callme-adam-iguess · 5 months
Hola. I'm back from the dead and I'm close to finishing remaking one of the ocs bc idk
(nah fr, I've basically been shoved into dirt because of doing stuff with my family. Like going to a ren fair)
Welcome back, Sparks! Just glad you're up and about :)
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tathrin · 1 year
🤡 🌞 💞 ?
I'm answering these out of order so I can put the long answer under a cut, shhh.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Not really. Used to be between the hours of 11pm and 4am but capitalism and age say that's a no-go anymore, so. Whenever in a day that I have time, I suppose.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Boba Fett. Ner Bob'ika.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I actually giggle over my writing a lot (because if you aren't having fun with it, what's the point?) and it's usually cackling over things that I hope/expect people are going to love/hate/freak-out-over as often as it is actually funny stuff, but I'm guessing this ask is meant to refer to something humorous, so here's a bit from this fic:
The pilot's ready room was not a luxurious or ostentatious space, but those who frequented its sparse confines in the time between missions nonetheless liked to joke that it had "all the comforts of home"—or at least as close as you could find in the Resistance Fleet. At the moment, Poe Dameron was not feeling particularly comforted either by his surroundings or anything else.
He slumped over one of the small, battered tables at which pilots could eat, drink, play cards, work on their datapads, review mission briefings, or merely talk with one another. Poe was doing none of those things; instead, he was lamenting his foolishness over a mug of lomin ale.
"...didn't realize he hadn't made the connection until it was too late," Poe moaned. "So there I am trying to offer comfort, right? And instead what do I do? I tell him that I spent my childhood having playdates with Kylo-kriffing-Ren. Kylo Ren, Jess! Kylo Ren!"
"Yeah," Jessika Pava said, "I heard you the first three times."
She sat in the chair opposite Poe's. Where he was slouched forward across the table so far that his fingers reached all the way to her edge, she by contrast was leaning back in her chair with her feet up and braced on the table's lower rung. Her arms were folded across her chest, her own untouched mug of ale balanced precariously close to Poe's twitching fingertips, and the expression on her face was dubious even before she raised an eyebrow at him.
"So what?"
Poe didn't raise himself from his sprawl, but he did roll his eyes upwards until they found her face. "So what?" he repeated. "So what? So I freaked him out! So I sent him running away from me! So he probably thinks I'm a monster now, too! I was buddies with Kylo Ren, after all, the guy who terrorized him the whole time he was in the First Order and almost chopped his spine in half when he left! I bet he regrets ever getting me out of that cell, now! Stars, Jess, I am a monster. How could I scare him like that? How could I not think for once in my stupid life?"
With a sigh like a dying gundark, Poe slid forward further until his forehead rested on the sticky table and his wrists flopped into the empty air above Jess's knees.
She snorted. "Okay," she said, reaching out to pluck Poe's half-empty mug from where it rested beside his elbow. "First of all, I think you've had enough lomin ale for one night."
Poe groaned into the table but did not argue.
"Second of all, your life is pretty stupid. Especially right now. Did that deep-freeze a couple weeks ago break what little brains you've got, or what?"
Poe mumbled something that even a Wookiee wouldn't have classified as coherent.
"Yeah, uh-uh," Jess said dismissively, sipping her confiscated drink. "So he freaked-out when he found out his personal bogeyman was Baby Poe's best buddy. Fine. That's a fair thing to freak-out about." A wry smirk pulled at her lips as she added, "We all know you have terrible taste in friends, Dameron. Finn was bound to figure it out sooner or later."
Poe huffed a disgruntled breath but didn't pick his head up. "You don't understand," he mumbled. "I ruined everything."
Jess took another sip, made a face at the taste—lomin ale, especially the cheap lomin ale (not that there was such a thing as expensive lomin ale, but there was cheap and then there was cheap) that the Resistance stocked, was not a particularly refined beverage at the best of times and letting it warm to room temperature did nothing to improve the flavor—and sipped it again. "What'd you ruin?" she asked. She looked and sounded completely disinterested, but anyone who knew her would have seen the sharpness of her gaze where it was fixed on Poe's tousled curls; would have noticed the tension around her mouth as she listened closely to her friend's troubles. Jessika Pava was not a woman who wore her heart on her sleeve.
That didn't mean she didn't have one.
"What did I ruin," Poe repeated. He gave a bitter laugh and pulled himself up onto his elbows so he could bury his face in his palms. "You're right," he said. "There wasn't anything to ruin. I'm being an idiot."
"Oh-kay," Jess said slowly, both of her eyebrows now raised towards her neat black hairline. "Not where I thought this was going." She sipped her terrible stolen drink again. "Go on."
"No, I am." Poe's words were muffled by his hands, his face mostly hidden behind splayed fingers, but Jess was used to crackling, distorted Resistance comms being shouted into in the chaos of a snubfighter battle. She could hear him just fine. "I'm way too old for him, for one thing," Poe continued dismally. "And I'm being stupid. He's clearly in love with Rey anyway, right? Of course he is," Poe went on without giving Jess a chance to respond. This wasn't a conversation anymore; it was a lament, a soliloquy to an audience of one. "He went to Starkiller Base to save her, he fought Kylo Ren to save her, he almost got his spine severed trying to save her, he talked the whole Resistance into attacking Starkiller Base to save her…"
"I mean, there were some other extenuating circumstances behind that mission, but sure."
"So of course he's in love with her," Poe continued as though Jess hadn't spoken. He dragged his fingers down his face, pulling at his skin until he looked, briefly, to be roughly one hundred years old, then dropped his hands to the table as though they had become too heavy for him to lift. "She was the first thing he asked about when he woke up, you know? Not how badly he was hurt, not what happened to Starkiller, not whether we were on the run from the First Order or under attack or anything. Just where Rey was. Why she wasn't there. Stars, Jess, you should have seen his face when he realized she wasn't there waiting for him to wake up—realized that it was just me, and not her. It was like his heart broke…"
"Uh-huh," Jess said. "I'm sure none of that had anything to do with the fact that the last thing he remembered before he blacked-out was fighting Kylo Ren over her unconscious body…"
"Right?" Poe exclaimed, apparently holding his own conversation that had little connection to either Jess's words or reality. "So obviously he's in love with her, and I'm an idiot! And she's better for him to be in love with, anyway. She's his age, she's a Jedi, or going to be a Jedi, and he's going to be a Jedi, at least if stupid idiots like me stop scaring him away from actually learning the Force…"
"Or," Jess offered, "you could try, I don't know, talking to him like an actual grown-ass adult…"
Poe dropped his head back to the table and moaned again. "Aren't you supposed to be making me feel better?" he asked plaintively.
Jess snorted into her stolen lomin ale. "If that's what you were looking for, you'd be talking to Snap right now instead of me and we both know it. I don't do 'comfort' and 'coddling,' I do kick-in-the-pants stuff for when you're acting like a complete moof-milker—which you are, by the way." She pointed her index finger at him as though it were a blaster. "And you know you are, too, or you would be talking to Snap. So pull yourself together and stop swooning around like some tragic holodrama hero and just go talk to the boy before you work yourself into a total swivet and BB-8 comes to tattle on you again because you're too busy moping to take care of yourself, like—"
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hyba · 2 years
I read your wacky world building list, and I honestly don't even know where to start, hyba. It is all weird and wonderful and I love how insane it all sounds. Not going to lie, I'm already in love with A Cure for Happiness. I hope you don't mind, I picked three of the list randomly. Would you please tell me more about the quill-cows, the whistling creme puffs, and the glowing flowers?
Hi, Ren! Thanks so much ^^ I'm glad you find them interesting! I'm just about to start writing the chapter where the quill cows make their entrance, so your ask is perfect :D
Quill Cows
The story mainly takes place in a village, and the main character takes over his father's farm, so I wanted to make the farm animals themselves a bit wacky and fun! Quill Cows are cows who grow spikes on their heads, usually in a mohawk-type formation. Some also grow spikes on their hind legs. The spikes, or quills, are actually a self-defense mechanism. They can launch the spikes at anything they deem a threat.
This means that farmers who have Quill Cows need to learn how to approach these animals in non-threatening and relaxed ways, or they risk a nasty injury. They probably won't kill you with their quills, but it certainly isn't pleasant to get injured by them! Most farmers will introduce Quill Cows to their land as calves, so that they can get used to their presence before the quills start growing.
The quills are also used as tools. In some cases, they can be used to create writing utensils. In other cases, they can be used in decorative items, jewelry, as sewing needles, and more. While they're not plucked from the animals, a Quill Cow will usually naturally drop a few quills every day, and they grow back. (And you could technically pluck them out, because it doesn't hurt the Quill Cow, but that means you have to make sure that you're not leaving them completely defenseless. Most farmers aren't farming quills, anyhow, so they don't go out of their way to collect them; they're just a byproduct.)
Like any other cow, a Quill Cow can produce milk, so that's usually why a farmer would have them around. Having a few Quill Cows mingle with the regular cows also creates a better sense of security, as Quill Cows are very protective of their families and friends.
Whistling Cream Puffs
A delicious pastry that hides a delectable surprise: When heated, a whistling cream puff will whistle the most beautiful tunes!
Tunes are mixed into its dough and drawn onto its creamy filling, and it takes an expert touch to make sure the result is a song that is pleasing to the ear. When you purchase them, you don't know which songs you'll find inside!
One of the toughest pastries to perfect, a successful whistling cream puff is the mark of a most talented chef. The songs can only be heard once - afterwards, no matter how many times you heat up the whistling cream puff, it won't whistle. Cherish the song while you can! Best eaten warm.
Glowing Flowers
This one's not too wacky, to be fair. They're glow-in-the-dark flowers that most villagers grow on their windowsills so that there is a lovely, natural glow that lights the outside. Some will have little flowerbeds that feature glowing flowers, or grow them in strategic locations around their gardens so that it is easier for them to get around in the dark.
Glowing flowers can come in a range of different colors. The most common is a lovely light blue-green that emits a muted light perfectly suited for countryside nights.
I hope these were fun for you to read about! I'm so EXCITED.
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missvelvetsstuff · 3 years
Miss Velvet
Chapter 12
First Halloween and other things
I updated so the chapters are in chronological order
Warnings: SMUT, badly written smut. Seriously this is my first time writing smut and idk what I'm doing. This ended up longer than I planned but I hope it came out alright.
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Oct 1st
Velvet came back to her house after morning lessons, looking for something to eat. Indy races thru his doggy door before she can open the back door, he usually has better manners so Velvet knows something is up. When she walks inside she smells food, burgers to be exact, so she heads towards the kitchen to find her Super Soldier standing over the stove frying hamburgers.
"Hey there handsome, fancy meeting you here. My boyfriend is away on a mission for at least another day so....what can I do for you" she came up behind him and put her arms around his waist.
"I don't know miss, I heard he was really jealous and has a bad temper"
"Don't worry, I have him wrapped around my little finger. He's whipped and I don't even put out."
Bucky growled and turned to face her "Damnit, I can't even argue with that. Hey Beautiful" he kissed her gently "Got back a little early and ditched Steve and a briefing because I couldn't wait any longer to see you. 2 weeks feels like forever when you aren't with me"
Velvet kissed him back "I know, Buck. I missed you too. But I had Alpine here to help keep me company. Her and Indy haven't killed each other yet so that's a good sign but they are both bed hogs."
Bucky squeezes her and turns around "I don't want to burn these burgers, I heard the lady here is very particular about her food."
"You know you just came off of a mission and probably haven't slept since yesterday. You didn't have to make me lunch" Velvet chided him.
"I know but I like taking care of you. Get your buns ready, Baby, the cheese is almost melted."
Once they were settled in and eating Velvet spoke up "I have something very important that we need to discuss right away"
Bucky looked at her curiously and his stomach dropped a little bit "Is everything ok? Did I do something?"
"Guilty conscience, sergeant?" She grinned
Bucky stuttered "No, I, Uh"
Velvet laughed "Don't get yourself all worked up. You aren't in trouble but this is very important and time sensitive" Bucky just sat back and waited for her to go on so she did
"How do you want to dress up for Tony's Halloween shindig? Do you want to do a couple thing or something else? I have some thoughts."
Bucky laughed "Jesus woman, you scared me like that over Halloween costumes? That is not ok"
She smirked at him "I just like to get your blood pumping"
Bucky leaned across the table with a lecherous smirk "I know how you can get my blood pumping-"
"James! Get your mind out of the gutter, there's no time for that. We need to figure this out." Halloween is a big thing
"Doll, we have a month-"
Velvet scoffs playfully "I know, time is running out and we have to decide what to wear and then figure out how to put it together"
He looks her up and down, licking his lips "You know that I'm fine with whatever you want as long as all of our fun bits are covered"
Velvet rolls her eyes "You have a one track mind, Barnes"
"Yeah and you are constantly trying to derail me" he pouts
Velvet laughs and kisses his forehead.
Bucky gets up to clean the dishes "So what do you have in mind?"
"I already have a Renaissance style serving wench so you could be anything from a peasant to a king."
Bucky looks at her "You just have a wench costume laying around?"
"I told you my mom used to take me to the Ren Faire when I was a kid. She bought it for me when I was 15 and it still fits." She explains
Bucky looks indignant "And why haven't I seen this get up yet. I bet you make a very sexy wench"
"That's kind of the idea, distract the men so they spend more money on drinks. Along the same idea but different era, I also have a saloon girl costume and you could be a cowboy. I found that one online when the kids at Serenity told me in no uncertain terms that I wasn't allowed to be a cowgirl because that's what I am so not a costume. The wench outfit is more historically accurate but the saloon girl is pretty cute"
Bucky thinks for a minute "I'll need to see how you look in both of them before I can decide"
Velvet shakes her head "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm pretty fucking sexy in both and I don't think you could control yourself. You'll have to decide, sight unseen, and wait till the party"
"What makes you think I'll be able to control myself at the party" Bucky asks.
Velvet looks at his with a blank face and says "Witnesses"
Bucky laughs. "Fine. I'll try not to imagine you in a sexy costume and decide based on what I want to be. Cowboy sounds simpler. A knight is too much to take off. King seems a bit pretentious. Peasant might work. Do you have a place to get my costume or will you put it together yourself?"
Velvet brings him her laptop and shows a couple of sites she knows of and comments "I might have a tough time keeping my hands off of a cowboy. Just saying."
Bucky muses "I do still have the shirt I wore for the party Tony threw to open Morgan's place. And I do have my own pair of cowboy boots. And black jeans. Just need a hat"
"And a lariat" Velvet pipes in.
"Like a rope? That could come in handy. For after the party" he smiles
Velvet huffs exasperatedly "Oh.your.god. could you not think about sex for a minute?"
"I can't help it, you make me crazy" Bucky whined
"Sorry Babe, you were nuts long before I met you. I accept no responsibility for that. So cowboy?" She confirms
Bucky grins "I think that'll work. Now I just have to figure out how to get out of going to Tony's party and we can have our own get together for two"
Oct 15
Velvet meets up with Nat & Wanda for lunch to discuss prep for the upcoming party. "I think we need an in house team to help us prepare. Hair, nails, make up. Have you guys decided on your costumes? Times running out" both ladies nod "and are you doing a couple thing? Buck and I are doing an old west thing."
Nat looks at her "That's barely a costume for Bucky, he already wears jeans and boots everyday"
Velvet sighs "I know and I can barely keep my hands off of him."
Wanda looks surprised "You still haven't slept with him? It's been three months and you two have crazy chemistry"
Velvet looks at her shyly "I know, I want him so badly but something has been holding me back. Raynor referred me to another shrink since we are colleagues and Dr Wexler says it's because 'the incident' brought up a lot of repressed memories where sex ended up being bad for me, physically and emotionally.
I'm thinking of attacking him after the party but I'm really nervous. I even saw Helen to get a birth control implant but haven't told him yet. Told him the scar was from a scratch while I was cleaning tack."
Nat looks concerned "The incident? You were kidnapped and-"
"I know, Nat, but I don't want to give that night more power than it already has."
"Barnes isn't pressuring you, is he?"
Velvet shakes her head "No, not at all, he has been amazing and just takes a lot of cold showers."
Wanda giggled "Poor Bucky. As long as you're doing it because you want."
"I can't think of much I've ever wanted more. So, what are y'all wearing?"
Nat speaks up "Little Red Riding Hood and Bruce is the big bad wolf"
Velvet nods "Nice. How about you Wanda?"
"Danny and Sandy from Grease"
"Oohhh, cute"
Oct 25
Bucky comes out of his daydream and blushes when he sees Velvet so close. "Yeah, uh, what?"
"Velvet honey, there's a package from Boot Barn here" Bucky says as he walks in the front door with dinner he picked up. Velvet comes out of her bedroom with a towel around her neck, skin still damp from the shower wearing a t-shirt and shorts.
Bucky looks her up and down, licking his lips.
