#Ron Weasley bashing
elliebyrrdwrites · 2 months
Dramione Drabble 31
DISCLAIMER: It’s come to my attention that Ron Bashing is very upsetting to some readers. So , please do note that this post uses the Ron Weasley tag because he is a significant character in this particular story, also this is his POV . HOWEVER, please mind that this also includes a Ron bashing tag. If you are offended by Ron bashing, don’t bother.
I had to write this one, the inspiration hit and I’ll be in LA all day tomorrow visiting my sister. So here we go! Also, I’m adding to the next chapter on ao3, so it will be a minute before I post it.
Ron had mixed feelings about working the night shift on the beat. Before they were ordered to have a partner with them at all times, he’d been able to pop into Hermione’s or even Parvati’s while on patrol. Some nights, he was able to visit both witches.
He wasn’t proud of what he had done to Hermione. Parvati had been aware, from the beginning, that he had no intention of leaving Hermione. She was his til the end. And he was hers.
The thing with Parvati wasn’t serious and she had been okay with that. It was just a way to get that little bit extra he wasn’t getting with Hermione. He had assumed that she was content, if not happy, with their love life. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her that he needed more.
But, what if she had been severely disappointed. Maybe that was why she never complimented him, never praised him, never rolled off of him in a state of pure bliss.
With Hermione, it was always straight to work. She’d have to make tea, or clean her kitchen, or catch up on paperwork.
What if she wasn’t satisfied and that was why she kept busy after? What if she was seeking that little extra bit that Ron couldn’t give her from someone else.
What if that someone was Malfoy? He seemed to sordid type to get off on hitting his women or choking them. Hermione was not that kind of girl. She never asked Ron for anything naughty.
But Ron watched her, wondering. She avoided eye contact with him whenever they passed by one another. Ron would fantasize about grabbing her hand, pulling her into an office. Anyone’s office, it didn’t matter. Whichever one was nearby. And he’d go down on her and make her cry and shout out his name. She’d thank him for being so good to her, for making her cum so hard. Ask him to take her back. You know, shit like that. Something fantastical. Something erotic.
Ron would stop at the end of the hall and watch her.
With Malfoy, she’d look right into his creepy pale eyes and smile. She’d look at his bruised face, the dried blood on his lip that never seemed to go away and her eyes would fucking light up.
Hermione would look right into his face and see something in or past all of those sneers and scowls. She was blind to the monster lurking within.
Even worse now, she resembles him. The scowls and the sneers have migrated and taken residence on her beautiful round features, her eyes just as cold and pale as Malfoys.
She was scary, now. Other Aurora avoided her gestate, shivered when they thought she wasn’t looking. Whispered about her behind her back.
And now her and Harry were both looking at Ron like he was the monster. Ron was only human, and humans were animals. Fucking was just a natural need. It delivered the endorphins that were desperately needed after the war, after losing his brother.
Everyone did it. Every being did it. The birds and the bees and all that shit. It’s just that when Ron got off, he needed to be told what a good, sweet boy he was. That he was a hero., a savior. Someone worthy.
But sometimes, once upon a time, Hermione would look at him like he was. He missed it. Fuck, he missed her. It’s a terrible thing. That, even though Ron had fucked up and he still had Parvati, he didn’t want to give up Hermione. He loved her body as much as any others, probably more. No man enjoyed accepting the idea that he would no longer have it to himself. Maybe never again.
And Ron certainly didn’t accept the fact that Malfoy might be the new proud owner of that particular one.
“Hey, Weasley.”
Oh, right. The other reason he hated these shifts. Not only could he not drop by Hermione’s, he was permanently stuck with Anthony Goldstein. He wasn’t a terrible bloke. But he was shifty, a bit off. His movements were jerky, timid. He looked like somebody who didn’t belong on the force. He looked like someone who was thrown into it, forced to become an Auror and had never accepted that fact.
Ron pinched his lips together, and pulled his eyes from the corner building where Hermione lived. Her windows were dark. She probably wasn’t home.
He nodded to Goldstein in acknowledgment.
“Isn’t this the apothecary where Hermione and Malfoy got into that altercation?”
