marigoldwriter · 6 months
God, my little baby Mariko, she deserves the world, that bastard doesn't deserve to call my baby his wife, John should have killed him, I swear, he should, fuck what would happen next, fuck everything, he should have killed that one man, and he still comes to ask for forgiveness, FORGIVENESS?! HOLY FUCK I HATE IT!!
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topguncortez · 1 year
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A Letter to My Grandchild - Rooster & Dragon
over the rainbow series | rooster & dragon masterlist | main masterlist
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synopsis: Maverick isn't known for keeping a lot of things from his past, but he did hang on to a beat up old shoe box for the day his best friend's boy would grow up and settle down
word count: 2.3k
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of past pregnancies, mentions of character death, cursing
note: nope y'all didn't miss any parts. it's just me, writing out of order. and I wanted to give y'all something cute and sweet before whumptober starts:)
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Maverick wasn’t sure how long he had held on to the letter, let alone remembered where he had put it. Penny thought he had finally lost his mind when she came home to boxes of Mav’s stuff strewn all over the living room. Maverick had never ever been labeled a “pack-rat” choosing to live very modestly, but there was some stuff he had kept over the years. One of those things had been a couple of envelopes that Carole had given to him the last time he saw her alive. Carole could hardly keep her eyes open from the pain medication but she had managed to direct Maverick towards her closet and grab an old shoe box that had been tucked away in the corner. 
“You give that to him. . . when he becomes a father,” She had whispered to Maverick. He had promised his best friend’s widow that he would keep the box safe and protect it with his life. He swore that if his house was on fire, that old shoe box from Yonkers would be the one thing he ran back in and saved. 
Maverick didn’t even bother to wrap the shoe box or remove its contents into some nicer box. Instead, he slapped a bright pink bow on it and set it on the gifts table with the others, sticking out like a sore thumb. He stood in the back of the crowded bar with Jake and the rest of the guys, watching as Dragon and Rooster took their time opening up the gifts and holding them up so everyone could see. Phoenix sat to the right of her sister, already taking on the doting aunt duty by writing down what the gift was and who it was from. 
Maverick still couldn’t believe that he was standing in the same room as Bradley Bradshaw, celebrating the soon to be birth of his child. If you would’ve told him ten years ago that he would be “grandpa mav”, he probably would’ve laughed in your face. There was no way on earth that anyone, let alone a child of Bradley’s would be calling him “grandpa”. Those years of hatred and no communication seemed to be a distant memory now as Maverick watched the kid who was basically his son try to hold back tears while holding newborn onesies and baby blankets. 
The baby shower was shark theme, which had to have been 100% Dragon’s idea, and Rooster went along with it. Dragon was at the point in her pregnancy where all Rooster could do was nod along and agree with her. So if was sharks that she wanted ontop of carrot cake cupcakes, than it was sharks on top of carrot cake cupcakes she got. It was moments like these, where Maverick could see the resemblance between Rooster and Goose. Two Bradshaw men who would’ve gone to the ends of the earth to make their partners happy. 
“Last one!” Phoenix smiled, and handed Dragon a beat up old shoe box, “It’s from Mav.”  
“You couldn’t have wrapped it!?” Penny scolded, lightly smacking her husband’s arm.
Pete just shrugged, “Adds character.” Penny rolled her eyes. Dragon chuckled, carefully removing the top. Her eyes widened for a moment, then she looked up to look at her husband. 
“Rooster,” Dragon whispered, her eyes starting to fill with tears as she looked down at the contents of the box. Bradley leaned over her shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed, “Look.” Dragon handed him the shoebox, and he felt his breath get caught in his throat. 
“Are these all from-” 
“Your mom and Dad from various deployments. There’s some written after his death too,” Maverick said, “She promised me to keep that box for you.” 
Rooster nodded, his eyes feeling the sting of tears, “Th-” He cleared his throat, “Thanks. I’ll have to read them.” Dragon grabbed his hand and squeezed it, “Thanks everyone for the gifts. It’s clear that Baby Bradshaw is gonna be one spoiled duck.” 
“Hell yeah!” Jake cheered, raising his glass, only to be swatted by his wife for his language. 
— — — 
Later that night, after Bradley had joined Dragon for a bath, and rubbed her feet until she fell asleep, he grabbed that old, worn shoebox and sat down at the kitchen table. He poured himself a glass of scotch and grabbed his glasses, sitting in the orange glow from the light above the stove. There were probably a hundred letters in the shoebox, some of them bound together with a rubber band with notes on them. Carole had grouped together letters that were sent from when Goose was either at the academy, in flight school, or deployed. Bradley carefully ran his fingers over his parent’s handwriting as he shifted through the box, landing on one letter in particular. 
‘Open when: you become a father 
It was his mother’s handwriting, Bradley could tell by the curly tails of some of the letters. He gently opened the worn envelope that had a coffee stain on it, which always seemed to be a signature of Carole Bradshaw letter. Bradley could remember the various birthday and Easter cards that somehow had a coffee stain on the envelope. He unfolded the sheets of paper, and sucked in a breath as he began to read. 
‘Dear Bradley, 
If you are reading this it means two things, I am no longer with you. Though it is sad, you must remember that my earthly body is no longer there, but my soul remains with you always. The other thing that this means, is means you are about to be a father. 
Your dad once told me the greatest thing to ever happen to him was becoming a father. Now, I thought he was lying to make me feel better about getting pregnant so young and when his career was just getting started, but he assured me that it was the truth. And for those three years, I got to watch him live up to that truth. 
You might not remember a whole lot about your father, but he was a damn good one. Bradley, he loved you more than anything in the world. More than flying with Maverick, more than the Phillies, and more than apple pie on Sunday afternoons. He once told me that he could walk away from flying forever and be just fine because he would have you to fill his time. 
I bet you are scared, and that’s okay. Goose was too, but do you know what he used to say about being scared?  “What is life without a little fear? A life that is not one at all.” But I assure you, that parenthood is the best time of your life. There is nothing better than watching your child grow and become their own person. My favorite thing was watching you become an adult and spread your wings on your own. There comes a time in your life when you will sit back and say to yourself: “Yep. I did that.” as your child gets ready to leave the home and start a life of their own. 
There are three simple rules to live by when it comes to being a parent: 
Celebrate everything - no matter how big or small 
Write down a note or two about the day, it’ll help you remember when you get old like me 
Love can conquer all - remember to tell them that.
Oh, how I wish I could meet the person you fell for. Bradley, your heart is so big, I just know that whoever it is you met has a big heart just like you. You need someone to challenge you, someone who has the same spitfire and determination as you. Whomever it is, I hope you treat each other respectfully and always say I Love You before you leave for the day and every night. And remember no house is complete without an ironing board. 
Bradley, I hate to leave this earth before you really get a chance to be on your own. It hurts me that you are about to walk into adulthood on your own and start a family without your own, but remember, I am always there. If you need me, turn to the sky, and I will guide you. We will both guide you. 
We love you, Bradley. 
Always have & Always will, 
P.s. I also found a letter that your dad wrote when we found out we were pregnant with you. 
P.p.s I hope you can forgive Maverick one day. He only did what he thought was best.’ 
Bradley didn’t even know Dragon had walked into the kitchen until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped and looked up at her, a small smile on her face. He pushed his chair back from the table and pulled her to sit down on his lap, his hand instantly resting on her protruding bump. Dragon gently cupped his cheek in her hand, wiping away a tear he didn’t know rolled down his cheek. 
