#Really reaching here but so many of my faves are not Fandom things just guys I liked in that one thing that one time
blarrghe · 2 years
Ten Fandoms, Ten Characters
Tagged by @rosella-writes thank you! Supposed to name ten faves and tag ten people. I also don't know that I have ten fndoms but here goes:
Dorian - Dragon Age
Faramir - LOTR (books only)
Arondir - TROP (show)
Eowyn - LOTR (movie so I can say a different thing but also books)
Zaphod Beeblerox - Hitchhiker's Guide
Data - TNG
Darryl Dixon - TWD
Howl - Howl's Moving Castle
Vash the Stampede - Trigun
She-Ra - original 80s She-Ra (but the new one is good too)
Tags for @plisuu @transfenris-truther @gaysolavellan @n7viper @fandomnooblr @aymayzing @fogerist @elvhenfaer @brainworm-terrariumrm and @inquisitoracorni
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jeons-catalyst · 23 days
The main thing here is we talk about these two ships as if there's something to compare here just because they're both technically the 'big' ships in BTS but the truth is there is not a single thing that taekook have done in 12 years that is something friends wouldn't do together. Sharing cars, hanging out together, visiting each other, joking around with each other, asking for help with music, posting eo on social media - like what do you guys do with your friends if not this? Vmin are out here wearing matching items, having crazy skinship, Jimin has Tae's dad's number and is apparently friendly with his family, Tae posts sappy posts with Jimin (hands together I only have you...jesus), when Tae is distressed in a group setting the one he reaches out to is Jimin - but somehow none of us think they're together right? Taekook is just held together by mistranslations, unverifiable stories and the wishes of fans who want to see two hot guys together. Why else is shipping such a thing in the kpop community? Its not because all these people love supporting their fave idols dating and being in happy relationships because that's not the reaction when their actual dating "scandals" break out.
And this is the same standard I hold for jikook which is why I will not say with complete certainty that jikook are together either. Cooking for the other person after a concert, being inordinately excited to see the other online, having cheesy sayings like you are me I am you, spending hours watching the others content, constantly doing projects together like collabs or the travel show, always being stuck together backstage or hanging out in each others rooms all the time, having a million inside jokes, paying them extra attention because they're your favourite person, spending each others birthdays together, making Tiktok comments on the others videos, even enlisting together - theyre very sweet! But still things I'd do with my friend (except enlisting, doing collabs etc)
The thing about jikook - the things that really make me pause is those odd out of place things that happen sometimes and I can ignore a few things here and there but in cumulation - yeah I side eye them sometimes. It just pulls me out sometimes and makes me second guess their friendship. The hickey - that was a weird thing. The rose bowl thing - let's write it off by saying Jimin and Jungkook do bite their friends sometimes even though this seemed distinctly off. GCF Tokyo - I dunno JK has made so many gcfs post Tokyo and yet that intimate atmosphere from gcft is just...a little too romantic for me (I'm ignoring the whole it was a birthday present paid for by JK aspect of it because technically I guess you could pay for your friend but...). Jimin's roundtrip back to Korea just to be there for JK's birthday - ok we know Jimin is not averse to taking international trips just to support his friends but doing that in between his hectic holiday schedule with a trip before and after JK's birthday is so.... JK's thirst trap birthday greeting - nah sorry this was again really odd to me and it's strange that nobody in the fandom clocks this as odd - JK could drop a thousand thirst traps every day if he wanted, to specifically do so in a birthday greeting to Jimin - for what?? What was that? And this is super controversial even among jikookers but JK's tattoo - the idea that JK (who btw always calls himself JK) managed to put his initial above the M on his ring finger as if his entire rest of his hand does not exist and it never ever occurred to him that hey that looks a lot like JM which omg coincidence is also the initials my bandmate and good friend Jimin is known for and not me - I mean if it wasn't deliberate then that would really make me question JK's visual intelligence (and nobody say mijoo to me because that J isn't under M either)
And one of these things being off is fine - like who knows what context we're missing. Maybe their physical and emotional boundaries are so different from mine. But all of these things + all the other smaller things we ignore all the time - again I'm not saying they're together. I'm just saying I can see why some people including me do a double take after seeing all this. There's no other "ship" in BTS that has this history of consistent wtf-ery happening in the background over so many years. The rest of them all have a very special and intimate friendship with each other. And Jimin and Jungkook are...Jimin and Jungkook whatever that entails
Anon, i literally don’t have anything to add because you have literally said it all.
In all the years of BTS being together as a group, i honestly cannot say there is a single thing i have seen taekook do for or with each other which made me do double take especially when you understand their dynamic. Everything they do and have done is what friends do with each other and what they do with other friends as well and for people who don’t see this, i really wonder what kind of friendships they have in their lives and what they do with their friends.
Jikook on the other hand is a whole mystery. Those two are sus through and through and even when they are not trying to be, they are still sus. Their consistency and exclusivity is what does it for me and just like you, i cannot swear that they are together but they sure do have an interesting relationship.
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thelaithlyworm · 10 months
DMBJ Stats
So the latest podfic I posted reached the big 100th Work in a Single Fandom, and I felt that deserved a bit of a celebration, so herewith some number crunching.
Thimblerig’s DMBJ Stats:
Earliest Work: As the Butterflies Brush the Flower (Fic, the many loves of Xie Yuchen)
Latest Work: Settled (Podfic, orig. writ. Elenothar, Wu Xie/ZQL sweet and cuddly) 
Shortest Text Work: The Grand Unified Theory of Tomb-Raider Power/Costuming (Meta, look the point is that when I spin a crack theory I back that shit up with textual references, that is the point my guys)
Loooooongest Text Work: Know Your Snakes! (Meta, the other point is that the depths to which I will go for accurate, locatable textual references are the level where you find elegant tea parties around the corpse of a whale…)
Shortest Podfic: where all the veins meet (Podfic, orig. writ. Shadaras, Wu Xie/Xie Yuchen, lovers in a dangerous time and THE PAIRING I CRAVE)
Longest Podfic: Cabbages and Kings (Podfic, orig. writ. fox_of_nine_tales, AU, magical + retirement + there’s a damn fox raiding the bins and being cute…)
Most Popular (Kudos): Innocent (Fic, sleepy retirement, flirty massage, ZHANG QILING EATS HIS FEELINGS but that’s okay)
Most Popular (Bookmarks): The Sweetness and the Savour (Fic, Wu Xie gets everything he wants and… crashes badly. Pangzi and Xiaoge catch him.)
Favourite (Fic): Oh god, this is tough, but Slice of Life (Fic, Hei Xiazi and Wu Xie training together and it is messy and spiky and loving and fucked up, and these are the things I want in a HeiXie story. Also comes with a v. nice podfic if I say so myself.) 
Favourite (Podfic): Also tough but he wakes up in a dark room (Podfic, orig. writ. chirpy, I just really like the little jumps, and the lullaby at the end.) 
I have so many, many other faves though: Downburst (scherzanda), Detective Wu, How Zhang Qiling Comes Down the Mountain, Unreliable Narration (fox_of_nine_tales), So Beat the Drum Slowly, Proof of Life (MountainRose) oh god there are a hundred things here and with so many of them I want to say hey, you guys! I’m so proud of this, come see! (In a, like, totally chill way, of course.)
Big takeaway: I have had so much fun in this fandom. Lots of wonderful things to watch and read and think about, lots of lovely people to chat with. Rock on, my dudes!
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
Since I know you’re finishing soon, just like with the end CXGF, you finished! Now what was your fav? Like fav episode or moment or character, or just not even your favorite. Just what are your thoughts on this epic epic show?
Thank you for the ask! And for encouraging me to finally watch this masterpiece <3
To be honest, it’s always difficult for me to explain why I like certain things, because in most cases I simply don’t have any reasons, I just like it subconsciously x) Anyway, I’ll try to share my general thoughts, plus a few of my favourite things, divided into categories (like a character, episode, season, etc) so as to keep it structured.
Here we go!
General thoughts: this is a fantastic show. I can clearly see why people praise it so much and note that many other TV shows should look up at it, especially in terms of storytelling, character development, and world building (I even saw how fandom creators take this show as an example when it comes to creating something themselves, so I, as a creative soul~, can say that I also took something from it).
