#Reb Foster
gryficowa · 6 days
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Now that I have your attention:
(Tia… Without context, Trump's face looks into people's souls… It scares me… But okay, there are links to the collections, so you understand)
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
the better part of valor
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“And this is Captain Miller,” Mary said, keeping her voice low. The man, a pallor beneath his tanned skin, dark shadows under his eyes, had taken a turn for the worse in the night, a consequence perhaps of being assigned to Dr. Hale, and she was loathe to wake him any earlier than she must. Hale would bluster about his time being valuable, but Jed was more likely to shrug and then expound upon what any decent physician could glean from a simple observation. If they had had coffee and not chicory, he might go on at some length, clearly enjoying himself while also waiting to see if the patient would rouse to the sound of his voice. If Jed sidled a bit closer in these circumstances, the hint of a smile almost concealed by his beard, the admiration in his gaze more obvious, Mary could not be held responsible or accused of any untoward behavior ill-suiting a Head Nurse.
“He ain’t. He’s Major Miller,” the young boy in the next bed piped up. 
“Indeed?” Jed said. He barely needed to pivot to take in the youngster, the beds having been pulled closer together than Mary ordinarily allowed. It meant the ward could hold a few more wounded, but she’d acquiesced primarily to assuage the boy’s combination of imperious demand and abject pleading. It happened this way sometimes, a pair or trio of soldiers came in together and it was apparent that their bond went beyond the battle or the uniform. 
“I see no evidence of such an elevated rank,” Jed added. “Perhaps you’re mistaken, a head injury can cause confusion—”
“I know what I know.” Beneath the bandages, the boy’s eyebrows drew together. Stubborn he was and though Mary was certain he’d lied about his age and very possibly about his name and sex given the binding she’d discovered under his newspaper-lined coat, she recognized the ring of truth in his expression and the flatness of his voice.
“Then you know better than the Union Army?” Jed countered. He’d taken chicory but there’d been fresh milk and Mary had poured with as lavish a hand as her New England upbringing would allow. Jed was in good spirits and was sure to regale her with a thorough medical assessment of the young private when they left the ward. 
“He got a whaddyacallit, a brevet, after what he did a month ago. Should’ve gotten a passel of them, all the Rebs he’s got, sir,” the boy said. 
“For gallantry on the field,” Jed said.
“Not gallantry,” the boy said, shaking his head as much as he could. Mary had attended to his dislocated shoulder herself, strapping him securely without disturbing the muslin tightly wound around his, or rather her, chest. “He’s the bravest man I know, the bravest man in the whole Union Army, and I wouldn’t even be here if he hadn’t—if he didn’t—”
Something, a memory most likely, had overtaken the boy and his voice had risen before he broke off, worryingly soprano, enough to draw attention to the discussion and to the smoothness of his cheeks washed free of dirt and dried blood, the slightness of his frame. Carrying a flag and a drum, he’d be taken for what he said he was, but here, in the narrow cot, the bandages around his head like the nuns’ wimples, he was in danger of discovery and his champion Major Miller slept on, unable to defend with a distraction. Someone must intervene before Jed was forced to ask questions Mary knew he would rather defer, a truth undiscovered one he needn’t act on as either Doctor or Captain Foster, could trust to her discretion.
“I’ll be sure to make of note of the Major’s rank, Private Elton,” Mary said, lingering just a little on the name the boy had given her when she’d asked, a subtle reminder of the role that had been undertaken. He’d stumbled over it, really, salvaging the near-disastrous admission by coughing, first clumsily as Mary recalled the poor acting of the man rehearsing as Juliet when Corporal Gielgud had spiked a fever and been unable to tread what passed for the hospital’s theater boards, and then with the convulsive hacking that those who’d breathed in too much smoke and dust were prone to. Ellen was most likely or Eleanor, Elizabeth more commonly shortened to Lizzie or Betsy, not the El— that had been abandoned. The people she’d left behind must fear for her greatly, unless there were none left, Elton an orphan or a poor relation the larder barely stretched to feed.
“He rode a horse gut-shot,” Elton offered. “Major Miller was shot, not the horse.”
“A helpful, though unnecessary, clarification,” Jed remarked. “Exceedingly helpful for the horse, one imagines.”
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“Took out two snipers while he did it,” Elton went on, undeterred by Jed’s comment. “They would’ve killed me but he could’ve not got wounded. Belly’s bad to get hurt—” 
Jed picked up Major Miller’s wrist and after a few seconds, nodded, raising an eyebrow in that rapid assessment he was capable of, indicating he thought the man would live but that he’d have had a better chance under Jed’s hands than Hale’s. It was enough for Mary to go on with; she always found it easier to tell the truth and to lie by omission.
“I’m sure he was glad to do his duty. To keep you safe,” she said. She had half-expected another argument, that protecting Elton wasn’t Miller’s duty, that it was unreasonable to be kept safe in a battle, to have a stranger become your closest ally, but Elton stayed quiet.
“His injury isn’t terrible, though you’re correct that abdominal wounds have generally worse outcomes,” Jed said. Elton gave Jed such a glare of skeptical scrutiny it was all Mary could do to keep from chuckling. “I’ve seen worse and I’ve seen plenty,” he said, direct as he could be when it was needful.
“You ain’t the one they call the Butcher, are you?” Elton asked.
Jed choked on the laugh he couldn’t suppress despite the quelling glance Mary gave him.
“No, I haven’t been given that esteemed title. It belongs to our other surgeon, whose efforts your comrade appears to have weathered. Major Miller likely possesses a hearty constitution and an ample degree of, shall we say, fortitude?”
“He’s got grit and he’s obstinate as my Aunt Phaedra’s mule, if that’s what all your high-falutin’ words mean,” Elton said. This time, Mary permitted herself to smile.
“I’ll watch over him myself,” Mary said. “And you may send any of the orderlies for me if you are worried, I’ll come as quick as I can.”
“And now, young Elton,” Jed said, the name uttered with a sincerity that was undercut by the acute acknowledgement of his gaze, “you may rest easy, for there is no one here who is more determined to keep a man alive, even if he should wish to argue, than our Head Nurse. She should merit her own brevet, save that there is no higher post for her to ascend to, given that Lincoln’s still in the White House and the Mother Mary Veronica assures me God occupies His throne.”
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umbylievable · 2 years
Blurb about zwei I typed at rebs earlier
The pack was at once unwelcoming and familiar. Its embrace of him was almost more like a chokehold, such was the pull he felt to stay. When they initiated him, they gave him power. God did he need it. He'd been a dirty street orphan his entire life. Even when he lived with the man who owned the bodega, he was too ashamed to tell him he had nowhere to stay and feigned as if he were there every morning at dawn because he was excited to work.
