#pre epilogue koushiro
taichi-x-koushiro · 2 months
D.I.G.I.M.O.N Adventure/02/tri. x "Lover I Don't Have To Love" ~ Koushiro{u} x Taichi {KouTai}
Ver. B.e.t.t.i.e S.e.r.v.e.e.r.t
Summary: "Do you LIKE to xxxx?
Note: Contains discussion of R-18 Subject{s} in full version. (This version is 'safe' for now)
This particular A.M.V. preview is a preview, as it is mainly un-finished; However, it is planned to contain similar themes + discussion of implied orientations, namely Koushiro's. (Taichi's is Hinted, Meanwhile)
There is a tiny KouTai relevant moment, from mid-Kokuhaku {Tri} included near end. I've used it in many of my A.M.V.s by now.
A.M.V. By Me {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Re-produce Under Any Circumstances Whatsoever!!}
Notice: If the A.M.V. doesn't display properly in embed above, Please feel free to check out at the direct link here, and it should work! (If it doesn't, please feel free to ping me in tags or comment!)
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izzyizumi · 2 months
No One: Me: "The average Digital World astronaut reaches space a total of one time in their entire lifetime, but more instances may be possible with advancements in Space science. Izumi Koushirou, meanwhile, who reached (Digital) ""space"" twice depending on the universe involved, (BOTH times while still as a child) is an Outlier who Should Not Be Counted"
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
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{from here!}
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Koushiro Izumi / Izzy and his Digimon partner picspam
(Japanese and English dub names)
1st pic = 10 year old Koushiro Izumi in Digimon Adventure
2nd pic = 13 year old Koushiro in Digimon Adventure 02
3rd pic = 16 year old Koushiro from Digimon Adventure Tri
4th pic = 21 year old Koushiro from Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie
5th and 6th pics = adult Koushiro and Tentomon in the epilogue of Digimon Adventure 02 (the epilogue itself might be too controversial and debatable to many Digimon fans.)
7th pic = Mochimon/Motimon (Tentomon's pre-evolved baby form)
8th pic = Tentomon (default child/rookie form)
9th pic = Kabuterimon (Tentomon's evolved adult/champion form)
10th pic = Atlur Kabuterimon / MegaKabuterimon (evolved perfect/ultimate form)
11th pic = Herakle Kabuterimon / HerculesKabuterimon (evolved ultimate/mega form)
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hikari-m · 1 month
Digimon Adventure tri. (Japanese version) ~ Kōshirō Izumi {& bonus Jō Kido} + (Direct if Vague) Mention of {Koushiro}'s Biological line/relatives
(Narrator) is meanwhile Still {implied same/similar as Epilogue!Takeru}
"The SUMMER of 2001." {Pre '02!!} "Koushiro was {ON THE WAY to} (via Shinkansen) {visiting} Koushiro's {biological parents}' ["Ryōshin" is the term/word used for 'parents'; implying 'BOTH' 'parent's, which we know is Confirmed, thanks to information from the 3rd Adventure novel] {the Izumi}'s family GRAVE{s}..."
Japanese note: "Ryōshin" as a term is used elsewhere in the main Adventure series too. An example is in Episode 33's Japanese version, the episode with Pump{kin}mon and Got{t}sumon. In the beginning of that episode, Tsunomon verbally uses "Ryōshin" when informing Patamon about the current relationship state of Yamato and Takeru's parents {divorced}, (indirectly implying 'both' involved). Thus, it is not unusual the term 'Ryōshin' would apply in standard Japanese usage when being used for Koushiro's biological relatives.
{Clip'd by Me} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Reproduce Without My Permission} {Do Not Reupload} (Please Ask to Use/Share!)
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aph-japan · 2 years
{Digimon Adventure}/{02}/{tri.}/{Pre Epilogue-verses} {Index} IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi’s Fanfics for Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, & Koushiro x Taichi {KouTai}/{Taishiro}/{Etc. (+Friend)Ship[s]}
I know there’s been a lot of Digimon Adventure-relevant fandom/fan-events going on lately. I usually can’t participate in events for varying reasons, but I’m glad to share my past works in the form of this index. ALL were created out of Positivity and respect for this series. Please feel free to reblog anything relevant if you have a fan-event going on and I've made a relevant work, as long as you follow my general Interaction rules! (Looking over my F.A.Q first would be beneficial to you too!!)
{This post is initially marked as 'no reblog', so I can go back and change later; but feel free to 'Like' if wanted!}
[I'm trying to keep this out of less commonly-used tags; but I do use {many of} these for organizing on my blog, and I hope they can reach more fans of these pairs this way!] As usual, many of my works can be found via my AO3! {Anything else will be linked here, then likely to AO3 in the future!}
Title: REPEAT?_ Ship{s}: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} (Main Focus) YamaSora {Yamato x Sora} is implied for a few very fleeting, brief moments {along with a single ambiguous timeline one-shot} Summary: Taichi wasn't sure what he was expecting. …He just knew it wasn't… this…
(Please see inside for all Notes!)
