#Reflective Practice
hasanunit06 · 1 year
Y2K Aesthetic
so let's talk about the Y2K aesthetic. It's a style that's inspired by the turn of the millennium, with a focus on futuristic and retro elements. Basically, it's all about bringing back that late '90s and early 2000s vibe.
One example is the movie "The Matrix." The sleek, all-black outfits and futuristic technology give it that Y2K feel.
Even today, you can see elements of the Y2K aesthetic in fashion and design. Think chunky sneakers, glittery eyeshadow, and futuristic, geometric shapes.
As for fashion, the Y2K aesthetic is all about those mini-skirts, crop tops, and platform shoes. Accessories like chunky belts, chokers, and tinted sunglasses were huge back then too.
In graphic design, the Y2K aesthetic is all about bold, bright colors, geometric shapes, and funky abstract patterns. You'll see it in logos, websites, and branding for companies like MTV and Nickelodeon. They used lots of bold colors and funky designs to capture that Y2K vibe.
Overall, the Y2K aesthetic is all about bringing back that late '90s and early 2000s vibe with a mix of futuristic and retro elements.
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Blackout Poetry Lesson: She is much more creative with these poems than I have ever been!
I love this person’s blackout poetry lesson and creativity, and I’m really thinking that I want to try it. When I look at the words she’s focusing on ant the emotion and tone that she can convey with her line work, it just really has me thinking that this could be a good way for students to demonstrate what they understand about a text while also highlighting some keywords and phrases that we can…
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Using Retrieval Practice to Get the Most Out of Microlearning
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In the evolving landscape of education and corporate training, microlearning has emerged as a revolutionary approach. It involves delivering training content in small, manageable chunks that learners can easily absorb and apply. However, to maximize the effectiveness of microlearning, integrating retrieval practice is essential. This article delves into how retrieval practice can enhance microlearning and help organizations achieve their training objectives.
What is Retrieval Practice?
Retrieval practice is a learning strategy that involves recalling information from memory, rather than simply re-reading or re-watching content. This active recall process strengthens memory and improves the ability to retrieve information in the future. It’s a well-researched method that has proven to enhance long-term retention and understanding of material.
The Science Behind Retrieval Practice
When learners engage in retrieval practice, they are effectively exercising their memory. This process helps to reinforce neural connections related to the recalled information, making it easier to retrieve the same information later. By continuously practicing retrieval, learners can build stronger and more durable memories. Studies have shown that retrieval practice is more effective than passive review methods, such as reading or listening to content repeatedly.
Microlearning and Retrieval Practice: A Perfect Match
Microlearning and retrieval practice complement each other exceptionally well. Microlearning’s bite-sized approach ensures that content is not overwhelming, making it easier for learners to engage in frequent retrieval practice. Here’s how combining the two can lead to optimal learning outcomes:
Increased Engagement: Microlearning modules are typically short and focused, which naturally leads to more frequent opportunities for retrieval practice. This increased engagement helps learners stay active and involved in the learning process.
Enhanced Retention: Retrieval practice boosts retention by requiring learners to actively recall information. When paired with microlearning, which emphasizes concise and targeted content, this leads to better retention of key concepts and skills.
Better Knowledge Application: Frequent retrieval practice helps learners transfer knowledge from short-term to long-term memory, making it easier to apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations. Microlearning’s practical and applied approach further reinforces this application.
Implementing Retrieval Practice in Microlearning
To effectively integrate retrieval practice into microlearning, consider the following strategies:
Frequent Quizzes: Incorporate short quizzes at the end of each microlearning module. These quizzes should focus on recalling key points from the lesson rather than just recognizing them.
Spaced Repetition: Use spaced repetition techniques to schedule retrieval practice sessions over increasing intervals. This approach helps reinforce learning over time and improves long-term retention.
Interactive Flashcards: Utilize flashcards that prompt learners to recall information actively. Digital flashcard apps can be especially useful, allowing learners to engage in retrieval practice on the go.
