#S&S: Raijin
skinandscales-if · 1 year
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Part two of the milestone celebration is…. a character reveal! Art and details hidden under the cut in case you want to avoid any spoilers, I’ll be tagging any further limited info as #S&S: Raijin.
Watch your back, starlight, you don’t want to make company of this man anytime soon…
(Check out part one here!)
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Name: “Raijin”, real name unknown
Gender: M
Age: 34
Status: Alive
Classification: Dragon-Shifter
Sub-Species: Lightningspitter
Rank Type: Reserved
Felonies: Money Laundering, Kidnapping, Smuggling, Human Trafficking, Criminal Contempt of Court, Disorderly Conduct, Extortion, Vandalism, Voluntary Manslaughter, First-Degree Murder, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Assault and Battery, Conspiracy, Breaking and Entering, continued on page two.
Notes: Highly Dangerous and well-connected. Do not engage.
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midnightactual · 2 years
Your stats!
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“Oh, you’re close.”
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kiyoomi-levin · 4 months
here for you (yan!Suna RinatroxF!reader)
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a/n this has been a wip for so long... enjoy! i'm working on a atsumu [nsfw] fic so be on the lookout for that next (unless adhd takes over and i start working on a different one instead)!
summary:: As a pro athlete and model, he's nice enough. And yet...there’s something in your gut that says you should stay away. word count:: ~4.4k warning(s):: non-con (no smut/SFW), suna's a grade A creep/stalker, yandere!!, isolation, stockholm syndrome, horror??(i tried to make this scary but it's really not lol) Music rec:: joke's on you - charlotte lawrence
As an aspiring journalist, your dreams had all but come true when you were hired as an intern at the most prestigious sports media center in Tokyo. 
You get to shake hands with athletes you see on television daily and most importantly, you had received an actual assignment. 
Gone were the days of running around to get your manager coffee and spending the day shredding documents. Instead, you had been tasked with creating an in-depth piece into the most popular athlete of the year— Suna Rintaro of EJP Raijin. 
You still vividly remember your first time meeting him. 
You’d been star-struck— a tall, gorgeous man you had only ever seen through a screen was standing in front of you. 
Smiling. Holding out his beautiful hand for you to shake. 
Despite his casual demeanor, there was something off about him. Maybe it was your nerves, or the cold air circulating in the office, but there was a tug in your stomach that was warning you. 
At the time, you had plastered an excited grin on your face and scolded yourself. 
But looking back— his eyes were quite cold, weren’t they?
You just can’t explain why you feel sick whenever you see him. In fact, despite the great task ahead of you—interviewing and writing up an article on Suna— you had been avoiding him. 
There’s just something in you that dreads looking into his sharp green eyes.
It doesn’t help that in spite of your best efforts, you strangely run into him everywhere-- on and off the court.
Your voice comes out squeaky and clearly nervous.
Are your eyes deceiving you? Why would he be here, in the middle of the cereal aisle, at the small grocery store next to your dingy apartment? You have to do a double take before you can confirm that yes, it is in fact him.
It’s late, and it’s only you, Suna, and the tired store manager. Though, at this moment, it feels like it’s only the two of you in this world. 
“Oh. Hey, y/n,” Suna says casually, flashing you his famous smirk— the one that has his fans screaming and crying. He’s on his knees, reading the back of a granola cereal. 
Suna turns back to the aisle in front of him, finally placing a box into his basket. Your brain registers it as your favorite flavor (the unhealthy, chocolate-y type that you’re sure athletes shouldn’t be eating). 
What a coincidence. 
“What are you doing here?” 
You live on the edge of Tokyo, an unfortunate 30 minute subway ride to get to the sports arena you’re working at. And you know, from Suna’s player profile, that he lives in a luxurious high-ceiling apartment only a few blocks away from there. 
“What do you mean?” Suna asks, frowning. He seems genuinely confused. 
Are you the crazy one? 
“Oh, it’s just… so random, you know?” 
Your throat is tightening now and you feel unable to even swallow.
There are alarms blaring inside of your head, as if every fiber is irrationally telling you to run.
Suna glares at you, sharp eyes studying your smaller stature. 
God. Another reason why you don’t like this man— he’s just too difficult to communicate with. 
“You live quite far away, right?” 
Seconds pass and you’re beginning to worry you’ve said something wrong or offensive when Suna finally stands, sighing as he turns toward the registers. 
“No. I just moved to Kamikitazawa.” 
You feel that tingle again. 
“What a coincidence!” You say, recovering quickly.
Fuck. You sound especially stupid right now. 
But could you help it? Suna, a multi-millionaire, moved into your apartment building? The one inhabited by broke college students and poor retirees? 
Was he struggling financially? Did he have a secret child like some rumors alleged? Wait, is he—
“I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but whatever it is, you’re wrong.”
Suna and you are standing at the cash register now, and he turns to gently smile at you. You feel yourself softening. 
Why were you scared, anyways? He’s a world-famous athlete and model. 
Your premonitions have been wrong in the past— like when you thought your boss, Kuroo, would be upset with you accidentally deleting his PC files. 
“I see,” you murmur, “well… the apartment is kind of… there’s a lot of problems, you know?” 
The words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them. You sound like a broken radio.
There's an awkward silence as you and Suna both try to find the words to say. 
This is why you hate talking to him, he expects you to do all the work!
"You should know that the third elevator isn't that good. It always gets stuck on floor two. And the garbage chute at the end of every hall is kind of hard to open. You have to," you make a pulling motion, "really yank, ya know?"
Silence. Suna stares at you blankly.
You're just an absolute loser, aren't you?
He's gonna cringe, or worse, tell your advisor that you're being overfamiliar with him, an athlete 5 years your senior…
As you stand in your cheap winter boots, shivering, Suna suddenly laughs.
It's not the quiet chuckle you see him release when he's joking with Komori, but a head-throwing, mouth widening laugh.
"Uh..." you stutter, nervous.
It takes a full minute before he finally stops, silently pink at the face.
"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind," he says, lifting his shopping basket. 
You nod repeatedly, nerves subsiding.
"Wanna walk back together?" Suna asks. 
You hesitantly nod. Why not? It's late and dark, and though the neighborhood is calm, it never hurts to have a walking buddy.
On the walk home, to your surprise, Suna begins to talk about his team and compliments you for your article on the top liberos. You’ve never seen this side of him. There’s a reason why he’s so beloved— he’s a mystery.
You’re nearly zoning out as the two of you reach your apartment complex. 
"Am I boring you?" Suna suddenly asks.
It's such an unexpected question, you falter for a second.
"No! I'm just... I feel relaxed. I like hearing your voice," you say, surprised.
Suna lets out a sigh of relief as he punches in the door code to the building. 
"So. As I was saying, you want me to give you a ride tomorrow?"
"A ride. To the arena." He says, enunciating every word as if you're a child. 
"It's okay," you start, “I—”
"Take the subway, yeah. But it's a hassle, right?"
No, it's not. In fact, it's pretty nice, seeing strangers off to their desired destinations.
But it's as if he can read your mind.
"I’ll give you a ride." 
It's not a question anymore.
"Alright," you murmur.
The short journey to your floor is now awkward, and you’re wishing you had turned down his offer to walk together. 
The two of you are almost at the end of the hallway now, at your apartment door. To your horror, Suna doesn’t continue walking.
Instead, he simply turns around and reaches for the doorknob of the apartment just across from you. 
Strangely, you’re just now noticing just how narrow and dark this hallway is. 
Under the cheap fluorescent lights, you can only see the man in front of you. Suna’s pale hands flex as he easily readjusts his heavy grocery bags, reminding you he could take you out in a moment.
“Wow. Looks like we’re neighbors, huh?” Suna says, stepping into his flat.
You’re blinking up towards him, breath cut short.
“See you tomorrow, y/n.”
Funny. He didn’t sound surprised. 
You're just tying your hair when the doorbell rings.
"y/n, you ready?" 
Who would’ve imagined hearing the Suna Rintaro’s voice at 9 AM.
You sigh as you take a final glance into the mirror. You couldn’t completely hide the dark eye circles from your lack of sleep— who’d be able to sleep after learning a celebrity lives practically next door?
Taking a deep inhale, you push open your front door.
You instantly feel yourself healing as you take in Suna. It’s a similar effect to watching your favorite idols perform on stage— good looks work wonders on your tired body.
Suna leans against the wall, wearing a pair of black sweats and a thin blue hoodie. With a start, you can't help but notice it's almost a couple set with your blue sweater and black skirt.
"Good morning," he says, sliding his phone into his pocket. You nod in response. 
As you walk down the hall together to the elevators, you can't help but flush. Is this what it'd be like to have a boyfriend? As a student dedicated to her craft, you’d never felt the urge to date, remaining single your entire life. You can’t help but wonder what it’d be like to be Suna Rintaro’s. 
“Oh! What’s this!” Kiana, a middle-aged woman, calls out as you and Suna wait for the elevator. 
“y/n! You never told me you got a boyfriend! And such a handsome one, too! Oh, if I was only a little younger…” 
You and Suna make eye contact and you blush, quickly turning towards the smiley woman, ready to retort.  
“We’re—” You barely make out a word before Suna suddenly takes your hand.
“Good morning, ma’am. I’m Suna Rintaro, y/n’s boyfriend. I just moved into apartment 306.” 
At his words, both your and Kiana’s eyes widen.
Yours in confusion, hers in wonder as she recognizes the handsome stranger. 
“I know you! I know you! You’re Suna, from that team! Oh, my son is such a fan! I can't believe you're living here! He’ll be so excited."
As Suna and Kiana make small talk, you try to discreetly shake your sweaty hand out of Suna’s grasp. To your bewilderment, he continues gripping onto it, so hard you can feel his short fingernails digging into your soft skin. 
To your relief, the elevator chimes, and as Suna waves goodbye (you do too, out of habit), you gasp as he yanks you into the elevator.
"What was that?" You ask, nervously looking up at your ‘boyfriend.’ 
Suna’s eyes are hard as he stares down at you, but he’s glowing all the same, as if he’d just received a gift. 
“Saying we’re a couple. What was that about?”
Suna hums innocently. 
"I just thought it would be most convenient to tell her that. People will see us together from now on." 
No, they won't. 
“It would confuse them to have to explain you’re an intern.”
Was that so complicated?
But with his mischievous smirk and the way he taps his foot against the elevator floor, you just can’t find the courage to refute. 
“Alright… but could you let go?” You ask uncomfortably.
"Ah, right," he says, letting you free. 
You rub your hands together, easing the circulation back. 
Strangely, it feels especially cold without his grip on you.
"Wake up." 
Awakening with a start, you rub your eyes. 
You can't help but admit you could get addicted to free rides with Suna. 
His car is just too nice; the seats are fluffy and he turned on the heater to just the right temperature and there's soft piano playing from the speakers.
How long have you been out? 
Taking in your surroundings, you're surprised to find you're already at the Tokyo Volleyball Arena. You almost jump in shock as you realize what’s warming your lap— a box of your favorite strawberry waffles. 
“What’s this?” You question as Suna wordlessly hands you a fork. 
"I thought you might be hungry.” 
Suna slides a cup into your open hand— matcha. 
So he is a nice man, after all. 
“Wow, Suna! Let me please pay you back!” 
Your stomach grumbles as you take a bite of the sweet breakfast. 
“No, no, it’s on me.” 
How could you make it up to him? Maybe you should bake him cookies or something… you shift in your seat, frowning as you realize your bare thigh is strangely damp. Rubbing your thighs together, your eyebrows furrow.
“Oh,” Suna says, biting into his scrambled eggs, “sorry. That was me, I got some coffee on you while you were sleeping, so I wiped it away," he says sheepishly, gesturing towards the pack of wet wipes in the glove compartment.
He looks embarrassed, avoiding eye contact, so you don't push it any further.
He's kind of cute, you think.
It kind of feels too perfect– the plush comfort of Suna’s luxury car, the sweetness of the waffles, and the delicious matcha, albeit slightly salty.
"Hey, y/n, which movie should we watch?" Suna calls from your couch. 
You're in the kitchen, preparing popcorn in your small microwave.
"Studio Ghibli!" You shout back, stirring the hot chocolate, “I have a whole bunch downloaded, just choose one.” 
It's become a regular occurrence for the two of you to spend much of your free time together. At first, Suna had gently coaxed you into spending time with you under the guise of doing more research for the article you’re writing about him, but now you’ve grown to genuinely enjoy his company.
From morning rides to office lunches to casual dinners, it's like your life has been consumed by Suna. Your gut had been wrong, after all, because Suna treats you like a girlfriend— although you’d long shook away that silly thought— he’d never see a younger, broke student that way. 
But despite your brain knowing everything is just fine, your heart has yet to be rewired. It still pounds with discomfort, as if it knows that fundamentally, something’s wrong. 
You just can’t identify or place a label on that problem. 
More recently, you’ve been getting hit with strong deja vu from that one night at the grocery store months ago. 
As if it’s only the two of you on this planet. 
Sighing, you take your place next to Suna, glancing at your phone. It remains still, screen dark.
“What’s wrong?” Suna asks, frowning. He pushes up his black glasses, running his fingers through his damp hair.
You hesitate. It’s fine to share this, right? After all, it feels like Suna’s all you have right now.
“Well… I’m not sure why, but I think my friends are mad at me. For the past few months, they’ve been silent. They don’t really respond to me anymore, and when they do they just say they’re busy.”
Suna nods, reaching for your hand. You welcome the warmth of his fingers, blinking back tears.
“And even worse, my family hardly contacts me. I used to call my mom basically everyday. I think there’s something really wrong, Suna, I’m really worried.”
“How long has this been going on?” Suna has the movie paused now, full attention on you. He gently strokes your hair and the kind gesture has tears pooling in your eyes.
“For a few months… maybe… four? I didn’t realize it at first because of how busy I’ve been at work and with the article I’m writing on you,” you mumble, allowing Suna to embrace you. 
He’s gently rocking you back and forth now, rubbing your back, whispering kind words into your ear, telling you it’s okay and they’re probably just busy too…
Minutes pass before you finally look up, eyes widening as you take in his facial expression. 
Despite his sweet words, Suna’s eyes are completely blank and there’s a questionable, small smile on his face. You barely recognize him.
You blink, and take in an inaudible breath as you stare at Suna. 
He cocks his head, confused. He looks at you with nothing but affection and concern, thin lips pressed into a frown. 
Your heartbeat slows as you realize that, yet again, you’d just been seeing and feeling things wrong— whenever you’re around Suna, it’s as if you lose sense of your surroundings. 
Smiling, you sniffle as you wipe away your tears. 
“Sorry for getting emotional at movie night.”
Suna grins, giving you a final gentle hug before turning back to the television.
“Don’t be. I’m always here for you, y/n.”
Q: Suna, this question has been long requested by your fanbase. How do you express love? 
A: Dedication. I give my all to my lover, no questions asked.
Oh, and I don’t like to share.
There’s suddenly a knock at your door, causing you to jump. You put down your laptop, where your open article draft sits nearly complete. 
The lightning storm outside has you shaking and you just wish Suna was here, holding you and laughing at his silly responses to your even stupider interview questions. 
Another knock at the door. 
Strange— Suna’s practice runs for extra long today for his upcoming tournament. Maybe he finished early. 
“Suna, why didn’t you call before practice finished? We could’ve gone out for dinner,” you scold as you pull open the door. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” 
Standing in front of you is your furious older sister, drenched from the rainstorm outside. 
“Oh my god! Come in!” You say, alarmed. You reach towards her wrist, but she remains planted in place. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
She’s angrier than you’ve ever seen her. 
“How could you tell us to fuck off? You really think your journalism is that important? Your writing isn’t more important than family, you asshole! It’ll never be important!” 
Taking a deep breath, your sister lets go, immediate regret evident on her face. She opens her mouth to apologize, but you’re not having any of it. 
Anger is coursing through your body now and you shove your sister away, causing her to stumble against Suna’s door. 
Your family has never supported your career— from when you were just a child, you’d had to work hard for your own future. 
