#Richard Lockwood
accidentalslayer · 1 year
Word Count: 1,497 (ish)
Warnings: Implied death, violence.
Author's Notes: Health issues continued being a problem and caused this chapter to be late as hell but I finally have it done! While this part of DL feels a little boring, I hope you like it. The next chapter will give us our first peak at Reader so that'll be exciting! Also, health is doing much much better. Let's hope I write chapter five a bit faster than I did this one LOL!
Please feed me comments, hearts, and reblogs if you liked this 🌹You can find me on A03 as: accidentalslayer
Pairing: Yandere!Elijah & Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader (eventually)
Summary: You should never go to second location with William Webb.
Recommended Song: "People I Don't Like" by: UPSAHL
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Chapter Four: The Prodigal Son (Part Two)
[October 2nd, 1991
Mystic Falls, Virginia]
"Isn't it just perfect?"
Carol wiggled her ring finger in front of Grace so that the diamonds on her wedding band glittered and shone underneath the dim lamplight. "I told Richard not to break the bank, but the silly man just couldn't help himself!"
"Well, I wasn't about to let my wife run around in a cheap knock-off," Rich chuckled, "What kind of husband would I be then?? My woman deserves only the best. Right, hunny?"
"Oh, Rich..."
Grace and William watched in barely suppressed disgust as the Lockwoods shared a kiss between each other. One that lasted a bit too long for it to be comfortable. At a certain point, Grace cleared her throat, hoping it would interrupt them.
"Ah, where are our manners?" Richard Lockwood asked with a coy smile, finally pulling away from his wife, "We were talking, weren't we?"
He didn't wait for either Grace or William to reply before continuing what was starting to seem like a one-way conversation.
"So, Will. What brings Mystic Falls' prodigal son back into town?? Ready to settle down and start a family with somebody special?"
Mr. Lockwood's gaze trailed (not so subtly) over onto Grace, who glowered back at him, and Will. There was cold fire burning deep within her eyes as she did. Something that was historically never a good sign when it came to Grace. William knew from experience. A shiver ran down his spine. He would need to choose his next words with care...
"Ah, no. I'm happy with being a bachelor," he said solemnly, "In all honesty, I'm too busy these days with work to pursue anything really serious."
Carol scoffed, "Oh, that's what they all say!"
"Is it, Carol?" Grace shot back, her tone brisk and lined with edges, "Is that what they all say?"
"It's how I got my Richard."
"Pretty sure you got "your" Richard another way."
"Ladies, ladies!"
The tension mounting around the booth could be cut with a knife. William sensed that he'd have to alter the course of their conversation before both women murdered each other, so he began telling everyone about his new job. And the reason why he'd come back to Mystic Falls. It was 50% half truths, 50% outright lies, but either side hooked his audience and temporarily cooled down their anger. Unfortunately, it also inspired Richard to start talking about his (running) candidacy for mayor. A topic that William cared nothing about and knew was going to steal more valuable time away from him. Time he didn't have. He needed another distraction...
"DRINKS!!" William exclaimed, suddenly bolting upright in the booth and slamming his fist down on the table, "We need more drinks! To celebrate the, uh. The-"
"Candidacy!" Grace finished his sentence, giving Will a look that told him she was thinking on the same wavelength, "To celebrate Richard's future as the mayor of Mystic Falls!! In fact, I'm gonna help this dork here order. He doesn't know an IPA from a porter. Isn't that right, Will?"
William glared at her but was forced to agree for the sake of this charade.
"What a wonderful idea!" Carol brightened at the offer, "I'll have a glass of chardonnay. Tell them to use the Grand Cru."
"Just grab me a brandy. Plain. No ice."
Egos sated, the Lockwoods scooted over, giving William and Grace enough room to get out of the booth. Grace mouthed the word 'hurry' to Will as she grabbed her purse and literally speed walked towards the bar. William followed suit, but before he was able to extricate himself completely, Rich asked him an off-handed question...
"Was it really an animal in the woods that night?"
