cockpit, the viewport allowed you to see that the sun wasn’t that high in the sky. It was still pretty early in the morning. With that in mind, you went back down the ladder and made your way to the refresher. 
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The ramp of the ship hissed open as you were brushing your teeth. Your heartbeat slightly quickened as you rapidly spat the toothpaste and cleaned your mouth. Although, you were fairly certain that it was the Mandalorian who was entering the ship, hearing the familiar sound of his steps on the floor reassured you a bit. 
Din seemed surprised to see you awake as you exited the refresher to meet him in the cargo hold, using the back of your hand to wipe the wetness off your mouth.
“I didn’t expect to see you awake,” said Din. 
“I haven’t been up for long,” you waved off. “I didn’t hear you leave the ship.”
“You were sleeping pretty soundly,” he replied. “You were snoring.” 
“I don’t snore,” you scoffed. 
“You do,” he retorted. 
“Whatever,” you said. “Where were you anyway?” 
He didn’t answer right away and fished around in the bandolier bag resting on his thigh plate instead. You trained your focus on the bag, not seeing Grogu peeking out of it brought back the sadness that a few hours of slumber had managed to wash away. Fortunately for you, Din retrieved a jar from his bag before the unwanted feelings could truly settle in. 
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Din watched as your eyes widened in surprise as he presented the jar to you. Joy bloomed in his chest as a bright smile appeared on your face. The jar fit perfectly in the palm of his hand. It was of a generous size, too. Yet, he could tell that this wasn’t what had caught your attention.
“Is that-?” you asked, stepping towards him and taking the jar away from his hand.
A soft smile tugged on the corners of his mouth as his eyes followed you. You walked to one corner of the cargo hold. The darker area heightened the brightness of the product inside the jar. 
Din joined you and leaned his pauldron against the wall, his arms were crossed over his chestplate. 
"It's honey," he said.
You looked at him in awe, “honey from the flowers of last night?" 
He nodded. “There's a market not too far away from here,” he explained, “a vendor was selling a lot of artisanal food. Among the different food was dozens and dozens of honey jars." 
His hand went back into his bag and pulled out another jar, “I got two of them.”
Your mouth dropped open as your eyes shifted from the jar to his visor repeatedly. You took the jar from his hand and brought it next to the other jar you were holding. 
The light emanating from the jars was even more intense than the light emanating from the flowers. Your gaze sinked into the Mandalorian's eyes. The tinted visor prevented you from seeing his eyes, you were met with the beskar of his helmet instead, the glow of the honey bouncing off it. From behind the helmet, Din was admiring how the brightness of the honey complimented your eyes beautifully. 
It seemed time had stopped as you gazed at each other. Yet, the air around you thickened and an invisible force was pulling you closer to one another. Your guts tightened from the tension growing between you. 
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The Mandalorian's teeth were sinking in the flesh of his bottom lip. The tension between you was coming to a climax as he watched you slide the jars back into his bag carefully; the sudden close proximity had his heart beating into his ears, muting everything else around him. 
It ached. You were aching to show your appreciation for the man in front of you. The tips of your fingertips prickled as you wished to cup his face and thank him for the sweet gesture. Instinctively, your hands reached up and cupped the sides of his helmet, meeting the coldness of the besker instead of the warmth of his face you were craving to feel. 
Air hitched in Din's throat as your hands reached for his helmet and lowered his covered face to yours. He let you maneuver him until his forehead was pressed against yours. All of his senses were on fire as he registered what was happening. His heart was rapidly pumping blood in his veins, facilitating the fondness he was feeling for you course through him and reach the tips of his limbs; making him weightless in the process. 
"Vor entye," you whispered. 
Butterflies sprung free in your tummy as the Mandalorian rested his gloved hands on your hips and brought you closer to him. Your hands slid from his helmet to around his neck, you hooked your chin onto his shoulder. A deep sigh escaped you as you relished in the embrace. 
Protectiveness crashed over Din in several waves as he felt you growing putty under his touch. He'd circled the small of your back with one of his arms while his other hand was caressing your back tenderly. 
"Ba'gedet'ye," he whispered back. 
Quietness fell upon you once more as you enjoyed each other's arms. 
You were the one who broke the silence first.
"I wanna gift one of the jars to him," you said quietly. 
Din replied with a questioning hum. 
"The honey," you repeated. "I think Grogu would like it." 
Din hummed once more as an affirmative this time. "I wanted to gift him something as well," he added. 
You laid your hands flat on his chestplate and leaned away from him, keeping your tummy and crotches flushed together.
"What do you mean?" you asked.
The Mandalorian untangled himself from your arms and walked towards the weapon locker. He picked up the spear made of beskar which was left to be leaned on the locker. 
"I thought of having it melted and turned into a chain mail," he explained. 
"That'd be an amazing present," you retorted. "It'd almost be as if he had his own little armour." 
The Mandalorian nodded and put the spear back. "I'll have the Armorer do it," he said. 
"He'll have something to remember us with," you stated. "Is he allowed to receive gifts?" you asked. 
Din shrugged, "I don't know. I don't see why not." 
You hummed thoughtfully, tapping your chin with your pointing finger. "On which planet did the Jedi take him to again?" you asked. 
"Ossus," replied Din as soon as the words escaped your lips. "It's a planet in the Middle Rim. I'm not supposed to know where it is but I've put a tracker in Grogu's coat, the Jedi hadn't seemed to have removed it." 
The Mandalorian knew the Jedi wasn't stupid, he must've noticed the tracker and chose to not remove it. 
"We should go now!" you exclaimed, clapping your hands together. 
Din smiled at you softly under his helmet. "We can't go now," he said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "We have to get the chainmail done first." 
"Ah, yes," you replied, letting your hands drop to your sides. "Do you know where your Tribe could be?" 
The Mandalorian nodded, "somewhere on a space station called Glavis Ringworld." 
"Somewhere?" you repeated. "You don't know the specifics?" 
"No," he replied. "I'm sure I could get the information I want in exchange for a job done, though." 
"'Makes sense," you agreed.
"Come on," he said, guiding you to the ladder going up to the cockpit, "the quicker we get this done, the faster we get to see him." 
"Can I get some of that honey while we travel there, though?" you asked, looking down at him from your spot up the ladder.
You couldn't help but giggle at seeing shake his head. 
"Of course," he replied, amused. "That's what I bought it for, I guess."
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Mando'a translations:
vor entye: thank you (I accept a debt)
ba'gedet'ye: you're welcome
source: mandoa.org
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bluereo · 2 years
Hello! I’m a big fan of your “Megatronus - The Fallen AU”. There’s not a lot of work of Orion Pax/Optimus Prime being the 13TH Prime reincarnation; so I’m happy to read your work about it! Any way about the prompts, can you do #1 with Megatronus Prime meeting/talking to Megatron about Optimus? Megatronus being all Big Brother Mode and willing to end Megatron for what him done to his brother? Thank you and good luck on your finals!
I'm more then happy that you like my au! I'm aware that this took me some time and it's rather short but I hope you will enjoy it :)
Ps. If you see some spelling mistakes pls correct me. I don't have beta reader
#Prompt 1 - Thouch him and you are dead.
It's been barely a week since Optimus returned from Cybertron with his older brother. Sudden arrival of demigod made everyone feel a little unease. Especially Lord Megatron felt strange even watching interactions between Fallen and His Prime. The Fallen was personification of pride and had everything that a warrior needed, his steps were loud, his eyes always observed everyone around him.
It wasn't unexpected that Megatron felt cold creeping though his limbs when Second Prime approached him late at night. They were on deck of Nemesis, silence interrupted only by thunders from stormy clouds and near soundless vents of both mechs.
- I hope that I'm not interrupting in anything important, Name thief. - Megatronus nearly purred at the and. Demigod loved to underline that they share this cursed name.
- Of course not, Fallen. To what do I owe this pleasure of your company tonight . I thought that you prefer to spend time near autobots instead of me or my crew. - Megatron choose to let himself look at horizon. There was no point of meeting gaze of the other.
- There is an issue I need to discuss with you. Still, this... exchange of information should stay only between us. - Megatron felt that demigod was pearcing his helm with his gaze. However, he have done nothing to change that for now.
- Then talk, I'm all audioreceptors. What is soo important that you choose to came here in person.
Sudenly there were steps. The Fallen stood right next to him. Finally their gazes crossed and Megatron could only think of how dangerous this mech was.
- I am aware of your... relationship with my brother. I have been watching you since two of you made your vows under the black sky and shining moons of our home planet.
- It's been milenia ago. Get to the point - the amount of strange calmness around fallen had the exact oposite reaction from megatron. Ex-gladiator could feel his fight protocols come to life, cannon geting slightly warmer and vision becoming sharper. He was ready to defence if the demigod decided to strike.
- Now you are on a good way to achieve peace between yourselves and your people. But I need to warn you. - Sudennly Megatronus grabbed Megatron by shoulder and made him turn himself fully to look in the optics of demigod from very close.
- You don't deserve to even be in the same room as Orion. He is one of the kindest sparks even between gods and demigods. And you have caused him more pain than you could ever imagine. And if I see your claws on him once again. There is nothing that will stop me from draging your spark, body and mind stright to the pit where you belong. Thouch him again and you are dead. I will make sure that will be very painful death... - Megatron was completly paralyzed. Especially when claws of demigod slowly made their way to lay on his chest plate not so far from where his spark was.
Megatron couldn't remember when he felt so scared in his entire life. Looking in the optics of being capable to fight with God's... He felt smaller then ever before.
Eventually Megatronus stepped back from ex gladiator and smiled like nothing ever happened.
- Well, I hope my massage was clear enough for you to understand. I will leave you to think about it - and with those words Fallen made his way of the deck.
Megatron still felt shivers going down his spine. He understood massage clear enough to be cautious. But there is no one and nothing that will separate him from his bonded.
72 notes · View notes
lowkey-loki245 · 2 years
TW: Gore and blood, like a fuck ton. Also disfigurement of self. Please tell me if i should add more TWs.
PS: Please tell me any mistakes I made cause I have, like, no beta reader.
Summary: That wasn't him, that was the Kraang. He'd never hurt his brothers like that. But something in the back of Raph's mind screams at him for what he's done.
He doesn't allow himself to look in the mirror anymore.
The smallest things became hard for Raph after the Kraang invasion. Eyedrops, washing his face, even just casually touching his eye made him slightly panic. The check ups Donnie did always left him struggling to breath and he could see the pain in Donnie's eyes when that happened.
Sometime Leo would quickly look at the crack on his shell and Raph could knew what he was thinking. That it was his fault that he ended up that way.
But how could that be his fault? If Raph had been stronger, if he hadn't been taken over by the Kraang so easily, this wouldn't have happened. Leo wouldn't have those scars or that faint bruise around his neck.
Raph wanted to just be normal again, or as normal as a mutant alligator snapping turtle can be. He wanted to act like the Kraang infection never happened. But no matter how hard he tried, touching his eye always made him scared. Scared that he'd lose control again, and Leo wouldn't be able to stop him this time.
Everything was fine. He had just woken up and had to wash his face. He hated it, but there wasn't anything he could do. As the water began to run, Raph looked up at the mirror and immediately fell back.
That... that wasn't real, right. Raph swore he saw that thing, that horrible thing that hurt his brothers, but it couldn't be real. The Kraang were gone and they were all safe. But as Raph stood back up, he saw it again.
The infection covered half his face and all he wanted to do was rip it off. That revolting yellow eye and that awful pink flesh.
Raph grabbed at it, well, tried to. He couldn't get a grip, he couldn't take it off, WHY COULDN'T HE TAKE IT OFF?!
Raph looked up at the mirror again... at the thing that hurt his brothers and caused them so much pain... and it was him.
It was just him. He hurt them, he was that one that put them in danger. It was all him.
Raph raised his hand, it shaking and unsteady...
And began to claw at the yellow eye.
"Raph!?" Mikey yelled as him and the others heard a thud come from the upstairs bathroom. Mikey had been trying to help Splinter make pancakes. He'd do it himself, but his arms are still recovering from the dimensional portal.
"Maybe he just dropped something?" Leo leaned back in his chair.
"Unless he somehow dropped himself, I doubt it'd make that loud of a noice." Donnie continued working on a new gadget, the arms from his tech shell assisting him.
"Leo, can you check in on him, I'm still trying to make dad realize that you CAN'T PUT THAT MUCH CHOCOLATE, THERE'S GONNA BE MORE CHOCOLATE THAN PANCAKE!" Mikey tried to grab the bag of chocolate chips from Splinter, who held it away from him with his tail.
"I've made pancakes for you kids before, I know what I'm doing."
"And that's why we agreed Mikey's better at cooking." Donnie chuckled as Splinter gasped in pure disbelief.
"I can't believe I've been betrayed by my own kin." Splinter acted as if he was crying, making Donnie roll his eyes with a grin on his face.
Leo giggled as he got out his chair and walked to the stairs. He would've continued, but he paused as he heard something unfamiliar... it sounded like Raph was crying.
"Oh shit" Leo began speeding up the steps, quickly, grabbing onto the bathroom's doorknob. It was locked.
"Raph? Are you okay?" No response. "Dude, can you please at least unlock the door?" Still no response. This was starting to get a bit worrying. Raph always responded to them, even if he was in the middle of something. For him to outright ignore Leo, something must be wrong.
"Raph, please, I will break the door down if I need to." Leo hoped that nothing was wrong and maybe Raph just had a sore throat or something, but that wouldn't explain the thud or the crying.
"Okay. 3, 2, 1!" Leo slammed his body into the door as hard as he could, breaking the lock and cracking the door open. With the door ajar, the smell of iron filled Leo's nose. Oh, he didn't like this one bit.
Leo quickly opened the door fully, only to step back and cover his mouth with his hand. Holy shit that's a lot of blood. There was blood everywhere. On the floor, on Raph's hands, on his eye. Oh god, this is bad.
"Raph!" Leo quickly ran up to Raph, who was sitting on the floor with his hands over his head. He was hyperventilating. Leo knelt down and grabbed Raph's hands, holding them so he could get Raph's attention. Raph's breathing was still unstable, but at least Leo had his attention.
"Okay, okay. Raph, I want you to breath with me. Follow my lead. In for 4." Leo demonstrated for Raph, who tried to copy Leo, although his breath was still shaky.
"Hold for 7." Leo watched as Raph followed his orders, his shakiness starting to die down a little.
"Out for 8.' Leo exhaled and Raph followed his lead. The two of them repeated this until Raph was breathing properly.
Now that he didn't have to focus on helping Raph slow his breathing, Leo finally realized how much damage Raph did to his eye. There was so much blood still pouring out the deep claw marks and there was no chance of them reversing what was done. He probably was already blind in that eye.
"Okay. Raph, I'm have to check your eye. I know you don't like it, but-" Leo began reaching for Raph's face, only for Raph to immediately try to get as far away from is hand.
"No, no, no, please don't!" Raph closed his eyes, well eye. The damaged one was already closed shut. Leo immediately went back to holding Raph's hands, trying his best to keep Raph calm.
"Alright, I won't touch it. How about we get you to the medbay instead." Leo waited for Raph's queue, then stood up and helped Raph get up too. "Just follow me, it's gonna be okay." Leo lead Raph to the medbay, never letting go of his hand.
As the two walked towards the medbay, Leo caught sight of Donnie, who had a horrified look on his face. Leo gave him a sad smile and continued towards the medbay.
"Sorry." Raph voice was so quiet, Leo almost didn't hear it. Leo sighed as he opened the door and walked up to the cabinets filled with medical supplies.
"Raph, don't be sorry for being in distress." Leo went to grab some disinfectant and bandages while Raph sat on the bed, fidgeting with the bandages on his wrists.
"But I-"
"No buts, Raph. Now, your eye has to be cleaned. Can you stay still so I can, or do you need some more time to calm down?" Leo questioned.
"I can stay still, just be careful. " Raph closes he eye, his shoulders stiffening. Leo began cleaning the wound, the room falling silent. It was almost unbearable for the both of them, but finally, Leo finished and had wrapped the bandages around Raph's eye.
"Okay, I'm done." Leo then sat next to Raph. "Do you... want to talk about it, big guy?" Leo offered Raph a wipe to clean off his hands, which Raph gingerly grabbed.
"... I hate my stupid eye. I hate it so much. Everytime I see it, I see the monster that almost killed you. And I can't even deny that monster is me. It was me who nearly choked you to death." Raph clenched his fists, the now bloody wipe crinkled in his hand.
"Raph, it's not like you wanted to, you-"
"Leo, you don't get it! I-" Raph paused, taking a moment to breath and placing his hands on the bed. "When... when I was under the Kraang's control, there were thoughts that weren't mine, like I could hear what the Kraang was thinking. Like how they wanted you dead, how they wanted all of us dead. And it got to the point where I couldn't tell which thoughts were mine and which were the Kraang."
"Raph..." Leo placed a hand on Raph's shoulder, causing Raph to finally look him in the eyes. His shoulders relaxed as a sad expression covered his face.
"Leo, if I can't even tell the difference between my thoughts and those horrible ones, then I must be a horrible person." Raph looked down at the floor. "You deserve a better older brother than this... monster." Raph gestured towards himself, a look of disgust on his face.
And for a second, nothing was said. Both of them were silent, Leo not having a clue of what to say. Then, Raph felt Leo wrap his arms around him, hugging him tightly.
"Raph, I know nothing I say will make you feel better or forgive yourself, but please, try to believe me when I say that wasn't you. The fact that you feel bad proves it." Leo looked up at Raph. "You're a great person, Raph. Nothing can change that." Raph began to tear up and hugged Leo back. He cried into Leo's shoulder while Leo just held him close.
"T-Thank you, Leo." Raph pulled away and began wiping the rest of the tear out of his eye.
"No problem, big guy. Now come on, Dad and Mikey are making pancakes." Leo jumped off the bed and gave Raph his hand, a smile on his face. Without hesitation, Raph took it and they began to walk back to the kitchen.
Little did Raph know, Donnie got Splinter and Mikey to make his favorite strawberry pancakes, just to cheer him up.
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peachsayshi · 3 years
NSFW ALPHABET WITH JJK MEN (Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna & Toji)
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C is for C*nnilingus, C*ckwarming & C*m 
JJK Men x F!Reader
TAGS:  oral sex front & back (f!receiving), cockwarming, pussy spanking, sukuna splitting his tongue in two lol, oral sex (male receiving),  cheating/infidelity, somnophilia (ish, consensual), overstimulation, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink?
A/N: (18+ / Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI) So, I know this isn’t technically one prompt but it felt super repetitive just sticking to one of the three topics so I thought I would broaden the “C” category because why not hahaha. I’m writing each character based on the series/one shotsI am working on. I’m writing an AU! version of Geto & Choso & Sukuna but still trying to keep true to their characters & Sukuna is written in human-ish form . I hope you enjoy it! As always comments are appreciated 😊 (ps. I don’t have a beta and am so sorry for any mistakes lol)
  Gojo continued moving his hips, each thrust prompting you to squeeze your legs against him while your arms curled underneath the pillow as he held you up by the waist, stretching you deeply with his length. He loved seeing you completely vulnerable as you moaned freely to show him just how much you were enjoying the sheer pleasure that he was delivering to you. A smile highlighted his face, white teeth flashing as his eyes traveled from your breasts, down your stomach to your raised hips until he was met with a beautiful sight. This sex was slow, with the sorcerer taking his time to draw his movements, ensuring you were feeling every inch of him sliding in and out of your sopping, wet pussy. You both found your rhythm, your hips rolling into his own every time he would push creating an intimate dance between the sheets. 
