#RACHEL !!! She'd try her best to help me with my work
messedupfan · 6 months
Chapter 8
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Summary: Set a few weeks after chapter 7. Without the work of renovating the house, Wanda and Y/n don't have much of a reason to see each other as much. So, Wanda creates a reason.
A/N: Don't get mad at me for the ending. Enjoyyyyy!!!!
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“Come on, just close your eyes and trust me,” Wanda says, you look at her with uncertain eyes because you have played this game before and never has it been a good idea. Granted, you played it with friends in high school and friends from work, Jean and Kate definitely are not to be trusted. But seeing as there can’t possibly be something bad that she could feed you, you shut your eyes and hold your mouth open. But as you feel her get closer you shut your mouth out of instinct. “Stop! Open up!” she says as she shoves your shoulder. You open your mouth and try your best to keep it open until you are told to close and taste. You try to open your eyes again but Wanda doesn’t let you. “How many times do I have to tell you that you need to experience the flavor with your eyes closed?” 
“I’m sorry, I forgot we were in a rat movie,” you say with a full mouth. 
“It’s a real thing, come on. Experience the food with your eyes closed,” she tells you and you start to chew and focus on texture and flavor. There is a bit more heightened experience but not much difference. “You’re chewing too fast! You need to slow down. Really let every bite release the flavors.” You shake your head and try really hard not to laugh as you slow your jaw down. You had no idea that Wanda was so serious about food. 
This was the first time that you've been able to see her since completing the wall. You and Wanda texted back and forth often and tried to make plans to see each other but they kept falling through. Until Billy and Tommy asked when they'd get to see their friend again. And since Wanda wanted to meet your ex-wife after hearing so many stories about her, she manipulated the plans so that you'd invite her. Jean was more than happy to be invited and she even asked to bring her wife along. Which inspired Wanda to have an impromptu party. She invited her friends Carol and Agatha, as well as her twin and his family, and allowed you to bring any guest that you would like. She wasn't specific, but she was kind of hoping she'd get a formal introduction to the unofficial girlfriend. But you only brought yourself and beverages for adults and for the children. 
The week that Rachel went back to Jean's house, was the week you and Daisy had a date every night. You were starting to warm up to the idea of seeing her as a romantic partner. Being around her finally got you to stop thinking so much about the situation and start living in the moment with her. That being said, you still weren't ready to introduce her to anyone as your girlfriend. Especially not Jean, who still wasn't sure about the whole thing. Part of her is just hoping it's a short phase for you before you find the person that you're meant to be with. 
“Baba!” Rachel runs into the kitchen and hides behind your legs. “Tommy is it! You have to protect me!” She screams and you open your eyes and swallow the rest of the food in your mouth. 
“Wanda, thank you so much for inviting us,” Jean says as she joins everyone in the kitchen to throw away some of the empty cans and bottles she collected on her way in. “It's been so wonderful meeting you and gosh I don't know how you're doing it raising two boys on your own half the time,” she compliments. “I tell you, if it weren't for Y/n and Anna, I don't know what I'd do.” 
Wanda smiles and thanks her for the praises. “I really have a lot more help from friends and family than it looks. My mom would have been here but she's been helping out so much I thought she deserved a break from kids,” Jean laughs and you smile at the light joke as you hug Rachel who is still begging for sanctuary. Tommy is running around the house and stops when he spots Rachel in the kitchen but as he is about to run through Wanda stops him. “Excuse me mister, what did I say about the kitchen?” 
“But Rachel is-” his reasoning is cut off by Wanda's disciplinary glare. “No playing in the kitchen,” he pouts. 
“Since you tried to break that rule, you have to give Rachel a ten second head start,” Wanda says. Tommy sucks his teeth and tries to make an argument but he follows the penalty that his mom has set. 
“Okay Rach, this is the only time you can do this,” you say as you hold her to you. “Ms. Wanda and I are cooking here. You can't keep hiding in here alright?” 
“Okay, but you always say that no matter what you'll always protect me,” she reminds you. 
Jean makes a face, “That's true, you always say that.” 
“Yeah well, so do you,” you remind Jean. “If you need to be protected while I'm still cooking, mommy will do it. Okay, kiddo?” Rachel nods and squeezes you in a tight hug before she runs off. The three adults laugh once Tommy has run off to look for the other kids to tag. “Thank you for that,” you tell Wanda. She waves it off as she turns back to the stove. 
“We've got patties, dogs, and sausages!” Pietro says as he walks into the house with a tray of cooked meats. He sets them down on an empty space on the counter and you move over to start getting plates ready for the kids. “Hey, so who's that girl that's here with Carol?” Pietro asks as he pops a soda bottle open. 
“That's Val,” Wanda says as she taste tests the sauce she's preparing. She has you try some as well as she continues talking to her brother. “Why? Is she hitting on your wife?” Wanda teases. 
“No, she's hitting on Jean’s,” he says as he points to the open back door and windows of the two women laughing. Jean looks over a little tense at first but quickly relaxes with a roll of her eyes. 
“You're an ass,” she says as she takes the hotdog bun from your hand and tosses it at him at the worst possible moment. Luna witnesses the interaction and runs into the kitchen with wide gleeful eyes.
“Are we having a food fight?” She asks excitedly as she picks up the bun from the floor and gears up to toss it. 
“Not so fast,” Pietro says as he takes the bun from his daughter. He picks her up in his arms and takes her out of the kitchen. 
“And you claim that I'm the bad influence,” you say to Jean. 
“You do not want to go there,” Jean retorts playfully. 
“Oh?” Wanda shows her interest and you start to panic, taking back what you said and trying to get Jean to keep her from spilling secrets of your past. “No, no, I think I want to hear about this.” 
“Trust me, I'll fill you in on all of the details later. Right now it looks like my daughter is trying to kill one of your boys. I'll be right back,” she says as she walks to the backyard. 
“I did not think this day through,” Wanda says with an amused grin.
You shrug, “I think it's going pretty well all things considered. This was a really fun idea. Thank you for including me and my family.” 
Wanda knows that she shouldn't pry but the curiosity is starting to get the best of her. “I'm actually surprised that you didn't invite more people,” she brings up casually. You shrug and mention that your other friends had prior engagements that they couldn't cancel and she nods in understanding. “Does that include Daisy?” 
You try to read Wanda’s thoughts through her expression but she appears genuinely curious. “Technically, no, but um… There's a three month minimum rule with Rachel. So, I can't really have her around something like this for a few more months. If we make it that far, that is,” you explain carefully. Wanda doesn't pry further as the food is ready to serve and she leaves to inform everyone to grab a plate. From there, a line forms of children and adults grabbing plates of food they want and adding side dishes onto the plates. With the lack of space for everyone at either table, the kids call dibs on the table outside and the adults stay inside. You and Wanda end up sitting next to each other once everyone else has taken their places. 
Jean and Anns sit across from you and beside them are Pietro and his wife, a couple they are familiar with because of having invited them to company events in the past. At the end of the table is Agatha, who came without a date but brought her son Nicholas. Next to Wanda is Carol and her date Valkyrie, when you asked about the girl she went home with some time ago she explained that she is more of a cool aunt than she is a step-mom and left it at that. 
There isn't a moment of silence during the meal. “You're not one to talk, you once streaked naked at a party in high school on a dare!” Jean says after you acted disturbed by Pietro's skinny dipping story. He said he was trying to impress a girl on a date by breaking into a community pool late one night. They ended up getting chased out by pool security and he had to run to his car naked and clutching his clothes to his body. Wanda looks at you, shocked by the information bomb that Jean just dropped. 
“If I remember correctly, that only happened because Scott Summers thought it would be funny to steal ehem, my clothes and I was chasing after him to get them back,” you remind her and she isn't laughing as hard anymore. She closes her mouth tightly as she remembers the complete story. The two of you had snuck into a bedroom at a party to be horny teenagers and got caught by her ex-boyfriend. He never liked you and always thought you were trying to get between him and Jean. He wasn't wrong, but it didn't give him the right to make you run completely naked in front of most of the senior and junior class. 
“That's right,” she mutters into the lip of her beer bottle. Anna scrunches her face and shakes her head to not think about her wife with someone else. “Okay, wait, what about that time you-” 
“How about we don't keep talking about the past,” you try to cut her off but Wanda doesn’t let it go that easy. 
“No, no, I want to hear this,” she says as she pats your stomach as the two of you have somehow made your way closer to each other. Your hand is tapping lightly on the back of her chair. You sigh and use your free hand to cover your face. “I like hearing about this reckless side of you.” She leans on your shoulder and makes eye contact with you, her pleading green eyes cause you to sigh and give Jean the go ahead to tell one of the most embarrassing stories of your life. 
“So Val, how did you and Carol meet?” Anna asks conversationally, moving the conversation to get to know others better. She's heard all of the stories that you share with Jean. She had to accept a long time ago that there was a bond there that was never going to be broken. She liked that Jean has a good past relationship history since the person she dated before had an ex that stalked Anna and threatened her to stay away. That person wasn't worth the stress. But sometimes she wishes the two of you didn't have so much history.
“Um, well, we've been in the Air Force together for a long time and speaking for myself, I've always had a bit of a crush.” Carol smiles and confirms that she always felt the same way. “I recently left because I’ve decided to go into politics so I asked her out. I mean, I would have before but I never wanted to risk complicating things with work and when people's lives are on the line it's always best to not be distracted.” 
“Oh wow, I had no idea,” Wanda says, just as touched by the story as everyone else. Carol isn't one to talk about those kinds of details. But something tells her that this relationship is going to be the one that sticks for her friend. 
Carol smiles at Wanda, “Well now you do. Can we move on, I don't like the moon eyes you guys keep giving us.” Everyone laughs at the mention of her discomfort. 
“What about the two of you? How long have you guys been together?” Val asks and Pietro and Crystalia assume the question is for them and Pietro leaves it to his wife to answer because he isn't quite sure himself. There were a few times that they were on and off until he was done messing around and asked her to marry him. But he has no clue what that number could be. “Oh, wow that's a long time,” Val reacts to the number that Crystalia provided with wide eyes. “Congratulations you two, but I'm sorry I don't mean to make this awkward. I was actually asking about Wanda and Y/n.” 
The table goes quiet as people look at each other with smiles and Val is confused by the lack of response. “Honey, they're just friends,” Agatha answers. 
“Why'd you say that like it's not true?” Wanda rolls her eyes at her friend and Agatha shakes her head. “We are just friends. We actually met at the beginning of the summer,” Wanda explains to Val as she looks at you for a moment, considering whether or not she wants to tell everyone how that exactly happened. She's not sure if you've ever mentioned it yourself. 
“Yeah, it's actually my fault,” Pietro starts. “I needed an extra set of hands for a renovation here that got shut down, thankfully before it was too late, and Y/n is one of my best workers and friends. So,” he shrugs and gestures towards you and Wanda as if that tells the rest of the story. He has no idea how little he knows about  the story you share with Wanda. You open your mouth to correct him but a scream from the kids table draws the attention of the adults and everyone is rushing to find out what is going on. 
Later that night, after everyone has left, you stay to help Wanda clean up. Jean and Anna were the first to go because Rachel was trying to show off to the other kids how fast she could spin without getting sick and it turned out that she could spin pretty fast. Unfortunately, she got very sick. Jean didn’t leave before telling you and Wanda just how much she loves Wanda. Val whispered something in Carol’s ear shortly after and the two quickly said their goodbyes. Nicholas and Tommy got into it really bad because Tommy claimed Nicholas was cheating since he kept winning the game they were playing. Tommy doesn't take losses well and so Agatha thought it best to take her son home. Wanda apologized profusely and Agatha accepted and promised to see her soon. Wanda scolded Tommy for his behavior and told him that she didn't raise him that way, to which he promptly reminded her that his dad is raising him that way. She wanted to ground him or punish him but, against her better judgment, she didn't. Pietro was going to stay to help with the clean up and maybe hangout a bit longer but Wanda had told Crystalia earlier in the day that she was happy to take care of Luna for the night and her sister-in-law was grateful for the opportunity to have a night alone with her husband. Their attempts to try for another child has been delayed because of the child they currently have with her nightmares and need for sleeping in her parents bed. So, once the opportunity presented itself,  Pietro and his wife were out of the house. 
Now, Luna and Billy are playing with legos in the living room and Tommy is playing a video game by himself in his room to avoid any more arguments for the day. Wanda doesn’t know what to do in terms of how to parent her son when it comes to things that she and Vision have vastly different opinions on. He wants strong tough boys that never lose. If she’s honest with herself, she can see that Vision wants to raise the next generation of toxic masculinity. Something she swore to herself when she found out she was having boys that she would never allow. But there is only so much she can do not only as a mother but as a co-parent. She doesn’t know how to influence these boys when they have less respect for her than they do for their father. At least Tommy lacks respect for her. She doesn’t mean to lump Billy in with his brother but she often forgets that they are complete opposites from each other since he is often forced to take part in the same activities as Tommy. 
“Penny for your thoughts,” you ask as you notice Wanda has been scrubbing the same spot on a dish for longer than necessary. 
Wanda blinks a couple of times before rinsing the dish and handing it to you to dry. “I’m just worried about Tommy. It seems like lately he’s been getting into more trouble. He's been picking fights with his friends and especially his brother. I just, I don't know how to teach him to be kind when his father is doing the exact opposite. I feel like I'm failing him.” She says as she starts scrubbing another dish. 
You listen to her as you wipe down the wet plate. You wish that you knew how to help but it's clear that your situation is completely different. You and Jean have always been on the same page when it came to raising Rachel. That's not something that you've ever had to deal with. Plus Rachel is a girl, there are different rules and different fears when it comes to raising a girl as opposed to a boy. 
“And it's not like I wish I was still married to Vision, it's that I wish co-parenting wasn't so difficult with him. We used to communicate and make decisions together but after,” she pauses and looks down into the sink. Does she want to get into the details of the end of her marriage with you? Will you judge her the way her ex-husband does? Will this make you think less of her? 
“Wanda,” you call her attention and shut the faucet off. “You don't have to keep talking if you don't want to,” you remind her. She nods with her eyes closed. 