Goldstein was staring into window of the shop. The lights were dim, as if to still keep the potions advertised on display in the front window. Or perhaps the witch who ran the place was still inside, cleaning up.
Ron stepped up beside him. The wizard flinched and Ron couldn’t help the roll of his eyes. “Yeah,” He sighed. “That’s the one.”
Goldstein looked up at and stared. Ron could feel his eyes assessing him. “You and Malfoy don’t get along, do you?”
Ron dug his hands into his pockets, thumbing the wand nestled inside and laughed. One short, derisive bark. “What makes you think that, Goldstein?” He frowned and shook his head, a little ashamed at the acidic tone of his voice. “Look, let’s just say that the day where every day of my life stops revolving around Malfoy, will be the best day of my life.”
Anthony was still staring at him. Ron was staring at the window, at the dim light of the back room, a shadow moving. Through his peripheral, Goldstein was nodding slowly. He might have been grinning, but that wouldn’t make any sense. Goldstein hated conflict, he was a bit of a coward
But then Goldstein moved for the door. “We should go in.”
Ron shook his head. “Nah, she’s closing up. Besides it wasn’t our crime scene.”
“I heard she hadsa love potion. It might help mend whatever went sour between you and Hermione.”
“No thanks, mate.” Ron chuckled nervously. “I’ve had one too many experiences with love potions.”
“But, this isn’t like Amortentia. This one helps to…alter the way you think.” Goldstein voice was less flinchy and more persuasive than he had ever heard him. It was unsettling.
“That’s Barmy.”
“The witch who brews it says it allows you to connect with your lover on some kind of mental or spiritual level.”
“I’m not slipping ‘Mione anything, Goldstein.”
“You wouldn’t have to.” He opened the door and said, as he stepped inside. “You take the potion. All you need is a strand of her hair to add to it.”
And then Goldstein was disappearing into the shop and into the dark shadows of the potion filled shelves. “What the — Goldstein!” Had the wizard lost his mind?
Stepping into the Apothecary sent a shudder down Ron’s spine. The hairs on his arms stood. Something was definitely off about this. But the witch didn’t seem to notice or care about the jingle of the bell on her door, and Goldstein was lost somewhere in the vast array of potions. Some of them glittered, some were glowing in the dark. Some were as dark as the sky outside.
None of them seemed ordinary. Most of them, Ron didn’t recognize.
But he crept along the shelving, the habit of staying quiet and undetected hard to break. He passed shelves labeled things like Elixirs for Life. Others with the words, Poisons to live by. But when Ron reached the shelf that was labeled, Love, Sex and other maladies, he knew he was in the middle of something shady.
Of course, none of that helped him to prepare for the figure that leapt out in front of him, or for the wand that was pointed directly at his temple before the voice whispered the incantation that would turn his brain into dough, softening into something that could be kneaded and molded into surrendering. Ron’s entire body locked up, his mind went quiet.
Nothing was the same. Nothing was known. His name, his desires, his job.
No, for Ron, everything had changed the second that voice had uttered the word to end it all, “Imperio.”
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unhinged-romione · 5 months
i just compared ron bashing to draco bashing tags on ao3 and i've come to the conclusion that this fandom is full of fucking idiots
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Pick + Choose
A sweet Dramione love story set amidst a mystery.
Ten years after the second wizarding war, Hermione Granger is the proud owner of Granger Magical Protection Agency - using her revered skill and intellect to protect the most vulnerable members of the magical community. Despite her beloved public persona, protecting those in-need doesn’t turn a high profit, and her company is starting to crumble under financial pressure.
Draco Malfoy, on the other hand, has more money than he knows what to do with. He’s spent the past ten years reinventing himself into a successful hotelier, and his picture is a constant fix on the cover of The Daily Prophet.
Draco Malfoy doesn’t settle for anything but the best. And when he begins to receive credible threats to his life from an unknown source, he knows he must hire the best - Hermione Granger.