Maybe it wasn't shame. Maybe it was fear. A fear of being turned over to the system where he'd be bussed between foster homes that couldn't stand him, with smiling white saviors with hidden fangs who wanted a browner Latino than what they got.
The Crows wasn't a safe place. It was vicious, all teeth and claws, no filing off the hard edges. But it was the only home he knew and had ever known, and so when Murk told him to jump he asked how high, because he couldn't think of anything worse than being outcasted from a group of outcasts.
His initiation was brutal. That first turning felt like fire ripping through his body. He could hear his bones crunch and he thought he was collapsing into himself. Hedger had stood on his back and bit into the scruff of his neck as he turned, so that when the transformation was complete and the savagery came out he wouldn't lay teeth on brother. He scrabbled underneath him, gnashing, snarling, until the fire in his body died out and Murk's voice finally reached his ears. "Welcome to the pack, little one."
It took him a while to get used to all the blood. When he was wolf, he rejoiced in it, ripping flesh from bone, dancing in the moonlight with the thrill of a fresh kill. When he was human the metallic taste in his mouth made him vomit and the sight of the shredded bodies made him tremble in a way he couldn't stop. But he would kill as many as he needed to keep the power. When he was wolf, he could tear men apart, bite through thick wooden doors, eat bullets. He relished the look on their faces when they realized nothing they had could stop the onslaught, that they were defenseless prey. Murk saw the glint of wildness in his eye and fed it, fed it with girls and drugs and money.
But there was a softness in him that even the snarling wolf could not erase. He wore a collar that said "KILLER" but every night he held the sobbing body of his packmate and promised him that things would work out. That he'd be ok if only he were a little tougher. It was no use. The little tag on his collar said "TREMOR" and it meant it. He was one of Murk's trophies; in the pack just to provide him pleasure, though Zwei never knew if it were sexual as much as it was for the humiliation. Murk fed off of all types of misery.
When he cowed him that day he went too far. He twisted Tremor's arm with gnashing teeth and told him to beg or die. For some reason Zwei couldn't take it. Seeing him on his knees like that made his blood boil. Maybe it was all the power, going to his head. He challenged Murk for dominance and he lost. God did he lose. The scars in his stomach never healed, and sometimes when the night is too long he can feel the ripping sensation of his flesh again and it wakes him with cold sweat and hot fear.
They threw him in the river. Still alive, still breathing, still gurgling on his own blood, they threw him in the river. By all accounts he should have died. But some faefolk took pity on him for whatever reason and brought him to their hidden grotto, tending the wounds in his body though they never quite got a hold on the ones in his brain. They fed him on their magic and it made him bigger, stronger, more powerful. They tried to encourage him to move on, to live in peace with them, but the wolf in him needed to run, and it needed to hunt, and it needed to kill.
The day he left them he went back to the Crows, and he again challenged Murk for dominance. This time he was bigger, faster. His teeth found throat and the wolf in him rejoiced at the spilling of blood. He could have stayed. The pack was his family, it was all he knew. They were ready to bow at his feet, to lick the ground he walked on the way they'd done to Murk, but he couldn't stomach it. The sight of them made him angry. He didn't understand yet what it meant to be a victim. In his mind they were conspirators. They had thrown him in the river. He could taste the blood again.
He should have stayed. Maybe they would have made him stronger. But he stepped out of their world of murder and thought he was moving into something better, something freeing and soothing, something that would tame the wolf in him. Instead he leashed it like a dog and Matti held the other end. He tasted blood but it was his own, and the mouthfeel made him gag. He was angry, always angry, underneath the fear. Matti was little. When he was little he was nothing. How could he let this do this to him?
Twice he unleashed the wolf on him and twice Matti had cowed him. The wolf learned fear. He did what he was told, he watched for the door opening too suddenly, a glass set down with a little too much intent. He swallowed poison words and poisoned drinks and laid in hospital beds with his head spinning and told the nurse that No, he wasn't Suicidal, No, he wasn't doing this to himself, but they never listened. Matti's honeyed tongue would get to them behind the curtain, tell them how his poor boyfriend was strung out on drugs and he was doing everything he could to help. It wasn't all a lie. The cocaine numbed the pain. When it came up in his tox screening they called Matti's story truth and his a lie. And they sent him home again, to his box of fear, where he ate the poison again, because now he was afraid of what would happen if he didn't.
One day maybe the wolf got tired or maybe he did but he remembered sitting in the armchair, avoiding the glass of bourbon Matti had poured, and saying "I don't want to be here." Matti took a sip and rattled the ice in his glass. "And I don't want you to be here," he'd said. It turns out all the blood had bodies and some of those bodies had been important to Matti. This entire thing, down to their meeting, was carefully planned and maintained. He was suffering for a sin, and Matti was tired of playing. "Run, wolf." Zwei leapt out of the window and didn't look back.
Lying now in bed he remembers the taste of the poison and the wolf knows the fear again and he shudders. Joss grips his arm with soft fingers and Zwei remembers he's not alone. He exhales. This is a different life, one far removed from the one he'd lived then. He doesn't taste the blood anymore. But a part of him misses the freedom, the joyous dance of a hunt accomplished, the nipping and snipping of his packmates on his ears. Sometimes the wolf in him gets restless and he gets in the car, thinking he needs to go somewhere, anywhere, to get away from this. This peace. This stability.
He blows the horn outside of BJ's townhouse and watches him tiredly descend the stairs, hands shoved in the front pocket of his hoodie. He slides into the passenger seat, "another ride huh? Let's go amigo," and yawns loudly before settling in for the journey. Zwei drives until the sun starts to rise on the horizon, zigzagging through states like a lost animal. BJ awakes towards the end, murmurs something about breakfast, and puts his hand on Zwei's knee. Zwei puts his hand over his. The wolf is quiet again.
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docdhavalshah · 9 months
Remembering Lost Lives: Honoring the Victims and Legacy of COVID-19
Introduction: A Tribute to Lives Lost in the Wake of COVID-19
Amid the statistics and headlines, it is essential to pause and remember the lives lost to the relentless onslaught of COVID-19. This guide serves as a solemn tribute, honoring the victims and reflecting on the enduring legacy they leave behind. From individual stories to the collective impact, we delve into the profound human dimension of the pandemic, acknowledging the pain of loss while celebrating the resilience of the human spirit.
