#Queen calypso
star-adventurxr · 11 months
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nerd-elf · 17 days
@deskgirl I did it! I’m not sure this was what you envisioned here, but I had to put the magical sea gull and sea witch as the supreme beings 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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valorianknights · 2 months
EPIC: The Queen Saga
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Circe and Calypso!
As much as I love these two, there is only one true Queen of Ithaca:
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And Siren-Penelope, who's not fooling Ody.
He knows his wife and this imposter is gonna get what's coming to her lol
She's a lot of fun though!
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dashintrash · 8 months
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redesigned siblings of my dnd OC - Queen changed the ages, a few names and outfits left a few facts for the interested
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localsimpissleepy · 11 days
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adamsolangelofangirl · 6 months
anyone else for post breakup caleo being friends?
Piper absolutely makes a gc with the 3 of them and reyna
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callingauguste · 5 months
Listen Odysseus has A LOT of things to hate him for. Calypso and Circe are not one of them.
If Calypso has haters I’m one of them. If Circe has haters I’m one of them. If they have one hater, I’m that hater. If they have no haters I’m dead.
People romanticize the hell out of Ogygia, and it makes me so sad.
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leftsharkhypocrite · 6 months
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I miss her
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ekholocationn · 27 days
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thoughtfulbearpanda · 2 years
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just want to take this time to thank these women. they are the inspiration for who i aspire to be
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dutchessofcaladan · 5 months
Pirates of the Caribbean: Wrath of the Kraken
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My 1st Pirates fic! And before you ask: No. I didn't abandon Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence. My hyperfixation wheel decided to spin and somehow landed on Pirates of the Caribbean (I blame Geoffrey Rush).
Anyway, this fic (and possibly others, we'll see how this goes) will be a continuation of the PotC franchise (not a reboot like Disney so stupidly decided on) and will feature new and returning characters as well as take inspiration from previous films and the mobile game Tides of War.
And just like Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence, a bit thank you to @phantomoftheparadise0002 for beta-reading this!
Summary: When Jack recruits Smith to help him find the lost relics of Cortez, their mission doesn't go as planned when they run into terrors and joys from their past, ultimately witnessing the resurrection of the Dutchman...and her beloved Captain.
TW: Some language
Jack smiled as his face became illuminated by the moon, its light shining through the parting clouds.
"Mr. Gibbs!" He shouted from the helm.
"Cap'n?" Gibbs responded, turning to Jack.
"Prepare the Pearl for docking!"
"But Cap'n, where be the dock?"
"Look through the mist, Mr. Gibbs." Jack smiled.
As if by magic, the mist faded, revealing the fortress that had been built into the side of a mountain.
"El Silencio en el mar Caspio." Jack all but sighed, as if he was returning home. "The Silence in the Caspian Sea."
As the ship got closer to the dock, Jack hopped down to the main deck, Cotton having taken the wheel.
"ALRIGHT STEADY! STEADY!" Jack shrieked as the ship aligned itself.
A terrified look covered his face as a loud snap echoed from the front of the ship.
Turning back to Cotton he shouted, "No matter! Everything's fine!" Pulling Gibbs to him he whispered, "Let's just hope she'll go easy on him otherwise we'll need a new helmsman."
Gibbs turned to him in shock. Before he could ask who they were here to see, Jack had hopped off the ship and started down what was left of the dock.
"Oi!" One of the guards shouted, blocking Jack's way. "What do you think you're doin'?"
Jumping back slightly, Jack looked at him in confusion. "Have we met before?" He questioned bluntly.
Before the guard could answer, Jack snapped his fingers, delight painting his face.
"I've got it!" He slurred. "You're one of those guards from Port Royal!" Leaning in close he asked, "Have you learned to swim yet?"
He jumped as the guard let out an angered huff.
"Let's just forget that last bit, shall we?" His eyes widened slightly, seeing that the guards expression hadn't changed. "How 'bout this: I'll go wait in that tavern over there, have a few drinks, while you go get your Captain for me."
Before the guard could answer, Jack pushed past him towards the tavern.
"Pirate, nay. Privateer."
"I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request. Means no."
"Aye. But that's a gamble of long odds, ain't it?"
"There's no guarantee of comin' back. Passin' on, that's dead certain."
"Too long me fate has not been in me own hands. No longer."