I read a few reviews on this show and I noticed that many people pointed out that this show didn’t hook them then since the very beginning because it was a bit childish but assured that it did get better eventually. As for me, it really hooked me since the first episode, because it already seemed super dynamic and as I kept watching it, I was truly amazed by the variety of the adventures the main characters had and how many subjects this show brought up. One of the reasons I love animation is that it can balance out serious mature topics with childish lightness so as to keep it enjoyable for everyone and I think ATLA does it perfectly.
I think it really all I can say. This is a very well-written show, and I love how consistent it is in terms of storytelling. It rarely has pointless episodes and makes a fantastic job on its characters, all of whom have clear personalities and dynamic stories (arcs) on their own. It talks about mature important subjects, and I’m just weak for the pieces of media that create their own universes because I love digging into the lore (and it’s really possible to talk ATLA lore for hours).
Favourite character: as I already mentioned, Sokka! He’s amazing.
I don’t want to talk too much about him because I might get repetitive but to put it simply, I love how multilayered Sokka actually is. He’s a fun guy with a boomerang on the surface but if you look inside, you can see how smart, brave, protective, and caring he is. He’s a leader, a strategist, a warrior, and I suppose I simply have a thing for the characters like him x) (and you can’t imagine how much I feel him in those scenes when he rushes his friends to be focused on the mission, especially when Katara gets distracted by helping some random villagers and he says something like, “Katara! We have more important things to do!” and I just shout at the screen, “YES”).
My second fave is Iroh! He caught my eye since the episode one, because, I don’t know, he just seemed genuinely funny and enjoyable to me x) But as I kept watching the show, I started noticing how wise, caring, loving, and kind he is, and my love to him reached the top somewhere in season 2 when he and Zuko got much more sweet uncle/nephew moments. And can I just say that his reunion with Zuko legit made me shed a tear 😭
And my third fave, to make it Top-3, is Zuko! I think I was quite indifferent to him in season 1 but started seeing much more in him in season 2 when he was trying to find his true path and was rushing between searching for Aang and having a peaceful life. And I absolutely love him in season 3. The way he rehearsed his meeting with Aang (“Hi. My name is Zuko”) was adorable :’D
Favourite season: I don’t think I can explain why but for some reason season 2 was the most memorable to me. It has so many cool things, from the introduction of the new characters to absolutely fantastic Zuko’s arc. And for absolutely no reason I really can recall many episodes and their titles from this one without looking up, even though it’s been quite a while since I finished season 2 (and by saying it, I don’t mean season 1 and 3 weren’t memorable and I don’t like them; just season 2 brought me more emotions, I suppose).
Favourite episodes: I’ll list a few ones from each season because for now I’m not sure which episode is my ultimate fave.
Season 1 - The Storm, The Blue Spirit, The Great Divide.
Season 2 - Zuko Alone, The Swamp (I LOVE this one a lot!!), The Chase, The Crossroads of Destiny.
Season 3 - Sokka’s Master, The Puppetmaster, The Day of Black Sun (two parts), The Firebending Masters, The Boiling Rock.
Favourite ship: I… don’t have one? Even if we take canon ones into account, I don’t really feel anything towards them. Sokka/Yue certainly have a beautiful and tragic story, but I don’t think about them that often. Sokka/Suki are nice, too, but that’s all I can say. Zuko/Mai… I’m not sure how they even became a couple. Aang/Katara don’t really bring anything to me either.
I’m pretty sure that Zuko/Sokka is quite popular in the fandom but I just don’t see it, I’m sorry.
So yeah, I don’t have a fave ship, but if anyone has opinions to share with me, I’d love to hear them. I’m quite open-minded at this point.
Favourite moments: akjajdkf I don’t think I can recall many. I really need to watch this show at least one more time for that. Anyway, the ones that come to my mind are (random order):
Iroh and Zuko’s reunion, as I already mentioned. This scene made me cry. CRY. ME. I rarely cry while watching/reading anything, so it really speaks a lot (it reminds me that Esteban’s sacrifice in Coronation Day made me cry, too. I literally had to pause before continuing to watch because I couldn’t stop sobbing ajhsjdkf).
Sokka’s battle with Piandao in “Sokka’s Master”.
Literally all flashbacks scenes in “Zuko Alone.”
Ice dodging in “Bato of the Water Tribe.”
Hama's story and bloodbending in “The Puppetmaster” (that’s so creepy and fantastic).
Zuko and Aang perform the firebending technique to the dragons in “The Firebending Masters.”
Aaaand this is really all I can recall for now x) Those are not necessarily my most favourite moments, just the ones that were off the top of my head at the moment.
Well, I think that’s it! To conclude, I just want to say I really loved this show (and now I don’t feel awkward for never watching it anymore XD), these characters, this world, and basically everything. It was a super enjoyable watch and I’d love to rewatch it someday! (maybe even showing to my sister to watch it together)
Thank you for the ask again and sorry that it took me quite long to get to it!
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Good evening! I saw you talking about using tags under reblogs. Using and reading tags is actually my fave part of Tumblr. But you said that you met many great people because you saw their tags followed them and the rest is history. But I am so confused if I am doing something wrong because I've been in this fandom for more than a year now and never had people reaching out to me, most people don't even follow me back or something. I know I am not as interesting as others (I mean this very neutral haha I am ok with this) and I am not a creator so I get that I don't get as much attention. But, I talk to zero people here. I always see people here being friends and everyone seems to know each other and I feel a bit like a outsider and I am wondering how you guys met each other. Because I tried talking to some people here (which was very hard for me, I am so shy that I am even too shy to text people haha) but then the conversation died after one day and the people doesn't seem to be interested in talking. I know a lot of people here are very funny (like you and your friends), I am not. I am French. I am just wondering how y'all met because I honestly feel like I am in a new big class and everyone knows each other, except for myself. Do you have any tips? Sorry if this was confusing and annoying to read, I worded it poorly.
sorry first off I laughed out loud at the 'I know a lot of people here are very funny, I am not. I am french'
but I get this I had this for a very long time too. idk I made friends by following them and just, interacting w their work, replying, sending asks etc.
but the main thing on how to make friends is joining discord group chats!
I met fran and niamh through the seb gc and a lot of people through the chircus, thats the easiest way to meet people and especially works really well if you're introverted and shy. group chats are really big so your message can be thrown into the void but if you're active people will start to talk/interact w u on there.
there are a bunch of gcs that are open as long as u send a message to the admin to I recommend when you see a funny sc of a gc or see someone talk abt them to send an ask if the gc is open and then joining if it is!!!
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hiiii! (again feel VERY free not to publish, I'm not trying to stress anyone out or hurt anyone's feelings) but yes!! i agree, adele and lil nas and ed sheeran and taylor swift and anyone in the realm that harry wants to be in ARE ruthlessly ambitious. To pretend otherwise is just... wildly naive to me i guess? In what it takes to reach that level of success. I think that was my point? So it's so weird to me when people are sooooooo defensive of harry. Like... he *does* do things that many of his fans probably wouldn't like. People react to any criticism of him like he's some kind of underdog but he's so BELOVED in main stream culture that it makes me be like wut? (I guess that's the point of my original ask, it reminds me of christians being like WE'RE SO PERSECUTED!!!! while most people in the U.S. are christians).
Could you maybe talk about why you don't think that's an interesting/important lens through which to view success? Is it just because it's so obvious? Because I always get the vibe from a lot of the fandom that Harry just happened into extreme stardom without any planning or free will of his own.
Oh and just a small example, but in terms of carelessness, I would say I think Townes is an example of that. He unleashed the fandom on her, and when asked if he warned her, he explicitly said no. I also think he lifted Bukowksi (blah) imagery directly from his poems (you flower, you feast/// this thing upon me like a flower and a feast) without really crediting it, as just another example. Not malicious, but careless.
I truly don't think any of this makes Harry "bad" (though i don't really view people in terms of good or bad) but it makes discussions surrounding him very defensive and flat when everything even slightly negative is ignored because someone wants him to be perfect.
I think I just disagree with the adjective "ruthless" because it denotes having or showing no pity or compassion for others. I just have never seen anything about Harry that gives me the impression that's how he is. He's said if he's going to play, he wants to win. I'd describe him maybe as fiercely competitive. Or profoundly ambitious. I don't know... the word ruthless is so negative that it becomes difficult to have a balanced conversation about it if that's how you see things.
