#Russell Maret
garadinervi · 8 months
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Erin Fletcher / Herringbone Bindery, Happy Abstract: A letter from William Blake to Thomas Butts, dated 11 September 1801, (bookbinding), One hundred thirty copies printed by Russell Maret, of which one hundred were provided to Open Set [American Academy of Bookbinding], 2020, Completed in 2019 [Private Collection. © Erin Fletcher]
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mulyatin1089 · 2 years
Filosofi Bahagia
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#buku Filosofi Bahagia The Conquest of Happiness Penulis Bertrand Arthur William Russell Ukuran 14 x 21 Cm Tebal 256 Halaman Berat 400 Gram Sampul Soft Cover ISBN 978-602-1201-88-6 Penerbit @renebook Cetakan Pertama, Maret 2020 Agen Reseller @mulyatin1089 물야띤 ملیت Harga Rp80Ribu / $80
Sinopsis Filosofi Hidup #Happy adalah Resep Kebahagiaan Menarik & Aplikatif untuk Manusia Modern hingga Saat ini Bukan saja Penulisnya Seorang Filusuf, Ilmuwan & Pakar #Mathemathic kelas Dunia, tapi juga karena Isi Buku ini dari Sudut Pandang yang Masuk Akal & Relevan Salah Satu Karya Penting Russell yang memgantarkan Kita menjadi Manusia yang Bahagia
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finishinglinepress · 4 months
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FLP CHAPBOOK OF THE DAY: Metal House of Cards by Amanda Maret Scharf and Hannah Smith
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/metal-house-of-cards-by-amanda-maret-scharf-and-hannah-smith/
Metal House of Cards explores the interconnections between place, #relationships, and the environment. These collaborative #poems weave together two voices to tell a single story about #queer #love. In the wake of a lost relationship, the speaker recounts memories, weighing the costs and possibilities of seeing and being seen. This chapbook was written during a midwestern power outage, and its poems speak to the electric nature of collaboration and surprise. #pridemonth
Amanda Maret Scharf is a poet from Los Angeles. Her poems have been published in Pleiades, Poetry Northwest, The Iowa Review, and elsewhere. She is the co-founder of small press and artist collaboration, mixedgreens. During her MFA at Ohio State, she served as Poetry Editor for The Journal.
Hannah Smith is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She received an MFA in poetry at the Ohio State University, where she served as the Managing Editor of The Journal. Her poems have been published in Gulf Coast, Ninth Letter, Mississippi Review, and elsewhere.
PRAISE FOR Metal House of Cards by Amanda Maret Scharf and Hannah Smith
In the beautiful collaborative chapbook, Metal House of Cards, Amanda Maret Scharf and Hannah Smith explore place, queer love, and the art of seamless intertwining of two distinct voices. Written through a Midwestern power outage during a scorching summer, these poems wonderfully weave together environment, relationships, and self—comfortably moving from the past to present with lines like “In college, / I was told patience was a virtue, but I kept looking / for a different kind of goodness” to “I live below sea level and pretend / I’m ok.” These poems become snapshots speaking to each other with energy, yet also playfulness. Witnessing two voices come together so flawlessly, leaves us as readers with stunning poems where Scharf and Smith gracefully blur into one another through their words, lines, and imagery. This book reminds of the importance of collaboration—it was a joy to read!
–Kelli Russell Agodon, author of Dialogues with Rising Tides (Copper Canyon Press)
When I read this book, I was constantly reminded of those model towns built on nuclear test sites—those strange smiling dolls and their picture-perfect homes, moments before disaster. The poems in Amanda Maret Scharf and Hannah Smith’s Metal House of Cards are of the same universe, each of them beginning with familiar portraits of life before lifting the lid on a darkness lurking beneath. Scharf and Smith wrangle with the experience of being human, of the complex emotional landscape that comes with loving and losing. And this book beckons us to witness, tells us to “make me / throw something sharp while [we] watch.”
