#RE x rwby au
veelilee · 11 months
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re4 x rwby AU
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sluttygixls · 2 days
Au/OC/Anon/Crossover Friendly Choose 1 to rp with Allways will be open to rp with you all Do not be afraid to respond to it Don't Ask if you wish to rp ,just send me a starter Limits:Shit/Piss/Vore/Gore/Blood/Death/Smell/Fart/Musk Kinks:Can Be Anything besides the limits [Azur Lane] Eagle Union/Royal Navy/Sakura Empire/Iron Blood/Dragon Empery/ Northern Parliament/Iris Libre/Vichya Dominion/Sardegna Empire/ Siren Highschool DxD The Eminence In Shadow League Of legends Fate/Grand Order Nekopara Helltaker Helluva Boss and Hazbing Hotel Genshin Impact(+Lumine/Rukkhadevata/Makoto/Focalors) That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Live To Love Ru Hololive/Vshojo/ETc Re Zero RWBY Demon Slayer My Hero Academia Sword Art Online Senki Zesshou Symphogear Senran Kagura Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Spy x Family
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randombook4idk · 1 year
for ship bingo: tyrian x fiona of course, but also ironhill and ladybug!
Thank you for the ask!! This will be a ramble of me, so I'll put my opinions under "read more"
Invisible Poison (Fiona x Tyrian)💚💜
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Funnily enough, despite me being the one who introduced you to this ship, I will admit that my liking for them has sort of lowered, but I do know it has to do with Fiona not being that much explored as a character, so putting her together with an ecentric character like Tyrian, with who she doesnt have any type of dynamic with, does make it a little bit hard for me to get very invested in the ship :[
But I am re-watching RWBY, so when I'll get to Vol 7, I'll see Fiona once again and my spark for the pairing could come back.
(Can we also talk about how no one seems to have writen a single fic about them? Not even a smut one? But at the same time there's 7 works of Jaune x Fiona??
Y'know, shit is getting hopeless if no one in RWBY fandom had made at least one chapter of you ship in their extremly smutty fic :/)
(I already have many wips, but screw it, they're on my priority wip lists now...I say as I haven't touched my Tyrian x Fiona wip for a whle now)
Despite my lowered love for them, I know that what drew me to this ship at first, was their Faunus identities - Fiona being a sheep Faunus & Tyrian is a scorpion Faunus.
I still dont know how to put in words, but with both being different type of Faunus, it would have been interesting to have it explored how both could've been treated because of their identities and how it impacted them. (I know this isnt much of a point towards the ship, but hush)
In general, the whole "sheep = innocent" "scorpion = dangerous" thing and have these two different people some odd Enemies to Lovers story going on between them.
Also Tyrian is the type of character who does know how to push others buttons, so I like the idea of him meeting Fiona and him noticing things about her that she may hide about herself from others. (Which would have explored Fiona's character a bit). And he just keeps pushing these buttons.
Then there's also their loyalty to their leaders - both being devoted to Robyn/Salem, but the difference is that Fiona & Robyn care about each other and have a good relationship, while Tyrian has unhealthy dynamic with Salem.
So, yay parallels...sort of.
Even if there isn't much in canon, except for Tyrian attacking Fiona, this pairing in fanon is still interesting and in a way funny if we focus on the absurd humor potential.
Like, imagine Tyrian of all people having this lovely family life with Fiona?? (I actually drew a fankid for them :D)
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(For now I have named her Ophelia)
Just like in fanon, they would be fun to explore in AUs.
Them knowing each other since they were kids, but not being excatly friends? Tyrian ditching Mantle as he grows up and the elections being a place where they reunite after all these years?
I can smell the angst here, fellas.
This isn't mine AU, but an AU where Tyrian is one of the Ace Ops? What then their dynamic could've been?👀
Of course, there's the whole aesthetic of their characters, which I like.
In general, I like them and think it would be an interesting pairing to explore.
Ironhill (Ironwood x Robyn) 🤍💚
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Gonna be honest, I have wanted to talk about them without worrying I might be annoying, but now that I've been asked about them, my brain suddenly is empty, not knowing what correct answer should I give😅
(I haven't watched Vol 7 for a while now, so might misremember some of the stuff)
I actually didn't expect myself to even consider this ship at all, but then this happened
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Robyn, who up until this moment didn't trust Ironwood, realized that he genuinly cares and wants to protect others, that he isn't doing all of this for himself. He isn't her enemy.
(The way both at the start looked each other with distrust and dislike in their eyes, only for the way they look change as their views of the other change as well)
And it pretty much made me adore this ship. And of course, there's also their dislike of Jacques as well.
While they didn't share much moments were it as just two of them, them working together was enough for me...I say as them holding hands lives rent free in my hand (👏THEY👏HELD👏HANDS👏YOUR👏HONOR👏)
Of course, them trusting each other isn't the only thing about them.
I really suck at putting my thoughts into words, but while Ironwood does care for both Mantle and Atlas, he still is mostly at Atlas, while Robyn is potrayed to represent Mantle, so like them working together not only to rebuild the hole in the wall in Mantle, but also uniting Atlas and Mantle. And with both of them becoming allies, they wouldn't fall for the bad guys attempts at making them distrust each other. And when the evil is deafeated they would continue working together. (but Vol 8 decided to ruin this idea-)
(As a divorced Ironwatts believer, I also think it would be funny if like Watts saw them on the tv, holding hands and just was a very bitter ex about it.
"Oh, wow. Someone moved on pretty quickly if you ask me🙄😒" he says as it hasn't been 10 years already + the world believes he's dead)
Then there's this small things, like of both having shooting type weapons (and them shooting at Tyrian/Watts is a parallel in my eyes-) and they way they adress one another - "General" & "Miss Hill". There's just something about characters calling the other by anything but their names🤌
Obviously, my mind had to once more imagine a scenario where they protect each other with their weapons and slowly start adressing the other with their first names.
I also once came across a reddit post which talked about how Robyn also seemed to be paraniod and it made me think back to her Semblance and with how Semblances are based on the user, I made a hc that maybe Robyn either had her trust shattered mutliple times in her childhood, making her only to know the truth so she wouldn't get hurt anymore or that behind her confident personality Robyn is nervous/anxious person, which is what resulted into the creaton of her Semblance.
And in a way Ironwood could understand how it feels like you can't always be sure of things or feeling like things will fall apart no matter what and they could develop a bond from it. (which then would make Ironwood's villain arc heartbreaking for Robyn, because to her, he was one of the few who truly understood her struggles)
I know they didn't have much of a dynamic, but I like to imagine them having this teasing going on (with Robyn being the main one to tease Ironwood) Just two of them enjoying each ones company. I'm aware it's mostly fanon, but it's just a fun thing for me.
While I enjoyed this ship, I had been spoiled about Ironwood becoming a villain before, so it kind of sucked seeing the potential of his & Robyn's dynamic and knowing it will not get a chance to get explored. And let me tell you, wasn't big fan of Ironwood's villain arc. Also I started disliking Roby as the Volumes progressed :/
But hey, that's what fanfiction is for right? There's probably something on ao3-Aaaaaaand it's smut. Great, I'm in hell :)
(just watch me, one day I'll post my Ironhill fic)
Ladybug (Blake x Ruby)🖤❤️
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When I started watching RWBY for the first time, they did not catch my eye at all, but then I picked up the show again and BAM Ladybug strucks my heart.
