#Quantum entanglement explained
holoprisms · 1 year
gonna be really honest with you im starting to think space and time are actually the same thing that we’ve pushed separate definitions onto
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techtoio · 3 months
Quantum Mechanics in Modern Technology: The Science Explained
Welcome to TechtoIO! Today, we explore the intriguing world of quantum mechanics and its profound impact on modern technology. Quantum mechanics, once a purely theoretical field, is now driving innovations that are transforming industries. But what exactly is quantum mechanics, and how is it applied in today’s tech? Let’s break down the science behind this fascinating topic. Read to continue
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ahlablog · 8 months
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minmin-vs-physics · 5 days
HUP, EPR, and Bell’s Theorem
An educational document discussing the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the EPR (Einstein- Podolsky-Rosen) Paradox, and Bell’s Theorem, written for an audience without a background in physics, but with their head still screwed on right.
1 Introduction
Ah, quantum mechanics. A bizarre theory which unfortunately describes our physical world exceed- ingly well. Einstein didn’t get it. Bohr didn’t get it. I don’t get it. And soon, you won’t get it either. As the saying goes, the more you know about quantum mechanics, the less you understand it.
I will be skipping around in terms of topics covered in undergraduate quantum mechanics courses to prepare you for the actual beast, Entanglement.
Entanglement, the property of quantum systems to remain correlated even when separated, is a concept which has transformed from a worrisome byproduct of a thought experiment [1] into a cornerstone of quantum mechanics itself. What is a quantum mechanics? Google is your friend, my dear reader. My time with you is limited„ and I cannot teach you the alphabet to make you read Shakespeare. I can only explain what you directly need to understand this article. Anything else shall be your homework, and if I am feeling kind at the end, I will provide a list of accessible resources on learning quantum mechanics the RIGHT way.
As we dive into the frankly confusing world of entanglement, it is vital that you remember one thing– A quantum particle is described by a wave function, Ψ. This wave function is a solution to the Schrodinger equation.
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This is what they mean when they say something is both a particle and a wave; It’s behavior can be described by a special kind of wave equation, which we all know and love as the Schrodinger Wave Equation. But that’s not important right now. I’ll explain more if I need to. We need to get to HUP.
2 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Formulated by Werner Heisenberg in 1927, the Uncertainty Principle is an indomitable tenet in the field of quantum mechanics. Its premise is simple. The more precisely a particle’s momentum is determined, the less precisely is its position. In one dimension, this can be summarized with the following mathematical statement: ∆x∆p ≤ 2
Here, ∆x is the standard deviation or “spread” of the position x, while ∆p is the standard deviation of the momentum p. As the spread of one quantity decreases, the other must increase in order to maintain the inequality. I will not bother proving the Principle in full, but I have Heisenberg’s original proof in the references.
Is that it?
Ummmmm, no. An important thing to remember about HUP is that it is not exclusive to x and p. HUP applies to any two quantum mechanical operators, A, B, which do not commute with each other i.e. [A, B] = AB − BA = 0. But that’s all mathematical nonsense, Min! What does it really mean?
Fine! I’m only doing this because it will be useful when we get to measurements in the EPR paradox and Bell theorems. In order to understand what “not commuting” means in the physical sense, let’s use our favorites, position and momentum, as an example. In quantum mechanics, xˆ andpˆ are referred to as the position and momentum operators respectively. (Why the little hats? Firstly, they’re cute, and secondly, well, you’ll see.) The whole point of calling them operators is that they act on wave functions. And in the crudest sense possible (please don’t try this at home, folks), hitting an operator on a wave function and taking the expectation value, gives a measurement of the quantum mechanical system.
There is about three semesters of quantum mechanical education I’m waving off right now, but bear with me. When we act the momentum operator on the system, in some sense we extract the momentum. Same thing for position. However, the whole deal about x and p is that they do not commute. So, the order in which you conduct the measurements absolutely does matter. First measuring x and then p would give you a different answer than first measuring p and then x. This is because the very act of measuring a quantum state changes it. That’s right! It changes. This makes all the difference when you consider the standard deviation of a bunch of measurements. If my memory of introductory quantum mechanics serves me right, after about three pages of algebra you arrive at the familiar position-momentum uncertainty principle.
The moral of the story is that the non-commutativity of these operators manifests as a sort of granularity in the accuracy of measurements you can make on a physical system. This granularity is retained between any other kinds of non-commuting measurements you can make!
On second thought, do you really need this? Probably not. But, the algebra of uncertainty principles is a pet project to me. Especially the strangest of them all, the energy-time uncertainty principle. Enough on that! Here’s the main takeaway (other than the actual HUP statement) that you need from this section:
Making a measurement on a state changes its wave function. No exceptions. None. The detached observer is not a reality in the quantum mechanical world.
3 Spin
I realized that the following sections will not make any sense if you don’t at least know what spin is. So, let’s make a short pit-stop at Spin City to learn about this nonsensical physical quantity.
We’re all aware of angular momentum– its the rotational analog of linear momentum (which we talked about the previous section). We all agree that it is a property related to the motion of an object, right? WRONG! Sometime in the 1900s (Seriously, 20th Century Physicists should chill out), it was discovered this angular momentum from motion i.e. “orbital” angular momentum, as it was called in the atomic physics context it was first described, does not account for all the angular momentum of a particle. Long story short, the remaining angular momentum, which is intrinsic to a particle, is now called Spin. Every fundamental particle has a particular value of spin, which, in quantum mechanical jargon, is the eigenvalue of the spin operator.
