#S: hellboy 2
n3onstarss · 2 years
Hellboy x GN!reader x Abe
Cuddling, hurt/comfort but not really hurt, can be seen as platonic or romantic depending on preference, idiots in love? mayhaps?, self indulgent
Hellboy had always been a strange looking person to onlookers, and even stranger inside for those who knew him. intense mood swings and temperamental at the best of times, even Abe had a hard time reading him. I, however. I'd seemed to get him. Always able to tell what was wrong, what needed fixing and when he needed to be told (albeit gently) that 'hey, no, you're in the wrong.' every once in a while. But reading me? nearly impossible. Yes, I was a creature of the night, hard to read in the first place if anybody was able to see me first. But that was all before the bureau found me. Now, it was much more common for there to be sightings of the 'night prowler' or 'wood stalker', but only when missions called for it. it didn't make me any easy to read, despite Abe and Hellboy's best efforts.
Today had been shitty, to say the least. overwhelmed, overstimulated and pissy was a awful day to end the work day. Best case scenario was that I could somehow avoid all my coworkers in the halls or at least not snap at anyone, make it to my room and take a nap for a few days. unluckily, that's exactly what didn't happen. As my lithe form prowled the halls in hopes of making it to my 'cave' i was stuck in the home rush for the other employees. Trapped in a crowd and moving like a salmon swimming upstream in a flood. At one point a 30-something year old named Todd, my least favorite person, shoved me way too much for my liking and i snapped at him. literally. Everyone froze as the sound of teeth and jaws slamming shut and the tearing of fabric echoed through the crowds. Todd was missing a section of loose shirt from near his shoulder and the torn fabric hung from my snout. Blank stares and wild eyes watched my every move as i spit out the fabric, flipped him off and kept moving. weaving was much easier as i marched through, mainly because i wasn't weaving anymore. the familiar hole in the wall was within sight and the crowds were gone. I crouched down, glancing around one last time before ducking inside.
it was cozy. a pitch black hole in the wall that lead to a old locked up storage closet. The hole itself was in a hallway that was too out of the way for employees to come find, let alone patch. the closet had been locked up due to a venomous snake getting loose in there during temporary storage. Abe had helped me out in convincing everyone it might be alive and to just leave the closet alone. I'd cleaned it out and filled it with blankets and even one of those Walmart mini fridges. it was dark unless Abe decided to join. For those occasions we had got fish themed string lights at the same Walmart. Hellboy couldn't care if the light we're on or off, it didn't disturb him at all.
Finally settled in my nest of throw pillows and stolen blankets, i let all the emotion loose. sobs racked my body as i struggled to take a breath. hot tears of sadness and anger and exhaustion streamed down my face and made tracks across the thin, white, almost translucent flesh. I didn't know how long it had been before the storage door opened. Launching myself away from the light and holding my arms above my face for fear it was a agent, i growled weakly in warning. I hadn't calmed down at all and didn't have a moment to think before familiar warm arms scooped me up. while being held against Hellboy's chest i could feel him nod at someone or something. I hear rustling for a bit before Hellboy stepped into the closet and closed the door.
It turned out Abe had come too. the familiar cold hands creating stark contrast between the warm arms. the lights were turned on as dim as possible as we all say huddled. The familiar scents of leather and brimstone behind me and salt water and old books infront was comforting. I finally began to calm, the tears and hyperventilation coming to a slow stop. Hellboy then set me down between the two of them. The spot where Abe sat was weirdly damp, but he was also a fish-man-thing so what did i really expect? Sleep weighed down my eyelids and threatened to drag me under. I flicked my tail half-heartedly in thanks.
"We heard about the stunt with Todd," Hellboy finally spoke up. His voice was creaky and broke once or twice due to not being used for so long.
"hmm?" I didn't have the energy for a real response.
"are you okay?" I could tell he was trying not to let the worry seep into his voice. for the record, he failed.
"yes, you haven't been, as you say, 'doing so hot' recently. Are you alright?" Abe piped in. his voice was much more confident then Hellboy's and much smoother.
"I'll be fine, pinky promise."
"whatever you say, hotshot." and with that Hellboy scooted down against the wall even further, laying down fully now. he patted the spot next to him.
Abe and I got the hint at about the same time and scooted down as well, settling into our usual nap spots. We always ended up with Red being the big spoon and either Abe or I taking turns being the smallest spoon. Today Abe got elected based on where he'd sat alone. Hugging Abe to my chest and being hugged to Hellboy's was almost therapeutic. the lights were shut off and quiet music was turned on.
"goodnight you twi, thankd" i tried to say, muffled by the blankets and sleep. Soft giggles wracked the man held against my chest gently and a chuckle or two escaped Red.
"goodnight idiot, get some rest."
"goodnight, sleep well."
and with that, sleep carried me away.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Could you do Prince Nuada from Hellboy 2 and reader?
This one has taken me a while- Also thank you for reigniting the LOVE I had for Prince Nuada! Ugh! So sexy!!
I do hope this is to your liking since it did take some warping.
1. I gotta keep Nuada and Nuala alive so the ending didn't happen
2. Introduce elements from the comics aka Hellboy had adopted siblings.
Half Breed
Prince Nuada x FemReader
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After the fortunately failed suicide attempt from Nuala which had horribly injured both twins- Nuafa had been captured and the two rushed back to the Bureau for emergency treatment, Which fortunately allowed the Elves to survive the whole ordeal.
Nuada had been placed in custody of B.P.R.D first as a high level prisoner for many months after his attempt to wipe out humanity.
After being in solitary confinement for far too long a deal was struck with him to work for the organization due to his knowlege of the world and to get out of solitary help all that had been damaged.
He had agreed- begrudgingly and because Nuala insisted.. it had been nearly a year of this all- When something interesting took place.
Nuala and Abe walked down the corridors together, talking about recent books they had shared before Abe paused.
"Oh?-" He looked around calmly before seeing the warning lights come down shining blue instead of the normal red for emergencies.
"Is there an emergancy?" Nuala questioned, a bit nervous of what it could mean, But Abe gently touched her shoulder with his gloved hand.
"No no- Just a old friend. Everytime she visits her and Red play a.. Game of sorts like tag" Abe explained, Nuala smiling at hearing this. Nuada who had just returned from a mission turned the corner seeing his sister and the fish man, frowning but looking to the lights.
"Whats this?" He asked shortly, Abe repeating his answer from before.
"Warning lights for a Game?" He questioned, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Well they are only allowed to have this game once a year and for 5 minutes- mainly due to the property damage that always happens" Abe said truthfully as the elven twins looked surprised by this. A childish game causing property damage?
As if right on cue there was a loud crash the trio turning to see Hellboy running full force in their direction like a train.
"MOVE MOVE!" He yelled loudly, as he ran past them. This was the fastest any of them had seen him run even in a life or death situation, right as he was about to turn the corner a black boot came barrowing down on the side of his cheek, knocking him to the ground hard before the smaller figure ran down the hall Red had just gone through.
"You're it!" She yelled and the trio watched- There running past was a women. Dressed in all black leather tactical gear with her silver hair in a long braid, the ends a sunset gold- (Y/S/C) skin with unique etchings found in only elvish culture paired with amber eyes. It didn't take a genius to figure see what she was-
"Timer Abe!" She yelled, Abe looking to the small watch he carried.
"4 minutes and 26 seconds left- Also happy youve returned safely" He called out to (Y/N) who dashed down the hallway.
Nuada eyes widened as he couldnt help but follower her with his gaze, something about her drew him in. The trio sticking to the walls as they tried to follow the action- it was like a massive battle taking black between a giant and a tiny titan. While Red was slamming into walls cracking cement with his weight and arm- (Y/N) was doing flips and hung to the light fixtures above to keep an advantage.
"Happy to see you too!!!"
He could only describe himself as being mesmerized by her.. Every turn, giggle and jump just seemed to bewitch him and it terrified him.. It wasn't till a loud alarm snapped him his gaze making him jump a bit in surprise- the game was over it seemed and Hellboy returned with his sister, the demon clearly glum from losing.
Nuala eyes widened as she watched (Y/N) jump around Hellboy with a happy smile at winning the game. Figuring what she was but disbelieving of course even after this entire endeavor. A leath-fola. A Half-Blood Actually existed in this world? The embodiment of a union between a human and one of his own kind-
"I win Red! So that's 28 for me and 25 for you. Best luck next you!" She said cheerfully as Hellboy grumbled and pushed her head away with his small hand.
"Yada Yada short stack-"
She noticed the looks of the two meeting their gazes and Nuada immediately felt his heart beat pick up- Confused by the sensation he glanced to Nuala assuming it must be her however she seemed calm and relaxed.
"New Agents?" She questioned looking at the twins, Abe nodding with a 'smile'
"Prince Nuada of the Bethmora clan.. This here is my sister Princess Nuala" He introduced both formally, watching how her smile seemed to radiate as he spoke. It made him feel like he had had stepped into the sun for the first time in years..
