#RWBY Tyrian Callows
juanarc-thethird · 4 months
It's good to feel desired
At Salem Castle
Salem is standing in front of a full-length mirror checking herself on her usual black dress.
Salem: *Staring at the back of her dress* Has my butt gotten...
She takes the fiber of her dress, lifts it, lifting her butt with it. She lets him go, and everything falls with a bit of a bounce.
Salem: ..bigger?
Jaune: *Crouched staring at Salem's butt* Big? I think it's perfect. God damn~
Salem: *Surprise, she moves away* Who the hell are you?!
Jaune: Me? I'm just a humble man of culture.
Salem: *Confuse* What?!
Jaune: *behind her* And let me tell you, that ass of yours is to be worshiped, Amen~💕
He says as he puts his hands together to pray.
Salem: What the hell?! How do you move so fast?!
Jaune: It's the power of love, beautiful. And sorry if I sound bold, but could you sit on my face for just a moment?
Suddenly the door to Salem's room explodes into a thousand pieces.
Cinder: I found you, you pervert!
Jaune: Shit, I thought I lost her. Well beautiful, see you later. But if you ever need me just give yourself a good spanking…
Salem: Oh!~
He spanks an unprepared Salem.
Jaune: And I'll be there~💕
He then winks at her and jumps out the window.
Cinder: *Follows him* Get back here!!
Salem stares at the window for a while and then at her mirror.
Salem: Maybe I should change my style of clothing…
The next day.
Tyrian: My lady, I got you the yoga pants you asked for. But could you tell me why you need them?
With a murderous look she says.
Salem: Do you want to die?
Tyrian: *Scare* I'm sorry my lady! I didn't mean to offend you!
Salem: Good... Now leave me alone.
Tyrian: Yes my queen! *Runs away*
Once the coast is clear, she smiles and warmly hugs her new pants.
Salem: I hope he comes when I try them on~
She says while giggling like a school girl.
-------------- Continuation of the "You called?" Au
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thesoulbonder · 2 years
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Yas, Salem
Hey peeps!
I was going through my Incorrect Quotes Folder and saw this:
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And immediately thought of Salem and Team WTCH.
This was actually my first time drawing Salem, Hazel, Tyrian, and Watts! I think they all turned out pretty well, too :D
Salem’s axolotl hair thingys were especially fun
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randombook4idk · 1 year
this is terrible, i know
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hadesisqueer · 1 month
One thing I really like about RWBY as a show is that the heroes do not have a strict no kill rule. Like, obviously, they very much prefer not hurting or killing anyone at all, but if it comes to that, they do not hesitate.
-Tyrian is trying to capture Ruby and kill her uncle and her friends? The moment he gets slightly distracted, Ruby takes the chance and cuts his tail off without a second thought.
-Cinder is affected by Ruby's silver eyes in the Battle of Haven? Jaune doesn't hesitate and the moment she lets her guard down he tries to stab her in the face; had he gone for a slash instead, Cinder would be dead.
-Tock has blinded Maria and is about to kill her? There you go, Maria will decapitate her. Bye, Tock.
-Adam keeps trying to kill Blake and Yang? Oh, he gets stabbed by both of them. No more Adam.
-Ironwood tries to shoot Winter again with that weird gun even though she's a Maiden now? Winter just sends the blast back at him and leaves. Doesn't even check if he's still alive.
-Neo just pushed Yang to the void and they think she's gone? Blake WILL try to cut Neo's head off. And while they're fighting Ruby doesn't hesitate to push Neo off the bridges even if she thought that would kill her.
Which are all like, normal. Those other people are actively trying to kill them or their loved ones as well. Which is why I used to be really confused when I kept seeing some people complaining mostly about the Ruby with Tyrian and the Blake and Yang vs Adam things. Saying they are supposed to be the good guys and they should set an example to viewers instead of maiming or killing their foes.
What example do you want them to set? That letting others kill you and your loved ones is okay? Because that's what was gonna happen; Tyrian had just poisoned Qrow, actually he's lucky Ruby only went for the tail. Adam was not going to stop and he going to take Blake's sword to continue to try murdering her and Yang, who had no Auras either and were as vulnerable as he was. They either did it first or they could die, and they did. It's self-defense. Tyrian and Adam were trying to kill them and they were the ones who started the fights. You fuck around, you're gonna find out.
