#Rainbow Fire Webcomic
scottahemi · 3 months
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It's that time of year again! i'm not sure how far i'll get in here. I"m still neck deep in concepting for I Randomly Obtained Car Powerz... but i'mma give it a shot anyways!
Day 1 is FIrst and the subject the RNG gods decided was the rabbit clone guys from my first webcomic series Rainbow FIre, they live on venus and like handing out water. all of them are clones! birthed from a somewhat rogue terraforming robot who should be cloning wildlife but instead cloned a person.
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aphidclan-clangen · 25 days
so what's your process for designing characters?
Man people keep asking me how do I design characters, how do I make characters, how do you pick characters genders, etc. and I feel SO bad because I!! There is no process!! Especially with designing AphidClan characters in particular, my process is EXTREMELY wild and intuitive and spontaneous and very “just wing it first try it’ll be fine. I totally won’t hate it 3 months later ((I will and I do))”
I. I don’t know how to explain it. Like. Alder for example, I knew Lilacpaw was this kind of pinkish purple with an orange gradient, so I wanted her dad to be pinkish purple and her mom to have the orange gradient, so when it came time to design him, I jus. made him purple. and that’s all he is there isn’t any thought put into this, this is a. Random, not professional at all, “I made a quick concept sketch as my first and only attempt, he came out purple, that’s all he is, just purple” and “I got it first try” bullshit, and everything else about his design happened because. it felt right, and I never questioned that, so now hes. alder. he exists now. “how did you make him?” i don’t know but he sure as hell is here now
That’s how I make literally all of my character designs and decisions, especially since this is just a Warrior cats blog that I do as a fun “low-effort” hobby. I had a single idea of “rainbow,,,” it felt right, I never questioned it, it happened, I made a single quick sketch of concept art as prep to solidify what already existed in my brain, and now it exists, and then 4 months and 10 updates later I become deeply unhappy with the design and I try all over again lol. It’s extremely extremely intuitive for me, it’s all just feeling. I don’t really follow any professional tips or legitimate art techniques, I don’t really make concept art, half of the time the characters first appearance in a moon update or ask response is literally the first time I’ve ever drawn them, as you can tell from the Fire/Gravel kids and their extensive “gradually redesign them piece by piece over each moon until I decide I hate all of it and start over entirely” process which is NOT something I’d recommend for a webcomic or any legitimate art project you want to take seriously or professionally!! I don’t really. have a process, I just start drawing the moon update and they appear lolol
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rainidraws · 8 days
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The main cast of my webcomic “crystal Teresa” meet the gemstone forces squad A:
Teresa Mendes(miracle gem Rainbow Quartz)
Ramona Ziegler(miracle gem Aquamarine)
Heidi Ziegler(miracle gem Andradite)
Natalie Saito(Miracle gem snowflake obsidian)
Candace(Candy) Ferguson(miracle gem tourmaline)
Matilda Okoye(miracle gem Opal)
Eleanora Roberts(miracle gem Tanzanite)
Cameron Rodriguez(miracle gem fire Opal)
While your at it why not go over to webtoon and read the prologue + chapter 1 and 2?: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-tale-of-crystal-teresa/list?title_no=689537
Chapter 2 part 1 will be out soon~
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kikie-e3 · 1 year
Rottmnt Headcanons?? More likely then you think
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- Donnie is a percy jackson kid.