For understanding the following sections, we really only need to care about spin-1/2 particles, which are lovingly called fermions, and are the building blocks of all ordinary matter. The shining feature of spin-1/2 particles is that their spin can either be +1 or −1 , which is often referred to as spin-up (↑) and spin-down (↓) respectively.
Physically, the up or down comes from whether the measured spin is along the axis it is measured, or opposite to it. Yes, spin is a vector, so it does have three independent components in the three spatial directions, but it is convention to consider the z-component of the spin for calculations and experiments. Any references to up and down in the next sections are along the z-direction.
Oh, and one more thing, spin-0 particles have no intrinsic spin. This will be important when we encounter the EPR Paradox.
4 EPR Paradox
After skipping a whole bunch of most-likely important concepts in the study of quantum mechanics we arrive at the EPR paradox.
The EPR paradox is a thought experiment first described in the groundbreaking paper [1] by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in 1935. Einstein was quite vocally a hater, and the EPR paradox was proposed as evidence that the description of reality provided by quantum mechanics is incomplete. Reality doesn’t care, of course, and the EPR Paradox isn’t really a paradox. In fact, it is the foundation of entanglement– a magnificent, very real feature of reality which spans black holes, quantum computers and even my field of research: Entanglement in elementary particle physics.
In fact, I’m so self-centered that the example we will use to illustrate the EPR paradox is from particle physics. Just kidding, my explanation follows Chapter 12 in Griffiths’ Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, and is a simplified version credited to David Bohm
EPRB Paradox
Suppose a pion (funky particle with spin-0) at rest, decays to an electron and positron which fly off into opposite directions. Since the pion has spin-0, conservation of angular momentum dictates that the electron and positron occupy the following spin configuration.
√(1/2) (|↑↓⟩−|↓↑⟩)
BE NOT AFRAID of the mathematical jumpscare. The fancy bracket |·⟩ is what’s called a “ket”, and is used to denote the state of a quantum system. All the expression says is that either the electron is
spin-up (+1) and the positron is spin-down (−1) or vice-versa, because the total spin of the system 22
must add up to 0. (Since the initial state is spin zero, the system must stay spin-zero even after the decay occurs. That’s what angular momentum conservation is all about.) We don’t know which combination we will get, but it must be one of the above. Measuring the spin of one of the particles will automatically tell us what the spin of the other particle is. This means that the spins of the electron and positron are correlated. In modern terms, such a state is called entangled.
Now, let’s pretend that these particles fly off in opposite directions, until say, they are several light years apart. What would happen if we found the electron and measured its spin to be +1 ? We instantly know that the positron’s spin is −1 . This is obvious. Why are we mad about this?
Naturally, we may think that the electron really was spin-up from the moment it was created and it was only that quantum mechanics did not know until we made a measurement. But by the principles of quantum mechanics, neither particle had a definite spin, until we made a measurement, causing the wave function to “collapse” and instanteously produce the spin of the positron which is lights years away!
The EPR bros were NOT having it. Einstein famously called this phenomenon “spooky action at a distance”. They stated that the quantum mechanical standpoint must be wrong! The electron and positron must have had well-defined spins from their creation, even if quantum mechanics does not know it. Quantum mechanics is not a complete description of reality and there must be some hidden variables which describe a physical system that we do not yet know.
The fundamental assumption guiding the EPR argument is that no information can propagate faster than light. This the principle of locality. In order to appease this, we can say that the wave function collapsed at some finite velocity and is not instantaneous. However, this violates conservation– If we measured the positron spin as well before the information of collapse reached it, there is a 50–50 chance that both particles are spin-up, which means the system has total spin-1. Preposterous! You can mess with anything you want in this universe, but you don’t mess with conservation laws. What do we do now?
Okay, let’s calm down. The theorists may say whatever they want, but experiment doesn’t lie. Experiment tells us that in these cases, spin is perfectly correlated. The wave function collapse is instantaneous. That’s crazy. Call your mom and tell her you want to go home. The EPR Bros are frightening you— Quantum Mechanics is NOT local so it is NOT complete.
...Except. It is. Enter, Bell’s Theorem.
5 Bell’s Theorem
Now, what’s the situation? The EPR gang is not happy. I’m not happy. You’re not happy. Is quantum mechanics wrong? No, silly! EPR said it themselves: they think it’s merely incomplete. So, in order to completely describe a quantum mechanical state, you not only need the wave function Ψ, you also need some unknown, hidden variable λ. Lots of hidden variable theories were proposed after the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paper, but none of them ever gained traction. It was still a respectable area of study until 1964, when J.S. Bell proved that any local (Remember locality from the last section?) hidden variable theory is incompatible with quantum mechanics.
I’ll spare you the details of Bell’s work, dear reader. One thought experiment in an essay is gruesome enough. (It is also getting quite late and I still didn’t code my calculations. I have spent far too much time on this already.)
Bell’s proof involves the wonderful use of probability, and the barest assumptions that can be made about local hidden variable theories. Basically, in any local hidden variable theory, the probabilities of various outcomes are related by what’s known as a Bell inequality. If EPR’s conjecture is right, and there really are hidden variables we don’t know about, then any physical system must obey its Bell inequality.
Except, there have been various experiments since the 1960s confirming that Bell’s inequality is indeed violated. This came as a rude shock to scientists as it is not fun to learn that reality is very much nonlocal. It was all fun and games when this was all merely a mathematical artifact, but nonlocality felt like a gateway drug to a much grimmer violation.