  “Fuck...you feel so fucking good,” he spoke, releasing one hand holding you by your waist and sliding it between your legs. His fingers found your clit, the pad of his thumb massaging over it in small, circular motions, adding an extra pinch of stimulation. “...could do this…ungh…all night...” 
  He meant every word - the way you coated him your arousal and how warm you felt with your walls pulsing around him only fueled the insatiable lust that this man already had for you. Even though this is only the second time you both had sex without protection, Gojo came to the conclusion that he absolutely loved fucking you raw. 
  Not that either of you were expecting things to turn out like this, but the events of today were completely unpredictable. The sorcerer wasn’t anticipating on having to actually save your life, to get a taste of the fear that constantly swirled in the back of his mind of the possibility of losing you. The aftermath of him high off the adrenaline that was running through his veins, the words of desperation that came out of him in panic and you silencing his woes with a kiss, resulting in the domino effect that brought the two of you to this very present moment. 
  “oh god, oh god!” you cried out, bucking into him as he used his fingers to push you to the edge. 
  He grunted, refusing to give up his cruel ministrations, his heart beating heavy against his chest as he tried to speak through the haze of desire he was clouded in, “...fuck, angel, if...if you keep doing that...I won’t be able to pull out...” 
  “Mmmuh, don’t…don’t stop…”
  Satoru’s eyes widened, your reaction forcing him to ease his movements while watching your eyes flutter open to meet his gaze. 
  He’s managed to cum everywhere else on your body, except inside that sweet cunt yours.
  “What did you say?” he questioned, the playfulness of his tone replaced by a serious one.
  You swallowed hard, biting your bottom lip before cautiously replying, “don’t…pull out.” 
  The two of you stared intensely into the other’s eyes, the awareness of what was said hanging heavy in the air. The corners of Satoru’s mouth raised along with one eyebrow in amusement. He lifted your legs, holding you wide open as you rested your lower back down on the mattress. He pushed until he was balls deep inside you, then picked up the pace of grinding his hips and making the eyes roll to the back of your head.
   He pounded into you, until you could feel the sparks of your release light throughout your body, milking his cock as you rode out your orgasm with your lover inside you. Satoru trembled, exhaling a loud sigh as he held you in place and pumping you full with his seed.
  Even after he pulled out, your lover watched with wide eyes as his cum spilled from between your legs with overwhelming satisfaction. He reached two slender fingers to push it back inside you, earning a whimper as you were just trying to regain your senses from the entire experience.
  “T-Toru?” you sighed, as the sorcerer began pumping his digits.
  “Got to take it all in, Angel…” he murmured, his low voice sending a shiver up your spine as his other hand reached to softly rub your lower belly while his fingers fucked you into achieving yet another shattering orgasm.
   Suguru stepped out of the bathroom, switching off the lights as an aroma of rosemary followed him in cloud of steam. The weight of his night was still resting on his shoulders, the tension pinching between his blades and clearly expressed through his clenched jaw and furrowed brows. Late nights like this where he’s left painted in someone else’s blood, where the shrill of his victim’s screams still rang in his ear - were always draining.
  There was no guilt, just exhaustion and the desire to rest.
   He steps into the bedroom where he sees you comfortably nestled between the sheets. He immediately loosens the muscles across his temple, subconsciously sighing at the sight and exhaling any of the residual negative energy to gaze upon the one person who always makes him feel like home.
   He slips underneath covers, placing his head and unruly dark hair on the pillow. An arm reaches out for you, curling to dig his fingers by your waist before pulling your frame into his.
   You were dressed in silk, the short black fabric clung to your skin like oil, molding and accentuating your curves beautifully. Your eyes were still closed but you hummed as Suguru adjusted your position next him. He breathed in your scent of lavender and jasmine, guiding his palm down your back to reach for the curve of your rear, a smirk lifting the fine line of his lip upon realizing that you were, in fact, naked underneath. 
   His lips brushed down your neck, his hand sliding back up to loop around the small string of your strap. He tugged it off your shoulder, pulling it down carefully to rest it underneath your chest. He kissed your neck leisurely, mapping his way down to your collar bones and then the swell of your breast, before flicking his tongue over your hardened nipple and taking it into his mouth. 
   You sighed, caught somewhere between dreams and reality as your arms reached for the back of his head, the tips of your fingers gently stroking his hair. 
  “Mmm...Suguru,” you whispered, inhaling when you felt his teeth gently tug you. “you’re home...s’late, missed you at dinner…” 
   Your lover moved back to meet your lips, forehead pressing against yours and smiling when he saw that you were still asleep. He knew for a fact that you weren't going to remember this conversation in the morning, you rarely ever did, and always loved teasing you about the comments that your subconscious makes. He wiggled his nose against yours, pressing his lips to meet your own as his hands hiked your dress up to your waist. 
   “Something came up,” he explained in between kisses, his tongue sliding into your mouth as you moaned in return. “I was out longer than expected...” 
   Your hand glided down his bare chest, feeling the pulse of his racing heart before you circled them back around his neck to embrace him. “…‘m too tired tonight,” you spoke, half opening your eyes to try and meet those of your lover. 
   “I know, sweetheart...just go to sleep…” Suguru stated soothingly, his hand reaching for his boxers to pull out his cock from beneath the fabric, “...just want to be inside you for a little bit...”
   He lifted your thigh to hook it over his hip, lining his dick to your slit to rock his hips and stroke himself between your lips, ensuring to get you nice and wet for him.
  “Mmkay...” you nodded, allowing yourself to drift back to sleep, burying your forehead to the crook of his neck while he rested his chin on top of yours.
  Suguru grunted, the relief washing over him with your growing arousal. His fingers squeezed your thigh as he pushed to enter you, feeling your warmth wrap around his cock. His lids fell heavy, finding his calm in the moment. He wasn’t agitated enough to fuck you, even though sometimes it was the only way for him to relax before bed. 
   Tonight, however, the man just wanted to enjoy the stillness of your bodies intertwined; to find his zen buried between the legs of the woman he loved.
  You were just in your t-shirt, your pajama shorts and underwear discarded while your legs were splayed off the bed. Nanami came home after a long day from work, exhausted and frustrated from having spent unnecessarily long hours with Gojo. He hadn’t fully removed his suit yet, only taking off his blazer and tie before unbuttoning his blue shirt and rolling his sleeves to reveal his forearms, then commanding you to strip and spread your legs for him. 
 “K-Ken...Ken! enough-oh god!...”
  Your husband ignored your please, still sucking on your clit with two fingers deep in your pussy. He switched to flick his tongue furiously sideways watching your back arch off the mattress in desperation as you tried to wriggle away from his insatiable mouth. You were such a wet mess from the two orgasms he already gave you, without a single second for you to catch yourself. However, the man was drunk off of eating you out and not even your begging was going to stop him from blessing you with a third.  
  You swallowed the hard lump in your throat, your mouth going dry as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your toes curled, tensing up your calves as your hips rolled against his mouth. Your words turning into nothing but cries, and your frazzled brain unable to connect with your own bodies reactions. 
  Two fingers deep in you, Nanami began fluttering his digits inside you with his tongue focusing on pleasuring your clit. He would move his neck to adjust his position every time he felt stiff, but that was only adding to the stimulation you were receiving. You were started to hump into him, your fingers moving to catch onto the strands of his golden hair until you tugged a little too hard and making him grunt in frustration. 
  “Behave,” he spoke, halting all his movements. His sensually smooth voice making you shiver upon feeling his hot breath between your legs. “Or I won’t stop.” 
  “ugh, I can’t...I-I can’t...” you begged, at this point unsure if it was because you really wanted him to stop as you initially requested or for him to alleviate the pressure that he’s built up in your core. 
  He kissed you on your clit, retracting his digits and leaving you feeling empty. “I know exactly what you can handle, my love…” he reassured, spreading your glittering pussy lips before stroking the tip of his tongue between your folds. “…you know exactly what to say if you want me to stop…”
   The was the word that both agreed on. The dynamics of your marriage was balanced in every sense, except the bedroom. The rules were simple, you were to adhere to every single one of your husband’s demands without question, unless you said “cinnamon”. Otherwise, Nanami could and would have you exactly as he desired.
   Your hand reached for the sheet, feverishly clinging and tugging at it as he tongue fucked you. Your body trembled, the muscles in your leg shaking uncontrollably as you thrashed against him. You could feel the word on the tip of your tongue, only using it moments like this were you knew your were too sensitive to handle Nanami’s insatiable appetite.
   The release had your body contorting in an awkward position, your arousal staining a spot on your sheets as you rode out your orgasm with your husband latched onto your pussy. 
  He crawled on top of you, blacking out the lights from above your ceiling which shined around him like a golden halo. Your vision blurred, as your lungs tried to circulate the air within your body. When you looked up, you noticed how his hair fell over his eyes, messy and tousled, but it was that deathly handsome grin that nearly stopped your heart from beating.
“See?” he teased, with a wink. “I told you I know what you can handle.”
   Wrists bound and tied to each side of your bed post, Choso sighed watching with half hooded eyes as you guided his impressive length inside your pussy. An innocent laugh escaped you, taking in how the muscles across his chest tensed and the veins in his arms protruded as you straddled flat on top of him.
   “You’re doing well, darling…” you complimented, ensuring not to make any movements as you braced his cock inside you. “Mmm, so well…”
   Your dragged your nails over the lines of his abdomen, his brows furrowing as he sighed against your touch. You moved to glide your hands up and down your thighs, putting on a show as you reached to unclasp your bra.
   Choso’s eyes darkened watching you strip the last article of clothing you were wearing, focusing on your pert nipples that you began playing with. You moaned softly, teasing yourself just to rile your lover at his most vulnerable state. You knew just how much he got off on you touching yourself, always begging to have you send him videos and pictures whenever you masturbate.
   The problem now is that you were doing all this while cockwarming him, not moving your hips even once, making all the blood that rushed between his legs to cause him some serious pain. You knew that if he really wanted a release, then he could easily rip those binds off and fuck you senseless.
   It only ever happened once after an incident when you really tortured him with foreplay, causing Choso to snap before pounding into you until you were both dizzy from your climaxes. However, your boyfriend who is known for easily intimidating anyone he came into contact with, loved being teased in this way - happily giving up every ounce of control and leaving his ultimate pleasure in your hands.
   “Fuck, please, please…do something…” he begged, his voice trembling as he tried his hardest to control his hips from involuntarily thrusting.
   You smiled, “is it too much already?”
   You drew out a sensual whine as you played with your tits, paying close attention to the way he clenched those big hands into fists. He groaned in turn, closing his eyes in the hopes it’ll ease the ravenous urge he had to fuck you silly.
   “None of that,” you pouted, your voice gentle as you lured one finger down to rub over your clit. “…eyes on me at all times, remember?”
   Your warmth clenching around his cock was enough to make him cum right then and there, but he wanted to behave - to show you that he could hold out for as long as you needed him too. His cheeks were crimson, the inky dark hair framing those sharp features giving you a beautiful picture of that innocent expression on his handsome face. Seeing him blush underneath you, bottom lip between his teeth and eyes pulsating with lust while his arms were tied up gave you a deep sense of satisfaction.
   “Just a little longer, okay?” you cooed, squeezing your thighs around him as you began to finger your tender clit. “…if you can hold off until I am ready, then I’ll let you come, darling. Think you can do that?”
   Choso swallowed the hard lump in his throat, his legs growing tight watching you play this cruel game, but obediently nodded his head indicating that he fully intended to agree with your rules.
   “Such a good boy,” you praised, making his cock twitch inside you, before giving him an inch of relief by raising your hips then bouncing down.
   Choso hissed, a whimper following as he tried his best to stop himself from crying out. You nearly wanted to repeat the action again just to hear him whine and beg for more - until he’s nothing but a ruined man beneath you.
   “Ugh, wanna fuck you so bad…” he whispered under his breath.
   “I know you do,” you replied in an attempt to soothe his frustration as you returned to rub yourself. “I want you to fuck me too, baby, really…” you hummed between words, the feeling of your own pleasure interrupting your thoughts. “…but we both know how much you love it when I do this, how much you love it when I take my time…”
   You exhaled, shaking against your touch and the fullness of having Choso inside you. Your boyfriend thought he could handle it, believed that he could truly sit there and watch you bring yourself to an orgasm without reacting. However, the minute you trembled when your climax erupted, he bucked his hips before releasing a heavy load deep inside you.
    A deep hum escaped your lips, your body relaxing into the mattress underneath you. Sukuna chuckled against your neck, the sound of your reaction amusing your King who, surprisingly, is in a calm mood today. 
    The way he is handling you right now is...different; his movements are slow, as he takes his time to taste the skin on your neck, marking you with his lips and tongue while his hands caress your naked body. Your heart raced with uncertainty by his unusual demeanor because he’s never treated you so gently before.
    His lips met yours, parting your own with his tongue as he kissed you leisurely, making you feel as if you were the only two people left in the world. You release his hair from you grip before moving to cup his face, your body sighing into his action as you returned the kiss. Your legs were spread underneath him, the weight of his torso pressing into your chest as he slipped both arms under your waist to mold into your frame. You couldn’t hide your enjoyment as you moaned, prompting Sukuna to release you from his intoxicating mouth.
   “You make the sweetest sounds, my pet...” he teased, rubbing his nose along yours before looking at you with those wicked eyes. “you like this don’t you?” 
   You swallowed your nerves, the blood draining from your face from the intensity of his gaze but you nodded your head quietly. You were only afraid of Sukuna when you couldn’t anticipate what his next move might be but that didn’t stop you from shifting your attention back to that evil grin, and biting your bottom lip as you waited for him to kiss you again. 
    A wave of disappointment rushed through you when you notice him slip himself away from your grasp as he sat upright. His eyes moving to your legs spread before him, fixating on the space between where he hungrily licked his lips. He leaned forward, dipping his head to bring his face down and you shivered feeling his hot breath against your skin before snapping your legs shut and backing away from him. 
   “W-what are you doing?”, you asked, your eyes widening as you stared at Sukuna’s offended face. 
   He furrowed his brows, the pleased smile curving into an immediate frown. His hands circled around your calves, gripping them tightly. “I am doing what I feel like.” 
   “But we’ve never...I mean, you’ve never...maybe, you’ll enjoy it more if I can please you, my King...not the other way around...” 
   “Who says that this doesn’t please me?” he grumbled with annoyance, before dragging you down the bed with ease, earning a squeak in response as he returned you to your previous position. “And who are you to deny me?” 
   You could only watch in shock as he brought his hand down to slap you hard on your clit, wincing while arching your lower back when you felt the sting spark up your spine, a sensual whimper following just after.
   “Now then, are you going to behave?”
   Your face grew unnervingly hot and you wet your lips before nodding your head.
   “uh-huh,” you replied, your submissive tone making Sukuna laugh.
   He brought his tongue flat against your slit, dragging it upward and making your thighs tremble. He kissed your clit over and over again, until the pain from his surprise spanking subsided. His hands moved to your knees, pressing them down to hold you in place, watching you vibrate as he messily swirled his tongue to circle your pearl.
   “Oh-ohhhh...” you cried softly, the sensation making the eyes roll to the back of your head, your tense body dipping into the mattress. Your shaking arms reached to grab a fistful of his hair, just as your king began to prod his tongue over your hole.
   You gasped when he pushed in, his tongue splitting when entering you while he pressed his nose against your clit. The sensation was unbelievable, making you eagerly roll your hips into him as he ate you out. Your moans made him grunt with approval, and he slurped and licked feverishly between your legs until you were bucking wildly against him. You wailed through your orgasm, losing all senses as you sang out his name, and not by his title of King or Master, for the first time.
   He was hard as a rock when he pulled away from you, his chin coated with your essence. He swiped his thumb over his bottom lip, a smirk lining from ear to ear as he looked down at your completely disorientated state.
   “I’m still not done tasting you, pet…” he teased, before roughly flipping you over to position you on your knees, then spreading the soft cheeks of your ass to eat you out from behind while two digits fingered your cunt.
   Before you and Toji started your torrid affair, the man had to settle with every dirty thought that his imagination would play out for him whenever he found himself considering these newfound feelings he had regarding you.
   I mean, how could he not think about it?
   You, his pretty next door neighbor, always greeting him with a sweet smile and striking up pleasurable converations. The one who somehow always found the right dresses that perfectly sway with your body, or smelled like you just stepped through the garden of eden no matter what time of day it was. 
  You, who would get all flustered and shy whenever Toji would make a remark that was even the slightest bit flirtatious, but he noticed the subtle reactions in return - like the way your breath hitched or how your eyes would flicker to parts of his body with intrigue.
   He couldn’t help but have you on his mind late at night, picturing the many places which he would paint his release all over you. Each and every scenario more filthier than the last. He’s touched himself at the thought of cumming inside both your holes, spurting thick globs of white on those perfect tits, tainting your back or decorating your face. With his eyes closed and one hand fisting his cock, Toji imagined the many ways in which he wanted to give into his sinful transgressions.
   However, nothing he ever dreamed of compares to his preferred way of where he likes to cum.
   At this moment, he had you exactly where he wanted - completely stripped of your clothing and on your knees where your swollen mouth was spread for him. He unsheathed his impressive length from his pants, before sliding himself between your lips. A groan escaping him feeling your wet tongue and teeth taking in every inch of him.
   Even though you’ve done this before you were still getting used to going down on him, always having to compensate for how big he was. Toji didn’t care, he thought it was endearing watching you nearly gag to take him, especially since you were the one begging for this just moments ago.
   “How’s that?” 
   You choked back a reply as you shivered, shifting on your knees to get comfortable. You lifted your gaze to look at him from under your lashes, you pretty eyes glazing over as you let out a muted, “mmhmm”. 
   Toji laughed, cocking his head to the right as the scar on his lip lifted revealing a full grin. 
   “Fuck, that’s the money shot right there...” he groaned, his hand moving to the back of your head where he held you in place, “... think you can take all I can give you, gorgeous?”
   You nodded your head again. 
  Toji chuckled, “Show me what a perfect cumslut you are then. I want you to swallow every...”  
  He bucked his hips, thrusting into you and muffling a moan that escaped you.
   He thrusted again. 
   A tear fell down your cheek by the third thrust, your lover looking down at you with sharp eyes, a softness shading over that lustful stare as he released his grip from your hair to swipe away the tear with his thumb. 
  You took your time to pleasure him, deep throating his cock and alternating occasionally by sliding out just to suck on his tip. Your fingers dug into his thighs, while his hand tenderly stroked the back of your hair, and he leaned his muscular physique against the chair, eyes fluttering and audibly grunting when you brought your hands to massage his balls. 