- He got the lightning thief from a library trip one day and fell in love
- from that day he was obsessed
- That obsession soon lead into a general mytholgy phase
- Mikey has a habit of drawing on himself
- You will rarely see him not covered in little doodles and drawings
- or paint smudges
- Raph is a really good baker
- He cant cook to save his life. But a plate of brownies? Sign him up
- He is the only brother who hasnt been terminated from the kitchen more then once
- (the first time was an accident and Mikey was sympathetic)
- There is a Leo ban on the kitchen
- Forever remember the kitchen fire of 2017
- Hes only allowed in if he wants to make tea
- Leo can make some pretty banging tea
- Donnie can cook... To an extent Usually to accommodate his own tastes
- He has been banned for weird food concoctions
- and blowing up the microwave
- (which come on mike i fixed it let me back in)
- A good portion of Raphs bandages are for show
- None of his brothers know why he does this
- Aprils mom actually does know about the turtles
- But they dont know that shes know and she doesnt plan to let them know until April and the Bros are ready to tell her
- Donnie met April first
- Then Leo and then she met Mikey and Raph at the same time
- Donnie and Aprils meeting included a school text book, oatmeal cookies and a sewer grate
- Donnie likes oatmeal and raisin cookies
- April doesn't
- They have had heated debates over this
- They are eachothers favorite siblings
- Leo ate soap when he was a tot
- His only excuse was that "it looked good"
- He threw up 20 seconds later and was sick for the next two days
- Splinter was very stressed during that time
- Leo came out first in the family, though everyone kinda knew at that point
- April also came out to, though she thought that the bros had already known and was confused when they said they didn't
- (she literally had pride pins on her bag and she was so confused as to why they didnt notice)
- Raph came out last
- Draxum totally had a thing for Lou Jitsu and is in denial about still having a thing for him even as a rat man
- Donnie collects bottle caps
- Mikey collects those little can caps and steals the colorful monster ones from donnie and leo
- Donnie and Leo have made quite the colorful monster can collection over the years
- Raph is worried over how much they have
- Raph is an avid tea and water drinker
- Though he is also a chocolate milk enthusiast
- He is lactose intolerant
- Its worth it
- Leo is fucking illiterate
- He cant read to save his life
- Its genuinely so bad
- His brothers (Donnie mostly) have offered to teach him
- But he refuses out of spite
- Donnie can recite most all of the fnaf lore
- Mikey and Raph are mlp enthusiasts
- Mikey's fav is Pinkie Pie
- Raphs is Apple Jack and Fluttershy
- Leo was a MCYT kid
- Leo also plays Roblox
- Mikey plays animal jam
- Leo doesnt know the order of the rainbow
- Which is ironic sense-
- Leo is also slightly color blind
- Raph keeps a diary
- His brothers dont know about this
- even if they did a good portion of it is written in Japanese
- Mikey has an on going webcomic with a pretty steady fanbase
- Leo and Donnie read bad Y/N fanfiction together when their bored
- Donnie has written x Reader fanfiction before
- Leo has listened to a recording of a Jupiter Jim, Lou jitsu crossover fic before
- Donnie knows this and keeps it as blackmail
And thats all for now. If I make another one of these ill throw in some more April and actually add some about the Casey's. But thats all for now
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gunnerkriggcritical · 11 months
A Personal Reflection On Gunnerkrigg Court (by @kestrelknight)
I started reading Gunnerkrigg Court at least by the time of Chapter 20. I was in elementary school, and obsessed with a number of webcomics. Gunnerkrigg Court was among the two that I persisted in reading up into college. It has been a foundational piece of media for me; it was one of my models for good visual storytelling, for pacing, for mystery and atmosphere, for kitchen-sink fantasy. I even made a single page of a comic in middle school, heavily based on the "spooky magic girl in abandoned industrial setting" concept. I loved it.
I wouldn't care about Gunnerkrigg Court so much if I hadn't loved it for so long. I wouldn't be this frustrated, and hurt by the comic, if I hadn't loved it for so long, so much.
There were always a few little bits that made me uncomfortable in the comic, though I had difficulty articulating it- mostly the way young girls wound up being sexualized, or having romantic teases with older men (humans or magic wolves). None of it ever really impacted my enjoyment of the comic; I tried not to dwell on it. While I was frustrated by Annie's perpetual tolerance for her father's neglect, I assumed this was just the beginning of her character arc- that the point would be her coming to process and reckon with the fact that he had not treated her well, and that she was allowed to be angry about it.
The point at which I started having misgivings came at the same place as for many people: The Tree. This chapter hit me very hard, and very personally. I've never been in a situation similar to Annie's. I have been in situations similar to Kat. I was so affected by each individual update, I read more than the top comments- and was deeply disturbed by how many people tried to justify Tony's behavior, especially as comeuppance for Annie for cheating. From that point on, the comic was a source of stress and worry for me. I bore with it, because I loved it, and had faith that Tom would deliver catharsis at some point- that there was a point to all this, that he had something to say about the nature of neglectful and abusive parental relationships. He was writing one, after all.
Annie and the Fire meant so much to me, as someone who's struggled with anger, and a desire to please and placate others, to the point of struggling deeply with dissociation for years. It resonated with me to the point of being hard to read; but I kept with it, and accepted that Annie's journey wasn't done yet. Tony's remorse did very little for me, but it didn't kill my hope in Annie's development. Just because Tony feels bad doesn't negate what he's done, and what he's failed to do. That's obvious. I waited longer.
The moment where Kat suddenly turned face and decided Tony wasn't so bad a guy after all caught me completely off-guard. It felt like a betrayal- and I thought that was the point, that Annie's astonishment at this character change was the point. That now, Annie couldn't offload her own resentment onto Kat- she could no longer rely on someone else to get mad on her behalf. I hoped she would try to convince Kat, even indirectly, of why she should still be mad at Tony, and so come to realize she herself was still angry at him. Something. It didn't happen- but I was willing to wait. Tom had unfolded an incredible, dynamic slow-burn of a story for years and years. I had faith in him.