"It's lovely to meet you both! It's so lovely to have new faces here in the facility" She said cheerfully, reaching out in a friendly matter and patting both twins on the shoulders.
It felt like Nuada had been shocked by the most pleasant bit of electricity that left him flustered and confused. His sister finally glancing at him as she felt his emotions and gaze a smile, a twinkle of what could only be described as mischief in her golden gaze.
"Yes.. new faces... now if you'll excuse me" Nuada said quickly before dismissing himself- trying to control the panic that was eating him on the inside and the warmth that bloomed in his body. He practically ran back to the space he was forced to call a room and lock himself inside. Nuada stood in his room pacing back and forth. His mind racing and heart uneasy- unknowingly for hours as he tried to calm himself from the sudden feelings that seemed to slam into him.
A knock on the door bringing him from his thoughts as he quickly opened the door, surprised to see his sister standing there in a evening gown.
"Sister, what are you doing up? You should be resting.." He said softly, allowing Nuala into the room.
"I can not rest with you so worked up brother" Nuala said softly. The prince sighing as he realized he had kept her up and took a seat on the corner of the bed, Nuala sitting next to him as well.
"Well- It sounds like she is your fated partner" She pointed out and Nuada immediately felt anger in his blood.
"You're thinking about the leath-fola (Y/N)? Right?" Nuala said softly as she rubbed her brothers shoulder to comfort him. He frowned at being so obvious and also for the form of comfort.
"Yes- She... makes me uneasy" He says, lying a bit to avoid the words he wanted to use. Nuala smiling at this.
"Do not speak such foolish things-" He hissed, Nuala flinching at his harsh words.
"I am not fated to a mortal of all beings" He started but Nuala held up a hand.
"She is not a mortal however brother.. You saw" Nuada was ready to argue but couldnt- his face twisting up.. The damn half-breed was not his fated partner NOR was it going to be the siblings of the demon.
He would prove it...
For the first few weeks that (Y/N) was there, Nuada had been rude and snide. Hissing insults about her mixed blood, shoving past her or even straight up ignoring her. He expected she would take the abuse since she didnt say anything about it but he had been wrong- so terribly wrong.
It took only one time calling her "Dirty" in terms of her blood to get the hardest punch he had ever taken to the nose- It made his eyes water and fall to a knee infront of her..
She grabbed his silver hair and pulled him close so they were eye to eye-
"Listen here- Keep insulting me like this and I'm going to tear your ass a new one. I don't give a Flying fuck if your a price or whatever- I will fuck you up" She hissed at him-
Nuada felt more confused then he ever had before- The pain seemingly going with the fluttering warmth he felt in his face and blatant arousal that was Damm near impossible to miss- (Y/N) seeing his widened eyes and the flush of color on his pale face, like he was frozen and her own golden eyes traveled down at noticing some new movement.
"O-Oh-" Was all she said- Clearly just as surprised as Nuada was at this point. Her fingers carefully releasing his silver hair as warmth went to her own cheeks.
Nuada wanted a blade to the heart at this point...
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
it’s the a7x anon 😘
imagine stripper harlot reader and eddie falls for her (obviously) and he follows her to a club one night. it’s an underground club (got me thinking blood rave from blade) but shes deadly, she sucks the soul out of men in the clubs, poisons them for fun, the club is filled with different types, vampires, wolves, ghouls, but none are more desired or feared than her.
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Sympathy for the Devil
eddie x demon!fem!reader
It's the mid-90's and Eddie has moved to Seattle with the rest of Corroded Coffin to get in on the music scene. He sees you one night dancing at a bachelor party and can't seem to stop thinking about you. His hunt for you takes him to a dark part of town where only monsters dare to go. wc: 2.5k
18+ONLY, grunge!eddie, descriptions of monsters, eventual smut, star-crossed lovers, Gareth, reader described as having thick hips and tattoos, exotic dancers, alcohol consumption, breathing fire. Readers dad is basically Hellboy.
Part 1: Great Balls of Fire
Part 2: Mark of the Beast
Part 3: Burn it Down
A/N: There is just so much I want to explore on this topic, I had to turn it into multiple parts. No smut in this chapter, but there will be in the next two, if there are people who want to read it. I love any reason for a good Blade blood shower. I love this anon, and I hope I did some justice to your idea.
Eddie dropped down into the dark venue on a wing and a prayer, hoping you were working that night.  He didn’t know your schedule, he only knew you from that one night two weeks ago when he was there for Jeff’s bachelor party.  
Out of a sea of beautiful, scantily clad women, you stood out like a flash of  lightning in a pitch black night.
“I can’t believe we’re here again, man,” Gareth complained, swiping his hair out of his face.
“What are you afraid of?” Eddie shouted over his shoulder, hoping to be heard above the throbbing, electronic music. His eyes scanned the crowd for you, or any one he remembered seeing you talk to that first night.  Ahead of them, down the shadowed alcove of the venue were several dancers gyrating on poles and spreading their legs out wide for customers at the rack to hook dollar bills into their g-strings.  
“I’m afraid my girl will cut my nuts off if she finds out I came here with you,” Gareth responded.  
Gareth's hair was shorter than it had been when they were in high school. It was just long enough to tuck behind his ears, but still so full and curly that he had to slick it back.  Eddie’s hair was much longer now, almost to his nipples, and he’d grown his bangs out, so it was more grunge rather than early 80’s metal.  
“We went to see Mudhoney at the Crocodile,” Eddie confirmed. “That’s all you need to tell her.  We only came here to look for someone.”  They had done exactly that, and the Mudhoney show had been amazing. Corroded Coffin’s relocation to Seattle was the best decision Eddie had ever made, and he was grateful his band made the journey with him.  They were all renting this old house on Capitol Hill and getting paying gigs a couple times a month—it was a dream.
But since he’d laid eyes on you—he could barely function.
You had bewitched him in the best of ways.  
So, there he was---dragging Gareth back to the same strip club to look for you.  He honestly didn’t expect to get your number, or even talk to you—he just needed to see you again.   
Once he reached the dimly lit red cocktail bar, Eddie froze.  “She’s not here,” he wet his dry lips, getting on the balls of his feet to scan the crowd. “I mean, I don’t see her.”
“Okay, great, "Gareth tried to avert his eyes from the women on stage so that he wouldn’t feel guilty.  “Can we go now?”
But Eddie wasn’t ready to give up that easily.  
“Hey,” he called over to one of the servers he remembered from the last time. She was about to carry a tray of drinks over to a table when she caught his eye and her face lit up.  
Eddie was awkward when he didn't want to be, but on every other occasion—he possessed a decent amount of charm.  Plus, this particular server was a fan of his band, he just didn’t know it.
Eddie stroked some hair behind his ear and leaned closer, giving her your full description, right down to the color of your eyes, and the details of a few of your tattoos, and then asked if you were working that weekend.
The server shook her head, her cheeks burning hot under Eddie's attention.  “Sorry, she’s not here. I think she’s at the Devils Den tonight.”
Eddie squinted at Gareth and the both of them mouthed “the devils den” with a question mark, like they had never heard of it in all of the 2 years they’d been there.  
The Devil’s Den did not advertise.  You could not find it in the phone book.  It was a word of mouth or friend of a friend only, and security was tight.
“Be careful,” the redhead server offered a warning, passing Eddie her phone number on the inside of a gum wrapper with a wink. Gareth rolled his eyes and headed for the door.
Eddie drove Gareth back to his car first.
“You sure you don’t want me to go with?” Gareth asked Eddie over the hood, strumming his fingers on the metal.
“Nah man, I’m good,” Eddie assured him, twirling his keys on his finger as he walked backwards. “You go home to your girl.  I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He remembered the directions the redhead told him as he sucked down a cigarette with the window open, blowing smoke out into the crisp city night.  It took him down through the east end of town, along a tunnel, and then shot him deep into the industrial district.  Vacant buildings loomed like faceless gargoyles as his van rolled along the dismal expanse, void of human life.
The building was unmarked, but the address was correct; he checked it with the numbers inked on his palm several times.  He parked a block away and walked over with his fists shoved deep into the pockets of his leather while scraps of paper and leaves skidded across the pavement.  His long hair flew across his lips and clung there until he peeled the strand back and tucked it behind his ear again.
He could hear the music now, thudding low from inside the building as he rounded the corner.  
There was a purple light coming from the open doorway, and a minotaur man with a thick tail and broad shoulders sat on a stool blowing smoke out his nostrils.  Eddie heard him ask the couple ahead of him to see their IDs, so Eddie got his ready.
You just happened to be on your way out for a smoke when you saw him—-
The one you couldn’t take your eyes off of two weekends ago. The grungy boy with the long hair you couldn’t stop thinking about.
What was he doing at a monster bar? Did you want him to see you like this? 
Self-consciously, you spun around, ducking your head so he wouldn’t see your horns, wondering if you should try to cover them with your hood and retract your claws. 
Eddie handed the Minotaur bouncer his ID.
