#just Jesus Christ
lastweeksshirttonight · 3 months
Fuck Paramount. Seriously. I'm literally incoherent with anger right now.
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rootin-n-bootin · 6 months
> Be my girlfriend.
> Doing social media outreach for the gay rodeo and inviting folks to our discord.
> Post a description of the rodeo to a queer space on Facebook.
> Someone ask “What’s the 2S in LGBTQIA2S+?”
> It’s a broad queer indigenous identity (insert resources here)
> “Being indigenous has nothing to do with being queer.”
> Man who the fuck is this person???
> Did they not look at the resources we sent??
> Look them up.
> They’re Dutch.
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Time To Rant About Weasley Bashing!
Because it’s Ew sorry not sorry
Warnings: Me ranting about Weasley bashing/Ron Bashing and etc etc. Viewer Discretion Is Advised
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Ight. Ok. Here’s the deal. Shit keeps jumping on my feed about anti Weasley content/showing up whenever I’m reading fanfiction, and I just gotta rant about it for a hot second. Because holy shit, there is clearly some Classim going on. Like bro what the fuck
Why is it in basically any Anti/Bashing Weasley fic, the thing that makes them the bad guy is them being money hungry? Are you guys scared of poor people or something?! Why is it always centered around them being money hungry?! Like, you guys. Like Jesus Christ this is a very painful trend to witness
And don’t get me started on Ron. In every Draco x Hermione fic, why is he like some abusive monster? Why can’t the setting be where they like mutually break up? Or just ya know, it’s not a topic at all??? Like we don’t see Draco cheating or being abusive to his wife to hook up with Hermione. Or Harry doing that to Ginny for Luna x Ginny stuff! Like what is yalls problem with the Weasleys????
I know I know. I’m just ranting and screaming, and it’s media. Anyone is free to write what they want. But don’t you think it’s a really weird trend that whenever there is bashing on the Weasleys, they make them money hungry manipulating rich scum bags??? Like you can make someone unlikable with out just making that their trope. Like go on. Go into a Weasley Bashing tag for fanfics
Come back to me when you find fics where Ron isn’t some kind of abusive, cheating, dumb, slob, child minded, man baby. Or the Weasleys aren’t like secretly rich and want Harry’s money.
I know it’s such a nit pick, but Jesus Christ people. Why do you have to make them such gross scum bags in order to have your ‘fairy tale ever after’ for Hermione and Draco? Like it’s like you can’t have that, unless you make Ron worse. Like Draco is better by default
I can go on for hours. I’m so sick of anti Weasley stuff crossing my dash, when it’s not even tagged that shit. I have enough shit in my life to deal with. Let me just enjoy my red heads in peace
You can hate them all you want, but at least properly tag man. Or, ya know, be a bit more original if you wanna write shit like that. Because Jesus Christ
Rant over, for now. Ugh. Guess Finals and my Fibro and my Stupid Piano Teacher is really starting to fuck with me. Just lemme enjoy my Blorbos man. Come on
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spitblaze · 4 months
I guess Chilchuck has brought us right back to 'adults who are short are child-coded and if you like them you're a pedophile' discourse huh
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castielsprostate · 1 year
i hate you "influencers", i hate you tiktok, i hate you "content creators", i hate you "unalive" and "s€x" and "dr/ügs", i hate you instagram, i hate you consumerism, i hate you family friendly, i hate you puritans, i hate you facebook, i hate you family vloggers, i hate you violating other people's privacy, i hate you modern day social media
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salvadorbonaparte · 6 months
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I have a linguistics degree so I can also claim insanely wrong things. French is just badly pronounced Latvian.
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dumpsterbabytrunks · 4 months
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goku is the best character ever made actually
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mirrorversemcspirk · 7 months
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this genuinely makes me so insane. kirk speaks and suddenly spock looks like hes just snapped out of a trance. fucking looking down to avoid eye contact. could he be any gayer rn. im gonna punch a wall
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ikiprian · 7 months
Mr. Fenton is a competent teacher. Almost too competent.
If Mr. Daniel Fenton had any more than a BS (with a minor in education), Tim would’ve flagged his profile as a potential Rogue. That’s the way of most charismatic academics, at least in Gotham. (Got a PhD? Instant watchlist.) Instead, he’s Gotham Academy’s newest celebrity, as a young, passionate, out-of-towner substitute while the chemistry teacher’s on maternity leave.
Tim gets the hype. Fenton seems to genuinely love teaching, and is invested in the welfare of the student body. He hands out bananas during exam week, hosts a “study habits seminar” each month to coach effective learning strategies, and the third time Tim falls asleep in his class, he even pulls Tim aside to ask if he’s doing okay. With all the late work he accepts and the protein bars he sneaks Tim, he’s every teen vigilante’s dream teacher. He could’ve been Tim’s favorite.
In fact, Mr. Fenton was Tim’s favorite. Up until Tim walks into Mr. Fenton’s chemistry classroom for a forgotten textbook, an hour after the final bell.
On the board where tallied scores for today’s review game had been kept, “THE CHEMISTRY BEHIND DR. CRANE’S FEAR GAS: ANXIOGENICS, NERI’S, & YOU,” is now scrawled. A detailed diagram of the human endocrine system projects in front of a small crowd of adoring and attentive students.
Fenton is wrist-deep in the skull cavity of an anatomical model. A short tug, and out pops the brain.
It’s plastic. It’s fake.
Tim identifies the nearest emergency exit.
Fenton turns to the door, and in the dark classroom with the projector illuminating half his face, his eyes almost seem to flash red. “What’s up, Tim?” he asks. His friendly grin is too big for his face. “I didn’t know you wanted to join the Just Science League!”
[OR: Danny’s a science teacher at Tim’s school. Gotham’s a pretty wild place, even for someone who grew up a superhero in a ghost-infested town, so he takes it upon himself to start a club teaching kids how to manage themselves in the event of a crisis. These Gothamites are pretty hardy, but a little extra training never hurt anybody! And he suspects one of his students might be a teen vigilante, like he’d been, back in the day. As a senior super, it's Danny’s duty look out for him! Surely, this is the subtlest and most appropriate way to give the kid pointers.]
[Tim immediately assumes supervillain.]
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centaur-dreaming · 5 months
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ace8space · 2 months
so. people have entertained the idea of gay jesus (religious trauma amiright?) .
what about aroace jesus?
i feel like aroace jesus would cook
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wynandcore · 27 days
Saw the sonic 3 trailer are you telling me the movie based on Sonic Adventure 2 is Not anti-military??? No anti-authority theming here?? Nothing?? The game where a kid gets gunned down? Where Shadow’s grief and hate for humanity is BECAUSE of the military?? Where Sonic runs from the cops and is consistently annoyed at their existence?
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universalvibes · 1 year
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hasnomoxxie · 8 months
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Yeah that'll do it
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namarikonda · 1 month
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Jesus showing off his top surgery scars to the boys (John. 20:27)
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stoleyourgender · 25 days
i have said it once and i will say it again, i fucking love whoever writes the captions for this show
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