But I hear what you're saying about people being being very defensive about him. That's a layered issue, I think. Part of it is the fractured nature of this fandom. There are so many people who claim to love him, yet turn on him and turn on people who support him, the second something happens. As I said earlier, if you're not condemning him, you're accused of babying him or putting him on a pedestal. I just think there's a middle ground. I also think people often feel as if they're being personally attacked if their fave is attacked. Like, he has to be perfect or somehow I'm a bad person for liking him.
In addition to all of this, I think people can get defensive about him because there's a narrative that a certain faction of the fandom created and pushes that he actually is ruthless and not only broke up the band to have solo stardom without regard to the other guys, but also created babygate in order to ruin Louis, and continues to try and sabotage him (in cahoots with Rob Stringer and the Azoffs). If that's who you believe Harry to be, then please unfollow me because that's such a disgusting thing to say about anyone and there's literally no basis in reality for any of it.
Maybe it's because I've been here for a such a long time that I never see people acting as though he just stumbled into his success. That, to me, is just silly. He's clearly been groomed for this since he was 16 – regardless of whether he was always aware of it, or always wanted it. He had to have realized fairly early on what was going on. Just the fact that he was connecting himself with the Azoffs as early as 2014 gives you an idea that he knew he was going to need big guns behind him to get what he wanted.
As far as Townes is concerned, I doubt that she wasn't told. Just because he said that in the BTA doesn't mean it's true. That would just be bizarre behavior. And from people I know who knew her, she seemed just fine (and also never dated him). Expecting a songwriter to credit imagery from poetry or books or art that inspired them seems like overkill to me. I just think Sony isn't looking to get sued, shit like that would be talked about and sent to lawyers etc. if it was deemed an issue. I mean, Hootie and The Blowfish basically put a whole verses of Dylan's Idiot Wind into their song, Only Wanna Be With You. Dylan was asked, and was fine with it for years, then later decided he wanted money. I'm sure Bukowski's heirs would do the same if they were bothered. Again, I don't think that's necessarily Harry's job. That's why labels have copyright attorneys on staff.
I don't think we should treat him as if he's perfect, but I do think there's so much we don't know about how things are run behind the scenes. It's fine to dislike the way his team handles things and it's fine to complain about it when they've fucked up. And yes, Harry can take his share of the blame when his team messes up. They're "his team" after all. I just think a lot of people have a hard time balancing it all – it becomes all or nothing. He's either perfect or he's the worst. And the truth is, he's neither. But I enjoy him and his music and the way he presents himself, and he makes me happy. So I'm happy being a fan. 
in reference to this
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wakasa-wifey · 2 years
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First of all, HOLY SHIT WE REACHED 100 MILESTONES?!?! I started Tumblr way back in 2016 lmfaoo this same account is loyal to me since then but I never properly use this account until November last year where I started to interact with writers I love and lost many of them too. And I started writing on this account since March 2022 and I am so so so grateful for everyone that had stayed with me along my journey.
To appreciate each and everyone of you here, I decided to make 2 events. A short 300-500 drabbles prompt list event and night date matchup event. For my mutuals, you guys are not only allowed, but ENCOURAGED to join both events <33 Details are as below!
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You must be following me. Blank and ageless blog + MINORS won't be entertained, but rather blocked by me instead.
Choose a prompt from the list of prompts given below.
State whether you want gender neutral/afab/amab reader. I will be using the pronouns accordingly.
Pick a character from this list of fandoms: Tokyo Revengers, Haikyuu!, Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen.
YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE ON ANON to request. Since this is a followers and mutuals only event, I would really love to interact with you all.
Give me time to finish the drabbles!
There will only be some slots open! I decided to open only 10 slots for the prompt event to avoid me getting overwhelmed and dropped the whole stuffs out.
The prompt cannot be repeated. I will inform you if the prompt you picked was chosen by somebody else. I will also crossed out each prompts that had been picked out.
Send your request in this format!
eg: The prompt list event please! Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu!) x afab! reader with prompt #1 "wish you were here"
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Prompt List:
#1 “Have you just been sleeping this entire time?”
#2 "Don't worry, you can be our kid, too."
#3 “I don’t like happiness. But I will cry.”
#4 “There are worse things than burned grilled cheese, I suppose, even if I can’t think of any right now.”
#5 “If you bring that up again I am going to bite you.”
#6 “No lollipops for you. You eat too many and leave the sticks lying around the house.”
#7 “I should’ve known you couldn’t die when you fell from that window and walked away without a scratch.”
#8 “Are you alright with me carrying you?”
#9 “I should’ve stopped them, but they’re too tall.”
#10 "Maybe I won't be the troublesome one anymore. You'll attract all the trouble instead."
#11 "If we fall, I'm making sure I fall on top of you."
#12 "It's too dangerous to go alone, take this with you."
#13 “Maybe we can still be friends?”
#14 “This was doomed from the beginning.”
#15 “and after all of this… i still love you.”
#16 “You’re not gonna die, it’s gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
#17 “I'm only with you because I feel sorry for you. No sane person would want anything to do with you.”
#18 “I think I broke them more than I helped.”
#19 “And the worst part, I wasn’t even the one to start it all. They got to be the one to say hello and goodbye.”
#20 “Can’t you see? I didn’t care about all the details. I just wanted you!”
Prompts by: @itsasatirething @alyxovert @writinghoursopen @sleepyprompts
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Uh oh, here comes the hotties. It's your chance to get a night date out with your fave! To know more details about it, please read the rules throughly and send in an application!
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You must be following me. Blank and ageless blog + MINORS won't be entertained, but rather blocked by me instead.
To mutuals who's joining both events, please send in the ask SEPARATELY.
DO NOT send in the ask on ANON. You won't be entertained.
The characters are from these fandoms: Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers, Attack on Titan and Haikyuu!
This event will be on a limited time only, I will inform you once the event is closed!
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What You Should Send Me:
Tell me in the ask that this is for the matchup event.
Please send me your picture or a picrew (if you like drawings, that's acceptable too) of yourself. It will be deleted and won't be posted along with the matchup.
Tell me your preferred pronouns (so I don't accidentally misgendered you)
Tell me your favourite artist and the genre of song you like listening to.
Your favourite season.
Tell me your favourite romance trope (eg: childhood friends to lovers).
Tell me the specified fandom you want to be matched up with, and the preferred gender of the character if you wanted to.
Give me the list of the characters you don't want to be matched up with if you has any.
The format is as below!
eg: Hello! this is for the matchup event! I use she/they pronouns, my favourite artist is Taylor Swift and I'm in love with indie song! My favourite season gotta be winter and my favourite trope is soulmate! I would like to be matched up with a male character from Tokyo Revengers and I don't have any list of characters I don't want to be matched up with. *insert your picture/picrew here.
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What You'll Get:
A matchup with a character.
A song I think fits your relationship.
Where the character will take you / What you guys will be doing during the date.
Event Status: CLOSED
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psa: I will be using #[🐨sei.100 milestone: matchup!] as the hashtag for the matchup, so you can block it out if you don't want it to clog your dashboard!
#[🐨sei.100 milestone: prompts!] will be used for the drabble event so it's easier for you guys to filter it out!
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my-robot-heart · 3 years
Hey!! Desperate here, sorry for being so abrupt LOL
I’ll tell my story on how I ended up here, asking a question, but OH MAN, I’ve been a fan of Spader for a while, long while, easy explanation would be his voice to begin with.. but today I decided to finally rewatch The Blacklist again because why not, I’ve watched some episodes in the past but randomly, not knowing a thing about the plot. So today I decided to start from the Pilot, watched some episodes and I immediately got involved, but something I also noticed was the… you could say sexual tension going on with the protagonists, I was sitting on the edge (english isn’t my main language, but I’m 99% sure that’s the expression) feeling so many emotions watching Red and Lizzie, I was going insane like “WHEN ARE THEY KISSING?!!!” so I couldn’t wait and went to google thinking I’d end up spoiling myself on their romance… when I found out there was nothing but confusing headlines about the latest season or something about their real relationship I was so confused I was like “No?! this says nothing at all about them!!” and after googling for a while I came across Tumblr and a tag with their ship name. I was so happy, logged quickly into Tumblr again, spent the last few hours watching gifs and reading what you guys had to say about them and oh… it shattered me in a good and bad way, learned about their ending, and how messy the whole idea of the characters together was because of the producers… I had faith, but instead of leaving disappointed I was craving more and more of this sexy relationship that for SURE was about to be love for me, so I ended up reading some fics and wow… they wasted a whole story of love in here… ISTG the second I started the show I was like “Oh he’s going to manipulate her to fall in love with him and it will be steamy! that has to be the whole plot” and no one can tell me they weren’t into each other… MEANT for each other… this will forever be my newest and craziest ship I lost in the way… but I already know it has a BIG space on my heart.