So this is why they had shunned you? Because they can’t stand seeing you successful? Because you had moved away from the countryside to make something out of yourself in the city?
Tears stream down your face as you tremble.
“My writing is important,” you whisper. Your sister nods quickly, opens her mouth again—
“Don’t come by anymore. Don’t consider me a part of the family anymore.”
“No, I’m sorry— I think there’s a miscommunication, y/n! Wait!”
Slamming the door on her shocked face, you stumble towards the couch. 
It feels as though you’re going to die— the room spins as your lungs strive for air and your vision is becoming increasingly blurry. 
The sound of rain and your sister pounding on the door intertwine, and as you bury your head into a pillow, you really just wish Suna was at your side. 
Someone’s tugging at your sleeve, and you glance up, blinking uncomfortably at the bright lights of the living room. There’s dried tear streaks on your face and you’re sure you look like a miserable ogre, but Suna looks at you with nothing but compassion as he hugs you, alarmed.
He’s slightly damp—probably a combination of sweat from practice and the rain outside—but you hold onto him eagerly as he eases you onto his lap. 
“What happened?” 
You shake your head, explaining what had happened in the few hours when he’d been gone. 
Suna’s furious on your behalf, jaw tight and fists clenched. 
“Thank god I told your sister to fuck off. She was standing at your door, yelling curses and threatening to call the police,” he mutters.
Tears spring to your eyes again. This only confirms the reality of your life now— your family (and probably friends, too) absolute despise you. 
 “Don’t worry, y/n. I’ll always be here for you,” Suna whispers. 
His words are somewhat like a relaxant to you. Taking a deep breath, you lean into his chest, sighing. 
“I don’t think I can write anymore, Suna. I don’t want to. What have I been working towards my whole life?” 
Suna remains silent for a moment, studying your sorrowful face, before leaning in to brush his nose against yours. Your eyes shift, admiring his gorgeous olive ones.
“Your journalism is amazing, y/n. And… if you hadn’t worked so hard, we might’ve never met, right?”
You smile sadly.
“I guess…”
“y/n, how about you wrap up your article tonight? You’re almost done, aren’t you?”
You gesture towards your open laptop on the coffee table. 
“It’s done, but it’s shit. My sister’s right, it’s not worth anything,” you say, embarrassed. You’ve always known you were talentless, which is why you’ve always worked harder. But it amounted to nothing in the end. 
You press your cold hands against your burning eyes as Suna picks up your laptop, skimming through what you’ve written about him. 
If even he hates it… that’s it. You’re not sure how you’re supposed to go on. 
“y/n, will you look at me?” 
Suna’s gently tugging at your hands covering your face. Biting your lip nervously, you let him take your hands into one of his. 
“Want my honest opinion?” He asks, placing the laptop onto your lap. You nod, staring down at the bright screen.
“This is the best thing anyone’s written about me.”
You close your eyes, shaking your head. 
“Don’t lie.”
“y/n. I’m serious. This shows exactly the side I wanted the public to know about me. It’s intimate, but written formally enough to be taken seriously by the media.” 
When you don’t respond, Suna sighs sadly. 
“I guess you don’t want the opinion of a dumb athlete, though…”
Frantically, you look up, shocked.
“Of course not! Suna, your opinion is everything to me!” 
Relief settles in your stomach as Suna grins, eyes shining. 
“Of course! Thank you… That really means a lot to me.”
Suna nods, rambling about how much he loves that sentence here, the use of punctuation there…
“What’s wrong?” He asks, noticing you look down again. 
“I… just feel like I have nobody but you, Suna.”
Suna smiles at you, waving towards the polaroids of your friends and family hung on the wall. 
“I’m sure they’ll come around again, y/n.” 
Your nose crinkles as you cringe at the photos. You want them gone. You want all of the references towards them gone. 
You want to get out of here.
“I hate this apartment, actually. They helped me decorate it and everything,” you sigh.
“Well then, how about we move out together?” 
You fiddle your thumbs, headache threatening to return.
“I don’t have that type of money,” you say, frustrated. It’s easy for a world-class athlete like him to just up and leave, but you’d never be able to, not unless you dropped out of school and found a job elsewhere. 
“y/n, I’ve just remembered. I have an apartment near our stadium, right? How about you move there for the rest of your internship?”
You hesitate. Intruding into the home of a man you’re not even in a relationship with? While the offer is tempting…
“Don’t worry about anything, y/n. Don’t think too hard about it.” 
Suna’s gently rubbing circles onto the side of your hands and you feel like melting away, exhausted. 
All that crying and anger has truly taken a toll on you. Your eyelids flutter as you finally nod.
“Are you sure?” 
Now that it’s come to actually burning the photos, you’re hesitating. Aside from the few photographs on the walls, your apartment is completely bare, all of your belongings now residing in Suna’s luxury condo.
“y/n. You don’t need them anymore.”
You pause, the lighter in your hand feeling heavier by the second. With this, you’re truly erasing all parts of your former family and friends. Just then, your phone buzzes— you barely need to look at it to know it’s a string of curses from your ex-best friend. 
Suna grimaces as he deletes the message, examining you out of the corner of his eye.
“You’re right, Suna. I don’t.”
You watch as the pictures go up in flames, holding back tears. 
Looking around your now empty apartment, Suna wraps his arm around your shoulders. 
“I always thought your walls would look better bare.”
In and out. 
In and out.
There’s something so comforting about the way you breathe. 
You’re lying motionless on Suna’s large bed, curled into a ball. 
Sighing, Suna collapses next to you, admiring your eyebrows, the curve of your nose, your lips…
When was the last time he’d felt this content? Reaching out, Suna gently tucks your hair behind your ears, admiring the small s shaped earrings adoring them. 
Bringing you here was the best option. It’d taken him a little longer than he’d hoped, but now you were truly in the palm of his hand.
He’d almost slipped up a few times (your gut was much smarter than you) but everything had worked out, hadn’t it.
Since the day he’d first met you nearly a year ago, Suna knew you’d be his. 
He’s not sure why, but there’s this thing about him— sometimes, when he sees something, he wants it. 
And he’ll do anything to make sure it’s entirely his.
You mumble in your sleep, rolling over to face the large windows that present the city of Tokyo below his feet. 
He has it all now. 
His phone vibrates— messages from your concerned father. 
Rolling his eyes, Suna silently reaches over to your phone, which lies innocently next to your small hand, and unlocks it (the password being his birthday, obviously). 
Without hesitation, Suna begins wiping out all traces of the code he’s implanted into your phone. 
There would be no more reason to reroute your messages to himself anymore.
Next, Suna makes sure all of your family and friends’ contacts are blocked. 
Ensuring your safety is a top priority of his. 
He squeezes your device in his large hand, wondering if he should just break it. 
If Suna had it his way completely, he’d rather you not have a phone at all. 
Tossing your phone back onto your side of the bed, Suna smirks as he unlocks his own device. 
Desperate messages from your sister pop up, warning you of your tall neighbor, he threatened to kill me if i didn’t leave y/n please get away from him and go to the police!
Suna slides his thumb across the screen, removing the messages from his screen, and disconnects his phone from yours.
After all, you wouldn’t be getting contacted by those nuisances anymore. 
Almost done, then he can sleep peacefully with you—Suna sends the email he’s been working on: a PDF attachment of your final draft of your article on him and a short message of your resignation as an intern, written by yours truly. 
Turning over, Suna locks the bedroom door, smiling. 
There’s no need for anyone else. 
Not when he’s always going to be here for you.
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pparadiselost · 8 months
suna rintaro x fem reader suna is no one special to you, but he doesn't mind. warning(s): nsfw, hate sex, slight revenge porn, being filmed without consent, suna spanks you once, sexual transaction minors do not interact.
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the night presses against you in a tight hug, its smoky arms palming against your body. you don’t like venturing out when the night has gotten so thick that it seems to take on a life of its own, pulsing and breathing and stretching out as far as the naked human eye can see. it makes you reconcile with how truly weak you are, no better than a newly born deer wobbling on its shaky legs as it stares down uncertainty right in the face.
you want to believe you’re better than a newly born animal, above the vulnerability and practically lying in wait for a predator to come by and steal its life. but your conscience seems to scream otherwise as you trudge through the dimly lit parking lot and up to the singular car parked there. you blame the late hour to explain why this area is so devoid of people; gymnasiums like the one you’re at are normally bustling with life. it feels wrong, it feels forbidden, to see its barrenness like this and to realize that this world is a lot bigger than you want to give it credit for.
you are a fool, no better than the same deer that runs straight into the road, you decide as you tap impatiently on the closed windows of the car. you muster up a scowl onto your face as the person on the driver’s side rolls the windows down, and his familiar features flood your eyes.
“you’re the only person in the world that would have the nerve to call me out here when it’s this late,” you seethe, the aggression in your voice and face dripping off of you in hissing waves. “and all because you can’t keep your dick in check.”
the man in front of you keeps his placid yet narrowed eyes. his countenance remains unreadable as always, and you’re the only one in the whole wide universe that can pick up the slight annoyance that boils behind his theatrically calm demeanor. he squashes his lips into a thin line, and while he looks utterly displeased to see you as well, he doesn’t respond right away to you. 
he moves forward to prop the phone in his hand against a little device on his dashboard that keeps it upright, the lit-up screen facing him. he taps at it for a little bit, nothing too important that you’d care enough to find it out what. 
he simply rolls his windows back up before his deft fingers unlock the car doors for you, and you huff to yourself. he jerks the handle of his seat, and he yanks the driver’s seat as far back as it’ll go, granting you enough room to climb in once you open the door.
“and you actually showed up. i feel like that says more about you than it does about me.” his words are carefully picked, disguised thorns that nip and wound your ankles. you two can go back and forth for days, sharpening and picking out the most heinous of words to hurl at each other, but with him beckoning for you to step into the night and with you following him ardently, you spare him your insults.
suna rintaro. 
even his name feels like bitter coals against your tongue. unlike delicious foodstuffs that make you want to savor the taste, to roll it against the inside of your cheeks and to melt with it, everything about this man makes you bristle with hate.
“i’m only here because you said you’d help me.” the car becomes far more cramped the moment you slide inside, facing him and your back to the small device holding suna’s phone for him. you don’t press yourself up against suna’s body immediately, opting to keep as much distance as you can between yourself and him. you can only look so dignified with your back and head cramped up against the ceiling of the car, and you exhale disappointedly.
suna leans back languidly in the driver’s seat. he still has his volleyball uniform on, the words ‘ejp raijin’ stretched across his broad chest. “and what if i was lying? what would you do then?”
“you wouldn’t lie to me. i know we don’t get along, but that just means i know you better than i’d like to. you’re filthy and awful and scummy, but you aren’t a liar.” you’re not entirely sure if your words are true, but you’re too prideful to admit that he could lure you so easily to him for a booty call. you’re willing to gamble on his goodwill for once. 
“not too shabby. you must really like him, if you’re willing to drop everything and come out here to fuck me.” suna breaks out into a cold smile, and your prediction seems to be right. the man in front of you stretches out the word ‘him’ as if to mock you, and his smile widens a tad. “don’t you find it funny? that you’re fucking another man to get closer to your crush?”
“quit talking before i slap your mouth off,” you mutter. you shouldn’t let him provoke you, not when he’s right. you can’t find another way to describe him other than the fact that you hate him with every fiber of your being.
you can’t help but compare him to your crush. your man-that’s-not-quite-your-man, your oblivious prince charming that needed just a little bit of a push to start taking an interest in you, the best friend to none other than the very man you wish spades upon every waking moment of your life. 
“hey, i can’t set you up with atsumu if you hurt me like that.” he motions for you to come closer to him, and suna wiggles his uniform pants off, gripping his cock and freeing it from his boxers. you leer at him through the barely existent lighting that peers through the windows. he slides his shirt off, giving you a generous view of his broad chest and abs. you purposefully choose not to admire him. 
it’s not like the first time suna’s demanded something like this from you, and it’s not the first time you’ve complied. you’ve asked him to do the same multiple times. it’s unfortunate that the two of you hate each other so much, especially when your existences are so convenient for the other. 
and leave it to suna to take advantage of the fact that you’re madly in love with his old high school teammate and to mockingly play wingman for you in exchange for sex. where atsumu is shining, beautiful, and exceptional in every way, suna is the opposite. he couldn’t charm you even if his life depended on it, and everything, from his deadpan face to his outlook on life, about him is just so normal. he’s plain. he’s truly a john doe through and through to you, and it infuriates you that he has the gutsiness to demand something like this. 
you don’t get down on your knees to suck his cock. instead you come closer, and in one swift movement, you slide your shirt over your head. tossing it over to the passenger’s seat, you undo your bra and throw it to the side as well. suna’s usually unfeeling eyes widen at the sight of your bare breasts, and you crawl onto his lap. placing a hand next to his head and onto the driver’s seat, you steady yourself on top of him.
“let’s make ourselves clear here. i don’t want you to take advantage of me, and i’m sure you don’t want lackluster sex either. we can put our differences aside for this much, yeah?” your voice sounds a lot more sultry than you’d like it to be, and something deep inside your stomach burns. his cock hovers between the two of you, almost as if waiting for you to take your pants and underwear off so you can sink fully onto it.
“i thought our terms were clear enough already.” suna’s face crumples into a sour scowl. he scoffs, “you have sex with me, and i set you up with atsumu. that’s all there is, right?”
you grab one of suna’s wrists, and you bring it to your chest, shaping his palm to cup your breasts. “i just wanted to make sure. i didn’t want this to be some elaborate ploy of yours to humiliate me.”
“if i wanted to humiliate you, i’d find a better way to do it. this is so uncreative. i’m not as stupid as you think i am, missy.” the man starts to grope your tits, his thumbs pressing and passing over your nipples. you swallow back a pleasured sigh as the first few telltale jolts of arousal flicker like weak candlelight in your core. you frown at the pet name he hurls at you as if it were a weapon. he smiles wryly to himself as both of his hands fully massage your chest, your plush flesh filling up the wide expanses of his palms perfectly. “i genuinely just want sex because i’m horny, and you’re a convenient hole for me to fuck. you’re so fucking desperate to get atsumu’s attention that it’s almost pitiful to watch.”
you grit your teeth as suna pinches your nipples gently, his pointed eyes meeting yours in sync as if he’s waiting to watch you crumble and moan under his touch. he’s going to have to do a lot more if he thinks he can break you that easily. instead you lower your hips slightly until the tip of his cock is pressed up against your clothed crotch. you hear him suck in a harsh breath when you rub your hips against his dick, grinding down on him ever so slightly. 
“if you wanted sex, why not hit up one of your groupies? or, i don’t know, take advantage of one of your diehard fans. i know for sure that i’m not the only person you have on call like this.” you’re making it a point to tease him, only rubbing back and forth on his dick a little to rile him up. you can see the veins in suna’s neck start to strain against his skin, and he swallows heavily. your lips curl into a sickeningly fake smile. “do you have a crush on me or something, suna?”
“in your fucking dreams,” he mutters. in retaliation, he twists your nipples harshly, and you cry out in pain. he keeps pulling at your hardened buds, the sting and the pleasure of having your nipples tugged making you jerk uncontrollably against his lap. a loud hiss escapes from the volleyball player, and scalding hot pleasure flashes through his abs. “don’t think so highly of yourself. the only specific reason why i called you here is because i want you to ride me like the cock hungry slut you are. i want to see you bounce up and down on my cock, to fucking cum all over it, to make a mess out of yourself and moan my name all while pretending that you’re having sex with me to get to another man.”
you force back a laugh. “you have a weird fetish, suna.”