Velvet snaps her fingers in his face "Hello. Is there anybody in there?'
Where did you go?" He looks down
Velvet kisses him softly on the lips "I said it's probably your cowboy hat and shirt. I ordered a distressed looking shirt so you don't look like some wannabe urban cowboy who calls himself that because he likes country music.
"uh, just in my head. Sorry"
Velvet hugs him "Everything ok?"
Bucky nods too quickly and Velvet shakes her head at him "James.."
"Ok, sorry, Doll. I don't want to make you feel pressured but fuck, you make me crazy. Every time you look at me exactly like you are right now and you touch me or kiss-"
He stops "Sorry. No pressure. We are on your timeline."
She puts her fingers over his lips to shush him "it's ok. I understand. Thank you so much for being patient with me. Wexler thinks I'm making progress. I know I'm feeling more relaxed and open with you. Physically and emotionally. We will get there. I promise."
Bucky takes a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Even if we don't you're stuck with me. Till the end-"
she sideeyes him "Did you just Steve Rogers me?"
Bucky huffs "of time. Till the end of time. Always so difficult"
Before the excitement started Velvet took a late morning nap so she wouldn't run out of energy too early. Knowing she could sleep late tomorrow definitely helped.
Velvet meets up with the rest of the ladies at the compound where Pepper has, once again set up a perfect day of pampering, mimosas and brunch before the party.
While Velvet gets a massage, Nat starts getting dressed and asks "So, Miss Velvet, is tonite the nite?"
Velvet picks her head up and gives Nat a dirty look. "What kind of spy are you when you have to spill all of MY secrets in front of the entire group? Everyone doesn't need to know the intimate details of my relationship with Bucky?"
Velvet puts her head back down to enjoy her massage. She was already so nervous about tonite, worried that she would disappoint Bucky or that sex would change things in a bad way. She trusted him but his way with women still made her insecure even if it was in the past.
Morgan perks up "Miss Velvet are you and uncle Bucket going to get married and have babies? What's happening tonight?"
Velvet throws a dirty look at Nat then smiles at Morgan. "I want to tell Bucky I love him and thought tonight would be good. After the party. I don't know about getting married, we've only been together 3 months but I'd probably say yes if he asked me."
Wanda giggles "Nice save, Velvet. Which earns her a dirty look from Velvet.
When the masseuse was finished she stood up and pulled her robe back around her shoulders. Seeing that the hairdresser was available she went to have her hair done. Up away from her face with a few ringlets framing it. She went to the make-up artist who used a shimmer powder on her face and shoulders to give her a soft glow, mascara and a deep purple lipstick to match her dress.
Once everyone was satisfied with how they looked Pepper announced that it was almost time for the party to start so she was going to head down to make sure everything was ready.
Velvet put on her beloved purple cowboy boots and she was ready to go. She sat and chatted with the others while they were finishing up.
Pepper made a beautiful Morticia Adams and Morgan was an adorable Wednesday.
As they left Velvet called out "I'm going to be very disappointed if you and Tony don't tango at least once tonite." Pepper laughed as she walked away.
Velvet was getting even more nervous the later it got. She was excited for the party but scared about after. She took an edible out of her little pouch purse and washed it down with a mimosa, hoping it would take the edge off of her nerves and the pain they were exacerbating.
Nat received a text from Bruce letting her know he was waiting in the ball room whenever she was ready so she left with Wanda trailing behind.
Carol and Maria were adorable as an angel and a devil and left the room holding hands and laughing.
Velvet was the only one left so she took a deep breath and headed downstairs. She could hear music and laughter thru the halls as she walked to the entrance.
Hoping to sneak in without any fuss she tried to blend in but Bucky was anxiously looking for her since all the other ladies were already there. His breath caught when he saw her and his heart sped up. She looked so beautiful to him. That purple dress with her shoulders exposed and a slit up to her right thigh.
He wanted to grab her and kiss the purple off of her lips but he restrained himself and gave her a peck on the cheek
"Wow. You look beautiful. I don't know if I can hold out till the party is over." His voice lowered "The things I want to do to you, Doll." And trailed off as he gently kissed down her neck to her exposed shoulders.
Velvet shivered "Don't get too worked up yet, the party is just getting started."
They went to the bar to get drinks and Velvet started with water since she's had about four mimosas and doesn't want to get wasted.
Thor and Valkyrie come up to the bar, dressed as Men In Black and Velvet hugs Val "I wondered where you were. You guys look awesome. Kinda like the ones in the last movie. Is there anything you want to tell us?"
Val shook her head "No, we're friends, co-workers that's all. Thor isn't my type, some extra parts that I don't need but Jane is off doing some science thing and I couldn't bear Thor's pouting anymore."
Velvet laughed "I know, right? Men can be so much work."
Bucky looked offended "You know, I'm right here." Velvet smiled and kissed him which completely distracted him from his feigned offense. "You are so much trouble, young lady"
Velvet gave him a wicked grin "You ain't seen nothing yet"
Bucky shook his head "c'mon Doll, let's dance" Bucky had been teaching her swing dancing like he used to dance before the war. Obviously some moves were too much with her back but they still cut a good rug.
The night went on and everyone was having a great time. When midnight hit a slow song came on for the last song, Journey's 'Open Arms'.
Bucky pulled Velvet onto the dance floor and hugged her close to him. "Do you know what you have been doing to me all nite, Doll? You look so good I could eat you up."
Velvet looked up at him, not quite as tall, and smiled "Is that literal or just a turn of phrase"
Bucky grinned and dropped his voice "Sweetheart, it's anything you want it to be" he pulled her flush against him with his left hand on the small of her back and gently pulled her face towards his with his right hand on her chin and kissed her. Gentle and slow, he ran his tongue along her lips and she opened her mouth to let him in.
Bucky sighed and fisted his left hand in her dress, his right hand on the back of her neck. He wanted get closer, become part of her but ended the kiss and caught his breath "Unless you want me to lose control on the dance floor in front of all of our friends we should head out"
Velvet's face was flushed and she nodded "I think I'm ready" They quickly made their good byes and headed for her car, stopping regularly to push up against a wall and kiss like teenagers.
In the car, Velvet was running her fingers up and down Bucky's thigh while he tried to keep his attention on the road. "If you keep that up we're going to run off the road. Thank god, we're here."
They hurried into the house and as soon as the door was closed Bucky pushed her up against the wall "I don't know what's in your head tonite but please don't stop."
Velvet giggled and nibbled on his earlobe "Why, James, whatever do you mean?"
Bucky moaned "Be careful, Doll. If you keep this up I can't be responsible for what I do. I won't be able to stop."
"What if I don't want you to stop" she whispered in his ear.
Bucky pulled back and looked her in the eyes "Are you sure? I'll stop if you want me too. I don't want to push."
Velvet kissed his nose "I know, James. I want you. I need you."
Bucky kissed her hard, almost desperately. The last three months had been filled with passionate make outs and touches but nothing below the waist. Velvet kissed him back and started to unbutton his shirt.
Bucky tensed "You don't have to...I know the scars are ugly-"
Velvet put her hand over his mouth "Nothing about your is ugly, you are beautiful. I've seen your scars and I love them because they are part of you"
Bucky looked at her in awe "How did I ever get so lucky to find you?"
Velvet kissed him again "I'm just as lucky. Please Bucky, I NEED you."
Bucky picked her up, bridal style and carried her into the bedroom. He set her down gently on the bed and pulled her boots off then stood her up and turned her around so he could unzip her dress. It pooled on the floor, leaving her in a corset and nothing else
"Jesus, Y/N. Have you been walking around with no panties all night?"
Velvet grinned "Gotta try to keep my costume accurate. And bloomers just didn't look right on me."
Bucky unlaced her corset slowly, kissing along her neck and shoulders while running his fingers along her back as more was exposed.
When the corset fell to the floor he turned her to face him, slowly looking at her from head to toe "Beautiful" he whispered.
Velvet blushed and tried to cover herself but Bucky grabbed her wrists "No, don't hide from me. Please Y/N. You are so perfect. I want to see all of you and I'm going to touch and taste every single inch until all you know is pleasure and my name."
Velvet shivered, she felt very exposed but standing naked in front of him while he still had his t-shirt and jeans on was kind of erotic. She pulled at his shirt and he helped pull it over his head. Touching his bare chest, running her hands over his shoulders and along his scars Bucky shuddered.
Velvet reached down to unbutton his jeans and pulled them down as far as she could. Bucky pulled his pants and underwear off and they stood, inches apart each taking in the beauty of the other until Bucky sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his lap. She could feel him, big and hard near her core, which was dripping on his legs. Bucky kissed her again harder this time all teeth and tongues, a little desperate. He needed to envelope her, be a part of her.
He pulled back "Lay down on your back, sweetheart. I want to see you. All of you."
Velvet slid back to the head of the bed and leaned back on her pillows. She looked Bucky up and down and gasped, she had never seen him naked before and while she had been able to feel that he was well endowed she wasn't expecting.....
"See something you like, Doll? Because it's all yours?"
He stalked across the bed on all fours, like a tiger stalking its prey. He started kissing her, pouring everything into that kiss. Trying to tell her what he had difficulty saying.
He grinned as he kissed down her stomach until he reached the top of her mound and gently kissed there and around the top of her thighs, marking her as his.
Velvet was starting to get desperate, needing his touch more than she could remember ever needing anything.
"Are you sure about this?"
Velvet nodded "I've never been so sure of anything in my life. Please Bucky. I need you." He moved from her lips to her neck, kissing and biting, blowing in her ear until she was moaning and writhing under him. He moved down slowly kissing along her shoulders his right hand gently kneading her breast and pulling at her nipple. He flicked at it with his tongue then suckled it into his mouth gently nibbling and groaning at the musky taste. He moved to pay equal attention to her other breast until she was moaning and arching her back, needing more.
Bucky chuckled at her desperation "Don't worry Baby, I'm going to take good care of you" he ran a finger softly along her slit and groaned "Fuck Y/N you're soaked. What a pretty, wet pussy for me to play with."
Velvet sighed "Please James, stop teasing me" Bucky looked at her with a lusty smirk and nodded before he dove in like a starving man, licking a broad stripe from her dripping core to her swollen clit.
Velvet's back arched and he lay his left arm across her hips to hold her down "You taste so good, I could eat this sweet pussy all day" and dove in moaning at how good she was.
Velvet was a moaning mess "Oh.god. James, I. Don't. So good, please."
Bucky looked up, "Tell me. What do you want? You want to come all over my face? Come on doll. I need you...." He started gently sucking on her clit while playing with her hole with his left hand, carefully sliding one finger in and out.
Then a second finger and Velvet gasped grabbing his hair and pushing his face into her "James, baby, oh fuck, please, I'm, oh god, I'm" and her body tensed while the waves of pleasure crashed through her and Bucky groaned loudly
"Y/N yes, I want all of it" as she squirted on his face and chest. When she started coming down and could feel the wetness on the sheets under her she became embarrassed
"Oh god, Bucky. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make a mess. I should have warned you that I do that sometimes."
Bucky grinned, his face shiny with her release. "Are you kidding? That was so fucking hot. I need you to give me one more like that before I'm done here."
And he buried his face in her pussy, loving how absolutely fucking drenched she was, dripping down her crack to keep soaking the sheets.
Bringing her to her second orgasm was quick since she was already sensitive, he groaned into her as she squirted and squeezed his fingers as he pumped them into her.
Velvet pulled his hair "too much" he licked her oversensitive pussy softly.
"Damn, Doll. So sweet." And came up to kiss her mouth. Velvet could taste herself and moaned. When he pulled back she reached down to take his hard cock in her hand, using the precum dripping out for lubricant.
"I want to taste you too, James" he looked at her, pupils blown so she could barely see the blue in his eyes.
"I want that too but later I need to be inside you before I explode. You still good?"
She nodded and gasped "Yes, James...."
"I've got you" he lined himself up and slowly eased into her, groaning when he filled her "Fuck. So wet and tight and perfect like you were made to fit me. I don't know how long I can last, you feel too damn good."
Velvet moaned "more" and Bucky started moving, slow and gentle but deep. He pulled out almost all the way then thrust back in and Velvet arched her back and whimpered
"Doll, you make the sweetest sounds but I'm gonna make you scream" Bucky sped up a little, trying to keep control so he doesn't hurt her but she felt so good and it had been so long.
"I'm close, Doll but I need one more from you before I let go. I need to feel you milking and soaking my cock. Jesus you feel so good, like heaven. I could live here, with you, like this."
He leaned close and kissed her gently "Y/N, I love you so much. I don't know how I ever lived without you." She could feel him so deep inside her she didn't think she would ever lose that feeling.
She gasped out "I love you, Ja-James. Oh fuck. Uhg YES, JAMES YES, PLEASE" and she exploded with stars in her eyes, squeezing his cock and gushing down his legs. That was it for him
"Y/N, fuck" he groaned and stilled, filling her with hot ropes of his cum. Bucky laid on his side, pulling her with him so he was still buried deep inside her. They held and kissed each other until they came down from their high.
Bucky looked at her smiling. "That was....fuck."
Velvet nodded "uh huh it sure was." Bucky got up after a few minutes to get a wet washcloth and clean her up. "Buck, the sheets are drenched"
"It's fine, I'll just put a towel down and we'll wash them tomorrow because you know I'm not done with you yet. I have another reason to call you Velvet now, that's what you feel like."
Velvet smiled "Just give me a minute to rest" she mumbled.
Bucky pulled her into him and trailed his fingers up and down her back mumbling into her hair "I love you". Both of them felt like they had truly found their home.
Chapter 13
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ot3tropetober · 4 years
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-So Hardison gets rich playing the stock market as a teen in Nana’s basement. Mostly because the professor at the college econ classes he’s taking for extra credit said he couldn’t.
-By the time he’s graduating highschool at 18 he is filthy rich. (WhatLikeItsHard.gif) He has paid off Nana’s medical bills and her house and went over to the college to gloat a little and decided he doesn’t actually need to go to college when he’s already, you know, doing what he does.
-But he doesn’t wanna keep taking up Nana’s basement when he has heard her having to turn down emergency placements because there’s not enough room. 
-So he moves out. Into a giant mansion, because why not. He has everything. A pool. A fancy kitchen. A shower with like 16 sprays that massage your back perfectly. A hallway with a giant fancy staircase. A whole room dedicated to his computer setup, with all the latest gadgets. A special wine fridge he stocked full of orange soda. A damn fireplace in his bathroom.
-A lot of empty rooms. And quiet. Like, creepy-quiet. Right-before-the-killer-grabs-you-in-the-hallway quiet. He nearly jumps out of his skin when he forgets there is a mirror at the end of one of the hallways. His shriek echoes through the empty house.
-He considers getting a cat for one second but remembers he’s allergic. And it would probably just startle him even more. He gets a few roombas, but even with the giant googly eyes they don’t fill the space as much as he’d hoped. So instead he places an ad online for roommates. 
-He doesn’t get nearly enough responses as he suspects. Maybe ‘come live in my mansion rent free’ gives off some major serial killer vibes. He amends his ad to a reasonable but still low enough rent that people who really need a place can apply. 
-He runs background checks on everyone who applies. He may or may not disqualify some people for petty reasons. Sorry not sorry, this is his mansion and he’s not about to share his kitchen with someone who thinks Kylo Ren is cooler than Poe Dameron, okay?
-He has some interviews, but nobody seems to click. A lot of people seem to want to make his house some kind of party-mansion. And not the fun kind of movie-marathon, D&D session, LAN Party kind of parties. One girl keeps asking him when the ‘real owner’ of the house is going to be back. 
-He’s thinking about giving up and moving back home and finding a small apartment near Nana’s house when a girl shows up in his living room.
-She does not have an interview scheduled. Hardison knows this for two reasons: one, he thinks he’d remember background checking someone as pretty as her. Two: it’s three in the morning.
-“So I heard you’re looking for roommates,” she says. A roomba nudges against her foot, and she reaches down to pat it before it turns away. “I like your pet robots.”
-It’s probably the fact that he’s been up for like 48 hours by now, but he’s like: thanks, want a tour of the house?
-Parker moves in that weekend. He helps her move in, and does not ask why she has an entire box of the exact same creepy doll whose head turns around to show an even more creepy face. He just kindly requests she keep those in her rooms, not the shared ones.
-Parker is a great roommate. Her schedule is all over the place as well, but she’s tidy, she’s funny, and she’ll hang out and watch Doctor Who with him. She also names all his roombas. He pretends not to see her dropping some fortune cookie crumbs on purpose to feed Carl the kitchen roomba when he goes by.
-Their next roommate is Eliot. He’s a veteran who’s learning how to cook at some kind of culinary school. He gets a little flustered when Hardison shows him his rooms, plural, saying he must have read the ad wrong, and is almost out the door before Hardison can convince him that yes, the price in the ad is correct, no this is not a cult, he just bought a house that was much too big and he has Regrets okay, help a brother out.
