#RIP to him honestly but i will enjoy this IMMENSELY
revvethasmythh · 1 month
the mighty nein roped essek into all of their party shenanigans and his deep bond with them has brought him to the point where they have now gotten him involved in OTHER party's shenanigans
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yangcherie · 2 months
play chase
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pairing: ascended!astarion / spawn!tav (reader.)
content warnings: female reader, dubcon, briefest references to age gap (c’mon, he’s 200 years old), power imbalance, forced dependency, abuse. cunnilingus. mentions of death. references to cannibalism. abuse. ascended astarion things, except he’s a bit nicer.
sypnosis: astarion has been having an immensely difficult time taming you; his newly-turned bride-to-be. he believes a lesson about obedience is well overdue. so he fucks you before the honeymoon.
author’s note: ugh. this was messy. like immensely messy im so sorry i just lost interest in this fandom but thought id still finish this up. hope you guys enjoy btw tav is feral here like Kinda i guess? ignore the plotholes or i rob ur house angry face emoji here
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“Little one.” Astarion carolled, hoping he sounded just genuine enough to coax you out of wherever you’ve tucked yourself into like a feral animal. You’d catch more flies with honey than vinegar, after all. “Sweet thing. Whatever you’re playing at, it’s time to put an end to it.”
He hopes the restlessness doesn’t bleed through his voice; having walked and stalked through what felt like the very entirety of his former master’s palace – now claimed by none other than himself. It only felt right to do so after his ascension, in the same vein he claimed you as his own. The manor is a wretched thing – but so were you. He would come to love it in time; as he had with you.
He felt like a fool right now with the way he was practically just going to rot away waiting for you to either crawl out or hiding spot (which was never) or to hear you slip up, shuffle around or screech just loud enough that he could catch the sound in his fingers and hunt you down.
You’ve fallen into much troublesome, teasing habits, including hiding away from him or viciously teething and ripping at whatever caught your eye — and Astarion doesn’t have the slightest idea on why or how — but he could excuse it. Decades of cruelty have also taught him mercy, despite having lacked it.
All the furniture you would violently break apart into splinters? You must’ve been teething, and this hideous manor desperately needs a renovation, anyway. The troublesome amount of tear and rip and fray of fabric in curtains, clotheswear and sheets alike? You’re simply due for a trimming on your claws, and again, the manor needs a renovation. Your incessant disturbances of racket and noise during the occasions he’d bring nobles over? His poor, needy wife must’ve been feeling neglected – and that alone is a perfect reason for him to usher away any unwanted guests.
(It honestly did him more good than you knew.)
Astarion could not only excuse and enjoy it, all your petty, feral little acts of disobedience – but he’s also dedicated nearly half his time to provide you gratification. You needed teething? Fine, expect to be fed with ambrosian blood; be it by kegs of it at your bedside, or drunkards thrown at your feet, paralyzed with alcohol and terror, all but open for you to forcefully dig and tear out their throats and drink in their dwindling life. He’d even dab at your face with a handkerchief after.
Couldn’t control your claws? He’s provided you toys to rough up and chew into — himself included, of course; if the never-bite marks beneath his collar were anything to go by. And if you were good enough, willing to paw at and prop your chin on his clothed thigh to prettily stare at him with roseate, cherub eyes; he’d take you hunting with the given main course or prey being deers, goats or nobles who couldn’t be swayed to his upcoming reign.
And if his other efforts to be of no avail, he could always do with his last but favorite method of calming you down; exerting his dominance with his own fangs wounding the muted skin of your throat to keep you still as he gives you a good fucking – just hard enough to keep you content from acting out for the next few days.
Astarion had done his utmost to be considerate. You were a fledgling; still adjusting to the intricacies that came with your newly-gifted vampirism. He was all but destructive during his first years as a spawn, as well. He could excuse it, all this disrespect, this ingratitude to his affections. Really! It just had to be a good day.
And to the fucking Nines, today was not a good day.
Right now, he was nothing short of frustrated. Frustrated with his idiotic thralls, with having to deal with posh aristocrat fools to establish his reign over the Gate, with the fabric of his shirt – all of it! And now he has to be frustrated with you, as well? All he yearnt for was to be soothed by none other than you, but even this you would pettily keep out from his reach?
The manor is stretched far and wide, generous; much unlike the fraying thread that is his patience. He licks his teeth, brows furrowing – legs aching just the slightest. You couldn’t behave for just today, could you? Always needing to test him to keep you in line.
You could’ve simply drained and massacred the enthralled nobles in his dungeons, or lay waste to yet another room in the palace and he wouldn’t have given much of a damn, but no, instead, you’ve decided to play hard to get and hide yourself away from him when he needs you most.
“Dearest.” Astarion grits out, an exasperated groan stuck in his throat. The heel of his boots thudding against the cobble is all he’s heard for hours, in his search of you. He might just raze down the entire manor if it meant you’d come out. “I am in no mood to be entertaining your tantrums.”
A wearisome ache begins to swarm his temples, coaxing a sigh from him. He can just envision it, in whatever hole you’ve tucked yourself in lays the ripped ivory tulle fabric of yet another gown alongside the vast amount you’ve already ravaged. It’s all you’ve been tearing at since he’s arranged your bethrothment with him – and his enthralled tailors aren’t very willing to oblige him and sew another.
He swears on the fucking ragdoll he will make out of you once he finds you that this time, you will not go unpunished. He has been lenient, and he was no fool; he could tell instinct and intent apart. Whatever game you were playing at, Astarion would let you know he didn’t like it in the slightest. First, you deny him of your presence and then you deny him of his right to wed you. What a little demon you are.
But it seems even you were getting restless in your own petty little game, he thought so smugly, as a hiss so unmistakably yours laden with offense and the impact of ceramic against the ground bounced off the opulent hallway making him sharply turn his body around to follow the sound. You never quite had the knack to keep quiet as a rogue like himself could, even before the feral inanity that clouds you now. It’s not long before he’s behind yet another bedroom out of hundreds in the palace and twisting the rusted doorknob.
It creaks open, Astarion pursing his lips as he steps inside – just to be hit with the pungent stench of blood and a mess littered that told him you indeed were in the room. A good hint; the hint being a gutted body of what he could only assume was a servant crumpled on the floor, who with no doubt you hurled actoss the room once you had forcefully drained your fill of.
His nose wrinkled at the sight. He ought to teach you something about manners on not playing with your food, after he catches you.
“Little pup?” He stalks through the room, briefly kicking the body aside and glancing at the two puncture holes on its neck. If you were hungry, you simply could’ve asked.
It’s a dreary scene, the room a relic of neglect worth centuries. Moth-eaten curtains spotted with fresh blood, rusted chandeliers rickety with dust. Dreary as it was, he had no doubt this is one of the rooms he’s used to bed many a victim.
He briefly wonders if you even bedded the servant before draining him.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are...”
There’s a subtle shuffle, a little, pathetic bleat of a hiss to his call, just below the old, yellowed canopy bed in the very center of the room. The space between his brows pinch as he approaches the dingy canopy and drops to his knees to peer below, batting at the dust that assaults his senses.
Craning his neck downwards, peering below the bed, he’s fixed with your beady, red stare – and it startles Astarion more than he’d like to admit.
Something weary between a growl and a sigh comes out of him when he wills himself to tear his gaze away from your unnerving eyes and across the entirety of your body; you’re filthy, with flaky remains of gore and scratches, cobwebs stuck to your hair and soot stuck to your skin. He quietly groans, filled with just enough irritation that your beady eyes bat him a blink so innocent and faultless that he’s rather tempted to bend you over his lap and paddle you —
But it was futile to scold you. He knows it, that you wouldn’t understand – had made sure your senses would dwindle, like a honed knife being whittled to dullness. Slowly but surely being to forced to rely on base instincts. He always thought you to be too smart for your own good, and he couldn’t have you thinking you could leave him in the dust, no, no.
(And, well, if you ever did, he doubt the ghouls that follow his word like law would let you through any door out, anyway.)
Futile as it is it to scold you, it’s easier to let his irritation roll over him in waves sear him like boiling water.
“You insolent brat, you.” Astarion hisses, batting his hand in a motion that tells you to get out and up. It’s with an infuriating obedience that you follow, one that casts something bitter to brew in him. Where was that earlier? He roughly wrenches you out by your wrist, dragging you up to your feet to meet his infuriated eyes. “Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you, you fucking–?”
You hiss at the touch, nose scrunched and teeth bared enough to show gums – your free hand flying out to grip his wrist to dig your untrimmed nails into his skin just as he did with you. He raises a brow, unamused. Perhaps he should have felt offended the way you thought you could just behave like an animal and disrespect him like that. Perhaps he really should go and dig the heel in, let you sink in the fall from pride to humiliation of being paddled.
“You think you’re hilarious, hm? Quit acting like an animal.” Astarion huffs indignantly, disregarding a small part of him wanting to croon at you in the same manner one would with a feral thing. You need discipline and gods damn him if he did not provide that. He wrenches his wrist out of your clawed fingers, glaring. If you were some stranger, he’d feel inclined to spit on you. “Or I’ll drain you like one.”
It’s a lie, a petty one at that, and you seem to know it as it only pulls another one of those sounds out you; one more grating and animalistic than the last, one that makes him bare his own teeth at you. The threat is as petty as it is tragic, a reminder of what you’ve given up to him beyond your blood – your soul, your mortality.
He’s had his fill of you since the night you turned, since he sunk his teeth into the very marrow of your being and drained you for all you were worth. He swallowed you with a hunger that could burn out even the sun itself. You could not believe that on that night, the night he had killed you, the soft, benign hands keeping your head from hitting the hard floor were of the same body with the mouth and teeth that snuffed your light straight out.
(You died being held in his arms; whether it was to keep you still, keep you there unable to jerk away from death or to keep you comforted, you never found out. You didn’t want to.)
When you awoke, it was no longer his teeth that speared through you next but loss and hunger, a mind-numbing, mingling pit in your stomach. You woke up with grief knowing you were no longer who you once were.
Astarion has an intimate relationship with hunger, true and daunting hunger. And no nobles’ blood, no sheep, bear, boar nor lamb can fix it.
It will not leave him, and it will not leave you.
“I’ll have you know you look delectable right now.” He hisses through his teeth, something burning all hot, ugly and hungry in his stomach. It’s the way he says it that has you backing down, meeting his eyes with a glare of your own before tentatively softening; allowing him to touch you. In a time before now, he would have said it teasingly, as your lover, your man. Near a warm fire, pinned to the ground with your hair splayed and a summer solstice grin.
But now, he is more hunger than man.
(You suppose you are too.)
He stares you down, the dip of your collarbones, the slope of your hips, the slightest cinch of your waist, your lips, all doused in some servant’s blood. The scent of it with yours wafts out and beckons to him. Spanning his fingers over the stiffened slopes of your bare shoulders, he finds the knots he’ll have to work and ease over with floral oils later on during bedtime.
In your feral head, it feels as if he’s fondling the meat on your shoulder. Prodding at the softest spots, finding which would taste best.
His fingers leave your shoulder in favor of returning to your wrist, pulling taut at it to lead you out the dryrotting room and into those intricate halls, turning left, right, right, left, straight until you’re stumbling into his personal chambers, his soft canopy bed and sinking into his mattress with enough space between your parted legs that he takes the chance to crawl towards and tuck himself in.
He pushes his lips to yours, kisses you dizzy, tongue fighting a battle with yours. The bed is downy soft beneath you when you melt into it and dig your nails in, heeded by instinct as he pins you against them with ease. The air feels hotter, when he pulls away with silken strands of spit between you two, splitting when he dips back downwards to lay his head on your stomach, circling his arms around your hips to keep you still as he noses around the softness of your stomach.
“Stay still.” He rasps, throaty enough you feel inclined to begrudingly listen and settle down with a growl stuck behind your teeth. “This is just something to make you relax.”
It’s not entirely a lie, he thinks to himself. Nowadays, he only ever beds you if he sees you need to be put into your place or to be sedated. You’re not exactly as smart as you used to be.
He kisses his way down; trails little licks and bites over your stomach, lowering to the jolting of your hips, to the swell of your thighs. Moves a hand to fondle your calves and returning it to join the arms still locked around your hips, using his head to gently nudge your legs a bit wider and teeth to lift up the chiffon dress pillowing around your legs, lingering on your calf; to settle his lips on your clothed mound.
A protestant, breathy noise comes out of you when his mouth ghosts your clothed clit, and he grumbles at it; tugging at the flimsy fabric until it delicately finds its place on the floor.
The cold, dusty, evening air wraps around your clit, the muscles in your legs tightening with the amount of whatever strength you have to use to avoid clamping around his head when he kisses it briefly but so sweetly that an uneasy expression makes home on your face.
A dreadful shiver shoots an arrow straight through your spine then, when that one intimate kiss at your bundle of nerves turns into two, then three, until all that fight and spark in you has been stomped out and worn out into the dirt. Despite that senseless fog that clouds your head, you remain soft and still, legs open and unclamping around his head with the indomitable fear he’d do something less... gratifying than this.
That kiss turns into stripe licked up your clit, a shaky breath forced out of you once again. He gently pulls you closer, just a breathswidth from your fluttering entrance.
You wonder if he feels the way you stiffen under his hands, if he mistakes the way your hips rock as wanting more instead of trying to run away.