“You weren’t in bed,” Dragon mumbled, running a hand through his curls, “The baby wouldn’t settle down without you.” 
“‘M sorry,” Bradley said, placing a kiss on her cheek, “Wanted to look through these.” 
“Yeah?” Dragon asked and he nodded, “Do you care if I-?” 
“Oh go ahead,” Bradley said, “I was just about to read this one from my dad. . . C-can you read it, actually? I don’t think I can.” 
“Of course, baby,” Dragon said and picked up the letter. She smiled looking at the messy, yet familiar handwriting, “You two have the same handwriting,” She looked at his baby cow brown eyes, “Dear Baby Bradshaw,” Dragon read, “Wow, you two really have a lot in common.” 
“Hush,” Bradley chuckled, “It’s not my fault my child is ‘camera shy’ and won’t tell us what they are.” 
“‘Camera shy’ my ass,” Dragon rolled her eyes, mumbling the words that their midwife had told them about 10 weeks ago, “I ain’t ever heard of a Bradshaw being ‘camera shy’.” 
“Must get it from their mama,” Bradley smiled. 
“As long as they don’t come out with my attitude, I’ll be okay with that,” Dragon sighed, and continued reading, “‘Dear Baby Bradshaw, I would call you by your name if you had one, so Baby Bradshaw it is. 
I’m writing this letter because I can’t sleep, my mind is too awake. I know I should be cashing in on the sleep before you get here, but there’s just too much going on. 
We got to see you today and hear your heartbeat. It was nice and strong and had a sound that was even better than Great Balls of Fire. I could never tire of hearing your heartbeat. Next appointment I’m gonna have to record it so I can listen to you whenever I can. The doc said you were growing nicely, which is good. Your mom and I want you to grow big and strong. 
We have been waiting for you for a long time. Your mom is probably a bit more than me. I’m not going to beat around the bush, when she told me she was pregnant, I got scared. Am I really ready to be a dad? Am I dad material? Can I be a good dad? I had a good dad growing up, he didn’t do more than what was expected of him. So I don’t really know what I have to do. I guess that’s something I will learn as we go. 
I know your mom is just going to be the best. I’ve seen her with the young kids running around base, and it is one of those things that makes my heart flutter. She’s just a natural and the kids seemed to be drawn to her. She cares for them and makes them smile and giggle. She is already getting things set up for you and you aren’t even here! The poor woman is making my wallet hurt! 
You are going to be so spoiled, not just by us but by your Uncle Maverick too. He’s already shown up with teddy bears and onesies and some child aviators, which I have no idea where he even got! I’m guessing it's got something to do with a certain Admiral’s daughter he’s been seeing. You didn’t hear this from me. . . but I think Penny might be the one for your ol’ uncle Mav. That is if he can ever settle down. 
Hell, you might settle down and get married before your Uncle Mav ever does. 
I gotta be honest with you for a second kid, I’m scared to be your father. I don’t have the most ideal job in the world. Flying planes with my best friend has been my everything (don’t tell your mother). It’s been one of the best parts of my life. I love being in the sky, watching the world from up above. I love knowing that I am protecting people. People who don’t have the means to fight for themselves. But being able to protect people comes with a risk. A risk that one day, those enemies might turn the page and come after me. 
There might be a day when I am no longer on this earth with you, baby Bradshaw. It hurts to think about, leaving behind you and your mother, but it’s the harsh reality of doing something I love. But I promise you, if something were to happen to me, Baby Bradshaw, you will be taken care of. You will have all the means to get by. You and your mom will never have to worry, I can swear to you that. But Baby Bradshaw remember one thing:”
Bradley had hardly felt like he could cry for his father. He barely knew him and didn’t feel right to cry for a man he hardly knew. Plus, he had watched his mother cry for years and Bradley felt like he had to be strong for her. But now, sitting in the arms of the woman he loved, Bradley let years of pent-up grief out. Dragon held him tightly in her arms, as he rested his head in the crook of her neck. Bradley’s large hand rested on her belly, fingers splayed out as if he could protect the growing life inside her from the outside world. She gently ran her hand up and down his back, a trick she remembered her mother doing to her when she cried, to try and soothe him. 
Dragon sniffled, and picked up the letter, reading the last line: 
“I love you and I will always be with you, no matter where on this earth or in the sky I am.
-love your dad, 
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taglist: @damrlova @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388 @desert-fern @mygyn @cherrycola27 @yanna-banana @seitmai @topgun-imagines @bradleybeachbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @xoxabs88xox @atarmychick007 @happypopcornprincess @sophiaslastbraincell @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @thedroneranger @angelbabyange @lovelywiseprincess @diorrfairy @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @pono-pura-vida @dakotakazansky @starberryhorse @gspenc @poppyalice2001 @els-marvelvsp @nyx2021 @t0kyoreveng3rs @frazie99 @spencvrr @kmc1989 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @toobouquet @malindacath @badasspizzalover @sagittarius-flowerchild @hardballoonlove @harrysgothicbitch
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tarrynightss · 2 years
𝒜 𝑔𝓁𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓈𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓊𝓈
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Pairing: Jake Sully x fem!reader
cw: Angst, mentions of partner and child death, one-sided love
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Soft, hot skin brushes over his and Jake sighs, slowly starting to wake up. You feel so comfortable, fitting into his chest just perfectly as your hand rubs over his arm. Though he cannot see your smile yet, he can sense it, knowing that if he were to turn you around he would instantly be greeted with it. You are always blessing him with your warm smiles throughout the day, your eyes filled with love. Even on his worst days where all he had wanted was to kick everything and anyone near him into little pieces, you had never looked at him with anything but that love and kindness.
You are patient, forgiving, a truly caring woman who would do anything to make the people she loves happy, so why does it still not feel like enough? Jake’s heart aches as you press your body up against his, cutely groaning as you stretch and completely oblivious to his thoughts. He had tried so hard to fall in love with you, had told himself it was okay to mate you because eventually, the feeling would come, but more than a year later it remained absent. You are kind, skilled, beautiful, but you are not Neytiri.
His sweet Neytiri who had been taken from him too soon. Eywa had not granted them more than a year together with their newborn son, Neteyam, Neytiri falling gravely ill before his first rotation. You had taken the widow and his child into your loving arms, raising the boy like your own. You knew loss better than most as you had lost your mate and child during the attack on Hometree, but this had felt right to you. In your eyes, Eywa had brought the both of you together in a time of need to complete each other and make a family again, but to Jake it continued to feel like a cruel trick of fate.
You turn around to face Jake, that sweet smile of yours playing at your lips as you greet him. “Good morning.”
It almost hurts when you kiss him, so tender and trusting that it makes him feel like the scum of the earth. His hand moves to the back of your head, feeling the little braids in your hair roll under his fingers. He sighs into the kiss, the mental image of his old love running through his mind. It’s not always like this, but more often than not Jake finds himself picturing you as Neytiri during these moments.
When you pull back your eyes gleam with happiness and you stroke a gentle hand over his face. In the dim light he can see your resemblance to her, the two of loosely related, and it makes his heart flutter. Any other man in the clan would’ve wanted your beauty for just what it was, but Jake could not help but chase that glimpse of the past.
“I love you.”