1. Faces Behind the Numbers: Individual Stories of Loss
Each number in the tally of COVID-19 victims represents a unique life with a story, dreams, and loved ones left behind. This section explores individual stories of loss, emphasizing the humanity behind the statistics. Understanding the faces behind the numbers allows us to connect with the personal impact of the pandemic on families and communities.
2. Frontline Heroes: Remembering Healthcare Workers Sacrifices
Among the lives lost, healthcare workers stand as frontline heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in the battle against the virus. This guide pays tribute to their dedication, selflessness, and unwavering commitment to saving lives. Understanding the sacrifices of healthcare workers underscores the profound impact of the pandemic on those at the forefront of the battle.
3. Grieving in Isolation: The Heartache of Pandemic Mourning
The pandemic brought a unique and challenging dimension to the grieving process, with isolation and distancing measures amplifying the heartache of loss. This section explores the complexities of pandemic mourning, from restricted funerals to the inability to be physically present with loved ones. Understanding the challenges of grieving in isolation highlights the need for compassion and support in times of profound sorrow.
4. Unfinished Stories: Lives Cut Short and Dreams Deferred
COVID-19 abruptly interrupted countless lives, leaving dreams unrealized and stories unfinished. This guide reflects on the lives cut short and the dreams deferred by the pandemic. Understanding the profound impact on the trajectory of individual lives emphasizes the need for collective efforts to prevent further loss and devastation.
5. Collective Grief: Navigating a World in Mourning
The global scale of the pandemic has led to a collective experience of grief, transcending borders and cultures. This section explores the shared mourning that unites people worldwide. Understanding the universality of grief fosters a sense of solidarity and empathy as we navigate a world collectively touched by loss.
6. Legacy of Resilience: Finding Strength in the Face of Loss
Amid the pain of loss, stories of resilience and strength have emerged. This guide celebrates the legacy of resilience left by those who faced the brunt of the pandemic. Understanding the capacity of the human spirit to find strength in adversity provides a source of inspiration for navigating challenges with grace and determination.
7. Creating Memorials: Commemorating Lives and Impact
Memorials play a crucial role in commemorating lives lost and honoring their impact on the world. This section explores the diverse ways communities have created memorials, from public art installations to virtual tributes. Understanding the significance of memorials fosters a sense of remembrance and respect for the enduring legacy of those no longer with us.
8. Moving Forward with Remembrance: Building a Future in Honor
As the world strives to move forward, remembrance becomes a cornerstone for building a future in honor of those lost. This guide reflects on the importance of carrying the memories of loved ones as a guiding light in shaping a more compassionate and resilient world. Understanding the role of remembrance underscores the collective responsibility to learn from the past and build a better future.
Conclusion: A Collective Pledge to Remember and Rebuild
In conclusion, this guide is a collective pledge to remember and rebuild in the aftermath of the profound loss caused by COVID-19. From individual stories to global grief, we honor the victims and acknowledge the enduring legacy they leave behind. In remembering, we find the strength to collectively rebuild a world that cherishes life, values resilience, and stands united in the face of adversity.
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pastdaily · 11 months
It's December 1967 - You're A Teenager - You Live In L.A. - You Are Terrified Of The Words "I'd Like This Gift Wrapped"
Your idea of hell – The May Company Gift Wrap Department. https://pastdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/KRLA-Reb-Foster-December-7-1967-2.mp3 KRLA – Reb Foster – December 7, 1967 – Rob Frankel Collection – Christmas vacation – 1967. Your job – working at May Company Wilshire. You have ever since 7th Grade. Santa’s Helper – nervous kids, handing out candy canes – helping clean up “accidents”.…
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
Lucy in the Music World
S4;E3 ~ September 27, 1965
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When Lucy takes a job in a music producer's office, she wangles her new neighbor into a gig on a television show.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael)
Gale Gordon (Theodore J. Mooney) and Mary Jane Croft (Mary Jane Lewis) do not appear in this episode.
Guest Cast
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Mel Tormé (Mel Tinker) was a musician nicknamed 'the velvet fog'.  He was best known as a singer of jazz standards. He was also a jazz composer and arranger, drummer, an actor in radio, film, and television, and the author of five books. He composed the music for "The Christmas Song" ("Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire") and co-wrote the lyrics with Bob Wells. He reprised the role of Mel Tinker in a two-part episode in season five. Tormé died in 1999 at the age of 73.  
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Lou Krugman (Barney Miller) was born in Passaic, New Jersey, in 1914. He made a memorable debut at Desilu as the ever-patient film director in “Lucy Gets Into Pictures” (ILL S4;18). After that episode was filmed, Lucy sent him a telegram telling him how impressed she was with his acting. She rewarded him with appearances in “The Great Train Robbery,” (ILL S5;E5) and the role of the Club Babalu’s Manager in “Lucy and Bob Hope” (ILL S6;E1) and “Lucy Meets Orson Welles” (ILL S6;E3). He previously appeared as the science teacher in “Lucy Takes Up Chemistry” (S1;E26) and will make one future appearance on the show.
Mr. Miller is an executive at Pop Records.
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Reb Foster (Himself) was one of the most influential disc jockeys in Los Angeles during the sixties. He also managed the rock groups Steppenwolf, The Turtles, and Three Dog Night.
Twenty uncredited singers and dancers appear on the “Wing Ding” show.
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Mr. Miller ask Lucy: “You think you can function in our mad mad mad mad world?”  This is a nod to one of the most successful comedies of 1964 It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. The film featured quite a few actors who have (or will) appear on “Lucy” shows: Charles Lane, Ethel Merman, Milton Berle, Buddy Hackett, Dick Shawn, Phil Silvers, Edie Adams, Alan Carney, Lloyd Corrigan, Edward Everett Horton, Roy Roberts, Jack Benny, Allen Jenkins, Monty O'Grady, Barbara Pepper, and Elliott Reid.  
While taking shorthand, Lucy says she is simultaneously writing a letter to her aunt who lives in Schenectady.  
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Mel Tormé wrote and performed the original songs "Whatever Happened to the Moon?" and (with Lucy) "My Trousseau Just Lies on the Shelf.”
My trousseau just lies on the shelf Since his surfboard came back by itself. My tears drown my heart with emotion Since my dropout dropped into the ocean. He said that I bugged him when I say things to him Like don't learn to surf 'Til 'ya learn how to swim.