“Be good,” he murmurs, breath hot and voice lazy. “and everything else will follow...”
A spawn’s desire to follow their master is something even the likes of you cannot help but submit to, and so with a rough grunt, you finally let loose your tense muscles just enough to let Astarion pull you gently down, to fully ease you on his mouth — so he can really give you that relaxation.
He runs the tip of his tongue over your clit, laving around it and allowing himself a lazy glance up when you abruptly sit up and thread a hand through his hair, chest stuck in a growling air you struggle to take in. Rough as it is, it also sounds lewd – and it’s music pretty enough that he hums and closes his eyes shut, rewarding you with flicks and sucks on the sensitive little thing that only makes you tighten your grip around his perfect curls and dig into his scalp.
A moan can’t be stopped from slithering its way out your mouth, your shoulders working itself lower and the crease between your eyebrows letting up. He wasn’t lying, it feels good, you begrudingly think and huffing in an effort to hide your moan and keep the current of anger from diminishing under pleasure. You find it easy to keep grappling onto it when you feel him crookededly smile against the flesh of you, as if the idea of you adamantly resisting was theatrical and hilarious.
His tongue leaves your clit, delving into your hole and squirming against your walls in a way that has your ears ringing, hand still in his hair. Your eyes shut tight.
You hate him, you think. Hate how he makes you feel this way, makes you feel so alive despite being anything but. And you especially hate yourself for the sharp heat that tugs at your stomach, a thinly-veiled frenzy arching over you.
Ever since the undeath of you, you’ve lacked control; and it’s no easy feat to defy the oncoming slaught of pleasure about to wash over you. Not when his tongue laves around your slick clit in such a way that it makes you throw your head back and dig your heels into his back. So with a moan caged low behind your throat, you convulse, coming in his mouth when you wished for anything but.
“See what being good gets you?” He pulls away and coos at you with his teeth and lips shining, savoring you as if you were just the sweetest pomegranate out there. Your chest heaves as you come down from the high, so weakly throwing him a glare that attests to your damaged pride.
Your eyes flicker around his face and his hands, expecting him to move back and let up, having had his fill of you. But he doesn’t move back, no, he stays smiling at you, lets himself be busied by the frantic pattern of rise and fall by your chest — by the fact you breathe by habit even when you no longer need to.
Your throat bobs; his eyes are quick to narrow and trace the movement.
“You,” you rasp, you speak, the conciousness you fight to grapple on a rope so quickly fraying. Astarion’s smile stretches into a mean, mean grin that makes your skin crawl. “You’re done.”
Your head tricks you into thinking you lack the breath to make the questioning lilt in your words, so it comes out as a demand. One you’re not very sure he takes to kindly.
“Adorable!” He giggles, tapping the tip of your nose. “Silly. No, we aren’t.”
“And you,” Astarion coos again, meaner, reaching out with slick fingers to dig into your cheeks whilst ignoring your flinch and bared teeth. He squeezes your face and patronizingly moves it around as if afflicted with cuteness aggression, like an owner unable to believe his pet wants him to stop giving it pets. “You don’t get to make the demands around here. I–”
He pulls your face closer, his breath fanning your face.
“I do.” He snarls. You give him one back twice as malicious, sharp fingers flying to grip the hand that holds your face captive. “I make the fucking demands around here and you– you listen, and you do what I tell you to do because I—”
He inhales a sharp intake of breath, the fingers on your face digging in just further enough it starts to hurt.
“Honestly, dear.” He laughs like the idea of you having command over him is the funniest thing in the world, but the sound is so taut and forced. A display of theatrics. “If there’s anyone out here worth listening to, it’s me!”
Astarion doesn’t let go much to your dismay, watching you so keenly, drinking in your pain – and you start to hiss when his fingers don’t cease the tightening grip on your face, forcing you back into that instinctive, protective shell. It’s all a blur when you plant your two feet on his chest and kicking him with all your force, knocking him back just a mere distance away, still on the bed but further. He merely scoffs, moreso annoyed than pained, quick to get back on his knees and crawling towards you yet again. His hands grip the comforter, fingertips digging into the softness as he grits his teeth.
“No– no, no, don’t you dare.” Astarion brattily tugs at you, like you’re his favorite toy, until you’re situated beneath him once more, scratching and squirming about. “You will not not run away from me!”
“Not when I’ve been so kind to you,” he spat. It’s between a grit and tease when he says it, and now that he’s between your legs again, he grinds his clothed hips against your cunt. “And I’ve been busy making dresses for you, you know, when really I should be making leashes.”
He offhandedly mentions with a sneer and as if to help visualize the collar, his strong hand goes to wrap around your throat – squeezing just hard enough your breath leaves you all at once. Your mouth gapes open then, floundering to claw at his wrist.
“What do you think?” Astarion laughs, mean, mean, mean. Another hand goes to unbuckle his belt, the leather of his pants sliding off and making brief but chilling contact with your thighs. “Would you prefer it with a chain?”
Black dots around the edges of your vision, with the hand on your throat and the dwindling air in your chest, you cannot muster any disapproving sound to his words – and as if to punish you for your silence, he tightens his grip until you’re sure that the skin would be bruised purple and pretty underneath for days. And he watches you, like you’re some form of entertainment, floundering and wincing about for merciful air, distracted enough you don’t notice the heat of his cockhead pressing against your pulsing opening.
Distracted enough you don’t notice with how you’re squirming about for air, you’re grinding yourself against his cockhead.
You can’t breathe.
You can’t breathe.
Whilst you’re busy thinking if this is it, this is the fucking end of it all; you’ll be found dead on the master’s bed in the morning, indecent, monstrous even without a stake in your heart but with blue and purple around your neck instead, Astarion’s attention was charmed like a moth to flame with how you don’t seem to notice you’re still so alive despite having sunken his teeth into your neck and given you his blood.
How you don’t seem to notice that in being undead, you do not even need to breathe anymore. How still you look for the air even unneeded.
Entertained, Astarion hums and releases your throat, settling his hands on your knees as he watches you sputter and cough as the air hits you like debris. The pain in your chest as you take in the missing air is pure catharsis.
“Yes...” He whispers moreso to himself than you, nudging his cockhead against your opening – slick with his spit. “Perhaps a chain would look better than jewelry.”
And with that, he pushes into you with a low hiss, moving slowly enough that you feel the veins and the pulsing of him even as you focus on gasping for air, the pit in your stomach dreadful and the crawl up your spine pleasured. When it feels like he’s snug inside your guts all buried inside, he leans forward and catches your lips into a terribly one-sided kiss. It makes his cock nudge further inside and you flinch from the dull, familiar ache of it all.
“Fuck,” Astarion gasps hot against your mouth and pulls away with a string of spit, slowly dragging his hips and pulling back to watch his length move out your cunt. He slams it back in and you want to shriek but you bite your tongue instead, hating how he deep he is inside of you and how slow he is – like he’s trying to get your walls to take his shape. “—I wish you were always this good for me, little mouse.”
Pleasure is so cruel to you, bowing heavy against your spine as it forces you to arch, forces your legs to spread and take in his cock deeper. Something groaning guttural crawls its way out your throat as you clench your eyes tight and twist the sheets in your fist as you’re thrown gracelessly into the ever-tightening jaw of ecstasy. Your legs shake with a tremor to it, feeling his hand ghost over your hip.
He pulls back again; and slams back inside. Over and over and over again until you feel like you’re turning mad yet again, sweat beading at your forehead and sounds not so easily beckoned now tumbling out your mouth.
You once foolishly thought that with being undead comes the death of sensation in your body – the way your body flinches and burns so alive with every strong nudge of his cockhead into you just proves you so wrong. Sparks fly across your body like rocks trying to make fire when with every collision of his hips against yours, the base of his cock grinds so deliciously against your sensitive, reddened clit.
One particularly rough slam of his hips has you keening; the soft curls on his base bumping your bundle of nerves in a way that has you keening into him, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him down, closer and closer until you feel so utterly consumed by him in the same way you did that wretched night.
Another sound, one so feral and from the heart is forced out of you when his hips stutter teasingly, a moan so out of place from a voice unused and locked away when your stomach all but tightens when that thrust forces your hole to slacken and his cock to nudge at something so soft and delicate inside your walls. And you shriek like a murdered woman when he laughs so mean and thrusts even meaner.
He continues to thrust, thrust and thrust like some bully to that one little spongy spot, groaning st your little moan-shrieks. Your mouth stretches into a scowl as your teeth mash together in an effort to sweat through the pure pleasure that swarms your head and makes you see dots, only vaguely aware of the slick foam that runs down your thighs. All purely and humilatingly your arousal.
“A-Astarion,” You raspily grit out, locking your bruised knees around his hips and feeling a pleasant soreness bloom amongst yours when he gives you a response by driving in harder, tracing your throat as you throw your head back. “Astarion.”
Smooth fingers trace your neck before running up your cheek, dragging at the chub of it until your lips are apart and no longer are you scowling nor your teeth gnawing. “What?” Astarion murmurs, slurred and drunkenly kissing away the sweat that’s gathered like freshwater rain on your throat.
You open your eyes, blinking away the sting of tears and sweat mingling – and Astarion looks so godsent, romantic with his own teeth gritted and sweat down his arms as he piledrives into you.
You won’t last – you feel it the way your body is twitching with the exhaustion it takes to build up an orgasm, core burning even with the friction of slick inside. Astarion doesn’t need to be told, so very familiar with your body even in its death; so he dutifully lifts a hand from your hip and gently snakes it towards the in-between, towards your warm pussy until he finds your sensitive little button, circling the pulsing bud immediately and fondly laughing when your legs uncoil around his hips, and you shriek, squirming like you’re about to get murdered a second time. Your mind is fucking melting.
“Astarion,” you choke out, again, this time, more desperately, hand flinging out to grip at his wrist between your legs. His thrusting stutters as your voice breaks and your pretty eyes roll behind your head. “Y-you’re gonna fucking kill me, oh—”
“Don’t be a c-coward, darling.” Astarion is breathless, brows furrowing. He’s close too.
You pant.
You’re about to pop at the seams.
Your tongue lolls with every breath that heaves your chest, the ring of your entrance so tight around his cock as your body trembles with every feverish snap of hips and rub of his fingers against your red, abused bundle of nerves. The sound of slick flesh on flesh so obscene, you feel your body trembling as you throw your head back to the undercurrent of an orgasm — so strong it has white flashing hot behind your eyelids and a final, ragged whimper coming from you.
It only takes a few moments for him to catch up, his hips chasing your clenching as he throbs, pulsing once, twice against your walls until he’s spilling into them with his own warmth, contentedly sighing into the crook of your neck whilst you wince and whine lowly with satisfaction.
You both stay there, unmoving, until the warm semen that runs down your thighs turns cold enough that Astarion feels he should move, slipping out your hole and letting his member hit the cold air as he hisses, sensitive. And apparently, you’re rudely startled awake out of your pliancy with the sound, tensing up like you’re about to run again. He notices before you can and kisses you stupid, lips smacking noisily with yours in a way teasing lovers would do so, before pulling away with a grin and setting you still on the bed with the weight of a blanket on you.
“Oh, no, no, none of that tonight.” You try to wrack a hiss out your scratchy throat – but it comes out as a humiliatingly feeble cough. Astarion, endeared, smiles at it and pecks your forehead, bringing the blanket up to your chin by habit as he once used to when you were sleeping in tents, under nights and by fires. “You’re always running away, you little hellion, you.”
He’s tucking you in.
He’s tucking you in.
He’s an asshole, you think. He must be teasing you. With being undead comes the inability to sleep a wink – only being able to go as far as meditation. And by the gods, you do not want to be stuck thinking of how you just let the man you despise drive his cock and seed into you – and how he’ll do it over and over again if it means you’ll stop acting out for a night or two.
Astarion eyes you, giving you a once-over as if to size up if you’d take your chances and run away. You don’t budge, narrowing your heavy eyes at him and blinking blearily, shifting in the sheets, unwilling to admit to yourself how you like the molten warmth you feel when he looks at you attentively, the warmth that runs down your inner thigh and the warmth of the blankets tucked so nicely around you. He smiles again, smoothing a hand over your hair and lowly murmuring something about cleaning you up later at night where you’re more awake and hopefully, preferably not a bat hanging off the ceiling staring at him with beady eyes.
He hums then – reassured, standing up from the bed with a creak and reaching into the drawer beside his bed for a flimsy pair of thin, reading glasses he wears.
“Be good, and stay here, okay?” He lowly coos, like a husband leaving for war wishing his ill wife goodbye, walking towards the old mahogany door and twisting the knob open. You twist your fingers and clench your eyes shut, enraged and fulfilled all the same. “I’ll see you later, I have work to do, sewing your wedding dress and all.”
The door closes, gently, and you turn to bite the pillow and scream into it.
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power imbalance, low self esteem, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you meet a mysterious man on a night out with your sister. (petite!reader)
based on the winning option for this poll
Characters: casino owner!Bucky Barnes
Note: it's a new week
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
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I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Your phone buzzes against your leg, ripping you back to reality. Your eyes widen and drift away from the stream of font. You sit up and mark the page with your finger as you reach for the jittering cell. 
You scramble to grab onto it and hesitate to hit the big green button. The screen doesn't look like usual, not that you get many calls. You tap the button and the image changes at once, Bucky startling you as he appears. 
"Hey, doll," he grins and winks at you, moving the camera to lean against something. "How's it going?" 