The words roll off your lips so earnestly, fingers moving to his hair to play with it. He closes his eyes.
“I love you too,” he says, another word remaining unspoken. Neytiri.
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That’s how she knows
Author’s note: Yayy! I’m back!! Finally got some time to finish my fics!! thank you for your patience <3
Pairings: WandaNat, WandaNat x toddler!reader, WandaNat x child!reader
Warnings: crappy enchanted-inspired title, tooth rotting fluff, WandaNat family, two redheads finally getting to be happy.
AU! where Wanda and Natasha are dating!! (no vision, srry). Wanda had the twins billy and tommy using ~magic~ and natasha adopted a baby from the red room when she took it down.
Natasha and Wanda were trying to start a relationship. They just worked well together and loved each other deeply. However, they were taking small steps because of their kids.
Wanda had twin boys, Billy and Tommy, who were 7 years old. They were well behaved, easygoing, smart kids.
And Natasha had you, a girl adopted by her from the red room. When she took dreykov’s scheme down, Yelena surveyed the area to find people that could’ve gotten hurt in the process. But in one of the rooms she found a newborn baby, who had probably been kidnapped from her family to be the youngest widow on training. The blonde called her sister panicking, and Natasha didn’t think twice. You were her baby.
Two years have passed since she brought you home and you were turning yourself into a confident, strong and funny little girl. And the black widow was turning herself into a mother.
The boys knew about her mom going on dates and they were supportive of her, and you were too young to really understand what was going on, but you really liked Wanda and the boys.
Natasha wanted to take a step further and ask Wanda to be her girlfriend, but something was keeping her from doing it. She was so used to living alone with you that she couldn’t really see how things would work if she lived with Wanda.
How it would be like to build a family?
Today was being a slow day. It was saturday, which meant Nat didn’t went to the compound and you also didn’t have to go to daycare. You were sleeping in late, which was unusual but the widow wasn’t complaining, that way you were sleeping more and she could prepare breakfast for the both of you calmly.
As she was finishing cutting some strawberries, you came to the kitchen in your PJs and with teary eyes.
“Mama… I feel yucky” You whined, rubbing at your eyes.
“Sweetie, what happened?” Your mama walked over you to pick you up. “Oh my, you’re burning up!” She said, laying her hand on your forehead.
You sobbed quietly and burrowed your face on her neck.
Natasha was heartbroken. You were always bubbly and happy and it was obvious that you were feeling awful. She never had to deal with a sick kid before so she was nearly panicking. How could she take care of you properly if she had no idea of how to do it?
“Hhah'ktshi! Hki'tshiew!” You sneezed down your little hands, facing away from her. The redhead was glad that you were polite even if you were still really young.
“Aw, bless you.” She said, while reaching for a tissue from the box that sat at the countertop to wipe your nose.
Suddenly, her phone ringed, prompting you to whine quietly, the sound of the ringtone making your head hurt.
“Shh… it’s okay.” She sat down on the couch, holding you while picking up her phone.
Shoot. It was Wanda. You had agreed that you’d go on a date with her and the kids at the movie theater. But looking at the flushed toddler on her lap, she understood that movie night had to be postponed.
“Hi Wands!”
“Hi Natty! I’m just calling to confirm our movie night today? the boys are really excited about it!” The witch said happily.
“Darling i’m sorry, I don’t think we’re going to be able to-“
“Hhh'ishiew! Eiiishiew! hhii’eshhiew!” You sneezed, wincing at the pressure caused on your sinuses.
“Bless you! is that Y/N?” She asked worriedly
“Yes, she just woke up and she’s miserable Wands, I have no idea of what to do, I never cared for a sick kid before, what should-“
“Sweetie calm down.” Wanda cut her girlfriend from her ramblings.
“I know it’s scary when our babies get sick. I’ve been there. Right now i’m gonna need you to pack a bag, and come over to my house. I’m gonna help you take care of her.”
“Oh Wands, I don’t want to be any trouble for you, I can figure something out.” Natasha said, not wanting to be a burden to her girlfriend.
“Nat, let me help you, I love you, I love Y/N and I want to get her to feel better, and I also want to be here for you, I don’t want you to be alone in this.”
She loves Y/N… that made Natasha smile for the first time that day.
“Okay darling, i’m coming, thank you so much!”
“Don’t mention it! See you soon”
Hanging up the phone, Nat tried to get you to lay down on the couch so she could gather your belongings. It took a while because your fever made you clingy, but you eventually calmed down, falling into a light sleep.
After packing your things, Natasha picked you up carefully, enveloping you in your favorite blanket.
“Hh-h'ktshi! H hheh'tsh!” You sneezed softly, rubbing at your itchy eyes.
“Hey princess, I need you to stop rubbing your eyes, your gonna hurt them okay?”
You nodded, coughing slightly and Nat winced at the sound of your congested chest.
“Do you know what? we’re visiting auntie Wands, isn’t that cool?” Your mama asked, trying to cheer you up.
“Play date?”
“Yes, like a playdate.”
“Yaaay.” You cheered tiredly.
Nat smiled at your cuteness and got the both of you in the car, buckling your seatbelt and draping your blanket over you.
“Boys, I need to talk to you!” Wanda called out for the kids, who were playing in the backyard.
“I didn’t do anything, I promise!” Tommy said as he ran over to his mom.
“Your not in trouble silly, I just want to talk.” Wanda chuckled.
“Is everything alright?” Billy asked, giving his mom a side hug as they all sat at the bench in the balcony.
“Well, not really… I just called Nat to confirm our movie night, but Y/N is sick so they’re probably not going.”
“Wait, but she’s okay, right?” Billy asked, worried about you.
“She’s not doing too well buddy, but I think it’s just a cold.”
“Aww, if she’s sick we’re also not going mom, I wouldn’t have a lot of fun thinking that she’s not feeling good.” Tommy said, frowning at the thought of the sick toddler.
Wanda brushed her hand through her son’s hair, proud of his actions. “You guys are so kind.”
“Mom, can we visit her?” Billy asked. “We could make her company.”
“And you would see auntie Nat!” Tommy added, winking.
The witch laughed at her son’s antics. “Guys, I actually told Nat to come over to the weekend. Y/N has never been sick before and Nat was really nervous so I thought we could help.”
“Mom, that was a great idea!” Tommy smiled.
“Yeah, we promise we’ll behave and be the best doctors!” Billy said.
“Thank you for being so understanding, I’m really happy with you both.” She said, hugging the twins.
“Does that mean we’ll have extra ice cream for dessert?” Billy asked.
“Hmm… I’m going to think about it.” Wanda said, getting up as the doorbell rang. “Now go and play, Y/N is probably sleeping, if I need any help I’ll just ask the best doctors in the city.” She winked.
With that, the boys began to run around the backyard again.
At the front door, there was an anxious redhead with a clearly distressed kid clinging to her. You were flushed and shivering in your sleep, and Nat just looked shaken, Wanda had never seen the both of you like this before.
“Hey guys, come in.” The witch said, while grabbing the backpack from her girlfriend’s back, in a attempt to get some weight from her.
“Thank you so much Wanda, you’re the best.” Natasha said, pulling the ginger into a hug.
“No problem darling, come on, let’s sit down.”
As both women sat on the couch, you were laid in between them, with your head on Wanda’s lap.
