#Reader x Jensen
d-s-winchester · 1 year
My Only Wish This Year
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(gif credit to the creator)
Part One
Master List
Pairing: Jensen x Reader Word Count: 2,249 Warnings: angsty teens, mentions of death, mentions of a dead parent, mentions of a dead spouse A/N: I’M BACK BITCHES!!!! I haven’t posted writing on this blog in exactly two years and seven months. I’m happy to be back and to be back writing Jensen. Writing Jensen (and Dean) always seems to come easiest to me so it makes sense that this was the way to go. If you’d like to be tagged let me know, in an ask (it’s the best way for me to keep track)! Hope you guys like it! Anyway, feedback for this is crucial seeing as I’m just stepping back in! :)
Jensen leaned against the back of his SUV and let out a sigh as he stared at his front door. He knew he was going to have a hard time getting his teenagers to agree to going on this trip so close to Christmas, especially when the option to spend Christmas with their grandparents was still open, but he wasn’t expecting it to be quite this hard. He knew he could have taken the easy road, not pick the fight, and just let them go to their grandparents but he wanted them to find some way back to a semblance of normal.
In the two years since his wife passed away he’d been having more than a hard time keeping things normal. Sure, he’d taken as much time off work as he could, and tried every coping mechanism in the book but the one thing he couldn’t figure out how to navigate was raising two teenagers on his own. His parents helped out a lot, especially when he was away filming, but he knew they were a poor substitute for the mother his children lost. So he tried to pull it together whenever he was home, especially during the holidays, and he knew that this Christmas needed to be better than the last.
That first Christmas was a rough one, Jensen could hardly get out of bed. She’d only been gone three months and he was having a hard time coping and his kids had suffered because of it. His parents did a good job of making it as happy of a Christmas as they could but his kids wanted their father and sure Jensen was there physically but mentally he was totally checked out. Which was why he was determined to make this Christmas better than the last.
“Alright, that’s it,” Jensen mumbled to himself as he pushed away from the truck and went back into the house.
He could hear the music blaring from his son’s room and it was so loud it almost drowned out the sound of the blow dryer coming from his daughter’s bathroom.
“Jordan!” he called out as he made his way up the stairs, knowing full well his son couldn’t hear him.
Figuring his daughter would be more likely to listen to him he changed course and headed toward her bedroom. He pounded on the door so she could hear him over the noise that was taking over the second floor of his house and waited for her to come to the door. It only took a minute before she opened the door.
“What, Dad?”
“Lizzie, I told you over an hour ago to be packed and ready to go by now,” he sighed. “If we don’t leave in the next five minutes we’ll be late checking into the hotel for tonight.”
“I’ll only be like two more minutes, I promise. My bags are already packed,” she said gesturing to the two large duffle bags seated on her bed.
Without another word she turned and made her way back to the bathroom. Jensen sighed for what felt like the thousandth time that morning and went to grab her bags before dropping them at the top of the stairs and going toward his son’s room. He pounded on the door but the music just got louder. At that moment he wondered if he had ever been this disrespectful to his parents at sixteen. He knew he’d been difficult on the occasion but he hoped he hadn’t been this bad.
“Jordan! It’s time to go!” Jensen called through the door and the music finally shut off. “We’ve gotta be out of here in five minutes, you better be packed.”
“Of course I’m packed,” Jordan said, yanking his bedroom door open. “I packed this morning when it became obvious that this stupid trip wasn’t a joke.”
This time Jensen opted not to pick this fight, knowing full well he didn’t have the energy to get into a screaming match with his son.
“Just grab your bags and bring them down to the car, please.”
“Whatever,” Jordan groaned and grabbed the bag off his bed and pushed past his father toward the stairs, grabbing his sister’s bags as he went.
Jensen was grateful that at least he was still willing to help his sister even if he wanted nothing to do with his father. Jensen wiped a hand down his face and ran his fingers through his hair and was about to try and rush his daughter out of the bathroom again just as Lizzie was coming out of her room, pulling her winter jacket on.
“Is Jordan outside already?” she asked and Jensen nodded as she pushed past him to join her older brother down by the car.
With yet another sigh Jensen followed his daughter out of the house and toward the car, it was going to be a long couple of days on the drive up to the B&B in Maine – even with a stop at a hotel for a good night sleep along the way – and he was hoping against all hope that maybe his kids would come around during the trip and they could find a way to be a normal family again.
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The entire drive to the hotel that marked the halfway point of their drive was spent in almost complete silence with both Jordan and Lizzie spending a majority of the time with their headphones in, only pulling them out to have whispered conversations with each other. Needless to say, Jensen didn’t have high hopes for the second half of their drive. They were about an hour away from the B&B when his son had fallen asleep. He thought Lizzie was asleep too until she spoke.
“Why’d you pick Maine for Christmas, Dad?” she asked. “We could have just gone to Grandma and Grandpa’s or even to Uncle Jared and Aunt Gen’s.”
“I know that, Half Pint, but I figured we could go away for the week. Spend some time just the three of us. As a family. That and I thought some snow for Christmas wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Don’t let him fool you, Liz,” Jordan piped up from next to her, clearly having woken up from his nap. “We’re not a family, we haven’t been since mom died and we never will be.”
“Hey! Watch it!” Jensen said, eyeing him in the rearview mirror.
“What? It’s the truth!” Jordan shouted.
“Jordan –” Lizzie cautioned her brother.
Jensen took a deep breath, ready to lecture his son, but decided against it when Jordan turned toward the window and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Whatever,” Jordan mumbled, shoving his headphones back into his ears.
Lizzie, too, sat back in her seat and put her headphones back in her ears. Jensen let out a sigh and turned his own radio up, more than ready to get to the B&B and get checked in.
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Prepping for new arrivals always had you stressed, no matter how often you had them. This one was particularly stressful as the family had booked the only adjoining rooms your B&B had to offer, which meant a little extra prep. It stressed you out but that didn’t mean that you didn’t enjoy your job. You loved being able to have people experience your small town by staying at the B&B, especially this time of year. The town, and by extension the B&B, seemed to come alive during Christmastime and the large evergreen tree farm spanning the back couple of acres of your land didn’t hurt that holiday magic.
You were putting the finishing touches on the smaller of the two rooms when you saw the headlights pulling up the drive. You didn’t have any other patrons booked for an arrival that day and everyone else was already halfway through dessert in the large living room which meant that your newest patrons had arrived right on time. Taking a deep breath, you gave the room one more look to make sure everything was in order, and made your way back downstairs to wait behind the front desk.
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Jensen pulled into the small parking lot of the Evergreen Forest Bed and Breakfast with just enough time to get the car unloaded before their check-in time. He parked the SUV, climbed out and stretched before opening up the trunk and pulling out bags.
“Alright you two, I need help with all the bags. Out of the car, please,” Jensen said from the trunk.
The groans of protest didn’t go unnoticed as Jordan and Lizzie got out of the car, slamming the doors behind them, and came around to meet their father by the trunk. Jordan practically snatched his bag from Jensen’s hand as Lizzie reached into the trunk to grab the two bags of her own. Jensen grabbed his bags and shut the trunk of the car, hitting the lock button on his keys, before leading the way up to the front of the B&B – his kids all the while complaining about their shoes getting caked in the snow that was covering the ground.
The building was larger than it looked in the photos on the website and it sat on a pretty large piece of land. In the distance Jensen could see the large tree farm and seated slightly off to the side, in between the tree farm and the large house in front of him, was a smaller house which he assumed is where the owner lived. Figuring he could always get a lay of the land when it was light out the next day he led his children up the front porch steps and stomped the snow off his shoes before he opened the front door of the B&B.
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The bell above the front door chimed and you looked up from the computer to see a tall man and his two teenagers walk through the door, the man reminding his kids to wipe the snow from their feet.
“Welcome to the Evergreen Forest,” you greeted. “You must be the Ackles family.”
“That we are,” the man smiled, approaching the desk. “I’m Jensen and these are my kids, Jordan and Lizzie.”
It took you a second to get your bearings when his brilliant green eyes met yours. You composed yourself quickly, hoping no one noticed your momentary loss of the ability to speak. You couldn’t remember the last time a man had been so handsome that he rendered you speechless – something that was difficult to do since you normally couldn’t shut up – but you shoved the thoughts from your mind and reminded yourself that he was one of your guests.
“It’s nice to meet you all, my name is Y/N. I am the owner and manager and basically everything but the cook,” you chuckled. “Now, let’s get you checked in.”
You went through the check-in process and grabbed the keys to the adjoining rooms from the hooks on the wall behind you and motioned for the family to follow you. When you reached the two rooms you handed the keys over.
“The room to the left has the two twin beds,” you said, handing Lizzie the key before turning toward Jensen and handing him the other key. “And the room to the right is the master. If you need anything at all my number is next to the phone on the end table. I live in a small house on the property so I’m not far in case of an emergency. We do breakfast at seven and I have to say our chef is one of the best on the east coast so even though I know it’s kind of early you won’t want to miss it. Dinner is usually around six every night followed by dessert in the living room. I’m afraid that leaves you all on your own for lunch but the town has some great restaurants and tons of stuff to do. I hope you all enjoy your stay and like I said, if you need anything, I’m just a call away.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” Jensen said with a smile.
“Anytime, Mr. Ackles,” you replied.
“Call me Jensen, please,” he said.
“Ok, Jensen,” you smiled. “Have a goodnight.”
You gave them all another smile and headed back downstairs to help clean up from dessert and get the house back in order before lights out.
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As you walked away Jensen couldn’t help but watch you. He was so sure that he would never look at another woman again when Laura had died but somehow he knew that you would be the one to change that. He shook his head and went to unlock his door.
“Get yourselves settled and then maybe we can watch a movie together before bed?” Jensen asked his kids.
Jordan and Lizzie shared a look, both clearly fully aware of how their father was looking at you.
“Rain check,” Lizzie said, “we’re both kind of tired from the drive.”
“Oh,” Jensen said, clearly disappointed though not entirely sure why he was expecting a different answer. “Ok, sure, yeah. You guys get some sleep then. We should get up early for breakfast.”
Jordan and Lizzie agreed that they would be up in time for breakfast and Jensen waited until his kids were in their room safely with the door shut behind them before heading into his own room, all the while trying to figure out why he felt such a strong connection to you.
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Forever Tags:  @iwantthedean​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @fudging-jefferson-starships​ @chelsea072498​ @dauntlessdiva​ @evyiione​ @xtina2191​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @illisea​ @growningupgeek​ @atc74​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @musiclovinchic93​
Dean/Jensen Tags: @akshi8278​ @sandlee44​ @anjiep24​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​
138 notes · View notes
kazosa · 1 year
Wildwood Prequel: Tempted
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Summary: It's been years since Jensen has visited you in your tiny hometown and you wanted it to be a special visit. However, your boyfriend didn't make it feel very special.
Pairing: female reader x Jensen Ackles
Word count: 15k
Warnings: language and a cussy nickname, fighting, talk of shady dealings, mentions of past abuse
a/n: please remember, this is fiction and not intended to be disrespectful to any real-life people
It had been quite a while since Jensen had visited your tiny town and you wanted to make sure everything was perfect in your apartment before he arrived. He was getting to be a big-shot, in your eyes, and you wanted things to look nice for him, like you assumed he was accustomed.
“Who are you trying to impress? I thought this guy is just a friend?” your boyfriend of several years asked.
“He doesn’t come here very often. I want to give him a nice welcome.”
“Or you could just keep it nice like this all of the time.”
“Or you could not trash my place every time you come over. You know, clean up after yourself, like adults do,” you frisbee threw a game case of his at him.
“Doesn’t your ‘boyfriend’ play video games?” he almost sneered.
“That has nothing to do with anything, Grant. I don’t mind your playing video games. I mind that when you’re here that’s all you do,” you countered.
Grant went to where you kept his games in the tv stand and pulled out a few more, then went back to the door to put on his shoes, saying nothing the whole time.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“I am going to play my video games somewhere else.”
“You’re not going to stay to meet Jay?”
“Nah, I’d just mess it up, right?”
Grant reached for the door but it was already opening. Jensen stood on the other side, looking his typical handsome self so effortlessly. Gray shorts, black band t-shirt, backwards hat, tennis shoes and a ridiculously small suitcase.
“Hey, how ya doin’?” he stuck out his hand, “Jay.”
Grant just looked him up and down before walking away without another word.
“Charming,” he said to you. “Who was that guy?”
“My boyfriend,” you moved so he could step inside. He smelled of your favorite cologne of his.
“Seems like a real winner,” he closed the door.
“Don’t start,” you warned.
“Y|N, I’m not even here 5 minutes and I already don’t like the guy. Why was he talking to you like that?”
“Eavesdropping, really?”
“When I hear a shitty tone…”
You sighed heavily. “I guess he didn’t like me calling him out on how he’s messy when he’s here.”
“So he takes advantage of you?”
“Can we not talk about Grant, please?”
He patted his chest, “C’mere. I haven’t gotten my hug yet.”
You gladly took the hug from Jensen. He wrapped you in a cocoon of his affection and melted away your stress. As always, it had been too long since you’d seen him last and you felt like you had a lot of catching up to do, though you often wrote to one another.
He released you from his bone-crushing embrace and you felt a lot better.
“How was your trip? Did everything go okay? Did you drive from the airport?”
“It’s hard as hell to get here,” he said.
“It’s not a cakewalk to see you either,” you smiled.
“No shit. I’m still surprised you come to so many conventions. I need to come here more. The trip was like all the rest. And yeah, I drove here from the airport. Wait til you see the car.”
“Ooo! What’d you get?”
“I said, ‘wait.’ You need to show me around again. You’ve changed things since I was here last,” he said.
He only knew the obvious, but you were holding onto a secret to surprise him. You did the basic tour of the living, dining and kitchen since they were all one room. New windows and planter boxes with fake plants, because you have a brown thumb. Refinished wood floors throughout. Down the hall to the guest bath which had new fixtures and tile.
You opened the guest room door, “Your room sir.” You stepped into the room and bowed with a flourish.
You waited and watched as he tried to figure out why it was so bright in the room. He scanned the corners before finally looking up.
“Whoa, that’s cool. I’m surprised the landlord let you do that,” he said.
“Well, kinda been keeping a secret from you,” you showed him to your room where he could see two more skylights, “I own the building.”
He looked very confused. “And? What else? How did you save that much money? I know you negotiate the shit out of everything and even if you cut a smokin’ deal on this building…”
“Which I did.”
“...Buildings like this don’t go for under a hundred fifty grand,” he paused, waiting for your response. “Spillit, what’d you do?”
“I wrote a book and sent it to a bunch of publishers hoping someone would publish it and make some money and one publisher did and not only did people buy it, a whole shitload of people bout it and now I’m kinda well off but not filthy rich yet,” you gasped after saying all of that in one breath. “Oh my god, it feels so good to finally tell you that. I’ve been holding onto that since the last time I saw you, but I didn’t want to say anything unless it fell through or the book was a flop, but it wasn’t.”
The gears in Jensen’s head were spinning at max RPM.
“What book?” You took his arm and pulled him around the corner inside your bedroom to where you had your desk set up…and a big goddamned poster hung on the wall.
“That’s my first ever cover art. It hung outside a Barnes & Noble in New York City for two months.”
Jensen studied the enormous poster, “You’ve gotta be shitting me. I’ll be damned.”
“What? Why?!”
“Don’t panic. No shame in the game sweetheart,” he said.
“You sounded like Dean just then.”
“Funny you should say that,” he turned to face you and pointed sideways at the poster. “There were people, that means guys too, who were reading that book on set for a couple months, at least. If I had known it was you, I would have read it, too. Not to mention, I would have had serious cool points.”
“No. God. I’m glad you didn’t read it.”
“It’s basically FULL smut and I would never be able to look anyone in the eye again if I knew they read it,” you felt very hot all of a sudden.
“Oh, you dirty, dirty girl,” he crooned. “Now I really want to know all the shameful things you wrote about.” He spotted a copy on the shelf and reached for it.
“Don’t you dare! I will die right here and you’ll have to resuscitate me.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he teased.
“I had onions with lunch.”
“Promise me you will never read anything I write with a romance cover.” He just looked at you. “I mean it, promise me,” you poked his chest.
“Ow! Meanie,” he rubbed his chest.
“I need you to say the words, Jay.”
“I promise,” he said.
You poked his chest again.
“Ah-ha-howww! Okay, bony fingers,” he took a step back, “I promise I won’t read any of your filthy smut, money-making books.”
“Thank you,” you said.
“I’ll just buy the audio book,” he teased, narrowly dodging another bony-finger jab. “Who was your inspiration? Anyone I know?”
“I can’t with you. I’ll be in the living room when you get control of yourself,” you said.
“Sounds like something dom would say.”
“What?” Y|N turned back around to walk out and he snickered. “Seriously though, is that supposed to be me?”
“Gerard Butler!” she said and flipped him off.
“Ach, a fine Scottish lad,” he said to himself as he looked around her desk and room. A stack of notebooks. Cup full of pens. Pictures of random things pinned to a cork board. On another wall she had her ridiculous number of convention photos with him and his friends. She had him do funny stuff, but Jared…he might have to have a talk with him.
The picture that really made him sit down and take notice was the one she had on her bedside table. It was a picture of the two of them when they were kids. He’d come up with his family to visit and they’d gone to a little resort town not far from where Y|N lived and rented a cabin for a week. He’d had the best time. They went out in the lake a lot, either swimming or on jet skis. They rode on a paddle boat, went to a little amusement park, rode bikes all over. Mackenzie and Josh were old enough to not need him or Y|N to look after them and Y|N’s brother was older than both of them, so they could do almost anything they wanted.
The picture was of them on the deck that overlooked the lake, sitting on the deck swing together. By the look of the picture, it was nighttime and Y|N was leaning on him to get in close for the picture. They both looked a little sunburnt and a lot happy.
“I always loved that picture. Great summer vacation,” she said from a few steps inside the doorway.
“Yeah, it was,” he agreed. “And you keep it next to the bed where your boyfriend can see it?” She nodded with a shrug. “You savage.”
“I barely know him in comparison to you,” she said, flopping down on the bed, staring up through the skylight.
Jensen laid down, too, so he could look, with her.
“Fuckface doesn’t know about the book and your money, right?” he asked.
She snorted, “No. I told him I really liked it and bought the poster. Told him the books were an oops. He doesn’t even know I own this building. He just knows I can afford things, so he doesn’t ask questions.”
You both laid there for a minute, watching the clouds float by.
“I bet it looks cool at night,” he said.
“You’ll get to see it from your room just fine,” you didn’t move.
“Don’t marry that guy, Nova,” he said softly.
“Hadn’t planned on it,” you realized.
“He’s not mister right.”
“He’s Mr. Right Now.”
He twisted his head and neck to meet your gaze. “Someday, I’ll settle down with someone, but not him. He has weird feet,” you said. “I don’t want any potential children to get his weird feet.”
He laughed, “I’m glad you have standards.”
“How’s Dee?” you didn’t want to ask.
“Hmm,” he should have seen that coming, “She’s good.”
Please don’t fall for her and marry her, you thought.
“Are you guys getting serious?” you asked.
He thought for a moment, unsure of what to tell Y|N. 
“Yeah, it kind of is… it is. We worked on a movie… I got to know her really well. I really like her, Nova, can you just try to like her, too?”
“For you, I will try.”
After bullshitting and catching up, you were getting hungry and went into the kitchen to get dinner going. The last time you got groceries, there was only one thing you specifically wanted to make for Jensen and had bought the needed ingredients. You pulled out a bowl, cutting board, colander, pot and two knives. Jensen came out of the bathroom and found you making all of the noise in the kitchen.
“Ey, what’re we doin’?” he asked, coming around the corner.
“Making you a home-cooked meal,” you said. Jensen went to one of the stools at the island. “Don’t sit there, you’re helping.”
“Just checking the stability of the stool,” he wiggled it a little. “You should fix that. What do you need me to do?”
“Anyone ever buy your bullshit?”
“All the time.”
“I bet,” you rolled your eyes.
“The trick is, you gotta believe your own bullshit. Really sell it,” he made a fist and slowly pumped it.
“Get out the tomatoes, green onions and garlic,” you told him, shaking your head.
He did as he was told and laid them out on the island.
“Grab the salt, pepper, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and parsley.
You were rinsing off the onions one by one because they always had a little dirt still on them and you were pulling off any wilted pieces. You had the whole process down to a science but you absolutely hated cutting the tomatoes. “You start cleaning the tomatoes.” You put the pot on the stove and used the pot filler to get it to the level you needed and threw some salt in the water. Once the water was heating, you went back to Jensen and the vegetables.
“Start seeding and dicing the tomatoes,” you said.
Jensen just looked at you.
“Seriously? How did Donna let you get away with not helping in the kitchen?” you wanted to know.
“I’m a guest!”
“Guests don’t have a key to my apartment, Jay. If you don’t help, I’m not making this for you again.”
“Pretty confident,” he picked up a knife and tomato.
“Damn right. I guarantee you’ll want me to make this again.”
He shook his head. “Whatever. Do you have any meat to go with this?”
“I don’t eat red meat,” you said.
“You eat hamburgers and meat sauce…”
“Yes, and that is browned. I can’t do it if it’s pink or red.”
It was his turn to look at you in shock. “All the times we’ve eaten together… I never noticed. I don’t know what to think about this.”
“You act like I’m a criminal,” you chopped the onions.
“I’m not sure I even know you.”
“Oh shut up, get on those tomatoes,” you laughed. “I figured we could go to the butcher tomorrow. George doesn’t work in the afternoons.”
“Gotta love small towns,” he was making quick work of the tomatoes. “How do you know the butcher by name if you don’t eat red meat?”
You grinned, “It’s a small town and I’ve lived here all my life. And George is a butcher, that means all meat. Besides, I gotta get my ground beef somewhere.”
For a few moments, you were both quiet while you made dinner. Finally the water came to a boil and you could add the noodles. While you combined the ingredients into a separate bowl, you told Jensen to go to your stereo and put on some music. He chose one of your vinyl albums. The speakers hissed and crackled a moment before it went quiet, then the music began… with a familiar heartbeat. Huey Lewis & the News started with The Heart of Rock & Roll.
Jensen turned to face you, tapping his hand on his chest along with the heartbeat in the song. Ever the showman, Jensen was about to perform for you while you stirred the noodles. He danced around your apartment, singing along the whole time. He flopped down on your couch just as the song ended, only slightly winded.
Finally finished, you drained and cooled the noodles, then put them in the fridge to cool longer. Heart and Soul was already playing.
“Still not ready?” he asked.
“Good lord… are you going to waste away waiting ten minutes longer?”
“I’m hungry.”
“Tough shit, whiner.” You started dancing to show how much you did not give a fuck. You waved your hands for him to get up and dance with you. One thing about being with Jensen was that neither of you ever got embarrassed around the other and you both could be as dorky as you wanted.
Bad is Bad began and the whole vibe changed. He took your hands and did slower movements with you to match the song tempo and danced in an early 60s dance style. You didn’t remember the song having such a sultry feel to it, but dancing with Jensen, and to that song, had you feeling a certain kind of way.
The song wound down and he pulled you close. Your heart was racing and you thought he might kiss you.
“Well! Looks like I got home in time for dinner and a show!” Grant said from the door. “What in the hell is going on here?”
Jensen let go of you and put himself between you and Grant.
“Nothing, man. Just dancing with my friend,” Jensen explained.
“Is that what it was? Because it looked like a scene from Dirty Dancing in here,” Grant’s voice was filled with accusation.
“Have you ever danced with her?” Jensen briefly waited, already knowing the answer. “You should, she’s got good moves.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Grant shoved the taller Jensen.
“She’s a good dancer. I don’t want to have to put you down, pal,” Jensen raised his hands, showing he didn’t want to fight.
“Damnit, Grant, back off!” you told him. “You’re making something out of nothing.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I am,” Grant said, voice dripping with poison. “And to think I was going to apologize for before. How long have you been after Y|N? Have you been fucking her on all of her ‘business trips’? Is that what you did while I was gone today?”
“You got a lot of nerve, pal,” Jensen tried to keep calm.
“Yeah. I walk into my own apartment and see some guy putting the moves on my girlfriend, but I’ve got a lot of nerve?”
“Dude, she’s not your girlfriend. She’s more like your mom cleaning up after you and allowing you to be in her presence. How much have you mooched off of her? Do you contribute anything to the relationship? You worthless piece of shit.” Jensen was ready.
You moved to the other side of the island as Jensen got the response he was hoping for when Grant threw the first punch. Jensen easily dodged the attempted blow and deflected Grant’s momentum. What Jensen hadn’t anticipated was how scrappy Grant was and he came back at Jensen full force with a tackle, tumbling them both to the floor with a loud thud.
The sounds of fists meeting flesh reached your ears from your side of the island and two of the bar stools toppled in the fray. You turned on the water to cold and aimed the sink sprayer at the floor and opened fire, dousing them both with the icy water.
“That’s enough!” you shouted, banging on the empty pot with your plastic Pampered Chef spoon. Jensen hopped up quickly but Grant couldn’t help getting in one more cheap shot and sucker punched him in the gut.
“I should press charges!” Grant shouted.
“No you fucking won’t,” you snarled. “Give me your key.”
“What? Why?” Grant was utterly clueless.
“You are no longer welcome in my house.” you said as calmly as you could muster.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“Give her the key, fuckface,” Jensen said in a tone that warned not to make him ask again.
“Hand it over, or I can have the cops take it from you,” you said.
“We’re done,” Grant said and put the key on the island.
You rolled your eyes. “I thought I already made that clear. Your face had better not darken my doorway again. Don’t call me. Don’t text me. Don’t look in my general direction. You’re dead to me as soon as you walk out the door.”