From their conversation in Vol 1, I was quickly sold to this pair. I just like this contrast between them - Ruby the younger, optimistic leader with a dream that can be seen childish and Blake being the more realistic, but outspoken teammate with a huge goal in mind.
Even if they didn't get much screen time together, there still were those small things that made like Ladybug even more - Ruby being the main one who openly worries about Blake after her argument with Weiss or when Blake refused to go to the dance, Ruby being the one to find Blake isn't in her bed and wanting to find her, Ruby straight up not seeing a point to go to the dance if Blake wasn't coming, Ruby being the first one to bring up Blake after she, Weiss and Yang had reunited and being the one who speak with Blake when the reunite with her at the end of Volume 5.
While this all is from Ruby's side, I will add that in Volume 5, Ruby was the first name Blake said whenever she brought up her team to Sun, so a win for shippers/j
Then there's Volume 6 with it's Apathy Arc and let me tell you, when I first watched it, my shippers heart was screaming in joy when Ruby reached out to Blake and activated her Silver Eyes.
Of course there's also Volume 7/8 (?) (i don't remember tbh) with it having Blake's whole speech about how Ruby inspired her, but because I feel like hers and Ruby's relationship didn't get explored in the story, the speech sort of also felt flat, because why not show the progress of how Blake views Ruby.
Their lack of screen time will always annoy me, but this criticism isn't aimed only at Ladybug, but at Team RWBY in general.
So, yeah, wish we had more of them and their reunion in Volume 9 should have been more emotional, but no, only Blake's and Yang's reunion can be emotional, I mean it's not like Blake and Ruby fell down together, with Blake having went after Ruby to save her-OH WAIT.
Anyway, I shall hc that Ruby has a crush on Blake and she's finds herself feeling a bit jealous of Yang.
But yeah, their whole aesthetic/color schemes are very nice.
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hopefadesbutnotdies · 2 years
Rwby x One Piece au!
Ruby Rose is the young captain of the Red Rose Pirates. Her mother was the legendary pirate Summer Rose whom inspired young Ruby alongside her uncle Qrow, one of her mothers former crewmates who started the cursed luck pirates and occasionally stopped to discretely dock in her hometown to visit Ruby and her sister.
Ruby ate the Rose-Rose fruit, a logia type that gives her the ability to turn her whole body into Rose petals.
Yang is Ruby's elder half sister her mother being Raven a Empress of the sea and feared captain of the Branwen Pirates. Yang waited till her sister came of age to set out on the sees due to her desire to protect Ruby while also wishing to track down Raven.
Yang lacks a devil fruit but makes up for it with expert martial arts training and armament Haki and is ger sis's first mate.
Weiss was born heiress to a small but incredibly wealthy kingdom under the world government. She gained the title after her father disowned her older sister Winter for pursuing a career in the marines. Shortly after Winter rose to the position of vice Admiral she gifted Weiss with the Glyph-Glyph fruit which is a paramecia type that essentially gives her the same powers as her canon semblance and had re entered circulation after its previous weilder their grandfather died.
Weiss had ZERO intention of joining a pirate crew, she was going to inherent her kingdom and make it better to help people and redeem her family name...until Yang started a brawl on the docks when her and Ruby were stopping in her kingdom on a supply run and Weiss happened to be down their by coincidence. One short chaotic fight later and she found herself the technical hostage of the Pirate crew of two.
After getting to know them, being forced to work with them in several life or death situations, seeing the corruption in the marines and world government and meeting Blake (see below) she ultimately came to completely turn her world view on its head. Eventually she was forcibly taken back home and the Red Rose Pirates did the classic one peice all out assault rescue that ended with Weiss finally declaring herself a formal member of the crew and getting disowned by her father. Ultimately became the crews navigatior thanks to her proper education.
Blake is a black cat mink and ex member of a incredibly radical split branch of the revolutionary army. After seeing that those she was fighting alongside had become as dangerous and ruthless as thkse they fought she left.
She ended up joining a Red Rose Pirates by chance when she got stranded on a deserted island and running into Yang when she went ashore to explore. Over time became good friends with the rest of them but had to help break Weiss out of some anti Mink prejudices. She fights mostly with blades Stealth and observation Haki. She's actually the helmsman do to having the most actual sailing experience.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Martial Arcs for the ask game?
Alrighty, thanks for this ask! First up, we have Jaune x Ren, aka Martial Arcs for the RWBY shipping ask game, let's go.
What I think works about the ship: Jaune and Ren work really well imo. They've got a similar sort of dry sense of humor, their friendship in canon is natural and they both clearly care about each other, and they work through whatever problems they do have in a way that I think shows some respect for each other. They have some similarities, but they have some differences, too, which I see as a good thing. Ren has a lot of patience and is very down to earth, which are two things Jaune needs, while Jaune has come into his own as a very emotionally strong person who cares about his friends over all else, which I think would be very appealing to Ren. So I think that they'd just work great together.
What season I think they were best in: I want to say season four. I think that even though they never really went into the progression of their friendship, the show just portrayed the dynamics of Team RNJR so well, and it's really clear how much these two meant to each other during season four.
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How I would get them together in canon: Okay, Ren and Nora just had their breakup and Jaune's spending the next season on the Island, so... Season ten, they get back to Remnant and to Vacuo, where Ren and Nora have spent the last several days working hard on getting the refugees from Atlas and Mantle settled. Jaune dives into helping them, and he and Ren have a heart to heart where he admits that Ren was right about how in over their heads they all are and validates how Ren was feeling in volume eight. At the end of the season right after some kind of battle or something, they have a romantic moment and then they both get really awkward about it. During the next season, they talk about their feelings, but agree to put it on hold since Ren and Nora broke up really recently and they have a lot going on anyway. Either Jaune or Ren also talk to Nora about it, too, since they wouldn't want anything to affect their team dynamic and friendship. They would have some more romantic moments here and there, but wouldn't actually get in a relationship until near the end of the series.
How I would get them together in an AU or re-write: If I was re-writing the whole of RWBY with Ren/Jaune end game in mind, I would've made it so that Ren actually didn't return Nora's romantic feelings and started to develop a bit of a crush on Jaune around season three but considered it hopeless, while Jaune (having not yet unpacked his heteronormative mentalities) kind of just assumes that he and Nora are gonna be an item. But Nora - despite having feelings for Ren herself - knows and respects Ren's feelings. And then Jaune and Ren have their first real moment in season five in Haven, kiss in Argus right before they get to Atlas, and start dating during their downtime while they work with the Atlas military.
What struggles I think they’d have to work through: I think there would be three real struggles in a relationship between the two of them, the first one being Nora's feelings for Ren, the second being Jaune's grief over Pyrrha, and the third one being Jaune's optimism clashing with Ren being more realistic. Jaune, Ren, and Nora became a really tight unit, and Nora's feelings for Ren were always really obvious, and I think it would be hard for them to navigate that without making things awkward with Nora, which is something neither of them would be willing to do. I think post volume 6, Jaune's started moving on from Pyrrha, but would still likely feel some guilt and struggle with seeing someone else and especially with seeing another teammate, even if he knows it's irrational. And then there's Jaune being optimistic and Ren being realistic. Jaune tends to have a mentality that they can beat even impossible odds by wanting it hard enough, whereas Ren tends to take a 'let's think things through, let's look at what we can accomplish realistically' kind of approach. We saw that clashing in season eight, but I think it was boiling under the surface for awhile, and while Ren's 'come around,' I don't think things are going to change unless they actually strike a balance instead of Ren just saying 'you're right.'