Scenario-Based Questions: Develop scenario-based questions that require learners to apply what they’ve learned to real-world situations. This not only aids in retrieval practice but also enhances problem-solving skills.
Reflection Prompts: Encourage learners to reflect on what they’ve learned by writing summaries or discussing key points with peers. This form of active recall helps consolidate learning.
Case Study: A Corporate Training Success
Consider a multinational company aiming to improve its sales team’s product knowledge and customer interaction skills. The traditional training methods were time-consuming and often ineffective in ensuring long-term retention. By integrating retrieval practice into their microlearning strategy, the company achieved remarkable results.
Customized Microlearning Modules: The company developed short, targeted modules focusing on specific product features, customer interaction techniques, and sales strategies.
Frequent Assessments: Each module ended with a quiz that required employees to recall and apply the information they had just learned. These assessments were designed to challenge their memory and reinforce key concepts.
Spaced Repetition: The company used spaced repetition to schedule follow-up quizzes and refresher modules. This helped ensure that employees revisited important information over time, leading to better retention.
Interactive Tools: The training program included interactive flashcards and scenario-based questions that encouraged employees to engage in active recall regularly.
Collaborative Reflection: Employees were encouraged to discuss their learning experiences and share insights with their peers. This reflective practice further reinforced their understanding and application of the material.
The results were impressive. Employees demonstrated significantly improved product knowledge, better customer interaction skills, and increased sales performance. The combination of microlearning and retrieval practice proved to be a powerful strategy for achieving these outcomes.
Benefits of Using Retrieval Practice in Microlearning
Improved Memory Retention: Retrieval practice helps solidify learning by strengthening neural connections, leading to better long-term memory retention.
Increased Learner Engagement: The active nature of retrieval practice keeps learners engaged and motivated, as they are constantly challenged to recall and apply information.
Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: By incorporating scenario-based questions, learners develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for real-world applications.
Greater Knowledge Transfer: Retrieval practice facilitates the transfer of knowledge from theoretical understanding to practical application, making it easier for learners to use what they’ve learned in their jobs.
Continuous Improvement: Regularly scheduled retrieval practice sessions ensure that learning is an ongoing process, leading to continuous improvement and skill development.
Challenges and Solutions
While the benefits of combining retrieval practice with microlearning are clear, there can be challenges in implementation. Here are some common obstacles and potential solutions:
Resistance to Change: Employees accustomed to traditional training methods may resist the shift to microlearning and retrieval practice. Solution: Communicate the benefits clearly and provide support during the transition.
Time Constraints: Finding time for regular retrieval practice can be challenging in busy work environments. Solution: Integrate microlearning modules and retrieval practice into daily routines, making them short and accessible.
Ensuring Engagement: Keeping learners engaged with frequent retrieval practice can be difficult. Solution: Use a variety of interactive tools, such as quizzes, flashcards, and scenario-based questions, to maintain interest.
Measuring Effectiveness: Tracking the impact of retrieval practice on learning outcomes can be complex. Solution: Use analytics tools to monitor progress and gather feedback to continuously improve the training program.
Retrieval practice is a powerful learning strategy that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of microlearning. By encouraging active recall and application of knowledge, retrieval practice helps learners retain information longer and apply it more effectively in real-world scenarios. For organizations looking to improve their training programs, integrating retrieval practice into microlearning can lead to better engagement, retention, and overall performance. Embrace this approach to unlock the full potential of your employee training and development initiatives.
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dougthorpe-com · 5 months
Lessons in Leadership: Soaring with the Winds of Life
  In learning how to fly an airplane, one of the first lessons has to do with understanding winds. Winds come in basically three types; Head winds – those hit you right in the face Tail winds – those from behind Cross winds – those at angles from the side I believe the challenges we face in life and in business model these three types of wind as well. If we consider all the forms of challenge…
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thisisgraeme · 10 months
Tapatoru's Fresh Take on Professional Learning: Shaping the Future of Education
Ready to dive into how this programme is revolutionising professional learning for tertiary educators in Aotearoa New Zealand? Let's go!