“Yeah, okay, you talk a big game. You fuck with me, I’ll fuck with you back,” Grant threatened and wiped at the blood on his face.
“Maybe I do talk a big game, but… am I? You have no idea if the rumors about my family are true, do you?” you asked. Seeing the appropriate reaction on his face, you opened the door. “Don’t threaten me. Just get the fuck out.”
Behind you, you could feel Jensen wound tight as a spring waiting for Grant to try something else. You stood out on the landing watching to make sure Grant left the building. When you heard the door latch click into place, you went back inside your apartment.
Jensen had set both of the stools back on their feet and was at the record player when you went back inside. You were just in time to see him flip the vinyl in his hands and carefully place the needle. He surprised you with his choice since it wasn’t the flipside of Huey Lewis.
“Bob Seger, nice choice,” you said, flipping the deadbolt and security latch on the door.
“Let me look at you,” you said, noticing Grant might have landed a blow after all.
You had him sit on one of the barstools where you proceeded to manhandle his face under the pendant light at the island.
“Is it bad?” he asked, hissing when you hit a tender spot.
“No, not really. Looks like a scuff, but we should clean it up so you don’t get cooties from him,” you said.
“Are you going to come at me with a wire brush, or will you be gentle?” he asked.
“Whichever one you want me to do, …opposite.”
He sighed loudly, “Bring the pain, I guess.”
“My brave boy,” you patted his shoulder. “C’mon, I don’t want to haul out the first aid kit out here. And don’t you dare try to make a break for it.”
He followed you to the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet lid. You pulled out the kit from the medicine cabinet and set it on the small counter next to the sink. You pulled out the items you needed and got out a washcloth. Once it was wet you put a lot of liquid soap on the washcloth and held it to Jensen’s cheek.
“What rumors?” he asked.
It took a moment to remember what you’d said earlier to Grant. “Oh, well, my grandpa had a large family and ran a construction business with some of my uncles. So heavy equipment for grading, welding and cutting torches, et cetera. Some not nice guys got into a bad situation and, allegedly, my uncles made the situation go away.”
Jensen looked up at you with eyes wide, “Allegedly?”
“Nothing was proven. Not even enough to arrest anyone.”
His eyes darted around the small room, processing. “Was Sir part of it?”
You snort laughed, “Jensen, you can stop calling my dad ‘Sir’ I think you’ve gotten past that part.”
You took the washcloth from him and rinsed the wound, gently wiping away Grant cooties.
“Answer the question.”
Trying not to actually laugh in his face, you answered, “No, my dad was not part of it. In his family, he’s one of the 3 youngest kids and was about 12 when that ‘situation’ happened. It was an allegation directed at my older uncles.”
“Sure am finding out a lot about you tonight,” he mused. “How come you never told me this before?”
“It’s not something one really goes around talking about, ya know? Sometimes secrets need to stay secrets. And it’s not about me, it’s about my uncles. It’s handy to have that particular card in your back pocket in case an asshole starts throwing punches at my friends.”
He seemed to accept this answer.
“Do you tell your friends about me?” you asked him.
He shook his head slightly, “No, not really. They know about you. They know I’m here visiting you and know you’re important to me, but that’s about it. I only ever tell them about ‘Nova’. They didn’t even put it together about your book. Hell, I didn’t even connect it.” He thought a moment, “I kind of want to keep you protected. Do you tell your friends about me?”
“I’d like to, but… I don’t know… I kinda like to keep you to myself. You’re like the ultimate hidden gem. Even if I did, they wouldn’t believe me. I’ve gone to three conventions now and they just think I’m obsessed with the show. Told ‘em I wanted to see my friend Jensen and they’re just like ‘mhm, okay’ and roll their eyes.” The wound was looking better, it wasn’t deep at all. “This is going to sting.” You didn’t give him a chance to react before you put your hand over his eye and sprayed a couple shots of rubbing alcohol on the wound.
“Mmmmmmotherfucker!” he growled.
“I’m sorry, honey,” you said, and without thinking you leaned down and kissed his forehead.
Awkward silence followed as you cleaned up the first aid kit and rinsed out the washcloth.
“Why do you even have the kit?” he asked.
“Believe it or not, I’m a klutz, or so I’ve been told. …and sometimes Grant needed it.” you explained.
“That’s not comforting.”
You didn’t say anything further about Grant. “The noodles are probably perfect now.”
Being so close to Jensen tended to overwhelm the senses. Even after knowing him so long, you still hadn’t become desensitized. You got out the pasta and ingredients bowl from the fridge. You needed to get yourself together. You only just kicked out Grant, and Jensen was still very much involved with Dee. You didn’t want to do anything stupid that would be the cause of any unhappiness in Jensen’s life, or yours. You dished up the noodles and Jensen joined you from the bathroom. You pushed the pasta bowl at him.
You got your bowl ready then went to the stereo to load up the CD player tray with music you knew you would both like. Your usual favorites were hand and it only took a moment to be happy with your selections. You put the Bob Seger album away then told the CD player to shuffle before returning to the kitchen to pour yourself a drink of your favorite soda.
When Jensen was ready, you had him follow you to your room and the fire escape then led him up to the roof where you had a deck built with a pergola, sun shades, lighting, speakers and a fan. It was your little oasis and it was a great place to watch any weather come in, too. So far, it was breezy, but not windy. By the look of the clouds, you thought it might rain after dark.
“This is great,” Jensen said.
“Yeah, you can see everything up here.”
“So, what’s the plan?”
“Tonight, we’re chillin’ like villains,” you turned on the power to the pergola.
“I know,” you grinned. You turned on the fan and the speakers which played the music from your CD player. Tomorrow we’ll go to the butcher. We’ll need to stop by The Liquor Store and Sportsman’s to visit my grandma. At some point, we’re having dinner with my parents. Friday is the first full day of the fair, so we can go to the park and check out all of the stuff there. They’ll have a lot of vendors selling all kinds of stuff, there’s a car show, games. Saturday has the parade, more stuff at the park, lots of animals, fair food, crowning of the county princess. The fair itself has at least 3 big rides and one of those potato sack ride things, huuuuuge Ferris Wheel… I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t think of it all right now. You’ll be begging to go back to work to get a break from it all.”
“Gotta love small towns,” he said again, then took a bite of the pasta.
You watched for his reaction.
He looked over at you. 
“Go on, say it. I know you want to,” you smirked, taking a bite.
“Alright,” he took another bite, “This is really good.”
He rolled his eyes. “I want the recipe,” he grumbled.
“Thank you.”
The music from the CD player came through the speakers you’d had wired and was a nice background sound for you and Jensen to chat. Though it was after 7 PM, it was still hot as hell and not cooling off at all. You hoped the cold front would come through sooner than later. You bumped up the fan speed and tried to ignore the trickle of sweat running down your back.
It didn’t take long for either of you to finish what you’d put in your dishes. 
“How do you not eat everything you made in one sitting?” he rested a hand on his happy belly.
You laughed, “Sometimes I do. Usually I just make enough for me, though. Wanna go for a drive, or are you too beat? We can get ice cream.”
“You had me at ‘go for a drive’.” he said getting up from the adirondack chair your dad had made. He turned to help you up from yours. 
“Nice chairs,” he noted.
“Thanks, my dad made them for me.”
“No shit? Nice work.” 
You both started walking back toward the fire escape.
“And how is Sir doing?” he asked.
Ever since Jensen first met your dad, he’d had an abundance of terrified respect for him and always referred to him as “Sir.” It may have been due to the fact that your dad was even taller than Jensen and intimidating as hell. 
“Are you ever going to use his actual name?”
“Maybe when he doesn’t scare the shit out of me,” he said, reaching the stairs. “Is this his handiwork, too?” he indicated the metal fire escape.
You nodded. “He didn’t make it, but it’s his design,” you answered. “The last set was pretty old and rusting away.”
“You and your family have quite the skill sets,” he mused.
You didn’t know if he was referring to your uncles’ side-business, or your immediate family. “What do you mean?” you followed him inside the window and to the kitchen.
“Your mom does interior design, crafts all kinds of stuff, and has made some amazing flower arrangements. Your brother is an artist, publishes a comic, and does some crazy hand-lettering. Your dad is a self-taught engineer, woodworker, hella smart, hella scary…” 
“...not sure that’s a skill…”
“And you… you seem to have all of those skills and you write novels, best-selling novels…”
…it’s only one…”
“But I know you. I saw your board. You’re writing another.”
“True, I am… why are you telling me this? You and your family are pretty awesome, too. You can memorize scripts so easily and can do pretty much anything you want… Are we just saying we’re impressed with each other?”
“And you’re athletic,” he nodded.
“You’re athletic. Just because I can do things that resemble sports doesn’t mean I like to sweat. You do that shit for fun, not this girl.”
Jensen snickered then started humming Sweat by Inner Circle before eventually softly singing the lyrics. You went to close the window in your bedroom so fuckface wouldn’t try to get in that way, assuming he could get past your dad’s security method he built into the ladder design. You knew the lyrics to Sweat quite well and you didn’t know what to think of Jensen, who was in a “pretty serious” relationship, humming that for you. You had just broken up with Grant.
“Get it together, Y|N,” you told yourself. “He’s not a rebound guy and he’s not hitting on you.”
Once you cleared your head, you met Jensen by the door, which he held open for you, allowing you to pass by him. The two of you went down the stairs and to the back of the building to where Jensen had parked his rental car. It was going to take you forever to get that damn song out of your head…and the meaning…but you made a mental note to use it in your novel.
Outside, you were greeted by a sleek, black Range Rover.
“Holy shit,” you said, gaping at the car. “This was at the airport?!”
“Yeah, I was shocked, too. Hop in,” he hit the unlock button and opened the door for you.
You were quite impressed with the vehicle. Nice interior, quiet ride and very posh. You told Jensen how to get to the place that sold the ice cream and he pointed the car in that direction. You both got the establishment’s version of a Blizzard. Jensen got Reece’s Pieces, and you got your favorite flavor. Ice cream in hand, you had Jensen cruise the main streets, of which, there were three.
Jensen felt the need to walk off the ice cream, so after driving through the park, he stopped at the parking lot outside of the park and near the walking trail.
“I see why you like it here so much,” he said, walking by the river with you. “It’s just…nice.”
“Yeah, it’s really small, but everything I need is within driving distance. Then I can come back here where it’s nice and quiet.”
“Ever think I could tempt you away?”
That’s a loaded question, you thought. “Depends. I’d need a good reason to leave all this,” you waved your hand around. You could hear the irony in your own voice. “Not opposed to it. What’d you have in mind?”
He shrugged. “Just wish you were closer to Texas or LA or Vancouver.”
“Oh, yeah, that would be nice, but I’m good here,” you said. And I don’t want to be tempted by being too close to you.
“Maybe someday,” he said.
“Maybe,” you said. On the surface, your friend asked if you would ever move to Texas, or wherever, to be closer to him. Jensen could ask questions with such subtle nuance that he made you wonder if things were as “good” as he made them seem, with Dee, as he let on. You had other guy friends and none of them talked to you the way Jensen did. The two of you would dance around the line in your relationship, but you were never quite sure where the line was. You supposed the line may be in a different spot for each of you. No matter where the lines laid for either of you, you knew you would not cross it, and if that meant telling Jensen ‘no’, then you would tell him so. He was involved with someone and you were not willing to put either of you in a situation that could get you embarrassed or hurt.
“We should probably head back now. It’s going to be dark soon and the park closes at ten,” you said, stopping.
Jensen reached to take your hand, but you wouldn’t let him take it.
“Jay, people might not know who you are here, but I don’t want to take any chances. There will always be people looking for smoke where there’s no fire.” And I need to protect my heart.
You wondered how it was that you felt like you had a more intimate relationship with Jensen than you had with Grant, and Grant had spent a lot more time with you. You’d only ever kissed Jensen that one time and it was over 9 years ago. ‘Cause he’s my sweet boy, one side of you answered. You’ve got to stop that, he’s with Dee, argued the other side. And the internal argument with yourself continued on like that until you got back to the car, where he went to your side and opened the door for you.
“I’m sorry, I made you uncomfortable,” he stood in your door while you got situated in your seat. 
“I just broke up with fuckface…” you began.
“...rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?”
“Kinda. Shut up. You’re with Dee and you’re serious, right? So if you’re serious, and exclusive with her, then you shouldn’t be trying to flirt with me.”
“Well…what about you? You can’t be doing that to me, either.” “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.” Yet, during the whole walk, you could feel him checking you out and you didn’t hate it. You’d been doing the same thing to him all night. His unmistakable gait was hard not to notice. Nor were his cute little buttocks in his gray shorts, or how his t-shirt was just a tiny bit too small. Gently, he gently closed your door then went to his side and got in.
“Alright, if either of us is with someone, the other is off limits. Agreed?” he asked.
You nodded, “Agreed.”
“Why does it feel like we’re breaking up?” you asked.
“I don’t know.”
“I’m still going to write to you, okay? We can still be friends, right?”
“Yeah,” he breathed out like he’d been holding his breath.
Thankfully, your apartment wasn’t very far away and you were both back inside just a few minutes later.
“Do you think you can still stay ‘til Sunday?” you asked.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he answered. “Want to watch a movie? I’m still on Vancouver time.”
“I actually need to go do some work, but if you need anything I’ll keep my door open,” you stood by the hallway gauging his reaction. “I need to get stuff done before the storm.”
“Smell it on the air?”
“I thought I did, too. Okay.” he said and you thought maybe he was trying not to look at you and play it cool. You weren’t about to contradict him. 
He watched her walk down the hall and disappear around the corner to her writing desk. Something dramatic had to happen as soon as he walked in the door earlier that day. That guy she’d called a boyfriend was something else. He didn’t like anything about him. Short. Dark hair and eyes. Beer belly. Didn’t seem too bright. Took advantage of Y|N. 
He hit ‘play’ on a random movie from her collection. Her vinyl selection was top-notch and had been slightly impressed she even had any. She hadn’t mentioned it in her letters at all and they told each other almost everything. Kind of amazing that she had any secrets left.
Then again, she wrote a whole book and he’d had no clue. It had been pretty popular and there had been talk about making it into a movie. How had he never asked her if she ever thought about publishing? He knew she was always writing in her spare time. Had he asked her? She dabbled in fan-fiction, he knew, but no clue about the novel. Then he remembered that she said not to read any with the romance covers. Did that mean she was published in other genres and different pen-names? He wondered if she would, or had, used any of their adventures together in her books. Did she know how bad he wanted to say ‘fuck it’ and make it be their time? He almost had when they were dancing. She looked hot as hell in her green shorts and fitted, black, Rolling Stones shirt. She wasn’t dressed up, or did anything special, she just looked good like she always did. He wished he had kissed her… but Dee… what about Dee? While he was with Y|N he would have a good time. When he went back to Texas, he would see how things went with Dee. She deserved at least that from him.
He ended up not even really watching the movie and was still sitting there after the credits had run. It was the flash of lightning from outside that had snapped him out of the trance he’d been in. He cleaned up after himself, checked that the apartment door was locked and turned off the lights.
Not looking into Y|N’s room, he went into his room to change his clothes and grab his toiletry bag for the bathroom. Once his clothes were changed, teeth were brushed, and skincare routine were completed, he flung the toiletry bag at his open suitcase and flopped onto his bed.
“Holy shit, this is nice,” he whispered. He’d slept in a lot of hotel beds, but this was better by far. It hit his goldilocks zone perfectly. His mind was racing too fast to sleep though.
He got back out of bed and paced around her house. Eventually, he started to feel tired and stopped at her still open door, her light long-since turned out. He could see her lying in bed and fought the urge to go in and lie down with her. …it would be so easy. The only thing that stopped him was the thought of hurting Dee like that. With one last look, he went back to bed and watched the rain fall on the skylight as he drifted off to sleep.
Morning came with a quickness and the sun streamed in through the skylight. He laid there with his arm over his eyes, not quite ready to get up yet. If it weren’t for the smell of bacon and eggs wafting in, he might have laid there all day. Not wanting to miss out on a home-cooked meal, he drug himself out of bed and to the kitchen.
Y|N was standing on her counter with cupboard doors open. She looked cute with her bedhead. It didn’t hurt that he had a good view of her legs at all. Briefly he wondered what it would be like to have her legs wrapped around …
“Oh good, you’re up. I can’t find where I put the coffee maker,” she said.
“No big deal,” he said looking at her still standing on the counter hunched over. He looked away when he realized he was staring, “Isn’t there a bakery close by?”
“Yeah, but I can’t go there looking like this,” she said. “I’m a mess.”
“No, you’re not, you’re fine,” he assured her. She really had no idea how attractive she was. Fuck anyone who didn’t also think so. “I don’t need coffee that bad.”
She hopped down from the counter, “Okay, sorry. I’m sure I’ll find it as soon as you go back to work.”
“Oh no, we’re finding it before then, just not now,” he was eyeing the bacon and eggs. “I didn’t know you can cook.”
“I guess I’m full of surprises this weekend,” she said. “Gotta keep you on your toes.”
“You’d think after this long and about a million letters and phone calls that there wouldn’t be much left to learn.”
“Oh honey, you’ve barely scratched the surface,” she grinned and left the kitchen. He stuck his head around the corner in time to catch sight of her butt in the small shorts she was wearing. He then dished up his breakfast and wondered what else was below the surface that he didn’t know.
When you both finished breakfast and got cleaned up, Jensen finally found the coffee maker and felt a little more human. Then they walked a few blocks over to the butcher shop where Jensen purchased some New York strips that he liked the look of.
“Is it always like this?” he asked.
“Like what? You’re the meat eater, you tell me,” you said using the key to open the building door.
“Not the meat, the weirdly pleasant part,” he answered.
You hadn’t noticed anything unusual in your interactions that morning. “Yeah, I guess so? Aren’t people usually nice to you? I’d think they’d be fawning over you.”
He snorted, “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, everyone knowing who you are. The sneaking pictures. Sometimes people are dicks just to get a rise out of you. It’s exhausting always being ‘on’ in public.”
You stopped at your apartment door to look back at him. Anytime you need to hang out, just let me know. Hell, you have a key, just show up. Or maybe you need a place to go that’s all your own… like build a place on that land you bought forever ago.”
You opened the door and Jensen followed you in flipping over the security latch when the door closed.
“What?” he saw you looking at him. He pointed at the latch, “That? Can’t be too careful.” He put his steaks in the refrigerator. 
“I just appreciate you looking out for me,” you said.
“That’s what friends do,” he said, resting his hands on the island.
“Do friends challenge you to Mario Kart?” you asked.
“Yeah, but we might not be friends afterward,” he was already moving toward the TV.
“Oh really? Why’s that?”
“‘Cause I’m gonna kick your ass.”
“Mhm. Okay. We shall see.”
“Are you mad?” you smirked, walking down the stairs again with him.
He shook his head, “Nope.”
“‘Cause it seems like you’re mad.”
“I’m not mad. I should know better. Were you practicing?”
You laughed, “No, I hardly play it.”
“You have home-console advantage.”
“Wow. Okay. Are you gonna tell me that neither you nor Jared have a Wii in one or both of your trailers?”
He ignored the question. “I want a rematch.”
“So I can beat you again?” you teased.
“That was a fluke.” “Jensen, you’re a sore loser,” you laughed. “C’mon,” you were walking with him to the Liquor Store and were just outside the door, “Let’s see if Gram is working.”
Inside the store there was a small checkout counter to the right with a swinging half door to the back part of the store. The entirety of the store included two very long rows of shelves that were fully stocked with all of the liquors you could ever want and lots of beer cases.
You had no idea what the building had been originally, but you thought maybe you’d heard it had been a law office and that, honestly, felt right. The floors were carpeted. The walls were lined with wood paneling. It had a drop ceiling that trapped the smell of every cigarette smoked inside its walls. Back behind the counter was the “office” which was just a desk with a video feed from the bar next door.
You started looking for your beverage of choice, while Jensen found his. When you were both happy with your choices, you took them to the register, but whoever was working, you assumed it was your grandmother, hadn’t appeared yet. You hit the bell on the counter and called out, “Loretta!”
“I’m coming!’ you heard her call from somewhere in the bowels of the building. When your grandma saw you at the counter, she said, “Oh, Y|N it’s you. Who is this with you?”
Her eyes were almost sparkling as she looked at Jensen. You gave him a quick knowing glance.
“Grandma, this is my very good friend, Jay Wayne. Jay, this is my gram, Loretta,” you introduced them.
“Very nice to meet you, Jay,” she practically cooed. “Did you two find what you wanted?”
“Yeah, these two things please,” you said. “Are you cooking today, too?”
“Yes, I am. Are you two kids going to have lunch here?” You nodded. “Come through here then. Don’t go back out in the heat. I’ll just add the drinks to your food bill. Do you know what you want so I can get fixing it?”
Your grandma pushed open the half-door that kept the customers out of the back open and led you and Jensen through the building to the door that opened into the bar that was attached to the Liquor Store. 
“I think Jay needs to look at a menu, but…” you began.
“What do you recommend, Loretta?” he charmed her.
“Well, I make the chicken, coleslaw and potato salad here, so any of those I can guarantee they’ll be good,” your grandma answered.
“I’ll take some of all, if you don’t mind,” he grinned at her.
“Me, too, just no coleslaw,” you said, unsure if you existed at the moment.
Once she had the order, your grandma got to getting things ready and left you and Jensen to find a seat inside the bar. It was like any other bar you’d ever been in. It had a very long bar, a small stage, plenty of tables and booths. There was neon everywhere and racing memorabilia on all of the walls. Even the floor was in large black and white checkered tiles. You and Jensen found a booth and sat on opposite sides of the table.
“That was disturbing,” you said, pulling out a menu, though you’d looked at it hundreds of times.
“What?” Jensen was also looking at the same simple menu.
“Never once has she let me go through the store.” Jensen barely looked up before going back to the menu.
“So?” he said.
“I am her grandchild and she has never given me special treatment, but as soon as I have a hottie with me, she’s all sweet.”
“Are you jealous of your grandmother?”
“God no. What? No. Just letting you know about my family.”
“She know about your career?” You shook your head. “Why not?”
“‘Cause I don’t want any of them knowing. I don’t want anything to change because they know my secret. If they treat me like this without knowing… It just keeps me humble and I can still see their true colors, ya know?”
“I get that.”
“The thing is, you could be a total, abusive asshole to me, but if she thinks you’re cute, I must have done something to deserve it.”
Jensen put down the menu. “Who did it? Was it fuckface? Say the word and I can finish what he started.”
“It wasn’t Grant,” you said.
“Jim? Braeden? Steve? Doug? Who am I missing here? Andy?” You touched your nose. “Andy?! …that son of a bitch!”
“Jay!” you put your hand over his. “Do you see him here? Have I mentioned him in all of these years?” He was still livid. “It’s taken care of.”
“Like taken care of taken care of?” his voice was still raised.
You gave him a ‘stop it’ look but said, “I don’t know details. I just know my dad and brother were pissed that he’d been harassing me… and stalking me… and the other stuff. I just know Dad and Jarrod went looking for him and Andy never bothered me again.”
Jensen just stared at you for a moment. He knew both your dad and brother which definitely made him wonder what happened to Andy, especially considering the rumors about her uncles.
“Are you fucking with me?” he asked.
You smiled, “Only a little. He’s still alive, but he hasn’t come within 100 yards of me since then. I can only speculate what they did to scare the shit out of him.”
“I’ve only met your brother a couple times, but your dad still scares the shit outta me, so I’m sure Jarrod is equally terrifying,” he mused.
“That’s fair,” you said. “I know of other situations where Jarrod handled things very simply, if not painfully.”
“Alright,” Jensen seemed satisfied that the situation was handled with Andy.
“Are you still that scared of my dad?” you asked.
“What? No! …a little,” he admitted. “I just feel like he can read my mind.”
“Why would that be scary, Jensen? Tell me.” you rested your chin on your folded hands.
“Hi guys, sorry it took so long. ‘Retta just put your orders up a few minutes ago.” the server saved Jensen. “Hey Y|N, how are ya?”
“Hi Chels, we’re not in a big hurry. No worries. This is Jay.”
“Nice to meet you,” she placed napkins and cups of ice water on your table. To Jensen, “You look familiar, have we met?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he answered, taking a drink of the water.
“Don’t be modest, Jay.” Jensen shot you a viscious look. “He does stand-in and stunt work for TV and movies.”
“That must be it,” she said, frazzled. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
She was gone before you could say anything else to her.
“She’s cute,” he said.
You nodded, “Went to school with her. She’s cool as shit.”
“What’s the plan for the rest of the day?” he asked.
“Not much. We can go to the park for the vendors and car show.” you said the next part quietly, “Have dinner with my parents.” Then you went back to normal volume, “Maybe go to the races, or get that rematch of Mario Kart out of the way.”
When you were both finished with your food, Chelsea brought the bill and your bottles from the Liquor Store. Making eye contact with Chelsea, you tipped your head toward Jensen and without missing a beat, she laid the bill on Jensen’s side of the table and gave you a discreet wink as she departed.
Jensen happily paid for both of you and mentioned that your grandma made good potato salad and that he’d also enjoyed the juicy fried chicken. He left Chelsea a good tip, grabbed your liquor purchases and walked you back home.
You never got bored with Jensen. Maybe it was because you packed too much into your visits, but even when you weren’t on a tight timeline, you still just always enjoyed his company. If you ever did get bored, and you didn’t think you did, it was just better, easier, less drab. It was nice having him around. It might have been because you’d known him so long, but you knew it was only part of it because you genuinely loved him.
