#young koushiro
koushirouizumi · 1 year
D02's "The Beginning" if Toei let 02 Chosen think this through even more Rationally
02 Chosen: (*seeing a YOUNG TAICHI & HIKARI*, VERY Confuse) Someone like Daisuke or Hikari: But HOW do we get back HOME?? ? Ken: If Taichi-san and the younger Hikari-san are here, then *the rest could be*, too. Ken: Which could *also mean*, *KOUSHIRO*-SAN... We *could* 'LOOK' *for Koushiro*. Hikari: I remember where Koushiro-san's {place} is!! Miyako, worried: But wouldn't Koushiro-san be *very young* here?? Ken: *Maybe*... but it's *worth a try*. DAISUKE: HOW would it be *worth a try* if Koushiro-san is like a 5-going-on-6 year old?!?? KEN: Koushiro-san probably had at least a *starting* computer setup *even back then*. EVERYONE: !!!!! Iori: Koushiro-san's computer might be able to open up the Digital Gate to take us back home!! Takeru: That's right!! Even *at a young age*, Koushiro-san had an interest in gathering knowledge, and *may* even have had a computer - or the laptop - even back then!! KEN: If *I* try to go back home and use *ours*... KEN, HESITATING: (OSAMU would likely find me.) KEN: (If Osamu found us, it could turn out BAD.) Ken: (Because Osamu would likely *instinctively* Know it's Me, somehow...) Ken: ... It wouldn't be good if someone from "our time" sees and recognizes us, but Koushiro-san *doesn't know us Yet*. Hikari: Koushiro-san is very dedicated to our cause, if it came to it, Koushiro-san would keep our secret! Miyako, getting kind of excited now: So it's settled! Let's *look for Koushiro-san* then!! DAISUKE: I can't believe we're seeking the help of a *five-going-on-six year old* Koushiro-san... Rui: If it means we can *find and HELP* Ukkomon, I'm willing to try, even if I don't know Izumi. (They reach the Izumi household...) Young Koushiro, upon outside the Izumi household already, looking at them as if they're SUSPICIOUS (because They Are): Who are YOU??? DAISUKE: (*ERK*...) (To Be Continued, Maybe...!!)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{This Is Just For Fun OK!!1!}
The duration is set for 'One Week'. result will be revealed by DigimonCon event (2/12)!!
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[Note: replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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bitchapalooza · 8 days
Sanji WOULD NOT like Koushiro at first glance because he can just smell the misogyny on this man. Then Zoro opens up about Kuina and how Koushiro treated her and oh. Oh Sanji DESPISES this man. Not only did he treat such a bright young girl full of potential, taken way too early, so poorly BUT HIS OWN DAUGHTER. Maybe Zoro kinda second guesses Koushiro's poor treatment towards Kuina, always telling himself no way was he verbally abusing her, he was just giving her tough love, that was his daughter and star pupil, and here Sanji is putting his petty rivalry with the guy aside in order to validate his literal witness testimony on what happened in that family. Sanji is telling him that uh YES what Koushiro was doing was absolutely verbal abuse, you just don't speak that way to your child. He'd be on Zoro's side 100%. He'd be Koushiro's number 1 hater.
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general-cyno · 10 months
since I've rambled quite a bit on zoro's side of things in some of my zolu posts, I wanted to give luffy a try too! though perhaps overall subtler than zoro's grand gestures throughout the manga, there's no doubt to me that luffy cares for him just as much and his relationship with zoro is one of the most important he has (without intending to downplay others btw), both as individuals and crew, so let's goooo.
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(warning: it's going to be long. sorry. also spoilers for the manga, as usual.)
albeit luffy and zoro's journey as a crew starts in the marine base where they met, I've mentioned here before that their childhood experiences, the way they sort of parallel each other's, also play a big role in their personalities and understanding of one another later on. the specifics are different, sure, but both were acquainted with struggle since they were young. zoro had already lost his parents by the time he was 8 and dragon left a baby luffy in garp's care, which... involved some questionable (dangerous) caretaking choices in order to make luffy "stronger". eventually, zoro would become a student in the isshin dojo, interact with koushiro and kozaburo, and start his rivalry/friendship with kuina just like luffy would later meet folks like makino, shanks and his crew whom he'd be inspired by, then dadan, ace and sabo, who'd become his family.
although we don't know yet what luffy's particular dream is, it's one he's had since young and that he mentioned to his brothers. similarly, as a kid, zoro wanted to become the world's greatest swordsman too, which he told kuina about and promised to strive for along with her. still, it's not until they lose sabo and kuina respectively that their dreams are accompanied by the necessity to become stronger for other people's sake. this is a specific sort of grief they share and are motivated by. and in luffy's case, his vow to become stronger is so he can prevent the further loss of those he loves.
(I'll get back to this, because it's important!)
fastforward to years later and we have a luffy that's started his journey to become the pirate king and achieve his dream. the insane thing about zoro's recruitment is that it only took hearing about the guy's name and fearsome reputation to have luffy pester koby about meeting him. I've also mentioned here that "fate" seems to be a recurring theme in OP especially in the latest arcs, and especially where luffy and zoro are concerned, seeing as they not only have a bunch of parallels with each other but also with important figures/characters in OP, some of who share or have shared a close relationship among themselves as well - namely, roger and rayleigh.
heck, luffy and zoro's lives are so intertwined you can even see lil zoro training during the ASL flashback chapters, when dragon mentions the dojo providing the revolutionaries with some food (ch 589). it's kinda incredible tbh. even so, when it comes to zoro... he was first and foremost a choice. regardless of how fate has come into play in the story, it was luffy's decision to actively seek him out and rope him into joining his crew, one he made after realizing zoro wasn't just a good guy but that he also had a cool, crazy dream and a determination to make it come true that was similar to luffy's own.
back then, luffy was already punching others (helmeppo) and getting angry on zoro's behalf, taking bullets for him and leaving himself wide open for zoro to protect during their confrontation with morgan. this is pretty much the beginning of his unwavering trust in zoro's strength and his willingness to step in when luffy needs someone to watch over him in turn. this is what their relationship is based on within? hours? of meeting and it's the foundation of the straw hat crew.