Some songs that I can connect to this ship: Without My Breath, by Elijah Mann. Find a Way, by King Charles. Where Do You Run, by the Score
Do I think they’d stay together: I think these two could make it. I think they'd be able to stick it out.
How I personally feel about this ship: I really like this ship. I think it has so much potential and tbh, I wish it would happen in canon.
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estarllita · 2 years
works in progress- updated june 26, 2022
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💛jeager's anatomy - ereri grey's anatomy au
chapter 1 -.chapter 2- chapter 3- chapter 4- chapter 5: carnage in the pit isn't a good, fun thing to do on a Friday night.❗️in progress ❗️
💛rule of nines - eremin vampire au *ongoing*
chapter 1- chapter 2 ❗️in progress ❗️
💛yellowjacket - armin x reader shameless self-insert
❗️❗️currently being re-written from a new perspective. here is the link to the og❗️❗️
Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 ❗️in progress❗️
💛 hung from hooks (working title)- jean x reader reincarnation au
preview- prologue ❗️in progress❗️
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fluff 💕-angst 💔-hurt/comfort 🌤-comedy 😂- suggestive ⚡️
slaughterhouse (eren x reader) 💕
"i didn't know where else to go" (eren x reader) 💔
in the rain (armin x reader) 💕
you can get this kiss when we survive (eren x reader) 😂🌤💕
taylor swift lyrics drabbles - (levi x reader and eren x reader) 💔
I kissed you - I know, I was there- (eren x reader) 💕😂
I've got a dirty little secret- (armin x reader) ⚡️
first kiss- (eren x armin) 💕🌤
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metalhead eren
more metalhead eren
aot characters in the rwby universe
aot boys helping you dye your hair
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dragynkeep · 3 years
For the character ask thing (don't know if you're still doing it or not): Adam Taurus
meme, accepting.
my top three ships for the character.
tartaurus ( adam / cinder )  —  for how they are in canon, this is the perfect “ we’ll go down in flames together, my love ” villain x villain ship for me & i adore it. i think they would be the absolute worst for each other & it would be amazing.
arctic warfare ( adam / winter )  —  i do have a few wips for this & in a better canon, there definitely would’ve been some parallels drawn between them to compliment the blake  /  weiss parallels. honestly, them becoming childhood friends to enemies to something is god tier.
tauradonna ( adam / blake )  —  in au only ; i think before canon confirmed & made adam into what he is, there were a lot of hints that their relationship, while not being the greatest, had been one of genuine care between them & honestly in my mind, could’ve been something comparable to padme  /  anakin as adam fell to the darkness too.
my three least favourite ships for the character.
tauradonna ( adam / blake )  —  in canon, this can go fall into the river. not even just because it’s an abusive relationship, but because it’s a bad attempt at an abusive relationship. blake & adam don’t feel like real people, blake is a poor victim constantly & adam is the one note abusive hate sink. it’s a pathetic mockery of what an abusive relationship is & mk should feel ashamed for what they wrote.
my biggest criticism for the character.
it’s been said a million times so i won’t go into that whole rant again here but i will say that mk really should’ve nailed down what they wanted for adam & nailed down his relationships with people before they actually wrote him into the story  —  because as he is in canon? he’s a mess. he’s a one dimensional, flat, whiny hate sink & that’s not fun, that’s not interesting. that’s not even a compelling villain & this is without going into the uncomfortable truth that his character suffered the worst racism in the show, blinded in one eye & a child slave under an oppressive corporation, but thanks to milk & kornflake’s white comfort, his death was seen as the end of all racism because they wanted to wipe their hands clean of the plotline & adam all in one.
my favourite thing about the character.
his original design was top tier. the stark black & red contrast that we had already seen but on our good guy in ruby, all the sharp edges of the character & his imposing stature, the mask hiding his face & therefore leaving him a mystery to us, etc etc. all of it was incredible storytelling via design & props really should be given to the designers for their designs in the earlier volumes cause they were fantastic.
a headcanon i have about them.
adam isn’t a half bad singer, though he hasn’t found much reason to sing in recent years. however when he & blake were on better terms, he would sing her to sleep after she had had a nightmare & snuck into his room, looking for comfort in the one person she thought understood her. after blake left, even humming the song made him feel sick.
what i would change about them if i was making a re-write.
like i said up above, iron out exactly what they want him to be, & actually make him into a 3 dimensional character who has wants & desires & emotions outside of blake & his whiny diatribe of revenge against her & not the system that enslaved him.
what i think of their character allusion and what (if anything) i would change about it.
it’s not fucking gaston so let’s jot that down lmao; i still don’t know why people listen to arryn of all people when she’s not a writer. she may know things about blake but she has no control over the writing process, no matter how many of them are her ex boyfriends. adam as gaston makes no sense. gaston was part of the oppressive class, he was a coward who prided himself on his reputation for hunting defenceless animals, he is also a disney only creation  —  there was no gaston in the fairy tale iterations of beauty & the beast. while i’ll admit m&k were probably more influenced by the disney version than they want to admit, the canon is that rwby are based off of the fairytales, not their disney iterations.
with adam as the beast ... it’s okay? it’s a subversion of belle & the beast’s actual relationship  —  going from a woman who sees a monster & then learns to see the man within, to a woman seeing a man & then revealing the monster inside him. i’ve said before how much i hate that adam is seen as the propagator of racism & with his death came the end of racism in rwby because it’s just so inappropriate to those who actually suffer racism irl & shows how mk were a. out of their depth & b. prioritizing their white comfort. he also has to share this allusion with blake  ( who is both belle & the beast? just pick one crwby. )  so there isn’t really opportunity to flesh that allusion out, especially with adam himself being so one dimensional.
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
Khazumi’s Fanfiction Masterpost
Decided to organize my content a little, haha.
Little Witch Academia
LWA Fic Masterpost (because re-linking each individual oneshot title and chapter might take me too long with how many there are. might do it in the future)
Multichapter fics:
“A Warm Diana” Masterpost
“Hikari no Jukyo”
Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
“In and Out the Exits and Entrances” (MayaKuro)
“Capable” (prompt- MayaKuro) 
AU plans: “Cursed”
“A Mom, A Grandchild, and A Wife For the New Year”
Bang Dream
“A Real Girl” (Mechanical Sayo! AU, SayoYukiLisa) 
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Feelings 1.0
- Chapter 2: Feelings 2.0
- Chapter 3: Holiday Blueprints- er Misprints?
“Happy Foolish, Lying Love.” (Whiterose)
“Born to Love Pirates” (Little Witch Academia x RWBY)
“I Have Two Sisters?!”  ( LWA x RWBY x Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight)
(An AU in which Weiss Schnee, Diana Cavendish, and Saijou Claudine are half-sisters)
- Chapter 1: Three Sisters and The Bastard Father 
- Chapter 2: The Eldest Sister, The Younger Sister, and The Youngest
[to be updated]
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razieltwelve · 3 years
Final Earth Exports (Final Earth)
Final Earth is an AU in which Vanille accidentally opens a portal to an Earth very similar to ours by accident. The main differences is that nothing associated with the Final Rose universe (e.g., RWBY, Final Fantasy, etc.) exists there and they don’t have the same political leaders we do.
For the Children of Remnant, Earth is a veritable gold mine. There are huge quantities of resources (e.g., raw materials, food, etc.) and comparatively little danger. Obviously, Earth isn’t perfect, but we’re also not locked in existential battle against a bunch of monsters that spend all of their free time wondering how they can kill us all more efficiently. To get at those resources, what could Remnant export to Earth?