“I know, I know,” she faces you but when she opens her eye, she looks past you. “It’s not that I don't want to. It's that I'm scared to.* 
You try to get her to make eye contact but it doesn't work out, the second your eyes meet she casts her to the floor. “Why are you scared?” You ask softly. 
Tears sting and threaten to fall out of Wanda's eyes and she's doing everything to hold them back. This isn't how she wanted to end the night. You decide that whatever is haunting her doesn't need to be brought to light right now and that you are going to help get her mind off of it. You pull your phone out of your pocket and play the first song to appear. 
“Dance with me?” You ask as you hold your hand out to her. Wanda looks at you with red puffy eyes and you offer her a kind smile. As the song continues to play, Wanda falls against your chest with her arms around your torso. You wrap your arms around her and sway her around the kitchen. The song changes and it's another slow one that keeps the two of you together. The next song however requires a little bit more energy and you take that as an opportunity to get Wanda to smile. 
You step out of her arms and start to dance a little goofy. You get a small smile to break on her face so you grab her hands and start to move them so that she can match your energy. It starts to work by the start of another upbeat song and you even get her to laugh so loud that Billy and Luna come running in because they wanted to be part of the fun. You let go of Wanda so that you can teach Luna how to dance and Wanda happily starts to dance with her son. With Luna on your feet and Wanda leading Billy, the four of you are having a lot of fun being silly. Wanda mouths a thank you and you wink in response. “I wanna dance with Auntie Wanda now!” Luna cheers as she steps off of your feet and you take the opportunity to teach Billy a few moves that you always thought were cool. He fellows along pretty well and you’re impressed. 
“You gotta get this kid in some dance classes, Wanda. Look at him move!” You clap as you cheer him on which encourages him to feel free enough to make his own moves. Wanda is shocked to see her shy and timid son so happy and confident. She never thought of her boy enjoying a more performative activity but now she might consider looking into a class for him if this is something he'd want to spend time on. 
You're still lingering around the house after the place is clean and Wanda is putting the kids to bed. You walk around the living room with the Sokovian cocktail in your hand as you look at the pictures once again. Trying to read if the expressions are truly happy. A game that you and Jean came up with as kids. It became less fun in the years of your marriage when there were fake happy photos hanging around the house. The two of you have since had those images cropped down to just Rachel because the memory of that misery doesn't need to live on. Looking at Wanda’s family portraits, you can see the decline in happiness. It was clear that they were extremely happy and in love in the first few years of their marriage. Then in the middle you can see a bit of exhaustion in the adults eyes but still some happiness from Wanda. At a certain point, Vision looks like a shell and Wanda appears to be barely hanging in there. But, you can only assume from an image. 
“I think I need to get those photoshopped,” Wanda says as she notices you staring at the pictures. “But then again, it doesn't change the past. A part of me doesn't want to remove it from my life. Is that weird?” She takes the glass from your hand and takes a sip. 
You shake your head, “No, it’s not weird. It’s not just memories of only your life. It’s Tommy’s and it’s Billy’s and you want them to have some normalcy. I think if at any point it bothers them to see all of it then put it all in storage and start over with them. But I guess until then, leave it.” Wanda thanks you for the suggestion and hands you the glass back. 
“Are you avoiding something?” Wanda asks as the two of you make your way to the sofa. You shake your head with a confused expression to her question. “Well, it’s just, you’re still here. I’ve seen you ignore several calls and sigh at messages. Come on, we’re friends. Something is clearly up.” You hadn’t realized that she was paying that much attention to you. It’s a little flattering if you’re honest with yourself. 
You look at the glass in your hand and then look at her. “Daisy wants to…” you drag out, a little uncomfortable with saying the words but you have to remind yourself that you are an adult and clearly you’ve done the act plenty of times before. “She wants to,” you clear your throat and Wanda’s eyes light up with amusement at your struggle to complete the sentence. “She wants to consummate the relationship,” you finally let out awkwardly. Wanda has to hide her smile behind her hand and apologizes when she lets a light laugh out. “Come on, it’s weird for me to talk about. I’ve never had to talk about this stuff before.”
“Really? Never?” She asks, surprised. 
“I married my childhood best friend. I didn’t have to talk to her about sex because she was the person I was doing it with,” you remind her. 
“Yeah but, you have other friends. I mean like Steve and, as much as I don’t want to think about it, my brother. You’ve never had to talk about this stuff with the other people you’ve dated?” She stands up and walks over to the bar cart to pour herself a drink because she knew that she was going to need one. 
“I hate that I’m going to admit this but, I’ve only ever slept with one person,” you state and chug the rest of the cocktail. “I need to be drunk for this conversation,” you admit as you join her at the bar cart. Wanda can’t help the loud laughter that escapes her this time and all you can do is shake your head and pour yourself another drink. 
“Okay, I’m sorry. It’s really not that funny,” she says as she covers her mouth again with her hand. A habit of her’s that you’ve picked up on. “Come on, sit with me,” she takes you back to the couch with a full wine glass in her hand. “What is stopping you from having sex with this girl? I thought you liked her.” Wanda asks with her free hand on your wrist, as if keeping you from running away. 
“I don’t know, I just… I mean, I haven’t felt that spark you know? Like we’ve made out a couple of times but I'm not really into it and it has nothing to do with her. She’s pretty, funny, smart, and kind. It's all me. I haven't wanted to have sex in years. I don’t know if something is wrong with me or if I haven’t found the right person or what.” 
Wanda nods as she listens to you intently, “I have a question and it might make you uncomfortable. I’m sorry about that.” She gives you a second to prepare yourself and you nod at her when you’re ready to hear it. “Is Jean the only person you’ve ever wanted to have sex with?”
You begin to laugh awkwardly as you take a drink as you process how to answer that. “Uh, well the short answer is no. Long answer is a little more complicated than that.” 
“Okay, care to elaborate?” her eyes are a little squinted as she waits for your answer.
“I uh,” you let out a laugh, “Well I’ve been attracted to people, which is why I’ve gone on dates in the past. Clearly. But uh, when the fantasy becomes a reality. I fail to ehem,” you clear your throat before admitting something that no one ever has the guts to admit. “I fail to perform,” you mutter out quickly, hoping she didn’t catch it at all and also hoping that she did so that you don’t have to say it again. 
Wanda drinks from her wine, getting a little impatient with your behavior. “Y/n, come on. We’re both adults and we’re both parents who are well aware that our children weren’t dropped off by a stork.” 
You bulge your eyes out at her comment. “What?” you gasp as if it’s a total surprise. It makes her laugh and you join. “Okay, I’m sorry. I know it shouldn’t be this awkward. But it’s you, and I’m talking about some other woman.” You admit with the slightest slur in your speech. 
“If it makes you feel any better,” Wanda swirls her wine glass to bring more oxygen to the beverage. “I’ve kind of been seeing a woman myself,” she admits once the glass is close to her lips. This information does anything but make you feel better. In fact, you feel a little hurt by the news. But it shouldn’t hurt you, as you pointed out you’re talking to her about another woman. 
“Oh that’s nice,” you try to say enthusiastically but it falls flat. “How’s that going for you?” 
Wanda shrugs, “It’s been alright. I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere serious.” Wanda’s cheeks begin to flush and you aren’t sure if it’s the alcohol or her emotional response. “We haven’t been on a real date,” she gives you a look to see if you’ll pick up on what she means by that but it takes you sometime to get there. 
“Oh,” you say once you’ve caught on. “Good for you,” you give her a tiny applause with the glass still in one hand making you tap your fingers together more than anything else. Wanda closes her eyes and covers them with her hand and shakes her head. 
“Stop, I know that it’s bad,” she says with a smile. “Mom’s don’t have sex,” she scrunches her nose and it makes you laugh. 
“Wow, so are you telling me that my little sister is a stork baby?” You say jokingly and she replies back with a loud yes as she moves around on the couch. “Come on, you’re human. As long as it doesn’t happen when the boys can catch you, I think you’re in the clear.”
Wanda nods and takes another sip of your wine. “You’re right. But I think I meant to say that Mom’s don’t have casual sex.” 
You tip your head to her on that one, “I guess. But I think it just goes back to not having a revolving door of um… people when your kids are around so they don’t get confused.” Wanda accepts that and thanks you for not judging her and not allowing her to judge herself. “Anytime, my friend,” you raise your glass to clink against hers and she accepts the cheers. 
A couple more drinks and the conversation moves on from there. From talking about the kids to learning more about each other. Then it hits the point of the conversation when Wanda feels ready to talk to you about the end of her marriage. She talks about her miscarriage that came at the worst time possible in her life. She doesn’t hide a single detail and you listen intently, understanding Wanda a bit better. Even understanding Vision and why he feels he should have more parental control. It's not right, even though she was consumed by her grief it doesn't make her less of a mother. She has worked her way back to being capable of taking care of her kids on her own. It might've taken her a few years to get to this point, but she was never completely absent from her children. At least, not by the sounds of it. 
Now you hold her in your arms on the couch, the two of you are quiet as you let the information sink in. You rub soothing circles on her back with your hand. Wanda is snuggling into your chest with her eyes closed. As her breathing slows, you start to wonder if she's asleep. “Wanda,” you whisper to check if she's awake. She doesn't respond so you carefully scoop her up in your arms and carry her up the stairs in a bridal style. As you lay her on her bed you realize she isn't asleep after all. 
While you're about to step back, Wanda grabs the collar of your shirt and pulls you down making your lips meet hers. You're too stunned to move at first, not sure if you're dreaming this or if your mind is playing tricks on you. Then she pulls away and whispers, “Thank you for being so kind to me.” This time when she kisses you, curiosity takes the best of you and you make the mistake of responding to the kiss. 
Feelings you haven't felt in a long time or even before have you holding Wanda closer to you. There isn't a kiss in the world that can compete with hers. You get lost in her lips until she tries to deepen the kiss. “Wanda,” you say as you try to pull away. 
She ignores you and starts to play with the buttons on your shirt and you put your hand on her wrist to stop her. “Please just one night. It won't hurt us. Stay with me tonight.” She starts to beg and you shake your head and step away from the bed. 
“Wanda, you're not thinking clearly,” you state as you put the buttons back through the holes. She sits up and tries to grab one of your hands to pull you back to her. “I'm um, I'm drunk. You're drunk. We can't do this.” You state nervously. It was taking everything in you to turn this opportunity down because her kisses are electric. Her lips have awakened something in you that you were pretty sure was dead. You could only imagine what going all of the way would do for you. But now is not the time. “Especially not with the kids here,” you say to give yourself another reason not to go through with this more than her. “And forget about our friendship, our kids are friends. We don't want to make things complicated for them right?” 
Wanda runs her fingers through her hair and moves one side to the other as she bites her bottom lip. She nods at your words. “You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to… and I mean you have that twenty-something. You're a twenty-something.” 
You sigh and tilt your head to the side as you blink more than usual, “Come on, Wanda don't make this about age. It's about… well, you're not looking for a relationship. Which is okay, you deserve this time to discover yourself as a person. I had my time.” You gulp as you try to stop the words from coming out of your mouth but with the way she is looking at you and the alcohol clouding your judgment it just comes out. “I can't do this tonight because I like you. A lot actually. And I just,” you sigh and shake your head and rub your nose with the side of your finger. “It wouldn't just be one time for me.” 
Wanda nods and falls back on the bed. “I'm sorry,” she says as she gets comfortable on her bed. “You're right,” she continues to face away from you. “I'll um see you in the morning. Uh,” she clears her throat to hide the hurt in her voice. But you've heard it enough times to know that she's about to cry. You close your eyes out of guilt but you can't take back what you said. “Goodnight,” she says as she tries to hide her tears from the rejection. She wasn't lying and she knows that she will be grateful in the morning because you stopped this but right now it just sucks. 
“Goodnight, Wanda,” you say as you walk out of the room. You shut off the lights and close her door before stumbling over to the guest room.
Chapter 9
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters
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wheresmynaya · 6 months
Blame it on the Mistletoe Ch.5 | Brittana
A/N - Apologies for the delay, it's been a busy week for me! I'm a tad behind so thanks for your sticking around. Hope you all have a lovely holiday celebrating it in the best way that brings you joy! I found title inspo from the song Blame it on the Mistletoe so make sure you blast it at some point!
If you're feeling generous and would like to show your appreciation a little differently this week, consider sending a coffee my way through Ko-Fi: wheresmynaya.
Thanks yall! 
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Four long days have gone by since Santana last saw Brittany at the Understudy. It's not that she's actively avoiding her – okay maybe she is. What she did with the waffles that night was meant to be a big fuck you but really, it awakened something entirely different. It reminded her of little tricks they would play on each other, tricks that would lead to stolen kisses in the walk-in or quickies in the backseat of Brittany's car. It's exactly why she needs to keep her distance. For them, there's a very fine line between doing petty things to irk the other person and flirting.
The whole reasons Santana and Brittany even started talking was because Brittany would secretly move all of Santana's prep to the top shelf where she knew Santana couldn't reach. It was supposed to be her way of getting Santana to ask her for help because she had this crush. It went on for weeks, Santana would get so pissed about it – threatening every other line chef except Brittany since she was too innocent to do such a thing. Brittany thought it was hilarious until she caught Santana scaling the wire shelving trying to get things down herself. She nearly plummeted to her death from the two-foot drop if it wasn't for Brittany being in the right place at the right time.
From then on, they did little things to get back at each other – nothing ever too serious because it was all about the teasing. It became their love language and Santana knows from personal experience how easy it is to fall into that pattern with her again.
Scary thing is that she is starting to want to.
For good measure, Santana avoids Market Days since they seem to be a hotspot for them and instead sends Quinn in her place. Miss Maggie isn't happy about it, but she still sends Quinn back to the restaurant with a little treat in hopes it'll entice Santana to venture out.
It's tempting, but Santana stays put. She can't go jumping into things just because she misses being with Brittany. For all she knows, it might be the holidays playing with her head. If only there was some sign that could point her in the right direction!
"Hey Santana," Rachel greets as she enters the kitchen. "There's a VIP out here wanting to see you."
Santana grumbles to herself; this isn't the kind of sign she was talking about.
"Stop calling Brittany a VIP."
"She's not – "
"Rachel, I don't want to see her." Santana turns her back on Rachel in favor of continuing her last few checks before service starts. She'd be lying if she said her heart didn't race a little knowing Brittany was out there though.
