#RWBY watts
wuyi1551 · 15 days
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rachetmath · 7 months
Jaune More MC Ruby?
Ruby: That’s why I’m the MC and you're the side character.
Jaune: So because you have silver eyes you’re special?
Ruby: Yep.
Jaune: Even though I cheated Beacon.
Ruby: Yep.
Jaune: I was bullied.
Ruby: Yep.
Jaune: My partner is dead. And because I let my guard down, Ozpin died, and Oscar had no choice but to come on this journey. You know,  because of me.
Ruby: Yep.
Jaune: And because Cinder, who works under Salem killed my partner, I have beef with the main villain and her whole crew.
Ruby: Yeah.
Jaune: Salem, who I have way more in common with than most people, the deemed goddess I’m defying her, just like she did with the brothers over a loved one's death. Are you following me so far?
Ruby: … Yeah…
Jaune: Hazel, who mind you, lost his sister. He lost his sister because of the world Ozpin had created, like I did, with Pyrrha.
Qrow: She had a choice.
Jaune: A few days' choice which turned into minutes when Beacon was attacked. Then discovering how bad the situation is, you know with Salem being immortal, I almost hurt if not killed Oscar, making me at the spur of the moment,  just as bad as Hazel. And mind you I was willing to fight you on that.
Ruby: Uh… yeah…
Jaune: Tyrian, has the opposite to my semblance. Wasn’t he more interested in me than you? And you were his target.
Ruby: Mmhmm.
Jaune: Let’s talk about Cinder again. Cinder had two stray kids who followed her. I have Ren and Nora. Neither have parents. Also, we both want power but for different reasons. We even have different views on destiny.
Ruby: Oh damn.
Jaune: Atlas. Oscar did Ironwood not act like how I did in Argus but worse?
Oscar: Yeah he did. Jaune even saw Salem in person before you did.
Yang: So did we. You saw her face to face.
Oscar: I’m Ozpin. What is that supposed to mean?
Ruby: Oscar, not helping.
Jaune: Neo. We both lost our partners. The difference is that I have friends while she has none. The cat, him, and I almost have the same ability except he manipulates your soul or takes it. He might as well have been a devil version of me.
Weiss: O. Dear lord.
Jaune: Watts. … … … You know what no. He-he was no. Like he could have done better, he’s an example of being smart yet making the dumbest choices. 
Weiss: True.
In the Twilight
Watts: What?! My decision was understandable.
Ironwood: No. No, they were not.
Penny: Like you could have logically put your two weeks in and left for another kingdom. Or country. Like Vale. Mistral. Anywhere. You could have helped where you could've been needed. Which would have made you better than my father.
Watts: I wasted my life.
Back to Remnant 
Ruby: Um….
Jaune: You know what I have to ask this question. What is the moral of the story and how does your character fit into this?
Ruby: Well my-
Jaune: Let me retort. I lied. I was bullied. I had no idea about anything in the hunting world. I needed a teacher. I lost someone important to me. I have beef with the main villains. I train to get stronger to be of use to others.
Ruby: So?
Jaune: Okay. No one believed in me. But I still went to chase my goal. I lost the best thing in my life. I still moved forward. I had to kill someone. Still moved forward. I’m an old man trapped in a boy's body. Still moving forward. Fighting the odds that are stacked against me. I have seven who no one knows about. Yet your family is more interesting.
Ruby: Your point?
Jaune: The moral of the story is that no matter your circumstance you can always be better. Never allow destiny or grief to influence your entire life. No matter what odds that stand before you,  you can ultimately change your fate. And no matter the darkness a simple soul can light up the night and unite everyone against a greater evil. Even when the whole world is against you, you are never alone to endure it. If we stand united and look past our differences only then the wor;d would be a better place.
Ruby: Well my mom died at Salem’s hands.
Jaune: And?
Ruby: It's still relevant.
Jaune: You're right. But how many times has your mother been mentioned and you bothered to get information about her?
Yang: I-
Jaune: Bitch shut the fuck up. You were looking for the deadbeat mom more than the mom who stepped up.