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he's praising zoro before he's actually taken morgan down and luffy doesn't even look back to check. the amount of trust luffy's placing on zoro off the bat is bonkers and it's literally just the start.
from shells town onwards - well, in spite of how luffy's considered an anchor by shanks in the first chapters of OP because of his inability to swim, I believe the anchor metaphor is actually kinda perfect to describe zoro and his relationship with luffy, more so from luffy's side, even if he doesn't necessarily say this stuff on the pages.
I may be going on a slightly poetic tangent but it works imo. anchor symbolism is pretty popular and you can find all sorts of articles about it online. I read a few out of curiosity and y'know, the anchor as a nautical symbol has supposedly been regarded as one rooted in feelings such as those of stability and safety. you can probably tell where I'm going with this.
in terms of stability, think of OP's arcs and how many of them zoro's been in alongside luffy. they don't always fight side by side strictly speaking, but zoro is a constant - he's usually there to fight the second strongest threat and sometimes protect or lead the others when luffy's otherwise occupied, or he handles things while luffy gets there/recuperates enough to battle again. for the most part, zoro's also there in a bunch of the crewmate-rescuing arcs and he's even the one to directly liberate brook's shadow in thriller bark. there's only two major instances in which luffy and zoro (+ the crew) get separated for a considerable amount of time, one of them unwillingly and the other by choice: sabaody and zou/whole cake island. ig you could count baratie/arlong park too, but I don't think as much time passed in between one and the other compared to zou/WCI and the reunion in wano.
something that really got me even though it was tinted by a comedic feel, is the fact that bon-chan turned into zoro out of all straw hats back at impel down when luffy was trying to rescue ace and how happy he was at the prospect of having zoro there to aid him. no matter how the adaptation differs from the manga, I couldn't help but think of opla luffy's I need you speech too. would he have been as happy to see any other members of the crew? likely so! still, zoro's definitely someone luffy particularly looks forward to having by his side when things get tough.
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irl, anchors are generally used to secure a vessel and prevent it from drifting. sounds a little familiar, I'd say.
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it's not as though zoro's the only character in OP who's "guided" luffy but there are moments when he does ground his captain in a manner other characters can't at the time, and my favorite part of it is how seriously luffy takes zoro's words/advice whenever it happens. water 7 and enies lobby are perhaps the best examples of this, as it comes up in the context of luffy's fight with usopp and robin's supposed betrayal.
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this is a really, really good moment imo. once luffy slows down to consider what zoro's saying, you can see he understands the importance of it. plus, luffy knows zoro's not someone who'd just leave a friend behind (he's fought to bring some of them back at this point, with luffy and the rest of the crew) and if anything, his "so the fact that he left our crew means nothing to you?!" outburst proves he's as upset as all of them about usopp's choice.
that said, you can tell how much luffy values and respect zoro's imput simply by the way he cries his soul out when usopp finally apologizes and asks to come back. luffy wears his heart on his sleeve and adores his friends, doesn't want to lose them ever, so reining all those feelings in to stay true to his position as the captain that zoro has placed his faith and loyalty in? amazing. and consider it from another angle: if he had ignored zoro, luffy would've lost him too. he certainly doesn't want that either or this would've gone differently.
this kinda thing happens also post timeskip, with zoro reminding luffy to get his shit together at punk hazard, bringing up the fact that they can't just ignore the threat kaido poses in zou to have the entire crew going after sanji, or when they're facing kaido and big mom in wano. zoro's someone luffy counts on to keep him steady and afloat, and this part of their relationship is something that was portrayed (again) nicely in the live action. in ep 6, it's zoro who manages to reassure luffy of his position as the captain and that he's done nothing wrong, that their crew isn't falling apart, because if luffy needs him then zoro vows to stand by his side til the very end. (they're insane).
in addition, their core similarities, understanding of each other and luffy's (almost unbelievable) faith/trust in zoro is what allows him to depend on zoro, specifically, when it comes to things like saving smoker in alabasta, not fighting back against bellamy's crew on jaya, or just mentioning the spilled oshiruko as explanation enough for zoro to get why luffy's angry during the onigashima raid, to name a few of examples off the top of my head.
as for the safety aspect of the anchor symbolism... that one speaks for itself I think. I feel like I must mention once more that zoro's not the only character or even the only straw hat to help or protect luffy, but he's fairly insistent and consistent in this aspect compared to others. compiling all the moments in which zoro's stepped in to protect luffy, worried about his well-being or signaled the rest when luffy's truly in danger/has reached his limits would probably break this site's image upload limit lol.
that said, luffy's the same back at zoro just in a bit of a less common manner or in a different way rather - mostly because of his belief in zoro's strength and the lengths he'd go to keep people safe, which includes allies and more so their friends. one could argue depositing that kind of faith in zoro can have its drawbacks (sabaody) or isn't completely fair (like when he goes all, "with you here, how could this happen?!" in skypiea) BUT. my opinion is that trusting zoro any less than that would likely hurt his pride more. so when luffy says stuff like this,
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it's not about having unrealistic expectations wrt zoro but more about fully trusting in the man who tearfully swore to him that he'd become the greatest swordsman and never lose again. the one who trusts luffy just as much in turn, called him captain and pirate king first. luffy's seen zoro pull through some impossible situations, so it'd be more unfair to doubt him this way if you ask me.