“Tsk poor thing, you’re not feeling well huh?” Wanda said, rubbing circles on your back as you whimpered in your sleep.
“She fell asleep in the car but I think her temperature has risen.” Your mama said, looking anxiously at her girlfriend to see if she had any ideas to get you feeling better.
Placing her delicate hands on your forehead and cheeks, the witch stated: “Natty, I think she’s a bit too warm for my liking, can you grab the thermometer on my bathroom cabinet?”
The widow quickly got up to retrieve the device, afterall, she had been to Wanda’s house enough times to know where she kept things.
“I got it.”
“Kitten, can I get your blanket for a moment?” Wanda asked, running her hands through your beautiful curls. You nodded, if you weren’t so out of it you would have asked her why she wanted your blankie, but right now you just didn’t have the energy to do so.
At the sudden loss of warmth, you started shaking more noticeably, earning worried looks from both women.
“Try and stay still princess, I promise it’ll be quick.” Your mama said as your auntie placed the thermometer in your mouth, hugging you tight.
“39.2, I really don’t like this fever Natty.” Wanda said as the device gave it’s verdict.
“Oh goodness, what should we do?”
“What about you give her a shower? try to lower that fever so we can properly feed and medicate her?” She said, moving you to your mama’s arms.
“That’s a good idea, what bathroom can I use?”
“You should go to my room, it’s more comfortable.”
“Ok, I’m going.” Nat said. “Hey bug, we’re going to take a nice shower now okay?” She cooed, entering Wanda’s room.
As the witch searched for some medicine in the cupboards, the twins entered the kitchen, slightly out of air because they were playing tag.
“Hey mom! where’s Y/N?”
“Hi boys, she’s taking a shower, why don’t you do the same? you’re kinda sweaty.”
The boys ran upstairs to shower and Wanda finally found the bottle of medicine. She gathered everything that she could need, like tissues and the thermometer and made her way to her room.
Entering the bedroom, Nat had already finished cleaning and dressing you. The witch approached the chair where Natasha was sitting with you on her lap. Your shivering decreased noticeably and you weren’t as pale as before, but you were still quiet and looking miserable.
“Hey princess, are you all clean?” Wanda asked, kneeling down to your level.
You nodded and made grabby hands, signaling the witch that you wanted to be held by her.
She’s so precious. The woman thought to herself as she picked you up, raising her hand to your forehead to feel that your fever wasn’t as high as before.
“She adores you. Whenever we go out she keeps talking about you.” The redhead stated, giving a kiss to her girlfriend’s cheek.
“Aww, is it true Y/N? do you like me?”
You hummed in agreement and started caressing her ear, something that you only did to your mama. For some reason, you trusted Wanda and you could feel your mama’s happiness whenever she was around.
“Let’s go prepare lunch? I bet you’re hungry.” Wanda asked the redhead.
“I’m helping you.”
While the two adults were preparing some lunch, you were sitting on the couch with the boys, watching finding nemo. It was peaceful, until your nose started tickling.
“Don’t cover with your hands.” Billy alerted, making you lose the need to sneeze. He got up and brought the tissues for when you needed them.
“If you need to sneeze, try to cover with these, ok?”
You nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Nat and Wanda smiled at each other, admiring the way that you got along well.
“Hh-“ The tickle returned and you didn’t got enough time to pull the tissues, prompting Tommy to use his super speed to help you.
“Heh’iishioo! Hu’tshhiew! Hhheh'tsh!” You sneezed down the tissues that the boy used to cover your nose.
“Bless you.” The boys said in unison. “I’m going to wash my hands.” Tommy added.
“They’re so cute.” Wanda whispered to Nat not wanting to interrupt the interaction.
“The boys are so precious, they get it from you.” Nat purred, making the other woman blush.
“Guys, food’s ready!” Wanda announced, prompting you to make your way to the table.
Everyone sat down to eat and you got secured in the high chair that Wanda had in the house just for you. Nat finished eating quickly so she could feed you.
As she started spoon feeding you, your throat started hurting a lot. It was like there was a thousand needles prickling you. And it made tears fill your eyes. However you were well educated, so you forcefully swallowed the soup, making tears fill your eyes.
“Ow…” You whimpered quietly, crying at the pain that you felt.
“What happened baby?” Nat asked, catching the tears that rolled down your cheek.
“Don’t cry. Where do you hurt?” Wanda asked, holding your hand.
“Mom, her throat must be hurting.” Billy said.
“Yeah, that’s why she’s so quiet.” Tommy added.
“Is that it sweetie, your throat hurts?”
You nodded, sobbing quietly.
“Let’s try to eat a little bit more? Can you try that?” Your mama asked. You hadn’t eaten all day and she couldn’t give you medicine on an empty stomach.
You shook your head no. You were exhausted and feeling yucky and you didn’t wanted to eat or take medicine.
“Y/N, what about this, you try to eat a little bit more, and take your medicine like a brave girl, and when your fever lowers I can give you a popsicle. Would you like that?”
You nodded slowly.
“If you’re too scared we can take some medicine so you see it’s not a big deal!” Tommy offered.
“That’s so sweet, but it won’t be necessary, medicine is only for sick people.” Nat thanked the boy, messing with his hair.
You ate a little more and the boys cheered when you took your medicine without complaining.
You guys had a peaceful afternoon, with the boys playing legos with you and the both women just chilling and chatting. However, with the eventful day you had, you were starting to get sleepy. Noticing how tired you were, Wanda spoke up: “Hey guys, how about we call it a day? I bet you’re exhausted.”
“Yeah, I’m kinda tired.” Billy admitted.
“Okay, Nat, i’m just going to put the boys to slee-
“Mom, how about aunt Nat put us to sleep?” Tommy said, wanting some more time with the redhead.
The witch looked over at her girlfriend, who had the biggest smile on her face.
“Of course I can put you to sleep! I’d love to!”
With that, the boys kissed Wanda and you good night and made their way to the bedroom along Natasha.
After tucking the boys in, Natasha sat in the middle of both beds, holding the boys hands until they’d fall asleep.
“Did you know that our mom loves you?” Tommy said, breaking the silence.
After processing what the boy had just said, Nat asked: “Did she say that?”
“It’s obvious that she loves you, just look at the way she looks at you.” Billy stated. “We also love you, and Y/N. Do you love us too?”
“I do boys. I love you guys and I love your mom.”
“So why you haven’t asked to marry her yet?”
Nat chuckled. “It’s not that simple guys, something like this would change our lives forever, and you’re really young yet.”
“I’d like that change…” Tommy said.
“I’d also like it, very much.” The redhead said, getting up and kissing the twin’s foreheads.
Entering the living room, Natasha saw the most beautiful scene in front of her.
Wanda was rocking you so sleep, singing you a sokovian lullaby. You were already asleep in her arms, looking peaceful and happy.
That’s when Nat decided that she would love to get home everyday to this scene.
That she would love to put the boys to bed.
That she would love to always help Wanda cooking.
That she would love to see you growing along with the twins.
That this was her family. And she wanted to spend the rest of her life like this.
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Spencer POV Fic Recs [SFW]
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Hey friends! Someone requested recommendations for SFW fics from Spencer Reid’s POV. I’ve collected all the fics me and the lovely people of my Discord could find. I hope this helps!
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GN!Reader Fluff
Spoonful of Sugar by @reidgraygubler: Spencer stays home from work to take care of his partner, who’s sick with the flu.