Ready to dive into how this programme is revolutionising professional learning for tertiary educators in Aotearoa New Zealand? Let’s go! Tapatoru – A Fresh Approach to Teaching Picture this: a programme that’s not just about learning stuff, but also about weaving Māori and Pacific values right into the heart of education. We’re talking literacy, numeracy and neurodiversity, all rolled into…
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nrpin · 1 year
Reflecting Practice using Philosophical Journaling
What happens to us is not as important as the meaning we assign to it. Journaling helps sort this out. – Michael Hyatt There are four keywords in the title (reflection, jounaling, philosophy, practice). We have words and we have key words, the words that unlock hidden treasure of knowledge. How to locate those key words? We have set mechanisms to do so in the digital world which is intrinsically…
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imanunit06 · 1 year
Something that is very important in the creative industry is considering the ethics of your creations. Usually, you should be careful of your every action and make sure what you are doing is ethical, otherwise you are at the risk of causing environmental or social issues.
In my project, I have taken close consideration into the ethics of my work. Most of the material that I have used is recyclable. For example, when creating my planets, I chose to use things such as bubble balloons made of rubber, which is recyclable. The newspaper I used for the paper mache part of my project is also very easily recyclable, even with the PVA glue all over it. In addition to that, I chose to use recycled newspaper to create the paper mache for the planets in the first place, so it becomes an endless loop of recycling. It's really good for the environment because instead of just sending it to waste and contributing to pollution, I get to use it over and over again. When it came to the medium and large ones, I used foam and a ping pong ball. I didn't just want them to go to waste though. When I put paper mache over the medium ball, I had to cut it in half, but I didn't want to cut through the ball and have to throw it away afterwards. Instead, once the paper mache and plaster had dried, I used a craft knife to carefully cut through the newspaper and plaster, removed the top and then carefully squeezed out the ball. I got to keep the ball for personal use, while still having the part of the planet I needed. For the ping pong ball, since I didn't cut through it, I can just take it out, wash it and reuse it again after the project. I prefer reusing and recycling things because it saves on costs, your items don't go to waste and it's a lot better for the environment. The plasterboard and foam board is also recyclable, which is great because it's such a huge object and would really damage the environment if it wasn't recyclable. When it comes to using the recycled plaster that was on the planets, you have to be very careful with how you recycle it. There is a specific way you need to do it by law, otherwise it can cause toxic gases that harm us, thanks to the gypsum in it. However, it is possible to remove the gypsum and then recycle it back into raw material to be reused. If you want to be ethical, it's more important that you use this method instead. When it comes to the projection, it can be considered more ethical because it does not require any physical material other than the projecter, since it is digital. However, it will require a lot of energy if it is being played on loop. The energy is also non-renewable, which can cause ethical and environmental issues. My experimental work using the balloon and paper mache is also recyclable too, thanks to the materials used.
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miselaunit06 · 1 year
The reason for putting my work in the specialist context I have put it in because it is a growing field of practice that is enjoyable in so many genres and allows you to be digital and creative, I personally enjoy the specialist practice of being digitally creative, and having done most of my work digital will have a smaller impact on the environment with having small usage of material.
I have chosen the particular subject of having a zombie apocalypse in my work is of pure interest in the gore and horror genre and just something I would like to work with, my original intentions have changed through the project, it was going to be a manga like comic of game and anime characters surviving an apocalypse at first but i have modified it to be less fanart and have my own characters in it still an apocalypse but now a short animation. My work would fall under moving image.