this is also why I mentioned luffy's childhood vow. if you ever wonder "how important is zoro to luffy?" compare this,
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to this:
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luffy's past is revealed hundreds of chapters after skypiea. yet in hindsight, it adds so many layers to his relationship with zoro. for someone like luffy, who promised to become strong so that the people he loves wouldn't have to leave him, who would even die as long as it means he won't lose a member of his crew, the fact that he can relax this much when he gets separated from his friends because zoro's with them is... a lot, man. when you remember luffy's lost people close to him or had them leave him (for very understandable reasons, often out of everyone's control), zoro being one of the most stable presences in his life since they met - someone who will help him fight to get their friends back or stay behind to watch over them when they can't all go together, that for zoro to leave he'd have to be pried by force from his side unless they both agree to it for the sake of their journey and crewmates, is likely to be a very comforting fact to luffy. luffy, who's afraid of/hates being alone more than getting hurt.
he doesn't voice it out but allowing zoro to protect him and the people they both care for is giant sign of love and unbeatable trust, where luffy's concerned. although he doesn't know about it, zoro's sacrifice in thriller bark demonstrated why luffy does this without hesitation too. however, it's worth noting that luffy does worry for zoro's own safety whenever he's there to actually witness him being in danger and he knows zoro well enough to tell when said danger is real. it happens during the mihawk duel, when kizaru almost kills zoro in sabaody then as kuma sends him away, for example. he gets angry, desperate and teary in all of these instances. luffy cares so much about him.
lastly yet just as relevant... is that luffy likes zoro, beyond metaphors and all zoro might represent/stand for in the crew. luffy thinks he's cool, that he'll certainly achieve his dream, enjoys teasing and bullying him harmlessly, offered to share his food with him to convince zoro into accompanying them in thriller bark, tried to give an injured zoro an entire barrel of alcohol because luffy knows he loves booze and thought it'd make him feel better, and is generally someone luffy's happy to be with.
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I bring up the wano hug a lot but honestly it doesn't get clearer than this. I've seen people try to downplay this moment but hey, context. people that luffy's hugged this way include 1) sabo, the brother luffy believed had been dead for years, 2) hancock who helped him try and rescue ace and 3) jimbei who's helped luffy during some of the most dire moments he's gone through, like impel down, marineford and WCI. for luffy to straight up hug zoro with just as much happiness, eagerness and enthusiasm in a relatively danger-free situation... he likes zoro, there's no better way to put it.
it's not that they can't butt heads sometimes either, but never seriously enough to damage their relationship. as a more recent example, luffy's shown he can put his stubbornness and recklessness aside when zoro's right even if he doesn't like it (ch 1060, about vivi's current situation). and as long as he's there, luffy won't let people interfere in zoro's fights, much less when it involves zoro's dream - like when he held johnny and yosaku back from stepping into zoro's duel with mihawk, even though luffy himself was worried about zoro.
so yeah, zoro might get to be crazier about luffy more often and explicitly but imo, it's an entirely reciprocal thing.
if you got this far, thanks so much for reading!
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firefirefruit · 8 months
Steel in Her Veins, Chapter: Seventeen
Read On: AO3 | Table of Contents | Next Chapter
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Chapter Seventeen: Onigiri
As your hand connects with his, you reluctantly trail behind Gramps, nursing a humongous grudge against him for ousting you from the workshop. 
"Social interaction’s important at your age!" he insists, his stubborn furrow signalling the inevitable shift in the course of your life.
Armed with his illegally immigrated Wano connections scrawled within his logbook, Gramps engages in a series of letters with a familiar Shimotsuki contact, meticulously planning a rendezvous through extensive log pose calculations.
"Why can't we just head to their dojo?" you grumble, eyeing the island that sits perfectly equidistant from your home and the Dojo-guy’s village. At least then there would be something to actually do, and people to see. The prospect of aimlessly wandering around on a boring old island makes you even more reluctant to the thought of ‘socialisation.’
"The less people see us, the easier it is to stay safe," Gramps replies.
His words bring to mind a recent incident, just a month ago, when you both urgently had to evacuate yet again, from another workshop, on yet another island. It was the result of an attack orchestrated by those shittily-dressed CP members who always manage to track you down, no matter how many times and how far you flee.
Hidden upstairs, you could only hear the rattles and thuds following Gramps as you scrambled to pick up your emergency bags, pre-emptively prepared for such occasions before escaping to the meeting point.
Gramps would never, ever, let you fight alongside him. He had this entrenched fear of them finding out about your existence and you didn’t know why. You didn’t get what was so detrimental about them seeing a girl living along with her gramps, working regularly on her craft. But you could tell, if there was only one rule that you had to follow, it was this one. 
The way Gramps demanded this from you from the very start of your immigration from Wano, with such an intense and severe resolution set across his face, made all the objections you wanted to spout out immediately die on your tongue.
The more you grew, the more dangerous it was simply to exist outside of Wano. And the rich bit was, you still didn’t know why. Gramps wouldn’t say – you didn’t know whether he actually knew the reason why, or if he was as unsure as you were, but it was always brushed off whenever you questioned him about it.
“Whatever,” you mutter lowly and roll your eyes, walking even slower behind Suki just to irritate him. 
“I’ll change the locks on the studio again if you keep moping,” he cheekily says, giving you a little side-eye. And in an instant, you kick your feet up to match his pace, not wanting to have to start lockpicking through the doors again just to do your work.
“Look, they’re here,” Gramps whispers to you before turning his attention to the two figures.
