#Richie is a supportive boyfriend
nolita-fairytale · 5 months
pov: carmy makes people magazine's sexiest chef alive list
a/n: this is a little blurb inspired by ayo's incredible reaction to every interviewer ever asking her about jaw's calvin klein campaign.... if you haven't seen it, she just hides the photo or makes the funniest 'please don't bring this up' face while exclaiming: that's my boy! this is a work function! you can see it here (watch till the end you will not regret it ayo'[email protected] -- it costs A LOT of money lmao). anyways, congrats to my golden globe winners eeeeeek!
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riding the high of the bear's newest award: best restaurant great lakes, and buzzed on the best that veuve cliquot has to offer, as many staff members of the bear as possible have to come to celebrate at the james beard awards once again.
of course, you're hoping this year's afterparty will be a little less eventful -- not that you're mad at how last year's ended.
you, carmy, syd, richie, natalie, marcus, tina, and ebra are all gathered for an interview, answering questions about taking home the big win for the restaurant.
"last year chef sydney took home the rising star award, and this year it's best restaurant great lakes. how does it feel?" the interviewer, a well known and james beard-award winner herself, sophia roe asks as her cameraman follows closely behind.
"yeah, it's uh, wow. it's a huge accomplishment and we cannot be more honored to be taking this win home," sydney answers with a grin stretched far across her face.
it's surreal, for all of you, really.
"and chef carmy, i hear there's another congratulations in order," sophia continues. "you made people magazine's sexiest chef list this year and then shortly after, had a profile done in GQ."
nat groans in response while richie snickers, only too quick to whip out the screenshot he has on his phone of the article as carmy turns beet red.
"i uh... yeah. that was um... a surprise," he stammers his eyes shifting from the interviewer to you, and then to richie for a death glare.
"oh don't worry. i got it riiiiiiight here," richie says, eager to rush over to the interviewer and revel in carmy's embarrassment.
"oh put that away!!" sydney snaps, pushing richie's phone down.
"mixed reviews from the restaurant staff?" sophia asks curiously.
"looks like i'm the only proud of our guy," richie gloats, shooting you a look that causes your eyes to roll.
"no of course not!" sydney exclaims.
"it's just-, that's my brother!" natalie is quick to chime in, defending sydney.
"exactly. that's my boy! that's-, he's our-, this is our family," sydney explains passionately. "that's her brother." and then a quick gesture to you. "and that's her husband!"
"my what?!" you exclaim, caught off guard.
carmy snorts out a laugh in response to you while the interviewer and cameraman chuckle.
"sorry! that's her mans. that's her boyfriend, yknow?" sydney corrects herself with a laugh, before continuing to answer the interviewers question, this time with both marcus and richie to support.
"can't start any rumors, now can we?" you mutter under your breath, for only carmy to hear.
carmy only snakes his arm around your waist, hugging you closer to him this time.
"and if you ask me," you add, mischievously. "i'd be more than happy to tell everyone about your new accolade of 'sexiest chef alive' if i knew it wouldn't totally humiliate you."
carmy laughs dryly this time, "good thing syd jumped to my defense then first, babe."
"good thing."
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stararch4ngelqueen · 2 months
Quick Maintenance
Time Written - 11:42 p.m
(Idk where I was going with this, so it isn’t proofread.)
Your heavy eyes blinked, slipping in an out of mental focus from the soft snip snip near your right side. Minor tufts of wet hair trickled down your shoulder, sliding along your freshly washed graphic shirt.
“Stay still, baby,” he murmurs, tilting your chin up to keep a level field as focused eyes squinted to study his work.
Calloused hands held thin, little shears he pulled out from the bathroom drawer, snipping away at little uneven pieces of hair he left unchecked.
Work, school, the sheer stress of wondering what kind of person you were in this world would get to you. You weren’t always like this, priding yourself on not caring what the world thought, meanwhile beaming like a ray of sunshine to all those who knew you once you stepped out the door.
One of the toughest enemies you could ever face in your lifetime, who knows every gruesome detail of your agony, every weak bone in your body, holding each detail of your flawed skin to memory, was the teary eyed person that stared back at you in the mirror.
Some days you barely had the strength to get out of bed, brush your hair, or get some water.
If you didn’t have a bodyguard of a worrisome, golden retriever boyfriend leading you towards the bathroom for a haircut, bedrotting would’ve remained a much easier task.
Dick didn’t force you to cut your hair, the idea came to you before you took a shower. Maybe a minor change was needed, something new within your control to make you feel a little better. You came to him after your long, hot shower with said offer, the man slouched on the couch with brow raised.
“Can you help me cut my hair?” You asked, presenting him with some old scissors you fished out from under the sink.
What an offer to receive on such a late evening. Dick never felt happier to see you out of bed, hair wet and changed into a pair of fresh clothes. All anxiety for you melted off his shoulders, sparing his thumbnails from being chewed on a second longer.
“Of course,” he rises from the couch, said old scissors now in his hand. Now, he sat you ontop of the toilet, gently tilting your head side to side with care to make sure every cut was as clean and even as possible.
A favor for a favor, he thought. You helped him cut his hair when it looked way too outgrown to your liking, way past ‘sexy mullet,’ in obvious words. Nowadays, keeping his hair at jawline was both for preference and convenience, though maintenance would’ve been a pain if not for you.
You offered to cut it for him the first few times, he always questioned why. Gotham cuts hair starting at at least twenty five dollars, which he could obviously afford, but having your pretty fingers run through his locks? He’s trusted no one else since.
“Twenty five bucks is twenty five bucks.”
“Twenty five bucks could be spent on dinner for your stylist,” you’d muse, cute brows bowed in deep concentration on getting the length just right. Your prized perfectionist skills left him feeling in good hands.
“I’m proud of you, y’know,” he says to you, voice lowered to a concentrated level that soothed your ears. Any accomplishment you do on one of your bad days was a gold star in Dick’s book.
His support of soft, comforting words of praise acted like a chamomile balm on a soothing ache. Your mind eventually would be soothed, lulling you into a state of affection he provided so well, sometimes reducing you to tears.
“Though, I’m a little disappointed you didn’t use my body wash.” He mumbles, now using some smaller, much thinner scissors to catch the tiny wisps he missed, taking after your perfectionist tendencies.
A trickle of a smile lasted a few seconds on your lips. “Today didn’t feel like a ‘sea salt and cedar’ day, Richie.”
“Guess that’s fair, least you’re wearing my shirt,” his cheeky grin was contagious, your heart warming at the joy that erupted in his eyes in witness to your gorgeous smile.
“There. All done, beautiful.” Dick concludes, brushing remnants of hair off your shoulder before his thumb stroked along your cheekbone, planting a kiss on your forehead.
A short two step to the bathroom sink left you staring at yourself in the mirror once more, your desired length now becoming reality.
In all honesty, you didn’t exactly like the length of the haircut. Picturing it differently in your mind had you assuming more grand expectations on the outcome.
It wasn’t all new, but it was different, a good different. A good, new you, one you’d appreciate and cherish, because that’s what you always deserved.
Besides, Dick Grayson, your puppy eyed golden retriever would make sure you were satisfied with the outcome. How could you say you didn’t like it to such a handsome face? Impossible.
“How’s takeout sound?” He questioned, watching your hands busy themselves by brushing through your new hair, feeling visibly softer along your fingertips.
“I’m thinking … something spicy.” He slips an arm over your front accompanying a soft squeeze, gifting you a smile through the mirror’s reflection. “It feels like a spicy day, yeah?”
“Anything Sounds delicious,” you admitted, your body recognizing and remembering what hunger felt like after hours of feeling numb under soft blankets and pungent silence.
“Gotcha, I’ll call up a place.” Dick steps to the side, allowing you room before reaching for the sink drawer.
“Where’d you get these scissors, anyway? They’re so tiny.”
“Oh,” you quickly recall the memory, an event quite a long while ago while on an essentials stop at a local corner side pharmacy.
“Accidentally forgot to pay for them,” you hesitantly admit, recalling the particular day. Maybe you’d forgotten to pay for an eyebrow kit that came with an adorably small pair of gold trimming scissors.
“My girlfriend, the thief,” Dick repeats with feigned surprise, shaking his head in mocked disbelief.
“Ima have to report you for this,” he smirks, glancing at you out the corner of his eye. “How much were these, anyway?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “Like, seven bucks?”
“Huh,” Dick clicks his tongue before plopping said scissors back into their designated drawer, promptly sliding it shut.
“Seven bucks is seven bucks.”
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i just finished working boys. holy shit??/pos
mentions of show spoilers under cut
SO. welcome to my ted talk. i just finished working boys. what. the. FUCK. but like in a good way. i loved it! i watched it with my dad kinda and i was giggling the entire time. i love rob as hidgens but if hidgens was anyone else BESIDES jeff i would have honestly not felt the same about it. jeff did great in the whole thing.
also, RUTHH!!.., MY BABY💔💔 SHE DID NO WRONG. IT WAS HER DEBUT☹️ she did great and i loved the few seconds of screentime she had.
the people in the audience were also making my tism alarm go off. if i can recall it was bill, ted, officer bailey, ms mulberry, richie, grace, gerald, linda, and brenda? those are all the people i can remember. seeing richie and grace go to see ruth actually made me go crazy i love them all SO MUCH. i wanna take richie and shake him. Ted was being a little asshole as always/pos. poor bill was abandoned. AND GERALD AND LINDA? oh my god i love them. i have a love-hate relationship with linda except she doesnt know who i am and would spit on me and i love her but also need her to suffer. I wanted to take the scene where him and linda are cuddling and just stay there forever. officer bailey made me laugh but also how is that man a cop. he just handed grace the gun?? ALSO GRACE IS SO BADASS BUT SHES CRAZY?? SUPPORT WOMENS WRONGS!! she started saying sumthing about the lord and i got chills.
the dead workin boys?? that was so sick what??
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uhm uhm im gonna shut up now because my brain is being overwhelmed by over analyzing this but please please please talk to me about this
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randomsufff · 7 months
I’m back Michie girlies and this has been on the dome for a while but I’ve been seeing people mention it and at least one fic has executed this idea (“I once was his tutor” I salute you 🫡) but I need to just present this idea anyways because it has COOKED for a while-
I think it would be absolutely fucking hilarious if Max had started treating Richie the way he did Grace. Like the whole, dumb himbo act where he laughs real hard at non-jokes and tries to rizz Richie up as he’s going to class.
In my head- this is connected to the “Richie tutors Max” universe, so in my mind- Richies been helping him out and he’s been getting to know the guy, Max either: 1) eventually realizes how much of a capital P Prude Grace is OR (the funnier option I think) 2) Grace, in her want to get thoughts of Max Jäegerman out of her head, goes so far in the opposite direction that she somehow accidentally sleeps with a woman and is no longer “forbidden fruit” as Max puts it. (Insert side story of Grace battling internalized homophobia as she developed a friends-with-benefits turned maybe actual relationship with…. idk Deb or Alice or someone.) Cue Max looking at Richie and being like “I can totally seduce this nerd, my skills aren’t lacking just because I couldn’t get Grace.. this is 100% not me subconsciously really liking the dude and wanting to genuinely date him and knowing no other way to outwardly express this”
ANYWAYS- point is I need Max to try to flirt with Richie in that himbo way that he did with Grace-and I need Richie “This projects on thermodynamics… what the fuck are you talking about???” Lipshitz to just be constantly confused on what’s happening to him.