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“Wing Ding” is hosted by Reb Foster and presents: 
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The Six Bare Feet (three barefoot boys); 
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The Torch Bearers (three girls in beehives); 
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and the DDTs (four boys with hair over their eyes playing guitars). Reb says that the DDT's will “do away with the Beatles.”  Their look is clearly a satire on the Beatles.  Their verse of “Wing Ding” mentions 007, aka Ian Fleming's spy character James Bond.  When this episode was filmed Goldfinger was about to be released in London. By the time it aired, the film was in release in the US.  
“Wing Ding” has a sponsor named Mr. Thornton who lives in San Francisco.
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Some of Pop Records biggest hits:
“He Wears a Hubcap for a Halo” - about a teenage girl whose boyfriend got run over by a police car.
“I've Got Tears in My Ears from Lying on My Back in My Bed While I'm Crying Over You” 
“I Lost You to the Arms of Another” - about a girl whose boyfriend goes skin diving and gets tangled up with an octopus.
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Lucy says she has a knack for knowing what teenagers want to listen to because she was a teenager for seven whole years. Lucy would have been a teenager between 1924 and 1931, forty years ago. She neglects to mention that she is currently the mother of a music-mad teenage girl (Chris).  
When one of The Six Bare Feet drops a saxophone on his toes, Lucy looks for a replacement act but the Heartaches are in Vegas, the Weeping Willows are in Miami, the Four Sob Sisters are in Fresno, and the Cry Babies are in Oakland. Lucy suggest that she and Mel form an act called The Tear Ducts.
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Lucy also acted as talent scout for a musical TV show in “Lucy and the Plumber” (S3;E2) where she discovers Beauty the dog and then Harry Tuttle, a virtuoso violinist and plumber.
Blooper Alert!
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Since Mel Tinker lives next door to Lucy in her Los Angeles complex, his apartment is simply Lucy's re-dressed.  It is odd, however, that a full sized motorcycle could be taken up to the second floor.  The bike is a 1962 Honda Dream.  
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When Lucy is reading the album covers, they clearly have her lines of dialogue describing the songs taped to the back.  The second album has no cover art at all.  
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“Lucy in the Music World” rates 3 Paper Hearts out of 5
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arcadequeerz · 4 years
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
hello i come in peace, bearing gifts of a lams prompt
hear me out
modern au
john and alex are like really close friends—close to the level of hugging constantly, holding hands, cuddling on the couch—but not together. so one day they’re hanging with The Gang (tm) and one of the boys dares the two to kiss or something idk it’s up to you. & so basically they do the thing and discover that through their years of being friends they were really harboring feelings for each other the whole time, but didn’t realize it until just then.
ending’s up to you i couldn’t think of one. though i wouldn’t say no to it getting a little heated /hj
Ah! I love this one! This is gonna be so cute and fluffy! As always, ask and ya shall recieve!
Hamilton stands by his locker, swinging it open and exchanging his class supplies for his next period. He stares at the pictures inside his locker, of his mother and his older brother, James whom he misses dearly. Hamilton frowns at those, staring at his mother as she smiles back at him and therefore causing Hamilton to smile as well. Just a little.
Hamilton sighs to himself as he glances at the other photos before him ones of with his longtime, best friend John Laurens and their other friends: Benjamin Tallmadge, Tench Tilghman, Richard Kidder Meade, and Nathan Hale along with the Schuyler Sisters: Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. Or as Hamilton would sometimes refer to them as just "The Sisters". Hamilton feels a small smile tugging on his lips before closing the locker door shut and turns around on his heels with his textbooks in his arms.
He yelps with surprise when he turns around to find Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy standing before him. Hamilton smiles sheepishly as the Sisters burst out laughing, rolling his eyes.
"Guys," Hamilton says as the four of them begin to walk down the halls. "What did I tell you about sneaking up on me like that? You know I could have accidentally punched you in the face, right?"
"Yeah, yeah, we know, Hammy," Peggy says, patting Hamilton's shoulder. "Lafayette taught you everything you need to know about self defense."
"He did," Hamilton sighs, glancing at the floor between his feet. Hamilton's chest squeezes as he misses his older foster brother, Marquis de Lafayette, dearly. He flew to France for college a month or so ago. Hamilton and Lafayette have a pretty special brotherly bond with each other and have never been truly seperated before. Until now.
"Aw, cheer up, Alex!" Angelica says, slinging her arm around Hamilton’s shoulders while sipping on her coffee. “He’ll be back for Thanksgiving and Christmas!” 
“I know,” Hamilton mumbles. 
“You did complete that essay Mr. Washington had assigned us, right, Alex?” Eliza says. 
“Of course, I did! You know me, Betsey. I’m nonstop!” Hamilton laughs. 
Eliza blushes at the nickname and nods. Hamilton notices this and smirks, winking at Eliza. 
“Alex!” shouts a familiar southern voice. 
The four look up instantly and Hamilton couldn’t help but beam when he sees his closest friend, John Laurens, sprinting down the hall towards them followed by Meade, Tilghman, Tallmadge, and Hale. Hamilton embraces Laurens tightly before pulling away. Laurens grins as he slides his arm around Hamilton’s now. Hamilton purses his lips together as he blushes a deep shade of red. Almost red as his hair. 
“Hi, Jack,” Hamilton says. 
“Hey, Alex,” Laurens says. He glances around the group. “Hey, guys! Long time no see, eh?” 
The Sisters glance at each other. 
“John...we literally just saw you yesterday,” Peggy says. “At the football game.” 
“Oh,” Laurens says. “Right.” 
“So...anyone have any plans tonight?” Hale asks. 
“Why?” says Hamilton. 
“Tilghman’s having a party tonight,” Hale explains. 
“I don’t know,” Hamilton mumurs, clutching his textbooks tighter as he shifts on his feet. “You know how George is about me going to parties. Especially since Lafayette isn’t here.” 
“Aw, come on, Alexander!” Meade whines. “It’s just one party! Can’t you be a rebel for once? Come on! It’ll be fun! I mean, we’re high schoolers man! This is what high schoolers do!” 
“No,” says a new comer voice. The group turns to see Robert Hanson Harrison approaching them. Laurens grins. “High schoolers such as ourselves, go to high school, do their classes and complete their assignments on time and are responsible with their time management and classwork.” 
“Ah, Harrison,” Tallmadge says. “Always the innocent one.” 
“Come on, Alex!” Meade begs, grabbing hold of Hamilton’s sleeve. “It’s from 8-12 tonight!” 
“But school--” Hamilton protests. 
“School,” Tilghman scoffs. “John will be there!” 
Hamilton whips his head over towards Laurens. Laurens nods. 
“Ugh...okay, fine,” Hamilton groans. “Just one party.” 