 “Good girl,” Toji hissed, “that’s my good fucking girl...” 
  You knew he was close when you felt his grip tighten roughly, holding you in place until he shot his load to the back of your throat. You eagerly swallowed, releasing him from your mouth and ignoring how your jaw was slightly sore. You sputtered a little, coughing to catch your breath as you wiped the drool from the side of your lip. 
Whatever residual guilt he felt about fucking you disappeared in that instance.
You are worth all the trouble, after all.
 Toji flicked two fingers in his direction, “On my lap, Princess...”
  You stood up on shaky knees, your thighs trembling as a static sensation spread from the blood flowing down to your calves. He reached his hand out to help you climb on top of him, fully admiring the dazed look masking your pretty face.
  You straddled him, watching as he brought his hands to squeeze the front of your legs, pulling at the skin to get a view of glittering inner thighs.
  “This wet, already? Tsk, what am I going to do with you?” He teased, before leaning forward to flick his long tongue over your exposed breast and pushing two fingers inside you. You involuntarily bounced, balancing yourself by grabbing his shoulders and feeling him nip at the tender bud.
  “Let me take care of this for you, baby. I promise you’re going to feel so fucking good by the time I am done with you…”
TAGS: @ekaterinatepes @jelly-jellx @pensivespecter
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Lol I'm sending double I'm sorry this one you can create the whole thing yourself but the things that have to be in the fic are (reader is plus-size in this)
- dad spencer x mum reader, reader is pregnant
- very fluffy
That's it! Everything else is your choice :)
Btw I don't expect any of these fics to come out super fast its just your the first writer I've found that doesn't make ps reader hate herself lmao
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Still Into You
Summary: As Spencer and wife await their child’s birth, she takes the time to look back at their relationship milestones.
Pairing: Dad!Spencer Reid x Mom!Reader, Spencer Reid x Plus Size!Reader, Spencer x Fat!Reader
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff! Mentions of pregnancy and morning sickness.
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: This is a song fic based on the song "Still Into You" by Paramore, so if you haven't heard that song before, I highly recommend you do! Besides that, it's just a feel-good fluff :) Also, probably my last fic of the year that is not related to the holidays.
(not beta-read, DM if you find any blatant grammar mistakes)
Can't count the years on one hand
That we've been together
I need the other one to hold you
Make you feel, make you feel better
You say love found you because you weren’t even searching for it when Spencer came into your life. His honey eyes and brown hair and something about the way he smiled at you roped you in. You couldn’t even properly say why or how or what even happened that fateful day when your paths crossed. All you knew was that one day you were working, walking people through the museum exhibition, and a cute guy gather up the courage to talk to you at the end of the tour. The way he looked at you, and still does, makes you want to hug him right away every time you see him. Once Spencer found you, he never let you go.
Read more on AO3 or below the cut.
You remember the exact moment you knew Spencer was the one. After about a month of everything being as perfect as it could be (taking into consideration the fact that his job takes him all over the country), Spencer came to your house for a movie night. The movie was long forgotten because you two were two busy asking each other questions. A thousand questions. A million. You just know you spent the rest of the evening and most of the night telling stuff to each others, stolen kisses in between.
Does he like to go out and party or stay home? Would he like to go camping or clubbing? What does he think about abortion? Why does he think people decide to be vegan? What does he think about those people? Would he ever want to become vegan? What if he won fifty-thousand dollars? What if you won fifty-thousand dollars? What if you lost fifty-thousand dollars? What would he do if he didn’t have his job? What would you do? What would he change about his body? Will he be there for you? Can you count on him? Can he count on you? Will you decide things together or will he try to decide them for you? What if he’s suddenly hit with depression? What if you are? What if you get a hobby that takes you away every weekend? Would you two move away for work? What if you get a job promotion? What if his mom doesn’t like you? Are there relatives one of you just can’t abide? How do you spend the holidays? What are your deal breakers? What would make you walk away? What if one of you gets into debt? What does his retirement plan look like? Would he ever want to buy a house? What if you can’t agree on the type of house you like?
“I really don’t care what our future house looks like, Y/N, as long as I have enough space for all my books and you can hang your paintings up the walls.” It was when he said our instead of mine that you knew. He was planning on sticking around.
It's not a walk in the park
To love each other
But when our fingers interlock
Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it
From a young age, you had prepared yourself to be perfectly alone. You did believe in love, but as a plus size woman who dated several thin men over your lifetime, no relationship lasting the one-year mark, you accepted the fact that there’s no such thing as forever. Especially when it comes to relationships. For a long time, you thought you just had horrible taste in men. People ghost. They fetishize. Those who seemed nice in their profiles turn out to be total fuckboys after the first date.
Spencer does none of those things. He tells his friends about you, he takes you on dates for everyone to see, he strategically move closer to me when you’re at bars together and some other guy is giving you judgmental looks. He does his best to discover what pleases you. He never insists on getting intimate, but he takes his time in getting to know your body, asking questions and letting you tell all you want to experiment with together. He even turns it into a game, a sensual game designed to enhance the experience for both of you.
Over the years, you’ve built a life together. Some people assume he’s making you stay big or would no longer love you if you were to lose weight. People assume that he loves you only because of your size, and not for your personality. That's just not true. Not only does he remind you that he sees you as wonderful on a daily basis,
Spencer pays you sincere, sweet compliments that make you feel good and are about more than what you look like. He completely accepts you — rolls, flab, fat, fiesty personality, stretch marks and all. He’s a skinny guy. He’s tall. He’s got good cheekbones. You hate how many times you’ve been told by people that you two look so cute together in a condescending tone. It’s objectifying! It’s reducing you to your body, which is gross.
Before you got into this relationship, you had just found the fat acceptance movement and body positivity. You haven’t been plus-size your whole life, but you’ve always been overweight. Back then, you used to think that you would be lucky to have someone love you. Spencer was the first man who treated you right. He acted correctly, and because of the way we as a society talk to plus women about their bodies, you feel like you need to give him some credit. But in reality, he just acted the way a good person should act. Some people ask you if the relationship with Spencer helped you with your body, but you’re proud to say that your answer is no — it was yourself. You did a lot of internal work. You were the one who changed your view about what kind of love you should accept and deserve. Of course having him tell you that you are beautiful and enough helps, but you’re confident because of yourself. And now, with Spencer, you never doubt that you’re worthy of love, no matter what.
With Spencer by your side, you own that. You’re confident. You’re bold. You stay true to yourself and what you want and don’t settle for less than that. The fact that he is always here rooting for you makes your heart sing.
I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you
From a young age, you had prepared yourself to be perfectly alone. You did believe in love, but as a plus size woman who dated several thin men over your lifetime,
No relationship lasting the one-year mark, you accepted the fact that there’s no such thing as forever. Especially when it comes to relationships. For a long time, you thought you just had horrible taste in men.
Spencer changed that perception. You remember your first fight as a couple, the details are somewhat fuzzy now, but you remember the way he brought the issue up and how sincere he was in wanting to work through things in order to get to a better place together. It was that night that you two promised not to retreat, feelings hurt, to your sides of the bed and close off, but to express your feelings and try to work things out, every single time.
Being honest with each other entails putting in the time to figure out how the two of you show affection. Spencer loves paying you compliments, but you realize that he actually enjoys showing you how much he cares through actions. Sometimes it’s a romantic dinner or an unexpected lunch during the work day, sometimes it looks like him taking out the trash for you or bringing you breakfast in bed — anything to show how much he cares. Not only that, but, as your relationship progresses, he tells you that he could lay beside you for hours, and not speak one word, but as long as you held his hand — he would feel loved. Even when you don’t see him for weeks on end, he lets you know that when you see each other he will be truly present and loving.
From walking in the park to waiting in a doctor’s office, holding hands is something Spencer likes to do almost anywhere. With the passing of time, you two get in the habit of giving hugs and small kisses before leaving home or when returning after several hours away. Whenever he has a tough case, you hold him close until his worries melt away. Using your fingers, you gently comb the curls away from his face while also gently stroking his scalp. You notice all the loving glances he casts your way every time you put your hand on his arms while he’s talking, letting him know you are listening. He even takes one of your slept-in T-shirts with him when he’s away on cases, so he can still enjoy your scent while he’s away.
You enjoy giving him presents. It doesn’t mean you drop large amounts of money on extravagant, luxury gifts for Spencer. Rather, it means giving him things you know for sure he’ll enjoy — a new edition of one of his favorite books, a funny pair of socks, a sewing kit for him to take care of his satchel bag and many other things you buy just because they remind you of him — and it goes a long way, every time you give him something in wrapping paper, you see how fulfilled he looks.
He smiles, shaking his head when you buy him the watch he was looking at, stating “it’s unnecessary” but you know how he treasures your gifts, wearing the socks until they have holes in them, reading the book over and over again, keeping parts of you close at all times.
The way you think and feel is different, the way you communicate is different. He tends to be more intellectual and direct and you’re more emotional, your thoughts can be all over the place. But now, you’ve hit this amazing place of understanding and are so much in sync. He’s the one that wipes the tears dry when you’re upset. He is the one who keeps you steady when all you want to do is collapse. He puts a lot of effort not let your relationship tumble down the priority list after spending so long together.
Recount the night that I first met your mother
And on the drive back to my house
I told you that, I told you that I loved ya
You felt the weight of the world
Fall off your shoulder
After only a few months together, he invited you over for dinner with his mother, because he wanted you to spend quality time together. Because he believes that you’re going to be around for a long time and that you should start getting to know your future in-law as soon as possible.
When you meet Diana Reid, your first impression of her is that you can see how the little things like her sense of humor or the way she smiles turned Spencer into who he is. It’s kind of amazing to meet the parents of someone you love and then see their qualities reflected in their parents.
You sit through his mother showing you probably every baby picture that had ever been taken of him. See all the awkward school year photos and the university years. His relationship with his mother is a big part of his life, and will go on whether you’re in the picture or not, so you know having you and her meet is something very important to him.
Spencer adores his mom, sends her flowers on Mother’s Day and never forgets her birthday. He does much of the same when it comes to you. You’re dealing with a guy who was raised to love women, and knows how to show it.
The day you meet Diana is also the day you figure out that what you feel for Spencer is not just infatuation, is not just passion, it is full-fledged, warts and all, love. And that this is the man you want beside you for the rest of time.
With his mother's full approval and a few questions regarding when you two would be giving her grandchildren, he decided to take you to meet the team. The only people that he spends more time with than you is his coworkers, and he thinks that you deserve to meet each other, since you’re always hearing so many stories about each other.
With all his attention to detail, you weren't surprised when he asked you to marry him with the most beautiful vintage diamond ring. As you accepted, tears rolling down your cheeks, you couldn't believe how happy you were. You still can't.
And to your favorite song
We sang along to the start of forever
And after all this time, I'm still into you
You tell Spencer he’ll be a father on the dance floor of your wedding. You’re not sure how you managed to hide it for so long, your dress had to be altered at least four times before the ceremony, but somehow he didn’t notice. You want to tell him but neither of would want to make a scene at your first dance, so you decide to save this little moment just for the two of you. So when he holds you tightly and cries happily into your neck as you dance, everyone else just assume it’s because he’s emotional at finally being married.
You two are so entranced in your own little bubble, telling each other that you’re the happiest you’ve ever been, that you almost don’t notice the camera capturing the moment. You look into the lens with a wide grin and see happy tears rolling down your husband’s face as he holds you by your waist. You’re glad that this moment will be captured forever in a photograph. You’re sure one day you’ll show it to your children.
You spend the rest of the evening like that, dancing next to each other, not wanting to let go.
Well, some things just, some things just make sense
And one of those is you and I
You always knew he was someone who did everything with conviction and enthusiasm, but he took it to another level as you told him you were pregnant.
It is just as important for dads as it is for moms to be emotionally ready when having a baby. Nine months gives time for dads to read about babies and what to expect, but Spencer takes it, as usually, to another level. He takes parenting classes, reads child psychology books, baby proofs your house, asks his friends for all the tips, organizes your appointments, goes shopping with you to choose items for your baby. Spencer starts keep a journal about how he's feeling and take lots of pictures of you throughout the pregnancy as well. He asks you about all the important things. Are both of you all-in on breastfeeding? Do you want the baby to sleep in a crib in their own room as soon as you get home? Will both of you be working? What are your plans for child care?
While his work schedules could prevent him from attending every appointment, the two of you make sure to create a schedule that allows him to be there as much as possible.
Your pregnancy is a time of many changes, both physically and emotionally. It is a time of learning to embrace your body in a way you never thought would be possible.
One of the immediate challenges of going from two to three in a family is that your child is going to get the majority the attention for the foreseeable future. When people seem to only want to talk about your baby, you notice that Spencer seems content to take a back seat for once. He smiles every time he says "my family"or when people ask him if he has children.
Another challenge is the morning sickness, when a simple smell can make you throw up your morning breakfast, meaning that you can't be useful to yourself, let alone someone else. Spencer always steps up to take care of you without getting grossed out or complaining. You notice that when one of those days he tells you to sit in the tub while he scrubs you and washes you hair, not caring if his clothes get wet.
It is a seemingly ordinary moment. One in the thousands of moments you've shared together, but it's a quiet glimpse into the depths of your husband's character. Depths that reveal themselves to you layer by layer, one shining trait at a time.
You're so thankful Spencer is your co-parent because his excitement and commitment inspire you too. Parenthood has allowed you to see him clearly and fully. And you plan on doing that for the moments still to come, the big and the ordinary. Every day, the man you married gives you more and more reasons to fall deeply in love.
Now, all that's missing from the equation is your child. The one you created together. The one you will raise together. The one that made you both cry together when you heard their heartbeat for the first time. That is an undeniable pull on the heartstrings to love the one you’re with even more than you did before your tiny human comes along. And, whatever happens, you know Spencer will be there by your side.
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archonoftears · 4 years
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info: modern au! reader receives a package that helps her tease her boyfriend while he’s at work. 
warnings: 18+ smut, slight breeding kink (mentioned), lingerie, phone sex (kinda), pretty vanilla, no penetration, just description, a tiny bit of dom/sub (implied through dialogue)
word count: 1,626
authors note: umm head empty, thoughts only filled with laying in zhonglis bed and teasing him over the phone. i really can’t remove myself from modern au! with ceo daddy zhong. so here we are again. not gonna lie though, i found myself looking at dragon dildos yesterday and now i just wanna write dragon zhongli and sacrificial maiden. so maybe after i finish with the first chapter of my other fic i’ll get right on that. 
ps no beta, i just kinda got this out and edited it once. so sorry if any mistakes or issues.
please thirst with me if you want to!!
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Glancing around your dining room table you felt defeated by the amount of packages staring back at you. You were surprised by the latest delivery of clothing you had received for PR from a few high end designers. You knew you shouldn't have been shocked, dating a CEO of a multi million dollar cooperation came with many perks. Yet you never imagined anything like this. Knowing the mess would only stay on the table if you didn’t start tackling it. You began opening up a few packages, finding bags and shoes. Even the latest spring wear from the major brand ‘Liyue Qixing’ sat in a box for you. Before setting your eyes on a more intricate looking box. Opening it to discover some of the most beautiful lingerie you had seen in a long time. Looking at the brand name ‘Scent of Spring’. You didn’t recognize it, but you were quite enamored with the pieces inside.
Forgoing opening any more packages you quickly gathered the items in the box and wandered off to the bedroom you shared with your boyfriend. Selecting a ivory and gold silk longline balconette bra, with matching thong, and harness. The gold tulle flowers that patterned the silk and lace were soft and delicate under your fingers. You couldn’t go a second longer without wearing the beautiful set. Quickly stripping off the clothes you were wearing and slipping on the lingerie. Loving the feel of the soft lace and silk against your skin. Staring at yourself in the mirror. 
‘This lingerie had to be designed by some deity who knew Zhongli’s taste.’ You thought to yourself as you admired the way the balconette bra exposed half of your breast and how the thong straps cut into the flesh of your hip in a sexy way, giving your body a more defined silhouette.
A light bulb went off in your head, walking over to grab your phone and opening the camera app, returning back to the mirror. Posing yourself quite provocative as you snapped several photos, dropping to your knees and taking a few more photos, before flipping through them. A coy smile playing on your lips as you went to call Zhongli.
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Zhongli was startled by the sound of his phone ringing on his desk, glancing down to see your contact photo, a smile immediately forming on his face, he swiped to answer.
“Hello (name), is everything alright my dear?” Zhongli greeted as he turned from the documents in front of him and leaned back in his chair. You seldom ever called him when you knew he was going to be in the office all day, preferring to email him if you needed anything so he assumed this must have been important.
“Everything is fine, just calling to see what you were up to.” You greeted over the phone. Zhongli let out a small sigh, relieved that nothing was wrong.
“I’m just preparing for a meeting with Fatui Industries in a little bit.” Zhongli started, glancing at the clock to check the time. “What are you doing today my dear.” He asked, knowing you didn’t have much on your schedule today.
“Well I was going through some packages I received, you know the PR kind. It was mostly clothes from some nice designers.” You hummed, he could hear you twirling your hair in your fingers as you spoke.
“Oh really? Hopefully they sent things that are your style.” 
“That’s why I was calling actually. There was this one package, the clothes are really nice. But I think they’re more to your taste, and I wanted to get your opinion on them.” You confessed. 
“Of course, I can do that when I get home for you if you would like.” Zhongli replied, glancing at the clock noting that he had about 27 minutes until his meeting. “I should be done with work after I meet with Signora and Childe.”
“I’m actually sending you a couple photos right now, please check your email and tell me what you think.” He couldn’t put his finger on it, but you seemed awfully excited about all of this but he complied with your request.
“Of course, one moment.” Opening his email, quickly finding the one from you at the top and opening it, his eyes widening in realization as he enlarged one of several photos in the email. His voice catching in his throat as he examined it.
“Are the clothes to your liking, sir.” You cooed from the other end of the phone, knowing very well they were in fact to his liking. 
“Ms. (Name)..” Zhongli growled quietly.
“Yes sir?” You asked innocently, Zhongli aware of the game you were playing, but nevertheless here he was clicking on the next photo, feeling his pants grow tighter as he continued to view the photos. The one of you on your knees sending more blood rushing to his already aching erection.
“Are you being a good girl right now?” 
“I’m always a good girl Sir.”
“Are you? You don’t look to be acting like a good girl in these photos.”
“Then should I send you some more photos so you make sure I’m being good?” He could feel himself getting riled up just by the implications of what was being said.
“Well… I’ve already sent them so hopefully you don’t mind.”
Not needing to be told twice Zhongli refreshed his email inbox to find a new message. Opening it to discover new attachments. Slowly he clicked the first picture. Finding you not in front of the mirror in the bedroom anymore, but now on the black sateen sheets of the bed the two of you shared. Angling the camera in a way to show how you would look if he had you pinned down. You looked ravishing, from the way you let your cleavage spill out exposing your nipples, to the way you spread your legs. 