–Taylor Byas, author of I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times (Soft Skull Press) and Bloodwarm (Variant Literature)
In this mesmerizing collaborative chapbook, desire and grief are synesthetic and spatial. A gaze becomes a violin, body a bouquet, words held to the light. Together, Scharf & Smith weave a voice at once vast and singular, shedding inherited narratives and cataloguing “the long burning / of before” with gorgeous fervor. These poems dream of big love—the kind that refuses any script, returns “color to the throat,” makes us endless.
–Patrycja Humienik, author of Anchor Baby (Tin House, 2025)
Set in a blackout during a heatwave, Metal House of Cards opens in the first-person plural and splinters off into an epistolary exchange, into a duet of anticipation and restlessness. Amanda Maret Scharf and Hannah Smith’s poems are perpetually in motion, churning forward while looking backward, existing in the space between waiting for something to begin and “zoom[ing] in on everything I might miss.” Compressed, associative, lucid, both fractured and eloquent, Metal House of Cards is a literary pas de deux to the generative power of friendship.
–Jacques J. Rancourt, author of Brocken Spectre (Alice James Books) and Novena (Pleiades Press)
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heydivai · 1 year
The Pope's Exorcist (2023)
Sebuah catatan yang dibuat setelah menonton.
Saya menyaksikan film The Pope's Exorcist pada hari Minggu siang, 16 April 2023 di bioskop Uptown Mall XXI, yang ada di kawasan BSB Semarang. Ini bioskop baru, resmi dibuka pada Maret lalu. The Pope's Exorcist ini dibintangi Russell Crowe, yang di benak saya udah lekat banget sama film Gladiator walaupun dia juga main bagus sebagai ilmuwan John Forber Nash di A Beautiful Mind.
Film The Pope's Exorcist dirilis pada 7 April 2023, dan setelah lebih dari seminggu ternyata okupansi layarnya masih tidak berkurang. Artinya jumlah penonton pun tidak bisa dibilang sedikit. Ah, saya jadi penasaran mau nonton juga.
Ini yang saya suka dari The Pope's Exorcist, setelah nonton filmnya :
First of all, the story is captivating the audiences.
Intronya tidak bertele-tele, film dibuka dengan adegan pengusiran roh yang memperkenalkan style Pastor Gabriel Amorth yang cukup eksentrik dalam mengatasi orang kesurupan. Kemudian penonton dibawa ke Keuskupan agung, yang lagi-lagi memperlihatkan karakter Pastor Gabriel ini. Gayanya agak slengean, sedikit angkuh, tapi auranya tidak bisa diremehkan. Pastor Gabriel ini punya background sebagai psikolog, pengacara, dan jurnalist, namun tetap karismatik sampai bikin para biarawati tersipu-sipu saat berpapasan. Pastor Gabriel ini beneran tokoh nyata, ya. Bukan karakter fiksi. Kisah yang difilmkan ini pun terinspirasi oleh kejadian nyata. Nah, seberapa banyak 'bumbu' dan drama yang ditambahkan di skrip film, saya nggak tau.
Tapi jujur, adegan pembuka dan pengenalan karakter di awal film membuat saya selaku penonton, merasa penasaran dan terikat sama sosok Pastor Gabriel. Dia jelas bukan orang sembarangan, tapi kenapa gereja begitu geram. Apa lagi sih, menariknya pastor ini?
Cerita lalu pindah ke Spanyol, ke sebuah biara kuno yang sedang dipugar dan direnovasi. Teror dan kejadian aneh mulai terjadi, Pastor Gabriel pun secara khusus dipanggil untuk mengatasi. Seperti saya bilang tadi, openingnya cukup efektif untuk membuat penonton stay di tempat duduk dengan teror yang disebar tanpa terasa dipanjang-panjangkan. Dan karena judulnya The Pope's Exorcist, pengusiran roh tidak hanya melibatkan iblis Vs pendeta, tapi lebih dalam dari itu. Ada rahasia besar yang menunggu di biara yang sedang direnovasi ini.
Dua, cerita di film ini juga membahas sisi kelam gereja yang sedikit-banyak telah banyak dibuka di masyarakat : kasus pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan pemuka agama terhadap jemaatnya, termasuk yang usianya masih belia. Beberapa orang menganggap tindakan tercela ini dilakukan atas bisikan iblis, sebagian lainnya mengklaim bahwa merekalah si iblis itu sendiri. Apa yang lebih bejat dari tindakan asusila yang dilakukan justru oleh orang-orang yang dianggap perwakilan Tuhan sekaligus paling suci di masyarakat? Jangan-jangan setan pun minder lihat kekejian seperti ini.