“What the fuck you want me to do with this?” The bouncer asked, aggressively standing up to his full height which was close to 7ft.  His voice bellowed, “no humans allowed, can’t you read?” Sure enough, there was a black and white sign on the door that said: NO UNAUTHORIZED HUMANS ALLOWED.
Eddie tucked his ID back in his wallet, about to offer to try and pay the guy off when he saw you appear in the doorway.
“Oh shit,” Eddie whispered to himself.  You were even more stunning than the night he first saw you. Now you have horns? He hadn't noticed them the other weekend at the club; maybe you had them tucked under your wig. He could tell you were different, but he had no idea you were what was known in human circles as a Beastly.  
“He’s with me,” you told the enormous Minotaur man, and Eddie watched him cower before you.  He sat back down on his stool and bowed his head, muttering his apologies.  
He had to remember not to let his jaw hang slack as you walked closer, swaying your hips as you did so, plucking a cigarette out of the pack to pop it into your mouth.  He noticed that what he once thought were tattoos were actually designs that seemed like they were burned into your flesh; they glowed orange in the night as if there was lava flowing in your veins.  
Eddie patted his jacket and his back pockets, forgetting where he put his lighter. Once he found it, his hand was trembling, but he took a breath and cupped his palm over the flame, leaning forward to offer it to you.
You hesitated, searching his rich brown eyes.  His very human eyes: you wanted to watch them sparkle.  “Do you want to see something cool?”
Eddie lowered his hands and poked his tongue out between his teeth. “Always.”
“It might freak you out,” you warned.
“I love getting freaked out.”
You held the cigarette out and blew on the end of it, producing a string of fire from your lungs.  It was a soft, blue flame and Eddie watched the tip of your smoke light up and crackle with embers just as the fire disappeared behind your lips again.
“Party trick,” you took a drag, squinting one eye at him playfully.  
“Can you do mine?” Eddie opened the top pocket of his jacket to pull out a smoke from his pack, while a few more bodies shuffled by on their way to the door.  Two had chalk white skin with fangs, one had the snout of a pig and a green mohawk, and the other looked like she could’ve passed as human, until she stuck her tongue out at one of the other men and it was long and forked, falling almost to her chest.  
They each gave Eddie a suspicious look, but when they saw you standing there, they quickly jerked their stares away.
Eddie gripped the cig between his full lips, and his eyes never left you as you leaned in.  You could’ve produced a flame long enough to reach him where he was, but you decided to step in close, so that your mouth wasn’t far from his.
Your eyes met as you breathed a steady stream of fire.  The thought occurred to you that you could take him right then; you could suck his soul out like juice from a Capri Sun and he’d never know what hit him.  You could drink his essence like oxygen and fill your stomach with his charming warmth—but then you wouldn’t have him anymore, and your heart was screaming louder than your hunger.  
“That’s so rad,” Eddie chuckled.  He took a drag and then blew the smoke out sideways.  “What other tricks do you know?”
“I think it’s your turn to do a trick,” you raised an eyebrow. 
“What could a human possibly do to impress you?”
“I’m sure there are lots of ways you could impress me,” your smile was coy, and it made Eddie’s pupils widen with admiration.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
But then one of the ghouls with skin that looked stapled on stepped out of the doorway and said your name.  
“What is it?” You snapped.  Your demeanor changed—your eyes narrowing on her.  
“Sorry,” the ghoul stammered.  “Um, it’s Drucilla—she says there’s a phone call for you.”
“I’ll be right there,” you grumbled, waving her off, but when you turned back to Eddie, your face softened.  “I have to go.  If you’re around later we can—-”
“Yeah, I’ll wait,” Eddie said quickly.  He didn’t know how long the wait would be, and he didn’t care.
You motioned for him to follow you inside, and as he entered, the Minotaur bouncer grumbled: “Sorry about earlier, man.”
“It’s all good,” Eddie clapped him on his big, beefy shoulder.
There was a band at the back of the venue playing something that reminded him of Alice in Chains, and Eddie felt right at home.  Everyone turned in his direction, and he followed close behind as you traveled down a few carpeted steps to the long, low-lit bar along the wall.  Your tail flicked from side to side as you walked, and he smiled to himself when he noticed it.  
You swatted the bar with your hand to get Danny’s attention.  The wolfman bartender stopped the conversation he was having mid-sentence and rushed over, a furry hand swiping hair away from his beard.  
“He’s with me,” you told Danny, motioning over your shoulder to a bewildered Eddie.  “Anyone fucks with him, and I’ll rip their head off.”
You meant it literally, and Danny knew that.  
“I’ll keep an eye on your pet,” Danny nodded as he cleaned a glass with a towel.  He made eye contact with Eddie and ran his tongue over his sharp canines.
Eddie sank down onto a stool at the bar and watched you go, his heart hammering in his chest.  There were two exotic dancers in cages on either side of the dancefloor, and one looked like she had reptilian skin with an alligator tail.  The action on the main floor was more of a mosh pit than actual dancing, and he knew the guys from his band would dig this place.  He wondered what you would think of his music if you saw him perform; maybe he could do a few tricks for you on stage. He wanted to look out and see you in the crowd and know you were his.
“What can I get you?” Danny asked, flipping a coaster in front of Eddie with a flourish.  
Flustered at his choices, Eddie ordered a beer, and then he leaned in.  “Hey, what is her story? Why does everyone seem so…afraid of her?”
“You mean you don’t know who she is?” Danny raised both bushy eyebrows at him as he popped the cap on his beer. 
Eddie shrugged, eyes dancing over the wall of bottles.  “I have no idea, man.  This isn’t my scene.”
Danny came forward and put his hairy forearms on the bar.  “Yeah well, her dad is the head Devil in charge of all of this,” he gestured around.  “He runs the underground Beast Mob, and everyone is scared shitless of him.”  Danny scooted Eddie’s beer forward, giving him a pointed look.  “And you should be too.  He hates humans.”
Eddie swallowed hard.  “I’m pretty good with parents,” he mumbled. 
He sat there for a while and sipped his beer, taking in the scenery and the other monsters, when he caught sight of you weaving your way back through the crowd.  Everyone you walked by seemed to beg to touch you or talk to you; a couple of them even bowed.  He wanted to have you on his arm, to feel the fire from your lungs burn his skin.
“Hey,” the person behind Eddie tapped his shoulder, and Eddie spun around to find an orc-looking guy with two tusks jutting up from his bottom teeth.  
“Yeah, man, what’s up?” 
The bartender glanced over Eddie’s shoulder at you, and then regarded him with a nod.  “Be careful with that one, son.  She will feast on your soul and drain you dry.”
Eddie turned to see you watching him from across the way, and you offered a shy wave.  Your short horns looked sharp and ready for battle; the marks in your skin glowed like neon.
Eddie sighed wistfully.  “Damn, I really hope so.”
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trash-gobby · 2 months
Ultimate Masterlist
Here is where you will find all the stories I've written along with each fandom as a header. If there are any new or old stories they can be found here. The old inventory system I had is dead. This will be the home of all content I've written or created from now on.
🔫 James Bond 🔫
Happiness Is a Warm Gun 🔞
All The Time In The World - *NTTD SPOILERS* 
Dario X GN!Reader - Yandere Headcanons 🔞
Dario X SadisticFem!Reader Headcanons 🔞
🏏 Heather's 🏏
Jason Dean - Yandere Headcanons 
Veronica Sawyer - Yandere Headcanons 
👽 Alien Franchise 👽
Bishop Headcanons
Bishop Headcanons - His friendship with the Colonial Marines 
First Snow on Earth 
How They Would Play Sims 2 & 4
Lance Bishop Fluff Alphabet
Dallas & J.M. Lambert Dating Headcanons
Colonial Marines W/ Virgin Reader 🔞
Scott Gorman NSFW Alphabet 🔞
William Hudson NSFW Alphabet 🔞
🎭 Behind The Mask 🎭
Leslie Vernon X GN!S/O who’s Jealous of Taylor
🎄🩸 Black Christmas 🩸🎄
Billy Lenz X Short Gothic GN! S/O
Harry Warden & Billy Lenz X GN!Reader with Short Coiled Hair
Billy Lenz X GN!S/O - Who Hides Gifts Around The House For Him To Find!
Jess Bradford - Fluffy Dating Headcanons w/ Trans Masc!S/O
🚶The Boy 🚶
Brahms X AFAB!Reader who is overly protective of him P1
Brahms X AFAB!Reader who is overly protective of him P2
Dating Brahms Headcanons (Possessive Brahms)
Brahms X GN!Reader - Trying to Leave The House 🔞
🚀 Farscape 🚀
Moya Crew w/ Artistic S/O
🪱 The Faculty 🪱
Zeke Tyler Dating Headcanons
🚑 Flatliners 🚑
Nelson Wright X AFAB!Reader Meet at a House Party
Nelson X GN!Reader - Cuddling For The First Time
🐺 Ginger Snaps 🐺
Ginger X Fem!Reader SFW & NSFW Headcanons 🔞
Ginger Fitzgerald Headcanons 👋
🎃 Halloween 🎃
Michael with a physically & verbally affectionate s/o
Michael Myers GN!S/O with Separation Anxiety
🔥 Hellboy 🔥
Poly!Hellboy & Liz Sherman X GN!Reader Headcanons
A Long Hard Day
Nuada X Agent!Reader Headcanons
⛓️ Hellraiser ⛓️
Pinhead - Hellraiser: Headcanons
💄Jennifer's Body 💄
Jennifer Check X Male!Reader
🦇🩸Lost Boys 🩸🦇
∞ When You’re a Stranger ∞ - Chpt. 1, Chpt. 2
When did Max get Thorn???