Let’s have a look at some possibilities.
Energy Simply put, Remnant is centuries ahead of Earth in power production. Final Earth is set when Fraise is in her twenties, so Remnant already has access to not only hyper-efficient fission reactors but also fusion reactors of all kinds. As in, they literally have portable fusion reactors and fusion reactors that can be scaled from small enough to fit into a closet to large enough to power entire continents. They’ve also got a functional orbital solar collection system/death ray.
Imagine you’re Australia (the portal opens up to the middle of the Australian desert). Now, one of the things people complain about the most is cost of living, and a big part of that is electricity. If Remnant were to build a power plant for Australia, they could massively reduce the cost of electricity. This would benefit not only regular people but also industry and commerce. Moreover, Australia’s political leaders would love it.
Want to get re-elected? Tell everybody the cost of electricity is going down by at least 75% and watch the votes just roll in, not to mention the reduction in the cost of goods and services. With drones to aid construction techniques, they could have a hyper-efficient fission reactor or a fusion reactor built in months, maybe less.
Medical Care One of the few upsides of waging existential war for centuries is advancements in medical technology. As long as you’re not dead, there’s very little that Remnant can’t fix. Earth humans are actually easier to fix since they don’t have complex Aura circulatory systems or anything like that.
Setting aside medical science, there are also a whole heap of Semblances like Fraise that would, by Earth standards, be considered miracles. 
Not only would exporting medical care be extremely profitable it would also be another fantastic means of securing political support. Again, any leader would leap at the chance to be able to tell their constituents that all those medical problems they have can now be dealt with. This might sound awful, but can you imagine what it would do for a leader’s polling numbers if they could point at Remnant and say to people: don’t worry, that terminal illness you’ve got, that paralysis you’ve got? No problems. They can fix it. Just vote for me, and I’ll get the deal done.
Reproductive Science The cost of fertility treatment is enormous and results are not guaranteed. That’s not an issue for Remnant. Give them two people, and they’ll have a baby ready to go before you know it. Like the other exports, this is another automatic win in the public relations department (you just know Jihl and Jahne are going to push this angle hard).
Transport Remnant has way more advanced transport like actual flying warships, transports, etc. I can think of plenty of world leaders who might want a stealth capable aircraft that can manoeuvre like a more agile helicopter but packs the speed of a fighter jet and the range of a commercial jetliner. 
Tourism Let’s be blunt. People like cute and awesome stuff. Remnant has plenty of both. I’m sure people would pay handsomely to get to ride a chocobo or to see some of the wildlife in Remnant. It’s like Jurassic park except instead of just giant reptiles, you can get giant tigers, giant rats, giant birds, giant... everything, basically.
Culture Earth loves heroes. We make sportspeople, celebrities, and so on into heroes and put them up on pedestals. How might Earth people react when they have a chance to see actual superheroes with actual superpowers in action? I have a sneaking suspicion that hunters will become super popular on Earth, and that tournament and hunting footage will make piles of money. And that’s not counting other aspects of Remnant’s culture and civilisation that might be popular. Yes, you know what I’m talking about. Remnant has actual cat girls. The internet would explode.
Weapons Yeah, Remnant kind of has the whole weapons thing down. Even if they don’t give out their most up to date weaponry, they’re still decades, maybe even further ahead of Earth. After all, this is a civilisation that has functional laser weapons, mechs, aerial warships, rail guns, plasma weapons, orbital death rays, etc.
Mercenaries There are plenty of battles being fought on Earth. Can you imagine what even a lower-level hunter would be able to do on the battlefield? Heck, imagine what the average student at Beacon would do to human opponents who don’t have Aura. It’d be like sending superheroes out to fight civilians.
Of course, you could also go a step further. Imagine someone like Snow being deployed onto a battlefield. That blue giant of his is capable of standing up to nukes and has attacks that are considered weapons of mass destruction. Imagine Lumina taking the field. Imagine Elsa.
Other Services This is a category that kind of lumps together all of the other stuff Remnant can do that Earth can’t. Take someone like Elsa. Do you have a weather problem? Is your country suffering from draught or about to be hit by blizzards/hurricanes? No problem. Pay the fee, get it fixed. Quick and easy. Guaranteed. Have a science issue? Vanille and her lab can get it handled. Want someone to interrogate your suspects? Pay the right price, and Jihl has you sorted.
Gary No world is safe.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Earth meeting Remnant would be fascinating. Of all the nations on Remnant, I think Atlas would be the most interested since they have the most difficult position in terms of territory and resources. It’s a good thing they’ve got Jihl to go snooping around for deals. It’s not like she won’t take shameless advantage of the situation...
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here or on Audible here.
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philcoulsonismyhero · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
I got tagged by the excellent @astriiformes Ages ago to do this fic writer interview thing, and I’m finally getting around it! So here goes...
Mairi (sounds like 'marry'), Kamemor over on AO3 (after a particularly cool Romulan politician in a Star Trek novel, if you were wondering)
Currently, I'm writing a lot of RWBY fic and that's unlikely to change because I'm deep in Special Interest Hell with no signs of coming up for air. In the past, I've also written a bunch of stuff for Criminal Minds and The Flash/DCTV. I've got a lot of other fandoms, but those are the main ones I've written for.
Assuming this is asking if I've ever written one, technically no. But I do have a series (Just Hold On, a RWBY fix-it) that currently consists of two fics which could stand alone as they are, although I have plans to continue that one for quite a few more fics if I can find the motivation and time. And I guess I also have a couple of fics that I could have split into two chapters because they switch from one POV to another about halfway through. I like to stick to third person limited POV, and that means I often have section breaks when I want to switch from one character's perspective to another's, and for a two-person scene that usually means two sections. But I like the oneshot structure, and usually I don't feel like what I'm writing is long enough to split into chapters.
Most popular multi-chapter:
I only have one true multi-chapter fic, and it's Moving Forward, a Flash fic based on the idea of Reverse Flash being taken prisoner at the end of s1 rather than being wiped from existence. It's technically still unfinished, but I got a lot of lovely comments on that one a few years back when I was posting it, including a few folks that went through and commented on each chapter and really made my day. Maybe one day I'll actually finish it...
The only other thing I have that’s multi-chapter is a collection of missing scene ficlets, also Flash fic, but that doesn’t really count.
Actual worst part of writing:
My brain tends to be very visual when I'm writing fanfic for a TV show, and few things are as annoying as knowing exactly the facial expression someone is pulling and having No Idea how to describe it in words. Same with tones of voice. Also, I tend to jump straight into writing the bits of scenes that are most interesting to me, and going back and adding in the context that you need to make something actually readable for someone that isn't you can be a bit tiresome.
How you choose your titles:
It depends, tbh. A lot of my older fics are titled with short verb phrases that are pretty straightforward (like 'Moving Forward' or 'Breaking the Cycle'), but recently I've rather enjoyed using song lyrics. Most of my RWBY fics have lyric titles either from songs from the show itself or songs that I've got on my extensive Ironwood character playlist or otherwise just quite like and feel like they fit. I don't tend to find titles all that difficult, and I've got a fair few WIPs that have them already.
Do you outline:
Again, depends on the fic. With longer ones, yes, usually as a list of bullet points describing what happens. But shorter missing scene fics or things that I bashed out in only one or two sessions and only follow a single conversation tend not to be outlined because they just flow as I write them. I've got some more extensive outlines for a few of the fix-it AUs I've been playing with, but even then they're just bullet point lists or mostly held in my own head.