Title: The Past World Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing (both Taichi & Koushiro) & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general - Royalty!A.U.; however things may not be as they appear... + Dark!Chosen Children A.U. appears in some parts (mainly in flash-back form, until...). Characters: Taichi, Koushiro, Adventure Chosen team, 02 Chosen Ship{s}: (Same as "Infalliable" listed below can be read in) + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} focus. Ken x Miyako has a scene where they're both present, but not completely in a relationship yet; as friendly. Yamato x Sora is implied for a few very fleeting, brief moments Ken x Daisuke is implied for a total of one (flash-back) A.U. scene, but will come to have a heavy presence in future sequels to this A.U.
"-- About that, you'd be better off asking your new advisor," "H-huh?--" When suddenly -- -- as if out of nowhere -- -- from a short distance -- a shy gaze peers up at him
… pure black eyes.
Title: Possession Rating: PG-13 / R (Violence implied) Notes: Epilogue era / Taichi and Koushiro are adults, 30-35+ - can be conidered a spin-off timeline / part of REPEAT?_ - partly based on general head-canons, partly based on my old as heck Digi-O.C. fic and the head-canons I / Young me had for its own future / epilogue era - Leans more post-02, {no Tri} canon compliant overall (thus many things happen differently between these two things) - (still) partly based on new ideas gained from Tri - KouTai + Government Corruption A.U.??? + Ambassador!Taichi (Koushiro hasn't quite reached the "Digital World" Researcher position Yet) Summary:
"We’re… being targeted," "but not just by---"
"One, a certain one, among them" "had the power to open the gate" "–and immediately close it again" Title: Ten Rating: PG-13 Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya {Friendship} Ship{s} KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} heavily Implied Summary:
“…Can you turn around and— - it’s April 2004. (..Or is it April 2003? Spring 2003?) - at the end of Spring 2003, something else astonishing occurred: Daisuke’s sister Jun, the Inoue sisters, & Shuu Kido all became Chosen at once. - an incident, (occured, and then) —
“I’ll help, so we, you, can get out of here !!—”
“They {Won’t come}”
…TAICHI-SENPAI’s GOGGLES ( … Are probably absolutely unfitting for Koushiro Izumi, but…. ) Title: Candles Rating: r18 Implied ? (Pre?-Fade-to-Black) or Mature / technically Work-safe Notes: some Specific Headcanons are heavily implied technically part of REPEAT?_Verse, ( ficverse version here ); - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff Verses: Post-Advs (can also be post-Tri/Kizuna); pre-Epilogue [+Kids]; Taichi has graduated a while ago by now. Taichi has been involved with his Ambassador career for a while, but it’s still getting off the ground too. (And it’s . Stressful) +Taichi and Koushiro are heavily implied to be living together already here. Summary: Taichi is having ... a hard time. Featured Head-canon: Jewish!Taichi (+Koushiro) Implied
Title: Dreams Rating: r18 Implied ? (Pre?-Fade-to-Black) {It's a bit Ambiguous. You Might Get An Idea} Summary:
Sometimes, Koushiro dreams. (Of Brown hair, Brown eyes.)
This can serve as a prequel spinoff to my other Koushiro-centric series, "REPEAT?"_-verse or be read as a standalone.
Title: (Dirty) Computer Summary:
"Do you like computers?" Tentomon had asked Koushiro, once.
“You just like working with machines more THAN PEOPLE, don’t you?!” … But why does it MATTER if Koushiro – DID —
A character study and analysis on Koushiro Izumi's Canon personality, (with a touch of heavily implied headcanons), with brief references to Koushiro's notable relationships, Family, and those Interests. "It's OK for you to be obsessed with computers!" - Mr. Masami Izumi, Adventure Episode #38 (There are some light references to the novel's given backstory details for Koushiro, including Koushiro's mindset there.)
Title: Koushiro Izumi Is Touched By Death Rating: PG Notes: Implications about Death & Grief (for passed loved ones), + the mourning/grieving process in general Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya Ship{s}: (Implied) KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} can be read into the background, but is not actively discussed / mentioned Summary:
In which Koushiro Izumi Is Traumatized, Has Always BEEN Traumatized, And Daisuke Motomiya {NOTICES}.
Takes place shortly before "the summer of" a somewhere between 2003~2005. (02 takes place in April~December 2002, Tri takes place in 2005 June~December.) {Tri knowledge is not required to read, but may be helpful to understand continuity.}
Title: Infalliable Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya Ship{s}: (Implied) KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} can be read into the background, but is not actively discussed / mentioned; Daisuke x (Girl)!O.C. ("Hikaru"); in background; (My O.C. does not appear much within the context of the fic, but the dialogue refers to an event she was involved in immediately previously, with a Koushiro-focus and Daisuke-relevant aftermath.) Daisuke x O.C. aren't "together" yet; it is developing relationship. Ken x Daisuke x O.C. may be Implied in spin-off fic{s}; Ken x Miyako may be implied in canon-compliant 'verses, with former Ken x Daisuke heavily implied / mutually requited-yet-unrequited (as purssuing a direct relationship) / hinted. Poly-ships may be included in any future spin-off, but none are referenced in this specific one (yet). Summary:
Daisuke stares moodily ahead. Koushiro does the same, except Daisuke genuinely doesn't know - cannot even tell - if Koushiro's doing it "moodily" or not, because Koushiro's blank staring is that unreadable. They sit, Daisuke next to Koushiro, for a few long, long moments. And then -- Koushiro... opens his mouth -- "I'm not infalliable." Daisuke's eyebrows furrow, even if he can't look at Koushiro in this exact moment --
"Unshakeable? Indestructible--" Daisuke's head hurts. "I admit there was a time when I thought, ..." "NO!! That's not true!!"