Bell inequality violations, no matter how surprising, are merely wonderful correlations between two sets of otherwise random data. Sure, the measurement of the spin of the electron affects the positron, but it does not cause it in any meaningful way. The person measuring the electron spin cannot use this collapse of the wave function to send a message to the person with the positron, since they don’t control the outcome of the experiment. They can decide whether to measure the electron at all, but the other person only has access to the positron’s spin and cannot tell whether the electron has been measured or not.
Phew! This sort of nonlocal influence does not transmit any energy or information, so it is exempt from the speed of light. Meanwhile, causal influences, those which do transmit information or energy, cannot travel faster than light. According to special relativity, if this was possible then, there are reference frames in which information can propagate backwards through time. And that, my dear reader, is what we call a big nono. Since the EPR paradox does not imply that causality is violated, we can lie uncomfortably on our bed of nonlocal but causal theory of quantum mechanics.
So rest easy, quantum mechanics is weird, but safe. Entanglement is not a fairytale, but also not the boogeyman. It’s probably more scared of you than you of it. Just give it some time. More answers will follow.
What Do I Do Now?
So, you want to know more? Or curl up in a ball and never think about this again? Either is fine. I won’t judge. If your answer is the former, here are some resources to guide you through the thickets of quantum mechanics.
PopSci Sources
1. IDTIMWYTIM: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 2. Why did Quantum Entanglement Win the Nobel Prize in Physics? 3. Bell’s Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox
Surely, you’ll get more out of these wonderful science Youtubers than you did from me yapping for four pages. There are a bunch more probably, but you’ll have to find them yourself.
Academic Sources
1. An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D.J. Griffiths.
Of course, there are other quantum mechanics textbooks that I like much more than this one. But, this is the least daunting, so I’ll leave it here.
Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more silly academic style papers.
[1]  A. Einstein, B. Podolsky and N. Rosen, “Can quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete”? Phys. Rev. 47, 777–780 (1935) doi:10.1103/PhysRev.47.777
[2]  Heisenberg, W. “Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik”. Z. Physik 43, 172–-198 (1927). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01397280
[3]  D.J. Griffiths, D.F. Schroeter, “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Third Edition” Cambridge University Press (2018) 978–1–107–18963–8,
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mister-a-z-fell · 3 months
People often say to me ‘Aziraphale, what exactly is Firmament?’
And by ‘often’, I mean ‘twice’, and they don’t so much say it as send me little enquiries on the Twitters and the Tumbler, along with inexplicable demands to know whether Crowley or I go ‘on top’.
I’ll get to the point in a moment, but, since you’re here, I would like to make it clear that our sleeping arrangements are nobody’s business but our own.
In any case, we don’t own a bunk bed, so the point is moot.
The subject of Firmament first came up on a clear night a few hundred years after I followed Adam and Eve out from Eden. Seth — their third child — was lying on a stone outcrop near the settlement, watching the sky, and I was sitting a little way off, keeping an eye out for scorpions.
‘Ol-ah-kwa*?’ The boy was usually full of questions, but that night he’d been uncharacteristically quiet. ‘What are they called, the lights above?’ It wasn’t the first time he’d asked and he already knew the answer perfectly well, but that was his way.
‘Those are stars. Has your father shown you how to find your path by them?’ He shook his head, and I resolved to talk to Eve in the morning.
‘How are they there? Are they like flowers on a bush? Or spots on a lizard? How many there are.’
I wished Crowley had been there, just then. He could have explained it so much better. I did my best, although I think I left him with the impression that every star hovered high in the heavens like a hummingbird, and he took some convincing that they wouldn’t eventually grow tired, having nowhere to perch, and come crashing down around us.
‘But why are they like fires? If they were made to fly up there forever, why don’t they grow feathers and just be birds?’
‘Well, that would rather defeat the purpose, B-qa-lyl**.’ And that might have been the end of the matter, but the boy had long since learned my weakness.
‘Don’t you know?’
And this is what I told him:
‘They are stars, because God told them to be stars. If She ever decides that they should be birds, then birds they will become. She told your father and mother to be human, because there was a place made in the world for humanity. Your purpose in this life is to discover what it means to be human.’
‘What about the next life?’
‘Wait and see.’
And this is what I didn’t tell him:
In the Beginning was the Void. And God spoke into the Nothing -That-Was, and that word was the first Firmament.
Firmament exists without mass, without substance. It is the Almighty’s intent, Her design, Her love; it is a blueprint for reality, pure potential and the Universe is spun with its threads. In the hands of the Virtues, it takes on form, accretes matter — becomes Material, a mechanism turned with a key that sounds like ‘LET THERE BE’.
Firmament can only be seen by the shadows that it casts. Gravity. The way that particles converse. Electromagnetism. Slood. It moves in mysterious ways and it reaches everywhere that is not Void. One day, scholars will glimpse the outer edges of ‘omnipresence’, and call it ‘quantum entanglement’.
I should have found a way to explain that — while stars aren’t birds — they share their firmament as all the brush stokes of a masterpiece share their canvas, as the individual notes of a melody are carried on the same breath. Everything touches everything. ‘Look what ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, the same have ye done unto me.’
Perhaps if I’d taught Seth that all that lies between each of us and the furthest, strangest star is a triviality called ‘distance’, which only really has meaning inside the preserve of mortal dimensions, he might have understood. I tried to explain it to his descendants, but perhaps they were too old, too certain of themselves, to listen. I was never much of a teacher.