Kiss Them, Or Keep Them by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer loses his best friend, but has a secret gift to bring them back.
GN!Reader Angst
Better Off Without Me by @sassymoon: This is the end of a relationship that was the best thing he ever had, and it’s time to say goodbye.
Week From Hell by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer has one hell of a week after he has nightmares and a close call on a case.
Fem!Reader Fluff
Java Jive by me: Spencer and Emily take a break at the local coffee shop and she makes an understandable mistake about barista Reader and Spencer’s relationship.
Pumpkin by me: Spencer can’t handle how cute Reader’s southern accent is.
Serendipitous by me: Spencer’s pretty sure Penelope mixed up his blind date.
Prickly Pear by me: Reader tries to hide her body hair from Spencer. It doesn’t end well.
Not Your Backup by me: Spencer!POV. Following JJ’s confession, Spencer admits she’s more like a sister to him. Spencer and JJ argue about JJ’s unwarranted jealousy of his girlfriend.
Impromptu 3AM Meeting by @andiebeaword: Spencer learns the woman he’s falling for has a teenage daughter.
Side by Side by @foxy-eva: Spencer is mesmerized by Reader on their first date and is surprised that she apparently feels the same way about him.
Different Dialects by me: Autistic!Reader. Spencer is trying to tell Reader he likes her, but it feels like they speak entirely different languages.
Funny Thing Fate by me: Autistic!Reader is tipsy and lost in D.C. when she spots a man she thinks might be able to help.
Porcelain by me: Autistic!Reader has a meltdown in the cafe. Luckily, there is a Dr. Reid nearby.
Baggage Claim by me: Autistic!Reader is having a hard time at the airport.
Act Your Age by me: Platonic. Reader was recently released from being held hostage for several years, and for whatever reason, she’s taken a liking to Spencer.
You are My Destiny by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer meets a girl at a club. She convinces Spencer to dance with her.
Look at My Son by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer has a heart to heart with his newborn son while his wife sleeps.
Buttercup Bakery by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer meets the woman of his dreams at JJ and Will’s wedding, but misses the chance to get her number.
Lonely Moonlight by @/reidgraygubler: Spencer left his partner and ends up regretting it.
Fem!Reader Angst
Rib Cage by me: Spencer realizes Reader is the one, but it might be too late. He has to find her.
Forbidden Fruit by me: When Professor Reid falls in love with a student, he learns why Adam choked on the Forbidden Fruit.
Passing in the Night by me: Spencer learns about Reader’s feelings too late and loses his own battle as a result.
I Won By Loving You by @sassymoon: Reader is terminally ill and is saying goodbye to her loved one.
If I Could See Me Now by @andiebeaword: Spencer hits his head. Next thing he knows, he’s talking to himself … from 15 years ago.
Handle with Care by @foxy-eva: Spencer tries to be there for his wife after a traumatic experience.
Partial POV
Defining Family by me: [Fem, fluff] Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
Dead Air by me: [Fem, fluff] Professor Reid is hesitant to be a guest on his old student’s true crime video series, but is surprised to find it’s not so bad.
Moonlight by me: [Fem, Angst] Spencer tells Reader’s boyfriend how she really feels.
Sleepless in Quantico by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, fluff] Spencer is a widower. His son wants him to be happy. Spencer’s son and his therapist conspire to get him on a radio show to talk through his grief. Reader is one of the listeners. 
A Lettered Confession by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, Angst] Spencer is in love with Reader. He confesses his feelings through a letter.
Everything I Want and More by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, Angst] Spencer believes that Reader is head over heels for another guy. He has no idea the guy she’s in love with is actually him.
No Expectations by @/andiebeaword: Reader is in love with Reid. He’s fallen for a woman named Maeve. While trying to save her, Reader makes a choice.
Wanna See Something Beautiful? by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, Angst] Spencer has been in prison for months now. After he chose to take her name off the visitor’s log, Reader decides to start writing Spencer letters. Eventually, he writes her back.
Wish I Could Take it All Back by @/andiebeaword: [Fem, Angst] Spencer gets his usual coffee, only to follow the girl to an NA meeting
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The regret of a Father
This is a fanfic that scream ANGST. Hope that you all will like it. And before start, always remember: The ending isn't what we want, but what she need.
What if Lucifer had a child with Mc, and for some reason he neglects them ? And if the child die? What will do Lucifer?
Good reads
1012 words all chapters
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There was an angel who rebelled. There was also a demon, who fell in love. Among them, there was a father, who was not a father. All 3 had one thing in common: they were the same being. Lucifer boasted a lot of qualities and many sang his story. But few know what I'm going to tell you. The Lucifer I'm going to talk about is not the Avatar of Pride, not even the right hand of the king of hell. Not even the older brother you know and certainly not the lover and husband of one of the strongest witches who ever lived.
Our Lucifer discovered what remorse means the day they knocked on the door of the House of Laments. There is much news he received in his long life, but that one was perhaps the worst. But before that, let's go back a few years ago.
The exchange student program conceived by the, at that time, prince of the Devildom had now come to an end. The ending was one of the best, so much so that all the newspapers talked about it for months and months. A union that brought joy and celebration to the streets of the whole capital. Mc, strong witch and one of the human exchange students, had just married the former light bearer now Avatar of Pride: Lucifer Morningstar. With this marriage, the first project to unite the 3 kingdoms was concluded.
But what now awaited the private lives of the seven rulers of hell was an even more difficult test.
An unexpected pregnancy broke the peace that reigned in the new Morningstar family. The news, however, was received with extreme happiness. And as time passed, 20 weeks later, the gender of the future little demon was discovered. A little girl was about to arrive.
The choice of the name was difficult and many "juniors" were proposed. But the final word awaited only the 2 future parents.
Aurora Lilith Morningstar
The first name was in honor of the father: as his name in Latin means "bearer of light", the first name of the daughter meant "dawn" or "sunlight" in greek. The story of the middle name, I think, is known to everyone.
However, our story does not have a happy ending. The more the days went by, the more Mc weakened. Various hypotheses were made about the reason and were gradually discarded, until only one was left. The little girl was killing her mother. How can a human body carry the pregnancy of a half-demon to term?
“Abort! It's killing you." “How can you ask me to kill our daughter.” “I don't care about her. Choose life. Choose me!"
Nothing and no one made the mother, now on the verge of death, change her mind.
And so, on a cold winter day, in the middle of the school exam period, Aurora was born and Mc died.
Even heaven was moved by the cry of the widower, unlike the cry of the newborn, which was heard only by the doctors.
Now, how could Lucifer deal with that "thing", the killer of his wife. And so, for 10 human years, she was sent to her maternal grandparents, who saw in the little girl the last memory of their daughter. But she grew up too fast and they didn't have much time left to live. They showered her with love and taught her kindness. Of demonic had only the speed of growth. At 2 she looked like she was 4, at 6 she looked like she was 10. But temperamentally only to an angel could be compared. As intelligent as anyone before, she never fell behind in school, even though she studied from home.
An extremely rare beauty: hair as black and soft as silk and eyes as red as ruby; a clear and soft skin without imperfections. Unaware of who she had inherited these characteristics from, she grew up calm and serene.
Her life became hell when she had to go to the homonymous place. At the age of 10, and 16 outwardly, with the death of her grandparents she had to move in with the father she had never known.