“Mario Kart has to wait,” you said, reveling in the A/C.
Jensen snorted, “You just don’t want to get beat. I’ll find my groove.”
“I wasn’t scared before and I’m not scared now, Ackles,” you said, confidently. “I will destroy you some other time. We can’t play tonight because my parents are coming over for dinner tonight.”
It still tickled you, to no end, to see the flash of terror in Jensen’s eyes, though fleeting, at the mention of your father.
“What a treat,” he blurted out.
“Man, you are good,” you marveled. “I almost didn’t see you flinch that time.” Jensen pretended like he didn’t know what you meant. “He’s not that scary.”
“Easy for you to say. You’re his baby girl.”
“I guarantee, if you get his steak just right, you’re in.”
Before the big event, you and Jensen went to the park to do some vendor shopping and went to the car show that was being put on. You’d gotten to see some really cool antiques, muscle cars (no Impala), and some modern muscle. It was quite a popular event and not a single person recognized Jensen, that you were aware of. You’d spent much of the afternoon walking around the fair festivities and were back at your apartment just in time to start getting food ready for dinner, because your parents would be over in an hour to eat.
An hour later, at six on the dot, your parents arrived and you breathed a sigh of relief when your dad offered his hand to Jensen in greeting. Everything was cordial as usual. Jensen was just about to go to the roof to start grilling, but he’d waited for your parents to arrive before going up. Surprisingly, your dad followed Jensen out. 
Your mom sat on one of the island bar stools while you worked on the rest of the meal. She looked around your apartment.
She leaned forward and quietly asked, “Is Grant here?”
“No ma’am,” you answered, checking on the pasta.
She took a sip of her tea. “Oh, how come?”
You turned to look at her knowing full-well she already knew. “I told him to get the hell out and never darken my door again.”
“Oh, thank God. You know I never liked him.”
“I didn’t, actually, but it doesn’t matter.”
“When did this happen?” she was almost gleeful.
“Thursday. He was being a dick to Jay. They got into it right here,” you told her.
“So that’s why Jensen has that on his cheek?”
You nodded.
“And how was Grant?”
“No idea,” you shrugged. “Jay landed more than a few.”
“Good,” your mom said and you started the alfredo sauce. “When are you and Jensen going to get together?”
“What? He adores you, and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way.”
It hurt being called out like that and it made your stomach tie up in knots. “I just broke up with Grant. Like him or not, we were together for four years. I’m gonna need a minute to put that away. Not to mention Jay has a girlfriend and they’re ‘pretty serious’, I guess, plus she’s in the business too and got close on a movie and I have my work and it’s just not something either of us wants right now. Can we talk about something else please?”
“Speaking of work… are you working on another book? Are you going to be traveling to Pennsylvania again? How was the the last shut down? I’m still not sure I like you doing that stuff, but at least you get to travel.”
“It’s not glamorous. I don’t get out much. Mostly I’m just working. The only thing that really changes is the location,” you stirred the alfredo. “I have ideas for a couple books. I’m actually almost done with the first draft for one still in research and plotting phase for the other.”
“Have a muse in mind?” your mother was being awfully cheeky.
You put the spoon down and looked her dead in the eye, “George Clooney.”
Jensen was trying to be cool. Sir had followed him up to the roof and was sitting in the chairs he’d built for (Y/N). He sat there with his legs crossed, smoking in the shade while Jensen fired up the grill. As if the summer sun weren’t already hot enough, he felt himself beginning to sweat under the scrutiny Sir was laying on him. There was no avoiding it, he went to sit while the grill came to temperature.
Sir didn’t say anything but he extended a very weathered, but still massive, hand over, holding out his cigarettes to him.
“No, thank you, sir. Gave it up a few years back.”
“Jensen, you can call me…” tucking the pack into his breast pocket.
“No, sir, I can’t. I have the utmost respect for you and your family. Not to mention my mother would have my hide.”
“How are your folks?”
They chatted in small talk for a while letting the grill get nice and hot. When an adequate amount of time passed, Jensen got up to check the thermometer.
“Do you know how to grill a good steak?” (Y/N)’s dad asked, looking over Jensen’s shoulder.
“I like to think I do. How do you take yours, medium rare?”
(Y/N) had tipped him. Her dad nodded. “My specialty.” He used another tip she’d given him, “How are your Vikings lining up for next season?”
“Oh, well…” he began and the two b.s.’d until the steaks and chicken were both ready. Chicken went on first for the ladies. 
“I still can’t get (Y/N) to try my steak. Says she doesn’t ‘do red meat’ but eats hamburgers and chicken for days though,” he shook his head.
“Her mother is the same way,” her dad chuckled.
Your parents stayed longer that night than they had in years. Dinner had gone well. Lots of talking going on and you felt a good time was had by all.
“You must have done a good job with the steak,” you said to Jensen, handing him one of the pots to rinse and dry.
“Gotta say, I feel like king shit right now.”
“I’m glad he didn’t throw you off the roof.”
“No shit. I legit had the same thought while I was up there with him.” He paused for a moment to dry another dish. “How bad did they hate fuckface?”
“Honestly, I didn’t know they did until tonight. My mom actually was giddy with relief.”
“I think you dodged a bullet.”
“Mmm. Probably.”
“You gonna work tonight?” he asked.
You nodded, “Yeah, I’ve gotta try to get as much out of my head as I can. It helps to keep me from spiraling.”
He turned his head to look at you. “Are you spiraling?”
“No, but I might.”
“Okay if I hang out in your room? Can you still work?”
You nodded. “It’s amazing what I can ignore. Your company is always welcome.”
Jensen was down for that. He cleaned up the kitchen with you. Then when that was done, you got all of your things together for your writing desk. Jensen looked at your writing supplies. 
“You need a gallon of water…” he said.
“It’s thirty-two ounces.”
“900 pens.”
“I have a current favorite.”
“And just as many notebooks.”
“Yes. I may not use all of them but I need them close. It’s a process. Some have notes, references, character descriptions…”
“When do you use the computer?”
“When I’m ready to do my first edit. It helps for continuity, adding bits, deleting others. Fixing grammar, stuff like that.”
“Seems like a lot of work.”
“It is, but it’s what works for me. Writing on paper is cathartic and I get a good flow going this way.”
“So what are you doing tonight?”
“I am going to be writing down new ideas, words for one, transcribing and editing for the other.”
“You have more than one book going?”
“And you can keep track of them all?”
“That’s what all of the notebooks are for, color coding and corkboard.”
“Right… I’m gonna snoop around, cool? Okay, great.”
He didn’t wait for an answer, he just immediately went to your closet and opened the door and started looking around.
“I’m gonna get rid of all of fuckface’s shit.”
“Go for it,” you sat down at your desk to get started. “If you make a mess, you will clean it up.”
He raised a hand to acknowledge he heard you and got right to going through everything. Grant’s clothes were landing in a heap outside the closet door.
“Not much in here,” he was still rifling through the clothes bar and your dresser.
“Hey, stay out of the top drawer.”
“Too late. Not even any lacy bits.”
“Okay. Keep comments like that to yourself, thank you.”
“If you got it, flaunt it.”
“I don’t have it.”
“Yes, you do,” he reached for a box up on the shelf.
You sat in stunned silence for a moment then completely dropped it as him just being nice. He dug through the box and, not finding anything, put it back on the shelf.
“I’m gonna get a garbage bag for this shit,” he said and went to the kitchen like he hadn’t just said what he said.
You thought maybe you should help go through things but you didn’t even want to look at any reminders. When he came back, with garbage bag in tow, he grabbed the clothes, and shoved them, unceremoniously inside.
Jensen saw you watching. “He’s lucky I don’t pour bleach in here.”
“I didn’t say anything,” you raised your hands in surrender. “And I see nothing.”
He tapped his temple then pointed at you. “Understood.”
Over the next hour, while you worked, Jensen went through every place Grant would have put anything and collected the found items. Along the way, things “accidentally” crashed to the floor, but the pieces all made it into the bag for Grant���s later collection. Occasionally, you would hear “oops” after something fell.
“Hey,” he stuck his head around the corner. “I need you.”
You followed him out to the living room. “Which of these games are yours?”
You looked at the Xbox games and sorted through them. There were a few movies you added to the bag, also. It felt good to purge them. Eventually you got back to work and Jensen went back to snooping and found your photo album. He took it to your bed, got comfy and began looking through the pages.
Some of the pictures were ones he’d never seen before. They were a chronicle of her life from when she was a baby, all the way up to the last time he saw her, last year, at the upfronts in New York. Cute baby too, he thought. He liked looking through the photos. It made him feel closer to her somehow. He flipped slowly through the pages and saw people he didn’t recognize in the older pictures. He wanted to ask her about them but she was typing away on her computer, and didn’t want to ruin her flow.
When he got to the middle of the thick album, that was when he got to the years when they first got to know one another. There were pictures from that first meeting in Texas, the one where she walked right into him and stole his heart. As much as he enjoyed that first meeting, it was the ones where they stayed at a cabin for summer vacations. He’d always told himself that they were just friends. There was a closeness between them that he couldn’t describe.
When your eyes started to give up on you, and the beginnings of a headache, you decided to call it a night. For half a second, you’d forgotten about Jensen. He’d been so quiet and now you understood why. Jensen was lying on your bed with your old photo album next to him. Crawling onto your bed, you grabbed the album and slid it to the edge of the bed with you. It was still open to the page that had pictures of the two of you at the cabin.
“My sweet boy,” you thought.
You closed the album and set it aside. Turning back to Jensen you briefly debated whether or not to wake him, or to go sleep in the spare room. Looking at the clock, you decided that it wasn’t worth trying to sleep in his room. After all, it was a king bed and you were both adults. If either of you couldn’t behave, there were bigger issues to deal with.
You turned off the lights and changed out of your clothes and into your night shirt in the dark. Jensen laid on his back and appeared to be sleeping soundly above the covers. Despite it being hot as hell outside, even at night, it was almost chilly in your apartment with the A/C running. You thought to look for a blanket for him and used the moonlight to navigate your room and grabbed a blanket you had made, hoping it would be long enough.
You carried the blanket to where he laid and unfolded it before laying it over him. After covering his feet, you moved your way up his body making sure he was covered. He surprised you when he stirred and said, “You’re beautiful” and rolled onto his side. Stunned, it took you a moment to realize he must have been dreaming of Dee and went to your side of the bed to go to sleep.
He laid there knowing he shouldn’t look, but it wasn’t every day that a woman got undressed in front of him; let alone one he cared about so deeply. His eyes were only open a slit and there were no lights on, but the bright moonlight did him a favor and let him see just enough to be dangerous. He did everything he could to remain calm until the nightshirt slipped over her nearly naked body. She went to the closet and he breathed a sigh of relief until she bent over and could see the perfect shape of her backside. (Y/N) came back with a blanket and tucked him in. When she got close to his chest, he pretended to still be sleeping and rolled onto his side telling her she’s beautiful.
He was so torn about what to do. He cared for Dee, he really did. They got along great, he liked her a lot. She was a really great friend and they had a lot of fun together. He knew he would be happy with her… he even bought a ring. Nova, though… she was his absolute solace. He was never less than his best self when he was with her.
She needed time to get back to her normal self after being with Grant. She wasn’t happy. He could tell in her letters that Grant was not right for her. He was dragging her down, dampening her spirit. She deserved someone who would lift her up; someone who could be devoted to her. As much as he may have wanted that to be himself, he also knew that he couldn’t just drop everything, not even for (Y/N).
When morning came, Jensen was still lying in bed with you, sleeping peacefully. His long lashes lying softly on his cheeks. Normally, you stayed on your side of the bed, even when Grant was with you. When you woke up, you were lying more towards the middle and Jensen was mere inches away. It would be nothing to reach out and touch him. Instead you rolled away to the side of the bed and opted for a cold shower.
Turning on the water, you went through the motions to get your body clean and think about what your next steps should be. Only, you realized, you’d been going through the motions for the last few years. The only thing you’d care about was writing your stories and the escape they gave you, which brought you to wonder why you needed the escape. Then you thought about all of the smutty romance you wrote about and wondered if you were just protecting your wants and desires into your books. Jensen gave you crap about the inspiration for those books, and you thought you were telling the truth about it being Gerard Butler, but you weren’t even sure of that either. When it came down to it, all you were actually sure of was that you liked writing. Not just the scenes themselves, but the whole process. Grant never really understood your need to create. He hadn’t even asked you about it. All he ever talked about was himself. As long as he was happy, that was all he cared about…
“Hey, you curing cancer in there?”
Jensen called through the door, grabbing your attention. Had you even washed your hair?
“Just searching for world peace.”
“Well hurry up and find it, I got breakfast waiting.”
Thankfully, with it being Saturday, it meant your day would be very busy and you wouldn’t be so overwhelmed with difficult emotions. The first activity of the day was the parade. Jensen was okay with going down to street level and be amongst the people. Your apartment overlooked Main Street and was a great vantage point. Instead, the two of you went down and met up with friends of yours.
“Who’s your friend?” Kim asked.
You looked at Jensen in his ball cap and sunglasses. He stood to your right and slightly behind you. He looked back at you and shrugged, game to see what would happen.
“This is famous TV actor, Jensen Ackles,” you told her, then turned to Jensen. “Jay, this is Kim. We went to high school together.”
“Hey, how’s it going? Jay Wayne.”
“Hi, nice to meet you, Jay.” Kim gave you a look that said to quit playing around. “What do you do for work and how did you meet (Y/N)?”
“I’m actually a stunt-double on TV and stand in. Met (Y/N) at summer camp years ago.”
“Oh, how cool.”
She was about to start asking more questions, but you cut her off. “Oh, I think my parents finally arrived. Talk to you later, Kim. C’mon, Jay.” You grabbed his arm and pulled him away and walked towards the corner and across the street to the pharmacy.
“You weren’t kidding. Right from the start, she didn’t buy it.”
“Dude, I know. And it’s not like I’m a chronic liar.”
“I know, you’re actually really bad at it.”
“Thank you?” you said with a chuckle.
“It’s a good thing. I always know where I stand with you. And, it makes it really easy to tell when you do lie.”
You and Jensen walked all over downtown and the park to check out all of the special vendors and deals that only came around once a year. After grabbing lunch from the VFW, you were ready for a break and went back to your apartment and laid down for a couple hours. You didn’t know what Jensen was doing but he wasn’t in the room with you, which you felt was for the best.
The alarm you’d set woke you up and you got up to brush out your hair in your bathroom. Jensen had found the acoustic you’d bought for Fuckface Grant and was strumming a familiar song. Reaching for the door knob of your bedroom, you paused recognizing the song as he began to sing.
“Saying ‘I love you’ is not the words I want to hear from you. It’s not that I want you, not to say but if you only knew… how easy, it would be to show me how you feel. More than words is all you have to do to make it real, then you wouldn’t have to say that you love me ‘cause I’d already know.”
Of all the songs he could have played… The lyrics hit you hard and your hand dropped away from the handle as you listened to each word he sang. Did he even know what he was doing to you? How could he? He was playing and singing softly. You put your back against the door, not wanting to let him see you fall to pieces as you slid to the floor. You clasped your hands over your  mouth and tried not to cry out as the tears fell out of your eyes. 
He moved on to other songs that also tore at your heart but they hadn’t stung nearly as bad. Whatever it was that had pulled the plug on your emotional dam, whether it was the lyrics, or Jensen’s voice, you weren’t quite sure, but it had released the flood and it took you a while to let it all out and compose yourself. Dragging yourself off the floor, you went back to your bathroom to splash cold water on your face in hopes of maybe calming down enough to go out in the living room where he was still softly playing songs. Of course, there was no hope of him not noticing.
“What happened?” he asked, putting the guitar down and getting up as soon as he saw you were not okay.
“I’m okay. I just needed a good cry, I guess.”
“C’mon, bring it in,” he said stepping toward you with arms out stretched. 
You took a step back and held a hand up for him to stop. “No, I really don’t want to be touched right now.”
He looked at you in a way that made your heart hurt more.
“Is there anything I can do?”
“Just… I don’t know, just be gentle on me, okay? I’m feeling a little raw and just… raw.”
“Fair enough.”
“Just give me a few minutes then we can go down to the fair.”
“He doesn’t deserve you shedding a single tear over him, Nova.” He thought you were crying over Grant.
“I know, it’s just hard to let go.”
An hour later, you were sitting in the grandstands at their fairgrounds watching figure 8 races which led into the demolition derby. A few of your older cousins showed up and sat with you and Jensen. You introduced him as Jay, and as usual with your family, they grilled him and wanted to know everything about him. There was something in your dad’s family’s DNA that was determined to embarrass you at every turn. To his credit, Jensen took it like a champ and answered their questions without divulging too much of the truth.
After the races were done, you and Jensen left the grandstands and got some gumbo from one of the local vendors. You found a picnic table to sit at while you ate.
“Is your family always like that?” he asked.
You nodded, “Pretty much.”
“It makes a lot of sense now.”
“How so?”
“You don’t pull punches and almost always say what you’re thinking.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“No. No ‘supposing’. You know I’m right,” he turned his hat backward to eat. 
“And look what it got me,” you felt miserable. “You have a bruised cheek because I chose to be with someone who never chose to be with me.” You pointed two tables over to your right.
Jensen’s head turned to look for what had caught your attention. You couldn’t bring yourself to look that direction again and took a bite of the cornbread that you had been soaking in the gumbo. When Jensen started to rise, you put your hand on his to stop him. Slowly, he sat back down again. You could almost see the red rising in his skin.
“I love that you want to go over there, but don’t,” you said.
When Jensen turned back to you, the rage he felt showed in his eyes and you could see the white all the way around his now, very dark, green eyes.
“Jay…” you waited for the rage to settle, not letting go of his balled up fist. Eventually the tension released and you let go.
“He’s not worth getting mad over,” you said, calmly, surprising even yourself.
Jensen took a deep breath and let it out slowly before speaking again. “He’s disgusting,” he said of fuck face, “she can’t be more than 20.”
“Jay, he’s not my problem. Don’t even engage, he’ll just drag you down,” you stirred your gumbo, disappointed in the soupiness of it. Instead, you decided it was a good thing since you felt a little sick at the sight of fuckface with someone new already. Not to mention, they were behaving like teenagers with their overt PDA.
You rested your head on your right hand to block them out of your peripheral vision and dabbed the cornbread into the gumbo hoping the cornbread might help calm your stomach.
“You okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah, just not very hungry all of a sudden.”
“Wanna do something else?”
He smirked, “Cuz you beat me at that game.”
You grinned, “You forgot to say ‘all the time’. I beat you at skeeball all the time.”
“I’m still not convinced you don’t cheat,” he grumbled.
“Is there something that would convince you, or is it only the ass-whooping I deal out the only thing?”
“Not even so much as a pity win for me,” he took a few bites.
You sipped your soda. “That would not be good sportsmanship.”
“Alright, I’m done,” he collected both of your dishes and disposed of them. “Let’s go find a game where I can whoop your ass.”
“Mhm. Okay. Let’s see,” you said. “Glutton for punishment.”
Jensen spent a lot of money on tickets for what turned out to be very little return… for him. Eventually, he found a shooting game he wanted to try and you backed out of to let him have his moment to shine. Not surprisingly, when you weren’t up against him he did really well and cleared all of the targets.
“So are you just always letting me win?” you asked as he gleefully handed over more money to keep playing.
“Hell no. I just do better with an audience,” he said, picking up the small air rifle. I just want to impress you, he thought.
When Jensen had shot enough targets, it was time to pick out a prize.
“Lady’s choice,” he deferred to you.
“I’ll take the tiger stuffie,” you said.
The carnival worker handed you the toy. “Got a few more credits left. Want anything from here?”
You looked where he indicated and selected a ring-pop in your favorite flavor. “I love these things. Thank you!”
The carnie wished you a good night and immediately began calling for more players.
“How’s your stomach?” he asked, looking at the Scrambler.
“Good enough,” you told him, but your anxiety kicked in when you got in the small line.
It was getting late and had gotten dark. Most of the people with little kids had left, but the fair was still bustling with people.
“What’s the matter?” he asked. “You have a look on your face.”
“I don’t want to crush you.”
It was his turn to give you a look. He had no idea what you meant.
“How would you do that?”
The emotional turmoil was threatening to bubble up again but it came in the form of tears and you could barely whisper, “Because I’m so big.”
He grasped your shoulders and leaned down to look you in the eyes. “I don’t know what, or who, made you feel that way, but you are not, you hear me? You are absolutely perfect just the way you are, no matter what. I swear, if that douche canoe made you feel like you aren’t the most beautiful person he’s ever been lucky enough to be with, say the word and I’ll go kill him now.”
He hadn’t, but you weren’t about to tell Jensen that. There were times, like this time, that Jensen was a lot like his character, Dean, and you knew, without a doubt, that he would follow through with his threat if you gave the okay. Truthfully, your body image issues had been with you even before you met Jensen.
“No, it’s not his fault. This is all me,” you whispered.
“Do you want to go?”
“No,” you shook your head. “Let’s ride, I don’t want to ruin the last night you’re here.”
“Not possible,” he said, matter of fact. “Any day with you is a good day, and don’t you forget it.” And if I die because of your body on top of mine, then I would die a happy man. An image of her nearly naked silhouette flashed into his mind and his imagination placed her in several very pleasing positions. He could see everything perfectly as…
“Jay, you coming?”
He looked up suddenly and snapped back to reality. He followed her to their car. They ended up riding the Scrambler and Tilt-a-Whirl several times and Jensen had loved every second of it. You were getting tired again. You’d stopped the rides for a while to watch the live band.
“We have to ride the Ferris Wheel before we go,” you insisted.
“Yeah, we do. Been eyeing it all night.” Which was true, but only because he wasn’t sure if it was too high or not. He was okay with being up high, but if he looked down, that was another story.
For you, the Ferris Wheel was the best part of the rides at the fair. It was a little scary, but that was what made it great, too. When it was your turn, you eagerly took your spot on the seat. Jensen wedged himself into the corner of the seat.
“Do I smell bad?” you teased. He didn’t look scared, but he wasn’t excited like you were either. The lap bar locked into place and you slid over next to Jensen and snaked your arm through his. “Just wait til you see the view.”
Eventually, the wheel paused with the car at the top and she elbowed his side to get his attention.
“Look,” she whispered. 
He was looking, but not at the view.
“The lights on the water and look at the houses,” she said, looking at her hometown with wonder.
“Yeah,” he noticed the curve of her ear and the way she tucked her hair behind it, her hair sweeping against her neck. He thought he could just use his finger to brush it aside and kiss her neck… “The view is pretty amazing,” he eventually said, turning his admiring gaze away from her.
The Ferris Wheel started and they took several rotations before it began to slow down to let off riders. The fair had an unofficial shut down time and you and Jensen were lucky enough to be on the last ride. You made sure you had your tiger stuffie and you walked with Jensen back to his car and went home.
“Nova?” he said stepping inside your apartment with you.
“Promise me something?”
“Don’t live your whole life here. I know you travel, and that’s great but you deserve more than what this town offers.”
“I thought you like it here?”
“I do, I just… want more for you.”
“Maybe this is all I need. Maybe what I need is to be exactly where I am. This is who I am. I don’t need a spotlight shone on me.”
“Well, I thought you wanted more.”
“If I am meant to have something, it will come to me. I just told my boyfriend of four years to fuck off and he already has a new piece. Maybe you’re right. Maybe what I need is to get as far a-fucking-way from here as possible.”
“Now you’re talking. Austin? Vancouver? L.A.?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Where then?”
“Whoa, hold on now. You’re going to the extreme, aren’t you? Two seconds ago, you were fine with living here forever and now you’re leaving the hemisphere?”
“I’ve always wanted to go and I have the means. My life here is a fucking joke. I have no love-life, no life, and no prospects. Something has to change and this is the perfect solution! And, it will be great material for a book. How can I write effectively if I don’t have experiences?!” A brief, devastating, revelation had hit you like a freight train and you needed to act on it before it slipped away. You realized you’d only been living for the time you spent with Jensen and not for yourself and it needed to change immediately or you would be stuck, forever, in the same rut.
That hadn’t gone at all how he thought it would. All he wanted was for (Y/N) to get out of her town and experience life somewhere else, like Vancouver…
“My friend, Christie, lives in Sydney. I should call her…” you were eager to get going.
“Can we talk about this a little more? It seems a little drastic.”
“No.” You shut him down. “I don’t want you trying to talk me out of it. I do need a change, Jensen, and not one that revolves around you. I have two lives. The one where I’m with you and the one where I’m not. The one where I’m not, fucking sucks, so I’m going to fix it. It’s still not our time, Jay, so I’m not going to sit around and wait for it.”
Jensen looked angry, but you were ready to go toe to toe with him if you had to.
“I don’t want to fight with you,” he said.
“I don’t want to fight with you!”
“Alright! Now what?”
“I don’t fucking know!”
“We good?”
“Yeah? I kinda wanna punch you,” you said, “but, yeah.”
“Good, I don’t want to go back to work and have any bad blood between us.”
You thought you were good. You didn’t think either of you had done or said anything you couldn’t come back from.
“No. I think we’re good. Just don’t try to run my life, I already have a mother,” you gave him a pointed look.
“I’m sorry. I overstepped…. Do you want to stay up with me or are you going to bed?”
Your eyes went to the digital clock on the stove, 2:47. “What time do you need to go?”
“Airport opens at 5. I have, literally, the first flight out at 5:45. Figured I’d try to be there when it opens. Load up at 4? I still have to return the car.
“I’ll stay up,” you yawned. 
He smirked. “Sure you will.”
“I will!”
“I believe that you want to,” he grinned, “execution tends to be lacking.”