-So Eliot moves in as well. He gets a little judgy when he finds out 95% of the kitchen cupboards are empty, and the rest is filled with cereal and junkfood. He brings in more boxes of kitchenware than clothes, and Parker is delighted at poking each and every thing he unpacks.
-Eliot’s schedule is kind of the opposite of Hardison’s. He is some kind of weird morning person. They mostly run into each other when Hardison is going to bed and Eliot comes back from his morning run. He’s mostly at school or working kitchen shifts to gain more experience during the times Hardison is awake, so they mostly communicate via text.
-Parker’s the one that figures out Eliot is all bark and no bite. Or actually, all growl and no bite. Turns out, he just really hates the little buttons on his smartphone, so his texts are very short and curt. Hardison starts leaving notes on the kitchen fridge instead and that works much better. Note-Eliot is way nicer than text-Eliot.
-The great thing about Eliot is that his homework is basically… fuck around in the kitchen and make delicious things. Which he then ‘makes’ them taste. So yeah maybe Hardison kind of… switches his schedule so he’s around more and awake for Eliot Cooking Time. 
-So basically he gets roommates, and free food and it’s all great. Except for that time he accidentally ate Eliot’s sandwich. Well, he didn’t leave a note saying NOT to! It ends up with him being dragged out of bed and interrogated (Parker shining a flashlight at him and being generally Chaotic Unhelpful) until he confesses.
-The only reason Eliot doesn’t kill him probably is because he babbles about how delicious it was. Or because he’s tired of Parker shouting unrelated cop-phrases at Hardison over his shoulder.
-They come up with a system where Eliot leaves very threatening notes on the stuff he does not want them to eat. It mostly works. Besides, Parker has totally found Eliot’s weak spots (puppy eyes) and can basically make him cook them whatever.
-It’s pretty great until it starts to heat up. And both Parker and Eliot start making use of the big outdoor pool. Which is great, that’s what it’s there for. But they then wander around looking sexy and damp and near naked and Hardison is starting to get Very Inappropriate Thoughts, okay?
-Okay so maybe he also had very inappropriate thoughts before, even when Eliot was wearing like 13 layers of clothing and Parker was wearing cozy sweaters and it’s still not fair for them to wander around looking so hot.
-But he’s not about to ruin a good thing with his crushes. Besides, he’s technically their landlord, that would be weird and creepy.
-So he just… quietly pines a little. It’s cool. He still gets to hang out in the kitchen with Parker and Eliot, and force them to watch movies they have never seen that they really should (neither of them talk to him for a week because of the whole Lilo and Stitch thing).
-And maybe he notices them huddled together whispering sometimes. That’s cool. That’s fine. They can date each other if they want. (Don’t think about Eliot and Parker together, don’t, it’s too hot and you won’t be able to look them in the eye ever again, dammit Hardison).
-Until one day he wanders down into the shared living space to find the dining room table to be all decked out, a table cloth and candles and roses and everything. And Parker and Eliot look up all expectantly as he starts backpedaling that he didn’t mean to interrupt their date before Eliot growls and says ‘sit down, Hardison’. 
-The table has three place settings.
-It’s one hundred percent worth his foster siblings quoting a meme at him all weekend when he brings the two of them home to meet his Nana.
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cloudeling · 2 years
hiiiiii my brain is like shutting down so i don’t have much to chitter chatter about in your inbox but i will string together what i can!
my cat is sitting in my doorway she is so hunched up. fr pebbles is the best (in 100 miles radius of me, mia and pepper are also the best) i’m going to miss her while away. fr just chatting with everyone about school starting huh. i start/move in soon. i feel like that makes me sound like i’m going to college aaaaa
anyway i tried watching some criticize roll today, didn’t quite work out (watched half an hour maybe) but ima try again tomorrow. it’s just so long per episode and i have no art projects to do while listing.
i guess i could try to start a project but i have like 3 days left off so maybe not.
i do want to one day make a fairy choker or whatever they’re called. a necklace/chicken with a bunch of charms and chains that looks like something a fairy would wear
which reminds me to work on a ren fair costume soon. yesyes
anywhooooo i hope you are doing good today and or have a good day tomorrow!! you are deserving of good things!!!
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HIII good morning theoretically i went 2 bed before i saw ur ask but actually i stayed up until like 1am trying to mess w my blogs html. still working on that i have not quite managed to get the things i want to work to work. However my blog does play music now !!! sometimes anyways
pebbles is the best fr mias been rlly lovely lately shes been coming over for pets even more often. i think shes either scared or jealous of the dog. who is also doing good except hes chased the cats a couple times which rlly isnt good if we want them to get along. hopefully u dont miss pebbles too much while ur at school :( im sure she'll miss u too poor little kitty but school should be fun too hopefully !!!! i cant wait 2 hear abt it
im assuming u mean critical roll? ive heard thats good but i dont have the energy 4 podcasts a lot of the timee i watch like one and i am. very behind. anyways i hope you had fun with your thirty minutes of that!! hopefully you can get through a bit more soon if u want to
a fairy necklace sounds sooo cool actually .i used 2 have a charm bracelet but i think it gives off more preteen girl than fairy. also ren faire costume !!!.!! rhat sounds so cool i bet itll turn out cool as hell. anyways have a good day !!!!!!!!! i gtg walk the dog i Still havemt gone bike riding with him sigh. okay byeeeee
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Writting request!
Hels!Impulse taking regular impulses place n stuffing him in like a closet or somethin-
N someone who's sus of him (maybe iskall?) Finds the real impulse.
Now to unmask the fake.
okay so a few quick things:
1) this ended up a LOT longer than i expected lol so i apologise for that, it’s over 2k words
2) i also didn’t entirely stick to every detail in the prompt because i had an idea i rly liked and i wanted to roll with it, so i’m rly sorry if it’s not as good as you were expecting
3) anyway i hope it’s good! it was a lot of fun to work on
  Impulse is working on the redstone of his pumpkin and melon farm in his base when he spots a shadow moving around right at the corner of his vision. Frowning, he leaves his task and heads out into the main part of the base, looking around. “Hello?” he calls cautiously. “Grian, if this is you again…”
  He gets no response. 
  Just as he starts to turn back, thinking he just imagined it, something slams into him and knocks him into the wall, stunning him. He looks sharply up to find…
  Impulse’s eyes widen. “Wh-Who are you?!”
  The new Impulse has his arms crossed and a malicious grin on his face. “My name is Impulstor. I’m your Hels counterpart. And I’m going to take over your life as my own.”
  “W-Wait, what?!” 
  Before Impulse can move, Impulstor seizes his lapels and drags him across the base. Impulse struggles as hard as he can but he’s still winded from being hit against the wall. 
  Impulstor takes him to one of the support pillars at the very edge of the base, which has a two by one block hole in it, left over from Grian’s secret base shenanigans a few weeks ago. Weakened, he’s unable to stop Impulstor from shoving him roughly through the gap. 
  Since the floor is a block lower than the bottom of the hole, Impulse’s foot slips and he falls heavily against the wall, hitting his head and stunning him even more. The space inside the pillar is only one block by one block, with two or three more blocks of space above his head, so as Impulse collapses, he’s forced into an uncomfortable sitting position. 
  Blinking back tears of pain and fear, Impulse tries sluggishly to escape but Impulstor bashes him on the head with his own pickaxe. 
  The last thing Impulse sees before he passes out is Impulstor blocking the gap with white concrete, trapping him in this prison.
  Zedaph flies over the shopping district and lands a little way off from Impulse and Tango, who are sitting on one of the benches outside town hall, chatting. As he approaches, the two look up and spot him. “Hey, Zed!” Tango calls, beaming. “Wanna join me and Impy hanging out?”
  “Yeah, sure! What do you have in mind?”
  “Well, I thought we might go give Decked Out a group run,” Tango says. “I’d have to fix things up a little bit but that shouldn’t take more than ten minutes. I think it’d be epic to go in as a team.”
  “Ooh, yeah!” Impulse grins. “I always loved that game. It terrifies me, but I loved it. Those ravagers, man. I’m always on the lookout for them and it’s terrifying with the heartbeat and everything.” 
  “That was the idea,” snickers Tango.
  “I know, I know. Doesn’t make it any less terrifying, though.” Impulse grins. “Going in as a group would be great! I’d really like to do that.”
  Zedaph involuntarily takes a step back. He doesn’t know what, but there’s something off about Impulse today. There’s something different, something he can’t quite put his finger on. He’s known Impulse a long time, but not as long as Tango, who doesn’t seem to share his doubts. Is he misreading the situation?
  “Yeah, me too!” Tango enthuses. “You up for it, Zed?”
  “Um, actually…” Zedaph forces a convincing cough and rubs his stomach. “I feel kinda sick all of a sudden. I think the flight over here churned my insides.”
  “Oh.” Tango frowns sympathetically. “You’d better rest, then.”
  “Yeah, sorry. I need to go home.”
  “No problem, man. Hope you feel better.”
  Zedaph slowly walks away, keeping up his charade in case the others are watching. Over his shoulder, he hears Impulse say something about his ice farm, then a few seconds later, the sound of rockets are heard as the two take off with their elytras. 
  He keeps going for about a minute longer, just in case, before deeming it safe and taking off with his rockets. His heart pounding, he shoots over to Impulse’s base and after crashing through the water curtain, lands neatly on the ground inside. “Impulse?” Zedaph calls, starting to rush through the pyramid base. “Impulse, are you here?”
  Zedaph’s voice awakens Impulse. Blinking against the throbbing in his head, he bashes his fist against the wall of the pillar as hard as he can. “Ze-Zedaph! ZED!”
  Following the sound of Impulse’s voice, Zedaph locates the pillar and slices a hole in it with his pickaxe. 
  To his horror, he finds Impulse squeezed inside the narrow gap, blood still dripping from the wound in his head. 
  “Oh my god…!”
  Zedaph drags Impulse out of the pillar and lets him lie flat on the ground for a moment while he tends to his wound. Impulse doesn’t even have the strength to wince at the stinging of antiseptic. 
  “Are you okay?” asks Zedaph quietly. “How long have you been stuck in there?”
  “A-A few hours at most, I don’t really know. What’s going on?”
  “Well, fake you is cosying up to Tango. I don’t think Tango suspects anything.”
  Impulse swallows back a pang of hurt. “Oh… I-I thought he knew me better than that…”
  “To be fair, whoever’s masquerading as you is really, really good,” says Zedaph slowly. “I hate to say this, but even I barely noticed.”
  “Really? What made you catch on?”
  Zedaph hesitates. “It was more of a gut feeling than solid evidence. I dunno, there was just something about the way he talked that seemed off. It didn’t seem like you. I thought either there was something wrong with you or it wasn’t you at all.”
  “And you came to the conclusion that an imposter posing as me was more likely than me having an off day?” chuckles Impulse weakly. 
  Zedaph matches his chuckle as he starts to wind a bandage around Impulse’s head. “Again, it was just a gut feeling.”
  “Well, your gut feeling was right. Now what do we do about Impulstor?”
  Zedaph immediately bursts out a laugh. “Impulstor!” 
  Impulse gives him a look.
  Zedaph clears his throat awkwardly. “S-Sorry. Anyway, we should go and save Tango from, uh… Impulstor.”
  “Shouldn’t that be easy?” remarks Impulse. “I mean, I’M me. He’s not.”
  “Man, you didn’t see the way he was with Tango. He has to be some kind of clone of you or something; there’s no way he’s just a guy who’s studied the way you behave. It’s not about us not knowing you well enough; it’s him knowing every mannerism, every quirk, every facial tick. If it wasn’t for my random gut feeling, I doubt we’d have noticed for a really long time.”
  Impulse’s worry increases. If Tango, someone he’s known for over a decade, couldn’t even tell the difference between him and the imposter, his clone could have the whole server fooled within hours. 
  “We have to get to him away from the other hermits,” Impulse says. “The longer this goes on, the harder it’ll be to convince them I’m the real Impulse. What were him and Tango doing when you left?”
  “I think they were taking a look at your ice farm,” responds Zedaph. 
  Impulse shoots bolt upright. “Oh no! I spent ages getting that farm the exact way I wanted; he better not ruin anything!”
  Zedaph grips him by the shoulders. “Hey, easy, man. You might have a concussion.”
  “I don’t care! Tango is in real danger and so is everything I’ve ever built! I’m going over to my ice farm right now and you can’t stop me.”
  Zedaph hesitates. He knows his friend well enough to know that he really can’t stop him. “Okay, then. I’ll come with you.”
  “-really like this pattern,” Tango is saying, looking down at the floor underneath the ice farm. “How’d you think of it?”
  “Oh, it just came to me,” says Impulstor. “Took me a while to turn all the powder to concrete.”
  “I bet. Nice farm, dude!”
  Impulstor watches Tango move over to the side of the farm and look down. Tango clearly suspects nothing; if he has any doubts, he’s doing an amazing job hiding them. But Impulstor isn’t worried. From his (no, not his. Impulse’s) memories of Tango, he should be fairly easy to take down if the need arises. 
  But what he doesn’t anticipate is his ruse falling apart so soon.
  Tango jerks and snaps his head upwards to find two figures flying towards him. He blinks in shock; one of them is clearly Zedaph but the other… It can’t be…
  Impulstor lets out a very quiet growl, before rearranging his face into an expression of shock. “Wait a sec…”
  Impulse nearly falls over in his haste as he lands, him and Zedaph getting between Tango and Impulstor. 
  “What the hell is going on?!” Tango demands. “Why are there two Impulses?!”
  “He’s an imposter,” declares Impulse, jabbing a finger at Impulstor. “He’s a fake Impulse.”
  “No, HE’s the fake!” Impulstor snaps back. “I don’t know what’s going on here but I’m the real Impulse!”
  “Oh god, this is my worst nightmare,” Tango groans. “How are we supposed to know who the real one is?”
  “Look, ask me anything,” says Impulse. “I’ll answer any question you ask.”
  “What was your first build when you joined Hermitcraft?” Zedaph asks.
  “The witch huts in season three,” say both Impulse and Impulstor at the same time, causing the former to stare at the latter in shock. 
  “Who did you team up with to do the pirate ship prank in season six?” Tango asks slowly.
  “Ren and Doc,” both Impulses say, again at the same time. 
  “What did you call your season five base?” Zedaph says.
  Again, the answer comes simultaneously from both Impulse and Impulstor: “Atlantis.” 
  “Okay, stop, stop.” Tango waves his hands. “This is going nowhere. I don’t know HOW you two have the exact same memory but clearly, we’re not gonna make any progress this way.” 
  “Hey, Impulse.” Zedaph turns pointedly to the real Impulse. “How did you get that scar on your thigh?”
  “From an arrow wound during the season six civil war,” Impulse and Impulstor reply.
  A split second later, Impulse realises what his friend is doing. He lifts his shorts leg just enough for the small scar to become visible. “This one.”
  The other three turn to Impulstor, who realises he’s in trouble here. He may have Impulse’s memories but they don’t share a body. Impulstor remembers the exact moment Impulse got that injury but he wasn’t actually there. He didn’t live it; Impulse did. 
  “Impulse, if you’re the real one, show us the scar,” Tango says sternly. 
  Impulstor hesitates, his slightly narrowed eyes flickering from Tango to Impulse. 
  Suddenly, Impulstor takes off running, deliberately slamming into Tango as he does. Tango tumbles to the ground and slides right over the edge of the farm with a terrified yell. 
  Luckily, Zedaph reacts quickly and grabs his friend’s wrist. This stops Tango from falling long enough for Impulse to take hold of his friend’s other hand, and the two pull Tango back to safety. 
  “Oh my gosh, are you okay?!” gasps Impulse. “You almost went over!” 
  Breathing heavily, Tango starts to speak but cuts himself off as he finally registers the bandage around Impulse’s head. “I-Impulse, did he hurt you?”
  “What?” Impulse frowns, before remembering his head injury, which is already mostly healed. “Oh, yeah. He ambushed me in my base and knocked me out and stuffed me in the hollow space in one of my pillars for like five hours or so.”
  “Oh my god...” Tango squeezes his eyes shut. “I-I’m so sorry…”
  “Wh-What?” Impulse stares at him. What for?”
  “For not realising he wasn’t you. I should have seen it; I can’t believe I was so blind.”
  Impulse blinks. “Oh, Tango, no. Please, please don’t feel guilty. It’s not your fault at all.”
  “But…” Tango’s eyes glisten with tears. “I… I’ve known you for at least ten years. Surely I…”
  “No,” says Impulse firmly. “Don’t blame yourself, Tango. Impulstor is… He’s me. Essentially.”
  “What do you mean, Impusle?” asks Zedaph quietly. 
