#Puerto Rico liberation
newyorkthegoldenage · 7 months
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Residents look on from windows and stand in the street across from 173 Brook Ave. in the Bronx, November 1, 1950, after word of an attempted assassination of President Truman in Washington the same day had reached the neighborhood. Oscar Collazo, 37, who lived in the 173 Brook Ave. tenement, was one of two gunmen shot outside Truman's Blair House residence.* Collazo's wife identified her husband, who was wounded, as a member of the revolutionary Puerto Rican Nationalist Party.
*The White House was being renovated at the time.
Photo: John Lent for the AP
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Protect your community by wearing N95s and KN95s when meeting indoors or in crowds! The more of us mask up, the less we get sick, the harder it is for police to surveil us, and the safer we make our shared spaces for our disabled and immuno-compromised comrades and loved ones.
Get started by finding local mask resources on the global COVID Action Map (you can also submit groups to be added). If you have the means, donate masks and tests to your local orgs and encourage accessibility so we can ALL join the fight (bringing in interpreters/translators and medics, ensuring accessibility for wheelchairs/mobility devices, offering child care, filtering the air indoors, setting up virtual options etc).
UPDATE: Download this 8.5"x11" poster for free on itch.io to print and distribute! Includes files suitable for color, black and white, and risograph printing. Any donations will go to printing costs, or buying masks for my local mutual aid groups.
Pandemics have no borders, and all our struggles are united!
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yellingfellow · 3 months
The world is fucking burning
Palestinians are being starved in their fucking tents that they have to live in because their whole neighborhoods have been bombed
Congolese women are being raped for not meeting their quotas
People are pulling each other out of mines that have collapsed
Babies are laying next to their dead mothers
Trump is on the ballot in Colorado
Indigenous women and teens being kidnapped and murdered and no one wants to help
They won’t search the landfills for the remains of dead natives
We’re being fed stories by the same 6 media coroporations and AI generated fucking prompts are taking over all forms of video and picture we can’t even know what is real
The world is fucking burning and the ice is melting and earthquakes and tsunamis are shaking the fucking earth and people’s homes are being flooded and completely destroyed
But no lets just keep pretending like it matters if I pay my fucking taxes
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be-a-fagdyke · 6 months
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Source: Instagram
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lostinthesasuke · 3 months
sasuke should be a 30 year old boricua cop in the live action, just like he was in that one fic
idk what fic youre talking abojt but-
Viva Puerto Rico Libre !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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moongato · 3 months
buenos dias mi gente! i come to you with the 70th anniversary of my favorite event in PR history! On March 1, 1954, four brilliant puerto rican revolutionaries and activists entrered the United States Capitol building in DC and started shooting at the conggressmen. These people were lead by Lolita Lebron, one of the most brilliant puerto rican activists of that time. Along with her, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Irvin Flores, and Andres Figueroa Cordero. No one was killed in the shooting, but 5 congressmen were wounded. Even after being arrested, they proclaimed that all they did was for the freedom of puerto rico! Lolita Lebron herself lived until 90 years (2010), never letting go of her ideals and never once regretting what she did. Rafael Cancel Miranda died 4 years ago due to old age, and has multiple interviews online. may they rest in power, y q dios los bendiga a todos!
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s3znl-gr3znl · 4 months
Five Tips to Turn this "Doomsday" Into a Doom-slay
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cherrystrwbrry · 1 year
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Murales en San Juan, Puerto Rico
Diciembre 27 2022
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peligrosapop · 10 months
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Worst day ever. Free Puerto Rico.
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but this is what i meant by twitter liberals acting in bad faith but also generally like shitheads. but thats not surprising for br*instatic who is a reactionary shithead lol
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By Berta Joubert-Ceci
The defiant words and attire of Bad Bunny resonate with Puerto Rican youth fed up with government corruption and oppression and a society spiraling into a colonial abyss. This generation of young people is the one that is trying, with tooth and nail to defend our beaches, our lands, developing agricultural sustainability. Defending their rights of gender expression. 
And as Bad Bunny has said, “We have to break up with the idea that gringos are gods… No, papi."