"Uhhhh," you drone, surprised. He can see you too. You know by the little reflection of yourself in the corner. "Hi. Fine." You put the book down with no mind to losing the page, "um, you?" 
"You busy, doll?" 
"Reading but... no." 
"Mm," he hums, "glad to see you enjoying your treats but... no pajamas?" 
He steps back and you get a view of him from waist up, the edge of a counter in the lower edge. You pout then give a sheepish smile, "sorry, I haven't... had a chance." 
"That's okay, doll, I just wanted a peek before I went to work," he undoes his shirt button by button and pulls it off, revealing his muscular torso. You gulp at the lines of his muscle along his stomach, "why don't you put them on now and give me a look." 
"Oh, uh..." you glance at the wall. It's late. You're pretty sure Roxie already left for work and your mom will probably be settling down. "Right, uh..." 
"Just want something to think of when I walk the floor," he purrs. 
"Sure, er," you nearly choke, "I'll just-- one sec." 
"I can wait, doll. I've been waiting, haven't I?" He purrs. 
You feel a pang of guilt. You place the phone down so the lens faces the ceiling and climb off the bed. He's given you a lot, too much honestly, and now you feel like you owe him. It isn't fair to take his kindness without anything in return. And he isn't asking much, is he? 
You dig in the bag, the crinkle loud as the only other noise is the subtle movement from his end. You fish out the soft pajamas and peer over, making certain the phone is still flat. You change far away from it, paranoid. 
You look down at yourself in the tank and shorts. Oh gosh. It's a lot less than you usually wear. Your legs are showing, your shoulders, and a bit of your tummy. 
"Doll?" He says and you flinch. 
"I don't know... I don't think it fits." 
"I'm sure it fits just nice," he insists, "show me." 
"Oh, uh..." 
"I'm just looking, doll, I'll only think of what I really wanna do," he snickers. 
You cross back to the bed and pick up the phone, careful to stay out of view. You turn back and prop it up on the dresser, overly aware of the unflattering angle as you do. You give a wide-eyed look and back up so you're all in frame.  
You hug yourself shyly and sway. 
"Let me see ya," he orders. 
You put your arms straight and notice how he leans in to look at the screen, smoothing his hair back. He keeps his hands over his dark strands and growls. A flutter starts in your stomach. 
"What do you mean too small? That fits your perfect," he says. 
"I... really?" 
"Sure, doll," he turns and you realise he's getting ready.  
He combs his hair stands straight. He grabs a new shirt and buttons it as he peeks again. You near the camera and move it so he can only see your face.  
"Damn, doll, I'm gonna be all over the place," he says, "you're so sweet and sexy." 
"Bucky," you squeak.  
"I don't lie. That's the one thing you should know about me. I will always let you know exactly what I want." 
You blush hotly and a tap on the door nearly makes you drop the phone. You hide it behind you and shuffle closer. You clear your throat. 
"Uh, yeah?" You call through. 
"Hey, honey, everything okay in there?" She asks. Shoot, she must have heard you. 
"I'm watching something," your heart hammers, "sorry, I'll turn it down."
"It's alright, honey. Just thought I heard you..."
"No, just a show," you wisp out.
You quickly back away and go as far from the door as you can. You look down at the phone as Bucky tucks in his shirt. Ugh, that was embarrassing. He heard all that; surely he must realise how lame you are. 
"Mom sounds real sweet," he says, "must be where you get it." 
"She's working tomorrow. Don't wanna keep her up," you explain quietly. 
"That's too bad, doll. I'll just have to keep waiting... wanting," he shrugs and pulls on a dark jacket, "what do ya think? Look good?" 
He poses for the camera. He looks great, as always. You feel smaller than ever. 
"Yes," you answer softly. 
"Yes? That's it?" He sounds disappointed. 
"Very handsome," you eke out. 
"Handsome?" He squints as he picks up the phone. 
"Er," you search your repertoire and borrow from his, "sexy?" 
"Are you asking or telling me?" He chuckles. 
You giggle. You don't think you've ever told anyone they are sexy. You've never been that bold. 
"Yes?" He laughs. 
"You're, er, oh, sexy," you touch your hot cheek and look away. 
"You are adorable, doll," he growls, "that's exactly what I need to hear." He grazes his fingertips over his beard, "unfortunately I gotta get on it so... tomorrow." 
"Tomorrow," you confirm. 
"Don't worry about a thing, doll, just bring your gorgeous self." 
The next day is restless. It's worse having hours to wait around for... what? You don't know. 
You spend your time reading, or trying to. Breakfast is small, what your roiling stomach can handle, and you put on an outfit that you think is acceptable, not that you have much to choose from. It might be strange if your mom or Roxie notice the lack of uniform. You could say you change at work? 
Ugh, lie after lie. It's all so much.  
You don't get very far in the book and your phone buzzes, a reminder from Bucky that your fate is coming. You grab your purse and sit out on the stoop, the sunlight beaming down. It would be a nice say if you were so damn uptight. 
Merv pulls up in the sleek luxury car and you get up, checking over your shoulder to see if there's any curious tug on the curtain. Your mom's already at work but Roxie is puttering around somewhere. She could be sleeping or not. 
Merv gets out to greet you. He opens the door and you thank him. He sits in the driver's seat and Springsteen drones from the radio. You smile as he shifts into gear. 
"I know this one," you say. 
"Of course, a classic," he praises. "And how are you today, miss?" 
"Good, you, sir?" 
He laughs as he steers, "very good, miss. And how could I not be." He peeks at you in the rear view, "with sunshine in my backseat." 
You smile bashfully and cross your legs. You can't help the shake in your foot. You're more and more nervous with each second and turn of the wheel. 
As if noticing your unease, he turns up the music, "I like this one too." 
You sigh and ease into the drumbeat. The tempo keeps your heartbeat in check. You're thankful for his subtle comfort. 
You turn to watch through the tinted windows. You never noticed how scenic this city is. You never went many places to have the chance. 
He keeps the volume up and you let it carry you through the long journey across the city. He pulls up to the casino and steers around to the hotel entrance. You peer through then back at him in confusion. He turns the knob down. 
"Mr. Barnes says to give your name at the desk," Merv instructs, "have a good day." 
"Thanks, you too," you unbuckle the seat belt and sidle across to the door. 
You get out with reticence. Staring up at the grand facade, you're more unsure than you've ever been. You've come this far, you have to keep going. You really have no choice as Merv slowly rolls away.  
You step forward. It doesn't get easier the further you get. Your pulse hammers behind your ear as you enter the lobby and a flash of deja vu overcomes you. That night with Roxie, the morning after, and everything since. How does it all feel as if it happened so fast and yet so long ago? 
You go to the desk, feeling entirely out of place. What if Merv is wrong and you shouldn't be there? What if they just look at you and laugh? No choice, keep going. 
You stop on the other side of the desk and give a stiff smile. 
"Hello, welcome, checking in?" The modelesque concierge asks. She's stunning and you're all the more self-aware. 
"Uh, I think? My name is..." 
She keeps her pristine smile in place and her eyes lights up. She doesn't even bother typing into her computer. She flits away and returns with one of little folders with the room keys inside. Oh, this is really happening. 
You thank her and slowly back away. You make a slow advance towards the elevator and wait beside a couple with their suitcases. You step on with them, avoiding a glimpse through the transparent walls.  
You unfold the folio and read the number, pushing the floor number, then stand back on your heels. You keep your eyes on the door, the motion alone making you dizzy. 
The couple gets off before you. When it's your floor, you thankfully scramble off and take a deep breath. You once more check the number and follow the hallways to your assigned suite. 
You swipe the card several times, you still don't have the hang of it. The door opens and you enter meekly. You focus on every move. Shut the door, slip the card back in the folder, put it down on the corner table. 
You look up at last and let yourself marvel at the suite as you delve further in. The smell of pollen greets you with a large bouquet of roses. The suite is huge, even bigger than last time. Two rooms just the same and a full kitchenette and spacious bathroom. You don't go onto the balcony, not wanting to test your stomach. 
You go back inside and glance over the table draped in a red tablecloth beneath the crystal vase of flowers. There's also a tray of chocolate-dipped strawberries and various colours of macarons. You've never had the delicate cookies before but you'd watch countless recipe videos, wishing on day to try them yourself. 
There's an envelope too. You take it and run your nail along the sealed flap. You open it carefully and slip out the card within. 
'Enjoy yourself, doll. I'll join you shortly. B.' 
As if on cue, there's a knock on the door. Oh gosh, you're not ready. What does he mean? Join you? You hoped for a little long before... before... 
You stand frozen but when the door doesn't open itself, you go to answer it. You slowly twist the long handle and open it just a crack. You peer around the edge and blink in confusion. 
"Hello, dahling," the woman's affectation drags out her syllables, "well look at you, how precious." 
She presses on the door and you let her force her way in. You're dumbfounded. Who the heck is she? Another long-legged beauty you can't compare too. 
"Lovely hair," she remarks as she closes the door without a care, "oh, and your skin, yes, perfect canvas..." 
"Sorry, er, I think you have the wrong room--" 
"Mr. Barnes sent me, dahling," she trills in her way, "and I see you are very much in need of my visit so let's begin. Mm, yes, I have a vision," she struts forward, a rose gold chest in her hand, "not very much, you have a natural lustre I adore." 
You retreat as she advances on you. She lifts her chest onto the chaise and flips back the lid, revealing an assortment of precisely organized palettes and tubes. You're horrified and humiliated as you realise why she's there. Maybe you aren't as pretty as Bucky keeps telling you. 
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star-suh · 8 months
🎃 The Posessed 🎃
jung wooyoung x male reader
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cw: top priest wooyoung, profanity or sacrilege(?), hierophilia, exorcism porn, slapping, voyeurism, a sprinkle of yunho at the end.
an: i don't know much about how fathers talk yk like when they use those words like 'shall' so i won't use them.
y/n was walking to his home when a paper sheet hit his face, it was in an ancient language, he just folded it, saved it in his pocket and went home. while walking he felt his leg burning, the paper sheet was burning and some type of seal was imprinted on his leg. he decided to walk to his home and rest hoping the feeling would dissipate soon. it was night and y/n was sweating a lot and feeling immense heat and his dick was rock hard he started to hump his bed but nothing calmed his needs. hearing growls and moans y/n's friend went to his room and there he was, y/n was crawling in the walls and ceiling "the fuck are you looking at?" a demonic voice coming out of y/n's mouth, scared of what was happening to his friend the dude decided to go to the nearest church and ask the father to practice an exorcism on him. "hello, i'm father wooyoung in what can i help you?" he asked, a tired guy trying yo catch his breath responded "my… my friend i think… he's possesed. he was crawling the … fucking walls", "don't say bad words in the temple of god, son" the father responded "where does he lives?"....
y/n was now with his hands and feet tied up with ropes to each corner of the bed, "i suggest you to leave the house, i don't want another person to get possesed" suggested the father to the other guy who ran immediately from there. "so… where are you going to start?" asked the possessed y/n, "what do you mean? start what?" asked the father, "start to break this hungry ass" laughed y/n putting his thighs together trying to get some friction for his hard dick "it feels so hot inside just put inside please, it's already wet down there no need for lub" he says while sticking out his tongue and licking his lips. father wooyoung started to sweat those nasty words going straight to his dick who it's starting to get hard "what's your name demon?" he asked in a demanding tone "fuck yeah daddy, i like the dom ones" mocked y/n moaning and biting his lower lip. father wooyoung was starting to feel frustrated and horny too, something in the air was making him dizzy "what's your name demon?, leave this innocent person alone and go back to where you belong" he started to read the bible and point a crucifix towards y/n.
"wait" said y/n in his normal voice "what is happening?" father wooyoung looked at him surprised "i'm trying to save you son" he says but y/n's face turned into a mocking smirk. he laughed hysterically "c'mon i know you want it too" says the possessed guy breaking the ropes "honestly i don't know why people keep using ropes to tied possessed ones" he says rubbing his hands "aren't they supposed to have super strength?... anyways" y/n sat in a doggy position and rubbed his ass on father wooyoung's bulge "fuck it is so big, give it to me please" says y/n being a blushing mess and sticking out his tongue "you're a slut, get the fuck away from me" father wooyoung slapped y/n's hands very hard making him moan "fuckk~ i love that" y/n then grabbed his pants and ripped them apart showing his inviting hole craving for cock "fucking bitch" says father wooyoung with his notorious bulge forming a tent in his clothes "go back to hell and leave this person alone. the power of christ compels you" he repeated that last phrase three times and everytime he says it y/n moaned as if he was enjoying it. feeling defeated father wooyoung fell to the floor not knowing what to do, he stared at y/n's hole clenching while he was fingering himself "come and replace this fingers with your thick veiny cock father. exorcize me with that holy meat" he moaned while humping the bed again, as if he was possessed too father wooyoung just stood up, discarded his clothes and slapped his cock between y/n's ass cheeks "look what you're making me do" said the father worriedly, "don't fight the feeling, let yourself go and enjoy the feeling" moaned y/n with the father's tip inside of his ass already "fucking slut!!!" yelled the father slamming all his meat inside y/n at once making him see stars "hngh…. shit, i love this" says a cockdrunk y/n.
father wooyoung kept banging y/n's corrupted hole "i'm gonna expulse that slut demon out of you with my holy cock" he says with a mix of disgustment and pleasure on his face. y/n started to jerk off feeling that sensation in his lower tummy "you know for being a father you surely fuck good", father wooyoung slapped his face "shut the fuck up" he says with hatred, then grabbed y/n's dick and stroke it as hard as he could making him cum at the spot, it looked like a fountain of white sticky cum painting everything around it in white ropes. he doesn't realize it but y/n's eyes turned back to his normal color and the seal of his leg dissapeared "take this sacred seed and repent from your sins, manwhore" he says feeling his cock throbbing inside y/n filling him up with thick cum. feeling exhausted he positioned his hands on the side of y/n's head, both making eye contact, father wooyoung's sweat falling onto y/n's skin "father what is happening?" asked y/n feeling confused bit the sight in front of him was majestic, father wooyoung is hiding a smoking hot body under all those clothes, y/n just locked his arms on father wooyoung's neck and kiss him, the older corresponding to the kiss and started to thrust again going for a second round…
demon yunho was sitting on a tree, all this time he was watching the pornographic event while jerking off. with a movement of his hands he made the seal disappear and therefore recovered the part of his soul "that father fucks so good, damn" he says as he prepares to return to his lusty kingdom…
people were surprised seeing how y/n, someone who almost never went to church on his own, is now the first to go when it opens. what they don't know is that he is going to kneel but not exactly to pray "forgive me father for i have sinned" says the boy, father wooyoung just caresses his cheek and then slap it gently with his thick veiny cock "i forgive you my son" y/n just open his mouth and he starts to mouthfuck the boy. they spent the rest of their lives committing profanities giving in to their sexual desires and fantasies.