So my question would be; how would you explain and name their relationship? could you tell me is it worth it to suffer and watch them not kiss for many many seasons? was there ever a chance for romance in their dialogues or the staring once? (such as this scene I think I saw of Red doing that typical sexy Spader face when Lizzie went blonde) or them holding hands?
What even happened? why did they ruin the chances of them being a couple? it was there the whole time! I really wanna learn the thoughts on them from this community and about their best moments and how you know that for sure there was a spark in their scenes that implied what we wanted, and that implied their love which is… clearly not father daughter ??? I also wanna know about those theories but I don’t get anything!! I just wanted them to end together… but now that I know I don’t think I can go through all the seasons and suffer but I can just watch the gifs of them dancing :) but thanks for reading this and if you answer giving me your time :) I swear I feel like a MESS because of them and I only learned about them today, earlier…. save me cs I’m suffering but in love with 2 characters so badly…
Lizzington forever! ❤️❤️ thanks for all your posts I spent hours looking at and enjoying while suffering haha have a nice week :)))
Omgggg I'm so sorry you sweet innocent anon 💀💀💀💀 I was you about five years ago when I got into this fandom for real and started writing Lizzington fics, however at that point the worst we had to worry about was considerably less than it is now.
Ummmmmm I literally don't know what to tell you 🙃 but I'm honoured you reached out and happy you got so much enjoyment from the great fics out there (would love to hear what some of your faves were!)
So I should say firstly that I watched only til the end of the previous season (8) and literally know nothing about the show for s9 other then my weekly spoilers from @thetwistedargent about Ressler's butt (loll).
Anyway, what DID happen, anon? What happened to Red and Lizzie's chemistry and relationship? I guess the writers decided to fuck with us all, for lack of a better explanation. I'm still sore and bitter about the weird way the show turned into something super different than what it started as.
As far as the show goes, I think Lizzington shippers in general agree that it's worth watching at least seasons 1 through 3. The second half of S3 is where the Lizzington content takes a steep curve downwards, but there's still some sweet episodes in later seasons (Greyson Blaise is popular). If you watch the show til then, and then move to reading fanfic, you can preserve some of that excitement and pure enthusiasm in your heart.
Post season four, what can I say? It is a different and not great show. Post season 7 in my opinion; not even worth your time. But you'll know what feels best, and if you do keep watching til s8 you're welcome to stop by here and let us know what you think.
There's still a pretty engaged fandom here that is refusing to acknowledge anything past s8 lol, so we'll be here if you need us.
Is it worth it to suffer and not see them kiss? I guess it's a personal call. For me, the underlying sexual tension WAS there, and I kind of filled in the blanks with the fics I wrote over the years.
If your heart breaks in the end, was it worth it? Only you will know 💛
Thanks for this heartfelt ask, and I hope you enjoy whatever you do choose to consume xo
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austajunk · 3 years
Hell yes, KomaNami appreciation! ♡
I'm really happy someone else recognises Komaeda and Nanami's relationship. So many people in the fandom seem to think that Komaeda hates Nanami, or even that he hates women in general for some reason.
It's so strange, considering that there's literally *nothing* to suggest that he has any hatred for Nanami or any of the other girls in the series at all, and there's so much suggesting the opposite.
(Sorry for ranting in your inbox - just wanted to share my thoughts!)
Hey there!
I’m so glad that my blog could reach out to others who find Chiaki and Nagito’s relationship fascinating, whether platonic or romantic or with Hajime or what have you. They are my most favorite things from the second game! Definitely!
Now about people who think Nagito hates Chiaki... honestly, I feel like it’s projection. She’s the girl who gets in the way of their perfect KomaHina ship. And while I love KomaHina, I hate that they hate her as some sort of obstacle when you know Chiaki would push for those two to find happiness together. And in fact, one can argue that she did. But I also argue that Hajime and Nagito love and nurture her right back. If you aren’t loving and stanning all three of them, then what are you even doing?
Also Nagito is already protective over even Sonia in the beginning when it comes to TeruTeru’s perversions. You can even argue that he compliments the girls much more than the guys on their talents. He even tells Hajime that to presume that someone like him could influence Mahiru to play the game of Twilight Syndrome is an insult to her memory. Nagito just isn’t some woman hater. And if you’re going to headcanon him as gay or MLM and such, please do not reinforce such a cruel stereotype as gay people supposedly hating women! It’s not great, okay?
Oh yeah and long love Komanami!! And all the other unsung Komaeda and Nanami ships out there that go unheard of! I’m a positive multishipper here out here to make sure my faves get all the love! So thank you!
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captainpikeachu · 3 years
Okay, so far be it from me to say it but some of y’all (here, on other social media, and plenty of reaction channels too) are getting really weird reasons to hate the character of John Walker, like there are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate him but some of y’all keep reaching for the strangest things that make no sense and at worst you’re undermining your own favorite MCU characters to do it
I’ve seen many people immediately condemn Walker for using a gun in Episode 2, and how that makes him “not Captain America”, while seemingly forgetting that both Steve and Sam have used guns before? Like I get that it’s weird seeing Cap using a gun but the gun is not a reason that makes him “bad” or “not Captain America”, by that logic, then neither Sam nor Steve can be Captain America either just because they’ve used weapons, hell Sam operated with dual guns as Falcon in previous movies. Walker’s use of a gun, if anything, is actually very logical, he has no super powers, he’s got no wings like Sam or super strength like Steve or Bucky, so if he’s going into fights, he has to compensate his lack of extra abilities with weaponry. I’m more surprised he doesn’t just carry a grenade launcher with him at all times to be frank about it. And if he didn’t have that gun, Lemar would have died a lot earlier on that truck fight. That gun is supposed to level the playfield which he (and Lemar) enters at a very huge and dangerous disadvantage.
Some people have also highlighted Walker commenting on how he’s stopped a grenade four times using a reinforced helmet as a sign of his true nature of not befitting Captain America, some even so far as to call it a gimmick. But that’s just literally him doing his job? I don’t get it. It’s one thing if we actually saw footage of him jumping on grenades as an act or for PR, but when he answers Bucky’s accusation, he’s just describing something that is a part of his job. He’s a soldier, he’s in active combat all the time, he’s probably run into many grenade jumping situations and he’s trained to do what he does by using a reinforced helmet. And using a reinforced helmet doesn’t mean he’s not brave or self sacrificing, that’s literally again just him doing his job the way he was trained, why wouldn’t you make reinforced helmets that can block a grenade explosion instead of needlessly wasting human lives on it. Hell, we see even how the Wakandans use this “reinforced helmet” tactic when T’Challa uses his suit to absorb the kinetic energy of an explosion to protect everyone else. That’s not a gimmick, it doesn’t make T’Challa any less honorable or brave or self sacrificing. It’s a really strange standard to judge Walker against when it’s a different time, different training, and different technology available. 
And then there’s this thing of #NotMyCap, Walker as a character was fighting an uphill battle from day one, before he even spoke a word or even showed what kind of person he is, the judgment was already laid down by majority of fandom to blame the character for something that character isn’t even responsible for. Judging Walker by what he does is totally valid and fair as we reach the later episodes, but he was already “not my Cap” to so many people in their minds simply because he wasn’t Steve or Sam or Bucky or anyone the fans know, that anything Walker did or said would be instinctively compared or looked upon with negative connotations, he had already failed before he even had a chance to start, I mean, just look at the comments from his first introduction, it’s filled with comments mocking his appearance and the numerous versions of “Discount Cap” insults. When you start from a well of negativity, it’s really difficult to believe that the character has been given fair consideration. 