From a distance, you eye a young blue-haired girl moping behind the man who seems to be her father, annoyedly swinging a sword in her hand. The sword claws at the grass in front of her feet, becoming more of a pick-axe than a fearsome blade. Your eyes light up as you pay closer attention to the type of sword she has in her fingers, a slight interest warming you from the inside.
“Sukiyaki!” The man says in greeting, tugging on his daughter’s reluctant hand as he walks toward the two of you. 
Gramps grins wildly, embracing him warmly. “It’s been a while. Your old man leaving Wano’s done you some good, eh?”
The man laughs kindly, patting his back. “I can say the same thing about you, ex-Shogun.”
“You can thank this little rascal for that,” Gramps says, staring down at you pointedly. “This is Raya, my granddaughter.”
The man smiles at you, making you instantly want to smile back just by looking at the warmth that emanates from his eyes. “Hello, Raya. I’m Koushiro - this is my daughter, Kuina.”
Your eyes flicker back to the blue-haired girl who now has an eyebrow raised at you, her eyes twinging with slight interest. 
“I like your sword,” you shyly mutter, eyes glued to the weapon in her possession.  
The girl looks taken aback, unsure of what to say. She looks up to her father, uncertain of what to do – and as he gives her a little reassuring nod, a subtle smile creeps onto her face. Finally, there’s another girl who's just like her, who’s really into swords. 
“I like her too,” she finally says, fumbling the hilt across her palm. She steps towards you, extending her Wado Ichimonji out as a friendship offering. “Wanna hold her?”
With a sudden shock to your body, your eyelids groggily slink upwards. Hot breath blows on your face as you try to make sense of your surroundings, realising that the floor beneath you is moving at an incredibly dangerous pace. 
“What...?” You mumble heavily, forcefully blinking a few times to unblur your vision. You feel restrained, feeling fingers that aren’t your own that grip at your skin. A huff of paced breath hits your face again, the boulder set against your cheek expanding with each aggressive step. 
“Stay still,” Zoro exhales, his arms holding your legs and arms even tighter against his chest. 
Your eyes immediately snap wide open, gaping up at the green-haired samurai who’s running like his life is on the line.
“Let me go,” you slur, dizzily slapping your hand against his chest. “I can run by myself.”
“Like fuck I will. Not gonna make that mistake again,” Roronoa mutters through gritted teeth, his eyes glued on the path before him.
His footsteps reverberate through the landscape, each step a jolt that echoes through your restrained form. You squirm in his grasp, desperately trying to break free, but his grip remains unyielding.
“Seriously, Roronoa! Put me down!” you protest, your voice slurred from the side-effect of Chopper’s sedative. The world blurs around you as he sprints, carelessly snapping branches and rocks from beneath his heavy boots.
“Just shut up and stay still,” he snaps, his focus unwavering. The rhythm of his strides runs like a wild drum beat, chaotic and messy, and you can't help but feel a sense of intense dread within you.
As you keep protesting, your eyes catch glimpses of the passing scenery—a chaotic blur of mountains, rocks, and uneven terrain. Zoro seems to navigate effortlessly, his instincts finely tuned to the path ahead.
A surge of irritation courses through you as you look down and away from Roronoa’s clenched jawline, your fingers gripping over his tightening arms as you try to make sense of your surroundings. 
“Where are we even going?” you demand, hoping for an explanation.
Zoro glances down, his singular grey eye piercing through you.
“To safety. Hold on,” he replies.
The erratic journey continues until Zoro abruptly comes to a halt. You're released from his firm grasp, stumbling slightly as you find your footing. The world finally stops spinning, and you take a moment to regain your bearings.
“We’re here,” Zoro states, a hint of urgency still lingering in his voice. Your surroundings slowly come into focus —a cave within a mountain, the canopy casting shadows over the uneven ground.
“What’s going on? Why are we in the middle of nowhere?” you ask, frustration lacing your words. Zoro doesn’t immediately respond, his attention drawn to the surroundings as if assessing potential threats.
He lets out a sigh, then faces you, a hand carefully resting on the hilt of his Kitetsu. "We brought you to the shaman. The moment he laid eyes on you, he started screaming. Kept referring to you as Oni, then ordered his lackeys to spill your blood until it runs dry."
You stare at him silently. Then, you huff out a singular laugh. “What?”
“Yup,” he says, shifting himself to the rocky floor. “He thinks you’re a demon. Said he felt something in your blood.”
“Great, so I’m a demon now,” you say, staring down at your awfully blackened arm. The growth seems to have halted while you were unconscious, prompting a small sigh of relief. Well, at least there’s that.
Zoro looks away with a smirk, his arm crossed. “Now? You always were one.”
You scoff, an eyebrow raised. “You got some jokes, samurai.”
You stumble a little from the disorientation, gasping in the process. Zoro immediately shifts from his position, his eye widening, arms held out in preparation, but you manage to shift your arms onto the wall behind you, panting in surprise.
 “I got it.” You strain out. Zoro lowers his arms and pointedly stares at you in reply.
“Maybe you should sit down. You’re confused.”
So, you sit yourself down on the jagged terrain, earning a surprised stare from Zoro.
“You actually listened.”
“Yeah, well…” You look down at your arm again, grimacing. “Chopper’s sedative is gonna wear off soon, and my arm’s definitely gonna feel it.”
Zoro's gaze very slightly softens as he takes in the exhaustion etched across your face. "We'll find a way to fix this. For now, rest."
“Rest in the terrified Shaman’s cave. Great plan,” you mutter, though you do lean back against the cold, rocky surface.
As the minutes pass, you decide to rest your eyes whilst keeping your ears open. The images of your previous dream swirl in your thoughts, blending with the rhythmic dripping sounds of the cave, and you can't help but purse your lips at the thought of Kuina. What would she have been like, if she was still alive and the same age as you? You'll never know. You'll never know, and that's what hurts.