Ideas I probably won't get around to but wouldn't it be nice:
I have. So many. Most of them are RWBY fix-it fic, which is fun to write at the moment of divergence but then A Huge Endeavour to follow any further than that. I’ve planned out a bunch of different shapes for where the three different versions I’ve already written and posted would go, but there’s only one of them that I’m really continuing (aforementioned two fic series). Although I have a dilemma there, because the climax of the story arc that I figured out for that ‘verse would work even better in the other one that focuses more on Penny & Ironwood. But it’s not as simple as just throwing the idea into continuity with that one, because there’s a Major difference between the two in that in one of them, Qrow was the one who got through to Ironwood, and in the other they kinda hate each other over the whole ‘I blame you (and also me but mostly you) for Clover’s death’ thing, so I’d have to plot out a completely different relationship arc there which would have a knock-on impact on how well Ironwood is dealing with everything else. Canon divergence fic! it’s a good time.
I’ve also got So Much other RWBY fic in bits and pieces in various Google docs, it’s ridiculous. (Including a superhero AU that I’m rather fond of conceptually, but don’t really have a solid arc plot for.) A lot of it would be nice to get into a publishable state, but I probably won’t ever be bothered to.
On the not-RWBY front, I've also got a big Criminal Minds/Silent Witness crossover that I've planned out all the beats of, but actually writing it means coming up with the specific details of the murders and the autopsy scenes and a whole lot of technical stuff that I'm not comfortable just winging based on what I've seen on TV. But I also don't like researching real life crime stuff even though I love a good crime drama, so you see my dilemma. I like casefic in theory, but in practice I'm probably not going to write much of it. 
Callouts @ me:
Just because you’re an insomniac who mostly writes fic at night rather than sleeping doesn’t mean that every conversation fic has to happen as a result of one or both characters being unable to sleep, my dude. There are Other circumstances in which people talk to each other.
Best writing traits:
I’m good at character voice, although that’s a pretty standard thing to be good at. I also really like unconventional crossovers, I’ve gotten pretty good at playing around with conversations between characters who never met or aren’t even from the same universe and coming up with a believable dynamic for them. I also like to think that I’m good at getting into the heads of awkward characters and figuring out which bits to poke at in order to get them to do things they didn’t do in canon. (And figuring out how they rationalised the things they did actually do.) That’s a big reason why I liked writing Reverse Flash, the complicated bastard, and it’s why I’m having so much fun with Ironwood now. You’ve really got to work at him to get him to change direction, great big stubborn disaster that he is, and I think I’ve rather gotten the hang of that.
Spicy tangential opinion:
People should write more longfic focused on gen relationships. Some of the most fascinating relationships in stories, at least to me, are the ones between people you’d never expect to be friends, or between adults and the kids they feel responsible for who also feel kinda responsible for them, and that makes for a (imho) much more interesting story than most ships. I Live for a good complicated mentor/mentee relationship, but I hate looking for fic about them because then I have to deal with the fact that a lot of people ship those relationships and it squicks me out. Give me the longfics about types of relationships I actually care about!
(This whole thing is a good 40% of the reason that I’ve ended up get absorbed in planning out a RWBY Vol8 re-write where the parallels and the newly complicated relationship between Ruby and Ironwood is The Main Agenda. (The other 60% of the reason being ‘[x character] deserved better’.) There’s some Really Good Stuff there and I want to play with it in more of a longform situation than my usual oneshots.)
No pressure tagging:
@squireofgeekdom , @catgirlalchemist , and anyone else who wants to give it a go! Feel free to say I tagged you :D
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veelilee · 1 year
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resident evil 4 x rwby AU again >:)
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nightlilly0110 · 3 years
Tagged by @lumilasi
Fic Writer Questions
How many works do you have on AO3?
40 as of right now, but I’m also planning on doing Fair Game Weekend in October, so that’ll go up.
What's your total AO3 wordcount? 
349,089. This will go up as I update things, obviously.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Technically, just two. BNHA and RWBY.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
1. Inko Midoriya’s Home for Lost Children (3140)
2. A Bowl of Oatmeal (875)
3. But He Loves You So (640)
4. When I Sleep (524)
5. I Bet My Life (459)
I’m not surprised it’s the BNHA stuff that gets top bid, I’m just surprised I Bet My Life made the list because I’d completely forgotten about that (but I guess it’s DFO so I shouldn’t be surprised).
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I don’t respond to every single one. I mostly respond to people who ask me questions about the fic or how I portrayed one character or another. I also respond to people who say something that wasn’t really on point with what I was trying to write (so small corrections here and there). I like talking to people about my writing but sometimes there’s just nothing to say.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? 
I don’t do unhappy endings. Angstiest fic I’m writing I think I’m gonna to say either Luck Be a Fickle Thing as it somewhat deals with mending relationships and trying to make yourself a better person, or In The Name of Fate which blatantly deals with the grief of losing people close to you (and on the flip side how to make yourself present in someone’s life after they’ve moved on).
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've ever written? 
The Quirk Archives is a BNHA/TMA crossover series and I wrote a RWBY one-shot that takes place in the Avatar The Last Airbender universe. Quirk Archives is definitely bonkers because of all the shit going on and I mostly forget about it until I look at my rotation.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Thankfully, no. But I have had people asking me to take fics in specific directions and have had to politely decline. Stop doing this. You want something in a fic, either you commission me real money or write it yourself.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I tried. Have nothing to compare it to so I don’t know how good it is. I might post it as a chapter of Luck Be a Fickle Thing. Who knows? Not me.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
No, but I like to bounce my ideas off of @robyns-garden a lot.
What’s your all time favorite ship? 
Right now it’s Fair Game from RWBY (Qrow x Clover). I don’t know why but I’ve been stuck on it even though it’s dead in the water. I just want good things for Qrow and it’s apparently too much to ask for. Someone needs to give him a hug. Preferably me.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I make the promise to get through all of my posted AUs. So I try not to post things I don’t intend to finish. If I really want to see it through, I will post it as kind of a reminder that the fic isn’t just for me but the people who follow it. So I don’t have anything here.
What are your writing strengths?
I’ve been told I’m very good at “describing sensations.”
What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m stubborn and get through things quickly just to get through my rotation and then get frustrated when I can’t do anything better. I try to meet my word counts but sometimes it’s hard, especially for a fic you don’t like anymore.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it’s fine. I debated for a while on whether or not I should use the very limited Maltese I know as a substitute for a word in a fantasy language for Luck Be a Fickle Thing but decided against it because I thought it would be a little confusing. I’m fine with reading other languages in fics but I’m monolingual so that would make it hard for me.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? 
.......Supernatural. I don’t want to talk about it. It was when I started writing and it was terrible.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? 
It depends on my mood. Sometimes I re-read my one shots and I love them. Sometimes I’m editing older chapters of my long fics and I remember what I liked about them in the first place. Sometimes I come up with a new idea and get stuck on that for a while. Right now, it’s that last one, so I’m going to say Dear Fellow Traveller because it’s still fresh in my mind and the one I’m currently thinking about most often, especially since it’s a new kind of thing that I’m not sure I’ll be good at writing. I can see it as something I’ll go back and read once it’s complete (but that’s also banking on if it’s good).