"Do ya mean grass? On a farm? Milkin’ a cow? Makin’ cheese? While they sink me treasure?! I'm a Pirate. Always will be."
"You know the first thing I'm gonna do after the curse is lifted...eat a whole bushel of apples."
“For too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I've been starving to death and haven't died. I feel nothing. Not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea. Nor the warmth of a woman's flesh.”
“You best start believing in ghost stories Ms. Turner. You’re in one!”
"I'm the master of me ship. Not Blackbeard. I'm the master of me fate. Not Blackbeard. So I did what needed done. I survived."
"Nay, belay that! Let ‘er run straight and true!"
"Brace up yards, ya cack-handed deck apes! Dyin' is the day worth livin' for!"
"I feel...cold."
Smith awoke in a cold sweat to someone banging on her door. Standing up, she went to open it.
"What do you want, Mullroy?" She growled, glaring daggers at the guard who'd been banging on her door.
"Pardon me for awakin' you, Captain, especially at this hour, but," the look on her face told him to get to the point, "there's a man, in the tavern. He requested that I bring you to him."
Grumbling, Smith slammed the door, only to reamerge moments later fully dressed, motioning to Mullroy to take her to him.
As Jack downed his 4th mug of rum, the door to the tavern opened.
"Jack Sparrow." Smith smirked.
"Smith! It's been too long!" Steadying himself as he stood. "Hasn't it?"
"Aye." Her smile was strained. "9 years."
Heading to the table and pulling up a chair, Smith leaned close to Jack.
"What the hell are you doing here, Jack?"
Leaning forward, Jack slurred, "I've heard stories. Of a great treasure that lies at the bottom of the Atlantic. It's said to be one of the relics of Cortez himself."
Sensing she wasn't paying attention, he poked her in the forehead.
"'re you alright?" He asked.
"I've been having these...dreams." She sighed. "Every night for the past 9 years. Every single one about Hector. It's like he's calling to me."
"Tis not Barbossa who calls to you."
Swiftly turning in the direction of the voice, Jack aimed his pistol while Smith readied her sword.
Jack's eyes widened.
"Calypso." Smith's eyes narrowed.
"In de flesh." The Sea Goddess smiled, black teeth shining in the dim light of the rising Sun.
"What do you want?" Smith held her sword more firmly.
"Not'ing more dan to give you a gift."
"A gift?" Jack questioned. "Did you bring me a gift too?"
Calypso shot him an incredulous look, causing his smile to fall.
"Tis more of a...repayment, den a gift."
Smith's eyebrows furrowed. "A repayment? For what?"
Stepping closer, Calypso smiled. "In time, you and Jack will venture to dah sea. Dehn you will fallow Deh Map No Man Can Read. Dehr you will find your repayment."
"Repayment for what?" Smith repeated.
"You'll see."
As quick as she'd arrived, Calypso vanished.
"The Map No Man Can Read." Smith repeated, turning to Jack. "You don't think-"
"Think what?"
Before he could get an answer, Smith fled the tavern.
Placing her hands upon the wheel of the Queen Anne's Revenge, Smith let out a shaky breath. For the first time in 9 years, she stood at the helm of her ship. Her. Ship. Those words felt wrong. No. This was Hector's ship. He had been the one to take it from Blackbeard. He had been the one to make the Revenge what it was today.
Taking a deep breath, she pulled her sword from its sheath and thrust it into the air, the tip of it gleaning in the newly risen Sun. As she did so, the wine colored Sails were released from their bonds, the early morning air filling them. Thrusting the sword towards the bow of the ship, she watched as her crew tumbled down the deck at the sudden burst of acceleration.
Returning the sword to its sheath, she addressed her crew. "All hands! Ply to windward! Get crackin' ye bloomin' cockroaches!" She let out a laugh as her crew joined. "The Crown served me well! But now, by the Gods of sea and sky, make way for Tortuga!" Her crew cheered as the ship continued on.
Smiling as he heard the cheers of Smith's crew, Jack whispered to himself, "That's my girl."
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rosezcruisin · 4 months
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scrap-brainzone · 10 months
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things. are happening
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clubkidandcollectives · 7 months
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calyps0m00n · 5 months
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Should I start posting more here? Is there an actual drag scene on tumblr???
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caelum-et-ocean · 1 year
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