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bunny-yan · 1 year
thank you for all the amazing writing you do! i have been binging your posts and just can’t seem to close this app!~ - ꨄ
thank you so much honestly!! i was really surprised with how quickly y’all appeared and i’m glad you enjoy the content i create. as thanks i wanted to do a sharing is caring<3 series and create posts for each 100 followers i gained and although im a little behind, i plan on getting them out as quickly as i can. thanks again!!
yandere hero x gn reader x yandere king
tw: mentions death, descriptions of death, slight gore, victim-blaming, infantilization, NO minors
There wasn’t much to pack.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen the bags you planned on taking with you when you planned to leave that dreary village of yours, but you were sure Tasman had gotten rid of them to destroy any hopes you had of leaving him.
You supposed he assumed you’d be less likely to escape if you had nothing to your name, but the longer he treated you as a helpless child who could do nothing without him, the more you considered how little you really needed to start a new life somewhere different, somewhere devoid of false heroes and tyrannical kings. It would have to remain a distant dream as long as he watched you like you could disappear any moment. You couldn’t blame him. It was all you talked about these days. Which only justified his rough treatment of you this morning.
His party had received a mission. A beast of unknown origins was decimating lands that were getting dangerously close to the villages on the border and the king needed the hero to go and save the people.
A real hero would’ve seen it as an honorable duty. He would give nothing to make sure the citizens of the kingdom were safe, but Tasman had a bad habit of defying the ideas of what a real hero should be.
When he received the summons, you felt the air around you get heavy. You didn’t have to guess what it was about as the king seemed to send more and more these days and you wanted to shrink under his heated gaze.
Crumpling the paper in his fist, he walked towards you, placing a gentle hand on your cheek.
“Lover, I hate to leave you but we’re being sent to the border to handle a crisis.”
These words would usually fill you with immense joy. With Tasman gone, your mind flooded with possibilities of starting a new life somewhere. You’d find a witch and hide your presence, change your appearance, dye your hair. You would happily give up your current identity if it meant successfully running away from him. You didn’t think you could handle his attention or his affections if he caught you after another failed attempt.
But it was useless to hope.
He’d gotten smarter after your last attempt and he’d found another caretaker that was just as bad if not as worse as he was.
From the miserable look in his eyes, you knew he’d prefer not to have to do it either, but he couldn’t trust anyone else to keep watch over you.
He leaned in closer, tipping up your chin as he kissed you softly. You were used to his affection, If anything you were grateful that he wouldn’t demand more considering how long he would have to leave you and who he was leaving you with, but he seemed distracted.
“I wish I could take you with me.”
The words instilled fear in your body the moment they left from his parted lips, but you had to remind yourself that he wouldn’t.
He’d tried to defy the king’s order to hand you over and brought you along to one of his expeditions. He reasoned that he could protect you a lot better if you remained at his side and he was proven wrong.
He was the hero. He wasn’t god.
He couldn’t get to you fast enough as your body was ripped apart by the dog-like monster that ambushed the party one night during one the last expeditions he decided to bring you on. Teeth sunk into your leg and you felt excruciating pain as you became intimately familiar with what your bones looked like. It shook its large head, shaking you like a rag doll and you’d begged to die in that moment.
It didn’t happen.
Tasman reached you, but not as soon as you would’ve liked. The monster was dead the moment he’d landed a blow, but he was horrified as he looked at your mangled body. Holding you carefully in his arms, he cried, muttering apologies for the duration of the healing process.
It hurt. It was excruciating. You could feel your bones reattach and muscle expand and grow in a matter of minutes as he made it as if it never happened in the first place. Being put back together almost hurt as bad as being ripped apart and after witnessing the haunted look in your eyes that didn’t even fade with time, he swore he’d never bring you on another mission. You would be somewhere safe. Somewhere he wouldn’t have to worry over your safety. It was a somewhere that wouldn’t exist for as long as he refused to let you go.
He’d tried to leave you with a party member, but as loyal as they were to him, you were an eyesore. You took advantage of the poor hero’s love for you and twisted his mind, tempted him in ways that morphed his kind and gentle nature into something that was cold and harsh.
You didn’t mind their blind adoration. You didn’t mind the awful words or angry jabs. As long as they were stupid enough to not recognize the monster he was, you saw it as an opportunity to abscond his watchful eye.
They were too willing to let you go. Or at least, the first member of his party had been.
When Tasman ultimately found you and dragged you back, you were horrified to find their entrails hanging from the large hole he’d put in the wall. It was a gruesome sight, one that you wouldn’t forget as long as you lived.
No matter how nasty they acted towards you, you never wanted to be responsible for someone’s death. His party members only got worse after that incident.
It wasn’t the noble Tasman’s fault for killing his own party member in cold blood, no.
You led him to make that decision. If you would’ve stayed put and did as you were told their party member would still be alive.
You could only blame yourself. Especially for your current predicament.
Tasman brought you to the palace, hoping to get approval from the king for the imprisonment of anyone who chose to hide you.
The king sat lazily on his throne, clearly at odds with the hero.
He questioned why was it so hard for the hero to keep an eye on one person when he was blessed with the Mother’s gifts. With a sigh, he asked who it was that was able to capture the standoffish hero’s heart and when you lifted your head to meet the king’s gaze your heart dropped at the look of keen interest in his eyes. It was all too familiar and Tasman seemed to notice it too.
He looked back and forth, gritting his teeth before he broke eye contact between the two of you by grabbing your hand and dragging you out the door.
There was only so long that he was able to avoid the king’s summons. He was the hero, but the king was the head of the nation and if he wanted to operate freely he’d acquiesce to the king’s gracious offer.
There wasn’t much normal knights could do against the hero, but if he wanted to maintain his honorable facade he’d have to give in.
The first time you were left in the king’s care, it passed without any issues. You were granted a fancy guest room and there were maids waiting on your hand and foot. You’d pass by the king on your walks through the garden but other than the standard greeting, he did nothing. You thought maybe you were overreacting.
Tasman grilled you about the time spent in the palace and after you told him that nothing of note happened, he seemed distrustful but he was relieved he found you in one piece.
The next time you were dropped off to your glorified babysitter, you’d thought you’d get a chance to escape but when you attempted to leave the palace you were stopped by the palace guards. They told you that you weren’t allowed to leave without express permission from the king.
Later that day, you were summoned to the king’s chambers. His excuse was that he was finished with his work for the day and he didn’t mind hosting you in his sitting area.
It made you apprehensive and it only worsened your fears as you sat across from him, avoiding his heated gaze. He didn’t seem to mind being dressed only in a bathrobe and if he could tell that you were uncomfortable he didn’t show it.
“My butler tells me you tried to go outside?”
Smiling nervously, you nodded your head. “Yes, your highness.”
“Are you displeased with the service in the castle? I’ll have the maids punished if they’re neglecting you.”
You were frozen in fear. You didn’t want someone else to get in trouble because of you.
“No, your highness! Everyone’s been taking really good care of me.”
“Then why?” he asked, arms spread as he cocked his head to the side. He was watching you carefully and asked so abruptly you couldn’t help but feel that you wouldn’t be able to lie to him.
“Is it the hero?”
Your head shot up before you could stop yourself and you didn’t like the smug expression on his face.
“I know you want to leave from his side, but you should be a little less obvious about it doll.”
You felt your face get hot in embarrassment, not expecting to be talked down upon.
“If you need refuge, I would be more than happy to offer assistance.”
Assistance, sure.
This was coming from the same man that gave Tasman permission to imprison you. You weren’t foolish enough to believe in the king’s “kind” offer. Nothing came without a price and you weren’t willing to leave one prison just to enter another.
“I apologize if my behavior has been misleading your highness, but I’d like to respectfully decline your offer. I’m happy with Tasman.”
His expression didn’t change. He watched you for an unbearably long time before he dismissed you. You couldn’t be sure but you thought you hear him whisper about you being smarter than you looked.
Of course it wasn’t enough to turn away his interest. He’d send you flowers and desserts when he didn’t send for you personally to take walks in the garden.
You’d spend time talking about random things, mostly life in the palace and how good you could have it if you decided to come over to his side but you tried to ignore it for the most part.
You felt true fear when he embraced you in a private part of the garden, claiming his love and adoration for you. You tried your best to turn him down but he only held you tighter, threatening you in horrible ways if you tried to say no.
He only let you go when your body began to shake.
You couldn’t handle this.
Tasman was bad enough but now the king wanted to claim you too?
He apologized, caressing your face as his uncaring eyes watched you. Kissing your hand, he left you to regain your bearings.
You went to your room as quickly as you could. Launching yourself into your bed, for the first time you wishes that Tasman was by your side.
He knew something had happened when he came to pick you up.
His eyes were tired and you could tell he was bracing himself after you’d been upset to see him return.
You could tell you surprised him when his eyes widened, almost awkward as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Lover?” he began, his voice soft and strange as it’d been a while since he felt he could be soft with you.
“Take me home.” you said. “Please.”
He didn’t argue, making a mental note to ask you about it later, he whisked you away.
He wouldn’t destroy the country or take the king’s head as you feared he would. Tasman simply held you close and promised that he would always keep you safe and as much as he hated it, it meant you would continue to be dropped off to the king’s waiting arms.
As long as you remained desperate to return to his side, he could convince himself that it was for your good.
You saw it in the way his eyes lit up at your devastated expression that only became more afraid each time he picked you up.
The king cornered you in places you didn’t even think to go and it was to the point where you weren’t comfortable leaving your room anymore.
Tasman asked you each and every time if the king had done something to you, but he hadn’t.
Threats that weren’t really threats, affection that would’ve been seen as simply being kind to anyone else’s prying eyes. Even if he had forced you in some way, you sensed there was some unspoken agreement between the two of them as Tasman dropped you off.
It was ugly and twisted but there was no leaving. Either one of them.
You were stuck as always with no peace in sight.
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chiprewington · 1 month
Out of curiosity, is there an interaction between Perry and Chip that you think about constantly?
Like just.. A favorite interaction of theirs that randomly pops into your head on occasion over and over again for no apparent reason other than you just enjoy the mental (or physical, if you'd drawn it before!) image?
Oh cog, there's a lot to choose from- but honestly, there's one that specifically comes out to mind and is something I really would like to illustrate at some point.
As a warning, I'm not a writer! A lot of this is probably gonna be very. Rambly. Part of this is also genuine headcanons, while another part is silly nonsense between Perry and Chip.
To start off with background context, Suits have the ability to sort of "link up" with one another, establishing some kind of wired connection (probably a specific cable located in the chest indicator) between two individuals that allows them to transfer memories and emotions. It's an immensely reassuring thing for individuals who may struggle with reflecting their emotions or struggle with understanding emotions from others. This cable probably is also used for receiving firmware updates and installing necessary software as a fallback if wireless connection isn't feasible.
For Chip, this meant everything. He fits that bill on both ends and used this connection to be able to better understand that his friends do genuinely give a damn about him.
Come the Override, however... this isn't possible. Or at least not fully. He is still capable of receiving information from someone else linked up to him, he can still receive firmware updates and what have you. What he can't do is give information about himself. The moment someone tries to connect to him, they would be immediately overwhelmed by a sheer amount of garbage noise that would make it incredibly hard to focus on the information exchange. Theoretically, this does mean that Chip can still be told he's loved by a dear friend as an undeniable truth, but it just doesn't seem worth if when it's impossible to convey that you feel the same. Despite it being therapeutic for him in the past, it's yet another thing that was ripped away from him by the Override.
That's when Perry comes into play, far into their bond with one another. After taking eir time researching into Suit structure and building to better understand how to conduct repairs on Chip, ey would eventually come upon the whole wired connection deal and be curious. Of course, a Toon doesn't really have cables or need to be plugged into anything. However, ey definitely had an idea on how to make it work (with telling Chip in advance, of course. He was a bit skeptical of the idea- but was convinced to give the connection a try again after all this time).