I don’t know who to tag for these things so I’m gonna rage a few people at random you don’t have to do it uhhhhh @robyns-garden @luckyharbinger @victorious1956
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nalufever · 4 years
do you have any more nalu fic recs?
Sorry, not sorry - you’ve unleashed more than you could’ve guessed. ^^ Always happy to Recommend a List of Fics ~ And thank you for asking! Admittedly there’s a few Recs that aren’t Nalu - I got excited to share my favs. ;)
A Girl Worth Fighting For: Natsu navigates unspeakable horrors to win Lucy’s love or Natsu goes shopping, looking for the perfect white day gift. 
A Lesson: Natsu and Lucy can’t keep themselves from expressing their passions - and the results are bed breaking. Short but smutty - smexy in fact. ;P 
A Solidly Constructed Kiss: Erza strong-arms Lucy and Natsu into working the Kissing Booth to raise funds for a school trip. Lucy’s never been kissed and Natsu acts like he’s never entertained even the idea of kissing another person. Things naturally come to a head when Lucy and Natsu are given the task to build the actual booth; will they fight over construction or build themselves some kind of relationship? 
Fairy Tail Week: A collection of drabbles from tumblr prompts to celebrate Fairy Tail. Fairy, Ladies, Lads, Magic, Guild, Ultimate Team, Stronger, Mashima, Tail. Only rated teen to err on the side of caution, family friendly content featuring most of the Fairy Tail Guild! 
Feathers and Scales: Angel/Demon AU. Devils are more than they seem and Angels no less. Pitted against each other in a never-ending battle for souls, a single Angel and Devil trade mercies and fall in love. Warning: major character death(s). 
Full Moon Secret: Natsu had wanted to tell Lucy his secrets, to share his family history with the fey…it had just never been the right time. Tonight the truth was going to be revealed, one way or another. 
Okay, I could just keep hyping all of my own fics individually - but I won’t - other than to just put in a link to ALL OF THEM. ;) Fair warning, I have a few other fandoms works in all the Fairy Tail stories - from Brooklyn 99 to The Flash, Snow White with the Red Hair, RWBY, Blue Exorcist, Teen Titans and some Hakuouki. Yes, I’m a shameless self-promoter. Speaking of that - one more I need to rec!  Natsu’s Stars in Lucy’s Sky. I swear Imma finish this. 
I also have more than a few favourite authors who write for Fairy Tail (and other fandoms) ~ some have not contributed lately to Fairy Tail or chosen to concentrate on other fandoms - but I like them and their excellent writing. 
ObsessedwithNalu: One of my first fandom friends and pretty much any of her FT stories is gold. @obsessedwithnalu  
Christmas Treats: Admittedly a gift to me and very cherished for that fact - and - it’s frigging awesome. Lucy does a little holiday baking at home before Fairy Tail’s Christmas party. Natsu, as always, is there. One thing leads to another… 
Thanks, Krov: When Krov decided to relax at his favorite bar after work, he never imagined that he’d be seeing some of his old guild members, especially since he thought they had died long ago. Nalu fluff. 
Edo-Nalu love fest: Submissions for the Nalu love fest week of 2014. But instead of regular Nalu, these ones feature Edo-Nalu. Smut-tastic and delightfully mature. 
ImpracticalDemon: Another early fandom friend who’s still writing this, that and the other thing - and she’s just GREAT. Again, a link to all her works and a few that are special to me follow. XOXOX @impracticaldemon  
May the Best Man Survive: “Gray would never have in a million years thought he’d host Natsu’s bachelor party (Nalu pairing). Why is it his job to herd the bunch of rowdy mages from bar to bar, ending up at the guild where the real surprise party is? Oh yeah, the idiot had asked him to be the best man at his wedding. Hijinks, chaos and hilarity ensue.” ^^ A prompt supplied by me and I’m smirking so wide because the fic Imp came up with delivered more awesomeness than I could have hoped for! 
A Star At His Side: “Accidentally Fall Asleep Together” for Endragoneel on tumblr. Natsu and Lucy spend the day together at a festival in Magnolia. Natsu ends up watching more than just the stars when the festival is over… 
Christmas Gifts: When Erza walks Wendy home from the Guild’s Christmas Party, Wendy realizes how alone her friend and mentor is feeling. She sets out to recruit Lucy, Natsu and the rest to break Jellal out of prison for just one night, as a Christmas gift for Erza. Meanwhile, Natsu has accidentally burned some of Lucy’s writing. Will she forgive him? 
Dark Shining Light: One of the best and most welcoming writers I have ever interacted with! I’m still gobsmacked she’s a friend! She’s a legend and I don’t know what else I could add to any discourse about her writing - but the classics are classic for a reason, yeah? Here’s a few of my personal favourites of her works and just know there’s too many to list them all! AKA @ff-darkshininglight 
Mischievous Cat: Let’s just say there have been a few incidents where Happy has come in at a bad time. 
What Belongs to a Demon: Everyone knew she belonged to the great demon lord and she would prove that she deserved to stand by his side. 
The Truth Revealing Cards: Lucy should have known if there was a card that would reveal her secrets, Natsu would want it. 
Eliz1369: Got introduced to her for her Hakuoki fics but she’d dipped her toes into FT as well ~ and this is a great fic. ^^ @eliz1369 
The Light of Fairy Tail: The members of Fairy Tail may be their own brand of crazy, but their hearts are always in the right place. 
rougescribe: Shame on me for not reading more of this author’s works! @rougescribe  
Fire Sprite No 5: For him, Heaven wasn’t a place or a single moment in time. It was a feeling built on memories upon memories, past and present and a hope for future ones all tied down together. All sharing one common denominator: Her. Nalu. Tumblr Valentine’s Event. 
Fallen Ark Angel: Admittedly I only have interacted from afar with this writer. I mainly read Nalu fics but I love her take on Mira and Laxus and her next gen offspring characters. She’s got a lot to offer and it’s all superb. @fallen029
Loving Satan: Loving Satan is never easy. But when she loves you back, its twice as bad. 
Madartiste: Another one-sided love affair with someone else’s writing. And her stories are all wonderful and prolly appear on hundreds of Fic Rec Lists - but here’s one of my Favs! @madartiste  
Hoarding: Getting interrupted gets old fast. 
UranoMetria: I added her to my stable of fav authors 05-03-2014. Wow. Eons ago and even if I’m not sure she’s still active in the fandom, I salute her. Kudos. 
The Goddess Gate: With six years of partnership, Natsu and Lucy are torn apart by a mysterious visit from a secret magic council. Lucy is kidnapped and her memories suppressed. She fights her way back home to regain her life - with a startling secret revealed as she begins to remember. The lives of all Earthland hang in the balance. **Okay, this is a wicked old fic - but amazingly written and fuelled my own desires for writing. Last updated in 2018 but who knows? Some current attention may slay any demons on her back in regards to writing - and even if not - the hours of enjoyment reading this is worth giving a comment just to say, ‘thank you for writing.‘ 
Wild Rhov: Do I even need to say anything about this author? Famous, famous, famous. Excellent. Writes a lot of pairings and fleshes every relationship into something REAL. I Can’t Even. @wildrhov  
Beastly Possession: Something is murdering people in Magnolia. When Lucy is attacked, Natsu goes on a rampage to find the culprit, and everyone in Fairy Tail wants revenge. But could this bloodthirsty attacker be someone they know? Warning: High octane nightmare fuel! Do not read while eating, and beware of red eyes in the dark! 