Before you let yourself completely relax your muscles and slacken your head against the wall, a sudden stampede of footsteps begin to scramble their way to the entrance of the cave, making your eyes snap wide open.
“They found us,” you whisper, instantly knowing the amount of hot shit the both of you are in right now. Your fingers curl over the dagger in your belt. “Tell me, did you see them use magic?”
Zoro drifts his gaze from the sudden clambering of the Shaman’s underlings to you, his lips pursed. You stare back at him, raising your eyebrows.
“Okay. So, are they talented?” 
He remains staring at you, pursing his lips even harder into a straight line. Instantly, you turn away, eyes flickering in thought.
“Well, fuck. Shit. Okay…” You heave yourself from the ground, stumbling slightly in the process. “I think I have a plan.”
Zoro rises, his sword now glimmering and unsheathed. He stands in front of the opening, pure focus in his eye, as he holds the Kitetsu into the air.
“Look, you’ve got to leave and let me deal with them,” you say, making Zoro snap his head to you in outrage.
“Absolutely fucking not,” he growls, narrowing his eye at you. “Are you insane?”
“Seriously, Roronoa, you need to run away. Leave me --”
“You know what you’re sounding awfully a lot like? Your old man.”
He glares at you, ferocity lingering in his lone eye.
“I told you, I’m not fuckin’ makin’ that mistake again.”
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sloanerisette · 2 months
Fic For Odaiba Day 2024: You Need A Promotion, I Want A Shake Up, So Let's Get Married!
Hello everyone! Happy Odaiba Day! 25 years of Digimon! It's incredible to think about! I'm so happy I've gotten back into this show and this fandom because it's been so wonderful!
I know it's not Odaiba Day in America but it IS Odaiba Day in Japan so I'm going to post the FIRST of my two fics I'm osting for Odaiba Day!
Title: You Need A Promotion, I Want A Shake Up, So Let's Get Married! Summary: A newly 30 Mimi Tachikawa has it all: great friends, her dream career, and tons of fans, but she's missing one thing: a relationship she isn't allowed to have because of an overbearing manager.
Jou Kido is living a simple life: he goes to work at his father's hospital, he comes home, he goes to sleep and does it again. However, pressure from his father has him needing to live up to his lofty expectations to one day secure a promotion that will make all of the work he's done in his life worth it.
When the two of them get in touch after so many years and learn of each other's struggles, they decide on the obvious solution: pretend they're married. Big thanks to Camp Digimonth and zuz-senpai for all the support and excitement for this fic! I'm so happy to have this first chapter out and I hope you all enjoy! I'll post a blurb here under the read more, but you can view the fic on AO3 HERE!
Bright lights shined in her face, which a make up artist was currently patting foundation on. Mimi Tachikawa sat in a chair, curlers in her hair, phone held gingerly in her nicely manicured hands, and she tapped through it and looked through her contacts..
In three days it would be her thirtieth birthday, and she couldn’t be more excited. She was excited to reach a new milestone in her life— not that turning thirty was a particularly big one, anyways— and more than that, she was getting the finishing touches set up for her big birthday party. She rented out a fancy Italian restaurant at one of the nicest hotels in the area, one that had a beautiful view of the bay, and a bunch of her friends would be there to celebrate with her. Though the invites she sent out already were for fellow models who she worked with and became friends with since her late teens and early twenties, an old photo popping up on her phone reminded her of another group of friends she needed to invite. She tried to keep it small at first, but, well, she was Mimi! How could she keep an event like this small when she had so many friends? Especially friends.
And though she hadn’t had a chance to spend as much time with them as she wanted to for years, they were old friends and classmates who meant the world to her: Yagami Taichi, Ishida Yamato, Takenouchi Sora, Izumi Koushiro, Kido Jou, Takaishi Takeru, Yagami Hikari, Motomiya Daisuke, Inoue Miyako, Hida Iori, and Ichijouji Ken.
Twelve extra people was going to be a big ask considering she already had, what, twenty some other people going? But she couldn’t leave them out. It had been a long time since she sat down with most of them, but they were still all friends to some degree.
“Tachikawa-san? I need to apply your lipstick real quick,” the young woman who was doing her makeup told her. Mimi’s eyes flicked up to her and she smiled.
“Of course! What color?” she asked.
“It’s this,” the girl said, holding up a lipstick tube that was colored a beautiful, deep, rich burgundy.
“Oooh, that looks great! Go ahead!”
Mimi puckered her lips, and as the make-up artist started to apply the first coat, she glanced back down at her phone, adding each of them to a group chat. Once the makeup artist finished the first coat of lipstick, Mimi started rapidly firing off messages.
[Tachikawa Mimi]: Hey everyone! It’s Mimi!
[Tachikawa Mimi]: I’m having my 30th bday in a few days! And you’re all invited!
[Tachikawa Mimi]: Sorry for it being so late notice! I’ll send you all the time and location!
She sent the RSVP from her calendar, unable to stop from feeling giddy, practically bouncing in her seat. Her phone immediately buzzed like wild, and she couldn’t wait to check on it after the shoot.
The girl finished the second coat of lipstick, and Mimi looked at herself in the mirror as she then removed the curlers, letting her hair fall down in loose curls and waves.
“Is hair and makeup done?” a man’s voice called from the other end of the room.
“Yup!” the make up artist chirped back. Mimi popped up from the chair. She gave herself a once over, turning to one side, then the other, to appreciate the midnight blue evening gown she had on. Combined with the lipstick and her honey brown hair, she looked like a real stunner, if she said so herself.
“This looks great! You did an incredible job! Thank you so much,” she beamed, before heading over to the set.
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beginningobserver · 2 months
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One Eighth Plan Day countdown.