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coinjarred · 4 months
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howlingday · 2 months
Salem: Still, it would be a shame to let his body go to waste... Perhaps I should see if he would make for a pleasant hound? (Cackles)
Jaune: (Stands up)
Salem: (Cackling stops)
Jaune: I... I thought I was going to die. You even said that this would be how I'd die. Was it an empty threat? I only got a little dizzy when your spell hit me.
Salem: Why are you alive?
Jaune: Why? You were bluffing, right? I mean, I'm still-
Salem: THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! That spell was supposed to destroy every vital organ inside your body! It should've been a surefire way to kill even you!
Jaune: ...Is it because of my aura?
Salem: (Stomping) Even with your aura, it should have destroyed the part of you that creates aura!
Tyrian: I've... I've never seen her grace so stomping mad...
Salem: Could it be... You're just that dense?!
Jaune: What? I'm not dense.
Jaune: (Taps shoulders) Ma'am, please, calm down-
Salem: (Sent flying into the wall)
Jaune: Ah... Oops... I think I went too hard.
Salem: (Broken jaw) Hah... Hah iz he shtill alibe...?
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
First of all let me tell you that I love Cinder's entry, so full of lore. but here I come with something for Vtuber au; So, for Ruby, Weiss or maybe some other vtuber that you want to introduce, react to the information update of one of the most important events of The World of Remnant: Hunter's and Monsters. Because the way cinder and jaune explained it, it was an important event at that time. PS: Your work is always amazing, so don't worry about how long it takes to do something as long as you feel good about it.
The VTuber: The Lady of the Grimm
Fall4Me had a plan for today’s stream, a plan she had been looking forward to implementing for quite some time now. Today she invited a special guest, and she was all to forward to once again meet her, Lady.
Fall4Me: Hello my underlings, how are you this fine day~?
Kinder79: Our lady is here!
Judicatorsbanana: All hail the, Grimm Princess!
Linxder: Hi, Ember!
H3LL3R: Been better.
Rangerlion: Can’t complain really
ICSTARS: What’s the plan for today?
Fall4Me: That’s good to hear chat. Now then, for today’s stream we’ll be joined by a very special guest. And no, before you ask it is not, Errant.
Her body fell back in her chair, her body adopting a tired, and weary posture as she lamented the fact that her darling wolf would not be joining them.
She quickly brushed this aside as she resumed her stream.
Fall4Me: Now then, today we will be joined by a friend back from my days of playing, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters. Today will be joined by my, Queen; The leader of the Cabal, the Queen of the Grimm: GrimmMonarch!
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Appearing from the side was an elegant lady with skin, and hair as white as bone. Eyes as red as fresh fallen blood, and nestled in a black void, smiling enchantingly at the stream. For this was the LadyofDarkness, the GrimmMonarch.
H3LL3R: Whoa momma
ToxickBattery: Why are all the ladies in Remnant so hot!
Piggu910: Is that a bad thing?
ToxickBattery: Just an observation.
Judicatorbanana: This going to be good!
GrimmMonarch: Why hello everyone it is a pleasure to meet you all this fine day, and hello to you as well, Ember, it is a pleasure to meet you again. How have you been my dear?
Fall4Me: I am well my, Queen. How are you feeling?
GrimmMonarch: I am quite well today. Well, bar the fact that my tea has gone cold, but that is nothing to really concern myself with.
Fall4Me: I shall get you a new cup of tea at once my, Lady!
GrimmMonarch: Ahh~! Ember my dear, you’re doing it again.
Fall4Me: EEEP!
The chat exploded into a choir of hearts as they heard the cute squeak escape, Fall4Me’s lips.
To those chosen few that knew; back in the days of, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters, GrimmMonarch had adopted a stern, but caring motherly attitude to dealing with the, Cabal, and its members. A demeanour that, Fall4Me instantly gravitated to.
For, GrimmMonarch adopting such a demeanour had become a coping mechanism to dealing with the lose she could barely endure, and as to why, Fall4Me stuck so close to her was to have what she never had when she was young.
They were simply two broken people cleaning to each other to mend their broken hearts. And, while their hearts had mended, some old habits were hard to break.
GrimmMonarch: It’s been years since we last play, WoRHM, and yet you seemingly still haven’t shaken off that loyal subject persona of yours.
Fall4Me: I can’t help it! It’s reflex at this point!
GrimmMonarch: We will have to fix that bad habit of yours. But, in the meantime, what are we doing on this fine day?