Language: English Words: 86,535 Chapters: 19/19 Collections: 2 Comments: 627 Kudos: 1,687 Bookmarks: 661 Hits: 57,078
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger's Mother, Hermione Granger's Father, Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Cormac McLaggen, Famous Draco Malfoy, Tattooed Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley Bashing, Daily Prophet (Harry Potter), POV Hermione Granger, BAMF Hermione Granger, Adult Hermione Granger, Explicit Sexual Content, Humor, Fluff, Smut, Auror Hermione Granger, Good Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Gay Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott Friendship, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, Draco Malfoy & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, Sassy Pansy Parkinson, Pining, Infertility, Fake/Pretend Relationship, A little teeny bit of angst, don't worry you'll smile, I love a chance to put Hermione in pretty dresses, Potions, Lust Potion/Spell, Mentions of Cancer, Draco Malfoy is Clueless About Muggle Things, Simp Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger is Bad at Feelings, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Cormac McLaggen Being an Asshole, I Make Up Spells and I'm Not Sorry, I have to go back and edit out half of my italics because I'm aware it's excessive, Soul Bond
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
I can't decide between 4, 6 or 7 which is the worse ron. Honestly can't. 6th year ron strings Hermione along knowing they like each other, but purposely goes for Lavender. Than gets annoyed with Lavender by the end, and instead of dumping her he says Hermione's name. All while getting annoyed with Hermione for going out with that Cormac guy. 4th year he gets jealous that Harry is in a life or death situation and abandons him, ruins Hermione's first dance and date. Used Hermione as a last resort for a date to the yule ball, and got annoyed with her when she already had a date and assumed no one asked her. Or 7th year, made promise to stick with Harry during Horcrux hunting but fucked off when it got too hard. Got jealous of Hermione and Harry, only liked Hermione as a sorta prize to be won to prove he was better than Harry, than came back like everything is ok with a bullshit apology.
Ron gets progressively worse the older he gets
He treats Hermione like shit from the beginning, when they become “friends” he always treats her as if her time and attention is owed to him, like she’s supposed to always be there. It starts small with “Hermione will always give me homework to copy” and progresses to “She’ll be available for the Ball when every other girl will reject me” and “She’ll wait for me to want her in a relationships” as he ages.
Also, Ron is the epitome of “weaponized incompetence” and it’s infuriating to me how many times he uses it to get Hermione to do smth for him/instead of him.
Ron is extremely jealous of EVERYONE around him. And this trait gets progressively worse with his age too. In book 1 he is envious of Harry’s new broom, but he’s still capable to be happy for him as well. By book 4 he looses all traces of empathy and compassion and is envious of smth Harry 1) clearly had nothing to do with and everyone with brain would be able to tell, 2) could literally result in his death and it was stated EXPLICITLY many times. But all he sees is “Harry is the center of attention again” and treats him like shit for it. Not once was Harry ever happy or seeking for any sort of fame or recognition, especially considering WHAT he’s famous for.
Also in Book 4 he’s angry and feeling betrayed by Hermione HAVING A GOOD TIME. He’s threatened by someone else being in her life at all, someone she clearly likes and interested in. Because how could it be, that she dares to spend time with anyone else! The traitor! Honestly, I would’ve punched him square in the face for the shit he poured on her at the Yule Ball.