AND THEN when he finally realizes that Max is trying to get with him, I need Mr. Richie “has definitely never been with or slept with anyone and is just as unhinged and horny as Ruth (need I remind you she said Stephanie was the object of both their sexual fantasies)” Lipshitz to look at Max, really debate over it, before going “I may not have standards but I, unfortunately, have morals” and that he couldn’t do anything with Max since he was… well…his and his friends bully for years.
Boom, kick start the redemption arc that starts with Max just wanting to sleep with Richie but shifts to genuinely wanting to date him and trying to open up/clean up his act.
(Also- to add to that ‘“Dirty Girl Soup” Richie version’ concept that I’ve seen somewhere- I think it would be so fucking funny if Max’s equivalent to this, scandalous, forbidden, sexual fantasy was just Richie being the most supportive, understanding and healthiest boyfriend ever. Just accidentally fantasizing them in the most domestic situation ever (you know, because it goes against his Literal Monster persona). Like Richie’s, i don’t fucking know, holding his hand as they get coffee together and is just so understanding and calming when Max attempts to bully this fantasy Richie, and Max-who is just swimming in toxic masculinity (but is super ok in knowing he’s bi. As people say- he’s an actual asshole but he will bully you using your correct pronouns damnit)- is just like “NO, what are these feelings??? Why do I feel like this??? This is so wrong… but why does this feel… actually nice???” Yeah… funny shit)
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rollingsins · 1 year
all hers, part xiv
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: The scooby-gang formulate a plot to stop Ghostface in his tracks. Tara and R deal with the aftermath of the attack.
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, smut, 18+. pussy-eating, vaginal fingering, face-sitting, rim jobs, mention of anal sex.
word count: 3.5k
a/n: 👀 smut delivered as per popular request. as always, thanks so much for your support - let me know what you want to see next!
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The morning passes in a blur. 
Tara is glued to your side throughout, scouring the hallways and the backs of classrooms like Ghostface might pop out at any second. 
In a combination of her morning vigilance and lack of sleep, her eyes are red and watery by lunchtime. 
You sit together in the cafeteria, her head resting against your shoulder, her eyes drooping slightly. Her food is left untouched. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Liv asks as she settles down into the seat opposite you. 
You press a protective hand to the top of Tara’s head, thread your fingers through her dark hair. 
“She didn’t sleep well, that’s all.” You say.
“I wouldn’t sleep well either if my girlfriend was being hunted by Ghostface,” Chad says without thinking, his mouth full. 
Liv smacks him. If Tara hears his comment, she doesn’t react, just nestles in a little closer, determined to use your shoulder as a pillow. 
“Why don’t we go home?” You say, rubbing her back, “My parents will be out, they’ll never know we skipped.”
“No.” Tara says, sleepy voice roused suddenly, “Us home alone in the middle of the day? That’s the perfect time for Ghostface to attack.” 
“It is.” Mindy agrees, scooting into the spot next to Chad, “Although, I wouldn’t get too comfortable here, either.” She gestures behind her, “Ghostface attacked Sidney Prescott in the middle of the day in that bathroom like twenty-something years ago.” 
You glare as Tara sits up, suddenly wide awake. 
“Can you not say things like that?” You hiss, “She’s already freaked out enough.” 
“She should be.” Mindy says, “And so should you. This isn’t the time to get comfortable. We need to figure out who Ghostface is and what they want with you.” 
“I know who it is,” Tara says, “It’s Richie, my sister’s freak of a boyfriend.” 
“We don’t know that,” You say. You glare at Mindy, a little. Now she’d set Tara off there was no hearing the end of it. 
Mindy ignores you, her interest piqued. 
“Tell me more about him.” 
“He’s a deadbeat,” Tara says, a little too enthusiastically, “Went to college but he works at a bowling alley. Plays video-games all day in his tighty-whities.”
Mindy scrunches her nose, “A little too much information, Tara.” 
“None of this started until he moved in with us,” Tara insists. 
“What about motive?” Mindy asks, eyebrows scrunched like she’s trying to solve a particularly difficult math problem. 
“I’ve not exactly been the most… welcoming host,” Tara says with a shrug, “Maybe he’s got thin skin.” 
This is a pointless exercise. You know the motive, and so does Tara. Mindy is quite literally taking a stab in the dark. You touch Tara’s face, just under her tired eyes. 
“We’ll call the Sheriff after school. See if Richie’s story about driving to the restaurant is true,” You say, hoping it’ll be enough to satiate her, “But can we not rule out other people? It could be anyone, babe.” 
“She’s right,” Mindy says, taking a bite of her salad, “It could be anyone. That’s the only rule in Woodsboro.” 
Tara purses her lips, but she doesn’t argue. Leaning back into you, like she’s just remembered her fatigue. You press your lips to her forehead. 
“If you won’t come home, let’s go to the library.” You press, rubbing the back of her neck, “There’s always tons of people there. You can nap and I’ll keep watch.” 
“We’ll come too,” Chad pipes up, his mouth half full of pizza, “I hate Chemistry anyway. Besides, we’re a team right? That masked coward isn’t taking anymore of us.” 
Mindy and Liv nod in agreement.
It’s an odd sort of setup but it works. 
The librarian isn’t paid enough to care that the five of you should be in class, so you scoot right past her to a small breakout area near the back of the library. 
You take the couch, let Tara stretch out and lay her head in your lap. Chad and Liv sit opposite, Mindy on an armchair, back against the wall so she can keep watch. Tara only agrees to sleep after making the four of you swear black and blue you’ll wake her at the first sign of trouble.
You hand curls around the taser in your pocket, ready to whip it out at any sudden movement. Tara, seemingly secure, falls asleep within minutes. She’s so sweet when she’s sleeping, fingers curled tight around your hand, eyes fluttered shut, her mouth slightly open. You brush her hair out of her eyes, rub her cheek soothingly. 
Liv watches you, catches your eye as you look over at her. 
“I’ve been thinking,” She says, a little slowly, like she’s trying to be careful with her words, “Ghostface is going to keep coming after you, right? He doesn’t often let a victim escape.” 
You stare. 
“Yeah. Thanks for reminding me, Liv.” 
“No,” She shakes her head, like you’re misunderstanding, “What I mean is, we don’t know who he is. And if he’s going to keep coming for you anyway - maybe there’s something we can do to stop him. Unmask him.” 
“You want to trap him?” You ask, chewing your lip. 
Liv nods, enthusiastically. She looks to Chad for his backup. He looks a little hesitant.  
“I don’t know Liv..” 
“Babe. Come on.” Liv insists. She tugs at his hand, “They’re our friends, we can’t just let Ghostface come for them.” 
“We’re not.” Chad says, gesturing around, “Why do you think we’re all in the library watching Tara sleep? For fun?” He raises his voice a little too high. You shush him, press your hand against Tara’s head, trying to muffle the sounds of their voices. She doesn’t move, still deep in her much-needed sleep. 
“It’s not a bad idea,” Mindy says, slowly, “I mean, the biggest advantage he has is that you don’t know who he is. If we can identify him, it’s all over.” 
Liv nods, enthusiastically. 
“We could lure him into a trap. Unmask him. And then you’ll both be safe.” 
You bite your lip. It sounds risky, sure, but no riskier than your situation already is. Liv’s right: Ghostface isn’t likely to stop coming after you. 
“We’ll see what Tara thinks when she wakes up.” You say, rub her back, ever so slightly. 
A little while goes by. Chad and Liv hold hands, quietly chat. Mindy watches the door. You watch Tara, content with the steady sounds of her breathing. 
And then that second coffee you’d had in the morning comes around for payback. 
You look around the library, biting your lip. The last thing you want to do is leave Tara. But you don’t want to wake her either. You’ll leave her with Chad and Mindy, take Liv for security. You’re in the process of trying to shuffle Tara’s head off your lap without waking her when a voice stops you. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Mindy says, not looking up from her phone. 
“Huh?” You say
Mindy shoots you a look. 
“You’re thinking about going off somewhere by yourself. To get food, or to pee. Don’t even think about it.” 
“I wasn’t going to go alone,” You assure, your back up a little, “I was going to ask Liv to come with me.” 
Mindy snorts. 
“My point exactly. And what sort of help do you suppose Liv is going to give you if Ghostface attacks? Other than being a meat shield?”
“Hey!” Liv pipes up. Mindy ignores her. 
“Fine,” You say, “You come with me then.” You press your hand to Tara’s head, “Please. She needs to sleep, I don’t want to wake her.” 
“Absolutely not,” Mindy says, her attention back on her phone, “No offense, but I don’t want to be responsible for you. I’d rather fight Ghostface himself than Tara if something were to go wrong. Besides-” 
She sits up, eyes glinting, “How do you know I’m not Ghostface?” 
“Because if you were Ghostface you would have agreed to go with her,” Tara says, voice groggy as she stirs in your lap. 
You shoot Mindy a look, try to press Tara back down into your lap. 
“Baby,” You soothe her, “It’s okay, go back to sleep.”
She stirs, sitting up in your lap, a yawn on her lips, “It’s fine, I’m up now. Where do you want to go?” 
The five of you leave the Library together, reconvening in the girls bathroom. You feel like you’re the President or something, four bodyguards by your side, marching you down the hallways, ready to take on anyone who crosses paths with you. 
Chad and Mindy agree to keep watch outside the door while Tara and Liv accompany you into the bathroom. 
Liv immediately finds the mirror, desperate to apply her lipstick of all things. You could make a snide comment about her gussying herself up for Ghostface but you need to pee far too bad to bother. Tara hovers at the cubicle stall, her hand pressed against the door. 
“You okay, babe?” She asks, for the fourth time since you’d sat down, “I don’t hear anything.” 
You didn’t anticipate how difficult it would be to go under these conditions. Half of you wishes she’d waited outside. 
“I’m fine, Tara,” You assure, “Can you back up a bit? I don’t want you to hear me pee.” 
“Oh, I totally get that,” You hear Liv’s voice from the mirror, “There’s nothing romantic about hearing your significant other pee. I don’t even let Chad fart in front of me. If he needs to, he has to go outside.” 
Tara huffs. You squint your eyes, trying to force it. Leaving Liv and Tara in an enclosed space is suddenly less appealing than Tara hearing you pee.  
“I’ll run the facet, babe.” Tara says, stepping away. 
Then, you hear the door open, hear Mindy’s voice. 
“What’s taking so long in here?” She asks, “We’re skipping classes, remember? Not a great look if a teacher catches us roaming the halls.” 
“Since when do you care about not being in class?” Tara asks. 
The door opens again. 
“Chad, this is the girls bathroom.” Liv says, sounding scandalized, “Get out.” 
“No way. I’m not standing out there by myself,” Chad says. He shuts the door behind him, “There’s a psycho running around.”
He pauses. 
“What’s taking so long? Is she pooping?”
“Okay, everybody out.” You declare, loudly, “I can’t pee if you’re all here.” 
They grumble, but file out one by one. Tara doesn't move, you can see her sneakers under the stall door. 
“Babe, you too.” 
She doesn’t want to, you can tell by the way she hesitates. 
“Babe. Please.” 
She relents. 
“All right,” She says, “I’ll be right outside. Use your whistle if you need anything. I’ll be back in a minute.” 
You hear the door close behind her and sigh with relief. 
You don’t get attacked mid-pee, perhaps the greatest victory of the day. 
You spend the rest of the afternoon holed up in the library with Tara and her friends, waiting for an attack that never comes. You swear Mindy is a little disappointed when she drives off with Chad and Liv in tow, promising the five of you would come up with a game plan for the Ghostface trap tomorrow in school. 
When you and Tara get home, she’s still a little on edge. 
“Let’s have an early night,” You suggest after your shower, curling her hand around yours as you lead her to your bedroom, “You need to get some sleep.”