Finally, there’s the big debate over Walker’s actions towards Nico, the Flag Smasher he killed. And look, I ain’t okay with what he did either, he shouldn’t have killed Nico in that way and he should have exercised more self control for someone in his power and position. Even if I understand his emotional reasons, I’m not okay with his actions. However, there’s this strange undercurrent in fandom that keeps painting Nico as a sympathetic victim of a evil murderous monster while conveniently forgetting that Nico literally seconds before was restraining Walker so that Karli could kill him. If Lemar had not jumped in, Nico would have succeeded in actively aiding Karli to murder Walker. People talk about how it’s sad that Nico looked up to Captain America and is killed by Cap’s shield but no one mentions that he was trying to kill a Captain America. I’m not saying this makes what Walker did okay, but it’s just very strange that Nico is reframed as this innocent victim of an evil man when he would actually be far better described as a surrendered enemy combatant that Walker should have taken prisoner instead of executed. It just feels like the wall of hate against Walker is so blinding that some people are forgetting the context of the situation. And there’s some people saying “well Walker killed people so that makes him the worst”, okay then what about the other Avengers? What about our other heroes? Some of them have killed people, just because it was never shown in this dramatically intense way with blood doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Hell, Episode 1 literally has a fight where Sam definitely killed people but is it because it wasn’t presented in a dramatically ominous way that makes it okay? Or because it didn’t have blood? Or because it was a clear “bad guy” in battle so it’s fine? Tony Stark in the first Iron Man movie kills numerous “evil terrorists”. Steve killed some folks in his movies too. But we cheer in those moments, feel triumphant even, is that kind of extrajudicial killing okay because it’s in a fight and the people killed were bad? Why weren’t those bad people taken prisoner instead of killed? Do we have one kind of standard for the violence our heroes deal out and then another standard for other characters who aren’t our faves? What makes one kind of violence justifiable and doesn’t taint the legacy of that shield but another kind of violence unjustifiable and taints the legacy? I feel like people are not nearly examining this inherent double standard as much as they should. And I’m not condemning Sam or Steve or Tony or any of the heroes taking out bad guys, but I bring this up to point out to people that if “Walker can’t just kill someone in cold blood and revenge” then why is it that we are okay with when our heroes kill? Is it because they do it not in revenge and cold blood? Is deliberate dispassionate killing somehow more justifiable?
Anyways, again, I’m not saying you can’t criticize or hate John Walker. He is clearly designed to be the anti-hero/antagonist of this story. And there are plenty of legitimate reasons to question the many things this character has done. But some of these specific issues I’ve seen brought up by the fandom is just really strange and at times very hypocritical, ignorant of canon and context, and very reductive of a very interesting and well written and complex character. 
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Hey Steph!!
So I was just wondering what your absolute favourite fic is, because you have friggin AWESOME taste and I would love to read it!
Have an absolutely amazing day!! xx
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: Hi Steph! I hve the ultimate request. Can you recommend your favourite fic of All Time?
OOOF you guys must’ve read each other’s minds, LOL. Ahhh, Octopus, this is very high praise, so thank you. I’m pleased that my fave reads are also becoming y’all’s faves!
AHHHH this is such a tough one, because I love so many fics. So to start off, here’s some lists you might enjoy:
Top 20 Fave 40K+ w. Fics (April 2017)
Ten Fave Short Johnlock Fics (Easy Reads April 2018)
25 Fave Johnlock One Shots (April 2018)
Top 10 Fave Fics (September 2018)
Top 20 Bookmarks of 2018 (March 2019)
Another Top 10 Fave Fics (June 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics Pt. 2 (Sept. 2019)
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics (Nov. 2019)
Top 25 Bookmarks of 2019 (Dec. 29/2019)
I’ve read many fics over the years, but even after all this time, I absolutely still have to say that this one is still currently my fave fic ever:
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w., 7 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship, POV Sherlock) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him.
I’ve gone back to this fic so often I can pretty much read it on the back of my eyelids. I love the characterizations, and I love how each chapter starts as a flashback to John’s life. It’s so good. It’s fake relationship from Sherlock’s POV, which are rare already, and just the progression of their relationship feels so natural. 
Plus, Sherlock has a John in his mind palace that he dresses up like a paper doll. I LOVE IT.
So yeah, please check out that fic. It’s one of my fave of all time. It’s silly and cute and JUST the right length, and I often go back to it if I’ve read a string of fics I just couldn’t get into. <3
I’d love to do a comic version of it, but my time management skills are garbage so I doubt it would ever happen, plus I don’t want to take away from the author so yeah. *shrugs*
Actually, another REALLY close contender, one that I’ve also read a tonne, is this one:
Iris by slashscribe (E, 11,948 w., 1 Ch. || Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Post-S3) – Sherlock does his best to make John happy when John comes back to 221B with his new baby after the events of Season 3, but Sherlock has a track record of getting things wrong in this area. This story is an exploration of their gradual shift from friends to lovers, told from Sherlock's perspective, full of a lot of pining and lack of emotional awareness.
It was actually my fave BEFORE I read Promise, so yeah, two great fics if you’re looking for a couple shorter fics to read in a pinch.
Actually, let’s do the history, LOL. Here’s a couple of my fave long fics:
Midnight Blue Serenity by BeautifulFiction (E, 151,907 w., 19 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Gay Bar / For a Case, Drugs, Pining, Case Fic, UST) – When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate's charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim?
This one was my fave BEFORE Iris, but I also go back to it quite often if I want something longer to wrap comfortably around me. Also this one:
Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (E, 109,683 w., 23 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Genie/Djinn AU || Magical Realism, Kidnapping, Genie Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Case Fic, H/C, Angst, Clubs, John Whump, Mild DubCon, Hand / Blow Jobs, Torture) – Fairy tales are for those who remember how to dream; not John Watson, broken and hiding from his bleak future in a beige bedsit. But then he discovers a lamp and finds himself in the dangerous riptide of an enigmatic man whose very existence is unbelievable, murder charges against his sister, and the growing pains of feeling alive once more.
The fave fic BEFORE MBS LOL.
AND finally, my VERY FIRST fave Sherlock fic:
The Green Blade by verityburns (T, 72,929 w., 15 Ch. || Casefic, Bromance) – As a serial killer hits the headlines, the police are out of their depth and the next victim is out of time. With faith in Sherlock Holmes at an all time low, this is a case which will push loyalties to the limit...
When I first got into fandom, I read this one IN BETWEEN EVERY FIC I READ. I love it so much. I actually first read it on FFNet. THAT’S how old this one is. I only recently was shown it’s on Ao3 and I was SO happy I was able to have an eBook version of it now! <3
So yeah, check out those fics, LOL. I’ve SO many new faves, honest to goodness, and new fave authors to add to my list, AND I’m CERTAIN that I’ve still to read more of my fics that will be my faves in my 90 pages of MFLs on Ao3 LOL. But yeah, these fics are like coming home to a hot cocoa and warm blankie on a cold night. Not just because of my love for them, but there’s something about a fic that you’ve already ready countless times, and not having to invest too much energy into getting into that world again, but instead just REALLY taking in your favourite parts of those fics and just smiling and feeling all squidgy all over again at your fave parts. <3
That all said, please, authors, never stop writing. I love reading your worlds <3
What’s your fave fics, Lovelies? 
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I think it's so interesting that one of the main reasons I've stayed on Tumblr this long is that the Nancy Drew games fandom is really robust here and I've met very few people irl who know the games or love them as much as I do, and yet here we are.
I joined the "clue crew" many many years ago after looking up a walkthrough for SCK because my weenie-hut-juniors ass was way to scared to finish the game after I blew up the diner by accident but I wanted to know how it ended. That was my first Arglefumph video and after that, I was hooked. I only owned SCK and HAU and the DVD version of CUR, but his channel let me experience every single game and I really loved watching the videos.
When I was around 15 I think, I was making my own little youtube videos and learning how to edit video. Michael's channel was still relatively small but he was gaining popularity and his videos started getting more ambitious. So, I reached out and told him I was a fan and looking to get more editing practice in, and that I'd love to edit for him. He said yes, and I made a couple of videos for him (a section of Everything Wrong With SCK and then the entirety of EWW CUR and CLK) and had a blast doing it. I asked to do them for free because I didn't need the money.
Afterwards, Michael and I became friends on Facebook and through him I met Paul Franzen of "Oh, a Rock" game studios. I made the trailer for the first Cat President game for Paul, a picture of my cat is in the second one, and I (as well as Michael) played a character in Internet Court which just came out on Tuesday. I was paid for all of these gigs at the insistence of Paul. I loved doing these as well and definitely would work with either of them again if they asked.