Dialog film ini disajikan dalam Bahasa Inggris, Italia, Spanyol, dan sedikit Jerman, kemudian kutipan-kutipan ayat Alkitab dan Bahasa Latin. Dari segi casting, pendapat saya sih, performance di layar sudah baik ya. Tidak ada yang over. Russel Crowe cocok banget di sini sebagai pendeta yang cukup disegani, walaupun ada sedikit masalah dengan alkohol. I mean, he's the goddamn Russel Crowe.
Namun, bukan berarti film ini tanpa kekurangan juga. Ada beberapa plot hole, misalnya sejarah dari biara yang terkutuk ini dan kenapa Pastor Gabriel yang ditunjuk padahal dia baru saja disidang oleh keuskupan karena metode pengusirannya yang di luar pakem.
Tapi di luar ini semua, The Pope's Exorcist adalah film yang impressive. I came to see it without any expectations, even without seeing the trailer. Turns out it was WOW.
Go see it in cinemas!
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uwmspeccoll · 3 years
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Typography Tuesday
Fine-press printer and type designer Russell Maret recently compiled a series of lectures and essays on type and fine-press printing into his latest publication Visionaries & Fanatics and Other Essays on Type Design, Technology, and the Private Press, designed by Maret, printed by Sheridan Books, and published in 2021 by Cathy Baker’s The Legacy Press in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Maret spends a considerable amount of space comparing and contrasting metal type and digital letterforms (which he calls digigraphic). The implications of these two graphic presentations of letterforms seems to fascinate him, as it should. Maret writes:
Technologically, I began printing and designing type during a period of great, rapid change. Digital technology not only provided a new means for designing type, it offered the first viable alternative for the typographic book in five-hundred years. Digital technology was not only changing the way text was being transmitted, it was changing the artifactual meaning of the book.
Shown above, after the dust cover and title page of the book, are progressive engravings for the ‘ct’ ligature punch in the Hungry Dutch typeface designed by Maret, and examples of Just van Rossum’s and Erik van Blokland’s digigraphic typeface Beowulf (1990) where “Each character has multiple potential outlines from which it can be composed. Every instance of a character is unique, but the characters remain stylistically consistent with their neighbors.”
Finally, we hold one of 250 copies of the hardcover edition that includes Maret’s letterpress-printed specimen sheet of metal and digital typefaces and ornaments of his own design. We display the specimens here along with their maps identifying each design.
View our other posts on the works of Russell Maret.
View our other Typography Tuesday posts.
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yama-bato · 6 years
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rbolick · 3 years
Books On Books Collection - Gerard Unger
Books On Books Collection – Gerard Unger
A Counter-proposal (1967) Een tegenvoorstel/A counter-proposal/Une contreproposition/Ein gegenvorschlag (1967)Gerard UngerPamphlet. 250 x 250 mm, 4 pages. Acquired from Antiquariaat Frans Melk, 27 April 2021.Photos: Books On Books Collection. A few months after Pieter Brattinga issued Wim Crouwel‘s New Alphabet (below left), he followed up with this single-fold riposte from Gerard Unger,…
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Distribution Day Arrives, NASDAQ and Russell Pull Back (The Trade Report..
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charmed-and-alarmed · 5 years
I want to tell you all about the most validating moment of my entire life. I think about it all the time, especially when I’m really frustrated with my boss or life in general. This is a story about history, fonts, and a very friendly man from British Columbia
So in 2018, I went to the Colorado Antiquarian Book Seminar or CABS. In May, I emailed this lady I’d heard about, asking what advice she might give a young woman looking to get into the rare books trade. 
Quick digression: to the surprise of literally no one ever, the rare/antiquarian book trade is dominated by old white dudes. And this goes WAY back (in the European tradition at least), like 1000 years ago, when ppl first started to make notes on tablets to track trade and shit. Women have had a greater role in the history of books than these old white dudes want to admit, but men have been collecting books since forever and women are trying to catch up.