“say what you want.” one of his hands let go of your chest and fly up to your face. he grips your cheeks and drags you down to where his face is. “kiss me.”
your lips collide with his. he tries to shove his tongue into your mouth when he gets the chance to, but you rebuke him. instead, you bite down on his lower lip, smirking into the violent kiss when you hear suna grunt. you can feel your teeth marks engraved into the soft tissue of his mouth, and you know they’re going to hurt for a while. only then do you let suna stick his tongue down your throat. it’s sloppy, messy, and loud, with him kneading at your tits as if he wants to rip them off and you playing with his cock, denying him the full pleasure he wants.
your lungs strain, needing air. you wrench yourself away from suna to breathe, and suna only grants you a few inhales before he’s back on you again, lips refusing to merge into a coherent rhythm and spit flying everywhere between the two of you. god, such a thing would be so fucking hot if it were literally any other man, but the only thing you have to fool the second pulse that thrums in your insides is the hope that you’ll be doing this with someone you actually love soon enough.
“fucking hell-,” suna grumbles in between kisses, “you even kiss like a whore.”
“and you like it. your dick’s still really hard, you dog.” you push at his shoulders, forcibly separating yourself from him again. it’s hard for the both of you to keep at it like this, but your respective prides refuse to back down. you can see the hazy gloss that’s taking over suna’s eyes and the barely visible flush of his cheeks, and you can envision the itch that’s consuming his body, his cock screaming at him to quit the theatrics and to just fuck you like there’s no tomorrow.
you’re not much better too. your body keeps heating up as if you’ve caught a fever, and your insides burn with need. you need something big and thick stuffed into you fast, otherwise you’re going to do something you regret because you need dick so badly. you let suna yank your pants down, the wetness that follows your underwear from your cunt making your chest stir.
he maneuvers you out of them until you’re completely naked in front of him. there’s nothing hiding you from his gaze now, nothing other than the dark protection of the night. his cock twitches, eager at the thought of burying itself into your slick walls.
“do you have any condoms on you?” you ask, getting ready to lean back and dig one out from his glove box compartment. “i didn’t bring any since you called me out on such short notice.”
“fuck me without one.” 
you stop dead in your tracks. you whirl back towards him, glaring at him with barely contained rage. “fuck you raw? have you actually lost your fucking mind, suna? no! fucking you without any protection is a recipe for disaster.”
at the best, he might brag to his teammates that you let him hit it raw. at the worst… you vehemently shook your head. you didn’t even want to think about it.
“what? fine, if you don’t want to fuck me, then so be it. there’s a whole line of other girls who’ll be happy to get the opportunity to get to know atsumu more closely. surely you didn’t think that you’d be the only one?” the sly grin suna tosses back to you is nothing short of fox-like. your fingers itch to wrap themselves around his throat and strangle him to death right there and then for trapping you in a place like this. maybe seeing his lifeless body splayed out in front of you would do something to quell the boiling anger that threatens to spill out and snap your bones. 
your lips quiver slightly. you don’t want to weigh the options. well, it was more like suna wasn’t going to give you the illusion of choosing to begin with—you make a mental note to find a pharmacy and to fork over whatever money needed for morning-after contraception the very instant you’re done with this fiasco.
you crawl back to where you were and position yourself above his cock. you don’t need a fancy overture or anything, not when the shame that stirs in your stomach like a big snake hurts more than the physical reality. suna inhales deeply when his cockhead pushes past your folds. you’re not going to let him off so easily.
bracing your thighs, you lower yourself just the slightest bit. you steady your breathing as his pre-cum smeared tip makes it past your hole, stretching out the tight ring of muscle. suna’s eyes are fixed in between your hips, right where your cunt meets his length. he’s expecting you to sink down all the way, to take him to the hilt and feel his size throbbing and invading every little nook of your insides, waiting for your inner walls to squeeze around him and commit the shape of his thick length to memory.
except you don’t.
you lift yourself again, only letting the head of his cock enter you. frustration and confusion runs across suna’s face as you continue, slowly repeating the bobbing motion with your hips. you’re sure it’s driving suna wild: being deprived of the pleasure he had expected would fall into place so easily, with only such a small part of his cock being granted entry into your warm, wet walls. you’ve never seen suna look so angry, and it makes some sick part of you sing with happiness.
“oh, you’re fucking kidding me…,” he exhales. he’s calm about it; even when driven to such extreme emotion, he refuses to fully lash out at you. you’d tease him for being such a gentleman if you were in any place to talk.
“i’m not. patience is a virtue, suna. i’m getting to it.” it’s only half of a lie. you do fully intend on fucking suna properly, but it wouldn’t hurt to let him sample the acrid burn of shame as well. not entirely a taste of his own medicine, but it’s enough to satisfy you.
suna’s hands latch themselves to your hips. his eyes flare with fury, barely containing himself. “i’m going to be nice just this once. you either ride me properly, or i’ll make you fucking regret it. i’m not the kind of man to be toyed with.”
heat coils all around you from the inside out. you want it, you want to fuck him, you want to have a better feel of the dick that’s right underneath you. your body needs it, to feel the delicious stretch of a nice thick cock pushing you to your limit, the kind of dicking that leaves you breathless and brainless all the same. but it’s suna you’re talking about, and you’d eat rocks than hand anything over to him this easily.
“i should be the one saying that. you’re the one that has the audacity to ask for raw sex.” your words are pointed and punctuated. the corner of his mouth twitches slightly, almost like he wants to retort right back in your face, but he stops himself.
“fine. have it your way,” he says plainly, “but don’t say i didn’t warn you.”
you don’t even have time to gloat over your momentarily won victory over your nemesis. suna, mustering all of his strength, the muscles he’s built and torn down and refined from the countless time he’s spent pouring himself into volleyball, grips your hips and forcibly pushes you down all the way on his cock.
“huh- wait-!!”
the intrusion wipes your mind entirely blank. you don’t have the brainpower to muster a full fledged scream. your voice extinguishes like a light blown out on the tip of your tongue. your body feels like it’s being ripped into two, your pussy being shoved outwards but also caving in on itself all at once. you stiffen and freeze in his hold, your hole rendered utterly unable to adjust to the thickness and the length that’s been fucked into you in one fell swoop.
it’s cloud nine for suna. he ensures that you can’t move from his firm grip before he lets himself relish the feeling of your stupidly addictive cunt squelching and clenching all around him. he loves this moment, the first few seconds of properly penetrating you. you yap too much for your own good, but good god, your cunt always sucks him in and flutters all around him as if you’re a virgin taking cock for the first time.
it’s enough to have him crawling back, as much as he hates to admit it. it’s a good thing that you’re not fully aware of how much control you have over this man. he’d hate it if the precarious dynamic that the two of you have were to tip over all in your favor. he hates feeling such animosity towards someone to begin with, but he hates losing even more. 
“hurts- t-take it out- ‘t’s too big…!” big hot teardrops are already obscuring your vision, the pain shooting and taking root deep in your gut. the fact that the pain feels good makes it even worse. you shouldn’t be getting off to this, not to the fact that suna just pushed you down all the way on his shaft without any prep. 
he instead moves to bury his head into the crook of your neck. his lips are right by your ear, and you can feel his breathing. steady in the rhythm but shaky, savoring the ephemeral sensation of his dick irrevocably and undeniably dominating your sweet hole. he just laughs mockingly, “i warned you. now you’re going to be good and take it. don’t make this harder for yourself than it has to be.”
you whimper, a few fat tears falling from your face and landing in the darkness below. you grip onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his toned muscle as if that would do anything to anchor you. the throbbing pain in your cunt is becoming a little more bearable as your walls loosen up and take him in. you’re thankful that suna had made out with you before; the lubrication from being turned on from that must have been a lifesaver.
a strangled cry dies out on your lips as he starts moving his own hips, thrusting upwards into your hole. you weakly rock yourself in rhythm with him, trying to take your mind off of the humiliation that seeps in like a water leak by deluding yourself into thinking that the pleasure will outweigh the pain. 
“there we go. that’s more like it. i like you so much more when you’re being agreeable for once. it’s such a shame that i have to take such violent means to get you to behave.” suna’s adam’s apple bobs. you bounce yourself shamelessly on his dick, sucking him in all the way without any resistance now that your walls have been blown out already. it’s beyond euphoric. suna wishes modern science could invent a fleshlight that’s a carbon copy of your pussy already. 
his mouth latches onto one of your tits, and his tongue wraps around your nipple as he sucks at your chest. he loves having free range on your body like this, knowing that you’re too helpless to do anything about it. you grit your teeth for what feels like the millionth time tonight. the tipsy pleasure that dances about your midriff is trickling dangerously up to your head, threatening to push out any of the thoughts that linger in your head. 
“y-you’re the worst-,” you sob out. you wish you had the strength to at least be mean back to him. instead, you sound so weak and frail, shockwaves of heat and embarrassment pooling in your core. your arousal sloshes around inside of you. it’s no better than a glass of water that’s filled to the brim, just waiting for the little extra bit to be poured in to have it tip over. 
“ah, ah, that’s not what i want to hear,” suna snarls. his eyes flash at you with such readied hostility that you unconsciously clench up around him. “fuck—shit! did you like that? fucking hell, you’re even worse than i thought.”
you claw at his shoulders. “shut up, shut up…!”
“use your nice words, since you want to act like such a brat. what are you, a child? don’t you know how adults talk to each other? i mean, look at us. we’re having sex in my car. i really don’t think it gets any more adult than this.” he thrusts up harshly into you, and you recoil immediately. your back arches, and your spine is assaulted with tingles. he’s going to break you, fuck your pussy beyond the point of no return, mold it fully to the selfish shape of his cock.
god, that can’t happen, you can’t have that happening. you can’t lose out to him this easily. not when you have someone else you want to give your heart to, not when the man underneath you is someone who wants to rip you until you’re nothing but an unraveled spool of thread and dirtied stuffing.
“...feels good-,” you choke out the words as if you’re coughing up blood. “it feels good… y-your cock is making me feel good, suna…!”
“rintaro-,” he cuts you off. for the first time, you see the way his face melts into a genuine smile. it’s sinister and ugly, and your stomach both cringes in disgust and purrs with delight. “-call me by my first name. c’mon, moan it with that sweet voice of yours.”
you hate how easily he can toy with intimacy like this. you aren’t one of those prudish romantics who believe strictly in waiting for ‘the one’ to do anything special, but god, you also  hate cynical people like him that can throw things around like it means nothing. you whimper and mewl, your toes curling as he keeps fucking himself into you. the tip of his cock prods deeper and deeper, spearing your body mercilessly on his inches. 
he’s already dangerously close to your deepest parts, ghosting over the place that makes you see stars and lose your mind. you sniff back your tears, and the tightness in your chest won’t undo itself. you pause, hesitating on whether or not you can sell parts of your heart like that.
“i said-,” the man raises his hand, “-moan my first name.”
“eek!” you scream as he smacks your ass, the brunt of his big palm brought down hard against the soft curves of your behind. the cold realization that settles in on you is almost enough to bring you back down to reality.
he hit you. 
he laid a hand on you. 
he spanked you. 
“r-rintaro…!” the syllables feel weird and jumbly in your mouth, and your voice doesn’t sound like your own as you cave and bend to his will. your cunt greedily takes his cock in, loving the friction of his thickness sliding in and out of you wildly. you’re so far gone from the conflicting feelings inside you as you ride him. he’s so goddamn thick and big, and the sex is just too, too good to be real.
he grins again, and with how the darkness shrouds part of his face, he looks particularly unpredictable. “what a good girl. i wish there was a way for me to show you what you look like right now. you look absolutely fucked. do you like my cock that much?”
you want to shake your head no. you desperately want to answer him in the negative. but his hands shift just the slightest bit, and the still tingling sting from being hit by him has you flinching. you rock your hips a bit further, and when his cock is buried all the way deep inside of you, you expertly grind down back and forth on his dick, making sure your tight walls are properly milking him. it nets you a drawn out groan from suna. so he’s feeling good.
“love the way your cock feels, s- rintaro-,” you barely catch your mistake. tears stain your face, and you’re glad for how dark it is. suna did just tease you about your appearance, but the night lets you conceal yourself somewhat, consoling your wounded heart. “it feels so good inside me… m-my pussy loves the way your cock makes me feel-”
“yeah?” he quips at you. he licks up the side of your neck, and you shudder, clenching your eyes shut. the tip of his tongue traces the outline of your quivering lips, not quite catching your mouth into a kiss, but it leaves you shuddering in dread and in excitement all the same. your body’s so drunk off of the sex, constantly demanding more of his cock, to feel even more of it prodding against your insides and rearranging your guts. your hole craves and fiends for the way he splits you open, stretching you out to the point that you can’t get your priorities straight. 
“want it- wanna feel more of you, rintaro…!” your mouth and brain are spouting different things at the same time. your skin crawls with disgust as suna touches you, his fingers teetering on the edge of either violence or intimacy, your own mouth whispering love to him while you barely conceal your fangs. “fuck me more…! faster, harder, anything!”
he lets out an airy snort, almost like he’s laughing. “that’s more like it. pretty girls like you ought to say prettier things. about fucking time that you quit playing tough. you’re really no better than i am, aren’t you? you’d do anything for my cock, wouldn’t you?”
“anything!” you latch onto his words. you moan loudly when his cockhead prods at your womb. the pleasure and the shivers it gives you electrifies your brain, and it has you melting at the heat. you don’t even feel entirely human in that moment, more like an amalgamation of emotions and desires, taking on the form of a physical puppet of bone and flesh. but it’s a puppet for suna to play with as he pleases, bringing your hips down harder and harder against his thighs, relishing the way your drenched cunt squelches and makes all sorts of lewd noises from being stirred up by his cock.
“keep praising me. don’t you even think about stopping. i want to hear about how you can’t live without my cock, how you need to fuck it every night, how it’s the only thing that can make you cum. you can do that much for me, yeah? you wanna cum from my cock, don’t you?” his words swim through your ears. 
you’re far gone. your juices have leaked out all over your lower lips and legs, and they drip down all over suna’s legs as well. how aroused are you? how close are you to cumming? your pussy won’t quit clamping down on his length as you ride him like your life depends on it. up, down, up, down, at such a desperate, animalistic pace that your world spins. 
you nod, clinging to suna. “wanna cum- wanna cum so badly- wanna cum on your cock, rintaro! i don’t wanna cum on anyone else’s cock- only your cock! my pussy only feels good if it’s you, don’t ever wanna fuck any other cock…!”
“that’s my girl. get hooked on it all you want.” he kisses you, and you can vaguely feel the corners of lips rising into a selfish smirk. his hips thrust up into yours, and your stomach coils in on itself. it’s so fucking hot, and with how you’re pressed up against him, your bodies intertwine perfectly. fighting, clashing, connecting, it’s like your very thoughts and movements are intermixed with his. 
“rintaro- wanna cum, rintaro- make me cum-,” you beg breathlessly. suna’s chest soars with sick pride. the moonlight and the flickering lights of the parking light cast such an angelic glow on your absolutely depraved face. your lips are swollen, and your eyes look as if they’ve lost all direction. you, the normally so uptight one, always so quick to put him in his place and dig your fangs down on every vulnerable inch he gives you, look nothing short of disgustingly holy. it makes suna almost mad that he has to admit you look good even at your lowest.
he ruthlessly pounds his hips upwards into you. the car trembles and shakes with the sudden force, and your legs ache with how frantically you’re bounding up and down on his entire length. he’s coated all over with your slick, and he knows he shouldn’t be this rough on his car. but he can’t stop now, can he? 
not when your larklike voice is singing this beautifully for him. not when you’re clutching onto him as if you’re afraid to let go. not when he’s this tantalizingly close to subjugating your body and mind down to the finest pieces.
his tip glides right into your g-spot. a white flash dominates your vision, and a pained cry forces its way through your lips. you clench around him dangerously, and suna lets out a grunt. you’ve shown your unspoken weakness, and you’re nothing more than a convenient hole for him to fuck and abuse. he thrusts into your sweet spot over and over again, until your voice is rapidly turning hoarse from screaming out his name. nail and claw marks dot his neck, chest, and shoulders. they hurt, but because it’s from you, it edges him even further.
“gonna cum soon too, princess,” suna whispers coarsely. he grins into your skin again. “think you can cum with me? wanna cum with me?”