The only answer William gave Mr. Lockwood was an icy grimace.
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"Steve! Code Crimson. I need you to make direct eye contact with me, nod your head a few times, and act like I've just ordered a few drinks," Grace announced to the man behind the counter when she arrived at the bar, "Dick is being a creep."
Steven, the most seasoned mixologist at the Grill, raised a single brow in response while he continued to work. It looked like he was making a Mystic Moon; one of the most popular cocktails on sale this month and a fairly easy drink to put together. Despite this, Steve was taking his time blending in the blueberry juice, grenadine syrup, and gin.
"Stevie, c'mon. Pretty please? For me??"
The bartender sighed, "Grace, I can 86 any other guy who hits on you here, but Mr. Lockwood is a loyal patron-"
"Oh my god, you're seriously taking bribes from Little Dick now?!" Grace hissed, "Traitor."
"I don't see you paying my rent."
"Watch it, now. I'll stop bringing you a plate every Sunday. I know how much you love my lasagna!"
"You drive a hard bargain, Grace, but I was a line cook once upon a time, remember?? You'll have'ta do better than that."
"I'll start playing Fantasy League Football with you."
"Now we're talking!"
"Ugh, I regret this already."
Steve chuckled, then went straight to pretending that she'd ordered something and left Grace with the sneaking suspicion that he'd gotten the best portion of their deal. William joined her at the bar a second afterward, similarly frustrated. The two friends sighed at the same time. Their night was not going the way they'd expected it would...
William ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair. "So, what now?" he asked Grace, "I still owe you an explanation. A real one."
"Knew that whole 'I'm here for work' story was a crock of shit," She replied while glancing back at both Lockwoods to make sure their eyes weren't upon them. Thankfully, however, Rich and Carol seemed to be distracted by another person now.
"It wasn't all untrue. It just...wasn't all true either."
Grace scowled, "Well, it's great to know I can still tell when you're lying. Let's get out of here."
Luck wasn't on their side tonight. For as soon as they exited the Grill, it began to rain. William tore off his jacket and held it over Grace's head like an umbrella while they ran through the downpour to the safety of his truck. But by the time they'd got inside the vehicle, they were both soaking wet. It was a good thing he'd fixed the heater before the trip here. William turned it on, dialing up the heat to high. Blessed warmth filled the air and fogged the windows like blurry curtains. Providing a sort of privacy that he needed to finally tell Grace the truth.
William took a deep, shaky breath in, then out.
"Grace," he started, "I know you don't remember it, but...you made me promise something on the night of the accident. We swore an oath that if I ever got in over my head with anything, I'd come to you for help. And you swore on your mother's lineage that no matter what, you'd help me. You gotta know, I never wanted this day to come. Not ever. Honest to god! But we made an oath."
A laugh came from Grace. She looked at William with snickering disbelief, "What?? Do you need a loan? You know, you can drop the whole act. It's just you and me now. You reeeeally don't have to make up a story to tell me what the fuck is going on. This isn't high school anymore."
"Yeah, I know. Things would be much simpler to explain if they were..."
William reached into the backseat for a package wrapped in deerskin. He placed it on his lap and gingerly peeled back the animal hide to reveal a pair of bracelets hidden inside. Made from pale, wooden beads that were inscribed with strange symbols, they gave off a supernatural vibe. He brushed his fingers over the twin items. That icy grimace revisited Will's face.
"I fucked up, Grace. I'm sorry," he said, turning to stare at the girl he'd once loved, remorse stuck in his eyes, "You seem really at peace with yourself, too. More at peace than I could ever dream of for you, but-"
"You're not making any sense. Just tell me-"
"-but, you're the only witch in the world who can get these shackles to work! The fate of mankind depends on it. I...depend on it."
Grace shook her head, confused as hell, "What're you even talking about? Witches? Have you been getting high again??"
"Ha. I wish," William replied sadly, then grabbed his ex-girlfriend by the throat, "Please, forgive me for what I'm about to do."