David - General Headcanons
David - Fluff Alphabet
Dwayne - Headcanons
Dwayne - Fluff Alphabet
Laddie - Headcanons
Marko - Headcanons
Paul - Headcanons
Descending Angel - part one, part two
♊ Malignant ♊
Gabriel May X GN!S/O - Who Writes Him Gothic Love Poems
🥀⚰️ Mortuary ⚰️🥀
Flowers For a Grave - Paul Andrews X Fem!Reader
❣️My Bloody Valentine ❣️
Harry Warden & Billy Lenz X GN!Reader with Short Coiled Hair
Harry Warden W/ Pregnant S/O
🦇🕶️ Near Dark 🕶️🦇
Severen Van Sickle X Pinup!Reader
Severen Van Sickle NSFW Alphabet🔞
👹 Nightbreed 👹
Dr. Decker X POC Plus Size!Reader Headcanons 🔞
Decker X Plus Size POC!Reader - Darkness Is A Stitch Away
📸 🔪 Scream 🔪 📸
Billy Loomis X Fem!Reader - Comforting her after losing someone close to her
Poly!Ghostface Finding Out Their Girlfriend is Pregnant
🚲 Stranger Things 🚲
Wipe Out
Eddie Munson - Fluff Alphabet
🥩🪝 Texas Chainsaw Massacre 🪝🥩
Christmas dinner with the Sawyer's
🌌 The Thing 🌌
R.J. MacReady NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Assimilation - Palmer X GN!Reader
Palmer - Headcanons
Science Fiction
👽💅 Earth Girls Are Easy 💅👽
Mac - Fluffy Dating Headcanons
🦖 Jurassic Park 🦖
Dating Ian Malcolm Would Include
🌠 Star Wars: The Old Republic 🌠
Two Bounty Hunters Walk Into a Guild Meeting
☔ Umbrella Academy ☔
Luther Hargreeves X Fem!Reader - NSFW & Dating Headcanons 🔞
✨ Legend ✨
Wicked Game 🔞
🌊 Legend of Korra 🌊
Korra Dating Kuvira's Sibling Headcanon's
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Catholic Character Tournament
Current Bracket
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All polls here (tagged #cct polls)
Round 5 (16 nominees) is Wednesday July 5 12 PST
Character Submission List:
(Note, not in the order in the bracket. They were randomized for the bracket) (crossed out means dead-dead)
*707/Luciel Choi (Mystic Messenger)
*Abuela Alma Madrigal (Encanto)
*Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
*Amon from (Tokyo Ghoul)
*Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series)
*Asia Argento (High School DxD)
Aslan from (Chronicles of Narnia)
*Aymeric de Borel (Final Fantasy 14)
*Aziraphale (Good Omens) (Disqualified) The Volturi
*Belizabeth Brassica (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (Dimension 20 - the Ravening War)
*Blake Langermann (Outlast 2)
*Brother Cellanus (The Completely Unerotic Adventures of Brother Cellanus)
*Caesar Zeppeli (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
*Carlos Reyes (911 Lone Star)
*Carrie White (Carrie)
*Catherine of Aragon (SIX: the Musical)
*CC (Code Geass)
*Chrollo Lucilfer (Hunter x Hunter)
*Chuck E. Cheese
*Claude Frollo(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
*Crowley (Good Omens) (Disqualified) Vanessa Ives replacement (Penny Dreadful)
Dana Scully (the X files)
Doomguy  (Doom)
*Double (Skullgirls)
Doug Jones (The VelociPastor)
*Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
*Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
*Eddie Brock (Venom)
*Emilio Santoz from The Sparrow
Enrico Pucci (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Farnese de Vandimion (Berserk)
*Father Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)
*Father Brown (Father Brown)
Father John Mulcahy (MASH)
Father Paul (Midnight Mass)
*Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Spiderman)
Firestar (Warrior Cats)
*Flayn (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
*Frank Castle (Marvel)
Friar Tuck (Robin Hood)
*Gabriel (Ultrakill)
*Galahad (The Mechanisms)
*Gerard (Unholyverse)
Gloria Maria Ramirez Delgado-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
*Helena Bertinlli (DC comics)
Hell boy (HellBoy)
Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica)
*Hot Pants (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Ibara Shiozaki (My Hero Academia)
*Inori Yamabuki/Cure Pine (Fresh Precure)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
*Javert (Les Miserables)
Jean Valjean (Les Misérables)
*Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Fate/Grand Order)
*Jesus (Jesus Christ Superstar) 
*John "Soap" MacTavish (Call of Duty)
*John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
*John Ward (FAITH)
*Johnathan (Shin Megami Tensei IV)
*Junk Rat (Overwatch)
*Justin Law (Soul eater)
*Kawabuchi Sentarou (Kids on the Slope)
Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
*Kirei Kotomine (Fate franchise)
Knuckes the Echidna (Sonic)
*Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20's Fantasy High)
*Kuroe (Magia Record)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (X-Men)
*Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)
*Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
*Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
*Leliana (Dragon Age)
*Leon (8:11)
*Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles)
*Libra (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
*Link (The Legend of Zelda)
*Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire/The Vampire Chronicles)
*Luis Serra Navarro (Resident Evil)
Mac McDonald (It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia)
Maddie Fitzpatrick (Suite Life of Zack and Cody)
*Marcy Park (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)
*Mark Heathcliff (The Mandela Catalogue)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
*Mello (Death Note)
*Mercedes (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
*Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)
*Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
Miles Morales/Spider-Man
*Nate Ford (Leverage)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
*Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson)
*Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg (Ride the Cyclone)
*Pastry Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
*Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides (Web Series))
Pope Pinion IV (Cars)
Puss in Boots (Shrek)
Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Remy LeBeau/Gambit (X-Men)
*Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
*RoboCop (RoboCop)
Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle)
*Ryker (Roleslaying With Roman)
*Saint Citrina Rocks (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Sasuke (Naruto)
*SCP-166 (Just a Teenage Gaia) 
*Seeley Booth (Bones)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic)
*Shiro Fujimoto (Blue Exorcist)
Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
*Sir Keradin Deeproot (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Sister Mary (The Young Pope)
Sister Michael (Derry Girls)
*Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
*Tammy Edwards (Legoland by Jacob Richmond) 
*Tatsumi Kazehaya (Ensemble Stars)
*Temenos Mistral (Octopath Traveler 2)
The Derry Girls (Derry Girls)
*The Penitent One (Blasphemous)
*Tobias Schneien (Ghost Eyes)
*Valeria Garaz (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 reboot)
*Valery Michailov (Goncharov - 1973)
*Vector the Crocodile (Sonic the Hedgehog)
*Vito Corleone (The Godfather)
*Wesley Hailoh (Rhyme and Reason)
*William Murdoch (Murdoch Mysteries)
*Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
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monstersmashorpass · 9 months
I have an unhealthy obsession with fish/alien men, I’d like to ask if you know of any ✨sexy✨ alien/fish daddies that do not include but are similar to the following- Jaal ama Darav (ME:A), Thane Krios (ME:2), Sidon (Zelda), Kit Fisto (Star Wars) aaaaaannnndddd that would be it that I know of so far, but I need more, so much more. Plz send more (I’m insanity incarnate, I know)
I got three who popped in off the top of my head anon! If anyone's got other options for anon, please reply to this post or reblog with em!
Putting this under a cut but also here's a tl;dr
Abe Sapien, from Hellboy
Fishman, from The Shape of Water
Creature from the Black Lagoon, from the movie of the same name
Just wanna say, since this is a first for us; it's gonna be hit or miss if we know other options for yall - we might have to often turns these over to followers for yall to chime in for peeps!
~ Ghoul ☢
I mean there's our Lord and Savior Abe Sapien from Hellboy. We can't have this list without him. (Got a poll for him somewhere in the queue as of posting this. He'll show up at some point!)
[Official Comic Art from one of the verses (the Abe Sapien specfic comics] [Abe as played by Doug Jones in the Del Toro Hellboy movies]
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And can't forgot the Fishman from The Shape of Water (another Del Toro movie, with Doug Jones our beloved actor of creatures) (we've already done a poll for this guy!)
Honestly Im sure this exists because Del Toro saw what the Hellboy fandom did to Babe- (cough) I mean Abe Sapien.
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Let's go old-school for a moment and hit up classic movie monsters! 1954's Creature from the Black Lagoon, anyone!? (Gonna make a poll for this guy, don't worry.)
[Original poster from back in the 1950s)
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malumxsubest · 24 days
loki's comfort list.