“yeah- cum with me…! ‘m so close, rintaro.” your voice is so wet and sloppy, just like your messed up cunt. suna doesn’t think he’ll ever get sick of you mewling out his first name like that. stealing your body is fun, but stealing your dignity has to be so much sweeter.
his balls jerk and tighten against his body, and the haziness in his brain becomes almost impossible to fight against. it’s true that you were supposed to be nothing but a quick fuck, but he wants to take his time and enjoy the husk of a woman you are. he leans back one final time, letting himself drink in the sight of your empty eyes and glassy cheeks. 
he did that to you. he’s fucking you so well that you, his sworn enemy, has no choice but to succumb to the pleasure once again. it’s a lesson that neither of you seem to learn from. suna wants to mock you for it, but he’s no better than you. he has no right to taunt you.
“fuck-,” he pants out, “-’m gonna cum, lovely- take it all f’me, yeah? yeah, there we go- be a good girl, for fucking once in your life, and take my cum!”
you shriek as he pulls himself flush against your body. he pumps himself into you harshly, and he yanks your body down onto his lap, making sure you can’t pull yourself off of him. you smack futilely at him, but you’re only given the brief chance to see his adoring face through the dim light before something warm explodes deep inside of you.
“r-rintaro!” pleasure and heat overruns your body. the pressure of his semen spurting straight into your womb pushes you entirely over the edge. your back arches, and your toes curl as you cum from being creampied. you throw your head back, grabbing onto whatever you can as you orgasm shamelessly all over suna’s cock. through all the fuzzy noise pounding about in your ears, you can hear him moan when your pussy milks him for the last time, the strains of your shared orgasm with him pulling more and more of his sticky cum deeper into you.
it floods your womb. your stomach feels heavy, weighed down by the semen that invades your cervix. it’s warm, too warm, and you’re still reeling from your climax when suna pulls you towards him, letting you collapse against his torso. you gasp and lay there on top of him, your two bodies sweating and connecting for a few silent minutes while you both collect your bearings.
he’s too good. he’s too good at fucking you. you fucking came together with him. you don’t have a full grasp of your thoughts just yet, but knowing that just feels nothing short of erotic. you suck in a deep breath through your nose, swallowing past the thickness that settles like dust in your throat, and let him stay buried inside of you for a bit longer. 
you can’t get the buzzing high to leave your mind. you’re a mess, a fucked out, dicked down mess, slumped across suna as if you were expecting him to hold you tightly. you don’t want to look at his face, not when you know he’s the one with his cock stuck inside of you, his cum intermingling with yours, using his dick as a momentary plug.
suna carefully props you up, and you stare lifelessly into the back of his car. you can hear him reach for his phone in his little device, and you can hear the little ‘click-clack’ of his nails tapping at the screen. you don’t heed it any mind; he’s not someone you can expect any actual aftercare from, and he’s probably just checking his notifications.
your thighs won’t stop shaking when you finally have the courage to peel yourself off of the man underneath you, and a thick glob of cum oozes out of you when you take yourself off of his dick. he almost laughs at you, but you ignore him, wordlessly reaching for your clothes and practically collapsing onto the passenger’s seat while you rifle around his car for some napkins to clean yourself up.
“you walked here, didn’t you?” he’s the first to make conversation. you hastily wipe at the warm cum that’s still oozing out of your cunt, trying to keep most of it from dripping down onto his car seats. you sneak a glance at him, and you keep your expression as nonchalant as possible.
“i did. what about it?”
suna pauses, and he shakes his head. “just an observation. you’re not going to be able to walk anywhere in your condition. do you want me to drive you home?”
“that… would be nice,” you admit. you tug your shirt down over your chest, covering yourself up and turning away from him slightly. you don’t want to face him, face the reality of your actions. your body tugs heavily on you, like the weight of your own self is too much for your conscience to bear. 
he’s being uncharacteristically agreeable, but you know he’s right. you’re in no place to mock him for his kindness, not when there’s cum shoved deep into your pussy and your clothes haphazardly thrown back onto your aching body. you wait for suna to hastily throw his own uniform back on, and you mumble a half-hearted ‘thanks’ at him as he starts the car up.
the ride back home commences entirely in silence.
suna doesn’t wish you goodnight, nor does he look you in the face when you arrive home. you don’t wish him anything in return either, simply shutting the door plainly behind you and disappearing into the comfort of your home. 
you don’t need to harbor any more thoughts of him now. your heart swells with excitement, and a flurry of excitement stirs inside of you. it’s hope that blooms in your chest, dispelling any of the doubt and shame from earlier in the night. if things went well and suna keeps up his side of the promise that you fulfilled, by this time next week, you’ll be hanging off of atsumu’s arm instead. 
you can’t wait.
a wistful exhale escapes from suna as he sits in the driveway by his house. it’s way past his bedtime, and in all honesty, he should have gone in a long time ago. but for whatever reason, he finds himself unable to leave his car, and he lounges around in the driver’s seat. his mind constantly replays the earlier events of the night, with you sleeping with him and with him having gotten his own fulfillment.
suna doesn’t know how to describe you. don’t get him wrong—he doesn’t think positively of you in any way. just as much as you loathe him, he abhors you right back. but simply chucking you into a box labeled ‘hate’ doesn’t sit right with him. the two of you are something more complicated than that, and the more he mulls over it, the more he thinks that there isn’t an appropriate word to fully encompass everything. 
hate is too visceral. the word is too simple. hate wraps things up with a bow too neatly, casts things aside without a second thought. love is too far from it, and the word is also too loaded, like a gun that suna doesn’t want to pull the trigger of. he scoffs at the thought of being in love with you; he’d rather cut off his limbs than think about imagining a future with you. you’re caught in that awkward middle, constantly teetering on the edge of something unknown and always tempting him to follow in your wake.
and he knows that. he knows he’s nothing like the guys you take an interest in. even now, with your heart and eyes fixated on his former schoolmate, suna is aware he can’t compete. atsumu is a shining, golden goose of a boy, and suna is simply lackluster in comparison.
the feeling that sticks to the roof of suna’s tongue isn’t jealousy. he feels too empty to describe it as something so lively as envy. that’s the issue with you. he feels too little to describe it as anything strong, but in that same breath, too much to chalk it up as nothing.
he bites his tongue as he inhales through his nose. suna reaches for his phone, and a forbidden rush courses through his veins as he opens up his camera roll. in it is a single video taken recently. the background is muddled and dark, but the events that are unfolding are clear as day. it’s a video of you riding him, perfectly captured unbeknownst to you, perfectly capturing all of your lewd acts with him and the way you cried out so lovingly for him, perfectly capturing the absolute two-faced cop out of a woman you are.
suna is a man of his word, and he’s promised you something. but for some weird reason, he doesn’t feel like seeing things through this time. he doesn’t know why, but his body acts before his rationale can logically explain things through.
he pulls up atsumu’s contact, and he brings up the text messages with him. it’s only been a few days since he last texted his friend, and nothing seems out of the ordinary. he opens his camera roll and clicks on the video he’s filmed of you, and it pops up in the text box, waiting for suna to bring down the hammer of judgment. 
what would atsumu think if he saw the video of you riding suna? of you fucking another man when you claimed so dearly that he was the only one for you? that you loved him? it takes everything in suna to keep himself from laughing like a godless maniac.
his finger hovers over the send button.
he presses it without a second thought.
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KINKTOBER 2023—le troisième jour.
222 notes · View notes
milaisreading · 2 years
Yandere!MSBY 4 x Kageyama Twin!Reader Side couple: Komori Motoya x Reader
Warnings: Yandere behavior, possessive and obsessive behavior. Manga spoilers. Takes place during the Nationals and post timeskip. Minors don't interact!!! I made the reader 176 cm tall here, btw.
Part 2:
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"Woohooo! Nice kill,Suna-san!" (Y/n) cheered along with the crowd, trying to be as loud as possible. Due to her busy schedule with Uni, she didn't have a lot of free time to watch Raijin's games in real life, so when she did have those opportunities, she used them to the fullest. Suna and Komori, hearing her familiar voice, turned and sent her a grin, along with Watari, who just waved at her. 'Amazing... They already won the 1st set, and only 5 more points are needed to finish this one!' (Y/n) blushed in excitement as she kept watching her boyfriend's team, not noticing four pairs of eyes watching her every move.
Hinata was having a great day, he really was. He woke up feeling refreshed, went to train with the rest of the MSBY, and later on they drove to Shizuoka City for their match against one of their long time rival team.Everything was ok for the professional player, until he saw the youngest Kageyama walking down the hallway of the gymnasium.Now, Hinata did like and enjoy (Y/n)'s company, he has been in love with her since before they entered Karasuno. And the moment he saw her, he wanted to run up to the taller woman and hug her, confess the feelings he never had the chance to.
But what made him stop was nobody other than Komori run up to her, kissing her cheek as soon as he reached her side.Hinata would have found the display of affection cute, if it wasn't for the fact that it was between (Y/n) and that libero. The rage and bitterness was slowly taking over his body as he watched the unsuspecting couple.
The orange haired man was aware of them dating. Heck it all went down in their final year at Karasuno, and magazines in Japan and even some in Brasil were fawning over how cute they were, once they found this out.No matter what Hinata did, he couldn't escape it, and the sadness he felt over time became something dark. Something twisted...something nobody would dare to call love...well except for him and 3 of his other teammates.
He will forever remember the rage and betrayal he felt when he found out about them.
Hinata remembered the day he met (Y/n) very clearly. It was the day he made a long term frenemy with her brother. He remembered how kind and sweet she was to him when he promised Tobio he would defeat him on court. Hinata was flabbergasted when he found out the tall beauty was not only the king's twin, but also went to the same high school as he did. Ever since he joined the club as the middle blocker, and (Y/n) as their manager, he went above and beyond to prove how good he was. Which pissed her brother off at times, since Hinata would jump at random moments and not watch where the ball would fly. (Y/n) would of course try and calm them both down, so that they can focus back on either training or on a match.
It was during the Nationals in their 1st year that Hinata felt threatened. Sure, he did see other boys from their school and other schools try to approach (Y/n), but their advances were either ignored, or Tobio would shoo them away with a glare. But this time was different, not only did Tobio greet the newcomer so openly, but (Y/n) also was more talkative than she usually was with strangers. That day, Hinata came across the boy who would cause him so much pain and anguish for years to come.
"Hinata, maybe you should slow down with the food? Nobody will steal it from you, and your stomach will hurt." (Y/n) warned the shorter boy, who kept showing the onigiri into his mouth.
"I am really hungry and nervous! I can't help it! This match against Nekoma that is coming up is making me nervous." Hinata whined. (Y/n) smiled softly at the boy and patted his head, causing Hinata to smile at the affection he was receiving.
"You worry too much. Tobio, you and the rest of the team prepared for so long, there is no way you will lose. Believe in yourself a little more." (Y/n) said softly, shortly after returning back to her own food.
Hinata sighed, blushing brightly as he looked at (Y/n), who was concentrating on the Fukurodani match.
'So pretty...'
"Stop doing that." Kageyama commented as he pinched Hinata's cheek, to which the shorter cried out in pain.
"What was that for?!"
"You know exactly, Boke!"
"Bakayama not making sense, like always!"
"Keep it down you two! Everyone is looking!" (Y/n) shushed them, returning back to the match as the two boys sent each other side glances.
"Ahh Kageyama, I knew that was your voice I heard!" Komori said as he approached the trio.
"Yeah sorry, he can be an idiot at times." Tobio commented, pointing at Hinata.
(Y/n) looked up at the brown aired boy, taken aback by his cute appearance.
"Oh! I am Komori Motoya, libero from the Itachiyama Institute!" The boy said cheerfully to Hinata and (Y/n).
"Komori-san was in the same youth camp like me." Tobio added as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"A libero? And you were at the youth camp, you must be among the best ones in the country then!" (Y/n) spoke up, Komori sending her a grin.
"Well I wouldn't say that, but I try my best. You are Kageyama's twin, (Y/n)? We heard about you from him."
"Yeah, my cousin Sakusa, he is our ace, was with us during the camp."
"Oh I see... Wait, Sakusa Kiyoomi, the no 1 ace in the country?!"
Hinata watched with an empty look in his eyes as the duo chatted. This was the first time he witnessed (Y/n) be so open with a stranger, and that Tobio didn't say a word or even glare a the older boy.
Slowly but surely, he came to realize that a rival finally arrived, and it was in the form of this boy, who not even Tobio can dislike.
"You seem to really like this Komori guy." Hinata comments bitterly as Tobio shrugged his shoulders.
"Komori-san is a good guy. He is fine, in my opinion."
The basically direct approval made Hinata nervous, hoping that nothing big or important will come out of this small talk.
In his final Nationals game, Hinata felt on top of the world. They made it to the Nationals for a 3rd time and placed 3rd in the match. The orange haired boy felt like he could move a mountain.
"Hinata you were amazing as always! I am so proud of you 4!"
The said boy grinned brightly as he felt (Y/n)'s arms wrap around him.
"We wouldn't be here without your help, you know."  Hinata spoke softly, hugging back, drowning in the scent (Y/n) carried.
'Now is my time...' The boy gulped, letting go of the girl. Over the years she got even more beautiful to him, and he wasn't sure how to speak for a moment.
"Hey uh...(Y/n)..."
"Yes?" She asked.
"You know how we are graduating all in a few months and...well I wanted to say... that...I am-"
Just as Hinata was about to confess, Tobio's voice interrupted him.
"(Y/n), Komori-san is here." Kageyama said boredly from behind Hinata. Quickly looking up, (Y/n) grinned as she saw the older boy approaching them.
"Sorry Hinata, just a second."  She said and left the boy's side.
In horror, orange haired boy watched as (Y/n) jumped into the libero's arms, kissing him on the cheek.
"Woah! Well that's one way to be greeted." Komori joked as Hinata, along with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi watched their exchange.
"The two are dating?" The tallest of the three wondered, turning to look at Kageyama.
"Yeah, since summer or so."
"Since summer?!"
While the three were talking, Hinata kept silent, watching as the girl he loved, heck even worshiped was laughing in another guy's arms. His heart broke on that day, but his sanity was in for a long ride.
Since then, Hinata tried, he really did, to get over his feelings for the younger twin. He made sure to work on his volleyball skill, left for Brasil to learn and became a better player. And he thought he got over her, he thought he could be happy for his friend. It was selfish for him to think she dated Komori to hurt his feelings, since he was never clear with them. But, he just couldn't, (Y/n) was the one he loved, wanted and needed. And during his flight back to Japan, he made a promise to himself. He will do anything in his power to get his (Y/n) back. Hinata was more than willing to share with his other 3 teammates, they loved her equally and would keep her safe.
Hinata clenched his fists as he watched Komori and (Y/n) kiss, and Suna tease them both.
'(Y/n)...it should have been me who you said that to...Not HIM!'
Now Bokuto wasn't a smart person when it came to love. His intelligence when it came to studying was average, his game sense was top notch, his social skills were on par with Hinata and Atsumu, but love... that wasn't smth on his plan.
Well, or so he thought till his 3rd year at Fukurodani. Not only did he meet the Karasuno team, people he considered today as close friends or rivals on court, but also her.
(Y/n) was pretty shy back then, and stayed mostly around her brother, Kiyoko, Hinata or Tsukishima, basically anyone from her team... well, she was pretty close to Kenma, but that's besides the point.
In short, Bokuto saw her as a potentially good friend at the time, and he would try to get a few conversations out of her, ignoring the other Kageyama's glares at times.
And the few conversations he had with her were nice, great even. Not only was she nice, but her game and strategy senses were beyond what he would expect from a high school manager. And the more time passed, the more he grew interested. His heart would beat faster, his breath grew shallower and his hands shaking when he felt her watch his games during the Nationals. It was this way even during the qualifications, because he knew she would be watching this game on her TV, she was making Karasuno's strategies, and it was only normal for her to watch the possible rivals. Later on, his sister told him what he felt was love and gave him some advices on how to handle his emotions and confess.
Bokuto listened carefully, and over the years tried to come up with the perfect confession strategy. And just when he built up the needed courage,it all crashed when he saw the haunting scene playing out in front of him.