Shell1331: Introduced via Imp. This writer is in a few fandoms and is worth reading. @shell-senji  
Juicy: Impulsivity and poorly chosen words get Natsu into more trouble than he’d expected, which is saying something for him. 
AbsentAngel: Everyone should know this writer. Been stalking her since 2014 so that says something. Tho, it’s prolly just that I’m creepy. ;) My suggested fic here is being re-written/has been? into something original and worth being purchased when it becomes available and re-read over and over. No, I am not being paid to shill but I am open to having senpai notice me. @absent-angel  
To the Flame: She stares, transfixed, as the blood runs down his fingers and begins to pool in his palm. He holds his hand up to her lips in offering, and she tears her eyes away from the blood to study his face. He is smiling softly. “Go on Luce, I didn’t cut them for nothing.” [Vamp AU] 
HawkofNavarre: Loved for awesome and delightful Gruvia content. Looks like there’s a tumblr but I can’t manage to link it. :(
You Stole the Rain: He just wanted to be friends; fine, she just needed to change his mind. Gray x Juvia 
Ricardian Scholar Clark-Weasley: Not sure I spelled that right even after checking three times! I usually short hand that to RS-CW in my head. And she’s prolific - has a tonne of fandoms and is a tower of talent. Is anyone reading all my fangirl gushing? 'Cause she follows one of my fics and comments (sorry I haven’t updated that fic in a while) and it’s a source of happiness that someone who writes so well happens to enjoy some of my content. Okay, bragging over - back to the Recs! 
Tales of Fairies: A collection of oneshots exploring different friendships, ideas, sad themes, comical scenarios, and lots and lots of pairings…but mainly Nalu. 
snogfairy: Another giant in the FT fandom. Impressive talent. @lineffability  
naughty nalus: smutty nalu oneshots B) ***Mature content!*** 
Rivendell101: Another giant in FT and other fandoms. This author would be considered required reading if I ran a fandom course in a University setting. Just sayin’ @rivendell101  
Crave: /krāv/ Verb. To feel a powerful desire for (something). They crave each other. And satiation doesn’t come easily. He growls against her again. “Beg for it,” he demands, lips ghosting against her. 
Lakerae aka @hidetheremote : Did you think I’d forgotten you? Ha! Gotcha good! You’re an inspiration to me because you’re working so hard to publish your children’s books. Kudos to you li'l sis! You’re busy but still make it a point to talk to me and I love you for that and everything.
The Gift of the Magi: A Gajevy Twist: A retelling of the classic Christmas story “The Gift of the Magi,” with your favorite Fairy Tail couple Gajeel and Levy! It’s Christmas time and Gajeel and Levy exchange gifts. They both are surprised what they receive and learn a lesson of the true meaning of Christmas. 
I could add more and more as I search my saved favs on FF.net ~ and I’m sorry to not include all of them - but this is crazy long as it is. If you read and like any of the recommended fics, please be sure to let the author know. To the authors of these and all fanfics, Thanks for everything.
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
Seen your post so a few more asks from me
Fandom: Danganronpa
Top 5 episodes
5. Chapter 6, DR1. Because of Junko being Junko.
4. Chapter 6, SDR2. Junko has returned and has a pretty legit evil plan to re-take over the world. Monomi defeats her with THE POWER OF RAINBOWS.
3. Chapter 2, DR1. Look, the way they treated Chihiro's gender was kinda fucked, but the fact that Mondo moved his murder victim's body to preserve their honor and secret, the stuff that came out about him and Daiya, Taka's breakdown as Mondo is hauled off in the end...so many heartstrings were pulled on that day.
2. Chapter 3, NDRV3. Look. It's fucked up and I like horror things. The entire atmosphere of that floor is just a chef's kiss from me, and the way it panned out that Kiyo was not at ALL what he presented himself to be was just the kind of cold shock I love in the murder mystery genre.
1. Chapter 4, SDR2. The Grape/Strawberry House scene change was super cool and horrific, and Monokuma picked maybe the best ever motive to get them to kill or else. But mostly I'm here for Gundham pulling the sacrifice move. He may be a murderer, but he's the GOOD kind of murderer.
Favorite character: Kazuichi Soda! Good bean.
Least favorite character: Pretty much every villain who debuted in Ultra Despair Girls
OTP: Crossover - Kazuichi Soda x Weiss Schnee (RWBY). Non-crossover - Sondam!
Favorite non-romantic relationship: Canon goes to Shuichi and Kaito, but let's be real. I want Kazuichi and Gundham to be actual friends and bury the hatchet. I'm not really that into the ship (no shade to those who are), but please make them friends and my heart will melt.
Favorite villain/arc: Junko Enoshima, SDR2. I love her, I love her, I love her, she's so fucked up, she's so FUN, I love her.
Least favorite villain/arc: The Warriors of Hope and/or Haiji Towa, UDG. The Warriors were all just a bunch of cool designs with incredibly wasted potential, and the FUCK was up with that throwaway line they gave Haiji about you-know-what and then that's not even addressed as part of his villainy? Aside from that, he was frickin BORING.
5 songs I associate with it and why:
1. "Unstoppable" by Sia - had discovered this song in general, and I was unofficially using it as a theme for the survivors.
2. "Dressed in Black" by Sia - was listening to this while playing DR1 and just randomly imagined the dead gathering on a celestial stage to sing this song together. (Note: this was, uh, before Sia had her little...meltdown. I DO still like the songs but to clear the air, I do not think she acted appropriately or chose a good way to go about that project.)
3. "All Things Must Die" from RWBY - made a joke vid that I left unlisted where I sped up the trilogy openings to fit to the runtime of this song and see how well it all fit together, and it...was pretty spot-on and fun.
4. "The Devil" by Blue Stahli - the line about how "you're the architect of your despair" IMMEDIATELY made me think of Junko and then the whole song became about her, I don't make the rules
5. "Candy Store" from Heathers - Had a small AU going for fun where it was DR Heathers, starring "The Junkos" - Junko herself, Mukuro, and Tsumugi. And they sang this to recruit Celeste, who would then team up with Korekiyo to raise hell...never really went anywhere but it's still really fun to picture those fabulous ladies in song and dance!
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Lie and Steal for the ask game?
Dude, I had to look this up because I've never heard of this ship before, but it's Sun x Ren aka apparently 'Lie and Steal' for the RWBY shipping ask game.
What I think works about the ship: Ren needs someone who can contrast his more quiet, contained, realistic personality - he needs a push sometimes. But he also needs someone who is patient and understanding and will see where he's coming from and respect his boundaries and Sun is great for that role. Sun needs someone grounded and logical to offset his 'go where the wind takes me,' impulse driven personality, but also someone who can appreciate his goofiness and his goodness and value what he brings to the table and Ren is great for that role. Also I feel like Sun has a type and that type is dark haired quiet cynical people, so hey, Ren fits that.
What season I think they were best in: So Ren and Sun never really talk, but I'm gonna say that the time they have the most potential is actually season one, before Sun got too deep into his feelings for Blake and before Ren got too deep into his feelings for Nora.