The next photo your hand was on one of your breast cupping and pinching the nipple. The next photo was taken lower, your hand was now in your panties clearly teasing yourself. And the final attachment was a video, it was no more than 15 seconds, but in those 15 seconds you show yourself pumping your fingers in and out of your pussy, before dragging your fingers out of yourself and licking the wet slick off your digits. Zhongli was taking deep breaths as he watched. His eyes following your every movement.
“Sir…” You moaned, lust lacing every syllable. “Do you think I look like a good girl in those photos?”
Zhongli couldn’t say anything for a moment. Letting the video replay itself over and over, his eyes finding new things to focus on each time it replayed. From the way your plump lips wrapped around your fingers or the way you quivered when you plunged your two digits into yourself. He just wanted to see you do more.
“When did being a good girl equate to acting like quite the little slut? Surely I’ve taught you better than that.” Zhongli replied firmly, as he adjusted the way he was sitting to accommodate his throbbing cock.
“This is what you’ve taught me…” the breathiness of your voice letting him know you were in fact still touching yourself as you replied.
“I don’t recall teaching you to send provocative photos to me while I’m at work.” He glanced at the clock again, 16 minutes until the meeting. Fuck. 
“Did they make you hard?” You asked suddenly.
He was not a liar, so he wouldn’t lie to you. “Yes they did…” 
“Did they make you want to come home and stuff your big. thick. cock inside of me.” The punctionaction of your words were breaking him down.
“Yes they did…”
“Master are you going to come home so I can show you how much of a good girl I am, when I’m milking your cock.”
“My Lily… I-” Zhongli wasn’t used to you being this forward with him.
“I need you to come home and fuck me now. Because if you don’t pump me full of your cum I might go crazy.” You whined your voice working wonders on his resolve. “Please… Please come home and breed me sir.”
One final weak glance at his clock showed he had 9 minutes before they would arrive.
You moaned again calling his name out through the phone, the thread holding his composure together snapping.
“You’re not allowed to cum until I get home do you understand.” Zhongli growled into the phone, quickly on his feet, grabbing his bag and making his way to the door of his office. “Do you understand?”
“Yes sir..!” You exclaimed.
“I hope you understand you won’t be walking for the next few days my Little Lily.” He warned before leaving the safety of his private office.
“Yes yes! Hurry please.” 
“I am.” Quickly saying goodbye and hanging the phone up  with you, while walking towards two approaching figures. 
“Mr. Zhongli goo-” Signora began, reaching her hand out to greet him, but he didn’t meet it.
“My apologies, there seems to be an emergency at home, can you meet with my assistant to reschedule.” Zhongli haphazardly explained. “Again my deepest apologies.” He finished, turning on his heel and b lining it to the exit. Letting the receptionist know that he was leaving and scrambling for the parking garage.
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“What do you think his emergency was?” Signora stood bewildered where Zhongli had left her and Childe.
“Do you think everything is alright?
Childe seemed to be having the best laugh of his life as his colleague pondered the obvious.
“Trust me everything’s fine.” Childe said in between laughs. “We should probably reschedule for Monday, he’ll probably need the whole weekend off.”
“This is why I hate partnering with you, you’re too vague sometimes.”
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yeojaa · 4 years
finders keep hers, ii.
read parts one and three!  continued because i have zero self-control and i love/hate these idiots and like ... i just wanna give people what they want.  ty to @hobi-gif​​ for always beta reading and you (yes, you!) for normal reading.  i lob you!  xo
ps.  picture these versions of jimin, tae, yoongi, and jungkook.  
pairing.  jjk x (named) f!reader.  rating.  still explicit, lolz.  tags.  smut!  a lil bit of pining!  jealousy!  also, cameos from the other boys, dirty talk, fingering, unprotected sex (be safe luvs!), and a bunch of other semi-vanilla things.  wc.  4.3k.
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“Who’s that?”  Jimin means the pretty blonde that’s attached to your best friend, snug against his hip like some kind of conjoined monster - a distant relative to the thing that’s rearing its own ugly green head from its slumber in your chest.
“I don’t know.”  Lie.
Because Jungkook’s been talking your ear off about her for the past three weeks, regaling you with details you’d rather not know.  Like how she does yoga at the crack of dawn and he picks her up from every class.  She, apparently, looks incredible in spandex and loves her green smoothies.  Or how she went to private school in Belgium and she’s got - in his words - the cutest accent.  He’s mimicked it once or twice, demonstrating how her vowels don’t round like a local’s would.
You’ve heard too much about her and it’s driving you crazy.  
The angel at your side - because that’s what Jimin is, with his feather grey hair and rounded Cupid’s bow - takes a sip of his drink, studying you curiously over the Baccarat rim.  You can see the curiosity swimming in his eyes, painted across his features in broad strokes.
You return his stare without blinking, silently daring him to say something.  He knows better - considering he’s been your shoulder to cry on more than one weak-kneed, booze-laden occasion.
“Do you want to go upstairs?”  Meaning the rooftop, away from the crowd that dominates the 44th floor penthouse.  
You shake your head - a little motion that wiggles your bangs free from behind your ears - and take a generous sip of the Veuve that bubbles about in your champagne flute.  You’re not celebrating anything - this is just how Jungkook parties.  With bottles and strangers and deep bass thrumming so loudly you can feel it chatter your teeth. 
Another sip and your glass is empty.  “No.”  You seize another from the bar you’re both leaning against, wondering idly whether it’s your third or fourth or maybe even seventh glass.  You’d lost count about thirty minutes ago when Jungkook had strolled in with her on his arm, clothes dishevelled and that stupid grin on his face.  
Of course he’d been late to his own party and of course he was sporting a lipstick stain on the collar of his otherwise pristine white Oxford.
“You sure?”  You know Jimin means well but you can’t stand the heat of his stare or how it feels like pity digging itself beneath your bones.  You don’t need - nor want - his sympathy.  Not now. 
“Yes,”  you snap more harshly than you mean to.  A wounded animal lashing out, biting the hand that feeds it. 
Luckily, Jimin knows you - has, for nearly the last decade - and he takes it in stride.  Chin bounces, the smallest of smiles offered in penance for his pushiness.  He doesn’t need to apologize and really, he shouldn’t, but he’s Park Jimin and he’s far too kind so he does it anyway.
“I’m going to hunt down some snacks.  If you need me, just come find me.”  
It feels infinitely worse when he presses a kiss to your temple and disappears into the throng of people, leaving you alone with the thoughts that buzz around in your head (or maybe that’s just from the liquor).
“Replaced, huh?”  You’d recognize that voice anywhere.  It rings in your ears when you’re trying to work, forcing its way into your skull when you’re twenty sheets deep in Excel fixing some junior’s mistake.  You hear it more often than you like, both in the office and when you least expect it.
You barely turn to acknowledge the broodingly handsome brunet who has seemingly materialized out of thin air.  You don’t need to turn to him to see how good he looks, all carefully tousled hair and that self-assured smile.  
“What’re you talking about?”  It’s easier to play dumb than to play directly into his hand.  You’d learnt that ages ago.  Kim Taehyung was a force to be reckoned with.  
“Look.”  A hand lands on your jaw, none-too-subtly guiding your stare in the direction you’d been so adamantly turned away from.  Jungkook and his flavour of the week are locked in a fight to see who can eat each other’s face more thoroughly, tongues so far down the other’s throat that you feel your own gag reflex kick up.  “Shouldn’t you be over there?”
Concern flares, streaking heat across your cheeks.  How did he know?  “What?”
There’s a twinkle in his eyes, mischief dancing in his irises as he studies you, fingers burning impossibly warmer over your skin.  “You’re best friends, aren’t you?  Why’re you standing here by yourself?”
You almost laugh, relief crashing over you with enough force to knock a breath from your lungs. 
“Tae, leave her alone.”  It’s your knight in shining armour - or finely woven Saint Laurent cashmere, in this case - a Manhattan in hand and a scowl on his face.  You thank your lucky stars, not bothering to conceal the smirk you shoot at the reprimanded playboy. 
“Yeah, Tae.  Leave me alone.” 
He doesn’t need to be told a third time, though he levels both you and your saviour with a narrowed stare.  It stirs something uncomfortable in the pit of your stomach, like a snake uncoiling and preparing to strike.  You think he might say something - you can see him playing through the scenarios in his head - but he thinks better of it at the last second, draining his beer and turning away without another word.
You watch Taehyung’s crown of inky hair disappear among the crowd.  It’s only once his loudly patterned Burberry shirt is out of sight that you swivel your gaze to the man at your side.  “Thanks.”  
“Don’t mention it.”  That distinct gummy smile fills his expression.  It looks good on him - but then again, most things do.  With his perfectly mused strands - currently a flattering shade of teddy bear brown and honey blonde - and observant feline features, Min Yoongi is handsome in a way that sneaks up on you, dressing himself in shadows and presenting it at the strangest times.
Like now, for instance, when you’re growing tired of watching your best friend act like a high school freshman. 
“You okay, though?”  
“Why - do I not look like it?”  
You don’t miss the way his attention drags lazily over your features and then, almost pointedly, down the lissome column of your frame.  How he pauses appreciatively where wine spills over cream, the mulberry silk of your wrap dress standing in stark contrast to the porcelain of your skin.  It ties neatly at the smallest point of your waist - a gift begging to be torn apart.
Something crackles between you.  You’re not sure where it is or where it starts but it fizzles, bright white and dangerous.  A livewire you’re suddenly very eager to inspect.
“I’d say you look more than okay,”  he returns dryly, in that low timbre of his. 
You feign surprise, lashes fluttering like a schoolgirl.  “Are you flirting with me, Yoongi?”
It’s a testament to his confidence - that lazy swagger that fits itself into the slope of his jaw, the soft shape of his mouth, the inescapable focus of his stare - when he advances a step.  There’s already hardly any space between you but he eats it up like a starved predator, crowding you with ease. 
“Do you want me to be?”  The bitterness of whiskey fans across your face, creeping heat over your cheek and up the delicate shell of your ear.  The scent of his cologne follows - distinctly masculine and reminiscent of the sea.  
“Are you answering a question with a question?”  You know it isn’t what he’s looking for but you offer it anyway, paired with a taunting smile and a coquettish turn of your head.  
His jaw pulls almost imperceptibly;  it’s only your close proximity that gives away the thrumming muscle.  Something entices you to reach out - frustration or, more likely, the bottomless champagne - and you do, the pad of your thumb soothing over the tension.  You don’t expect him to lean into your touch and you nearly retreat when he does. 
The flat of his own hand rises, piano-honed fingers threading easily between yours.  There’s a different kind of smile presenting itself now, reckless at the edges and dressed in an unspoken challenge.  He presses it wordlessly into your palm, edge of enamel catching on the baby soft underside of your hand.
You feel the livewire now.  It’s a flash of lightning, searing a billion volts through every limb.
It’s a surprise that you find your voice so easily, though it comes reedy and vaguely out of breath.  “That’s a yes.”  You’re mimicking the motion of his mouth, dragging your own lip through the cage of your teeth.  He watches, unblinking.
Crystal rim replaces the warmth of your hand as he drains the amber liquid in a single motion, nearly slamming the glass down beside you.  You’d turn to make sure it’s not in a million little pieces - but you’re far too distracted by the softness of his lips, how he tastes strongly herbaceous and smokey.
The first thought to your mind is that Min Yoongi kisses nothing like Jeon Jungkook.
The second, well - that’s stolen away, disappearing into a haze of desire when he sweeps the wet muscle of his tongue across your bottom lip.  He does it once then repeats the motion with an addendum of enamel, turning his polite request into a gentle demand you’re all too willing to meet.
Broad, soft palms find the shape of you beneath your dress, one gliding easily over silk to rest comfortably across the swell of your hip while the other ascends in tandem, finding a home over the column of your throat. There’s no aggression in the way he moves and claims you.  He trades force for grace, threading passion where his tongue swipes and his teeth mark.  
It’s a slow burn rather than a raging inferno - scorched earth following a thunderstorm.
Yoongi’s touch is deliberate, each stroke of skin over skin meant to entice you.  He does it well, with practiced ease - a sweep of his thumb over the hidden lace of your bra, the press of his fingers into the sensitive softness of your neck.  
Even how he devours you whole is measured, calculated.  He isn’t an overeager teenager looking for a quick fuck;  he wants to indulge like a king at his last feast.  
“You taste good,”  he hums against your lips, bitten cherry red and glossy with his spit.  “Look so pretty, too.”  
Praise from Yoongi doesn’t come often so you bask in it, delirium and liquor painting your smile unabashed.  It pulls low and slow, spilling like stars into the darkness of your eyes, the black of your pupils that devour the iris whole.  
“You haven’t even tasted the sweetest part.”  
It comes crashing out of your mouth like a freight train, dressed in champagne-fueled salaciousness and paired with fluttering lashes.  A part of you wonders whether you’re being too forward but at this point, you can’t bring yourself to care.  Between the alcohol and his touch, you’re drunk in more ways than one. 
He doesn’t seem to mind, though.  Not if his grin says anything, framed in danger and delight.  It’s a heady mixture - an aphrodisiac in the form of a person’s smile.  “Have to fix that then, don’t we?”  
You’re ready to take him up on it - ready to do a lot of things, frankly - when a voice presents itself just beyond Yoongi’s shoulder.  
“Fix what?”
Of course it’d be Jungkook.  
You turn your attention to him first - you can feel Yoongi’s heavy-lidded stare trained on you when you pull away, when the warmth of your body retreats just enough that you can focus on something other than the overwhelming desire that sparks between the two of you.  
Your best friend is standing not three feet away, arms folded over his chest in a way that reads like a surly nightclub bouncer or a begrudging boss.  It’s nothing like the sunny radiance he normally wears - a byproduct of being rich and handsome and far too charming for his own good.  You’re curious whether it’s the alcohol - you can see it still, swimming in his eyes and turning them hazy - or the fact that blondie isn’t at his side.  Had she left him to fend for himself and now he was taking it out on you?
He repeats himself when neither you nor Yoongi answer, an edge to his voice you don’t expect.
“Nothing.”  You, again, speak first.  You don’t miss the way your answer sounds more like coddling, sweeping reassurance off your tongue.  
Yoongi retreats a step, turning on his heel enough to position himself partially facing both you and Jungkook.  At this angle, you study his profile, trying to find the ways emotion fits among his features.  It’s a lost cause, though - he’s always had an incredible poker face. 
“I was just saying her belt was a bit—”  You catch the mischief that pulls the corner of his mouth high, revealing pink gums.  “—loose.”
A sharp inhale follows immediately after.  You don’t even realize it’s you until Jungkook is speaking, expression set and muscle pumping in his jaw.  You’d think it was hot if it weren’t so goddamn uncomfortable.  “Yeah?”
Sweet Yoongi is utterly unbothered, nonplussed as he adjusts the timepiece on his wrist.  “Yeah.”
Watching the two interact is akin to sitting front-row at Wimbledon, your gaze bouncing between the two men like they’re whipping a fluorescent yellow ball between them.  It’s so unbearable you have to remind yourself that they’ve been friends for years.  
“I’m heading out,”  Yoongi says, rather abruptly.  He sounds almost bored, training his focus back on you for these last few moments.  “Call me.”
You nod dumbly, watching his retreating back with an equally dumb look on your face. 
“What the hell was that?”  Jungkook’s taken up his hyung’s place, dangerously close and with a sour expression on his face.  You almost want to make fun of him for it - how he looks like he’s just sucked on an underripe lemon.  When he levels you with that look, though, you think better of it.  Time and place and all that.
You don’t meet his eyes.  “Was what?”  
The same edge presents itself again.  It mixes with something you can’t place, colouring his words an alarming shade of red that has your brow furrowing and mouth following suit.  You don’t appreciate the tone and you say as much, finally meeting his stare with defiance burning away the residual liquor in your system.  “None of your business.”
Whatever he’d been expecting, this isn’t it.  Brows shoot high, tongue rounding the interior of his cheek.  You’d recognize that look anywhere.  It’s the look that always gets him what he wants.
Which is why, once he’s abruptly kicked all of his guests out - to a chorus of boos and what the hells!  - you’re on your back in the middle of his living room.  Your dress - the poor, beautiful thing - lies in a heap somewhere in the kitchen, possibly caught across the back of one of his bar stools, and his clothes act like a trail of breadcrumbs leading from the front door.  Shirt, pants, socks.  
All he’s left in is black Calvin Klein boxer briefs.  It complements your own La Perla bra well - all delicate lace and macrame.  
“Say it again,”  he demands from between your legs, knees hooked over his shoulders as he coaxes you to another orgasm.  One shapely forearm rests across your hip, pressure heavy on your abdomen as you clench pathetically around his fingers.  He’s tapping a near brutal rhythm against your g-spot, curling two fingers within you until you’re seeing stars and too fucked-out to remember what you’re supposed to be saying.
Jungkook has no sympathy, though.  
He repeats himself with gravel in his throat, pad of his thumb ghosting over the sensitive bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs.  You tremble with each pass, seeking more friction;  your back is arching with delirious need, hips rolling of their own accord.  It’s almost inconsequential against the weight of him.  
“Say it,”  he barks - a petulant child demanding a toy.  
“You’re better!”  It’s more a broken shriek, a sob that wrenches forth and fits lamely with the words he so desires.  It almost isn’t good enough but he thinks he’s dragged this on long enough.  He hasn’t even had his fun yet and you’re already shaking with oversensitivity. 
“Better than who?”  The question comes in a warm breath that has you bucking toward the source - or trying to, at least.  You’re so needy he can’t help but laugh - a far cry from your usual too-good-for-cuddling self - the sound muffled by the slick that coats your thighs and drips down your slit, making the sweetest mess.  
“Than anyone.” 
He tuts, withdraws his fingers from your obscenely wet walls, and studies the strands that connect them.  Pink tongue glides over his index before he’s slotting both digits against his cheek, indulging in the taste of you.  If he weren’t so focused on the conversation at hand, he’d be drinking directly from the source.  “Not just anyone, baby.”
You look almost shy - or at least as shy as you can look with your throat and shoulders painted with bruises and bites, chest heaving. 
“Than Yoongi.”  
“Don’t you forget it, sweetheart,”  he coos, so kindly you almost forget about the merciless edging he’s just done, bringing you to the precipice of bliss before ripping it away.  
You seek him out - the kiss-swollen shape of his mouth, the unyielding contours of his back - like you need him, like your trembling touch might coerce him into giving you what you want.  You kiss him as if you’re hoping to distract him, granting him a sexpot moan when you lose the hard fought war of tongue and teeth.  He thinks you think he won’t notice when you begin rutting against him, desperately seeking relief against the hard curve of his cock.  
The devilish side of him wants to call you out on it but it feels a little too good, your cunt soaking through the thin cotton of his briefs. 
“Someone’s needy.”  He bows above you, shoulders rounded to crowd you deeper into the couch cushions, and purrs the words directly into your ear, punctuating them with sharp, unrelenting glides of his teeth.  
You snap with far less malice than you intend and far more desperation than you want.  “Shut up.” 
“Watch it.”  This time, it’s punctuated by a sharp slap against your clit.  You jolt beneath him, a long drawn out whine his reward.  “Don’t you want me to let you come, baby?”