It all happened during Karasuno's last game at the Nationals, when they placed 3rd with Yamaguchi as their captain. Bokuto was impressed with his skills and how much he grew from the 1st year, as well as the other four. He would grin whenever (Y/n) would yell some encouraging words or warnings at the boys. He loved seeing how well she took care of the younger ones in the team, watching as she calmed some down over the loss. The rest, were more than happy with the results of their hard work.
As everyone was leaving or going to congratulate the players, Bokuto gripped onto the flowers he got for (Y/n). He decided to be nonchalant in his approach, after all, they weren't strangers to each other.
But the college student stopped in his tracks as he watched (Y/n), the girl of his dreams, run into the arms of the familiar Itachiyama libero.
In horror, Bokuto saw how she kissed him on the cheek, saw the love he held for her and overall, the strong relationship they shared.
Bokuto wasn't stupid, he knew what was going on, but he couldn't help his thoughts.
'What is going on?'
Slowly, he turned around and left.
Throwing the flowers into the garbage, he walked home. Ignoring his sister's questioning, Bokuto went into his room and finally let all the tears,he held back fall.
That night, something inside of Bokuto switched, the thought of (Y/n) being with someone caused anger and resentment in his heart. Every time Bokuto saw anything remotely about the couple in the magazines, he would rip those pages apart.
Hurt, anger, envy and his love for the younger girl clouding his mind.
And now,with a successful career as a athlete, with all the money, fame and fans, Bokuto felt like the helpless and heartbroken boy all those years ago as he watched Komori run up to (Y/n) after the last point was made.
Bokuto held his tears back, keeping a neutral as possible way as he watched the (h/c) woman kiss the man.
'Why him? Of all men, why did it have to be him?' Bokuto clenched his fists, opting to follow Meian as he solemnly told them to go and change, clearly upset with the loss of the game.
Atsumu wouldn't consider himself as a jealous person. Competitive? He sure was. With his twin, which was their thing since forever, with rival players during Junior High, and with his newest addition being Kageyama Tobio.
But now, now he for sure can say the gnawing feeling in his chest, and it took everything in him to not go where Komori and (Y/n) were standing, take her in his arms and show the brown haired man who she belonged to. Who could treat her right. And that was him, Atsumu Miya. One of Japan's top athletes.
It was during the time he was supposed to serve. Before that, everyone witnessed the ace of Karasuno being booed by Inarizaki's crowd, causing him to mess up and losing the point.
(Y/n) didn't initially say anything, seeing as the crowd from Karasuno and Kiyoko kept quiet, and she only heard Ukai and Takeda comment about the ordeal.
'They do that to EVERY team?! How is that fair? And Asahi-san looks genuinely upset over this too...' (Y/n) thought, sending a thumbs up at the ace, hoping he won't beat himself up over this.
The girl kept quiet tho, she didn't know how to even respond to this, and her shyness held her back from standing out from the crowd.
But what broke the camel's back, was when it was the Atsumu's turn to serve.
She watched in confusion as he held his fist up, and the whole crowd from Inarizaki grew quiet.
"They shut up?" (Y/n) questioned, catching Ukai's attention.
"Yeah, I heard of this anomaly from them. They will boo the opponents, but will be quiet as a mouse when it's their team's turn. Something about them needing to concentrate." Ukai explained, causing rage to grow in the girl as she watched the setter score a point.
The same was about to repeat itself, but (Y/n) wasn't going to let that happen. They all, especially the boys worked too hard to get here, and she won't let foul play stop their journey at the 2nd match.
Taking a deep breath, and with adrenaline pumping high, (Y/n) got up from her seat, causing Kiyoko to look up in surprise.
Kiyoko jumped up, just like Takeda, to calm the girl down, but Ukai stopped them both from doing so.
Karasuno looked at their usually quiet manager in shock, never seeing her raise her voice before or glare.
Tobio looked at his twin, then at Inarizaki, being on the lookout if something happens.
Atsumu stopped in his tracks, sending a dirty look towards the girl as she interrupted him.
"(Y/n), calm down-"
"I will not calm down! Otherwise they will treat you guys this way for the rest of the game!" The younger interrupted Daichi, glaring at the referees.
"This can't be called fairness in any way! They are booing our players and causing them to mess up! Who can possibly concentrate when all the cheers are drowned out by them?! Inarizaki is not in any shape of form above us on this court for you to let this slide!"
Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) turned to look at her team, face red, but the same angry look in her eyes was present, scaring the team a little.
"And you guys better get it together! I know we are all nervous, but you all trained for too long to let some cowards run this show! You played against Ushijima of all people, so get it together! You can do just as good against Mustard hair and Co!Please, Karasuno has your back... right?" (Y/n) finished, sounding a little softer as she turned to look at the cheer squad.
Ukai looked af his friends, who quickly got out of their shocked state, and nodded their heads fast.
(Y/n) smiled thankfully at the two men, then looked back at the court, sending a thumbs up and nervous smile at her team.
"You got this. Show them what Karasuno is made of."
Daichi's shocked expression softened and he nodded his head, turning back to his teammates.
"Alright. Let's do this,swift!"
"Sure thing, Daichi-san!"
"Oi Boke, stop making googly eyes at my sister and focus on the game." Tobio commented, causing the orange haired boy to look away from the flustered twin, and glare at the setter.
"Shut! I wasn't! Let's finish this and move on to the next game!"
"Are you doing alright? Your face is quite red." Sugawara asked, giving the girl a unused water bottle. (Y/n) took it and nodded her head, the realization of what just happened finally hit her.
"Y-yeah... I don't know what came over me to be honest."
"Well whatever it was, it sure helped us. The boys seem more determinated now." Ukai commented with a satisfied smile as the game resumed, with Karasuno's cheer squad now louder than ever.
"Good job, (Y/n)! But now let's sit down and watch the game." Kiyoko said, guiding the girl to the bench.
"Yes! This will all end well, I trust them to win." (Y/n) cheered smiling as she watched Tanaka score a point.
The whole time, as she cheered and assisted Kiyoko during breaks, Atsumu kept glaring at her.
'Stupid squealing pig, not only did I mess up my serve, but now Karasuno won't stop cheering when we serve...'
Atsumu took a sip from his water bottle, and looked over at Osamu and Suna, who were chit-chating quietly.
"What are you two planning now?" Kita questioned.
"You know... Karasuno's manager had a point."
"Which is?" Omimi asked, Aran already knowing what this might be about.
"Tsumu's hair looks like mustard. Not even the good quality one at that."
"SAMU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Atsumu yelled as the third years tried to stop the fight.
"What is going on over there?" (Y/n) rose an eyebrow as she handed Hinata his water bottle.
"Who know..."
The game ended with Karasuno taking the win, everyone cheered loudly in happiness and relief. The game was tiring for everyone, and seeing it end was sweet for some and saddening for the others.
"What?" Tobio grumbled as he noticed Atsumu glaring at him, clearly disappointed with the outcome.
"Ya know, I honestly underestimated you, scrub. Thought you were some goody-two shoes, but you are up for dirty tactics."
"What is he even talking about?" Hinata questioned, confused with the whole interaction.
"Doesn't matter, but Shoyo-kun." The orange haired boy looked up at the loud blonde.
"One day, I will be the one setting for you, but until then, I will defeat you at the Interhigh and make sure to outdo you in your own tricks."
Atsumu was about to turn around and leave, only for Hinata's question to stop him.
"How is he going to do that, when (Y/n) came up with those?"
"Hm? Who?" Atsumu questioned, causing the two boys to look at him.
"(Y/n), she is our manager and mostly works with the two of us-"
"Tobio! Hinata! You two were amazing!"
Hinata's explaining got interrupted by the said girl cheering and jumping to hug them both, causing them nearly to fall over.
Atsumu looked at the scene in front of him, glaring harder as he noticed it was the same girl who yelled at him during his serve.
"I am so proud of you two! That was amazing, especially the final point!"
(Y/n) cheered as she let go of the two. Hinata blushed a little from all the praise, but kept his cool. Tobio, seeing how silent Atsumu was, turned to look at him.
"Is there something else you wanted?"
Atsumu snorted and shook his head. The other two looked at him now as well, wondering what he wanted to say.
"No. Just mark my words, during the next match, I will make sure you regret for underestimating my team."
Atsumu pointed at (Y/n), before he eventually turned around and left.
"He is weird..."
(Y/n) said, holding Hinata back, who tried to attack Atsumu over pointing at her.
"Weird, yes. But an awfully good player."
Her twin said back.
A year later, at the Nationals the story was a little different. Atsumu kept on grinning as he watched the defeated Karasuno team packing. He felt elated, nearly satisfied with showing Tobio and Shoyo who the better setter, the better team was.
But his satisfaction wasn't to the fullest without seeing the loud mouthed manager crying.
"Atsumu, where are you going?" Ginjima asked as he watched the captain walk towards the exit door.
"I need to use the bathroom." He simply answered.
"More like going off to see if the Karasuno manager from last year is upset." Osamu commented as Suna snickers.
"Still holding a grudge? You are pretty childish, Atsumu."
"Shut up! You won't understand!"
The trio watched the blonde walk off, a little concerned over the younger girl.
"Atsumu seems... a little obsessed with her, don't you think?"
Ginjima wondered, looking over at Osamu.
"More like seeing her upset above anything. He just won't shut up."
'Where is that squealing nonsense-'
"Yeah, the game was quite tense and really everyone was playing well...No, we are leaving tomorrow, Ukai-sensei said we will have dinner tonight and leave tomorrow during noon. Yeah, we asked to watch Nekoma's match before leaving." Atsumu grinned as he heard the girl talk behind the corner.
He waited behind the wall, hoping to hear her cry or whimper during the phone call.
"Hmm? Our opponents were from Inarizaki tonight, man they came a lot stronger this year. Guess the loss last year hurt their ego a little." (Y/n) chuckled.
'Why...why is she joking and not crying?!'
"Huh? I am a little bit upset, but nothing major. In volleyball you win or lose, and that's fine. Besides, I was pretty impressed with how well the Inarizaki team played this year, it was nice seeing them not relay on their cheer squad..."
Atsumu had about enough at that point, ready to make his presence clear and yell at her.
"Their twins tho...they were quite something. Yeah, the gray haired Miya had some nice strikes, and as much as that blonde one annoys me, I have to admit he is a good player. I can see why he is one of the best setters in the nation."
Atsumu stopped in his tracks and looked at the girl in shock, face slowly turning red from her words. Well, more like how she was saying it, with absolutely no malice or envy. Just pure honesty.
"Yeah I will tell Tobio that, see ya tomorrow!"
The blonde shook his head as (Y/n) walked back to the court, but stopped when she noticed Atsumu standing in front of her.
"Did you need something?" The girl wondered. When she didn't get an answer, she shrugged her shoulders, walking off to her destination,only to be interrupted by Atsumu.
"You aren't upset? On the verge of crying? Your team lost."
"Hmmm... I am upset, but not to that extent. Besides, volleyball is meant to be enjoyed, at leat to me. You take this too seriously, and it doesn't seem healthy for you. There is more to the game, ya know!" (Y/n) said, looking at the older in boredom for one last time, before going back to her previous attempts to get back to her team.
Atsumu watched her silently as his face grew warmer and warmer. The indifference when she talked about the loss was disappointing, but also... refreshing?
He was used to seeing his opponents pissed, distraught or straight up crying, this was something new. Something he was willing to change.
Atsumu wanted to see her...break, be distraught and look at him in awe while crying.
He liked that thought, but for now he will have to work harder for that to happen.
Atsumu smirked and took his phone out, looking at some of the pictures he made Suna find for him.
'Just like that Goody-two shoes of her brother...absolutely no social media or posts. Well, better for me. At least I know that no unknown guys can see her.'
Atsumu wasn't jealous in the past, but now... ever since Suna told him (Y/n) was dating Komori, jealousy was his closest friend. He waited, hoped that the libero would slip up eventually, look at a woman long enough for paparazzi to see, but nothing. The man was fully loyal and devoted to (Y/n), and the she to him. It pissed him off, but also made him fawn over how cute she is by playing the loyal girlfriend.
'I will find a way to break you two up. No relationship is perfect and then... then she will be all mine. As it should have been a long time ago.'
Sakusa wasn't much of a people person, well for loud people like Atsumu and Bokuto maybe, but he did have his fair share of friends, his cousin Komori being one of them.
Love wasn't something he was looking for, nor was he interested in it much. He had volleyball and his studies, and that was enough for him.
Well, until his 2nd year at the Nationals.
He heard of (Y/n) from her brother at the youth camp, thanks to Komori's shenanigans.
Back then he didn't know that the same exact girl would cause him so many sleepless nights and resentment for someone.
Sakusa thought over the past as he glared at his cousinp, who was chatting away with with Suna over God knows what.
'He should be with (Y/n)...protect her and make sure she doesn't get sick. What kind of a boyfriend is he?'
Sakusa's stone cold eyes then turned to gaze at (Y/n), who was talking with a woman he came to know as her older sister. Probably decided to accompany her, he guessed.
His first impression of Tobio wasn't much, a very skilled player who seemed to mostly mind his business. Nothing unusual or special. He wanted to know just one thing, and that was how a no name school like Karasuno, won against Ushijima.
But he could sadly not get a word of interest out of the raven haired boy, only that Ushijima was on top of his game that day, and so was Karasuno.
Komori, being a little uncomfortable with the situation his cousin caused, jumped in and defused the situation.
Sakusa honestly would have gladly stayed away from the setter after, but Komori wasn't having the same idea.
So now he was forced to eat lunch with Komori, Tobio and Chigaya, a middle blocker from Shinzen.
While him and Tobio stayed quiet for the most part, Chigaya and Komori kept on talking about anything that came to their minds.
"Kageyama, you have been a lot on your phone. A secret lover or something?" Komori teased, causing the said boy to quickly look up from his device.
"Huh? I didn't know you were dating." Chigaya commented, surprised by Komori's words, meanwhile Sakusa kept quiet as he ate his lunch.
"No...this is just my sister texting me. She usually does that when going home alone."
"Ah (Y/n)? How is she doing? I am surprised they didn't invite her as a manager."
Chigaya commented, remembering the younger twin from the Tokyo training camp.
"Sister?" Komori wondered as Sakusa looked over at the two.
"Yeah, she is my younger twin and one of Karasuno's managers. I need to call her, sorry." Tobio quickly got up from his seat and went to the hallway.
"I didn't take Kageyama to have a twin, he seems kind of a loner." Komori commented.
"Really? Didn't look like that back with Karasuno. But yeah, she is also really nice, helped out our manager as often as she could. But is pretty quiet." Chigaya said, recalling the memory of the girl.
"So pretty much a copy of Kageyama, except the nice part." Sakusa suddenly said, surprising the libero and middle blocker.
"Well... I guess. The two are both passionate about volleyball, I can say that. While he is more involved in the play on court, (Y/n) manages the tactics and tricks to confuse the other players. As far as I can remember,she came up with some of the tactics used on the court with Shiratorizawa."
That part caught Sakusa's attention, thinking that maybe he is finally on the right track on figuring out what made Karasuno so resilient against the elite school.
'I will have to watch some of their other matches...seems like there was a miracle force from outside, working for them.'
Sakusa thought, watching Kageyama approach their table.
"Ahh...I made a mistake of calling Kageyama over..." Komori commented as he watches his cousin glare at the said setter.
With all the teams arriving at Tokyo's Metropolitan Gymnasium,he did expect Kageyama to show up sooner or later, but not when Sakusa was already in a foul mood.
"Tobio, we need to go. Daichi-san will get upset if we make them wait for too long."
A girl's voice was heard from behind the libero, and he turned around to look at a fairly tall girl, clad in Karasuno's black tracksuit.
Komori blushed a little, finding the girl quite cute, not noticing
"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry (Y/n)." Tobio sounded, turning to look at his sister, who looked nervous with Komori's and now Sakusa's staring as well.
"Well anyways, good luck with your games today."
Tobio said his goodbye and followed his sister to where the rest of Karasuno were.
Sakusa kept looking at (Y/n) retreating figure, his heart beating a little faster than usually.
