#Raptor answers
tickleraptorss · 2 months
You’ve always been cute <3
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warhead · 6 months
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plutonium-sky · 2 months
Here‘s my sky kid! They are mostly found in hidden forest stealing granny’s balls and chilling in the rain
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Tested out a new brush hope u dont mind
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pineapplesaresweet · 2 months
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ugh can you believe that that stupid bird from a year ago or so is back in my brain. smh.
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albino-parakeet · 5 months
Ben was 2 steps away from becoming one of those kids from Lord of the Flies. Like isolate him on that island for maybe an extra month or two, I’m sure you’d find one of the Monolophosaurus’ heads on a pike.
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androgynosaurus · 1 year
sometimes I will go and reread an older one of my fics and get a good amount of enjoyment out of revisiting it but I've cycled through all of them multiple times by now so the feeling isn't quite as satisfying and I'm just left refreshing my own AO3 page like damn when's this bitch gonna post some new content for me to read
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sillygreenrat · 5 months
We need more transfem Francis aaaauuugghhhhhhh (sincerely, a transfem)
im so glad transfem francis is winning the fandom over i think she deserves it.
anyways i could've posted this on tvd but im actually stupid and forgot i had a platform i do art on that day <3 (as for all holidays)
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silverskye13 · 7 months
(sorry if this got sent twice, internet is very spotty at the moment) Rotating RnS Helsknight in my mind. I keep debating what dnd paladin oath he'd swear. Glory is fitting but also seems TOO obvious. I almost want to say Devotion just for the irony/contrast of it, and since he genuinely wants to make Hels better, and it would make RnS Wels lose his entire mind if he found out
Oooo I have a soft spot for this, because in my Curse of Strahd campaign right now, my paladin Ashborne is just beginning-of-RnS Helsknight. I couldn't think of a good character so I just built Helsknight as a fire genasi, except instead of Tanguish he has a shadow god sitting on his shoulder telling him to kill people, and instead of a crippling fear of death its a crippling fear of never being used to his full potential by his god.
........ Anyway.
DnD Paladin Helsknight rambles under the cut!
In my opinion, I kind of have to agree that Helsknight best matches Oath of Devotion. The oaths especially line up almost perfectly with his knightly tenets:
Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise. [May you meet every obstacle with courage, for just as all that emits light must endure burning, all the courageous must make a brother of their fears.]
Honesty. Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise. [May your word be binding as chains.]
Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom. [Any sword raised to the innocent or unarmed in cruelty is blackened by its shame.]
Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm. [May you respect the honor of your fellow helsmet, that none may know you cruel or slave to vice.]
Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you. [May you persevere to the end of any enterprise begun, for the folly is theirs that, through unfinished business, never gain wisdom from deeds done.]
There's also stuff that hasn't been breeched in the plot yet that are... Eerily similar to plot points I have planned. Holy Weapon, for example, I think in the Colosseum Helsknight uses a flamed sword, which is functionally the same as enchanting your weapon with holy damage for the coolness factor [Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon]. And if you outright asked Hels if he was inspiring, he would probably say no. But anyone within 10ft of him probably wouldn't be charmed against him by someone persuasive like the Demon [7th level Aura of Devotion]. Given how handily I think Helsknight fights Welsknight, and how I think he negates Wels's... For the sake of DnDing I'm going to say fey energy and persuasiveness, Purity of Spirit is a good match.
[Don't have a lot to say about the Lvl20 Holy Nimbus, because tbh that's one of the weakest level 20 paladin boons I think there is. Flat 10 radiant damage every round for enemies within 30ft of you is handy, but the saving throws only have advantage if the spellcasters are fiends and undead, and there are many, many big angry critters in DnD that are neither of those two monster types.]
I do think a Helsknight with access to the spell Flamestrike would be absolutely terrifying though lol.
On a more vibes level, when I started the story, I thought Helsknight was a lot closer to Oath of Conquest, with how he treated Welsknight specifically [which is, incidentally, why my CoS paladin Ashborne is Oath of Conquest]. The tenets don't match Helsknight's too terribly well [they're mostly to the effect of "kill all your enemies so dead that everyone is too terrified to stand against you."] However the Channel Divinities of Conquering Presence [everyone you can see is terrified of you now] and Guided Strike [I'm so pissed at you specifically that I will kill you supernaturally easily] align well with angry chapters 1-8 Helsknight. And one could argue every time he's angry, Tanguish is cowering under the Aura of Conquest [anything scared of you is now too scared to move and takes psychic damage.] And I think in text Helsknight does Scornful Rebuke on the regular [anytime something hits you, they are psychically punished for their audacity up to your Charisma modifier.]