So, with that context in mind, I emailed this woman and said, “I know there are booksellers in my area I could reach out to, but what I really need is to hear from someone who understands where I’m coming from.” This very lovely woman responded and recommended I go to CABS to see if it really was something I wanted to do. So I say ‘sure, let’s do that’ and off I go to a random conference in Colorado. 
There are two things you need to know about me. 
1. I do not know how to act in literally any social situation. If I’m at any kind of gathering and I don’t know someone already, I will inevitably hover around the edges looking confused and overwhelmed. 
2. At the same time, I am VERY good at talking. I’m very articulate, I always have an opinion and, most important of all, I will always talk, even if no one else wants to. In college, I raised my hand for every question, I spoke on behalf of my group in every class, always wanted to read out loud - you can’t shut me up. I might be awkward about it, but I’m always going to say something. 
Why does this matter? Well, it’s the first day of CABS and we’re brought into an auditorium to listen to the opening speaker, Russell Maret. Russell Maret is a lot of things, but here he was talking about creating fonts. This dude is like, the 'Printer in Residence’ at Oxford, and he all of his work goes straight to the Library of Congress for safekeeping, it’s ridiculous. Very talented guy, but his entire existence is ridiculous. 
So he’s giving this presentation about fonts. It was really interesting, introduced me to all this stuff about fonts and printing - very cool. This one bit where he talks about the move from representational to abstract art caught my attention, enough so that I was still thinking about it when he finally finished. What happens next? The Q&A of course! And guess who has a question? 
There I am - obviously the youngest person at this conference, sitting slightly to the side of everyone else bc I hadn’t spoken to a single person yet - standing up to ask a question. I say my name first, as instructed, and I said something similar to this: 
“When you were talking, you said art became less representational as new technology made it easier to produce art, making it less important to depict things accurately. Do you think this had the same affect on literature? Early modernism happened at the same time, and it’s all more artistic and experimental. Could this be connected?” 
Russell Maret responded: “This is actually happening in a totally different time period: modernism started in the 1950s and 60s with Picasso and art like that. I’m talking about the turn of the 20th century so no, I don’t think they’re related.” 
I nodded in thanks and sat down, and he went on answering other people’s questions, but I was furious. He clearly hadn’t listened to my actual question, because I had asked about ‘early modernism’, which happened in the late 1800s to about 1930 - Virginia Woolf, Impressionist art, “Swann’s Way”, that kind of thing. I felt that my question was completely valid, but he assumed I was talking about something else and dismissed me entirely.   
I don’t know how many ppl in the room knew what we were talking about, but it hardly mattered: I felt like a child, a stupid child trying to sound smart but doesn’t really know anything. I knew in that moment that this wasn’t a big deal, no one would remember it, but all I could think about was going to dinner with everyone later that day. This was the only thing anyone knew about me now: this is what they’ll think of when they see me. I was miserable for the rest of the day. 
So dinner does happen eventually. It’s outside, and the 30 or so people at this conference are milling around, loading plates at the buffet and bringing them to the tables set up nearby. I made the strategic move of getting there early enough to get a seat at an empty table, but regretted it when everyone got into groups and settled at the larger tables. I was lucky enough to get one woman in the seat next to me, but she turned her chair around to talk to someone else. 
I sat, and ate, and counted down the minutes until I could justify leaving. Until suddenly, this handsome young guy drops into the seat across from me and says, out of the blue, “I really liked your question, and would love to hear your thoughts about early modern writing. I don’t think he totally understood what you were saying, but I thought it was really interesting.” 
This sounds completely fake, but I swear, this hot Canadian guy (he introduced himself later) came over to my table bc he thought the speaker didn’t know what he was talking about, and came to me because I asked an interesting question. This man sat there for at least 30min talking to me about this. He knew TONS of stuff I didn’t know about different theories or works, but he wanted to hear what I thought. Some other people - drawn to the friendly, hot Canadian - stopped by, and most of them joined the conversation. And when he left to talk to someone else, someone was there to fill his seat. 