But she doesn’t fall asleep, even after promising she would. 
She tosses and turns in your arms, sitting up abruptly at any sudden noise. Her heartbeat wild, erratic. She’s unsettled. She’s scared. Even with the handgun at your side. 
“Baby,” You groan as she sits up again suddenly, leaning over you to double check the gun is loaded, “Please. You need to sleep.” 
“I’m trying,” She says, “I hate this. I feel like he’s going to burst through the window at any moment and if I’m asleep-”
“I’ll be awake,” You finish, pull her back down into you, “And I’ll wake you straight away. Like I promised.” 
“What if you fall asleep?” She asks, chewing her lip. 
“I won’t babe, I promise.” You say. You rub her bare thighs, try to calm her down. 
“You need to relax.” 
You kiss her softly, a thought occurring at the way her hands grip tight on your t-shirt. You tug her a little closer, dip down to squeeze her ass. 
“And I think I know something that will calm you down.” 
She murmurs something inaudible as you lean down to kiss her neck, tightening your grip on her hips. It works like a charm. You feel her physically relax against you, threading her fingers through your hair as you trail your lips over her collarbone. 
You swipe your tongue across her neck, tease her gently with your lips and tongue until she’s sighing, grinding her hips into yours. It isn’t hard to pry her out of her nightshirt, underwear soon to follow. She’s equally concerned with getting you naked, the thrill that shoots through you at her naked body on yours never getting old. 
Then she’s pulling away, a dangerous look in her eyes. 
“You know what would relax me?��� She says, eyes sparkling, “If you let me do that thing I’ve been wanting to do.” 
That thing involves Tara sticking her strap-on somewhere it definitely didn’t belong. Your stomach flips at the thought. 
“Nice try.” You say, press a kiss to her lips, “You know the deal. You can do it to me if I can do it to you. You first.” 
She pouts, cups your sex with her hand. 
“Not even a finger?” She says, voice coy. 
You shake your head. 
“What about my tongue?”
You consider it. 
It turns you on, the fact that she wants it so badly. You’ll let her have it eventually, you’d let her do almost anything to you. But you want her to earn it. You want to make it all the more special when she finally gets it. 
“Tongue is fine. Outside only.” 
She leans down and kisses you, eyes filling with excitement. 
“Yes, Ma’am.” She murmurs before she’s slipping down your body to pull your thighs over her shoulders, looking like a kid in a candy store. 
Her lips are hot against your inner thighs, hands gripping around your thighs as she pulls you closer to her. She works you up just right, nipping and licking and sucking at your thighs, pressing warm kisses to the inside of your knees. You moan under her as her lips find your folds, lapping leisurely at the syrup that is the fruits of her labor. 
“Baby,” You groan as she diverts back to your thighs, “Don’t tease.” 
She’s a sucker for you, you know by the way she relents within moments. Her tongue runs over your clit gently, then down to lap at your entrance. You gasp. Her fingers tighten around your thighs as she moves back up and takes your clit between her lips, sucking hard. 
You writhe underneath her, embarrassingly close to cumming before she’s trailing her lips down, disappointment flooding through you as she releases your clit. 
And then you feel her tongue there. 
You can help the low groan that slips out of your mouth. 
It feels dirty, taboo. Exciting. 
It feels different.
She trails her tongue around the rim, then she’s lapping at your asshole like there’s no tomorrow. Her fingers slip inside your pussy, she curls her fingers upwards creating the strangest and most pleasant sensation. 
You sigh, grip your own breasts in your hands as she works her magic, tilting just to the edge - so close. 
And then stops. 
You almost cry out of frustration. 
She kisses her way back up your stomach to your mouth, slipping her fingers out. They’re sticky, warm against your hips as she squeezes you. 
And then you feel her drop them down lower. Fingertips skirting gently against your asshole. 
The look in her eyes is animalistic. 
“Let me put them in,” She almost begs, her voice desperate, needy, “Please baby, I want your ass so bad. I just want to be inside you.” 
You reach down for her hand, redirect her fingers and slip them knuckle deep inside your pussy. 
“There,” You say, cheeky smile on your face, “Now you’re inside me.”
“I hate you,” She mumbles, but kisses you all the same, curls her fingers only slightly. You gasp, tilt your hips up to meet her fingers. 
It only takes a few hard thrusts before you’re groaning, tightening around her fingers. Eyes closed, body thrumming as your orgasm overtakes you. She kisses you through it, holds you tight as you come down. 
When your heartbeat has slowed, she’s still pressing kisses to your chest. You feel her against your thigh, sticky and wet. Desire floods through you once again. 
“Come up here,” You murmur, tilting her hips up to you. 
She gets the message quickly, skirts up your body until her thighs are either side of your head. You grip her hips, pull her down to meet your mouth. She’s wet, so wet, you don’t even need to tease her. 
You wrap your hands around her thighs, wanting to be encompassed by her. Lips finding her wet heat immediately. You lick her folds once, clean her up a little before trailing your tongue to her entrance, letting her tight pussy encompass your tongue. She rides you a little, before you lick your way up to her clit and lovingly work her into an orgasm. 
Her smell, her taste is perfect. You could do this forever. Have her sit upon your face and make her moan and gasp the way she is right now. She’s given up all pretense of trying to hold herself upright, her full weight atop you. Your fingernails dig into the milky skin of her thighs, trying to keep her in place as you suck her. In only minutes, she’s groaning, rewarding your efforts with an orgasm and a fresh wave of cum drizzling into your open mouth. 
You’re a little disappointed when she climbs off you, slumping down to curl into your body. Sweat on her forehead, sticky, keeping her dark hair welded to it. You kiss her head. Murmur that you love her against her sticky skin. 
And then silence falls over the two of you, just enjoying each other’s post-coital company. All thought of Ghostface gone, just you and her, the way it should be. 
And then her phone starts to buzz. 
She reaches out, silences it. Presses her lips to your mouth, a little sleepy. 
“You think you’ll be able to sleep?” You ask, pressing another kiss to her forehead. She’s a little limp in your arms. You’ve worn her out. 
“I think so.” She says. She closes her eyes, rests her head against your shoulder. 
“Who is that?” You ask as her phone buzzes again. 
She reaches out for it, Sam’s name across the screen. 
She rejects the call, puts the phone back to the nightstand. 
“Babe,” You chide, “It could be important.” 
“It’s her telling me I need to come home,” Tara says, “She’s been calling all day.” 
“Answer it.” You kiss her, reach for her phone and drop it back into your hands, “I’m going to the bathroom.” 
“I’ll come with you.” She says, immediately, but you shake your head, reaching out for your shirt and pulling it over your head. 
“You know I can’t go when you’re there.” You say, kiss her once before you’re climbing off the bed.
“Take your whistle.” She says, and you roll your eyes, tugging it around your neck. You show it to her. 
“There. Got the whistle. Happy?”
“Ecstatic.” She says, deadpanned as she lifts her phone to her ear, “Don’t be long or I’m going to come looking for you.” 
You slip out of the bedroom, trail down the dark hall to the bathroom. Your Dad is asleep, you can hear his snoring through the walls. You flip on the bathroom light.
And then you feel it. Something’s wrong. It comes over you all at once. The hallway is empty - you checked - and you don’t hear anything. Nothing out of the ordinary. But you feel it. It seizes through your chest, instinctual. You raise your hands to the whistle, grip it between your fingertips, ready to blow it. Your heartbeat hammers. You tilt your head, all your senses coming alive. Trying to figure out if something is truly wrong or if you’re just imagining it. 
You don’t like it. You leave the bathroom, scurry back down the hallway to your bedroom. To your safety. To Tara. 
And then just as you’re about to press your hand to the doorknob, strong around grip around you, pulling you close. A hand over your mouth. The figure tugs you back down the hallway.  
You cry out, eyes wide, but the hand over your lips muffles the sound. Your Dad’s snoring doesn’t relent. 
“Stop struggling.” 
You recognize the voice immediately. It’s Richie. His breath is hot against your ear, sour, laced with booze. You cry out again, eyes bulging. Desperate for Tara, your Dad, your mom, anyone. But no one hears a sound. His grip on you is too tight. 
“I’m not going to hurt you. We’re going downstairs. Outside. So we can talk.” He drags you like you're a ragdoll. Rough. Impatient. Tears flood down your cheeks. You struggle hard against him but it’s no use. He’s too strong. 
“Stop it,” He hisses, arms strong, keeping you in place, “We can’t talk like this. We can’t talk if you scream.”
Next part
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sunshinereddie · 8 months
credit to @gloomy-prince for indulging in this hc with me but im imagining a little while after famous comedian richie tozier randomly went MIA for a few weeks, then returned to social media with an announcement of his new boyfriend, that richie begins doing livestreams on instagram.
he mostly starts doing it to promote his new show and upcoming tour, he'll answer questions and tell stories- and it's during these livestreams that his fans begin to learn more and more about eddie kaspbrak, richie's new boyfriend.
the first time eddie made an appearance was accidental- richie was in the middle of talking about his long day on set, when the door behind him opened and a man walked into the room, looking down at his phone as he asked, "richie, have you seen my-" before the man looked up and noticed that richie was streaming. he begins to apologize, and starts backing out of the room, but richie stops him, wheeling back in his chair and grabbing the man's arm, pulling him close to the camera and announcing to his followers, "everyone say hi to my boyfriend!!!"
after that, eddie starts to make regular appearances on richie's livestreams. sometimes eddie will just pop his head in to say hello, sometimes he'll sit with richie and answer a few questions, sometimes he'll just be in the background of the video doing his own thing. but there is one thing that is consistent with every livestream- and it's that richie's fans adore eddie. richie gets hundreds of dms asking him to livestream with eddie again, eddie's instagram account goes from having 17 followers to 20k, and whenever eddie makes an appearance on the livestreams, the viewer count always seems to go up.
but it doesn't stop there. now that eddie has a small following of his own (for a reason that eddie cannot fathom), his followers start asking him, "hey we love you on richie's livestreams, you should also do livestreams!!" and of course eddie is confused he's like "guys, i appreciate the support, but what on earth would i livestream about. my life is not that exciting." but his fans don't care. and so, that's when eddie kaspbrak does his first livestream: a 3 hour stream of him sitting at the desk in his home office, typing away at his computer and drinking coffee, in complete silence other than the sounds of his keyboard. he doesn't interact with the chat, he doesn't even look at the camera the entire time....... but his followers seem to love it.
and so, eddie continues. he mostly does streams of him working- now that he's working from home while recovering from his derry 2.0 injury, he spends most of his days at his desk, typing away on his computer. but sometimes he'll stream other things, like when he's putting away dishes or cleaning the house....... and that's how eddie kaspbrak accidentally becomes an asmr/relaxing video livestreamer.
all of his fans love this for him. and while he started off with a majority of his followers being richie's fans, it's not long before eddie gains some followers of his own, who are following him solely for his content. he even has some fans of his own who love his boyfriend, and get excited every time richie makes an appearance on stream.
and now that both richie and eddie have their own little niche followings on the internet, it's quite amusing for the both of them to watch their followers' reaction every time they post about each other on social media. you've got eddie's fans who are surprised to learn that this random asmr livestreamer is dating celebrity comedian richie tozier, and on the other hand you've got richie's fans who are surprised to learn that richie tozier is dating that popular asmr youtuber.