Ruby: Well um… um…. Damn. Oh, but I-
Jaune: You weren’t the sword. I may not have known Penny as long as you, but the fact, that I could've saved her proved her death hit harder than Pyrrha's. I’m close to walking in Raven’s path.
Ruby: Shit.
Jaune: And back to your mother. She was a silver-eyed warrior. But Salem is still here. Do silver eyes work on her?
Ruby: Um.
Jaune: Because Salem is still both the brothers' creation. The old humanity. She can't be phased by the black liquid even though everything they touch decays. 
Ruby: She's immortal.
Jaune: Yeah but again when Maria told you her story didn't she try using her silver eyes on humans and it didn't work? 
Ruby: Cinder.
Jaune: Grimm arm.
Ruby: The hound. 
Blake: Silver-eyed person too but only stunned them.
Ruby: Blake.
Blake: What a minute he had animalistic ears. Should I be concerned for my people?
Jaune: Yeah… we’re not getting into that. The point is if you go see Salem and your silver eyes don't work then your mom died for nothing.
Ruby: Oo. Um…
Jaune: And let's get back to the other villains. Besides Emerald, Mercury, and Tyrian, some of them have valid reasons to join Salem. 
Ren: Jaune!
Jaune: Ren, your village got destroyed.
Ren: Nevermind.
Me: Hold up. Let me start. With Cinder, a huntsman saw what she was going through and didn't bother to help her. She was alone. The world abandoned her.  
Jaune: So Hazel was right. In fact, Raven had a point.
Oscar(Ozpin): Mr. Arc I-
Jaune: Motherfucker Hazel had every right to be angry. Dude shadow missions involve us going with experienced hunters. Yet his sister died and Ruby could’ve died. Shadowing them. Following their lead. Does that not show how bad the hunting system is? Not just that we got hunters who died in the line of duty. Not to mention how some were sexually harassing the girls.  And some of them are just plain crazy or assholes. Not to mention Blake, Qrow, and Raven. You let them in. And to make matters worse you chose Pyrrha, a first-year student, to be your maiden.
Oscar(Ozpin): She was my best option. 
Jaune: So Glynda wasn't on the table? A high-ranked fourth-year student wasn't on the table? Man, at least you could have chosen Ruby considering she has silver eyes and is a young upcoming prodigy. That would have made her more important. Like Ozpin Ruby off the bat was better than Pyrrha.
Qrow: Hey, I would have stopped that.
Jaune: O, so… it was okay with Pyrrha… but not your niece. I see. Hypocrite.
Qrow: Damn. Set myself up for that.
Jaune: Watts, despite his stupidity, had a point. James would abuse any source of technology just to have some level of control over something. Why did you think he wanted your sister instead of Penny? Why do you think he wanted Amity up as quickly as possible? Why do you think he hacked into Penny? Everything was always about control.
Weiss: Well our lives weren't easy.
Jaune: That I won't deny. Yet we are all still bad people.
Yang: Jaune my mother -
Jaune: Raven and Summer left you. Summer no one cared enough to talk about. Raven doesn't matter at all. Willow waited until her children were teenagers or young adults to start dealing with an abusive father. And Kali… yeah she should have slapped some sense into her daughter. 
Weiss: Well your mom doesn't love you.
Jaune: Don't care. Back to Jacque though how does he and James know each other? Why do they have beef with one another? Unless… o. Oh no. Don't tell me. Did James set Jacque up with Willow? And in return, he helps James rise to power. Or did James love Willow but because of his career he couldn't marry her? Could Winter be-
Weiss: Please stop. I do not need those theories in my head.
Jaune: Fine. The point I'm trying to make is… … well how about you explain.
Me: It's crazy how Jaune fits the main character role better than Ruby.
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merethessc · 4 months
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They should explore each other's bodies methinks
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bloodraven55 · 1 year
No but why were Watts and Kilg%re bickering like a bitter old married couple throughout the whole film 💀💀
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thesoulbonder · 2 years
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Yas, Salem
Hey peeps!