Nobody heard Grace Baker screaming that October morning in the parking lot. Nobody had seen her leave the Grill, either. When the Mystic Falls police investigated her disappearance, they'd find nothing conclusive. Not even video footage. Nothing besides two blurry testimonies from Rich and Carol Lockwood that they'd seen her with someone earlier that evening. Although, they couldn't remember (for the life of them) who it was...
Only the rain was a witness to Grace's fate. And it couldn't tell anyone.
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Michael Trevino, Susan Walters and Rob Pralgo at Epic Con’s I Was Feeling Epic... Again ‘Vampire Diaries’ convention in Covington, Georgia on April 16, 2023.
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deafchild2000 · 2 years
We were robbed of a Tyler Lockwood/Lizzie Saltzman relationship
Let's be honest here: if Julie Plec wasn't an idiot - and Caroline's pregnancy still happened - there is NO way Tyler wouldn't have been something to Lizzie and Josie's lives.
Now, I get it. People grow apart, relationships change, and we can all agree (especially his stans) that Tyler Lockwood needed to get his ass out of Mystic Falls! But let's be honest, while Tyler may have moved on from Caroline - it shouldn't mean he didn't have some relationship with her kids.
What do I mean? Case in point: Tyler knew or had some relationship with the Gemini Coven and its prominent family, the Parkers. He faced the Travelers, the Gemini's enemies, and saved Liz Forbes (Lizzie's surrogate grandmother & namesakes) from being possessed by a Traveler at the cost of being possessed himself. Not to mention, he knew about the Merge and protected his deceased then-girlfriend (Lizzie and Josie's aunt Olivia) from her coven and helped her grief when her twin brother, Lukas, died in the Merge with Kai to protect Jo. And as he worked with the Armory, he probably knew a lot more stuff.
In essence, Tyler had a good chunk of personal history he could have shared with the twins.
Furthermore, if you look at Legacies as a whole, Lizzie had gone through a lot of things Tyler went through:
Heightened emotions & prone to anger - Bipolar Disorder and Anger Issues
Felt unloved and/or betrayed by their fathers - Alaric Saltzman & Richard Lockwood
Used or disrespected by loved ones
Former bullies turned friends with their victims
Misunderstood with few willing to see past their personas - MG & Matt/Jeremy
Popular students in school
More than willing to get involved in school activities
Loyal to their loved ones and friends
Always trying to change and be better people
Unhealthy coping methods - Sex, drinking, and breaking things (interchangeably)
Undeniable love/appreciation for Caroline
Taken advantage by vampires/adults older than them (for Tyler, Klaus, and Kelly Donovan - for Lizzie, Sebastian)
Willingness to do anything and risk their lives for their friends
Easily accepted their Hybrid statuses despite the circumstances of their transitions
Been sire-bonded to a Mikaelson (Klaus/Hope)
(Above) Broken free from their sire bond (Klaus/Hope)
Sought out to get justice for their hurt/dead parent (again by Klaus/Hope)
Learned to move on passed revenge
There's a lot more if you keep digging, but it says a lot about how similar they are. And while Lizzie did get the better end of the stick with Hope, it says so much just how much Lizzie has gone through and - if done right - how much Tyler could have been an important figure to her, helping her work through her darker moments because HE'S BEEN THERE!
(And let's be honest: Tyler survived casual abuse and manipulation from Richard Lockwood, shadiness from his Uncle Mason, and slavery from KLAUS MIKAELSON! With all that and his ability to see the truth - you know he would be a foot away from beating Alaric's ass for being a shitty parent. Like Lizzie, they had also been through similar events, and Tyler would call out Alaric's BS parenting!)
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deafangel2019 · 10 months
Would anyone like to entertain the theory that Richard Lockwood had two sons before he (and they too) died?
Now, everyone knows Michael Trevino was Mexican and cast with white parents. And we either blissfully ignore it or create reasonable explanations, say...having Tyler be born of an affair between Tyler and a maid, with Carol Lockwood raising him as if he was hers.