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thepunkmuppet · 8 months
just finally got to watch workin boys and OH MY GODDDDDDD I HAVE THOUGHTS
jeff as hidgens is so. he’s just so
chad’s name stayed the same even though it was changed to workin’ girls everyone clapped
hidgens backstory oh my fucking god. what the hell this man has suffered more than jesus
the songs are amazing I wasn’t expecting to want to buy the album but now I actually need it their vocals are all SO GOOD mariah bryce and kim are absolutely incredible
bill and ted are on a date and you cannot convince me otherwise (I am delusional). also I love that ted loved it bc he was fucking INTO IT in tgwdlm
still need to know why hailey was dumping ass so much
I love the detail that paul didn’t want to go with bill lmfao
ted got brutally murdered again. I knew they would do it but it’s still hilarious
they really said ✨dutch angles ✨ huh
their real stage manager played the stage manager 😭 I love it he has a self insert hatchetfield oc
linda’s the only person who auditioned but didn’t get in lmfao hidgens really said #eat the rich
I love ruth SO MUCH rip queen (again). lauren managed to make her even more cute and pathetic than she is npmd, what a top notch blorbo 100/10
bailey wearing his uniform and taking his gun to a community theatre production why is he a himbo and why do I love him
I know I’ve already said this but sweet jesus mariah and kim’s voices are actually the best things ever they are so perfect in every way
grace just cannot do anything without discovering her passion for violent murder and lethal weapons and honestly girlboss
“our wet sinewy bodies” “I just came”
hidgens’ death scene was absolutely stunning oh my god
the fact that richie and grace went together to support ruth?? so cute to me. this obviously isn’t in the npmd timeline so it’s just adorable to me that they actually became friends in this timeline, I’m obsessed.
also they had an opportunity for pete and steph and tom and becky to be there on dates but OH WELL
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gothicknightz · 1 year
family ties pt. 2 | ethan landry
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Sam was shocked beyond words when she found all of this information. Her, she couldn't believe anything.
And the worse thing was, is that they were trusted.
“It fucking runs in the family, Sam-” She paused, breaking away from Ethan's hold, and pointed an accusatory knife at her.
“Did you even think for a second, that, I was behind all of this?” She chuckled in disbelief, taking a step back, “When I found out that my baby's brother got cut up by your whore hands-”
“I didn't kill him!”
“Yes you did, you motherfucker, you killed our brother!”
It was Quinn's turn to have an ironical stab at Sam with words, with tears forming in her eyes as she yelled, with the Detective holding her back.
“Richie supported me and Ethan, he was helping us with our wedding when his girlfriend decided to cut up pretty little Tara here.” She blew a kiss at Tara, who, in retaliation gave her the middle finger.
“So is that your motive? You only want me dead because you believe I killed your boyfriend's brother?” Sam had asked, in disbelief that her reasoning was as baseless as the rumor that Sam was behind Woodboro.
“No...” She muttered, getting close up and personal, teasing Sam as she dragged the knife down above her chest down to her stomach.
“It’s much more than that.”
“Then get on with it already!” Tara yelled, clearly tired of the ever-long villain monologue, the ferocity catching up to her quicker than the shock did; everyone had trusted (y/n), but clearly, she was on their side. She always was, ever since day one.
(y/n) paused in her tracks, shooting a glare at the younger Carpenter sister before slashing her arm as well, yelling out in frustration as her speech was stopped. “Oh, you’re feistier than the book portrays you to be,” pausing to take a breath, (y/n) wiped the blade clean.
“But clearly none of you were able to connect the little dots. Even that unkillable cockroach Gale Weathers. I’m jealous that you got to do it, Quinn.” Looking up at her, Quinn sent her a wink before beginning to sink again.
“They weren’t the only ones grieving-”
Having enough of the speech, Tara swung one of the prop bricks at (y/n)’s head, causing her to go down, and for the Ghostfaces to attack, this one, in particular, being Quinn.
Tara swung another brick at Quinn, getting a two-for-one deal before heading for the fire escape-like exit the trio earlier were going to retreat to, with Sam downgrading and absolutely berating Richie to his father; that he wasn’t capable of anything, and that he had let his girlfriend do all the killing.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, before the Detective could attack, Kirby rose from the dead once again, firing her gun at the orchestrator of the Ghostface killings, only to be stabbed by Ethan.
“Recognize this?”
His victory was short-lived as Sam came up behind him and knocked him out with another stage brick, stabbing him several times before attempting to go for the exit, following her sister.
As the Carpenter sisters made their way around the very much aging railings, the place was falling apart, and when Tara got to a part that looked like it was in progress, she slipped, with Sam catching her sister right before she fell into the metaphorical jaws of Ethan below her.
“Sam,” Tara muttered, clearly afraid as the blood on her hands wasn’t letting her hold on any longer, “I can't hold on anymore; let me go.” She whispered, with Sam reluctant to let go of her sister, despite Quinn teasing her with the knife coming up. “No,” Sam repeated, despite the choices wearing thin from the siblings.
“We always wanted to stick something in you, Tara!” Ethan yelled, in reference to him and his girlfriend's bloodlust for the death of the younger Carpenter sister.
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck you!”
Back to the Carpenter sisters, Tara once again asked her sister to let her go, Sam gives in and gives her sister a knife, and the younger Carpenter sister drops down and attacks Ethan.
That wasn't until he got a stab at her stomach, with Tara crying out in pain before taking the knife Sam had given her and stabbing Ethan in the Gullet, muttering on about he'll never get to go through with marrying (y/n), and twisted the knife.
After she pulled back, there was a satisfied smile on her face, and there was one on Sam's too as she told Quinn she was down another brother, not minding to leave (y/n) in the dark as the failed sister-in-law. 
“Well, you definitely missed the fucked up blood she had. Must suck that she didn't get more of it.”
Quinn screamed out in anger as she charged at Sam with her knife, before ultimately getting shot in the head right in front of her father. Sam mentioned that you always have to shoot them in the head for it to work, before attempting to shoot the Detective with an empty gun.
The two charged at each other when they realized it would either be one or the other, with the two colliding and falling off of the balcony; the detective falling on a display case, and Sam falling on the ground. 
The lights blacked out, ironically in the situation the two were in, which gave Sam the chance to dress up in her father’s old Ghostface robe and mask, just as the Detective wanted and called him.
“Hello, Detective Bailey, I’ve got one question for you.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
The detective chuckled as he walked up the stairs to the stage, not far from where his daughter-in-law’s body lay, still on the ground from Tara’s brick attack earlier. 
“I’m asking because you’re in one now; you’re in my movie.”
Frantic, and on edge as ever, the Detective shoots at two mannequins dressed in Ghostface robes, and to his avail, Sam wasn’t behind either one. 
He notices that the robe from Billy Loomis’ case is gone, and the recognition sinks in, “Oh,” He paused, looking at the case, “I see you’ve put on your true face; your birthright. Poetic that you’re gonna die in it.”
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
“Now you know the truth, huh? Murder’s in your blood!”
Sam continues to taunt the Detective as he impatiently awaits Sam’s arrival, pointing the gun in every direction before he smashes the phone; Sam subsequently shows up behind him and stabs him several times.
Before she gets to finish him off, a very much alive Tara shows up behind the curtain, glancing at the badly injured detective.
“My father was a murderer.” She paused, “No matter what you think, I’m better than that.”
Sam mutters something about messing with her family and proceeds to stab the Detective in the eye before the sisters recollect themselves and sit on the stage outside of the curtain.
As they recollect, the sisters are unaware that Ethan had survived his earlier attack, and got up, knife in his hand, fueled with rage. Unfortunately, he couldn’t fulfill his wish to kill both Sam and Tara as Kirby dropped the TV on his head that killed Stu Macher in the original 1996 killings.
“Saw that in a scary movie once.”
The police arrived not long after the defeat of the Ghostface’s and soon-to-be-killer, with Danny relieved that both Sam and Tara had survived, noting that he figured they’d need reinforcements.
Kirby and Chad were wheeled out, with Mindy arriving not long after, her injuries not stopping her as she complained that she missed the reveal once again.
“I know who the killers are- it’s Ethan and Bailey!” She ran in, exasperated and out of breath.
“And Quinn and (y/n),” Sam added.
“(y/n) too? Did I miss the monologue again?”
“Yeah, they’re wheeling out her body right now. She and Ethan were engaged, and planned this whole thing.”
Mindy’s jaw dropped before mentioning that they had put her on so many drugs and proceeded to climb into the ambulance beside Chad.
The group’s attention was turned on to each other, with the body of (y/n) and Ethan wheeled out together, a body bag covering only Ethan.
“They died right next to each other, it was poetic, I guess,” Tara muttered, the group still unaware of what was unfolding behind them.
A group of paramedics tended to (y/n), who was still unconscious and with a pulse, as the nurses discovered.
“We’ve got a weak pulse!”
The nurses also found some sort of identification on (y/n), which was her driver’s license, and it read her full name:
(y/n) Freeman.
(ahhh!!! part 2 is finally here! what do you guys think of a prequel? ;)
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exalt1ora · 4 months
nerdycule keeps me going here are my personal hc’s
ruth is dating everyone. sorry about it they just are. and she is SO happy about it. her happiest moments are when they’re all on the couch together in some weird bear pile watching trashy TV, or in the car all squished together singing along to the radio. i also 100% believe ruth is the one who introduced the idea in the first place.
pete is dating steph, richie, and ruth. they’re constantly ganging up on him with affectionate teasing, but gush about how much they adore him to eachother. i also think pete prefers to have one-on-one time with everyone rather than always being altogether. + them and grace have more of a queerplatonic relationship, although she accompanies him on dates with steph frequently because….
steph is dating pete, grace, and ruth. they really like having group dates, experimenting with the different chemistry and affection between multiple pairings. shes such a variety is the spice of life girly. like, study dates with pete & grace vs the movies with ruth & pete vs ice cream with grace & ruth are all different, equally fulfilling feelings of love for her. and richie is just their bro honestly they are so platonic to me. there is not any less love there i just think they are the bestest buddies who share a boyfriend and girlfriends.
speaking of, richie is dating ruth, pete, and grace. OKAY HEAR ME OUT I KNOW RICHIE X GRACE IS A LITTLE UNUSUAL. BUT. i think richie likes grace’s intensity & passion and grace likes richie’s creativity and- let’s be real- submissive nature. at first they were not into eachother at all, no interest either way. but, as the group as a whole spent more time together, they found it easy to talk to one another, both blunt and a little awkward. plus come on the bible sounds like an insane anime story sometimes doesn’t it? ANYWAYS! him ruth and pete are kind of inseparable and he spends time w grace separately. i see it clearly.
finally, grace is dating steph, ruth, and richie. not surprisingly, it took some convincing to get her on board. not as much as you’d expect though. grace had been plagued by adoring thoughts about steph for a while, and felt extremely guilty about it since she was dating pete. when the idea was brought up, grace’s instinct was to shut it down, call it hedonistic or dirty. then as ruth explained further, the different types of love and ways to experience it in polyamorous relationships, something clicked for her. realizing how happy each of these people made her, how loved she felt by them. so, she went along with it. of course, it still took her a while to participate, she had to observe first. grace meticulously planned for a sit down with steph, to have a very serious conversation about her feelings. but before she built up the courage, steph casually asked her to go out to dinner. telling her to wear something nice with a flirty smile, she left grace a short-circuiting mess.
but, thanks to the group’s support and love as a whole, she’s become more comfortable with a wide spectrum of her emotions, attractions, and relationships. all of them have. they are good for eachother. really good.
(p.s. : richie is also dating jason and ruth is also dating caitlyn 💘💘thanks
p.s part 2 : this might be kinda ooc but im just having fun im imagining a world where they have semi normal lives and help each other emotionally mature and find happiness yay!!!)