Comfort food(s): ramen, sushi, chinese, mexican, soul food.
Comfort drink(s): jarritos, coke, coconut water, agua de jamaica, water.
Comfort movie(s): vampire hunter d 1 & bloodlust; hellboy 1 & 2; van helsing.
Comfort show(s): sandman, invader zim ( there's prolly others, but im blanking ).
Comfort clothing: baggier the better.
Comfort song(s): anything from sleep token, ice nine kills, bad omens, linkin park; just anything from the 80s, 90s, early 2000s and 2010s xD .
Comfort book(s): n/a, does fanfic count? XD .
Comfort game(s): anything tomb raider; legacy of kain: soul reaver series; resident evil; stardew valley; anything horror or cute & comfy.
tagged by: @caracarnn (tysm) tagging: @theknifeinyou / @merchantofwhispers / @mxlevolence / @rxgalbullxt & adding more in comments; & youuu.
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Stats from Movies 1401-1500
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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Blue Monkey (1987) had the most votes with 1,611 votes. The Ring Two (2005) had the least votes with 331 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Hellboy (2004) was the most watched film with 62.7% of voters out of 785 saying they had seen it. The Boneyard (1991) had the least "Yes" votes with 1,7% of voters out of 484.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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Death Note (2017) was the least watched film with 73.7% of voters out of 797 saying they hadn’t seen it. Blue Monkey (1987) had the least "No" votes with 13,7% of voters out of 1,611.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Sharknado (2013) was the best known film, 2,2% of voters out of 641 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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Blue Monkey (1987) was the least known film, 84,5% of voters out of 1,611 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
Altitude (2010) Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) Corpse Party (2015) The Ring Two (2005) Rose Red (2002) Shadow of the Vampire (2000) Sharknado (2013) Sinister 2 (2015) The Disappointments Room (2016) The Eye (2008)
Frogs (1972) Grave Encounters 2 (2012) Harbinger Down (2015) Shivers (1975) Red Riding Hood (2011) Rabid (1977) Rabid (2019) Pulse (2006) Hellraiser (2022) The Grudge (2004)
Extraordinary Tales (2013) The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) The Deaths of Ian Stone (2007) Outpost (2008) The Collection (2012) The Wolfman (2010) John Dies at the End (2012) Krampus (2015) You Should Have Left (2020) Deep Blue Sea (1999)
From Hell (2001) The Raven (2012) V/H/S/2 (2013) An American Werewolf in Paris (1997) Apt Pupil (1998) The Amityville Horror (2005) Jug Face (2013) I, Frankenstein (2014) The Long Night (2022) Evolution (2015)
Last Shift (2014) The Toolbox Murders (1978) Q: The Winged Serpent (1982) Island of Lost Souls (1932) The Omen (2006) The Burning (1981) The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996) The Open House (2018) Underwater (2020) The Gravedancers (2006)
The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994) Necronomicon: Book of Dead (1993) Parasite Eve (1997) Shocker (1989) Uncle Sam (1996) Wolf (1994) X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963) Stake Land (2010) The Possession (2012)
Underworld: Evolution (2006) Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) Underworld: Awakening (2012) Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) The Grudge 2 (2006) Zombeavers (2014) The Boneyard (1991) Prophecy (1979) Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000) Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
Prometheus (2012) Se7en (1995) Hellboy (2004) Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) Midnight Mass (2021) House on Haunted Hill (1999) Death Note (2017) Cat People (1982) Mulberry Street (2006) Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003) Halloween II (1981) Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) Feardotcom (2002) The First Omen (2024) Humanoids from the Deep (1980) Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) Poltergeist (2015) Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Mutant (1984) Ghoulies (1984) Neon Maniacs (1986) Blue Monkey (1987) Night of the Demons (1988) Ghostbusters II (1989) Kuchisake-onna (2007) Teketeke (2009)
Them (2006)
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
And for my birthday I am doing something special! I've started writing a few pieces of smut and really want to get better at it!
I'm writing a novel and have several more planned in my head that have smut in it. So I figured tumblr could help me practice lol.
You can send in ideas you have from your own brain, a prompt list I reblog, whatever!
I will allow anonymous asks but don't be creepy/weird/pushy/mean about your request. All characters involved will be over 18 (and if you're not anonymous you must be too, if I find out you're a minor making a request I will delete it)
You MUST put some form of "happy birthday" in your ask. I will not answer it if it doesn't. (I'm being serious) Also, this applies ever after my actual birthday. Even if you request something in October, you have to put happy birthday.
Specify what character(s) you would like and the readers gender. I'm more comfortable with female readers but am willing to try gender neutral and male readers as well.
I will be reblogging several different smut prompt lists, make sure in your ask you tell me specifically which one you want. Ex: " number 18: against a wall or line 6: good girl/boy" PLEASE do NOT put just numbers, I will get easily lost
I will still answer non smut asks as well, those are still allowed lol
I will write threesomes. If it's with the turtles it will NOT be incest, the turtles will both date reader but not each other.
Have patience with me, it may take me a day to write your request, or it may take a few weeks.
I have every right to not answer any request I choose.
Use your manners! Say please and thank you! It's my birthday you have to be nice to me.
This event is going to go on for a while and I don't have an end date in sight yet. I don't care when you send in your request, until I say the challenge is over, you have free reign.
Anything non-consensual. The characters in my works will always 100% be down to do it.
Knife play or anything with blood
Full on degradation, I'll do it mixed in with praise but not on its own
Incest as I said before
Rough activities where either of the characters actually gets hurt
Drunk sex
MY BABIES (characters ill write for!)
Bay and Rise Turtles (all over the age of 18) - Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey
The Guardians of the galaxy - literally all of them
Hellboy & Hellboy 2 the golden army - HB, Abe, John, etc.
Dr. Otto Octavious
Dr. Curt Conners (the lizard)
Transformers - bayverse, bumblebee, and Rotb
Good luck, and let the games begin!
@thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @mysticboombox @raphsmuneca @eveandtheturtles @pheradream-15 @leosgirl82 @miss-andromeda @happymoonangel @sketchy-loo6195 @sharpwindow @dilucsflame33 @kikithedreamerwriter
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nopes-and-dreams · 4 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title(s) that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! (then tag as many people as you have WIPs.)
tagged by @itemreceived
Sticking to fanart WIPs for this.
starry starry
tim tied
hellboy bunnysuit
90's girl Hal
barrisco fluff
jsa risque 2
hero worship
harder to breathe
jsa risque
Flash and kid flash
Bart bobble
Mister West
Hal dress up
Shirtless Barr Barr
chibis in the rain
Smokey the clown
Dick nonsense
Disabled Flash sketches
Alpha Iris
Pretty Hal
Angel held too close
In Jest
Bitgag Barr
liar liar
wrap around your neck
who wore it better
Nice shot
defensive technobabble
back to back
Space gays
motion of the ocean
You missed
Green line
Kill your dad
Holding fire
Just Us
Bus stop
Maxi shirt
I only went back a year because past that it's not really a WIP because too much will have to change to pick it up again
Annnnnd idk who to tag honestly? I think everyone I know has BEEN tagged. So if you're an artist/writer and you're reading this, TAG. YOU'RE IT.
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Psycho Analysis: Slade
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS! ALSO, TW: RAPE MENTION! It’s literally unavoidable when discussing this guy!)
Teen Titans was one of the great DC action shows of the 2000s. It danced back across the line of silly and serious with its anime-esque art style, goofy J-Pop theme song, and humorous characters all juxtaposed with incredibly dark villains, serious stories tackling everything from racism to the dangers of pushing yourself to your limits, and some shockingly brutal deaths that, while not onscreen, don’t leave much to the imagination.
And what would this show be without a big bad? And there really is no bigger bad than Slade.
Comic fans would likely know this man as Deathstroke the Terminator, or perhaps simply Deathstroke, which is one of the single most over-the-top names ever created. In the comics, Slade’s main claims to fame are that time he groomed a teenager and also had sex with her and, even worse, the time he soloed the entire Justice League!!!! GASP! He’s had some cool appearances in places like the Arkham series and the Snyder Cut, but if there’s any appearance that has redeemed this cunning assassin in the eyes of many is his appearance as the master schemer supervillain who served as Robin’s most personal foe and the most reoccurring threat over the course of the series.
Motivation/Goals: This man has made it his life’s goal to fuck with these teenagers (but not in the same way comic Slade fucks with teenagers, thankfully). Season one has him trying to turn Robin into his evil apprentice, while season 2 has him working to dismantle the Titans from within before he dies. Season 4 has him working for Raven’s father to bring about the end of the world, but then he backstabs Trigon to get his life back. Slade seems to be a sadist who loves making these teenagers suffer for shits and giggles, because I genuinely see no other reason he’d go to such lengths to torment children when he time and time again shows he could give heroes like Green Arrow or Batman a run for their money.
Performance: Ron Perlman, the one and only Hellboy, has the perfect voice for an evil, underhanded villain, and he gives Slade just the right level of menace while still maintaining an air of mystery and coolness. I’ll elaborate more in the final paragraphs, but long story short: Perlman is to Slade what Hamill is to Joker.