'So that's the person behind all of those tricks...' The black haired boy thought, then turning his attention to Komori.
The boy, to Sakusa's surprise and disdain, kept on looking at (Y/n)'s figure with a red face.
"What's with that look?"The ace grumbled.
"Kiyoomi...she is beautiful."
'She sure is...' Sakusa thought as he shrugged his shoulders, not liking the way his libero cousin talked about her.
'I need to know more about her!'
And a sure lot he did find out thanks to some of his connections with Fukurodani and Nekoma. The more he found out about her, the more some type of weird and unhealthy love grew in his heart.
Sakusa would do his best to attend as many games Karasuno had after the Nationals. Watchin (Y/n) grow from a shy girl who barely spoke, unless spoken to, into a girl not afraid to speak her mind when needed. While he was displeased with all the boys giving her attention, especially the orange haired boy, he will deal with it soon enough.
Sakusa had already a whole plan set, first he would get to know her, become friends, and he will slowly start isolating her from everyone. Then she will be his, and his only. But one thing he didn't take into account, was her getting close to Komori during the Nationals in their 3rd year, exchanging phone numbers when he wasn't paying attention. And with them both seeing each other less, he was less aware of the little meetings they would have, where Komori would either travel to Miyagi,or (Y/n) to Tokyo.
It was during the last match Karasuno had with his former school. They became a lot stronger, and placed 3rd this year. And while everyone was cheering for the players, Sakusa was watching (Y/n) congratulate her friends and calming the two younger managers down.
It was cute, she reminded him lot of a mother.
'How may kids could we have...maybe 5? That sounds like a good number, she will be so cute carrying my kids.' Sakusa sighed.
Komori looked over at his cousin, and with a heavy heart finally spoke up.
"You like (Y/n), don't you?"
The black haired college student jumped up at the statement and looked at his cousin, not saying a single word.
"Thought so..." Komori grumbled as Sakusa rolled his eyes.
"And if I am? What does it mean to you?"
There was a pregnant pause, and Sakusa stared at his cousin, who was clenching his fists,before he slowly looked up. And the look in Komori's eyes said everything he needed to know.
"(Y/n)...she and I have been going out for the past 6 months. And I am serious about her, I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl."
Sakusa felt his world shatter as he listened to Komori's words. His sweet, beautiful (Y/n)... going out with a germ like Komori?! He saw red, but kept his calm.
Komori got up as the people slowly walked away from the area, nobody paying much attention to them.
"With this, I am not asking for your forgiveness or anything, just... Have some respect and move on. One day, you will find someone who will love you...but (Y/n) is mine, got it?"
Sakusa clenched his fists as he finally spoke up.
"Why...why (Y/n)? You couldn't have picked anyone else?"
"I didn't realize your feelings for her till a month or two ago. The way you would bring her up from time to time and... the look you had on your face when she would show up for a second on the TV..." Komori sighed and looked down at (Y/n) again, his glare turning into a soft smile.
"I can understand why you like her, who wouldn't, but it has to stop. I want to bring her over to meet aunt and uncle one day. She is my dream girl."
Komori finished his speech and walked down the stairs to where (Y/n) was.
Sakusa, heartbroken and enraged watched as (Y/n) jumped into the Itachiyama alumni's arms, kissing him on the cheek.
Punching the seat in front of him, the black haired boy got up and walked into the closest washroom.
Since that day, Sakusa was just counting the days a slip up or a crack in the relationship would show, but nothing of those sorts happened. Eventually, Komori introduced (Y/n) to his and Sakusa's parents, the day that happened was his darkest one. She looked so angelic and... ethereal really, Sakusa wanted to yell how much he loved her and how much he deserved to be with her, but he needed to keep his calm. He needed to earn (Y/n)'s trust, because one day something might come up, and he will be there to hold her.
'Motoya...' Sakusa growled as all four glared at his form leading (Y/n) away from them.
"What's so special about your cousin,Omi? What could he possibly have that I don't?" Atsumu growled as they waited for their team to change.
Sakusa shrugged his shoulders, not having an answer either. There was nothing special about Motoya! Sure, he was a professional athlete, but so was he! A even better and more recognized one, so how (Y/n) could pick his annoying cousin was beyond him.
Bokuto kept quiet, the sight of (Y/n) and the libero kissing just killed his already bad mood, and now he just wanted to sit somewhere and cry.
"We need to do something!" Hinata spoke up, all the pent up jealousy, anger and lovesickness, that he built up over the years was killing him.
"And what would that be?" Sakusa wondered.
"Anything! Listen, there is no say if Komori will propose to (Y/n), all those gossip magazines and be himself keep hinting to it! We need to make him loom bad in (Y/n)'s eyes or else..."
Hinata shuddered at the thought of the love of his life marrying someone else.
Atsumu got up from the bench, smirking as an idea finally hit him.
"And I have the perfect plan. Omi, you and your cousin will have a nice long night out." Atsumu giggled as Sakusa looked at the setter in worry, but at this point he'd do anything to break those two up.
Tag list(Idk, it's the people who liked the previous post. If anyone else wants to be added,pls telle me):
@kei-tsuki21 @thebrunetteavenger @sicklyinlove @kittykatiekat @torriblack97 @locogvrl
Thanks for reading,part 2 will be up in a few days! Have a great day/night!
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insideliascrazyhead · 9 months
Ebara Commerce High Headcanons
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-uses the defeat Todoroki revenge plan only for entertainement
-owns the actual braincells of the group
-lovingly insults his friends
-actually enjoys tea with no sugar
-chaotic,kinda lazy
-listens to 90s grunge music
-loves thrift shopping
-likes to read but with Fujin and Raijin always creating chaos it´s hard to do so
-has a venus fly trap plant he calls Chompy
-dares his friends to do dumb shit all the time
-he´s the kinda friend that nearly pisses himself laughing when you fall but will help you anyways
-loves to cook
-retired skater boy
-he and Raijin share one braincell.The party braincell
-probably uses energy drinks instead of water to make coffee
-sprays way to much deodorant and parfum
-loves fast and pimped cars
-no impulse control
-anger issues,shortest temper known to history
-hella protective
-uses axe bodyspray
-thinks hot sauce will never freeze cause it´s hot
-sprays grafitti´s
-has three older brothers
-listens to electronic and house music
-hobby dj
-great at pimping cars.repairing?not that much
-all that man eats is candy or what contains thousand tons of sugar
-when he cooks the pot always catches fire
-owns a white fluffy cat he called Bunny
-does Yoga to help with his anger.It doesn´t
-wants to be a tattoo artist specialiced on old school tattoos
-actually wears glasses
-colors Fujin´s hair for him
-snorted chilly powder on a dare once
-forgetful as fuck
-they´re all old childhood friends
-favorite anime is Jujutsu Kaisen and Tokyo Revengers
-scared of Spiders
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as-i-watch · 1 year
After the fights with Doflamingo and Katakuri, now seeing Hawkins turn his sword into straw, the list of "are we sure they aren't awakened Devil fruit users?" grows because there has to be more than the handful we saw already.
For confirmed zoan awakenings we have the demon guards of impel down.
And for Paramecia users: Duffy, Katakuri, and Tesoro [film gold villian].
That's all the confirmed awakenings so far.
Zoan awakenings seem to give increases to strength and durability at the cost of intellect
So here's the popular theory that monster point chopper is his DF Awakening.
Paramecia awakenings are a lot harder to define. The most common example is if they can generate an manipulate a substance, they can transmute the surrounding environment into that substance [like doffy and katakuri]. But Tesoro's awakening allows him to use gold as a sensory network.
Then at the same time, almost every paramecia devil fruit has different properties so it be almost impossible to have a common thread on what defines it to be awakened apart from them outright stating it.
Logias are the one we know the least about. But it can be inferred that they are able to permanently alter the climate of a location such as what happened on punk hazard with Akainu and Aokiji. Raijin island in the new world [visited by urogue before the timeskip] is speculated to be the result of a previous holder of Enel's Goro Goro no mi Awakening.
I would rationalize it as something outside the normal, expected purview of a devil fruits ability
So here's a short list of DF users and the specific ability that I think makes them awakened.
-Blueno: Door Door fruit
Air Door- while the door door fruit can allow you to turn yourself into a door by being pressed into an object or turning other things into doors if you touch them, air door allows you to create a pocket dimension that allows for undetected movement and teleportation.
-Magellan: venom venom fruit
Venom Demon- Magellan's Df allows him to create and manipulate poisons which affects only organic things as it was shown to be ineffective against mr. 3's wax. Venom Demon is an entity capable of poisoning and corroding non-organic substances such as said wax and the environment of impel down while still being as lethal to organics.
Kuma: paw paw fruit
Repelling the intangible- Kuma defined his ability to repel anything that he touches. Objects, people, air. All are physical matter. But pain? Fatigue? How does one touch that??
Brook: Yomi Yomi no mi
Everything he can do post timeskip- oh boy where do I start with this one. For starters Brook said that his devil fruit basically made him immortal so where does he get all of those powers from? Yomi is the Japanese word for the Underworld. Brook is not just immortal. He is the literal underworld personified. Removing his soul from his body. Summoning freezing winds. Forcing souls out of bodies they do not belong to. How much he absolutely hard counters Big Mom's soul soul powers.
Apart from these people who else do you think should be awakened.
Oh jesus Brook's one is fucking me up. I never questioned Brook's powers but it makes so much sense??? Like, in principle all his fruit allowed him to do was to come back once dead, and now he has all this cool shit going on?? Amazing
I tend to take powers at face value, like 'oh this is something they can do, cool!' so that makes me shit at theorising about this.
I never gave a second thought to these abilities but it makes so much sense they are their awakened form
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katatedge1 · 1 year
Back for another request as I'm dumping my ideas at this event!!! Seeing someone write for bsd and honkai makes me so happy!!!
How about angst with Chuuya with an s/o who tries to stop him when Arahabaki(?) Gets out of control but ends up hurting her or S/o sacrifices themself for him in a mission
Paired with the quote
*Name of character*, Be brave. Push on. You can still end this story the way you want.
This reminds me so much of honkai impact chapter 9 lol.
Anyways, I love it when you request. Actually I love writing for u, so I wouldn't kind even if you requested every day. I love writing. I'm gonna make Reader A god of some sort too, she gonna be the vessel for Raijin, the god of thunder
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Y/N pov:
He was so strong. But I wasn't weak. If I sacrificed my life, I would be able to defeat him.
The only one that can actually stop him is Dazai Osamu, the abillity nullifier. But of course he wasn't here.
I had the nullification formula, I just needed to inject onto him somehow.
He growled. He can't speak. He could only laugh,growl or scream.
I could barely stand up...
But I did everything to my power to do so.
"Ha...Sorry, Arahabaki, But you've got to go."
Third person pov:
Y/N smirked one last time. One last.. Time.
She doesn't know her own fate. She doesn't know this is the last time she will see Chuuya Nakahara.
Her partner. Her everything.
Thunder bolts went around her body, as she started healing and gaining even more power.
Chuuya, or Arahabaki, smiled like a maniac as he threw a whole building at her.
But she quickly doges it by getting I'm the air, She got her sword as it started glowing a really bright purple.
She jumped straight towards Arahabaki , dodging each one of his attacks.
Arahabaki laughed, but as soon as she got close, his smile turned upside down.
"This os the end...." Y/N towered above him, as she, herself screamed a scream of anger,sadness and happiness, as all the memories came crashing down.
All the time Chuuya was drunk.
All the times they had fun.
Everything went white.
As every sound stopped.
Chuuya screamed out of the pain of the nullification formula.
He gripped his eyes.
And Y/N...
"Chuuya, Be brave, Push on. You can still end this story the way you want."
She said in an echoing voice as she fell down.
"NO! Please...don't go..." Chuuya had gained his consciousness as he put his hand out. To "save" her.
"Don't worry about me, I want you to keep going. Be the person you want to be."
She slowly started to smile as she fell down until the very end.
She closed her eyes, everything went black, this was the end wasn't it?
Chuuya was next to her now. He looked at her with glossy eyes.
"This is the end, isn't it? Ha, it was great while it lasted. And, you will tell everyone about me, right? " She smirked for the very last time as she closed her eyes.
Her heartbeat stopped.
He took his hat off, as he sat and mourned.
"I'll avenge you Y/N, you'll watch over me, right?"
Of course she will, they were the one for eachother. They were made for eachother. Even in the afterlife, they will be together.
They both loved and fought for eachother. And they always will.
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A/N: I'm crying rn.
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senyuuno · 2 years
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Featuring: Suna, Kageyama, Sakusa Note: Timeskip! Multilingual reader! Meeting him for the first time in a long distance relationship. A/N: The scenes were longer than I have expected. Take your time reading, 😊.
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Suna Rintaró
Your first interaction was two years ago when he 'heart-ed' your scenic-captured moment on Instagram. After engaging a few times and finally following you, he continued to 'heart' your uploads. You were grateful for it since only a few people are consistent in doing, so you greeted and thanked him through chat. Throughpoint, you ended up in a distance relationship.
Few hours ago...
"Where are you?" He asked during facetime. "Hotel. I'm on an emergency project today," you answered while checking your things in front of the camera. He nodded. "Be sure not to make mistakes," he said.
You rolled your eyes--"Shut up." He chuckled upon hearing your responses.
"Suna, the coach's calling us." You heard someone from the background calling him so you paused and smiled at him. "Good luck there, Rin." "Ah. I'm already tired though." You laughed at his response.
Giving him a flying kiss--he smirks--"Guess we have to win this, eh?"
Present time...
"Congratulations on winning, EJP Raijin!" "Do you mind giving us an interview?!" "How was the game? Have you had mistakes during?" "Please give--"
"All I can say is that we just did what's normally done during practice. Though the match's in heat midway the second set, we still manage to win, ayt team?" Their Captain said. The whole team looked in his direction as if he was an angel sent from above--"Captain!"
After few discourses, they went to their lounge to take a break. Suna, after opening his phone, received hundreds of notifications but hits the notification under your name. He stopped gulping the water when he saw what you have posted.
"Fuck, no way..." he uttered. It was a picture of the first set of the game with a caption Finally watching it in person. Rooting for the Raijin's!
The towel droop down when he stood up fast and called you via Insta. "Suna, you gon'na take shower?" Washio asked but Suna only responded with--"I think my girlfriend's here."
"Congrat--" "You're here? Where? I'll meet you!" His rapid response made you laugh. Suna is containing his excitement, the members of the team looked in his direction in disbelief.
"Easy boy, I'm almost outside the lounge where you--" Suna can't hear what your saying next as he rushed outside their lounge. Few meters away from the lounge, as if he knew where you're at, he grabs you and took you on his arms.
"Shit, it's Y/N," he said and burry his head on the crook of your neck. "Hey, the cameras!" "Private area." "Okay, but I can't breathe!" "Mhm." He just mumbled and loosens his hug and you chuckled.
"Uh...Rin, you're teammates..." "Ugh! Their timing's off," he mumbled. Finally letting you go, you blushed when he stood his height and stares at you.
"What? Ain't I handsome?" He cheekily smirked at you and you can't help but to cover your face in embarrassment.
"You're even taller than what I expected," you said. Forgetting that his teammates are watching your interaction, Suna leans down and kisses your forehead--"And you're cuter than I've ever imagined."
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Kageyama Tobio
"Tough work, huh, Kageyama?" Ushijima said while they are at their fan signing event. "Same to you, Ushijima-san," he answered back while scrunching his forehead to end his sign as to what he had practiced twice. "Uwaa, thank you so much, Kageyama-san! I'll look forward to your next play!" "Osu," he answered in which the middle highschool boy widely smiled back.
He didn't had the chance to drink his water nor glimpse at the line when another paper was lined into his vision. As he took his pen to sign, he flinched when he felt a thing being placed on his head. It was normal in this kind of session--giving gifts to the players, requesting something to be written in the paper, or a small discussion does not hurt, so Kageyama raised his head to say thanks but...
"Yappari! [I knew it!] It really fits you well, Kageyama-kun," you said and chuckled. His mouth parted as if to say something but is unable to. He blinks, trying to confirm if it's the reality.