Part 4 of 6 - Lui ⨉ Sora
You know that I love all 12 characters, but I have a lot of trouble with the older six (Taichi-Yamato-Sora-Mimi-Koushiro-Jou) because I am too used to and attached to their young juniors (aka the 02 group). So I have to resort to people who are more into them or at least specialized in them.
I think the idea of Sora helping Rui with the egg sounds cute. Kudos to @seventeenlovesthree for that idea ✌😗
Sora is the kind of person who helps more with small things and emotional support, and she might just make Rui see her as a sibling figure. Pretty sure Sora would understand his struggles like no one else and offer him a hand.
Also get a proper real mom figure as well...
She gives him tips from time to time to help him hatch the DigiEgg properly and to better understand the feelings of the digi and peeps in general.
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ashxketchum · 1 year
Sharing my favourite part from the latest storyboard and character analysis posted by Digimon Partners
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The Kizuna part of the analysis is titled as"vaguely thinking about his dreams for the future".
Takeru, who opted for literature as his field of study at university, is studying English and French languages, along with joining a Children Literature's Club. As always with the help of his good natured personality, he has many friends, both male and female, and enjoys a fun campus life. On the side, he dabbles in writing as a hobby and works to assist in Digimon related matters. He responds to Koushiro's calls actively and was present for the battles against Parrotmon and Eosmon.
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In 02 The Beginning, we will see Takeru as a sophomore in college. While enjoying college life, he also seems to have started to take his writing seriously…? We are looking forward to seeing what kind of a young man he has become!
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amethyst-geek · 2 months
What school clubs the Digidestined partook in
Since Japanese children are expected to join a school club in their time as students, I thought it would be fun the speculate about the school club participation (or lack thereof) of the main characters from Adventure, 02, Tamers, and Frontier. I was going to speculate on the others well, but that sounded exhausting (plus in the case of Savers, I think it's obvious that none of the main characters were participating in school clubs, at least not during the events of the show).
First, I will list the characters whose club participation has been canonically
Taichi, Daisuke, Ken, and Takuya all play soccer. Sora used to play soccer, but switched to tennis in middle school. Koushiro and Miyako are both in the computer club. Iori is on his school's Kendo team
Now that we've went over those characters, let's speculate on the club participation (or lack thereof) of rest. And since joining more than 1 club is frowned upon in Japan, I will be writing this under the assumption that the kids only do 1 club with a few exceptions .
Yamato- I got the vibe he was part of the 'go-home' club
Mimi- Mimi is probably 1 of the few characters I can see participating in more than 1 club. But if she had to only do 1 club, I say she'd be in the drama club, or perhaps a fashion club or cooking club.
Jou- I can see him joining a literature club or perhaps he could be part of a library committee like Komachi from Yes Pretty Cure 5.
Takeru- either basketball or some kind of literature club. I'm leaning towards the latter.
Hikari- Probably photography club.
Tamers- quick note, while I don't think any of them were already in clubs during the events of Tamers, I can see most of them joining clubs in junior high.
Takato- probably art club
Ruki- maybe some sort of sports team or mechanics club
Jian- probably computer club like Koshirou and Miyako.
Juri- home ec club? band? gardening? animal caretaking?
Ryo- I'm just gonna assume he's a member of the go home club
Kenta- upon entering middle school, Kenta considered joining the Chorus club, but much to the relief of everyone's ears, some of his friends out of it, and he instead winds up joining Drama club or literature club.
Hirokazu- drama club
Suzie- she's a little young for me to able to pinpoint what her interests in middle and high school would be, but maybe an animal caretaking like Kotaro in Ghost Game (Hopefully by this point, she's learned to be more gentle with living creatures).
Kouji- I can see him joining his school's Kendo or Bōjutsu team.
Izumi- maybe literature club, as she's seen reading in at least 1 flashback
Junpei- one of the CD drama revealed that he took up Opera, so maybe a club relating to music
Tomoki- Once he's old enough to join a school club, I kinda like the idea of him joining cooking club or a home economics club.
Kouichi- maybe a literature club (then again the only time we ever saw him reading a book was in Takuya's imagination). Or maybe soccer, since one of the CD drama reveals that he apparently likes soccer.
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redpool · 2 months
One Piece Live Action
* means poster
Episode One;
Monkey D. Garp, Gold Roger/Gol D. Roger, Monkey D. Dragon, young Dracule Mihawk, young Red Haired Shanks, young Smoker, Monkey D. Luffy, Alvida, Koby/Coby, Yasopp, Benn Beckman, Lucky Roux, Bonk Punch, Building Snake, Hongo, Limejuice, Red Haired Shanks, Roronoa Zoro, Mr. 7, Higuma, Makino, Nami, Two of the Funan Bros, *Bellamy, *Foxy, *Jango* *Cavendish, *Buggy, Ririka, Cabaji, Rika, Helmeppo, Ax Hand Morgan, Bogard and Buggy the Clown.
Episode 2
Mohji, Sea King that ate Shanks' arm, Mayor Boodle and Chouchou.
Episode 3
Usopp, Mornin, Kuroobi, Sham, Buchi, Kaya, Kuro/Klahadore, Merry, Arlong and Banchina.
Episode 4
Koushiro and Kuina.
Episode 5
Sanji, Patty, Zeff, Gally, Fullbody, Moodie, Dracule Mihawk, Don Krieg and Gin.
Episode 6
Chu and Motzel.
Episode 7
Belle-Mere, Nojiko, Genzo and Captain Nezumi.
Episode 8
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dutchforstrangers · 10 months
I like you in a skirt - Taiora drabble
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 2
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A/N: Here’s a drabble of a concept that has been sitting in my WIPs for what feels like ages. I’m exaggerating obviously, but it’s an idea that has stuck and now’s finally the time to give it a stage. Non-established Taiora, taking place in my "About all the times" universe [x][x].