“Perfect!” Laurens chirps. “Pick you up at, Ham! Sharp!” 
“Just don’t drink though, John,” Hamilton says. “I can’t drive yet. I still don’t have my lisence...” 
“Dammit!” Laurens groans. 
The group laughs, so does Hamilton himself. Laurens hugs Hamilton once, longer than Hamilton would have liked, before he releases him and heads down the hall with the boys towrads their next class. Leaving Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy and Hamilton by the lockers. Hamilton stares after Laurens as he rounds the corner, a small faint blush to his cheeks. Peggy grins and nudges her elbow into Hamilton’s ribs. 
“It looks like someone’s in love~” Peggy teases as they begin to head down the hall. 
Hamilton blushes tomato red as his dark blue eyes flow wide open, clutching his textbooks tighter to his chest. 
“What? What? No! No! Peggy, I’m not,” Hamilton protests. “I won’t say I am.” 
“Are seriously quoting Hercules?” Angelica snorts. 
“Which one? Mulligan or the movie?” Hamilton retorts. 
The four laugh at once, doubling over. Hamilton frowns as he glances up to where Laurens disappeared off too. Hamilton’s stomach flutters at the thought of going to a party with Laurens. He really hopes Washington will let him go. 
After English, Hamilton stays behind a little, finishing up a test question before finally packing his things and handing Washigton the finished test. Hamilton hesitates, biting his lower lip as he watches Washington scan through the test. 
“Hey, Dad?” Hamilton asks his foster father, gathering the courage to do so. 
“Yes, my boy?” Washington mumbles still flipping through the test. 
“I was wondering...if uh...if uh...if I could out with the Gang tonight...” 
Washington raises an eyebrow. 
“To a...Meade well...he wanted me to go with them to a party at Tench’s place....tonight...it’s from 8-12...” A pause. “And John will be there and you know how close John and I are...” 
“I know...” Washington says. 
“And when Gil comes back for the holidays, I’m sure he’d want to hear about the adventures I’d had while he was gone and I don’t think telling him I stayed up three nights a week working on that novel will meet his requriements...” Hamilton explains, fidgeting with his watch. “So...” 
“Can I go, Dad?” Hamilton asks. 
Washington hesitates, pressing his lips together as he shuffles through the stack of papers. 
“Please, Dad! It’s only one party! I know how you are with me going to parties! And I get that Dad! Please! I want to go! I mean, John’s going to be there!” 
“Alright. Fine,” Washington sighs. “Be home by ten.” 
“But Dad--” 
“Home by ten, young man. You have school tomorrow and a presention at the end of the week. Ten.” 
Hamilton groans. “Yes, sir...” 
“Good,” Washington says. “Dismissed.” 
Hamilton storms out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. 
8 PM comes quicker than Hamilton could imagine. Hamilton finally finishes the last paragraph for his presentation on PowerPoint, quickly changes into something casual yet appropraite for a party but nothing to formal, fixes his curly auburn hair into a low bun and grabs his phone before zooming out of his room. 
Hamilton grins when he hears the car honk outside the house. He rushes down the stairs, nearly stumbling over his feet, and quickly pets Martha’s tomcat named Hamilton after him, give Martha a quick kiss on the cheek and a quick side-hug from George. George and Martha both stand by the front door, watching fondly as Hamilton runs to Laurens’s car parked in the driveway. He swings the passenger side door open. 
“10 PM!” George calls. 
“I KNOW, DAD!” Hamilton retorts. 
Hamilton climbs on inside, quickly buckles himself up. 
“You ready, Alex?” Laurens asks, a grinon his face. 
“Hell, yeah!” Hamilton says. “You better not get drunk, Jack. You have to drive me home tonight.” 
“10 PM?” 
Absentindedly, Laurens threads his fingers through Hamilton’s. Hamilton grins, eyes twinkling as he squeezes Laurens’s hand in return. 
“So...what do you suppose we do when we get there?” Laurens asks. 
Hamilton shrugs. “I don’t know. I’ve never been to parties before. You know how George is, Jack.” 
Laurens nods. But that’s all. 
The two arrive at Tilghman’s place in less than a half hour. Laurens parks the car and instantly climbs out. Being the southern gentleman he is, Laurens opens the door for Hamilton, and holds out his arm for Hamilton. Hamilton loops his arm through Laurens and the two enter the house. 
Hamilton winces when he hears the music blaring, nearly blowing his eardrums off. Hamilton finds the Sisters and the boys by the couch in the living room. Other people mill around, laughing or making out or swimming in Tilghman’s pool or dancing or whatnot. Hamilton and Laurens sit in between Tallmadge and Hale. Laurens rests agaisnt the couch, his arm around Hamilton which causes Hamilton scoot a little closer to him so his head is on Laurens’s shoulder. 
“Okay, okay!” Peggy says, clapping her hands. “How about we do a classic! Truth or dare!” 
“Oh, I’m okay with that!” Meade says. 
“As am I,” Laurens laughs. “What about you Alex?” 
“Okay?” Hamilton says sheepishly. 
“Okay, so. John? Truth or dare?” Hale says. 
“Dare! I’m a daredevil! Give me a dare!” Laurens says. 
“Alright,” Hale says. He grins. “I dare you to kiss Alexander!” 
“What?” Hamilton and Laurens both shriek. 
“You heard him!” Meade says with a laugh. “Kiss him, Laurens!” 
Laurens glances down at Hamilton hesitantly. Hamilton’s cheeks turn red, red as his hair. Hamilton presses his lips together, eyes wide. Laurens clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck. 
“Are you uh...are you sure you want...” 
“It is a dare,” Hamilton agrees. “Might as well get it over with...” 
“Right...” Laurens says. 
Hamilton and Laurens stare at each other for what seems eternity. After a while Hamilton inches his way closer to Laurens, swallowing nervously but never taking his eyes off of Laurens’s. Laurens swallows when he feels Hamilton’s nose agaisnt Laurens’s. Their lips almost a breath apart. 
Laurens grins and so does Hamilton. Hamilton leans in closer, angling his face. Laurens’s eyes flutter close as he inches closer. Laurens and Hamilton both close their eyes at the same time, tilting their heads slightly before finally pressing their lips together. 
The boys whoop and holler, cheering Laurens on. Hamilton giggles into the kiss, cupping both of Laurens’s cheeks while Laurens slides his hands up into Hamilton’s hair. Laurens grins, deepening the kiss. Hamilton smiles agasint their lips. 