Final Fate: While he is constantly thwarted and at one point dies by falling into lava courtesy of Terra (something I wish happened in the comics), all setbacks to Slade are ultimately temporary, and he ends the series no closer to being defeated than he was at the start of the show.
Best Episodes: Slade is no stranger to awesome appearances, getting at least one great episode every season.
Season one has the two part finale, “Apprentice,” which features him finally taking Robin under his wing. It’s incredibly climactic as the whole season has built up to this moment, helps solidify Robin’s arc in the season, and gives a badass final duel between Robin and Slade. It also features one of Slade’s cruelest and most brutal schemes, with the torture he inflicts upon the other Titans when Robin doesn’t comply.
Season 2 has the condensed retelling of the infamous Judas Contract arc with “Aftershock,” particularly the second part where Slade is unmistakably and unambiguously killed. The dude straight up falls into lava and dies.
But even being dead doesn’t stop Slade! Season 3’s “Haunted” is one of the most dark and brutal episodes of the series, with some of the creepiest writing coming from Slade. What’s even creepier is there’s never really any answers as to what causes the hallucinations Robin experiences throughout the episode; it’s implied someone activated Slade’s mask, but who? We’ll never know. Either way, leave it to Slade to give us what might be the show’s darkest episode.
Season 4’s “Birthmark” has Slade at his absolute creepiest, which is saying something considering the sexual assault vibes of “Haunted.” This is the episode where he assaults Raven in incredibly uncomfortable ways while delivering the news about her father. It’s horrendously disturbing in an allegorical sense, and serves to make Sade more monstrous than ever.
Season 5 doesn’t have any Slade, sadly. There’s a fake Slade in the final episode, but that’s it. Guess the Brain didn’t want his gay ass upstaged.
Final Thoughts & Score: Slade is genuinely one of the finest foes to come out of the great animated series of the 2000s, and arguably rivals Mark Hamill’s Joker with how good he is.
It mainly has to do with how utterly fucking disturbing his plans are in a symbolic level. Isolating teens like Robin and Terra from their friend groups, forcing them to depend on him, the undertones of grooming in his interactions with Terra, and both Robin and Raven suffering through experiences with Slade that could easily be read as allegories for sexual assault. Slade manages to be absolutely repugnant and unsettling, and mind you a lot of this comes before he is resurrected as a zombie demon slave. Of course, despite being disturbing as all Hell, he still manages to be cool. This is mainly due to Ron Perlman’s stellar performance, which is easily on the level of iconic voice acting that Hamill’s Joker is ; he adds so much menace to everything he says while (un)fortunately making Slade sound incredibly sexy.
I think what’s most impressive is just how much better than the comic version the animated Slade is. In the comics, Slade has been the bearer of one of the corniest monikers in all of comic history: Deathstroke the Terminator. And while it’s often shortened to simply “Deathstroke,” the name is still the sort of thing you’d find in the edgy Liefeldian crap the 90s shit out. Add on to this the guy is an uninspired mashup of Frank Castle and Steve Rogers in terms of origins, the fact that he is the subject of such obnoxious character shilling he soloed the Justice League in the already contentious Identity Crisis, and that writers continuously bend over backwards to justify him grooming with and having sex with an underage girl to the point where they actively put the blame on said girl, who for the record is a fucking teenager while Slade fought in goddamn Vietnam, and you have a character who is just remarkably unappealing and easily overshadowed by his Marvel ripoff (one Wade Wilson).
Contrast with the show Deathstroke. They ditch the edgy name, leaving him with his canonical first name only, which adds this air of intrigue and mystery to the guy. They keep the super soldier strength and reflexes, but they don’t expound on the origins and instead make him more akin to an expy of Doctor Doom, what with the robot duplicates, unseen face, seething hatred for the team leader protagonist, and the complicated chessmaster schemes. And best of all, they keep all the creepy, skeevy undertones comic Slade has… but they don’t try and justify it! Slade is always portrayed as a conniving, self-serving schemer and an inherently nightmarish figure who sucks up the comedy whenever he’s onscreen. This is the character done right, and he easily scores a 10/10.
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Meadow's Masterlist for Otis B. Driftwood, Gaunter O'Dimm and more
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My list of works is growing and growing, so I split my masterlist up. Here is the list for the fics I've written for The Witcher 3, Otis B. Driftwood, Jason Voorhees, Moon Knight, Hellboy and The Conjuring franchise. Created and last updated on 29-04-2023. All my writing, even the shorter pieces that don't go onto AO3, are reblogged over at @myers-meadow-archive for ease of keeping track and archival purposes.
The link to my list for my other masterlist with Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, the Sinclair brothers and The Grabber is here.
The links are in order of fandom, the newest writings are at the top.
Reblogging my writing is very much appreciated, but reposting it, on any site, is plagiarism.
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Gaunter O'Dimm
relationship headcanons (sfw)
multichapter (completed, nsfw) (AO3)
oneshots (nsfw) (AO3)
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Otis B. Driftwood
Heaven help the fool who falls in love (18 +, oneshot)
A muse for him and him alone (heed warnings, multichap)
Gn reader: Knocking on a stranger's door (sfw, alternate beginning to Sweet thing)
Fem reader: Sweet thing/forgotten hot cocoa (mild smut, oneshot)
New Year's (drabble, sfw)
Gn reader: Late Night Visit (to the Firefly House), (sfw, oneshot).
Dating headcanons
Slow burn Otis Driftwood x OC in an AU shared with @immortal-velociraptor and @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better. Chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five, chapter 6.1, chapter 6.2.
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Other horror characters/Multiple fandoms
Valak x reader, Ed Warren x reader: Serpent Tongue (dark, 18 + heed warnings, oneshot)
Jason Voorhees x reader: A Strawberry Summer (fluff, sfw, oneshot).
Slashers and their favourite flowers headcannon list
Notes from your slasher S/O
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Other fandoms
Nuada Silverlance from Hellboy 2 - multichapter (completed)
King Radovid and Geralt of Rivia oneshots
Moon boys and Arthur Harrow x OCs: Chapter one.
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Dividers made by me; Knight Daniel Ridgway's Women Washing Clothes by a Stream and Claude Monet's The Artist's Garden at Vétheuil.
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Looooong post incoming...
THE INCREDIBLES and INCREDIBLES 2 have been on my mind, lately.
Writer-director Brad Bird’s 2004 superhero movie, done up at Pixar in the days they weren’t owned by The Walt Disney Company, was like a formative film for me. Like STAR WARS was for many kids growing up in the ‘70s and ‘80s, THE INCREDIBLES was probably that for 12-year-old me, among a couple other movies. (That same year, I was also blown away by SPIDER-MAN 2 and… Umm… I, ROBOT?)
And I’m one of the few weirdos that really, really dug the contested sequel. Well, contested by people online. It did get good critical reception and got an Oscar nom, made a truck ton at the box office, but it’s one of those weird “big” movies that came out, made tons and tons of money, but I hear few talk about it to this day. I feel some other recent Pixar sequels fit that bill as well, like FINDING DORY and TOY STORY 4. These absolutely massive movies that people raced to see, because they love the originals and the characters in them so much, but then seemingly… Forgot about? I think it has a lot to do with just how much stuff comes out now, that it kinda all gets lost in the shuffle. They don’t stick the way TOY STORY 3 did back in 2010, before we got so inundated with lots and lots of stuff oozing out of every pore: TV, streaming, other movies, podcasts, more streaming, etc. etc. Plus, there's that special sauce with the originals that tends to make them hit different than the sequels, no matter how good the sequels may be...
But no matter, I loved INCREDIBLES 2 and still do, even if I think it falls a little bit short of the original. That was a hard act to follow, after all. I did go over some of the few things about the sequel that I thought could’ve been expanded a bit, a few months back… And I’m thinking about them again.
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I think the main point of contention with INCREDIBLES 2 was the Screenslaver, and the whole twist being that he was a fictional character, a face that was created by a disgruntled telecommunications company exec who wanted to keep superheroes illegal.
I get it, in a way. Screenslaver looks cool, and that one action sequence with him in the strobe light cage with Elastigirl? I fuckin’ LOVE it. Such a dynamic, well-done action sequence. I guess it made people wish that both Bob and Helen, and the kids and Frozone and maybe those weirdo superheroes like Screech and Reflux, took this guy on. A slender, creepy mask-wearing mind control villain… It's what you expect in a superhero movie, the heroes fighting a rather weird bad guy!
And yet, in a way, I feel like Screenslaver being a mere face. A distraction. Makes INCREDIBLES 2 every bit as subversive as the original. Especially since INCREDIBLES 2 came out in 2018, which was literally a superhero/comic book movie-heavy year. Maybe the heaviest? You had AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, DEADPOOL 2, ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, TEEN TITANS GO! TO THE MOVIES, VENOM, SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (!), am I missing anything? That year was S-T-A-C-K-E-D.