[Level 20 Invincible Conquerer basically turns you into a barbarian paladin, which is badass. Helsknight can't do that, but that's so so cool.]
For the spells, Armor of Agythis as Helsknight's thorns armor is compelling to me, and Command, Hold Person and Fear are just things Helsknight can do to people when he's angry enough [also Compelled Dual, but all paladins get that].
If anything, I feel like Helsknight started RnS as Oath of Conquest, and then when he became friends with Tanguish, switched immediately to Oath of Devotion.
[Meanwhile if I had to make Tanguish a paladin, I think he would be Oath of Redemption, but I'll save that rant for some other time.]
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 months
((For some reason I feel like I recognize your art style. How long have you been around as angel dust on tumblr?))
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I have actually been here since 2021 I think? I could be wrong on that but it has certainly been a couple years!
Happy Pride to you by the by! Have a little wip I had been up to! I do have a handful of works on here, I hope you like them! And I hope you’re doing well for yourself!
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tickleraptorss · 11 months
You have to tell the world about your best friend Eunie
i cant believe i forgot abt this ask JDJEKGLLS of course. eunie my best friend eunie.
EUNIE..... she is a societal menace. she loves to cause problems. so ofc she is constantly zipping around nd poking at her friends bc how can she not??? all her friends are very ticklish and she is full of mischief we know how this goes.
she's def v teasy as a ler.... uses All the teases to find whatever flusters her lee the most. and once she Knows what gets to u..... she is going to use it against you constantly. she also likes pretending she's clueless like "what're you gigglin' for? i'm not doin' anythin'!" when she Totally Knows what she's doing. she grins the whole time she's ticklin someone btw it's honestly rly precious. she also takes advantage of her wings bc how can she not??? she canonically does this. and i will forever be super unnormal about that.
HOWEVER. eunie herself is very ticklish, and that is a secret she will guard with her life (yknow, until lanz lets it slip "by accident"). she can't take what she dishes out At All. teases make her so flustered... nd she often can't come up w a rebuttal bc she's too busy giggling and also her brain and muscles turn to mush when she's tickled. she alters between adorable lil gigglesnorts and full-on hyena cackles and it's so <3333
eunie is everything 2 me i wish she was real so i could give her a kiss and mayb get tickled
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ethereal-sirens · 9 months
Hello! I need medication for life to prevent my lungs from collapsing, this implies permanent treatment with steroids, oxygen therapy, control of oxygen in the blood and antibiotics to prevent the development of bacteria in the lungs.
I'm afraid I have to insist on this because it may be the only way to get my treatment.
I need medication for life to keep my lungs from collapsing, this costs around $700 per month.
Things are really tough on me,I can’t afford. Please donate🖤
Signal boost to help this person y’all! Wishing you all the best dear
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thebusylilbee · 1 year
stupidly niche post about the way french and english think bird categories differently and it fucks with me
because I need to rant and show why looking up birds in both english and french is extremely frustrating ! Let's take the Accipitridae family for example ! Clearly the two languages decided to follow pretty different sets of rules to sort the birds out and it results in this fucking mess which gives me a headache :
all the eagles are "aigles" in french
but the hawk-eagles in english are also just "aigles" in french
the goshawks in english are all "autours" in french
but the "autours" in french are ALSO two sparrowhawks (the chesnut-flanked and the black one), one hawk (long-tailed) and one buzzard (lizzard) for some reason.
there are 5 "baza" birds in french and only 3 baza birds in english...
the 2 other baza birds in french are, for some reason, called cuckoo-hawks in english. Somehow they were seen as significantly different enough in one language but not the other.
the bateleur, honey-buzzards, harrier-hawks, snake eagles and serpent eagles in english (why snake AND serpent ? that's the same thing) are the only Accitridae birds with a unique translation in french. They're respectively called "bateleur", "bondrées", "gymnogènes", "circaètes" and "serpentaires", which means that the two languages agreed on exactly five (5) categories of Appitridae birds and nothing more.
you could think that the bird called "busard" in french is the bird called buzzard in english, right ? hahahaha, no ! fuck no ! "Busard" in french is harrier in english !