Cue Perry waltzing into the back room with a TENS machine, prompting immediate confusion from Chip. Ey have an idea. Ey don't know if it'll work, but ey sure have an idea. In place of one of the cables, Chip instead plugs himself into the machine while one of the electrodes is slapped onto Perry forehead. Ey look a bit silly with it. Turn the machine on, and...
Perry heavily winces. It works! ...But all Perry hears and feels is garbage noise. It makes em scattered, of course leading Chip to becoming concerned, leaning towards wanting to call this off, but this toon is a stubborn one. Ey still pull through, able to send information to Chip about how much ey love him, truly. Allow him to peer into careful choices of memories, able to feel what ey felt in the moment, even if certain ones were oddly... incomprehensible, for some reason. Still though, the moment wasn't as good as it could be, knowing that he couldn't reciprocate the gesture.
The constant having to actively Not think about The Grey however, but with the barrage of awful static filling eir ears, Perry would start to feel a disconnect in that moment, and that disconnect would surprisingly play the cards in both their favor.
For just a moment, everything was suddenly clear. Perry had the wind knocked out of eir lungs. Ey could feel eir eyes immediately start to water. Ey couldn't speak. Ey could only reach up and hold him by his face.
And then the garbage noise was back.
This session ended shortly after that. Perry kept holding onto Chip for the rest of the hour until he had to return to work.
It was nice. But it was so, so awful at the same time. ...This is yet another routine these two would incorporate into their schedules.
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alexihawleys · 3 months
Chenford + 18 please!
chenford + things you said when you were scared
"So I'm right," she won't meet his gaze even though he's trying to catch hers. She busies herself with folding and re-folding the blanket thrown over the bottom corner of her bed, the one he'd put on her side for the nights when she gets cold and needs an extra layer (which is all of them, really). Her fingers fumble the corner once, twice, again. "You seriously don't think I can do it."
She hates herself a little for it.
She hates herself a little for everything lately, if she's being honest. There's this feeling in the back of her throat she can't get rid of, a tickle that's causing her to say things she doesn't want to, that's goading her on to be the worst version of herself because she can't not. If she's going down, she's dragging everyone with her. Is that dramatic? Sure, but she's never claimed to be anything less.
She sees the twinge in Tim's eye and something in her stomach soars, surges, squeezes. She's got him.
This is stupid, her rational brain tells her. You're self-sabotaging. Tim loves you. He believes in you. Stop picking fights with him because you're–
Shut up, she tells her rational brain, which apparently is the only part that doesn't have an issue listening to direct orders.
"Lucy, we're not doing this." His teeth are grit and his neck is tense. She can tell he's actively trying to soften his face, not to look stern and defeated in the way she knows he would if he wasn't aware of what she was doing. She would hate herself for doing this to him, but she decides to hate him a little bit for not calling her out on it instead.
"Doing what?" Her tone is snappier than she intends it to be, but it works in her favor.
He sighs deliciously. "This. This. We're not having this fight that has no point – either you believe me or you don't."
Lucy rolls her eyes, chewing on the inside of her cheek as the silence floods between them.
Usually, the silence is comfortable. The silence is nice, even, while she folds her laundry and he reads through a file, pretending he's not struggling to see the text without the dollar store pair of cheaters she'd tucked away in his desk a few months back when she'd noticed how far away from his face he was holding his phone.
They don't talk and they don't have to, because she knows every tiny movement Tim's jaw will make while he reads gory details, because he knows every ClipTalk trick she'll use in order to fold a fitted sheet without asking for help. They don't need words to know what the other is thinking, what they'll do next, when they need each other.
Today, the silence is overwhelming. She ignores the piece of her that aches for him and swallows it down – partly because it doesn't matter, partly because she doesn't want it to.
She leaves the blanket in a lopsided lump on the edge of the bed and crosses her arms. "I'd believe you if you were believable," she offers, shrugging. "If you don't think I can do better a second time, you can just tell me. I'd rather know the truth than have you pretend to support me again."
Tim rolls his eyes. "You know what," he starts, but shuts his eyes, shaking his head. "I'm not giving you what you want here."
"Oh, I know," she huffs, a dry laugh escaping her throat. "Trust me."
Tim squints at her, then stands up, rolling his sleeves up slowly. She watches, tipping her head to the side. At least he looks nice. "Enjoying the show?"
"Immensely," she deadpans, then purses her lips and lets herself meet his eye. He's staring her down and she swallows hard. "What?"
"What are you getting from this," his voice is lower, softer. She rips her gaze away and shakes her head. "Lucy, come on – you don't get to use me as a punching bag because you're scared you're going to fuck up ag-," he stops himself, but the damage is done.
She shuts her eyes, turning on her heel and heading towards the bathroom. She's not upset, honestly – she's kind of relieved, revitalized, ready to rub it in his face. At least he's being honest, this time. At least he's not pretending he's not disappointed in her. "See?"
"That's not what I-," she shuts the bathroom door behind her, muffling the sound of him. He knocks on it softly. "Baby, come on."
"Do not," she nearly growls.
She hears the light thunk of his head leaning against the door and she takes a step away from it, bristling at the sound of him sighing out a slow breath. "You don't think you can do it. You don't, and you know that." She doesn't answer and he sighs again, this one louder. "Talk to me, would you?"
"Go home," her voice is on the tip of her tongue, surprising her when it comes out firm, strong, certain. She hadn't known she wanted him to go home. She's not actually sure she does.
"What?" He sounds genuinely confused. Lucy ignores the fact that part of her mind is racing around, searching for ways to keep him here and get him to convince the rest of her mind to leave her the fuck alone. "You want me to go?"
She doesn't give herself the chance to think about it. "Go," she says again, firm, "home, Tim."
He waits. She knows this game – he'll count to ten, then twenty, then thirty. If she doesn't tell him to stay by the time he reaches sixty, he'll leave her be. It's fucked up that she knows, she realizes. It's fucked up that there's a pattern to this at all.
She swallows, then glances over at her shower and taps her fingers against the door lightly. He taps back. He's got to be somewhere around 35, by now.
"Please go home," she repeats, and it sounds different. A little raw, a little real. "I just want to be by myself, okay?"
He's quiet. She huffs. "Are you going to answer if I call later?"
She surveys her thumb nail, then bites the loose skin on her cuticle gently. "Maybe," she mumbles.
"Are you going to snap at me again?"
"Wow," he sounds a little annoyed, but mostly bemused. "Honesty for once."
She groans, but he doesn't laugh. She hears the floor creak beneath his feet as he makes his way back into her bedroom, then through the kitchen, then out the front door. The lock turns and the hum of alone silence falls over her as she leans back against the door and shuts her eyes.
He didn't say goodbye. She files it away, another thing she can pick a fight over later if she needs to.
She ignores her rational brain, screaming for her to figure this out before she ruins the most important relationship in her life. She'll ruin it if she damn well wants to, thank you very much.
The alone silence, the silence she wanted, doesn't feel as good as she'd hoped.
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bad-decisionsot7 · 1 year
Their reaction to you wanting to be in charge. (dom)
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-gulps at your suggestion
- "do i get to be handcuffed?"
-"I'll do it if i can be handcuffed"
- literally will only do it if you handcuff him.
-"damn, you're really sexy when you're in charge."
- constantly bucks his hips up especially when you're riding him
-gets a little aggravated when he can't touch you because he's restrained.
- mesmerised by the way you look dominating him.
-"you should be a good girl and ride me like that more often."
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-"you want to be in charge, huh?"
- constant smirks and hip bites
-"you know how much i love to watch you squirm underneath my touch, watch your body tremble as i eat that cute little pussy and now you're telling me you want to be in charge?"
-shrugs but finally agrees.
-"you better give me every reason to believe that this was a good decision."
- actually enjoys the teasing and the amount of effort you put into it.
-gets out of breath as he watches you work your way down onto his cock.
-"fuck, let me up baby girl. daddy needs to feel you properly"
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-grins and honestly gets a little too excited at the thought.
-"can we try it out now?"
-"you're going to look so pretty while sucking my cock."
- "what do you mean i can't touch you?"
- frowns but continues on with your plan -literally will do anything to make you happy.
- closes his eyes to endulge in the immense amount of pleasure he receives from you while pulling on the handcuffs.
-red bruises and imprints into his wrists from the cuffs.
-"I don't care babygirl i got to watch you suck me off and i kinda like the way you controlled me. it was hot."
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- instantly agrees to you trying out the dom role.
- gets way too into it as soon as you bring out one of his favorite ties.
- smirks when you tell him you're blindfolding and cuffing him.
-"oh fuc- don't stop."
-bucks his hips up into you as you attempt to drive him insane with your touch.
- loud moans as you begin to ride him.
-growls as you bite his lip during the makeout session.
- aggressively pulls at his cuffs.
-groans of frustration when you get off of him to have him cum elsewhere.
- wink wink
-"get on the bed baby, you haven't came and you need to be rewarded for that little show you just put on."
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- "no."
-"i said no y/n what aren't you understanding?"
-"fine, yes."
-"just kidding, no."
-"i'm not letting you take control of me in the bed, no it's not happening sorry."
- rolls his eyes as you continue to suggest it.
-"i am not one to be controlled. i do the dominant role, it's my job."
- finally at his breaking point.
-picks you up before placing you on top of him.
-"fine, do as you please to me but you're not fucking cumming until you're underneath me begging for it, understand?"
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- very active sex life.
- always willing to try new things.
- absolutely down for it.
-"wait, do i still get to eat you out?"
-"you're handcuffing me to the bed? that's new."
- stays quiet to focus on your body as you grind and move slowly on his lap.
- groans at the way you slap him when he doesn't listen/comply.
- literally quiet as fuck, only let's out a few soft moans.
- takes his time to enjoy the moment, the rest of the world shut out as he watches you.
- growls when you call him baby boy.
- groans loudly when you two start to actually fuck.
-"you looked so pretty taking my cock and we're definitely doing this again but if you ever, ever call me baby boy instead of daddy again, i'm punishing you on the spot."
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-"ooh, girl doms? that's hot."
- smirks when you walk in with your lingerie and toys.
- "that lingerie is so sexy, do i get to rip it off? or is that like- not allowed?"
- loves the way you look as you walk over to him, securing his hands with rope.
- "i'm actually loving this."
- isn't actually loving it.
- doesn't stop talking.
-"wait, why are you stuffing a sock in my mouth babebdbbsksjsjso"
- all of his worry fades as soon as you begin to ride him, pulling on his hair and biting his neck.
- "okay that was actually really really hot and i'm definitely going to need that to happen again but first, can i please fuck you against the wall? i need to hear you scream daddy,"
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somemydayy · 2 years
Kuroko’s Basketball | Suggestive/Smut HC
Various kinks mentioned under cut. Proceed with caution.
Types of kinks & fetishes I think they would have: Warning: mentions of BDSM, sir and master kink, size kink, humiliation, nylon, or panty-hose fetish, voyeurism, praise kink, size kink, Impact play ex: spanking etc. (Please tell me if I missed anything else) oh yeah mentions of reader having female genitalia and boobs for some of the so.
Seijūrō Akashi
I suspect he has a sir kink, but he definitely has a master kink, it’s plain as day. Likes being in control and will enjoy you just screaming his name so everyone knows who fucks you good.
Akashi seems like this type to be into BDSM he enjoys being sadistic, destructive even. But he knows your delicate so he holds back most of the time. But he can’t help tying you up and playing with your cunt as he watches you beg for more.
The literal fucker will shame you as he pounds his dick into your dripping mound to overstimulate you. And watch as he eyes you, scream out his name as you bounce up and down his pulsating cock. Whispered then straight up shouts out about all the most lewd positions he’ll put you in. Comments to you how only he can make you feel this god, and you should be greatful, and as he nibbled at the tip of your ears as your cheeks turn scarlet shade of red he laughs at your lewd and fucked out stare.
I can also see him as the type to partake in humiliation; he enjoys the look of your face as it twists in pain, and tears drench down the mounds of your cheeks as he lick them and gives you a knowing grin. He know you get off to it too, he’ll just knows.
But sometimes outside of the bedroom he’ll intentionally make you so angry you couldn’t help, but cry out of frustration. He just loves the way your tears would be dripping down your flushed face and a sadistic smile coats his lips as he hugs you patting your head in the process. To anyone else it seemed sweet, caring, loving almost but you knew the fucker got off on you crying.
Shintarō Midorima
I don’t think it’s so much a kink, but I have a suspicious feeling he’ll enjoy looking at the calendar and marking your cycle. He’ll absolutely do his best to make you feel good by fingering, or dicking you down. But don’t worry, he’ll clean you up right after. A nice shower or bath would be nice, especially since his lucky item for today was a rubber ducky.
Has a thing for personal hygiene, he likes how you file your nails down, and how your skin is always so smooth and spotless. But he also immensely enjoys the act of marking you, leaving love bites against the most noticeable of places. Across the inside of your thighs, and along your throat, behind, and under your ear. He’ll be sure to mark you one way or another. Your his lover after all.
By how tall he is, I do think it’s a major possibility he has a size kink. He immensely enjoys the feeling of how your smaller figure is spewed delicately across his lap as he bear hugs you.