I'm transgender (non-binary sapphic) and started my transition at around the same time as I started working with Michael and Paul. Both of them have been friends with me throughout the entire process of me having top surgery, changing my name, and starting HRT. They have both been great friends and supporters of my transition. I have always felt safe with both of them.
I saw a post earlier today of some people upset that Her Interactive was promoting one of Michael's speedruns and had totally ignored a fan effort to raise money for charity. I don't know a ton of the details, but it's definitely common knowledge that being a part of the fandom entails a lot of ragging on Her Interactive, especially recently, as they have a track record of not being in touch with the fanbase. But people took it out on Michael, and as a friend of his, that bummed me out. I commented on it and someone messaged me and accused Michael of being racist and homophobic, as well as cheating on a speedrun. I told them about my relationship with Michael and that I didn't like that such strong claims were being made against him (I also looked into the speedrun thing, and to my knowledge he discovered an existing exploit in a game and Her asked him to take down his video because they didn't want the exploit to become widely known. I don't know the whole story though) especially because I know him personally.
Someone else screenshotted my comment and explained that their beef isn't with Michael on this one, which I appreciated, but someone else linked to a "your fave is problematic" Google doc about him. This frustrates me a lot. Here's the doc if you want to read it for yourself. I'm not gonna try and hide it because I've read through it and I'm not ashamed to be friends with this guy.
I don't know if he talks about it often anymore, but Michael used to be studying to be a Catholic priest. He's religious. But in my experience, he's always been kind about it and has never tried to force his beliefs on others. You can actually see in the doc that he treads pretty lightly. He's also a cishet white man with two daughters who just enjoys the Nancy Drew games and likes to share that joy with others. He was one of the first people to consistently make ND content and it seems like he was the intro to the fandom for a lot of people, so he's kind of become a cornerstone of the community.
There's a section of the doc about underpaying an artist, and I do feel for that person, but they didn't communicate about how they felt the work was worth more (I get it, I have social anxiety, I hate asking for more money, but I also understand that nobody can read my mind, especially not someone who isn't an artist or in touch with the artist community).
Michael is not a racist, or a homophobe, or a transphobe. He is a pretty nice catholic guy who tries to be considerate of other people and sometimes is uneducated but I've never seen him be intentionally malicious.
It's really hard to see someone you've known for years get thrown under the bus because he's just a guy who doesn't spend all his time trying to woke. His blog might have some stuff that I don't agree with, but he's the type of person to extend a hand to anyone who needs it, regardless of their situation or opinions.
I hope Her Interactive gets better about engaging with the fans and supporting all the really cool stuff that members of the community do, but I'm sorry, if you come for my friend like that, I'm not gonna sit there and take it.
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akkpipitphattana · 3 years
So, I genuinely wasn’t planning on making one of these because I’m really not the best when it comes to expressing my feelings in words. However, I also wasn’t expecting to get tagged in the amount of these that I did tbh. I never really think of myself as someone that’s gonna be noticed all that often, I guess, and I’m also not exactly the most social of people even on here. But, the fact that I have been tagged in so many of these truly warms my heart and I do wanna say thank you to everyone that tagged me in one because it really touched me and made me feel so very loved. 💙
Before this year, it’s been about three years since I’ve actively been involved in any sort of fandom. I’ve watched things, I’ve engaged with things, and this blog has remained pretty active with me mostly just reblogging stuff for the last few years, but I didn’t really have any sort of place in any fandom and I certainly didn’t have any mutuals that I interacted with. This year, I finally started engaging more. While it was Lucas’s season that pushed me to get into Skam in the first place, it was Robbe’s that pushed me to start interacting more with the fandom. There really is nothing to compare watching that season live to, the fandom experience during that time was truly unique and one of my favorite parts about it and it’s exactly what drew me into becoming apart of it all.
I really didn’t expect to end up making so many friends, finding so many talented and wonderful people that I would love interacting with and I am truly grateful to just be here and experience it all.
Now for some individual appreciation 💙💙
@perfectsilence22 I tell you all the time how much I adore you and how much I appreciate you, but of course you gotta be top of my list here!! You’re truly one of my favorite people to talk to, to share theories with, or to even just see on my dash. It truly blows my mind how there are so many things the could have kept us from being friends, but I’ll gladly thank whatever it is that ended up pushing us together because I can’t imagine what it would be like not having you in my life. I love you so much 💙
@fatoudixon You know according to Tumblr, we’ve only been mutuals for about two months? It’s absolutely crazy to me that that’s the case, because not quote Robbe, but it sometimes feels like I’ve known you my whole life. I have no idea what it was that compelled you to message me, what it was the even got us to follow each other in the first place, but I’m truly grateful that it happened because talking to you is just the best part of my day a lot of the time. I know we make jokes about being unlucky because we’re the sobbe that are separated by an ocean, but in a lot of ways, I still feel so lucky that the universe brought us together anyway. I love you, baby 💙💙
@tsjernobyl Emma!! You’re one of my favorite blogs on here, and like I said when you followed me, I really wasn’t expecting it lol. But I’m grateful that you did because you’re definitely one of my faves to see on my dash and to interact with. You gifs and art are always so creative and beautiful and your presence in general just brings so much warmth 💙
@sonderthroughthestreets / @embeddedinmybrain Tasfia, you are truly one of the sweetest souls I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. You’re so sweet and supportive and any time I get an ask from you or just see you on my dash, I smile. There’s a reason your emoji is the sun, and it’s cause you’re like a ray of sunshine ☀️. Also, you’re just a crazy talented writer and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the future!!
@robbesdriesen Bianca, not only are you just so kind, but you’re also just one my favorite writers. I haven’t gotten a chance to reach your new fic (25K girl, how do you do it?) but I know it’s gonna be amazing like all of your others. You’re writing is so beautiful, which really just reflects the wonderful person you are as well 💙
@zoesrobbe My emo over the flatshare buddy! Lmao, as much as I curse you for it when make me miss them, I’m definitely also grateful for it, not just cause I’m soft for them but also because it usually means seeing your wonderful gifs. You’re so very talented when it comes to gif making, be it the coloring of the effects or the custom shapes added over, it all just adds up to truly gorgeous sets that always make me happy whenever I see them on my dash. Not to mention that you’re just such a lovely person on top of all that talent 😘
@suburbanenigma Carmen! We really haven’t gotten to talk much, but your shitposts are always some of my favorite things to see on my dash. You’re so funny and I definitely hope we get to talk more in the future 💙
Because I have a lot of mutuals that I haven’t really interacted with a whole lot, I’m gonna add a little section here to just thank all of you as well. I’m not the best at talking to people but know that I appreciate and love all of you as well and seeing you guys one my dash always makes me smile 💙
@dagcutie @mrijzermans @birthdaysentiment @joanabianchi @nyttvera @gele-gordijnen @annonymannonym @sanderxrobbee @mirroroferisedx @angel-necklace @itubainaretro @welcometo-saturn @sander-klaas @driesenrobbe @jebentnietalleen
Thank you so much to all of you and I wish all of you a very happy New Year!
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So I am literally just speculating but something does not sit right with me about this last season. It doesn’t sit right with a lot of people but here’s my thing:
-knowing this is going to be the last season (I don’t know when they announced it but it was pretty early) and you went in, you started plot lines in s14 that would continue into s15 that just... didn’t go anywhere.