I was going through my Incorrect Quotes Folder and saw this:
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And immediately thought of Salem and Team WTCH.
This was actually my first time drawing Salem, Hazel, Tyrian, and Watts! I think they all turned out pretty well, too :D
Salem’s axolotl hair thingys were especially fun
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randombook4idk · 1 year
why do they look like a dysfunctional family from an early 2010's movie, going on a road trip to spend more time together as a family when they in reality they should have gone to a family therapist instead?
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
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This goes out to @rwbybutincorrect for their post about Salem’s faction and Evil Lairs.
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thatringboy · 2 months
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is this anything
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zerm2v0hg · 3 months
Part 2 of the "what if" scenarios I discussed with Makerboy10.
What if Robyn Hill was a spy for Salem?
Well, if Robyn was a spy for Salem the whole time, and it's revealed during Volume 7, then I guess that could have quite the effect. (Bearing in mind, again I don't know that much about the finer points and beats in that period of the show.)
Assuming that Robyn's objective is to overtake Jacques in the council seat election and then weaken Atlas from within, then the villains' plans would be changed to accommodate this: instead of trying to get Jacques elected, Watts would ultimately be trying to get Robyn elected. As a result, Tyrian slaughtering Robyn's supporters at the rally probably wouldn't happen (at least not the same way), although something like it might still happen to give Robyn justification in the heroes' and population's eyes for being increasingly hostile to Ironwood. The change in the villains' plans probably also means that Jacques might not get arrested - then again, Watts might still make sure to get Jacques incriminated and arrested in order to secure Robyn's seat on the council.
Once Robyn's in the council, she'll probably deliberately undermine Ironwood much like during the canon council meeting where Jacques was present. She'll probably also use her interactions with Team RWBY to quite deliberately drive the wedge between them and Ironwood deeper. Who knows, Robyn might even present the council with falsified evidence, created by Watts, that Ironwood was behind Tyrian's massacre and/or other damage that Watts and Tyrian have inflicted.
I don't know if Robyn will still maintain her cover after Ironwood goes insane, joining Team RWBY's allies as fugitives and continuing to spy on the heroes from there; or if she'll be unceremoniously executed by V8 Ironwood as a threat to his self-imposed emergency powers much like Sleet was, since Salem makes it quite clear that working for her doesn't entail much of an occupational hazard health and safety net. Alternatively, maybe Robyn's true colours will be revealed once the damage to Ironwood and Team RWBY's cooperation is done and Salem's Grimm are ready to attack Atlas - she could deliberately use the reveal to land a final death-knell to Ironwood's trust and faith in Team RWBY and their allies.
When (if) the heroes learn of Robyn's true colours, I imagine that Blake and Yang will probably admit when it directly comes up that they made a mistake in trusting Robyn, but they won't take responsibility for it if that makes sense; deflecting blame whenever someone else brings it up by saying they "need to focus on the now" and hand-waving that Robyn tricked everyone. (Blake "chose Sienna's edgy terrorism over her parents, has an abusive ex, and was the only one out of RWBY/JNPR who couldn't see the writing on the wall when Mercury and Emerald framed Yang" Belladonna's "good gut feeling" about Robyn turned out to be wrong. Who would have thought it? [sarcasm])
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madzigness · 2 years
Adam Taurus shares a bad quality with all Salem faction villains.
Hazel. Just like Adam he was forced to join Salems forces. While Hazel later sees that he is on the wrong side of the fight and redeems himself, one thing Adam fails to do, just like Adam, he made himself believed that he was fighting for the right cause in his forced work for Salem.
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Cinder. The main thing that she and Adam shares is their hate for everyone, overconfidence, and entitlement, they both believe they deserve everyone at their feet. Also they have a similar past both were abused when young, just that the fandom likes to ignore this fact for Adam and later on goes on tirades how people that like Adam as a character down play Cinders turn to evil because of her circumstances and how she is a tragic character, but when people that like Adam as a tragic villain say the same about him they are the devil and get screamed at saying no Adam was always evil and not a tragic character him being branded at age 18, that is the oldest possible he could have been when he got the brand and that still is stretching the timeline thin, he could have been as young as 15, does not justify his hate of humans and doesn't make him a tragic character they say.