Loosely ‘based’ on this fanart of Sora holding her school uniform skirt (and looking absolutely disgusted by it).
Summary: Middle school is approaching which means: school uniforms for both Taichi and Sora. Taichi has a hard time imagining Sora -the tomboy- in a skirt, but when he actually sees her...
Day 2: School days | Characters: Taichi Yagami (POV), Sora Takenouchi, Koushiro Izumi | Genre: Friendship | Rating: K | Wordcount: 732
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“A skirt…”
“Don’t tell me you aren’t aware of the fact that girls do indeed have to wear skirts in middle and high school, Taichi-san.”
“Yeah, I’m aware. It’s just… I don’t think I can imagine her in a skirt.”
Taichi stared at the closed curtains of the fitting room their female friend was currently in. He had to admit that to some extent, he had liked the idea of seeing girls wearing skirts on a daily base soon. But after seeing the horror in her eyes, holding up the to her hideous thing, he was a tad more careful with what he liked.
He repeated her words in his mind like a broken record playing.
“I do not want to wear a skirt.”
The image of her holding up the thing between only her thumbs and index fingers, the other six fingers keeping a distance to the fabric as if it was the filthiest thing she had ever seen and held, remained stuck with those repeating words.
Sorry was what he felt for her. In fact, Taichi was so sorry he had been trying to come up with what he thought were solutions. To make her laugh, like he always tried. He should’ve known though he would never succeed, like he had not done yet.
“Maybe you can ask to wear trousers instead?”
“And being the only girl wearing trousers? No.”
“Or you could wear the trousers over the skirt.”
“That still makes me the only girl wearing trousers. It’s also one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. So no.”
“Okay, theeeeen… the only option left is burning it and go to school in your underpants!”
“Ugh, I can’t with you!”
He would only make her more mad and annoyed with him.
Koushiro had looked at him like he had seen him looking at him a thousand times, scolding him for being stupid with only his eyes, shaking head and sighs.
In a way, however, Taichi had succeeded. Simply because giving her those rather crazy options made her step into the fitting room and close the curtains shut behind her. And she had not entered it solely to be rid of him, but probably to try the skirt on anyway.
She was stubborn like that and when it came to Taichi, she needed to prove her right of the skirt being awful. Little did she know he was never going to give her that right, even when he had a hard time imagining her wearing one.
She had been in his soccer team for as long as he could remember, always playing alongside the boys. Besides, she wasn’t just playing games as she was one of the few players who could actually score a goal. People would always describe her as the tomboy, the girl who was wearing the pants in every sense and meaning. But she wasn’t as tough as she looked most of the time, under that hard exterior hidden a gentle and caring young woman.
Taichi recalled the times in the Digital World where she had a hard time accepting her Crest. In the end, there was nothing to accept, all she needed was the strength to look at herself in the mirror and see the girl she already but unknowingly was. 
The skirt contained the same symbolism. It was the one thing she needed to finally see what feminine potential she was hiding inside.
And underneath those jeans she was always wearing.
He watched the curtain slowly open, revealing his friend dressed in the green colored school uniform. His eyes boldly scanned her from top to bottom, stopping at her skirt for a bit longer, his eyes unable to deny the long legs it was exposing.
A blush started to form on his cheeks.
“What do you guys think?” She asked sounding a bit insecure, her comfortable level low, but not as low and annoyed as it was before.
“I think it suits you better than how you pictured it, Sora-san,” Koushiro answered politely with a warm smile. It made Sora smile back shyly.
“I—erm…” Taichi started, trying to find the right words to say. Pity he could only come up with more stupid-sounding ones.
“I like you in a skirt.”
“Baka,” Sora said, unable to hide the red shade quickly appearing, fumbling with the skirt she was wearing like your typical shy school girl.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Me, looking around my old Digi-O.C.s site C.D.: ... "Myotismon" in this super old thing I wrOTE: "This {"world" you live in} is *an alternate world* {from 'my own'}! You can thank (TAKERU) T.K. TAKAISHI and his silly NOVEL for THAT. Because of HIM, this {real} world is a NEW reality in which THE {Original} DIGI-DESTINED {I KNOW} never EXISTED!" m E: (GENUINELY having forgotten I wrote that in) I can't BELIEVE ""T.K."" ALSO accidentally created the Repeatverse {+before This Site even Existed}
#repeatverse#repeat takeru#repeat vamdemon#repeat chosen#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi advs#koushirouizumi cof#(IM LAUGHING so hArD m E ' H E L P ')#(M E ' I cant BELIEVE T.K. helped create rEPEAT KOUTAI ')#(m E ' This IS going to be implied somehow in the Lost Day Hour A.M.V. now ')#(I know I did have a lot of silly A.U. takes re that novel existing in actual 02!canon but w O W...)#(Me 'So yeah in the past T.K. MAY have been more up there but sorry Koushiro Mimi Jou & the rest all came up to overtake T.K.s spot')#(OK I'm not posting the whole thing it was *very incomplete* and goofy US dubverse young me DigiAdvs x Pkmn cross-over style rp but)#meanwhile on digiadvs#meanwhile on 02#(Me ' This. This was before I even WAS shipping KouTai ')#(DAISUKE VOICE ' IT WAS YOU ??!??!? ')#(TakerU VOICE ' Um . Things . Happened ')#(Koushiro Voice ' I had to fill him in on the rest of the 'technical' stuff but ... ')#(Hikari Voice ' I Helped Too ' {Contribues over Half the Book})#(Edit: This Was Drafted But I STILL LAUGH remembering This Line Now)#my like hate relationship with patamon line#my like hate relationship with angemon#my like hate relationship with vamdemon#my very hyper specific interpretation of takeru and takaishidas that is still very based in 'canon' thank you#in which tk accidentally helps create a multiverse via a book where takeru with koushiro assisting explains multiverse theory in depth#the digital world runs on wishes#in which takeru accidentally unleashes D I G I M O N into Our World#You Too Can Be A Chosen {If You (WANT) To Be}
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izzyizumi · 1 year
U.S. 2020!Tentomon, Ep 36, clearly thrILLED: "OoooHHH, *TELL THEM*, Izzy! *THAT'S* the mOST *IMPORTANT PART*, *ISN'T IT*?!??!" M E: (*LAUGHS IN Autistic with Special InterestTM*)
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one-idea · 10 months
I have so many thoughts and need to organize them. Please ask me about my ideas
The dream dream fruit au.