  Impulse hesitates. “Impulstor is my Hels counterpart. He looks like me, talks like me, he has all my memories. Tango, nobody can really blame you for not noticing. Dude, I know I’m the real Impulse and even I did a double take. You know I’m not observant at all but that was taking it to a whole new level.”
  Tango gives a quiet laugh. “Yeah, you’re really not super observant. But still…”
  “And hey, at least we now have a fairly easy way to tell us apart,” Impulse adds. “He won’t be able to fool you two again. But the rest of the server needs to be warned and briefed on how to tell us apart. Will you help me do that, both of you?”
  “Of course I will,” says Zedaph immediately, putting his arm over Impulse’s shoulders. “We’re a team.”
  Tango meets Impulse’s gaze.
  Finally, he says, “I always knew you’d have an evil twin but I didn’t expect him to be LESS annoying than you.” 
  “Hey,” complains Impulse mildly. “Give me some credit for not trying to murder you.”
  Tango laughs and grabs his friend in a hug. “Don’t worry, you’re still my favourite Impulse.”
  Impulse hugs him back. “Good. Now, let’s find Xisuma and warn him about Impulstor.”
  Tango pulls sharply away from Impulse and stares at him. “Wait… Is that his NAME? Impulse plus imposter?”
  “Uh huh. Trust me, I didn’t choose it.”
  His friend bursts out laughing. “That’s GREAT! Oh my god. That sounds like something Zed would come up with.”
  “I know, right!” Zedaph laughs. 
  Impulse can’t help a laugh too. The tension and fear that’s been controlling him for the last few hours has mostly melted away now that his best friends are safe. Impulstor might still be out there but with a little luck, he won’t be able to fool the rest of the server the way he fooled Tango. He’s sure he’ll see Impulstor again, though. 
  But the real question is: how soon?
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lookingforsarahjay · 3 years
The snape wives?? Pls explain I’m so curious
The Snapeism religion lead by the Snape Wives was a thing I heard about after it all happened because I was like 11 when it all went down but something about fandom drama that is dead and gone fascinates me. I don't want to get in currently active drama but any thing pre-2018 or so is fair game as long as you leave like, real world names out of it, nobody wants to be doxxed because you were in a religion about have spiritual sex with Severus Snape,
I'll explain. I'm assuming if you are rebloging the posts about the cults that started in the Harry Potter fandom (HPF) that you know who Snape is. It's died down somewhat but he used to be an absolutely huge draw for the slightly older women in the HPF, think Kylo Ren as a more recent example of a dark, mysterious, character with a troubled past who falls into a fascist coded group but changes sides in the end. That level of popularity. Say at any given point in time 0.1% of a fandom takes things a bit beyond just enjoying something, with the HPF numbering in the millions 0.1% is still a fairly sizeable chunk of people. So the church of Snapeism becomes a thing. They referred to themselves as Snapeists, and if you got far enough into it they had everything a major religion could need prayers, theology, vows, sacraments, Holy Texts (obviously) and of course the Snape Wives themselves as worshipers.
Snape was not just a character thought up by JKR oh no, Snape was an omniscient and immortal god who was channeled by JKR to write the harry potter books
The reason most people referred to them as Snape wives instead of Snapeist is because to be a member of the church of Snapeism you had to be married to Severus Snape. These women were serious, There were a few leaders of the Snape Wives, one of them, Lady Darkness, wrote the most recognizable marriage vows of Snapeism
"I promise to be always faithful in body and mind, and never love another man. I promise to love and cherish you all of my life. I promise to respect and honour you all of my life. I promise to dedicate all of my life to you. I promise to stand by you in good times and bad times. I promise to protect and guard you, and to prevent you from any harm. I promise to provide anything you need for you. I promise to take the best care of you. I promise to use your name with the respect it deserves. I promise to always wear the ring with your name in it, as a symbol of my love. I promise to obey you, no matter what. I promise to respect your wishes and not to be selfish. I promise to look after you in sickness and in health.  I solemnly promise all of this to you, Severus Snape, my only love. May these words create a strong loving bond, which can only be broken by death. If I break the promises made, or treat you not in the manner I should be, I'll make sure I'll die. May all the good forces and spirits bless our love eternally…. So it will be done..."
They had their relationship with Snape by channeling his spirit from the astral plane. This manifested in a few different ways, he visited their dreams, took control of the bodies of their boyfriends and husbands to have sex with them (keep in mind that most of these women were around middle age and some of them had been married for years before they married Snape [yes this caused theological arguments between the wives because should you have any IRL husband if you are also married to Snape?]) and most importantly they channeled his spirit to write. As you now know JKR had been channeling Snape to write HP, something obviously went wrong and that was why the books weren't perfect, because JKR is only human and couldn't channel his spirit properly. Snape died in the end? Nope he was immortal. Another quote from a Snape wife "I love you Severus, i know you can stop death, you'll be in my heart forever, i am yours, you deserve all the best, JK doesn't understand you, but there are many people who loves you and support you. Honor to our potion master, a great teacher and an admirable person, loyal and brave, i believe he is still alive." Basically every one of them wrote fanfiction of Snape and themselves (mostly erotic but some claimed Snape was shy and didn't want that on the internet)
It never got really big, even the wildest people in the HPF could point at the Snape wives as being much weirder than them and eventually it sputtered out, other characters came along to takes Snapes place in the hearts of some of them ( Jethro Gibbs was one of them, and I think some of the vampires from Twilight) Drama in the community drove people away, the vast majority of the HPF made fun of them so they got embarrassed or switched from livejournal to more private places. Whatever it was, Snapeism is gone off the internet only to be found with the wayback machine and photoshopped pictures of Snape and this wives still floating around somewhere.
Hoped that covered everything you were looking for. If not the Hobby Drama subreddit has a great explanation       
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Beside the angst i give you i have funny minific
Minific : Akiko teach Mei the Slipper of Doom technique and the Hikari Secret Laughing Pressure Point, she said its used for the boys being idiots lmao-
When they got in Northern Base, Ren awfully being a gremlin himself, having a lot of trouble that Mei use the hikari secret laughing pressure point to him
And oh boy, the boys very afraid of this lady now lmao
Press f in the comments for these boys
“Wow, you guys look awfully glum today,” said Tetsuo, seeing the three quiet swordsmen slumped together, just staring blankly into space. Usually, those three were sparring against each other or being lovey-dovey, but today they seemed to lack the energy to even cuddle properly.
“Ah... the little lady’s out with some other ladies,” Ryo replied with a scratch of his head. “Women who were also Rider companions. They seem to have sort of shindig every now and again.”
“It’s not a little shindig, Ogami-san. It’s an initiation,” Touma intoned gravely. “When she returns, she will no longer be our sweet, innocent Mei... She will have powers beyond our imagination.”
The two elder swordsmen gave each other bewildered looks. “What the hell are you talking about?” the bladesmith questioned.
“Ah... they haven’t heard about it yet...” Rintaro sighed. “They haven’t been made aware of the horrors of the technique...”
“...You make it sound like Mei’s gonna be taught witchcraft or something,” Ryo said. “Aren’t you being a little... dramatic?”
“Ogami-san, if only you knew... the power the technique holds,” Kento replied seriously. “They say it’s been able to control the pink bastard. And if that is true... If Mei uses it on us...” he shuddered.
“I’m back~!” rang out a sing-song voice from the door, and all three boys yelped and practically stood to attention. Mei happily skipped up to her lovers and greeted them all with kisses, seemingly unaware of how stiff they all were. “I hope you didn’t miss me too much while I was out with the others today! I had a lot of fun, and they taught me so much!”
Touma, Rintaro and Kento forced themselves to smile. “We’re glad you did, love. We can’t wait to see what you’ve learnt...” Rintaro trailed off.
“Oh, don’t worry! I can show you guys soon enough!” Mei said brightly, and the trio’s smiles froze on their faces. “Now, where’s that little gremlin? I need him to be my guinea pig...”
“Guinea... pig...” Tetsuo said slowly, casting a sideways glance towards the three who seemed rather relieved that she hadn’t targeted one of them instead. 
“Did someone call for a gremlin?” Everyone yelped as Ren jumped down from somewhere, presumably the rafters, munching on a chocolate eclair. 
“Hey! Isn’t that my eclair?!” Rintaro exclaimed, pointing at the half-finished pastry.
“Hey, if it’s not labelled, it’s fair game,” Ren stated, showing the wrapper lacking of any markings. “You snooze, you lose.” He said, sticking his tongue out at Rintaro.
“Why you-” Rintaro said, but before he could move towards the thief, Mei had made her move.
“Alright, time to use my new skill.... take this, you little gremlin!” And she pressed her thumb onto the side of Ren’s neck.
“What was tha- hahahahahahahaha!” Ren started laughing uncontrollably, dropping the eclair to clutch at his stomach as he fell onto his knees. “I- hahaha- I can’t sto- hahahahahaha!”
Ryo and Tetsuo stared at the laughing ninja in shock, but Touma, Rintaro and Kento let out a yelp and backed away with fear in their eyes. Mei, on the other hand, was beside herself with joy. “Yay! It’s working!” she cheered, clapping her hands.
“Waihahahahaha- I can’t- hahahaha- I can’t breathe anymore- hahahaha-” The Swordsman of Wind unceremoniously passed out, curled in a fetal position, having apparently laughed himself into unconsciousness. 
Mei’s smile grew wider. “I can’t wait to teach this to the others!” she said. “I’ll go find Sophia-sama right now!” And with that, the editor bounced off to find the Northern Base’s mentor, leaving five terrified swordsmen in her wake.
“This technique...” Tetsuo said breathlessly, “How terrifying that such a woman knows it...”
Rintaro shook his head. “All the women companion of the Riders apparently know this technique. And now Mei knows it as well...” 
“And she’s probably gonna teach it to Sophia-sama...” Kento whispered. “And maybe even Reika-san... and Haruka-san...”
Ryo’s face went pale at the mention of his darling wife being taught such a thing. “Oh, fuck,” he swore. “If she learns that... I’m screwed...”
“We’re all screwed, Ogami-san,” Touma said mournfully, as their eyes went to the poor ninja gremlin passed out on the floor, his stolen eclair now smushed against his still-smiling face.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #841: Jack-O Challenge Part 2 (Persona 5)
1:12 p.m. at Shiyuba's Dance Studio........
Ann: (Trying her Hardest to Keep her Balance While Doing the Jack-O Challenge With Makoto, Haru, and Shiho) This.....is...... LITERALLY.... impossible right now!!
Shiho: (Giggles Softly) Oh don't be like that, Ann-Bear. You're doing great.
Ann: (Turns to Shiho) Easy for you to say.....You three able to do all of this without trembling once! HOW!?
Makoto: We do plenty of stretches on our free time. It's important to make sure our arms and legs get a little more flexible than usual. Common knowledge really.
Haru: (Turns to Ann) Don't you and Shiho-san usually do your daily stretches every morning?
Shiho: I do them. Ann.....not so much.
Ann: Hey! I stretch! Just.....not as much as you guys do......
Futuba: (Watches the Challenge Plays Out While Holding a Stopwatch) You're never gonna get on the others' level if you don't do your daily stretches.
Ann: (Gives Futuba a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Uh-huh. And you mind telling us why YOU aren't doing this challenge with us, little miss couch?
Futuba: I'm a professional hacker. Not an upcoming model, an athlete, an Aikido trainee, or whatever Haru is supposed to be.
Haru: Well, I'm a proud mother of one, a fairly decent gardener on my off time, and hopefully an owner of a small coffee shop in the near future.
Makoto: (Turns to Haru) You want to start your coffee business?
Haru: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. Mr. Sojiro has inspired me a lot about making coffee as of late. So I thought about forming a small business involving around it.
Ann: (Still Trying to Hold On a Little Longer) That's.....great..... Haru....Ypu should..... definitely.....give it a try......
Haru: You really think so?
Makoto: (Smiles Softly at Haru) If this is really what you want to do in the future, then you should go for it.
Shiho: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Ann: Ex....actlty!.....('Ugh') How long are we gonna keep doing this!?
Futuba: Well, we started the challenge a few minutes ago. (Starts Smirking) Buuuuuut, if you girls managed to keep doing this in a couple hours, we might be one step closer to breaking a world record.
Ann: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) COUPLE OF HOURS!? OH fuck no! (Finally and Slowly Lay Herself Down) I am NOT gonna break my back doing this stupid challenge for hours on end!! I am DONE!!
Shiho: (Lays Herself Down as Well) Me too!~
Ann: (Sighs While Turning Towards her Girlfriend Next to Her) Shiho, why did you give up like that? You were doing a helluva lot better at the challenge than I was.
Shiho: (Gives Ann a Soft Smile) Yeah. But it wouldn't be fun doing this without you. So if you go down, I'll come along with you.
Ann: (Heart Begins to Melt in Happiness as Scoots Herself Over to Shiho and Hugs Her Lovingly)
Futuba: ('Ugh') (Starts Rolling her Eyes) The sappy couple are clearly out for the count.....
Ann/Shiho: HEY!
Futuba: (Already Had her Attention Set on Makoto and Haru) Think you two lovely ladies have what it takes to keep the challenge going?
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) We'll try our best, Futuba.
Haru: You know, I'm curious, Makoto. What makes you want to do this challenge in the first place?
Makoto: I heard it could be good source for exercise. So I figured I'd give it a shot, you know?
Haru: Fair. (Starts Smirking a bit Teasingly at Makoto) But are you sure you don't have alternative reasons on why you're doing this?~
Makoto: (Eyes Starts Widened Up a Bit) A-Alternative reasons?
Haru: Yes. You know, like hoping that, by trying this special kind of challenge, you could try using this technique and make a certain someone's heart skip a beat on your own time. Certain someone named......Ren-Ren~
Makoto starts to suddenly gasps in surprise while blushing before losing her own balance and falling down on the training mat.
Makoto: (Pouts at Haru While Getting Herself Up) No fair, Haru! That was cheating!
Futuba: I'll allow it. (Points at Haru) Victory goes to Momma Haru!~
Haru: (Smiles Brightly and Victoriously) Yatta!~
Ann: Wait a second......(Glares at Futuba Again) You mean to tell me this has been a Last Man Standing challenge from the very start!?
Futuba: Yep!~ (Starts Smirking Once Again) What? You guys actually think you could last a hour or two doing a meme challenge?
Haru: (Still Doing the Jack-O Challenge) I can do it for an hour or two-
Futuba: (Suddenly Starts Point at the Glass Door) Hey look! Are they selling huge bags of fertilizer outside the studio as we speak?
Haru: (Gasps Loudly Before Turning Straight at the Glass Door) Fertilizer!?
Unfortunately for the Noir, she starts losing her balance before falling down at the mat as well. Causing Futuba to burst out laughing.
Haru: (Gives Futuba a Disappointed Glare) That wasn't funny, Futuba Sakura.
Futuba: Not to you maybe, but this already comedy gold to me! (Continues Laughing)
Ann: ('Sigh') Teenagers....
Shiho: I know. I can't believe we used to be this immature.
Ann: Right? It's been years since we were all those types of goofballs.
Shiho: Ain't that the truth.
Makoto: Guys, we just graduated high school two months ago.
Ann: Let us have our moment, Mrs. Amamiya.
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Bulletproofness and Playing God Jay Halstead x reader
written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
requested by @confusedpimp​, I hope you like it!
warnings: swearing, addiction, Hannah Asher is NOT porprayed well in this you have been warned, malpractice, emergency c-section complications, involves Chicago Med episode ‘Do No Harm’, police being idiots and assholes, warrants served incorrectly, drugs, drug dealers, bad neighbourhood created by systematic oppression and gentrification, Will is a prick with issues, and canon compliant violence
A/N: I am very sympathetic and supportive of people who have addictions because not only are there a tone of genetic factors that weigh in on it, but environmental factors that most people have very little to no control over. That being said, I am strongly against people with addictions working in healthcare, first responding, and/or law enforcement who spend most of their time with vulnerable people who don’t have much of a choice about whether to trust them or not. If someone works in an area where they have someone’s life in their hands they cannot be addicted to a substance that will control their ability to make judgements, affect how/their ability to work, and function as a whole.
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In the past eight months, a warrant has been served to your apartment twenty-one times. You haven’t done anything wrong, the name on the warrants was always for your upstairs neighbour, did this make being woken up and the fucking crack of dawn and being interrogated (sometimes arrested) any easier? Not even a fucking bit. So you weren’t surprised when at 3:28 am, your door was busted open (again), heard shouts of “Chicago PD!” (again), and heard your house being “cleared” (again). You groaned and sat up, holding your hands up. Your bedroom door was thrown open with a bang. “I am unarmed, Marcus Evans lives in the apartment upstairs, and I have no association to him.” In the blandest voice possible, you recited the statement the legal aid at your university wrote you. “Uh... Sorry? Hey, Sarg, I think I’ve figured out why there were so many unsuccessful warrants on this place.” The blonde man was still pointing a gun at your head, but more members of his unit came to surround him.   