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Watts. He shares the least similarities between himself and Adam. Both are cocky/overconfident and both succeeded in overthrowing one a company/government, the other a terrorist group, just they do it in completely different ways with different goals in mind.
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Tyrian. Both of them are insane, psychologically unstable individuals that kill without remorse because they believe their cause to be the most righteous. I would believe that Tyrian is Adam spirit animal or vice versa, brothers of different mother these two are.
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Salem. Sadly, Adam doesn’t share a similarity with Salem, it would be cool if he did that would make him have something in common with all of Salems faction, I am not counting the fact both of them have armies of disposable extras at their command as similarity.
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candytoothart · 7 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day 💖
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wuyi1551 · 1 year
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Watts: I warned you before
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rachetmath · 10 months
Jaune the Strategist
Jaune: Um… General Ironwood? I have a question.
Ironwood: What is it Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Why not release the video footage of Tyrian killing a bunch of people?
Clover: Are you crazy? If we release such a video it cause panic in Mantle.
Jaune: I hear you. But... isn’t the Atlas military already being framed for countless murders?
Ironwood: Yes.
Jaune: And no one in Mantle is willing to follow protocol because they don’t trust us right?
Ironwood: Well... yes.
Jaune: Okay. So why not use this to our advantage?
Ruby: Explain.
Jaune: I mean come on. Seriously? We have proof. We have video display. And if this has been happening for a while then we have dead bodies that can hold our case.
Ironwood: Mr. Arc, I’m going to need you to further elaboration.
Jaune: What’s there to- Look, Tyrian has been killing people for a while, right?
Qrow: Yeah.
Jaune: We have video proof that he committed the massacre at Robin’s party. We could just report this and clear Penny’s name.
Ironwood: That is true.
Jaune: Plus with the few bodies Tyrian left behind, which I’m hoping your Atlas soldiers investigated completely. Like the time and location of death. As well as how they died. Basically if Tyrian left multiple victims, can’t we compare them to the other corpses from the party.
Ironwood: Huh.
Jaune: Not only that but Tyrian has a poisonous tail. Didn’t some of them have a hint poison consumed or at least small pick to their bodies.
Ironwood: Oh. That is something to consider.
Clover: Okay, but still doesn’t change the fact if we tell the people a killer is on the loose it will cause panic.
Jaune: True. But it could also make people listen. Think about it, they’re already being invaded by grimm everyday. And now they have killer amongest them. Wouldn’t that force them to reconsider they’re options?
Clover: … My… My Oum he could right.
Marrow: Okay but what about Robyn?
Jaune: Mantle’s Champion? Happy Huntresses? Are you serious? Do you honestly think she would not make a killer her top priority?
Marrow: Huh.
Jaune: I’m just saying, why are we keeping this under raps and quickly turning to Martial law?
Ironwood: Wow… anything else Mr.Arc
Jaune: Why frame Penny?
Ruby: She’s the Protector of Mantle.
Jaune: She also a robot. With a human soul. Who recorded everything! Who so far never got hacked? So why her specifically? If anything I would have got Penny out the way and framed one of the Ace-ops. Specifically Marrow. Hell why not frame Robyn herself?
Marrow: Whoa why me?
Jaune: You know why.
Blake: But tell us why.
Ironwood: Damn he’s right. That absolutely makes sense considering he’s a Faunus and recent member of the Ace ops.
Jaune: Exactly.
Blake: Are you two serious?!
Jaune: Blake think about how much conflict that would cause. A faunus in the Atlas military. An Ace operative killed and injured a bunch of innocent people. Humans and faunuses mind you. Not only would that cause division amongest the people of Mantle but the school and the soldiers.
Ironwood: He’s right. We have faunases who attend this school and are apart our units.
Jaune: It’ll be chaos. Racism and Hatred in the air. And with that much negativity the grimm attacks would be sky rocketing to the masses. Screw trying to get Amity Arena up we might as well have focused our time on containment. Hell that would been a better reason to initiate Martial law. Something I think Robyn would agree to. Considering Fiona is a faunus and her teammate.