So full of enthusiasm and hope, she was happy to meet her father. She had many questions to ask him and a lot of curiosity about the demon world. She wanted to know where he had been so far and if he wanted to meet her; If demons are as they are described; How did he meet her mother; If she has a demon form and how to see it.
How could she expect to find such a cold attitude towards her?
But this story is not my job to tell.
I can only tell you the ending, which is nothing more than the news told at the beginning.
“The body of a young girl has been found. She threw herself off the course that overlooks the city”. Why on earth could such a thing interest him? The answer to this question is an anklet with a pendant representing a black wing, where a name that he didn't want to hear was engraved on the back.
Tell me Lucifer, how are you feeling? What does it feel like?
It's not the same, right? Not the same feeling as when you lost MC and Lilith. This is bitter, painful.
Finding out that someone you didn't know has died. “It shouldn't hurt” you said to yourself, “It's better this way”. Yet you are lying in a room full of memories and emotions.
Everything and nothing scream your name. It hurts to miss her. The desire to want to know who your daughter was.
Awards, medals and cups that tell a story in which you are not present, but which was written just to get your attention.
Flowers on a grave don't help you. Tears come down and you can't stop them. They come ashore until they become a sea in which you begin to drown.
Tell me Lucifer, what does a father's remorse taste like
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I'm a Lucifer stan; I love him... i swear.
Next chapter
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griffin-girl-r · 1 year
You came back to me (Part 3)
Created: 20.03.2022
Finished: 04.07.2022
Edited: 19.09.2023
Age: 15
Word count: 1,384
Warnings: Memory loss
Request: No
Part 2
Natasha's brain stopped working for a second. Everything that happened in the past few days was a little bit hard to process and now this new piece of information had made her brain have a short circuit.
Could it be? For once in her life could things be so easy and simple for her?
"How?" Was all Natasha choked out "He shot her in front of my eyes."
"While you were gone today I lied to Y/N and told her I needed to run some tests to see if she was healthy and took the chance to analyze that scar you've mentioned. Clint told me about it." Bruce explained "I have a theory. I think that the bullet Y/N was shot with was an altered bullet that produced no significant damage but was powerful enough to hit some nerves and make her go unconscious. Creating the illusion that she was dead. And also leaving her with those long-term gaps in her memory."
Silence fell over the room all of a sudden.
Natasha couldn't believe her ears.
Life actually was nice to her for once and let her have it easy this time.
Her daughter is alive.
And even more.
The team's Y/N was her Y/N. They had always been the same person. Her baby girl.
"Go to her, Natasha. I'll inform the others of the situation." Bruce pulled Nat out of her thoughts
Natasha rushed as fast as she could down the corridor and into the living room where you were still peacefully sleeping.
She took in a shaky breath and tried to gather herself as best as she could, as she slowly approached you with shy steps.
Once she was next to your side, she kneeled next to your head and started to stroke your hair, while the only thing her eyes reflected was love and adoration.
This was actually true.
She got to have her daughter again.
Alive and well.
She got to hold you and kiss you and do again all those things with you she only dreamed about.
She even did it these past few months but learning that you are actually her beloved daughter made everything mean so much more to her now.
Suddenly, her life didn't seem as meaningless as it was before.
It was actually bright.
The hole inside her was once again filled.
Y/B/D, 2001
A day Natasha will never be able to forget.
"Congratulations, Widow. It's a girl." A guard mocked Natasha as he threw her newborn baby in her arms for the first time
Natasha gently held the little bundle of joy in her arms and looked speechless at the small baby. Her baby.
With a soft kiss on the baby's forehead, the young mother whispered "Hi, my sweet girl. I'm so happy you're finally here with me, little angel. You're Mama's little miracle and I promise you that I'll always keep you safe. Thank you for coming into my life and for making me a mom. I love you more than anything, my baby. My Y/N."
That day became the happiest day in Natasha's life. The day her little angel was born.
The day Natasha learned that love it's not for children and that it's possible to love someone more than you love yourself and your own life.
The day Natasha became a mother.
Your mother.
You slowly opened your eyes and found Natasha smiling at you from ear to ear as she traced your features with her thumb.
"Hey, baby..." She softly whispered
"Tasha?" You rubbed your eyes
"Yeah, baby. I'm here." She reassured you
"For how long was I sleeping?"
"Not much. Just 2 hours." She looked at the watch and then back at you "If you want and feel the need, you can go back to sleep. I won't leave. I'll be by your side the whole time."
"What got you this happy?" You questioned once you've noticed Natasha's happy mood
"You wouldn't believe me." She shook her head
"Of course I will, Tasha. You know that I trust you with my life." You protested
That caught Natasha's attention and she looked at you with tears in her eyes.
"You do?" She raised her eyebrows in disbelief
"Of course I do. Now spit!" You cheered excited
"Remember that big news I found out this morning?"
"Sure." You sat up
"I didn't tell you more about it because I needed to confirm it. And turns out my intuition was right. My motherly instinct didn't fail me." She said, proud of herself
"What are you talking about?"
"I found out my daughter is actually alive, Y/N." She paid close attention to your reaction
"I'm so happy for you, Tasha. You deserve to be happy." You smiled at her, truly happy that the woman you started to see as a mother, got the chance to finally be happy with her real daughter
"But that's not all." She smirked
"No?" You were confused
"No." She shook her head and took your hands in hers "Bruce ran some DNA tests and all of them came back with the same result..."
You held your breath anxiously waiting for her to continue.
"You're my daughter, Y/N. You are my little Y/N. My baby girl. My little angel."
"I-I don't understand..." You stared shocked at her
"When Dreykov shot you to punish me and make me believe you're dead, he used an altered bullet that didn't kill you. This is what caused you to have some gasps in your memory."
A moment of silence fell over the room as you tried to process everything.
"So..." You let a few tears fall, trying to read on Natasha's face if she's lying or not "You're my mom for real?"
"Yeah, baby. I am." She placed a lingering kiss on your forehead, one she had kept for herself for far too long "You have no idea how happy I am that I have you with me once again."
To prove her truth to you she pulled out of the pocket of her jeans an old photo ripped in half that showed the upper bodies of a young woman and a small girl.
The picture portrayed a 22-year-old Natasha with the biggest smile anyone had seen her have on her face, holding in her arms her 5-year-old daughter who was smiling as wide and bright as her mother.
"We took this picture 2 months after we escaped the first time and spent one year together. I took you out to a picnic when a random woman offered to take an instant picture of us." Natasha tried to fight back her tears "This is all I had left from you after I thought they killed you."
You took the picture from her hand with your own shakey hand and shoving your other hand inside the pocket of your hoodie, you pulled out the other ripped half of the picture and put them together. Making the photo complete again.
You looked down at the now complete photo "I always asked myself where the other half was. I guess now I finally got my answer. It was safe in my Mama's hands."
Natasha looked at you with eyes filled with tears "Y/N..." She quietly whispered
You jumped in her arms and you hugged each other so tight as if one of you was going to disappear if the other let go.
"Mama?" You called Natasha, the title effortlessly and naturally rolling down your tongue
Natasha's breath stopped for a second and then she held you closer to her, if possible.
"Yes, my love?" She answered, her voice wavering from all the emotions
"I love you, Mama!" You almost shouted
"I love you too, detka. More than anything." She kissed your head once again, feeling like she couldn't get enough of it
The last time Natasha said this, it was a goodbye.