"When you asked me, 'What about YOU, Daisuke-kun' -- the one who gave me that push -- that was you."
A "missing scene" of Daisuke & Koushiro friendship from my other Adventures & 02 Chosen fic; "The Past World" You do not have to read that one to appreciate this "missing" moment, as its mainly friendship. There is a slight hint of Daisuke/Original ("Girl") Character OC, but its more lightly implied; (Epilogue semi-canon compliant) There are also background relationships like Taichi/Koushiro, the slightest hint of background Ken/Daisuke, others hinted.
Title: Words Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general; with a focus on self-acceptance + Koushiro's heavy use of formal speech and communication in the J.P.N version is referenced frequently. Tri is referenced / implied-as-AUs or for semi-canon compliancy (light spoilers for Kokuhaku; but not majorly referenced; just a quote) {plus a gif of a small moment involving Taichi + Koushiro} [also one more small conversation moment between Taichi and Meiko] (a scene from the first episode of the 2020 Reboot is referenced) - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff (i.e. this can be read on its own) Characters/Groups: Taichi & Koushiro; Koushiro Izumi & Tentomon; Koushiro Izumi & Mimi Tachikawa; Koushiro & Izumis Ship{s}: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} focus Summary:
– To be honest,
Taichi and Koushiro don’t need words.
( They have a lot more than Just )
( words )
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ahiddenpath · 3 years
Thanks for the Tri response, what do you think of Kizuna?
Well, I can only answer based on the novel. I bought the film, but I still haven't watched it! But I'll try to answer as best I can below the cut. Again, the novel had stuff I love and stuff I didn't, but I think my reaction to this one was a bit more true middle-of-the-road than Tri.
Spoilers for Kizuna.
I want to start by saying that I think my reception of the Kizuna plot was impacted by the state of the world when it was released, which is... continuing today, as I type this. I'm referring to the pandemic, of course. I pre-purchased my tickets for a March Kizuna screening in theaters; it was the first social event that fell through because of the pandemic for me. It's been a difficult period for everyone, and I was not- and still am not- really emotionally equipped to watch Taichi and Yamato lose their partners. I'd rather just leave it for now.
Kizuna is one of those stories where I didn't really enjoy the plot... But I find it inspiring in terms of what I would like to do with the ideas presented. It's amazing fic fodder, and you know I love that!
I do think that, coming off of Tri, where an adult Chosen who lost her partner ends up betraying the Chosen and involving them in her trauma stemming from that loss... Well, it was kind of like... Didn't we... Just... Do this? I have to mentally separate Kizuna from Tri to circumvent that tension, and that's not normally... how sequels work?
As you might know, I was also concerned about Kizuna sort of... demonizing adulthood by showing that the Chosen cannot have their partners as adults, because they've "lost their potential." In reality, adulthood is where your potential begins- you gain agency and go into the world to build your life.
On the surface, that demonization does seem to be what happened- but I don't think that's actually what went down. Taichi and Yamato fight so that the Chosen can experience adulthood and keep growing, instead of locking themselves in Menoa's world of endless childhood with the digimon. So, yay, our heroes think adulthood=good! But then, they lose their partners anyway; adulthood=bad??? But again, signs point to the epilogue still being applicable, so eventually, they will reunite with their partners. It's also directly stated at the end of the novel ("Wait for me! I promise to come for you!").
I think that the novelization didn't really explain the logic behind all of this. Did the kids actually lose their partners because adults cannot sustain a digimon partner? Or was Menoa mistaken? She clearly never figured out how to reverse the loss of her partner, so it's totally possible that she misunderstood the whole situation! And 02 makes the argument that digimon partners will come to everyone when they believe in themselves and follow their true path. We see some of the Chosen struggling with their paths during Kizuna, so maybe, when they find the courage to be true to their wants and dreams, their partners will return.
(For more on this, explained far better and with receipts, check out this wonderful post by Shihalyfie).