This hot Canadian (whose name I cannot remember) couldn’t have known that  coming over to talk would mean so much to me. But I was this young woman, alone, at a conference about a profession I knew nothing about - I really needed someone who could make me feel like I fit in. We talked a bunch of times over the course of the seminar, but I never brought this up. There was no need to make it more obvious that I wasn’t good with people. I tried to be extra nice to him, but I doubt he noticed. 
The point of this stupidly long story is that really smart people are just wrong sometimes, and young people can actually know what they’re talking about. So every time someone acts like my opinion doesn’t matter, I remember this Canadian kid, and just let it happen. Their opinion doesn’t matter anyway
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garadinervi · 6 years
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Russell Maret, Linear A to Linear Z, The letter J, New York, NY, 2015
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uicb · 6 years
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Russell Maret (@alphabetishist) will be at the #matrices2018 vendor fair with a prototype of his forthcoming book Character Traits, sets of angular lock-up furniture, facsimiles of his collaborative cookbook with Tim Barrett, Hungry Bibliophiles, and some other recent books.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #uicb #letteringarts #bookarts #universityofiowa #craftmanship #specialcollections #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #typography #graphicdesign #bookdesign #letterpress #letterpressprinting #printmaking @printinghistory @friendsofdardhunter (at Iowa City, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpP2CI0gAK5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=175kog0zdr4xv
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seenhear-blog · 6 years
10 Film Hollywood Ini Dirilis Tahun 2019
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Tahun 2019 telah tiba. Setiap pergantian tahun selalu ada hal yang dinanti-nanti di sepanjang tahunnya, salah satunya adalah film terbaru. Buat kalian para penggemar film Hollywood, tentunya kalian penasaran film apa saja yang akan rilis di tahun ini. Dari sekian banyak film yang akan tayang pada tahun ini, berikut 10 film yang paling ditunggu di tahun 2019:
Jessica Rothe dan Israel Broussard akan kembali berperan sebagai karakter utama dalam film ini, Tree Gelbman dan Carter Devis. Tree Gelbman adalah seorang mahasiswi populer di kampusnya, ia tiba-tiba meninggal saat hari ulang tahunnya karena dibunuh. Sampai akhirnya dia menyadari bahwa kehidupan yang dia jalani terus berulang sehingga dia harus menyelidiki bagaimana dia dibunuh dan siapa pembunuhnya. Nah penasaran kan? Saksikan di bioskop ketika hari valentine nanti, 24 Februari 2019.
Film yang disutradarai oleh Anna Boden dan Ryan Fleck ini akan menceritakan asal usul Captain Marvel yang diperankan oleh Brie Larson. Film ini mengambil setting tahun 1990-an. Bagi kalian yang sudah tidak sabar melihat kemampuan Captain Marvel, saksikan di bioskop tanggal 8 Maret 2019 mendatang. Apalagi, tokoh yang satu ini terbilang tokoh kunci dalam AVENGERS: END GAME.
Hellboy adalah si bocah dari neraka yang sangat kuat. Dalam film rebootnya ini, Hellboy akan diperankan oleh David Harbour (STRANGER THINGS). Film bergenre action yang disutradarai oleh Neil Marshall ini akan tayang di bioskop pada tanggal 12 April 2019.
Skuel ketiga film Avengers ini akan bercerita tentang perjuangan superhero yang tersisa untuk mengalahkan Thanos setelah insiden dalam Infinity War. Apakah para Avengers mampu mengalahkan Thanos dan mengembalikan kehidupan yang lenyap? Dan siapa yang bakal menjadi hero terkuat untuk melawan Thanos. Kita lihat nanti di bioskop pada 26 April 2019!
Dalam film ini Mena Massoud berperan sebagai Aladdin. Sedangkan si cantik Putri Jasmine diperankan oleh Naomi Scott. Sedangkan karakter Jin sebagai pelengkap dongeng 1001 malam tersebut diperankan oleh Will Smith. Film terbaru garapan Disney yang sudah melegenda sejak tahun 1992 ini akan tayang pada 24 Mei 2019.