“Not if you’re going to be an asshole about it.”  He’d probably believe you more if you weren’t breathless and still, perhaps subconsciously, grinding yourself up against him. 
“I’m the asshole?”  The way Jungkook says it makes you bristle.  “You were the one making out with one of my friends.”
“I’m not your girlfriend!”
“So what?  Doesn’t mean you’re allowed to do that.”
And that’s when it hits you like a ton of bricks.  It crashes into your feeble rib cage, a fast ball meeting its mark with perfect precision.  Your heart thumps pathetically before folding in on itself - a catcher’s mitt for his cruel words. 
You don’t know what you’d expected.  You know your relationship and all the things it isn’t. 
(You still hadn’t asked where his latest playmate had disappeared off too - you’d been too busy with his head buried between your legs.)
So you try to ignore the tears that block your vision, how suddenly all you can taste is saltwater.  The most you can do is squeeze your eyes shut, grinding your molars into a fine powder with the tension in your jaw.  Now is not the time. 
“Fuck you.”
He laughs, dismissive and amused.  The Calvin Klein band now sits halfway down his thighs, his swollen head tapping experimentally on your equally swollen clit.  He’s not even looking at you - far too interested in the way your essence coats his length. 
“That’s what we’re doing, baby.”  
Even when he speaks, he’s still staring down at the apex of your thighs, pressing the tip of his aching cock between your lips.  You take him so well, your walls burning around the unrelenting, slow press of his hips.  He’d fuck you every day if you’d let him.  You’d actually tried it once, for a week, when your office had a round of layoffs and your stress was at an all-time high. 
“God, you’re so fucking wet.”  It’s praise he offers often, always far too pleased with the way you ruin your underwear.  “Is this all for me?”
It’s hard to stay mad at him when he’s filling you up like this.  Still, you try, holding hostage the sounds you know he likes to hear.  You swallow them, biting down so hard on your bottom lip that it throbs.
He doesn’t like that very much - burying himself to the hilt in a single thrust to elicit some sort of response.  “I asked you a question.”
You can’t deny him.  
A moan bounces around in your mouth, forced out when he pulls out nearly all the way and snaps back in, balls smacking lewdly against your ass.  He’s got your legs propped up over his shoulders, thighs spread wide as he watches your pussy stretch around his cock.  You’re folded nearly in half and his palms span your hips - perfect for him to hold you in place and fuck into you at a relentless pace. 
At this angle, his cock brushes the sensitive spot against your pelvic wall.  It’d be too much on its own, but he knows this position well and grinds down against you every time he pistons in.  The stimulation against your clit is otherworldly, bringing you right back to the edge like flipping a switch. 
“What was that?”  
“I-i-it’s all for you.”  You’re stuttering either because he’s bouncing you on his dick so well or because you’re about to come.  Maybe both.  He likes that. 
“That’s right.”  He maintains a firm grip on your side with a single hand, the other reaching to palm roughly at your breast.  You’re already straining against the delicate fabric of your bra - he hardly has to do anything but tweak and pinch your bud and you’re clawing at his own chest, manicured nails seeking to do the same to him. 
You miss your mark once or twice - you’re having troubles keeping your attention focused on anything but the tension in your core - but when you do, you’re rewarded with a stutter of Jungkook’s hips. 
“Do that again,”  he pants, resuming his unrelenting pace. 
You tweak his nipple sharply, soothing one then the other with a pass of your thumb.  The sensation starts in his belly, an electroshock in his groin that has him growling, the sound reverberating out of his chest with great need. He shifts, reclining back on his muscular calves as he peers down at your blissed out face and pretty, messy cunt. 
He’s desperate for release, your fluttering walls far too wet and warm around him.  “You wanna come, sweetheart?”  While he asks, he doesn’t need an answer - he’ll get you there anyway. 
Subtly adjusting his position, he drags one of your legs to join the other, both now propped against his left shoulder.  He keeps a commanding grip on your hip with that same hand;  his right snakes between your legs, seeking out the pearl of pleasure that’s all of a sudden assaulted with far too much pressure (from his hand and your own clenching thighs and what feels like a million other things). 
He can feel the tremors before they present themselves in your legs, the tightening in your pussy mimicking the way your hand fists over his heart.  There’ll be angry red lines for days to come - a literal x marks the spot on his otherwise unblemished honey skin. 
“Come on, baby,”  he croons, encouraging as always as he thumbs your clit in gentle, repetitive motions and fucks into you so hard and deep you can hardly breathe.  
Your face screws into an expression of euphoria, mouth rounding as the coil snaps and ecstasy surges through your veins.  It’s like an explosion of colour - fireworks igniting you from the inside out - and you’re crying, the fourth orgasm of the night swallowing you whole.  You’re squeezing him so tight it almost hurts. 
It’s so utterly hot that he finds his own high effortlessly, your walls milking him for all he’s worth.   He spills inside you - thank fucking god for IUDs - and fucks his cum deeper, riding out his release until he feels himself softening.  He gently removes your legs from his shoulders, pressing a surprisingly chaste kiss to your ankle as he pulls out and settles beside you. 
Even your little mewl of displeasure can’t deter him when he pushes two fingers past your swollen lips, gathering up the cum that’s spilling out and pushing it back in.  At least he’s gentle, offering another kiss - this time to your hip bone. 
“Stay the night?”  He seldom asks.  You always say no. 
This time you don’t and he carries you to his bedroom, your face hidden against his neck.  You’re left on his neatly made bed as he draws a bath - something he’s done a handful of times throughout the decade and a half friendship you’ve shared, knees pressed together and exhausted. 
When he comes back and picks you up, you nearly miss what he says.  It’s almost lost to the soothing scent of lavender and the sound of running water.  
“Don’t do it again.”  
You’re not sure what he means when he says that.  You’re too afraid to ask so you say nothing.  He doesn’t repeat himself either, instead leaving you on the edge of his tub with a fluffy white bathrobe and a kiss to your forehead. 
Somehow, that’s even worse.
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1000night · 2 years
Just random thought (1/?)
Pairings: Steve Rogers/ ps reader, Ari Levinson/ ps reader, Andy Barber/ps reader, Jake Jensen/ps reader
note: No beta, all mistakes are mine. I write in Mandarin and English at the same time. It bring me some tips and less my anxious about writing. English is not my first language. Enjoy it!
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(“Who can tell me what's happened here?”)
(You suppress your displeasure by taking deep breaths, looking up at the three men sitting across from you, breathing heavy as they look at each other but no one answers and the silence creeps in.)
(“We need your help Y/N, I know none of us are qualified, but we really need you.”)
(The dark blond man in the green plaid shirt and blue jeans, his dark blue eyes looking at you pleadingly)
「所以告訴我為什麼,Rogers. 給我一個能合理解釋你們把我從南加州綁到紐約的說法。」
(So tell me why, Rogers. Give me a reasonable explanation for you guys kidnapping me from Southern California to New York.)
( “We recently adopted a pair of brothers.  Older one is about 10 years old, the younger is 8. They were found in a secret laboratory.”)
( “We were assigned by the upper echelons to take care of them because of their...special abilities.“)
( “What Ari said was just a rundown, the real problem was that they saw your picture from nowhere and kept clamoring to see you.“)
( Steve rubbed his temple with a headache as if recalling some unforgettable memories.)
( “So you kidnapped me and brought me to New York? Can't you tell me?”)
( “There are still some problems about the identities of these two children, and we can't speak up. Moreover, some enemies are hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to try to take the two children away.“)
(The only man in the audience who was wearing a suit and who had not said a word from the beginning finally spoke up, his azure blue eyes stared straight at you, but it was you who looked away.)
「所以,容我請問一下,你現在是以什麼身分來參與這起綁架案的呢,Mr. Barber?」
( “So, may I ask what capacity are you now involved in this kidnapping, Mr. Barber?“)
「什麼契約?」( “What contract?”)
( “Andy will be a witness to the contract and one of the brothers' guardians.”)
( “It's only a month, Y/N, just stay with us as guardians of the brothers for a month, and then their identities and adopters will be settled and you won't have to see us again.”)
(Andy's voice just fell, three pairs of blue eyes that are similar but very different are looking at you like this, you are biting the inside of your cheek. Apparently, you are experiencing an inner struggle)
(You notice their emotionally shaky reactions to the words just a roommate-guardian relationship, and then Steve and Andy turn their eyes to Ari when they hear the one-night stand partner
( “...Fine. But we are only roommates and co-guardians, and I hope you can rest assured of that. Oh, and please don't bring any one-night stand or fling in front of two children, their pure hearts need to be protected.”)
「為什麼都要用這種目光看我!? 你是特意對我說這句話的? 我可以把這當作你依然對我念念不忘嗎,棉花糖?」
(Neglect Ari’s smirk as you rolled your eyes, you finally stood up and reached out to Steve first.)
( “Why are you looking at me like this!? Did you say this to me on purpose? Can I take this as if you're still obsessed with me, marshmallow?”)
( “Hope we can work together”)
(Steve takes your hand and then pulls you into his arms, cedar wood and mint all around you)
( “Welcome home.”)
(Hearing Steve's words, you looked at him suspiciously, but the other person just smiled and said nothing)
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missjaystone · 4 years
What’s up, Doc?
This is my submission for darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ ‘Watching-Stalker AU Challenge’ (And yes, after asking initially from an entirely new account before posting on a secondary blog, I’m too embarrassed to tag Roo again.)
Prompt 11: Everyone knows about celebrity stalkers, but what happens when a celebrity is the stalker? Kinks: Forced Pregnancy/Breeding, A/B/O
Word Count: 3000
Relationship: Dark!Steve x Fem!Reader x Dark!Bucky Trigger Warnings: nonconsensual/dubious consent, forced pregnancy/breeding, A/B/O dynamics, abuse of power(?). PLEASE DONT READ IF THESE OFFEND YOU (PS Everyone: I’m sorry to redirect everyone to another blog but I’m too nervous about having 'missjaywrites’ as only a secondary blog. The first blog post on miss_jay_stone with stay but that blog is officially abandoned. Henceforth everything will be posted here.)
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Being a doctor meant stressful moments, being a military doctor meant stressful days, weeks, months, or years. However, being a doctor specifically for the Avengers was an entirely new level of pressure. Being the person to patch up or perform surgery on literal superheroes made you miss working in the middle of warzones. You knew one wrong move could quickly spiral into a major issue, but you knew this when you took the job.
The choice itself wasn’t easy, there were more than enough reasons for you to respectfully decline, reasons like; despite being as accomplished as you were, you were still fairly young, the pressure was enough to age someone half a century, there were about a dozen security measures in place to make sure you said nothing to anyone, numerous contracts and NDAs to sign, and possibly the biggest reason to say ‘no’ was what you really were. An omega. You could very well be arrested because of how many official government forms you’d falsified and signed stating you were a Beta. You did what you had to do to accomplish your goals and it landed you in the medbay of the Avengers compound, often in close contact with the numerous Alphas on the team.
In your opinion, you were pretty physically average and never thought of yourself as someone that turned heads. That was more than fine by you, the less attention you had on you the better. Recently, though, you felt something subtle change, you always felt like somebody was looking at you, even if nobody else was around. The constant feeling and incessant nagging in the back of your mind sent a chill up your spine daily. There were some days where you found yourself feeling something like an internal tug towards whatever alpha was close by and now more often than not, the closest alpha was one of the two blue-eyes super soldiers. If you had listened to the alarm bells in your head, you would have left your job the moment you felt something strange.
You would’ve moved to Calgary or Portland or Dallas, but you brushed it off as silliness and an overactive imagination. And because of that, here you were, stuck in a web of your own design, your protruding stomach a reminder of the mistakes that led to this situation. Of course, you’d love them when they arrived but that wouldn’t lessen the naivete you felt for falling into their game. Their words forever holding your heart and soul firmly in a vice grip. “C’mon, doll, you can be our good little ‘mega and get everything you could ever want” “We can keep your secrets safe, we’ll make sure nothing bad can ever happen to you.” The words seem to play on repeat in your mind. You can pinpoint the exact moment a small mistake led to where you were now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 Months Prior~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Wow, where are you going all dolled up like that?” Your colleague and friend Alex asked as you stepped out of the storage room with a bundle of clothes in your hand. He paused typing his report to watch you gather your things. “I’m going to a 50s themed party with a guy I’ve been seeing and he’ll be here to get me soon,” you answered, motioning to the very-50s inspired outfit you wore. “Lucky you, kid, knock him dead but use protection,” he called with a chuckle as you left towards the elevator. You rolled your eyes at his comment but got a chuckle out of it yourself. He loved acting like he had 25 years on you instead of 10. The entire elevator ride down you were checking to make sure everything was perfect and not a hair was out of place.
You didn’t even look up when you stepped out of the elevator into the lobby. You did however look up, when you collided with a firm body. Your apologies were stopped by two things; the feel of cold metal on your back thru the thin fabric of your top and the strong scent, familiar scent of cedar & sandalwood and sage & pine. “I’m so sorry about that Captain Rogers, Sargent Barnes; that was totally my fault for not looking and I’m incredibly sorry to have almost steamrolled you,” you rambled awkwardly as you hurriedly tried to step back and put space between you and them. It took several long moments before Bucky removed his hand from your back, putting both in his pockets.
“Don’t worry about it, accidents happen,” Steve said with a smile that just didn’t seem quite right. There was an uncomfortable couple of seconds where you felt their eyes raking over you and you would’ve sworn their pupils dilated. “You know, it’s funny, you look like you’re straight out of a magazine from the 40s,” Steve said with a chuckle to break the silence. “Thank you, sir, I have a date at a themed party and this is the theme,” you sheepishly replied. The blond cleared his throat to cover what almost sounded like a growl at the name ‘sir’ and his features momentarily hardened when you mentioned it was a date. His smile was quick to return “well we don’t want to hold you up, enjoy your weekend, Doc and we’ll see you around.” You politely thanked him and returned the pleasantry before stepping passed them to leave. If only you had looked back, you would’ve seen them begin an intense, hushed conversation before they disappeared into the elevator.
That little conversation seemed to be when all of this started, but it was only little things that never drew much thought. At least, it started small; things on your desk would be moved, lights would be left on when you showed up the next day, your door would be unlocked, just little things that you couldn’t definitively say you did or didn’t do and the feeling of surveillance being minute and random. Then it got bigger; clothes you’d left at the office would disappear like jackets you kept in case you got cold or a spare change of clothes if what you wore got messed up, and papers you were sure you’d put away would be scattered on your desk but the feeling of being watched was more often, and one or both of them often came around for seemingly any reason. Like when Sam came in to get stitches after a mission, Bucky stood to the side almost brooding when you only mildly acknowledged him to tend to his friend.
Then alarms started to go off in your head but you ignored it. They were celebrities, they were superheroes. There’s no way on Earth they’d give you more than a second though. Your internal alarms kept going off; you never felt alone anymore, even in your own home. Your cozy little home that you’d fallen in love with always felt like somebody else was there or had been there. You often felt like your skin was burning, especially when they were around which was now multiple times a day, you always seemed to run into them. Bucky was normally quiet when you crossed paths, always asking if you felt okay and commenting on your flushed and flustered appearance, taking two steps forward for every step you took away from him. Steve seemed to be more physical whenever you two met around the building, he’d pull you into a friendly hug before you could object and make conversation with you, often brushing hands with you or setting his hand on the small of your back.
It went on like that for two months and you’d never been more thankful for fall to turn to winter, the cold breeze helping to sate your increasingly uncomfortable temperature. You thought everything had passed when you started to feel more normal and they stopped coming around you as often.
One night you decided to stay late to get some reports finished, submitted, and filed properly. It was perfectly fine for a while but then you felt yourself heating up again. Even after removing your scrubs and changing into some clothes you stored here, you were still burning. Soon you were fidgeting in your seat, trying to find some way to quell whatever what happening with you. You ended up nearly running to the bathroom to splash cool water on your face and get something to drink but you should have just gone home.
When you took two steps back into your lab, you were immediately pulling back against someone’s broad chest with superhuman strength. On instant contact, a familiar and unnerving scent surrounded you; cedar and sandalwood. It was Bucky hold your back flush against his chest. Panic set in seconds later when you felt him pressed into your lower back, the size alone was enough to take you out of your paralyzingly-afraid state. But it wasn’t like that helped any; you were an average human and he was a Super Soldier, it took no effort to keep you in his grasp. All he had to do to keep you in line was move one hand around your throat and growl quietly in your ear.
“Easy, doll, if you move too much he may have to hurt you and that's the last thing we want,” a calm voice said, the tone almost soothing. Steve stepped into sight from where he’d been looking at some things on your shelf. “I know you’re probably a little confused but we’ve been keeping an eye out for you. Keeping creeps away at bars, making sure your train ride home goes without incident, taking care of the men you go on dates with. You’ve quite the active social life doll,” his voice was tender as he approached you, gently stroking your cheek.  By now your eyes were wide with bewilderment as your brain attempted to process this situation. “We want you to be our good little Omega, start a family with you, and give you everything you could ever want or need,” Steve continued when your attempt to speak came out in a whimper.
Just as you went to correct him, Steve stopped you, cupping your cheek “please don’t lie to me, doll, we can’t create a future built on lies. We always thought you were a cute little Beta but after running into you that day, we both got a nice strong whiff of your cleverly hidden Omega scent, made us both incredibly hard, especially in that outfit that looked like it was from our time. That little incident made us see you for what you are; a good little ‘mega perfectly tailored for us, made to be our girl and have our pups. Unfortunately, we had to wait sometime to wean you off of those nasty chemical suppressants but now that you’re on the verge of your first heat, your body is more ready than it ever will be to take us,” Steve explained in that eerily calm voice, the intimacy of the town and him gently stroking your cheek was easily beginning to jumble your mind as it told you to do what you’d been fighting for years, what you hoped to always avoid.
“Steve,” Bucky grumbled, finally speaking up when his friend paused, he’d started steadily grinding his hips against yours for friction. “I-I can’t, I d-don’t want this,” you stammered out, nearly biting your lip off to keep yourself from whimpering or moaning as you felt Bucky’s hard-on against you, so close to where you needed but didn’t want it to be. “Well, that’s why we’re giving you a choice, princess. We don’t want anything bad to happen to you and if you’re our girl we can make sure nothing bad ever happens to you. You’ll be the safest person on the planet. Alternatively, people will find out about your status and well, perjury, falsifying federal documents, and falsifying medical documents are serious. You’d lose your medical license permanently and it’ll be at least a decade in prison but that’s not what we want,” Steve reassured before planting a small but quick kiss on your lips and smiling.
“C'mon doll, you can be our good little 'mega and never have to do anything ever again, you’ll never have to worry about money, job security, gross bar creeps, medical issues. We just wanna take care of our girl,” Bucky whispered in your ear, his tone too gentle for the situation. When you began to object again, a strong cramp in your abdomen had you nearly double over with a pained moan. You’d have been on the floor if Bucky wasn’t holding you and Steve wasn’t in front of you. “We can make all of this pain go away right now, just say you’ll be our best girl,” Steve coerced as he moved a few strands of hair out of your face. You knew you couldn’t open your mouth without moaning in pain or screaming so you furiously shook your head. Steve continuing to stroke your cheek, though small, was enough to distract you from noticing Bucky untying and pushing your shorts down.