“Can I put my hands down now? I have documents that prove I am innocent, that the warrant was served to the wrong address, again, and that the only connection I have to Marcus Evans is that he is my annoying upstairs neighbour.”
They all sheepishly looked at you. The Latina woman spoke up, “the apartment is clear of anything even remotely illegal. Well, aside from the power lines attached to her box outside that show that her neighbours have been stealing power and internet from her.”
‘Sarg’, an older man with silver hair with a surprised look on his face nodded. “Alright, put ‘em down and get us the papers.”
Despite all the evidence that the warrant wasn’t meant for you, they still insisted on taking you down to the station. You refused since they couldn’t arrest you and had no grounds to hold you on, and Sergeant Voight did not like that. “I’m too tired to give a shit about what you want. I have three jobs, student loans, and university to deal with. The only things of value in my apartment are my crappy laptop and internet access. The only time I am ever here is to sleep. You already disturbed what little sleep I was able to get, and I have work in... Forty-five minutes. Just great. Please leave, and can one of you, for the love of all things holy put a note in the system that this is NOT Marcus Evans’ apartment?!” Everyone flinched at your outburst, all looking both sympathetic and annoyed except for Detective Halstead, he just looked very sad for you. “Of course,” he said as he handed you a business card, “if you could call me when you have time, we have some pretty important questions.” Sargent Voight shot him a look, one that clearly said ‘what the fuck are you doing? That’s not your call.’ “Okay. Now seriously, please leave.” Irritated and muttering under their breath, barring Halstead who gave you a smirk and a wink, they all left stepping over the splinters of the door you replaced three weeks before.
The next day after entering your sparsely decorated apartment, dropping dead on your bed/couch, you heard the distinctive sounds of a door being broken down, followed by the police announcing themselves, and an apartment being searched... Above yours. They finally got the right apartment! Despite the ache in your muscles and bones, you jumped up and cheered. Complete and utter elation surrounded you and your soul. A few minutes into your dancing and celebrating there was a knock on the door. Smiling brighter than you had in years you answered the door. “Good morning detective!”
“Well, good morning to you too, Ms. Y/L/N. You’re in a much better mood.”
“To be fair, you guys busted into my apartment at three in the morning, again, and I just heard everything that happened upstairs, you guys finally got the right apartment!”
“Hey, we never served more than one warrant here.”
“Your unit only served one, but your brothers in blue served twenty-one. Destroying property, unlawful arrest, causing severe anxiety, and just general harassment for eight months. The only reason I didn’t move was because I couldn’t afford to. I’m just happy it’s over now, I’ll never have a  Marcus Evans warrant served at my apartment again!” Halstead looked happy when you opened the door and your conversation began, but when you finally took a breath you noticed how guilty he looked. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, looking like he was in physical pain, before he nodded at you and walked away, leaving you feeling incredibly confused.
Two days later you returned from two ten-hour shifts to Jay Halstead in front of your door. “Detective?”
“Please, call me Jay.”
“Alright, Jay, what are you doing here? Is everything okay with Marcus’s arrest?”
“Oh yeah, everything’s fine with that. I came here because of this.” He handed you a large manilla envelope. “What’s this?”
“Compensation. For everything that happened over the last eight months. And apartment listings in better neighbourhoods. Seriously, you need to get out of here, it’s way too dangerous.”
“Thanks for the advice, and the compensation, I’ll think about it. But it just might not be doable for me.”
You couldn’t afford to move, something that irked Jay to no end. So he came around often. Dropping by with coffee and Irish breakfasts. Sharing his Netflix password and watching B99 together. Driving you home from work or university when it was late. The days grew shorter, and your hours of work grew longer. Jay worried. About you. About the number of hours you worked. About how much university work you had. About your health, how much (or little, really) you slept and ate, how you didn’t see the doctor as often you should (ironic considering you were in med school), and about how you never took time to relax, always jumping from one task to the next. 
You slumped against the passenger seat of Jay’s truck, exhausted after working for thirty hours straight, ten at each of your jobs. “Okay, seriously, you can’t keep living like this. I have a spare room, I can get you a civilian job at my precinct. You are wearing yourself to the bone. Please, Y/N.”
“I get my residency assignment tomorrow. I quit today.”
“You did?”
“All of them?”
“All three.”
“And you’ll move out of your apartment?”
“Nope.” Popping the ‘p’. Jay sighed and shook his head, before looking at your half-asleep form. “I’ll take you to the shithole you call a home.”
Jumping up and down you waited for Jay to open the door. The envelopes sitting on his coffee table glaring at you. You flopped onto his couch (that didn’t also double as a bed) and huffed impatiently. Fidgeting.
The door opened and you jumped up, startling your best friend. His cop/ranger instincts taking over. He stiffly dropped his jacket and yanked out his gun before aiming it for your head. Panic coursed through you, tightening your chest. Reflexively you put up your hands, not able to control the words that bubbled out of your throat. “I’m bulletproof... But please don’t shoot me.” Jay lowered his gun, laughing. “‘Bulletproof’? Really?”
“Hey, I panicked, shut up.”
“What’re you doing here, anyway? I thought you were taking another shift?”
“I was, but then Sarah’s plans fell through so she decided to take her shift back, plus I got my fellowship applications back!”
“Where did you get accepted?!”
“I don’t know I was waiting for you to get back to open them!”
“Well I’m here now, so open them!” 
“Okay, okay, here we go; Honolulu general, accepted, Seattle Grace, no, but they had a bomb blow up there recently so I’m not heartbroken, Chicago med, yes, and Miami Dade Memorial, yes. Okay 3/4, that’s great! What do you think?”
“Well I’m biased, so Chicago Med, but it would be fun to visit you in Hawaii.” 
“Hawaii is so expensive though, I’d probably have to have a part-time job to make rent.”
“In a decent apartment this time.”
“Two part-time jobs, then. So Hawaii is out, now Miami... It is hot there, beaches, the ocean, the food, but Miami Dade Memorial isn’t very prominent in the research department and the crime rate is awful in the part I’d need to live and work in. I mean I know isn’t a whole lot better but... It would feel a bit like moving from bad to worse, especially on my budget.”
“So that leaves Chicago...”
“It does, but I think I need to find a new place that’s closer to Med and filled with less dug dealers.”
“Please tell me this was a subtle way of asking if you can move in with me.”
“It wasn’t, but now that you bring it up, would that be okay?”
“YES! Oh thank fuck, you’re finally moving out of that rat’s nest! C’mon, let’s go get your stuff now!”
“But Jay I just paid this month’s rent-“
“Let’s gooooooooooo!”
Because your apartment was in such a “great location” (in the same building as three drug dealers) your landlord was willing to give half of your rent back. It had only taken you twenty-something minutes to pack your things and leave. Now you were starting your surgical OB/GYN fellowship, excited to not be working multiple jobs at once for the first time since you were twelve. While Jay’s brother, Will, worked at Med as well he worked in the ED while you worked in the gynecology unit and you were thankful you only had to work together for consults or in an all hands on deck situation because he could be a fucking prick. When you first met him years ago he spent two hours quizzing your medical knowledge, and he got annoyed when you got everything right and he couldn’t correct you. So when you got a consult from him your first week there, you were apprehensive. “Hey Y/N, treatment room four.”
“Thanks, Maggie.” You pushed back the curtain and were met with the sight of a pregnant woman clearly in immense pain and a frustrating ginger. “Dr. Asher is her OB but we can’t find her anywhere. She was on-call but I, and a couple of nurses, and her secretary have been blowing up her phone and we’ve got nothing back. This is her patient Sienna. She’s in a lot of pain but is refusing painkillers, you’ve been working with her a lot lately-“ You snorted. His facial expression hardened. “Just come out and say it Y/L/N.”
“First of all it’s doctor Y/L/N, second of all, I haven’t been ‘working’ with her, I’ve been taking care of ‘her’ patients because she’s almost never at work. She just cancels the appointments short notice and since these women are kind of on a timeline their appointments get reassigned to other doctors. She’s listed as their doctor on all the forms but she’s never even met half of them. Sienna is the only patient that Dr. Asher has seen more than once.” 
“Don’t talk about her like that, you don’t know-“
“That she’s an addict? The entire OB floor knows we just don’t have enough proof to do anything about it. And don’t get me wrong, I know that there’s a lot of genetic components to addiction and I would be sympathetic if she wasn’t responsible for multiple lives at a time on a daily basis.” You turned on your heel and entered the room, done with Will Halstead and his bullshit. “Hi Sienna, my name is Dr. Y/N Y/L/N, and I’ll be filling in for Dr. Asher, I understand that you don’t want any drugs and while that’s fine, if your condition gets bad enough we may have to intervene but we’ll do everything we can for you and your baby, okay?”
“Where’s Dr. Asher? I need her here, she understands!”
“Okay, we’re still trying to find her okay?”
“So I heard that you and my brother locked horns today.”
“Your brother is a prick.”
“I know that he is, I’m just wondering what happened this time.”
“He’s doing this weird ethical-puppy love-guilt trippy-Romeo and Juliet level of doomed-unnecessary drama-thing going on and it’s completely affecting how he treats his patients. We already had one loose cannon we couldn’t disarm, now we have another. It’s come to the point that I’m genuinely worried about the patients that come into Med, and I don’t know what to do.”
“I’m sorry, I wish there was something I could do.”
“Just try not to antagonize Will, okay? He’s more on edge and that makes him erratic, I would really appreciate it if you wouldn’t make it worse.”
“Okay. I’ll leave him alone.”
“Thank you. I’m starving, what should we do for dinner?”
“Vietnamese is on the way.”
“Have I told you how amazing you are today?”
“Yes, but I would love to hear it again.”
Dr. Asher’s medical negligence had finally caught up with her, and for once Will wasn’t even remotely involved. He and Asher were having one of their silent spats again when Asher dropped the ball, or baby rather, during an emergency c-section of a patient she misdiagnosed and mistreated because she was in need of a fix. The only reason the mother didn’t hemorrhage and baby didn’t crack his skull was because of your observations and quick reflexes. The baby was healthy and mom was recovering and you were fuming. After scrubbing out you approached the, understandably distressed, father and told him that on your best medical opinion he and his wife should file a malpractice suit for missing an easy and obvious diagnosis, screwing up a routine surgery, and almost killing his son seconds after he was born.
You met with him, his lawyer and Asher two days later in a conference room with Goodwin and Peter the Stressed Out Lawyer. You accused her of having an addiction. The father requested a drug test. Goodwin glared, you glared back. If she didn’t want it handled like this then she should have dealt with it months ago when you brought it up your second week at Med. She tried to approach you in the hall, condescension on the tip of her tongue when you levelled her with a glare so fierce it rivalled that of Godzilla. “You do not get to scold me like I am a child. I told you when I first got here that she has a problem. That she is a danger to everyone who comes into her care. That she is a danger to other doctors. That she is a liability. Do not bitch to me when I told a husband and father who almost his wife and son to her recklessness to sue. To get angry and fight back. Do not take that petty, catty, condescending tone with me because I went around you. You have absolutely no ground to stand on. Because. You. Were. Wrong.”
You were surprised you had a job to come back to the next day. So was a very pissed off and ‘heartbroken’ Will Halstead. He kept running around to your colleagues, badmouthing you, trying to get them to join in and turn on you, but that didn’t happen. They not only agreed with you but rallied around you. Doctors are not gods. They do not get to ignore a patient’s wishes or act like they don’t have restrictions and limitations. It came to the point that Will told Jay he didn’t approve of you and that he had to dump you... Despite the fact that you weren’t dating.
Jay had rolled his eyes and pushed Will out of the apartment before giving you a hug and made you pancakes for dinner. “I’m sorry that I messed up your relationship with Will.”
“Don’t be. We’re brothers, we fight from time to time, and sometimes those fights are bigger than others and that’s okay. Will, well Halsteads in general, are pretty good at torpedoing any and all romantic relationships.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“My parents only got married cause my mom got knocked up and fought non-stop, Will was and still is in love with Natalie but he was too controlling, secretive, and refused to tell her about Burke, and me... Lindsay and I were on a break before we left because my Vegas wife refused to divorce me and I didn’t tell her I had even been to Vegas.”
“Okay, so maybe it’s a little true, but it’s not because you’re bad people or  Even just saying ‘yes there’s something going on but I don’t feel ready to talk about it with you’ would go a long way. Cause all you Halstead guys say is that you’re fine but you never are and if you lie to yourself you lie to your partner.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. And tell Will when his head is surgically removed from Asher’s ass. You’ve seen that he follows her around like a puppy, right?”
“Yup, everyone on the OB floor has been talking about it nonstop since he started his whatever it was with Asher.”
Because of the suit, the hospital conducted an internal investigation in relation to Dr. Asher that pretty much everyone could confirm. Erratic behaviour and attendance, leaving other doctors to tend to her patients while keeping her name on the case files, and horrifying evidence of being high while working. Granted that had only happened twice and she literally just sat in her office staring at paperwork the whole time. Still, she was fired, the suit was settled, and Asher lost her license. You had destroyed her career and while there was a part of you that felt guilty, you knew that in the end she did the right thing. She refused help and kept carrying on in a way that would have been detrimental to more patients if other doctors hadn’t stepped in. Will still wasn’t talking to you and had started avoiding Jay recently because you two started dating.
Barring the tension from all the Will stuff, your relationship was doing well. You had great dates (both out and at the apartment), were radiating happiness together, and Jay was taking your words about communication to heart. Not once has the phrase ‘I’m fine’ dripped off of his lips. If he didn’t want to tell you something or was more comfortable talking about it with his therapist or Upton before you he’d let you know. Most times he would just talk about what was bothering him, even if it was only bullet points sometimes you both felt relieved that functional relationships were actually possible. 
You were on a date with Jay at your favourite Jamaican restaurant when you ran into Hannah Asher. She did not look pleased to see you and quite honestly you could have lived the rest of your life happily if you never had to see her again. After a few seconds of glaring at you and your boyfriend, an annoying ginger put his arm around her. “Hi Will. How are you?”
“My girlfriend and I are doing well Jacob.”
“Really Will? You’re using my whole name because my-”
“Okay, you know what? Let’s go our separate ways. It looked like you guys were just leaving, and we’re probably confusing our poor hostess. So let’s both just walk away.”
“You ruined my life.”
“You took everything from me!”
“Do you have any idea how many patients you almost killed in your time at Med? Because I do, and it’s a triple-digit number. You shouldn’t have been practicing in your condition and you know it. So you need to drop the victim act and walk away.” You saw her face contort into complete and utter rage, then everything is hazy. There were lights, bright red ones, and screaming, you were pretty sure Jay was there, and there was... Copper? Why did your mouth feel like it was full of liquid pennies? There was gurgling, was there a baby? Were they okay? You tried to speak, get up, look around, but you were too tired. You were begging yourself to move, to do something, but it felt like your bones turned into melting iron.
You didn’t remember waking up, or falling asleep for that matter, you were just looking at the glass door and suddenly it came into focus. You didn’t even know how you got to the ED, what happened at the restaurant. Dr. Choi entered your room apprehensively. “Y/L/N? How are you feeling?”
“Like I was mauled by a tiger.”
“That’s... Actually pretty close to what happened, honey.”
“Hey, I’m right here. So, what’s the prognosis Choi?”
“Multiple contusions on the right side of the abdomen, lower back and around your neck, multiple lacerations all over your abdomen, forearms, and two on your head. Your liver was also perforated, we couldn’t stop the bleeding so we had to remove half of it, which you know means it’ll take a couple of months to grow back and you won’t be able to drink for around a year. We’re going to need to monitor you and run some tests, so you’re gonna be here for a few days.”
“Well I should hope so. What? Why are you two looking at me like I have eight heads? I could’ve died.”
“... You actually want to stay in the hospital and be cared for by your colleagues?”
“I trust you, besides I’ll only make things worse if I check myself out AMA, doesn’t matter how good of a doctor I am. It’ll be hard and I’m not going to enjoy it, but I have to stay here and get treated regardless so I might as well be as positive as I can about it.”
“You are officially my favourite patient.”
“And I love you even more.”
“Thanks guys, I appreciate it.”
“What happened Jay? I don’t remember anything after telling her to walk away.”
“She went berserk. Attacked you. I tried to pull her off but Will lost his mind, telling me not to hurt her. I managed to toss him after a couple of seconds but I was too late. She’d already slashed you up and stabbed you twice. I grabbed her but she managed to get a bunch of kicks in while I was hauling her away from you all while screaming that she was going to kill you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you. She’s sitting in a cell at the 21st right now with Platt breathing down her neck. We also did a drug test on her, she was high as all hell.”
“Please don’t feel bad Jay, I know that you reacted as fast and did as much as you could. And I know that Will did what he could to stop you. How is Will by the way?”