Film Annabelle 3 akan fokus pada apa yang terjadi setelah boneka Annabelle dimasukkan ke dalam kotak kaca di ruang artefak rumah Warren, di mana dia pertama kali muncul di film The Conjuring. Di sebuah malam yang tidak suci Annabelle membangunkan roh jahat di ruangan itu, yang semuanya mengarahkan pandangan mereka pada target baru yakni putri Warrens yang berusia 10 tahun, Judy, dan teman-temannya. Annabelle 3 akan tayang di bioskop pada 3 Juli 2019.
Bagi yang sudah nonton film kartun Lion King, bersiaplah karena 19 Juli 2019 nanti kalian akan menyaksikan The Lion King versi live action. Film animasi yang disutradarai oleh Jon Favreau ini akan menceritakan perjalanan Simba kecil untuk jadi raja hutan.
Film ini akan menghadirkan pemeran dari selebriti papan atas di Amerika, seperti Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Kurt Russel, Al Pacino, Dakota Fanning, dan Margo Robbie. Penasaran bagaimana mereka beradu akting? Terlebih lagi sutradaranya itu lho, sang jenius Quentin Tarantino. Tonton filmnya di bioskop pada 9 Agustus 2019.
IT: Chapter 2 merupakan sequel dari film sebelumnya, IT yang dirilis pada 2017 lalu. Film tersebut sempat memuncaki box office Amerika selama 2 minggu berturut-turut, menceritakan kisah 27 tahun kemudian dari set tahun pertama yang diambil yakni 1989. Di film IT: Chaper 2, akan mengisahkan kelanjutan teror dari Pennywise si badut menyeramkan. Film ini akan tayang di bioskop pada 6 September 2019.
Joker merupakan musuh Batman yang paling terkenal, nantinya Joker akan diperankan oleh aktor Joaquin Phoenix. Warner Bros menyebut film ini akan jadi sebuah eksplorasi perjalanan seorang pria cerdik yang diabaikan oleh masyarakat dan menjadi ancaman bagi mereka. Joker akan tayang di bioskop pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2019.
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cassandrajm · 2 years
Tewaskan Klien Seniman Modikasi Tubuh Ekstrem Dibui 10 Tahun
Tewaskan Klien, Seniman Modikasi Tubuh Ekstrem Dibui 10 Tahun https://ift.tt/O3I4GFf Brendan Leigh Russell, seniman Australia yang menawarkan jasa modifikasi tubuh, divonis 10 tahun penjara pada Senin, 4 Juli 2022, setelah terbukti melakukan pemotongan alat kelamin perempuan dan dengan sengaja menyebabkan luka parah pada tubuh kliennya. Lelaki 41 tahun, yang lebih dikenal sebagai BSlice, awalnya dinyatakan bersalah tahun lalu oleh Pengadilan Distrik New South Wales. Dia dilaporkan ke polisi terkait dugaan mengabaikan keamanan klien saat memodifikasi anggota tubuh mereka. Tiga perempuan di Australia mengalami komplikasi usai memakai jasa Russell antara 2015 dan 2017. Klien pertama tewas karena keracunan darah setelah silikon berbentuk kepingan salju yang dicangkok ke tangan kanannya terinfeksi. Dalam persidangan, pengadilan diberi tahu, sang pelaku melarangnya berobat ke dokter. Russell juga menangani operasi pengangkatan labia terhadap perempuan lain. Branding iron, semacam hot stamp, digunakan dalam prosedur tersebut. Akibatnya, klien merasakan sakit yang luar biasa pada selangkangan selama setahun lebih. Dia sampai tak bisa pakai celana dalam atau tampon saking sakitnya. Klien ketiga terpaksa menjalani operasi lantaran Russell memotong sebagian besar lemak dari perutnya selama prosedur tummy tuck, atau operasi plastik pengencangan perut, yang “sangat berbahaya” di studio tatonya di NSW. Hakim Helen Syme mengungkapkan, sepulangnya dari tempat Russell, perempuan itu terbangun dengan rasa sakit yang menyiksa dan mengalami pendarahan hebat. Russell kemungkinan besar menusuk dinding perut klien ketika dia menanamkan kembali pisau bedah pada luka. Menurut Syme, Russell menjuluki dirinya “seniman modifikasi tubuh ekstrem”, tetapi dia “tak terdaftar sebagai praktisi kesehatan”. Dia bahkan sempat diagung-agungkan oleh kliennya