The second point came with Loup's arrival. Ysengrim and Coyote were some of the best characters in the comic, characters that had defined the dually humorous and sinister tone of the world. To have them both killed off, and replaced by a worse-designed, boring, Chaotic Stupid deviantart wolf without even the honesty of a glitter and rainbow color scheme? Yeah, hated it. The way the plot bucked and heaved, gaining and shedding momentum just as fast did not do it any favors.
I think I stopped reading during the Two Annies arc. I've never been a fan of stories that introduce time-travel or multiple universes late in the story, so it was never going to be to my taste. Combined with Loup, it just felt like the comic was off the rails. And since the plot was all over the place, there was little motivation for me to keep. waiting. To keep putting myself through this constant anxiety, reading every individual update- waiting to see if Annie's relationship with her dad would ever have the pay-off I wanted.
I was nervous it wouldn't come. I really couldn't tell, at this point, what Tom's intent was. But I didn't want to make assumptions prematurely. This was a story told a page at a time; it would be silly to get upset over a narrative resolution that wasn't even going to happen! But I realized that it was doing me no good to keep waiting around for the story to end, one way or another. I stopped reading sometime around 2019, having read for maybe a decade.
There was another layer to my discomfort with the comic, one more related to real life events and relationships. To put it bluntly, the main other GC reader I knew IRL agreed with Tom's framing: Annie was immature, headstrong, and was facing the just repercussions for her actions. Not in those exact words, but close enough in sentiment. I didn't have anyone else in my life to discuss the comic with. I was getting old enough that while I could see how Annie had made mistakes, and was a flawed, messy person- she was also a child, surrounded by uncaring or passive adults, in an uncaring system, constantly reprimanded for taking matters into her own hands while also burdened with immense responsibility. She was treated like a kid while being expected to act like an adult. There were very few adults in Gunnerkrigg Court that I could even like anymore. Even the kind ones frustrated me by their inaction. Obviously, you don't need to like the characters in a story to enjoy the story, but it did stop me from enjoying GC. I realize now that it was because the framing was leaning more and more into Annie being the problem, not the system and adults around her. Which, is horsepiss.
Every now and then I came back, and read several chapters in one go. It was a disappointment pretty much every time. Something felt off, and the parts of the comic I cared about weren't really the main focus. I dropped it again, picked it up, dropped it. There are still whole chapters of the comic I've not read, or only skimmed through. My family owns the first four volumes of the comic, some of which are coming loose at the binding for being handled so often. I've barely reread anything past The Tree.
Some point a few months ago, I was stewing over the comic again, and wanted to see if people on tumblr were talking about it at all. I found some fanart, and one or two critical posts that validated my feelings. I kept coming back to the tag, looking for more of both- and eventually came across gunnerkriggcourtcritical. I've gone through the backlog of this blog multiple times- every time my memories of the comic frustrate and upset me. It's comforting to know that other people feel the same way, underwent the same disappointment, even betrayal, reading this comic.
And finally, it was closure for Tony and Annie's arc. Not the closure I wanted- but at least I know now what Tom was planning. I don't regret giving him the benefit of the doubt. Now I know for certain what the point of it all was. I was disgusted by The Mind Cage.
I've been in Kat's situation: watching my best friend be ridiculed in a public place by their parent, helpless to do anything to help them. Listening to another friend make constant excuses for their parent, idolizing their worst aspects, wanting to be more like them, so they can feel in control. I've been like Annie, so horrified by my own anger, so unable to process my emotions, that I just cut them out and sent them to another country. I've washed my face in that mirror, the restroom unrecognizable around me.
Annie deserved better. There are no heroes or villains in Gunnerkrigg Court; there are abusive parents, and neglected children. There are no readers who keep up with the comic, just to complain and hate it for the sake of hating; there are readers who saw themselves in Annie, in Kat, and who are still trying to process what the hell happened.
Authorial intent does matter- but a good author understands that readers will always get the last word. Stories are a reciprocal process, especially episodic ones like webcomics. Tom had all the opportunities in the world to observe reader responses, and adapt his story to be both consistent with what he had already written, and sensitive to what dynamic he was portraying.
I still love Gunnerkrigg Court. I'll probably reread those volumes again, sometime. It's still what I point to, when I want to give an example of how simplified style can be more effective in comics. It was my model of a beautiful, effective webcomic, both in story and artwork. I'll never forget how Gunnerkrigg Court shaped my art and my stories.
I'll also keep thinking about how it ultimately failed to recognize the story it was telling, and turned to mean digs at its audience rather than reflect on its own content. I'll keep thinking about what a wretched message it is, to imply that being neurodivergence is the cause of child neglect, to point at Annie doing all the work in her relationship with her father and say: that's fine, and you're stupid for thinking that isn't fine. I'll keep dunking on Loup/Jerrek, because he sucks.
I'll never forget how Gunnerkrigg Court let me down.