"I'll let her know then," Rachel says before heading back out to the front of house. The peace lasts for less than a minute before Rachel returns. "Sorry Santana, she's insisting."
"So am I!" Santana snaps as she whirls around. "Service starts in twenty minutes and we have actual VIPs booked in tonight. One of them could be a reviewer so I don't have time for this!"
Rachel lifts her hands in defense and backs away slowly. "Okay, I'll let her know."
"Thank you." Santana returns to the Pass and continues her work in silence. She can feel her crew's eyes on her but she ignores it so she can focus.
"Hey, you can't go back there!" It's Rachel's voice followed by the sound of the doors being slammed open again.
Santana looks up worriedly only to find Chef Holly Holliday is the one busting through the doors with Rachel close behind.
"This how you treat your beloved mentor?" Holly asks through a smirk. "Where's my welcome wagon?"
"Shit. Sorry, Chef." Santana scrambles to meet Holly halfway.
"See?" Rachel argues. "I told you it wasn't Brittany."
"You did not say that," Santana counters. "You said it was a VIP."
"Am I not?" Holly asks.
"You are, we're just on high alert right now," Santana explains.
"I will return to the host stand then," Rachel grumbles. "Lovely to meet you, Chef Holliday."
Santana lets out a deep sigh, feeling only somewhat more relaxed now that she realizes the VIP was actually Holly.
"Damn, busy night? Why are you so tense?" Holly asks as she goes in for a hug. "You love pressure cookers like this."
"I do, normally. There's a lot of buzz around the new menu but it seems like everyone is trying to throw me off my game," Santana explains. "It's hard to stay focused when personal life keeps finding its way in."
"You mean Brittany?" Holly asks. "You two still haven't squashed things yet?"
"It's complicated."
"You guys didn't seem to have any trouble uncomplicating it at the awards ceremony," Holly jokes. "Being around you two like that, it was like no time had passed at all!"
Santana remembers the night well, how she and Brittany easily reconnected…in more ways than one. She remembers thinking how easy it was to pick up from where they left off, how for a brief moment she could forgive her for leaving and maybe they could move past it.
But then the news about the restaurant broke and the happy bubble burst and she's been struggling to adjust since then. Meanwhile, Brittany can just offer jobs and give all the right kind of feedback on her menu without any remorse? Not a chance, no matter how charming she can be!
"What brings you all the way out here?" Santana asks, avoiding the topic of Brittany.
"Just making my rounds before the New Year. Pop-Up's is slammed with catering events but I was in the area. I thought I'd check on my girls while I'm here," Holly answers. "Although, I thought you two would've been back together already so I could make this trip a two for one."
"Well, we are definitely not together."
"Why the hell not?"
"Like I said, it's complicated."
"Is this about the restaurant?"
"I don't know, maybe?" Santana pulls Holly aside, moving further away from the line chefs so they don't overhear. "Do we really need to talk about this now?"
"Uh yeah, we do," Holly replies like it's obvious. "How are you still mad about that, I thought you'd be happy for her?"
"You clearly don't know me very well," Santana quips.
"Come on, you know she would've told you about it sooner if she could."
"So why didn't she?"
Holly tilts her head to the side, looking confused.
"We told each other everything. She wasn't just my girlfriend; she was my best friend. How could she keep so much from me?" Santana takes a settling breath to calm herself down. "I'm not sure I even know how to move past this, what she did hurt."
"Oh I know it did, honeybun. And I mean, if you have already talked things out and heard Brittany's side of the story then there's not much else you can do," Holly explains. "Time will have to fix the rest, I guess?"
Santana looks around guiltily.
Holly picks up on it instantly. "What?"
"We haven't actually talked. I mean, we have – just not in depth."
"Seriously?" Holly quirks a brow. "So you don't know anything about her job or her psychotic boss?"
Santana gulps. "No?"
"Girl…you two need to talk! Actually no, you need to let her talk. It's no wonder you're still holding a grudge!"
"I don't hold grudges," Santana grumbles. "I don't know why people keep saying that."
"Because you do," Holly laughs. "God, this makes so much sense now! I didn't think you would actually write Britt off for what she had to do."
"What did she have to do?"
"That is not my story to tell," Holly replies. "Look, I won't keep you because I'm getting hungry and you need to get back to work but listen up – make some time for her."
Santana scoffs. "Yeah, I don't think we're even on speaking terms right now."
"Just try," Holly tells her. "Resist the urge to be a stubborn pain in the ass that you love being. Now I'm gonna love you and leave you." Holly steps forward to give Santana one last hug. "Knock'em dead tonight, Sweet Cheeks."
Santana spends the rest of service thinking about what Holly said. It's the first she has heard of a psychotic boss so her interest is piqued. What she seems to be having trouble with is finding the time to talk to Brittany.
Or rather, making the time to do it – her pride involved afterall so she isn't really rushing to reach out and find out she has misunderstood this whole thing. She already feels like an ass for how things went down the other night.
Two days later, Santana is going through the deliveries ensuring everything that was ordered actually turned up. It's a small load today so it takes her no time at all to process everything. With the extra free time, she decides to get a jump on breaking down the lobsters for tonight.
"Sorry to interrupt you, Chef." Santana looks up to find the kitchen gardener, Joe, lingering at the back exit of the kitchen. "There's a strange woman out here rooting through the garden."
"Okay? Why are you telling me this? Get rid of her."
"I tried."
"Try harder?"
"I can't. She said she's looking for someone you've kidnapped."
"Kidnapped? What the hell?"
"I don't know," Joe looks around worriedly. "Do you think I should call the sheriff?"
"Please, Snixx will handle this," She says as she puts down her knife and pulls off her apron.
"Don't worry about it." Santana brushes him off. "Where's she at?"
Joe leads the way outside while Santana stomps the whole way behind him. She expected this type of interruption in the city because there are all walks of life out there, but here? This is the country. Everyone knows everyone and the little shit-head kids don't have the balls to mess with her so what the hell is going on?
"She's in there." Joe points to his shed.
Santana can hear the rummaging around and for a split second, she wonders if she should've brought some type of weapon to defend herself with. Snixx is prone to verbal takedowns, not so much the physical. But she's not backing down, so she looks around and grabs a nearby rake to wield instead.
"Okay, I'm going in," Santana says aloud.
"You want back up?"
"You couldn't even handle her on your own. You should probably sit this one out."
"Good call. I'll have my phone ready."
"Wonderful." Santana takes a deep breath and tightens her grip on the rake. She knocks the tip of the handle against the shed. "Yo! You've got five seconds to come out before I go all Lima Heights on your sorry – "
The door whips open and Santana's standing so close, she nearly gets hit with it. Thankfully, her awesome reflexes kick in and she's able to dodge the door.
"Have you lost your goddamn mind, lady?"
"What have you done with him?" Brittany accuses.
"Britt?" Santana's face screws up with confusion. "What are you doing in our shed?"
"You know why I'm here!" Brittany snaps. It's the angriest Santana has ever seen her. "I know I'm on your shit list right now, but you didn't have to take it out on PB."
"PB?" Santana sets down the rake. "I'm so lost right now…who or what is PB?"
"My pig!" Brittany explains. "You kidnapped my pig."
"Now why the hell would I want to do that?" Santana laughs but Brittany only glares back. "No seriously, why would I want your pig?"
"Because you do petty things when you're pissed," Brittany says. "You could've at least had the decency to send a ransom letter or something."
"Believe me, Britt. I didn't take your pig," Santana replies. "That is way too much work. Where would I even hide a pig here?"
"Spoken like a true thief," Brittany quips before returning to her search. "I've already found a clue so save your alibi for the judge."
Santana's flabbergasted.
Meanwhile, Joe trails behind Brittany, fixing up all the pots and bags of soil she has upturned on her hunt for said clues. Santana's at a loss as she watches Brittany continue her hunt. It's like watching a car accident, she can't look away.
"Okay Britt, stop." Santana finally says when she starts heading for the firewood shed. At first Brittany brushes her off and keeps walking but Santana tugs on her jacket to get her to stop.
"Why on Earth would I still a pig?" Santana asks. "Is he meant to be a special on your menu or something?"
"No way! PB isn't just a pig, he's a friend," Brittany explains. "He came with the restaurant so he's like our mascot. He's also a great listener."
"I see." Santana sees that fearful look in her eye, she's actually pretty hurt about this.
"I'm supposed to take care of him," Brittany tells her. "Now he's gone and everyone's really worried."
"I can tell." Santana nods over to a couple tree stumps and gestures for Brittany to sit. "I honestly have nothing to do with the disappearance of your pig."
Brittany watches her for a moment before relaxing. "I believe you."
"Okay good because I cannot have you spreading rumors that I've kidnapped someone. People might think I've gone all Sweeny Todd."
"True. Although that would be pretty on brand for the Understudy," Brittany says through a tiny smile. It doesn't stay for long though. "I have to find him, San."
"Look I'm sure he's just taking a leisurely stroll through the countryside," Santana says optimistically. It seems so out of character for her to be the one to planting a seed of hope, that's usually Brittany's job, but she can tell she needs it. "Pigs roam, right? And we work in a beautiful area so it makes sense for him to do a little sight-seeing. Or maybe he's visiting his extended pig family, it is the holidays after all."
"Or he's been murdered."
Santana's jaw drops at Brittany's deadpan. "Let's not jump to conclusions."
Brittany hangs her head low. "Anything could've happened."
"That's right," Santana agrees. "But that doesn't necessarily mean the worst thing did."
Brittany only shrugs. "I guess. This is all my fault. I was the last one to see him…alive. I must've forgotten to lock the gate on my way out."
The way she looks so distraught and helpless, Santana would give anything to make it better – she's just not sure what that is. Well, she knows but kissing the worries away probably wouldn't go down so well considering she was just the number one suspect ten minutes ago.
But damn, does she want to give it a try anyway.
"I have to get back to work but I'll keep a lookout for PB," Santana tells her as she stands. She holds her hand out, waiting for a sulking Brittany to take it. "Come on, I'll walk you back."
The short walk back is spent in silence, but Santana can tell the gears in Brittany's head are working overtime. Who would've known she could be so stressed over a lost pig? She thinks about what Holly said too and wonders if this is the universe's sick way of forcing her and Brittany together. The last thing on Brittany's mind would be taping together the scraps of their relationship though.
"Let me know if you hear anything," Brittany says as they get to her car. "PB loves his veggies so keep an eye on your compost pile."
"I will," Santana says. "And you, don't go lurking in the Joe's shed anymore. I almost hit you over the head with a rake."
"I won't. I'm sorry for scaring him. I'm also sorry for accusing you."
"That's okay," Santana shrugs. "Things between us have been weird so I get why you'd think it was me. I wasn't very nice to you the last time you were here."
"I've seen you not play nice, that wasn't it."
"Oh, have I lost my touch?"
Brittany chuckles. "Maybe?"
"So you're saying should've gone with my gut and made you an eggs royale?"
"I was a little disappointed I didn't get to try your galette, but the waffles were very tasty – even if I despise them. I know you're capable of being way worse, so I'll take it." Brittany jokes. "But if you are looking to redeem yourself, I know a great place where you can."
Santana suddenly feels warm all over. This right here, this is why she needs to keep her distance! She feigns annoyance although she's sure a smile gives her away. "Don't say your restaurant."
"I wasn't going to but glad to know you're thinking of it still!"
Later that night, Santana ventures outside toting a bucket of veggie scraps. The chatter from the kitchen can be heard as the door hangs open in the breeze. There's enough light to illuminate a path and she peers around to make sure no ones watching before she sets the scrap bucket up on the tree stump she and Brittany sat on earlier.
"PB!" She calls out. "I have some of your favorites, I think? PB!"
She listens for any rustling or the telltale signs of a pig nearing, but nothing. She can't believe she's actually doing this as she calls out to him again. Even in the midst of their feuding and awkwardness, Santana's still wrapped around Brittany's finger.
Santana arrives to work later than usual a few days later in preparation for the weekly meeting she has with Kurt and Rachel. They talk about important stuff like sales and revenue and making sure Santana stays within her budget. It's draining but necessary; that doesn't keep Santana from dragging her feet to attend.
However, this time Rachel opens up the meeting with exciting news. She tells Santana that the Understudy will be hosting a huge Christmas event this year unlike any other and it's likely that it'll be a sellout thanks to the latest menu! Apparently they've teamed up with an awesome marketing team who are on top of their game and they're already receiving so many requests for a booking! It's great news for the business, even more so for Santana. Lately she's been feeling off, distracted by this pig thing and Brittany – it'll be nice to refocus her attention on her work.
"I can't wait to start the planning," Rachel beams. "I have so many ideas already!"
"Hang on, I thought we said we'll work on that together?" Kurt asks.
"Shouldn't someone who actually celebrates Christmas be in charge?" Santana chimes in.
"I'll have you both know that although I don't celebrate Christmas, I am excellent at throwing parties with a theme," Rachel explains.
"Who told you that and were they on your payroll?"
"Many people have said that to me, Santana and no they were not on my payroll. Also, while we're on the topic of holiday parties – you haven't rsvp'd to our staff party." Rachel passes Santana an ornate invitation, one she has thrown out several times because it keeps reappearing. "We really need to lock in numbers for the caterers."
"Oh sorry." Santana takes the paper and scribbles over the NO box then passes it back. "There you go."
"Santana, you've checked the wrong box."
"Pretty sure I didn't."
"What?" Kurt cries out when he spots the NO. "You have to come!"
"I need to stay focused, especially now that we have this Christmas event. We haven't even talked about the menu or seating times or what the number of bookings will be. There's a lot left to prepare."
"One party won't kill you," Kurt reasons.
"If Rachel's hosting, you never know. Remember how she tried poisoning me last time?"
"She did not," Kurt insists.
"That's right. You ate a bad oyster."
"Given to me by who?" Santana glares before pointing her finger at Rachel. "You."
"I swore it was a reputable supplier, I'm sorry!"
"You might as well get them from a grocery store," Santana complains. "I'm sure it'll be a fun night for everyone else though. I'm perfectly fine sitting this one out."
"You can't be alone on Christmas though," Kurt reasons. "That's just sad."
He has a point; outside of work, there's no one. It used to be Brittany before things went bad. She realizes this'll be the first Christmas they won't spend together and the thought actually pains her.