A lot of the skills I ended up using are digital skills I have learned along the way, workshops such as GIF ones have helped to show how to easily put things together and use a lot of the functions around. I don't think I have looked at many other ideas and just wanted to do something in my interest with animation/
I have had many problems during the final piece but I think the biggest one was to switch the original idea from being manga like comic panels showing up to being an animation and although the storyline didn't change that much it was still a challenge to get it finished on time and some parts do look a bit rushed within it but it has helped with the skills I have learned from previous work shops to finish.
Originally my outcome would have panels projected slowly onto the wall but I have changed the original idea to be an animation and i do believe it would be easier to have that projected.
I think the strategy I have for presenting my work which is a projection is an easy way to show my final piece if I would have chosen a different idea I think I would have a different way of presenting to experiment with ways to present them, I think my idea is easily communicated.
My original aims at the start of the project were to try and read characters and how they would react in difficult situations such as an apocalypse and have that illustrated, but it was also to incorporate gore into it, My aim did change to just have a short entertainment animation of some apocalypse scenes with a bit of gore still in there, I think in my final piece I have managed to capture it.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
Throughout this project, I have gained a lot of skills that are useful for me in the future because they will help me. For example one of the skills I gained was using a sewing machine although at first I had a hard time using it; however after some trial and errors I was able to learn how to use it. I made a test piece to test out the machine and see how it will go ok the material I was using with the foil.
The pros of this project was that I was able to explore a range of techniques and was able to generate different ideas of how I wanted my final outcome to look like. For example I looked at many artists that did similar work whether they created emotional or textile work. I was able to map out exactly what I wanted my work to be like and what I would need to bring my idea to life. I have Improved a lot since the beginning I was able to gain a new skill which is a benefit for me.
On the other hand, I had many cons as well while executing this project I faced many challenges. The first challenge was how I would sew the 24 hour clock times on the fabric; I had my foil stencils ready but I didn’t think about how I would sew them on the long fabric using the sewing machine. For this problem I came up with a solution of buying the same or as similar material to the fabric as possible. Then I cut 24 strips the same size as my foil stencils giving me room to sew on and I used those 24 pieces to input my times on. The second challenge I faced was not being able to sew at home, since the machine I was using at home kept on breaking the foil and did not have the pattern I needed. My last problem I faced was the time I had to finish my project, sewing on the 24 hour clock times took me the longest to complete which did not give me enough time to work on the rest of my piece. This is the reason that I don’t have a final piece on my tumblr; however I have the process of the 24 hour times I made and what my idea was clearly shown on my blog.
While creating my work and planning my design, I thought of how I could keep my work ethical. The first ethical thing to do was not to copy anyone else’s work as that would not be fair on that person and it would be classed as cheating. However using other people’s work as inspiration was ethical as it helped me generate my own ideas and expand on my original idea after looking at an artists work.
Another thing I made sure to do is communicate to my peers with manners, as I was not alone working in the space and had other people working beside of me. I made sure to help out if any of my peer needed some help or guidance on what they wanted to do. This helps me in the future also when I am working in the industry, to be professional and behave with my coworkers respectfully. Alongside this I always made sure to clean out the space I was working at so whoever used the space while I was not there didn’t have to worry about the clutter and it was ethical to do.
While working on my project there was a lot of safety issues I had to think about, I had to make sure I was being safe with the equipment I used. When using the sewing machine, I made sure to keep aside from everyone else so no one tripped over any of the wires as it would be dangerous. I also made sure to keep the scissors and pins away from my fingers while using the machine so they would not cut me.
Another thing I made sure to do was always keep my foot away from the foot pedal of the machine when I was fixing up the material in the machine. This was to prevent the machine from starting and so the needle in the machine would not cut me. I also always had my fingers away a decent amount from the foot of the machine when I was seeing anything this was so it would not hit my fingers.
When using scissors to cut out my fabrics I always made sure to never point the scissors at anyone and always cut at a table so it would be safer and no one including myself could get hurt. These were the safety issues I dealt with during my project.