As much as you hated yourself for it, you moaned out in surprise when you felt Bucky’s cool metal fingers rubbing your clit slowly. The man let out a groan and pulled his hand back, smirking as it glistened in the dimmed lights of the lab “fuck, Stevie, she’s so wet for us.” The words renewed your sense of panic and you began struggling hard. That seemed to be all it took for Steve to let go of his restraint. He lunged forward and captured your lips in a harsh, hungry, and dominating kiss. The blond wasted no time ripping your shirt and bra away, sending buttons flying to the floor. He didn’t break away from the bruising kiss as he began to fondle your breasts, paying extra attention to the nipples. In your state of unwanted pleasure, you didn’t notice Bucky quickly unzipping his pants and pushing them and his boxers down enough to free his aching member.
An entirely new sense of panic filled you when you felt his head nudging at your entrance; you would not make it through this in one piece, they were going to split you in half. When Steve’s lips finally left yours, he haphazardly pulled his member out and pulled you down until your face was level with his cock. When you didn’t do anything, he seemed to signal to Bucky who then buried himself into the hilt and moaned out happily, his breathing hitching as he mumbled “fuck, so tight, feels s'good.” Just as anticipated, you opened your mouth in a silent scream of pain and forced ecstasy, he gladly took the opportunity to thrust into your mouth, making you gag when his tip hit the back of your throat.
It took them no time at all to set a bruising rhythm, their moans and groans combined with your muffled cries of pleasure and fear filled the moan. You hated the way you felt your body betray you, how your core ached from Bucky to go faster, how your mind was quickly falling into the role of a submissive little Omega that you’d avoided all your life. Pretty soon you were beginning to move with them, the logical part of your brain being overshadowed by the need to please the two Alphas violating you.
“That’s it doll, that’s our good little Omega, such a good girl cooperating with her Alphas,” Steve cooed soft praises as he proudly watched the last of your resolve vanish. He took one of your hands and wrapped it around the part of his cock that wasn’t in your mouth, helping you build up a good stroking motion before letting go. He held your hair in a makeshift ponytail and tugged whenever he felt you run your tongue along the veins. Bucky on the other hand had a vice-like grip on your hips as his thrusts gradually became erratic. He reached underneath you and started rubbing your clit quickly, this time with his flesh hand. “C'mon doll, cum for your Alphas, you’re gonna feel so good being our Omega,” he muttered into your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
You couldn’t stop yourself. Between his words and the way he rubbed your clit and Steve’s praises and encouragements, you didn’t stand a chance against doing what he asked. You came with a muffled scream as your searing orgasm raced through every one of your veins, leaving you in a seemingly endless state of white-hot euphoria. You could barely acknowledge the feeling of Bucky erupting inside of you, filling you with his seed. His thrusts slowly becoming more languid.
“C'mon, hurry up,” you heard Bucky say, even though it sounded muffled and far away to you. You admittedly whined at the loss of his member even though he still held you up. You coughed when Steve removed himself, finally taking in deep breaths of air. They switched places quickly, Steve emitting a groan as he entered you more gently than Bucky did. This time, you didn’t hesitate before taking Bucky’s cock into your mouth, just following the part of your brain that said to submit to them, that they alone could bring you this much pleasure and everything they promised. Steve gave a few thrusts before he pulled your hips flush against his and spilled himself with a content moan.
You all but collapsed to the floor when they were done, them being the only reason you didn’t. Bucky scooped you up bridal style after Steve wrapped his jacket around your used, naked form. You were only semi-conscious as they carried you out of the lab, barely awake enough to mumble out “where are we going?” “We’re going to our room, little 'mega, and we’re gonna keep doing this every night until we see you round with our pups and we’re gonna make sure you’re treated like a princess, our princess,” Steve said, using his soothing tone from earlier. Barely clinging to consciousness, you merely nodded. The last thing you remember before passing out into sweet, sweet dreamland was you saying “alphas know best.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You looked down at your stomach before looking back at the sonogram in your hands; clear as day, you could see two 8-month-old babies. You’d stopped fighting when the pregnancy tests turned positive, they were very clear that no matter where you went, they’d find you and bring you home. They kept their promise about giving you everything you could ever need or want and protecting you. They kept their promise to keep you safe and always be there for you. You resigned from your position and didn’t renew your rental agreement, officially moving in with them in a bigger room. Once you safely passed the second trimester, they claimed you as theirs and let you claim them as yours. You’re not sure if you’ll ever forgive how this started but it wasn’t so bad.
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redhawtriot · 4 years
Fairy AU (BNHA x Reader)
I have lil’ comic I hope to publish soon:)
Basically, it’s a world where fairies are the last mythical creatures to exist after all magic is depleted from Earth's resources. 
Magic has been gone for so long that it’s seen as a myth  by humans and fairies are seen just like any other animal-- their land is deforested, they are captured-- eaten in some places and treated like pets in others…
To help me build my world up, I decided to make a series of ‘drabbles’ where you (reader) are placed into this world and come across one of the MHA characters as fairies!
(PS I still need beta readers for Baby Boom! Chapter 5 is long, so if you wanna read it before other people, inbox me and you can help me edit it!)
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Part 1: Izuku Midoriya.
It always shocked you whenever you saw the color green.
‘Shocked’ isn't the right word. A better fitting word might reside somewhere along the lines of confused and bewildered. You see, the color green is not something that you found very often in the concrete jungle that you called home. In fact, you could count on one hand how many green items you saw daily.
There was the occasional street sign, the street light that blinked and told cars that they could speed ahead (any pedestrians waddling along be dammed)  and, of course, the rare plant. The sad saplings-- pathetic excuses for trees-- planted every so often in your metropolitan area had some ounce of green you supposed. When they were not dying or dead. 
So, in conclusion, green was not something you saw very often in your blue, steel, city life. 
So why then, is a small blob of green currently staring at you, pleading for your help across the marketplace.
Your eyes widened as the sudden eye contact as you peered into the cage.
Was that a… fairy??
You snapped your head away so rapidly, that you pinched a nerve; however, the pinch in your heart was much worse after that sight.
Goddamn it. 
You had made the careless mistake of turning your head ever so slightly toward the meat and deli and now, instead of finding a great deal on sliced ham, you had found a not so great deal of debilitating guilt. This scene was one Sarah Mclachlan, “In the Arms of an Angel” away from full blown making you cry. 
As the fairy's squeaks reached your ears you knew that you couldn't turn your head even further from it, yet you did suddenly find the loaf of bread in your hand very interesting. 
You concentrated on the bread like your life depended on it until finally you release your grip on the loaf with a deep groan, “Fine!” you exclaimed, earning a couple wary looks from the other customers as you angrily wheeled over to the meat section of the market.
The butcher face slacked in shock as you marched up to the register.
“How much for it!?” you furiously pointed to the fairy’s cage, not even bothering to give it a second glance. 
“Uh…” the butcher, obviously startled by your assertiveness, could only shakily point above his head to the price board. As soon as your eyes landed on the price for the fairy, your jaw fell to the ground. 
$1,500. USD.
“T-that’s gotta be a typo right? The decimal is in the wrong place!” you exclaimed with certainty, but the butcher only shrugged,
“They go fast, trust me,” he gave a short chortle, “We got a whole shipment this morning and this one’s all we got left. I thought for sure that mean blonde fairy bastard was gonna go last. The thing even bit me! I’m glad it’s ass is gonna be on someone’s plate tonight!” He gave a hearty laugh but you found nothing funny at all. 
“I’ll take it,” you deadpanned, causing the butcher to halt in his glee. He threw you an unsure look.
“Now, now, miss. I mean it. That’s the set price-- no bartering with me!” he shook a finger at you, and you only rolled your eyes in return,
“Yeah. I get the point.” you angrily grumbled as you rummaged around in your wallet and pulled out your card. You slammed the plastic on the counter and pouted away from the man, your eyes landing on your newly bought, little, green friend. 
That’s when you noticed he wasn't all green actually-- only his hair. He was average fairy height, at about 3 inches tall, and had a mess of glowing viridian tattoos throughout his body. His wings reminded you of a bumble bee’s.
His horns seemed to be sawed down, giving him an eerie, human-like appearance.
You tilted your head.
What an odd looking fairy…
The loud smack of your card being returned to you snapped you out of your trance. You quietly (somewhat begrudgingly) accepted your card back as the butcher snatched the fairy and shoved him in a plastic bag for you.
“Hey!” you called out, “Don’t hurt him!”
He threw me a puzzled glance, “It’s a fairy, they cant feel pain,” he flatly told you as if you were the dumbest thing on two legs.
A wave of heat rushed to your face, “I-I know that,” you reluctantly explained, “It’s just-- That’s my last two paychecks for you’re handling! So… so be careful!” you finished, grabbing the bag out of his hands and making your way toward the store's exit. 
You wouldn't be getting groceries tonight after all. ‘Or until your next paycheck for that matter,’ you internally sighed before raising your hand up to your face to glare at the bagged fairy, “You owe me!” you hissed.
The fairy’s tiny face threw a smile at you, instantly warming your heart as you noticed little microscopic freckles on his cheeks. 
The butcher gave a knowing chuckle at your retreating figure, “Must be one of those animal rights people again,” he muttered slowly under his breath as you walked away. 
Meanwhile, you gave another gigantic sigh, “My landlord won't allow pets and no matter how tiny you are, a thing like you is bound to get noticed in a city like this if I let you go,” you gave the creature a sympathetic look as you continue your journey home, “What am I gonna do with you, little guy?”
Thanks for taking your time to get introduced to my little world! 
Comment below for what other MHA characters I should write about in my Fairy AU and if you like comics, check out my webtoons account @LizahNoodles!
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sasusaku month 20
day 3- sleeping soundly
title: power nap
summary: every Tuesday, both Sasuke and Sakura go out for lunch during her break at the hospital. It’s a sacred tradition between them, but what happens when she’s too tired to even walk?
a/n: I tried to make a very cute pic this time so they could take a break from all the stress of being a ninja hahaha I have to admit that this theme made me want to miss the time when I could take more naps, and perhaps, I should start taking them whenever I can XD As always, I hope you enjoy this one! Have fun! PS: This story is still un-beta'd. My beta-reader is quite busy lately and she didn't have time for proofreading this one yet. Sorry for the mistakes you're gonna find!
Rated K
According to the big clock displayed above the central desk of the hospital reception, Sasuke had arrived just in time for her break. It was Tuesday, and just like every week, it was the day of their weekly lunch. He was on time, as always, and for some of the staff already knew what he was doing there, it wasn’t unusual for some nurses to look at him and whisper something to each other. Some would even giggle, eventually, and when they did, the Uchiha couldn’t help but wonder if seeing two people going out for lunch together was really that amusing.
It really was just lunch, after all.
A couple of months before, Sakura had been the one who had first created that tradition between them, saying it would be a nice chance for them to bond, and even if he liked to believe they didn’t really need an official reason to meet, the Uchiha eventually decided to play along. Every week since then, she would normally be waiting for him in front of the hospital reception, and as soon as their eyes met, she would greet him joyful before they could go find a place to eat. They would spend some time together, just the two of them, chatting while enjoying a nice and peaceful meal until her break was over. He would walk her back to the hospital, then, and he wouldn’t cordially wait until he made sure she was already inside.
Those were their Tuesdays. Simple, comfortable and consistent. 
They had fallen into that delicate and domestic routine, and it didn’t take long before he grew fond of that unaltered part of his new life. He enjoyed those moments to the point where he would sometimes catch himself growing excited for their weekly encounter and lose a couple of hours of sleep because of that.
Tuesdays had become really great days, for sure. 
And as soon as he saw her smiling, small figure talking to an old lady, he realized they were about to have another good day just the two of them.
When her green eyes made contact with his mismatched ones, a brighter smile lit up on her face and it didn’t take long before she excused herself from what seemed to be just a civilian wanting to chat. Ever since he returned to Konoha, Sasuke realized the pinkette had become quite popular among the elderly, and it wasn’t unusual for them to greet her with a wrinkled smile whenever they saw her on the streets. She would always treat them nicely, he realized, and perhaps that was the reason why they all liked her so much.
She walked up to him, then, yawning deeply as her heels clicked across the hospital reception. Now that she was standing closer, his eyes could see that she seemed to be a bit tired, her eyelids looking too heavy as they threatened to cover her eyes completely. There were dark circles around her eyes, and her breathing pattern was calm and slow. 
Apparently, someone had had a rough day.
“Hey there—” She started, but her words were cut by another yawn that escaped her lips. The back of her right hand went to cover her mouth, and she blinked twice before fully opening her eyes. “—Sasuke-kun.”
“You look tired.” He said, simply, his face unaltered.
She looked at him, lifting her brows in surprise. The pinkette was still not used to how straight-forward he was, but it didn’t take long before her lips curled up. “Is it that evident?”
“Aah.” He agreed. “The dark circles around your eyes are quite big.”
“Ugh.” She pouted, her small hands now touching her face. “I guess not even all that make up could hide them in the end.” She smiled weakly at that, her head tilting to the side.
“Bad day?”
“Not really. It’s just that I got home pretty late last night.” She started, and soon they were walking towards the exit of the building. She stretched her arms above her head, moving her shoulders in order to relax her muscles a bit. "That mission took a little longer than I had initially expected and I didn’t really have much time to sleep.”
“Oh, I see.” He nodded in understatement, remembering she had, indeed, talked about a mission Kakashi had selected her for. If he recalled it correctly, she had been sent to Amegakure so she could help the new governors establish a new health care system based on medical ninjas. It was something the Shinobi Alliance had decided to do together, and though it would cost her many days of going back and forth to the village hidden in the rain, Sakura seemed very excited about the outcome. “At what time did you get back?”
“I think it was around 2am or something like that… I just know Kakashi-sensei wasn’t there when I went to his office to report back.”
“2am?!” He sounded surprised, his brows arching at her words. No wonder why she looked that tired. “And at what time did your shift at the hospital started today?”
“My shift officially began at 7am, but I was already here by 6:30am. I had an important surgery scheduled so I came in earlier to prepare everything.”
His dark eyes grew wider now, and suddenly, he stopped walking. Sakura couldn’t really be serious at that moment. She was basically telling him that she had returned to the village from a long trip around 2 in the morning, and instead of taking at least the morning off, she was already up before 6am and operating at 7am.
Normal people shouldn’t push themselves that hard. 
She had definitely spent way too much time alone with Naruto, he thought.
“You've barely slept, Sakura.”
“I know…” She said, yawning once more. “I'll get some sleep when I get home.”
“And at what time will that be?”
“It won’t take long. Probably around 7pm.” Her voice came out softly and an innocent tone lingered to it. Her eyes held no malice, and at that moment, he really thought she was even worse than the Dobe.
Maybe she had hit her it during the war or maybe it happened during her time spent training with her master, because there had to be something really wrong with that girl’s head. At that moment, she was barely being able to hold herself up, yawning every three seconds, and yet, there she was, all smiles on her face as she was ready to go out with him for lunch. Even knowing about that mission at least 1 week before she had to go, Sakura had decided that it would be okay to sign in for a 12h shift at the hospital the day after she got back. Couldn't she just haven been a decent person and allow herself to get some proper hours of sleep at least once? 
Apparently, the answer was a big, irresponsible and tired no.
Perhaps, he wasn’t the only one who needed to have some sense knocked into him. 
A couple of seconds went by until the pinkette finally realized the Uchiha had stopped in his tracks. She turned around, then, her heels also stopping, as her green eyes were now looking at him with a confused expression. She tilted her pink head to the left, her lips pressed in a thin line. “Why did you stop, Sasuke-kun?”
“Sakura…” He stopped talking, his mind still trying to think about his next words. He knew he had to be helpful without sounding rude, but he could feel an urge to call her annoying running through his veins. Even if he really hated the idea of ruining their little routine, the Uchiha knew better than to believe she didn’t have more pressing needs at that moment. “Do you still have a couch in your office?”
“Yes, I do. Why?”
“Hn.” He nodded, his hand now hiding inside the pocket of his dark pants. “Go back upstairs then and try to get some sleep. You still have most of your lunch break.”
“What?” Her eyes widened and she unconsciously approached him. At that moment, her confused expression melted into a childish pout, and he would be lying if he said that face didn’t make him feel a bit moved. “What about our lunch?”
“We can just reschedule. You need to get some rest if you want to last until 7pm.”
“This is ridiculous, Sasuke-kun. I’m fine. I’m a bit sleepy, sure, but I’m also hungry. Come on, it’s Tuesday…”
The way she was batting her eyelashes at him made his heart skip a beat. Even if her current appearance was affected by her lack of sleep, Sakura still held traces of the cute girl she has always been, and like before, it was still hard for him to say 'no' to her. She had always known how to be pretty convincing around him, and at that moment, even if he knew she could use a power nap— or any kind of nap, for the matter— it was still hard for him to simply give up on their lunch.
It felt selfish of him— futile, even, because, really, it was just lunch— but he really wanted to go out with her so they could spend some time together. They had a lot of catching up to do, and even if he would mostly just listen to her while she talked about something that had happened at the hospital or at her missions, it was always great to see her looking that happy.
After everything that had happened in the past 3 years, Sakura needed happy times in her life. Both of them did. And if their happy could be achieved by doing something so trivial as going out for lunch, then it was worth fighting for it.
However, if she could use that time in order to recover from a tiring mission, how could he deny her such thing?
“You really need to sleep, Sakura.” His voice came out firm and with no hesitation. His eyes were locked with hers, and there was no sign in him that indicated that he would back off from his decision. “It will be good for you if you can rest a little.”
“No ‘but's. You look like you were hit by a boulder and we both know how distracted you get when you’re sleepy.”
Her lips parted at his statement, but no words came out from her mouth. Even if she wanted to answer him that she was fine and that she wasn’t really that sleepy, they both knew it would be useless. The Uchiha, if anything, is as stubborn as his blonde best friend, and at that moment, he wouldn’t simply be convinced by her white lies.
A soft smile crossed her lips, then, and she shyly looked down for a bit before her glance returned to his eyes. Her hands were now hiding behind her back, and she bit her lower lip before deciding to talk again. “I bet every girl would love to hear such delicate words regarding her looks.”
“Tch." He scoffed. “You know what I meant.”
“Yeah, I’m just messing with you.” She giggled, softly. “Are you sure it’s really okay?”
“It is, don’t worry. Try to get some sleep and I’ll go fetch you something to eat.”
“What?” She asked, confused, her sleepy head clearly not working well anymore.
“I'll go out and bring you some food. You weren’t really thinking about skipping lunch, were you, Sakura?”
“… Of course not.” She said, looking away from his judging stare. Sakura was clearly lying— or, at least, trying to— and if not for her need to sleep, he would’ve certainly scolded her for being that irresponsible. 
Maybe next time, he thought.
“Hn, yeah, right…” He nodded, his eyes closing before he could start his way towards the exit. Their shoulders brushed as he walked past her, and though he knew she wanted to follow him, he was glad she didn’t. “I’ll be back soon with your food.”