Ironwood: So basically framing Penny was-
Jaune: A stupid idea? ABSO-FREAKEN-LUTLY!! Who ever made this plan had to be dumb as bricks.
Watts: *sneezes*
Jaune: I’m mean now I might as well ask this question. Has anyone ever disagreed with Penny’s creation?
Ironwood: I mean-… ... actually... yes we had a few people who disagreed.
Jaune: Also if you have a file for Tyrian, then what about Cinder, Emerald, Mercury or Hazel?
Ironwood: Why yes we---- Hold up. You all saw Hazel?
Jaune: Yeah.
Ironwood: And you survived?
Nora: Yes. Though with our tails between our legs. How do you know him?
Ironwood: How do you think I lost half of my body?
Jaune: Damn. And I thought Ren and Qrow had it worse. How powerful is he?
Ironwood: He crippled Ozpin.
Oscar: (And he said he stood a chance. He could’ve killed us both.)
Jaune: (We’ll most definitely need to jump him.) An-anyways, back on topic. So, who out all the other people were against the Penny project? Simply put who hates Pietro the most?
Ironwood: Well… there was Professor Watts.
Jaune: Professor Watts?
Ironwood: He was an inventor as well. He was even to soul creator of the Atlas robots you’re associated with. However he died in accident.
Jaune: How long ago?
Ironwood: Months ago?
Jaune: Okay now that’s weird.
Weiss: So what Jaune? He died.
Winter: Yes but I understand why Mr.Arc is suspicious. In Cinder’s file, after committing four first degree murders she disappeared.
Jaune: Then she suddenly appears back at Beacon with a way to hack the military.
Clover: Tyrian was captured but then escaped and he disappeared as well.
Qrow: Then he came out nowhere and tried to capture Ruby.
Ironwood: Hazel disappeared once too.
Oscar: And then I saw him on my way to Mistral.
Jaune: Is any of this making sense?
Ironwood: Yes. Clover I need you to follow up on some the victims of the previous crimes. And Winter I need you look into Watt’s case. Lets make sure he’s dead. If not we need evidence.
Winter: Yes sir.
Ironwood: Well, Mr. Arc it seem I underestimated your intelligence. I will not call in Martial law.
Jaune: No-no. Keep it in mind.
Jaune: I am. But Robyn could still cause trouble for us down the road. We need to be ready when she could take things too far.
Nora: But-
Ironwood: It’s only if she continues to be an obstacle.
Nora: *silent*
Ironwood: Alright. Everyone back to work. Keep an eye out for Tyrian. And if you learn anything you report to me immediately.
Ace-ops: Yes sir.
Ren: Yes sir.
*JNPR Dorm Room*
Nora: Jaune, I can’t believe you sided with Ironwood.
Ren: Nora, it is a constitutions plan. It’s not going to happen.
Nora: I’m just saying the people of Mantle are already having a hard time.
Ren: I understand but-
Nora: But what? That getting Amity Arena up is more important than helping the people.
Ren: What about the world? What about all of Remnant?
Nora: How can help the world if we can’t help a country?!
Ren: We can’t always focus on the small things Nora. We need to consider the bigger picture.
Nora: So after all we’ve been through before you want to throw that away?
Ren That not what I’m saying. I-
Jaune: ENOUGH!!
Jaune: Please. Stop arguing.
Ren: Jaune, look I want to say-
Jaune: Stop. Sit. Both of you.
Nara and Ren: *sit separately from each other*
Jaune: Look, Nora, I understand. I know Mantle going through hard times. Due to the trading routes and transportation being limited, people are starting to struggle to get in and out of city. Stores and companies are closed so people are having trouble finding work. And without work, they can’t make money. And without money they can’t pay rent nor provide for their families. Basically majority of those people might as well not have homes soon.
Nora: Then you know why Martial law can’t happen. It will make things worse.