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tibli · 9 months
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First batch of the trolls babey!!!! (explanations below)
Karkat = Crabclaw. I could not for the life of me come up with something that resembled his whole blood mutation thing, so I just kind of gave him a few mutations that are common in cats. He's got the scottish fold ears (which are supposed to look kinda like his nubby horns) and some of the toes on his paws are fused together, hence the name 'Crabclaw'. He's also a tortie, but im still undecided as to whether this is actually a mutation or he's just trans or whatever.
Kanaya = Mothear. She's white in reference to her being a rainbow drinker, and her black markings are supposed to loosely resemble makeup. Her name comes from the feathered appearance of her ears, like a moth's antennae. Also it sounds like 'mother' which is a big theme for her (and probably why she's moth themed in the webcomic in the first place tbh). With both her prophetic Skaia dreams and her desire to involve herself with others to help them, along with her whole, like, midwife thing, I think she'd make a great medicine cat.
Terezi = Eagletalon. Her name is basically a reference to the term 'legal eagle'. I decided to base her design on a somali cat, since they're about as red as a cat can get, and that's her favorite color. Instead of being blinded by sunlight, I thought in this case it would make more sense for her eyes to have been blinded by fire. The scarring of her eyes themselves is what caused the milky appearance- they weren't like that originally. She'd be an adept warrior, but others would initially underestimate her due to her blindness.
Vriska = Widowfang. Her name is a reference to black widows, and mindfang herself. Since she's a blueblood, I decided to make her a silver cat. Like in the comic, she loses both an eye and a limb, and I figure if these are cats that have medical practitioners, there's no reason an amputee cat can't have a prosthesis.
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beneaththetangles · 1 year
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This week’s reviews ask the question: Who’s the king of the roost? Is it the talented but unmotivated boxer, Yu? Kaboku’s high school dance club? Or is it an actual rooster? Plus, we’ve got a fujoshi princess who’s clueless, high school boys palling around, and Hachiken tutoring his crush while avoiding his parents. Read on for our recommendations on this wide variety of manga volumes!
The Boxer (Vol. 1) • The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices (Vol. 1) • Rainbow Days (Vol. 2) • Rooster Fighter (Vol. 3) • Silver Spoon (Vol. 9) • Wandance (Vol. 3)
The Boxer, Manga Vol. 1
I have to laugh because I made a new year’s resolution to read more shojo manga, but shortly after I made that goal, I picked up The Boxer instead! Ha! I absolutely loved this first volume, though! The beginning follows a young man who bullies the main character, Yu, but the story ultimately centers around Yu being approached by a coach of multiple boxing champions and asking him if he wants to become a boxer. However, Yu doesn’t appear to have any joy or purpose in his life, as he never fights back when bullied or shows interest in boxing when asked. Coach K thinks Yu has overwhelming potential to become a boxing legend, but what will push Yu to even think about boxing, let alone start boxing? While I originally was interested in this story after meeting the antagonist in the webcomic on WebToons, I quickly found myself sucked in and wanting to see Yu’s “awakening” and the antagonist get completely thrashed by him. While I won’t comment on whether my expectations were met (because of spoilers), there were many pages with Yu that were extremely impactful. I felt JH did an incredible job of conveying Yu’s emotions in multiple places where you can feel the energy and tension: something is changing inside Yu and that the antagonist better watch out. I am definitely hooked and invested in this series and glad I already preordered volume two before even starting this volume. I must know and see what happens next! I highly recommend The Boxer if you like boxing/fighting, underdogs, and great action! ~ @lauraagrace​
The Boxer is published by IZE Press, an imprint of Yen Press.
The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices, Light Novel Vol. 1
The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices is divided into two tonally disparate pieces which work together to create an unexpectedly engaging read. It begins with a “fujoshi reborn into a BL game” setup, with a “convenient plot device”: as a side character in this story, said fujoshi will eventually be forced into a marriage of convenience; her future children will adopted by her brother and his male wife. I was not loving the series at first. It seemed bland and featured an obnoxious lead character in Octavia (formerly Maki). I eventually warmed up to her, though. When adopting her perspective, the action moves quickly, and Octavia’s thoughts are often funny, particularly when she’s dealing with the problem of being in a kingdom where any possible love interest is only interested in other men. If that were the entirety of the novel, it would be a breezy, if forgettable, read. But Octavia doesn’t realize that her actions and position, along with other machinations, are having serious and dire effects on the kingdom and possibly putting her in danger. Chapters not from the heroine’s point of view read more like A Song of Ice and Fire, full of danger and conspiracy, helping to shape Octavia’s main love interest as a fascinating character whose background is tied to said conspiracies. The more serious material emphasizes how oblivious Octavia is, creating a sense of concern for her; her obnoxiousness begins to rather seem more like innocence, and soon enough, I found myself pulling for rather than being annoyed by her. Ending at a crisp 166 pages, the volume concluded with me wanting more, and that is possibly what I expected least from yet another girl’s novel. What a captivating start! ~ @animepopheart​
The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices is published by Yen Press.