Later, in all the confusion of Babel, rāqīa (something beaten thin to form a surface) and rakhmyn (love) went their separate ways, and whenever I encountered the subject of… celestial scaffolding — for want of a better word — it came in the context of the former. A shell to support the stars, to hold back the upper waters. They forgot about the ‘love’ part.
Later still, Crowley got volubly drunk with a fellow named Copernicus and made some progress, but even his controversial model couldn’t let go of firmament as the pastry around the universal profiterole.
Then there was Giordano Bruno… but we don’t talk about him.
So, here I am, trying again. Hoping that I’ve explained myself better this time, because, after all, that’s what an angel is: Firmament imbued with mind, and grace, willed into life by words of purpose unique to each one of us. Wearing atomic fancy-dress so that we can speak to you in words you can comprehend (ideally without falling down and giggling while your hair smoulders gently).
We are, at base, figments of Her imagination, which is so powerful that it was necessary that She invent free will to stop all things yielding unfailingly to Her whim. As a consequence, reality tends to become malleable in our immediate vicinity.
What is Firmament? It’s everything. It’s Creation. It’s humans, and demons, and angels. It’s stars, and it’s the walls of Eden. It’s the bullet, and the finger pulling the trigger, the magician and the audience, and the shocked air expanding in ripples from the burning powder. It’s the scalpel, and the flesh. And inside, beneath the dancing atoms, it’s love.
Try to remember that part, because sometimes it seems very well hidden.
It’s love.
**Something small
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atmymercy · 2 months
Hi lovely, here for the Monthly Tarot Giveaway!>3 🫶🏻✨
My Question; What is the connection with your future spouse in the 5D right now!? Basically for people who believe in spirituality connections to see if they have already built up this connection in 5D or just how is their connection currently doing in the 5D
Thankyou sweetie, take care!! Sending lots of love and good energy 🤍
-> It was fun to participate in such things because it allows you to think outside the box. Hehe!
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in honor of august…
what is the connection with my future spouse like in the 5D right now?
quantum entanglement explains that we are all connected, even before the physical plain has shown us this path! so let's find out what your 5D connection to your future spouse is like now! do they send you hints? do they want to tell you something now? are they currently desperately missing you? let's wander your red string of fate and see what information is being interchanged between the two of you! aww! aka 5D future spouse update!
in-depth reading with 5 card pull - $6
♡ message me for details/questions & to book this reading! ♡
congrats jkayyy222! you are the august giveaway winner! your question is fun! let's go wandering around in the 5D and see what comes along the red string of fate! i feel like i'm going to be fingering thread and seeing what kind of vibrations that bounce back from the string! lol be interesting to see if people are using the 5D connection a lot or not? yep! now i'm curious! lol
i hope you choose this reading so we can see what you got going on, honey! should be interesting to see what you got going on since you are obviously connected to this question personally! should be a fun reading! woot! thanks again, honey for participating! woot! i really appreciate it! and you!
thank you so much again! also please feel free to enter again! no rules are stopping you from winning again! lol
love & light!
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50shadesofoctarine · 6 months
Why you should write that AO3 comment:
Hello! I am an AO3 author and professional fandom dipshit. This is an "essay" on why you should leave that comment on the fanfic you just read.
Table of Contents:
"Commenting is too much effort!"
"I don't know what to write!"
Do you want more fanfic?
Fan creators are human beings, not AI content generators.
You can count it as charity work on your metaphysical taxes.
"Commenting is too much effort!"
Yes, writing a comment takes energy. I'm an introvert, I get that. I have two counter arguments to this point.
AO3 comments are not the SAT:
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This is a comment from my latest fic, Quantum Entangled.
Three words and a heart. It requires zero consideration, it isn't specific to the fic, it's something you could copy-paste, even. A comment like this is better than nothing. I'll let my reply from AO3 explain why:
"You know what, I appreciate this way more than you'd probably expect. The temptation to lurk is a strong one, both for social anxiety reasons and internet content-consumption culture reasons. But when people lurk, I can't tell that they've enjoyed the story. The more people that lurk instead of interacting, the more I assume that my work wasn't good enough, irrespective of the reader's actual feelings. So this was a very welcome comment to read. Thank you for indicating your enjoyment. I will endeavour to write more stuff for you to lurk on in the future. :)"
A comment like this, one that is as thoughtless and low effort as possible, is still a comment. Something that denotes a reader's interest. Because, and I can't be clear enough about this, I HAVE NO OTHER WAY OF KNOWING THAT YOU LIKED IT. Kudos and comments are my only window into the reader's experience.
Sure, I'd love more detailed and thorough comments on my work, but, if that expectation is the thing that's going to stop you from commenting at all, I'd prefer the bland copy-paste appreciation.
Onto my second argument.
Do you know what also takes effort? WRITING THE DAMN FIC:
You do not get to complain about being forced to type a congratulatory handful of words after reading that 200k slow-burn fantasy au. Do you know how many hours went into that thing? Do you? Because I can guarantee that it was A LOT. All that writers are asking for is a single emoji. A kudos, at the very least. Consider the effort that went into the creation that you've just experienced and give just a thimble full of it back.
Authors lay out a feast for you to devour. They're only requesting a "thank you".
"I don't know what to write!"
Like in the previous example, an AO3 comment can be as simple as three words saying that you appreciated it. Just an acknowledgement that you were there. It doesn't have to be fancy.
But if you want fancy...?