Jaune: Yes. That is why I would rather keep it as a last resort. However, with Mantle’s lack of funding and resources, I almost can’t blame Robyn for what’s she’s doing. However, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Nora: Hmm.
Ren: Well said Jaune.
Jaune: And you. Don’t think I’m openly siding with Ironwood. I only did that because I need everyone on the same page.
Ren: Jaune.
Jaune: At Beacon, Amber, Ozpin and Pyrrha died. Then the world got divide. Mistral, we almost died.
Nora: We survived.
Jaune: Through the skin of our teeth Nora! We got lucky! And Hazel, Emerald and Mercury stilled escaped!
Nora: *hates when he’s right*
Jaune: Now Tyrian is here. And even if my theory on Watts is correct, we still don’t know what they’re up to. Not to mention, we’re keeping secrets too. Especially, about Salem., who may have sent them here to retrieve the lamp. And worse, kill Oscar.
Nora and Ren: … … …
Jaune: Look… … Basically what I’m saying we need to be careful. We are no longer students. We are hunters. Every move we make could jeopardize what we are trying to accomplish. Even the people we trust could be a problem if we’re not careful.
Nora: So you don’t trust Ruby?
Jaune: Yeah. But keeping these secrets could get us in trouble, or most likely, have a gun to our heads. And Ironwood has plenty of them compared to us.
Ren: So what should we do?
Jaune: We do what we started this journey for. We search for answers.
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corvanid · 1 year
Watts: Accept your flaws, you'll feel better. It worked for me.
Cinder: You've accepted your flaws?
Watts: No, I accepted yours.
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Whumptober 2023
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Day 9: "Was that today?" [Reader x Arthur Watts] {RWBY}
You were tooling around Salem's home base. It was a little dreary, but as long as you stayed calm the Grim wouldn't bother you and the stone castle was massive. Not that you knew anyone other than Watts and Salem, you weren't even very useful in any sense.
But Watts still insisted he wanted you around...
It didn't feel much like dating, at least not compared to other relationships you'd had. But you weren't the combative type in any situation, so why bother arguing now?
Except, you never could bring up how lonely you felt because Watts usually turned it into an argument. But when he did focus on you it was overwhelming, there was zero middle ground with the man. Leaving you to try to remind Watts of things he promised, only to be shooed out and told not to bother him.
That left you celebrating your birthday alone, like usual...
Until Watts entered your bedroom, if it could even be called a bedroom. Seeing the small attempt from Salem to not being the force that drove you off, he stopped.
"What's this for?" His default sneer never fading.
"My birthday."
Your monotone was laced with the slightest hint of snarky attitude and did not go unnoticed.
"Was that today?" Watts chose to gloss over the uncharacteristic tone, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I'm tired of being told 'not now' by someone who said he wanted me in his life." You shot, "Not like you act like I matter, I'm just another trophy for you to collect, aren't I?"
"Of course you're not. I am a very busy person [Name]. You should know that better than anyone."
"I do. And that's why I didn't tell you about my birthday."
Watts groaned sharply, he'd walked right into that one. He wasn't used to you arguing back, let alone being able to outsmart him.
"Then why don't we go do something? I'm certain Salem could spare our presence for a--"
"Not now." You laid back across the bed, "I'm tired."
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theabyssalorange · 8 months
Some rough designs for a RWBY AU I've been thinking up. Little WTCH! Watts, Tyrian, Cinder, and Hazel are teens that attend a Huntsman Academy whose Headmaster is Salem. This is a controversial academy because it focuses on how to deal with Grimm without harming them and rehabilitation for hurt Grimm. Emerald, Mercury, Roman, and Neapolitan make up the secondary team, EMRN (or Emergence) and they're friends with WTCH. Cinder is the lead of this AU.
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I swapped Watts and Neo's fairy tail because I wanted to. I also made Mercury and Neo Faunus because I wanted to (they're a cow and a cat). Their skin tones would be their canon ones (the picture editor I scribbled on these with has no skin tones). I have plenty of story ideas for this AU already! These kids are plucky and/or angsty teens with a lot of emotions!
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