I love this interpretations of Kizuna ("be true to self=digimon partner")! But that... kind of... seems like an important thing to leave up to audience interpretation/nuance/reliance on the audience remembering those lines from a show that aired in 2002. Are we not going to talk about that stuff within Kizuna itself, if it's applicable? Obviously, I love Digimon Adventure and 02, but I don't do routine rewatches. It's easy to forget stuff. Or is the fact that "be true to self=digimon partner" isn't directly mentioned within the Kizuna novel enough evidence to suggest that it isn't applicable to the vanishing partner situation? I'm not saying that books have to explicitly explain everything to audiences, but... A little help, please? It's especially difficult to catch subtle nuances in translated works, so I think non-Japanese readers also have that hurdle to contend with.
I'm sure many folks felt upset, and maybe even betrayed, when Agumon and Gabumon vanished. And I get it, I do, even if we know they will return at some point. Like I said, it's something I frankly don't want to watch, but I'm fine with it intellectually (ie, in writing), mostly because it sets up a chance for fanfic writers to explore why they really vanished, and how the Chosen will reunite. Talk about an opportunity for character growth (gimme gimme gimme, lol!!!!).
And that's where I swing around to being happy again. Do you know what happens when canon content leaves stuff open to interpretation? YOU GUESSED IT, FANFIC FANFIC FANFIC! And you can still use canon setting without contradicting anything, awwwwwww yissssssssss. I'm planning a pre-and-post Kizuna fic that I think will really be amazing. I found some concepts of Kizuna really engaging/emotionally charged/exciting, even if I wasn't fully happy with/clear on the execution.
The novel also has this super wonderful scene with Koushiro telling Tentomon a story about candles that I really loved ;_; It was lovely. And seeing the 02 kids thriving and being so happy?! Wonderful. The overall characterization was solid, too, with lots of Chosen proactiveness (my fave!).
I think there was a lot to like in Kizuna, even if I'm not clear on a hugely important plot point (what exactly caused the partners to vanish).
Also, Yamato in glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am dead. And also an impartial and level-headed reviewer of media, lol! Thanks for the ask! I hope this was a useful response, I feel like I blathered about nothing xD
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Oh, as a final note, I did think it was annoying that Kizuna pushed the importance of growing and looking forward, not behind... And then Toei immediately rebooted Adventure. I understand that the reboot is likely meant to spread Adventure to the next generation, but... Hey, maybe you should take your own advice, Toei, and try something new???? No????? xD xD xD
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ghitathepanda · 4 years
There's a twitter thread I read once that was about the way Digimon lore works before Kakudo (the director for Digimon Adventure) was brought on to make Adventure and adding more of his own lore stuff to it.
Why am I bringing this up? Well, because a few things makes much more sense with the Adventure reboot when you are actually aware of what was present prior to stuff Kakudo added. Also, I made a post at one point talking about how Digimon Survive expands on what was established in Adventure in a new continuity while the Adventure reboot (which we will call Psi for simplicity sakes) was placing the characters in a more modern setting. Obviously some of the reblogs are clearly liking what Survive is doing more than what Psi is doing.
So a bit of a recap for those unaware of the kind of lore that was present prior to and after Adventure.
V-pet lore: Digimon are evolved computer programs that became sentient that live in the computer network. The Dark Ocean is also established via profiles of the dark demonic Digimon on the old Digimon website as well as the Net Ocean. File Island was a man-made island in the Digital World made to research Digimon. DigiLab is one of the organizations made for that purpose and in the Sega Saturn vpet game, Hackers were established as people who use Digimon for evil purposes and someone in the DigiLab research team ended up sending the player a Digimon to raise to deal with them (for those who played Cyber Sleuth this all seems familiar does it?)
Adventure lore: Digimon are creatures that existed alongside humans even before digital technology was a thing and in the past had been subjugated or manifested as other mythical creatures like Yokai. Once digital technology become a thing, these creatures uses the tech to properly manifest themselves. Human thought and emotions also have an influence over Digimon. The Digital World is now made clear to be a separate thing from the computer network that some people assume where that world is but said network can function as a medium of sorts. Koushiro/Izzy initially assumed the Digital World function the way it does with the Vpet lore but finds it doesn't, making it clear Digimon Adventure lore functions very differently from what was established prior.
And that's just how much Adventure established its own lore and does its own thing, adding a more mythical/fantastical element to the lore.
Some of the following Digimon series have gone back to the more technological roots (though I don't know if any of the seasons afterwards goes hard into the more mythical based stuff like the Adventure seasons and movies did), with Appmon's lore being just full on pre-adventure Vpet lore updated for the modern setting. Idk how well they did financially though.
As for the video games side of things, the Cyber Sleuth continuity is definitely on the Adventure side of things but thanks to the updated setting, manages to incorporate some of the Vpet lore proper while still making it clear the Digimon are of the Adventure-origin (the sidequests that was covered throughout the span of both Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory made it SUPER clear). Even then, most of the game prior to the second half are focused onto the Vpet lore, heavily based on concepts introduced from the Sega Saturn game, Digital Monster Version. S, like Hackers and the DigiLab (which makes SEGA's logo being kept in the game's version of Akihabara all the more appropriate).
Survive meanwhile, as explained earlier, goes full on to the mythical Adventure side of things and exploring that further (and now includes more deaths if you screw up so have fun feeling guilty of accidentally killing important characters!). Now the question is... where does Adventure Psi fall into this whole thing?