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Here's one of my comments, from Tishae's Better Together.
Let me break it down for you.
"Stunning. This au is so well developed. I love how you managed to maintain tension after the point that they discover that their feelings are requited. This was brilliantly paced, and the action (esp the ending) was so engaging."
The comment opens with appreciation. (Think of it as a sandwich with love as the bread. It starts and ends with my enjoyment.)
There are specific details about what I liked.
"If I may ask, what was the crime that the Metatron committed? Maybe I'm bad at reading between the lines or maybe I missed something, but I'm really curious as to what dirt they have on him. Victimless? Bad enough for imprisonment, but not so morally reprehensible as to make Anathema reveal it? Did he embezzle? That's all I can really think of."
Continues with a specific question about the story and plot.
Shows that I was critically engaged and actively considering the story.
You don't have to have questions about every fic that you read, but don't be afraid to ask them if you do. I love it when people ask me about my work.
"Thank you for the delicious food. I honestly thought that you were going to have Crowley's final look be something in grey (black and white being the theme of the show, metaphorically representing separation/binary, so Aziraphale was uncomfortable with it due to the implications. Grey, symbolising unity/shades of grey as an idiom, would then be the biggest middle finger to the Metatron) but I do really like what you came up with."
Thoughts about how I read the plot. (This is something I particularly love to read as an author. Please tell me what's going on in that funky lil' brain of yours!!)
"I'm hoping this comment provides plenty of dopamine. If the task activation and instant gratification parts of your brain light up, you might be more likely to write GO content again. Love your work, thanks for sharing it. I hope you gain 3 inches of metaphorical dick length. Please keep writing."
Encouragement to keep writing. (This is the best way to ensure that creators remain in the fandom)
A funny comment to sign off.
Now that you know what to comment, let's start on the real reasons why you should.
Do you want more fanfic?
Fun fact! Fanfictious Authoria are a species that sustain themselves entirely on a diet of brain worms, unfinished WIPs, and kudos. As one of the three fundamental food groups, removing kudos from the fandom ecosystem causes a complete collapse of the natural order. In times of unprecedented scarcity, entire populations of Fanfictious Authoria can die out completely. This means that the production of fanfiction, in that particular region of fandom, stops entirely, often causing major ecological damage, and the subsequent deaths of fan species in the same genus. (Like the Fanfictious Artia, or the Fanfictious Editour, both of which subsist on fanfiction based diets to survive.)
In conservation efforts, experts are imploring readers to donate kudos and comments toward any fandom region that they want to stay alive.
But I digress.
When I want more content, I tell the author. Ask and you shall receive; it's the best way to convince an author/artist to make more.
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My comment on @mrghostrat's And They Were Streamers
You liked it? Then COMMENT! Not for the author's sake, but for your own. You want to see the ending of a WIP? Well, it'd be a terrible shame if the author gave up on it because they thought no one was reading... They don't know that you enjoy their work until you TELL THEM. They're not psychic, you have to help them hear you. Commenting on the things you like influences the creators of said things to attribute the act of making content (and, notably, making the type of content that specifically appeals to you) with the dopamine hit of reading your reaction. Treat them like Pavlov's dogs. Ring the kudos-bell.
Fan creators are human beings, not AI content generators.
They have real human feelings and real human egos. The contemporary attitude towards media engagement is skewed towards algorithmic, instant, and uncritical consumption. This is pumping straight gasoline into the beautiful lakes of our fandom ecosystem. Fandom cannot afford to treat its creators like mechanical text generators. We are not an unfeeling assembly line, only there to produce content. We are enthusiasts, engaging in our hobby. No fan creator has to show you anything. They are fully within their rights to keep their works hidden in their computer files, never to see the light of day. Every fanfic on AO3 is only there because someone had the grace to share it with you. You are not entitled to an author's work, just as they are not entitled to your kudos. We have a mutually beneficial arrangement. Do not forget your part in this symbiosis.
It's a problem that extends beyond AO3. Tumblr is a less enthusiastic place than it used to be. Fandom as a whole is drifting towards a consumption mindset. I, for one, am sick of it. Reblog things, like them, share them. Make fanart of fanart. Who gives a shit? Do the cringy thing. You don't have to cultivate your blog aesthetic. Be who you are, like what you like, and have enthusiasm about all of it. Fandom should be an expression of radical self acceptance. Embrace it. Leave essays about fics that you liked. Reblog the essays of other's when you see them. Exist in the mutual joy of seeing and being seen. You are not just an external observer, absorbing content from a distance. You are here too. Wave back at us. Say 'hi.'
You can count it as charity work on your metaphysical taxes.
My final appeal is a moral one.
Commenting on AO3 is just a kind thing to do.
You are your actions. Are you the kind of person who does the kind thing when no one is watching? When no one will care?
Fanfiction is a hobby, and I'm not here to guilt you about how you spend your leisure time. I'm only here to say that there is a kindness you could be giving the world.
If you are one of the people that performs this kindness, I thank you.