Santana always loved the holidays, especially Christmas. Not because of the presents or the shopping deals, she loved how the family always came together. She loved the special dishes her abuela would cook and how it felt catching up with her cousins. She loved the sense of belonging; she loved the warmth.
But living so far away from her actual family and being too busy with work to visit meant that Santana had to miss out on a lot. Thankfully, her family understands the nature of her job but still that melancholy feeling never truly goes away.
It wasn't until she and Brittany became a thing that the feeling began to return.
Despite the busy schedules and exhaustion, Brittany always found a way to sprinkle in the holiday magic. That was love, pure love. It may not be the same as being surrounded by a big family, but it didn't matter. Being surrounded by Brittany was enough.
When Santana thinks about it now, there's no reason they can't have that again. The only one standing in their way is her.
On the third night of PB's disappearance, Quinn goes out for a smoke break and catches Santana in the middle of an attempt at pig-calling. Quinn nearly wets herself with laughter meanwhile Santana is pulling out every excuse in the book to explain what she's doing.
Ultimately, she really can't talk her way out of it and ends up telling Quinn about Brittany and how distraught she is over this pig.
"Okay, so you're back together?" Quinn asks.
"No, we're not back together. I'm just helping a friend."
"Friend? I thought she was your competitor?"
"Por qué no los dos? I don't know!"
Quinn smirks at Santana's obvious floundering as she takes a drag of her cigarette. "You must care a lot about her if you're out here in the middle of the night, cold, missing family meal."
Santana only crosses her arms. "Are you going to help me or just stand there and judge?"
"I'm perfectly fine here, Chef. Thank you."
"Come on, you're already here. You might as well do something useful," Santana complains. "You grew up on a farm. What am I doing wrong?"
"It was a lemon orchard," Quinn corrects. "We didn't have pigs so I have no idea. Pretty sure the oinking you were doing before isn't it though."
"I was not oinking."
"Sounded like it. I have a recording if you want to see?" Quinn starts to take out her phone.
"No you don't," Santana scrambles to see. "Delete it right now!"
Turns out Quinn's full of shit when Santana finds there isn't actually a video of her calling out to PB.
"Should've seen your face!" Quinn laughs. "Priceless."
"You suck so bad, Quinn Fabray."
Despite Santana solely spearheading the search party, Rachel is the one who actually finds PB early the following morning. Santana's barely awake to register the news although Rachel's practically screaming down the line at her to come help.
"I cannot have this, Santana! Our work Christmas party is tonight and I cannot have a pig in attendance! That's just absurd and unhygienic! You need to come help us get rid of it right now!"
In any other circumstance, what the hell was Santana going to do about a pig running amuck in the kitchen garden and why was the first person Rachel thought to call her?
When she arrives onsite, Rachel and Kurt stand with Joe on the outskirts of the garden watching who she assumes is PB rolling around in veg scraps. Rachel and Kurt look like they're seconds away from pulling their hair out while Joe looks around confused.
"Has anyone called Brittany?" Santana asks as she joins the group.
"Why would we call Brittany?" Rachel asks. "This is a pig."
"I don't know, you called me and it's not like I'm a pig wrangler," Santana mutters. "I think he belongs to her though."
"How were we supposed to know that?" Kurt asks. "It's not like he's wearing a collar."
"Actually, I think he is." Joe points to the pig's neck and sure enough, there is one.
"I can't believe I got out of bed for this," Santana groans. "None of you could've spotted that before waking me?"
"Sorry Santana," Rachel says.
"You should be. Now one of you can call Brittany and tell her to come get her pet so I can go back to bed."
"Aren't you two friends?" Kurt asks. "Why don't you call her?"
"No way, we're – " Santana is quick to shut him down but finds herself pausing.
She's nowhere near ready to face the day yet, let alone Brittany. But on the other hand…She's spent nearly a week secretly looking for this pig and now that she's found him, it would make sense for her to finish the job and reunite him with his owner.
So what if her hair is a little messier than normal and what if her ratty old sleep shirt and shorts are the only things she's wearing under her heavy coat? It's not like she cares about how she looks if she's going to see Brittany, then again it's not like she hasn't seen her like this before?
"Fuck it." Santana suddenly makes up her mind. "I'll do it."
While Joe and company coaxed PB onto his trailer and have it hitched up to the work truck, Santana goes to her office to pick up a couple things where she then paced the room wondering why the hell she offered to see Brittany alone.
Once upon a time, the thought of being alone with Brittany was the only thing that got her through a long shift. Now, she's riddled with nerves – the good kind or the bad, she's not sure. She spends the next ten minutes convincing herself that it's neither – this is purely a business transaction.
It's a short drive to Brittany's restaurant but it takes her twice as long with PB in the back. She's actually never been to the restaurant, she's only familiar with the raggedy old barn that used to be there, but as she pulls into the driveway, she's pleasantly surprised by what she sees.
What she can only assume is the raggedy old barn has been completely transformed! There's still the rustic charm associated with being out in the country, the weathered wood and brick, but new iron accents elevate it into something more contemporary. From the outside, the place looks amazing!
"Santana?" Brittany calls out as she comes around the side of the building. She's wearing that familiar beanie again and the tips of her nose and cheeks are rosy from the chill. "What are you – oh my God, you found PB!"
She sprints over to the trailer and as Santana comes around. "He was rooting through our veg scraps. He scared the shit out of Rachel and Kurt."
"I told you he loves his vegetables!" Brittany replies as she gives the pig a loving pat on the side. When she looks at Santana, there's so much adoration in her eyes that it makes Santana want to start pacing again. "Thanks for bringing him home, Santana. I've been so worried."
"Yeah well, you should be thankful he was close by," Santana replies dismissively although the butterflies in her stomach flutter about. "Babe could've easily been roasting on an open fire by now."
Brittany gasps and does her best to cover PB's ears. "He can hear you!"
"Good! Maybe that'll scare him straight and he won't go wandering around anymore," Santana replies. "Seems like he's got a pretty good life here. Maybe he shouldn't fuck it up just because he feels like traveling."
Brittany side-eyes PB, ultimately agreeing with Santana. "I guess she's right. It's your lucky day, sir."
When PB bows his head, Santana starts to wonder if he really can understand what they're saying. Maybe it was just coincidence?
"Could you unlock the gate?" Brittany asks. "I'll get him back to his pen."
Santana nods and goes around to the tailgate. She can feel Brittany's eyes on her and that has her fumbling to get the latch undone. She blames her trembling hands on the cold though. Brittany goes off to unload PB from the trailer.
Thankfully Santana has to do minimal work. She's still only running on a few hours of sleep, no caffeine, and she was rudely awakened by Rachel of all people. It hasn't been a great start to her morning. Seeing Brittany so overcome with happiness because she's finally reunited with her piggy friend and Santana being the reason for that reunion might just make up for all that.
"What's PB stand for anyway?" Santana wonders. "Peanut Butter?"
"What's peanut butter have to do with a pig?" Brittany laughs as if she didn't once tell Santana she used to have a cat named Lord Tubbington when she was a kid.
"I don't know? That's the first thing that came to mind," Santana explains.
"It stands for Pork Butt," Brittany answers.
"Oh wow…"
Brittany only giggles as she guides PB around the building. After Brittany secures PB in his pen, she joins Santana over by the entry of the restaurant. Santana's staring up the at the sign – she hadn't known the name of Brittany's restaurant before today; she didn't want to purely out of stubbornness or spite. But now, she stares at the letters that form the word she and Brittany used to toss around together when they dreamed of opening their own place.
To see it now, come to life, and looking the way it does…Santana isn't sure how to feel and there's no time to dwell on it as Brittany returns.
"PB is safe and sound," Brittany says. "The only way he's getting out of there is if he learns to fly."
"Great. I'll head off then."
"Wait, don't you want to come in?" Brittany asks. The hope is unmissable, the same could be said about her sudden bashfulness. "This is your first time here, it's not how I planned it but you're here and I'd love to show you around."
Santana looks up at the wooden doors and it's oddly inviting – like she's being drawn in or tempted, probably tempted. Brittany's there batting her eyelashes, hope brimming. She can't deny that she's curious about the interior, wondering if it's just as aesthetic as the outside.
What color scheme did she go with? What type of tables and chairs? Is it an open concept? Does it look anything like what they used to daydream about together?
"You're calling it The Stix," Santana mentions.
"I thought it was fitting," Brittany replies. "We always talked about opening up a place off the beaten path, in the sticks. We wanted fine dining but make it feel like customers are at home for Sunday dinner. We wanted warmth and good food and we wanted to do it somewhere that deserves more recognition – like here."
Santana takes a deep breath. "But you named it The Stix. That was our name that we picked together. You did this without me."
"You were all I thought about when I did this," Brittany explains.
"And yet, you never thought to call me?"
"I couldn't!"
"You keep saying that…"
"Because it's true," Brittany explains. "Everything happened so quickly once I came back; I didn't have time to catch you up, all I could do was act fast or I'd miss the opportunity. I figured if you saw the name then you'd be just excited as me about this and you'd let me explain."
"I wouldn't really call this excitement, Britt." Santana frowns. "Look at this place, I would've loved doing this with you if you had given me the chance but you didn't. You told me about it once it was already done."
"It's still a work in progress."
"One that you're working on alone."
"I was bound by contract, Santana. I had to do everything alone!"
"Contract?" Santana drops further into confusion. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, so now you want me to explain? After all this time?" Brittany shakes her head and laughs angrily. "You're unbelievable."
"Hang on, I'm not the one that's been keeping secrets," Santana counters. "You made this mess. I'm just trying to make sense of it."
"Yes, I know. I'm the one that ruined everything, it's all my fault," Brittany says. It looks as though she's on the brink of tears but they never fall. "You know I could've answered all your questions if you would just let me? I have been trying to make it right ever since that night at the awards ceremony. I have been trying to explain. I have been trying tell you these secrets. I have been trying to fix things but you keep shutting me down. It's like you don't even want this anymore."
"I do want this," Santana says without thinking. "More than anything."
"Then what are we doing?" Brittany asks tiredly. "I understand making me sleep in the doghouse because I know I put you through hell while I was gone. What happens next or is this it? I'm a patient person, but you've got to tell me now if I'm wasting my time because I love you, San. I love you but pushing me away like this…you're just as much to blame now."
Santana only stands there, feeling as though she's just been stung. "I don't know. I'm figuring it out."
"Can't we do that together?" Brittany asks, hope brimming in her pretty blue eyes. One look at her and Santana feels like she could conquer anything – even her own insecurities. "Don't you think we're stronger together?"
"I know we are," Santana says truthfully. She hasn't felt this sure of herself in a long time, especially not when it comes to Brittany.
"So what do you want to do?"
"I want – " Santana's interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. It's Rachel again so she's quick to ignore it but she catches a glimpse of several unread texts from Quinn that can't be as easily ignored. "Oh shit. I'm sorry, I need to go."
"Is everything okay?" Brittany asks as Santana hurries to the truck.
Santana's speed-reading through the missed texts but only finds Quinn uncharacteristically panicked which makes her feel even more uneasy. She spins around to apologize one more time for cutting this short only to find Brittany right on her heels, so close that they collide.
"Shit, sorry," Santana rushes out but Brittany's hand keep her from falling.
"Are you okay to drive?" Brittany asks as she steadies Santana, eyes searching hers for a sign. "Do you want me to come with?"
"No, no. I'm good," Santana assures her.
Brittany looks at her like she's waiting for more. Despite everything, Brittany still cares for her as if nothing has changed. She's still putting her first and that just about puts Santana over the edge.
"Are you sure?" Brittany looks at her warily. "I mean, you look good in your pj's and cute bed-head but you don't look good good."
Who knew a simple sentence could put Santana at ease? Apparently, Brittany because she always knows the right thing to say when it counts.
"I'm sure. For all I know, it's something ridiculous like Kurt has a hangnail or Rachel's annoying Quinn," Santana tells her. She gives into temptation and reaches out to touch Brittany's cheek. It's welcomed warmth against her icy fingertips, she can't help but linger there. "I'm sorry for leaving."
"Hey, that's my line." Brittany's smile is kind as she leans into Santana's palm. "I understand. Duty calls."
Santana pulls away and goes to get settled in the driver's seat. She pauses just after she starts the engine and looks back at Brittany. She knows she should leave but finds herself unwinding the window. Brittany draws closer.
"Changing your mind?"
"It's not that. Rachel and Kurt are putting on this thing tonight at the Understudy," Santana explains. Suddenly she's riddled with nerves but they don't keep her from holding out the olive branch. "I was wondering if you'd like to come?"
"What kind of thing?" Brittany asks through a grin. "Is it a party?"
"Something like that," Santana replies. "There's decorations and food, probably music."
"Sounds very much like a party," Brittany jokes. "Will you be dressing up?"
"I might be," Santana shrugs. "Depends what time the lunch service wraps up. We're all supposed to have an early finish."
"Okay," Brittany finally answers. "Well, I'm supposed to be working the Pass tonight. I gave one of the chefs asked for the night off, her son's first Christmas. I couldn't be a Grinch and say no, not on Christmas Eve."
"Oh," Santana frowns at the sound of her olive branch snapping in two. She hadn't realized Christmas Eve had crept up on her so fast. "That's cool. Don't worry about it."
"I didn't say it was a no." Brittany smirks as Santana backtracks. "It's a maybe."
Santana sits a little taller; she can live with that. "So maybe I'll see you tonight then."
"Maybe you will," Brittany replies. "But if not Merry Christmas, Santana."
"Merry Christmas, Britt."
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shannyh25 · 9 months
Please let me know what you guys think of this story. I feel like Dora hardly gets written on fan fan fiction and I wanted to poke into Dora’s head and see how she felt about moving to Green Gables and meeting Anne, Marilla, and even Gilbert. Dora has a story she wants to tell and I’m going to try and write this one for her.
Please tell me your thoughts on it and if you have any ideas on what I should put in the story, please feel free to share them!
Thank you!
This is Dora Keith's story on the day she moved into Green Gables. Dora is a shy, scared, quite little girl who has been through a lot. What does Dora think of Anne? What does Dora think of Gilbert? What does Dora think of Marilla and Rachel? Anne tires her hardest to get Dora to open up to her. Anne wants to be Dora's friend. Anne wants Dora to have a fun childhood like Anne did growing up at Green Gables and in Avonlea. Will Dora loosen up and learn to be a child again? Anne will help with that.