Now, it's the start of a fresh new and happy beginning for both of you.
You got to be a family again.
Mother and daughter finally reunited and both of you know that each one of you will make every second spent together worth.
"You came back to me..." Natasha whispered into your hairline, smiling
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ivaspinoza · 5 months
On the other side
She was a lovely neighbour. Small old lady, covered in many, many wrinkles that fascinated me. Her thin spotted skin, marked by those folds of wisdom like an ancient but delicate tree. Widowed years ago, living alone in that big house, always taking care of her garden like a mother baths a newborn baby.
"Hi, granny!', I would say every day, even though she didn't remember me. "Do you live in that house?" She would ask. "Are you the daughter of so and so? How is your niece?" I don't have a niece. "Oh, she is great, thank you!" Granny smiled, satisfied.
One day, granny seemed sad. "Are you alright?" "Not quite, dear. I fell yesterday." Her daughter lives in the next house, so she was always around, but that was clearly not enough anymore – from my perspective. Granny said she felt bad about such a "silly fall", I said don't worry, it can happen to us all, but "are you hurt?"
"Oh, no. The angel of the Lord held me close! Not a single scratch!" Amen to that, granny. She didn't look so sad anymore, and I left with a weird feeling on my chest. The daughter told me her only prayer was for her mother to die while sleeping; no more suffering, please. When the time comes, just rest at peace.
This morning, we heard the daughter crying in the street. She thought her mother was asleep, and in a way, she was indeed. Then I remembered that two days earlier I had seen her in the garden, but she looked so distracted and distant, I decided to remain quiet. Now, I couldn't say hi anymore, even if I wanted to.
So I wondered if she saw it coming. If she felt alone, once more, in that dark room. Did the duvet suddenly get too heavy? And the air, was it thicker? Did she wake up before saying goodbye to her house and life? Did she wish to hold someone's hand, to cry? Or maybe she saw her husband's face, happy to see her again, and just ran to his arms with the grace of a child. Maybe, and I hope for this, it was all peace and light. Maybe her bones let out a sigh, in relief, and she smiled.
Time to rest, granny. See you on the other side.
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your-absent-father · 2 months
The daughter's of Lady midnight: oc introduction
I introduced a new wip yesterday. Here are first patch of the characters. These are the assasins of Lady midnight. Other character's will be on a separate one.
All pics are from pinterest. Send me an ask if you know the og creator.
Tw: lot of murder talk, mention of a racist attack
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Lillian Blackburn aka "the ember"
Age: 27
The most well known killer in London since jack the ripper. Best known for the cross she leaves in her victim's bodies in a cross formation. Taught by a french soldier during her time as a nurse in the war how to use a gun.
Lillian Blackburn has been a cynic ever since her brother, the only living family member, died in a great war. There has always been only one person she trusts fully: herself. She has never even trusted Lady midnight, the enigmatic widow of a king of london crominal underground, who gave her a job as a assasin to Lady midnight's growing network, and a cabaret singer by day. Only time she has fully let herself trust someone, was the biggest mistake she has ever done. Victor Sharpe, her would-have-been husband.
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Inez Morley aka "the crimson"
Age: 19
Inez Morley, even as full blown member of the assasin group, is the one not taken seriously, mostly due to her using seduction as a part of her killings. She is the most loud and brash of the group, getting into most trouble with the law, but get off most easiest with lady midnight. Lady midnight swears Inez to be the heir of her empire, a child of her and her late husband only known as Mr. Morley, but her darker skintone looks more like Mr. Morley's former assistant Gian Raval.
Inez loves her work though. She loves her weapons, the look on people's faces when they pass. She even loves her coworker's, especially Loretta, but totally non-sinful way.
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Loretta Spencer aka "Scarlett"
Age: 20
Loretta Spencer is the sweetest of the daughter's. So sweet, you couldn't guess in your wildest dreams her profession as a killer. Loretta hates what she does, which she does only to stay with her mother, and repay Lady midnight for helping her with Loretta's abusive father. That's how her mother explained it at least.
Loretta has a plan to get out of killing, which includes Lady midnight's assistant Farhan Raval, and the happy ending she has imagined in her head. One without murder, bloodshed and poison.
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Laila Spencer aka "nightshade"
Age: 38
Laila Spencer is a woman that has been trough hell and back. She got pregant at 18, lived on a street with a newborn, and finally, finally after a while, agreed to become the first female assasin under Lady midnight. Laila knows how the life has been to her, and the last thing she wants is for her daughter to repeat her mistakes. Still, even after all that has happened to her, she never stops being goodhearted abd softspoken.
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Nellie Mitchell aka "Velvet"
Age: 24
The singer of the moonlight Cabaret where all the daughters perform in. When Nellie was a child, after her parents traveled from USA to UK for a better life, she was attacked by local kids which made her limp slightly while walking. It also gave her the most brutal of the murder weapons: a metallic cane Lady midnight gifted herself.
Nellie, like Laila, understands the shelter being under Lady Midnight was the most out of the group. Nellie has always dreamed of bigger, so much bigger than she felt was capable.
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bunnygirl678 · 11 months
Omg bunny why are you doing another au? Cause it popped into your head and you can’t work on anything else till it’s out in the world? Okay here goes. Beware this isn't the strongest of my aus more just general vibes that i think would kinda make a goodish story?
P.s. as with everything I put out feel free to take the idea and make it yours, write it, draw it, use it to distract your overactive brain
This one is sad and I’m calling it abandonment issues Green lol, rest is under the cut just in case you feel uncomfortable with the severe emotional trauma that I enjoy inflicting on Green
-Greens mom dies during childbirth, little bb green has a bunch of issues so he gets stuck in the hospital for the first few months (for those who don't have little ones that is the worst time no sleep, all they do is cry, honestly tough times)
-Green's dad who is overcome with grief leaves Daisy and little bb green with his father professor oak.
-eventually they bring green home and the neighbor who also has a newborn (red duh) ends up helping a lot cause the old prof is on his own being widower and suddenly having a 4 year old and a newborn to raise
-red and green are close of course they do everything together
-green never asks about his parents until he's like 6 and he ends up getting yelled at not to ask, he just knows his mom is gone and his dad only stops by like once a year
-and when the dad stops by he full on ignores green and green always ends up spending the day curled up in red's bed while red attempts to cheer up his normally joyful friend
-when green is like 9 his dad comes back and wants to take daisy back cause he's ready to be a parent again or whatever bs, but he doesn't want green. and sneaky little green overhears his grandfather and father talking about it
-and his dad is like, the little brat killed her, i don't want him, and you're only keeping him cause you're too nice to send him to an orphanage."