Fall4Me: Well, my chat has been pestering me for quite sometime about something, and because you had more… involvement with this situation, I thought it would be best to have you around to tell everyone what happened.
GrimmMonarch: Situation?
The Lady’s eyebrow shot up as she mulled over the word, until her mouth opened as a hum of realization escaped her lips.
GrimmMonarch: You are referring to the, ‘Scorpion Incident,’ aren’t you?
Fall4Me: Yes. During a video where, Errant was…
GrimmMonarch: Errant? Do you mean, ErrantryPaladin by chance?
Fall4me: Yes, do you know him?
GrimmMonarch: We spent some time together after the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’ Do continue my dear.
Fall4Me: Of corse; Before I did my first stream, Errant saw my announcement video, and regaled his viewers with the tale about my character, his interactions with the cabal, and the bloody retribution he wrought upon the, Cabal.
GrimmMonarch: Oh, so it was him who unleashed that half baked, Grimm-Titan upon us.
Fall4Me: You didn’t know? No wait, he never told anyone until that stream, of course you didn’t know.
GrimmMonarch: No, but I always had this stinking suspicion that he did. There was something about, Errant’s behaviour that that told that he knew something about the, Titan attack, but he never said what that something was.
Fall4Me: I never suspected a thing, I had no idea that, that, Titan was encouraged into attacking the, Cabal. I thought it was mere happenstance that it attacked us.
GrimmMonarch: It shows you how effective, Errant’s plan was that we all were none the wiser to his scheming. But, enough talking about our, Rusted Knight. Let me regale you with the story of the rise, and fall of the, Grimm Cabal.
GrimmMonarch: I played WoRHM, for a long time. From the beginning to the end… I believe I had over four thousand hours on the game…
KinofPenguin : 4000 hrs?!
buggermeoldchap: WoRHM was around long enough for someone to have played that long.
ICSTARS: Most of the top plays averaged 4-5 k hrs
RaverKitty: The highest was around 7 k
ToxickBattery: Was it, Headmaster Ozpin?
Meol’mucker: Who else would have played it that long?
GrimmMonarch: Because I played so long, my level was… two hundred and, thirtyseven. I was nearly around three hundred by the time I stopped playing.
Fall4Me: Two hundred, and thirty seven?! I guessed you were over level one hundred, but to be double that?
GrimmMonarch: The leaders of the academies, and well as myself, the former leader of the, Cabal each had an average level around two hundred, and fifty. It was part of the reason I was scouted to be the, Queen of the Grimm. I could have been the Headmistress of, Mistral Academy, but the idea of leading the, Cabal was an oh so much more tantalizing idea~!
Fall4Me: Who had the highest level; Headmaster Ozpin?
GrimmMonarch: You would assume, Ozpin, and you would assume wrong.
Fall4Me: Wrong?! But, he was the best headmaster among the five of you. How come he isn’t the strongest?
GrimmMonarch: You forget how the experience points is distributed. Ozpin mostly fought in teams, so the exp from a quest, or Grimm slaying was distributed among the team. If, you primarily fought alone however, all the exp would go to you. So, care to guess who had the highest level now, Dear?
Fall4Me: Uhhh… E-ErrantryPaladin…?
GrimmMonarch: Ding~Ding~Ding~! That is correct my dear.
Fall4Me: ErrantryPaladin?! He had the highest level…?! How high?
GrimmMonarch: At the closing of the servers, Ozpin had a level of three hundred, and sixty three. Errant however, he had a level of four hundred, and eighty two.
RangerSnake: 482?!
emptythrone: It was nearly 500?!
Seventwothreepie: Probably played for at least 6k hrs
PlacatedBadger: Explain why he never joined in the tournament matches.
TheBadgers~!: He’d whipe the floor with an entire academy
Fall4Me: Why did he bother sending that, Titan after us? He could have levelled the guild single handedly…
GrimmMonarch: Considering what happened during the, Apprentice Massacre, I believe, Errant wanted to make sure we suffered. I’ve seen him be rather vindictive to rather cruel players in the game.
GrimmMonarch: Now then, while I was in charge of the, Cabal, I had several powerful members join the, Cabal. Yourself included, Ember. But, while I had several powerful members under command, we were all jokesters, and bullies to a certain extent. Until the massacre happened, the worst the Cabal did was have, Grimm attack settlements, and teams of, Hunters. We were seen as a general nuisance that added spice to the game.