yang meninggal dunia. Beberapa minggu setelah pencangkokan pada Maret 2017, Russell membuka kembali jahitan dan mengubah posisi silikonnya. Darah yang disertai nanah keluar dari bekas jahitan baru, tapi Russell hanya menyarankan klien untuk minum obat penghilang rasa sakit. Katanya tidak usah ke dokter. “Andai saja perempuan itu cepat mengambil tindakan medis, mungkin dia bisa memiliki peluang yang lebih tinggi untuk bertahan hidup,” ujar Hakim Syme, dikutip Sydney Morning Herald. “Bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pelaku tidak mementingkan keselamatan klien. Dia hanya peduli dengan reputasi dan bisnisnya sebagai seniman modifikasi tubuh.” Hakim Syme mengklaim ketiga prosedur dilakukan tanpa memperhatikan standar kebersihan dan perawatan pascaoperasi. Follow Gavin Butler di Twitter. via VICE ID https://ift.tt/guDlP5n July 05, 2022 at 11:58AM
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Bandarfilmviral || Tidak terasa sudah di awal september, tidak sabar rasanya ingin menantikan moment pergantian tahun 2018 ini ya.
Masih ingat dong film film seru yang sudah rilis di tahun 2018 ini?
Yap, dari bulan januari - Oktober banyak film box office yang menemani kita di tahun ini seperti : Black Panther, Tomb Raider, Avenger Infinity War, DeadPool, Jurassic World, The Predator, The Nun dan masih banyak lainnya.
Tenang di akhir tahun nanti masih ada film box office yang gak bakalan kalah serunya.
"Aquaman" pasti sudah tidak asing bagi kalian tentang superhero ini. Sedikit bocoran film ini akan menceritakan apa yang akan terjadi setelah film "Justice League".
Berikut ini beberapa film yang akan tayang di 2019 nanti ;
Film ini terinspirasi dari studio Marvels. Universal mengaku ini menciptakan Sebuah film yang berisikan monster monster jahat di dalam film tersebut. Adapun karakter monster dalam film ini seperti ; Mummy, Drakula, Frankeinstein, The Invisible Man ,The Wolfman.
Beberapa aktor besar pun ikut dalam memerankan film ini seperti Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Javie Bardam, Russel Crowe, dan masih banyak lagi Lainnya. Film ini akan tayang pada 13 februari 2019.
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Banyak orang bertanya-tanya tentang siapa itu Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel Adalah tokoh pahlawan super utama yang ditemukan oleh Nick Fury.
Pemeran dari superhero ini adalah wanita, yang akan diperankan oleh aktris cantik Brie Larson. Film ini menceritakan tentang kejadian - kejadian pada tahun 1990-an. Film akan tayang pada tanggal 8 maaret 2019.
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3.GODZILLA : King Of Monster
Masih ingat dengan film Godzilla pertama  2014 lalu?
Film yang dirilis menjadi Awal dari sebuah waralaba bernama MonsterVerse. Hewan raksasa asal Jepang ini akan rilis lagi tahun 2019.
Nah cerita kali ini menceritakan aksi Heroik dari kelompok monach yang anggotanya berhadapan dengan monster raksasa termasuk Godzilla yang bentrok dengan monster mothra,rodan dan Musuh abadinya,king ghidorah yang berkepala tiga. Film ini akan rilis pada Tanggal 22 maret 2019.
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Siapa yang tidak penasaran dengan film ini, para pecinta film marvel pasti sangat antusias ketika film box office ini akan tayang, mengikuti film sebelumnya yang berjudul "LOGAN".
Bocoran film ini menceritakan seorang Mutant baru yang keahliannya sama dengan Wolverine. Penasaran ? kita Tunggu saja film ini rilis pada tanggal 22 februari 2019.
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Di sutradarai oleh Chad Stahelski, film ini sebelumnya mengarahkan ke "John Wick" chapter 1 dan chapter 2. Kisah John Wick kali ini akan ditutup di film ketiganya yang akan berjudul "Parabellum" yang artinya "bersiap untuk berperang".