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im-not-a-l0ser · 7 months
Michie prompt
After the whole waylan thing (max doesn't fall and die) the nerdy prudes are considered kind of cool and are invited to a party after the clivesdale game (that they win bc they have their moral support mascot and their star player)
Max gets really drunk and Richie brings him back to his house because Max says his dad will be upset if he comes home drunk or wakes up hungover.
Max ends up falling asleep in his bed, which Richie joins him in bc it's big enough and why not.
Max is shocked in the morning when he finds himself asleep in Richie's bedroom, next to a nearly naked Richie.
He rushes out before Richie wakes up and spends the next week thinking about how they must've done it, and what that implies about his sexuality and why he kind of liked the idea of it, and wonders if he should ask Richie to be his boyfriend.
He decides on yes and approaches Richie basically starting with "I've been thinking a lot since we uh... like slept together last week," and Richie just laughs and says they didn't sleep together. Max says that Richie wasn't wearing any clothes, to which Richie explains that it's torture to wear clothes while he sleeps, especially because of his over active sweat glands.
Max doesn't ask him out, assuming Richie isn't interested. But now Max knows that he himself is interested. How tf is he gonna deal with that?
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lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
The one where feelings are shared.
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I really hope I did this one justice!!
Gallzatto boys fluff! Reader is mostly only mentioned in this one as it focuses on the boys!
You had left the boys alone for the first time only two weeks into Lip's stay at Carmy's place. They kind of just hung out as roommates, talking a bit about all kinds of shit.
All of their conversations were about things they had in common, like their smoking habits.
But also you. It was the only thing they had that kept them talking. Their love for you. Lip’s adoration that had never left even after these years, and Carmy’s romantic feelings towards you.
When you came home you found them both smoking out the kitchen window together, laughing about something. They were bonding and you were happy.
Lip had brought home some weed he’d gotten from a guy at his job, thinking maybe Carmy wanted to join him and relax. They sat on the fire escape, the kitchen window behind them pulled ajar. Where a light conversation started, a heavier one was held at the end of their shared smoking session. Carmen had opened up about some of his insecurities when it came to the more intimate parts of his relationship with you, and with Lip’s sharing of old memories of your college get togethers those insecurities got a lot worse. Although he didn’t blame Lip for it, a little part of him still felt threatened. Like he'd never meet up to certain expectations you might have. Luckily Lip understood that he meant no harm, and eventually dared to suggest to show him, as a friend, how to please his girlfriend.
This conversation was the one that led to you three sharing Carmy's bed for a night filled with lessons.
Lip and Carmy were your boyfriends. Not each others' and that's how you lived for a while. Untill that night they both fucked you at the same time.
"Ugh, that fucking asshole." Lip muttered pocketing his phone. Carmen gave him a look, seeing the blush creep onto his face.
"Owed my brother some money. He claimed I'd had to be at least somewhat gay to move in a couple. Like the guy too, you know?" He was beet red by now. Carmen kept quiet and listened to him ramble on, not making much sense and not getting to the point until he ran out of words.
They stood across from each other, so in the moment they didn't even bother so sit down and talk. Perfect for Carmy to put his hands on Lip's shoulders and pull him into a hug. Not a simple friend hug, but one filled with warmth and acceptance. Lip mumbled something against his shoulder, too quiet to make out the words.
"What was that?" Pulling away slightly to look each other in the eyes it was clear there were many words still to be said.
"We both love you. And I'd love for us to give being boyfriends a try." He pulled Lip back in for another hug and kissed his head. "Baby steps, yeah?"
It wasn't long after that when they learned they were gonna be fathers, and in true dad-to-be fashion they wouldn't let you do anything. They cleared out the old spare bedroom that Lip stopped using a while ago and was now more of a dump. They sorted oit every single item and re-painted the walls, built the cribs, new cabinets and changing stations. It was a little paradise when they were finished. The way they worked together so seamlessly made your heart flutter. They really were becoming family now and their behavior towards each other showed it.
"You ready for all of this? Being a dad?" Lip had been outwardly more excited than Carmy, and now in a moment of rest Lip felt like he had to ask. He was willing to take up more of the house tasks if it was getting too much for Carmy. He wasn't only there to support you in this, but also him.
"Am I looking that tired?" A soft laugh leaves his lips as he leans down on the newly assembled cabinet. Lip gave him a once-over and tried to find a kind way to tell him he looked one shitty customer away from a complete breakdown. "If Richie called you a ..what's that thing again? A jagoff? He'd be dead meat."
Carmy full on laughed at the way he delivered his opinion and dropped his head against Lip's with a sigh. "But we did great here. And that's all that matters right now."
Lip put his arm around Carmy's shoulders and squeezed his arm. "We did amazing, the nursery is perfect. But you're pushing yourself with the restaurant and immediately throwing yourself onto whatever we still have to do here without a single break."
Carmy just listened and took everything in. Lip was right, he really needed to take a break. "Let me take care of you both for a bit, yeah? We just found out we're having twins and we're all on edge."
Carmy didn't say anything in response, he just moved over to pull Lip into a hug, rest his forehead against his shoulder and breathe for a moment. He sunk against him and Lip just held him there for as long as he needed.
Lip mumbled a soft "I love you." Into Carmy's hair, quiet enough for only him to hear.
Carmy lifted his head so he could speak moe freely. "Love you too, and thanks."
"Hey dad." "Hey other dad."
Their morning routine was something set in stone these days. Wake up early to share their morning cigarette and get enough coffee into their system to start the day properly.
They spent the first half of their cigarette praising each other for how well they were handling the newborns and everything that came with them.
"You're moody. What's wrong?" There was no hiding anything between them, they both saw straight through each other.
"Ian texted me, asking how the girls are." He paused a moment to down his coffee. The early morning street noises filling the silence in the kitchen window opening. "He joked about us too. Asking if I was all the way gay yet."
Carmen raised a brow at that. "What? Like, if we had sex yet?" He shakes his head at the assumption. "There's more, isn't there?"
Lip opens the conversation on his phone and hands the device over for Carmy to read. "The thing is.. All that stuff he talks about, I want that. I mean we have it in some way, like we take care of the girls together, but I wanna wanna hold hands, cuddle and dance in the livingroom. All that shit we'd do with her I wanna do with you too and it felt weird thinking about it."
Carmy's heart melted at the confession, not even knowing how to properly respond except inching closer and pull Lip in for a kiss, not even caring about the smoke still burning in his lungs. He coughed as they pulled apart, laughing at his impatience and Lip laughed with him.
Their laughter was cut short by Lip leaning in again and happily kissing his boyfriend again. The cigarette butt long burned out and tossed aside as Carmy grabbed Lip by the shirt and pulled his properly agsinst his as he leant back against the windowsill. "Who's business is it anyways that we're not entirely straight. We have a happy, healthy relationship. We love each orher and that's all that matters."
They were so lost in each other they didn't notice you walk into the kitchen and only pulled apart at the sound of your phone's camera shutter going off and your soft sniffles from across the room "I'm really glad you two finally talked."
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schrijverr · 10 months
What a 'Your Mom' Joke Can Get You
Richie accidentally comes out on twitter. He has a panic attack about it, but his friends are always in his corner.
On AO3.
Ships: reddie
Warnings: homophobia mention, panic attack
Richie comes out on a whim. Well, not so much a whim as an accident, but a planned accident, or more well put, an accident that came from something he wanted to do, but never dared yet played so much on the background that he did it without taking a moment to reflect on it.
He’s scrolling through twitter, head resting on Eddie’s lap (who honestly should have stopped him, in Richie’s defense). However, Eddie himself isn’t a twitter person and isn’t paying attention to Richie’s giggles as he amuses himself on twitter, a common occurrence.
After their reunion, Richie took a step back from being in the spotlight. He stayed with Eddie as he recovered and went through his divorce at the same time, something that wasn’t easy. But now, two years after the reunion, Eddie is a divorcee and they are happily together.
About half a year, Richie slowly got back into the spotlights with the tweet: Rumors of my drug addiction have been vastly exaggerated
Later he went on an interview and explained how he got news of the loss of a close childhood friend, with whom he lost contact (Stan). And how another of his old friends got into an accident when they all met up and he has helped during his recovery (Eddie).
Overnight his story about drug abuse and rock bottom turned into one of loss, reaching out, and healing. It was crazy to see how people received him differently and it allowed him to change his stand up. To change views, write his own stuff, present himself differently.
He has been happier with his work and glad he gets to be more open with people without as much of the backlash he would have gotten otherwise. He has been able to shift his content and audience to a place he’s happy with. And with the support of Eddie, being in a happy relationship for the first time in his life, he has been playing with the idea of coming out as mentioned before.
With the new leaf he turned over, he’s become more active on social media, dropping the techno-inept dude for becoming hip with the kids and failing at meme’s in his own way. It was easier to ease back into the scene like that and built up a different audience before he went up on stage again, plus he found he quite enjoys memes.
One of his favorite things to do is to send them to the groups chat and watch no one but Beverly and Ben get them. The other Losers attempting to guess and failing miserably.
His other favorite thing to do, is to comment on the posts of random users that are obviously not meant to see the light of day or posting his own random thoughts on twitter. This is what he is doing on that faithful evening it happens (he would emphasize the it, but bad memories and all that).
He’s looking at funny tweets, commenting where he goes when he sees a post that claims gay people just flirt in the worsts ways. Richie snorts to himself and without think he responds: Uhm, excuse me, if I can get a boyfriend with my ‘your mom’ jokes then I don’t want criticism on my methods
Right as he presses tweet Eddie randomly starts groaning, so Richie locks his phone and frowns in concern. He asks: “Are you okay, Eds?”
“Don’t call me that,” Eddie says, choosing snark first, before saying: “My back is acting up. I’m going to lie down on the floor for a bit.”
“Want me to give you a massage?” Richie asks.
Eddie gives him a look and replies: “Really?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Eduardo,” Richie says. “I meant an actual massage.”
“Oh, yeah, that would be nice actually,” Eddie tells him and Richie forgets all about messing about on twitter in favor of making sure Eddie is comfortable and cared for.
They make it an early night and since Richie doesn’t need to get up early, he leaves his phone near the couch. He snuggles into the bed with his boyfriend and is comfortable, unaware of the shitstorm that is happening on the internet.
The next morning he wakes equally oblivious. Eddie is already out on his run, because he is an insane person, so even weekends aren’t holy to him. 9-5 freak, Richie mentally calls him with a fondness that was unknown to him before Eddie. With that he gets out of bed and starts some coffee and breakfast for the two of them.
It’s not until he’s waiting for Eddie to come back with finished breakfast that he is bored enough to want to catch up on the world.
He finds his phone near the couch and vaguely remembers being on twitter before leaving it there, as he grabs it. His anxiety starts to spike, however, when he sees the thousands of notifications on his phone, trying to remember what his last tweet was. Maybe he accidentally tweeted slur mcslurton and he is getting canceled!
With shaking hands he unlocks the phone. The tweet he posted yesterday is still open on his phone, now with thousands of likes, replies and retweets.
Richie’s heart drops to his stomach.
Uhm, excuse me, if I can get a boyfriend with my ‘your mom’ jokes then I don’t want criticism on my methods
He tweeted that.
He just threw that out in the world.
He wasn’t thinking.
Without his consent his hands start to shake worse and he drops his phone as his breath starts to catch in his throat, the oxygen burning. Tears gather in his eyes and his vision blurs. His knees buckle and he sinks to the ground as he attempts to get his breathing back in check.
That is how Eddie finds him when he comes back, still a little sweaty, but satisfied from his run. He is humming and calls out a greeting to Richie, not yet spotting him.
