#Research Paper Methodology
wrirk · 2 years
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revvethasmythh · 6 months
I think something we're sleeping on in the Gale epilogue is that he says he wants to try writing books about our adventures, which directly puts him in competition with Volo, who is also writing about the same adventures
This would--inevitably--devolve into a writer/academic feud for the ages, spreading copious misinformation to the masses as both writers can accurately claim to be primary sources, with wildly different tellings between them. There will be synthesis commentary papers written about both of their works by historians for centuries, and even though Volo's is full of blatant lies it must be considered because he is....well, Volo. and, like, he was verifiably there and involved with everything. there is no world where that is not infuriating to an academic like Gale. Gale will be blowing a gasket for the rest of his life about being in competition with Volo's Tome of Lies. There will be sniping in the footnotes of all his papers at the bard for the rest of his life. Bitter bard vs academic warfare, that's what we're looking at here
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laegolas · 7 months
If I had literally any spare time to dedicate to a big project I would be very tempted to write an essay linking together Capitalist Realism (Mark Fisher) and McLuhan’s Medium is the Message because I think both add very interesting points to the broader discussion I’m seeing come up a lot re: content, consumption, and capital. Fisher explains the kind of socioeconomic conditions that lead to how we shape and consume our cultural artifacts (music, stories, film, etc) - with an emphasis on consumption. These creative works are squashed down into content and regurgitated over and over again for an audience that ultimately doesn’t exist. Meanwhile, McLuhan speaks to the epistemological influences of mediums like YouTube and TikTok (or, more accurately, implicates the epistemology as he predates them by. Well. Quite a few years). Like Hbomberguy mentions at one point - YouTube is ‘scrappy’, and self-uploaded. There is an implied ‘do your own research and don’t believe anything’ on the tin except that’s obviously not what people think or believe.
Idk I think we’ve just come to a very interesting point culturally and economically where scams and content farms are the norm and the point of our internet use is to just consume (information, ads, art) stuff that is fed to us by maths that presumes to know us better than ourselves. Anyway go watch the hbomberguy vid and while you’re at it read this medium is the message chapter or watch some mark fisher presentations
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memento-mariii · 1 month
As much as I enjoy unethical (pseudo)science in fiction, in real life killing them with my mind is not enough I need to strangle these people with my own two hands.
Your methodology is bad and you should feel bad.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 2 months
now I get why people complain about thesis' so much
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supercantaloupe · 7 months
did i get any amount of work done today? no. instead i took a nap on the couch watching um actually
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mystudydiary-blog · 2 years
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24-10-2022 15/100 DOP *went to research methods class *went to corporate tax *met up with other people in our dorm building to get to know each other *did some research for a paper
25-10-2022 16/100 DOP *attended tax strategy class *read some articles for a paper we need to write *went to a meeting
26-10-2022 17/100 DOP *went to school to work on a group assignment *did a workshop on referencing in APA style *prepared myself for the seminar
27 and 28-10-2022 18 and 19/100 DOP We had a two-day seminar organised by a couple professors of the tax department. There were a lot of tax and accounting firms present as well. It was a bit of a competition to solve a case and present it in the best possible way (we only had classes for a month lol, other years the seminar was in december). We also had a lot of networking opportunities.
I learned a lot but it was very tiring to be surrounded by people 24/7. I took the weekend to rest so the 100 days of productivity resume on Monday :)
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
au where I don't have to hold the hand of everyone on this group project.
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wrirkresearch0 · 6 months
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wrirk · 2 years
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easynotes4u · 8 months
Research Process - Research Aptitude | Research Methodology
#research #researchprocess #researchaptitude #researchmethods #researchmethodology #ugcnet #ugcnetpaper1 #easynotes4u #easynotes4uonline #drgauravjangra
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eclecticsophism · 10 months
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catherinelwriter · 10 months
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unitedinnovator · 10 months
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The Power of Research Methodology for Ph.D. Scholars by United Innovator
Research methodology for Ph.D. Scholars presented by United Innovator delve into the pivotal role research methodology plays in shaping the academic journey. This insight explores how effective methods empower scholars to navigate the complexities of research, transforming their ideas into impactful contributions. Discover how a well-structured approach enhances scholarly endeavors, fostering innovation and enabling the creation of meaningful knowledge.
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mfaculty · 1 year
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teamattorneylex · 1 year
Student Development Program on Research Writing by Alliance University [Feb 9-10; Hybrid]: Register by Feb 7
Alliance University is organizing a Student Development Program on Research Writing to be held on February 9th and 10th, 2023. About Alliance University Alliance University is a non-profit private university that was established in the State of Karnataka by act no. 34 of the year 2010 under the recognition of the University Grants Commission of the Ministry of Education. About the…
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