Well, Bandai have been releasing the Digital Monster Ver 20th vpets, as well as a few other Japanese-exclusive (but mostly in English text) vpets like the Digimon Pendulum Version 20th vpets and a new line of vpets called the Digital Monster X which are not just rereleases of old versions compiled into singular devices with their own exclusive eggs but actually having their own different lineup of mons, with X3 being the latest versions adding not just more monsters but also more "areas" for the "Quest mode". The English versions of the DM20ths are getting a second wave of vpets with a few new mons to raise. We're also getting a new card game and we have Last Evolution Kizuna, which serves as a farewell to the Adventure cast.
When you look at it, Psi is pretty much part of a checklist of a proper "revival" or "revitalization" of the brand. While the brand itself isn't exactly "dead" to begin with, there hasn't been exactly much else they can do prior to this. While they did continue the Adventure storyline with Tri, it's very much restricted to the 02 epilogue, and probably to a well established history (haven't watch Last Evo yet and probably never will thanks to recent events).
But then one thinks... what if? What if...? What if we make Adventure... and actually be able incorporate its more technological side of the lore as part of the brand revival that was already part of a checklist of the whole thing, especially in a modern age with the more advanced network and digital technology? (And based on both the official information and the thread I brought up earlier, it seems to be more technological based)
If you look at it from that perspective, it's still understandable that some would consider it nostalgia pandering cash-in, but at least it feels like there is some other purpose and premise behind the reboot beyond money. Last Evolution being the last entry of the original Adventure continuity has a bit more meaning when you think about it like that.
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citrus-cactus · 6 years
The Cactus Recs Fanfics, June ‘18
Will this be a reocurring feature? Darned if I know. But heeey, here’s a post about the fanfic I’ve been reading recently (and… not so recently?). This is a good reference for me too because I still need to finish/drop reviews on some of these :o
@florencetheflowerfairy has written a ton of stories that are either clever, delightful, heartwrenching, or some combination of all the above. “Sunflowers Along the Road” is an excellent series of vignettes about the Eternal Favorite and the Also-Eternal Favorite (that’s Taichi and Koushiro for those who are keeping track at home). She also did some great stuff for Digimon Femslash Week and if I HAD to pick my favorite… well, actually I don’t think I can pick a favorite. They’re all great for their own reasons, so here are links to them all!
“A Girl Like That” (WHAM! POW! Right in the feels) “All the World’s a Stage” (so adorable!!) “Jinkies!” (LOLLLLL) “Battle for Meiko’s Heart!!!” (HOW DID SHE KNOW THIS WAS EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED IN A FANFIC????) “Almost” (BAM THERE GO THOSE FEELS AGAIN BRB SOBBING)
I’ve also been making my way through some of @aiko-isari’s multi-chapter digimon fics! She is exploring some really cool concepts for characters that don’t always get a lot of love, like a Frontier AU starring Tomoki’s brother Yutaka (“a comet’s tail’), a character study on Himekawa (“your mouth to god’s ears”), and a Meiko/Hikari roleswap/what-if set during the Myotismon arc (“a queen’s plague”). She excels at writing scenes with an “in the moment” urgency that I find quite captivating.
Speaking of Frontier, SilvorMoon’s “The Spirits Within” is one of my all-time favorite Frontier fics. I remember reading it in grad school when I was, er… probably supposed to be doing something else ^^; But if there ever was going to be a Frontier sequel (hah!) I would still want it to be an adaptation of this fic. It is, sadly, unfinished-- but hey, fanfic is just as much about the journey as the destination!
Higuchimon has been on my Digi-author radar for a LONG time, so I was really happy to see she had written a fic for Appmon! “Captured and Confused” is a multi-POV story filling in some of the details about Yuujin’s capture during the Ultimate 4 arc, exploring some interesting angles while remaining true to canon. She also has a pre-Tri fic about TK and his hat from 02, which you KNOW gets my seal of approval!
More Appmon fics! Note these are pretty much all SPOILERS for the end of Appmon, so act accordingly: “blurred eyes” by reminiscence (Yuujin POV), “The Dying of the Light” by Walpurgisyiff (Haru talks to Yuujin’s mother, post-series but pre-epilogue. GUYS I LOVE FICS AND META ABOUT YUUJIN’S MOTHER YOU HAVE NO IDEA), and “Realization” by WalkTheTyrannosaur (an adorable-sounding setup for an Appmon sequel!)
And finally er… we’re all adults right? Put the kids to bed and lean in real close.
I haven’t been reading much M-rated stuff lately. But Kirishtu’s “My Light, Your Light” is a very nice five-years-later Haru x Yuujin fic, if you’re into that sort of thing!
So, that’s what I’ve been reading! Now tell me, what have YOU been reading? Let’s spread some fanfic love!
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Additional notes for Ep06-09:
This world Daichi-Ulforce-Natsu visits is a mini-world featuring a few old or dropped story ideas I had since 2010. However, the core of this world is something new.