(Well, I'm leaning towards it but I think Tyler was better off believing what he knew as the truth.)
So I found myself going through the one time mentioned characters and I remembered Jeffery Lockwood-Hamilton, portrayed Justin Price, twice uncredited (supposedly. He shows up two more times as an extra).
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Am I the only one who sees the resemblance!? And also:
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Now, I could say that Justin could've been the book!Tyler and save the issue of typecasting (@cancerian-woman said he looked like a White!Michael Trevino!) yet I realized, from a tv-show/acting perspective - Technically, both Jeffery and Tyler have enough "Lockwood men" facial features that isn't denying that they're from the Lockwood bloodline. And I've always worked at an unconventional angle. So, how about bout instead of treating this as a lost cause, how about a fanfic-worthy opportunity.
Theory: Richard Lockwood had two sons, Tyler and Jeffery. Tyler was born from a dalliance with a Mexican maid and as well as a female relative of his wife, Carol (sister or cousin, who's surname was Hamilton). However, because both pregnancies were a few months apart, Tyler was born first, followed by Jeffery. It was a bit obvious who looked more like Richard, so how did Tyler end up being raised by him?
Honestly, I could say because Tyler was born first, he did everything to make sure that he was legally Richard and Carol's. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Carol had influenced the final decision out of either having been pleaded to by the maid or because she didn't want to raise her relative's kid (or maybe a bit of both).
Either way, we only see Jeffery one (or thrice) in S1 and never again while we got Tyler for nearly the whole duration of the show.
Also, even if you don't believe Tyler got his looks from Richard, then believe he got his looks from Mason! this is a side-by-side comparison with Michael Trevino (Tyler) and Taylor Kinney (Mason):
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laufire · 1 year
lockwood's marriage rituals [carol milf lockwood arranging an auction to get a date with a supposedly 20-something damon] [richard lockwood blatantly flirting with and staring at pearl's ass right in front of his son]... in another show, all of us would've paid A LOT more of attention to you. rip.
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therichlockwood · 1 year
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In contemplation
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swedishwatermelon · 5 months
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wherestheconspiracy · 10 days
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Can I take a moment of your time?
If you loved this show or even if you just like my content I would be very appreciative if you could sign this petition for us to try and save it. Or even if you're as angry as a lot of us that the streamers only count the viewer numbers of the first 30 days of any show, then PLEASE SIGN. This trend is destroying good TV and fandom by not allowing shows to grow organically even when they're critically acclaimed. We are losing so many brilliant, unique, (suspiciously queer 👀 there I said it) shows and at some point we need to put it our foots down. I think Dead Boy Detectives has become this for so many people.
We're making waves, we're trending, we're streaming so much that Dead Boy Detectives is in the Top 5 Everyone's Watching List in multiple countries. Or was No.1 in the UK for two days, and it's now at No.3. There is hope, for once, I like to think. The cast and crew are supporting us with the hashtags (a massive thing!), but every signature makes a difference.
Link here:
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And if you haven't seen it yet, please give it a chance. The unexpected bomb of Baby Reindeer drowned it in the algorithm on release, but despite that is critically acclaimed, with a 92% review score, a 99% audience score and has made the Best TV lists in what has be 30 articles worldwide right now. NOONE understands why it was cancelled. From the brainchild of SPN writers, starring Ruth O'Connell (our beloved Rowena), directed by Richard Speight Jr, it is the perfect replacement for SPN.
It's a beautiful, spooky and quirky show all about friendship, ghosts, mystery; and with so much heart it'll feel like your own is bursting out of your chest, all the while dealing with important issues like grief, death, shame and toxic abuse. This show was an bright spot in a really difficult year for me, and it will be the show I recommend for everyone. I haven't felt this way about a show since Sense8, and so you should all watch it and sign.
Available to stream on Netflix.
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Similar shows we've lost along the way after one season: Lady Jane, Lockwood and Co, 1899, The Accolyte and so many more...