Richie desperately tries to stop. He doesn’t want to worry his Eds. However, it’s no use. His lungs aren’t cooperating and when he greets back, he sounds out of breath and distressed, which is perfectly matched with mood.
He hears Eddie’s footfalls pause, before they speed up as they get closer to him. Concerned Eddie gasps: “Oh my god, Richie! Are you okay? What happened?”
“I-” Richie starts to answer, to explain, to soothe Eddie’s worries. But the words catch in his throat and he starts to spiral again as he thinks of what happened.
He hates how he is still reacting like this to something he was planning on doing at some point. It’s just that he hasn’t been able to check the reactions and his brain is working overtime to supply him with all the ways this can blow back up into his face. He wants to be queer and comfortable, but he isn’t fully there yet it seems.
Helplessly he gestures to his dropped phone, hoping Eddie can figure it out himself as Richie goes through his breathing exercises.
Eddie knows Richie hates being touched whenever he has a panic attack, so he sits down on the floor close to Richie, letting him know he’s there for him without distressing him more.
As he waits, he picks up the phone to check whatever happened to trigger Richie. Richie is glad that Eddie will be the one to break the news of how it’s going to him, that he doesn’t have to see the hate himself. Even if he does feel a little bad about making Eddie see it and more anxious when Eddie gasps as he sees, before clicking more.
Richie ignores it best he can as he calms himself down, going through all the exercises he and his therapist worked on. Until, he feels well enough to crawl to Eddie and curl up next to him and ask him: “What are they saying?” in a meek voice.
“It’s a mix up between people who think it’s a bit and people who are nice. And some mean people, but those are a lot less,” Eddie tells him. “#UselessGayTozier is trending. Also, you have a lot of missed calls from Steve.”
“Fuckkk, he’s gonna be pissed,” Richie whines, hiding his face in Eddie’s shoulder, being comforted by his smell. Then he can’t help but ask again: “But there is truly not a lot of hate? I’m not, like, getting canceled or something?”
Eddie gives him a comforting smile and says: “No, you’re not being canceled, except by a few who think it’s a bit and you’re taking the shit out of gay people.”
“Rude, I am gay people,” Richie replies, feeling capable of joking now that he got the panic out of his system.
His sweet Eddie snorts at his admittedly shitty joke and says: “You’re an idiot.” Then there is a beat of silence, before Eddie tentatively asks: “How are you doing?”
After a moment of reflection, Richie answers honestly: “A bit tired and anxious, but better. I’ve been hyping myself up to do it, now I did it. That should be a good thing, right?”
“If you’re comfortable with it being out there than that is a good thing,” Eddie agrees. “I’m here for you, whatever you decide. If you want to deny and take it back, you can do that and I’ll still love you. We’re going to be fine.”
It is really comforting to hear it said out loud, even if Richie knew already. He and Eddie both had their own journey to being comfortable with their queerness and being together. So, Eddie would never pressure him to be out, hell, Eddie isn’t out at work.
However, there is more to Richie being out than Eddie being out. He sighs: “I don’t think I can take this back without looking a giant asshole, but thank you, Eds.”
Eddie doesn’t even protest the nickname like he usually does, just holds Richie tight and lets him gather himself. Just the two of them on the floor of their apartment, Eddie sweaty and Richie still sleep rumpled.
Richie leeches all the comfort he can out of Eddie until he feels human again. He’s sure that with enough time, he’ll find this hysterical. Perhaps he can even make a bit out of it for his new show that he’s working on. He lets out a groan at the thought.
“You okay?” Eddie immediately asks and Richie is touched by his concern.
“Yeah,” he smiles, “just realized I’ll have to rewrite a bunch of my show with this information known. I had a whole bit about dating your mom.”
“Fuck you, dude,” Eddie say as he pinches him, but he is also laughing as Richie squeaks and tries to get away from the attack.
“Breakfast is probably cold now,” Richie comments after a moment.
“That’s okay,” Eddie tells him and gets up, pulling Richie up as well, using the moment to check Richie over. God, he truly got so lucky with Eddie as his boyfriend. He never had someone care for him like Eddie does, except his parents, but even that was different.
Eddie cares deeply without making Richie feel incompetent or a chore. He just chose Richie and loves him, thus wants him to be alright. It takes his breath away.
Eddie cares by gently encouraging him when they work out together, by cooking healthy and delicious foods, by being there when the nerves get to him, by holding him when he wants to be held, and by listening to his comedy, giving genuine feedback, yet also compliments and the validation Richie has always craved. And Eddie is the one person who can keep up with Richie the best, both in banter and how his thoughts jump around.
Of course he cares about Eddie as well, but after his mother and then Myra, Richie knows better than to care in an overbearing manner. He’ll do chores, keeping the house clean as Eddie works, cuddle with him on the couch or in bed, help him with chronic pain, but back off if asked. He likes being able to care for Eddie like that, in a way that makes him feel safe.
They just care differently.
Right now, Eddie needs to be assured that Richie is okay and Richie needs to feel like someone will always be in his corner.
After Eddie has ensured Richie is truly as okay as he will be, he gives him a kiss on the nose that has Richie grinning like a loon. He manages to blink out of it and follow Eddie to the breakfast bar where they eat the cold breakfast.
All throughout Richie is distracted, but for once Eddie doesn’t scold him for being on his phone. He checks the damages, trying to gauge the reactions and come up with what to do next. He should definitely call his manager back. Fuck, Steve will have his head. But he’ll also help him with coming up with a statement or something.
Beyond twitter, he also has a bunch of message from people he hasn’t spoken with in forever reaching out now that he’s in the midst of a controversy.
Luckily, all the Losers have also reached out, both private and in the groups chat. It truly warms his heart and he feels so blessed that he has these people back into his life again. They were the pieces that have been missing for so long. The people who were meant to fill the loneliness.
He ignores most people that have reached out, but replies to the Losers, having his confidence boosted by their support. It’s such a nice feeling to know he won’t be alone again.
When breakfast is done, he bites the bullet and calls Steve, his manager. Anxiously clicking the button, not even having a few rings to steel himself as Steve picks up immediately: “What the hell, Rich! You could have at least prepared me for this stunt.”
“It was an accident,” Richie mumbles, feeling a little sheepish about it.
“An- An accident!” Steve exclaims. “How do you always manage to do this?”
“Steve,” Richie sighs, not in the mood to be berated. “I know I fucked up. I can’t take this back. I know, trust me. Lets just talk solutions.”
And Steve must hear something in his voice, because he drops it. Richie can almost picture him rub his forehead tiredly as he says: “Alright. So, it’s not too bad. But you need to say something. People are taking your silence and running with it. You need to confirm or go underground again and have a long while of no comment and I don’t know if you can manage that.”
“I think I need to confirm,” Richie says.
“Good, good, that’s good,” Steve sounds so relieved as he agrees, like he feared Richie would not want to, which would make his life so much harder. It makes Richie snort a little.
The snort lightens the mood a little, which Eddie picks up on. He quirks his brow up from where he’s seated close for moral support. Richie smiles and Eddie smiles back. That smile only hardens Richie’s resolve. So, he asks: “What’s the plan now?”
“We can go through normal media lines, but that gives you less control about it and most get their news from social media anyway,” Steve explains. “So, I think it’s best to get a message out there on twitter. You can do just do a conformation tweet, but you can also go video. Send it to me before posting it, please, Richie.”
“Ahw, don’t you trust me?” Richie pouts, playfully.
“No, I know you, that’s different,” Steve tells him, which is both fair and unfair. Richie has gotten better, but Steve has been there for all his lows and stupid shit.
So, he says: “Alright, I’ll let you check.”
“Good,” Steve nods. “Now, are you okay by yourself to figure this out?”
“Yeah, I have Eds as back up,” Richie assures Steve.
“Alright,” Steve says. “Call me if you’re stuck.”
“I will,” Richie promises, before they both hang up. And Richie is confronted with the silence that means he has to face the reality and do something about it now.
He’s broken out of his stare into a different dimension by Eddie nudging him and softly asking: “Hi, you doing okay?”
Richie looks up and grins, pushing Eddie’s sweaty hair up his forehead and says: “With you smelly presence here, I am fabulous.”
“Oh fuck you, dude,” Eddie replies, both of them knowing he hasn’t showered yet to support Richie emotionally.
“I love you too,” Richie grins, before assuring him: “You can go shower, sweetie-sweaty. I have to pick whether I want to put effort into this or not.”
“Asshole,” Eddie says, but he’s smiling again (not that Richie doesn’t love his little frown) and he goes to shower.
Richie sits down and contemplates. He could make a video. He is known for performances, so video should be his comfort zone. He also wouldn’t be bound to the character limit twitter sets. However, that would mean making a script and getting psycho-analyzed for his body language by randos on the internet. Plus, the idea of having the perform makes him want to vomit.
Text it is! He can just take a screenshot of his notes should it come to that.
Now to think of what to say. He already has decided that he wants to confirm. But should he explain? Should he give backstory? Should he be short yet sweet? Or try and be funny? And he mentioned his boyfriend, how does Eddie see this? Should he say something about that?
He opens the notes app on his phone and stares at it, before he decides to just start trying things and find what feels right. Starting with typing: Yeah, I’m gay lmao
It’s short and funny. It would give everyone the information to end canceling campaigns, but it wouldn't put him in a position to be open and vulnerable. Richie likes it, but the more he stares at it, the more it starts to feel dismissive. He doesn’t want to come across as an asshole, he’s already done that for most of his career.
So, he sighs and deletes the text, before trying again: Surprise, I am gay! No, I didn’t make it up for attention, please ignore it ever happened
That’s a little pathetic and vulnerable, albeit true. He wants people to know, he doesn’t care if they do if he’s quite honest, he just doesn’t want to talk about it ever. Okay, so maybe he���s not yet fully comfortable, but it happened and it’s more that he knows it will always be a topic and people are going to be invasive that bothers him, more than people actually knowing does.
He sighs and deletes it as well, staring at his blinking indicator on screen, before trying a different route: As you’ve all seen, I posted a jokey comment yesterday. It was not my intent to come out, the chance for comedy overtook me and I forgot I wasn’t out yet. But now here I am. Out. Hopefully everyone understands that this is not a topic I wish to comment on more for now, once I do you will all know, because gay jokes will make me unstoppable. For now, I will just confirm and go hibernate like a bear ;p
This is more honest and would be a screenshot of his notes to post. However, it makes him look like an idiot.
Hell, he feels like an idiot. Who the fuck forgets they’re not out? Him, apparently.
Fuck, he just likes talking about Eddie, alright. None of their friends ever let him forget how obnoxious they are now that they’re not both repressing how they’re feelings. They’re just that couple, who constantly talks about and teases the other. It’s a brand. He just saw the opportunity and took it, like he has done his entire life with jokes.
Before he can delete this version too, however, he is distracted by Eddie returning now wet from his shower. He sees Richie on the couch, still in his pajamas and asks: “You doing okay? Found something to post?”
Richie sighs and gestures to his phone as he says: “It all sucks,” before explaining his attempts to Eddie.
Eddie just listens as he explains, nodding along to show that he understands, that he is listening to his words. Richie can’t explain how much he appreciates that. Because, yeah, they’re often lovingly bullying each other, but they know when the other isn’t in a mindset to be teased. And Eddie knows that Richie never had many people willing to listen to him, how relieved he is that Eddie is listening to him, not dismissing him.
Plus, of course, Eddie is part of this conversation. Which Richie acknowledges and also hates about the whole situation. “I also mentioned you, well, not you-you, but a boyfriend, which does not have to be you, but people will speculate. And I don’t know if I should say something about it or not, because it can just encourage some people to pry.”