I bet he has a nylon, and panty-hose fetish. He just can’t help but rip a hole at the seam and stuff his hardwood against your leaking core. He’s desperately trying to grasp your legs up and around his middle as he ruts into you. It’s might be overkill but soon he finds himself unable to contain himself and just ends up gizzing all over the pantyhose. Guess he’ll just have to buy you s brand new one or two.
Also another kink I think he’ll have is voyeurism, sometimes he can’t help dropping by your place to lend you a book or pick up another lucky item for the day. He has a spare key you gave him after all, most of the time he makes sure to call ahead of coming over but today it slipped his mind, and in all honestly he thanks the heavens above. Especially when he sees you in all your naked glory, spewed out legs open and pleasuring yourself. He’ll can’t help but continue to watch as you call out his name in raspy and breathless moans, at first he thinks you caught him being s peeping-tom but he hears you say you want more, want him, and only him. He knows it isn’t right but he picked up your schedule, you usually end up pleasuring yourself after each one of his games. He wonders, if you’ll ever come clean about it, but he’s one to talk. Maybe it’s better for both of you if you remain ignorant just for a little while longer that is.
Aksushi Murasakibara
I highly believe he has a size kink. He says he likes tall women. If he does have a tall significant other, he’ll enjoy bending her over and fucking her while she stands arched against a wall. With her ass on full display for him.
On the other hand he’ll definitely fantasize about stretching and destroying her pussy and make her scream out as he bottoms out. He’s so big, I’m certain he’ll hit the cervix in no time. I think if his significant other is of a smaller build, he’ll thoroughly enjoy pounding into her, seeing her be engulfed by his dick, going in and out of her at a alarming pace as she cries out in pain and ecstasy. He immensely enjoyed the rush.
Impact play; with his hands I honestly do believe he’ll enjoy the feeling of his palms on your ass, he’ll enjoy the sensation of palming, spanking and hitting your bottom until it’s red as a tomato. And I believe he’ll smirk while palming your ass before harshly raising his hand to spank your ass cheeks one at a time. Leaving his massive hand print on both cheeks.
More so I do believe he’ll throughly enjoy the feeling of his significant other’s smaller body pressed up against his chest; especially the way your boobs would be squished up against him, it’ll drive him insane.
Definitely has a praise kink, liked being told he’s big, and they can’t take him any longer since she’s a giant. He likes it when his significant other offers him snacks after being intimate. Sometimes he feels like it’s a bribe, but what can he do he just likes you too much to say otherwise.
Daiki Aomine
What can I say, he’s a boobs guy. He likes them big, he enjoys his idol magazines, but damn the real thing was a thousand times better especially how big, perky and soft your’s were.
He just loves the feel of your chest pressed up against his hands, chest, face. He’ll definitely seem like the type to motorboat your boobs. He immensely loves the feel of your delicate and tender flesh against his hands, but most of all he likes licking and sucking on them just as much, or even more.
I also see Aomine as the type to be a Switch. As you know, he’s quite lazy hence all his naps on tell rooftop. He’ll very frequently just laze around, asking you to do all the work. You’ll straddle, ride him, maybe deep throat him even.
Him being a cocky bastard will automatically tease you and flip you on your back as he laughs tauntingly at you as he kisses up your neck, sucking on your sweet spot.
I don’t think he’s the type to be clingy, but he can’t help himself when you complement him. I’m pretty sure he has a praise kink. He just loves it when you tell him, he’s perfect, he’s good with his hands. You being innocent don’t take notice of the eyebrow raise and the sexual innuendo you just spewed out. But he just grins and whispers in your ear saying how you’ll get it all home.
Ryōta Kise
To people whom he acknowledges, Kise often acts cheerful and outgoing while also being a bit dramatic. So you being his significant other he’ll call you (Y/n)-cchi but on the rare occasion he’ll call you by your last name. Usually this happens when he’s serious, mad even.
To you he’s very playful, overly dramatic even. But you never mind. He’s just such a sweety pie. He’s definitely has either a praise or degrading kink. If he has a praise kink he’ll make you whimper, and shout out how good he feels as he fills you up. Asking if it’s enough, adding more pressure to your clit as he thrusts up into you. If he has a degrading kink, he’ll thoroughly enjoy you calling him names, as you take him in one go. I don’t believe he’s a very emotional person, but he is very expressive. So he’ll probably show in his face as he’s almost reached his peak only for you to ask him if that’s all it took for him to cum. He’ll burst at the seams and let out a lewd moan as he released his fill into you.
Sometimes he can’t help, but let you edge him until he almost cums just for you to leave him high and dry. Usually he whines out complaints, and then go to the bathroom to take care of his problem. But on the rare occasion he’ll just lay there, and stare at your figure or back until a brilliant idea pops up onto his head. He taps your shoulder and asks if he can use your thighs, with a soft whine you let out a “yea, sure.” He takes his place against your soft thighs and moves around a bit until he reaches his peak. Morning your name on repeat.
At first it’s soft thrusts but soon it becomes full on rutting. He’ll grab your thighs and slightly lift himself up and rut against your soft plush thighs until your coated in sticky white cum. He’ll probably giggle after finishing, but he’ll always make sure to grab you a towel, and clean you up.
It’s a known fact Kise likes showing off, so he’ll kiss you during practice and hold your hand during halftime. But on the rare occasion he’ll just stuff his face in your neck and sniff you. Kise is very needy, no one can tell me otherwise. Sometimes during half time, he’ll sneak off, and kiss you in a corner of a empty hallway. And it’s obvious as day what you both did as you come back with a hicky or two sometimes even more scattered down your chest and you hurriedly fix your clothes, hair slightly disheveled as you arrive at the court. Kise could only grin teasingly as he placed his coat against your shoulders, and placed a gentle kiss against your cheek, nose and lips. He’s super into pda, and it shows.
© Somemydayy 2022 | Please do not copy or alter this writing on Tumblr or any other platform.
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missmungoe · 10 months
I don't know if you've watched it yet, but I'm SO happy about the live action, and about Makino ? No spoilers, but I can't wait to hear about it from you ♥
I'm glad you're enjoying it! I have mixed feelings, some good, some not-so-good, but I...am unfortunately not a fan of how they did Makino, so if you were hoping for that, I'm really sorry to disappoint!
Thoughts under the cut for those who haven't seen the first two episodes (and remember that these are just my feelings, so don't let them ruin yours! If you liked her, that's what matters ♥):
First, I will say I was pleasantly surprised that she's in it, and even had speaking parts, but the actress just didn't feel like Makino to me. I thought she had a sweet moment with Luffy in the second episode, but beyond the costume, I struggled to find Makino in her. And it's not like she has a well-established character, but some things have always stood out to me, like how she acts as a barkeep, and there's a reason I write her as someone who enjoys her work. And in the first scene with Higuma, she just looks so...done? Like she'd rather be doing anything but her job, and maybe they're trying to imply that she's tired of the bandits, but her whole behaviour in that scene just felt off to me. Even in the scene with Luffy, the way she sighs and goes about her work - compared to the anime, where she's smiling and polishing her glasses like she enjoys the work just for the sake of it - rubbed me the wrong way. She just seems so encumbered, and feels so much older than she's supposed to be at this point in the story. Honestly, she reminds me more of how I write Emiko in Siren's Call. And I can see them changing it if they wanted to give her a more "world-weary tavern wench" kind of vibe rather than how she is in the original, but that's the Makino I love, and for me, she'll always be how I've written her in Shanties - a fresh-faced but determined 19-year-old who's immensely proud of her bar and her work. And that's my own interpretation, based on the few scenes she has, and by no means is it the only interpretation you can make. Netflix had a different one; I just didn't vibe with it.
Also RIP the scene where she runs out from behind the counter to help Shanks :') I was hoping we'd get that, but my main issue isn't even that they didn't get the little moment on the floor, it's that she just...stands there? And sure, Higuma didn't break the bottle over his head this time, although honestly, had I written this scene, Makino would have been even more distressed at him breaking a bottle on her polished countertop.
So yeah, while the actress wears the clothes and the kerchief, she didn't feel like Makino to me, but then I'm irrevocably influenced by the way I've written her in Shanties, and at no point was I expecting the live action to cater to my preferences. But I'll keep writing her as I love her, and then Netflix can do their own thing ;)
But oh, speaking of clothes - and putting aside my personal vendetta against her canon outfit, sans kerchief - I really didn't care for how dingy her clothes looked? Same with Party's (#NotMyBar, and I was so offended by that ugly neon sign I almost forgot that Makino looks like she hasn't bathed in a week). I get that they're going for a more ramshackle fishing village vibe, but here I also vastly prefer the original. I love Makino's tidy bar with its soft green walls and flowers on the shelves, so this was just a huge swing and a miss for me.
Things I am enjoying so far about the live action:
Iñaki Godoy
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pancreasman · 11 months
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I tried my hand at some Shadamy kids!
I’m not sure what to name them and I will definitely be redesigning them a bit, but I’m open to suggestion. (AKA, PLEASE send name suggestions) Honestly, coming up with headcannons was the most fun part so I’ll put that here
The daughter (right) is eight years old. She’s mild mannered and quite introverted. She needs her alone time but struggles to communicate boundaries. Luckily, Shadow understands this more than anyone and is usually there to teach her how to communicate her wants and needs and look out for her. She’s very quiet, and is often wearing a blank expression on her face, which other kids may find weird or unnerving. Really, she’s just neurodivergent, lol. She’s very family-oriented and protective of her brother. Despite being very subdued there is a hidden rage to her and she will defend her family with intense furosity. And despite not showing it conventionally, she is a deeply passionate kid, with a whole lot of love for the world around her. Oftentimes her parents will just watch her and marvel at the unique way she views the world. You can’t tell what’s going on just by her face but it’s clear she’s absolutely fascinated with the world and in love with everything. In short, she’s a sweetiepieand an artist with an immense amount of curiosity and reverence for the world she’s been gifted with, and she will grow up to do amazing things.
The son (left), who is 5, is just a little ball of energy. Extremely picky, opinionated, and hot-headed. Basically, he got all of Shadow and Amy’s rage. Despite this, he’s just a little scamp with an intense sense of justice. He’s the one who would stick up for a kid getting bullied on the playground and proceed to rip the bully to shreds. He loves to run around, cause messes, and play the hero. While it’s clear he got a lot of those traits from his parents, it’s also due to the fact that he adores his “uncle Sonic” to pieces and is his number one fan. Just imagine Shadow trying to work and his son going on and on about how Sonic could beat Shadow in a fight and Shadow is seething but Amy insists it’s a phase he’ll grow out of. Despite being a huge fan of Sonic, he still looks up to his dad immensely and will often try to be just like him too. He wants to be just as strong as his dad. Their son is a crybaby, a fanboy, and a little ball of sunshine and rage who loves his family dearly, and they love him too.
As for the siblings relationship to each other, I imagine the son would tire the daughter out very quickly, but she would sort of pull through it because she loves him and enjoys spending time with him and teaching him things. She loves reading to him and giving him piggyback rides and feeling like an influence in his life. The son also knows how sweet and sensitive his sister is and will defend her until the end. He loves rambling about stuff to her because he knows she’s listening to every word. They might fight occasionally because the son gets too rambunctious or the daughter gets overwhelmed and shuts her brother down too harshly, but they’re both fiercely protective of each other as well as the rest of the family and know each other well enough to work it out, not to mention their parents taught them well.
As for Shadow and Amy as parents, they struggle to fulfill parental roles in different ways but each find their footing. Amy is able to fulfill a domestic role relatively easy but is still filled with anxiety about motherhood, possibly to the point of postpartum anxiety. Of course, She’s able to work through it out of dedication and love for her kids as well as support from Shadow. She babies the hell out of her son, he’s her special little boy. She struggles to relate to her daughter as she gets older and starts developing her own personality, but they still spend a lot of time together and her daughter adores her. She takes a lot of pride in teaching her kids how to take care of themselves by cooking and cleaning despite swaddling them a bit too much, and is endlessly proud of them.
Shadow does a lot of thinking prior to becoming a father and forms a very particular idea of the father he wants to be. He struggles at first, but loves his family enough to stick to his guns. He might not have the best idea of how to raise a kid at first, attempting to teach his daughter to shoot a gun at only 4 years old which Amy has to put a stop to. But, this comes with the benefit of him not seeing his kids as children, but as people. He tries his best to understand them on a personal level and is incredibly thoughtful and understanding. He’s not always in agreement with Amy and her parenting methods, thinking they should raise them to be more independent, but still respects her instincts as a mother. Overall he’s caring and patient, and often gives them a lot of sage advice and is honest with his kids. He wants them to be able to stay strong and take care of themselves but also let’s them have the childhood he never had. Amy swaddles them sure, but Shadow spoils the hell out of them. He will build them all sorts of play sets and let them travel all sorts of places. He’s incredibly flattered and proud of how much his kids take interest in him and his work, but he also tries to protect them from it somewhat. Overall, Amy and Shadow are just trying their best because they love each other and their kids so so much and are doing a great job.
Also, if you were to lay so much as a finger on their kids, you’re dead. You’re fucking dead. They will fucking absorb the chaos emeralds to annihilate you. They are so mad and so in love.