Silver Spoon, Manga Vol. 9
Silver Spoon is a joy. Even when it deals with awful fathers, portrays families making hard sacrifices, and shows the entire process of slaughtering a pig you’ve raised, as this volume does, Silver Spoon does so with humor and optimistic energy. Reading Arakawa’s work is almost like taking a class with a master teacher: you absorb something wondrous (in this case, the wonderful lessons about life learned through Hachiken’s challenges at an agricultural high school) while still having fun. Volume nine is the equal of previous volumes in that regard, while also mining new territory as it nudges Hachiken and Aki closer and closer together. But I love that even though romance is in the air, Silver Spoon isn’t about romance. It’s about growing up. It’s a coming-of-age tale—one of the best that manga has to offer. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to. And if you’ve only watched the anime, this is the volume to jump into, as volume nine covers the end of the animated series and takes the story a bit further along, too. ~ @animepopheart​
Silver Spoon is published by Yen Press.
Rooster Fighter, Manga Vol. 3
Cock-A-Doodle-Do! Volume 3 of this strange but amusing ride with my favorite rooster Keiji and his friends continues, as they hunt giant demons that are devastating the nation of Japan whilst searching for his missing sister. As I mentioned in my review of volume two, the antics started to lose their initial impact because of the lack of progression in the plot, and that holds true for this entry as well. Watching a rooster take down a giant demon is fun, but after a few times the trick starts to get old. This volume gave the heroic poultry more interaction with humans and shared some of their struggles, which was a change in the right direction. Keiji’s personality starts to show some cracks in his tough facade as he loosens up with a new friend, and as he also starts to recognize his need for companions and to not do everything on his own. Character development is something I like to see in media, and Rooster Fighter has potential, but it needs to get the story train moving a little faster and I hope volume four does that! ~ @samuru​
Rooster Fighter is published by VIZ Media
Rainbow Days, Manga Vol. 2
Rainbow Days features an unusual tone. On the one hand, it’s super sweet and cute—and on the other, it’s a little spicy. For instance, volume two goes from Natchan talking about his massive crush on Anna in one panel to Kei pulling out sadistic toys in the next. I’m not always interested in those latter qualities, but I like the series overall because of how well the friendships between the four main boys come together. Volume two finds Kei feeling lonesome and Natchan continuing to get closer to Anna, for instance, but the main focus isn’t on romance or any individual character; it’s on a loving, sweet, boys’ friendship. That said, I do like the pairing of Natchan and Anna, and there’s serious progress in this volume. Anna is becoming a fuller character as well, though my biggest knock on the series is that the girls generally aren’t very captivating. There’s a focus in one particular chapter on the three main girls introduced so far, but spending time with the three can’t make up for Mari’s obnoxiousness or Yukiko’s blandness. I’m hoping for improvement in their characterization in future volumes (and maybe the addition of another female character as a main—Chiba, introduced in volume two in a bit part, is already more interesting than Mari or Yukiko!). But even without that, the peaceful and humorous atmosphere centering on Natchan, Kei, Mattsun, and Tsuyopon makes Rainbow Days worth the read. ~ @animepopheart​
Rainbow Days is published by VIZ Media through its Shojo Beat imprint.
Wandance, Manga Vol. 3
If the inter-high dance competition that kicks off volume three of Wandance creeps up quickly and ends in a surprising way, it’s because managaka Coffee intended it to be. As he subtly expresses (through one of the competition judges bemoaning how some clubs treat dance as sport), Wandance is not a sports anime. The competition isn’t the point. Then what is? That I’m not 100% clear on quite yet. It seems to be about Kabo learning to grow through his passion, but I’m still waiting to see him grow beyond the insecurities he has and to see Hikari develop more as a character as well. In the meantime, I continue to find this manga captivating, in large part because of the amazing artwork. Coffee has honed his style through these first few volumes, to the point where he’s able to convey the movement and power of dance extremely well through a variety of means: different styles of lines and shading, smudging, trailing, and more. There are many incredible panels in this volume, including a wondrous two-page spread later in the work. Taking a hint from our own Marg, who created a playlist for the volume, I listened to the music that the clubs danced to while reading this volume, and it turned Wandance into an even richer work. I highly recommend doing the same and continue to recommend this series, which is more dynamic and creative than simply calling it a “dance manga” might suggest. ~ @animepopheart​
Wandance is published by Kodansha.