I consider him “sticking with Harry” in book 5 to be 1) I just screwed up, I can’t again or this time it’ll be for good and I can’t manage on my own bcs I’m that useless, plus 2) it’s us against the world! Harry is finally on the other side of famous and it’s so cool. Maybe not entirely conscious on his part, but I do believe these were the reasons for him, similar as they were in Book 2
In book 6 he’s truly shown to grow into a misogynistic asshole. He slut shames his sister for kissing a boy (if I recall he started doing it in Book 5, bit in 6 he’s off the rails with it), he once again shames and guilts Hermione for being asked out by someone else, he uses Lavender to get back at her (Lavander deserved so much better from the narrative overall, but we already established that JKR hated women). And he treats Lavander like shit through all of it! Ronald Weasley is the asshole of a first boyfriend that you drag through mud with your girlfriends for years to come because he was THAT HORRIBLE
And then the ultimate abandonment in book 7… if the writer would be even slightly better, he wouldn’t have returned and these would be a good arc of “not all friendship survives the hardships, or even just time. Not all friends will be with you forever”. Which is an important message for young people, because everyone always believe that they’ll be best friends forever for the entire life but it so rarely works. And it’s normal, that it doesn’t. There doesn’t have to be a grand betrayal or falling out, sometimes your paths just lead you to very different places. Ron didn’t betray them in the sense that Peter betrayed the Marauders (which we still don’t have any real reason for by the way. She just wrote that it happened with NOTHING supporting it backing up that plot), he didn’t switch sides. He just left. Because while Harry and Hermione understood the reality and graveness of war and their situation, Ron still treated it as “an adventure”, he “played in war” if you will. Many like to claim that “it was all the horcrux that he was wearing! It made him feel this and say this!” - both Hermione and Harry wore it too. Even longer than Ron, who didn’t wear it while his wounds healed. The horcrux didn’t put these thoughts in his head, it played off of what was already there. Did it exhilarate and magnified it? Yes, of course. But it was all already in his mind before he ever put the locket on. All of these thoughts and tendencies could’ve been found throughout all other books. And that’s why I never bought into his return, it didn’t feel organic with the rest of the story. It made no sense. She put it there simply bcs she decided that “trio must remain” and that Hermione will end up with him, for some reason that is beyond my understanding
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It will never fail — add a “Ron Weasley Bashing” tag in a Hermione-centric fic and I WILL READ THAT SHIT TOP TO BOTTOM
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nichefairyblogs · 21 days
Falling Asleep At the Wheel — A Severitus Fic
Chapter 5 has officially been finished and reuploaded! I have also put an Author’s note in and I will make a separate post about that!
Read and enjoy,
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sweetberber · 6 months
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Rating: E | Word count: 39,359 | Chapters: 11/11
Check tags! Ron Bashing so if that’s not your thing move along, Dramione HEA
It's Hermione's 21st Birthday!
Draco is trying to find the perfect gift for Hermione, but Ron ends up f*cking up his plan.
“You are being charged with assault on an Auror, Malfoy. You broke Ron’s nose, 4 ribs, his left hand was mangled, two fingers were broken on his right hand, not to mention he might not be able to have children as many times as you kicked him in the groin. He had so much internal bleeding that he almost died. This can be punishable by 10 years in Azkaban. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
“I should have f*cking k*lled him.”
Ron should have known not to f*ck with Draco... or the people he cares about.
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lady-rhaesnow · 29 days
Always mine
Story update!
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📒 Fandom: Harry Potter
📓Title: Always Mine
📗Author: Lady_RhaeSnow18
📘Pairings: Hermione Granger/ Theodore Nott
📕Category: F/M
📔Trigger warnings: language, smut, violence
📙Rating: (E) Explicit: only suitable for adults
📔Chapter2: Condemned Men
She had known from the start that it was not true love. Yet, she had married him anyway. Perhaps this was the fates punishing her - a lesson learned, wisdom gained and all that shit... so maybe that accounts for the cheating spouse (soon to be ex), the meddling in-laws, and a new magical bond to content with. But that new fluttering craziness with her heart every time she sees him? It’s not wholly new but in a way it is, now that everything is changing. Either way, her life is a little (a lot) of a mess right now. She can’t help but think the fates are enjoying this a little too much.
Ron and Hermione’s marriage comes to a startling and shattering end but her sassy, snarky lovely Slytherin’s don’t dare let her wallow in misery. They gently (and not so gently) help her heal and put back together her life, as a new bond is fighting to make itself known.
Read on AO3
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adotham-1776 · 1 year
I'm gonna say this as many times as i need to, even though hella people get mad.
have i read/watched Harry Potter recently? No
Do i have feelings about this? Yes
Ok so, Ron abandons them in the 4th and last book right? Which isnt every book, but his reasons were really shit. Like i feel like he was genuinley toxic.In the Goblet Of Fire, Harry is picked right? And he makes it no secret that HE DID NOT PUT HIS NAME IN!