To be environmentally safe, I used fabric that was thrown out in the fashion department as a large factor of my base where my emotion work would go on. I also am going to use their materials for my emotions and find different textures as it is environmentally friendly and recycling the materials that I use. I also made sure to use the left over foil that no one would use to create my numbers so it would not go to waste. These were the things I made sure to do as they were environmentally safe and also more convenient to me as well.
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1000 word Project Evaluation
In this final major project, I'm able to decide and to make an animation about the topic, Make Art Be Happy with new techniques I have learnt individually through tutorials on youtube. I have also discovered many different techniques and art styles through researching for the project.
Over the past years, I have spotted how the parent community disapproves of their own children pursuing studies and careers in design-related fields. By collecting information and statistics throughout these few years, it shows how parents worry about the financial stability of design-related careers, and how their mindsets are restricted since they are not familiar with these fields. So that I want to take this opportunity to create an accessible animation for both young and elderly to understand how designs can bring happiness and how it impacts the modern world.
Compared to previous animation projects that I have worked on, this time instead of sticking to a single art style of animation, I learnt advanced rigging, advanced lighting studies, better UV mappings and rendering skills. These skills improved my animation to a more attractive storytelling artwork, bringing more attention to animation details, emotions and expressions of the character. Eye-catching visual appeals and effective use of sounds allow my animation to be more memorable and engaging, providing my audiences with better visual experiences, hence, allowing it to stand out among my peers. 
Throughout the animation process of my FMP, I have done research and analysis of techniques and art trends, these explorations allow me to have rich inspiration towards creating different styles of animation. I have particularly researched different distinctive art styles, for example, cartoon, realistic, and spider-verse. Having a view of various techniques of 3D artists, for instance, photorealism, sculpting and character design, motion graphics and visual effects, environment design and experimental rendering techniques. Through the process of research, I had a wider understanding of different art styles so I had a better idea of possibilities and what's suitable while designing various scenes for the animation.
Throughout extensive research, I have found Southern Shorty to be the most inspiring artist among all other artist research I had done, particularly in the realms of his character design and cartoon-style environment design. The primary reason I consistently reference this artist is due to their distinctive approach to character design, which sets them apart from others in the field. Additionally, Southern Shorty stands out by providing remarkably accessible and detailed tutorials compared to other artists. Their adept use of vibrant colours, exceptional texturing and shading skills had truly enchanted me, both in cartoon-style character design and the creation of semi-realistic environments. Their work has not just only caught my attention but also helps a lot with the character design, advanced rigging and the cartoon part in the animation with resources from a single artist.
In the beginning, while working on the storyline, I find it challenging to create seamless transitions that maintain the flow and enhance the storytelling experience. Before this project, I only had minor concepts and limited abilities to create a good storyline for the animation. However, while attempting the storyboard, I have done lots of research on the timing of the scene, effects and especially the order of the scenes to improve the fluency between scenes. While working on the storyline, I particularly enjoy the process of developing the theme and delivering the message of the animation. They allow me to delve into thought-provoking concepts and express them visually. In the end, I had successfully made a great storyline, but I have to practice more on storyboarding so that it will be easier while working on environment design and animating.
Throughout these 10 weeks of FMP, I also focused on different mediums of fine art to even further develop the skill area used in animation. Firstly, I learned how to utilize the blend tool at the beginning of the project. Although I enjoyed this skill, I didn't find it particularly applicable to my project in animation. I also acquired the skill of using gradient maps, which proved to be both valuable and enjoyable. I extensively employed gradient maps while working on storyline scenes and pictures throughout my project, and it became an essential skill I acquired. Additionally, I learnt the creation of glitch effects in the camera, finding it relatively easy yet achieving a pleasing end result. Even though I haven't mastered using these skills, I am still satisfied with the outcomes I achieved when utilizing it. Another technique I experimented with was PNG sequencing, although it didn't prove useful for my final piece, I still have done a bit further development and used it in the walk cycle GIF showcase.