The plot:
An AU timeline for 02 in which Osamu survives but gets paralyzed due to an accident involving a digimon battle, witnessed by him and Ken in 1999. On the same year and before said event, Vamdemon invades the human world and take everyone in Odaiba as hostages, including the Motomiya family.
Years after Taichi’s adventure, Ken and Osamu found a digivice. And with this, Ken starts researching what caused that strange event. He ends up discovering more about Osamu’s accident and decides that the digimon are dangerous and needs to be tamed. He becomes the Kaiser not for the same reasons of the canon, but rather to protect people & his family from more evil digimon.
Three years later, Daisuke-Miyako-Iori are selected to fight the Kaiser. But unlike canon, they do not go with Takeru & Hikari. From the three, Daisuke is the one to share Ken’s opinion and when Ken discovers Daisuke’s story he simply offers an alliance. While Miyako and Iori join the Chosen after learning Takeru, Hikari and Koushiro have digivices… Daisuke joins Ken’s side due to concerns of the digimon invading Odaiba all again.
Unlike canon, Daisuke does not remember of seeing the Chosen Children fighting VenomVamdemon, and he then befriends the Yagami siblings, Sora, Koushiro and Yamato like a normal child. So it is a shock when the Eight discovers that Daisuke is the ally of the Kaiser. They try to convince him and then Ken to stop, but would it work?
Daisuke’s alter ego is called Lightnimon, or Lightni. Since Daisuke got the Digimentals before than any other child, they work with him. V-mon fights the Chosen, but he and Wormmon try to convince their partners there’s good digimon as well.
The recycled ideas:
The 02 trio have their own crests for a 2nd arc. Said crests may-may-not have been changed from Hinode project. However, Daisuke still has Determination as crest/trait;
The Chosen Children have digi-partner themed weapons! Taichi has a sword based on WarGreymon, Yamato ice-power guns based on MetalGarurumon, Daisuke a glaive based on Lighdramon, etc. Didn’t finish the concept for the others though...;
Their design also are different, using the same concept ideas for Hinode Project except with their 02 ages;
Lightni & Kaiser design also are recycled from it;
Also, Daisuke is goggle-less in this mini-world. If he gets them it’s pretty obvious but not until reaching a certain part of the story;
The alliance between Lightni and Kaiser is back, however a bit different from the old concept in which Ken uses the Kaiser persona as disguise to unmask Lightni.
Some points that are untouched or softly changed:
Most of 02 canon events is untouched -- the changes are mostly on the Kaiser’s arc;
That also includes movies & CD Dramas;
All Pre-Adv, Adv and pre-02 events happened normally, however the difference is that Osamu’s accident had been caused by a digimon and that he survived;
That also includes movies & CD Dramas;
post-02 events may not be completely altered either, like CD Dramas, tri. and LastEvo as example;
The epilogue stays. Maybe there’s a few minor changes on it;
Other materials (crossovers per se) might not count.
A second half of this plot-story would’ve been the 02 kids unlocking their own crests, powering up their partners with special forms (another recycled idea) and Jogress would’ve been considered “movie exclusive” gimmick, like Omegamon.
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kitto-toberu-sa · 7 years
You know, its ok if they decided to make the epilogue canon. But, in the last episodes of adventure 02 we've all seen Sora and Yamato dating and acting like a couple. I just really don't get why the writers are putting them like just friends again. That's the only thing I dont get about the conecction between Tri and the epilogue (Because Koumi being canon would add new info of the epilogue, as we dont know koushiro's future wife and Mimi's future husband).The whole Sorato thing in Tri. is weird
I don’t mind if they are just friends, but tri needs to state where they’re at. Like, are they too busy with studies or outside activities or hit a rocky patch? All of that is cool, just explain it, since as you said, even pre-epilogue they were canon. We haven’t been told if it is or isn’t so it’s just unnecessary drama. Added with this movie’s poster, you could argue it’s ship baiting for either Taiora or Sorato and that just makes me mad. 
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izzyizumi · 7 months
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Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi ~ featuring rp by @izzyizumi as Koushiro{u} + my now-ancient r.p. from 2012 era {I was playing Koushiro from original J.P.N version canon; Clearly the Tai{chi}-mun was using U.S. dub inspirations, but I was fine with that!}
R.P. for Koushiro by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Reference)
Original commentary under the ‘read more’!
The style is one in which starters are the characters talking to their "mun" or players, which is common when "voice-testing" a character to possibly app {apply} into a future {typically pan-fandom, or cross-canon across multiple fan-bases} DWrp {Dreamwidth.org} rp game. Games usually have their own settings, styles and rules and you should carefully consider them before applying to any. (I eventually ended up applying for Koushiro at a DigiAdv{s}-centric game that ended up eventually dying...)
I whited out a few parts to give the former Tai-mun a bit of privacy, but to my knowledge I haven't seen them as active since. Hopefully they won't mind me posting just one old thread between us, because it was really really fun to try back then! Even playing Koushiro was still really fun, despite it being for a very short timeframe of a couple years + even if I never found an active Taichi player {+in a close in age range} to me since.