Anyway, that was a long ramble. In short, their kids are beautiful little goobers and they are all full of so much love. I wanna do more with this and work on it a bit more but let me know what you think and PLEASE suggest some names. Perhaps if people are engaged enough I’ll put up a poll and let y’all decide on names. Anyway, thanks for letting me brain dump :P
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! This has been on my brain for a few damn days here, Okai so the idea is what if one night the reader is walking around the ministry alone at night bc they have things to do before going to Copia and sleeping but a feral ghoul or something comes along and attacks the reader, either Copia or one of his ghouls sees it happening and goes batshit trying to protect the reader and because everyone’s being so loud and yk violent it wakes up half the ministry and they’re just stood there in shock at how Copia is ripping this ghoul a new one for trying to hurt maybe even murder the love of his life because they’ve never seen him angry before
Hey I am here once again to apologize to an anon for taking forever to get to their ask/request.
Here's a longer snippet for you Ghestie. Hope you enjoy Copia seeing RED, with of course a nice Prime Mover twist.
The Fires of Indignation
Also available here on A03
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NSFW below the cut related to intensely frightening and violent scenes.
Commission are still open! See pinned post for carrd info!
I am working diligently on my Valentine's Day letters as well as my two Valentine's Day fic winners so stay tuned for those too!!!
"Damn." You whispered to yourself, careful to not wake your Papa. It was the second night that week you had forgotten your notes in his office before heading back up to the Papal suites. You smiled as you looked over to Copia, sleeping soundly in bed, having passed out long before you'd find yourself able to crawl inbetween the sheets beside him. It would be an even longer night if you couldn't finish studying for your upcoming rites.
Prime Mover—that's what they called you now or at least would within a week's time. It was the highest and grandest position a mere sister of sin could ever hope to obtain. The right to conceive and carry a Papa's child, an ancient tradition within the Emeritus bloodline and, with the revelation that your once Cardinal was really an Emeritus heir coming to light, it had now become your duty to fulfill. One you intended to do with honor and prestige.
Well I'm off to a good start, you thought to yourself, realizing that you had been fumbling through your preparations and struggling immensely in your studies. It was bad enough that you had to be there physically for the Prime Mover ritual, a nerve wracking thought for sure. Placed on display like some prized glit for the congregation to scrutinize and examine. You also were expected to flawlessly perform many rites as part of your ceremony, all of which relied on you memorizing those damn notes.
You carefully stood up from the desk, the floor creaking as your weight shifted off the aging floorboards. The old Abbey made so many sounds at night. It was hard to keep track of just which spots would shout, as opposed to whisper, away your position. You crept through the bedroom and into the parlor, before letting yourself out the door.
With your small lantern in hand, you made your way down the dark corridor that led to the main stairway and down to the main hall. You swayed the small light back and forth, catching glimpses of portraits as you passed. Papas, long dead, painted as regal and enigmatic along with their Prime Movers and brood. You were wondering to yourself if one day Copia and your portrait would hang on these walls beside them.
You stumbled a bit as you reached the last step. "Ah!” quickly placing your hand over your mouth. It was so dark this time of night in the Abbey, with only the shining from the moon through the stained glass windows to illuminate your path. You were honestly surprised more siblings didn't end up taking a crash down the stairs.
You made your way to your destination, which was still next to the front office on the main floor. It would still be a few more weeks after his appointment as Papa, before Copia would take over the office previously held by Terzo. Copia didn't mind however, preferring the smaller space. "More intimate" he called it, with his old bookshelves, tattered wallpaper, and paintings of the plague. So many memories in that office that made you smile and even a few that set your cheeks aflame.
You were going to miss the days when he was just Secretary of the Treasury. Things were simpler then, and while he was always busy handling the domestic and international financial concerns of the Abbey, his responsibility only seemed to double once he became Papa.
You shook off your anxiety once more, quickly running to grab your notebook that was laid out on his desk. When you reached for it, you noticed a small note slip off the top and drift to the floor. You bent down to pick it up, carefully unfolding it before recognizing the meticulous handwriting in front of you. It was from Copia.
I knew you would forget this and I apologize for not bringing it up for you, but I thought it would be cuter if I let you think I'd slept through it all. Want to come up and I'll quiz you? For everything you get right, I will take something off. Oh and cara…I'm only in my robe.
"Oh Cope." You whispered, your heart fluttering in your chest as you held the note against it. This sweet eccentric man knew you better than you knew yourself. You would only be too happy to help him usher in the next generation of Papas. Maybe you'd get started tonight?
You swiftly grabbed the notebook and a few other notes just in case, and bounded back down the hall towards the stairs. It wasn't until you reached them—you noticed. The marble floor, giving away the sound of footfalls behind you. The small hairs stood up on the back of your neck, and somehow you knew this was not Copia.
You stopped, pretending to tighten up your robe, when you felt the breath steadily against your neck. "Please no–", you shuttered as you felt a ghoul's claws dig deep into the flesh of your shoulder. The ghoul spinning you around to face him. His eyes black as the night and piercing, but not as sharp as the teeth he bore at you. It was Alpha, one of Terzo's old ghouls. The one you'd all been led to believe was bashed back to Hell after he had attempted an assassination on the former Papa.
A lovers quarrel, reaching new heights when Terzo’s affections fell on Omega instead. Alpha was furious and incited a few of the other ghouls against him, almost killing Terzo, Secondo, and Primo during one of their evening Uno tournaments. It was all thanks to Copia that they were found and that the poison they’d be injected with, just happened to be one from a known Abbey stash.
"So pretty…" Alpha growled. The ghouls tongue licking up the side of your cheek. "What a beautiful, beautiful Prime Mover our former Cardinal has procured himself. Tsk tsk…that's just too bad huh?"
"Please Alpha. We had nothing to do with your banishing. Please just let me go." You implored him. The fear made your heart pound hard inside your chest as you struggled to think of a way to escape him.
"No…I'll deal with him and your precious Papa soon enough, but first I'm gonna make sure I end their hopes of ever continuing the bloodline…" he hissed. The tears came pouring hard and fast from your eyes. Your vision blurred as you squeezed them shut to block what was left of the sight of him.
Suddenly you could hear the ghoul taking a deep inhale. Huffing and puffing before he spoke again. "Seems I was almost too late." Alpha's words, hitting you like bullets to the chest—you were already pregnant. Your eyes widened, now fearing for not only your own life, but also for that of your child.
The raging ghoul lifted you into the air up by your throat. Crushing your windpipe within his grasp as he slammed the back of your head into the stone wall. The trouble with your vision, now intensified by your immense pain, and the feeling of warm blood trickling down the back of your neck. "Ah!" You screamed, unable to control your cries.
The next thing you knew, Alpha had been torn off you. His body flung to the ground as if he weighed less than a feather. Copia, your beloved Papa, pummeling him in the face over and over after as Alpha tried hard to stand. You slid down the wall, a streak of blood in your wake. Your head, pounding away as you noticed the squabble between them which was loud and violent, began awakening everyone from their beds.
As they arrived one by one, the whole of the Abbey watched in horror as Copia jumped on top of the ghoul. The sisters surrounded you, helping you to rest against them as they tended to your wounds. They blocked your vision, grateful you were that you didn’t have to watch. With each hit, Alpha's dark blood stained Copia’s knuckles and spattered against the walls and floor. “Guess you’re not as weak as you look Pa-Pa.” Alpha groaned.
“Come cazzo ti permetti! Lei porta mio figlio e tu l'hai aggredita! And for what? Your wounded pride at the loss of your lover? One you also tried to kill. You're pathetic!” Copia howled, his vision tinted red with rage. A fury building inside him that would rival Satan himself.
“Boss, stop! You’ll kill him!” Aether begged as he, Swiss, and Dew tried desperately, in vain, to pull their Papa off. Copia may have been a smaller man compared to them, but faced with the loss of his lover and child he had grown in strength tenfold. There was nothing anyone could do to stop it, Alpha smirked, continuing to spit up blood as Copia cracked yet another hit off his lower jaw. You started to get your bearings as your fellow sisters helped you back up. Praying to Lucifer for this to be over, you hand resting protectively on your belly.
You watched as the mob of siblings and ghouls crowded around the spectacle before you. “Copia please no!” Said a voice suddenly shouting loudly from behind you. You turned carefully, your head still throbbing and your vision still blurred, but you could tell Terzo had come on the scene. Both him and Omega, running past you as they could—pleading for Copia’s attention.
“No he deserves to die!” Copia said, the tone of rage in his voice turned to tears. This was nothing like him, the violence, the hate—Alpha had driven him to it and all because of his love for you.
“He’s not worth it fratello.” Terzo sneered, his disgusted gaze falling over the bloodied ghoul. “I told you Alpha that what happened between us was nothing. Omega and I—”
“Puh–” Alpha spit the blood out that had been pooling in his mouth, hitting Terzo’s crisp white spats. “All you Emeritus are just alike…willing to use us all up and then throw us back into the pit when we are no longer useful. All for the sake of your undeserved lovers and some unborn child.”
“So you say…is it true Omega…is she?” Terzo asked, the look of shock covering his face. Omega went to you, looking you over and taking in your scent.
“It is.” he replied, both Copia and Terzo shooting each other a cautious smile. Copia looked at you, such love and fear in his eyes. He could have lost you had he waited even just a moment longer.
“Will she be alright?” Copia asked as the sisters from the infirmary assessed you. You were pale and had lost a lot of blood from your wounds.
“She will need to come with us for stitches but she and the baby should be alright.” Sister Agnes assured him. Copia and Terzo nodded, you still having not said a word. You noticed that Omega and Aether had taken hold of Alpha in the stairway. Lifting up the limp and bludgeoned ghoul to carry him away. A rush of relief over you realizing that it was over and that Copia hasn't had to finish what Alpha started.
“We will send him back to Hell if they’ll have them, you go be with your Prime Mover fratello.” Terzo insisted, Copia flicking the blood from his hands and nodding as he approached you.
“Amore, I’m so sorry. I should have never left your notebook in the office…if I hadn’t then maybe—” he began, his words halted when you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly.
“Copia, it wasn’t your fault. We are going to be fine.” you insisted, sending him a smile before the sisters tending to your wounds made you wince in pain. Copia, looking worried until your smile returned once more.
“You will be more than fine amore, you and our child will thrive and that ghoul is damn lucky that Terzo still cares for him or I would have killed him myself." He growled, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. He picked you up and carried you to the infirmary, holding you close to him as he walked.
“I love you Copia.” you whispered against him, so happy to know it was all over. Copia sniffled back his own tears. He too was happy he hadn’t killed Alpha, but so hurt by the thought of losing you he realized he absolutely could have. He took in a deep breath, setting you down on the bed in the infirmary, and looking deeply into your eyes.
“I love you. And I promise you…no one will ever harm you or our child ever again. Never again.”
Glit- a female pig who has not had a litter.
Come cazzo ti permetti! Lei porta mio figlio e tu l'hai aggredita!- How fucking dare you! She carries my child and you assault her!
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spearxwind · 1 year
Hello, i absolutely enjoy to read your ramblings and thoughts on many pieces of media, ae like house of the dragon and httyd, i was wondering if you've seen the new puss in boots movie and was really curious on your thoughts of "death" character in puss the last wish?
Also what did you think of the movies animation style?
[⚠ Fair warning, This is not spoiler free!! ⚠]
OH I LOVED THIS MOVIE SO MUCH!!! Overall good lord the animation style is absolutely fantastic, like. Whoag. So pleasing to look at. The soundtrack fucking rips too. All of the characters are so well written, even the really side ones, and the humor is also extremely good!! I was rly surprised that even in the dubbed version (Saw it in spanish in my home country) the jokes landed very well too. Honestly with this movie and spiderverse I'm really hoping that the animation industry gets revitalized and they See that they can do so much more with cgi than like... just make a stylized model and render 4k textures on it with no art direction (looking at disney HARD here)
like... oh my god its actually hard for me to put this into words without sounding insane but they honest to god made the wolf scary as all fuck. I went into the movie knowing he was death, and even that did not like... dampen any of the effect on me. That shit was scary!! And as you know I am a HUGE horror movie fan. It's been actual ages since I saw a character that actually freaked me out like that. They did an excellent job with him and if anything I wish he would have been more in the movie
The intro they give him is just so good, right after you get a bombastic start of the movie with puss and everything hes done, but then the wolf appears and he immediately sets up a presence that completely overshadows puss... its excellently played. Bravo to the scriptwriters, storyboards, animators, composers, lighting artists etc. All of them did a spectacular job setting up every single payoff in this movie and it shows all the sheer immense love and care put into it.
Also as a sidenote, this movie has an ABSURD kill count??? Like more than some genuine horror movies?? I know some of them are played for goofy gags but HOLY SHIT that movie can kill side characters. Some of those are gruesome as hell too for a kids movie.