How I would get them together in canon: Ren in Vacuo decides that he really was right about them being way in over their heads and not knowing what they're doing after he thinks Jaune is literally dead. However because of everything that went down in Atlas, Ren starts having a really hard time trusting the authority of people like Winter, Theodore, or Ozpin. Due to that, he kind of settles into just doing his Hunter job and detaching himself from the others around. Enter Sun, who is in Vacuo and is also working as a Hunter. He's mourning what he thinks is the loss of Blake, the two bond over it (while Ren is also avoiding Nora who made it very clear she needs time to figure out who she is apart from him.) When Team RWBY and co return and the main group leaves Vacuo, Ren decides to stay behind, still not feeling like he's ready to be part of the whole 'save the world' mission. Sun tries to reassure him and get his confidence and belief in humanity at large back up, Ren starts loosening up and has Sun's back, and they wind up developing feelings by the time Ren sets off to join the rest of Team JNR again. Ren tells Sun he can't pursue anything immediately (still confused about his feelings for Nora) and Sun says that's cool with him and he might need time too (still confused about his feelings for Blake) but then they do the 'if we don't have anything else and our feelings for each other last by the time two-five years have passed, we should meet back up right here' trope.
How I would get them together in an AU or re-write: Okay, an entire AU where Ren and Nora go to Haven Academy instead of to Beacon, and they wind up on a team with Sun and Neptune. I can't think of a color that works but they can be Team WNNR (pronounced like 'Winner,' with W for Wukong.) They get along pretty well and Ren develops feelings for him almost right away, but doesn't really act on them.. But I feel like Ren would get frustrated by Sun's 'go with the flow' attitude, especially when he runs off to Beacon for the tournament early. Ren gets kind of passive aggressive, leading him and Sun to spend part of the night of the Beacon Dance off fighting in the corner. Eventually, Sun apologizes and they wind up moving on from it. During the Fall of Beacon though, Ren gets injured, and Sun decides he can't just leave and needs to stay and take care of his teammate (maybe in this version of things, I would have Nora become the Fall Maiden and kind of feel like she has to leave to go find Ozpin and join the fight against Cinder, idk, just something that makes it so that Ren has no one else available to look after him.) While Sun helps Ren recover, Sun starts developing feelings for him and confesses that he has them almost right away. Ren still can't make himself make a move right away, but Sun is patient, and Ren gets there eventually.
What struggles I think they’d have to work through: Mostly I think that Ren is a very hard-working person, and although he has a sense of humor, he's very serious about being a Hunter, and like I said before, I think he'd find Sun's 'go with the flow, I'm just here for adventure, it's cool if I run off for a couple months, right?' kind of behavior to be very frustrating at times, and... I don't really think he's wrong? So yeah, I think Sun would have to adjust a little if he and Ren wanted to make a relationship work.
Some songs that I can connect to this ship: The Promise, by Superfruit. Soap, the Oh Hellos.
Do I think they’d stay together: Yes! Sun is a full commitment for all time kind of person where only extreme circumstances could ever make him stop loving someone and be able to move on, and Ren is also a full commitment for all time kind of person where only extreme circumstances could ever make him stop loving someone and be able to move on, so I think even if they ever broke up they'd just get right back together again. XD
How I personally feel about this ship: Tbh until today, I had never once thought of this ship outside of knowing my sister ships the polyamorous relationship between Sun, Ren, and Neptune. I can definitely see the appeal, but it's not really something I'd seek out.
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
What if you get really attached to a fan OC you made and want to put them in an original story? How would you deal with the legalities of that?
The “put them in an original story” part is where you negotiate that. Characters cannot (and should not) exist separate from their world. Their fictional world influences them in the same way they influence the world in turn, so if you change the world... you change the character along with it. Fans do this instinctively with AUs. If you have a Very Angry Protagonist due to their canonical war and then chuck them into a peaceful Coffee Shop AU, you need to come up with a new reason for why they’re so angry. Maybe they had a bad home life. Maybe there’s some oppressive system in place. Maybe they just pretend to be edgy because they think it’s cool. Whatever reason you choose, you theoretically want to maintain that anger as a core character trait because, as fanfiction, you want the character to be recognizable. Generally speaking, readers approach fic looking for some level of familiarity, so if the protagonist is no longer Very Angry they don’t feel like it’s that character anymore. So you adapt. For an original story though? Sky’s the limit! Not only can you make all the creative choices you’d make for an AU, you can make the character not angry anymore too. If your original novel is a coffee shop based romance you may decide that the OC you originally created doesn’t fit well into that world as they are. So you allow the world to change them, softening them, and in doing so create a new character. Few will look at Character B (original) and recognize that they were originally Character A (fanfic). 
Now granted, other situations are a lot more complicated. Let’s say you create a RWBY OC with a kickass semblance and that just has to stay. Their semblance is a crucial part of who they are and you like that version of the character, not the one that exists without their semblance. So then you can consider that “semblance” really just means “power.” You can give “semblance” a new name and (theoretically) be in the legal clear. “Semblance (RWBY),” “quirk (BNHA),” “mutations (X-Men),” “nen abilities (HxH),” and “devil fruit (One Piece)” are all different names for the same basic concept: a very wide variety of superpowers. But of course, you’ll notice that there are still plenty of differences among these stories. We don’t accuse One Piece of copying X-Men because one power comes from eating a special fruit while the other is a genetic ability. Then, the component “genetic ability” changes the fictional world to a staggering degree. What happens when some people are born with powers rather than choosing to obtain them? That’s one of the questions X-Men grapples with. Similarly, RWBY has a world where people can obtain power through avenues other than semblances, so not having a semblance isn’t the end of the world. In contrast, BNHA is a world where people are still just people unless they have a quirk, making quirks a huge part of the social status. As soon as you give your power a new name you have to think about the rules behind it, and once you’ve done that you can see how those rules shape your story. This leads you further and further away from where you started: another’s work. 
Now do that for every aspect of your character. If your OC is no longer living in the RWBY world, what does that world look like? If they didn’t grow up in Patch watching Atlas TV, where is their home and what did they do? If they aren’t best friends with Yang, who do they hang out with? The legal trap that fans fall into is changing the names of things and only the names. “Here’s my world of four Domains where a resource called Glitter powers almost everything. People train to become Predators, protecting the people from monsters made out of light. They can even unlock their Power. A young girl named Poppy, with incredibly rare black eyes, is set to save the world!” People are going to look at that (horrible description lol) and go, “That’s RWBY just with different terms, reversed colors, and Ruby with a new flower name.” If you put an OC into an original story, you have to make sure it is an original story, which necessitates doing that work to change the character to fit the world and the world to reflect the character. If you just try to transplant that character 100%, you’re requiring that they still exist in RWBY’s world - just with a new, deceiving coat of paint. 
This is why the Fifty Shades/Twilight is so complicated because we don’t have a firm legal foundation to determine when a story is “too much” like its inspiration. On the one hand, I can walk you through both novels and point out the glaring similarities across the cast and the basic structure of the story. On the other hand... a story about a woman falling for a BDSM obsessed billionaire in the midst of modern day drama is not the story of a teenager falling in love with a vampire in the midst of werewolf drama. The book is simultaneously too similar to and nothing like Twilight, which makes determining its difference a matter of opinion, up until there’s a court case to determine that. I’d personally argue that James didn’t allow enough of those changes to carry the story forward. Meaning, she wrote a Modern AU version of Twilight, following Twilight’s beats and characters as closely as possible within the AU, then just changed everyone’s names for an “original” novel. It’s removed enough that anyone who doesn’t know the story’s origin’s won’t notice the similarities, but others have done work to demonstrate precisely how close Fifty Shades is to its fic origins, Master of the Universe... so to say it’s murky is an understatement. 
The best way to avoid any legal issues is simply write an original story. Don’t try to re-create the world that your OC originally inhabited, use your OC as inspiration for something new. 
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