“He’s in the cell next to hers. He assaulted a police officer and was an accomplice in assault. Voight’s been asking if I want to drop the charges against him because he’s my brother. And I just don’t know, I wanted to talk to you first.”
“I don’t want to charge him. And I don’t want you to press charges either, but I won’t stop you if that’s what you want.”
“I don’t want him to go to jail, I want him to go to therapy. He needs it.”
“I wasn’t sure if I should say anything, but he really does. And I think you need to be the one to bring it up with him. We can do some research, too, and find psychiatrists that have their own practices so that it’s not connected to the hospital at all.”
“That sounds like a great idea, but I think you mean I do the research cause you are supposed to be resting and not doing any physically or mentally strenuous tasks.”
“Fine, fine. Just give Will a hug from me when you see him.”
The day of the trial had finally arrived and you were pissed off about it. The date of the trial was the same day as your due date. The defence had done everything they could to delay the trial, and when they finally settled on the worst possible day three weeks ago, you’d tried to have it delayed again because you didn’t want to give birth in a courtroom. The defence had convinced the judge to deny it, so here you were, sitting in a sweltering room that smelled like old wood and seventies carpet for five hours beside your husband behind the district attorney doing your best not to glare at the judge. “It’s going to be okay, honey, she won’t get away with anything, it’s cut and dry. The only real thing to do is to determine her sentence.” Jay kissed your forehead and placed his hand on top of yours on your protruding stomach. You winced. “She just kicked again, Jay.”
“That’s seven minutes apart.”
“I’m in labour, we need to go.” Jay nodded to your lawyer who motioned to the judge for permission to speak. “Your honour, my client is in labour, may we adjourn so that she and her husband can go to the hospital?”
“Objection your honour!”
“Ms. Asher, do not interrupt the prosecution. I’ve heard and seen more than enough evidence. Ms. Asher, you are hereby sentenced to twenty-five years in prison for aggravated assault and attempted murder. The court now is adjourned. Oh, and Dr. Y/L/N and detective Halstead? Congratulations.”
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kkysolo · 4 years
Stuck On You / Prologue
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Pairing: Ben Solo|Kylo Ren/Reader Setting: Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, dystopia, modern, gangs. Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, war, gang violence, emotional hurt/angst, codependent relationships (eventual fluff, smut, romance). 
Available here on AO3, and under the cut. 
Summary:  The year is 2084.
Despite its advances, society has collapsed on itself. The world is crooked, damaged, dying. Rezoned into new territories, separating the elite from the unworthy. Civilization is crumbling at your very feet, and in the midst of it all, your best friend, Ben Solo, has been missing for three years.  You desperately cling to what's left of him, hoping that he'll come home, praying that things will fall back into place. 
And then he does. And they don't. Because life is different when you're a scoundrel in the midst of a class war. 
A/N: Please don't mind me, posting another WIP.  I might continue posting this on here as well as AO3. 
This piece (particularly reader's experience of Ben being missing) is heavily inspired (and named after) Stuck On You by Failure. You can find it here if you want to give it a listen. 
This is just the prologue, and won't give much insight into the worldbuilding. That will come in the following chapters. Also, I'm writing this with the assumption that phones will still be a thing in 2084, though they're only still used by the poor.
Then: New Year’s 2083
The way you tore across the dilapidated bar, seething, irate - the force behind your movements astonished your friends as you shoved past them, beelining for the toilets. You hated the holiday season. It was New Years - it was supposed to be a good night, a fun night. But these fights, these senseless, petty arguments and drunken tears, they ruined it. Every single time.
You slammed the ruddy green cubicle door shut behind you, taking your phone out of your purse and sliding down onto the cool tile. It was wet, damp with fluid from the leaking lavatory that stuck to your dress. The tears came, then. Heaving, wretched sobs that ripped from your chest before you could stop them. You clawed at your knees, pulling them close to your chest as you felt that familiar crack in your lungs, that awful lump in your throat. For two years, you’d been numbly pandering through life with a canyon-sized gash in your chest - right between your lungs. A hole you couldn’t fix, a wound that wouldn’t heal. Always open, always weeping, always infected with ruminations of what could have been.  What would have been, if he hadn’t left.  Disappeared. Vanished. Gone. 
Everyone in town had bets down on when you’d get together. You’d been friends since high-school, completely inseparable. You clung to him - your world, your dreams, your future, it all revolved around him. Because to you, nothing was worth doing if he couldn’t come with you. If he couldn’t be a part of it, like he’d been a part of everything else in your life. An ever steady presence, calming and strong throughout the most turbulent of times. No matter the unrest, no matter how society changed and faltered, you always had him. And oh, how you loved him. How you dreamt of him. 
You’d still call him, sometimes. Just to hear his voicemail. Just to hear that casual, “Hey, sorry I missed you”. 
You're sorry, too.
His mother kept up his phone payments, just in case. Just in case he turned his phone back on. Just in case he needed it. Just in case he wanted to call. She couldn’t afford it, not really. No one had enough credits to just throw them at something that wasn’t even being used. But she paid it, all the same. 
You’d text him, too. Just little things, here and there. You’d never get a reply, of course. But you hoped he’d seen them. Hoped he’d seen your birthday wishes, your happy holidays and “do you remember when…?” messages. Whenever your hometown got rezoned, whenever you were swept along to another derelict flat, another house-share in ruins, you’d text him the coordinates. Just in case. Just in case he’d come home. Because where was home, really, to any of you? In a world where land and ownership was reserved for the wealthy, your only home was in each other. In your friends. In your family. In your sense of belonging, wherever it may have been.
And though you called and called and called, you’d never left a voicemail. You almost did, a couple of times. But never knew what to say. You tried, you really did try not to think the worst. You tried not to think of his towering frame withering away in a ditch somewhere, lost among the scrap metal and copper wires. You tried not to think of  his pale skin pulled too-tight over rotting bones, succumbing to maggots. No, you didn’t think like that. You couldn’t.
Your cracked and glitchy phone screen was barely visible through your haze of tears, but you didn’t need to see it. You knew his number off by heart, had done since you were a girl. He never changed it. He worried you’d forget it, if he did, wouldn’t be able to reach him if you needed him. 
The sad irony of that fact made your wails come harder. 
With trembling hands, you held the phone to your ear, shutting your eyes for a moment and relishing in the sounds of his voice as his voicemail greeting played. You sniffled, inhaling shakily in a poor attempt to control your ragged breathing. 
“Hey,” you whispered after the beep. “Hey, it’s um. Me, I guess,” you sniffled again, fresh tears rolling down your cheeks. Every breath was laboured, your lungs felt as though they were burning, like you were inhaling smoke. “I just..I wanted to hear your voice. I just…” you sobbed, then, unable to compose yourself. You’d been so good at that, before. Once upon a time, in another life. Or at least, what felt like another life. “Ben, I-I need you, I can’t do this without you, I-I’m so t-tired of trying t-to do this w-w-without you. I can’t, I c-can’t do it,” you took another unsteady breath, hoping, praying, that he’d hear you. That he’d find you. “Just...p-please, Ben. Please come home, I miss you”.
You dropped your phone back into your lap, letting your head fall into your hands as you let yourself fall apart. Your heels slid on the tile, your lungs crackled with effort as they desperately fought to breathe through your howls. You’d learned early on that the only way to manage the pain, the tears, the hurricanes that came tearing out of that trench inside you, was to let it come. Let it pass, let it wash over you in tidal waves. It would dwindle eventually. The storm would subside, leaving behind its wreckage, its carnage. You didn’t bother with damage control. There wasn’t much of a point. The next storm was never far off. 
As you felt yourself begin to settle, you heard a faint knock on the other side of the cubicle door. Your name was called softly, followed by another knock. You took a deep breath, yanking at the discoloured toilet roll to dab at your face and running nose.
“One second,” you called hoarsely, picking yourself up off the floor and straightening your dress. You’d ripped your tights somewhere in your frenzy, and you pinched absently at the ladder you’d created as you collected yourself. You had no idea how long you’d been in there, how long you’d been crying. But if the scratching in your throat and the pounding between your ears was anything to go by, it had been long enough. You took another breath as a poor attempt of maintaining composure before swinging open the door, revealing a concerned Rose. Glowing, ethereal as always, even in the darkest of bars. 
“You look like you need a hug,” she murmured, stepping closer. She held her arms out timidly. Bless her heart, she tried. Always, even when you pushed her away. You felt yourself well up again, blinking the tears away as you stepped into her embrace. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I know you miss him.”
She knew, she always knew. 
“I need him, Rose,” you whined, your words muffled as you spoke into her shoulder. “I need him.”
“I know, sweetie,” she hugged you tighter, “I know.”
You sniffled, pulling away as you reached for more tissue. “I’m sorry,” you muttered, dabbing at your eyes. “I’m sorry that I’m always such a fucking wreck when I drink.” 
“Hey,” she held your arm softly. “Don’t be sorry. No one can tell you to heal.”
You nodded, chucking the tissue into the toilet. “Christ, what a mess.” 
Rose smiled, tugging at your arm softly. “Y’know, Jon sent me in here,” she said, her tone subdued. “He’s worried.”
You rolled your eyes. Jon was jealous, always had been, of your missing best friend. A man he’d never met, a man who could well be dead, owned more of your heart, more of your soul, more of your attention than he ever could. And that was fair enough, you knew that. You couldn’t argue with his statements, or how he felt. But the way he’d yell, the way he’d cry when he sensed a storm coming, when he knew you missed Ben a little more than usual. The way he’d tell you to get over it, to let go, to accept that he was probably dead. It boiled your blood. He didn’t know Ben, he’d never met him, never saw that cheeky glint in his eye, never heard his airy laughter. He’d never been hugged by him, or sang to. He’d never gotten to know his stupid jokes, or his obstinate, mercurial attitude that could be so fucking frustrating but so inherently Ben. Most importantly, though, he’d never seen how Ben looked at you. How he held you when you fell asleep on the couch, how he’d carry you to your bed before hugging your mother goodbye. How he’d dance with you, how he’d laugh with you, how he’d just be with you. It infuriated you, when Jon would insist that you let all of that go. To accept that he wasn’t coming back. Because you couldn’t accept that. You wouldn’t. 
When you returned to your group, you avoided his gaze, settling in beside Rose on the opposite end of the table. Never one to back down from a potential fight, Jon approached your seat, tapping your shoulder and eyeing you expectantly. He wasn’t a bad person, Jon. He was kind, and he loved you. But you couldn’t bring yourself to love him, you couldn't bring yourself to care for him the way he cared for you. And maybe you deserved this, all of this endless pain, for stringing him along for all these years, using him as a distraction to alleviate your ache. You lived with constant guilt, constant shame for what you were doing. But you couldn’t stop, couldn’t get out. You worried that if you did, you’d crumble completely. You wished you didn’t need a crutch, you wished you felt enough empathy for Jon to leave. But you didn’t. All you ever felt was Ben, remnants of him sticking to your bones like a thirsty parasite, draining you of all emotion.
“I need some time,” you said plainly. “I just...Please. Just leave me alone.” You shook your head, your eyes glued to your half-empty rum and coke. Rum and badly brewed beer was the only alcohol available in the rezoned land. It turned your stomach sometimes, but a drink was a drink, at the end of the day.
You didn’t look at him, didn’t meet his eyes as he left, only saw him slip out of your peripheral vision and into the sea of people around you. 
When you crawled into your damp bed that night, alone and still in your dress, you’d never felt so misplaced, so lost. So hollow. So full of nothing that it terrified you. But when you slipped into a dream, into a world far kinder, far simpler than your own, you swore you could feel him. Swore you felt his arms, his hair, his breath. So you clung to it, anchored yourself to his broad frame and allowed yourself to melt. At least, in your dreams, he still clung to you, too. 
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mookoo-writes · 4 years
~Dice and Secrets~ (Ford x Reader)
Authors Note: I just played Swooning Over Stan’s and-
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Pairing(s): Stanford Pines x Reader
Warning(s): Gender Neutral Reader, Cursing probably, nerds crushing on each other, post Weirdmageddon
Anyway, please enjoy~
“Roll for initiative!”
The sound of groans along with multiple rolling dice echoed through the hall. It was 1 in the morning and the shake was silent besides the occasional dice hitting the table. 
Why were you up this late? That’s simple. You were continuing a Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons campaign along with avoiding being caught playing such a game. Why you kept it a secret from everyone, you couldn’t say. This was just one of your guilty pleasures along with going to Renaissance Faires and dressing up. 
You had picked this time to avoid the risk of someone busting down the door and seeing the pile of multicolored dice scattered across your desk. Your friends didn’t have a problem with it since they live in a different time zone where your a couple hours ahead of them, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t question you with your suggested meet up time. They had eventually got the reason out of you, which resulted in the topic of Ford. You hadn’t talked about your feelings for him to anyone until that moment, so you may or may not have gushed for a few minutes like a lovesick high schooler. 
“Damn it Manny, why did you kick that rock.” Your friend scolded while multiple pieces of paper were being shuffled around. “I didn’t know there was an orc camp behind the bushes!” Your other friend groaned with a sigh. “At least we just healed. Oh, and I rolled a 16.” You added to the conversation, juggling the 20 sided die between your fingers. 
The DM looked up at his papers and rolled his dice a couple times. “Okay first in the order is one of the orcs. He is going to attack your player Y/n since they are standing the closest. I’m going to need you to make a saving throw.” You groan and mentally cursed your friend. 
At that moment a certain someone wandered out of his lad and up the stairs to the hallway your room was located. The familiar sound of a die hitting a hard surface made his attention go towards your slightly cracked door. A mental battle ran through his head as to whether to take a peak or not. Ford was just going to ignore it until he heard your voice along with some unfamiliar ones. His curiosity got the best of him and stepped closer to your door. 
“That’s a 9 but with the modifiers that will be… 15.” Your mental math abilities were a bit slow considering it was so late at night. “Okay… you only suffer a mere scratch to the arm from the orcs double headed battleaxe.” You silently cheered to yourself while pumping your fists. Your friends laughed at your actions until one of them had spotted someone in your doorway. They were about to say something to you until they closely examined the man; Glasses, trench coat and a red turtleneck sweater underneath. So that was the man you were gushing about a few calls ago. They could have fun with this. That same friend made a group chat with everyone in the call except you to tell them what plan had unfolded in their head. Everyone read the message and looked at you with a large grin. 
“Y/n, you don’t have headphones or earbuds in do you?” One of them asked. “No, no I don’t. I couldn’t find them. Why do you ask?” You rose a brow at your friend before going back to juggling your dice. She merely gave you a sly smile before replying, “No reason.” You glanced at her before dismissing her question. 
“Y/n your rolls have been on point this session!” Another friend pitched in with an enthusiastic tone. “Thanks, I have to make sure I’m not on the brink of death unlike last time.” You chuckled to yourself at the memory of an intense battle that went on last session. You were about to ask about the battle that was currently going on until someone else cut you off.
“Oh! That reminds me, have you finished your Ren Faire costume yet Y/n?” Okay this is weird. Usually all of you are focused on defeating the opposite opponents, but even your DM is getting off track. “Um, No? I still need to add small touches to the staff but I don’t see how this is relevance to the ga-” You were cut off once again, them completely ignoring your question.
“You still have that extra ticket or have you asked him yet?”
It was at that moment Ford could feel the grins of your friends being directed to him with one of them giving a wink.
The question made you freeze in your seat, face becoming slightly red. Where is all of this coming from? “N-no and I don’t think I will. I don’t have the confidence in that, hah.” You gave a sad chuckle and rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment. 
Fords face became flush when he connected the dots; the sudden stop in your campaign with a question completely irrelevant to what was happening along with the stairs and grins thrown his way. Were you really going to ask him or do your friends think he’s someone else? 
“I don’t think he would have time, anyway. He’s always in the basement working on various projects and I would hate to take up so much of his time.” Your tone sounded sad and a bit disappointed. You saw one of your friend’s frown at your words before speaking up. “Going by the things you have already told us, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to go,” That friend glanced over at Ford. “but if he makes you upset in any way, you bet I’ll book a ticket to fly over and kick his ass.”
Ford nervously swallowed at your friend’s stern words. One of his fingers were hooked at the edge of his collar as his face deepened in red at the thought of you asked him out. Not only that, but going to a Ren Faire in costume and everything! Believe it or not, but he had always wanted to take a special someone to an event like this. It had always been one of his dreams to share the world of fantasy and magic with a romantic partner, but lost hope the older he got. 
Your friend looked back at you and said with a closed eye smile, “Oh yea, they also have cosplay stuff stored in the back of their closet along with a 6 foot foam sword they made! You can’t hide your nerd self forever Y/n!” 
“Who are you talking too…” You turn around in your chair and make direct eye contact with the one person you didn’t want to see. The die you were holding dripped to the flour with a thud as you stare at Ford with wide eyes. 