“Reader’s Corner” is our way of embracing the wonderful world of manga, light novels, and visual novels, creative works intimately related to anime but with a magic all their own. Each week, our writers provide their thoughts on the works they’re reading—both those recently released as we keep you informed of newly published works, and those older titles that you might find as magical (or in some cases, reprehensible) as we do.
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[ID: Grid of four colorful pictures of pride events; top left is a group of drag queens; top right is two people holding up a large rainbow flag behind them; bottom left is two people snuggling and wrapped in a rainbow shawl; and bottom right is three people holding up pride flags, left is lesbian, middle is nonbinary, and right is pansexual. An opaque white heart is overlaid with the message "Happy Pride Month" centered. Below reads "PART 3."]
part 3 of 3: about the creator!
part 1 | part 2
since my first 2 posts for pride month were about my original characters, I thought you all might enjoy some insight on the person behind the characters: me! hello :)
i'm also trying to make the format as reusable/copy & paste-able as possible so that anyone who wants to join in can share more about themselves to their followers, be they a fellow creator or a consumer of content.
if you have any questions about me, my interests, and my work, feel free to send me an ask!
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[ID: Graphic featuring Natasha Penn's avatar over a black and white marble background. Above the avatar is the following curved text, "About the author," and below it reads, "Natasha Penn is..." Underneath are a series of flags: the genderqueer flag in a curvy bubble frame (labeled genderfluid with they/them pronouns), the pansexual flag in a diamond frame (labeled pansexual), the quoiromantic flag in a heart frame (labeled quoiromantic), and the national flags for Cuba and the United States of America (labeled latinx).]
About Me
irl name: secret | online name: natasha penn | nicknames: nat, natty p, penn
age: 28 | zodiac: cancer sun ♋️🌞 & pisces moon ♓️🌛
gender identity: genderfluid | pronouns: they/she/he (any tbh)
sexual orientation: pansexual | romantic orientation: quoiromantic
nationality/heritage: cuban-american (latinx)
languages: english & some spanish
spirituality: blend of santeria & wicca
appearance: see avi (cred: oveikeii)
height: 5'8
relationship status: single
neurological status: neurodivergent
notable conditions (diagnosed): depression, ptsd, anxiety, schizoaffective disorder (depressive type)
fave colors: black, lilac, periwinkle blue
fave animals: wolves & cats 🐺🐱
fave flowers/plants/trees: climbing roses, hybrid tea roses, moss, lupines, california poppy, blue cornflower, flax, bellflowers, succulents, oak
fave herbs/spices/roots: blessed thistle, cat's claw bark, chamomile, echinacea, mugwort
fave crystals/minerals: rose quartz, amethyst, blue lace agate, moonstone
fave scents: lavender, vanilla, patchouli, cocoa butter
preferred seasons: autumn & winter
preferred elements: water & fire
preferred magick: candle magick, divination, astral projection, curses
fave music genres: lo-fi, emo rap, punk rock, heavy metal
fave book/movie/series genres: ya/na, sci-fi, fantasy, mystery/suspense, horror/thriller, comedy
fave game categories: puzzles, horror, psychological horror, comedy, fantasy, dating sim
fave foods & drinks: sushi & sashimi, cheesecake, iced hazelnut coffee, blueberries & blackberries, buffalo chicken wings, checker's/rally's fries, chamomile tea, thick medium-rare steak
Some of my...
comfort book/manga series: skip beat! by yoshiki nakamura, wicked lovely series by melissa marr, house of night series by pc cast & kristin cast
comfort blog series/webcomics: scarlett lady by @zoe-oneesama, mlb biker au by @ladyfreya123, moons by @midluuna, unordinary by uru-chan, my giant nerd boyfriend by fishball, suitor armor by purpah, choco latte by ann, cursed princess club by lambcat
comfort movies: whisper of the heart, howl's moving castle, any studio ghibli film tbh, spirit: stallion of the cimarron, first 2 httyd, remember the titans, the birdcage
comfort tv/web series: golden girls, atla, lok, mlb, wkm, hwm, iswm, gg:10mph, markiplier makes, ua (memento mori), theater class by brandon rogers, blame the hero by brandon rogers
comfort podcasts: distractible, banter w/ sapnap & karl jacobs, i spent a day with..., gmfst
comfort games: cube escape series by rusty lake, deep sleep & don't escape series by scriptwelder, west of loathing by asymmetric, sally face by steve gabry
comfort musical artists/bands: pierce the veil, juice wrld, our last night, corpse, mgk, yours truly, khai dreams, ashnikko, green day, evanescence
comfort yt/twitch/tt creators: markiplier, jacksepticeye, call me kevin, brandon rogers, gab smolders, emma langevin, quackity, dream, sykkuno, corpse husband, game grumps, iamarankai, dez.thelez, murphy1526, stanzipotenza, celinaspookyboo
Thanks for reading!