Work Text:
Author’s note: A special note to my friend Nell Lime for giving me ideas and helping edit my chapter. I am writing a different story this time and it's about Dora’s intake on her arrival of Green Gables and what she thinks of Anne and even GIlbert I feel like Dora doesn’t get enough credit and i thought she has a story that wants to be told, so I am going to write it. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Please check out Nell Lime’s stories as well. She is a fantastic writer. Check out her newest story. Our Own Little Family. Thank you Nell Lime.
Dora Keith of Green Gables, still remembered that vivid, horrible day back at her old home in East Grafton. She never would forget that day. She didn't think her twin brother Davy would forget it
either. The memory was so real for the both of them to this day.
It was a gray, dull morning when our story started. Dora Keith had gotten up early when the neighbor's rooster started its noise at the crack of dawn. Dora got out of her warm bed she had shared with Davy and slowly and quietly she got herself dressed.
The young doctor that has been staying with the Keith family, Doctor Franklin had fallen asleep in the chair by her mothers beside. He slowly woke up when the old rooster crowed next door and quickly checked Dora's mothers pulse.
Dora couldn't watch, she mumbled that she was going out to gather the few precious eggs the hens had managed to lay for them. Dora went to the little wooden table to grab her basket. She'd grabbed it just as Doctor Franklin got up and knelt down before her so he could be at Dora's eye level. He put a tender, caring hand on Dora's shoulder and her eyes slowly went to look at the ground.
"Please." Dora whimpered. " Please tell me she'll be alright. I- we have no place to go."
Doctor Franklin gently squeezed her shoulder and that's all she needed to know.
"You're a doctor! You're supposed to help people get better! Help Momma get better! You can't let her die. Please don't let her die, Doctor Franklin. I'll sell everything in the house we own to pay you without mommas permission. Please save her." Dora begged.
"Dora. I've done all I could, child. You've got to believe me. I may be fresh out of medical school, but I've done my best. Your momma was the first patient I have had and it's been an honor. I'm sorry sweetheart. I-I don't have anything left to offer her. Her body is too weak." Doctor Franklin tried to tell her.
Shaking her shoulder free, she grabbed her basket to get ready to collect the eggs for breakfast. But, before she left, she took a glance at her twin Davy. He was still sound asleep. He would be up as soon as breakfast was starting to cook. He was always hungry
Then she looked at her mother. She was so thin, almost a skeleton. She hasn't eaten in days or even weeks. Dora and even Davy tried to get her to eat. From eggs, to dry toast and soup. Whatever Dora could get her hands on from friends and neighbors.
Her hair had mostly fallen out now and Dora cried when it did. She remembered when she was younger, her mother had long, beautiful, blond hair. Just like Dora's. But that has long been gone. Her hair was just thin and scraggly and ready to fall out even more.
Her mother's face was thin and hollow. Her eyes almost sunken in. Her body was turning a grayish color. Death was slowly eating her mother alive. Dora knew it, so did Davy.
Davy -
Davy was terrified of going near their mother. He wasn't used to seeing her like this. But slowly, he did get used to it and would sometimes crawl on the bed with her and talk about his day with the neighbor kids. What games they played and what they did in town. Keeping his promise, he stayed out of trouble. Then other days, he would sit in the rocking chair looking so defeated, miserable and sad looking, he didn't have the heart to do anything bad the rest of the night.
Dora knew her momma was going to die today. Even in the early morning. Her mother deserved peace by this point. She has been suffering for so long. She was tired. She was ready to go home. Dora knew it.
Dora may be only 6 years old, but when you live in a town like East Grafton, you need to learn to be a grownup quickly. That is what she had to do. Now, she needed to be a grown up and take care of Davy.
Dora bit her lip to keep it from trembling. But it was the tears that gave it away. Dora put the basket back down that she was going to use to collect the eggs.
"Should I wake Davy?" Dora asked.
Doctor Franklin nodded his head yes.
Dora went over to the bed that she and Davy shared. Davy was still sleeping. Dora gently shook his shoulder and turned around to look at her with his sleepy eyes.
"Dora?" Davy mumbles.
"It's Momma, Davy. We-we need to say our goodbyes now. Doctor Franklin thinks we don't have much time left with Momma. Less than an hour." Dora said softly.
Davy gave a soft whimper, and he slowly got out of bed. Dora puts her hand out so Davy can hold it. She knew he was going to need her support. Davy took her little hand and together they both walked towards their mothers bedside to say goodbye.
Dora and Davy quietly and slowly walked up to their mothers bedside. Dora sat down in the old rocking chair that Doctor Franklin usually sits in. Dora took her mothers frail, tired, worn hand into her own and brought her hand up to her cheek.
Sniffing a little bit, Dora said, "I promise to look after Davy and do my best to try and keep him out of trouble Momma. I'll try my best to have us not be separated and kept together. You have been a good Momma. Thank you for always taking care of us before you got sick. I love you Momma. You deserve peace and free of pain. Rest peacefully Momma. I love you."
Dora wasn't sure if her mother even heard a word she said. Dora took a peek at her mother. Her mother looked almost soulless. It shocked Dora to the core. She never had seen anyone like this. She has seen her mother fading this since she was sick yes, but she had always been afraid to truly look at her. She figured she would take a quick glance at her now before it was too late. Dora almost regretted it. She quickly gave her mother a little kiss on the cheek and then she went over to Davy.
Davy sat down in the chair just like Dora did and gently took his mothers hand. He was sniffing quietly trying not to be heard. He was trying to be the "man of the house."
"I'm sorry you got sick Momma. You have been a good momma. I'm going to miss you telling us stories and tucking us in at bedtime. I promise to keep Dora safe and make sure she will be taken care of. Goodbye Momma. Have a good sleep." Davy mumbled.
Dora saw the look of surprise on Davy's face as their mother squeezed his hand ever so slightly, before going limp in his hand. Davy peeked over to Dora waiting for a nod before leaning over to quickly give his mother a tender kiss on her cheek. Then he lifted himself up, and ran over to Dora to be with her. He wrapped his little arms around her, and together they sat on the bed.
Dora felt like she had been waiting for a long time. She felt like she should be making breakfast or getting Davy dressed for the day. But instead, she and Davy were waiting with Doctor Franklin.
Doctor Franklin sat with the twins as they waited. He kept checking their mother's pulse, listening to her heart and lungs between glancing at the small clock they kept on the mantle. He'd tried to make small talk, sharing about what he'd liked so far since graduating and coming to help his mother's brother with his practice there in East Grafton. How he had a girl in Charlottetown he meant to marry. He'd let them listen to her heart beat, it grew weaker and weaker each time.
Davy was starting to get antsy at just sitting and waiting. He was dressed by this point and so was Dora. Dora had Davy go play with some blocks and his train set quietly in the corner. Davy didn't need to be told twice. It gave him something to do.
Dora got out her sewing project she was working on. Her apron had a big hole in it. Dora was outside one day in the little yard they had. There was a rose bush and her apron got caught in it. A big hole was made and she was heartbroken. That was her best apron and she couldn't afford another one. She asked her neighbor Mrs. Janie if she could help her get started on it.
That was a few weeks ago and Dora hasn't spent much time on her apron as she has hoped. She had been too busy. But, she got out her apron and little sewing kit and started to work on it.
Dora wasn't sure how long she had been working on her apron. A half hour, hour? But she was making some progress on it and Davy was being good at playing with his toys in the corner.
Dora was about to make another stitch in her apron when Doctor Franklin came up to her. She looked startled because she was concentrating so hard on her work, she didn't see or hear him approach her.
Davy noticed Doctor Franklin come up to Dora too and he quickly ran over to her. He sat on the bed with Dora and clutched her hand.
"I'm so sorry children, your mother passed away."
Dora turned pale and felt sick to her stomach. Davy let out a shriek and took off running outside.
Dora didn’t try to stop him. She looked at Doctor Franklin. “ Davy and I are orphans now, We have no family, no one to take us in. It's your fault Doctor Franklin. It's your fault if Davy and I are split up.”
Dora’s cold words hurt Doctor Franklin. Surprised him. At the moment, he didn’t have time to deal with his own feelings. He had the children to deal with. He knelt down to be at Dora’s level and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“ That's what I wanted to tell you, Dora. You and Davy won't be split up. I took the matters into my own hands and wrote to a relative, you and Davy. A woman named Marilla Cuthbert. She adopted a girl herself and has raised her. Marilla and the young women that she adopted will help raise you and Davy. She is a well respected woman from where she comes from. You and Davy won't have to be split child. Marilla and her adopted daughter will be here this afternoon, with her adopted daughter's friend. A young man. You don’t have to worry about being taken away from more little one. You and Davy will be safe.” Doctor Franklin said.
Dora felt her legs collapse underneath her.
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gnattyplayssims · 1 year
1929 Pt 1 - Another Breakup
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It had been a few months since prom and Lizzie was adjusting to life as a young adult. Doing her best to leave behind the broken hearts of her youth and move on. Kinley was also a young adult now and one summer morning the cousins met to do some early morning shopping.
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"Yeah so he just showed up out of nowhere a few months ago and started helping on their farm."
"And no one knows anything about him?"
"I guess he was in the war but other than that...nothing."
"Ooooh a soldier."
Kinley giggled, "You would be into that. Wait...that's him!"
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Lizzie followed her gaze to the man staring at them over his newspaper. "That's him? Kinley, that's Will, the guy I told you about."
"No way!" She whipered so he wouldn't hear. "The really sweet one!?"
She nudged her to shut up as he pretended not to have noticed them.
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He hid behind the paper and Kinley whipered "Lizzie, there's no way he was at prom. He was in the war so he'd be much too old to have been a student." But Lizzie wasn't listening as she made her way toward him William glanced over his paper looking away quickly to avoid her eyes
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"Well well well, if it isn't my new friend Will."
"Friend? I don't know about that. I was just there at the right time. Friend is a bit strong"
"Hmm, I don't buy it."
Kinley slipped toward the Gnome's Arms, "Um, I'm gonna find us a table."
"So you work at that barn?"
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"Actually, I live there. The owner rented out the barn for the dance. I helped set up and tear down and whatever else they need in exchange for a roof over my head and 3 meals a day. No one was supposed to go up there during the dance."
"Your homeless?"
He glared at her, No."
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"So what then?"
"I'm not homeless, that barn is my home. And I'm making an honest living to live there."
"What about your family?"
That dark look she had seen at prom came over his face again but he didn't elaborate past a simple, "No."
"So you're homeless and alone?"
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"Not homeless!"
"But you're not denying the alone part."
He shrugged, "I guess I just haven't found anyone worth keeping around."
"I think you're lying."
He sighed, "That night was...nice. You're easy to talk to but it didn't mean anything. I gotta go."
Then he was gone.
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The next few months passed by in a blur as the Mizrahi's fell into a solid rhythm. Rachel still struggled with poor health and often slept in the middle of playing. Reuben was such a good baby much like how his dad had been at that age, bringing much needed joy to the family.
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There was something really special about having his own kids and David loved being a dad. Rachel especially held his heart. Maybe it was because he had almost lost her, maybe because of the way she'd curl up on his lap when she was tired She was his little princess.
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"There you are Belle!" the cat looked up as Lizzie entered the room "Where have you been hiding all night?"
"Meow!" Belle complained as Lizzie scooped her into her arms
"Don't give me that It's time for bed and I have so much to tell you. Remember that guy with the newspaper?!"
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Meanwhile Kye and Jessie had been going steady since prom and to his credit Kye really had been trying but he could tell she still wanted more than he was ready to give. "I love how pretty Finchwich is at this time of year. It's so romantic! Don't you think?"
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"Hey Jessie?"
He turned toward her. "What is it?"
"Ah, I was just thinking. I think there's something I owe you"
"What...?" Before she could finish the question he'd pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her lips. For a moment she stood there in shock before returning the kiss
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She wrapped her arms around his neck. She'd waited for this moment but it wasn't really how she had imagined. He was kissing her but stiffly. Like he didn't really want to. She opened her eyes then pushed him away. "You don't want this, do you?"
"What!? Of course I want this!"
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For a moment she just looked at him, not believing. Finally she sighed, "I know you said you'd try, but if this is too much..."
"No, that's not it. I really like you and I want to make this work"
"Me too"
He wrapped his arm around her."I told you I don't know what I'm doing"
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But Kye could only avoid the truth for so long and the truth was, being in a relationship terrified him. Every step of the way it seemed she wanted more than he could give. Every day she seemed to put more pressure on him to open up. Until one day it all caught up with him.
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"I just don't understand why it's so important for me to say it out loud."
"And I don't understand why it's so hard. If you loved me it wouldn't be hard to say."
"I love you okay, is that what you want to hear?"
"No! I want you to mean it!"
"Well I don't okay!"
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"Fine, I'm sorry for trying. I thought maybe if we gave us a chance, you'd trust me. But even after 5 years you're still not honest with me!" "I am being honest with you."
"Well maybe it's yourself you need to be honest with. Good luck finding someone to love you until you do."
1929 Pt2 - William's Story
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Please chloe price relationship headcanons sfw and nsfw :)
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Pairing(s) - Chloe Price x G/N!Reader Warnings - Cursing (obvi), NSFW under the cut
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You guys are probably friends or at least acquainted before y'all start dating
She's the type to hardcore flirt with someone 'as friends' to test out the waters because its 'her personality' "God, your looking exceptionally hot today." "We'd be a fucking power couple, don't you think?" "Yeah, you look great in that shirt. But it'd look better on my floor."
Cue your blushing and her smirk
But seriously she's testing the waters
She scared you'll end up leaving like the others but that proves very wrong
It finally comes out as a high confession in her room in the middle of the night while laying beside each other on her bed
She's basically gone and just blabbering away at how hot you are and that she's always wanted to kiss you
You are flabbergasted.
Staring at her with wide slightly red eyes in the dark while she just keeps talking "Chloe stop messing around." "I'm not hot stuff... would you be mad if I kissed you?" "...no."
