learnelle · 2 months
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I went to my favourite Portuguese cafe to plan out the next uni semester. Every academic year I yearn for the summer, and every summer I sit in excitement to start studying again lol ☕️
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bobastudy · 15 days
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does it still count as studyblr content when it’s professional development
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tumbler-polls · 9 months
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🌞 💮 Sunshiney studying today, featuring my daisy flower bookmark, and a babies breath flower AS a bookmark 💮 🌞
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solarsapphic · 8 months
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some outside studying in the nice weather ☾⋆⁺₊✧
not always glad to live in a warmer area, but days like these definitely make it worth it !! so glad i got to get some sunlight and away from my roommate lol. also very proud to say I'm slowly getting the hang of r studio <3
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kostudies · 7 months
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24.02.24 ; i'm getting overwhelmed, hence why i didn't post here for a while. i've been having some passion rush since wednesday and got a few things taken care of.
portuguese and spanish + persian.
go get my groceries.
finish my notes on socioaffective aging for its midterm.
stats test + info test to do.
take notes on books borrowed for research project.
work out on legs + cardio.
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technoregression · 1 month
we need to have software updates but for like people and education.
like I remember being taught that the tongue has 5, or whatever, distinct taste zones. like the tip of your tongue is for detecting saltiness, the back sides are for sourness, and some other shit which didn't make sense at the time but we were just forced to ROTE learn it anyway. Just be a parrot.
Anyway it was only yeeeeeears later that I, by sheer luck, came across a video on the internet that said that "oh yea that's been debunked". it was probably Michael, Vsauce here.
and I just wonder how many other things have been 'updated' since we learnt about it in school? Like are prokaryotes still the oldest cell type? is there a woke version (affectionate) of BEDMAS/BODMAS/PEMDAS/POMDAS/whatever you call it? have they solved climate change?
I can't be walking around through life operating on the 2nd edition of Textbook when the new generation are learning from the 12th edition it's not fair (but also I don't have time to constantly relearn every god damn text book).
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lizzardstudies · 5 months
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another cup of coffee, another day at the library 🖤
i'm a bit behind on the work but also not too stressed. today i'm working on a presentation for a wednesday class (you can see how serious it is under the cut)
the plan for today is to get it done, work on my thesis a bit and maybe do some research for an article if i've got the time
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learnelle · 1 year
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The books I’m currently reading, trying to motivate myself to organise my study space, and admiring this curious French cat by Sylvia Plath 🖤
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whosmoonlight · 20 days
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i'm in a rush today... there just so much to do!! i woke up at 6:30(am) to get ready for today's class, i wanted to do some yoga and finish the readings for tomorrow's class -- which i wasn't able to do. then i headed to class and right after it i had a meeting (bc i'm part of the psychology academic center at my university). later i had to run to catch the bus home to get here by 15:00(3pm), just the time for my online therapy session. now i gotta finish tomorrow's and wednesday's readings 📚 and i also want to do some pilates and got a bunch of dishes to wash 😫😫
tô numa correria hoje... tem tanta coisa pra fazer!! acordei 6h30 pra me arrumar pra aula, queria fazer yoga e terminar umas leituras da aula de amanhã -- o que eu não consegui fazer. aí fui pra aula e logo em seguida tinha reunião (eu faço parte do centro acadêmico de psicologia da minha universidade). depois tive que sair correndo pra pegar o ônibus pra casa pra chegar aqui às 15h, bem a tempo da minha terapia. agora preciso terminar as leituras de amanhã e quarta 📚 e também quero fazer pilates e tenho um monte de louça pra lavar 😫😫
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tumbler-polls · 9 months
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🌲🌊🌞 My sister's birthday mini-break has finished, and it's time for me to lock back in to the preparatory studies for my M.A.
🖊️🌿The first couple of pages of notes on "Frames of reference: Psychotherapy, art and art therapy" (Edwards, 2004)🌿🖊️
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solarsapphic · 8 months
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back to school ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
things have been so hectic since the semester started I haven't had a chance to document much of my work, but this week was slightly better !! I'm loving my classes as I'm taking courses related to my major this semester. the program I have to learn for stats feels a little complex for me, but part of me is very excited to figure it out since this is the first time I've attempted to learn anything remotely close to coding.
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kostudies · 2 months
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04.08.24 ; hello. how are you? i'm good. it has been a while, and i'll share with you a long post full of updates. It's crescendo.
I didn't validate my last year in psychology, so i'm retaking it this year. It is very stressful for me, it'll be my... sixth year in uni without a bachelor's degree. I'm getting tired of this, and discouraged - though i'll keep it up.
I wanted to change of city; I wanted to meet new sceneries, to leave myself with me and I only. I wanted to embrace another lifestyle, far from what I already know and feel comfortable. I wanted to change, and to become more active in my own life.
Friendships were hard. People sometimes repeated toxic behaviours, as I did too. I may be the one who values friendships too much, and it hurts to see it is not returned the same way. And, other times, insecurities talked, and it hurt the same way.
