#it’s unoriginal
cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Time To Rant About Weasley Bashing!
Because it’s Ew sorry not sorry
Warnings: Me ranting about Weasley bashing/Ron Bashing and etc etc. Viewer Discretion Is Advised
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Ight. Ok. Here’s the deal. Shit keeps jumping on my feed about anti Weasley content/showing up whenever I’m reading fanfiction, and I just gotta rant about it for a hot second. Because holy shit, there is clearly some Classim going on. Like bro what the fuck
Why is it in basically any Anti/Bashing Weasley fic, the thing that makes them the bad guy is them being money hungry? Are you guys scared of poor people or something?! Why is it always centered around them being money hungry?! Like, you guys. Like Jesus Christ this is a very painful trend to witness
And don’t get me started on Ron. In every Draco x Hermione fic, why is he like some abusive monster? Why can’t the setting be where they like mutually break up? Or just ya know, it’s not a topic at all??? Like we don’t see Draco cheating or being abusive to his wife to hook up with Hermione. Or Harry doing that to Ginny for Luna x Ginny stuff! Like what is yalls problem with the Weasleys????
I know I know. I’m just ranting and screaming, and it’s media. Anyone is free to write what they want. But don’t you think it’s a really weird trend that whenever there is bashing on the Weasleys, they make them money hungry manipulating rich scum bags??? Like you can make someone unlikable with out just making that their trope. Like go on. Go into a Weasley Bashing tag for fanfics
Come back to me when you find fics where Ron isn’t some kind of abusive, cheating, dumb, slob, child minded, man baby. Or the Weasleys aren’t like secretly rich and want Harry’s money.
I know it’s such a nit pick, but Jesus Christ people. Why do you have to make them such gross scum bags in order to have your ‘fairy tale ever after’ for Hermione and Draco? Like it’s like you can’t have that, unless you make Ron worse. Like Draco is better by default
I can go on for hours. I’m so sick of anti Weasley stuff crossing my dash, when it’s not even tagged that shit. I have enough shit in my life to deal with. Let me just enjoy my red heads in peace
You can hate them all you want, but at least properly tag man. Or, ya know, be a bit more original if you wanna write shit like that. Because Jesus Christ
Rant over, for now. Ugh. Guess Finals and my Fibro and my Stupid Piano Teacher is really starting to fuck with me. Just lemme enjoy my Blorbos man. Come on
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 30 days
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podcastwizard · 9 months
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someone post the dancing crab it feels appropriate
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sirgavvaine · 3 months
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POV; the dude you just met is trying to convince you to let him eat your magical artifacts
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true-autistic-tales · 9 months
oh boy when my fictional man hears about what you did you are all done for
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thee-rat-king · 1 year
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I love that the artwork in the memorial is the Actual Nimona Art (there’s a couple of examples but this one’s the easiest to photograph
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i made thia at like 2 am and immediately fell asleep abyways may 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
(also yay for labor day 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 sorry im american and also just. cant keep track of holidays lmao)
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romijuli · 1 year
It’s not that I don’t LIKE the Fandom Popular Pairings, it’s that I find the assumption that everyone ships them and the general all-consuming nature of said pairings to be kinda exhausting,
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teawithswift · 1 year
This song sounds like another song
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somanywhatifs · 2 years
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ghosteccedentesiast · 4 months
*Just the slytherin skittles playing truth or dare*
Barty: Truth or dare Regulus?
Regulus: Truth
Barty: Do you want to kiss Potter?
Regulus: Actually dare
Barty: I dare you to kiss Potter!
Regulus: Never have I ever!
Barty: Thats not the god-damn game!
Regulus: *shrugs*
Barty: Never have I ever wanted to kiss Potter!
Regulus, taking out his wand: Silenci-
*The rest just watching in amusement*
Evan: Should we inter-
Dorcas: No, Regs denial is rather amusing!
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shesnake · 1 year
24 hour time loops: not long enough to create or undo anything permanent, crazy-making but often still funny
365 day time loops: the most fucked up shit you could possibly imagine
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smrvero · 5 months
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juniemunie · 7 months
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Its the kids turn!! ⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
i put way too much effort in this
Don't worry they're still FAR from the conventional nuclear family lmao
PJ is by @/7goodangel
Gradient is by @/askcomboclub
Template by @/unu-nunu-art
Error and Fresh by @/loverofpiggies
Ink by @/comyet
Design notes under!
Design Notes for PJ:
-Error patches up the tears on his scarf! Very nice of him to do.
-All the art materials he has stashed on his belt are for food. He likes to snack on em often.
-Because of Error's..."tolerance" of him, he has more strings that he can use. He's got enough to form legs.
-Fresh gifts him magical ink durable Heely shoes! Instead of shedding footprints all over the place, he can instead heely/skate around and leave behind lines. He's creative on using it during battles. He would never admit it, but he appreciates the gift.
Design Notes for Gradient:
-I based his outfit off ye old web aesthetics like Cyber Grunge,,, I really liked the big pants look on him.
-I placed his scarf on his neck to match with his family, but also to match Template's scarf hehe, a little sign of his influence.
-You can't see it but his laptop bag has a ton of pins and merch of random dated internet references.
-His shoes looking old design Ink's shoes were complete accident but I liked it enough to keep anyway. Maybe Ink gave it to him and he spiced it up!
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vkr-kayne · 3 months
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(and to watch the anime trailer if u haven't yet)
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