“Not all of us can sleep at the drop of a hat.”
“It’s a gift,” he quipped. “You’d think you would be good at it, too.” He said moving towards the suede sectional in the living room. “Especially doing shift work.”
“Another great reason to get the hell out of dodge. I hate doing shift work. I should be a supervisor by now. I’m gonna have a lot of loose ends to tie up… Maybe I can get supervisor work overseas.”
“Definitely worth looking into.”
You sat on the couch facing each other, within arms reach. You rested your head on your hand that was on the back of the couch while you talked with Jensen.
(Y/N) was fading fast. Each blink of her eyes was a little slower than the last. He started humming a song and her head settled down onto her arm, fully asleep. He checked the clock and had just enough time to take a quick shower and get his things together before he needed to head out to the airport.
When he was showered and packed, he went back to the living room. (Y/N) was still sleeping, so he carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed.
“Oh no, I fell asleep,” she mumbled.
He chuckled, “It’s alright. I know you tried.” He laid her down and made sure everything was in place so she would find it. He covered her with a blanket because even in the middle of summer, her apartment was as cold as a meat locker. He leaned down, pushed back the hair on her forehead to kiss it. 
“Until next time, best pen pal ever,” he said softly.
“I love you, sweet boy,” she mumbled, still more asleep than awake.
When you woke a few hours later, a pang of deep sadness hit you because Jensen was gone again. However, the excitement of a new adventure helped you not dive head first into the depression pool. You rolled over in your bed and were going to pull the pillow he’d used, only there was a crystal star sitting on top of it, including a note he’d written.
Setting aside the Swarovski star, you opened the folded piece of paper addressed to you.
“(Y/N), I want nothing but the best for you and I hope you find it. If you get lost along the way, I will always be here to help you find your way.” – Jensen. P.S. You better write me from your new address as soon as you get settled.”
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samsno1 · 4 months
Dean Winchester x F!Reader
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hi, heres what i promised to the dean girls! i don't know what to say, this is long and i don't know if the smut is good enough, might edit later, also, dean in this red jacket is my favorite
Summary: It had been a while since you got some and at night of celebrating a successful hunt you expected to finally, after a long time, get laid
Warnings: SMUT, piv, unprotected sex (wrap it up), finger sucking, jealousy (? if you squint), oral f. recieving, fingering, dean is so in love ohmygod, english is not my first language, not proof read (if i forgot anything let me know)
Read it on AO3
WC: 4.7k
You can learn how to change Y/N for your actual name here
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It was difficult for you to find anyone willing to spend the night with you in the current settings of your life, having to lie about what you do, who you are…Basically create a whole new personality just to be able to bring someone to your motel room. In that sense, it was frustrating, both sexually and mentally to be put in this scenery but, either way, saving lives was more important than getting laid, even if you were thoroughly stressed beyond comparison by your inability to find a guy (or girl). 
You, Sam and Dean had gone to California for what you discovered, after great questioning and piles of research, was a simple salt ‘n burn of a poor ghost of a roadkill and was haunting that particular highway and crashing trucks of drivers who were mildly intoxicated behind the wheel.
After finding out where the bones were buried you went to the cemetery and started digging up the grave. Shovel after shovel of dirt fell behind you while you panted in exhaustion until you hit something hard at the bottom of the hole you dug up.
You harshly broke the wooden casket, revealing the remains of the ghost and a putrid smell hit your nose like everytime it happened when you had a salt ‘n burn. You scrunched up your nose and threw the shovel on the ground beside you, reaching with a hand towards Dean for him to help you get out of the hole.
“There it is.” You say proudly as you stare down at the decomposed body being covered with salt by Sam while Dean reaches for the alcohol in the bag and the lighter in his pocket.
You three watch as the bones light up in an orange fire, burning away what’s tying the poor soul to this world, the heat radiating in your skin. After some time you bump your shoulder with Dean’s, making him look at you.
“Let’s go, I need a shower so we can go out and celebrate” You say with a grin as you turn back to walk towards the Impala and Dean follows suit along with Sam, the fire slowly extinguishing itself behind you.
You opened the door to the backseat, the creaking of the hinges echoing through the night, getting inside and closing the door with a thud. Dean and Sam sat in their designed seats at the driver and shotgun, respectively, and you drove into the night towards the motel.  
“I saw a bar not far from where we are staying” Dean said and you hummed and Sam nodded. “You two might have to come back alone, you know” He suggested with a smirk and Sam scrunched his nose and let out an amused huff and you chuckled dryly, a weird nausea bubbling in your stomach.
Deep down you wished Dean could see you the way he sees the bartenders and strippers in bars or clubs you three often go to. You didn’t know if he thought you were too rough, too scarred, both mentally and physically. You usually dressed up nice, using makeup from time to time when you noticed your eyebags were getting darker or when your lips looked too pale. You also tried your best with clothing, well, the best someone could do when you were a hunter. Either way, you never looked like those girls, they were absolutely stunning, even for you, and you couldn’t compete with them.
You shook your head. You were probably thinking these things because it had been some time since you last got laid. Tonight was your night, you were feeling it, you were taking someone to your room.
Dean turned the car off after parking and you got out, going to the trunk to get your bag.
“You guys meet me in my room? I’ll most likely take longer to get ready” You said with a grin and the boys nodded. You took out the keys to your room and got in, throwing your bag over your bed and going to another bag you had in your room, where you kept your “fancy” clothes and makeup.
You took out a beautiful black dress with long sleeves that ended in your mid thighs. It was a dress you thrifted when you went on a hunt alone a while ago and never had the opportunity to use it. When you tried it on, though, it hugged your curves in all the right places, made your body look amazing and you felt as confident as one could feel.
You left the dress over the bed and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, smiling to yourself. You took your time, washed your hair thoroughly and finished it off in the usual way. In the hunting life you often get your hair very dirty almost everyday with blood, dirt, ectoplasm…you name it. So, keeping it lucious and healthy was a process that you grew fond of doing to recollect some of that normalcy that hunting didn’t give you.
You came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around your body and picked up an underwear set that was, well, sensual to say the least and dropped the towel to the ground to put it on, the dress going over it, careful not to mess up your hair in the process.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and whistled in surprise at your own appearance, you looked good. Time for makeup.
You didn’t do much, a simple concealer, contour and blush with mascara and a smokey eye was enough to drop any man to the ground.
You decided to put shoes on because, first, if you really had to walk back, heels weren’t helpful, second, you didn’t have your heels with you at the moment.
While you were finishing up you heard a knock on your door. You opened it and there they were, Sam and Dean, practically on the same looks, just cleaner, waiting for you.
They both eyed you up and down, drinking your appearance in, Dean dropping his jaw slightly as he stared at your exposed thighs. Sam let out an impressed sigh and cleared his throat.
“Wow Y/N you look…amazing” He said and you smiled, looking down, feeling a tad bit embarrassed.
“Yeah…” Dean agrees, half on earth, half in his head trying to get rid of the thoughts of those beautiful legs wrapped around his neck while his nose deep into your–
“Well, thank you, I hope it isn’t too much.” You said.
“No, n–no, ha, it’s not, at all,” Dean said to quickly, finally grasping the courage to look into your eyes, the beautiful colors drowning him and your shy smile making him want to smash his lips to yours that moment. He cleared his throat. “Shall we go?” He offered.
“Yes, let me just get my phone” You said and went inside for a couple seconds, coming out with it and your wallet. “C’mon!”
You passed through them and went towards the car. Sam elbowed Dean to make him turn to him.
“You are staring at her like she’s a cheeseburger and you haven’t eaten in days, man” Sam teased and Dean frowned at him “You were practically drooling”
“I–I was not, okay? She just looks…pretty, that's all” Dean said, ignoring Sam’s ‘Yeah, right’ and going to the driver's seat in the Impala, you already sat down in the backseat. After Sam got in you all went to the bar and you felt particularly excited this time.
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“Okay, every single one who tried to flirt with me was a disaster” You said, coming back to the table with a sigh, Sam and Dean almost laughing at you as you handed them their beers. “Seriously, who do I have to kill to get laid in this shit”
You took a swig of your beer and looked around once more, trying to find a decent man for you to take back tonight when you eyed a handsome black haired guy a few feet away. You smiled to yourself and got up from your seat.
When you walked up to him you didn’t see it but Dean was fuming with jealousy, this feeling bubbling up inside him that made his fists unconsciously clench over the table. He tried flirting with other women that night, chatting them up like he usually did but it all went down the drain the moment his eyes darted to you again, a guy practically snuggling up to you while you gently pushed him away and refused his advances, either not finding him attractive or just not feeling a spark.
He should be the one you looked at, he knew everything about you, how you liked your coffee, your favorite drinks, the faint lines that would appear around your lips when you smiled, the way your eyes lit up when you were talking about something you enjoyed. He knows you.
Sam noticed his brother’s demeanor and called out to him to snap him out of his jealous haze. Dean turned his eyes to Sam and he had this stupid smirk on his face, sipping the beer once again to hide his amused smile.
“What?” Dean snapped, his hand wrapping around the bottle, the cool glass doing nothing to ease his temper down, his knee going up and down under the table with nervousness.
“Nothin’” Sam answered and finished his beer, getting up and leaving a couple dollars, enough to pay for the beers he drank. “I’m going back, y’know, tired. Tell Y/N”
Dean nodded, he didn’t know if Sam meant for him to tell you that Sam went back or that you’ve been in his dreams for months now, not all of them cute and fluffy, some made him wake up with a hard-on, sweating and longing for you.
He looked in your direction and you were coming back with an annoyed face, arms crossed in front of you, feet stomping the ground. Dean made a confused face and when you got back to the table you sat down on the chair with a scoff, his eyes never leaving you.
“He has a girlfriend” You murmured and then realized you were one man short “Where’s Sam?”
“He called in, tired” Dean said and you hummed. He had a weird look on his face, something you couldn’t make out what was. You sighed and looked down.
“I think we should go too, this night was disappointing to me” You breathed out a laugh “I’m impressed you didn’t find anyone, I saw some girls eyeing you”
“Nah, I’m fine,” He said and finished his beer. You widened your eyes at him but didn’t say anything, just nodding hesitantly in shock. “Let 's go?”
He said getting up and you mirrored him, pulling your dress down a bit, Dean’s eyes on you all the time. He bit his lower lip and mentally told himself to cool it.
As you two walked towards the car you couldn’t help but look at him up and down, silently appreciating his figure. His strong jawline, his green eyes now dark thanks to the night, his slightly crooked nose that made him look unique.
When you got into the car, in silence, you drove back to the motel and you felt an unmistakable tension in the air and you were worried you might’ve done something to upset the man. You started to fidget with your fingers over your lap, the street lights going past the car through the window as Dean sped up through the pavement.
His hands gripped the wheel, holding back the urge to pounce on you right there and then. When he parked the car and reached for the door handle you held his wrist.
“Wait! Dean, is something the matter?” You asked, big eyes looking into his as he looked at you, noticing the trouble behind those beautiful orbs. He wanted to punch himself in the gut for making you feel bad. “What happened?”
“Nothing it’s just…” He trailed off and looked at your hand wrapping his wrist. His other hand enveloped over it and your skin flared up with goosebumps. He felt warm, rough, his strong grip comforting. You took your hand away from his wrist, allowing his hand to wrap over your and pull you into him.
You yelped and was about to question him when you felt his plump lips against yours, his other hand hesitantly holding your cheek and you melted. It took you a while to process what was happening. Dean Winchester is kissing you. Though, when you did, your free hand went to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss.
Everything felt like a fever dream and you were afraid that if you pulled away you’d wake up and Dean would be gone. His lips had a taste of beer lingering from the night out, they were full and smooth. You felt like you were drowning in this feeling until Dean pulled away, seeking a breath of air.
You looked between his eyes, your breaths molding into each other from the closeness. You moved the hand he was holding up his chest, to his shoulder, up to his cheek, his eyes closing and his head snuggling against your hand, his fingers fidgeting around your wrist.
He opened his eyes, a thousand feelings swimming behind his green orbs as you both communicate in silence, an agreement, a revelation. You smiled and pulled him in again, this time with no hesitation. His hand went down your arm slowly, your skin warming up where his hand passed by, and settled by your waist, pulling you closer. His tongue teased your bottom lip and you eagerly opened your mouth with a low moan.
At that, he smirked into the kiss and pulled you over his lap, the steering wheel digging into your back, his hands both placed at your hips as you unconsciously rocked against him. He let go of your mouth again and you stared down at him.
“I wanted to do this so bad” He whispered and you smiled, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck mindlessly. He placed a loving kiss at your jaw and pulled away again while you hummed, content.
When you looked at his face again there was a frown and he was avoiding your eyes. You grabbed both his cheeks and made him look at you.
“What was that thought, hm?” You ask lightly as to not push him away. You didn’t want this to end, not ever. He seemed nervous.
“What does this mean to you?” He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows. “To me, Y/N,” he continued, his hands rubbing up and down your thighs “you’re everything, I mean, you– you’re perfect. You’ve seen everything I’ve done and never let me down, you’re beautiful and so much more. If to you I’m just a way to get off then–”
You cut him off with a peck on his lips.
“Stop. Right there.” You started, looking deep into his eyes. “Dean I– you are everything I’ve ever wanted, needed. You mean more to me than words can describe, you’re not just a one night stand, you’re my dream”
When you finished, he didn’t waste a second to wrap a hand behind your neck and steal your lips again, his mouth addicting. There was so much passion, feeling and desire pumping through your veins.
Your dress was high on your thighs and one of his hands squeezed the flesh hungrily, making you groan in his mouth. He went further with his hand, his thumb caressing over your covered sex and you opened your mouth in a whimper.
Dean attacked your neck with kisses and hickeys, his teeth leaving a pattern over your skin as his hand ghosts over where you need him the most.
“Dean…” You say, a beg behind your words and he pulls away, both his hand and his mouth, making you shiver from the lack of contact and the cool feeling his saliva left behind over your neck.
“Sweetheart, as much as I’d like to have you in the car,” He said, his voice rough and deeper with lust, his pupils wide as he opened the door, a cool breeze coming in that did little to nothing to cool your skin off. “you deserve a bed, another time” He finished, leaving an open mouthed kiss under your ear.
Another time. You nodded, words failing you as you stepped out of the car, adjusting your dress and hair the best you could to seem decent. Dean stood up behind you and let a hand linger on your waist, eager to touch you at all times and all ways.
You both walked towards the door of your room, Dean’s fingers tightening on your skin the longer it took for you to get the door open. The moment you were able to open it, he pushed both of you in, turning you around and pinning you to the door inside, closing it with a loud noise behind your back and his lips were on your again, his hands roaming over every inch of your skin.
You yelped in shock but soon reciprocated the touches and kisses, your fingers wrapping around his jacket and pulling it off, his hands momentarily leaving you to drop it to the ground. When his hands came back he grabbed both your legs and lifted you, forcing you to wrap your legs around his hips for support, his fingers digging into your skin yet again.
Your hands pulled on his hair, your tongues battling in a messy kiss when you feel your body move to the bed, your body being gently placed over it.
Dean pulled away, standing up fully and you took him in with a bite of your lip. He unbuttoned his flannel, slowly and you lifted your dress over your hips, lifting them off the bed to help, revealing your panties and over your head to take it off completely and throwing the fabric away.
Dean’s breathing got heavier, the confine of his pants bothering him as he finally discards the flannel, torso naked to you. You drink his defined physique with hooded eyes and he smirks down at you, his head going close to the waistband of your panties, eyes never leaving yours as he leaves kisses from your hips to your stomach to the valley of your breasts until he came face to face with you again, a smile lingering in his lips making one of your own appear on yours.
Your hands grab at his cheeks and pull him in again as he holds you by your waist, pulling your near naked torso into his. His fingers ghost over every inch of new exposed skin as if he was memorizing every atom of your being like you were going to disappear.
Your hands start to explore over his chest, the strong muscles flexing against your palms, your nails scratching at his wide back and shoulders.
His hands travel behind your back to unclasp your bra and you let him, letting the undergarment go loose against your breasts and Dean takes it off. He drinks the view in, staring and you start to feel self-conscious and take your hands to cover yourself up. Dean catches onto that and kisses you again, one big hand grabbing at your right breast and you whimper in his mouth.
“I always knew you were beautiful” He whispers against your lips and pulls back to look at you again “But you are the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid eyes on”
This time you turned away from him with a stupid smile on your face.
“Says you” You say and turn to him again, your hands over his shoulders and moving towards his back “Your back is a perfect place for my nails to dig in” You whisper seductively on his ear and leave a hickey on his neck. He groans and lowers his head to wrap his mouth around one of your nipples, the warm feeling against the sensitive nub making you arch your back into him and your fingers to tangle in his hair.
“Dean, fuck–” You moan as he gently bites your nipple and moves to the other breast, his eyes looking at you from below and drinking in your noises.
One of his hands sneaked up your inner thigh and teased your clit over your panties and you shivered, a smirk on his lips against your breast. He slowly took your panties off, discarding them on the ground and now you were completely bare below him, vulnerable.
His middle finger pressed over your clit and you arched again.
“Dean, please…” You beg, your best attempt at puppy dog eyes looking down at him and he adds his ring finger, starting to do slow circles over the sensitive nub as he kisses up your neck, your noises of pleasure egging him on.
He lowers his fingers to your entrance and he slips both in with no restraint given your wetness, the feeling making you let out a moan and grab onto his shoulders as he hooks his fingers inside you, touching that special spot.
He smirks smugly and continues his ministrations, your pussy clenching and tightening around his fingers making him groan.
“You’re so wet” He mumbles “I wonder how you taste like” He gives your nose a peck, your mind too drowned in pleasure to respond to his words. He kisses down your body, his fingers never leaving you, until he's facing your cunt. He places both your legs over his shoulders, your thighs resting around his cheeks, the light stubble leaving a tingly feeling behind.
He leaves a lingering kiss over your clit and you buck your hips, looking for more friction. He teases a bit more, biting and sucking at your inner thighs, everywhere but where you needed his mouth to be. You took charge and grabbed at his hair, pulling his face closer and he complied.
“Oh, fuck!” You groan.
His tongue licked at your sex and your loud moans echoed through the walls, the warm muscle doing wonders against you and the mix of his fingers bringing you closer and closer to the edge, your eyes fluttering close in bliss.
“Dean, God” You moan as he squeezes your thigh. All the ministrations send shivers down your spine, your core tightening inside you, that familiar rush of warmth spreading through you. Your thighs try to close, forgetting Dean’s in between and he hums against your cunt, the vibrations making you feel like you were in heaven. “I’m cumming”
“Cum for me princess” He mumbles and you let go with a chant of his name. The feeling washes over you, making you feel lighter for a couple seconds, Dean helping you ride out your orgasm. When the stimulation becomes too much and you whine and squirm away, he gets up from his knees, chin glistening in your juices. He took his fingers out, a grunt scaping your throat at the emptiness. It was a sinful sight.
He crawled over you again, his middle and index finger teasing at your bottom lip.
“Open up” He said, voice deep and demanding and you obeyed, opening your mouth and letting his fingers in. You lick your juices clean off his fingers, never breaking eye contact, humming and moaning against his digits as Dean bites his lips with force. Your hand travels down to unbuckle his belt and he takes his fingers away from your mouth to kiss you.
Once you got the belt open, Dean backed away, taking his shoes off and unzipping his pants. Meanwhile, you drank in his appearance. His hair was a mess, a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin, his arms flexing as he lowered his pants along with his boxers. He was divine.
When he dropped the jeans his eyes drifted back to you, catching you staring and he smirks.
“See something you like?” He asks, closing the gap between you again, smashing your lips to his in yet another breathtaking kiss.
He completely lies you down on the mattress, his elbows supporting his weight over you as his cock bumps against your sensitive sex and you gasp, hand gripping the back of his neck.
“Fuck me” You say, bluntly and whiny but he gets the hint and aligns his member to your hole.
“Yes Ma’am” He says and starts to insert himself inside you, an immediate groan coming out of both your throats, his forehead dropping to the nape of your neck as his fingers dug into your hips, holding himself back to not slam into you at full force. You felt amazing around him, the warmth of your walls made him never want to go away.
“Oh my God” You moan as he slowly goes deeper, his cock throbbing inside you. Once he bottomed out you were breathing heavier than ever, pupils blown and nails teasing at his back. “Dean” 
“I’m right here sweetheart” He reassured you and left kisses over your shoulder to distract you. You grinned at his sweetness and rolled your hips against his, a sign that he could move.
“Move, please, I want to feel you” You mumbled and he obliged, instant pleasure going through your body.
“God, Y/N” He moaned close to your ear as he went faster, your moans getting louder.
He smashed his hips against yours, eyeing the way it went in and out, being deliciously consumed by your cunt, glistening with your slick and cum. He stared at you, your fucked out state, the way you were a moaning, whimpering mess beneath him and he felt proud to be the reason you were like this.
You felt every inch ripping your insides, Dean’s hands roaming through your body as his lips left bite marks and kisses around your skin. His lips wrapped around your nipple and everything just added more to the pleasure when his tongue circled around your nipple.
“You’re so pretty” He groaned after pulling away from your breasts and felt that familiar feeling go through him as your pussy clenched tighter around his cock. He was close and he knew you were too. His hands traveled both down to your lower body, one pressed over the skin under your belly button and the other circled your clit messly.
When he pressed down over your lower belly you felt him impossibly deeper and grabbed at the sheets underneath you to ground yourself to reality.
“Jesus– Fuck Dean, please!” You moaned incoherently as that bubble inside you was about to pop “I’m gonna cum, baby, please” You moaned again and you knew he was close to, his hips stuttering and losing rhythm.
“Cum with me Y/N” He said and not even seconds later you unraveled beneath him, your high hitting you like a bus, a loud moan rippling through your throat and Dean pulled out, cumming over your stomach, his chest heaving with his breaths.
Dean forced himself to get up and get a wet towel to clean you up in the bathroom, coming back and gently wiping away the fluids. You were spent and at the same time as happy as you could ever be.
You adjusted yourself in the bed while you waited for Dean to come back from the bathroom after discarding the towel, his naked shadow visible thanks to the light inside. When he walked out he smiled at you and snuggled beside you, tucking your head under his chin and wrapping an arm around your waist.
You were both silent for a while until he spoke up. 
“I love you so much” He said “And no, this is not post sex haze, I’ve loved you for so long” He admitted quietly above you and you felt your heart beating ten times faster at his words. You looked up at him and placed a gentle hand over his cheek to make him look down at you.
“I love you too, dumbass” You say with a chuckle and kiss him deeply again, pouring all the love you knew you felt towards him into the kiss.
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A/N: Notes and reblogs encourage me to keep writing, feedback makes those writings better. Thank you for reading, Xoxo.
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slut-for-evans-stan · 5 months
Mission Accomplished
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader
Word count: 3.4k+
Summary: Ben and you can't stay in the same room without wanting to rip each other's hearts out. The Boys, tired of dealing with you, decide to take matters into their own hands by tricking you two into completing your most crucial mission yet— resolving your problems. One thing leads to another and you discover that there was an easier, much more enjoyable method to resolve everything between you all along. (I'm sorry I suck at summaries.)
Warnings: SMUT!!!! (18+), Enemies to Lovers, Soldier Boy being Soldier Boy, Dirty talk, oral (m+f rec), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it fellas), hate fucking!? (kind of), rough sex, swearing, choking, squirting, creampie.
a/n: this is my very first time writing smut. Not proofread, please pardon me for errors if any! I tried my best :')
I'd really appreciate if you could like, comment and/or reblog, it'll make me really happy <3
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Being a Supe with extraordinary powers didn't mean you were ready to exploit people for clout, with how things were at Vought. So when Starlight and Hughie learnt that you declined Ashley's offer to have you join the Seven, they convinced you to join hands with The Boys to ensure that the arrogant liars claiming to be "Saviours of the World" got what they deserved. Despite feeling a bit unwelcome at first due to Butcher's distant behaviour, you quickly settled in and felt accepted, and connected to everyone in the team, everyone except the newest member to join forces with you all to help in taking down Homelander and others; Soldier Boy.
In the dimly lit room, stood Soldier Boy in his silk robe, a cigarette in one hand, one leg on the bed, the other supporting his weight on the floor; his back facing the door. Upon hearing a soft knock, he turned around with a smug grin on his face. He began,
"Well, hello there gorgeous! You've sure kept me waiting long enough for someone who made eager promises to choke on my dick."
Unamused, and somewhat disgusted by his comment, you shot him a stern look,
"I'm not here for your entertainment, I need to run a few tests on you. So it'll be nice if you'll please spare a few minutes before you run off to get your dick wet. We need to be sure that you're not going to explode and kill us all."
Soldier Boy's smirk echoed through his room as he eyed you with an amazed expression. Undeterred, he sauntered over to you, leaning in and mistaking your seriousness for a mere challenge.
"Sure. Whatever it is, let's get it over with. Maybe after this, you and I could-"
You cut him off with an icy glare
"Save the charm for someone who cares. I don't have time for this bullshit, we've a mission coming up."
From your very first meeting that started with a misunderstanding, it would've been an understatement to say that Soldier Boy annoyed every living cell in your body. You were both constantly arguing and bickering about something or the other, always at each other's throats.
Soldier Boy's deep, intimidating voice echoed through the room, your comment having hit a nerve.
"You know what, you're insufferable."
"At least I'm not stuck up." he shot back.
What should've been a meeting to discuss the upcoming mission, turned into yet another baseless argument between the two of you. Making your teammates uncomfortable with every passing moment. Hughie, Frankie, Kimiko and others exchanged uneasy glances as the tension thickened. You continued,
"I can't believe I've to be stuck with an unbearable asshole as you. Butcher I think I'm gonna skip this mission. Don't want us to end up in another mess like the last time."