Cue the best kiss you've ever had in your entire life
She's totally a touchy person
Is ALWAYS touching you I mean ALWAYS
Working on your laptop? Her head is on your shoulder watching you do whatever your doing
Laying in bed? She's either laying on you or has you laying on her
Standing at the counter? Her arms around your waist and her chin is on your shoulder
You can't escape her grasp
She really likes laying her head on your shoulder
Likes kissing you too
Like everywhere
The type to stick her head up your shirt when your both laying down
She's a pervert and you cannot tell me otherwise
Loves to lay her head on your stomach a lot
It gives her a sense of security
Likes to be big spoon a lot because she's a cocky douche sweetheart and likes to feel you laying beside her wrapped in her arms so she knows your still there
But on bad nights she gets nightmares about her dad, Rachel and Max leaving she likes to lay her head on your chest or in the crook of your neck
Or her head in your shirt on your chest?
Its for security
It reminds her that you're still there and your not gonna leave her
She likes her hair being played with
She'd probably try to talk you into getting a tattoo or a piercing
Or even dye your hair and she'd totally do it for you
In her bathroom which proved to be a terrible idea the bathtub was multicolored for days
You're best friends with Joyce
She thinks you're an amazing influence on Chloe and helps her not get into so much trouble
Keeps her less angry and more grounded after everything that has happened to her
Also helps calm the fights between her and David
She'd call the school saying there's an 'emergency' or that you had an appointment to get you out so you guys can have fun together
Will force you to stop working if you're stressing yourself out too much and will hide your things to get you to take a break
Loves hanging out at the Junkyard with you and if she finds good quality things she thinks you'll like she saves them to give to you
Will spend her money on things you love even though you told her a thousand times she didn't need to
You guys are definitely saving up to travel
Like a cross-country road trip finding little odd jobs to do just to get out of Oregon
She's a mother freaking TOP
I don't really see her being on bottom unless she's really upset that day but even then she's still pretty dominant
LOVES to go down on you in every way possible FOR HOURS just because?
She likes it?
She knows it doesn't really do anything for her pleasure but she gets so fucking happy watching you needy for her
She likes to feel needed but she's also very needy
LOVES having sex high
It's just so much better in her opinion
She also either falls asleep immediately after sex or gets high after and she doesn't mind if you don't want to either or if you pass out
She gets to admire your after-sex glory
The girl loves your ass
Loves to tease you and flirt with you in bed "Jesus hot stuff if I knew you were gonna beg for me this bad I would've asked you out sooner." "Chloe I will literally leave right now."
No you wouldn't of
Lets be honest
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A/n: I love these sm I got a little carried away
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thebeckyjolene · 3 years
Is There Life Out There
Based off the song of the same name by Reba McEntire. Rebecca Torrance had the perfect life. A caring, handsome husband. Good friends who are there for Rebecca.
Rebecca is a college student balancing college classes, working in a restaurant part time, and being the best wife, she can and will be. What happens next?
This is dedicated to my dearest friend, @stardancerluv, who has helped me through so much. Thank you for being there for me, listening to me rambling on and on. <3
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Growing up, my parents said anything is possible, as long as you put your mind into it. I grew up in the small town of Fraizer my entire life as the daughter of a truck driver and a housewife. I'm the youngest of 4 daughters, me being the youngest.
Then as I got older, I decided to attend college classes at the local community college, studying business management. Cheering me on during my studies was my beloved husband, Dan. We met and married when I was twenty, he was 36.
Dan and I met when he first moved to Frazier. Actually, he and I met through my friend, Billy Freeman. Billy and I each took turns helping operate Teeny Town when either of us were free. Dan also entered Alcoholics Anonymous and Billy helped Dan get a job at the local hospice as an orderly.
My favorite music to listen to in my spare time is country music, especially Reba McEntire. She has always been my favorite female singer of all time.
Also, I work as a part time waitress in the local cafe in town, to help with my college classes and tution. Working late hours sometimes keeps me away from spending time with my husband, which breaks my heart sometimes. Usually, Dan and Billy come in from time to time while I'm at work, either to eat or just to have some coffee. Also working with me is my best friend Rachel, who is so amazing and has an adorable bulldog named Toby, who I spoil endlessly with treat everytime I see him.
But lately, I haven't been just feeling myself. So I happened to turn on the song, Is There Life Out There by Reba. The lyrics hit deep within me while I was working on a paper for one of my college classes.
She married when she was twenty
She thought she was ready
Now she's not so sure
She thought she'd done some living
But now she's just wonderin'
What she's living for
Now she's feeling that there's something more
Is there life out there
So much she hasn't done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She's done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn't want to leave
She's just wonderin
Is there life out there
She's always lived for tomorrow
She's never learned how
To live for today
She's dyin' to try something foolish
Do something crazy
Or just get away
Something for herself for a change
Is there life out there
So much she hasn't done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She's done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn't want to leave
She's just wonderin
Is there life out there
There's a place in the sun that she's never been
Where life is fair and time is a friend
Would she do it the same as she did back then
She looks out the window and wonders again
Is there life out there
So much she hasn't done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She's done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn't want to leave
She's just wondering
Is there life out there
Is there life out there
So much she hasn't done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She's done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn't want to leave
She's just wonderin
Is there life out there
Dan's POV
I came home from work one night when I found my beloved wife asleep at the kitchen table while working on her paper for her one college class. I know it's been rough for her and that she hasn't been able to spend a whole lot of time with me, but I completely understand that being a waitress, a college student, and a housewife all in one takes alot out of Rebecca.
But in the end, loves wins and always prevails. Like in Rebecca's favorite song, is there life out there? There's so much she hasn't done, is there life beyond me and our home? Honestly, to me, Rebecca thinks is there life out there for everyone.
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babylove176 · 4 years
Little miss perfect
Santana x reader
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So this could turn into a series if you guys like this. This is inspired by the song little miss perfect
(She/ her pronouns)
TW: minor homophobia
Song lyrics are in orange
Thoughts are in italics
Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward
Straight path,
I don't cut corners
I make a point to be on time
Head of the student council
I don't black out at parties
I jam to Paul McCartney
If you ask me how I'm doing
I'll say...
Well, hmm
It's hard being Valerie Hummel. She's "little miss perfect" head cheerleader, on the honor roll, perfect singer, head of the student council.  She was everything everyone wanted to be.  She has a few close friends, they go by the unholy trinity.  That includes Brittany, Quinn, and Santana.  The last one is Valerie’s closest friend.  They constantly hangout and constantly goof off with each other.  With all of this, Valerie still feels like she's missing something. 
My parents spoiled me rotten
Often I ask myself, "What did I do?"
To get as far as I've gotten
Considering what Valerie’s life could've been like, bullied, abused, mistreated, she feels very lucky.  Unfortunately her brother couldn't say the same.  He , and many of his friends, were constantly bullied by Valerie’s friends.  She turns a blind eye to it and once in a while will ask why they do that, but they say "because he's a fag," and walk away.  Mistreating her brother like that makes her feel really terrible, but Santana is always there to make her feel better and help Kurt out after his attacks.
A pretty girl walks by my locker
My heart gives a flutter
But I don't dare utter a word
'Cause that would be absurd behaviour
For little miss perfect
"Hey Val! Ya miss me?" Santana yelled while passing Valerie’s locker.  With that the girl felt butterflies.  If only Santana knew.  She would never like me if I acted on it.  She'd think I'm a freak. 
"Hey Santa, of course I missed you I mean we were apart for an hour!" Valerie responds with a dramatic gasp. 
"We'll come on we have Cheerios practice.  If coach Sylvester finds us late I'll be tortured for an hour!" The Latina drags her best friend down the hall with her.
"Why won't I get tortured too?" Valerie asks with mock sadness.
"Because you're little miss perfect now hurry your perfect ass up!" Santana responds while booping the porcelain girl's nose.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
No, I can't risk falling off my throne
Valerie wanted so badly to grab Santana and kiss her passionately, but that would be social suicide for both girls. 
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Love is something I don't even know
Valerie’s only ever had one boyfriend, and now he's her step brother.  So how could she conclude she liked girls.  She's never sexually touched a girl, never kissed a girl, nothing.  She had no idea what she was doing.
Straight hair
Everyone wanted to look like Valerie
Straight A's
Everyone wanted to be as smart as Valerie
Straight forward
Everyone wanted Valerie’s confidence
Straight girl
Everyone liked that Valerie liked ONLY boys
Little miss perfect
That's me
Valerie wasn't the little miss perfect everyone thought she was.
One night my friend stayed over
After Cheerios practice, the girls all went to the showers. 
"Hey Val.  You busy tonight?" Her best friend asked
"Nah, why you want to come over?"
"Of course.  I'll be over at...6?"
"Perfect see you then."
We laughed, and drank and ordered
Something about her drew me in
What? It's totally platonic
At 6, as promised, Santana pulled into the drive way.
"Hey girl missed you so much!" Valerie responded.
"Oh what it's only been a few hours."
"Oh now you don't miss me?" Both girls laugh at this.  Santana had brought her bag to the Hummel girl’s room.
"Hey I brought something special for tonight..." Santana said while pulling out some alcohol.
"SATANA!  WE ARE TOO YOUNG" the “perfect” girl screams, "plus my family is here," she says quieter.
"Oh relax your whole family is out, besides your nerdy brother... sorry,"
"Fine.  But if I drink you're paying for the pizza." Valerie snaps, but takes a swig of Santana's drink.  While Santana is on the phone, Valerie can't help but stare at the gorgeous girl in front of her.  It's not weird to think my best friend is pretty.  I'm sure Santana also thinks I'm pretty. The girl thought. 
That night was so exciting
Her smirks were so enticing
Hours speed by like seconds
Then, what happens is iconic
Both girls were a little drunk when the food arrived, so they made Kurt open the door and pay the pizza man.  Both girls continued to play around in their drunken state, but Valerie couldn't help but notice Santana's smirks.  I've only ever seen her give the looks to boys rigjt before she asked them out. Valerie thought, but shook that out.  Eventually the girls calmed down a little, mostly because Kurt yelled at them, and decided to go back to Valerie’s room. 
"Woah!" Valerie yelled
"It's 12! It feels like you just got here," to which Santana nodded in agreement.
She takes a sip, I bite my lip
"Pass me the beer," Santana demands.
Valerie hands it over and watches as Santana took a big gulp. That was hot she thought she while bitting her lip.
She tells a joke, I nearly choke
"Did you see Rachel Berry's new video?" Santana asked out of the blue.
"No.  Was it bad?" Valerie asked while taking a sip of her beer
"She sounded fine, but her outfit.  Ugh.  She looked like her blind grandma dressed her." She says laughing.
This makes Valerie gasp and start to choke on her drink.  This makes Santana only laugh harder, which makes Valerie try to laugh harder (which makes her only choke more).  By time this finished, but girls were a mess...
She braids my hair, I sit there
Blacking out for the first time
"I want to try this hairstyle on you I think it would look good," Santana says while showing Valerie the picture of a fishtail braid on her phone.
"Oh ok."
With that the Latina got to work on the porcelain girls hair.  Valerie trying not to think about how close the two girls were.  This ultimately fails and she starts to pass out from happiness and anxiety for what she was about to do...
Next thing I know I lose control
I finally kiss her
Valerie couldn't control herself.  The alcohol, the adrenaline, the fact that their faces were inches apart.  Little miss perfect snapped.  She did what she wanted to do for months.  She looked at Santana and slowly brought her lips to the other girls.  At first Santana gasped from shock, but she slowly got into the kiss.  Eventually the two girls were making out completely.  It would've turned to more...
but oh no
I see a face in my window
The girls heard a little knock coming from the window.  They both snapped their heads up to see Jacob Ben Israel filming them making out. 
"Post that and I will go all Lima heights on your ass!" Santana screamed.
"Oh I'm sorry, but news is news.  It airs tomorrow morning." He replies and runs away laughing, but both girls distantly hear, “who would’ve thought Valerie Hummel and Santana Lopez were secret lesbian lovers? I’m sure Valerie gets it from her fag brother, but Santana?”
Santana was about to run after him until Kurt ran into the room seeing his sister crying and one of the most popular girls at school yelling out a window.
"What the hell happened!" Kurt yelled while walking to his sister to comfort her.
"That little Jewish twerp came and filmed Val and I kissing," when she saw Kurts confused face she replied with, "oh you didkt tell him you were-"
"-Kurt" Valerie interrupted, "Santana and I just kissed because I like her.  I said it.  I like girls."   This caused Santana to say a quick "me too" before Kurt looked at them in pity. 
"Well I'm afraid tjay when that tape goes out, it might not be pretty.  People will look at you different trust me.  I've felt that my whole life.  You'll get used to it I promise.  Everyone who throws hate at you will end up working for you one day," Kurt says with a chuckle. "I love both of you and support this all the way.  Many others won't, but you have a whole community backing you both up. Somedays people will just suck, but you’ll get through it. You’re both some of the strongest people I know.” Kurt says while walking out the room.
————————the following Monday————————
The video of Valerie and her girlfriend had been out for two days now.  Did some people drop them? Yes.  Did it hurt? A lot.  Do they still have many in their corner? Hell yes. Kurt, and most of their other friends, Valerie’s family (and some of Santana’s), and the glee club are always there. when Valerie had a slushee thrown at her, or when former little miss perfect and Santana got bombarded by guys to kiss in front of them, even just when they can't handle the stress people give them for their sexuality.  Valerie couldn't wish for a better girlfriend, and Santana felt the same way.
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jimalim · 3 years
Based off @idontlikedots wonderful Christmas holiday headcanons post! I hope you don't mind I had a little fun expanding! Note: I wrote this/and posting this from my phone cause it's Christmas morning and I'm too tired to get out my laptop. Enjoy!
It was their first holiday off the island, well technically second. Though they were so engrossed in bureaucracy and legal shit they hadn't even noticed the season passed. This year, they all agreed to get together to celebrate.