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accidentalslayer · 1 year
Word Count: 1,952
Warnings: N/A for this chapter. Future chapters will explore darker elements, though
Author's Notes: New project, who dis?? Recently fandom-switched to Vampire Diaries/Originals & was inspired to write a little piece about two OCs interacting at the Mystic Grill.
From there on, the plot took hold of my soul, and now I'm writing a fic. Again. Lol.
Pairing: Yandere!Elijah & Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader (eventually)
Summary: Vincent Webb returns to Mystic Falls, Virginia after many years of avoiding his hometown. He decides to catch up with an old flame at the Grill only to be interrupted by his high school arch-nemesis: Richard Lockwood. How awkward for Vince! 🤣
Recommended Song: "Half of my Hometown" by: Kelsea Ballerini
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Chapter One: The Prodigal Son
[October 1st, 1991
Mystic Falls, Virginia]
It hadn't changed. Not one bit. More than 5 years had passed without Vincent Webb, yet Mystic Falls was the same shit hole as it'd been on the day he'd skipped town. 'Like a mosquito caught in amber', he mused to himself, a grimace on his face, 'Or something else that refuses to change despite the march of time'. God was not without his keen sense of irony when he made this place, it seemed, and Vincent was glad that he had left right after graduating from MFHS. Glad that he'd gotten out of Virginia to explore the world. Away from any monster that went bump in the night...
But now, fate had brought him back to Mystic Falls.
The first thing Vincent did when he'd crossed the town line was visit the cemetery where his father laid and took a piss on the old man's tombstone. The second thing he did (immediately afterward) was shoot off a text: 'Hey, you free tonight? Meet you at our usual spot, be there in 30 minutes,' to his ex-girlfriend, Grace. The only woman to have ever stolen his heart or gotten him to consider a future in driving a family minivan around. That's how he'd ended up here at the Grill, tucked away within its backmost lobby, nursing a scotch past twelve. Observing his high-school nemesis, Richard Lockwood, as he flirted shamelessly in front of Carol Lockwood with their young, pretty waitress two booths over. No, some things never changed in Mystic Falls.
Footsteps approached his table. A pair of heels judging from the sound of their clacking on the polished wood floor. His eyes flicked downward to spy an all-too-familiar toe ring that he'd once bought for the girl that he'd loved as a teenager. Grace had arrived. And with her arrival, the ache of nostalgia in his chest. Vincent took a gulp of his drink to steady his nerves as she slid into the seat opposite of him.
"You know," he said, tone casual, "I thought Rich was always gonna end up with that Forbes chick. Not Carol. Remember how annoying they were in sophomore year making out during gym? Blech!! But, I guess he still likes blondes. Carol, though? Awful."
Grace rolled her sapphire eyes, "It's been YEARS, Vince, and /this/ is what you wanna lead with??? Not: 'Gee golly, Grace! I'm sorry for disappearing on you when you needed me, let me clarify what happened the night I literally vanished without a trace so I can take the years of STRESS I caused you off your shoulders! Forgive me, I'm a stupid fucking piece of shit, Grace'-"
His ex's voice rose above his own, "-Grace, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness or your understanding. I'm so, so, so, sooooo very lucky that you're even talking to me right now! Grace, I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, Grace-"
"-'Gracey', WHAT, Vincent?!"
Vincent looked pained when he answered her, regret etched in every wrinkle, and crease on his brow:
"You're right. I'm a piece of shit, Grace. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you the way I did back then. It's just...some family stuff happened after the accident. And I couldn't talk about it to anyone at the time. I didn't mean to hurt you. Honest truth, that wasn't my intention."
Deep, oceanic blues narrowed upon him. Grace stared at Vincent for a few breathless moments (skeptically, silently) as if attempting to bore a hole through his soul by sheer force of will.
"UGH, I can't stay mad at you!" she relented in a sudden huff, "I'm just glad you're alive. You have no clue how worried I was about you! We were all worried about you! There was a rumor that you'd died, Vince. That some kind of animal had gotten you out in the woods!"
A shadow fell over Vincent's face. He mumbled another apology to his ex, "Grace, I mean it. I'm sorry. I really truly am..."