At this point, it seemed like you were both minutes away from strangling each other. Soldier boy chuckled,
"Why, you're so intimidated by a real hero you want to hide away like a pussy?"
Eyebrows raised, you retorted, "Real hero!? More like a reckless liability. I've seen toddlers with better impulse control."
Sensing a storm brewing, Hughie spoke with a shaky voice, attempting to intervene and diffuse the situation. "Can we focus, guys? We have a mission-"
Your gaze never wavered from the supe. "I'll focus when he stops acting like he's better than everyone else. He is not the only one with superpowers here, he might be strong but he doesn't scare or intimidate me in the slightest."
Rolling his eyes, Soldier Boy muttered, "I wouldn't need to if you could follow a plan for once in your life."
Butcher commented shutting you all up "Oi. Enough! No one is backing out. You two should go fuck it out or something, whatever issues you stupid cunts have with each other. Don't need any fuck ups in the mission."
The tension spilled into the supposed battlefield, your bickering a dangerous undertone to the chaos around you. Clashing on missions, your mutual disdain fielding your actions, each vying to outdo the other. Yet beneath the surface, a spark lingered, an undeniable attraction that you both, despised and desired, but neither of you wanted to acknowledge.
On a particularly precarious mission, your incessant bickering almost jeopardized the entire operation.
Amidst the mayhem, you found yourself pinned down by one of the opponents, wounded and unable to use your powers, and Soldier boy reluctantly came to your rescue.
You grunted, "I didn't need your help."
He shot back, "Don't get used to it. I'm saving the mission, not your sorry ass."
Watching the scene unfold from a distance, your teammates exchanged knowing looks. After the mission, they decided they'd have enough, and decided to take matters into their own hands, realising that the unresolved tension between you two threatened not just personal dynamics but the success of missions itself.
On Butcher's suggestion, the team tricked the two of you into thinking there was another mission but instead locking you up in a safe house together,
"Sort this out, or we'll all end up as collateral damage."
warned Hughie before haphazardly shutting the door and leaving, forcing you to confront your issues, facing a choice: either talk and resolve the conflict or risk tearing each other apart. Silence filled the room. However, it was short lived.
Taking a deep breath, you plopped on the sofa across from where he sat and spoke as calmly as you could.
"Great, those little shits tricked us."
Soldier Boy scowled, "This is ridiculous. I don't need couple's therapy, I need a way out of here. I'm gonna beat the shit out of these fucknuts."
This made you roll your eyes and cross your arms. "Maybe if you weren't so intolerable, we wouldn't be stuck in this situation in the first place."
As another argument filled the space, the air in the small living room of the safe house shifted. Soldier Boy's tone somewhat softened, revealing a vulnerability he rarely showed.
"You think I enjoy being like this? Constantly on edge, wondering if I'll turn into a goddamn weapon."
You sighed, your defenses momentarily crumbling.
"I didn't sign up for this either, you know. Being a supe's babysitter wasn't in my job description."
As you bickered, underlying desire simmered beneath the surface. Soldier Boy's gaze lingered a moment too long, making a very visible flush rise in your cheeks.
A smug grin playing on his lips, as he said,
"You can't resist me, can you? Admit it, there's something between us, more serious than all this bickering. You know, I think you want me-"
You cut him off, but your voice wavered. "Keep dreaming, I still can't stand you." This remark gave rise to another banter.
"Don't get over yourself. I was only pulling your leg. You're insufferable."
Accusations started flying like daggers, each word cutting deeper than the last. You walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge, making your way back into the living room, catching him intently staring at you. Frustration morphed into a heated exchange of longing glances.
Tension crackled in the air, and just when it seemed the room might implode, his expression shifted.
He got up from the sofa, walking over to you, cornering you till your back hit the wall. He leaned in, his eyes darkening with a growing desire, his voice dropping to a low, almost conspiratorial tone.
"You know what? Maybe you're right. I can't stand you, because everytime I look at you, this is all I want to do."
You arched an eyebrow, caught off guard. "Wait, what?" But before you could process what was happening, his lips crashed against yours in a passionate kiss, making the beer bottle fall from your hands, effectively silencing any protests. You caught hold of the shirt he was wearing, kissing him back with equal fervour, savoring the moment as if it was a dream that would end all too soon. All your pent up anger and frustration showed up as the two of you desperately tore at each other clothes, never once breaking the kiss. A battle of tongues. He only pulled back for a second, with a sly grin on his face, his eyes dark, pupils dilated with glimmers of lust.
"There, no need to argue when we can do this instead. We should've figured this out sooner." Rubbing you over your panties with two of his fingers, he groaned.
"You're such a slut. So wet already and I haven't even touched you. You want to get railed till you can't walk, don't you?"
Before you had a chance to say anything, he reclaimed your lips in a hunger fuelled kiss. The room once filled with tension, now crackled with a different kind of energy. Pieces of both your clothings flew across the room. Soldier boy lifted you up and carried you to the small table in the kitchen and set you down hurriedly. The two of you continued to kiss while he rid you both of the remaining pieces of clothing. He kissed you like a mad man, biting and marking every inch of your skin he could in his desperate need to be close to you. Starting from your neck, moving to your tits, taking one nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting it while palming and squeezing the other roughly, then switching and doing the same to the other one. He moved back up to place another rough kiss to your lips, both of you moaning and biting each other's tongues and lips, intoxicated with the feeling of being so close. With an animalistic growl he parted, giving you a look so intense, it could scare the bravest of people.
"When you feel the need to scream, moan my name. Scream it as loud as you can."
With that he roughly nudged your legs apart as wide as they could go and dived right in, eating you out like man starved, licking and sucking your most sensitive parts like it was his last meal. You pulled his hair, legs shaking and trembling with pleasure. His gruff beard giving you a delicious burn, that would heal in no time. He started flicking your clit with his tongue and entered two of his fingers inside you, moving them in and out rapidly. When he added two more fingers, you lost it. Screaming his name and cumming all over his face, your legs wrapped around his head, making it impossible for him to move away.
"Fuck. Ben. I can't-"
you tried pulling away but he didn't stop even then, holding you down with his arms, making you cum two more times before finally deciding to let go. You were dazed in pleasure, but still wanted more. Jumping down the table, and on your knees, you made eye contact with him as you slowly took his long, thick and veiny cock in your hand, stroking him and giving a few kitten licks from the base to the tip and sucking off the beads of precum, moaning at the salty taste, making him groan. You then looked up at him, taking him as far as you could before pulling back again and asking him to fuck your face. He hesitated for a second but his resolve crumbled as soon as you opened your mouth, showing him you were waiting for him. He grabbed your head with both his hands and pushed himself into your mouth, roughly thrusting in and out again and again, moaning your name, cussing like a maniac. You could tell he was close, and then he held your head as close as possible, making you gag a little, his eyes closing, his head thrown back, as ropes of his cum shot down your throat.
In ragged breaths, he said "Be a good little slut and swallow it all."
As you did, you opened your mouth with your tongue out, showing no remnants of his release. He chuckled, pulling you up by your arms, surprising you with a softness in his gaze as he asked
"You sure you want to go further? If you don't, we'll stop right here and pretend this never happened-" you cut him off with an aggressive kiss "Fuck me as hard as you can. I won't break. Take all your frustrations out on me."
With that he smirked and rapidly turned you around, bending your back and shoving your face on the table with his hand, setting it for support right by your head. He entered you with one brutal thrust, making the both of you moan and groan loudly, not giving you a second to adjust as he started ramming his cock into you, hard and deep, his hips moving at an inhuman speed.
"That's it. This is what you wanted right? Now take it. I don't think I'm ever going to let you go after this. You feel so good. Gonna make you my personal little fuck toy. Such a perfect fit."
Hearing all the filth leave his mouth made you clench around him, making him throw his head back in pleasure, never once letting his pace falter.
"Ah you love this. I can tell by the way your tight pussy's choking my dick."
At this point, all rational thoughts had left your brain and all you could do was moan and revel in the pleasure he was giving you. One thing you knew for sure was that he had ruined everyone else for you. After a few moments he moved the hand on your back between your legs to rub your clit and you started screaming in pleasure, feeling yourself flying close to the edge. As soon as Ben realised how close you were, he pulled out and turned you around, lifting you on the table and onto your back, swiftly entering you again.
"I know you're close. I wanna see your face when you cum all over me."
He moved his hand back between your legs to rub your clit in circles, while his other hand moved to your neck, choking you, as he went back to thrusting at his original, rough pace. This new angle somehow making him go deeper than before, hitting that one spot that made you see stars.
"Fuck. I don't think I can last long either."
To that, you finally managed to say
"Cum with me."
which sounded more like a moan than a sentence. You both looked into each other's eyes, moaning, grabbing each other, raking your nails all over his gorgeous, broad shoulders, not breaking the eye contact once. After a particularly hard thrust, you felt a funny sensation, one that you have rarely ever felt, only while pleasing yourself and before you knew, you screamed and started squirting your release, coming undone while Ben kept thrusting into you.
"Oh yes. Fuck. That's so hot baby. Cum all over me. I don't think I'll ever get enough of the look on your face right now. I think I've finally managed to shut you up, fucked your brains out. Fuck I'm cumming."
His thrusts grew frantic, and much harder than before, kissing you roughly, your teeth clashing, and he finally slammed his hips into yours one last time, holding your hips so tight, you were sure you would bruise for atleast a few hours, despite your super healing abilities. Groaning and grunting in his deep voice as thick ropes of his cum filled you to the brim, triggering yet another release out of you, making you squirt even more. He collapsed on top of you, careful that he wasn't crushing you with his weight.
The two of you stayed like that, entangled with each other for a few minutes, trying to catch your breath, before he slowly pulled out of you, making you both wince at the sudden loss. As he walked to the living room, "That was it" you thought, a one time rendezvous with Soldier Boy that might have either helped you two or made things worse. He sauntered back in with a towel in hand, towards the sink to wet it, also filling up a glass of water and quietly walking to you, cleaning you up without a word, handing the glass for you to drink. Taking it from him, you looked at him mumbled a soft "thank you", getting down the table, you nudged him to walk out with you, sitting down on the couch and covering yourself with a blanket, while he picked up his surprisingly untorn boxers, putting them on and sitting next to you, making you turn to face him. You both understood you needed to talk about what had just happened.
The shared realisation that the animosity between you two that had led to this impulsively passionate encounter, had somewhere blurred the lines between desire and hate.
Ben began to say "Look, about earlier... I didn't mean half the things I said."
You replied "What? You didn't mean it when you said you want to kiss me and do other filthy things to me everytime you see me?"
Taken aback, with a raised eyebrow and confused express Ben said, "Oh no, no lies there. I've wanted you from the moment I saw you."
You cut him off saying "I know, I was just pulling your leg. I've felt the same way about you. Your reputation preceded you and it made me crazy knowing I still wanted you."
He replied, "I think we let our tempers get the best of us." sighing, he continued "I care about you more than I let on."
Which made you sigh in response. "Then why do you never act like it? Making me think of you as a douche who loves berating me?"
Ben ran his fingers through his hair. "I guess I feel scared. Scared of how much of a hold you have had on me from the very beginning. It made me feel like a fool at times, I thought the only way I could supress these feelings were by acting like an asshole towards you. I'm really sorry."
Your gaze softened, "I'm really sorry too, my behaviour towards you hasn't been any better either." You continued, "I thought we were destined to be enemies. I don't hate you, I never did. I just wanted you to see the person I am beyond the righteous supe everyone else sees."
Ben slowly took your hands in his, making you look into his eyes. "Now I see you more than I ever thought I would. Maybe.. maybe there's something more here."
You replied, "Maybe there is. What happens now?"
To which he said "We talk. Like normal people. No more running away or avoiding things and arguing for no reason. We figure out where we stand, one step at a time, together."
You smiled, nodding your head. "Agreed. No more hiding how we feel. Besides, I guess I like this way of solving our issues much more." Which made him chuckle and pull you into his arms, staring at you intently, pressing his lips to yours.
Back at the Flatiron building, Hughie sat at his table across from Frenchie, fidgeting with his cup. "I'm worried. What do you think? Will they make up or kill each other?"
Butcher entered the room, a smirk plastered over his face "I'm pretty sure they are fucking like rabbits back there." And boy, was he right.
The two of you went multiple rounds, thanks to your super stamina, christening every possible surface of the safe house. From the couch, to the bedroom and the floor, and the shower too. You had both awoken a hunger, only the other could satiate.
"Now that we're not at each other's throats for the wrong reasons, I think maybe, we'd make a good team after all."
Said Ben, holding you close, running smooth circles on along your arms, with the two of you lying on the bed, tired and basking in the afterglow. You smiled, turning to face him. "We'll have to see about that, you might just be right. For now, I can't believe I'm saying this but I need sleep, we both do. You've worn me out completely."
He chuckled, tightening his arms around you, placing a soft kiss to your forehead and lips, and the two of you drifted off to sleep, feeling content in each other's embrace.
It was a start of a connection and understanding that arose from the most unexpected places, even amidst the chaos of a world filled with superhumans and the fight for good. Fiery exchanges and whispered confessions bringing in an unexpected depth to your dynamic, proving that there can be a fragile, pure connection between two polar opposites. Serendipity, often painted as an unusual force, interweaves with fate, guiding people towards love where they're least expecting to find it.
Your story a testament to the unpredicted twists of the heart, proving that even the fiercest adversaries can find redemption in each other's arms.
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a/n: Finished watching Season 3 of 'The Boys' just a few days ago and let me just put this out here, Jensen as Soldier Boy is one of the best things to ever happen to this world. Oh! the things I'd let this man do to me-
Been planning this fic for a week now, I really hope y'all enjoyed reading as much as I did writing this.
I'd really appreciate if you'd comment any thoughts, improvements, suggestions or requests that you have! Thank you ^_^
Credits: Banner by @mykento
post divider by @saradika
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1K notes · View notes
thesilmarillionblog · 1 month
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yeah i don't care..
727 notes · View notes
waynes-multiverse · 22 days
Ok hear me out. I got this idea after the episode of Dean getting his "virginity" back and hooking up with the porn star when he's digging through her dresser and finds the DVD of her ANYWAY
Best friend Dean who's been pining after you for sooo long but doesn't want to fuck it up and lose you. You're hanging out when you ask him to go grab something from your room and he's digging through your drawers looking and accidentally comes across some lingerie and now it's days later and he's so hot and bothered cuz he can't think of anything else (the boy has a serious panty kink lets be honest) and you catch him in your room going through your drawers again and OH
A/N: As I warned y'all, this is a longer DD because, well, the prompt was long, so it's not really my fault. All that backstory took on a life of its own, but I think no one will be mad about it 😅 Again, I had tons of fun with this one! You'll see 🤣
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Warnings: +18/NSWF, a ridiculous heat wave, friends to lovers (Wayne's Version), crack, a panty kink, some sneaky fluff, and some hot lovin' aka smut (oral f & face sitting)
Word Count: 4.5k (whoops)
Main Masterlist || Dirty Drabbles
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Cruel Summer
“You open the beaches on the 4th of July, it’s like ringing the dinner bell for Christ’s sake…”
As Jaws flickered across the screen in the Dean Cave, the green-eyed hunter adjusted himself in his seat. Usually, he had perfect control over himself and his feelings for you.
But on some days – like today – when you sat right next to him on the couch in nothing but a loose t-shirt and some short sweatpants, fanning yourself with an old magazine of Busty Asian Beauties as beads of salty sweat collected on your forehead and trickled down your neck, you made it hard for him.
“God, I’m so hot,” you sighed exhaustively and sunk further into the couch cushions, lifting your shirt from your sticky skin to let some cool air to your boobs as a heat wave ravaged through Kansas.
Painfully hard.
“Dean?” You pouted with your best puppy dog look at your best friend.
“Huh?” Dean was in trance, watching you more than the movie, always on the edge of getting caught one of these days.
“We’re out of Sour Patch Kids. I have more in my nightstand. Can you get them for me please?” you asked sweetly. “I don’t wanna move. I might actually die from heat exhaustion.”
Dean sighed and wordlessly rose from his seat. He knew you always kept an array of salty and sweet midnight snacks in your room in case you got hungry and didn’t want to wander into the kitchen in the middle of the night.
Moreover, he was grateful for the break. God knows he couldn’t stand to be around you any longer, or he would’ve been too tempted to rip your clothes off and really make you sweat.
I’ll show her a damn heat exhaustion, he thought with a scoff.
Hastily grabbing the desired snack, his green eyes then caught something red and lacy sticking out from the first drawer of your dresser. The hunter knew the decent and honest thing would’ve been to just keep moving and leave your godforsaken room.
Turn around, as Bonnie Tyler sang. But for some reason, his bright eyes couldn’t resist, his curiosity overtaking him.
Dean opened the drawer with the intention to push the naughty little clothing item back into its place and out of sight. Get rid of the temptation, so to speak. It sounded like the perfect loophole. He got to touch it and look at it, but for a very heroic and noble reason – not because he was a creepy perv, violating his best friend’s privacy.
On some level, Dean knew he’d never stand a chance with you. He wasn’t good enough. He had so much baggage all his suitcases wouldn’t even fit into the bunker.
A damn touch of a pair of panties you weren’t even wearing was all he would ever get from you.
But then his fingers touched the soft and see-through material, his pads tracing every delicate scarlet thread with precision and care. It was game over for him then and there, cursing himself internally for not resisting harder as his cock twitched joyfully in his jeans.
Dean had laid his eyes on you the second you strolled with swinging hips into that diner in Wichita for your very first case together, a werewolf hunt six years ago. And he had managed to get by without an incident for years since then, even when you moved into the bunker, being rather proud of that achievement. He never wanted to lose you as a friend and didn’t dare to cross a line. Ever.
Recently, though, it became more difficult to keep his distance and not let his thoughts wander. His feelings were magma that slowly had filled a volcano over the years. Each time you did something sexy or sweet or goofy or smart, another drop was added. And now, that damn fire mountain was overdue for an eruption – no thanks to that stupid heat wave.
“Thanks,” you said absentmindedly as the hunter handed you the candy but didn’t settle back down. Instead, he stood behind the sofa and leaned his hands on the backrest.
What you didn’t know, though, was that Dean was sporting quite the boner and wouldn’t dare to come into your line of view. He was surprised he could even walk up straight and not like a caveman early in the evolution.
A hunter gathering panties.
“I’m gonna hit the hay,” he told you with a somber clear of his throat. As the fan carried a breeze of your perfume to his nose, his grip tightened on the couch.
You turned in your seat and looked over your shoulder at him, raising a surprised brow. “Already? But the movie’s not over.”
“Yeah, I’m beat,” he excused and tried his best not to look strained. He forced a tight smile to his lips while his little dude celebrated Spring Break in his jeans. “‘Sides, we’ve seen Jaws like a million times now, Y/N.”
It was a cherished summer tradition between the two of you, watching it every 4th of July.
“I guess so.” You shrugged disappointedly, watching your best friend retreat to his room. Truth was, you loved spending time with Dean and held those little traditions close to your heart.
The Winchesters were your family, the only one you ever had. And while some families wore matching pajamas on Christmas morning, you watched the first two Die Hard movies. You would watch Dean’s favorite horror movies on Halloween. Sixteen Candles and High Fidelity on your birthday, Tombstone and The Great Escape on Dean’s, and some lame-ass foreign language documentaries that you both snored through on Sam’s.
Valentine’s Day was a dreaded non-holiday for all three of you, but for the past four years, someone would leave a box of chocolate in front of your door. The salted caramel ones would always be missing, and it always came with the same Forrest Gump quote:
I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.
You knew the anonymous someone was Dean, and you knew he meant it as a joke. Still, you clung to those little traditions. They might seem silly and stupid to some, but to you, they were your lifeline in a world full of darkness.
So, you felt rather saddened Dean didn’t seem to honor them anymore. It wasn’t just Jaws, either. He’d been withdrawing from you for a while, and you didn’t understand why.
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Unbeknownst to you, the green-eyed hunter had kept a lacy souvenir from your room.
Now, Dean had managed to avoid you for four days. Every night since his stealthy excursion, he would lie in his bed with your stolen panties in one hand and his throbbing length in the other, feeling goddamn pathetic for sinking so low.
It was probably so low that even his memory foam mattress would remember it.
With closed eyes, he then imagined how the perky globes of your ass would look like covered in crimson lace. How you would stretch out on his bed on all fours, with your ass high in the air and wiggling in front of him. How his fingers would push the wicked material aside to push into you, taking you deep and hard while you moaned his name.
As he ruined tissue after tissue, the guilt would wash over him as soon as he was done. Call it a post-nut epiphany.
Dean knew it was wrong to think those things. He knew he only made it harder for himself to ever look you into the eyes again. Hell, he barely could do it now, even though a part of him audaciously wondered what other treasures were hiding in that drawer of yours. And more pressingly, what ultimate wealth he would find beneath your clothes. If your lingerie was gold, he’d be a creepy-ass dragon sitting on it.
So, Dean tried to avoid you as best as possible. Mostly because, well…
“God, fuck me,” you groaned exhaustively and opened the refrigerator door, leaning against it as the refreshing cold hit you from behind. On top of that, you held a big bag of frozen peas to your sweaty chest. You already wore the bare minimum – some short denims and a white tank top, your hair up in a messy bun.
“I swear underboob sweat is the worst. Just be glad you don’t have tits,” you complained. “Guys, seriously, can we invest in an AC? This heat wave is killing me! This bunker is like one giant oven…”
You watched as Dean squirmed in his seat as he ate his cereal, looking as uncomfortable as you. Surely, the boys were suffering just as badly during those sweltering temperatures, already forgoing the usual flannels and opting for plain t-shirts instead. How they were still wearing jeans was beyond you. When you first moved in, you protested against Dean’s suggestion of Naked Tuesdays, but these days, you were actually giving it a second thought.
“Well, I’m gonna drive to Kansas City today and see if I can get us an AC. Apparently, they’re all sold out, but I figured maybe with a bit of flirting and some cleavage, I can still get us one,” you explained your plan with a bright smirk and wiggled your eyebrows. “What d’you guys think, huh?”
Dean then abruptly banged his fist on the table, spilling some milk from his bowl on the surface. “For God’s sake, Y/N!”
You frowned in confusion at his unexpected outburst. “What’s up with you? Are you having a heat stroke?”
“Flirting, really?!” the hunter barked, his brow shaped into a deeply furious v.
“What’s wrong with that? Double standard much? You do it all the time to get shit,” you countered and watched his jaw clench in anger.
“I do-... not,” he remarked snappily with a fierce finger drilling into the table, clearly lacking a good argument. Sam cleared his throat in agreement with you, but that only earned him a glare. “And Jesus fucking Christ, would it hurt you to put on some goddamn clothes? You’re not even wearing a bra!”
“Did you not hear my tits rant just now? Of course I’m not! ‘Sides, those boobs are gonna get you an AC, so be a little more grateful to them,” you retorted, annoyed with his attitude. You’d think of all the people in this world, Dean Winchester would understand. (And maybe even appreciate it.) “And how can you even tell, huh?”
“‘Cause science, Y/N! You’re literally cooling your tits! What did you think was gonna happen, huh? Nipples!” he vented outrageously. “This ain’t a strip club!”
“It’s 102 degrees, Dean!” you argued, throwing your arms up. “Look, if I could, I’d even go naked, alright? It’s fucking hot!”
“Oh, for crying out loud!” Dean shook his head and stormed out of the kitchen without any further comment.
Confused, you blinked at the younger Winchester. “What’s up with him?”
But Sam only shrugged, shaking his head. “Uhm, I don’t know,” he replied, although he could take an educated guess, suspecting his brother’s feelings for you as the culprit.
“Well, alright, I’m going to Kansas City,” you decided without wasting another thought on the older Winchester’s strange behavior. “Text me if you guys need something. I can pick it up on my way home.”
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Dean knew he was in deep trouble as his bow legs bolted down the bunker’s hallways. He tried so hard to keep it together, but when he saw you, half-naked and panting in front of the fridge, he quite literally lost his coolness in this goddamn heat wave.
The green-eyed hunter understood a thing or two about torture, but this was the worst of all. He’d rather have a demon repeatedly peel off his skin in hellfire than endure a day more of this fucking madness.
If the temperatures didn’t drop soon, it would be a cruel summer ahead of him.
As Dean heard the door to the garage close, he knew you’d left for your trip and exhaled a deep sigh of relief. At least he’d get a few hours of peace.
With the best intentions, he strolled to his bedroom, but as he passed your room on his way, he found the door ajar. Whatever good motives he had up until this point, went quickly out the window right then.
His hand twitched at the thought of more riches, worse than any trigger finger and competing with a California earthquake, and well, so did the dick in his jeans. It was an addiction at this point, an obsession he couldn’t resist nor get rid off. The fact that it was forbidden and wrong only made it even more appealing. The apple in the garden of Eden.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t an anonymous support group for this kind of sickness.
As unbearable shame and guilt collected in his stomach like rainwater in the gutter, his eager hands rummaged through your dresser drawer. There was purple lace and black satin, navy G-strings and white Brazilians. It was never ending, and the hunter couldn’t stop as he picked up each item and let his fantasies roam wild.
God, the things he wanted to do to you were as colorful as your rainbow full of underwear.
The green-eyed hunter froze in his place, a white lace panty still bunched up in his large palm. The hair in the back of his neck stood up in shock, a part of him refusing to turn around at the sound of your voice. He was caught red-handed, and he knew it.