I saw my older, middle brother - it has been around one year now that I didn't see him nor talked to him. He, somehow, became someone I don't want around me; impulsive, freely hurtful, conservative, overbearing and deaf to people's opinions and feelings. He enrages me. He's unfair. We saw each other for my grandpa's funeral.
I lost my grand-father. I wasn't close to him, I thought he was a asshole for the abuse towards my grand-mother and my own mother, he was ignorant and arrogant. It had been quite a big change and event in my family's life, and it still weighs on my grandma.
Recently, I thought I would die. In another city, around 1am, with a friend who can't run, we've been followed by a group of 5 dudes. Slurs, threats were thrown, and I never hated men more than at this moment. I thought I would die, for the city was known for some mafia stuff. I am terrified by the idea of stalking and intrusion, it was quite scarring to me.
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I stopped smoking. Even if it happens for me to have one cigarette here and there, I completely stopped buying packs and I am grateful. I breathe better! It's amazing! My throat is not as sore as before, my heart is thankful, and I assure myself to low down the chances of breast cancer. However, I'm struggling with weight gain...
... So I'm trying to get back to working out. It's a real up-and-down journey, but I feel like I'm going somewhere. For the past month, I walked one hour (home to work, work to home), 5 days a week, and it helped me a lot. I do some home exercises here and there, and I'm waiting to get back to the swimming pool to do lengths.
I uninstalled Instagram. I also think about going to therapy. I am a priviledged person - my parents take care of my rent and my transports subscription, though they might not be able to in the near future - but I still don't have the money for it (I still have to take my theory test, driving test to have a driving license). I might try to save.
I plan to work on the side during the upcoming uni year, and I want to invest more time in associations. I want to go out more and see more people, more things. I want to try more, fail more, understand things more and reach people's minds, stories - I don't want to hide in fear of failure and shame anymore.
I met new people, but I don't know if they'll stay around. Through them, I tasted how magnificient friendships could be, how sharing experiences was an amazing thing to do, and wanted to do this more often. I'm also progressing on my way to see people as experiences, not possessions. It is hard and triggering, but I keep it up.
Finally, I had the pleasure to discover the world of drag; and it has been therapeutic. I felt myself connecting with my feminity, as I always struggled to express it. I've never felt this confident about my own body and about me wearing more revealing stuff, acting different towards people; I enjoyed this progress in me. I am deeply thankful for the community, for their performances, for their work, for what they embrace and what they share. I am thankful for their existence.
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It marks my comeback here. It has been a few months now since my last post, but it didn't mean that I was giving up. I don't want you to give up, either. I'm confronting my laziness and comfort zone, because I feel like I can't continue to feel stuck like this. It is very hard and I would prefer to give up, but the learning is tasty, it feels nice. And I wanted to share with you, even if you're not really following what I'm doing, if you forgot about this blog, if you don't care anymore.
I wanted to share, simply.
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thevirgodoll · 2 years
Hi there! Because you have a psychology background, what are some riveting works you've read? I'm not a psych major myself but I'm interested in reading more into it so I can improve my mental health and learn about the world better. Any book recommendations? documentaries? Youtube channels? (so far I only know crashcourse). It can be on any facet of psych. habit formation, mental illnesses, relationships, friendships, etc...i'm open to learning more!!!! ^_^ <3
YouTube channels:
Both of these are from actual doctors with a psychology background so I recommend these two, especially Dr. Marks because not only is she a black doctor, she is also extremely articulate and has amazing videos on complex disorders.
Dr. Tracey Marks
Ana Psychology
A few of my fave videos:
Bots, Groupthink, & Weaponized Empathy: How the Internet is Manipulating Us
Coping Skills and Psychological Defenses - An Introduction
Complex Problems with Mental Illness in Fiction - a video essay
4 months quitting nicotine documented
Therapists React to Mean Girls
Ferb Fletcher & Stoicism
Whiplash vs. Black Swan: Anatomy of Obsessed Artist
Why 30 is not the new 20
Psychology of PTSD
Awareness of Complex Disorders:
Psychologist Describes ADHD Mindstate
ADHD in Women
How to Explain ADHD
Bipolar disorder (depression & mania) - causes, symptoms, treatment & pathology
Bipolar Mania on tape
What is Psychotic Depression?
Schizophrenia: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis
What is Schizophrenia? It's More Than Hallucinations.
My Experience with Schizophrenia
Narcissism vs Narcissistic
What is Trauma? The author of "the Body Keeps the score" explains
Books (current two favorites):
The Body Keeps the Score
Predictably Irrational
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missystudentboycott · 2 months
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Back on Notion and back to Coursera 😍 I love vacations
I had started The Science of Well-being Yale course back during the pandemic but I dipped when Social CommitmentTM was mentioned lmao, but I’m BACK.
Back then I finished all the theory, so all that’s left is the Final Rewirement Challenge.
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