"That's alright, Vince. It's water under the bridge now," she replied, grabbing the Grill's menu that lay on the table between them and browsing the selections, "Besides, you're going to buy me ALL the expensive booze I want tonight, anyways."
"Wait, I'm gonna WHAT??"
Grace snickered mischievously, then imitated his casual tone from before, "Payback, ya know? It's a thirsty bitch, Vince."
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When Vincent met Grace Baker, it was freshman year of high school, and he'd just gotten swirlied by Logan Fell. While he was drying his hair with a paper towel in the men's bathroom, Grace had wandered out of its corner stall, gripping a pint of (half-drunk) Jack Daniels. Wearing that same cheeky grin she was wearing now, Grace offered him some, mentioning that: 'nerds like them had to stick together'. Tonight, the two of them were completing an ancient circle. This time around, it was Vincent's turn to buy the drinks.
Grace made his wallet hurt. She chose every ale and IPA off the reserve menu, then moved onto taking shots. Vincent tried to enjoy the moment, knowing full well that he was going to regret it all tomorrow. One way or another.
Their table piled up quickly with empty glasses, cups, and pitchers. As it did, their conversation grew more nostalgic. Both of them blamed it on the quality of the liquor.
"They hired a better fucking bartender since I've been gone! Do you remember the shit that David used to make for us back in the day?"
"Oh yeah!! We called it, uhhhh, "Witch's Brew" or something like that, right? It tasted so nasty but man did it fuck us up! Jodie could NOT hold that stuff down, though. Remember when she puked all over Mrs. Bennett's rug after Prom Party at the Grill?? And then we had to clean it up before she got home?"
"How could I forget?! Hahaha! I'm still scrubbing burger chunks out of my memory to this day!"
Their conversation grew more sentimental. They blamed it on how long it had been since either of them talked...
"You know, you were the only one back then who I could ever really be myself around. You just got me somehow. It was like we were...connected or something. Oh my God, that sounds corny as all fuck now that I say it, hahaha!"
"No, no, no, noooo! Not corny. Not corny for even a minute. Grace, I felt the same way. I didn't have to pretend around you. I could just be myself..."
"Same! We had our own language."
"Pig Latin. We used to make Mr. Brown SO MAD when he couldn't read our notes to the class. He was such a nosey prick back then!"
"Haha, yeah!! Yeah, he fucking was!! Remember when you literally ate your detention slip in front of him and he nearly had an aneurysm?! The little vein in his forehead was popping out, hahaha!!"
"Is Mr. Brown still teaching?"
"Naaahhh. Fired for taking pictures of his female students."
"Ha! Called it. I knew that guy was a creep!"
Their conversation grew more dangerous. They'd both blame it on themselves (and on each other) in the morning. One of them would swear that it had never happened at all.
"Our first date: do you remember where you took me??"
"Oh man, putting me on the spot. Uuuuhh, it was Fell's Church. We went to Fell's Church because I thought I was being edgy and cool. But you. You, uhhh, you said-"
"-I said the place smelt like raw ass so we left. We went to Grove Hill afterward. To that antique Bed and Breakfast for coffee."
"Yeah! Oh jeeze, that wasn't my best moment. It was the first date I'd ever had. I didn't know what girls wanted..."
"Get out!! Really?!"
"Serious as daylight."
"Do you ever...regret it? Even just a tiny bit? Your first date being with me? I-I know how much you loved Mercy-"
"I would've married you. I would've married you right after graduation."
"Things just got in the way. Please, understand I never wanted to-"
Grace flinched. The warmth and approachability she'd possessed only a moment ago evaporated, replaced by a mask of ice. A practiced smile that didn't quite reach her eyes curved across her red lips. She put down her drink (a little forcefully on the table), feigning indifference while she spoke. But it was obvious that she wasn't happy with his heart-felt confession one bit.