During my FMP, I had multiple opportunities to create presentations for the mindset of the final piece and for my exhibition, the extra works of presentation allowed me to realize areas for improvement, such as errors in storylines, wrong emotions of the characters and more. While working on the presentation, I struggled a bit with the layouts and the lack of information at the beginning. However, with multiple research, references and reworks I did, I'm satisfied with the result of the presentation. The final presentation has an excellent layout, clear and easy-understanding information, which gives me the confidence to amaze my audiences. 
Make Art Be Happy, being an individual animation project, and since the final non-restricted piece of the artwork of this course, it provided me with the opportunity to perceive any of my individual capabilities of creating an outstanding animation. This unique project has allowed me to get deeper into the world of animations in 10 weeks through self-exploration, experimentation and skill development. Since the project is non-topic restricted and non-group restricted, I’m able to explore any areas and to keep my progress easily with good time management. However, by working on animation individually, the amount of support will be restricted, due to different directions of art productions, and the lack of support and reviews. Overall, I’m really satisfied with the whole process of this final project, as the topic of the project is not restricted to anything, I was allowed to take good advantage of my creativity. Make Art Be Happy is surely a remarkable piece of artwork I have created, which allowed me to discover my potential in animation production. I am surely looking forward to taking part in some new challenges at University.
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hasanunit06 · 1 year
Reflecting on my Tumblr documentation has played a significant role in the development and expansion of my initial idea of using screens to communicate my message. Through the exploration of other artists who employ projection techniques to effectively convey their ideas, I have been able to broaden my understanding of communication methods and enhance the impact of my final piece, which effectively communicates the negative environmental impacts of light pollution.
When I revisited my Tumblr documentation, I realized that relying solely on screens to communicate my message had limitations. Screens are confined to specific locations and lack the immersive qualities needed to fully engage viewers. This realization prompted me to explore alternative approaches, leading me to investigate the works of artists who successfully utilize projection as a medium for effective communication.
Studying artists who employ projection techniques, I discovered the transformative power of projection as a means of conveying ideas. By projecting visuals onto various surfaces, these artists were able to create immersive experiences that engaged viewers on a deeper level. This inspired me to shift my focus from screens to projection, allowing for more dynamic and interactive communication.
Furthermore, the exploration of projection techniques used by these artists provided me with valuable insights into the technical aspects of creating impactful visuals. Their mastery of light, shadow, and motion demonstrated the potential of projection to evoke emotional responses and enhance storytelling. Recognizing the importance of these elements, I delved into further research and practice to strengthen my technical abilities in projection mapping, interactive technologies, and visual storytelling.
The knowledge and skills acquired from previous units played a crucial role in strengthening my technical abilities. Units focusing on projection mapping provided me with a solid foundation in understanding how to align visuals with specific surfaces and structures, enabling me to create immersive environments that effectively conveyed my message about light pollution.
Moreover, units exploring interactive technologies allowed me to incorporate interactive elements into my final piece. By engaging viewers and making them active participants in the experience, I aimed to deepen their understanding of the negative environmental impacts of light pollution. These interactive components added an extra layer of engagement, making the final piece more memorable and impactful.
In addition to technical proficiency, previous units also contributed to my understanding of the environmental issues related to light pollution. Units focusing on sustainability and environmental awareness deepened my knowledge of the topic and provided a strong foundation for effectively communicating the message in my final piece. This understanding allowed me to incorporate relevant statistics, imagery, and narratives that conveyed the urgency and severity of the issue.
The culmination of these efforts resulted in the creation of a stunning final video piece that effectively communicates the negative environmental impacts of light pollution. Through the use of projection, I was able to immerse viewers in an interactive experience that conveyed the consequences of excessive artificial lighting on ecosystems and human well-being. The technical abilities honed through previous units, combined with a deeper understanding of the issue, allowed me to craft a visually compelling and emotionally resonant final piece.