“What are you doing in my room?” you prompted, suspiciously cocking an eyebrow. It looked fairly obvious what your best friend was up to, but you didn’t want to accuse him right away, giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Frankly, it was quite unbelievable.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Dean replied and swallowed thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he held up his hands like a criminal during an arrest, the evidence still in his grasp.
“Well, it looks like you’re snooping through my lingerie,” you pointed out bluntly.
Dean nodded, guilt-ridden and reluctant. “I can explain.”
“Good,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’m waiting…”
“Right, uhm…”
“Oh, before you scramble for an answer, you should know, though, that I’m aware a pair of red lace panties is missing, and I know the washer didn’t eat them,” you said and raised an expectant brow.
You had a feeling your pervy best friend was behind the mystery of the missing item. Now you knew for sure.
“Man, I always knew you were a kinky son of a bitch, but this is a new level, Dean,” you scolded.
Dean’s gaze dropped to the floor in shame, scratching the nape of his neck. “Look, uhm, there’s no good excuse. I know I fucked up here. I’ll sleep in a motel tonight until I find my own place. You can stay here with Sam, alright? I’ll move out and won’t bother you anymore.”
As he tried to brush past you, you blocked his exit and grabbed his arm. “So, you’re gonna leave? Just like that?”
“What other choice do I have? I don’t wanna make you more uncomfortable,” he stated without glancing at you once. He couldn’t bring himself to look into your eyes and see the disappointment and disgust there. “I know what I did was wrong.”
“Oh, so wrong,” you agreed. “I just figured you wouldn’t run away like a coward and take your punishment like a man, you know? Aren’t you at all curious what I’m wearing right now?”
That was when Dean’s juniper eyes slowly wandered to you and caught your gaze for the first time. You smirked as his breathing became heavy and his look darkened and filled with lust. It seemed like he wanted to rip your clothes off with his goddamn bare teeth like a wild animal.
“I can’t tell if you’re joking or if I’m dreaming,” he admitted, his deep voice part harsh swallow and part nervous chuckle.
“Neither,” you said, biting your bottom lip.
Carefully, you leaned closer, your hands reaching up to cup his scruffy cheeks. Noses nuzzled as your lips ghosted against his with a daring grin. You wouldn’t go further; it was up to Dean to make that final decision.
And then, as no more than a mere second ticked by on the clock, the hunter crashed his lips against yours in a kiss so scorching it made the current heat wave look like an ice age. If you thought you were hot before, now it felt like you were burning in a wildfire.
Dean roughly pushed you against the door, his kiss all teeth and tongue in an uncontrollable frenzy. His dick was hard and thick, straining against his jeans and rubbing along your thigh. Pantingly, you gasped for air and grabbed his hand, guiding it down your body and into your shorts.
“Feel that?” you asked mischievously as his fingers dug through your soaked folds and collected the arousal he caused. A wanton growl left his plush lips. “All for you, baby. You’ve been a bad boy, haven’t you?”
“Shit, yeah, so bad…” Dean rasped huskily against your throat as he worshipped his path down your body, forcing your shirt up till his wet tongue rolled over your pert and still cold nipple.
“Gonna make it up to me, huh? Show me how sorry you are?” you prompted, your fingers raking through his sandy blond and soft hair, eliciting a groan from him every time you tugged a little harder.
Teeth pinched your skin, tongue cherished your taste, and lips left your throat bruised. It was equal parts hot, sweaty, messy, naughty, dirty, and sticky as your bodies rutted against one another, looking for dire release.
With swollen and plumper than before lips, he came back up for air and found your eyes. He kissed you with heated passion once more as if he couldn’t resist to touch you over and over again. He had to restrain himself to be able to speak.
“So, uhm, you sure about this?” Dean asked between labored breaths with an insecure gleam in his green eyes. “‘Cause if we go further, I don’t think I can stop. And I don’t mean just this time but ever… If you want this to be a one time thing, you gotta tell me, sweetheart, so I can mentally prepare myself. I mean, I’ll take what I can get, you know? Not that I care either way… Well, that’s not true. I do care. A lot… But, you know, you’re you, and I’m me, so I’m not delusional. I know there’s no way you would–”
You interrupted his babbling with a kiss, causing the hunter to lose his words. You looked deeply into his eyes and offered him a small smile of comfort.
“Dean, listen to me, okay? ‘Cause this is very important,” you urged, your hands gripping his shirt tightly.
He nodded, gulping anxiously. “O-Okay.”
“You’re incredible,” you said and watched him inhale sharply at your words, blinking at you in disbelief. “Absolutely fucking bonkers incredible. You’re right – you’re you. And thank God you are, because you’re the best, funniest, smartest, kindest, and goddamn hottest man I’ve ever met. I’m tired of you not seeing that. As my boyfriend, I really need to you to see that, alright?”
As Dean pensively took in your words, his brow began to furrow. “Boyfriend?”
The corners of your mouth rose to a beam. “Yeah, boyfriend,” you confirmed. “That’s what you want, right? ‘Cause I’d really like that, too.”
“Uh, yeah, yeah… That’s what I want.” Dean nodded eagerly before another swallow followed. “I mean, among other things…”
You bit your lip, smirking. “What other things?”
“Well, uhm…”
Dean didn’t finish his sentence, his lips impatiently claiming yours instead. He pressed you hungrily back against the door, massive hands sliding down your sides till they hooked into the hem of your denim shorts and ripped them down to your ankles, leaving you only covered in teal lace. He growled shamelessly at the sight, his thick digits eagerly diving inside.
“Wanna be inside you,” he groaned into your ear, thumbing furiously at your clit. “Every hour of every day…”
“We can do that,” you agreed with a giggle, your arms locking around his neck, fingers carding through his hair in the back.
“Wanna feel your mouth around my–” The last word was muffled as he ravaged your neck, but you understood where he was going with this.
“You can do that,” you said with a smile.
“And fuck, I want you to ride my face,” he declared. That demand left you speechless, making even Dean stop for a minute and look at you. “Too far?”
You shook your head and smirked. “I can do that.”
Before Dean’s mind could fathom your words, you shoved him onto the bed, his back hitting the mattress. When you stood before him, slotted between his muscular legs, his gaze trailed up and down your body, memorizing every beautiful curve. As your fingers curled into the waistband of your panties, however, the hunter stopped you.
“Leave ‘em on, sweetheart. Don’t you dare take those off,” he told you, his hands rapaciously reaching out to you.
You played with the hem of your top and smirked, your tongue licking over your lips. “What about this? On or off?”
“Off,” he shot back faster than a bullet leaving a barrel.
“You first,” you demanded and grinned. “Remember, this is still your punishment.”
“God, I love getting punished,” Dean mumbled and slipped out of his shirt. He then swiftly shimmied out of his jeans, discarding each item carelessly around the room.
He then took a deep breath as he tugged the waistband of his boxers, his erection already fighting its way out. “Well, here goes nothing,” the hunter said and pulled his underwear down.
You tilted your head to see his hard cock from a better angle as it sprang against his stomach. Your lips parted in anticipation, wondering what he’d taste like on your tongue and how deep you’d be able to take him. You guessed there’d be a struggle ahead, considering how huge and wide he was.
“Oh, I would not call that monster nothing,” you commented with a scoff, your pussy throbbing with need. “Explains all that BDE.”
Dean blushed. It was cute to watch. “Thank you.”
Giggling, you removed your shirt and tossed it at his face, blinding him for a second. You used that momentum to slide onto the bed and straddle his torso. As his eyes finally found you again, he almost choked on his spit when he gazed up at your perfect tits above him. A primal grunt escaped his throat.
With a mesmerized sparkle in his eyes, his hands trailed up your body and cupped your breasts, massaging them roughly as your panties grew damper by the minute. He then pulled you down to his lips and kissed you breathless before he left them with a boyish smirk on his freckled face.
“Hop on, sweetheart.”
And as if his words hadn’t been enough motivation, his hands wandered to palm your ass and hauled you closer to his mouth. He was an impatient one – or maybe he’d waited years for this and was finally tired of it.
Your knees sunk into the mattress on either side of his stubborn head. His fingers dented your flesh as they grabbed onto your thighs. Yours held onto the headboard for support. You tried not to look down, because then you’d see his big lopsided and full of excitement grin.
The same one he had when you found a diner in Kentucky that advertised the biggest burger in America (it wasn’t). The same one he had when he thought he had run into a member of Metallica at a gas station outside of Phoenix (he didn’t). The same one he had when you and Sam gifted him his own beer brewing station for his last birthday (which tasted horrible, but neither you nor Sam had the heart to tell him).
And now, he had that same grin when he was about to be with you.
As your pussy dripped above him, Dean couldn’t hold back his lewd groans any longer. You didn’t even have to lower yourself; he just dragged you down onto his face all to eagerly. His fingers swiped your panties to the side, and before you could even adjust your grip on the bedpost, his tongue darted into your soaked channel as deeply as he could and sucked you goddamn dry.
With several whimpers, you clenched around his wet muscle. If you were water in the desert, he was parched and drinking to survive.
His nose was buried in your folds, rubbing deliciously against your clit as he lapped your pussy in a vicious attack that left you squirming and moaning to a pornographic degree above him. Because Dean was just that – pure porn.
Instinctively and irresistibly, you ground your cunt against him, the vibrations of his keen groans against your sensitive flesh rocking you to the edge of your climax. He ate you out and devoured you like that damn gigantic burger in Kentucky. And as you dared to blink down and watch him in action, he had the audacity to devilishly smirk up at you with the crinkles around his green eyes alone, gauging your every reaction to his touches as if you were a goddamn movie on a silver screen.
You trembled and quivered and screamed as your orgasm electrified every molecule in your body. You white-knuckled the wood in your grip, your body only held up by Dean’s strong arms because God knows your weak legs were useless now.
As wave after wave washed over you, Dean drank every drop of yours, his tongue never getting enough of your taste. The sounds that filled the room were carnal and obscene.
“Fuck, Dean,” you sighed blissfully and lifted off his face and captured his swollen and red lips in a grateful kiss, your palms finding purchase on his broad shoulders. Your drenched and sensitive cunt settled on his thighs as an egregiously large erection poked your belly and tempted you further.
Dean smirked up at you, all satisfied and confident with his achievement. “I think we have a slight problem, though.”
Your brow knitted, your heart tightening with anxiety. Had you been as disappointing as the burger, beer, and that fake Metallica band member?
But Dean only grinned teasingly at your confused face. “There’s no way I learned my lesson here.”
You snorted and sought out his lips, the kiss giving you a taste of yourself. “We’ll work on that. I might have to nickname you Jaws after this,” you joked.
“Can’t wait for you to explain that one to Sammy.” Dean snorted, chuckling. “Now, how about you hop on again, but this time a little further south, huh?” he proposed with a wiggle of his eyebrows and a suggestive twitch of his cock for emphasis.
You giggled with a few nods. “I can do that.”
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Was it worth the words? 😝
For all you newcomers and as a general reminder, Dirty Drabbles are always open. I still have quite a few left, but you're welcome to send more in, and we'll add it to the collection at some point 😎🔥
Everything Jensen: @alwaystiredandconfused @xlynnbbyx @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @blackcherrywhiskey @deansbbyx @foxyjwls007 @ladysparkles78 @roseblue373 @zepskies @agalliasi @yvonneeeee @hobby27 @imsapphine @globetrotter28 @mxltifxnd0m @lacilou
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You’ve Never What? (Dean Winchester)
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Description: Y/N has never rode anyone’s face before and Dean is shocked.
Warning: Face Riding, Age Gap
Word Count: 1,531k
I sat at the table eating alongside Dean and Sam. I made us mac and cheese because we’ve been having take out all week and I wanted something different. The boys and I were pretty close, almost like a family but I certainly didn’t view them as family. They were both so hot but one of them caught my eye more than the other. Dean. He was older than me, sure but only 14 years. He was strong and muscular and oh my god his voice? I could get off to the sound of him talking. He was so hot and he knew it which was why he talked to the why he did. Anytime he saw a pretty woman he had to voice it and say what dirty things he wanted to do to her.
It made Sam and I roll my eyes but we were rolling them for different reasons. Sam was annoyed and didn’t wanna hear his brother talk about that stuff and I was annoyed he wasn’t talking about me. But why would he? He probably has zero interest in me. “Y/N are you okay?” I snapped out of it and looked at Sam. “Yeah sorry.” I said and went back to eating. “Man, I would love to be on the beach right now with some hot chicks.” Dean said. Sam and I look at him. “A hot girl sitting on your face. It’s the dream isn’t it?” I shrugged at him. “I don’t know, I've never done it.” I said.
Sam looked at me with his eyebrows raised and Dean’s jaw dropped. “You never what?” He asked in shock. I shrugged. “Being with you guys the past 5 years I haven’t really had time.” I say. “Before then?” He asked. I shook my head. “Well sweetheart if you want to just ask.” He said. It was my turn to be shocked and I squeaked out a “what?” Sam got up with his bowl and walked to his room. I didn’t blame him. “If you ever want to experience it just ask.” My face was red. “Oh come on. I see how you look at me sweetheart. I’m not an idiot.” He says. I just stare at him too shocked and embarrassed to even process what is going on. “Dean, what if this ruins our friendship?” I asked after a few minutes. “I won’t let it.” He says. How could he be so sure? “You can’t know that it won’t.” I whisper. He gets up with his bowl. “The offer still stands.” He shrugs. 
I sat in my room on my bed thinking about what he said, what he offered. It would be a dream but at what cost? I didn’t use to do anything and it would be awkward after. I had a pretty good relationship with him, I didn’t want that to be over because of hormones. I really liked Dean too. I didn’t just want us to do sexual stuff, I wanted something real with him. But the more I thought about it the more I realized what if this was my only opportunity to be with him in any way? If he thinks it won’t affect our relationship then maybe it won’t.
A knock at the door snapped me out of my thoughts again. I got up from my bed and opened the door revealing the man I was just thinking about. “Hey Sam bought some pie if you want some.” He suggested. “Yeah sure.” I say and walk out of my room. I followed him into the kitchen where the pie was. It looked and smelled delicious. “You want me to get you a slice?” He asked, grabbing a knife to cut the pie with. “Yes please.” I say. I sat at the table and watched as he cut two slices of the pie for us. He brought them over and sat down next to me. “Thank you.” I say and start eating the pie.
We ate in silence for a while but I was thinking too much about the conversation earlier. Dean seemed to notice. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” He said. I looked at him. He didn’t make me uncomfortable, just made my feelings worse. I shook my head. “No you didn’t but I think…I wanna take you up on your offer.” I say. “Are you sure?” He asked. I nodded. “Yes.” Before I could say or do anything he leaned over and kissed me. Catching me off guard. It took me a minute but I kissed back. Our lips moved together at the table and he pulled me closer. His arms wrapped around me pulling me into his lap. I straddled him as our lips didn’t stop. My hands run through his hair and his hands run up and down my back. Wherever Sam was I only hoped that he didn’t walk in on this. I pulled at his shirt wanting him to take it off. He pulled away from the kiss. “Not here. In my room.” He said against my lips.
I nodded and got off him. He took my hand and dragged me to his room. He closed the door and took off his shirt revealing his beautiful body to me. “Take off your clothes, sweetheart.” He told me. I took off my big shirt revealing my matching bra and panties to him. I looked at him as he walked up to me. “Wow. You’re so beautiful.” He says and cups my face. I stare at him and look at his lips as he leans down and kisses me. This was a different kiss than the one we had in the kitchen. This one was more passionate and slow and not so lustful. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned up to deepen the kiss. “Jump.” He mumbled into the kiss. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around him. He turned us around and fell onto the bed with me on top. I pulled away to catch my breath. His eyes stared into mine and his hands ran up and down my thighs. “Take off your panties.” He tells me and I do, throwing them somewhere in his room. I straddled him once more and he tugs me up his body.
My nerves grew as I got closer and closer to his face. He smirked up at me and my breath got heavier. “It’s okay sweetheart.” He tells me in a soft voice. I nodded and he helped me to where I was hovering over his face. I looked down at him and I saw my juices drip onto him. I gasped in embarrassment and went to apologize. “No need. Your juices are going to be all over my face.” He winks. I let out a breath I was holding in and he lowered me onto his face. I gasp as I feel his hot breath tickle my area and his nose settle on my clit. “Fuck.” I gasped. His tongue began swirling my hole making me let out a little moan.
I didn’t have anything to grasp onto so I laced my fingers through his hair. His tongue entered me a little, making me moan louder than I wanted to. His hands that were gripping my hips started moving me. My clit was dragging on his nose and his tongue was moving in and out of me. My moans grew as I let myself ride his face. Though his tongue couldn’t go super deep into me but it still felt good. His nose was perfect for riding and I took a mental note of that. With my clit constantly bumping into it my high was very close. I moan his name over and over like I was praying to the man below me.
He hummed against me making vibrations course through me. “Dean fuck i’m really really close.” I whimpered. He sped up his movements and within seconds I came all over his tongue and nose. My hips stuttered on his face as I rode my high. Once I became over sensitive I pushed myself off his face with shaky legs. He helped me stay up as he smirked at me. I gasped seeing his face covered in my orgasm. He licked his lips and hummed. “Are you okay?” He asked me. I nodded and chuckled. “Yeah definitely.” He helps me off him and I collapse next to him. “I’m glad you enjoyed that.” He winked.
I laughed and looked up at the ceiling. “That really was amazing.” I whispered. “You can have my tongue and nose anytime you want.” He tells me. I looked over at him and he was already looking at me. “I know that I talk about women a lot and I know you and Sam hate it but I really like you and I want something more than just this.” He motioned to what we just did. I was shocked that he returned my feelings. “I like you too Dean. And yeah I was hoping that this wouldn’t have been a one time thing either.” I say. He smiles and leans in and kisses me.
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flow33didontsmoke · 25 days
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You’re dating early seasons Dean Winchester.
divider: @cafekitsune
reblogs are appreciated, asks open
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 months
Home Sweet Not Home
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Summary: The reader wakes up in bed next to a familiar but oh so strange man...
Pairing: Jensen x hunter!reader
Word Count: 1,400ish
Warnings: none
A/N: Hooo boy enjoy this one!
You felt warm when you began to stir awake. There was a heavy blanket on you that was nice, not out of the ordinary for Dean to pile an extra one on the bed while you were sleeping. You rolled over in bed, smashing your face in a bare chest.
“Morning,” Dean mumbled. His voice wasn’t as deep and you wondered if he was coming down with something. You blinked open your eyes, resting your hands on his chest, running them down briefly before you cocked your head.
“Where’s your tattoo?” you asked carefully, putting your hand on his pec, ready to use your nails in the shifter’s flesh as a distraction. But this Dean was chuckling, nuzzling his cheek against yours.
“S’on my shoulder like always, silly,” he said, yawning and sighing softly. “You okay? You’re tense.”
You shifted your head up, noticing the white headboard, eyes darting around to see soft light colored walls, a large balcony door and a window overlooking a grassy backyard and pool.
“What the…” you said, standing and hopping out of bed, glad that you were at least in the t shirt and shorts you remembered falling asleep in. You went over to the door and pulled it open, Dean out of bed and moving to the other side of the room, hitting something on a white thermostat looking thing.
“Honey,” he said, walking over as you stood on the small balcony, leaning over the railing to look at a patio and some trees. “Y/N. Everything alright?”
“Where…” you asked, Dean sighing.
“We’re in Austin,” he said, running his hand gently over your head. You turned to look up at him, spotting him in a pair of navy boxers that he normally wore.
“Austin?” you asked, his arm sporting the tattoo he mentioned before but it wasn’t an anti-possession one.
“Okay,” he said, gently resting his hands on your shoulders and pulling you back into the very nice bedroom, soft carpet under your toes. He sat you on the bed and kneeled down in front of you. “The doctor said this might happen so that’s why he gave us the list of questions, remember?”
You had no idea what the hell was going on but you just shrugged, this guy very kind for a shifter if he was one.
“Okay. What’s your name?” he asked with a smile.
“Y/N,” you said.
“Your full name, sweetie,” he said, still smiling.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you said, the smile wiping off his face.
“That’s your maiden name,” he said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “S’okay. We’ll keep going. What’s today’s date?”
“Um,” you said, thinking for a moment, Dean cocking his head when you answered.
“That’s right,” he said, forcing a smile on his face. “Does your head hurt, honey?”
“My head? Why would my head hurt?” you asked.
“We were in a car accident two days ago. They were concerned you had a concussion. Last night was the first time you were at home. Do you not remember any of this?” he asked.
“Dean, I don’t-”
“Dean? You know I love a good joke but now is not the time, Y/N,” said Dean. You swallowed hard, Dean putting a hand on your head. “What’s my name?”
“I…” you said, looking around the room for any kind of clue. Something had happened after your witch hunt obviously. Same name, different person. You were still Y/N where ever you were but a different version, paired up with a different Dean that apparently wasn’t named Dean. You were well off if your yard was anything to go off of so you definitely weren’t hunters. “I’m just tired. Sweetie.”
“Nice try. What’s my name?” he asked again.
“Honestly?” you asked. He nodded, curiously looking up at you. “I don’t remember.”
“That’s alright,” he said, very good at hiding the flash of concern that showed up on his face. “Do you-“
A phone started to ring, Not Dean ignoring it in favor for paying attention to you.
“Do you remember how we met at all?” he asked.
“Working a job,” you said, his face twitching up.
“That’s right,” he said, tilting his head.
“I’m sorry. I’m just...messing with you,” you said, the man pouting. He opened his mouth but a doorbell rang somewhere, the man getting to his feet.
“I’ll be right back. Stay here,” he said, walking over to a closed door, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a shirt from the floor as he went. The second he was out of the door you started to look around, trying to find clues about who he was. You could always make a break for it but in pajamas you didn’t think you’d get far, especially with this guy’s sweet husband thing he had going on.
You walked through an open door to a bathroom, cutting through it to find a closet. You sighed, wishing you’d found something with a name until you jogged back to the nightstand, a wallet on top.
“Yes,” you said, ripping it open and pulling out a Texas license. “Okay. Jensen Ackles. 6’ 1”. Organ donor. Well that’s nice and all but I still know nothing.”
You started to dig through the wallet, mostly credit and reward cards, some cash and a business card with a doctor’s name and number. There was a faded picture of him and a woman that looked exactly like you, the worn edges saying it was probably at least five years old.
You put the wallet back when you heard him coming, sitting back in your spot on the bed, trying to seem relaxed.
“Who was at the door, Jensen?” you asked innocently, Jensen lifting his chin.
“Kid up the street. Girl Scout cookies. I ordered you some thin mints,” he said, padding around to the side of the bed, arms crossed. “Don’t pull shit like that again. It’s not funny. You know how freaked I was after the accident.”
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly, his face briefly looking hard before he started to drag his toes through the carpet.
“I get this feeling you’re lying to me,” he said, looking you in the eye. “I’ve known you forever, kiddo. You have that look on your face.”
It’d be easy to lie and make something up. It’d be easy to fake a concussion too. Telling the truth would probably get you thrown in an institution.
Jensen tilted his head and walked over to you suddenly, grabbing your underwear and pulling the band down an inch.
“Hey!” you barked at him, kneeing him hard, Jensen falling to the floor.
“You don’t have a tattoo,” he said, getting to his feet slowly, pressing his thumb against your hip, wiping over your anti-possession one. “That’s real.”
He backed away from you, looking you up and down.
“You would never hit me like that because you know I don’t touch you like that and…” he said, tilting his head as he stared at your leg. “You don’t have a scar on your thigh. What…”
“Jensen...take a breather for me buddy,” you said, Jensen shaking his head. “I can explain.”
“Am I nuts? You’re not my...did I die in that accident? Is this some-“
“Dude! Chill. You’re not dead,” you said, Jensen eyeing you suspiciously. “You’re fine. I’m the one that’s…”
“Not my wife?” he said, closing his eyes. “This is one of those freaky weird dreams that seems super real. That’s what it is. You definitely aren’t-“
“Uh, I’m Y/N,” you said. “Hate to break it to you.”
“I was going to say, Reese,” he said. “You know, the character you play on a tv show. Now would be a great time to tell me this is a very in-depth prank.”
“Me? On TV? I have done some crazy stuff but that…” you said, Jensen nodding his head at you. “You’re freaking out.”
“Just a little,” he said. You hummed.
“I guess I have to give you the civilian talk,” you said.
“The what?” he asked.
“Just take a seat, Jensen.”
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pank0w · 2 months
When you read a really good fic but then after ur done reading it, realising that it was a part of a series so now your dying because now you’ve ruined it.
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kazosa · 1 year
Wildwood Prequel: the Meeting
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Summary: In the summer of 1995, you went to Texas and in a chance encounter, you met the boy who would become your lifelong friend and penpal.
Pairing: Female reader x Jensen Ackles
Word count: 6k
Warnings: none other than crippling embarrassment
A/N: please remember this is only fiction and not intended to be disrespectful to any real life people.
Banner credit: @coffee-obsessed-writer
Editor credit: @coffee-obsessed-writer
In the summer of 1995 you were 16 and going on a work vacation with your parents. It wasn’t your ideal choice, but you had two options. One was to stay with your grandmother who had never shown any interest in you because you were not your older brother. Also, the idea of having to sleep on your passed away grandfather’s old bed was absolutely not an option. The other option you had was squeezing into the extended cab truck “backseat” while your dad delivered a piece of bakery equipment to a grocery store in Dallas, Texas. It would take at least a full day to drive from your hometown to Texas, crammed in the extended cab, but you went anyway knowing that if you didn’t, you wouldn’t get a vacation that summer.