He cards his hands through his hair and heaves a deep breath, done with speaking and feeling a little empty after.
Next to him, Eddie gives a thoughtful hum. He is still nodding as he thinks, before he says: “Well, I don’t want to be mentioned by name and if looking into me could be discouraged, I would be in favor of that.”
“In favor of that,” Richie repeats. “Are you a senator or something? You don’t have to lobby here, we can make this together. It’s your life too.”
“Thanks,” Eddie gives a lopsided smile, before he exclaims: “But I totally could be a senator. I have the face.”
“Yeah, a generic white guy, who fits into corporate America,” Richie rolls his eyes, but he’s laughing. “They’d eat you up.”
“Hell yeah they would,” Eddie smirks.
There’s a natural pause in the conversation, before Richie says: “So, a note about not looking you up, got it. Let’s start again.” He grabs his phone and mumbles as he types: “Yes, this is my confession, or coming out, or whatever you want to call it. I am gay. However, before I go into my sob story, I want to state that I will not answer any questions about my boyfriend. I gave up a little privacy to become a public figure, he did not. Respect that.” Then he looks up at Eddie and asks him: “What do you think of that?”
“Little dramatic,” Eddie critiques.
“I am dramatic,” Richie guffaws, offended, before dropping the show. “Is it too dramatic?”
“Depends,” Eddie shrugs. “It fits with your personality, but you weren’t ready to come out yet and now you’re talking about telling your sob story? How far do you want to get into it?”
Richie sighs again, he’s been doing that a lot this morning, then tries to follow his own thoughts, made easier by verbalizing them. “I don’t know. I wanted to just post a quick confirmation, but then everyone will ask me about it. If I just throw the story out there and then hide until the latest scandal, then- I mean, I guess I hope they just forget to ask me anything about it.”
“Do you think that will work?” Eddie asks. He doesn’t know much of this lifestyle, tries not to be involved, so his only source is Richie.
“Depends on how interesting they find it,” Richie shrugs. “Right now they smell a scandal. They see ‘Comedian Richie Tozier Mocks LGBTQ Community’ on the covers of their gossip rags and while ‘Comedian Richie Tozier Comes Out as Gay’ is also a story, but its less of scandal than the first. If someone else does something noteworthy it will likely over shine it. But that is only when they don’t decide to pull up all my old work and try to cancel me over it or analyze me about it and try to dig into all the reasons I repressed myself.”
Now it’s Eddie turn to sigh as he wonders out loud: “Are they ever going to let you forget that? I mean, you’ve changed.”
“I know, but I know it was shit. People will always be mad about it,” Richie says. He isn’t proud of the sexist jokes he used to tell, who he hears them quote. He was an asshole and the people who he hurt can bring it up whenever they want in his book. He just hates it when the magazines come after him, trying to condemn him for things he is trying to correct. As if they don’t allow him to grow as a person, as if they have that power over him. It drives him mad.
“I don’t like that they keep reminding you of it,” Eddie still pouts. “You’re a braver person than they’ll ever know. They don’t know what you’ve been through. How much you’ve had to deal with, how much you worked on yourself. Derry sucked and it took all of us years to recover from it. Your stupid mistakes are just on the record.”
It does something with Richie’s heart to see Eddie so protective over him and he can’t help but place a soft kiss on his cheek. The texture of the scar under his lips feels familiar and it makes him all the more grateful that Eddie is alive. That he is here with him.
“What was that for?” Eddie asks, an instinctual smile on his face, making his dimples appear, which Richie loves so much.
Richie’s own face contort into a smile as well as he softly replies: “I just love you.”
Eddie melts besides him and says: “I love you too, you absolute softie.”
“Fuck you, you’re just as bad,” Richie argues with a smile. He likes this ribbing a lot more than the serious conversation from before.
“Am not,” Eddie protests.
“Are too,” Richie shoots back just to be annoying, even sticking out his tongue to go with it.
“I have never done anything soft in my life,” Eddie huffs dramatically.
“Yeah, right, tell that to the roses that got delivered to my dressing room the first time I went back on stage,” Richie says, recalling that memory with a wave of fondness for the man next to him.
“Shut up,” Eddie blushes, not meeting Richie eyes.
“Ahww, Eddie spaghetti, the cutest there is!” Richie exclaims, pinching Eddie’s cheek as he does.
“Stop it,” Eddie says as he swats Richie hand away, but he can’t hide the laughter in his voice as he does.
The action reminds him of their childhood. Of Richie annoying Eddie and Eddie pretending he hated it, while sharing in a blush. How they have been years in the making, even if they forgot each other for a long while.
Eddie has always been part of his life, part of the person he wants to be. Eddie keeps him grounded and makes him feel loved. Makes it feel like all those years of self-hatred, of loneliness, were worth it, because he gets to have this life with Eddie now. And he’d go through what happened a hundred times over if it means this is the outcome.
His past is part of him. It has shaped him, shaped them. He can’t forget that. Derry is intertwined with who they were, who they grew up to be. His reaction to the whole thing won’t make sense without that part of him, he can mention it.
“Where did you go?” Eddie asks, after a few seconds, having noticed that Richie’s thoughts drifted away to a different places.
“Yeah,” Richie smiles reassuringly. “I think I wanna talk a little about Derry in the post. Will you read it after I type it?”
“Of course,” Eddie says without hesitation. “Take your time.”
“Thanks,” Richie says, before setting to work crafting the message he wants to send out into the world. It takes a little time to fine tune it, before letting Eddie check it over and making the last adjustment.
With both of them happy he sends it to Steve to be checked over. He gets a thumbs up back after a few minutes, thus screenshots what he wrote and posts it on twitter. It reads:
Hi, if you’re aware of me enough to read this you have probably seen my latest (albeit hilarious and completely true) reaction to a tweet. It has sparked some controversy because I have never said that I was gay. And that is correct! I forgot I am not out and just saw the opportunity for a joke and took it, because – to put an end the rumors – I am gay. It has taken me a long time to get to the point where I am comfortable enough to joke around with my sexuality like this, since I grew up in a highly homophobic small town. Slurs and bullying have followed me for a long time and I repressed a lot of those feeling for a long time, hiding behind a facade of misogynist straight guy as to not raise suspicion, which I regret. However, I have been able to work through those feelings, helped by support from my friends and my lovely boyfriend. I am very thankful for them and glad I got to grow. I am very happy where I am right now, but coming out was an accident. I will likely not share more about it until I am more comfortable, thank you for understanding. I also ask you all not to pry into the life of my boyfriend. I have chosen to be a public figure, he absolutely has not, so please respect that. That is all I wish to say about the situation now.
He posts it with as caption: Tl;DR: yeah, I’m gay lmao
Once he’s done so, he texts to the groups chat that he’s okay, just turning his phone off for a bit and to text Eddie if they want to reach him, before putting his phone away. A part of him wants to religiously check all the reactions, the other part of him wants to put his fingers into his ears and lalalala his way into forgetting it exists.
Eddie takes him into his arms, saying nothing and just rubbing his back. It allows Richie to let himself be comforted without feeling like he has to do something, give a reaction. He can just exist with a far away stare.
It’s nice to lie like this and he’s glad this didn’t happen on a day when Eddie had to go to work. He honestly doesn’t know what he would do without Eddie.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you too,” Eddie replies easily, planting a kiss on his forehead and holding him closer.
When lunch time rolls around Eddie gets Richie snapped out of it a little, not wanting him to disappear too far into his own world. Eddie cooks something nice as Richie scrolls through the messages of the other Losers on Eddie’s phone.
Beverly has shared some of the memes people made about the situation to cheer him up. His favorite is one reading: When the urge to make a gay joke is so big but you’re not out with the image of the bulging veins boy below it.
Meanwhile, Billy has gone through the pits of twitter to find nice encouraging messages from people to Richie, which nearly makes him cry, though he doesn’t say that. Billy himself has also posted words of encouragement on twitter, as did Bev.
Ben isn’t famous like Beverly, Billy and Richie are, but he’s just send encouraging words and offered his wood cottage if he needs to get away from bustling Hollywood, which he might take him up on if this ends in him being stopped in the street every time he goes out.
Mike isn’t famous at all, but that isn’t stopping him from being vocal, though not over text. He has chosen to pick fights with random people online, who are shitheads. Richie and Eddie are kept up to date about his shenanigans in the group chat.
At some point Richie sends Mike a text that it’s very sweet, but he doesn’t have to do that, because that might get hatred redirected at Mike.
To that Mike responds: Man, I have pulled you out of your life towards Derry and there you saved my life, of course I’m going to protect you from these assholes. Besides, they’re nothing against It and they have nothing on me. I’m out here exploring the world, they have to find me first if they want to come fight me.
It makes Richie again feel so lucky with his friends. They have all decided that Mike gave up enough, so they all sponsor him, so he can go see the world, yet Mike doesn’t let the time he was trapped in Derry make him bitter. He still loves them and this is how he shows it.
Somehow he is reminded of the time they were both stuck in the vision, back when they fought It as kids when they came together in the clubhouse to do the smoke ritual. Back then it was the two of them as well and they kept each other safe. In a way, they’re still living the echoes of then.
By the time lunch is over #protectiveboyMike is on the trending page right next to #UselessGayTozier.
A lot of people think Mike is the boyfriend. Mike denies it with the statement: I’m not, but what if I was? That a problem?, which only invites more reactions.
The whole thing makes Richie feel much better about himself. Just three years ago, he would have lost his mind at the idea of being out, of being comfortable with what has always floated beneath the surface. And he never would have believed he has the support system that he does. Yet, here they are. His friends. He feels like a very lucky man.
Eddie kisses his cheek, snapping him out of his musings. He says: “Had enough scrolling for today?”
“Yeah,” Richie says, feeling a lot better about himself.
Do y’all ever really panic and then ur like, done. Like, you can’t be bothered anymore, because you got all the panic out and now you feel a bit like a drama queen.
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moonastrogirl · 6 months
Paris Hilton Chart -
Moon Rahu + VenusKetu dynamic
Credit @moonastrogirl
Paris has always been in the spotlight from a young age to her teenager ages and now into the adult life and having her own family.
She has moon conjunct rahu and venus conjunct ketu in her chart. This creates a unique energy in her chart.
Let’s look at her moon rashi. Her moon is in Cancer type Pushya combine with rahu (the smoke screen) it explains quite well her faking her baby voice and learning it from her mother. Her mother may also be a pushya native cause they are known for displaying a baby voice.
Moon 🌙 chart (moon = asc)
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Here moon is with rahu in 1st house. This creates emotional turbulence in her life. Cause rahu is a shadow planet and it weakens moon. Difficulties understanding her emotions and the emotions of those around her. A fragile mind with lots of highs and lows. Confusion on what to do and to think. On the flip side it gives her one magnificent imagination and impressive creative skills to the point of being a creative genius. She is well known to be extravagant and avant-garde with her fashion. She is a fashion icon for more than 20 years now. This is the quality Rahu gives her. Her sense of style is futuristic and people follow her advice on fashion.
She also has a child like quality to her personality. She is fun to be around but also easily manipulated by people closed to her especially her mother and family members. Actually she has never been away from her family for a long time enough to experience life except during a tv show called « Simple life ». It had changed her life for the better cause she had the opportunity to experience real life on her own with her best friend Nicole Richie (an ardra moon, rahu influence here again) without her family involved. I believe it helped her mature mentality and found a way to live which aligns with her true self and not with what her mother wanted her to be.
