#Root Systems
glassfullofsass · 9 months
Root Systems might be...not my favorite episode because that's Off Air, but definitely one of my favorite episodes.
Violet mixing cough suppressant into coffee, which audibly terrifies Arkady, then the equally audible relief in Arkady's voice when Violet instantly sounds better.
The heart to heart between Arkady and Sana.
Krejjh watching their shipper dreams come true before their very eyes.
"being an outlaw is so boring"
Sana realizing the truth of the "mole", doxing Ricky Q, then giving the "Lenny" speech.
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adragonsfriend · 6 months
Accidental Star Wars Fungi Headcanon???
Ok so i'm doing Big Edits for Yoda's chapter of This Story Can Kill You, and it's set in the room of a thousand fountains, aka the giant garden on a city planet, so I got to writing about plants.
I fucking love writing about plants--like so much, you don't even know--it's addictive, they should put a warning on it idk--
Obsessions aside, I started talking about grass and moss and clover and then I was like fungi are here too. So then I was like mycelium and symbiosis obviously. And then I just wrote a line all casual, as one does,
Their roots are tended by fungi gardeners in a relationship half as old as the Force itself.
Based on the vague idea of the Force coming from life. But then I was like i need to fact check that to be satisfied with it, because I am not an evolutionary biologist but I am a nerd.
and like according to wikipedia numbers,,, I was wrong,,,but not that wrong:
Life started on earth ~3.7 bya (billion years ago), and fungi emerged 1.2-1.5 bya o, and the first plants about 0.8-1.0 bya. The first land plants and land fungi, as well as this specific symbiotic relationship (probably) evolved out about ~0.5 bya. That's about a seventh as old as life, not a half, but it's still a significant fraction.
Anyway the head canon part of this comes from the fact that “half as old” sounds better than “one seventh as old,” and obviously none of these numbers are technically relevant to SW anyway. Fungi themselves are about half as old as life itself, so let's say water plants and water fungi had a similar relationship to their land versions on whatever planet first developed life in the SW universe. Then the relationship would be about a third as old as life going by a proportionate time line, and the title of the chapter is literally "A Poet at his Work," so Yoda can be afforded a bit of poetic license and say half. He's cool like that.
How does Yoda know about how old the fungi are? The Force told him obv. He couldn't give any answers about it that would make a biologist happy he just knows the Force things fungi are neat and likes to share facts about them. He also probably wouldn't give those answers if he could. He would say something cheating and the fungi prefering to be mysterious anyway.
Side note: Also in the process of these edits I have learned that giant sequoias (eg the real big tall trees it takes like 10+ people to hug) don't have tap roots??? (tap roots are the biggest root a lot of trees have and they typically grow like straight down looking for water, unlike other roots that are much closer to the surface) Apparently their stability is achieved with super wide but shallow root net works instead? I mean I've been to a giant sequoia forest and there sure are a lot of roots to trip on but that's still insane to me.
Sources (all wikipedia)
specific fungi-plant relationship: mycorrhiza
land plants & land fungi emerge
Anyway is there a fungus side of tumblr? i feel they should explain everything I'm getting wrong here
i'm gonna go try and find some fungus people brb
Edit: (15 min later) ok I've harassed (politely asked) four different fungus people so we (just me) are really just waiting to see if I was funny enough in their asks to be noticed
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pin-striped-soup · 3 months
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tree-posting · 6 months
From Andrew_the_Arborist
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nemfrog · 7 months
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The root system of a fruit tree. Practical and scientific fruit culture. 1866.
Internet Archive
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johnbitchsociety · 8 months
I feel like both internet liberals and leftists have a tendency to reverse-Great Man Theory Ronald Reagan at the expense of any insight into the history of his policies or the conservative movement that led up to him.
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oneinchfrog · 3 months
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butch kelsey has been spinning in my head for weeks
(rbs appreciated <3333)
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yrsonpurpose · 18 days
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I know you want my touch for life.
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maureen2musings · 1 year
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Hanging on
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petorahs · 1 month
Yuri Leclerc as a concept is sooo funny because here is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen, sike! He's a man actually. and you're like okay, okay, cool. he's still the most beautiful person ever, looks introverted yet elegant, so you'd expect him to have a demure-ish personality with delicate hobbies. speaks in noble tongue, voice as soft as the lilac in his hair maybe. probably into fashion as well.
and then he opens his mouth.