GrimmMonarch: But, after the massacre many of the, Academies started a witch hunt for our members, their attempts to find us mostly ended in failure. Until, Errant evidently sent that, Titan after us we were fine, but that, Titan crippled the, Cabal. Instead of causing Grimm attacks on settlements, and Hunter teams. We were stuck doing raiding missions in an attempt to recoup our strength. Many members left the guild because they couldn’t deal with the pressure the, Academy’s were mounting on them. And despite our best efforts, it seemed we were getting nowhere.
GrimmMonarch: That’s when several players decided to meet together irl, and discuss what they could do to fix the problem. And, this enters in stage left, the culprit of that fateful day… Tyrion Callows…
Meol’mucker: Man that name sounds evil.
H3LL3R: Sounds creepy.
DaSting: I don’t like where this story is going.
Fall4Me: Wait, Tyrion Callows is his actual name?
GrimmMonarch: Yes it is. Most players use an alias while playing instead of their real name, however, since no one would know that it is his real name unless he told someone, well it worked at the end of the day.
Fall4Me: I remember the few missions I did with him, he was always seem unhinged. Wasn’t the, Apprentice Massacre his idea?
GrimmMonarch: It was indeed. He was sorely reprimanded when I discovered it was his plan. I should have taken that as a sign…
Fall4Me: A sign? A sign for what?
GrimmMonarch: Of things to come…
She hummed to herself as she contemplated what she was about to say; about how she could say it, and how her audience would talk what she was about to say.
GrimmMonarch: It was seven of them at a diner, including, Tyrian. There were several humans, and faunas there. While they were there, they discussed several ways to revitalize the, Cabal. But, peoples view of the, Cabal was ruined by the events of the, Apprentice Massacre, so it was neigh on impossible for us to recruit new members. And, because we had been raiding so many towns, dust depots, and general supply trains in order to rebuild the, Cabal after the, Titan attack, the Academies started making more missions to protect those assets. The Cabal was at a standstill, we couldn’t push forward with any plans because we were so broken. At that point, the Cabal was a dead man walking…
Fall4Me: Then what happened?
GrimmMonarch: One of them suggested that it would be best to abandon the, Cabal then. Everyone should abandon the, Cabal, me included. We couldn’t get any more supplies, we can’t get any new members, more were leaving every day, it was just a matter of time until the, Cabal was disbanded. The six of them agreed that this was the only course of action. They decided they would bring it before me at the next meeting. But, Tyrian… Tyrian snapped…
Fall4Me: Snapped…?
DaSting: I REALLY don’t like where this is going!
Judicatorbanana:I’m starting to regret asking what happened.
LevenAngel: I regret a great many things!
GrimmMonarch: Tyrian started calling everyone a traitor, that they betrayed the, ‘Goddess,’ and that they will all be brought to pay for their transgressions.
GrimmMonarch: They told him to relax, since it was all just a game, but then… Tyrian grabbed a knife, and…
Fall4Me: He didn’t…
GrimmMonarch: Yes, he did…
Fall4Me’s voice fell into a small whisper as realization dawned on her at what that implied. She didn’t want her to continue this story, but she knew that she needed to finish it.
GrimmMonarch: Of the six people, three of them died due to knife wounds… the other three barely managed to survive, however medical personnel managed to come in time to save them. Thought his poison was quite effective.
Fall4Me: And, Tyrian, what about him?
GrimmMonarch: The police were in the area, so they managed to get there quickly, and when they were in the process of attempting to arrest him, he stung one of the officers, while the other one gunned him down.
Fall4Me: So he’s dead, Tyrian’s dead right?
GrimmMonarch: In the police report it indicated he when he attacked one of the officers there to arrest, Turian, his colleague unloaded his entire magazine into him. I can assure you, he is most certainly dead.
Amogsus: Well that’s depressing.
Kalper: Sounds like he couldn’t differentiate reality from fiction
SuspiciousDucky: Poison? Did he have poison on him?
Fall4Me: Yes… SuspiciousDucky…
GrimmMonarch: Oh that’s a cute name~!
Fall4Me: Oh it is… Ahem! Yes that is a good question; What did you mean by, ‘His poison was quite effective?’
GrimmMonarch: What has, Tyrian’s character in game?
Fall4Me: He played this lanky scorpion faunas… wait…? Was he an actual scorpion faunas?!
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he was; Poisonous stinger, and all.