-you brought characters in and back for storylines that only fit to further the boys’ plotline, which would have been fine if you didn’t insist on killing them right after when the fandom has been asking you for years ‘please stop killing my faves’
-one of your actors, who’s been trying to convince you for years, goes full down knock down drag out for one whole ‘I love you’ scene to canonically make him gay (which you’ve been denying for years and made him sleep with women) and you decide to pepper little things throughout the entire season that shows Cas and Dean feel more for each other than just friendship. And instead of making Dean reciprocate, you kill him because of literary symmetry that stopped being relevant to the story in s4 or s5
-you then started a bunch of plot lines (and here is where it REALLY gets me) that were good this season. That were leading you up to the finale. And then you got to the middle of it. AND IT ALMOST SEEMS LIKE YOU JUST DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR CHARACTERS OF 15 YEARS SO YOU JUST DECIDED TO THROW OUT AT LEAST 9-10 YEARS WORTH OF CHARACTER GROWTH IN ORDER FOR IT TO REALLY ALL TIE TOGETHER ( I mean, come on. They did a whole ass episode bout why being normal sucks and then all they wanted at the end WAS TO BE NORMAL I CANT EVEN THIS SHOW WAS EVERYWHERE THIS SEASON)
-and then you just LITTER the season with meta and foreshadowing (Dean and Cas in purgatory, Dean and Cas ‘what’s real about any of it?’ ‘We are’, Sam and Eileen not knowing if it’s real and breaking up because of it ((which didn’t even matter come sam wanting to get his dick wet but I digress 🙃)) and then you have Garth who got to live, his episode is ‘the heroes journey’ and he ends up safe, happy, still settled with his wife LIKE A MIRROR FOR OUR BOYS) and then you just DECIDE THAT NONE OF THAT MATTERS
-and then you did exactly what we asked you not to do for years. No matter how many times we all said ‘we want to see the boys happy, together, all three of them. We want them together as a family, even Jack too and Claire and the wayward sisters, we literally wanted everyone safe, happy, alive.’ So it doesn’t matter which ending they were going to give us, it was always going to end in a way we never wanted or asked for. They literally heard... okay. We kill the boys. And then everyone, even if they aren’t dead yet... will be in Dean’s heaven. That sounds right. EXCEPT THE PEOPLE THAT WE WOULD HAVE WANTED THERE, THAT WOULD HAVE MADE IT REDEEMABLE FOR US (Samantha Ferris, Chad Lindberg, Osric, etc) WERE NEVER GOING TO BE THERE. it was going to be filled with his abusive father, a mother that we fleshed out and mourned for a second (or third I can’t remember) time, a vessel of the guy that very much tried everything to get away from you and your brother and this life and was super not okay with it and only did it to save his daughter but sure, he cares about you, and the actual fucking band Kansas. Who isn’t even dead!
So you did that. You did all that. And so here’s where i absolutely eat fire. Besides wanting to know why on earth this was done to our show after years of asking them not to, I want to know why it nearly felt like they were setting us up for another season. They knew that s15 would be the last way before they started writing. They had the time to write this well thought out ending and they could have taken it so many ways. They could have closed a loop, they could have tried again with the spinoff as I’m sure it would be phenomenal now. But everything they did, every plot hole and plot line they opened and never closed again... feels like it should have been a set up for s16. Now maybe I have too much anger and this was done accidentally, but I don’t think so.
Now I want to add a disclaimer that there a no proof here, I’m speculating, of course. And there were never rumors about a s16. But with the way the season went, I can’t help but wonder if someone had already planned for one. And when j2m said no, we’re gonna hang it up, it fucked a lot of peoples plans of this show being their cash cow. Now, it’s completely possible that the writers are just bad as this show has given us some doozies before. maybe they recycled plot had they been planning for a s16 but Cas’ declaration scene was the first thing to be written so... I doubt that.
But here’s my thing alright, and if you’re already here with me, guys, stay with me: why would you leave all these open ends knowing there will be no other season, throw away all this character growth you’ve been writing and telling the fans about for 15 years, and do exactly what the fans asked you not to and leave them separated and stuck on blood when for years you’ve been telling us ‘family don’t end in blood’?
It was a fuck you. It was a big fuck you to everyone involved. And I don’t mean just to the fans, which is exactly what it was to all the people that asked for them to end up alive and happy (so most of us). Again, I say, I’m speculating but it sounds to me like producers, show runners, went out of their way to make this season not make any sense. To make it bad (the fight with Dean and Cas having been written more sad than angry, the way we had an entire holiday episode for the first time in a while but without Cas, the way they literally told us the ending in beckys scene and then had the nerve to make fun of the GOT ending, I won’t even mention saileen again, the way they knew it would only reach about 30% as a good ending). It sounds to me like someone was being a petty bitch. And especially towards Jensen and Misha. Going back to look at this season, those two boys were put through the ringer and were put at the forefront of our screens and made to go outside of their character especially in the last few episodes, and yet it was all a plot device for Sam to live on.
Jensen who went tooth and nail for his characters ending and hated it (even the original one because I’m pretty sure it was pitched to him precovid) got a car ride for the send off to his character. Misha who fought for Cas to be queer for years got to die and have 12 years of love be for nothing (as dean dies a week later). These are the two that have been trying to tell the show who their character really is for years. If you go back and watch panels, Jensen has been trying to tell them for years where he thought his character should go and he said multiple times that it got swept under. He said he left the meeting feeling drained and they told him he was too close to the story. Bitch, he’s Dean!
I can only speculate that Jared didn’t have as much back and forth with the writers and show runners, but I don’t actually know. I’ve seen a panel in which he said he’s done that stuff but they’ve literally either not listened or done the opposite so I have a feeling he stopped trying so hard after a while. But I can take a guess, after hearing what Jared said at his panel about the ending being good and right, that they brainwashed him just a little to believe that this is the ending they’d always been fighting for. They say forget AKF, forget pretty much all the growth you’ve had for the past few seasons and he had to go along with it. I can also speculate that with the new show coming out they were like ‘shhh this will be good for your ratings’.
TL; DR: I think the show runners/ producers purposefully set us up with a bad season because the producers/show runners are petty bitches and they broke our boys to do it.
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finalgirlbrainrot · 3 years
Unpopular opinion: I don't like Castiel. Not at all. It started when he freed Sam so he could kill Lillith and then never owned up to it. He did the opposite in fact and episodes later, when he told Sam he [Sam] didn't make the right choice, it cemented my dislike of him forever. But aside from his many crimes against Sam, I don't like him because he's too stupid and naive. Here we have a character older than mankind, who's been watching the rise and fall of civilization, but never understood it. Other angels didn't think or act like him (they were assholes for sure, but still..) and with the exception of Gadreel and angels who were in similar situation (imprisoned since the beginning of mankind's history), there's nothing to excuse Castiel's blatant ignorance of how humans work.
Apart from that, though those were my main issues, Castiel was kept on SPN clearly to give in into the loudest, most obnoxious part of the fandom. He served no purpose after S7 other than fan service. His subplots were uninteresting and the actor seemed to get worse every season. Some of his scenes were so cringeworthy I was embarrassed for him.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
as in some parts I agree with, some parts I don't
I have a lot of mixed feelings about cas. there are times when I like him (I particularly enjoyed his relationship with jack), times when I feel protective of him, times when I'm generally indifferent towards him and times when I dislike him because of the way he treats sam (like you already mentioned, not taking responsibility for his part in the apocalypse and blaming sam or breaking his wall or undoing his sacrifice by freeing lucifer...)