A devil fruit user that can steal dreams/ambitions steals Luffy’s dream to be pirate king and the rest of the crew has to get it back
The reverse straw hats au.
And unternate reality where Ace meets the Whitebeard pirates when he’s young and promises to surpass Whitebeard. When he sets out to sea he meets a swords women named Kuina, a thief named Nojiko, a young heiress named Kaya, and a chief named Reiju. The adventure of the strawhats with their loved ones taking their place.
It all ends with the current strawhats meeting this universe version of their crew.
Zoro’s Arc
Koushiro reaches out to Zoro demanding Wado ichimonji back to fight of an opponent
Zoro brings the crew with him since Luffy isn’t letting him go off on his own. But it turns out Koushiro not only needs the blade back to defeat the enemy but also think Zoro is dishonoring the blade as a pirate.
Zoro has to prove himself worth of his blade, leading to his first black blade?
Also maybe Koushiro is evil? Haven’t decided yet.
Please ask anything I have so many ideas and need to sort them out before I write.
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
I'm just here thinking i definitely like the idea of Daisuke being some sort of mentor for the next gen of Chosen Children...
I mean, i've written him being Tagiru's mentor and now... DigiTimeLines document has him get along with Mirai (Koushiro's daughter) with the same role in mind...
Maybe because i remember of that one 02 episode where he's dealing with a ton of Punimon babies and teaching them to play soccer that i keep daydreaming with Daisuke being a father figure to young kids...
I mean,
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nami-moittli · 2 years
My headcanons behind all the dub names for digimon:
Taichi —> Tai. Very simple, making the name shorter
Yamato —> Matt. Took a try or two to get to this nickname, but also a pretty simple nickname
Koushiro Izumi —> Izzy. At first he was called “Kou” but then one day someone called him “Izzy” instead, because it was ‘more fun to say’ and it stuck
Takeru—> T.K.. When he was like, in kindergarten or first grade, there was another kid named Takeru, so T.K. Ended up being called that
Hikari—> Kari. Once again, a very simple nickname
Daisuke —> Davis. Noticed that all of his friends have nicknames, and wanted one too. Davis was the first thing he thought of
Miyako —> Yolei. Probably was just hanging out one day and decided that she wanted to give herself a weird nickname, Yolei was the one that made it out
Iori—> Cody. Yolei’s the only one who really calls him this, furthering the idea that they were just hanging out one day, and gave each other nicknames
Extra: Wallace—>Willis. Someone mispronounced his name, and now no one knows which is right
Jianliang—>Henry. He got tired of everyone mispronouncing his name, that he just started saying, “Call me Henry”
Ruki—>Rika. A mispronunciation of her actual name. She hates it, but it won’t leave her alone.
Shaochung—>Susie. One day Henry told her that people have a hard time saying their names, so she should pick out a nickname.
Hirokazu—>Kazu. Once again, a very easy nickname.
(Think that’s all?)
Takuya—>Taky. Very easy nickname.
Izumi—>Zoe. A nickname she got from her friends in Italy. She liked it so she kept it when she got back to Japan. Sometimes shortened further to Z.
Junpei—>J.P.. he wanted to act cooler, so along with the magic and chocolate, he started to introduce himself as J.P. Zoe called him out on this when they first met on the Trailmon.
Tomoki—>Tommy. Again, very easy. Like how Thomas becomes Tommy.
Data Squad/Savers:
Masaru—>Marcus. I’m not even sure. His name just got corrupted one day and it stuck. He sometimes doesn’t even respond to his actual name now
Thoma—>Thomas. Thomas is his name, though sometimes people take off the ‘s’
Ikuto—>Keenan. Ikuto is his birth name, though when he got to the digital world, no one knew that, so they just called him “Keenanmon” Keenan eventually dropped the “mon” though
Chika—>Kristy. A corruption of her name that came about one day.
(I think that’s all?)
Xros wars/Fusion/Young Hunters:
Taiki—>Mikey. Jeremy wanted to see how many people he could get to believe Taiki’s name was Mikey, so one time when he was helping out a club, he yelled, “Go Mikey!” It confused the heck out of Taiki, but now people don’t know which is right. Tagiru just calls him “T.M.” At this point
Zenjiro—>Jeremy. First it was shortened to Jiro, then Jiro became Jeremy. Probably through a mispronunciation mixed with how the name Thomas became Tommy
Akari—>Angie. Jeremy is also behind this one. Probably the same reason he calls Taiki Mikey.
Kiriha—>Christopher. Christopher’s just his middle name.
Yuu—>Ewan. Tagiru gave him this one. Though, he’s not sure how the “an” part of that nickname came to be.
And, I think that’s it. Cause Hunters and Appmon weren’t dubbed, 2020 is just a reboot, and I’m not sure if/when Ghost Game is getting dubbed, so I can’t say.
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