The girl that he met online and have been chatting for about half-a-year, moreover, had asked him to date which he unexpectedly not refused to...is on his front. You're giddy smile and chuckle is real, and how you fix his hair into the neko-headband...he's feeling it.
It was then that the flashes of camera brought him to reality. He cleared his throat and brought his attention to the paper. You also leaned down to say something--"Can you also write 'Y/N and Volleyball' there and a heart shape at the end?"
You saw how his ears flushed and you chuckled. "Yeah." "That's a boring response, Kageyama-kun," you teased. "I'm currently trying to process that you're here in Japan and why you haven't told me about it," he pursed his lips tightly to prevent him from smiling too much.
You cutely brought your arms and palm to your jawline and rest your cheeks in your palm, then teasingly said--"Should we kiss then?" Profusely looking at you, how his eyes sparkles at the thought did not escape your view.
"I...Th-that's..." He looks around. Cameras, teammates, reporters, his coach, the manager, and the fans... He sighed and tries to calm himself down.
"I'll give you lots of it later."
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Sakusa Kiiyómi
"Omi-kun, if they don't answer the phone then they have someonelse--ouch!" Atsumu whimpers when Sakusa spike the ball to his direction.
"Ooppss," is what Sakusa only said. "That's uncalled for! Hey! Ya literally smash it off'm!" Atsumu yelled while massaging the back of his head.
"Miya! Fetch the ball, will you?! We're closing up soon!" The coach yelled at him which he was surprised. As he was about to complain, Meian glared at him. He couldn't do anything at all but click his tongue.
"Omi-omi, you're already changed? Oh! Oh! Wanna go somewhere?" Bokuto pops up his front while his hair is still wet as he said it excitedly.
"I'll pass," is Sakusa's only answer while he fetches for his bags and takes his leave. Upon reaching for his phone, he immediately search for your contact name and stared at it while walking out of the gym. He scrunches his brows. It's been almost three days now and you still haven't contacted him. The last thing you said when you called him was to tell that you have to attend an important meeting on the site of your work, so he has become worried. He tried calling you but no one's answering the phone.
Sakusa was staring at his phone, outside their (training) area when he bumped into someone. He curses on his mind but apologized for not looking. It was then that his phone rung and he stops on his tracks immediately.
"Damn. Finally," he murmured as he immediately answered it. "Hello?" It was as if he's hearing your voice nearby but shook his thoughts. "What?" Sakusa responds. The line becomes silent. "Y/N, if you wanted to break up at me then contact me. Let me know." He can't help it since Atsumu's words were ringing on his head. "Wow. I...don't know what to s-say," it was almost in a whisper. Sakusa ruffles his hair in frustration.
"Y/N--" "You just messed your hair, didn't you?" How do you know? "Yes, but that's not the--" it was followed by the line-cut. Sakusa isn't stupid to know that you have ended the call. He was glaring at his phone intensely when someone called his name in an unsure voice.
"Kiyoomi Sakusa, r-right?" Lifting his head, a face and form that is clearly you greeted him. "Wow, sorry. You're just too gorgeous," the dim light can't hide the blush on your face as you study his whole form. He isn't hallucinating isn't he?
"Hey?" "Y/N?" Almost forgetting that it's both your first time seeing in person, you brightly smiled at him and answered--"Surprise!" And that was Sakusa's cue. He did not waste any time and grab your waist as he pulled you in a long and warm hug.
"It's good that I have taken a bath at the hotel before going here," you said, giggling, as you returned the hug. "What's up with the 'contact-me-if-you-want-to-break-up' though?" You, again, asked.
"No. Sorry. I...Shit, you're here..." He muttered. You, knowing that he's flustered and surprise, just laughed and did not mind it for now. As for the moment, the both of you are just contented on the current situation.
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skinandscales-if · 1 year
He can do whatever he wants but I draw the line at human trafficking. Not cool man. The rest is fine.
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btw you’re totally right friend I just had to meme it a little ^^
weirdly enough it’s both the biggest thing he does and the most misinterpreted? He isn’t kidnapping anyone (for this specifically) or selling them, but still fully exploits people and preys on the disadvantaged to provide a very unsafe, predatory way out of the city
He couldn’t care less if it actually helps people though lol but that’s what you get when the city treats its land like a separate nation 😔
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000samael · 5 months
Obligatory Pinned Post
Hi! I’m Sam, I’m a 19 year old illustrator. Currently I only use this blog to post my Fallout 4 OCs, but I may dump unrelated personal art here to archive it from time to time.
You can find more of my stuff on Insta+Twt, I also have a Patreon where I periodically update personal projects I’m working on. My linktree is pasted below
Technically asks are open, but I have a horrible habit of forgetting my inbox on here exists. Most effective way to reach me is through email, or shoot me a comment on one of my other socials.
Linktree (email included):
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ariesgamesandminis · 6 months
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Miniature restocks are in from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!
10-037 Word of Blake Omni Mech Pack II 20-207 Stinger STG-5R 20-228 Burrock 20-248 Donar 20-273 Icestorm 20-408 Raijin II RJN-200-A 20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L 20-426 Dark Age Galleon 20-487 Shade S-HA-O Invictus 20-488 Rusalka S-RSL-O Invictus 20-5106 Tiburon 20-5117 Kodiak II 20-5201 Lightning LHN-C5 20-5203 Ryoken (Stormcrow) TC / B 20-5212 UrbanMech UM-R60 / R60L / AIV 20-5215 Mastodon 20-698 Buccaneer BCN-3R 20-702 Corsair CSR-V12 20-704 Cheetah F-10 20-705 Stingray F-90 20-709 Lucifer LCF-R15 20-713 Slayer SL-15 20-714 Batu 20-715 Jagatai 20-741 J-27 Tow Vehicle 20-950 Clan Elemental 20-997 Gurkha GUR-2G BT-003 Basilisk BT-006 Phalanx BT-028 Cavalier BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-062 Hover Bike BT-189 Kobold BT-202 Rogue Bear BT-226 Fast Recon BT-231 Ironhold BT-232 Warg BT-244 Heavy Infantry - Standing BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-292 Shiro SH-2P BT-351 Mad Cat MK II 5 BT-376 Minotaur Protomech BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor BT-387 Gnome BT-390 Fa-Shih BT-392 Raiden BT-413 Marauder BT-447 Hippogriff BT-460 Saxon APC DL-684 Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime Museum Scale FT-018 Visigoth JHLTD-08 Limited Edition Jade Hawk JHK-03 Omega Super Heavy Mechs 20-600F Vulture (Omni) Gun / Arm Sprue 20-969B Banshee Arm Sprue
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Biombo-s-Pantalla-s-Paneles Japón, Imperio del Sol Naciente.
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Fūjin participó en la creación del mundo junto a Amaterasu, y por tanto, uno de los dioses más antiguos.
Fūjin hizo soplar los vientos desde la sábana sagrada que sostiene en sus manos en sus representaciones; con ello disipó la niebla que cubría el mundo en su origen, permitiendo así que el sol brillase sobre la Tierra.
A Raijin se le conoce en la mitología japonesa por ser el dios de los truenos y los rayos. Se le representa en forma de oni rodeado por un arco de tambores (taiko), con los que produciría el ruido de los truenos que se escucha cada vez que se desata una tormenta. No es casual que su nombre se forme combinando los kanjis kaminari (雷、trueno) y shin
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hotarutranslations · 8 months
Inazuma Rock Fest 2023!
Inazuma Rock Fest, Thank you very much!
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It was fire--!
Last year, was cancelled due to weather, We couldn't make our first performance at Inazuma Rock Fest come true therefore this time our first performance finally came true
Thank you very much, for your lots of support!
Today in my Instagram message as well, Mixed in with the lots of comments from the fans, I was sent power from Ishikawa Rika-san🥹🩷
Thank you very much for your lots of words of support everyone as well!
Our first Inazuma Rock Fest……
How will the weather be, How will the scenery be, There were many things I couldn't imagine,
I think there were many we met for the first time
Morning is like that, I didn't hear it in the MC but, I thought that would be the case for sure, Since we stood on stage,
After each song, everyone in the back as well,
When I saw you clapping above your head,
it made me really happy……🫠❤️
How was Morning Musume '23!
We also showed off our new songs on the setlist
Morning Musume '23 "Wake-up Call ~Mezameru Toki~"
Morning Musume '23 "Suggoi FEVER!"
To those we met today, I'd be happy if these MV's reached you,
Our new songs release on October 25th! I'd be moved if you thought that,
We're also on tour right now, If you come and see us we'll definitely make you like us 🤭fufu
Also within that, I'm sure that there are those of you like this, If you like Kajisak-san, I'd like to take you by the hand, I do too! I want to convey that lol
【The☆Peace!】 Getting A Dance Lesson From A Current Morning Musume Member
【The☆Peace!】 I Tried Teaching A Dance To The 2 in King Kong-san ☆ Ishida Ayumi Perspective ☆
After Morning's stage,
On the Raijin stage, DISH//-san Da-iCE-san, Ae! group-san, Nishikawa Takanori-san
On the next stage, I watched from the monitor but,
I experienced the high passion of the fest🔥
Everyone was very passionate but, how it resonated in the body is pretty different for each, I think this is unique to festivals, It was really fun!
On Morning Musume '23's stage as well, I hope it resonated!!! I think it did!!!
Really, in the unfortunate weather, Thank you very much, for passioantely watching Morning Musume '23
Don't catch a cold, ok
Inazuma Rock Fest⚡️ Thank you very much
See you!!!
see you ayumin <3
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etes-secrecy-post · 9 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Sept 5th, 2018
Title: Cuteness Member - Casey
This is Casey Chespin, a hedgehog member of Fuse's team (the "Sun Explorers") with a spirit of martial arts. And with his armored "Jiyan Altron", he can deal enemies with his powerful sick Kung Fu moves, in a good way. 🦔🥋👊
Jiyan Altron Casey Came from the real: XXXG-01S2龍虎狼 Gundam Jiyan Altron
• Jiyan Shield • Twin Jiyan Fang • Soryukoroen • Jiyan Breaker
• Wolf-Ken & Tiger-Ken The large shoulder armor pieces that resemble the heads of tiger and wolf can be removed and attached to the forearm, over the fist, for even stronger punches. Even if the fist is destroyed, the Wolf-Ken and Tiger-Ken can still be used. Furthermore, flame and electric bolt attacks, known as 'Tenro' and 'Koko' respectively, can be shot out of either 'mouths'.These attacks can be used even when the Wolf-Ken and Tiger-Ken are shoulder mounted. The Wolf-Ken and Tiger-Ken are also used to perform the special attack, 'Raijin Thunder'.
• GN Claw Container The claw-like handheld melee form of the armored Seravee Scheherazade's GN Beam Container. Used by Jiyan Altron to execute the 'Sokyoku Silk Road' attack.
Special Attack(s):
• Ultimate Secret: Ryukorodo By saving up Diver Points and reaching Rank C, Divers can unlock unique finish moves that fit their Gunpla and their fighting style. However, these moves cannot be learned instantaneously. Tigerwolf's finish move, "Ultimate Secret: Ryukorodo", is the culmination of his life in GBN, and now passes to Tigerwolf's students, including Casey Chespin. When executing this attack, Jiyan Altron emanates energy from its whole body via its right fist, releasing two streams of energy resembling a tiger and wolf that later combine into a larger and stronger dragon-like energy beam that can destroy an enemy in one hit. The image of the tiger, wolf and dragon reminds one of Tigerwolf's nickname, "Tri-Fang".
• Raijin Thunder A variation of the Ryukorodo, this finish move is performed using the Wolf-Ken and Tiger-Ken. The Wolf-Ken and Tiger-Ken release the flame attack, 'Tenro', and electric bolt attack, 'Koko', and both attacks combine into a large energy dragon to damage the opponent.
• Shokan Ultimate Secret: Rikugeki Shoryuda The Jiyan Altron pounds both the Wolf-Ken and Tiger-Ken together, creating an energy sphere that is released as a stream of beam. This beam then forms a barrier around the opponent upon impact, immobilizing it. Then as implied by the move's name, Land Strike・Rising Dragon Attack (陸撃・昇龍打 Rikugeki Shōryūda?), the Jiyan Altron follows up with an earth-shattering punch at the ground, sending an energy dragon rising from the earth and striking the opponent.
• Sokyoku Silk Road The Jiyan Altron performs the Ryukorodo, but with the armored Seravee Scheherazade's GN Claw Container in its right hand, enhancing the attack. The tiger and wolf-like beam released take on a new color, so do their combined dragon-like energy beam. This attack's power is on par with AGEII Magnum SV ver.'s 'EX Calibur' attack.
Casey (Pokemon Chespin OC) - created by Romulus907 (dA) Armor (Gundam Build Divers) - Gundam Series © SUNRISE, Sotsu
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kyanitesaphire · 1 year
Lightning In A Bottle chapter 3
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Spencer could feel all eyes on him as he settled in at his desk the next day. His team wasn’t even subtle about it. He did his best to ignore them and not give in to their wordless curiosity. If they wanted to know something, they would have to ask for it themselves. Nearly twenty minutes of solid focused work had passed before Derek finally gave in to his burning curiosity and spoke up.
“Ok kid, spill it. How did it go last night with you and your mistress of the hunt.” Spencer furrowed his brows at Derek’s choice of nickname.
“It went well…Mistress of the hunt? Really?”
“Yeah. Her and her hounds. Were they as big as they sounded?”
“Bigger believe it or not.” Spencer boasted as he pulled out the photo printouts and held them up. Derek got up from his desk to inspect the images.
“Woah! Damn, you ain’t kidding. The one on your lap looks as big as a horse.” Derek exclaimed. “So which ones which?”
“That one’s Zeus and that’s Raijin.” Spencer distinguished while pointing them out in the photo. He drew Derek’s attention to the second photo. “And that is Éclair.”
“Alright, I see how it is. You like a foxy lady with a little spunk.” Derek teased gesturing to the blue streaks and trimming in her hair. Spencer tried and failed horribly to conceal his amusement with his comrades speculation. The other hyper vigilant members of the team who had been listening in all sprung from their desks upon hearing that there was a picture of this mysterious new woman in Spencer’s life, eager to get a glimpse for themselves. They all gushed over the pictures although Penelope’s focus was more on the dogs. “So tell me, when you say ‘it went well' how well are we talking?”
“Oh! Yes! Do tell, I want all of the details! Was it like a 90’s rom-com? Was there intense passion and romance?” Penelope inquired hastily.
“I’m not sure what kind of dog walks you go on that would include ‘intense passion and romance’ Garcia, but I can tell you this was not one of them.” Spencer said in a calm but concerned tone. “As to how well it went exactly, well, I’m supposed to go to her place for a movie night so long as we don’t get a case today.”
“Oh yeah? And how does this Lurch fella feel about that? And who is he by the way?” Derek asked.
“He's her guardian apparently. His job is to basically keep her in line and take care of her until she’s deemed fit to be on her own.” Spencer explained pulling out Éclair’s file from his bag and setting it on his desk. “And as to how he feels about my spending time with her, I believe his words were ‘you could bend her over the kitchen table and pound her ass like mochi for all I care.’” He added with slight disgust. Derek winced and chuckled at the unsolicited mental picture of Spencer doing exactly that. JJ and Penelope also seemed uncomfortable with the raunchy comment, mostly due to the jarring juxtaposition of such a statement being reiterated by the naïve and gentle doctor.
“Charming.” Derek retorted sarcastically as he made his way back to his own desk. To avoid Spencer going on one of his more than informative tangents, JJ quickly googled what mochi was on her phone and instantly regretted it as the already unsettling mental image she had became violently more so .