It was a rather easy task considering the large number of girls. Most had paired off since leaving the island in various forms of living arrangements. Shelby and Toni the obvious couple got a place together after Shelby was legally emancipated from her bigoted parents. Nora and Rachel found a nice studio apartment, that although they aren't really on speaking terms, their parents help pay for. A kind of way to apologize to their daughters for their mistakes. It doesn't really move the needle, but Rachel gladly accepts the money as a form of reparation. Fatin followed through on her plan to sell what remained of her father's fancy watches and got a place in California, the one they were currently gathered in today. She asked Dot to move in with her partially because of their conversation on the island, though mostly because Fatin couldn't be alone following all they went through. Leah was the only one of the group of either who decided to finish school and pursue higher education at a college nearby Fatin and Dot's place. Though she lives on campus, she's almost always at the girls condo. Martha chose to stay with her family, really needing the connection after being gone for so long. She rediscovered her love for dancing and has been teaching at the rec three days a week.
None of the girls were super religious, even Shelby's faith has been a work in progress. Trying to find the balance that best works for her is an ongoing affair. But the holiday was still something they enjoyed celebrating. The time spent together and the gifts exchanged. It was all about their new found family, and the love they had for each other.
Martha and Shelby spend most of the day in the kitchen cooking and baking. The two excitedly shared recipes they'd found online back and forth the past month planning the menu for today. Toni spends most of her time in the kitchen as well, though refusing to do any work, just wanting to spend time with her two favorite people in the world. It's funny how much she loves how well they get along, when she thinks back to how much she hated it those first few weeks on the island. When the cookies finish cooling Martha pushes, "make yourself useful, your girlfriend will appreciate it." Shelby throws her a wink so Toni obliges.
Leah spent weeks decorating the place in between classes and in the evenings much to Faitn and Dot's chagrin. Her obsessive behavior, though being channeled into something good for a change, could still be annoying as hell. Especially when the girls jusy wanted to relax for the night. Leah would force them to help her hang all kinds of lights and garland and art. There was always a point where they'd just go to bed, leaving Leah to her own devices. They even made her a spare key so she could work while they were out, in hopes they wouldn't have to help. A decision they are still unsure if they should regret.
When the twins arrive, Rachel is quick to gather everyone up so she can hand out the gift she'd brought for the girls. "We're doing gifts after dinner!" Shelby objected at first, all it took was for Toni to whisper something in her ear for her to visibly perk up and agree.
Matching holiday sweatshirts! A tradition she explained thay Nora and her were forced to take part in growing up, as twins. "As silly as it is, I look back at all those photos and it reminds me how close and important our sibling relationship is," Rachel go's on as she pulls Nora into a side hug, "and you're all my family, my sisters, I want to share that with you." There's not a dry eye in the place. Fatin immediately jumps up to run off to fix her makeup, though not before hugging Rachel and Nora tightly.
Hugs all around as everyone is finally gathered! Dot breaks out her homemade mulled wine, which is so fucking good the girls rave! The music is turned up, Oh Holy Night leading off the playlist, Dot raises a glass in a silent toast. "He'd be really proud, you know." She hears Fatin whisper next to her, her glass also raised. They clink their glasses and drink together whole the other girls spread across the open concept space excitedly chat and catch up.
When the food is finished and the tables all set, the girls eagerly fill their plates. Shelby says a quick prayer to herself, though not of the other girls eat till she does out of respect. Even Toni holds her hand as she does for support. She's insanely proud of how much Shelby has grown and admires the way she devotes herself to the greater good, even if she's still working on what it all means to her.
They put on their sweaters after dinner and take several silly and nice group pictures. An affair that takes ages with how many of them there are to satisfy. Throughout the whole day Toni had been surprising Shelby with mistletoe kiss attacks, which the girl always enjoyed. "You know you don't need that to kiss your girlfiend." Fatin deadpans.
"True. But I do for this!" Toni laughs as she holds the plant above her and Fatins head and places a kiss in her cheek. Fatin rools her eyes, "oh no, no." And pulls Toni in and kisses her properly, showing her how it's done. All the girls laugh merciliessly at Toni's shocked demeanor. She all but runs into Shelby's arms who was laughing along with them. She kisses Toni and reassures her it's all good, fully understanding the whole things a joke.
Fatin, now graced with the mistletoe decides to have some fun. She stalks around the girl's tauntingly like she's playing duck duck goose. She settles on Leah and to her surprise the girl is almost eager in her kiss. Really playing it up for the crowd, earning several "ow owws!"  Amongst the giggles. She may have had too much of Dot's wine already.
Fatin's next mark is Nora. A short but sweet kiss. When Fatin turns her attention to Rachel, she objects "I'm not kissing you after you just kissed my sister. Too close man." This makes the rest of the girls, Nora included loose it! Martha calls an end to the silly game by announcing she has a boyfriend. News that makes all the girls squeal in excitement, a reveal that not even Toni was privileged too. They immediately all start asking questions and cooing over how sweet he sounded.
Fatin notices Dot leave the room, walking down the hall. She follows her without the girls even looking up. Dot, sitting on her bed looks a little flustered. Fatin sits next to her, "hey, what's going on?"
Dot is embarrassed by how upset she is over something so silly, and doesn't want to explain it. She tried to shrug it off, but Fatin places a hand on her knee and it makes her weak. She caves, "you didn't kiss me, I don't know, seeing you kiss everyone else, I guess I just felt left out" It's a quiet admission. So much that if they weren't sitting as close as they were, Fatin might have missed it.
They've gotten so close since living together, Fatin doesn't need to ask her to clarify anything. She knows why it's really upsetting her. So she suck it up and admits something of her own, "Dottie," the use of the nickname is reserved for serious moments, and Dot is aware of this fact so she immediately has her attention, eyes focused on her roomamte as she continues, "I didn't kiss you because I actually WANT to kiss you. I didn't want it to be some joke. I want it to be special."
Dot visibly blushes at this and Fatin gently strokes her thumb across her cheek. "I'd like to take you out, on a proper date. Do it the old fashion way." She nods in agreement to the proposition, and Fatin kisses her cheek before standing up, hand extended to help Dot off the bed.
After opening gifts, the girls all cuddle around the TV watching Christmas movies, drinking spiked cocoa and eating cookies. Leah falls asleep halfway through the second movie. The girls put a Santa hat on her head and draw a beard on her face. They take a couple photos and giggle, before returning their attention to the movie marathon.
Rachel gently cleans the marker off Leah's face (which is much easier because she convinced them to use a dry erase marker instead of a sharpie like Toni wanted) and covers her up with a blanket.
Shelby gathers everyone's empty mugs during the transition to the 4th movie and takes them to the kitchen. Toni follows shortly behind to have a moment of alone time with her girlfriend. "Hey." She whispers in Shelby's ear as she hugs her from behind. "You were amazing today. Thank you for the food, and the gifts."
Shelby hums as she turns in Toni's arms so she can see her girlfriends face. "Well I do have one more small gift for you at home, so you'll just have to wait."
Toni pulls her in for a kiss and holds her close. "I love you." It's the first time she's said it. Though they've been together for a long while. They both were really trepidstious with how to pace things. Their life in the island was a totally different set of circumstances. They both needed to really learn who they were off the island after all that trauma before dicing head first into their relationship. Shelby going through a long and rough emancipation battle, while Toni waited to age out of the foster care system. They had many demons to face, ones they had to face alone.
They took things very very slow in the beginning. Only ramping things up once paperwork was finalized and they were legally set to move away and start an new life together. They were still cautious, taking each day one at a time. But the feelings Toni have been cultivating, have been there from the beginning.
Shelby grins wide, not even self conscious about her teeth not being in at this time of night. Her smile as bright and beautiful as with them on, hell even more so. "I love you too." They kiss again, full of passion and trust. Toni pulls apart to suggest they "get out of here" as much as Shelby wants to oblige, she reminds Toni that all the girls agreed to a sleepover. "Come on, it's not like it's the first time we've left them hanging." Toni poles reminded of the time on the island they were tasked to find food, finding the lychee tree, and then having their own feast, so to say, before sharing.
Shelby giggles at the memory, "meet me in Dot's room in 5." Before walking back into the living room, noting Rachel had fallen asleep her head atop Leah's. Martha too was out, Nora next to her looking like she could go next.
When it's just Dot and Fatin awake and watching the movies, Dot questions "so I'm just supposed to be cool with them having sex in my room?" All too aware the couple disappeared.
"Shh, you can stay in mine tonight. I could use some extra warmth." Fatin winks before cuddling up closer into Dot's side and wrapping an arm around her waist.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Transfem/Enby/Genderfluid gang Jekyll au:
(Unrelated, but I once I had a daydream au like this. Except minus the gang and just Lucy)
Does Rachel find out? (because I suppose it's a bit hard for her not too) she'd happily try to make dresses for Jekyll to wear when going out on heists
Also, you ever see those dolls where like uh a tutu would spin into a full dress? Like the dolls with the gimmick of "two in one outfit" and itd change somehow to a completely different look? (Usually a dress) I keep imagining that. Like exactly that. Hen presses a button on their suit and it spins into a dress. Is it impractical? Yes. Literally Impossible? Absolutely. But it's fun to imagine
Update on my game progress: I killed springhill jack and was deeply disappointed to find that isn't an unlockable outfit, I mean come on! That evil lair literally had two mannequins wearing it, and you're telling me Jacob didn't yoink one? Smh 😔
In terms of main story, as of writing this I have received the Hallucinogenic(?) Darts and got the cargo cables, also got poisoned. Now looking in a pirate basement
Also, hatred towards B button ended. "Follow this 50km/h vehicle with your wimpy human legs" quests are my new worst enemy
And! I was looking through the dlc and saw some individual outfits were free! I dont use the Evie one due me thinking her original is better. But Jacobs outfit "The Creature's Rags" looks v good! And I get to keep my hat <3, a bit sad to discover both cant be colored though
I greatly appreciate the fact that Jacob and Evie sorta level up together, so you can just decide to play as another when you usually play one, and the other wouldn't be horrendously underleveled!
Also! I forgot to acknowledge it but Rexford Kaylock being somehow related to Jasper sounds very fun. They've probably never met and never will, as I simply enjoy the thought of him being related
Oooh! And now I'm imagining Lucy agreeing to help the Rooks at some point, she walks onto the train to discuss plans only to immediately stop. Because there's Dr. Henry fucking Jekyll. Just causally lounging on a couch wearing clearly too big clothes (he stole them from Jacob) and sipping tea. Jekyll is in too much panic and shock to say anything so Jacob just slaps his shoulder and says "Henry here makes some of strongest and most useful poisons! He also helps fix some of our real bad injuries AND He gives us information on people from the aristocracy if we need it! <3" but all in like a tone of sheer affection and "look at my person, hes so talented, I recruited him myself, be jealous of how good he is at everything"
Robert circus man keeps reminding me of Robert Lanyon, and before I even knew his name, just how he acted and what clothes he wore
Ned! Ned my beloved <3. At first I was confused on why the game felt the need to mention that it was made by people of many gender identities and etc. But then! Trans character! Canonically trans character! I dont really play video games that much, and certainly not recent ones, so this may be a decently common sight, but it made me really giddy and happy to see <3
Rachel would probably find out immediately. She goes to Lucy's house to visit her brother on a surprise visit, is very surprised to see her boss drinking tea with Patrin and Elise, in the most fancy and most lacy dress she has ever seen. Hen would be absolutely horrified to see Rachel, Patrin/Elise/Lucy would probably start bubbling about how they started to work for them and how good they are at the job and doesn't that dress just suit them perfectly and Hen would look like they would want to sink into the couch and disappear. Rachel would probably only need a moment to realize, then she would be Hen's biggest supporter and make SO MANY DRESSES for them <3
I know exactly what you mean and I want Hen to have at least 10 of those. Maybe not a suit but more like a short dress like Evie wears that turns into a longer dress, just yes pls <3
Oooooh I just did the sequel mission for that one yesterday! It's really annoying with he just poofs away like that but i still think it was v fun. Maybe there is a mod that adds that outfit? XD
...Y'know you can just steal a carriage and go after them most of the time, right? At least unless they specifically state "follow x by doing z" and stuff, so XD
I really like that outfit but I like Jacob to be a fancy fancy boi. I also have yet to find an outfit for Evie that I like, the only one I have found so far was the military outfit but you can't unlock that until you have done the WW1 missions and I promised to save those so my friend could watch me do those missions, you get to play as Jacob's granddaugther, I believe <3
Yess, only thing is you have to decide where to spend the points but eh, its just takes a minute or so XD
I like to imagine Rexford being Jasper's kinda-odd-but-also-very-protective uncle, prepared to beat anyone up who lays a hand on his nephew... Too bad Jacob killed him in cold blood lol
I love that point and I especially love the thought of that, too, being Jacob x Jekyll bc I have been having that brainrot for a fucking week at this point. I just... Adore the panic. Like, Henry just chilling, taking a break from the Lodgers, just getting to go on a lil vacation seeing the train move past London, catching up with friends and shit and flirt with Jacob, and all of a sudden Lucy walks in, they both stare at each other for such a long moment, Henry chokes on his tea, Lucy just goes like... "Uh... Dr. Jekyll? What the hell are you doing here?" bc lets say that they have met before, Jacob just being so proud of Henry and all he has done for them like look!! This is my person!!! He is so good for us and he is really just awesome!!!!!! I recruited him myself aren't I just the best!!! meanwhile Henry is just like... 👉👈🥺 XD
Man do you know how much I can relate to you rn. I love the thought of Robert being the one holding the fight clubs. I love the fight clubs but I absolutely hate all the races. The Lambeth Lap Race can go and die </3
Yess!!! It has always been really important for the team of AC to make sure to keep a diverse developer team and especially since they are working with history, it's important to have many different perspective on things, and it actually isn't until recently that they added sexualities and gender identities to that little pre-note on the loading screen! It was first just about races and ethnicities but I'm glad they are keeping it diverse and aren't afraid to show it. Jacob technically has a male love interest later on but... Spoilers <3
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joezworld · 3 years
Toby - Rap God
Guys I was making myself laugh when I wrote this - I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 
Based entirely on one line from this.
There are many engines on the Island of Sodor, and like many people, music is often part of their lives.
Some engines, like Percy and Duck, have no interest in the subject, having never been exposed to it in a real manner.
Others, like Gordon and Henry, have extremely well-defined music tastes. (Unfortunately for those around them, they do not like the same music, and arguments often ensue.)
James, being extremely vain, enjoys the songs written about him for the children's television show based on the writings of The Thin Clergyman.
And then there’s Toby...