It ended up taking a day and a half to get there because your dad didn’t want to take the equipment on the interstate. By the time you reached Dallas it was so incredibly hot. It was hot in your hometown, but not like it was in Dallas. You felt bad for your dad being outside in the heat to help the store workers unload the machine. Sweat flowed freely… When the work was complete, you got lunch before heading out to find South Fork Ranch. The show Dallas had ended, but your mother loved the show and wanted to see the house that was used for the exterior shot of the ranch.
Your parents decided to stay in Texas a little while and had booked a suite at one of the fancier hotels nearby.
“Please tell me it has a pool,” you said.
“Of course it has a pool,” your mom answered.
“Heard that one before Debra,” you chided. 
“You won’t let that go, will you?”
“No ma’am!”
She already gave you the okay to look around and go swim before you left the room. You’d gotten explicit instructions not to leave the hotel, not that you would have any idea of where to go in a city you’d never been in. When you were changed, you wrapped your towel around your waist and loaded your fanny pack with sunscreen (Mom made you take it), walkman, sunglasses, $5, and of course, the room key.
You’d spotted the pool on the way in and were fumbling with the fanny pack for your sunglasses when it happened. You hadn’t even seen him before you walked right into a wall with legs. Your momentum sent you tumbling to the floor and your fanny pack contents, too.
“Jesus Christ,” you muttered to yourself. You fell on your bad knee and yanked your towel loose. Even though you had on your swimsuit, you felt horribly exposed. Snatching your towel first, you flung it over your shoulders while crouched on all fours. Meanwhile a tall, pretty-boy stood staring at you in a daze. When you glared at him, it seemed to snap him back from wherever his mind had gone.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, helping you stand, “Sorry, I didn’t see you.”
He went to grab your things that had gone flying across the floor. He hurried back to hand them to you.
“Fanny pack, huh?” he said with a grin.
“I’m not the purse type,” you didn’t even like the word purse. You were looking over your walkman to make sure it wasn’t broken. You saw something on the floor he’d missed and were going to grab it, but that was when you discovered your flip-flop was trashed.
“Shit.” You stumbled again and the guy grabbed your arm to steady you. When he saw what you were looking at, he stepped away to get it for you.
“You here on vacation?” he asked shyly.
You were pretty sure that was obvious but you’d noticed Texans couldn’t help but small talk.
“Yeah, I’m here with my parents. They’re finally letting me do stuff by myself,” you said. “Are you here with someone?”
“Ah yeah. My parents, too. I was supposed to be somewhere else but I missed the bus and they made me come with them.” He looked down at your broken flip-flop. “Are you going to be here a while? Maybe I can take you to get new ones, or we can go do something? My brother and sister are with my grandparents and I don’t want to be stuck with my parents all week…” he trailed off, realizing he was babbling.
“Are you from here? Do you drive?” you were curious. Hanging out with someone while on vacation would be more fun than being by yourself or doing tons of stuff with your parents.
“I’m from Texas, but I don’t live in the city. I’m about an hour away. I do drive. Might be able to take you somewhere for new flip-flops…”
“Um… I don’t know about that. I can’t leave the hotel but… we can definitely hang out. I’m heading to the pool now if you want to come.”
You were feeling nervous even talking to a boy, but you could tell he was a little nervous too, and that helped. It was weird for you to even be so bold. Normally new people were hard for you to get to know and open up to, but you figured, what the hell. You would go home in a few days and you might not ever see the pretty-boy again. It was a very freeing situation.
“Yeah, I just gotta go change. Don’t leave, okay?” he said with a smile.
You were going to the pool whether he came back or not.
“Hey, what’s your name?” he had already turned to leave but came back.
“(Y/N),” you answered. “What’s yours?”
“Jensen,” he said quickly and turned to leave.
“Yep. Back in a bit.” He left your view.
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After swimming for a while, you got out of the water and bought yourself a soda and candy before going back to your lounge chair. In the Texas heat, you were already almost dry except for your hair. You put on some sunscreen and positioned your chair to be in the shade. The year before, you’d gone to Disneyworld for a band trip and had gone to Coco Beach and got a bad sunburn. That experience was still fresh in your mind and you didn’t want to repeat it. When you were doing your best to get your back you heard someone talking.
“Need help with that?” the voice said.
You almost didn’t turn because you expected to find some creep staring at you. Thankfully it was Jensen and… he looked really cute in his swim shorts and T-Shirt. Throwing away all inhibition, you said, “Do you mind?” and held out the sunscreen to him.
He put his things down on the lounge chair next to hers and took the bottle. Yes, he’d asked, but he’d thought she wouldn’t say yes to his offer. Having to put his money where his mouth is, he put lotion in his hand and began to apply it to her smooth skin.
“Make sure you get the middle, I couldn’t reach,” you told him.
He made a sound and you felt his hand spread the lotion where you told him. “What about you? You need help or are you going to wear the shirt?” You turned to look at him. He already looked like the heat was getting to him. “Some people swim in shirts…”
“Us Texas boys can take it,” he said. He was staring and forced himself to look away.
“You sure? It’s no big deal. Wouldn’t be good to get a sunburn, pretty boy,” you teased and took the lotion from him and applied a thin layer to your face.
“Nope. You ready?” he asked, pulling off his shirt and standing.
“Yeah,” you stood up. “What do you—”
Jensen grabbed you to him and jumped in the water with you, sunglasses and all. You weren’t even mad and your sunglasses stayed on.
“Refreshing!” he said with a grin after you both popped up out of the water.
You couldn’t help but laugh. You might have done the same thing to him, eventually.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” you could barely believe your own ears. If you weren’t in Texas, and your own home so far away, there was no chance you would never have been so free. “So how old are you?” you asked with only your head out of the water.
“17 on March 1st,” he answered. “How old are you?”
“16 last month. Junior or Senior?”
“Junior. College?”
He shook his head. “Probably not.”
“How come?”
Jensen shrugged. “It’s not for me. I could go. My parents want me to, but…”
“My parents want me to, also. I want to have a good job and make money, but college sounds scary to me. But my brother flaked out and if I go, I would be the first in my family.”
“What would you study?” he asked. You only shrugged. “I want to act.”
“Seriously?” He nodded. “What are you going for? TV? Movies?”
“If I graduate, my parents and I talked about it, I’ll give it a solid year of trying to get anything. Movies would be cool, but TV is steady and you can still do movies.”
“Huh. Cool. I hope it works out for you,” you told him.
He shrugged, “We’ll see. I hope I’m good enough.”
“You’ll get your foot in the door, if not for talent, you sure are pretty enough,” you laughed, but were serious, too.
“Stop it…”
“No. You are. Every pretty teen girl’s dream,” you laughed, still teasing. 
“Does that mean I’m your type?” Jensen asked.
You laughed. “God no. You’re too pretty and way out of my league. Guys like you are only ever friends with someone like me.” The idea of someone like Jensen being interested in you was utterly ridiculous.
“You might be surprised. Just, don’t shoot him down too hard, be open to it when he asks,” he said.
“Yeah, right. I’ll be single forever,” you lamented. “Do you know how many times I’ve been mistaken for a boy?!”
“It doesn’t matter, you’ll be someone’s Nova,” he smiled.
*GASP* “Jensen! You’re a nerd!”
“Shhhh, don’t tell anyone. You’ll blow my pretty-boy image.”
A volleyball landed with a splash nearby as if to save you both from more awkward conversation. Jensen grabbed the ball and looked towards where the net was set up and picked out the guy waving at him to throw it back. Jensen drew back his arm and you watched as the ball sailed across the pool and landed with a splash next to the man.
“Hey, y’all wanna play with us?” the man called. “We need two more.”
Jensen looked at you, now standing, asking with his eyes.
“Sure, what the hell,” you answered. “Been a while since I played last.”
He watched as she made her way over to the other players and wondered how anyone would ever mistake her for a boy.
You had no idea how much time had passed. You and Jensen played several games of volleyball with the other group and you noticed he was really good. You worked well together and could anticipate each other’s moves. Playing on land was hard enough, but was much harder in water. Jensen noticed you were getting tired and pulled you both out of the game and suggested you go back to the lounge chairs.
“Oh my God,” you took a few drinks of your now hot soda. “I haven’t done that in a long time.”
“You were pretty good,” he noted.
“I played in middle school, but not in water,” you were winded. “Do you play sports or are you just good at everything?”
Jensen just shrugged. He was looking in your fanny-pack and pulled out your walkman.
“Nice,” he said, “got a cassette in here?”
You nodded. “Led Zeppelin.”
“Good choice,” he approved. “Favorite song?”
“Kashmir,” you answered. Jensen nodded. “What’s yours?”
“I don’t know. I’ll have to find out. Haven’t really given them a good listen…”
You smirked. “Country?”
“Yeah,” he drew out the word. “Kinda obvious, huh?”
“I can talk country, a little. Not my preference. My mom likes it, so by default, I know stuff.”
“I like a lot of different stuff, just haven’t sat down and really listened. Who’s your country groups?”
“The Judds, Reba, Garth, George.”
“Jones or Strait?”
He made a fist pump.
“Anyone else?”
“Alan Jackson and Sawyer Brown.”
“Okay. You’re cool. I thought we’d have to boot you out of Texas if you didn’t like a little country.”
You pulled out the headphones and detached the broken one and handed it to him. “We can listen together.”
The two of you sat close together, listening to your tape and talking quietly through one side and most of the other side before a shadow fell over you. Someone had stopped and stood over you both. You flicked your eyes to the side and you would have known those Reeboks anywhere. Jensen had already put down your broken earphone and was tapping your knee.
You took a deep breath and hung your head with a sigh.
“I gotta go. That’s my dad,” you were gathering your things.
“(Y/N),” your dad’s voice, coming very abruptly, forced you to give him your attention. “You were supposed to be back by six.”
You had stuffed your things quickly into your fanny pack and faced your dad. “You guys didn’t tell me that and there’s no clocks out here to check the time. I’m ready.”
Jensen had popped up quickly to defend you. “I’m sorry, sir, it’s my fault. She was just keeping me company.”
Your dad trained his piercing blue eyes to Jensen, pointing a finger at him. “You’d better stay out of this, kid.”
“Dad, stop! We were just hanging out together,” you pleaded.
“Get moving, you need to get showered so we can go eat.” You could clearly hear his irritation but you weren’t 100% sure you were the problem.
You and your dad were a few steps away when you remembered you had a pen in your fanny pack.
“I just need one second,” you darted away from your dad before he could stop you and back to a bewildered Jensen. “I’m sorry about him,” you grabbed his arm and scribbled your name, room number and a star on his hand. “It was fun today, maybe we can hang out tomorrow.” You wrote as you talked. “If I live that long. See ya.”
He watched her dash back to her scary as shit dad. He could tell that they were talking and he wondered if it was about him. When they disappeared from view, he looked down at his hand. ‘734 Nova *’ and smiled.
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“There you are! Where have you been?” his mom asked when he got back to the room.
“The pool,” he answered and checked his face in the mirror. Pink, but not too bad, he thought.
“All day?”
“I met a girl,” he said.
“Of course you did,” his dad said, “they just find you.”
“Yeah, kinda. She ran into me, broke her sandal and her things went everywhere. We kinda hit it off.”
“What’s this?” his mom took his hand.
“Her room number,” he could feel the heat rising in his face and it wasn’t from the sunburn.
“Jensen! Did you even meet her parents?” his mom asked.
“Met her very intimidating dad.”
“Oh man…”
“I owe her some new flip flops at least. You guys going out?” Jensen asked.
“Yeah, to the place we like in the city. You can order room service but don’t go crazy.”
“I know the drill.”
You stood in the waiting area with your parents while they sat until your table was ready. Normally, you weren’t a dress up fancy kind of gal, but you didn’t care that night. You’d made a new friend and you really liked him. You were reliving every moment, gently swinging your hips to sway the skirt you only ever wore for special occasions. You were looking at the decorations on the wall when an attractive couple, about the same age as your parents, walked in and the man went to the hostess stand.
“Name please,” the hostess asked.
“Ackles for 7:30,” he responded.
“Ah yes, welcome Mr. Ackles. It will be ready soon. I’m sorry for the delay.”
“It’s okay, we’re a little early.”
A seed of panic sprang up. They couldn’t be Jensen’s parents, right? You looked at the woman and you knew she had to be Donna, his mom. But where was Jensen? Once again, you stepped out of our protective bubble of silence.
“Excuse me,” you ventured. “This is going to sound so strange, are you Jensen’s mom and dad?”
It was almost comical the way they looked at you and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was your clothes or hair that were making them look at you like that.
“Yes, we are.” They still seemed bewildered. Donna spoke up. “Oh my gosh, you must be (Y/N)?”
“Yes,” you answered. “I know I’m not what anyone expected this weekend.” You caught a glimpse of your parents staring at you in shock. “I just wanted to say hi and let you know Jensen saved me from a boring day alone.”
“Mind if we say hello to your parents, kiddo?” the man you knew must be Alan asked.
Oh my god no! What have I done!? Your brain screamed. Before you even realized what was happening, you found yourself introducing your parents to your new friend’s parents. The next thing you knew, you were all sitting at the same table and having the most awkward meal in the existence of humankind. It was awkward for you, anyway. The adults all seemed to be getting along fairly well like you and Jensen had. Then your dad… my lord… your dad…
“Jensen is the name of a repair shop where we’re from,” came spilling from your father’s mouth.
If there were one trait you inherited from him, it was the utter oblivion you experienced when saying anything so awkward or embarrassing. But a trait you got from your mother was to always immediately recognize when it happened. Your father was not so blessed. You and your mom were embarrassed enough for him.
“Honestly, we thought we were having a girl and didn’t have a boy name picked. So we made Jennifer to Jensen,” Donna explained with a giggle. She patted your knee under the table and gave you a quick smile.
The food was long gone and you were on your third soda and yawning at the table before the adults decided to call it a night.
“If you and Alan ever get up our way, you should visit,” your mom said to Donna.
“We’ll have to exchange info before you head back,” Donna responded. “I’m sure the kids will do it for us.” Donna turned her attention to you. “Do you and Jensen have plans tomorrow?”
Your eyes flashed to your dad then back to Donna. “Um… well, not exactly. I had to leave before we could talk about it. Is there anything at the hotel we could do?”
“You know, I don’t know, but I’m sure you two will find something. I‘ll have him call you,” she said.
The next morning, you found yourself outside the arcade with a sunburnt Jensen. He called your room that morning and asked you to meet up by the arcade. As soon as you saw him, you laughed.
“C’mon,” you pulled his arm, “I saw a little store by the pool. I’m sure they have something for that burn.”
You walked away from the tiny store with new sandals and a little bottle of aloe. You made him stop walking and took out the aloe holding it out to him.
“Here, put some on your face,” you told him. “Just humor me, Jay.” You tried out the nickname.
It was painful to look at him trying to get the “hot spots”. You could only imagine how it felt for him.
“Alright, stop,” you said. “Put a little in my hand.”
Grudgingly, he did as you asked. He was compliant as you gently put aloe on the bridge of his nose, forehead, cheeks and tops of his ears. You were focused on applying the aloe when you made eye contact. His green eyes held yours for a moment before you had to break away. The flood of emotions that filled you were exhilarating and scary, and overwhelming. The confusing rush was handily tucked away to be dealt with, maybe never. You might never see him again and didn’t want to develop a crush.
“You okay?” he asked.
You started walking towards the arcade again.
“We’re going home tomorrow,” you said.
You nodded. It was going way too fast. “I guess it’s true that time flies when you’re having fun.” You let a few moments pass and went back and forth on whether or not to even ask. Jensen grabbed a token cup and was feeding bills into the token machine. “You wanna be pen pals?”
Jensen laughed. “Pen pals? Really?”
“Yeah, I know it’s stupid. Forget I said it.” You took a few steps into the arcade.
“No wait, hold on,” he said, catching up to you. “I was just surprised. I was thinking of how we could stay in touch, but calling would cost a lot…”
“So? Yes?” you asked.
“Yeah. Let’s do it. Maybe we can meet up again sometime,” he said casually. “Got a pen and paper in that fanny pack?”
It was a relief to hear him say it. Maybe it was just your own nerdy self showing, but the idea of having a friend who lived far away and writing to them was exciting. And it was always a plus to get mail. You pulled out your little notepad and pen, quickly writing out your full name and address, then Jensen did his, and tore out the slip with your info and put it in his shorts pocket.
“Let’s go play some games,” he smiled, taking your hand and walking with you into the arcade.
You told yourself it was no big deal that he was holding your hand and everything was perfectly normal. You made yourself believe that friends do that and shoved down any thought that wanted you to believe otherwise. He wasn’t even your type. He was the popular kid, too good looking, too good at everything…
Jensen put the token bucket down on the divider between two skeeball machines.
“Good with this?” he asked. You nodded, still shoving down the definitely friendly hand holding feelings. “Ever play?”
“Yeah, once or twice,” you said, fully knowing you played it every time you found it at an arcade. “Are we going to put a bet on this?”
“I like how you think. Best two of three? I win, you throw away the fanny pack,” he said.
“How dare you,” you feigned outrage. “Well, if I win, you have to take pictures with me in the photo booth.”
Jensen held out his hand, “Deal.”
You took his hand and shook it.
“I’m gonna smoke you,” he said.
“Okay,” you said sarcastically. “Don’t let me win.”
“I don’t plan on it,” he grabbed two tokens and put them in the machine change slot. “That fanny pack has to go.”
“Oh, so it's on, huh?”
Jensen pushed the slide in, releasing the skeeballs. 
“Like Donkey Kong.”
You stood quietly reading the instructions on the photo booth while Jensen leaned against the booth wall with his arms crossed over his chest.
“You hustled me,” he grumbled.
You shrugged with a small smile. “Maybe a little,” you admitted. “Are you more mad that you have to do the photo booth with me, or that I don’t have to get rid of my fanny pack?”
“Oh, bit of both, I think. That fanny pack is ridiculous.”
“My fanny pack is awesome. You’re just jealous you don’t have one.”
“No, that’s not it,” he said. The truth was he didn’t hate it. He actually kind of liked the way it bounced off her butt when she walked. The last thing he needed, or wanted, was to fall for someone he might never see again… but he wanted to see her again… he hoped he would. “Let’s get this over with.” I don’t want it to end, he thought.
The booth was smaller than either of them thought. He got in first and there was no space on the seat for (Y/N) too.
“Uh-oh,” she said.
“What?” he asked. “C’mon,” he patted his thighs, “Let’s do this.”
“I’ll crush you.”
“Then I’ll die happy, get in here before I change my mind.”
She stood between his knees then gently sat on his leg, her arms around his shoulders. His arms wrapped around her to help hold her steady. 
“What now?” he was almost whispering.
“Oh,” she shifted her body into his to get the cash out of her back pocket. He had to think about anything else or he might have to explain himself to her. Anything else… Finally she got it and put the money in. “You ready?”
Snapping out of the heady aura of her just in time for the first flash of the camera. He could barely focus on what was happening. Thankfully he knew how to make his expressions change quickly to match hers. Before the last picture snapped, he caught her eyes and he knew he would never forget that look. She was happy and it was because of him. When she cupped his jaw, he thought she might kiss him, but only their foreheads touched for the last picture. She breathed out a heavy sigh through her nose before leaving him sitting there by himself for a moment, for which he was grateful.
When Jensen stepped out of the booth, the pictures finally dropped and you pulled them out to check them over. You only got a glimpse of them before he snatched them out of your fingers, tore the photo strip in half and handed the top half back to you.
“Hey, don’t I get to look, too?” you asked, trying to get the other half of the pictures back from Jensen.
“Ah, no, these are mine. I didn’t look at the other ones,” he said. “You want to go grab some food?”
You gave him a look. “Okay, weirdo. Yeah, I could eat.”
Forgetting about the pictures, he took your hand and walked with you to the small restaurant inside the hotel. Your parents still had you under strict rules not to leave the hotel grounds, even though they had become friends with Jensen’s parents. You had a nice lunch of club sandwiches, chips and sodas. He told you he found out that there was a mini-golf course somewhere on the property and he wanted to try it out.
“I love mini-golf,” you said.
He stopped walking to look at you. “Like, how much?”
“You wanna put a bet on it?” you teased.
He gave you a side-long glance, briefly considering the skeeball outcome. “No bet.”
You only laughed, you already felt like you won just spending time with him. Despite trying your hardest on the mini-golf course, you lost miserably and Jensen wasn’t even trying to be a good winner.
“Man, I should have put a bet on this,” he said when he calmed down a little.
“Yeah, you should have,” you agreed. “I said I loved mini-golf, not that I was good at it. You could have forced me to throw away my super sweet fanny pack.” You turned so he could see it resting on its namesake.
He tipped his head to the side to look at the “fanny” pack. It had very few redeeming qualities. However, it was only plain white and sat so perfectly in place.
“It’s not that bad,” he quickly said when he realized he was staring. 
“So, you just don’t like it because it sits on my butt?” you wiggled your hips making it shake. “Can’t get a good look?”
Jensen hoped his sunburn hid the blush he was feeling wash over his face. Slowly he started walking and (Y/N) walked with him.
“Do you always blurt out what you’re thinking?”
“Nope. Almost never. You’re just lucky and getting me in full force,” you said, but hoped you hadn’t crossed a line.
“Huh, not sure if lucky is the word.” His tone only half-hearted.
“(Y/N),” your dad barked, making both you and Jensen stop in your tracks. “Time to say goodbye to your friend. We’re going out to dinner.” His steely blue gaze locked on Jensen. If the situation were different, you might have laughed at how wide-eyed Jensen was. Your dad’s otherwise dark features highlighted his bright blue eyes and could be down right scary when he wanted to be. Apparently he wanted to scare the shit out of Jensen. “Your folks are looking for you.”
“Y-yes, sir,” Jensen sputtered.
“Dad, we didn’t do anything wrong,” you said quietly.
Jensen and his parents were in a different part of the hotel. You looked back to see him still standing there and gave him a wave. Turning back to catch up to your dad’s long strides, you swung the fanny pack to the front, just for Jensen.
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Back in your room, your parents informed you that they were going out and that you needed to stay in your room and not leave. They hadn’t liked you spending the whole day with Jensen because you hadn’t checked in with them once, even though you’d never left hotel property.
“Seems a little unfair,” you could be a little more open with your mom. 
“Well, be that as it may, you’re staying here. You can order food to the room, but don’t over do it, and please stay here. Don’t let anyone in this room and no phone calls outside the hotel,” your mom gave you your instructions for the night with a knowing look.
You bit back a little smile. “You look nice and I like your perfume.”
“Thank you, honey,” she said. “We’re gonna go now.”
Your dad had stuck his head into your room.
“Did you give her the good word?” he asked.
Mom gave him an exasperated look. “Yes, I did, that’s why I’m in here.”
But he couldn’t just let it lie. “You stay in this room. No boys.”
“Alright, that’s enough. Let’s go,” your mom tried to usher him out.
Finally your dad took the hint and was satisfied that he got his two cents in, too, and they left you to your lonely devices. The clock read 6:30 and you wondered if Jensen was suffering the same fate. The room service menu had decent looking food and you didn’t know what to get. You flipped on the TV for some background noise. It was too quiet and it was kicking your anxiety into action. The channel card was under the remote and saw that HBO was provided by the hotel.
“Nice,” you muttered and punched in the channel number on the remote. When the channel changed, the credits for another movie started playing. “Chicken tenders and fries, please,” you repeated to yourself as you reached for the phone. Somehow, you managed to place your order without sounding too stupid and your food would be on the way shortly. You thought about calling Jensen’s room, when your phone rang, scaring the hell out of you. Immediately, you snatched up the receiver, almost dropping it at the same time.
“Hello?” you answered.
Your stomach did a little flutter. “Hey.”
“Did you get in trouble?”
“Not exactly. I think my dad didn’t like me spending so much time with you and this is his punishment. I have to stay in my room and you can’t come over.”
“Kind of ironic. I think my mom and dad are going out with yours.”
“Maybe that’s our punishment,” you mused. “Are you stuck, too?”
“Yeah, but we have HBO. Wanna watch a movie?”
“What? Together? And hang out on the phone?”
“Yeah,” he answered simply.
“I’m already on HBO. I ordered food, too.”
“Sounds like we have a plan. What’s on next, did it say?”
“My Cousin Vinny.”
Jensen and you had already seen the movie so you didn’t miss much when you both talked through the whole movie and ate your dinners. Even when the movie was over you were still chatting.
“Jay, you’re gonna write to me, right?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he sounded tired. “Just write back.”
“I will.”
“Yeah, I promise,” you smiled. You heard your parents come in on their side of the joint hotel door. “I think my parents just got back.”
“I better let you go then. Hey, will I see you tomorrow?”
“I don’t know, but I bet my dad will want to leave early.”
“Like how early?”
“Eight or nine. It’s a long drive back home. I’m… not good at goodbyes. I don’t want to cry in front of you.”
There was a long pause where neither of you spoke. You didn’t want to cry on the phone with him either. Jensen just tried to make sense of it all.
You broke the silence first. “I just want to thank you for being with me this weekend. It almost felt like I had a boyfriend and I had a really nice time hanging out with you. So, thanks and goodnight cuz I don’t want to say goodbye.”
“Goodnight, Nova.”
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Even though you had no idea when you would be leaving, and you had told Jensen as much, you still looked around the lobby hoping you might see him just one more time. Your mom finished checking out at the front desk and stopped you from pacing to go outside to wait for the truck.
“You really like him, don’t you?” she said while you both waited for your dad to bring the truck around.
You nodded, but didn’t look at her.
“Maybe you could write to him. Did you get his address?”
You nodded.
“I like Alan and Donna. We talked about visiting again. Maybe they can visit some time and all of the kids can come up,” she posited.