You quickly turn back around and muted your friends before they could say anything embarrassing (as if they didn’t already). “How… much did you hear?” You hid your face in your hands, trying to hide your beat red face. Ford fiddled with the collar of his sweater yet again, trying to find the right words. “I’ve heard enough.” He steps into the door, closing the door behind him. 
You take a deep breath, wondering if you just destroyed your friendship. “Please, just… forget that every happen.” Ford rose a brow. “Why would I do that? You haven’t even asked me yet.” 
You paused at his words. What? “What do you mean?” You uncovered your face with a confused look plastered on it. Ford walked over to where you had dropped your 20 sided die and picked it up. “Well, you haven’t asked me if I wanted to go or not.” He looked at you, a small smile along with a shade of red dusted his face. “You would want to go with me?” Your voice still sounding confused but with a hint of hope in your words. “Of course! That sounds like a lovely time!” Ford held out the dice for you to take while his other hand rubbed the back of his neck. “That is, if you’ll have me.” You took the die out of his hand, figures brushed together briefly before pulling away. A small smile rose to your lips as you held the 20 sided die in your palm.
“Yea, I’d like that.”
After Ford left your room, you unmuted your chat. “That was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!” Your one friend yeld. Your face turned beat red at her words. You had to turn down the volume until she was done gushing about how romantic that was. “H-how did you hear that? I thought I was on mute?” You questioned while hiding your face with your hands. The DM chuckled to himself. “You muted us, not yourself. We all heard and saw everything.”
You’re not going to hear the end of this. 
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regrettablewritings · 3 years
Animatic/Storyboard Music
Got bored/procrastinate-y on coloring in this ultra intricate card for my mom. So I’m just gonna make a list of songs I think make for good animatic material. Because why not/I wanna foist my musical tastes on people/ @locke-writes got me in a music binge. For the most part, it’s just gonna be me explaining the meanings or the vibe or what they generally tend to be used for, but really it’s mostly subjective so imaginate whatchu wanna.
“Trust Me” - The Devil’s Carnival Originally depicting a story about the Scorpion and the Frog, it’s the perfect song for when you want to depict the dynamic between a gullible or at the very least more grounded character and a figure whose intentions . . . may be less than pure. Or good for anyone, really.
“The Dismemberment Song” - The Blue Kid I have a playlist dedicated to songs whose content and sound are just . . . not married to one another, but got a weird flirtationship situation going on. Anyway, I’ve seen people say that they like to imagine it’s sung through the POV of a scorned housewife who’s finally Had Enough™️. And . . . They’re really not wrong for it. Really, though, it’s just the right song for when a sadist is just ready to gut a fucker but is disturbingly jolly about it.
“Love Me Dead” - Ludo Continuing with my trend of songs about people in less than ideal situations, “Love Me Dead” is straight to the point: The relationship is just awful and the guy gets nothing from it, but he can’t help but be hopelessly in a state of adoration for the woman he’s latched on to (“You’re born of a jackal! YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL!!”)
“Constellations” - The Oh Hellos There actually isn’t a plot to this song, it just feels really good (as all songs by The Oh Hellos are prone to be). However, if you feel a need to portray the concept of having to reorganize your thoughts after realizing that maybe they weren’t what you initially thought, and then coming to the conclusion that even though everything changes as a result, you’ll be alright? This is the song for you.
“A Kindling of Sorts” - The Oh Hellos An instrumental piece that is like . . . It’s related to another song of theirs about nationalism called “Torches”, so make of that what you will. (I personally have been using it to imagine storyboarding an opening for an animated The Witcher series.)
“The Other Side” - The Greatest Showman I know everyone and their mom has used this to portray situations like villains trying to get good guys to join their side. But I dun curr, it’s a fun song. That, and I like what Emilyamio did with her interpretation. It’s fun. For a basic rundown, know it’s another song about two characters’ dynamics being explored, with one coming to the other with a proposal that they join them in whatever endeavors they have in store. It’s often portrayed as something evil, but it really doesn’t have to be, as the original context was more about letting loose than anything.
“The Thief and the Moon” - Shawn James A much more mellow piece. Simple and straight to the point: A thief tells the Moon that he plans on stealing her light to shade the world in darkness. The Moon insists that the thief would only doom the world by doing so, to which the thief clarifies that he doesn’t care; if the world is shrouded in shadow, it means he will be able to steal with more ease (“My very existence is a race to attain wealth”). Disgusted, the Moon essentially curses the man with a warning that his greed can and will bring about his end -- and leave him to be forgotten by the rest of mankind, once it happens.
“Villainous Thing” - Shayfer James I’ve seen people say that this song is about singing to a cadaver but I can’t quite find anything confirming that (translation: I’m too lazy to look too into it). Regardless, it’s a fun ditty that yet again portrays someone with less than pure intentions encouraging someone to join him in some good old fashion villainy, as they’ve clearly endured their fair share of hardships and surely wanted to do evil anyway (“You’ll find no ever after here, it’s clear that isn’t what you came for“).
“Necromancin Dancin” - Bear Ghost Straight forward and fun as fuck: A necromancer apparently seems to cross classes and try his hand at barding by not only raising an army of the dead, but by also making them dance in order to make conquering the world easier. Because . . . a body doing Disco Duck isn’t scary, I guess.
"Aquaman” - Walk the Moon A song about one half of a couple wanting to become more involved in their relationship, but still having some nervousness about doing so. If you somehow haven’t heard this song yet, you gotta because it’s the cutest shit.
“Jenny’s Tale” - Ren I’ll be brutally honest, it’s about a woman named Jenny who just wants to get home after a long day of work and an unfortunate encounter with a 14 year old named Screech who gets way in over his head. As in, like, a death happens. That being said, I need. Like. An animated music video of this song. I imagine this shit in gritty charcoal or painted on glass, it just needs this. Somebody who isn’t me who knows what they’re doing, please look into this.
“The Curse of the Fold” - Shawn James As cheesy as it sounds, it basically boils down to not giving up or yielding. But what makes it so cool is the fact that Shawn James makes all his songs basically sound like a western gothic soundtrack. Which helps, because he admits that the title is also a reference to poker, in which giving up too often or too easily can often rob you of a delicious reward gained through perseverance and sacrifice.
“Thank God I’m Not You” - Himalayas I prefer to imagine this for an arrogant asshole of a character. Because that’s exactly what this song is about: They’re a liar and a thief, they’ve been called the son of Satan, and yet they consider themselves lucky -- ‘cause at least they ain’t you! If you have a character in mind who’s a delightful, punchable little shit, this is probably either their anthem or at least on the playlist you inevitably made for them.
"Passerine" - The Oh Hellos So there’s a common trend in The Oh Hellos’ discography that tends to explore the two founders’ experiences with faith and their growth in how they understand it or recognize it. With “Passerine”, the concept being explored is the experience they had when it came to taking a step back and realizing just how many of their supposed “fellow Christians” were actually doing some rather unchristian things, so to speak. When they “prune[d] their feathers”, it became clear that they had less in common with certain people proclaiming to be Christian while also spouting bigotry and greed. However, the desire to move away from such influences comes with the feeling of being torn, as moving too far away from the Bible leaves the singer feeling as though she is betraying something she holds dear. As a result, “Passerine” symbolizes not a breakage from faith, but a breakage from blind faith as they understood it, and the inevitable feeling of being torn that comes along with expanding upon how one views their beliefs and those around them. It’s therefore not uncommon to see Good Omens animatics using this song. (Something I also noticed is that throughout the song, you hear pieces of “Constellations”. TOH have a tendency to reference previous pieces, and considering “Constellations” is a song about changing perspective and the meanings we apply to them, it fits in beautifully with a song about reevaluating one’s stance.)
“Like the Dawn” - The Oh Hellos As stated before, a lot of TOH’s discography draws inspiration from their faith. In this case, it’s an outright retelling of the Garden of Eden, specifically when Adam awoke to find Eve had been created. What makes this iteration stand out to most, however, is that the singer is female, which seems to change the vibe you get. It sweetens the feeling of wonder we often forget the first man might’ve felt upon seeing somebody made for him, creating an air of beauty yet comfort with such lines as “And like the dawn, you broke the dark and my whole earth shook” or “You were the brightest shade of sun I had ever seen.” Even without the awareness or an interest in religious influences, it still manages to be a very feel-good song -- which is the mark of an overall good song in general!
“Confession” - RED Dealing with the constant battle of feeling ashamed that how you feel on the inside isn’t in sync with how you present yourself on the outside. That you should feel bad for smiling out at the world while screaming and thrashing -- like it’s a lie. But you can’t help it: It’s what you’re accustomed to. Though it does end on a hopeful note with the singer deciding that they want to reach out for help and rid themselves of this feeling of pain they have inside.
“When I Grow Up” - Matilda . . . Only if you want to cry. Seriously. When you’re a kid, everything seems difficult but you’re positive that once you grow up, everything will change: You’ll be tall enough to climb the trees you were too small to, you’ll be able to carry everything because you’re stronger, you’ll be brave enough to fight the monsters hiding in your room, you’ll finally have all the answers. . . . But life isn’t that simple. We wish it were, but it isn’t. There’s this bittersweetness about this song, about a sense of purity we unfortunately grow out of where we think things will be just the same enough for us to do what we want when we want, but things are more complicated than that. We still struggle to reach, to bear the weight, to not be afraid, to have even a fraction of the answers. But! We’re reminded that just because we’re told life isn’t fair, doesn’t mean we have to take it. After all, nothing changes when nothing happens. And even beyond that? It helps to remember that we’re never quite done growing up; there’s always more to learn, so remember to be patient with yourself.
“Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In!” - Will Wood and the Tapeworms This is . . . a song. The lyrics are honestly kinda all over the place and shooting rapid fire, making it a bit difficult to discern what exactly the singer is going on about. It makes for a pretty crazy song that suggests somebody’s going unhinged, which is apparently precisely the intention?? I’ve seen a lot of people interpret this as a song about a guy who is already at a low point in his life but nonetheless is going, “. . . I bet I can go deeper. Hand me my shovel.”
“No Reason” - Beetlejuice God if i had a youtube channel the segment i would spend on this song would be so juicy just ripe and thicc with thoughts and feelings i tell ya rich like a fresh fatty peach the apple that tempted Eve and gagged Adam yes ‘Nother song that explores the dynamic between two differing people and their worldviews. At its simplest, “No Reason” is about two opposite ends of a spectrum coming to a head: Idealistic and hippie-dippy Delia is convinced that everything happens for a reason, while cynical and depressed Lydia asserts that everything happens at random and it doesn’t matter anyway because we’re all going to die. And even though the delivery is ultimately a comedic one, you get more insight as to why one another feels the way that they do: Lydia, as we’ve previously learned, has recently lost her mother to an illness, which has left her depressed and feeling invisible (a theme in the show); whereas Delia’s failed marriage and desperate attempts to nonetheless be happy have left her dependent on the idea that these things had to have happened for a reason, otherwise, her pain would’ve been for nothing. What’s important is that neither side is actually appointed as the winner, with the song ultimately ending that the universe is random for a reason.
“Barbara 2.0″ - Beetlejuice Without spoiling anything (or at least too much), “Barbara 2.0″ is about growth. It’s about learning to put your foot down after a literal lifetime of being passive out of fear of what might happen and just accepting that nothing will happen if nothing happens -- but that doesn’t make whatever happens good.
“Bleed Magic” - IDHKBTFM It’s either about a killer or a vampire. No, seriously: When Dallon Weekes was asked about what the story of the song was, that was his answer. I personally prefer to think of it as a vampire or demon of some kind, given that the song came out around Halloween. Perfect for yet another example of somebody (likely supernatural) having an upper hand on an unsuspecting mortal. ...I have way too many of these on this list, I swear I don’t have a problem —
“Feel Good Drag” - Anberlin A toxic relationship of sorts. In that it shouldn’t be a relationship to begin with. Depicts the singer being approached by an ex, who seeks a one-night stand while her current boyfriend is out of town. However, the singer is aware that trying to continue anything regardless of the situation is a moot point: Even when they were together, their relationship was doomed from the start, and nothing about that is going to change -- especially now.
“Soviet Trumpeter” - Katzenjammer (It’s kinda difficult to work with this one but I’ve seen people work with less or stranger.) Based off the life of one Eddie Rosner, a Jewish Polish trumpeter whose fame within the USSR unfortunately faded due to the Soviet Union’s heavy censorship. Even if nothing is to be done with it, it still paints a melancholic picture of a talented man’s skills being largely unknown as a result of things beyond his control. All wrapped up in a song that denotes a strange deterioration in a way I can’t quite place.
“Apple Blossom” - The White Stripes On its face, it’s a very sweet song: The singer encourages his beloved to be vulnerable enough with him to tell him her troubles and to let him “sort them out for [her]”. She’s clearly saddened, and seeing so distresses him to where he insists that he will do whatever he can to make her happy. However, the tone of the song and certain lines make it easy to twist into yet another song of a character attempting to seduce somebody into a state of vulnerability . . .
“You’ve Got Possibilities” - It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman The one singular song people actually liked from this forgotten musical. Perfect for when somebody intends on giving somebody else a makeover. Y’know, after totally roasting them on their posture and clothing. If you want to add a lil something extra, know that the context is that a lady wants to give Clark Kent a makeover, insisting that in spite of his schlubby appearance, there’s gotta be something underneath. I repeat: She is telling this to Clark freaking Kent.
 “Still” - Anastasia In the context, the show’s antagonist (not bad guy, there’s a difference) finds himself torn between obligation and personal interest: Does he fulfill his duty and live up to expectations set upon him by his father and the society he’s been selected to help uphold? Or does he let a woman he has become fond of go? Is she truly as innocent as she claims? Or is she well aware of what she’s doing? And every time he thinks he’s reached a conclusion, he can’t help but thing, “But still . . .” Good for when you want to portray a character conflicted between obligations of politics and what their heart wants.
“Two Nobodies in New York” - [title of show] Two young men plan on entering an upcoming theatrical festival but struggle with what to even submit. This song in particular focuses on them trying to figure out what to even write, the concept of fame, and if wanting the certain things that may come with fame can mean anything from being sell-outs to getting a sitcom. It’s admittedly specific, but it’s a cute and funny interaction between two guys who are, for the most part, actually in sync with their thoughts and anxieties. For the time being.
“Into the Unknown” - Idina Menzel Look, I refuse to watch that movie. I just do. But I will take this song over That Other One any day. Mostly because I personally like to imagine that the singer in this song is about to embark on a Pixaresque journey after accidentally leaving her home during the night of The Wild Hunt, accidentally separating her spirit from her body and thus giving her a very limited time to get back to it before she remains a soul trapped in a whirlwind of ghosts forever. But first: Let’s sing about that strange howling that coaxes her so.
“You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid” - The Offspring I sure do long songs that can characterize a shithead . . . Anywho! The smoothest way to go is just to portray some cocky, manipulative shit who’s used to just lying and cheating their way to get what they want before slipping away without any consequences -- to a point. There’s the option of portraying the betrayer’s comeuppance, but there’s also the frustratingly delicious option of just letting them get away with whatever to lie another day.
“Why Should I Worry” - Billy Joel When in doubt, go to earlier Disney. Because like it or not, they had some bops. And when in the need of portraying a happy-go-lucky (probably idiotic) doofus and his more neurotic or cynical friend going about their life with the former just Mr. Magooing it while the latter suffers more realistic consequences? You go with this song. If you want. That’s just me.
“Transformation” - Brother Bear For when you want to invoke a mystical or otherworldly feeling. There’s really not much more I can say except to encourage you to listen to it and watch the scene if you can find it. You’ll get the vibe.
“No Girl’s Toy” - Raggedy Ann and Andy: A Musical Adventure It’s a big shame this movie is relatively unknown and never got a proper VHS release or anything -- mainly because the music in this cult classic is definitely stuff I could see becoming standards. I could see people performing “I Never Get Enough” for little shows, or recycling “Blue” for a different show. Thankfully, somebody was able to upload a clear enough sounding recording of “No Girl’s Toy”, so at least we have that. In context (just...follow me on this), Raggedy Ann’s brother, Raggedy Andy, has had enough of being subjected to “girly things” while in the nursery. Additionally, though, the way the song was written means it can also be interpreted as just a guy who refuses to let himself be yanked around regardless of how thick the sugar being laid on him is. . . . If you wanna poke fun as a character for trying to appear tougher than what he is, here’s the song. (That being said, Andy is a sweetheart at the end of the day. No amount of tough-fronting will hide that.)
“I Enjoy Being a Girl” - Flower Drum Song (It is by sheer coincidence that this song follows the above.) Really, it’s exactly what it says on the tin: The singer enjoys being a girl and what all it entails for her. She loves her feminine form, she loves the attention she gets, she loves dolling herself up, she loves frilly dresses, and she hopes to one day marry a guy who enjoys “having a girl like [her].” And honestly? Good on her! Love whatcha love, lovely! Seriously, though, it’s a cute song for anyone who just wants to indulge in some girliness.