the moment when my dislike for him reached its peak is in 13x21, when, instead of taking responsibility for letting lucifer out, he decided to shift the blame and turn it into "our responsibility" (even tho sam was willing to be trapped with his worst nightmare again before letting him out) and guilted sam into facing his torturer and rapist for the 85317th time and made light of sam's trauma by putting his consensual possession on the same level as sam's centuries of torture. also his "worst possible violation" remark pisses me off so much because 1) when is s9 sam was rightfully mad at dean for tricking him into being possessed, he pretty much told him to get over it, yet now he's describing his own consensual possession as the ~worst possible violation~ and 2) he was saying it while wearing the corpse of a guy who's dead as a direct result of cas' possession and from whom he got a coerced consent by using his daughter
but what makes me dislike him probably even more than his own behaviour is his stans. particularly the way they continuously lump sam together with dean when talking about cas' mistreatment, even tho literally the only time sam actually wronged cas was when he went through with dean's plan to lock jack up (as opposed to cas' multiple crimes against sam). just to mentions a few arguments I've come across, I've literally seen cas stans hating on sam for trying to kill jack and for gloating to cas about killing jack (even tho sam never did either of those things, it was all dean), or making up stuff out of nowhere (like claiming that sam called cas an "it", even tho he literally didn't, but apparently people have zero comprehension skills (while simultaneously ignoring the fact that cas actually canonically called sam an abomination)), or getting mad at sam for not standing up for cas when dean's being shitty to him (this one in particular annoys the hell out of me because 1) it comes across as super victim blamey 2) sam does stand up for him. maybe not always, but he did a few times and 3) I honestly can't think of a single time when cas stood up to dean for sam's sake) and for respecting cas' choice of letting lucifer possess him
something else that makes me dislike him is the show and fandom's double standards. when letting lucifer out was actually a team effort, the blame was placed entirely on sam because he broke one seal, but when cas knowingly chose to let him out, it became "we" let him out. when sam was tricked into breaking the last seal, everyone and their mom, both in the show and the fandom, repeatedly blamed him for it, but I've rarely seen fans blame cas for being tricked by metatron into contributing to the angels' fall and while there have been a few angels in the show who blamed him 1) he got to defend himself, while sam never did and 2) it was clear that the narrative didn't support their accusations, as opposed to people blaming sam for the apocalypse, something the narrative itself makes it clear that we're supposed to agree with. not to mention the fact that cas got to express how he felt about being possessed by lucifer and how uncomfortable being around nick made him, while sam never did
also something that put me off his character even more is when I found out that anna (who's like one of my top three fave characters in the entire show) was supposed to be the show's recurring angel, but they ended up giving her role to cas. I mean, I know that's not exactly the character's fault but still :///
I don't really mind his naivety tbh, I actually found it kinda fascinating
I kinda agree about him being in the show for too long and tbh most of the angel plotlines in general became uninteresting in later seasons imo, especially after the angels' fall and I hate how they powered them down so much and turned them from these super powerful creatures to... whatever they are in the later seasons. the only good thing about the angel plotline in the last couple of seasons imo is that it gave us jack, that's it. also yeah, I don't like to speak ill of the actors, but I'm not really a big fan of his acting, especially during casifer
send me unpopular opinions
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stvlti · 3 years
2020 Creator Wrap
I was tagged by @irolltwenties to do the 2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works tag! Thank you, lovely (*˘ ε ˘*)
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Before I begin, let me just tag some friends:
@reaperlight @3dnygma @drowthelynes @transdankovsky @fantomn @lawliyeeeet @dressed-to-keehl @setfa @0akdown @reidsnor @clubolive @mermaides
No pressure, but it would be fun if you guys share some of your works this year ( ˘︶˘ ) let’s see those fics and edits and artworks!! Get the clicks and views y’all deserve 💕 💕
And now, onwards to my 2020 Favorite Works List!
I didn’t write nearly as much as some of you guys did. And though I did exceed my goal of putting out 1 fic per month, I don’t have 5 solid ones I’m proud of. So I’ll just list 4 fics here:
01 // Growing Pains
I’ve always been very nervous about reccing this one, because it broaches a topic that I don’t really have a right to claim? I’m not transgender myself, but I simply adore the trans Dick Grayson headcanon so much it singlehandedly brought me back to the DC fandom and restarted my fanfic-writing habit for 2020 😂😂 plus the writing quality isn’t half bad, and I still really like the idea/metaphor this little story started with and grew from. 
Fave moment (besides the obvious):
"Ka-Pow!!" The boy ventriloquised. Lego Robin sailed through the air in his fingers. One stubby, outstretched leg made contact with a Lego henchman, knocking all the surrounding baddies over like bowling pins. "Sorry Mr. Bad Guys, guess it's way past your bedtime too!"
"Good job, Robin." The boy lowered his prepubescent voice and tried to affect Batman's gravelly timbre as much as possible. In his other hand, he walked Lego Batman across the floor of the crime scene. "How about we round them up and leave it for the Commish? It's getting quite late."
"Oh oh! Can I have cookies on the ride back?"
The boy swivelled Lego Batman's grinning face around. "I don't see why not."
Another night out in Lego Gotham City, another day saved by the Dynamic Duo. This called for a celebration indeed. The boy set the pair of heroes down by the Lego Batmobile and reached over to his own plate of Alfred's after-school chocolate chip cookies. He took his sweet time with the last piece, savouring each bite, sighing at the way it melted on his tongue.
02 // Transference 
This is my best-performing fic in terms of the kudos to hits ratio, so I feel validated in being proud of this one :’) It’s a pretty good marker of the distances I’ve covered since getting serious about reading the comic source material end of 2019, as you can see from the much broader and varied cast of characters I focused on for this story. It also definitely cemented - to me, at least - the fact that I can write action scenes. When I went into “Second Chances” (a fem Jay fic) earlier this year, I was so nervous about writing the action sequence there, because I’ve never written a serious action scene up until that point! To me, this fic definitely showcases the growth I’ve experienced as a writer this year ^_^
When the trio return, Ivy takes her place at the meeting table with a severe expression on her face. She chooses her words carefully, when she speaks. "The odds aren't pretty. We just accepted 100 refugees over the weekend, and the Green is still repairing itself after last week's attack."
Rose exchanges a glance with Jason. He gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, though he's not looking any better than she feels.
"But, each and everyone of us stayed behind to defend the Garden, because we all believed in giving a sanctuary for the civilian survivors out there.
"So bring them here. I'll take them in."
No sooner has Ivy finished the sentence, than Zatanna and Constantine have fired up their teleportation portal, and Harley's cheerful "Good luck!" is lost to the mad dash off to the rescue mission. The rest of the Shadowpact scramble after Rose as she launches herself through the portal—
—and slams into Arsenal, pushing him out of the way seconds before a meteoric explosion of green fire incinerates the very spot he'd been standing in.
03 // Paying It Forward
This one is important to me if only for the reason that it’s the first time I’ve written character dialogues that flowed. And I didn’t even need to plan them out meticulously beforehand! Do you know how rare that is for me as an ESL writer? Dialogues have been the bane of my existence since I started writing as a wee teen. Luckily, the Titans TV show has some solid character dynamics for me to fall back on. And from there I started reading NTT era Dick & Donna, and I just fell in love with their friendship. And now, I can turn to this fic as proof I still got it whenever I doubt my abilities as a writer c:
Fave moment:
Dick glanced at her, eyebrows raised. "She ran out on you?"
"No, no, we never really... I don't think it counts as running away if it never led to anything more."
"But you wanted it to be more." Dick paused, taking in Donna's silence, which would've fooled anyone else but him. "You still want it."
"I-- yeah." Donna sighed and held her hands up as if to say you caught me. "I'm... Sorry? For stealing your girl?"
Dick laughed, bemused. "She was never mine. She knew what she wanted, what she needed - and I wasn't in the right place to give her that."
"And you? You think I'm what she needs?"
"Better you than me. You're Donna Troy. Older, smarter, prettier..."
Donna gave him a deadpan stare.
"... And you know who you want to be. She likes that in a partner. I'm still figuring that one out for myself." Dick stretched his arms up and then leaned back into his seat, lacing his fingers behind his head as he stared up into the ceiling.
04 // When I'm down on my knees, you're how I pray
I’m including this one just to showcase I got the range, babey. And honestly, the fact that I was able to write this fic and actually receive positive reviews for it was a surprise to me too!! This was the first time I ever attempted to write a real darkfic with dead dove subject matters, and I managed to nail the emotional manipulation, somehow ;__; It was a real learning experience too, learnt so much about Catholicism just to write about Dick’s guilt issues in an AU setting nobody asked for 🤡
Fave moment: (dead dove warnings apply)
"Not at all, Richard," Roman said. The boy would come to him, eventually. "Now, it's getting late. If that's all, I'll have Jason fetch your room keys. Seven Hail Mary's before bed, and think about everything we've just discussed. Tomorrow we'll do a proper debriefing."
"I... Okay." For a moment, Dick sounded like he had more to say. Instead, Roman heard a muffled sniffle, one that Dick likely tried to disguise with a hand over his mouth. Silly boy.
"Thank you again, Father," Dick said, after a beat.
"All in a day's work, my child." Roman unlatched the door and stepped out of the booth. He nodded at Dick as the younger man ambled out of the booth after him. "Goodnight now, Richard."
As he set off for the living quarters, Dick called out. "Wait!"
Roman turned around, inclining his head.
"Will you stay?" The candlelight chased shadows away from Dick's face, and for one glorious moment, Roman could see the depth of the desperation shining in Dick's blue eyes.
"Guide me through my prayers. Please."
Roman smiled.
Oh did you think I was done? 😂 It did say Favourite Works and not just Favourite Fics, so I gotta include this one on the list too:
05 // 2020 Jason Todd Birthday edit
I said Robin Jason deserves better and I meant it! 👏👏 This edit took me 12 hours and 67 layers ‘cause I made a mistake on like my 8th hour into the editing process o__o but it ended up being my most popular serious graphic edit, so it was worth it. I guess! 
I mean the likes to reblog ratio is still fucked but hey, I broke 1k, which is more than I can say for any of my other edits
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