With ketu in her 7th house it shows paranoia, not knowing who she can really trust because after all she has karma to pay in the matters of 7th house. That’s why maybe she was so private about her first child. She wanted to protect her child the way she always wanted to be protected from the paparazzi. 7th house is the house of marriage, connections, partnerships and direct opponents. It’s also the house showing how others see us and view us. It’s also the traits we gotta embody to win against direct enemies.
This house is in Capricorn and Venus gives support. She had bad experiences in relationships and usually it was her boyfriends who were degrading her image. She had the wrong mindset at first when it came to relationships that’s why it happened. She wanted her boyfriends to be part of her life too much and also be a celebrity like her.
Actually she was supposed to create a distance with them and not showcase her love stories that much. Ketu was asking her to lay low in relationships and she did the opposite. And when someone is not obeying Ketu there are consequences.
Ketu is detachment of the physical plane, of the material and mundane life, it’s a love of spirituality, combined with Venus it gives the energy of detachment within a relationship, having a humble and simple partner who doesn’t overdo anything nor overdress, a simple citizen with a good heart. A lot of those qualities are the qualities of her current husband and opposite those of her ex-boyfriends.
She has come a long way and now she is mature. Why now ? Because Ketu and Rahu are mature after 42 and she is 42 years old. For someone like her, she is finally living her life with less drama and inner peace. I love that for her. She seems also more healthy and she clearly healed herself and her traumas.
Credit @moonastrogirl
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9leaguesofmirrors · 7 months
Shut The World Away (a Benjamin Denton x Richie fanfic)
I'm well and truly hooked on this ship now, so I'm making it everyone's problem. Have some soft Mavetoad where Richie has one of his frequent nightmares and turns to Benjamin for support
CONTENT WARNING: Nothing too steamy. But there is some making out and a bit of heavy-petting
Since escaping Royston Vasey, Benjamin and Richie had managed quite well. Blackbottom and London weren't exactly close, but it was enough for the journey by bus or car to not be too strenuous. Besides, they lived in the 21st century, so phones were very much still in fashion
While they usually settled on times and dates, there were the odd times where a surprise visit was necessary. Times where it simply couldn't wait. And that's how Richie ended up on Benjamin's porch, soaked to the bone from rain, at 10 'o'clock at night with a stony expression on his face
"Rich?" His boyfriend, dressed in striped pyjamas, wore his concern plainly "What happened?"
"I'm sorry." He said, slightly embarrassed by himself "I couldn't sleep."
Not saying a word, Benjamin let him in. Feeling a firm-but-gentle grip on his wrist, he felt himself being led up the stairs and into their bedroom. The door closed behind him. No other words needed to be spoken for Benjamin to understand
Richie still had problems owning up to having nightmares, that was most likely due to Pop drilling the idea of how a "man" should act into his head from a young age, but it wasn't hard to figure it out a pattern of behaviour: lots of late nights, random texts when he really should've been asleep (but, then again, Benjamin should've been too), and the fact he never denied it when he was asked about them
Even if he wanted to ask now, he didn't have time to. Because Richie had grabbed the back of Benjamin's head and pulled him into a deep kiss. The sort of kiss that somehow managed to be hard and lingering, yet carried a soft quality. Something inexplicably gentle that felt warm and lasting. Their bodies pressed together, less like a puzzle piece and more like a fusion of energies
Grabbing the back of Benjamin's head as if letting go would cause him to fall off the face of the Earth, Richie slowly moved backwards until he felt the edge of the bed bump against the back of his legs. Only when he sat down did he pull away for air, eyes closed and breath laboured
As Benjamin felt himself being pulled in again, he stopped himself. This caused him to lurch forward slightly, bracing himself by place both hands on each side of Richie, leaning against the bed
"Not if you're unsure."
"... What?"
"I mean, you're clearly upset. I don't want to take advantage of you or make you feel forced to do anything. You know, I want to make sure you're sure before you-"
"Ben, who led who to your bedroom?"
"... You led me to my bedroom."
"And who started the kiss?"
"You did."
"And whose still holding the back of whose head?"
"You're still holding the back of my head?"
"So, with all of that evidence in front of us, do you think I'm unsure?"
Benjamin tried to keep hold of his thoughts. OK yes, there was something very attractive about Richie being this assertive, but still, something didn't feel quite right. He sat down beside him, taking his hand in both of his
"I need a distraction, Ben." Richie sighed, his demeanour changing to one of genuine exhaustion, as if he hadn't slept for hours - which, Benjamin guessed, he hadn't "I don't want all of it, I'm not here for sex, I just know I'd rather be here than alone in my head." He felt Benjamin let go, and he looked down "If you don't want to, that's fine, I just-"
His words were quickly silenced by a light twist of his chin and a light press of lips to his mouth and he felt himself shifting closer, craving the comfort and groundedness that Benjamin subconciously knew how to give
It was long until they collided with the pillowy softness of the bed, shuffling so Richie could straddle Benjamin's stomach. He could feel his boyfriend groping slightly at his body from underneath him, his breathing coming out stuttery and needy
It was Benjamin that ripped away first, just for air, and looked up at Richie with eyes that seemed to sparkle. For a moment, nothing else existed. There was no rain outside, no fear, no past - no Royston Vasey or dysfunctional families. It was just them, just him
"Would be wrong to say you look nice?"
Richie furrowed his brows, head twitching to the side
"Just... would it be wrong, given the situation?"
Benjamin nodded, his breathing shaky, as he took Richie's hand and intertwined it with his own
This was responded to by Richie running a hand up Benjamin's shirt, making him gasp a little at the sudden feeling of warmth
As soon as the contact was made, Benjamin felt his body melting like snow as his breath escaped him. He could also feel the way Richie kissed his neck, as if he wanted to take his time undoing him fibre by fibre. Despite himself, Benjamin let out a gentle whimper
"Is this... I mean, is it helping? Surely I should be doing this to you-"
"Benjamin," Richie said in that assertive, low voice that never failed to make his heart stammer "you're doing fine." He continued pressing his lips against Benjamin's neck, enjoying the soft sounds it brought out
"You're pretty..." Benjamin murmured before he could stop himself
"Pretty?" Richie repeated into his ear with a playful tone, his hand moving down to the hem of Benjamin's pyjama trousers "I thought I was nice."
For a moment, Benjamin's words faltered as he felt that warm sensation moving down further, palming at him with just the right amount of force for his back to arch slightly as he let out a slightly strangled moan
"You are." He gasped out "Pretty. Nice. All of it."
"Really?" Asked Richie innocently, applying just enough pressure to drag out a breathy whine from the man underneath him
Benjamin nodded with a soft smile
"You're a lot of things. Well, to me at least."
There was something about the other's company that seemed to make the past and the future shy away. An inexplicable wash of "something" that made the "nothing" feel less lonely and exposing
Instead, it felt like time was kind enough to stop for them, allowing them to bathe in that floating feeling for as long as they needed to
As their laboured breaths seemed to synchronise, Richie moved his hand slowly and let his head rest on Benjamin's forehead. No words passed their lips, none needed to
For both of them, this was enough
They were enough
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gothicknightz · 1 year
family ties part 2 sneak peak | ethan landry
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notes: FAMILY TIES SNEAK PEAK DRAFT! this is a very much work in progress. SCREAM 6 SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT.
Sam was shocked beyond words when she found all of this information out. To her, she couldn't believe anything.
And what the worse thing was, is that they were trusted.
“It fucking runs in the family, Sam-” She paused, breaking away from Ethan's hold and pointed an accusatory knife at her.
“Did you even think for a second, that, I was behind all of this?” She chuckled in disbelief, taking a step back, “When I found out that my baby's brother got cut up by your whore hands-”
“I didn't kill him!”
“Yes you did, you motherfucker, you killed our brother!”
It was Quinn's turn to have an ironical stab at Sam with words, with tears forming in her eyes as she yelled, with the Detective holding her back.
“Richie supported me and Ethan, he was helping us with our wedding when his girlfriend decided to cut up pretty little Tara here.”
“So is that your motive? You only want me dead because you believe I killed your boyfriend's brother?” Sam had asked, in disbelief that her reasoning was as baseless as the rumor that Sam was behind Woodboro.
“No...” She muttered, getting close up and personal, teasing Sam as she dragged the knife down above her chest down to her stomach.
“Its much more than that.”
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psychofreakforc · 11 months
Random thought about tara figuring out she's bisexual and how sam found out
Okay, so sam left when tara was 13(??) So it's very likely that she still hadn't figured out her sexual orientation.
Sam leaves, and tara starts spending more and more time with amber, that's when she figures out she might like girls... but she knows she finds some boys attractive too, that can't be possible...RIGHT?. Tara is very confused, she wants to talk about it with someone, but the only person who might have understood her was sam, but sam is gone, so the only person left is her neglectful moth- NO! no, that's not gonna happen.
Tara decides to find something that could be useful on the Internet, and that's how tara figures out that she's bisexual. She ends up talking to mindy about it, and needless to say, mindy was very supportive.
Mindy, to show her support, started sending tara every male and female celebrity she finds attractive.
Tara, with mindy's help, becomes more and more confident about her bisexuality, to the point where she is finally comfortable enough to talk about it with chad, wes, liv, and ofc Amber.
Woodsboro is a small town and definitely not the safest place for lgbtq+ people. After Tara's coming out, Chad, Mindy, and Amber created the "tara defence squad." Tara thought it was pretty stupid, but it does feel good to be appreciated just the way you are.
So, yeah, life might not have been fair to tara, She's got a shitty mother, an absentee father, and a sister who also left her, but HEY! at least she has a supportive friend group... Oh, and she gets to call THE Amber Freeman her girlfriend. Tara is finally happy. What could possibly go wrong?
(Let's suppose the scream 5 events happened based on the original script)
Tara gets attacked brutally in her own house by someone wearing a ghostface costume. Tara is in the hospital bed when she sees sam, her sam, her big sister, standing right there, smiling at her.
Something that sam notices almost immediately is how close Tara and Amber seem to be... but they're best friends? Of course they're close, right?... But then again, mindy and chad are also tara's friends... Why doesn't she act like that with them, too?.
Sam decides to forget about it, she has a way bigger problem than the possibility of her little sister being in a relationship with amber freeman. (Because the problem, in the first place, was never that tara was dating a woman, but AMBER FREEMAN OUT OF ALL WOMEN? REALLY TARA?)
She goes to see the only person who could be useful enough in this ghostface situation they've got going on: Dewey Riley. he does say something about not trusting the love interest... and sam can't stop thinking about it (why can't she fucking stop thinking about it?)
What if Amber IS tara's love interest AND ghostface?? That would change everything, wouldn't it?
Turns out sam was right, Amber was the killer, and she just saw her little sister shooting her in the head. She still doesn't know if tara and Amber were more than just friends, but there's so much sadness in tara's eyes... why didn't she feel like that after killing Richie, her boyfriend Richie?
They don't talk about it, Amber is never mentioned betweet sam and tara.
The funny thing about sam finding out she was right all along and tara IS bisexual and she was in a relationship with Amber is that there was no coming out, no emotional talk between sisters, no big explanation... NOTHING
Sam finds out when, one night, her and tara were having a sisterly movie night, and tara kept rambling about how hot that actress was... but also how hot that actor was.
Tara: why are you looking at me like you've seen a ghost?
Sam: you're... i mean- you like- i just- the- girls and boys?
Tara: Is this your way of asking me if i'm bisexual? Yes, Samantha, i thought i made it clear. I didn't take you for the homophobic kind of sister
Obviously, tara knows that sam is not homophobic. She just likes how frustrated sam looks right now.
The all problem with sam not being sure of tara's sexual orientation is that sam regrets not being there for her when she needed it, and that tara had to figure it out all on her own and with a mother who couldn't care less about her.
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