Bocoran tentang film ini Keanu Reeves pemeran utama dari John Wick akan menampilkan pembunuh bayaran yang bertahan hidup saat dia Mencoba melarikan diri dari new york city.
Serunya film ini akan menggaet salah satu aktor film yang sudah ternama dari Indonesia Yayan Ruhian Berperan sebagai pembunuh bayaran di film ini. Film ini akan tayang pada Tanggal 17 mei 2019.
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uwmspeccoll · 4 years
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Typography Tuesday
Ornamental Digressions by Russell Maret
This week we present some exercises in the use of ornamental type from Ornamental Digressions by the American type designer, letterpress printer, and book artist Russell Maret, printed in New York by Maret in 2016 in a limited edition of 100 copies signed by the designer/printer. Maret developed the book using Pinwheel Ornaments of his own design that were engraved and cast by Northfield, Massachusetts, letterpress printer and type founder Ed Rayher. 
Maret divides his presentation into three chapters. In the first, The Ornaments, he displays a full-page pattern arrangement and at the bottom of the page, the Pinwheel Ornaments he used to create the pattern (the three images after the title page). In the next, The Digressions, he creates a patterned image from the ornaments based on a particular quote (the next four images). Finally, in The Sources, he reveals the source of each quote and offers personal contemplations on each one. For example:
From “The Nature of Ornament” by John Ruskin: “ . . .the function of ornament is to make you happy.” Maret writes: No matter how many ideas and theories one piles onto an ornamental specimen, the true barometer of its success is the amount of joy and surprise it elicits in the reader.”
From Italian Pavements: Patterns in Space by Kim Williams: Maret writes: “Her text, ‘. . . a design that induces the spectator to move into its center may be symbolically beckoning him to come nearer to the infinite,’ references the pavements in the Duomo in Florence, many of which are octagonal. Since the pinwheel ornaments naturally form 45 degree angles, rather than the 22.5 degree angles necessary for octagonal designs, I created the octagonal sections by mortising the outermost ornament of every other line in half.”
From The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare: Maret writes: When nestled together, mirrored pairs of the single spur Pinwheel Ornament create a wave pattern. . . .  this pattern can have a dramatic tromp l’oeil effect that in the best scenario can convey the impression of dimensionality, and in the worst can cause physical nausea. For Shakespeare’s ‘. . . ornament is but the guiled shore to a most dangerous sea,’ I tried to emphasize the waves’ nauseating qualities.”
From Some Hints on Pattern-Designing by William Morris: Maret writes, “There is so much written about William Morris, so many debates, so much yay or nay. . . . The revivalist movement that Morris inspired quickly disavowed him . . . and there are few contemporary printers who have positive things to say about Morris’ books. . . .  [Still, h]is essays on design and craft are full of insights into the human character and condition. One of many favorite examples: “. . .despair may sometimes drive us into excess in the use of surface ornament.’”
The text is hand-set in Diotima, a font designed by Gudrun Zapf von Hesse, and released by the Stempel Foundry around 1951. The titling is set in Hermann Zapf’s Michelangelo, released by Stempel in 1950. Both typefaces were cast by Rainer Gerstenberg in Darmstadt. The notes in The Sources section were printed from digital versions of the same typefaces using photopolymer plates. The paper is Zerkall and our copy is one of 80 bound by Craig Jensen at Book Lab II in quarter goatskin and handmade Yatsuo paper printed with Pinwheel Ornaments.
View more posts on Russell Maret’s work.
View our other Typography Tuesday posts.
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semkaroba · 3 years
Karya malpraktik di Papua dan penentuan nasib sendiri
Papua No. 1 News Portal | JubiOleh: Siorus Degei*Pada 1960, Henry Lewis McKinney, mahasiswa program doktoral di bidang filosofi dari Cornell University penasaran dengan dua surat yang dikirim oleh Wallace pada 9 Maret 1858 dari Ternate, Maluku, kepada Charles Darwin dan dua bersaudara Walter Bates dan Frederik Bates. Dua surat inilah yang menjadi tesis tulisan McKinney, Alfred Russel Wallace and…
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