Fall4Me: Whoa… Wait, how do you know all of this? Did one of the victims tell you?
GrimmMonarch: Yes, and no. Tyrian said, they betrayed the, ‘Goddess,’ the survivors deduced that he was talking about me. So, I was called in for questioning by the police about this whole fiasco.
Fall4Me: They arrested you?
GrimmMonarch: No, nothing of the sorts. Just asked me some questions regarding, Tyrian’s personality, and the events that lead to this happening. I got to talk to the others who got hurt, and I learned their side of the story. After I received permission from them, and the police I told everyone in the guild what happened. That was where the end began.
RangerSnake: Wait, Ember you didn’t know about all of this?
Linxder: Yeah, you were in the guild when this happened
7uwu7: Were you?
Fall4Me looked away from her stream for a moment, before she replied to her chat’s question with a nervous lint to her voice.
Fall4Me: Uhh… No. I had stopped playing the game before this happened. I would have been there when it happened, but some… things happened.
GrimmMonarch: Best leave it at that chat. Now, I told the rest of the members of the, Cabal at a guild meeting what happened. Their reactions were varied, and understandable to the news of what, Tyrian did, and the loss of their friends. I then brought up one of the notions one of the members brought forward as to what the future of the, Cabal should be.
GrimmMonarch: Wether to continue rebuilding the, Cabal, or to disband the, Cabal. It was a unanimous vote to disband the guild… Even I didn’t vote to continue rebuilding the, Cabal. We were as good as dead anyway.
GrimmMonarch: We had one farewell party among us to celebrate the legacy, the good parts that is, that was the, Grimm Cabal. And, after everyone left one by one… all that remained was myself. I contacted the staff, informed them of what had happened, and then I told them to close the, Cabal. And, with that… the, Cabal died.
GrimmMonarch: You know… I always thought the last death cry of the, Cabal would be felt by the whole server as it fought to the death in one glorious battle for the fate of, Remnant itself!
GrimmMonarch: And, yet we left with barely a whisper…
Fall4Me: …
GrimmMonarch: So, there you have it chat; That is the tale of how the, Cabal fell. If those of you who were once players in, WoRHM, know only that the, Cabal was disbanded. Former members of the, Cabal who left the guild, and either returned to their former academies, or restated their account. Considering the nature of why the, Cabal disbanded the members didn’t want to talk about it, and just said, ‘There was an incident with a scorpion.’ Hence where the, ‘Scorpion Incident’ earned its name.
Fall4Me: Wow… I had no idea… I always assumed, Tyrian did something, but I would have never expected that he did that?!
GrimmMonarch: Yes… he did…
Meol’mucker: Is this the first time, you told anyone about this my, Goddess? Outside of the Cabal that is.
GrimmMonarch: Oh my~? Calling me a goddess already~? Well, I don’t mind chat, but do show some restraint my dears~!
The chat swiftly exploded into a shower of hearts as the, Grimm Queen smiled sultry at the screen.
GrimmMonarch: But, no, I told the, Headmasters, and Headmistresses of the various academies what happened. I explained to them that the, Cabal was to be disbanded, and the various members would be either restarting their accounts, or simply return back to the academy of their origin. I told them to kindly accept them back in, and to not tell anyone about the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’
Fall4Me: And, you didn’t tell anyone else about all of this?
GrimmMonarch: There was one other who knew; Care to guess who~?
Ember’s model swayed as a brief laugh escaped her lips, she knew precisely who else learned the tale of the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’ After all, he had a knack for finding out about such things.
Fall4Me: Tell me my, Lady. How did, Errant learn about the fall of the, Cabal?
7uwu7: Ha!
Amongsus: Knew it
DaSting: Who else but him?
emptythrone: That guy really gets around
GrimmMonarch: Oh, how did you know it was him~?
Fall4Me: My darling wolf had the reputation across the server as an information broker. He had the most uncanny ability to find out about the most minuet of details that happened on the other side of the world.
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he did. Despite never seeing my human form before, he was able to instantly identify me in my human form, and I had not even said hello to him at that.
Fall4Me: ‘Human form?’
GrimmMonarch: What? Did you think that I always had this beautiful appearance you see before you?
Fall4Me: Well… that makes sense. But, I’ve never seen you in any other form, but the one I see before me. I never say you as a…
GrimmMonarch: As a what…?
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GrimmMonarch: A human?