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
For most of us, the passage of time flies in just one inexorable direction. But for theoretical quantum physicists, time's direction isn't quite so inflexible. It's possible to theoretically model, simulate, and observe the backwards flow of time in ways that are impossible to achieve in the real world. And now, scientists have shown that simulations of backwards time travel can help solve physics problems that cannot be resolved with normal physics. Led by physicist David Arvidsson-Shukur of Cambridge University, a team of physicists conducted an experiment in which the input state can be altered by simulating a backwards loop of time that allows them to alter the parameters after they have already been set. These loops are purely hypothetical, of course – but they can be simulated using quantum teleportation circuits created with entangled particles, in order to mathematically solve problems. "Imagine that you want to send a gift to someone: you need to send it on day one to make sure it arrives on day three," Arvidsson-Shukur explains. "However, you only receive that person's wish list on day two. So, in this chronology-respecting scenario, it's impossible for you to know in advance what they will want as a gift and to make sure you send the right one. "Now imagine you can change what you send on day one with the information from the wish list received on day two. Our simulation uses quantum entanglement manipulation to show how you could retroactively change your previous actions to ensure the final outcome is the one you want."
Continue Reading.
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quasi-normalcy · 2 months
My intuition tells me that explaining quantum entanglement in biological systems is one of those loose ends in physics that *seems* like a minor detail, but which, if pulled upon, will end up completely revolutionizing our understanding of nature. Like the 21st century's answer to the ultraviolet catastrophe.
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tiredwishes · 21 days
wAIT A DAMN MINUTE YOURE DOING A CARCAR? please explain everything abt this!!!
I AM and i'm still in the middle of editing it but here's the gist of it:
Quantum Entanglement: They say that when two particles are entangled, a change in one will affect the other. That is, the idea of love-- of soulmates.
Their dynamic has always been this, a push and a pull. The same way a little boy tugs on a little girl's pigtails in the playground because he likes her, and it's the only way he knows to get her attention.
Carlos pulls on Oscar's hair swoop because he's got a big little crush, but he's rather terrible at expressing that in a normal, healthy way. So he starts, well, the hair pulling. Except Oscar's not one to be easily fazed, and he's adamant on not letting Carlos' behaviour affect him. Not one bit.
Nevertheless; a change in one will affect the other.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 11 months
The recent research explores the possibility of closed-timelike curves, or CTCs—a hypothetical pathway back in time. The curve is a worldline—the arc of a particle in spacetime over the course of its existence—that runs backwards. Steven Hawking posited in his 1992 “Chronology protection conjecture” paper that the laws of physics don’t allow for closed timelike curves to exist—thus, that time travel is impossible. “Nevertheless,” the recent study authors wrote, “they can be simulated probabilistically by quantum-teleportation circuits.”
The team’s Gedankenexperiment goes like this: Physicists put photonic probes through a quantum interaction, yielding a certain measurable result. Based on that result, they can determine what input would have yielded an optimal result—hindsight is 20/20, just like when you can look over a graded exam. But because the result was yielded from a quantum operation, instead of being stuck with a less-than-optimal result, the researchers can tweak the values of the quantum probe via entanglement, producing a better result even though the operation already happened. Capiche?
The team demonstrated that one could “probabilistically improve one’s past choice,” explained study co-author Nicole Yunger Halpern, a physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland at College Park, in an email to Gizmodo, though she noted that the proposed time travel simulation has not yet taken place. 
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avokaidoll · 10 months
So you're new to this ?
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Hey there, doll. Welcome to the wildest ride of high school. If I could go back in time, here's the advice I'd give lil me – the ultimate guide to crushing sophomore year and making it look effortless ! (I think)
Oh this can apply if you're just a new student, or after a break starting a new term or wtv idk !
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1. Uniform vs. Home Clothes Chic:
- Whether you're rocking a uniform or strutting in your own home fits, confidence is the key.
>For uniforms, play with accessories ! – a killer watch, cool socks, or a personalized pin for your clothes or hair. Be sure to iron your uniform, I promise it'll elevate your look !
>Home clothes? Find a signature style – be it graphic tees, funky jeans, classic leather jacket, pink pilates princess vibes or athleisure vibes. You do you, and let your uniqueness shine.
- For the schools that do both try to plan carefully when you get the chance to wear home clothes and give your alllllllll; my school had us wear school uniform from Monday to Wednesday, then on Thursdays we get to wear home fits then Friday school tracksuits and on wknds boarders were permitted to wear home fits (the school was so mfing stingy just for those 3 days smh 🙄) and best believe we took advantage of our creativity 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾.
2. Study Smart, Not Hard:
- Let's talk about one study method !!!
Ever tried the Feynman Technique? Teach what you're learning in simple terms, as if explaining it to someone else who's having difficulty understanding or to a younger much annoyingly curious version of yourself :D. Like think to yourself 'how would I explain this to a 10 year old ?'.
This exposes gaps in your understanding and helps you grasp concepts more deeply. It's like being the professor of your own academic empire. Ouh fancy right, I know.
If you're not sure on how to go about it you can ask Chatgpt to explain as if you're 10, here Chatgpt demonstrates by talking about Quantum entanglement;
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God I just love that 😌 Aye now don't go to Chatgpt everytime you need something Feynman-ied, it's important to try to practice this and train yourself, don't be so reliant ok :) ?
3. Extracurricular Juggling Act:
- Extracurriculars are the spice of high school life.
The key is balance. Pick activities aligned with your passions. If you're into sports, make sure it complements your academic schedule. Remember, you're crafting a well-rounded high school story, not a chaotic drama.
This adds to your credits, imagine how easy if would be for you to get you uni with all these great stuff on your record. A plus if you get ok to good grades as it shows that not only did you do well but you were active in other stuff. Good impressions go bbbrrr 📈📈📈
I wish I had a friend that pushed me to go for extracurriculars, my record looks so stale except for the usual, nothing fancy to add. Take this as a sign to sign up for the stuff right up your alley !