After a while, the two slowly pull apart for breath of air. Hamilton giggles as Laurens presses his forehead agaisnt Hamilton’s. 
“Wow...” Laurens breathes. “Wowzza...Wow...Wow...” 
Hamilton giggles as he looks up into Laurens’s eyes and tucks a loose strand of blonde hair behind Laurens’s ear. 
“Wow...” Laurens says shakily. “Can I kiss you again...?” 
“I didn’t say you could stop,” Hamilton says. 
Hamilton smashes his lips agaisnt Laurens’s again. Laurens happily returns the kiss. 
When they pull apart again, Hamilton giggles once more, tracing the crookk of Laurens’s jaw. 
“Hey...” Hamilton whispers. 
“Hi...” Laurens says. 
“Jack...?” Hamilton breathes. 
“Yes?” Laurens says. 
“I...I love you...” Hamilton gasps. “I love you, John...I love you...” 
Tears start to prickle in Hamilton’s eyes. Laurens grins and presses his lips to Hamilton’s once more. 
“I love you too,” Laurens says, “So much.” 
Hamilton yanks Laurens down by his shirt collar and Laurens pushes Hamilton gently down on the couch, moving his lips to Hamilton’s jaw and neck and shoulders. 
“Okay, okay!” Meade says, getting up from the couch instantly. “We didn’t ask for a live makeout session!” 
Laurens and Hamilton both chuckle. Laurens, above Hamilton, stares into Hamilton’’s dark blue eyes. Up close, Laurens sees a light shade of violet. A unique color. Laurens wonders how come he never noticed it before. 
“I love you,” Hamilton whispers, cupping Laurens’s jaw. “I love you, Jack...” 
Laurens grins as he kisses Hamilton again, hard and firm. 
“I love you too.” 
A pause. 
“My dear boy.” 
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barbwireribcage · 4 years
Playlist shuffle rules: Hit shuffle on your media player and write down the first 20 songs, then tag 10 people, no skipping  
thanks fr the tag @b0hemianbarbie uwu
1. freak on a leash - korn
2. weisses fleisch - rammstein
3. holy diver - dio
4. legit tattoo gun - the front bottoms
5. pay the man - foster the people
6. a rock n roll fantasy - the kinks
7. never you mind - pansy division
8. bosco - placebo
9. leid elend - kmfdm
10. ocean - the front bottoms
11. reb&vodka - bones
12. the nobodies - marilyn manson
13. just cant get enough - depeche mode
14. basket case - green day
15. april to death - flowerface
16. meds - placebo
17. baptizemeinthesmoke - bones
18. talking in your sleep - crystal gayle
19. nfwmb - hozier
20. the rover - interpol
if you see this im tagging you specifically
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starrychink · 5 years
Zine for sale!
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Evergreen Zine was created to foster an appreciation of nature and highlight the connection between it and humanity.  It includes 20 packed pages of poetry, art, photography, articles, and recipes from Reb and 10 other contributors.  The zine is a work of art itself with whimsical formatting and unusual design. It is printed on high quality paper from Mixam: the covers are 100lb and inside is 70lb.  Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5" . 
Click here to buy digital and physical copies on my Gumroad!!!
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sagiow · 6 years
Rebs. 20 yard penalty for roughing the QB (That was cheap, Mom!)
Foster looks shaken, bring in the medics.... oh wait, he’s the medics. Never mind.
Repeat 2nd down.
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papermoonloveslucy · 5 years
“The Lucy Show” ~ Season 4
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A handy dandy guide to helping you find your favorite episode blogs here at Papermoon Loves Lucy. Click on the hyperlinks to be taken directly to that episode’s trivia, background, and bloopers!
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“Lucy at Marineland” (S4;E1) ~ September 13, 1965
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“Lucy and the Golden Greek” (S4;E2) ~ September 20, 1965
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“Lucy in the Music World” (S4;E3) ~ September 27, 1965
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“Lucy and Joan” (S4;E4) ~ October 11, 1965
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“Lucy the Stunt Man” (S4;E5) ~ October 18, 1965
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“Lucy and the Countess Have a Horse Guest” (S4;E6) ~ October 25, 1965
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“Lucy Helps Danny Thomas” (S4;E7) ~ November 1, 1965
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“Lucy Helps the Countess” (S4;E8) ~ November 8, 1965
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“Lucy and the Sleeping Beauty” (S4;E9) ~ November 15, 1965
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“Lucy and the Undercover Agent” (S4;E10) ~ November 22, 1965
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“Lucy and the Return of  Iron Man” (S4;E11) ~ November 29, 1965
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“Lucy Saves Milton Berle” (S4;E12) ~ December 6, 1965
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“Lucy the Choirmaster” (S4;E13) ~ December 13, 1965
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“Lucy Discovers Wayne Newton” (S4;E14) ~ December 27, 1965
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“Lucy, the Rain Goddess” (S4;E15) ~ January 3, 1966
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“Lucy and Art Linkletter” (S4;E16) ~ January 10, 1966
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“Lucy Bags a Bargain” (S4;E17) ~ January 17, 1966
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“Lucy Meets Mickey Rooney” (S4;E18) ~ January 24, 1966
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“Lucy and the Soap Opera” (S4;E19) ~ January 31, 1966
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“Lucy Goes to a Hollywood Premiere” (S4;E20) ~ February 7, 1966
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"Lucy Dates Dean Martin” (S4;E21) ~ February 14, 1966
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“Lucy and Bob Crane” (S4;E22) ~ February 21, 1966
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“Lucy, the Robot” (S4;E23) ~ February 28, 1966
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“Lucy and Clint Walker” (S4;E23) ~ March 7, 1966
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“Lucy, the Gun Moll” (S4;E24) ~ March 14, 1966
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“Lucy, the Superwoman” (S4;E26) ~ March 21, 1966
Regular Cast: Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael), Gale Gordon (Theodore J. Mooney), Mary Jane Croft (Mary Jane Lewis)
Recurring Characters: Jimmy Garrett (Jerry Carmichael), Mel Torme (Mel Tinker), Joan Blondell (Joan Brenner), Ann Sothern (Rosie Harrigan, the Countess Frambois), Clint Walker (Frank Winslow), Mary Wickes (Aunt Gussie)
Guest Cast playing Characters: Lucie Arnaz, Desi Arnaz Jr., Harvey Korman, Sid Gould, Lou Krugman, Keith Andes, Herb Vigran, William Frawley, Dick Patterson, Jack Cassidy, Parley Baer, Eleanor Audley, Gary Morton, Jamie Farr, Doris Singleton, Elvia Allman, Jane Kean, Jan Murray, Reta Shaw, John Banner, Jay North, Vitto Scotti, Robert Stack, Bruce Gordon 
Guest Cast playing Themselves: Jimmy Piersall, Reb Foster, Danny Thomas, Milton Berle, Wayne Newton, Mickey Rooney, Jimmy Durante, Kirk Douglas, Art Linkletter, Vince Edwards, Edward G. Robinson, Dean Martin, Bob Crane 
Live Animal Cast: Dolphin (Splash), Seal, Horse (Oil Well), Foals (Lucy and Rosie), Sheep Dog (Nelson), Cow (Bessie), donkey, faun, calf, goats, geese, turkey, chickens, rabbit, lamb, pigeons (all in “Lucy Discovers Wayne Newton”), Mutt (”Lucy Meets Mickey Rooney”), Basset Hound (Lightning) 
There were 26 new episodes
The location of the show was changed from Danfield, New York, to Los Angeles, California.