At the click of a button, the LadyofDarkness, The GrimmMonarch’s body changed, no longer was she a monster of death, and despair. Now lay before them for all to see was a lady of elegance that exuded an air of royalty that was unmatched by all those who stood before her. And, yet… when one looked into her eyes, one couldn’t help but see a sad little girl, longing for something forever out of her reach.
Meol’mucker: YOOOOO!!!
Laven: Damn!
ICSTARS: Who said she can be so hot!
RangerSnake: Smash
Fall4Me: Ohh~! You look beautiful your grace!
GrimmMonarch: Thank you, Ember. This was the form I adopted before, and after the, Cabal. It is what I always imagined what, The Girl in the Tower’ looked like when I read that short story.
Fall4Me: ‘Fairytales of the World of Remnant?’
GrimmMonarch: That’s the one, in fact whilst I was using this skin, I went by the name, EVAnora, or EVA for short.
Fall4Me: That’s a nice name.
GrimmMonarch: Thank you~! Now, back to our, Knight. He stumbled upon me as I was slaying some, Beowulfs, small fry, hardly anything to worry about. Anyway, he walked over, and said, ‘I bare glad tidings to the, the LadyofDarkness, the Queen of Grimm.’
Fall4Me: …?
Fall4Me: Pfff! Ah-hahahaha~! Did he really say that?
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he did! It was so ridiculous I couldn’t help, but laugh at it as well. Despite, Errant’s reserved demeanour, he can be quite the endearing character when he wants to.
Fall4Me: Quite so, I’ve seen him converse with fellow players, he can be quite the smooth talker when he wants to. It’s can be quite scary at times…
GrimmMonarch: Are you referring to the time he swindled, Vacuo’s merchant guild into revealing where the slave camps were, or the time he caused the falling out of, Dazzling Spear Hunter Teams?
Fall4Me: Wait?! He did that?! I was talking about the time he tricked the, Crimson Brigade into attack the bandits base during the, Season of Fire event, that triggered a Grimm Horde event?!
GrimmMonarch: He did what?!
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The added subtitles to the epilogue referenced in Eddy’s tweet!
Individual screenshots below the cut!
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sirazaroff · 9 months
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Got in some more doobles tonight
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juanarc-thethird · 9 months
You think I'm crazy...
Jaune was caught by Cinder and Tyrian. He is tied to a chair, with no way to get out. But even with his situation, he remains calm with a big smile on his face.
Cinder: *upset* What the hell are you smiling about? Don't you understand your situation right now?
Tyrian: *Smiles* Did you perhaps lose your mind knowing you won't get out of this?
Jaune: If there's one thing I understand, it's that my team is on the way right now.
Cinder: *Chuckles* Yeah right.
Jaune: You think I'm crazy...
Meanwhile outside the lair where Jaune is kept. Nora is placing explosives on the wall, while Ren prepares his weapons and smoke bombs.
Jaune: ...Wait till you meet them.
Tyrian: *Angry* Is that a threat?
Jaune: *Smiling* It's just a heads up. By the way, I like your new tail.
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brokentrafficknight · 5 months
Jaune x femTyrian?
(Someone rescue the poor boy)
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lyricthecat-12 · 20 days
A little tribute to some of my favorite RWBY fight scenes
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coinjarred · 4 months
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howlingday · 2 months
Cardin: Oh? You're still alive, cat? You animals sure move fast...
Jaune: (Shivering) That was so scary...
Cardin: Haha! I saw you dodging rocks like your life depended on it!
Jaune: I need to make up to her...
Cardin: Oh yeah, definitely! Hm... Why don't you follow your instincts and leave a bug at her doorstep? We had a cat that would do that all the time back home!
Jaune: Do... Do you think it'll work?
Cardin: Sure! But...
Jaune: (Scratching the door) Ms. Goodwitch! Ms. Goodwitch! Ms. Good-
Goodwitch: (Swings door open) MISTER! ARC! The time now is two-thirty in the morning, and my patience was thin before I went to bed, so this better... be...
Jaune: (Stands expectantly at door)
Tyrian: (Beaten unconscious)
Goodwitch: By the Brother's own moon...
Fun Fact! The most commonly believed reason for cats bringing "gifts" to their human owners is an attempt to teach us how to hunt, though there is no solid evidence to support one theory over the other beyond a sense of natural instinct. Another theory states that cats will bring home "gifts" of dead or near-dying animals is because it is where cats feel the safest.
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