4. Note-Taking Magic:
- Your notes are your secret weapon.
Try the Cornell Method – divide your page into two sections, one for main notes and the other for summarizing. After class, jot down questions based on your notes; it's like creating your personalized study guide. Like so :
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5. Decoding The Testing Maze:
- When it comes to studying for tests, don't just memorize; understand.
The SQ3R method is your ally – Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. It turns passive reading into an active engagement with the material. Ahhh good stuff !
Remember our talk of quantum entanglement, well, I'll try to demonstrate the SQ3R method if you're studying Q.E
Example Question:
Explain the concept of quantum entanglement and how it manifests between two particles. Provide an example scenario to illustrate your understanding.
SQ3R Breakdown:
- Glance over the entire question. Identify key terms: "quantum entanglement," "manifestation," and "example scenario." This gives you a roadmap for what to look for in the material.
- Formulate specific questions based on the content:
- What is the fundamental concept of quantum entanglement?
- How does entanglement occur between two particles?
- Can you provide a real-world scenario to illustrate this?
- Dive into your physics materials. Focus on sections explaining quantum entanglement, the mechanics of entanglement between particles, and any examples or scenarios provided.
- Close your book and explain what you've learned:
- Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where particles become interconnected, with changes in one particle affecting the other.
- Entanglement occurs through a process called quantum superposition, where particles exist in multiple states simultaneously.
- Example scenario: Imagine two entangled electrons. If one electron's spin is measured and found to be "up," the other electron's spin will instantly be determined as "up," regardless of distance.
---Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two or more particles become interconnected, regardless of the distance between them. This entanglement influences their properties, meaning the state of one particle instantly affects the state of the other. For example, if we have two entangled electrons, measuring the spin of one electron will instantaneously determine the spin of the other, even if they are light-years apart. This interconnectedness challenges our classical understanding of particle behavior, introducing a fascinating aspect of quantum physics.
- Go back over your notes, ensuring you've covered the fundamental concept, mechanics, and the example scenario. Check your understanding of terms like quantum superposition and the implications of measurements on entangled particles.
Applying SQ3R helps break down complex questions, ensuring a solid grasp of wtv question/topic you plan to study.
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6. Time Management Mastery:
- Mastering time is mastering high school.
Ever heard of the Eisenhower Matrix? It categorizes tasks into urgent and important, helping you prioritize efficiently.
1. Urgent and Important (Do First):
- Example: Your final exams are in two days, and you haven't started studying. This is urgent and important, requiring immediate attention to ensure academic success. Drop everything else and hit the books.
2. Important, Not Urgent (Schedule):
- Example: You've been thinking about starting a blog to share your art and connect with other creative minds. While it's important for personal growth, it's not urgent. Schedule specific times during the week to work on your blog and gradually turn this passion project into a reality.
3. Urgent, Not Important (Delegate):
- Example: Your friend needs help choosing an outfit for an event tonight, and you're in the middle of studying for a crucial test. It's urgent for your friend, but not as important for your academic success. Politely delegate the task to another friend who has a bit more time.
4. Not Urgent and Not Important (Eliminate)
- Example: Spending hours scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV shows, or playing video games without any specific purpose. While these activities might be entertaining, they don't contribute significantly to your personal or academic growth. Consider eliminating or reducing the time spent on these non-productive tasks.
Using the Eisenhower Matrix in daily decision-making helps maintain focus on priorities and ensures that time is allocated effectively, especially for a student juggling school, social life, and personal interests!
7. The Success Mindset:
- Approach challenges with a growth mindset. View setbacks as stepping stones to success. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and cultivate resilience. Remember, every stumble is a chance to dance better in the next act of your school journey.
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Now, let's dip into the classic realms of friendship and crushes, because at this point you should already know the gist of things. Building genuine connections is like painting your own social masterpiece. Be yourself, laugh often, and approach crushes (and potential friends) with authenticity don't try to change who you are !!!
Confidence, respect, and kindness go a long way. You're not just a sophomore; you're a role model in the making if you try hard enough. Strut through those halls with purpose and make every moment count!
And for those silly cliques, be sure to get in the right ones. The ones that morph you to the bad and influence you to hate yourself or others, ignore them, they're so not worth your time and they're soooo yesterday, and we are living for now and the future .
Keep shining doll !
xoxo signing off,
Angela ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
ps: oh em gee, thanks alot for 360+ likes on my first post, that was really quick it caught me off guard lol, thanks alotttttttt mwahhhh xx
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techtoio · 3 months
The Fascinating Science Behind Quantum Computing: Explained
Welcome to TechtoIO! Today, we embark on a journey to one of the most thrilling frontiers in technology: quantum computing. This radical area promises a transformation of information processing, problem resolution, and understanding of the universe. How do quantum computers work, and what is quantum computing? Let’s break down the science behind this cutting-edge technology in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Read to continue
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leighlew3 · 2 months
Something crossed my mind about the Supergirl ep when Lena asked about quantum entanglement. I found this to explain the theory : Quantum entanglement refers to the existence of an inextricable link between two particles.... well it speaks itself 🤩💙🤎
The meaning behind it is why so many fans always discuss and refer to quantum entanglement in fics, art, soulmatism debates etc -- it's a vital piece of the Supercorp lore and a key piece of underlying symbolism to their tale.