This was BEFORE Tri had fully aired or before Kokuhaku was even announced, so Koushiro has a small mix of icons I'm using, but sometimes I switch between "canon-points" of early Adventure!Koushiro or late, OWG era or post-02 but pre-epilogue!Koushiro. Tri!Koushiro wasn't even animated more animatedly yet (and much later had very limited appearance in Saikai, etc.), so I was mainly relying on my head-canons for a Koushiro that appears between 2002 and the epilogue, but I often imagined Koushiro of those ages still sticking very close to both 02 and Tri looks. {I did like Tri giving Koushiro back slightly spikier hair, because that was how I imagined Koushiro during in-between years too.} Muns could later go back and update some icons, so some default icons may later change as well. {That's how a Tri!Taichi icon shows here even though it's 2k12}
Also, its very fun because you can personalize your responses even using things like subject headers way better than on this kind of site, and sometimes muns leave you really fun and kind messages that make you want to cry so you try to show them appreciation in turn!!!
#izumi koushirou#yagami taichi#taichi x koushirou#taichi and koushirou#koutai#izzyizumi dw#izzyizumi rp#izzyizumi koushiro#izzyizumi koushiro rp#advs timeline: pre tri#advs fan timeline: pre tri announcement#canon point: between 02s ending and epilogue#(I'm extremely hesitantly posting this because I really DO want to share it also as a piece of fan base history)#(Showing that YES we DID have small presence on sites before This Place)#(AND ALSO BEFORE 2K15 AS A WHOLE)#(This was a really fun {whats called} 'thread' to try I just never ended up finding Taichi players active willing to play with a Koushiro)#(much after that lmao s i g h)#(Anyway stuff like even my things from this time is why I get MAJORLY Peeved when ppl imply Eng side DIDNT Exist as fan base before 2k15)#(Fortunately I'm seeing such things much less implied these days BUT)#(Idek I'm seeing a bunch of ppl trickling back in {even if slowly} since The Beginning dropped and I'm kind of emotional over it)#(Featuring my attempts to keep Koushiro even semi IC while Tai{chi} is Tai{chi} and Koushiro is like 'Ah' 'Oh Taichi-san')#(Anyway I'm posting this but this is also personal fan stuff I did so I'd really appreciate if people are kind on this post)#(I definitely lean towards possible KouTai when ppl are willing but ONLY if they are willing and even this one was mainly friendly fluff!)#({Still Tho Its Fun When Players Are Willing Too---})#({Also you might want to read from the dash view or click + right click and enlarge to read better})
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taichi-x-koushiro · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' Koushiro Izumi
Koushiro, FIRMLY to Taichi's child {in a hypothetical slightly earlier Epilogue timeline}: No matter what anyone else in this world may believe, you and Taichi-san are important to me too. Taichi's child: Taichi's child: ...Can I spend the night??? Koushiro: Yes. Taichi's child: Can Dad come too??? Koushiro: Koushiro: (It's not like we haven't been seeing each other. But Taichi-san will have some more time soon) Koushiro: It's fine, of course. (Smile) Taichi's child, nodding firmly: Ok, then... before Dad and the rest gets here... Taichi's child, pleading look: (Can I play on the game system with you because I'm very emotional right now and *need* to unwind before I *burst into tears* and you're the *best*???) KoushirO, Immediately Picking Up On: Absolutely Koushiro: (I'll have to pretend to lose again this time, maybe...)
#koutai#izumi koushirou#taichis child#taichis son#taichi's son#yagamis and izumis#taishiro au#pre 02 epilogue#oc: kai yagami#koushiro and kai#repeat koushiro#repeatverse#coftff koushiro#coftffverse#koutai theme: non normative family#koutai found family au#(I want to say Kai's around 5~6 here???)#(Older than 4 and def able to communicate effectively maybe not quite 7~10 yet)#(Taichis child in Epilogue to me always looked around 6~7 but style wise seemed younger than Takeru who was 7 so maybe 6)#(Taichis child was pretty small and shorter than I expected a hypothetical Taichis child to be by age 7 too)#(I also HC that Kai is somewhat more emotional than even Taichi in the sense that Kai reacts more visibly)#(mainly due to having lost bio mom pre my old A.U. start)#(but it began before that too and it's also something Kai picks up on early in life for reasons)#(*also* not just those reasons but also because Kai doesn't really fully know who bio parent *is*)#(Which helps in how Kai relates well to Koushiro once knowing Izumi fams history)#(Kai obvs gets ~canon~ looks from Taichi but I also H.C. Kai's hair is a little longer and naturally curlier especially over time ? ?? Yeah#(Koushiro usually does engage in gamestuff w Kai seriously but here Koushiro's going easy a Bit)#(KAI Pleading look ' Don't go TOO EASY on me ok Koushiro?!??! I don't want to defeat you THAT easily--!!1! ')#(Koushiro Laughing ' If you say so ')#(Anyway Kai in this form has existed since I first saw the Epilogue & My H.C.s for this 'verse Will Never Die)