Changes: Mr. Mooney (Gale Gordon) was transferred to a bank in Los Angeles. Lucy Carmichael got a job at this bank.  Although her son Jerry (Jimmy Garrett) made two appearances, her daughter Chris (Candy Moore) was said to be away in college. Vivian (Vivian Vance) remained in Danfield with her son Sherman (Ralph Hart). Viv married and her character was now known as Vivian Bunson.  
Episodes Written by: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Milt Josefsberg, Bob O’Brien, Iz Ellinson, Fred S. Fox,  Edmund Beloin, Henry Garson, Brad Radnitz, Bruce Howard, Henry Taylor, Howard Ostroff, Henry Taylor,  Elroy Schwartz, Hugh Wedlock, Jr., Allan Manings
All episodes Directed by Maury Thompson
All episodes filmed and aired in color
Filmed at Stage 21, Desilu Studios, Hollywood
Location Shoots: Marineland, Palos Verdes, California
Total Binge Hours: 13 hours (with commercials)
Papermoon’s Full Moon Pick: “Lucy Goes to a Hollywood Premiere” (E20)
Papermoon’s Half Moon Pick: “Lucy, the Superwoman” (E26)
Season 4 was #3 in the ratings (up from #8) with a 27.7 share (up from 26.6)
Lucille Ball was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Leading Actress in a Comedy Series, but lost to Mary Tyler Moore of “The Dick Van Dyke Show”
Season 4 was released on DVD on April 26, 2011
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diwonmusic · 2 years
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🕊 At 8am PST & going into the night is @theLightofInfinite festival!! The schedule with LA & Israel times is up on the site now! May 31st will be the first Torah/Kabbalah Festival of its kind and it will feature some of your favorite souls! & it’s FREE with an RSVP! Featuring Rabbi Harry Rozenberg in conversation with Rohan Marley (about his father, Bob Marley’s music legacy and its connection to the Torah), Chaim Kramer (Breslov Research Institute), Mendel Kalmenson (Positivity Bias) in conversation with Erran Baron Cohen (Zohar), Gedale Fenster (Breslov Center). + a star-studded line up including; Moshav, Shlomo Katz, Joey Rosenfeld, Yehudis Golshevsky, Reb Leibish, L’Chaim OG, The Accidental Talmudist, Devorah Sisso, Erez Safar, Yom Tov Glaser, Nili Salem, Zevi Slavin – Seekers of Unity, Michael Benmeleh, Yehudah HaKohen, Benji Elson, Saul Blinkoff, Esther Freeman, Dr. Benjy Epstein, Yaakov Lehman, Yocheved Sidof, Yitzchak Attias, Rina Perkel, Orly Wahba, Yonasan Perry, Kosha Dillz, Rabbi Dov Bear, Yocheved Godsi, Saul Kaye, Yarin Weltsman Levenson, Bryan Chustckie, Ayelet Polonsky, Rabbi Shalom Lebowitz – Shefa band, Pashut Jabotinsky, Chen Malchut, Chana Mason, Shlomo Buxbaum, Jenna Zedaka, & many more! About the festival: “The Light of Infinite Fest is a first of its kind live-stream festival featuring authors, speakers, healers, musicians and some of the most innovative minds in spiritual self-growth and healing. The Festival, which will take place on May 31st, boasts 2 interactive rooms on an exclusive virtual platform allowing festival goers to jump from room to room attending live talks, sessions, and musical performances. Produced by Erez '@diwon' Safar, who acts as Your Spiritual DJ, and whose first live-stream festival, Lo-Freq Fest, was featured in Billboard, and whose @DontBlockYourBlessings festivals featured over 100+ world-wide presenters with 45,000+ attendees/ viewers. The goal of the Light of Infinite Festival is to foster creative and collaborative bridge-building while transporting thought leaders through light and love to a world in need of healing.” FREE WITH RSVP @ www.lightofinfinite.com/fest https://www.instagram.com/p/CeNg6BZr3Sw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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docrotten · 2 years
HOWLING II: YOUR SISTER IS A WEREWOLF (1985) – Episode 203 – Decades of Horror 1980s
“For it is written: the inhabitants of the Earth have been made drunk with her blood. …” Well, if it’s written, I guess it must be the real deal. Join your faithful Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr  – as they boldly venture to the Dark Country to get a gander at Christopher Lee and Sybil Danning in Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1985).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 203 – Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1985)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
A man discovers that his sister was a werewolf, and helps an investigator track down a gang of the monsters through the United States and eastern Europe.
  Director: Philippe Mora
Writers: Robert Sarno & Gary Brandner (screenplay); Gary Brandner (based on the novel “The Howling II” by)
Selected Cast
Christopher Lee as Stefan Crosscoe
Annie McEnroe as Jenny Templeton
Reb Brown as Ben White
Marsha A. Hunt as Mariana
Sybil Danning as Stirba
Valerie Kaplanová [cs] as old Stirba
Judd Omen as Vlad
Ferdy Mayne as Erle
Jimmy Nail as Dom
Patrick Field as Deacon
Ladislav Krečmer as Father Florin
Ivo Niederle as Grigorie
Jan Kraus as Tondo
Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf is Crystal’s pick so obviously, this movie is awesome! She gets a kick from the werewolf orgy and the hot girls, and, of course, Christopher Lee looks awesome in his new wave sunglasses and his clubbing outfit. She even finds herself frequently singing the theme song.