By contrast, in 2004, THE INCREDIBLES debuted opposite of SPIDER-MAN 2 and HELLBOY… And also BLADE: TRINITY, THE PUNISHER, and CATWOMAN… Much different times. Especially when it was greenlit by Pixar in the year 2000… What was happening in superhero movies that year? X-MEN had come out, and that was after a fairly successful BLADE movie… And years after BATMAN & ROBIN was lambasted and put the Batman movie format to rest for a good while. (Now it’s inescapable. Every few years, a new actor portrays Batman in live-action.)
THE INCREDIBLES stood out in 2004, I feel, not just because of the freedom animation allowed for the superhero concept (which put it above many of the live-action spectacles being made at the time), but also because it rung closer to a ‘60s spy movie than a typical beat-em-up extravaganza. It’s clearly set in a midcentury modern world, a stylized retro futuristic early ‘60s that is informed by the presence of superpowered beings. Or “Supers”, as this franchise has always called them. While there isn’t a wealth of material explaining how world events played out, it’s all implied and hinted at in both films.
By the mid-1960s, American animation had kinda been pigeonholed as an outlet for cheap, reliable kids’ entertainment on Saturday mornings. The closest thing to an American “spy” movie in the animated medium back then was, of all things, a FLINTSTONES movie: 1966’s THE MAN CALLED FLINTSTONE. THE INCREDIBLES almost feels like a lost animated movie made for a slightly older audience circa 1965, but dusted off decades later and done in CGI. That’s a Brad Bird staple. Born in 1957, he loves midcentury modern retrofutures, and just that setting in general. THE IRON GIANT is set in the late 1950s, he had a cancelled take on Will Eisner’s THE SPIRIT that was set around the time it was introduced, his long-gestating RAY GUNN has been described as a 1930s sci-fi noir retrofuture, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE is of course a ‘60s spy show and a series of feature films (Brad’s feels the most ‘60s out of the movies), TOMORROWLAND… Need I say more? Even RATATOUILLE, which doesn’t involve super heroics or gadgets or futuristic technology… It’s literally a movie about cooking! Even that movie has a retro vibe to it. It’s set in the then-present, but it’s timeless in its look and feel.
Anyways, THE INCREDIBLES plays as much James Bond as it does, say, Batman. You have the whole Nomanisan Island lair, close-quarters fights with armed men, Michael Giacchino’s score, it’s a just-right mix. The first INCREDIBLES has a rather conventional bad guy in Syndrome. An evil guy in an eye-catching suit, with all these various man-made powers, as opposed to other Supers’ natural-born powers. INCREDIBLES 2’s villain is merely an average woman, roughly in her 30s? 40s? She has no powers, she’s just a master manipulator, almost a filmmaker in that regard. I mean she’s an artist and a designer, that’s made perfectly clear the minute you see her, so it makes sense that she could pull off this elaborate show. Mysterio in SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME - which was released a year after INCREDIBLES 2 - needed drones and such to do that. That the Screenslaver is merely a brainwashed pizza delivery guy is part of her brilliance.
So, that’s what makes INCREDIBLES 2 stick out from the other superhero movies circa 2018. A year where the majority of the villains were clear-cut, like a big purple alien guy who wipes out half the universe… and here’s INCREDIBLES 2 with a very crafty woman who essentially puts on a big show. And that in the second half, it’s her and her use of mind control technology that are the big obstacle for the Supers. Not a creature or a conventional superhero bad guy. I think it works, honestly. Like, what’s a different kind of challenge? What if all the good guys got brainwashed, leaving a few… Namely the KIDS, to fend for themselves? That’s a very cool idea, honestly. But again, I get why detractors wanted the shadowy mind control guy instead. Part of me would love to see that version of INCREDIBLES 2, too, if it ever existed. According to interviews w/ the filmmakers, Screenslaver was a late addition to the plot. INCREDIBLES 2 was supposed to come out in summer 2019, but Disney had pushed it up a year, which apparently affected a lot of the decision-making. For some, it shows.
Maybe if INCREDIBLES 2 came out in 2008 instead of 2018, and had the same exact villain twist… In a world where other Disney Animation and Pixar movies with twist villains didn’t yet exist (i.e. Hans, Callaghan, Bellwether, Ernesto), it’d be received differently? I do not know. But that’s why it all works for me. I can tune out the succession of “twist villain” movies, and take INCREDIBLES 2 on its own merits.
In my previous piece on INCREDIBLES 2, I did kind of find fault with its rather rushed third act and how the film doesn’t really bite into the meatier political aspect it kind of teases. The whole idea of a society being dependent on superheroes, rather than getting up and helping pitch in to make the world a better place. (Not dissimilar to TOMORROWLAND’s message.) It’s really all just there to serve Evelyn’s character, which I’m totally fine with… It works in that context. But on the other hand, I feel like this could’ve gone further and explored the whole idea of superheroes being - to quote Jenny Nicholson in her review of JOKER - a “band-aid solution” to crime. And it being a PG-rated mass-market Disney release is no reason to keep me from speculating about this version of INCREDIBLES 2.
I get that Brad Bird probably just wanted to keep it simple and streamlined, and that the “who needs Supers anyways” idea is just a device for Evelyn, not there to make a larger statement. I do believe all art is political, even these movies, but how far the creators want to go with the politics is another story. Ultimately, Evelyn’s methods of getting her way are wrong, but she has points… What if a better society could be created that didn’t depend on superpowered beings having to clobber criminals or threats to save the day?
Clearly the world of THE INCREDIBLES needs superheroes, though, because you have things like mole men with massive drill-mobiles cutting through cities like they’re nothing. But I feel that in a world where we are hyperaware of the system’s flaws and how it’s mostly a failure by design and pretty much creates crime (I’m getting political here, heads up), INCREDIBLES 2 could’ve possibly said something about that. Instead of having superheroes, a stand in for the police when the police themselves or the military can’t handle the threat, what’s causing all the crime in New Urbem and Municiberg in the first place? What systemic inequalities are happening? How progressive is this world because of the presence of superheroes/cool tech? Why are there are robberies? What’s the poverty rate? Etc. etc.
And you may be thinking, this is just an animated family movie, it doesn’t have to be that deep… But I disagree. Plenty of family films, and good stories in general, don’t shy away from this kind of stuff. Art is not made in a vacuum. A lot of actual real-life kids LIVE these sorts of things, too.
But even PG-13 Marvel movies, probably because they’re released by Disney - and Disney tries to play moderate when it comes to political stuff (though they are still too far left for dinguses who yell “WOKE” at everything), don’t really go that far either.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR chips at whether there should be government regulation of superheroes or not, until it settles for being a story about two friends turning against each other over a family death… and then a few MCU movies later, none of that matters - the superheroes are ultimately needed to stop the big purple guy in space… THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER asks why, in a post-Blip world, a universe where half of all the living beings just ceased to be… Why are there still such inequalities on Earth, after Thanos’ snap and subsequent revival of everyone who was unalived? It’s all the catalyst for the Flagsmashers, and leader Karli herself. She was so nuanced as an antagonist, and you also had this ersatz Captain America guy who straight up murdered a person in cold blood. I was loving where it was all going, until a few episodes in, they just made Karli a straight-up murderer. All that nuance is flattened, and the final episode is just another big fight scene. Outside of Sam Wilson’s speech at the end, what really changed on MCU’s Earth? What did this Disney+ series have to say, really? Other than bringing up those very real problems we face in the U.S. and around the world?
I think INCREDIBLES 2 is just more interested in being about its characters first, which, again. Is fine. I don’t think less of the movie because of that. The first INCREDIBLES was about the family dynamic first and foremost, too, and not the spectacle. I don’t require Brad Bird to share all of his political views with me. I appreciate that the movie even posits the question to begin with, it’s ultimately why I’ve been thinking about it! Maybe Bird sees that world as simpler because it’s one where superheroes have been around since at least the turn of the 20th century, and things are different because of that.
This is probably why some people get a very Ayn Randian reading out of THE INCREDIBLES, when I think Bird’s conceit was merely “the villain is someone who uses technology to be a pretend-superhero”. It’s all there to inform Syndrome’s character, not necessarily to declare to the audience that people without powers CAN’T be superheroes. Syndrome kills several Supers so he can enact his plan and make everyone into Supers, because he’s big mad at Mr. Incredible, and that’s why he fails. He could’ve just grown up to make super technology to make other people super, not kill a bunch of them. Heck, if he had turned out better, he could’ve singlehandedly ended the outlawing of Supers… And not natural-born Supers… Imagine THAT movie…
The original movie, I feel, just doesn’t necessarily make a case for whether people born without superpowers can be Super. This dichotomy is just there to make the villain what he is, and hint at what he could’ve been instead of a villain. Sure, the Parr family and Frozone saving the day at the end upholds this apparent status quo, but I don’t think Bird was thinking about it like that. He had denied the Ayn Rand comparisons as far back as the release of the first movie.