"Look, Vincent," Grace said, shrugging, "We're all grown up now. We've made our own choices. You don't have to justify yourself to me, okay? Really. You don't! It's been YEARS since high school. As much as I miss it, I've moved on from ruminating about what could've been. And this surprise visit has been great, but... I really just want to get this over with so we can go back to our own lives. I'm missing Movie Night with my kids."
It was Vincent's turn to flinch now. Suddenly, he felt old. Like somehow, life had passed him by in the span of a blink.
"K-kids? You have kids??" He croaked, "When did that happen? How many do you...?"
Grace laughed, "Very first year into college! How scandalous, right?? Aaaand I've got two; an older son and a daughter. Alexander and Dawn. Dawn just had her birthday a couple of days ago. It was Beauty and the Beast themed. She was dressed up as Belle. She's been in a "princess everything" phase ever since she watched Sleeping Beauty. My son, though? He just really likes playing Street Fighter."
"Who's the-"
Vincent's mouth seemed to have trouble forming the words despite his best efforts. He pressed on valiantly, though...
"-the, ya know? The uh, father? Is he...?"
Grace flattened instantly. She sighed, rubbing at her forehead as if she had a big headache, "Just tell me why you're here, Vince. Tell me why you'd come back to Mystic Falls after all these years?? You haven't said a word to me since graduation! No, since before the accident! And you decide to appear tonight? Out of the blue? Just...randomly for shits and giggles? No, no. What's really going on, Vin-"
Two voices sliced through Grace's question and stole the moment:
"It's Vincent Webb!!"
"My, my! It IS! And with Grace Baker too!"
Both Vincent and Grace cringed as soon as they heard the sound. Memories flooded back to their previous lives in high school. And the humiliation they'd suffered together at the hands of the ones who'd just interrupted them; Richard Lockwood and his (now) wife, Carol Lockwood. Grace stood up immediately to leave. Vincent tried his best to follow suit but was stopped when Rich sat down in the empty space next to him, blocking off his escape route and locking him into the booth until Rich decided otherwise. Carol did the same with Grace.
"Well, I'll be damned!" Rich exclaimed, flashing a toothy smile at Vincent, "Aren't you a blast from the past?! I haven't seen you around my town in YEARS! And Grace, lovely to see you as always. How are your little ones doing?? What about that rambunctious son of yours?"
Carol laughed and subtly displayed the wedding ring she wore as she did so, "Oh, it's just like high school again! Isn't it, Rich?"
"Indeed," Rich agreed all too readily, "except I'm not giving this ol' boy here a flushie, hahaha! No, I kid, though. This man took his licks like a man! Isn't that right, Vince?".
Grace and Vincent exchanged helpless, annoyed glances between each other...
It was going to be a long night.
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desos-records · 11 months
if I had a nickel for every series I’ve read where the charming but annoyingly posh lead male protagonist—almost exclusively referred to by last name—who has a distinct weaponized persona built mainly around blinding smiles and aggressive etiquette to hide his self-destructive tendencies, is prophesied to die and knows this because a ghost version of himself conveyed as much to his love interest (who is also the person prophesied to kill him) I would have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but what are the fucking ODDS
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ganseysmagiciansz · 11 days
bluesey and locklyle are the same sort of whimsical comforting heartwarming ship to me okay
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akingwithabrokensword · 3 months
just a bunch of things (and characters) that reminds me to richard campbell gansey III and I can't stop thinking about.
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moonlitcanvas · 20 days
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i love them sm
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bobbimorse1fan · 2 months
i love bobbi morse more than i love gansey. and that’s scary
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One day I’ll compile all my evidence that Lockwood, Gansey, and Darlington are all the same character (starting with the fact that they all go by their last names)
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writersblocktango · 1 year
Alright fandoms I’m recommending a new game: You provide a quote, specific situation, or character description and we decide whether it comes from Kaz Brekker, Anthony Lockwood, Ronan Lynch, Richard Gansey, Damian Wayne, young Bruce Wayne, Percy Jackson, or Five Hargreeves because, while I’m not entirely sure what category of character they are, I think it is my favorite character category.
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