On the other hand, Chad hates Howling II, with the exception of Christopher Lee. He just can’t get past the beginning of the movie which presents itself as a direct story sequel to The Howling (1981). Otherwise, he might be able to appreciate it as a trashy B-movie. Bill doesn’t love it near as much as Chad does, describing Howling II as failing on every level. In his view, the street puppets are scarier than any of the werewolves. Jeff had managed to avoid Howling II… until now. He laments the lack of consistency in the look of the werewolves and hated the cheesy re-creation of Dee Wallace’s character’s death from The Howling.
If you’re a fan of Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf like Crystal is, rejoice! At the time of this writing, the film is available to stream with ads from Tubi and PPV from iTunes.
For more adventures in lycanthropy, check out these other Decades of Horror episodes:
The Howling (1981) — Episode 97 — Decades Of Horror 1980s
Dog Soldiers (2002) – Episode 33 – Decades Of Horror 1990s And Beyond
The Wolf Man (1941) – Episode 39 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
The Curse Of The Werewolf (1961) – Episode 84 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) – Episode 44 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
An American Werewolf In London (1981) – Episode 70 – Monster Movie Podcast
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Chad, will be Leviathan (1989), starring Peter Weller, Richard Crenna, Amanda Pays, Daniel Stern, Lisa Eilbacher, Michael Carmine, Meg Foster, Ernie Hudson, and Hector Elizondo.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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jungleindierock · 5 years
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Jungle Indie Rock - Moon Playlist
Complied on a Moon theme to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing. 100 tracks from many genres, from when recorded music started to the present day!! Some are covers, some are originals but all are good. This playlist was compiled by Rebjukebox with the cover art work by Mar. So listen to it, share it, but most importantly enjoy it!! Reb. 
Full stream 100 songs ► HERE
Savage Garden - To The Moon & Back
Electric Light Orchestra - Ticket To The Moon
U.K. Subs - Countdown
The Birthday Party - Blast Off
Me First And The Gimme Gimmes - Rocket Man
Mr. Symarip - One Way Ticket To The Moon
Dinah Washington - Destination Moon
Radiohead - Sail To The Moon
Bobby Womack - Fly Me To The Moon
Imelda May - Meet You At The Moon
Cigarettes After Sex - Neon Moon
The Neville Brothers - Yellow Moon
R.E.M. - Man On The Moon
Norah Jones - Shoot The Moon
The Police - Walking On The Moon
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
The Waterboys - The Whole Of The Moon
Jose Gonzalez - This Is How We Walk On The Moon
Shivaree - Goodnight Moon
Foals - Moonlight
The Strokes - Life Is Simple In The Moonlight
Micheal Buble - Moondance
AURORA - Dance On The Moon
Toploader - Dancing On The Moon
The Hives - Blood Red Moon
Beck - Blue Moon
Balkan Beat Box - Dancing With The Moon
Dr. John - Creole Moon
Wolfmother - New Moon Rising
Foo Fighters - Virginia Moon
Greyhound - Moon River
Nouvelle Vague - The Killing Moon
Regina Spektor - Small Town Moon
Jack Johnson - Is One Moon Enough
The Doors - Moonlight Dirve
Neko Case - I Wish I Was The Moon
The xx - Blood Red Moon (Demo)
Rancid - Red Hot Moon
Ben Howard - What The Moon Does
Freak Power - Moonbeam Woman
Karen O - The Moon Song (Live)
AC/DC - What's Next To The Moon
Bent - Moonbeams
Rory Gallagher - Moonchild
The Czars - Paint The Moon
Underworld - Moon In Water
Wilco - Black Moon
Feist - My Moon My Man
The Kingstonians - Come We Go Moonwalk
Derrick Morgan - Moon Hop
The Silencers - Painted Moon (Blues Mix)
Mando Diao - Mr Moon
Dead Kennedys - Moon Over Marin
George Harrison - Here Comes The Moon
Voodoo Glow Skulls - Shoot The Moon
Jessica Pratt - Moon Dude
Chris Cornell - Worried Moon
Janis Joplin - Half Moon
DIIV - Healthy Moon
Tom Waits - Drunk On The Moon
Uncle Tupelo - Moonshiner
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Monkberry Moon Delight
Rickie Lee Jones - The Moon Is Made Of Gold
Sunflower Bean - Harvest Moon
Foster The People - A Beginner's Guide To Destroyinh The Moon
UB40 - Moonlight Lover
Jamie Cullum - Old Devil Moon
Cat Power - The Moon
Traveling Wilburys - New Blue Moon
The Walkmen - Red Moon
M83 - Moonchild
Duran Duran - New Moon On Monday
Hinds - Caribbean Moon
3 Doors Down - Fell From The Moon
The Cult - Brother Wolf; Sister Moon
Belle & Sebastain - Waiting for The Moon To Rise
Iceage - Against The Moon
David Bowie - Moonage Daydream
Bjork - Moon
CocoRosie - The Moon Asked The Crow
Neil Halstead - Full Moon Rising
Cowboy Junkies - Blue Moon Revisited (Song For Elvis)
Love And Rockets - Holiday On The Moon
Pete And The Pirates - Half Moon street
The Black Angels - Comanche Moon
Jenny Lewis - Barking At The Moon
Lee "Scratch" Perry - Dreadlocks In Moonlight
The B52's - There's A moon In the Sky (Called The Moon)
Chromatics - Blue Moon
William Fitsimmons - Tide Pulls From The Moon
Van Morrison - Once In A Blue Moon
Mercury Rev - Tides Of The Moon
Iron & Wine - Half Moon
Lamb - Moonshine
Transvision Vamp - Sister Moon
Corinne Bailey Rae - Been To The Moon
Gates To The Morning - Return To Earth
Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
The Telescopes - Splashdown
Fever Ray - To The Moon And Back
Links: Official | Newsletter | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest
(Support Jungle by following our social media. Thank you!)
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ovc-bulletin · 3 years
Do you foster kittens or work for a shelter with a kitten foster program? We want to hear from you!
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OVC researchers are looking for current foster parents of young kittens (7-9 weeks of age) to participate in an online survey and conduct a short in-home behaviour test with the kittens! Participation will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
**Consent for involvement of the kittens in this research project must first be given by the affiliated shelter**
This study is part of Courtney Graham’s PhD research at the Ontario Veterinary College, which focuses on understanding factors that influence kitten behavioural development while in foster care.
To learn more and to participate, please visit: https://uoguel.ph/kittencommsci
Open worldwide!
This project has been reviewed by the University of Guelph Research Ethics Board and Animal Care Committee for compliance with federal guidelines for research involving human participants (REB # 21-05-023) and animal participants (AUP #4521). The Principal Investigator is Dr. Lee Niel.
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