Buzzard in english is in 4 cases "busautour" in french and in MANY other cases MANY other words :))) I hate this :))))
the "buse" in french is an hawk
the "buse" in french is also MANY buzzards
the "buse" in french is also one fucking buzzard-eagle and two fucking eagles ???? what is the buse in french exactly ?!? WHAT IS IT ??? maybe english has been ignoring essential common features between all these guys ??? who knows ?? not me
remember how "buse" = hawk sometimes ? well the french word "épervier" also = hawk sometimes. clearly hawks aren't perceived as a unified group in french.
remember how "autours" = sparrowhawks in two cases in french ? well the rest of the sparrowhawks are "éperviers" ! that's right just like the hawks ! I guess that difference english sees between hawks and sparrowhawks is completley insignificant in the french system
there's only one Harpy in english but there are two "Harpie" in french....
the "creasted eagle" is the second "Harpie" in french. why did it deserve to be a harpie in french and not in english ? I do not know.
"élanions" are kites
"milans" are also kites because fuck you that's why
"milans" are ALSO "buzzards" (THEM AGAIN !!!) and one single "hawk" (the bat hawk. why.)
english has fish eagles, sea eagles and the white-tailed eagle and bald eagle. well french has "pycargue" for ALL of these.
that's right the bald eagle in french is not an eagle ("aigle") but a "Pycargue à tête blanche" ! I can guarantee you that statistically almost 0% of french speakers know that. we all call it an eagle in casual conversation.
for some reason when it comes to "Vultures" the french language kind of goes a little insane ???
bearded vulture = "gypaète barbu",
palm-nut vulture = "palmiste africain",
egyptian vulture = "percnoptère d'Egypte"
why so many unique names for vultures ???
all the other vultures in english are "vautours" in french
and that's why I will never be able to learn how to translate the name of these birds from one language to another, the logics are simply too different and my brain isn't powerful enough to compartimentalize both of them properly at the same time, I always forget explanations. fuck this. time to learn scientific names.
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regaliasonata · 5 months
Opinion on Utahraptor?
Well…some stuff
So the name is kinda funny but if you heard about the franchise Dinosaur King they had a ds game like pokemon and this guy was one of the rare dinos I could never get, it was wind elemental. Also the name is strange but pretty cool.
More of a mixed bag of opinions, for the record I’m replaying through the game after years of losing the game I hope to catch it or the Megaraptor(which is the green one in the image, Utah is the blue guy in the other two👌🏾)
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therxtking · 4 months
Fairy godmother poofs Gordon into a sexy little party dress and a wig. douses him in doe heat pheromones enough to disguise the fact that he's a male. A light spritz of a nice tropical perfume...
"You wear one dress..."
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mossy-crow-king · 6 months
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My irl cousin trying to figure out if the genetic condition in our family is genetically kicking my ass
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tacoma-narrows · 2 months
hrrm random number (for coasters), #25
also is it very difficult to rank things of that quantity?? I wouldn't know where to put what ahh
Number 25 is Jersey Devil at Six Flags Great Adventure! I ride that, from what I've heard, most people don't like as much as the other RMCs, but I really enjoyed! I only rode it once, and that was in the front row on a day in late November, so it most definitely was not running at its best. But if I liked it that much when it wasn't running at its peak, then I imagine I'll like it even more if I ride it on a hot summer day! I remember it having a really great mix of elements, and it being a single rail Raptor model was cool too! I like the smaller Raptor I've ridden (RailBlazer at California's Great America) more since it whipped through it's layout faster, but Jersey Devil did not disappoint! One of my fav names for a coaster too :3
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As for ranking all of them, it does take some time, but when I refreshed my entire list last year, I had a process for it. I had every ride's name on a slip of paper and split them up based on which ride was at which park (one group for all the coasters at Cedar Point, one group for Kings Dominion, etc.). I ranked each park's coaster list from fav to least fav since those only had, at most 20 coasters each, making it a lot easier to sort. Then, I just looked at whichever coaster was at the top of each list and decide which out of those I would like to ride most, and slot that in on the main list. I'm not sure I explained that super well but that's the gist of it lol.
But huge full list overhauls are not super common. When I just ride one/a few new coasters, I look at my list as a whole, moving down until I find a spot where I think the new ride matches in quality to the rides already on the list. Using Jersey Devil as an example, when I went to rank it, I basically thought to myself "What would I rather ride? Copperhead Strike at Carowinds, or Jersey Devil?" I'd prefer Copperhead Strike, so Jersey Devil drops down another spot. Then repeat: "Would I rather ride Thunderhead at Dollywood, or Jersey Devil?" And I'd rather ride Jersey Devil, so it goes in the list between Copperhead Strike and Thunderhead! Again, I hope that makes sense lol. I usually also draw a lot of comparisons between new rides and ones I'm more familiar with, so that helps to give me a ballpark idea of generally where I'm gonna rank it too haha
Also monkey brain just loves to rank and categorize things in general, so that's part of it too lmao
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