i hope you find something relatable in this pride series, be it one of my characters or something in common with me :)
show these posts some love and feel free to reblog, follow, and send asks if you'd like clarification or more info on anything. i may do a follow-up post this month about my current projects and their lgbt+ representation.
happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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reyarmenteros · 5 years
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karlicartoons · 6 years
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I’ve been really loving @urktheturtle and @scottahemi ‘s webcomic Rainbow Fire, so I drew my favorite character Holly!!! Omg, she’s so wonderful and silly <3 http://www.future-bound-entertainment.com/rainbow-fire/
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scottahemi · 6 months
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I did the Adidas meme with Fiona and Holly from my webcomic Rainbow Fire
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willsantino · 3 years
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Ron, look! 🔥🌈🔥🌈🔥🌈🔥 . . . #rainbow #lol #funny #cartoon #humor #tnycartoons #fire #meme #comic #webcomic https://www.instagram.com/p/CREqodWsFyN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thetheoryofart · 3 years
I've made more commissions! As well as some pieces of my own DND boy.
This is a commission of one of my partners dnd characters, Aphra!
Picture shows a pink tiefling in a pirate style outfit, hanging onto ropes on the side of a pirate ship in space!
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And then you have Jacinta, another DnD commission for a friend I'm in another campaign with;
Picture shows a character with large rainbow deer antlers surrpundes by fire, a demon horse and a phoenix
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And then these two, My dnd boy Lumino (left) and his Mentor, Tawny (Right)
Picture shows two characters side by side, the one on the left has white glowing hair, eyes and freckles, and the left is a humanoid Tawny owl.
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And finally, I made a character sheet of my DnD character Lumino, who is Half elf, half Starchild (a homebrew, not my own) and is a noble and a sorcerer!
Picture below shows 4 views of a character, with several different types of emotions. 3 of them have his hair glowing, and some his eyes too.
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I am open for commissions, you can find my pricing sheet Here on my twitter
Been debating with myself for a while now if I make a webcomic on Lumino's background. Just worried about the time it'd take and about getting commissions in 😂😭
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punkinroses · 4 years
Okay before I kinda log off this blog completely for my new account and bc I don't have any intentions on doing anything with the Avatar Lian/Zutara grandbaby au I'm just gonna leave my final thoughts on what it would have gone into for if anyone ever wants to do anything with it;
So Lians airbending master would have been Jesa obviously, as the two of them ran off together to go travel the world. They would have also been accompanied by a nonbinary character who was either gonna be a waterbender and healer to help Lian learn that side of her waterbending or a nonbender who was skilled with a sword. Her Earthbending teacher was gonna be a very patient and sturdy, very self reflective girl who would have helped Lian learn patience.
Her firebending instructor would actually have been a cousin of hers. Just...not a first cousin. It would have been Azulas grandson.
Azula had fled her own imprisonment and institutionalization and hidden in the Earth Kingdom, taking on the identity of being someone from the colonies. She lived out in either a small town or perhaps even Ba Sing Se where no one could find her, eventually found a partner tho he died when their only child was just a baby. She taught her child and grandchildren everything she could about Firebending but never revealed who they were to them.
Lian would have eventually found her and found out who she was and tried to learn Firebending from her because she knew how strong her Great Aunt was and figured it could werve to help redeem her and bring her back to their family.
This, however, is foiled and Azulas actually kidnapped by one of the antagonists and her grandson is begrudgingly forced to become Lians Firebending teacher while trying to track down his Grandmother.
One of the antagonists would have been the new head of a police force of Metalbenders -- a former student of Tophs who was banished from her school and he took whwt teachings he had gotten and used them to create a new take on the Dai Li -- who his father Long Feng had once been in charge of, a fact he kept hidden from the world. Since then they had become a privatized police force who spread across the Earth Kingdom qnd he was planning a bit of a coup to regain status for his family and even take over what would be Republic City.
He would, however, be working with a far bigger antagonist for his own gains.
I am talking about that Bitch; Zhao.
Zhao, while lost in the Spirit World, would find angry, dark hearted Spirits who had bitter feelings towards the Avatar, who was supposed to be the bridge and peacemaker between worlds, a Spirit themselves reborn every generation as a mortal human to keep the Balance.
(There would have been a whole storyline about this Spirit and I believe they would have been one of the Original Spirits, perhaps even having a connection to the original benders and the Lion Turtles, but was not going to be Raava and there was no Vaatu. Since this was an AU storyline, I was gonna go all in and go back to the scrapped concept the wiki talked about the Avatar being the Spirit of the Earth).