“Fine.” She said, stretching the first syllable. “Next week lunch will be on me, then!”
“Aah.” He agreed, as he continued his way across the room.
“Oh, and Sasuke-kun!” She called his name, and immediately, he turned his head to look at her. She was smiling now, her arms crossed across her chest. “Don't forget to bring your food, too! We can still eat together in my office, right?” The cheerfulness lingering in her voice made his chest feel warmer, and even though her eyes were surrendering to her exhaustion, she still looked quite happy to have found a way for them to be together for lunch. She was smiling softly at him, and even if he had initially planned on bringing her food and leaving her to rest, Sakura had just convinced him to stay. With her joyful features and her sleepy expression, she had just managed to save their beloved tradition. 
It should be okay if he stayed for just a little, right? Just until she could finish her lunch, and then he would be gone. Yes, it would certainly be okay.
“I guess we can. I’ll meet you there.”
“Hai!” She said, and he began walking again. “I’ll leave the window open for you!"
At her words, his lips formed a soft smirk as he finally exited the hospital. Though she would normally tell both him and Naruto not to invade her office through the window, on that day, Sakura figured it would be easier like that. His ears captured the sound of her heels clicking as she turned back, and he just hoped she could get some sleep before he returned with their food.
It was going to be a different Tuesday, for sure, but he figured it should be okay as long as they could be together in the end.
Though there weren't many people in the small restaurant down the hospital street, Sasuke made sure to take his time before ordering so she could have some more sleeping time. With his eyes always checking the clock, the raven haired boy made sure to calculate a decent amount of time— given the circumstances, of course— for her to sleep and eat properly before going back to work.
For they have gone eating together multiple times already, he knew about her taste for vegetables and something lighter for lunch, choosing to order her the special salmon with a bittersweet sauce that was made of honey, rice vinegar and soy sauce. It was a very popular dish according to the guy who worked there, and he hoped she would like his choice.
The food inside the take-out bag was still hot by the time he reached the hospital, and he made sure not to waste a single moment before climbing up the walls to her office. His chakra-coated sandals helped him make his way up, and in no time, he was at her window, which had been left open for him. He was very careful while entering, making sure not to bump on any of her belongings. As always, her office was filled with piles of papers and medical books, and he wondered how she even managed to find anything in the middle of that mess.
Once he was completely inside, his eyes wasted no time before they could start their search for her, and quickly, they found her small and delicate figure still asleep on the couch. She was sleeping soundly, her shallow breaths escaping her slightly parted lips in a smooth rhythm. Her chest was going up and down in a slow rhythm, and if he had never seen her breaking large trees with her bare hands, Sasuke would even believe she was just a defenseless and powerless girl.
Sakura looked really peaceful like that, he thought, as he looked at her with softness in his eyes. She was so calm and tranquil, clearly too busy sleeping to even notice his sudden presence in the room. Back when they were younger and they had to camp outside during their missions, she would always wake up at the slightest noises, but at that moment, he doubted she would wake up unless he literally shook her awake.
She was really tired, for sure. She was all curled up on her couch, her head resting against a crumpled jacket that was serving as a pillow for the moment. Her pink locks were falling forward, covering the seal on her forehead, and there was a small pout decorating her rosy lips. 
Though he has never been the most sensitive person out there, it was undeniable that Sakura looked incredibly cute. His eyes— even if he was probably unaware— looked at her affectionately, and suddenly, a mix of tenderness and empathy coursed through him, and he had to hold back the urge to move her pink locks from her soft face.
He didn’t want anything to disturb her at that moment. She deserved those minutes of pristine silence, and he would do everything he could in order to protect them. After seeing her like that, it didn’t take long for the Uchiha to decide not to wake her up to eat, choosing, instead, to leave her food there so she could eat it later that day. 
The salmon would turn cold, sure, but he figured that she could heat it some other time.
A soft smile took over his lips, and slowly, he made his way towards the couch where she was sleeping. For it was a chilly afternoon, he took his dark coat off, covering her small body in order to keep her warm. The piece of fabric weighted over her small figure, and he watched as she tugged it closer to her with a comfortable expression on her face. After that, the Uchiha found a spot next to her, and since they had decided that they would eat together, he believed that it would be okay if he just ate his lunch there, by her side before it also turned cold.
Slowly and carefully not to wake her up, he fished his sandwich from the paper bag, taking a bite from it and allowing the tomato, the cheese and the basil to mix inside his mouth. The sandwich tasted very good, indeed. It was just a simple thing anyone could prepare, but it still tasted pretty special for him. His eyes would eventually drift from his lunch to her sleepy, little head; and even if her small breaths were the only sounds filling the room, Sasuke couldn’t simply find the words to describe how domestic and pure that whole thing felt.
It felt so casual and intimate, in a way he hadn’t felt in years. His heart skipped a beat at the thought, bringing a shy smile to his lips, and he mentally thanked her for bringing back that innocence to his life. As the months went by, he realized how much that girl alone could do for him— even when she was doing nothing more than sleeping by his side— and he wondered how many other things could she bring into his new life if he just allowed her to.
In a matter of weeks, Sakura had turned his Tuesdays into pleasurable days, and now, he wondered what else could she do were she to take care of the rest of his week.
A sigh escaped his lips, and quickly, he brushed that thought away. After a couple of minutes, he had finally finished his sandwich, satisfied with his pleasurable lunch, and slowly, he allowed his head to fall back a little so he could rest it against the couch. He closed his eyes, for an instance, solely paying attention to the sound of her breaths, lulling him into a moment of pure bliss.
His head was feeling lighter, his breath was matching hers, and suddenly, he felt an odd warmth against his leg. It caught him by surprise, at first, but it didn’t take long before his body grew used to that small contact between them. A feeling of calmness invaded his body at that moment, and soon, he emptied his mind from whatever bad thought could even dare disturb that moment. He felt his conscious slipping from his grip, then, knowing very well what would happen if he just let it go. 
He was going to fall asleep, he knew. He was going to fall asleep on a couch by her side, and even if that would probably be something hard to explain once they both woke up, Sasuke couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
It felt too good. It felt right and even if he had had a good night of sleep himself, he figured he could allow himself to rest for a bit. 
It was just a nap after lunch, after all. Was it really such a bad idea?
No. At least not at that moment. Not on that odd, yet ordinary, Tuesday.
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killerswonderland · 4 years
Life Eternal
Pairing: Jason Todd x Vampire!Reader
Summary: You never thought that your eternal life would have meaning. But in the end, everything and everyone becomes dust.
Warnings: Contains language and death.
Word Count: 1.052
A/N: Well, Hello! It’s me again with another weird fic. So I’ve been a hoe for Ghosts songs and been crying over this one for a while now. I also saw an amazing art by @ieppat of vampire Jason (go see it and give it your love). SOOOO, hope you enjoy!
PS: I didn’t beta read, soooo, sorry for any mistakes.
Can you see me longing for you forever?
Would you let me touch your soul forever?
Can you feel me longing for you forever, forever?
Jason sleeping was a rare sight.
Eyes closed, lightly moving behind his lids, certainly dreaming about something. The expressive lines that were always tensed, showing some kind of raging emotion, were surprisingly relaxed and his face was not locked on his perpetual frown as expected.
He was at peace.
And you admired him, from far away of course. Your eyes roaming through his sleeping form, but not like he was prey. His sculpted face, lines so sharp yet so soft, he could easily be mistaken by the sculptures of Michelangelo. His plump lips chapped by the constantly nervous biting, would sometimes open, rewarding your ears with the most graceful sighs as he adjusted his body in his slumber. The thin sheets getting caught up in his body, tightening into his tights, leaving not much to imagine as the pure muscle contracted beneath them. His bare torso littered with the most unexpected scars moved with each inhale he took. His arms so strong he could easily break someones spine, just like a python, were hugging the pillow beside him.
He was perfect. And you longed to touch him, to scratch him, to bite him, to feel him flushed against your body.
And still, you refrained from touching him, your cold fingertips only grasping at his peaceful soul, carefully to not disturb your tired companion.
I know the light grows darker down below
But in your eyes, it's gone before you know
This is the moment of just letting go
She said, "if you had life eternal”
You could easily hear his beating heart through the walls of the small apartment. You could imagine the warm blood being pumped through his veins. His intoxicating smell following you as you raised your body from its contorted position you had taken on the floor, only so you could admire him closely.
You were pathetic. You honestly felt creeped out by how you reminded yourself of that sparkling vampire someone wrote about in the last decade, not at all a real tale of your kind. Although, now you saw what he felt for that weird human. A feeling so strange to you. Something you had forgotten with the millennia that passed through your eyes and soul, so fast yet so painfully slow. Whomever said that immortality was a gift was so fucking terribly wrong. Immortality was a the curse not allowing you to have what you wanted.
Of course, being what you were has had its perks. Nothing could hurt you, well, almost nothing, seeing as silver still burned you and stakes to the heart could easily kill you, but anyone could die from that so you didn’t actually counted as something dangerous. You were strong and fast, so you could easily defend yourself and run after your prey. Your senses were enhanced, so you could hear and smell your food coming from a mile away. And you were beautiful, intoxicating, easily attracting unsuspecting victims.
You were also a monster, as the sleeping form in your bed reminded you so kindly in the inebriated state you had found him last night. You could smell it, the alcohol that is, slowly seeping away from his body. But that didn’t change the fact that he was right, and that he could’t be by your side throughout the eternity.
We dance once more, I feel your hands are cold
Within your heart, a story to be told
This is the moment of just letting go
You paced through your dark home, seeing the tainted curtains become more and more illuminated. The sun had risen, and sometimes it peeked through. You longed to feel the warmth, both the suns and his.
Although, you would always be you, alive, cold and alone.
Your dancing feet took you to the bedroom once more, eyes roaming the still figure which was laying peacefully in your Egyptian linen. And to think he told you he would never sleep with you, there he was in your bed, in all his glory. He hadn’t actually really slept with you, he just fell asleep in  your bed, while near you. But that was already a small victory.
Your body shifted on his own, sitting next to Jasons, finally caressing his warm hands.
He discovered what you were on his own. His detective skills prying and leading right to your secret. You wished you had told him about it before. Before he had settled down so deep in your dead heart you could swear that it was beating again. Then you could tell him everything. How you met all his favorite authors in person, his favorite artists and play-writers. How Jane Austen would be so pleasured to hear that he liked her manuscript, the original which was given to you and now laid conserved in your bookcase. How that one night you could hear his heartbeat speeding up while he came up to talk to you in that god awful bar you two met. How his eyes hypnotized you with such an ease that you even forgot your number one rule: DO NOT FALL IN LOVE.
That was what were feeling wasn’t it? Love.
Can you hear me say your name forever?
Can you see me longing for you forever, forever?
Would you let me touch your soul forever?
Can you feel me longing for you forever and ever?
“I love you” you said, quietly, almost a whisper. You moved your hand to his neck, feeling the vein working beneath it, waiting for his body to tense at the difference of temperature, but when that didn’t came, you slowly lowered your lips to his neck, kissing it softly, “I love you Jason, but I can’t do this” a faint whimper left your lips.
Forever and Ever
You raised your body, the aching in your chest never leaving you, as you closed the door to the room behind you.
You moved to the small place, seeing the little trinkets you had collected through the years. They would certainly survive as the fire was usually contained.
You opened the curtain.
You were ready to see and feel the sun again.
If you had life eternal
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peachsayshi · 3 years
NSFW ALPHABET WITH JJK MEN (Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna & Toji)
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B is for Body Part (What is their favorite body part on their partner?) 
JJK Men x F!Reader
TAGS: porn with plot? - dom/sub undertones, breath play, exhibitionism(?), squirting, infidelity & daddy kink, dacryphilia - uhh, I can’t really think of anything else? everything is consensual unless specified! 
A/N: (18+ / Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI) Thanks so much for all the love for the first one! x [All of the JJK men are ass men in my head, so I went with every other feature that wasn’t the booty lol] I’m writing each character based on the series/one shots I am working on. I’m writing an AU! version of Geto & Choso & Sukuna but still trying to keep true to their characters & Sukuna is written in human-ish form . I hope you enjoy it! As always comments are appreciated 😊 (ps. I don’t have a beta and am so sorry for any mistakes lol)
  The movie was still playing, but you and Satoru have long stopped paying attention to what was happening. The blaring blue light of the television screen illuminated the frame of your bodies on the sofa, the two of you in a completely unkempt state. 
  You were wearing your prettiest lace blue bra, the black mini skirt you had on still resting securely around your waist as you lightly humped Satoru’s lap. Your fingers were twirling the strands of his frosted hair, lips still pressed into his as your tongues intertwined with one another. One of his hands was resting on your arm, his index finger underneath the bra strap that had fallen off your shoulder. His other hand had managed to free one of your breasts, tweaking your nipple and making you whimper every time he teased you. 
   He loved how soft you felt against him, your mouth being his most desired part of you. Satoru had to deliberately channel all his focus away from your lips whenever he was around you, otherwise the only thing that would preoccupy his mind is how desperately he needed to kiss you. 
   You pressed your forehead against his, the two of you panting to catch your breaths and Satoru used this opportunity to toss aside the bra that you were wearing behind the sofa. 
   The friction of his jeans rubbing your soaked panties made you moan as you glided over the outline of his erection. Your hands reached for the back of his neck and Gojo tilted his head against the cushion as a sigh escaped him, not doing anything to stop your needy movements.
With his primal gaze still watching you, he reached his thumb to trace your swollen bottom lip. That mouth of yours that flashed him the prettiest smiles, that circled in a beautiful sphere whenever he made you orgasm, that filled out perfectly when he would slip the length of his cock down your throat...
   You have no idea how often it put him in a wild state. 
   He drew your face to his, his slender fingers circling around your neck as he lowered you down just so he could snag your bottom lip between his teeth. He followed his bite with a peck then flicked his tongue on yours before enclosing his mouth to deepen the kiss. 
   His other hand moved to cup your rear, pushing you into him as he followed the movements of you grinding on top of him. You were thrusting with more assurance now, prompting Gojo to smile as he guided his hand over your pelvis. He hooked his fingers underneath your underwear, tugging it aside and giving you a chance to ride him bare.
   “Doesn’t that feel better, angel?” He breathed, pressing a kiss on your cheek before gently nibbling your earlobe.
   You gasped, the stiffness against your wet pussy sending a shiver up your spine. You closed your eyes, nodding your head in agreement and gulping down your words as you eagerly rocked back and forth.
   He kissed you again, muffling your moans from your desperate ministrations. Once he noticed you were on the edge of your release, he proceeded to grind his hips to mirror your action. Your knees clenched around his thighs, your body melding into his own as you finally came.
   You were gasping when Satoru stopped, your lungs craving the air you inhaled as your body throbbed with pleasure. You shifted your position, getting off his lap as you collapsed by his side.
   Meanwhile, the man was aching, the pressure from his now stained jeans driving him up the wall. He was quick to remove the uncomfortable denim, sliding off his pants and boxers and allowing his long dick to spring free. He tilted his head to glance in your direction, those blue eyes sparkling and a charming grin lighting up his face.
   “Now, let’s try that again with me inside you… ” he continued, before pulling you back onto his lap and situating the tip of his cock to kiss the lips of your dripping sex before slowly dragging you down over his length.
   “What if somebody catches us? Or hears us?” you whispered with concern, watching Suguru lock the bathroom door. 
   “Then they will be pleasantly surprised by how sweet you sound when you moan my name,” he smugly replied, making your face flush with shock as he shifted his attention towards you. He took two long strides before picking you up by your legs and placing you on the white marbled counter of the sink. 
   He had you trapped inside the private quarters of the lavish lobby bathroom. The space was small, only three sinks and stalls to occupy the wealthy folks who stayed in the suites of the boutique hotel. The inside was decked out with expensive decor, the pink painted walls contrasted against the dim tungsten light that illuminated the tiled room. The scent of orange peel surrounded you from the incense sticks that were meticulously placed next to each one of the sinks. Although it was quickly masked by bergamot and pine when Suguru brought his lips down to yours. 
   The man couldn’t wait to get home to have you, especially after he spent the entire evening watching you walk around in the most sinful black ensemble he has ever seen. He had been mentally undressing you out of it the entire night, and couldn’t keep his eyes off the way it accentuated the perfect curve of your hips. 
   Oh, how he loved watching them sway when you walk. 
   You clutched onto the lapels of his blazer, pushing him away before stating, “I think it might be better if we just wait until we get back home...”
   Suguru brought his hands to rub little circles on your knees, before guiding them over your plush thighs and giving you a gentle squeeze. His eyes softened at your shy expression, leaving the man continuously puzzled by how you were able to handle him from how often he flustered you. 
   “I have one question for you...” he teased, dragging his hands back down your thighs and indulging himself by touching his favorite parts of you. He brought his lips to your ear before asking, “who does this pussy belong to?” 
  He felt you shiver against him, your hand squeezing the fabric of his suit. Your heart was racing as if you had just ran a marathon, the combination of his cologne with the strong incense making your head spin.
   “You...” you replied obediently. 
    A smooth chuckle escape him, his honeyed voice sending goosebumps down your neck as he returned to face you. His large hands roamed to the hem of your dress, pulling it up and revealing the soft skin underneath. His dark eyes shifted down to your thighs, and he bit his bottom lip to hold back a hum before continuing, “…that’s right. Which means I can have you whenever I want you…wherever I want you…however I want you...” 
   He settled himself on the ground, the sight of him making your face grow hot especially since he’s told you that you’re the only person in the world he would get down on his knees for. 
   “Hold onto that for me, sweetheart,” he requested, lifting your dress up and over your hips before placing your thigh over his shoulder. He then pulled your body closer towards him, leaving you to dangle off the sink.
   He would much rather have you on his face where he could suffocate himself between your thighs or watch you gyrate your hips around his cock while you were riding him, but this would just have to suffice because his impatience was growing with each passing second. 
   When his tongue met your pussy, your head fell back to the mirror behind you. You clutched onto the dress until your knuckles turned white, biting your lips to hold back your desperate cries as he dragged his tongue between your folds, flicking and swirling with so much conviction to forcefully make you break so he could hear you call out his name. 
   He moaned when you bucked your hips into his mouth, one of your hands letting go of your dress as you gripped onto the edge of the counter for support. The sounds of clicking heels outside caught you by surprise, and you could hear someone fiddle with the handle of the bathroom door before walking away. Your startled reaction only prompted Suguru to be more aggressive, his relentless tongue making the room spin as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. 
   The thought of someone walking in at the sight of him eating you out made the adrenaline pump in your veins, enough to make you release your lip from your teeth and whine for him. At first your words were soft, but the faster he licked and sucked, the louder you were growing to the point where you were completely disoriented by the space around you.
   Nanami’s eyes darkened as he focused on the delicate nape of your neck. Your shoulder blades rotated inward, your spine curling as he impaled you with his thick cock, stretching your walls in the best way possible. His hands guided themselves up and down your waist, his knuckles brushing along your obliques as he continued playing his cruel game. 