Toby is a small brown steam tram. He has spent almost all of his life on Sodor on Thomas' branch line, where he and his coach Henrietta trundle up and down the valley at the top of the line - providing a valuable commuter service from the branch line terminus to the stone mines at Anopha.
Toby likes music, as does Henrietta; they like it so much that in 1989 the workmen installed a radio in Henrietta so that the two could listen to music on it as they worked.
This was very thoughtful gift, but there was a small problem:
The hills outside of the quarry meant that many radio stations couldn't reach the small antenna on Henrietta's roof.
Fortunately, a few did, mostly overpowered stations on the Isle of Man. These stations were designed to reach boats far out at sea, and mainly played uninteresting things like the Shipping Forecast.
There was, however, one station that did come come through loud and clear no matter where you were...
You're listening to ManxPirate - the Barely-Seaworthy voice of the Sudrian Sea. I’m your sea-going Deejay - or Sea-Jay - Musik Mike! Up next is our most popular block of the day - that’s right, the JAMS are LOUD and we're all gonna get DEF!
"Oh Henrietta! It's starting!"
"Just be ready on the choruses Toby"
The sounds of music echoed off of the Els river valley as Toby and Henrietta trundled towards Elsbridge.
Aside from their Quarry duties, Toby and Henrietta also worked 'the school bus', a daily train that carried schoolchildren from the remote farmhouses between Elsbridge and Hackenbeck to the Saint Pedroc's school in Elsbridge.
Toby loved this route - many of the children had been taking 'the bus' since Grade 1, and he felt privileged to have seen them grow up into fine young adults.
As he pulled into the platform at Elsbridge station, he saw those young adults crowded around each other.
'"Peep Peep! Let's go, everyone!" he called to the teens.
"Just a minute Tobes!" Called back Sera, one of the teenagers, before she turned back to her friends, who were filming her with their 'smart-phones'.
"Whatever could they be doing?" He asked Henrietta as Sera and her friend Phoebe bounced up and down in unison while waving their arms around.
"Undoubtedly something for the internet," the coach mused. "But I have no idea what - trends change so fast now".
"Internet?" Toby was puzzled. "Don't they need a computer for that?"
"Toby. Smartphones have been around for over ten years. How do you not know about this?"
"I'm sorry that I'm not as technologically advanced as you - but at least I know what steam is!"
"Oh my goodness, it's also a video game company now. You've heard those jokes before!"
Toby and Henrietta likely would have gone on like that until the guard blew his whistle, but Phoebe broke away from the group of teens, her phone in her hand.
"Toby?" She asked, clearly trying not laugh. "Do you know what Vossi Bop is?"
Toby was taken aback. "Of course I do. Vossi Bop isn't my favourite, but that's just because I don't like Stormzy that much - I'm not one for Grime."
Phoebe blinked like she'd been poleaxed. "What?"
"It's a Stormzy song, isn't it?"
"Toby," Henrietta sighed. "She was asking because she thought you didn't know. Was this going to be some kind of thing where you show rap music to the elderly and laugh at them being shocked?" She asked Phoebe, who nodded slowly.
"Well, you're going to have to better than that young lady," The coach smirked. "We've been listening to ManxPirate since before you were born!"
"Really?" The blonde asked slowly.
"Oh yes!" Henrietta boasted. "Eazy-E was still alive when we first tuned in!"
"Oh, em, gee!" The girl said, before turning and shouting down the platform. "Guys! They do know!"
The excited teenagers crowded around Toby and Henrietta as they quizzed the tram on rap music. Any thought of leaving on time was totally forgotten about as Toby's extensive knowledge of gangsta rap was laid out for them.
"Mate, mate," said John, one of the boys. "You gotta do The Challenge if you know all this!"
"What challenge?" Toby asked.
The teens clamored over each other, before they all stopped to let someone speak intelligibly.
Rachel Kyndley eventually spoke up: "It's a thing that ManxPirate is doing on TikTok. You sing along to a rap song and whoever does it the best gets to record a charity single with Stormzy!"
The teens again spoke over each other, all claiming that Toby and Henrietta should sing for the challenge.
Toby had to blow his whistle to calm them down. "I suppose there's nothing to lose by it," He said after a moment. "But I should say that my flow isn’t that good."
"Mate, I am amazed that you know what that means,” Said John. “But you just need to sing along to somethin’ that’s already out there.” 
“Oh.” Toby looked back at Henrietta. “Well that shouldn’t be too hard. Do you have any N.W.A we could sing along to?”
As he had the only ‘eye-phone pro’, Simon the student newspaper editor was volunteered as cameraperson, while Rachel set a small ‘blue tooth speaker’ on Toby’s bufferbeam so that he could hear the music.  
The remaining teenagers pulled out their phones as well - whatever happened next was going to be un-fucking-believable. 
The music began with record scratching. The kids looked at each other in shock. There was no way that Rachel had picked this.
"Right about now NWA court is in full effect” Henrietta sang.
Rachel had. The teens could barely contain themselves. 
“Judge Dre presiding in the case of NWA versus the police department.
Prosecuting attourneys are MC Ren, Ice Cube and Eazy motherfuckin' E”
Hearing Henrietta say ‘fuck’, was an astonishing experience for the unprepared teenagers.
“Order, order, order, Ice Cube take the motherfuckin' stand
Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth
And nothin' but the truth so help your black ass?”
“You goddamn right” Toby responded. Rachel Kyndley barely could hold back a shout of astonishment. I hope there’s no book written about this! She thought.
“Well, won't you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say?"
Then there was a record scratching sound. 
The teens knew what came next. They hoped that they were prepared to hear this song come out of Toby.
"Fuck the police comin' straight from the underground!" 
Toby and Henrietta not only sang this lyric, they sang it in harmony. 
The teenagers thought that they had been prepared. 
They were not prepared. 
Most of the next few verses were lost underneath the clamor of twelve teenagers losing their goddamn minds.
A few days later
Toby was resting in his shed when a little car came tearing into the station parking lot. More girls than should have been possible to fit in it came tumbling out and made a beeline for his shed, Rachel Kyndley in the lead. 
“Toby! Toby! Toby! You won! You won!” She shouted as she skidded over the gravel. 
“Won what?”
“The Contest!” She shrieked. “Your video went viral and you won The Contest! Stormzy said on Instagram that he was excited to meet you!” 
She and her friends dissolved into happy squealing, preventing any further speech. 
“What’s Instagram?” Toby asked Henrietta. 
The Next Week
Stephen Hatt was enjoying his tea and tolerating his toast and marmalade, when his son Richard burst into his office, waving his phone around like a sword. 
“Were you just not going to tell me that you let Stormzy visit the engines? Or was I just supposed to figure this out when Kieran and Micah tore my ear off for not letting them meet him?!”
“I have a phone, you know. And a receptionist.” Stephen said as he cleaned tea off of his desk. Fortunately, most of it had gone onto the marmalade covered toast, which he unceremoniously dumped into the trash. “And who have I let meet the engines?”
“Stormzy? The rapper? He headlined at Glastonbury last bloody month?”
“I don’t follow.”
“He’s a musician, and you let him record an album with Toby!”
“He recorded music? With Toby? Our Toby?”
“Yes! It was supposed to be a single, but now it’s an album! It hit number one! And it’s been out for three hours!”
“You’re saying this as if I have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.”
“Just read the article!” Richard shoved the phone into his hand. The website for  BBC Sodor and Man was open. 
ELSBRIDGE - Music fans across the world were surprised this morning when Stormzy unexpectedly announced via Instagram the release of his newest album, Back in Their Day - featuring two of the realest OGs I’ve ever seen.
Residents of Sodor were especially surprised to discover who those “two real OGs” were: Toby and Henrietta, an engine and coach on the Ffarquhar Branch Line. 
This unexpected collaboration began several weeks ago when a viral video on TikTok featuring the pair attracted the attention of the rapper...
Stephen skimmed the rest of the article, not quite believing what he was reading. “I didn’t authorize any of this.” He said at last. 
“Really?” Richard said, not quite believing him. “Because that’s what the staff on the Branch told me too.”
“I swear to you I didn’t do anything.”
“Then what, did the biggest star in the country just go to Ffarquhar and record an album with Toby? With nobody’s permission?”
ADAM HILLS - So we’ve had a lot of questions, about, the last album you dropped-
AH - The one with the train engine -  I think his name is Toby?
STORMZY - And Henrietta. Can’t forget her. 
AH - Of course not.
S - What do you wanna know?
AH - Well, I don’t have any questions - and when I say we, I don’t mean Alex or our viewers - 
AH - I mean Josh.
JOSH WIDDICOMBE - [TO ADAM] You’re an Arse. [To STORMZY] - Um, I just wanted to know how you did it really. Is it, is it true that you snuck in and did it all in one night?
S - Oh yeah! Absolutely. ‘Cause, I thought that it was gonna be a one and done, like just a single y’know? So I just went there and was gonna do it and go. But as we kept talkin’ I realized that, that, I just had to make more, and then it became the album and we shot a music video for ‘scrapp’ on the same night and then I did some sound work  and then it went up. 
AH - Just like that?
S - Just like that.
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mo-mo-and-porkchop · 5 years
Supernatural fan fic
Chapter 2 (chapter 1 here)
*I do not own any part of the Canon Supernatural characters. It is simply my interpretation. I make no profit off of this.
**I do own the original characters and everything associated with them. 
Prompt: Which half of your OTP starts Christmas morning by casually leaning in the kitchen doorway reading a book, acting like they don’t know there’s mistletoe right above their head, and which half walks past them while mumbling sleepily “Your book is upside down” (tweaked just a bit.)
Tagging for updates: @kenzieam
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There always seemed to be something going on with the Winchester boys. All the hunters knew when their name came up some shit went down, but every time Em recalled the worry in his voice a chill ran up her spine. This time was different.
She pushed on the accelerator to make the trip even shorter than usual; sure that Dean needed her more than he was letting on.
It felt like an eternity before the headlights flood Bobby's living room. 'About damn time.' Dean jumped up from where he'd been sitting and headed to the door to let her in.
"Bobby?!" she called out as she followed Dean through the house, looking for the seasoned hunter. It had been awhile since she'd last come around. The old man was due for a report.
'How does she not know?!'
Dean continued on to the kitchen. Not only was he going to have to explain the whole messed up situation Sam was in, but now he had to tell her about Bobby too. He needed a beer. And so would she once he dropped both those bombshells on her.
"So what the hell is going on?" she asked wondering where Bobby'd gone off to now. "It must be pretty heavy for you to call me," she said with a smirk taking the beer he offered.
He knew she was only giving him a hard time, but she wasn't far off.
Emily wasn't the top of his list when it came to calling for back up. Not because he didn't think she could handle it. Hell she was one of the best hunters he knew. He'd seen her take on a quarter of God's heavenly soldiers solo. This chick was badass.
She would be numero uno on his list, but he couldn't help the tingling sensation he got every time he remembered back on that fight; and an dying Angel's final threat over Emily's continued safety. That Rachel couldn't watch over her forever. Until he could figure out what the Hell that meant, she would stay pretty low for backup calls.
"You half right," he said seriously, popping open his beer and taking a sip. "Listen, Em..."
A lump began to form in his throat. He fidgeted with his beer, trying to figure out the best way to lay it all on her.
Her smirk faded. It was heavy.
"Dean, I was only kidding," she said quietly, breaking the growing and thick silence. "I don't mind being kept out of the Winchester drama. You know I have enough of my own," she added trying to lighten the air.
He huffed sadly.
"Just tell me what's going on," she continued gently; though she hugged herself slightly with worry.
Her voice was comforting, pulling him from whatever depths of sadness he'd begun to fall into.
"Sam is in trouble and Bobby...he, uh..." He took a moment, gathering himself, clearing his throat before continuing. "Bobby didn't make through the last hunt," he said frankly.
A chill ran through her, forcing her blood to run cold. Bobby was dead?! Emily suddenly felt immense guilt over not keeping in better contact with him. She mentally cursed herself as tears welled in her eyes.
"What?" she choked out.
"He's gone Em."
How in the hell was this possible?!? Bobby was the unofficial patriarch of hunters. No way he was taken out during a case with the Winchesters. If anyone was capable enough of protecting others, it was those two. She couldn't grasp the concept that he was actually gone.
"Gone, gone? No ghost or trapped in some other plain of existence or retired from hunting? Just gone?
Dean sorrowfully nodded his head slightly.
"We were working a case and things got a little dicey."
She scoffed sarcastically before she could stop herself. Obivously shit went south. Bobby was dead.
Dean shot her a look that conveyed his awareness of the obvious.
"We've been tracking leviathan and one of then shot him. Dick Roman to be exact," he continued ignoring the remark. "Dirtbag really lives up to his name."
"They all do," she replied mostly to herself. "What the hell were tracking Leviathan for?"
"A long story full of angels, demons, and a whole lotta other crazy crap I don't have time to get into right now."
"Well you better make time," she said offended. "You call me out of the blue looking for help, tell me Bobby's dead, Sam's caught up in some shit, then just chalk it up to some 'long story you can't tell me.' Nice try Dean, but you aren't getting out of it that easy. You want my help, then its full disclosure or nothing."
The look she gave him was serious. It wasn't long before he gave in. "Alright. Fine," he agreed. "But you might wanna take a seat," he added pulling a nearby chair over for her.
"Jesus Dean. That is some crazy crap."
"Told you." There was no need to tell her so, but he didn't get many chances to with Syd. She was actually a pretty decent hunter.
"You're lucky you're in such deep shit or I'd punch you," she scoffed. "So now what?"
"I don't know," he admitted with a small shake of his head. "Why the hell else would I have enact the hunter phone tree?"
Just then his phone rang from inside the kitchen.
"This is Dean....Yea. Me too....Uh-huh....Right....That's what I would have done..."
"Dean...?" Emily cautiously asked as his conversation continued.
He held up a finger. Aside from Em, this guy was the only other one to return his calls and his story seemed to be heading in the right direction. He needed the hear this.
"What'd you mean?"
A short while later he hung up.
She gave him an expectant look. "Anything?"
He stared at the phone a moment longer, processing the Intel before replying. "Looks like we have a lead," he said barely hopeful.
"Some healer named Emanuel. Apparently he's the real deal. You up for a trip to Colorado?"
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