Between tasks, Spencer took it upon himself to do a bit of research into this Dr.Jericho person. Although this doctor did indeed have his own small clinic, his reputation still remained shrouded in obscurity. All he could ascertain from the limited publicly accessible resources , was the location of said clinic, and where Dr.Jericho’s expertise lie. There were no pages dedicated to any of his dissertations, the site for his clinic was bare bones at best, and he couldn’t find a single picture of the doc in question. This seemed suspicious to Spencer considering even hospitals plastered their walls and media with images of their medical and administrative staff in an attempt to put a human face to the corporate machine that is American healthcare. If Spencer wanted any concrete information on Jericho, he’d need a Garcia level search. At this point that seemed like a gross misuse of government resources.
Thinking back on the scans of Éclair’s brain reminded him of a case from about two years prior. Anton Harris had abducted a pair of students, one of which was his sister, and preformed lobotomies on them, rendering them incapable of speech and had implanted tiny cameras into their eyes. The memory of Dana Harris being lobotomized via live stream for the world to see still haunted him from time to time. There were certain uncomfortable similarities between the Harris case and Éclair’s. The vicious yet skillfully executed lobotomy, the targeting of an individual who wouldn’t be missed, the apparent escape/possible release. Unfortunately Éclair’s case lacked an obvious motive. What was to be gained from doing this to her, or anyone for that matter? There was one more alarming oversight from the Harris case that Spencer wasn’t going to make again; previous attempts, failed or otherwise. He compiled a series of notes and comparisons on how to proceed with an investigation should another victim be found and the case be appointed to them. Until then, this was as far as he dared to delve, not wanting to get Garcia in trouble. He slipped his notes into the folder with Éclair’s information and tucked it safely away into his drawer.
The day had passed uneventfully, with no cases coming up requiring their immediate attention. As Spencer packed up his things to leave, he whipped out his cell and called Éclair just as promised. The line trilled repeatedly and he waited patiently for someone to pick up.
“Hey doc. Éclair told me you’d call.” Lurch’s gruff voice came through. “Am I telling her you’re on your way?”
“Umm, yeah….” Spencer confirmed “why do you have her phone again?”
“I just hadn’t given it back yet after her appointment. Which, speaking of, must have been a rough one for her this time.” Lurch informed. “She’s still pretty out of it. Maybe you should do us all a favour and bring her some comfort food or something on your way over.”
“Ok, what exactly should I bring?” Spencer asked.
“Fuck if I know.” Lurch grumbled.
“What’s that supposed to mean? You’re her caretaker, you should know!” Spencer scolded.
“Look, all I know is when women get moody, they eat junk food and cry about their problems to their best friends.” Lurch explained. Spencer rolled his eyes at the rather sexist generalization. “So since she’s not talking yet, I figured we could ply her with whatever girls eat when they’re sad.”
“Oh yes, let’s just default to the more toxic coping methods, because nothing could possibly go wrong there.” Spencer groaned sarcastically. He pressed the elevator button firmly and stood back, waiting for the doors to open. “I’ll figure something out, but I need to head home and change first. I don’t feel like having my good clothes covered in fur again.” He let out an exasperated sigh and vigorously rubbed at his eye with his fingertips.
“Ha, I thought it was an improvement.” Lurch joked, to which Spencer replied with a mock laugh. ”Alright Dr.Loverboy, we’ll see you in a bit.” With that the call was disconnected.
“Dr.Loverboy?” Spencer muttered under his breath with a confused grimace as he boarded the elevator and pocketed his phone.
Spencer rang the doorbell while precariously balancing a hot chocolate on a box of Éclair's favoured namesake pastry. Unlike his previous visit, there was no barrage of barking from inside. He also didn’t hear the heavy footfalls of Lurch approaching the door. Instead the door swung open and an elegant raven haired woman with piercing violet eyes greeted him.
“Hey! You’re Éclair's friend, right? Spencer was it?” She asked as she stepped aside to allow him in.
“Yeah, hi!” He spat out, startled “Sorry, I was expecting Lurch to answer the door.” He stepped in and immediately kicked his shoes off.
“Herald is in the living room, I’m Yen by the way, Herald’s girlfriend.” Yen explained as she scooped up Spencer’s shoes and placed them on the rack for him. Lurch came around the corner and eyed the footwear his girlfriend was putting away.
“Good grief, please tell me you’re going shoe shopping tomorrow. Those things are an embarrassment.” Lurch mocked.
“Oh please babe, you’re one to talk. At least his shoes are clean, which is more than I can say you and your nasty Kodiaks .” Yen scolded.
“ You’re kidding right? They look like burgundy suede bowling shoes. Hardly appropriate for a man of his profession.” Lurch rebutted, cocky as usual.
“And those monstrosities are appropriate for a man of yours?” Yen said. “Honestly he’s better dressed than you, that’s for sure.” Lurch rolled his eyes and shook his head at the comment.
“Éclair’s upstairs in her room with the boys. The doors open.” Lurch gestured up the stairs before turning away and ushering Yen with him back into the living room.
“It was nice seeing you.” Yen called out over her shoulder before disappearing into the living room. Spencer nodded quietly in affirmation before ascending to the second floor.
He peered into Éclair’s room and tapped lightly on her open door, gaining the immediate attention of Zeus and Raijin. Both behemoths clamored off the enormous bed and rushed toward him, herding him toward Éclair who was still reclined on the bed. She laid there prone, exposed and she had an air of defeat about her. Garbed in only a black band tank top and black boyshort panties, her hair loose and splayed out over her pillow as she stared blankly up at the ceiling. He did his best not to stare too long at her strong bare legs as he was pushed closer and closer until his knees bumped the mattress. The jostling of the bed stirred her from her trance and she sat up, pulling out her ear buds.
“Hey, h-how are you?” Spencer stammered, clearing his throat. “I uh, I brought you a hot chocolate and some eclairs.” He held them out to her for her to accept. She gave the hot chocolate a vacant glance and slowly dragged her eyes up to meet Spencer’s. Once their eyes locked, a faint smile slowly spread across her lips and she reached up to take the cup from him.
“You remembered what I like? That’s so sweet.” She uttered softly, a hint of joy weaving through her voice. She brought the cup to her lips and imbibed a hefty swig of the warm beverage, letting out a relieved sigh afterwards.
“Um… I have to ask…but… why aren’t you wearing pants?” He asked nervously still trying to keep his gaze respectively off her exposed lower half. “Did…did Lurch not tell you I was coming?” Éclair cocked her head in confusion, then looked down at her half naked state.
“I’m sure I had pants… I know I did. Lurch told me you were coming over, Yen helped me draw a bath, and I set clothes aside for after…” She walked herself through the events before Spencer’s arrival, her eyes scanned the room as she did. Then she saw it. She did indeed set pajama pants aside to wear, but in her dissociative state she forgot to put them on, only getting half dressed. “…oops! There they are.” She got up from the bed, brushing up against Spencer as she passed. Although the notion of privacy had become a moot point, Spencer kept his back to her while she donned her bottoms. Zeus nudged Spencer’s arm with his nose, Éclair’s ribbon and bells hanging from his mouth, offering them up to him. He set the pastries down on the bed as he received the accessory from the canine comrade. He turned to offer it back to Éclair and found her all ready munching away on the sweet snacks, her fingers covered in the chocolatey confection. She patted the top of her head with her free hand when she caught a glimpse of the adornment in Spencer’s grasp.
“Would you like me to put this in for you?” Spencer offered and Éclair nodded her approval as she sucked the sugary residue off her fingers. He sat on the edge of her bed with his legs set apart for her to seat herself between them. Once she was situated, he went to work combing the top portion of her hair together with his fingers gently raking his nails along her scalp before wrapping the silky ribbon around the partitioned cluster of strands. “So, what movie did you want to watch tonight?”
“I have a few picked out. I don’t know what one to start with though.” She explained. She wrapped her arms around Spencer’s legs, hugging them closer to her as she relaxed under his touch. After he tied the bow, he gave the bells a light shake letting her know he was done and could stand up. When she rose to her feet she turned to face Spencer, placing her hands where his neck and shoulders met. As he gazed up into her eyes he could see a significant improvement in her mood but she still wasn’t her usual self.
“Well, why don’t we start with one that seems the most lighthearted. Something feel-good.” He suggested. She thought for a moment before making her decision and stepping away from Spencer to set up her selection. The Princess Bride.
“Ok, scoot over closer to the middle of the bed.” Éclair ordered as she grabbed the remote and climbed back into the bed next to Spencer. She leaned over him to turn of the bedside lamp, eliminating the glare on the television screen and hit the play button. Once the movie began both Zeus and Raijin jumped up into the bed on either side and laid out next to them facing the tv.
“And this is why I changed out of my nice clothes before coming here.” Spencer commented as he rested his arm on Zeus’s back like a sofa.
“ You’re telling me that sweater is part of your not nice clothing?” Éclair asked as she inspected the garment.
“More like it’s one I’m not particularly attached to. I haven’t worn it in nearly 9 years and I rarely wore it then. Plus most of the fur wont be noticeable against the white anyway.” He explained. Éclair reached over and ran her fingers over the ornate embroidered dragon.
“That’s a shame. I like it, and it looks good on you.” She confessed as she hunkered down to watch the film. The two of them discussed and commented on the various scenes rather than observe in silence.
“I can’t get over the eerie similarity between the Spaniard and my old mentor at the BAU.” Spencer said uncomfortably.
“ Like a doppelganger? They say everyone has one out there somewhere. I’m sure you have one too.” Éclair postulated.
“Oh yes, and then we come to find out my cinematic doppelganger appears in a film as an unfortunate and foulmouthed tradesman who gets swept up in a burglary and whirlwind killing spree by his psychotic and promiscuous girlfriend.” Spencer joked.
“Sounds like a good movie. I’d watch it. Especially with a lead actor that sexy.” She added, elbowing him playfully. Spencer tried to laugh off the compliment feeling his cheeks tingle with embarrassment. When the movie ended, Éclair rolled half onto Spencer to look up at him. “How bout we watch one more?”
“As you wish.” He responded trying to remain serious as he quoted the movie they just watched, but as they maintained eye contact both of them devolved into a fit of giggles. Éclair shuffled down to swap out the movies putting in Who Framed Roger Rabbit and crawling back into bed.
Neither one of them stayed awake till the end of the movie.
When Spencer awoke, there was a hefty weight bearing down on his chest and both his arms were immobilized by a chilling numbness. He looked down at his body to see that during the night Zeus had situated his front half over Spencer’s leg and Éclair had rolled over on top of his chest. This pinned one arm down and elevated the other greatly inhibiting blood flow to both extremities, painfully numbing them. His shifting roused his bedmates from their slumber. Both of the dogs jumped out of bed, leaving the room and Éclair sat up just enough to look at Spencer who winced as his incapacitate arm fell hard onto the bed.
“Morning, you alright?” Éclair asked, noticing his pained expression.
“Yeah, I can’t move though.” He groaned quietly as he tried to improve the circulation in his limbs. She watched him writhe helplessly, unable to gain control of his arms and a mischievous smirk crept across her lips.
“So are you telling me your essentially helpless and at my mercy?” she teased.
“ Uh oh…should I be worried?” he asked, his voice cracking nervously.
“I don’t know. That depends on how much you like me I guess.” She replied coyly, climbing over to straddle his waist.
“What if I said I like you a fair bit?” Spencer mused as he picked up on her implication. Éclair leaned forward, holding onto his biceps and massaging them with her fingertips.
“Well then, I think you’ll be quite excited.” With that she closed the gap between them, locking their lips in a sensuous kiss. At first, the taste and feel of her lips on his caused everything inside of him to freeze up as though an electrical current were coursing through him. Then the proverbial flood gates opened. His heart pounded in his chest and his lips lunged into action, reciprocating the kiss. Éclair ran her hand up and down Spencer’s arms sending a tide of pins and needles to ebb and flow through this fingers as he began to regain feeling in them. He willed his arms to move, bending his stiff elbows to reach up and haphazardly cup her jaw in his tingling hands while hers found purchase in his messy locks. It was in this moment that he realized exactly how intimately touch starved he really was. Like the first rain on the Mesa plains after a grueling drought, he drank in the heated passion and relished in the petrichor of this moment.
Unfortunately the moment was cut short by an unapologetic intrusion.
“You know, you’d think I never feed you with how voraciously you’re eating his face.” Lurch said as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Mnnn, just taking advantage of the moment.” Éclair purred more to Spencer than to Lurch.
“Yeah, well if you and the moment want to come down for breakfast, it’s time for you to take your meds.” Lurch retorted, pushing himself off the doorframe and down the hall. Spencer and Éclair both rolled their eyes as they looked back to each other.
“If I had full control of my fingers, I’d show him how many moments he could wait.” Spencer quipped
“Oh, dose it happen to be this many?” Éclair asked as she held his hand up and folded down his thumb, index, ring and pinky fingers.
“Yeah, pretty much.” He agreed with a laugh.
“ I was thinking the same thing.” She kissed him again before dismounting him and pulling him up to his feet. She quickly noticed the swell in his pants and pursed her lips before speaking again. “Now as much as I’d like the ego boost, I’m aware that that is not all me. Bathroom is just down the hall.” She pointed in the opposite direction Lurch went. Spencer cleared his throat and looked down at himself sheepishly, trying to decide if he should make the comment that was on his mind.
“I’d say it’s a bit more than 50/50 in your favour.” He clarified playfully before heading toward the lavatory.
By the time he had finished with the facilities, Éclair had gotten dressed for the day and fixed her hair. As she emerged from her room, her steps rang with the pleasant jingling he had quickly grown fond of.
“Ah! Perfect timing! Let’s get some breakfast before we get any more lip from snoopy downstairs.” She chirped, holding her hand out for Spencer to take. When they set foot into the kitchen/dining room, Yen greeted them with a warm smile as she set out a large bowl of scrambled eggs on the table.
“Morning you two. Did you have a nice evening last night?” Yen sang with a wink. “I saw you guys cuddled up together. You were so cute I couldn’t bring myself to wake you.” Spencer’s cheeks flushed at the remark but Éclair was unbothered by it.
“We watched Princess Bride and started watching Roger Rabbit when we passed out.” Éclair answered as she poured herself a drink.
“In flight peanuts, coming through.” Lurch called out, tossing a small pre sealed packet of pills to Éclair.
“Pharmaceutic-o's, an important part of this mentally balanced breakfast.” Éclair mimicked being on a cereal commercial, eliciting a laugh from Spencer and Yen. She downed the meds and grabbed a plate for her and Spencer to serve themselves up some food, discarding the now empty packaging from her pills onto the table. As she shoveled up a heaping scoop of eggs and dumped them on her plate, Lurch came up behind her and dispensed a generous helping of bacon next to them.
“Eat up. I’m not going easy on you today. I don’t want to hear the excuse ‘but I’m too hungry!’” He said whining the last part.
“yeah, yeah. I’m going for a run later though.” Éclair said waving him off as she split a piece of bacon, eating one half and feeding the other to Raijin.
“If you want, I can take you to the rink tonight. That is if you and Spencer here don’t already have plans.” Yen suggested with a sly wink.
“What do you say, Spencer? Wanna tag along?” Éclair exclaimed excitedly.
“I appreciate the invitation, but I’m not really one for athletics. I’ve never gone skating before either.” Spencer chuckled nervously as he shuffled the small mound of eggs around on his plate. “Besides, I should probably get home soon and catch up on some tidying. I don’t know when I’ll get another chance with how busy I get with work.”
“ Well there’s a first time for everything!” Éclair said nudging Spencer with her shoulder .
“Maybe you can join us another time.”
“Where do you live? We can drop you off on our way.” Lurch asked Spencer as he sat down to his own breakfast.
“Hoover street.” Spencer answered. “What are you two up to anyway?”
“Hand to hand combat training. I hope to teach her restraint when defending herself.” Lurch explained. Once Éclair finished her meal, she got up from the table and jogged up the stairs, her bells jingling behind her. Once she was out of ear shot he continued. “Its about the only thing I can teach her restraint in. Some girls will say ‘Let’s take things slow.’ I don’t think that’s something she has any concept of, so have fun on the Autobahn.” Spencer leaned away from Lurch and toward Yen, feigning discretion before speaking to her.
“If he’s always this much of a jerk, what do you see in him?”
“It’s all a façade, I assure you. He’s really just a big old papa bear"
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