   “I could do this all night...” he teased, a cocky grin plastered across his face at the sight of his beautiful wife completely melting before him. “Or maybe we just stop right here...” 
    “Please, Ken...” you begged, spending more than half the night beseeching your lover to finally let you come. “Please, I-I can’t wait anymore...” 
    After a long trip away from you, the man had spent many of his restless nights with his hand wrapped around his cock, thinking about the sensation of being buried between your warmth. Now that he had you, he was savoring the way your walls pulsated around him, coating his entire length with your arousal. 
   He slid his hand up your spine, slipping his calloused fingers between the strands of your hair before roughly picking you up and pressing your back against his. His other hand secured your shaking frame and he released his hold on your head of hair to massage your scalp. 
   “Your thighs are trembling, my love. I know it’s unfair for me to make you wait. I know how much you missed me, I replayed that video you sent me countless times…” 
   You sighed when he spoke in your ear, using his gentle voice to continue working you into a frenzy. 
   Nanami wrapped his hand around you, clenching his other arm around your waist. He traced his fingers along the curve of your neck, twitching inside you as he contemplated on how rough he was willing to get with you tonight. 
  Your husband was obsessed with your neck. When the two of you would sit together, his eyes would flicker to your nape and occasionally he would bring his fingers to gently caress you in that area. He also knew how sensitive you were there when he kissed you, nipping and sucking on your skin plenty of times to leave marks behind. However, what he loved the most about your neck was the ability to control each breath you took. His hands always circled delicately around you, and depending on how your husband felt that evening he would either play with you gently or inflict the sweetest pain. 
   Sometimes, his tie or belt would take the place of those expert hands but there was a time and place for those moments.
After all, Nanami was still a gentleman. He couldn’t have his gorgeous wife show up to work with bruises all over her and make people question the domestic bliss that you have both built together. 
   Unfortunately for him he was going to have to keep things light for the evening, and with that thought in mind he proceeded to firm his grasp around you. He could feel the pace of your beating heart in his palm, queuing him to return to his movements. 
   With his cock still buried inside you, Nanami proceeded to loosen his grip around your waist, dropping his hand down between your legs to meet your clit. Your breath hitched when he circled the swollen bud, your lips parting to cry out for him again but no words escaped as he squeezed your neck. 
   “I shouldn’t deny you of what you want...”
   Your vision blurred, flecks of black shrouded your eyes as he cut off the air. He quickened his pace with his other hand, stroking your clit and alternating between a tender and hard pressure.
This act alone is a constant reminder of just how much you completely trusted your body and soul to him. When he felt you clench around him, he finally liberated you from his grasp to allow the air to charge back into your lungs. The room spun as white noise rang in your ear, your orgasm shattering through you. The pressure of your climax was so intense that Nanami had to pull himself out, only to observe with sheer enjoyment as you soaked the bedsheet. 
   You quivered against the mattress, clutching onto the fabric for support as you tried to regain control of your body. Meanwhile, your husband placed a kiss between your shoulder blades, peppering his affection up towards his favorite part of you. 
   “On your back, my love, I’m not finished with you yet.”  
   You moaned his name, hands curling underneath the pillow as your fingers dug into the cushion. Your body melted into the mattress, your legs spreading a little bit further feeling him drag his thick fingers along your glistening slit. He was savoring every single second of your arousal, his pants tightening as the blood rushed between his legs whenever you whimpered with approval. 
  “I...I need more...”
  A soft chuckle escaped him, his middle finger circling your entrance as he bit back a smile. 
   “I can give you more...”, he replied, eager to please you. Choso pushed his finger between your warm folds and the sweetest hum escaped you feeling the length of his digit inside you. 
   Your eyes were closed, a blissful smile spread across your face as you inhaled when he dragged his finger out. He pumped back into you, watching as your chest rose and fell with every breath you took. He was tempted to take one of your hardened nipples into his mouth but knew it best to be patient so he can fully enjoy your complete undoing. 
   “More...” you exhaled, your trembling voice sending a shiver down his neck. Choso pulled out his finger, before hooking two back inside this time, spreading your walls and adding a little bit more force. 
   Your hips rolled in slow, circular motions to follow his movements. This time the man allowed a hungry smile to spread across his lips. You were coating him with your essence, your wetness increasing every time he thrusted back into your cunt. 
   “M-more, give me more, baby...” you gasped, begging him to fill you. Your hands released their grip from the pillow, trailing down your neck and to your breasts, kneading them as your hips bucked into Choso’s hand. 
   When Choso added a third finger, the sensation caused your entire spine to straighten then bend, your lower back lifting into a beautiful arch and he brought his free underneath the curve, holding you in place as he used his fingers to fuck you. He rubbed soft circles on the small of your back, the caress only adding to the building sensation in your core. 
   If anybody were to ask him what his favorite part of you is, it’s the way you contoured against his touch. No matter what position you were in, Choso thought that this was the most sensual feature because it was the way your body spoke to him. The arch was a sign of your satisfaction and a clear indication that you were close to your release. This is where he held you to secure his movements, ensuring that you were in just the right place for him to give you the orgasm you have been craving. 
   He was a man of little words usually but even he couldn’t hold back  his internal thoughts at the view of your writhing body. 
  “Fuck, beautiful, you're so close. Once you come on my fingers, I want to taste you on my tongue...” he stated; that rich, deep voice almost a whisper and nearly sending you over you the edge. 
   “Mmm yes, keep making me feeling good...” you whined, your muscles squeezing against his fingers and the thought of him sucking on your clit sent a wave of heat to rush up to your face. “...with your fingers...your t-tongue, ohhh, ohhh f-fuck!...” 
   You couldn’t finish because your desperate words prompted Choso to thrust deep inside you, curling his three fingers upward as his thumb met your pulsing clit. He held himself there, massaging the tender bud until your orgasm rippled through you. He gripped your lower back, his large palm digging into your skin as you tried to squirm away from him. You raised your hips higher, nearly lifting your entire back off the mattress as he helped you ride out your orgasm. 
   Your pounding heartbeat rang in your ears as you tried to catch your breath. Choso ran his coated fingers along your inner thigh, waiting for you to open your eyes to meet his own. 
   “More?” he asked with a mischievous grin, lifting a brow with amusement while observing you sit up on your shaky arms. 
   You were still pulsing between your legs but you narrowed your eyes as you glanced down at your glittering sex. 
   “You said you wanted a taste...” you purred, bringing your hand to spread your lips for him. 
    He nearly came right there at your words. He moved his hand to meet the other behind the small of your back, adjusting his stance and dipping his head between your legs as he sucked on your labia before gliding his tongue up your cunt and towards your clit. Your hand moved to that dark mane on his head, clutching around his locks as you tugged him in response.
   “Relax, beautiful, I’ll have you singing for me in no time...” Choso murmured, before diving right back in to fervently eat you out. 
   When Sukuna first met you, he studied you with curiosity. You were brought to his alter as bargain, a sacrifice to ensure the safety of your village. If your people sold you to him, it meant that they were guaranteed freedom from the monster’s wrath. Not that it mattered, Sukuna took you and killed all of them anyway.
   Offerings like this were a common occurrence and you weren’t really any different from the others he took to bed with him. Your skin was soft, your limbs fragile and frame delicate as the concubines before you. You contrasted Sukuna, who was built like a God, ripped with glorious muscles and towered over any regular person that had the unpleasant opportunity of finding themselves in his presence.
   The first night you shared together, he made you strip off your clothing, leaving you to stand naked in the center of his chambers as he circled around your body like an animal watching its prey. His gaze traveled from your ankles, following the curved lines of your outer thighs all the way to your breasts. He hummed to himself while trying to decide if you were worthy to keep or if he should just end you like he did your people.
   He positioned himself in front of you, placing two fingers underneath your chin to tilt your head upwards to face him but when he flickered his attention from your lips to your eyes, the heart of the cruel beast skipped a beat. His hand moved to cup your face, his thumb swiping your cheek as he narrowed his gaze at the most alluring pair of irises he has ever seen. Those eyes rendered him speechless for a few seconds, steadying his breath and he could see the panic through your feigned confidence when you noticed his obscure reaction.
   “Are you afraid of me, woman?” he questioned.
   You shook your head no but he could see the truth behind the lie. You were easy to read, your eyes sparkling as you held back your tears.
   “Don’t lie…” he continued, a cruel grin spreading from ear to ear as he flashed you his teeth, his nails scratching the back of your neck softly. You swallowed hard, attempting to look away but he stopped your action to ensure that he was fully maintaining contact with you the entire time.
   “Yes, I’m afraid of you…” you whispered in a low tone, refusing to allow your voice to waver and a sinister laugh escaped him.
   “Of course, you are. I have never met anybody who wasn’t terrified of me. It’s an honor to be a guest in my bedroom, pet. And from here on out you will address me with my given title. I am your master, your king…not some lowly mortal. Do you understand?”
   You dropped your head in defeat, nodding in agreement knowing full well that you were bound to him for as long as chose to keep you alive. 
   Despite your reservations, your body told him a different story when he fucked you. You took him by surprise night after night with the sounds of your pleasure being the noises he liked to hear. However, it was your eyes that always sent him over the edge. The way they would darken when he made you adhere to every one of his commands reassured him with how easily your innocence diminished around him, and the Cursed King thrived off that fact.
   Then there were times like the present moment, where those beautiful eyes were pleading for mercy. This is when he thought your feature is the prettiest, fueled with pure lust and desperation and spiraling with intense emotion that gave him the most sinful thoughts.Your arms circled around him as you collapsed into his chest, holding him close to you as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. 
   Making your master climax took effort. He was nowhere near as sensitive as you were and the amount of stimulation it took to get him off rendered you weak. You’ve been riding his length repeatedly but the only thing you accomplished was making yourself orgasm over and over again. The process is grueling in the most pleasurable way, but you were exhausted from how many times you’ve come undone. Frustrated tears were streaming down your face, your soft whimpers prompting Sukuna to patiently stroke your back with his nails.
   “Tired already?” he mocked. 
   You sniffled before placing both your hands on his shoulder and pushing yourself up off him, ignoring the sweet burn between your legs.Sukuna bit his bottom lip, the sight of those glistening eyes enticing him. He knew how stubborn you were, because no matter how many times he figured you would tap out, you insisted on pushing through. 
   After all, you were dangled in front of him like a mere object. You heard how your people whispered behind your back, saying that Sukuna would quickly rip you apart after he fucked you like the whore you were. You were weak in there eyes, an unimportant complication that they thought they could easily get rid of. You didn’t mourn the deaths of those who were cruel to you, just the lives of the innocent.
   Now that you were confronted with the truest form of evil, you refused to break. 
  “Not until I’ve pleased you, master,” you sighed before positioning yourself back in place as you moved your aching muscles against him. 
   Your King learned that your tears weren’t a symbol of disdain, which is why he grew to adore them. They fell from your eyes whenever he drove you to your peak, pushing you over the edge and giving you a crushing release. 
   He pressed his forehead against yours, his hands grounding you as he grunted feeling your hips circle around him before finally admitting, “you’re nothing like the others. Those pathetic bitches can’t handle even a quarter if what I give you. For that you’ve earned my praises tonight. Such a good little slut, taking my cock so well…” he bucked his hips upward, gripping your lower back as a cry escaped your throat. “Eyes open, pet, I want you looking at me when I fill your hole...”
   “Did you really think you could walk around in that tight top of yours and think I wouldn’t do anything about it?” 
   “Considering we are in your house, I thought you would have the decency to keep your hands to yourself.” 
   Toji scoffed, the hands that were snaked underneath your tank squeezing your breasts together over the bra you were wearing before guiding their way down to your stomach. 
   “Oh, there is absolutely nothing decent about the things that we do, Princess.” 
   He spun you around, pressing your back onto his kitchen counter as he lifted your tank and bra over to reveal your supple tits. He bit his bottom lip as he dragged his thumbs over your erect nipples, tracing along the residual purple marks that mapped the skin around them and recalling the memories of his transgressions from the last time the two of you had sex together. 
   Toji is a simple guy with easy taste. He knew for a fact that he was fucking the most gorgeous thing on two legs but he couldn’t deny his obsession over your chest. Whenever you flashed him your cleavage, wearing tops low enough for him to see the swells of your perfect breasts it usually resulted in his dick doing most of the thinking for him. 
   “Fushiguro-suhh...” you moaned into his touch, desperately trying to find some sense of dignity as he groped you in the middle of his home. You had no idea where his wife was, but Toji being bold meant that the two of you were going to be alone for a while. 
   “Drop the act, Princess. We both know that’s not how you address me when I’m making you feel so good.” 
   “You’re vile...” you sighed, watching as he leaned down to flick his tongue over tender nub. 
   “And I still don’t see you stopping me...” he smirked, before enclosing his mouth around your areola. 
   Your eyes fluttered, your back bending into the counter as you arched. Toji released you with pop, before tugging your nipple with his teeth and making you wriggle into the hard surface behind you. He chuckled at your reaction, fully enjoying the events that were unfolding before him. His lips traveled to your other breast where he repeated the same action, only this time he brought his fingers to tug at the nipple that he already played around with, pinching and pulling and only making your whines grow louder. 
   He dragged his tongue between the valley of your breasts, before taking a minute to look at your chest that was painted with his saliva. His large palms moved to massage your breasts, motioning them in circular movements before moving his touch across your skin to rest his hands by your waist. He watched you squeeze your thighs together, feeling the length of his thick dick press into the fabric of his pants knowing how turned on he must have made you. 
   You puffed out your chest, biting your bottom lip as stared at him with big, yearning eyes. 
    “Is that it?” you asked, mindlessly swaying your shoulder from side to side and giving Toji a full display of those perfect tits. 
    “That depends with what’s going on between your legs...” he replied, his hands moving to cup your breasts. 
    You licked your lips, before melting back on the counter and succumbing to the sinful act as you perked your chest directly to his line of sight. 
   “You made me wet...so, wet...” 
   “Oh, I will take such good care of that. I’m first going to suck your tits, then I am going to eat you out for so long, you’ll be beggin’ me to give you break. And only after I have my fill will I fuck you right here on this counter... ”
    If the devil smiled, he would bare a similar resemblance to the man before you. Toji’s eyes darkened upon hearing his words, his cock twitching in his pants as he separated your legs with his knees. He slid his strong thigh between you, his knuckles moving to brush your hard nipples and forcing goosebumps to raise on your skin. 
   “How does that sound? You want me to make you come with your tits in my mouth?” Toji pressed, a smug expression glowing his face.
   “Mmmm, that sounds good to me, daddy...” you hummed, your words escaping you in a breathy tone and Toji responded by tweaking you with his fingers. You yelped before swallowing the cry that followed, your sweaty palm slipping away from the counter and reaching for the sleeve of Toji’s shirt as he proceeded to keep his word.
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nanero11 · 4 years
Color me in love- pt 5
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 6
Ever since they had stopped at an inn for the night Geralt had decided he would come up with some way to talk to Jaskier about the soulmate situation.
The problem was that he didn’t know how. He had been avoiding the subject for so long, pushing it away and pretending it didn’t exist, that he had never ever considered anything past that. He could try to be direct about it and tell the bard outright. Or maybe he could hint at it a little to see if Jaskier would bring it up. Then again, he could always wait until Jaskier decided to talk to him about it, after all, this whole time he had just been protecting the bard from his feelings and who’s to say that the song early really meant anything? No. He can’t let himself get dragged back into doubt again. Those were the types of thoughts that had gotten him to this point of miserably pinning over the bard in the first place.
And Geralt knew he shouldn’t dwell on it so much, but he just needed to make sure he wouldn’t fuck up. He had already messed up with Jaskier too many times, with how long it had taken him to realize the bard was the one and with everything that had happened with Yennefer and then how he had stupidly made Jaskier worry because he believed that it would be better for Jaskier if they weren’t together. He had never even considered if Jaskier had been confused about everything like Geralt had been. Maybe they were both just waiting for the other to say something.
It was time to act. Now or never.
He glanced up at Jaskier, who was currently prepping for their bath by laying out the various types of oils and salts that he owned. For some reason Geralt felt jittery all over and his hands were a little sweaty and every time he tried to say something the words got stuck in his throat. Fuck, of course this wasn’t going to be easy. He just had to do it.
“What do you think, Geralt? Lavender or lemon this time?” Jaskier held up the two little bottles of oil for Geralt, tilting his head and scrunching his eyebrows in concentration.
“Yea, I was leaning towards lemon myself, but now I’m thinking that lavender would be better. The bath is almost ready, so get undressed already, would you?”
“O-okay.” Geralt started fumbling with the buckles and leather strings holding his armor together, attempting to comprehend what had just happened. He was finally going to do it, open up to Jaskier and get the overwhelming weight of his feelings off of his chest, but then he had gotten interrupted and…
“Oh, come on. I know taking a bath isn’t the most exciting thing in the world to you, but you could at least put in a little more effort,” Jaskier chided, mistaking Geralt’s apparent lack of ability to get his armor off as reluctance instead of noticing the tiny tremors of anxiety that were actually keeping Geralt’s hands from being able to properly grasp the material.
Jaskier made his way over to Geralt, shoving his hands aside to take over the process of unbuckling and untying. He made deft work of it, sliding the pieces of armor off one by one until Geralt was down to his underclothes.
“There, not so hard, hm?” With a sly smirk on his face, the bard squeezed Geralt’s shoulders playfully. Then, taking Geralt by the hand, he dragged him over to the tub, motioning for him to finish stripping and get in the water just like this was any other bath. But it wasn’t just any other bath to Geralt because the words “Jaskier, you’re my soulmate” were on the tip of his tongue, threatening to fall out of his mouth the next time he opened it.
Instead of letting the words tumble out Geralt pursed his lips together and did as Jaskier wanted, submerging himself into the bath. Jaskier was already behind him, scooping up water to wet Geralt’s hair and working his fingers through the tangles in the thick white locks.
“Damn, you’re so tense today. Just relax,” Jaskier pushed down on Geralt’s stiff shoulders and smoothed his hands across the firm muscles until they began to loosen. Geralt tried his best to relax underneath Jaskier’s diligent hands, thinking about all the times that Jaskier had told him he needed to let himself get taken care of more often and this usually would be one of the few times Geralt would be at ease, except right now his mind was going a mile a minute conjuring up all the different ways Jaskier could react to his confession.
“Hm?” The bard had taken out his soaps and was beginning to lather Geralt’s hair, cleaning it of all the dirt and dried up monster fluids, and replacing the scent of campfire smoke, which always seemed to cling to him, with the softer fragrance of chamomile.
He was so close. All he needed to do was open his mouth and just fucking say it.
“I— we are— you are my soulmate.”
Hey everyone, I hope you are all staying safe out there. I definitely didn’t rewrite this chapter just so it could be a bath scene lol. Also let me know if you guys want this story to go into the events of episode 6 (it would be a little different than canon of course). ps i am looking for a beta reader for a new geraskier fic i am writing, if ur interested pls message me :)
(@marvelmisha, @jaskiest, @yeet-me-out-tonight, @blackcat-midnight-thatsme, @sherlock-totally-loves-john, @emrae27) Thanks for the support guys :)
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