In conclusion, looking back at my Tumblr documentation and exploring artists who effectively employ projection techniques have greatly influenced the development and expansion of my ideas. By transitioning from screens to projection, I discovered new avenues for immersive and interactive communication. The technical skills gained from previous units strengthened my abilities to create a visually stunning final piece, while a deeper understanding of the negative environmental impacts of light pollution informed the content and messaging. The process of reflection, exploration, and skill development has culminated in a video that effectively communicates the urgency and severity of the issue, encouraging viewers to take action and make positive changes for a more sustainable future.
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tyler-unit-06 · 1 year
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Project proposal draft
This was How my project was originally going to be done However I had to change it due to the time being limited. This helps me get better practice writing project proposals and editing them correctly I think that this will help me greatly by being able to explain my project.
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Engaging Learners: The Power of Double-Loop Learning
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Making learners active participants in their own learning is every training professional’s dream. A passive recipient of knowledge often fails to apply what they’ve learned effectively, whereas an engaged, inquisitive workforce continuously thinks, questions, and innovates. Achieving this level of engagement requires more than just effective teaching techniques; it involves a fundamental shift in how learning is approached. This is where Chris Argyris and Donald Schön’s theory of ‘double-loop’ learning becomes invaluable.
In this article, we’ll explore the concepts of ‘single-loop’ and ‘double-loop’ learning, highlight the differences between them, and demonstrate how ‘double-loop’ learning can transform a company into a vibrant learning organization.
Understanding Single-Loop and Double-Loop Learning
To grasp the significance of double-loop learning, it’s essential first to understand single-loop learning.
Single-Loop Learning refers to the process where individuals, groups, or organizations modify their actions based on feedback received, without altering the underlying beliefs or policies. This type of learning is akin to a thermostat that changes temperature settings in response to the environment but doesn’t question why it’s set to a particular range. For example, an employee might follow a certain protocol more closely after receiving feedback that they were not compliant, but they don’t question whether the protocol itself could be improved.
Double-Loop Learning, on the other hand, goes deeper. It involves questioning and potentially altering the underlying assumptions, values, and policies that led to the actions in the first place. It’s about understanding the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’. Instead of merely adjusting actions to meet a desired outcome, double-loop learning challenges the governing variables and redefines the problem itself. In our thermostat analogy, this would mean not just changing the temperature setting, but questioning whether the temperature range is appropriate at all.
The Distinction Between Single-Loop and Double-Loop Learning
The primary difference between single-loop and double-loop learning lies in their scope and depth of inquiry.
Nature of Inquiry:
Single-Loop Learning: Reactive and corrective, focusing on immediate issues and making incremental changes.
Double-Loop Learning: Proactive and reflective, addressing the root causes and potentially redefining the problem.
Single-Loop Learning: Concentrates on tasks, skills, and immediate performance improvements.
Double-Loop Learning: Emphasizes broader organizational values, strategies, and fundamental principles.
Single-Loop Learning: Maintains the status quo by fine-tuning existing processes.
Double-Loop Learning: Facilitates transformational change by re-evaluating and potentially overhauling processes.
Building a Vibrant Learning Organization with Double-Loop Learning
Creating an environment where double-loop learning flourishes involves fostering a culture of continuous reflection and open dialogue. Here’s how organizations can achieve this:
Encourage Critical Thinking and Inquiry:Promote a culture where employees are encouraged to ask ‘why’ and challenge existing assumptions. This can be achieved through training programs that focus on critical thinking skills and creating safe spaces for questioning.
Facilitate Open Communication:Establish channels for open communication where feedback flows freely in all directions. Leaders should model transparency and receptivity to feedback, showing that questioning is valued over mere compliance.
Promote Reflective Practice:Implement practices that encourage reflection on both successes and failures. Regular debriefings, post-mortem analyses of projects, and reflective journaling can help employees internalize double-loop learning.