“Chip on My Shoulder” - Legally Blonde Come on: It’s Legally Blonde. You know what this bop is, or at least have an idea of it. But since I love this song, I’ll indulge: Disheartened by her failure to both win back her ex and succeed in the fast-paced environment of Harvard, the normally bright-eyed Elle is ready to call it quits. That is, until junior partner Emmett gets involved. Unimpressed by her story, Emmett reveals that he got to where he was by busting his ass due to having a chip on his shoulder from his rough beginnings — and maybe a chip on the shoulder is exactly what Elle needs to survive. And as somebody driven by spite, I can appreciate that kind of message. Anywho, it all in all is a song about growth and learning how to be “driven as hell” to keep up with an opportunity that may not be easy to take, but is not one to be passed by.
“What Do I Need with Love?” - Thoroughly Modern Millie “What Do I Need with Love?” asks exactly that: He could date a different girl every night of the week if he so wanted, and never once had any desire to go steady before. He considers himself lucky to have never fallen for anyone -- until now. Which he’s not! He’s not in love. ...He totally is and, by his own admission, he’s got it bad it’s terribly adorable.
“Interlude IV” - Zach Callison The entire album is actually a narrative about a failed relationship of Callison’s and I’m sure the other songs are just as great fuel for animatics -- I’m just too caught up on listening to this one over and over. Sometimes, we just wanna listen to Steven Universe cuss and be openly furious. Seriously, though, even without the context of the rest of the story, you get the idea well enough: A spiteful Zach decides to get back at the one that broke his heart in such a painful way, whereas a well-meaning friend insists they just leave it be and move on. While this technically would be the better and healthier option, Zach is just too far gone with rage to let it go and decides to take care of things by himself.
“Evermore” - Beauty & the Beast Look, I know the remake wasn’t anything crazy. But also I don’t honestly care too terribly much. Besides, this song was nice and it really gets me after that key change. We all want a royal doofus to be enamored enough with us to let us go for our own happiness but still know that their life will forever be changed because they met us. Animate that shit. Over and over.
goddamn this list is long lemme just stop this now byyyyeeeee
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tanjhero-a · 5 years
Oblivious Affections (P.2)
Kyoujurou Rengoku x Reader
A Commission from @moonlightreetops ! The first part is HERE. This was honestly very fun to write, and moonlight is a very generous and friendly person, so it makes writing commissions much easier! Thank you very much, and I hope all of you enjoy this!
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After a long time, Kyoujurou finally manages to get you to meet his family. He’s been attempting for quite a few moons now, because he is sure that this is the push you need to recognize his passionate feelings toward you. 
It begins at the tea house, a common occurrence for the two of you now. Ever since he snuck his way into your plans with Giyuu (and kicked Giyuu out of said plans), you were the one to propose that the two of you relaxing together be a scheduled thing. Of course, this sent hope sparking through the Flame Pillar, but your oblivious nature was a lot more powerful than he had initially realized. It’s been weeks, but nothing has happened yet, which is why the Pillar has decided to finally introduce you to his family (mostly just Senjuro, he’s not sure about his father yet). Maybe it’s the kick you need to realize that he’s serious about his feelings for you. So one common morning, Kyoujurou invites and treats you to your favorite tea along with some snacks on the side, and when you fluster at his spoiling, he merely shushes you and pushes another small cake in your direction. As he butters you up, he mentions his little brother as casually as he can. 
“You know, Senjuro also loves to cook! You should try some of his dishes sometime!” 
“Oh, your brother?” You ask him, a hand over your mouth as you’re in the middle of a bite. Kyoujurou grins- you’re too cute. “I’ve always heard stories about him from you! It would be nice to meet him one day.”
“How wonderful!” Kyoujurou says loudly- of course, he’s always a little loud, but this breaks even that as he grabs your hands with a big smile. He can’t really help it, the excitement is filling him up and it might make him burst. Or maybe he just ate too much sugar, but it’s all the same. “I know Senjurou has wanted to meet you as well! He’s at home right now, so we can head there after!” 
“Really?” Your eyes widen by his enthusiasm, but you squeeze his hands as you laugh, nodding along. “Alright, that sounds fun.” 
Once you commit, Kyoujurou lets go of your hands and lets you finish eating and sipping your tea. He eagerly bounces in his seat as you do, so you do your best to finish up quickly. Once you leave the teahouse, Kyoujurou grabs your hands and leads the way to his house. You swing your hands casually- always casually, your oblivious nature making you blind to why he’s truly holding you so close. 
Though maybe, possibly, the next time you hold his hand, it will be mutual. It will be because the two of you are in love, and you yearn to connect. Kyoujurou can only hope- and he might have been pining for too long, because such fantasies seem so silly, but they truly make him happy to think about. 
As your hands swing, you break the comfortable silence. “You’re so excited for me to meet him, you must love him a lot, Ren.” You say as you walk down the cobblestones. There’s an uneven stone that you almost trip over, but Kyoujurou twirls you playfully before you can hit it. He then tugs you back to his side, the sound of your laughter from the twirl making him smile and nod.
“I do, very much. He doesn’t get to socialize very much since he’s always at home, so I know he’ll be very happy to meet you.” The Pillar pauses before he turns his gaze your way, his head tilting as his eyes soften. “But I also want you to meet him because I love you a lot too, you know.” 
You’d think looking you directly in the eyes as he declares this would get through, but you only laugh and blush, sweeping his sentiment under the rug. “Of course! I’m very excited to meet him.” 
Kyoujurou huffs, but it’s another thing that goes unnoticed by you. 
“Oh, this is your house, right?” Kyoujurou hadn’t even realized that the two of you had arrived at the house fences. He’s flattered that you recognize the place- you had probably only walked by once. Hope lights him up again as he straightens his back- maybe this was a positive sign! 
“It is! Come, come,” he urges you past the fence and past the front sliding doors, both of you taking off your shoes as Kyoujurou announces that he’s home and you thank him for letting you in. You don’t have to wait until a child is fastly walking down the halls, a bright look in his face as he greets you. 
His hair is identical to his brothers, his eyes the same, and he’s so cute that you think you love him already. If he were a bit older, Kyoujurou and Senjuro might as well be twins.
“Brother! Welcome home!” 
“Senjuro! My baby brother,” Kyoujurou doesn’t hesitate to bend at the knees so he can fully embrace his brother, “how are you?!” 
Senjuro laughs, his cheeks pink as he looks up at you from his brother’s embrace. “I’m fine. A-and, who are you?” 
You smile adoringly down at him, bowing softly once Kyoujurou lets him go. “I’m ___, it’s very nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you!” 
“Oh!” Senjuro’s face lights up. “I’ve heard about you, too! Brother is always so passionate when he talks about you,” he laughs, and Kyoujurou simply nods, not bothering to deny it. 
“Is father awake?” He asks, and Senjurou shakes his head, lips pursing. You begin to wonder why their father wouldn’t be awake during the middle of the day, but soon you’re swept under Kyoujurou’s arm as he urges you forward. “Then we can have fun! Let’s go to the yard!” 
The three of you scurry outside, and Kyoujurou thinks up a million things to do. He seems a lot more eager than usual, but you have fun laughing and playing the games he comes up with as a way to get to know Senjuro better. You all end up training as well, Senjuro telling you that he was naturally more weak than his brother, so you think up alternative moves and techniques for him to use that’s easier for him. 
Kyoujurou watches as you help his brother swing a training katana, happiness glistening in his eyes. 
By the time you have to go, the sun is beginning to set. You and Kyoujurou know very well that you must get home before it fully sets, so he doesn’t stop you as you bid your goodbyes. 
“It was a lot of fun meeting you, Sen,” you rest on your knees at the entrance to their house as you hug Senjuro, smiling fondly. “You’re such a talented young boy, you know?” 
“W-well,” Senjuro’s face flushes nervously, his cheeks a cute pink color. “I don’t know about that. I’m not the best-” 
“You are! And you’re very cute too,” you pinch his cheek teasingly and he ducks back with a whine. You laugh as you stand, rustling his yellow-red locks of hair teasingly. “Don’t forget that!” 
Senjuro doesn’t respond to you, his face red as he sputters out a ‘goodbye’ before he runs off to his room. Your heart swells adoringly as you watch him skitter and you sigh. You haven’t forgotten about Kyoujurou, your eyes looking up at him as he stands by the sliding doors. 
“He’s a very cute boy. I’ve always liked children, but he might be my favorite.” 
The flame pillar steps so he’s right next to you, a hand wrapping around your shoulder again as he hums. A familiar smile is painted on his lips, and he winks at you as he says, “well, save your favorites until we have children of our own, hmm?”  
Crickets have begun to wake and sing their song, filling up the silence between you. 
“Children of our own?” You ask slowly. “Who are you planning to have children with?” 
“N-no,” Kyoujurou whines before he can help it, his body deflating. “No, that’s not…” How forward does one have to be? Is it actually helpless, or do you really not like him and you’re just trying to make it less awkward? He hopes it’s not the latter, but the former isn’t much better. 
Surprisingly, your expression lights up, and Kyoujurou looks down at you with wide eyes. Your own meet his and your cheeks are flushed dark, mouth wide open. “Well,” you say, continuing to look at him before you quickly look away. Suddenly the weight of his arm on your shoulder is a lot heavier than before and you squirm nervously. “...Then I guess Senjuro would be my favorite brother-in-law, instead.” 
“Huh?” Kyoujurou, is quite frankly, speechless as he bursts red and looks down at you. His voice squeaks uncharacteristically, which is embarrassing, but you quickly duck from under his arm before he can say anything else. 
“Thanks for the tea!! Bye, Ren!!” 
You’re out of the house quicker than he can blink, which really isn’t fair!
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amisbro · 3 years
If UtaPri had/gets a 5th season...
What would it look like? So this is a question I have thought about for a while because of the fact that I think a lot of people (Myself included) believe there is more of a story to tell in the world of UtaPri.  I think with enough time we could get a very interesting idea for a season and honestly I think WHATEVER this project we got coming up actually IS could be an interesting testing ground for something. Let me explain
So if we think about how Season 4 ended it seemed rather definitive.  Like the way that message was wrote made you believe ,to a degree, that the series had ended as far as an Anime project.  Then we got the end card AFTER that and that kind of made things turn on its head cos no one knew what that was supposed to be until 6th stage happened right? One thing that always stands out to me is the fact that Season 4 was a bit of a mess and I say that in the most objective and neutral way possible because...when you have an Anime that is based on a Manga we typically get a story based around that in some fashion.  It might not be panel for panel and word for word but we get one and that is always fun to see how certain scenes get animated for sure.  When you do an Anime based on an Otome game you almost always do whomever is considered the “true route” or just leave it open ended so people will want to play the games (which is what I think DiaLovers did when it had its run). UtaPri has a very interesting situation because the series DOES have an idol component (and the Anime made sure to really focus on that mostly) but it is also an Otome game so the studio (A-1 Pictures) had that to work off of for the most part.  The problem is that when they were done with the material they DID USE it created a problem because Season 4 was a mess if I am being as objective as possible about it. So here was the problem You had 3 groups in play here STARISH QUARTET NIGHT HEAVENS Forget whom your group was for a second...this was going to be a problem because 2 of the 3 groups had content that was used in the first 3 seasons but Season 4 was going to be a problem.  How this would have been remedied I have no fucking idea!  Like if Broccoli knew they were going to do this season they needed to get something out BEFORE IT so people would have had something to go off of for HEAVENS so we could have had 7 episodes that made sense instead of episodes where it felt like they didn’t know how to have the HEAVENS member that was being featured in it not look like a complete ass!  If we are honest this is what happened and its frustrating to remember One of the biggest issues with the season was that you had a group that HAD been Antags during Season 2.  I said HAD because I genuinely believe that the marching orders for A-1 was to write a season where STARISH was still THE focus but HEAVENS could be rehabbed into a group that was more “likable/marketable” so when the time came to sell CDs and merch that they would fly off the shelves and could be a contender to at least QN if not both them and STARISH.  As we saw during the Oricon charts it was a puzzling time because the duet CDs sold like garbage in the sense that only TWO our the 7 actually charted in the top 10 Ren/Van - Lovely Eyes Syo/Yamato - Justice Impulse This was the most puzzling thing I ever dealt with because I tried to figure out WHY and to this day the best thing I could come up with is the fact that the CD releases were slated to come 10 days after the episode aired which seemed like the dumbest thing to do (IMHO) because when I looked at Season 3 all of the releases charted in the top 10 and a big reason for that was the gap between CD/Episode was only 4 days...well we got to QN and HEAVENS’ CDs they did VERY WELL in Season 4 and its because of how close they released them (I think) to the episodes...funny how that works! What was really weird also was during the “Duet Project” episodes the writers didn’t know WHO to make the focus of the episodes and that was weird BUT ,looking back on it, this whole season was gonna be weird because of how quickly the season was coming in the turnaround vs. its normal time for a season.  Typically a UtaPri season gets a 2 year window and this time they were going under that...about a year and 4 months so this was going to cause a crunch and also a mess of a message as to what the writers wanted to do!  I personally believe that the writers wanted to make HEAVENS all the more sympathetic and they were able to get SOME of the backstories in that they could for certain characters but a few others (Nagi and Eiichi for example) “kind of” tried to show you the “why they were acting the way they were” but it felt (at least Internationally) that the episodes didn’t register or if they did not as well as they hoped.  I do wonder if a big reason that the content is as out of sorts in terms of balance for HEAVENS vs. the other two groups is because of how jacked up that season got.  I genuinely wish I could sit down and discuss that season with someone that was in the room when they were given the orders on how that season was supposed to go vs. what actually happened after the fact! So this brings me back to the “What would a 5th Season look like if we got/get one in the future?” The weird thing is I think A-1 already knows but they have to get the reference materials FIRST before they start writing it.  I genuinely think they saw/heard about what happened Internationally when it came to the “NEXT DOOR” saga and they didn’t want to see that happen again so NOW they want to work on these projects to get the idea other there right now that all the groups are separated as first we have STARISH and then no doubt QN but the big question of course is HEAVENS...can they do a concert with them at some point with hopefully more songs under their belt OR will Broccoli start to really consider them a lost cause and that the fandom just doesn’t want them.  You can only go with the “Round peg/Square Hole” philosophy so much before people get mad and don’t want to deal with the series (or at the very least HEAVENS) anymore. The other big issue is HEAVENS’ role in Dolce Vita because, As of this writing, we still don’t know ANYTHING about that game...like we don’t know if its a straight up VN or is there going to be something similar to the original La Corda back in the day which ,fun fact time, had Kishou and Mamo in it.  Like if anyone would know how a game like that worked it would be them (And they ARE in the new game “Starlight Orchestra” btw) so they HAVE to have had given some input about how the mechanics worked and all that...right?! (Oh and unrelated but Kishou’s original character in Len Tsukimori is a special character in that game.  He was unlocked through a campaign we had in that fandom a bit ago) So again...what would Season 5 look like? Well my guess is that it would have to be a STARISH/HEAVENS season again but with new duets unlike last time.  The other possibility (And I think they were teasing this at the end of Season 4) is that it would somehow be a HEAVENS/QN season which could be interesting especially if they did something like how Season 2 was probably supposed to go...and in a way didn’t because of how the story worked. The thing is its been almost 5 years since we had a proper season...FIVE! Let’s assume that the “Anime Project” as we know it is over alright?  STARISH and QN’s brand is already established so what do you use to help HEAVENS’ get on the same level?  That’s a big reason why I don’t think they could/should end the “Anime Proper” because to do that you literally would be cutting off a way to properly market a group that actually needs it vs. the groups that clearly don’t.  I won’t go so far as to say that the STARISH/QN Animated concerts are going to be “Vanity Projects” because they aren’t.  They are clearly something that Broccoli believed in as far as a project to do for the series BUT I will say that having 7th Stage so close to this project is a bit...weird?! Like okay to be fair this probably was planned well in advance and the Pandemic fucked everything up because it was supposed to be announced at 7th stage in 2020...okay cool fine but let’s say it was right?  What stopped them from revealing it at 10th Anniversary when it would have been a bigger “Holy Shit” moment?  What was really so important that they had to do EVERYTHING ELSE and not that?  Just seemed weird to me. But anyways HOLY SHIT did we go around the block here...I need to stop If you were going to script out a proper 5th season when would you do it and how?  The thing to remember is we have a 3 group scenario and now HEAVENS is trying to become an even better group to finally beat STARISH and QN so do you have QN and HEAVENS do a thing together or do you do a 3 cour season where each is dedicated to a particular group? Love to hear your answers on this and take care
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