He could have died! And Ron was upset because he didn't show him how to get past the age barrier. And i get Ron is a flawed charecter, and he has his like, self esteem issues. But let me tell you, if he was my friend, i would not take that shit. And i get that he is a part of the trio, but it doesn't change the fact that he was a shit friend sometimes. Which is fine, but it happens like 3 times, and I low-key feel like it is never adressed.
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adraemelech · 1 month
Working on chapter 5 of my au wartime WIP. I’m so excited to start working on my fav pairing’s development in my own fic. Hoping you’ll give it a chance. I’m really proud of the last chapter and the angst it brought.
Hoping to have chapter 5 out next weekend.
For now, I hope you enjoy what’s posted 💚🐍
Also linked the song that constantly played while I wrote the chapter!
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sinaprime · 8 days
Chapters: 38/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Severus Snape, Neville Longbottom & Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom & Severus Snape Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts Students, Hogwarts Staff, Albus Dumbledore, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, OC - Characters, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Death Eater Characters, Longbottom Family (Harry Potter), Dementors (Harry Potter) - Character, Marauders (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: Creature Fic, Creature Harry Potter, Creature Severus Snape, De-Aged Severus Snape, Ron Weasley Bashing, James Potter Bashing, Lily Evans Potter Bashing, Marauders Bashing (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, James Potter Lives, Lily Evans Potter Lives, Alice Longbottom and Frank Longbottom Aren't Tortured to Insanity, Neville Longbottom is a Good Friend, Good Hermione Granger, Protective Harry Potter, Bottom Severus Snape, Top Harry Potter, Harry Potter was Adopted by Other(s), Severus Snape was Adopted by Other(s), Dementors adopt Severus Snape, Hurt Severus Snape, Mpreg Summary:
What if Severus Snape decided to try stopping Voldemort from killing the Potters? What if Lily and James Potter weren't the nice parents everyone thought they are? What if Severus Snape was send to Azkaban instead of becoming a spy? What if Harry Potter is found before the Dursleys did? What if Lady Magic decided her precious child deserves another childhood?
Read and find out to get your answers for those and more questions^^ A similar but new adventure is awating you.
---- Please mind the tags. If you don't like it, don't read it.
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elliebyrrdwrites · 3 months
A Dream Within a Dream
So, all of those drabbles that turned into a story? I have started to add them to Ao3. The first two chapters are posted, with editing and some small additions!
They say the creation of everything started with Chaos. That amongst the nothingness, within its vast void was undifferentiated and indistinguishable. For Hermione, it started with a bang. A jolt to her heart that was so strong and violent that she felt it throughout her entire body, heard it in her ears like the deafening bang of a gong. Or In which Draco turns Hermione into a Horcrux.
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chaztalk · 6 months
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Sweet Revenge
After Hermione finds Ron cheating on her, Pansy offers her the chance to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend. Taking her up on the offer, Hermione sets out to get some payback on Ron, but she soon finds that getting back at Ron isn't the only perk to going along with Pansy's plan. In fact she might just end up getting something for herself out of the deal.
T, English, Romance, chapters: 8, words: 19k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 811, updated: Aug 9 published: Oct 9, 2018, Hermione G., Draco M.
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
Want to discuss(or more like vent) about how horrible a character ron weasley is? Both in general and just how badly written he is. Also what's your opinion of Ginny Weasley? I dislike her character too and I think shes badly written.
I’m always ready to bash the Ronald Weasley👌🏼
1) He’s misogynistic to every single woman he meets (maaaaybee except McGonagall, but he’s scared of her, soooo…). Literally, he slutshames his sister for kissing a boy (she wasn’t even doing it in public, not that it would’ve justified his behavior), thinks of women in terms of “fuckable/dateble/attractive” only, is only ever nice to Hermione when he either needs smth from her, or against Snape. And his hatred towards Snape plays a much bigger role here.
2) He’s basically useless in the story. Except for the chess game in PS he isn’t needed for the story to progress. Everything he does can be easily done by pretty much any other character. And better so.