Supportive Leadership:Leaders play a crucial role in fostering double-loop learning. They must be willing to question their own assumptions and support their teams in doing the same. Leadership development programs can help inculcate these values.
Systems Thinking:Encourage systems thinking, which involves understanding how different parts of the organization interact and influence each other. This holistic approach can help in identifying the underlying causes of issues and in developing comprehensive solutions.
Incorporate Learning into Daily Work:Integrate learning into the daily workflow rather than treating it as a separate activity. This can involve setting aside time for reflection during meetings, encouraging ongoing education, and recognizing learning as a part of job performance.
Case Study: Implementing Double-Loop Learning
Consider a mid-sized tech company facing declining customer satisfaction. Through single-loop learning, the company’s response was to improve customer service training and reduce response times. However, these efforts didn’t lead to significant improvement.
Adopting a double-loop learning approach, the company decided to re-examine their assumptions about customer satisfaction. They discovered that the core issue was not the service itself but unmet customer expectations due to a mismatch between marketing promises and product features. By addressing this fundamental issue, redefining their marketing strategies, and aligning them with product capabilities, they not only improved customer satisfaction but also enhanced overall brand trust.
The Impact of Double-Loop Learning on Organizational Performance
The benefits of double-loop learning extend beyond individual or team performance, influencing the entire organization’s adaptive capacity and resilience.
Enhanced Innovation: By constantly questioning and redefining problems, organizations can uncover innovative solutions that single-loop learning might overlook. This leads to a more dynamic and creative work environment.
Greater Agility:Organizations practicing double-loop learning are better equipped to adapt to changing environments. They are not bound by rigid procedures but are flexible in revising strategies based on reflective insights.
Improved Decision Making:Decision-making processes become more robust as they incorporate deeper insights and a broader range of perspectives. This holistic view reduces the risk of oversights and enhances strategic planning.
Employee Empowerment:When employees are encouraged to think critically and challenge assumptions, they feel more valued and empowered. This leads to higher engagement, job satisfaction, and retention.
Organizational Learning Culture:A culture of double-loop learning fosters ongoing learning and development. It promotes an environment where continuous improvement is the norm, and learning is embedded in the organizational DNA.
Double-loop learning offers a powerful framework for transforming how organizations approach learning and problem-solving. By moving beyond surface-level corrections and delving into the underlying assumptions and values, organizations can foster a culture of deep learning and continuous improvement. This shift not only enhances individual and team performance but also drives organizational innovation, agility, and resilience.
As training professionals and organizational leaders, the challenge is to create environments that support and nurture double-loop learning. This involves encouraging critical thinking, promoting open communication, and integrating reflective practices into daily workflows. By doing so, organizations can achieve the dream of having an engaged, inquisitive, and proactive workforce—one that is not just a passive recipient of knowledge but an active participant in its own learning journey.
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dougthorpe-com · 9 months
Making Things Bigger Than They Really Are
Do you sometimes make things bigger than they really are? Managers and leaders need to be on watch for overstating what is going on. More importantly, they need to throttle their internal reaction to the things around them. The great social activist Chicken Little was quoted as saying “The sky is falling” when he had merely been struck in the head by a falling acorn. Blowing things out of…
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thisisgraeme · 1 year
Empowering Success: Transformative Foundations of ESOL Teaching for Tertiary Educators in Aotearoa NZ – Part 1
xplore the foundations of ESOL teaching in this comprehensive course module. Learn about second language acquisition principles, cultural diversity, challenges, and integrating first languages. Enhance your teaching practice today.
I’m writing a series of modules on the foundations of teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). This is long overdue as I was an ESOL teacher for many years, but it feels good to be looking at this content again with fresh eyes. I have roughly six chunks planned which I will draft and post here like I normally do with new content: Introduction to ESOL Teaching (this…
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fatuunit06 · 1 year
Newspaper feedback
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This is the feedback I've received from my last years tutor about my work, he gave me research I can look to and complimented my work.
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