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The likelier reading of this film, and some of Bird’s other films such as RATATOUILLE and TOMORROWLAND, is informed by Bird’s career trajectory. He was mentored by Milt Kahl, of all people! One of the greatest animators, one of Walt’s Nine Old Men… He was mentored by him as a teenager! But most of Bird’s career, as noted by Mark Mayerson, was a long series of denied opportunities. His aforementioned SPIRIT movie didn’t take off in the ‘80s because who during that period - a time when SECRET OF NIMH came and went, and when features like TWICE UPON A TIME couldn’t get an audience - wanted to sink money into an animated action movie of that caliber? RAY GUNN didn’t go through in the 1990s at Turner Animation, and Warner Bros. dumped THE IRON GIANT in the late summer of 1999 with an ineffective marketing campaign that caused it to flop at the box office.
Because IRON GIANT did so badly, Bird took his toys and left Warner Bros. He headed to Pixar with his superhero movie concept, and he got in despite those who didn’t quite want him around. John Lasseter was not fond of an outsider coming in with this very different pitch for a movie. Up until that point, Pixar was literally what I like to call “Team TOY STORY”. John Lasseter, TOY STORY’s director, also directed A BUG’S LIFE and TOY STORY 2. Pete Docter and Andrew Stanton, where instrumental in TOY STORY 1 & 2, directed MONSTERS, INC. and FINDING NEMO respectively. Lee Unkrich, an editor on TOY STORY, co-directed on TOY STORY 2, MONSTERS, INC. and FINDING NEMO. Lasseter fired Jorgen Klubien off of his CARS, which was in the works at the time, and took it over. Tight-knit building. Bird was an outsider, and Lasseter wasn’t thrilled about that. But luckily, Steve Jobs staved him off and also kept Michael Eisner’s doubts about THE INCREDIBLES at bay. Bird got to make his rather outre superhero movie at Pixar in spite of Lasseter, Eisner, etc…. And it was a big hit and an Oscar winner. Lasseter was singing a different tune after that.
Future directors didn’t have Jobs’ protection, though, which meant that Lasseter could fire them more easily… And he did… Brenda Chapman, Bob Peterson, etc.
So then after THE INCREDIBLES, Brad Bird really wanted to get a live-action adaptation of the novel 1906 off the ground, but that didn’t go anywhere. He took over RATATOUILLE at Pixar, made a big hit out of that, and then tried to pursue other endeavors. His MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE movie (GHOST PROTOCOL in 2011) did very well, but then after that, he made TOMORROWLAND and it bombed… And then took on an INCREDIBLES sequel. He is just now starting to get his cooler ideas off the ground, as his RAY GUNN is finally in production at Lasseter’s Skydance Animation. Funny how that works, right? The guy is over 60 years old and is just getting started.
If anything, his movies are more about that. He’s a guy with really cool, game-changing ideas for animated movies in an industry that isn’t interested in that… So… The INCREDIBLES movies being about superheroes who want to help people but not being allowed to by the system, RATATOUILLE being about an animal that doesn’t belong in a kitchen wanting to cook for people, GHOST PROTOCOL being about spies still trying to do the right thing and save the world after their unit has been shut down by the system, TOMORROWLAND being about people not subverting the system by pitching in to make the world a better place and also being barred from the utopia - by, again, the system - where they can make that happen… Yeah, it’s very clear that Bird’s movies are just him venting about his own hangups via fantastical concepts, not trying to espouse some sort of Ayn Randian ideology. How the hell do you get “if you’re naturally talented, you should hoard those gifts from the rest of society” out of THAT?
I think that’s what it is, and that’s what informs the world of THE INCREDIBLES. It’s simply an Earth where superheroes exist, and the system makes them illegal instead of finding other ways to correct accidents that have happened whenever they are around. Just outright ban them from doing what they do, instead. I mean, governments in real life ban all kinds of people for various reasons, strip away their rights, dehumanize them, criminalize them, etc… Sometimes mere circumstances, such as poverty, are viewed as personal failure and inherently criminal. There’s a level of relatability with superheroes for some people because of that. The late Kevin Conroy, for example, used his role as Batman in the 1992 animated series an outlet for his struggles as a gay man. X-Men stories, and the early 2000s X-MEN movies, are either interpreted as that or ARE largely about that.
But even then, Bird’s world still posits some interesting questions that it doesn’t fully answer. It’s busier focusing on the characters. This is more an observation, as I’m not trying to dock the original or the second movie any points… I just wonder why, in the sequel, the world the movies are set in was so quick to legalize Supers after everything that has happened. All it took was saving a boat and that was it? Not the defeat of Syndrome’s final Omnidroid? Not the other good deeds before that? I feel like that portion in the final third of the movie was strangely very rushed.
The thing is, before I wrap this up (phew), we only have two canonical movies in this series, and a handful of comedic/gag-based shorts. The world of the INCREDIBLES is wide and ripe for exploring, I’d argue, but Brad Bird’s not getting any younger and he should pursue the projects he really wants to make. Again, RAY GUNN, his Western, his horror movie, his musical, etc. Pixar honored him by not having someone else throw together a second INCREDIBLES sometime in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Like, Disney could’ve forced Pixar to make one without him anyways, but no. They waited. And if there’s a third one to be made, or a prequel set during the “Golden Age”, they’ll likely wait for him to be available and willing to do it. Or if he gives it his blessing and leaves it to another director… Like Pixar did with TOY STORY 4 and INSIDE OUT 2, and almost did with FINDING DORY. I wonder if he was gonna do the same with INCREDIBLES 2, had TOMORROWLAND done great and he went straight for a sequel to that.
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I’d like to see more of that universe, but it needn’t be forced out of the filmmakers at Pixar. Maybe the little we know of it is what kind of stokes our imaginations when it comes to this series? Look at something like STAR WARS now… There’s a ton of movies and shows and expanded universe stuff, which arguably dilutes the magic of its universe... THE INCREDIBLES isn’t that big wide despite the original movie almost being 20 years old. THE INCREDIBLES doesn’t need to be that huge, but I would like to see a little bit more of that world. Maybe another movie - be it INCREDIBLES 3 or a prequel called SUPERS or something - or a Disney+ series, but not the behemoth something like STAR WARS or the MCU have become.
I feel it’s worth playing around in a little bit more. I’m also biased, because I love the movies, particularly the first one.
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hollywoodoutbreak · 1 month
ie-hard fans of the Hellboy movies know all too well that it was supposed to be a trilogy. Yet, after plenty of rumors and false starts following 2008’s Hellboy 2, the third movie still hasn’t gotten off the ground. (There was an attempt at rebooting the franchise with a movie in 2019, but it wasn’t received well by either the Hellboy fan base or the general public, with underwhelming reviews and a box office gross of less than $22 million in America.) Even though Hellboy’s star, Ron Perlman, is now in his mid-70s, he’s still expressed an interest in completing the trilogy — if he’s physically able. During a Q&A session at GalaxyCon Raleigh, though, he took a question that posed an interesting compromise: Make the third movie as an animated feature, which would give him the opportunity to provide the character’s voice without the role’s physical demands. So, what did Perlman think about the idea? 
Hellboy and Hellboy  are available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K, and most digital platforms.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on one of many Faun concepts by Sergio Sandoval, from the 2006 Spanish-language dark fantasy film "Pan's Labyrinth," a.k.a., "El Laberinto del Fauno," written, produced, & directed by Guillermo del Toro.
PIC #2: Monster character actor Doug Jones as the Faun, filming one of the last sequences for the film.
MINI-OVERVIEW: "Responsible for the character’s design was conceptual artist Sergio Sandoval in collaboration with the director. The Faun combines traits of a human and a goat, with bark-like skin and features on its body. On the Faun’s skin are spiral engravings, similar to those found in several character designs in the "Hellboy" films, including Hellboy himself and Sammael. Unlike those, however, the Faun’s engravings represent the Labyrinth itself. “We carved in spiral engravings on his face and chest,” Marti said, “representing the Labyrinth in ancient ritual markings. Whenever Doug was resting on set, he looked like a weird wooden effigy, not a living animal.”
-- MONSTER LEGACY, "Las Criaturas del Laberinto del Fauno," c. 2014
Source: https://monsterlegacy.net/2014/12/22/pan-labyrinth-laberinto-fauno.
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agrownupgeekgirl · 11 months
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
So I'm going to go super crazy on this and give a huge list because honestly it has all made me me..
Read -
Goodreads Profile
Listen -
Watch - The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Willow, Goonies, Transformers the Movie, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurection, India Jones(all of them), Excalibur, Bladerunner, Kingdom of Heaven, Hellboy, Hellboy 2, Fanboys, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Stargate(movie), Pandorum, Constantine, Spaceballs, Firefly, Serenity, Conan(all of them), Red Sonja, Gladiator, Coraline, Box Trolls, The Neverending Story, Farscape, 5th Element.....
Pretty much any 80's sword and sorcery movie as well as 80's and early 90's cartoons.. He-Man, She-Ra, Rainbow Brite, Visionaries, Thundercats, Jem, My Little Pony, GI Joe, TMNT, etc
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