Zhao teamed up with one of the most powerful of the Dark Spirits who wanted power themselves and Zhao wanted out of the Spirit World to become a Conqueror. Essentially a Global Domination storyline using the advances in technology, going after the Original Benders and the last Lion Turtle, killing the Avatar while in the Avatar State, and finishing what Ozai started. Mostly because I feel like with there being Spirits still pissed off about what Kuruk and Yangchen had done (and hell you could even count Kyoshis era for the Father Glowworm thing) and Zhao just being left there it could have led to a very interesting team up and a threat of an antagonist and tying up loose ends completely.
Also him teaming up with the son of Long Feng who also wants power and status returned to his name and wants revenge becausr the Avatar and Azula fucked everything for his family. Why not go after two birds with one stone? And it shows the repercussions of some of these villains kinda not getting a full resolution as seems to be a pattern with some of the antagonists in Avatar.
Lian would have been forced to face all of this head on while still trying to figure out what being the Avatar means to her, learning how to bend the elements, running from the White Lotus who want to enforce how they believe the Avatar needs to be trained, and trying very hard on learning how to connect with Aang and her other past lives for help.
And mostly finding that guidance with Uncle Iroh after she gets stuck in the Spirit World on accident and he helps her out od that meditative state after a long cup of tea together bc he needs to spend time with his great great niece. I also think it'd be cool if she met Yue at one point.
And also when she takes down Zhao if she teamed up with the Original Benders. I am talking rainbow fire with the dragons. Getting help from the Badgermoles. Jesas Flying Bison helping wreck some shit. And most importantly her getting help from the Moon and Ocean Spirits and just. Absolutely going full Spirit Kaiju as a cinematic parallel to end Zhao. But that's just my thought process on that.
Messy, I know. And like there's a lot of thoughts I had I never wrote down or fully fleshed out but these were concepts I thought of while trying to work on the Lian storyline and just. I don't really feel up to trying to get all cohesive or in a proper fic or webcomic style so like. If anyone in this fandom wants to take this over and clean it up, be my guest, y'all can go fucking crazy with it if you want it. And if you don't, that's fine too.
Take care of yourselves guys. And if anyone wants my new blog, just shoot me an ask on here I may check back at some point on the messages.
Love y'all.
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avatar-index · 4 years
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John Egbert is an Avatar of the Vast, touched by the Lonely.
I know, I know- the whole windy thing schtick, Breath = Vast; it was obvious from the start. So, why couldn’t I have just dug a little deeper, find another, more fitting fear that fits John like a glove?
Welp. This is where the classpects come in.
The classpect system, much like the fear gods, tends to target not just a person’s character, but their deepest insecurities and what they are made of during their lowest points. The difference between the two is that while the Entities exploit that so they can spread fear of them, the classpects are there to help a person grow to become a healthier version of themselves and recognize their worst flaws.
Now I, a Witch of Life myself, would love to go deeper into the mechanisms of how Sburb and the classpect system work as a whole- but I don’t want to get fired here; it was a fucking miracle that the Consortium accepted me at all, so let’s just keep the topic Entity-based, alright?
...Wait, you guys wouldn’t feed me to the dogs just for dropping some f-bombs? No, that’s great- th-thank you.
Ok, so, John Egbert. Even before the game began, aside from his interactions with his father, his life was kinda...desolate. Pesterquest has revealed to us that he was a lonely child growing up- everyone in his neighborhood appear to prefer to stay indoors all the time, and the only social group he ever formed is his circle of pals on Pesterchum- the Beta Kids.
Surprisingly, none of these factors seem to have affected him very much, thank you Dadbert and all the shitty movies John likes. Even in the grimmest situations, John would find a way to smile through it all- he possesses a stalwart optimism that shines through the cruel reality of his session being doomed from the start. In the face of traumatizing situations, he is the standing wall that is between his friends and the danger before them all.
But all is not sunshine and rainbows with this kid; while he is nonchalant and is generally one of the most passive characters in the roster, his fury can be shit-inducing; just ask Caliborn or Davesprite. Even if he is one of the calmer ones during catastrophic events, he tends to flip his crap over things others may find minuscule. He is one of the most innocent characters in the webcomic, next to the likes of Tavros.
In a great twist of irony, however, John is the most grounded and down-to-earth member of the beta kids, being a realistic portrayal of an actual kid in our day and age (or a kid living in the early 2000′s). This is the one thing that separates him from everyone else- each and every one of the characters present within Homestuck leads a fantastical or an unordinary lifestyle, but John? He’s just John Egbert. Lover of terrible movies, son of a fedora-loving businessman, god of the new earth, and professional prankster. This is what sets him apart from all the other characters in-comic, coincidentally.
John is nonchalant- he can be somewhat disconnected and is prone to the silliest ideas imaginable, but he is also the glue that ties everyone together. He is out-of-the-box, generous, and, as his title reveals, is the manifestation and representation of the freedom of these characters and the story itself; the loose bounds and possibilities made endless through the aspect of Breath.
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