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thottybrucewayne · 4 months
It really pisses me off watching white liberals talk about Puerto Rico as "Lost potential democrat votes" and not thinking about the people who fuckin live there. Puerto Rico doesn't need fucking statehood! It needs liberation! Go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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heartcountry · 8 months
also in case it wasn’t clear i stand in solidarity with all oppressed, colonized, and marginalized groups throughout the world. whether it be syria, palestine, sudan, puerto rico, hawaii, ethiopia, the global black liberation movement, and so many more. we’re not free until we’re all free.
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ingmar-albizu · 2 years
Three Lessons in Liberalism from Ramón Emeterio Betances
Three Lessons in Liberalism from Ramón Emeterio Betances
Bigger Than Life image: Pinterest Ramón Emeterio Betances y Alacán was born in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico on April 8th, 1827 and died in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, on September 16th, 1898. He was a doctor, scientist, surgeon, abolitionist, poet, novelist, diplomat, public health administrator, social activist, and a freemason too. In school, they teach you he was “the Father of the Puerto Rican…
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workingclasshistory · 11 months
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On this day, 25 July 1898, the United States invaded the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. The US government claimed that they were liberating Puerto Rico from Spanish colonial rule. The event took place amidst the so-called Spanish-American war which also affected Cuba and the Philippines. By December, the US force of over 15,000 troops was victorious. However, rather than liberating Puerto Rico, instead US troops became the new occupying power. Spanish colonists in Puerto Rico were then given US citizenship, and US troops began protecting Spanish landowners from attacks by landless rebels and independence activists. The new US colonial power focused on overseeing the takeover of land by large sugar corporations, harvested by workers paid in company chits rather than money. By 1910, sugar corporations controlled over 60% of arable land on the island. In 1917, the US eventually granted citizenship to all Puerto Ricans, but the ruthless exploitation of Puerto Rican workers continued. Working class and anti-colonial struggles broke out continuously, like the strike of sugar workers in 1934, and a wave of workers' and land struggles in the 1960s. Public pressure forced concessions to be granted, like the introduction of an elected governor in 1948 and Commonwealth status granting partial autonomy in 1952. Over time the Puerto Rican economy also became more and more integrated with and dependent on the US. Meanwhile, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation attempted to infiltrate and disrupt pro-independence movements. In 1967 a plebiscite was held on the future status of the island given the options of a continuing Commonwealth, US statehood or independence. 60% of voters chose a continuation of Commonwealth status, with 39% backing statehood and only 0.6% voting for independence. Puerto Rico remains under US control to this day. More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9748/us-invades-puerto-rico https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=667573708749181&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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favroitecrime · 8 months
Anyway, I reinstate my point that no 18+ settler in israel is innocent. They have all picked up guns and fired them at innocent Palestinians. To look at the apartheid and constant attempted genocide that israel has been committing against Palestine and yet have the fucking audacity to argue a bullshit “two innocent” sides narrative is a joke. israel since the beginning of its colony like establishment in 1948 has always been a terrorist state.* Backed by two other major colonial powers who still continue to oppress the people they’ve colonized to this day. Who backed the South African apartheid and were not in favor of pressuring the SA government to stop the apartheid. The colony state sentenced to be merely an influential Western placement in the Middle East has never, and never will be, an innocent bystander in matters of oppression, apartheid, or ethnic cleansing.
In the same breath I would support Native Americans attempting to do the same thing in the US. I would support Natives of Canada doing the same thing. I would support Natives of Australia, Natives of New Zealand, Puerto Rico, the Polynesian islands, and every other occupied people should they decide to rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs. **You and I in our privileged world should not have the fucking audacity to police people’s resistance & liberation**. Especially when some of us have had nothing to say when they were facing the brutalities of occupation.
Keep you two sides narrative to yourselves. It’s a liberation. Down with modern colonizers. Down with modern colonies.
For the notes:
*A post listing some of the crimes israel has committed against Palestinians. I will not trouble myself with finding sources for this very, very long list. Eye.on.palestine // paliroots // letstalkpalestine all have great videos, pictures, and broken down explanations of these crimes. Can be found on instagram or twitter. A majority of these crimes can also be looked up, but heed falling into traps of western/israeli (is there really a difference?) propaganda.
**Yes fucking obviously rape and child murder are bad and harming actual innocent civilians is bad do not try that stupid card here. You know exactly what I’m referring to when I say policing revolution and any attempt to misunderstand that is a deflection.
***And yes fucking obviously anyone using this genuine tragedy as a prop for nazism/antisemitism needs to die immediately like no fucking duh bozo.
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