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izzyizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi}
Koushiro, coming back home, finding Taichi, typing furiously while BEAMING at the screen: Koushiro: ... ('This is unusual. Taichi-san's usually not this excited to---') Koushiro: Taichi-san? What are you doing? TAICHI, automatically: I'm making a poll!!! kOUSHIRO: Koushiro: Let me see-- Taichi, showing Koushiro the poll: These are so cool, Koushiro!!! Poll option on Poll Taichi Made: ("I want to treat Koushiro gently *only if Koushiro wants") Koushiro: tAICHI-SAN---
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s
Shanes' Mon: ... SHANE: ...(FLOATING...) {FLOATING...} {Eyes Closed} SHANES' MON: (Shane.) Shane: ... {Sigh} Yeah? Shanes' Mon: ... You've been here a while... Shane: (I was resting.) Shane: Are you concerned for me? I'm fine. Shane: I have these (*holds up Taichi+Daisuke's GOGGLES*) now, so... and Koushiro-...san really upgraded them well. So I can actually SEE where I'm going now when I need to. Shanes' Mon: (It's like you've 'accomodated' yourself.) SHANE: ... (M aybe.) Shane: At the same time, the colors sometimes give me a headache. But Koushiro-san did add in an option that can dim them... but then it's harder to see the signals for "distortions". Shanes' Mon: (But at least, you can still somewhat tell them apart based on the vividness.) Shane: ... (Yeah...) Shane: ... Well, I'm up now, so... Shanes' Mon: (Where are you going from here?) Shane: I don't know. (Mostly I just wanted to "sleep".) Shanes' Mon: ... Shanes' Mon: (But you said, 'want{ED}'.) Shane: Yeah. There's people I want to see again... SHANE: ... But I know they'll wait for me where they can, so there's no major rush. Shanes' Mon: (Are you going to go back to "sleep"?) Shane: (It depends.) Are you going to be there when I open my eyes? SHANES' MON: ... (If you reach out to me.) SHANE: ... Shane: (Yeah, I know.) Guess I gotta wake up then. Shanes' Mon: (As you know, I cannot leave "the Void". But you know how "to communicate" with me.) SHANE: ... Right. (And you know how "to listen".) Shanes' Mon: (You might want to put those goggles back on.) Shane: ('Heh') Honestly, I'm surprised I got this much use out of them, but as said, they're... functional now. SHANE, ADJUSTING GOGGLES: Ready. Shanes' Mon: (Time to 'wake up'.) SHANE, SEEING Darkness ... and Signals: SHANE, OPENING EYES: (*in a bed*) ... ?? ? PATRICK (Shane's sibling): Huh, I thought I heard something...!! ! W-wait, SHANE??? SHANE, Awkwardly raising hand slowly: Um, hi PATRICK, IN AWE: You're at my place--!! ! Shane, nodding: I'm ... home? PATRICK: SHANE: ... (I'm solid.) (I'm not glitching out.) PATRICK: ... Do you still need to rest? Shane: ... Maybe a bit. But later... we can see? PATRICK: That's fine. Just... let me know when you're feeling better. (*closes door carefully*) SHANE, CHECKING GOGGLES: (Still here.) SHANE, CHECKING DIGIVICE: {STILL... Here.} Shane, sighing in relief: (I guess it'd be {REALLY} Bad if even the most powerful 'Mon in all the universe got caught up in 'that'.) SHANES' MON: (They don't Know the half of it.) SHANE: {LAUGHS} ... Hey. Shanes' Mon: (Say hi to Patrick for me.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' Koushiro [...and GG!Espimon?]
Koushiro, dozing: Espimon, waking up from dozing: Koushiro: .... Espimon: ... Hey. (*pokes*) Koushiro: Hmm?... (lazily opening eyes) Espimon: You've been resting a lot lately. Espimon: I'm up now, so if you wanna do something before I go out, get up. Koushiro: (*laughs*) I got it... (*slowlyyy getting up*) But, you know, you *should* ask first... Espimon: ... Hmmph. Espimon: But *you* said you wanted to explore together more. Koushiro: right. You're looking for "the real Hiro". I know. (I'll Help You Find Them) Koushiro: -But... since you're living with me temporarily, we should "get along" too. Espimon: ... It's not that we can't But, like Koushiro: Espimon: Like I know that -- like, you sleep {a *little*} too much. Come on and follow me. Koushiro: (*chuckle*) ("It's concerned about me. Like Tento---") (*stops*) Espimon: (What's wrong.) Koushiro: (It's nothing.) Espimon: (You do THAT A Lot too.) Can we go now? Koushiro: Fine, let's... (*stretches, reaches for Digivice-phone Specially Made By Izumi Corp., grabs jacket*) As usual, please lead the way. Espimon: YEAH, I Will. We're going 'there' first-- (*leads Koushiro out the door*) Koushiro: (It Is Somewhat "Like Me", And Somewhat Not, And That's OK.)
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