3) He’s stupid. Like extremely so. Many characters are not excelling at school, but are smart otherwise. Or they’re not excelling simply bcs they don’t try that much/don’t care. But he’s struggling even when focused and determined and is stupid overall in life. Neither a book smart, nor a street smart going for him. He doesn’t even have his own aspirations in life, it’s constantly a repeat of someone else’s. He wants to play quidditch not because he’s good at it (he’s almost terrible) or he likes it a lot, but because all the brothers he liked (sorry Percy, I like you a lot) played it, because Harry plays it. He chooses the same subjects as Harry before 3rd year (I actually don’t remember whom chose first, but I’m pretty sure it was done randomly), chooses the same profession on 5th year, etc. He’s never his own person, he’s barely a person for his written as “a best friend” and his lousy even at this
4) He’s a bad friend. He’s constantly jealous and allows it to take over him on multiple occasions. He refuses to acknowledge people’s trauma and problems. This goes to all Weasley’s except for Percy, who at least noticed smth was off: they didn’t fucking notice their little sister was POSSESSED for an entire year. A+ family…
I can continue, but I’d like to see your points:)
Ginny… I think she has a potential of becoming a cool character, but she wasn’t. She was written to be with Harry and be awesome at quidditch (which was what made him notice her, so…) But I can see how she can be a great character in fandom with necessary changes. Ron cannot be a good character, unless you scrape everything clean and start over, so it won’t be him anymore.
JKR cannot write women to save her life due to her misogyny. In her eyes, the only good quality a woman can have is being a mother…
But I agree, that Ginny and Harry probably won’t make it as couple. They’re too young, both waaay too traumatized. My headcanon is that they date again after the war is over, and while they’re rebuilding Hogwarts, finish their education there, all that. But then Harry decides to leave the country for a while (a long while) and they just separate, no hard feelings. Their lives move in different directions but they remain friends.
(I also have a headcanon that Ron never returned in DH, because that plot made no sense and was written simply because JKR wrote that, with no substance under it)
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Time To Rant About Weasley Bashing!
Because it’s Ew sorry not sorry
Warnings: Me ranting about Weasley bashing/Ron Bashing and etc etc. Viewer Discretion Is Advised
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Ight. Ok. Here’s the deal. Shit keeps jumping on my feed about anti Weasley content/showing up whenever I’m reading fanfiction, and I just gotta rant about it for a hot second. Because holy shit, there is clearly some Classim going on. Like bro what the fuck
Why is it in basically any Anti/Bashing Weasley fic, the thing that makes them the bad guy is them being money hungry? Are you guys scared of poor people or something?! Why is it always centered around them being money hungry?! Like, you guys. Like Jesus Christ this is a very painful trend to witness
And don’t get me started on Ron. In every Draco x Hermione fic, why is he like some abusive monster? Why can’t the setting be where they like mutually break up? Or just ya know, it’s not a topic at all??? Like we don’t see Draco cheating or being abusive to his wife to hook up with Hermione. Or Harry doing that to Ginny for Luna x Ginny stuff! Like what is yalls problem with the Weasleys????
I know I know. I’m just ranting and screaming, and it’s media. Anyone is free to write what they want. But don’t you think it’s a really weird trend that whenever there is bashing on the Weasleys, they make them money hungry manipulating rich scum bags??? Like you can make someone unlikable with out just making that their trope. Like go on. Go into a Weasley Bashing tag for fanfics
Come back to me when you find fics where Ron isn’t some kind of abusive, cheating, dumb, slob, child minded, man baby. Or the Weasleys aren’t like secretly rich and want Harry’s money.
I know it’s such a nit pick, but Jesus Christ people. Why do you have to make them such gross scum bags in order to have your ‘fairy tale ever after’ for Hermione and Draco? Like it’s like you can’t have that, unless you make Ron worse. Like Draco is better by default
I can go on for hours. I’m so sick of anti Weasley stuff crossing my dash, when it’s not even tagged that shit. I have enough shit in my life to deal with. Let me just enjoy my red heads in peace
You can hate them all you want, but at least properly tag man. Or, ya know, be a bit more original if you wanna write shit like that. Because Jesus Christ
Rant over, for now. Ugh. Guess Finals and my Fibro and my Stupid Piano Teacher is really starting to fuck with me. Just lemme enjoy my Blorbos man. Come on
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