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justmenoworries · 1 year
thoughts on “For the Future” in no particular order
let’s rip the band-aid off: apart from like one or two scenes, to me this special felt like a giant waste of time. very little of what we were told we didn’t already know. like oh, the Collector is an all-powerful child? Belos is gigantic, rotting sack of shit? everyone is scrambling through pretty much the apcalypse? those are all things we’ve known about since “King’s Tide”
Belos really should have been defeated in “Thanks to Them”. literally nothing would change if he was already dead by the time Luz’ team entered the Demon Realm. “what about the Collector spying on King?” funny you should ask, since we already had the perfect character to push him into that direction: Odalia. she was vying for his attention and more power the whole time, you’re telling me she wouldn’t be jumping at the chance to dethrone King as his best friend and confidant by tattling to Collector about his, Eda’s and Lillith’s plans? instead we have Belos stealing screentime away from characters who were desperately in need of it (Willow, Gus) for basically no reason. what did we find out about Belos in FtF that wasn’t already obvious? we know he’s an old bigoted asshole who will never change. we know he’s more monster than man at this point. we know he’s a manipulative scumbag who preys on easily influenced minds. I honestly don’t know what Dana is planning to do with him in “Watching and Dreaming”, he’s seriously overstayed his welcome as a villain
I cannot be the only one who didn’t buy that the heroes were struggling against freaking Kikimora??? Literally all that makes her threatening is her giant slime-robot. just pull her out of there and then punt her into the Boiling Sea like a football. Willow could’ve just plucked her out of the cockpit with a vine and that could’ve been it. but no, instead we need an entire sideplot about Kikimora trying to take over Hexside as some sort of mini-Belos
Camila continues to be best mom, she tries so hard, she just wants Luz to be happy and for the other kids to be safe, i’m gonna cry
Lumity continues to serve, even with small moments. Luz blushing at her awesome girlfriend being pretty gave me life
not a big fan of how Willow and Gus were pushed to the background to provide more character development for Hunter. Willow had a whole arc about discovering how powerful she actually was and gaining confidence, and it culminates in her having to be saved and told what she already knows by a white boy. thanks, I hate it
hey, quick question: why was Luz’ group so nerfed this episode??? some of the most talented witches of their generation, on par with the Emperor’s Coven, and they get pushed around by freaking Kikimora and Bosha???? no. Kiki and Bosha should have been reduced to smears on the floor as soon as they tried to start shit. Luz and her friends were beating the crap out of Belos one episode ago, why are these two even remotely treated as a threat????
I immensely enjoyed the Collector as an antagonist, they’re just a small child, but he’s a very powerful child and that’s a disastrous but also weirdly adorable combination. his bond with King was also surprisingly heartwarming. I really would have liked it if Dana went in the direction of just having King be the responsible angel on Collector’s shoulder who eventually gets them to see he can’t just treat people like toys. but nah, let’s have Belos as the villain. again.
King, smol child. he’s trying his best, I feel so sorry for him.
is it weird that I unironically love the makeover Collector’s been giving the Boiling Isles? maybe it’s just me being a sucker for the space and stars aesthetic. and brightly colored horror.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
I have gotten two of my friends interested in Tsuma just by spamming GIFs so can confirm the Cutest Old Man In Media strategy has a high success rate... ON THAT NOTE. Very strong list of cuties... I Must Agree... Ikegami may be At Least A Little heinous but can't argue with that reasoning...
AND OK LISTEN. Some things I tell you are meant to be locked away in the vault never to be spoken of again... Tsutsumi's retirement is one of those... [just kidding it's fine LMAO he can do whatever makes him happy But I Will Cry I'm Sorry WE GET LIKE ONE MAINLINE GAME EVERY FOUR YEARS WHAT IF JO NEVER COMES BACK AAAA] BUT YES. YEAH. Very curious how he might do as a director...
DJKLGHJKLSDHLKS NO THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING because I will generally just mention something in passing without actually recommending it but you'll go for it anyway😭😭😭NOT COMPLAINING. NOT COMPLAINING IN THE SLIGHTEST you have my deepest gratitude after A Lifetime of having my recommendations fall through and not being able to talk about stuff I'm into I cannot say this enough 😭😭😭😭😭but of course, definitely checking out the movie when I can :] I wish I could've watched before responding but busy day... oh well...
Speaking of! Kagerou Touge here and Tonbi here. They're both a bit less than three hours and split into two parts sooooo up to you <3 I don't remember enough about Tonbi to summarize it any better than what's on the page and It Is Best I Leave Kagerou A Surprise From Start To Finish. Bali Big Brother has been a bitch for years though unfortunately😩no subs may or may not be better than the machine-translated subs I had to work with
AGREED ON EVERYTHING ABOUT ATR NO NOTES NO ADDITIONS... YOU GET ME... KUROMI/MY MELODY-CORE SO REAL I felt like stopping and pointing whenever you could see their charms😭😭😭big fan... huge even... also the visual direction was Overall really good it is such a pretty anime and goes So Hard with the rain motif... SPEAKING OF THE FINALE WHICH I LOVED FOR THOSE SAME REASONS AS WELL Akira imagining breaking into a run to kiss Kondo on the cheek in the "date" ep but when she actually does it in real life it's a hug... as friends... broooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭
can't believe you're just hoarding keisuke gifs from me 😭 yes ive seen all of the show but STILL BUT REGARDLESS I'M GLAD YOU GOT OTHERS ON BOARD truly love this show a lot for keisuke... even beyond him tho not only is the cast really lovely but again i really love where the story went and how it all culminated in its last episodes..
and LISTEN Yes Ikegami Is A Lil Rank. Comes With Being A Yakuza but i do not have many options out of the charas ive seen tsutsumi play 😔 we been through this ttm is either very heinous or very serious in his films.... have to be careful..... plus i still think him smiling so much during the filming of the movie was cute, he's just a little silly to me 😔
but if tsutsumi isn't due to come back cause of his career, i gotta be the one to rip the bandaid off an assume jo prob won't return after this game. which either means 1.) joins the graveyard of tsutsumi charas 2.) He Somehow Gets Out Just Fine ???? And Just Does His Own Thing ???? Alone ???? either way... very intrigued to see what LaD8 has in store with that in mind...
there's some evil parasite in my brain that makes me immensely interested in things- like i accidentally went down a rabbit hole on The Superman Curse after someone made an aside comment about the latest flash movie DO NOT mention things to me because i will investigate it thoroughly... AND IM GLAD I DO CAUSE I FIND GEMS LIKE THESE !!!!!!!!! with that said i hope you enjoy the movie if you get to it !! (❁´◡`❁)
AND SPEAKING OF EPIC THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! i wouldn't mind with auto-generated subs tbh.... i've worked with less honestly BUT for now i'll see to watchin these two tonight ||ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノミ|Ю
I REALLY LOVED THE RAIN THEME OF AtR. like Yeah That's On The Label BUT STILL it really fit the title so well... AND YAYA THE PARALLEL IN THE DATE EP FANTASY VS THE FINAL EP REALITY.... cinema.. LITERAL cinema i LOVE so so much the direction the anime went with their relationship... i said it enough but it's just so refreshing and great to see...
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puckhead97 · 1 year
I've got 10 questions associated with Statictale, specifically its characters and other things unrelated to that.
1. What food and hobby does Encryption enjoy the most, aside from Thomas past cooking and watching anime?
2. I think I know which ability in my opinion is Encryption's most potent, but which ability would you consider as his grand when in base form? Be considerate of various factors, and don't just scale one singular aspect; Showcase and differentiate things that would naturally make abilities stronger or weaker than one another.
3. Is there any background information on why Encryption's first transformation is called The Guardian? If so, then why does he protect what he protects?
4. An elaborated version of how it would be if Olethros and Encryption met. For starters, how'd they'd act on first meeting, if they'd become great friends and talk a lot, etc.
5. Despite how differently our scaling systems work, it would be interesting to know your thoughts about Obatala and how a fight between him and Override would go. Also, I loved the transformation!
6. Devastation is my favorite character and so, I would love to know how an interaction between him and Zealot would go! Also, who do you think would win?
7. Does Devastation have any hidden perks gained from his parents, or anything similar to that?
8. What characters are in romantic relationships?
9. When will Hunter be Updated?
10. Would the relationship between Encryption and Zenshia ever grow into something more?
Well, Encryption has always been fond of star gazing, it's been one of his favorite past times, though it's unclear of where this interest sparked or originated from. As for a Encryption's favorite food, he doesn't really have one, saying he doesn't really need food, however, there have been several occasions where he's been seen eating Cheese Puffs, so it could be safe to assume that those would be his favorite food, or at least something he enjoys to eat.
In terms of straight up attacks, I'd probably have to go with his Shattered Temporality Rifts, given with this, he's not only able to inflict immense amounts of damage, this not being limited to ones in combat with him, but also with the verse he resides in as a whole (this most likely being limited to a Universal/Low Multiversal Scale). With these rifts, Encryption can compress the very fabric of spacetime down to a singular point, practically ripping a hole in the fabric of existence. The black hole that's formed from these rifts can usually be controlled, however, if Encryption were to lose his grasp on it, then the damage it could cause would be absolutely devastating, practically engulfing the entirety of the Universe that the black hole had originally been created within. To add to the sheer power that the ability holds, it can also be quite difficult to escape from, given black holes have a gravitational pull so significant that not even light itself can escape. In most cases, the only way to avoid or pull oneself out of the pull of a black hole would be to travel at beyond light speed, or by using some form of instantaneous transportation, like teleporting. However, I would like to also bring up Encryption's soul, this being the Soul of Transcendence, which is one of the main reasons why Encryption is able to achieve the many feats that he does, despite still being rather inexperienced with his abilities (at this given time). The Soul of Transcendence often relies on the morality of the user, as those with good intent, like Encryption, will have a far easier time managing and utilizing the Soul of Transcendence compared to those who are immoral, or are perhaps trying to use the soul for their own self gain. To be blunt, I feel that without his soul, Encryption wouldn't even be capable of using the Shattered Temporality Rifts, or if he could, they'd be far too unstable to properly utilize.
As for why Encryption's "First Transformation" is called the Guardian? Honestly, I wouldn't really consider it a transformation, as it's more or less an immense power boost while also giving him a slight appearance change. The Guardian is usually what's triggered when Encryption finds himself under extreme stress or usually a life threatening situation. We know that The Database views Encryption as a part of itself, and the Guardian is more or less a safety measure that was instill within Encryption upon his entry into the Database. Within this state, Encryption's sole purpose is to defend and exterminate the threat that had forced the Database to feel threatened. So in a sense, Encryption is really guarding the Database, or at least trying to preserve it, as upon becoming The Guardian, the initial process of Overdrive's transformation is initiated.
Honestly, I'm sure Encryption would more interested by Olethors' appearance, given to someone like Olethors, Encryption may not come off as very intimidating. However, I think after the initial, and probably awkward encounter, the two potentially probably wouldn't grow to be friends right away, as it'd probably come with time, though at the very least, they'd most likely become allies. I do see the two potentially growing to a point of being friends, though it would most likely take lots, and lots of time.
To say the very least, it would be a battle that would have everlasting affects on the very fabric of fiction itself. I do feel that in term of who would win a battle between Overdrive and Obatala would really come down to how each one utilizes their skills and how they make use of their strengths while also being able to cover up for their weaknesses. Overdrive's biggest weakness is the fact that he needs confirmation from the Database to use any of his Overdrive Series attacks, however, if given authorization to use them, that could drastically change the tide of battle. If Overdrive wasn't able to use the entirety of his Overdrive Series, then I will say that Obatala would win without much struggle, as Overdrive isn't able to be very offensive without confirmation of the Database. However, even with the Overdrive Series at his disposal, it would still be a close battle, though in my eyes, the ability that would be most likely to cause Obatala to lose would be Overdrive's Manifested Ultipotence. With this ability, Overdrive would most likely be able to greatly, and quickly overpower Obatala. In conclusion, I think the outcome of the fight would be situational.
Between Zealot and Devastation, I do feel an interaction between the two would be brief, as Devastation would most likely jump right to attempting to kill Zealot. And while the two both are on a Universal scale, which I presume means they're relatively the same in power, despite the vastly different scaling system we use, Zealot would most likely kick Devastation's ass. Devastation is incredibly reckless and careless when in combat, as he simply doesn't care for the pain he feels, in fact, it often appears that he enjoys the pain, so call him a masochist if you will. However, if Devastation were to be able to properly utilize the Eyes of Cthulhu that he has, then that would greatly alter the tide of battle, this most likely resulting in Devastation winning, however, as of now, Devastation is rarely able to properly use them. To wrap this up with a brief summery, their encounter would most likely be brief, and Devastation would most likely lose a fight with Zealot.
Devastation and his brothers all share one perk, this perk coming from Dahlia, and this perk being that all four of the brothers are part demon. Keep in mind that Dahlia didn't birth any of the four brothers, however, once their vessels had been created, Obscurity (known as Ajax at the time), had taken his own DNA and Dahlia's to make their children their own, this being why the brothers are "technically" related to Dahlia. The fact that they're all part demon doesn't do much, as it really only increases the amount of damage or destruction that they can dish out, while also making them ever so slightly more durable in terms of combat. Devastation more or less relies on his own personal skills as well as his own strength.
Currently, there aren't any official relationships known amongst the characters that we currently have, however, @zombiekitten05 and myself have been thinking of ways to potentially bring some characters together!
I do plan on returning to Hunter's wiki page as I feel he's kinda just been forgotten, buried under all my other ideas and projects. I don't actually own Hunter, as he's a character made by a friend of mine (who gave me permission to include him in StaticTale). I do plan on returning to Hunter's wiki page after I add both Lethal and Red, both of which belong to @zombiekitten05!
I'm honestly not sure, but this has been something I've been thinking about for quite some time. To say the least, Encryption and Zenshia are very close to one another, the two having been best friends for ages, and it's clear that Zenshia cares greatly for the skeleton, as she's grown quite attached to him. In my opinion, the only characters I could see being even remotely compatible with Encryption currently would be Zenshia or Red. Once the story develops or at least once more characters are introduced, only then will I be able to properly answer this question.
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