You only nodded. Jensen would be a senior that year and he already said when he was done with school, he was going to California to try and to get into acting. If the Ackles’ family visited next summer, you knew Jensen wouldn’t be there and you wouldn’t ask him to give up his dream. It would be at least two years before you saw him again, if ever, you were sure of that. You would have to be out of high school, at the very least, before you could go anywhere.
Your dad seemed to be in a hurry to go and had thrown your things into the truck even though it was barely eight a.m. You climbed in and pulled the front seat into place, letting your mom know she could get in. You sat sideways on the tiny seat, with your pillow for back cushion, and your legs stretched out to the other side. Finding your fanny pack, you pulled out the little notepad that held Jensen’s address and checked to make sure it was still there. Satisfied it was safe, you put it back in the fanny pack and pulled out the photostrip from the day before.
He wasn’t someone you typically found attractive. Light hair. Very pretty. Very preppy and popular. So good at everything, except skeeball. Too perfect. You would miss him though. His face in one picture was too funny. He was making such a crazy face and you were laughing at him.
For all of the things that weren’t your type, there were other things about him that were very appealing to you. His humor. His kindness. His immediate acceptance of you. He never made you feel like you were less than him in any way. In fact, he made you feel great and like no one existed but you. Jensen could have looked at any of the other girls at the hotel, but he didn’t.
Maybe you wouldn’t see him again, or maybe you would, but you would at least have that weekend with him.
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anundyingfidelity · 2 months
BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS — Billy Butcher, Soldier Boy
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Summary: A normal night where Butcher and his new pal, Soldier Boy, fuck just their stress out with a new toy, you.
Pairing: Billy Butcher x female reader x Soldier Boy
Word count: 1.5k.
Warnings: porn without plot, dom!butcher, dom!ben, one thought of dub-con but not really, double penetration, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, rough sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, unsafe sex (creampie and switching holes basically don't do it, this is just porn), squirting, dirty talk, blowjobs, facial, degradation (usage of whore, slut, etc.), cumplay, some dacryphilia, choking, hair pulling, blood, mentions of violence, Ben and Butcher being kinda jerks, normal misogyny coming from SB, some ego competition, hints to aftercare.
Notes: You already know english is not my main language, not betad and barely revised, lol sorry for the mistakes in here. The amount of horniness I have for these two I swear is not fucking normal. Normally I'd apologize for writing this, but I'm ovulating.
the boys/jackles tags: @k-slla
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
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A pair of rough hands held your legs open. Your empty pussy was throbing as Butcher knelt between your thighs rubbing the tip of his cock against your cunt.
You gasped, the man behind you spreading you further for his new team mate to get better access while he fucked your ass senseless. His cock reaching all the right spots. You moaned loudly, almost screaming when Butcher finally pushed inside you. Soldier Boy never seemed to cease his insane thrusts from behind.
"Luv, you're so fucking tight," Butcher grinned, your walls engulfing him perfectly.
They both soon set up a rhythm, one pushing in while the other almost slide out of your hole. Each stroke of their massive cocks inside you exploded something you never felt before. It was a new kind of spark eliciting from the deepest places, and you wanted to come undone there, over and over, forever, between their strong bodies.
"Oh, fuck! Yes right there, god!" you growled, screamed, and cried out incoherences as the two men continued fucking you to bliss.
A layer of sweat covered your skin and you rolled your eyes back, the familiar knot on your belly building up yet again. You didn't have an idea of how much time had passed since you arrived back to the dirty motel. All three of you arrived covered in blood, dirt and the weight of murder, and you still let them take you and you welcomed them the same way. You let them have fun with you however they pleased.
The last thing you remembered from that night was coming back from a mission. Your aching body begging for a shower and good sleep, but Butcher and the new supe found other ways to take their own stress out. You doubted at first. Of course you didn't know it could feel this good. They left bite marks all over your neck, nipped your tits, spanked your thighs open for their mouths to devour you while the other fucked your throat until tears streamed down your cheeks.
They continued bruising and marking your skin. Like a canvas, they left their prints, covering your flesh with different colors all over and used your mouth and pussy as they fucking wanted, granting access to the other, spreading your legs, manhandling you all over the disgusting, shitty room. Then Soldier Boy had the idea of using your ass, just for him, and at first, you were fucking scared. It was all too much. But once he had you ready and stretched enough with his fingers, you quickly fell for his rough touch and his dick, which was as huge as his ego. He was fucking addictive. Both were, in fact, fucking you amazingly hard.
One of Ben's hand wrapped around your neck, climax reaching its peak as Butcher rubbed your clit with his thumb. Your walls clenched around both of them and the vulgar sound of your pussy filled the place along with their skin hitting yours.
"Little slut, gonna cum for us?" Ben said, voice full of lust, pressing your back against his bare chest. You clenched again, his dark chuckle enhanced heaven down your cunt.
Wetness increased between your legs, and you moaned. Louder than ever. The whole place might already know what was happening in the room, but neither Ben or Billy made you shut up. In fact, they wanted you to scream your lungs out.
"Oh, she's definitely gonna cum," Butcher followed, a smirk on his lips. "C'mon sweetheart, don't be shy. Give us one more."
"I-I feel like- fuck!" with a loud cry you squirted all over them, their dicks sliding out of your holes. Shit, that was the harderst you came for the night.
Immediately you tried to close your shaky legs, but Butcher's hands held you in place, pussy clenching around nothing as your fluids coated their hard lenghts and thighs.
"Fucking hell. I'm gonna break you, sugar," Ben hissed, taking your legs and fixing your position on top of him, sliding you down his dick, but this time he claimed your pussy, pistoning in and out of you without any mercy. Even if your body still trembled and you were so fucking overstimulated. You moaned.
Butcher tskd as he watched you, tears streaming down your face and lost in pleassure. "That was mine, pal."
"Yeah, I don't give a fuck- Jesus, she's fucking tight!" Ben hoarsed.
He didn't care about Butcher, he just wanted to fuck you until you passed out and his name was the only thing on your mind.
You whimpered softly. "Please, please," you were getting there again, under the brunette man's dark eyes as the soldier fucked you insane.
But before you reached that sweet peak again, Ben pulled out of you. His strenght forced you to bend over the matress on your hands and knees, Butcher positioned himself right in front of your face. It was so fast and they moved quickly, like a dance already choreographed between them to take advantage of all you got to give.
"Open wide, baby" Butcher ordered. You complied happily, letting his cock touch the back of your throat smoothly.
Ben's rough hands gripped your hips, down your ass, giving a spank on one of your cheeks, making you jump slightly. He grabbed your ass cheeks spreading them to expose your hole, the tip of his cock teased your ass until he slid in a swift motion. You whimpered with your mouth stuffed. He filled you up perfectly and you fucking loved it.
"Such a good cumslut, taking my cock so fucking well," Ben praised, voice husky. He roughly gripped your hair, forcing yourself down more around Butcher's shaft. You gagged, he smirked. "Might just keep you around as my little, personal fuckdoll."
"Fuck- easy there, mate," Butcher warned, as you worked your tongue and lips on his cock as much as you could. "We have another deal, remember?"
Ben smirked cockily at him as you clenched around his cock. You let out a moan muffled by Butcher fucking your mouth. Both their thrusts harder than ever. "Still, I don't give a shit."
Ben's gaze admired you, hands on your hips, as he watched himself shoving into your hole. "You're gonna fucking cum again, you dirty little bitch," he ordered.
"Mmm..." You nodded as best as you could with the twitching cock on your mouth.
Butcher suddenly pulled out of your mouth, a string of saliva leaked down your lips to the tip of his cock. He kept your head in place as much as he could and jerked himself off with his other hand. He came with a hard groan all over your pretty face. His white seed painted your cheeks, lips and your tongue sticking out as you shut your eyes.
"Bloody hell, don't you look ravishing," Butcher whispered darkly. His thumb collected his cum, now mixed with your tears and a small stain of dry blood on your face. He dragged it to your lips so you could taste it. Your plump lips closed around his finger with a moan.
"Insatiable slut, just how I like them," Ben hissed, pulling out of your asshole, making you whimper. "Now, I'm gonna cum inside this pretty little pussy."
He rubbed the tip of his dick on your slit and entered slowly. You felt every inch stretching you out and he slammed into you brutally, he was so fucking close. You could feel it. It surprised you how much they actually endured, their stamina was endless and you lost count of how many times they made you cum already. And yet, you felt that precious sensation anew, soft walls clenching repeatedly around him.
"C'mon whore," Ben gripped on your hair, pulling your back against his muscular chest, taking both your wrists with his other hand. "Cum around my cock."
Your cunt pulsed, he grunted. And you came, again, with shaky legs, shaky breath and the sight of a naked Butcher, who already had taken a seat on the couch in front of the bed. Your orgasm triggered Ben's, and he filled you up completely. You cried out when his fingers found your clit, the grip on your hair long gone now. He continued fucking his cum inside you, balls deep, until he started to soften inside you. His thrusts slowed down little by little.
Ben finally pulled out, letting go of your wrists and you collapsed on your hands and knees on the mattress. He spread out your pussy with his fingers and admired his white cum dripping out of you.
"Well, that was a fucking ride," he smiled. His middle finger wiped his seed and forced it back inside your pulsing cunt. "Fuck, where do you find these kind of women?"
Butcher shrugged. "I have my contacts."
"I'm still here, y'know," you breathed out, rolling on your back.
Ben hovered over your tired figure. Messy hair, cheeks stained with Butcher's cum, teary eyes, and some dry blood spots decorated your face. They did break you and put you back into pieces. He was damn proud of that. He leaned down and sucked into the skin of your neck. You moaned, your fingers tangled on his scalp as his lips carressed your neck, his beard burning on your soft skin.
"Ben, I'm tired," you said, and he stopped his kisses. He shared a suspicious look with Butcher and then locked his lustful green eyes with yours.
The supe winked at you. "Later, doll."
You rolled your eyes and heard Butcher standing up.
"Gonna prepare you a bath, luv," he said as he disappeared inside the bathroom. "Have to take good care of ya."
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tom-whore-dleston · 3 months
Side Effects of Soldier Boy
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x f. reader
Word Count: 391
This fic contains: smut, literally PWP, drug use, unprotected sex, dirty talk, swearing, degradation, Soldier Boy doesn't pull out
Summary: Soldier Boy tries to keep you quiet during sex.
Notes: Wake up babes, Jordan discovered a new hottie to write about lmaoo Anyways, I know Soldier Boy is a walking red flag but unfortunately, I see the world through rose colored glasses hadshghsdl This is another submission for @flashfictionfridayofficial's prompt no. 239: Seal it Tight. Lowkey, I've been on a role with these quick fics, I don't want it to stop.
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Sex with Soldier Boy was addicting. You would say it was more addicting than the cocaine that coursed your system. The blow was essentially the gateway drug to Ben.
The side effects: uncontrolled moans and orgasms that made your soul leave your body.
The two of you found yourselves in a rundown motel room, where Ben plowed you into the mattress at superhuman speed. His strong hand clasped over your mouth, in hopes to seal your cries of pleasure from the outside world. Considering how cocky of a bastard he is, it was bold of him to assume that simply covering your mouth would keep you quiet.
“Mmm, baby, those moans are so pretty, but so loud.” The supe grunted through clenched teeth. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Ben’s pulsing cock stretched your walls. You gushed around him, causing each thrust to echo through the dainty room.
“God damn, even this pussy is loud,” Soldier Boy chuckled, making you throb. “Think you want the neighbors to hear me fuck the shit out of you, huh?” 
His dirty talk was no help to hushing your moans. Yet, it did push you closer to that sweet release you craved. With Ben being the instigator he is, he knew damn well what he was doing. 
The pit in your stomach was growing and it was only a matter of time before it exploded. You pumped your hips up to meet his and he took this as a signal to deepen his strokes until his balls slapped your ass. You were one step away from the edge when Ben removed his hand from your mouth to throw both of your legs over his shoulders.
“Fuck it, let the neighbors hear you. Let ‘em know how much of a slut you are for me.”
That euphoric bliss finally washed over you like a crisp ocean wave. You could have drowned under the wave but a kiss from Ben brought you back to shore. The handsome supe slammed into you one last time before filling you with his seed. He crashed onto the empty side of the bed, fingers lazily tangling between yours. The two of you laid there, staring at the cracked ceiling while catching your breaths. Just as you were coming down your high, you already itched for another hit.
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header credit: @saradika | divider credit: @firefly-in-darkness
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castiwls · 17 days
tolerate it - d.w
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Paring; dean x reader
Prompt; 'I wait by the door like I'm just a kid'
Requested; @simonsbluee
Notes;this is my all time fav cry song. i actually wrote an anakin version as well lmao I'll post that in a min :) requests are open!
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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You stared blankly at the wall in front of you. “Sweetheart. Come on, talk to me.” Dean took a seat beside you, turning his body to face you. “This is the third time in two weeks.” You kept your gaze on the wall as you spoke. 
“It’s only a few days.” He placed his hand over yours, leaning in slightly. You quickly pulled your hand back, a sharp breath leaving your lips. “It’s always only a few days.” You hissed standing from the bed. “A few days then becomes a week because oh look Sam found another case.” You leaned back on the dresser, finally facing him.
“And I just get left behind, sitting here waiting on you both like some…some child!” Dean stared at you his face passive. “What do you expect me to do? Bring you with” His gaze hardened slightly as he spoke. “You don’t have any sort of training, i’d only be putting you and us in danger!” Dean stood coming to stand before you. 
“I’m trying to keep you safe.”
“Keeping me trapped is your way of keeping me safe?” You shook your head. “Just go.” Dean reached out wrapping a hand around your wrist. “Don’t be like this.” He tilted his head, a small frown playing at his lips. “Like what”
“Difficult. Don’t be difficult” He snapped. You froze at his words, your blood running cold. Your head turned to face him, and a look of betrayal crossed your features for a moment before you calmed your expression. Difficult. He’d called you difficult all because you’d complained about being left. 
Most of the time you felt second best. Second best to all the creatures out there that he seemed so determined to kill. You knew it was a difficult job but you’d never expected it to come first.
You could count on one hand the number of times this month alone Dean had been home for more than one day consistently. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d even been on a date with him. 
“Just go.” You pulled your hand from his grip, your voice thick as you pushed back tears. You quickly left the room taking a breath to compose yourself. “We need to talk about this.” Dean’s voice followed you down the hall. He let out a huff watching as you took a seat at the map table. You grabbed a book before opening it.
You’d done this a hundred times. Dean and you would fight, you’d complain about being stuck here and then he’d promise, ‘next time sweetheart’. And then he’d go off for days with little to no contact before he’d come back mostly beaten and bruised.
You could feel him watching you as you swallowed trying to hold back your tears. Did he truly think you were that helpless, that you would be that much of a risk to even take on a hunt.
Dean quietly moved behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders. Your breath hitched slightly as you felt his breath hit your ear. “I’ll make it up to you, i promise.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
You felt his weight leave your shoulders as he straightened up. The sound of his footsteps echoed as he left the room.
A shaky breath left your lips as you felt your composure break. Pressing a hand to your mouth you placed the book down finally allowing the tears to follow.
After a moment you managed to calm yourself. You glanced back down the hallway, the bunker suddenly seeming larger now that you were alone.
“You always say that.” 
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zepskies · 3 months
As You Wish
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: When Dean agreed to watch your favorite movie with you, you didn’t think it’d come with live subtitles.
AN: Here’s a little something in honor of Dean’s birthday! If you haven’t seen The Princess Bride, do yourself a favor. 🥰
Word Count: 600
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, and nothing but the fluff. (Established relationship.)
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“My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!” Dean says, right in time with the iconic swashbuckler on the screen, complete with his best approximation at a Spanish accent.
You giggle against his side, hard enough to rock both of you on the bed. When he agreed to watch your favorite movie with you, you didn’t think it’d come with live subtitles.
“Are you gonna quote the whole damn movie?” you ask.
Dean brandishes an imaginary sword with his fist held out.
“HELLO! My name is—”
Biting your lip, you cut him off short by playing dirty. You wrap your arm around his middle and dance your fingers across his ribs. He’d never admit it, but he’s got sensitive sides.
He flinches and laughs on reflex. “Hey, hey! That’s a foul move!”
His arm tightens around your waist while his other hand closes around your wrist. You try to grapple with him, your bare legs tangling with his pajama-clad ones, but you both know it’s a losing battle.
Dean gathers you tighter against his chest and traps your wandering hand.
Huffing another laugh, you relax again. His heart clips at a faster pace under your ear. Your hand smooths up his chest and finds its way up the back of his neck.
Dean can't help it. He lets out a contented hum when your nails give his scalp a little scratch.
For a moment, his attention drifts away from the movie and down to you. He spies the soft edge of your smile, feels your hair starting to itch against his arm, your soft curves under his hand, pressing against him.
You two don’t get these quiet days often, but he wants to make sure you get some rest. You, Sam, and Dean spent about three straight weeks in a row with back-to-back hunts, and the last one had really taken it out of you. So now, Dean’s satisfied to see you so relaxed. Happy, even.
Yeah. You really do seem to be as happy as he (secretly) feels.
Sometimes, he finds that part hard to believe. If you could want this with someone like him, then maybe…maybe he doesn’t screw up all the time.
Dean tunes back into the movie just in time for Buttercup to jump out of the window in her pretty white dress. She and Westley join Fezzik and Inigo on white horses, and the couple shares the kiss that left all the others behind.
Dean glances down at your face. He’s amused by the way you’re eating up all this sappy rom-com crap. Your eyes are shining with unshed tears. He ducks down to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“You just spring a leak over anything, don’t you?” he teases. You shove at his chest with a halfhearted hand.
“Only over the good stuff,” you retort.
He accepts that with a chuckle. When the credits start to roll down the screen, he reaches for the remote and searches for the episode you guys left off in Game of Thrones. You tap his chest.
“Hey, wanna go out to dinner tonight?” you ask. A warm smile plays on your lips. “Just you and me?”
Dean blinks. He doesn’t remember the last time you two went on an honest-to-God date. No time, no privacy, always something evil on your asses…
A decision made in his mind, Dean gives you a smile back. He brushes his thumb across your cheek.
“As you wish,” he says.
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AN: 😘 Hope you liked this one!
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Dean Winchester One-Shots
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean W. Tag List:
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@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sanscas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
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Older (Dean Winchester)
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Description: Y/N has a crush on Dean but they have a 20 year age gap. How does Dean react when she finally tells him?
Warning: Smut, Age Gap
Word Count: 1,743k
Y/N watched Dean as he washed Baby. His big muscular arms on display with the tight white shirt that had dirt on it. Baby was soapy and wet as Dean wiped her down. Y/N was trying not to drool as he went in circular motions cleaning the car. She was too into the scene in front of her; she didn’t notice Sam coming up to her side. “Stare any longer he might just notice your obvious crush on him.” He said to me, making her snap out of it. She turned towards him and rolled her eyes. He chuckled and handed her a beer. She took it from him and took a drink. “Ya think maybe he’s too old for you.” He said. Y/N pushed him and they both laughed. She sighed and looked at Dean again. He was pouring water on the soapy car. She sighed and got up  from her spot and walked into the house. She needed a cold shower to erase the dirty thoughts from her mind. 
It was days later that she’d be staring at the older man as he made breakfast. They had just come back from a hunt and Y/N was hungry so Dean offered to cook for her. Sam was getting some sleep but the other two were wide awake. “How do you like your eggs?” He asked her as he got them out of the fridge. “Over easy.” She said and he cracked the two eggs on the pan. She watched as he put the bread in the toaster. “You really didn’t have to make me anything.” She said as Dean put the eggs on the plate. “But I wanted to. You deserve it putting up with us.” She laughed as he set the eggs and toast in front of her. She thanked him. “Well I like putting up with you guys.” She said. He got his plate and sat across from her. “What, you got a crush on one of us?” He joked but she didn’t laugh. “Nah we’re probably too old for you anyway.” He said. She stared at him without saying anything. She shook her head and went back to eating her food. “Yeah totally.” She said. 
She woke up 7 hours later in bed and yawned. She remembered the cringey things Dean asked her this morning and she sighed. She thought for a second when he asked her that she was caught. Luckily Dean was oblivious.She got out of bed and stretched. She walked out of her room and noticed Dean at the table on the computer. “Where’s Sam?” She asked. “Grocery Shopping.” He said and nodded and sat down across from him. He looked up from the computer at her. “So back to early convo you probably like Jack don’t you?” He asked. She looked at him confused. “No, not the antichrist.” She laughed. “Do you even like anybody?” He asked. “Dean, can we not talk about this?” She asked not wanting to expose herself. “Yeah sure.” He said and went back to research. The silence now,awkward and unwanted. 
Why was Dean so curious about who she had feelings for or if she did? She honestly thought that Dean was too old for her but that’s how she liked it. They were eating dinner and she had a glass of wine. Dean sat across from her and Sam sat next to Dean. Jack and Cas sat next to her. Everyone was in a conversation except her. She never talked much while eating. She sometimes butted in with Jack and Cas but other than that kept quiet. Dean noticed her silence and wondered if it was about his question earlier. The last thing he wanted to do was make her uncomfortable. After dinner was over she helped him clean up.
She didn’t say anything to him so he figured he thought correct. “I’m sorry about the question earlier. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He said. She looked at him. “You didn’t.” She said and poured herself some more wine. “If I did I would completely understand-” “Dean.” She interrupted him. He looked over at her and she was holding the wine and her upper body on the table a little. Her boobs are perfectly on display. “What are you-” She took a sip of wine and smirked. “I told myself I’d never fuck anyone old enough to be my dad.” She states. He stares at her in shock. She stood up and walked closer to him. “That was until I met you.” She said seductively. “Wait you like me?” He asked her confused but kinda turned on.
She nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And before you give me any of that age bullshit. I’m 22 i’m an adult.” He stared at her as her hands ran over his chest. “You have no idea what you do to me Dean.” She says and her hands lower themselves to the bottom of his shirt. She tugs on it and he looks down seeing what she was doing. “Y/N are you sure?” He asked her. She looked up at him with lustful eyes. “Are you sure Dean? Think you can handle me, old man?” He chuckled and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.She laughed as he took her to his room. He threw her on the bed and smirked. “I’m 42 sweetheart not 72.” He said and took off his shirt revealing his amazing body. She was almost drooling at the sight. He crawled onto the bed and hovered over her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him down in a kiss. He moved his lips against hers as his hands traveled her body. He lifts her tank top up a bit and she pulls away from the kiss. She sits up and removes it showing her white bra. He looks down at her boobs and cups them. “Wow you’re so sexy.” He says and moves his hands to her back. He unclips the bra and she lets it fall freeing her boobs. He smirks at the sight and leans down to put one of her nipples in his mouth. She gasps his name and her hands go to his head as he licks and sucks. Her hands moved to his jeans and she cupped his growing erection. He moans against her nipple. “Dean take these off.” She breathes out. He pulls away from her nipple and gets up to remove his jeans. He pulls them down along with his boxers. She moves herself to the end of the bed and pulls him closer to her. “I didn’t know if I want you in my mouth or inside of me.” She says and he chuckles. Her eyes staring at his long hard cock. “Both would be ideal but right now I really need to be inside of you.” He tells her and pushes her back on the bed.
She smiles as he pulls down her panties. He gets back on her and kisses her again. She runs her hands up and down his muscular back. He pulls away and sighs into her mouth as he lines himself up with her entrance. He pushes in slowly and she gives a sharp gasp. “Are you okay?” He asked. She nods. He pushes in deeper and her noises fill his ear. She hadn’t had sex with many people and certainly not with a guy this big before. Once he was in her all the way he let her adjust to him. They stare at each other as she adjusts to him. He got lost in her eyes not believing that this was happening right now. She pulled him out of his thoughts when she thrusted up. She moaned as the pain was gone and she was full of pleasure. He started moving his hips and she let out little moans. Her eyes closed and her mouth opened. He didn’t let his eyes close as he watched her facial expressions. He groaned as her hips started matching his. She grabs his neck and moans his name. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He breathes out and she opens her eyes to look at him. “You feel so good inside of me.” She whimpers. He leans down and starts kissing her neck. She gasped and pulled him closer if that was possible. “Dean, go faster.” She begged and he moved as fast as he could.His hips pounding into her hard and fast making the bed screech. His lips left marks on her neck. Neither of them cared at the moment.
He pulled out of her some and angled his hips. He slammed back in her and hit her g spot making her scream. He covered her mouth with his hand. “Gotta remember sweetheart we aren’t the only ones here.” He groans in her ear. She tried to keep her sounds to a minimum but with him pounding at her g spot that didn’t work. “Dean, you feel too good.” She mumbles in his hand. He nods. “Fuck I know baby. You feel amazing.” He moans. She felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge. He was twitching inside of her signaling that he was close too. “Baby I'm close.” She moaned and he groaned out a me too. She gasped out feeling him fill her up which triggered her orgasm. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her orgasm hit her. She bit her lip trying to hold back the loud noises that threatened to spill from her. Her hips moved up as she rode out her high. Dean watched her and almost became hard again. Her hips slowed and she opened her eyes seeing Dean already looking at her. “That was hot.” He smirked. She rolled her eyes. “Yeah well thanks to you.” She smirked back. He pulled out of her causing her to moan.
He got up and went to the bathroom and got a wet towel. He came back and cleaned her and him up. “Such a gentleman.” She teased. He laughed and threw the towel in the laundry bin. He collapsed next to her and yawned. “Tired old man?” He turned to look at her. “Baby I could go another 5 rounds.” He said. She turned towards him and smirked. “Prove it.” She said and he smirked. Sam couldn’t sleep that night but Dean and Y/N weren’t complaining.
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