DEEP voice, crass, and a menace. were it not for the game's rating and setting, this guy would be cursing worse than a sailor. ANDDD the funniest thing is that he's 😂 an underground mafia boss. his first conversation with the player character is that he'd slit their throat for crossing his men. he's confident, sarcastic and smug, absolutely at odds with his soft appearance. NONE of his hobbies aside from the makeup are ""girly"" at all.
but that's not all! get this. he's... a momma's boy. intimidating fucker that he is, everything he does, the maiming the killing the swindeling, it's all to send money back to her. AND following that, he's something of a Robin Hood minus the heroic fanfare. as in, he's for the common folk. from orphans to the disabled, his care protects them all. beneath the scary job and personality, his compassion runs deep.
he can't stand not knowing things. he sings so prettily but scowls when he's made to do it in public. people call him a Savage Mockingbird and he does do nothing but mock and toy with his prey sometimes. he hates attention. A+ honors student but dropped out for doing crime. he's gotten into shit situations where people took advantage of him for his pretty looks.
he likes stargazing. he's named after a star. his real name at least. the one only his mom calls him.
isn't the dichotomy just the funniest. like don't all these aspects combined together make for the most delightfully jarring character ever. but it makes sense. the totality of his life circumstances made the person that he is now and it just... works.
"Yuri is the best he's my favorite!" -Yuri himself (actual line in game btw)
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rat-r0mance · 2 years
trans ppl will see these mfs and explode into a million pieces
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natsu12291 · 6 months
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Me back
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thelunastusco · 2 months
Don't wanna bother reblogging these people, but just saw an ~~anti-endo~~ say this:
"Just because someone thinks they’re experiencing something doesn’t mean they truly are."
Here's why this is one of the most useless arguments ever:
There's really only three ways that someone even could think they're experiencing something that they aren't. A lack of education about the experience, by mistake, or via hallucination/delusion.
Are there non-traumagenic systems out there who aren't educated on all the types of plurality, diagnostic criteria for dissociative disorders, etc? Sure. Same for traumagenic systems. Not all systems are perfectly educated on all the terms, theories, hypotheses, and so sometimes you're going to get a system who thinks their experience is one thing-- but isn't.
However, this isn't what the OP is implying.
By mistake is mostly the same thing, except this is "the system was fully educated on these things but either guessed or remembered wrong, and eventually found something more accurate for them". It happens. It happened to us.
However, this also isn't what the OP is implying.
Hallucinations and/or delusions are when someone thinks they're experiencing something (or believes something) that is objectively not possible or true.
This is more of what the OP is implying, because they simply don't think non-traumagenic systems are at all possible.
And that's fucking wrong.
It's one thing to say "just because someone thinks something is true, doesn't mean it is" for objective, outward issues. If someone claims their hair is green when it's brown, if someone says they're the president of England, if someone claims they can turn into a raccoon, or that they see dogs surrounding them... those are things that are either physically impossible or outwardly verifiable.
Being a system is not impossible. It's also not outwardly verifiable. There is no one test or brain scan or MRI that proves whether or not someone is a system, or what the origins of that system are. Systems, and what causes them, are not something that can be simply passed off as a hallucination or delusion. It's subjective, it's internal, and there's nothing in science that proves that trauma or disorder is the only thing that causes systems.
Can a system "think they’re experiencing something that they're not"? Yes. Including system origins, or being disordered or not.
Is a system "experiencing something they're not" just by saying they're non-disordered, or non-traumagenic? No. Because there's no proof that it's impossible. There probably will never be proof that it's impossible.
This is an argument that has been made a million times, and debunked a million times. Get over it and move on.
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were-wolverine · 7 months
me: all vigilantes are inherently anti-cop because the whole point is they literally do what the cops can’t/won’t do
someone: but dick grayson-
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 9 months
by Jimmy Nijs
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nemfrog · 7 months
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"Rooted plant from tip of stem." The small fruit culturist. 1881.
Internet Archive
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