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kermit-coded · 6 months
reading the past annihilation wiccan and hulkling and oh my god the high school flashbacks. baby billy, explaining quantum entanglement in science class and baby teddy looking at him with such wonder in his eyes. billy being like "you don't have to be my friend. i know what people say about me." and teddy going "no i'm gonna." teddy's mom leaving the game early to give them alone time. just. you are a gay teenager being bullied and this golden retriever of a boy decides to be your friend. and then you get superpowers and you marry him. they are everything to meeeee
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ghelgheli · 10 months
17! but also using the opportunity of the ask game to get to know more about the effortless worldbuilding in sff :)
from the end-of-year book ask
17: Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
I think Three Body Problem is the only one meeting this condition this year so I'll have no trouble staying on topic :> but I'm gonna specifically talk about "hard" SF as I conceive of it—I haven't read any analysis so this may just be a jumble of improvised thoughts.
SF, being "speculative" fiction, of course has to take on the problem of speculating and of presenting things that don't (and perhaps cannot) happen. On average this is accomplished thru a healthy combination of scientific grounding and good-natured handwaving: I drop a few sentences about "quantum entanglement" and you go along with my ansible, or you tell me about "positronic circuits" and I agree that you can make a brain with them. This is the compact that makes SF work because you fundamentally cannot expect speculation without, well, ceding ground on reality.
But at least a subset of SF readers are of the kind to really want to grok how it is that this or that scientific feature of the world works or may come about. Every contraption and novel technology is like a puzzle to be riddled out. This is the place where speculation becomes sincere mechanical prediction, and it's why I love hard SF.
This subset of readers can be matched to a subgenre of writers who commit fully to filling in as many blanks in their technological, biological, etc. speculation as possible. The rows of astronomical data can't be left vague—tell me what frequency of light we're dealing with here—xenobiology isn't taken for granted—what is the neurology of your aliens??—and so on. The dots are connected, the rest of the owl is drawn for real, the image is made crisp. Like fireworks for the reader's brain.
When this kind of worldbuilding is executed well imo it looks effortless. Looks, not is, because behind every explanation of near-c travel is hours of research into at least special relativity and time dilation, along with calculations by-hand. Behind every account of an exoplanet's atmosphere is probably a few papers perused on the subject and several articles on scientific american. Peter Watts, in the note at the end of Blindsight, includes a fucking bibliography of a hundred or so references as well as thank-yous to many an academic he split handles of liquor with. And this is only the visible fragment of what has to be a library of knowledge accumulated both passively and actively to make a speculated world feel as concretely plausible as possible.
None of this is necessary for good SF. The aforementioned compact means any author can opt out of this commitment at any time. But it's what it takes to make tightly-written hard SF, where your conceptual hands are kept diligently at your side, waving an idea through maybe once every five chapters when you have no other choice.
So anyway, Three Body Problem is a tour de force in doing this and doing it cleanly. It uses a storytelling device a lot of hard SF employs to make it work: rather than stuffing dense exposition into narration (at which point, just read the source papers) it deploys a cast of characters who more than anything else, really know their shit. We get exposition trickle-fed through experts who are trying, along with us, to make sense of their novel environments and unfamiliar technologies using their knowledge of the present limits of human understanding. This is what Watts does in Blindsight too, by the way: a claustrophobic ship crewed by technical specialists makes first contact, so everyone has something encyclopedic to say about everything and it's only natural.
What astounded me about Cixin Liu's writing is that he made it work just when I least thought he would be able to. I was sure I was being shown things completely inexplicable and necessarily supernatural until he went and explained them in plain terms; better yet, he explained them in ways that made so much sense in retrospect that I was kicking myself for not seeing the answer. This has exactly the flavour of a good puzzle.
The trade-off hard SF makes is that you are often limited in the metaphorical/thematic work you can do through your speculation. I think the contrast between "calendrical science" in Yoon Ha Lee's Machineries of Empire series and Asimov's "psychohistory" illustrates this well.
Yoon Ha Lee has mathematical training, and calendrical science is a speculative field consisting of theorems, conjectures, proofs, etc. in the language of mathematics that stand in for cultural hegemony and power projection. This makes for a great operationalization of soft power: space is filled and distorted by the quantifiable effects of whatever regime is dominant there (the "calendar" here being synecdoche for culture writ large). But obviously he can't fill in the blanks of how a calendar causes spacetime distortions that specifically make one side's weapons more effective, or provide certain formations with shielding effects. This is, I guess, semi-hard (lol) SF—you can see how it's supposed to work, but it's clear that it just won't. What you get in return is pretty politically interesting storytelling.
Psychohistory is the converse: a deterministic-enough lovechild of economics and sociology explained in the Foundation series as using all the familiar methods of linear algebra and differential equations together with unfamiliar innovations of just how to quantify human behaviour in order to make reliable predictions. There are entire chapters dedicated to explaining the conceptual nuance that went into developing psychohistory ("the hand on thigh principle" from prelude to foundation is just about how the theory resolves divergence by reducing insignificant terms to zero) and an entire book to exploring one of its limitations. It's fascinating to read. But you also get little narrative depth out of it, because hard SF, even when done well, is not guaranteed to make a story thematically interesting or politically compelling. This is the Three Body Problem problem too: its political commitments are threadbare and unserious because that's just not what it's about. I couldn't recommend it on those terms, but that's not what I like so much about it. I will say the conceptualization goes a little off the rails in the final chapters, but I think most SF authors were in some kind of string theory inspired fugue state at the time.
What I would love to see (and I'm sure exists) is hard SF that also has interesting politics. Unfortunately that's an intersection of two already-narrow intersections.
ty for ask✨🐐
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