-green runs off before he can hear his grandfather deny that and pretty much call his son out, but green spends the day sobbing to red but not telling him anything
-after that green starts pulling away, pulling away from red, pulling away from his grandfather, daisy is gone with their dad but he doesnt' really talk to her anymore when she calls
-they start the journey, everything goes like canon, then green loses and prof says all the canon stuff he says thinking green maybe needs some tough love
-red runs off to mount silver, green becomes the gym leader, but he has like no friends and doesn't talk to his family and he 100% blames himself for red leaving
-eventually little gold breaks through green's shell and they become friends and gold goes finds red, and green goes up to apologize and try to get red to come down
-green has a breakdown on top of the mountain, he's like 18 and has never dealt with any of his abandonment issues, he's like it's my fault my mom is dead, it's my fault the prof hates me, and it's my fault you hate me, and he's kinda like what's the point of trying anymore and he gets up to leave
-and red just sorta tackles him into a hug and won't let go till they are both crying messes, green ends up spending a week or so on the mountain and get really close and they both start developing feelings for each other and then finally they both go down
-red moves in with green and gets help navigating the world while red trys to help green with his issues
-green and his grandfather talk things out, green found out his grandfather was happy to have him and that he's loved
-he talks to daisy and pretty much the same conversation
-eventually red apologizes for leaving, green apologizes for pulling away instead of letting red in, and then they both mutually admit their feelings for each other
-and then they date and live happily ever after
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sleepyselkiesims · 3 months
Part 48
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Well, Delana exited the picture just in time for Ariel's final birthday! Of course, the whole family had to be there!
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It also just so happened to be Cassie's birthday! She got to go first, totally not just to prolong the inevitable.
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As always, Attina didn't celebrate. Though Arista joining in the mischief was a surprise.
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Cassie did not seem to appreciate all the old ladies cheering her on. Maybe she would've cared more if they were fairy godmothers there to give her gifts?
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Well, the important thing was that her momma was there to cheer her on!
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Happy birthday, Cassie! I'm sure you'll find plenty of new ways to get in trouble!
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Erika was confused when the first of the triplets stepped up to the plate. If this was Ariel's birthday, and she was part of these triplets, then why was that one sister younger than them??
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Anyway, Happy Birthday, Adrina!
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Gotta love that old lady back! ...wait, her eldest daughter is totally gonna end up raising Adrina's newborn now. Whoops.
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Overall, the birthday reactions were all over the place! There were reasons to cheer, laugh, cry, feel a little depressed... good times.
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Poor Artista; no one ever celebrates her birthday!
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Nonetheless, Arista aged into elderhood with gracefulness and inner peace. She'd lived a good life, filled with adventure. Even if no one ever saw it.
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When Ariel took her place at the cake, Erika wrapped a comforting arm around her. It's like she could sense their time was coming to an end...
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The rest of the sisters just cheered and made a ruckus to celebrate their... well, no longer babiest sister. Attina really made a mess of the age lineup!
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As Ariel blew out the candles, not bothering to make a wish, Melody tried to cast some sort of spell on her. Family tradition at this point, I suppose.
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Ariel aged up as joyfully as she did everything else, even if everyone else felt a bit melancholic.
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She made such a cute old lady!!!
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The 7 sisters left the venue as soon as the birthday sparkles faded. If I'd known this was going to be the last time I ever saw Apple, I'd probably have tried to get them to stay longer...
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I also later found out that, despite trying to prolong Hinata's lifespan with pregnancies, Apple was still left a widow by Ariel's birthday.
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Once everyone had gone, Melody called the family together for a big announcement.
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Though it was sooner than anticipated, the benevolent god had realised that there wasn't anything they really had left to do with Ariel now. So, it was time for Melody to begin her own chapter.
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Ariel couldn't have been more thrilled or supportive! Her little girl was taking a big step into the great unknown! Willingly going on her own adventure! Melody could only hope she made her momma proud.
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And she made each member of her family promise they would pay her a visit whenever they could.
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She gave a special thank you to Erika, for being such a nice step-mom. And she'd better keep an eye on Cassie while Melody was gone!
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And finally, it was time to say goodbye to Ariel. She'd had a good run, and now that Melody was heading out on her own, it was time for the little mermaid to enjoy her happily ever after.
The End.
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juhaknyeonies · 1 year
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people who i believe choi seungcheol was written by
genre: kind of angsty ?? its not rlly happy
warnings: mentions of death
c.sc | masterlist
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i believe seungcheol was written by girls who love their dads but never had time for them because they were busy with work; seungcheol was written to stay and help them with homework or play monopoly. he would make up for the time lost to work for your actual father. he wouldn’t make empty promises and does everything in his power to make sure your not lonely.
i believe seungcheol was written by girls who needed a father figure since they grew up without one; whether it be because he died or left at a young age seungcheol would be the perfect father figure you deserved. he would cheer you on at sport carnival and show up to your performances when your father could never because he wasn’t involved in your life.
i believe seungcheol was written by widowed mothers with newborn babies; seungcheol would be created in the image of her late spouse, taking care of the baby with her and relieving her of the stress. so distraught from the death, the mother created seungcheol in the image of her spouse to help her get through raising a child. he would be everything that mother dreamed of doing with her spouse.
i believe seungcheol was written by girls with daddy issues who desperately wanted the feel the love all her other friends got from their fathers; seungcheol was written by her to discover what fatherly love she should’ve received while growing. seungcheol was a father who was proud of their daughter and would do anything to protect her and always made sure she was fed, happy and healthy. he would do the job of a father that your actual father should’ve.
i believe seungcheol was written by grandmothers who wanted to imagine what her grandchild would be like before she died; upset that she’ll die before ever seeing her beloved grandchild she creates seungcheol in image of how she would like her grandchild to be like. hardworking, stands up for what he believes in and also cares for others close to him, making sure they’re okay. she wishes for her grandchild to be a beautiful role model people can look up to one day.
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zumpietoo · 8 months
Oh One More Little Wimmin Thing...
On top of everything, the entire book ultimately, actually, betrays its own/the publisher's Elsie Dinsmore goals (a self sacrificing life of goodness will lead you to a happy ending as a wife and mommmeeeeee.....)......
Meg (whose, again, defining characteristic is "kinda pretty, unwittingly self righteous"), marries an actually jerky dude who seems to largely be primarily interested in her cuz how she looks/that he can feel superior to her, cuz "smarter".....sacrifices every time the "sin" of having any small nicety for herself, stretches herself horribly thin to look after his juvenile ass, while caring for newborn twins after a difficult pregnancy/delivery (cuz duh) AND he dies, leaving her ever moar poverty-stricken, with 3 small kids to feed, ALONE, as a young widow in the mid 19th century (and OFC she never remarries, cuz "virtue").
Jo, marries an old asshole who puts down the one thing she enjoys/is proud of (tho, TBF, since Jo probably wrote as shittily as Alcott, he might've had a point), so she fully ditches it (despite it having been part of why she rejected the way better dude's proposal, earlier), devotes her surprising entire inheritance to HIS vanity project of a BOY'S (cuz OFC) school (that loses $$$), never has kids of her own and, again, gets to spend her life toiling away for a bunch of other people's kids.
Beth? Her sacrificing for others literally kills her. Gets NOTHING, cuz ded. And, by all accounts, Lizzie Alcott, on whom she was based, had an absolutely horrible, lingering illness into death.
Amy? Her "selfishness" (of seeking to be happy/pursue personal goals, enjoyment and art) nets her a grand tour of Europe with new clothes and marriage to a hot, rich, way nicer dude than any of the others were "rewarded" with.....
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rosemariad · 7 months
Supernatural season 13
I've heard of the widower arc that takes place during the early part of this season but geez
Dean looks so depressed – the desolation, the hopelessness. Poor Dean Bean, lost his angel yet again. You can't help but feel for the poor guy (for now…)
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Then the instant 180, uno reverse this man takes in his demeanor. He's so happy Cas is back. AND having a big cowboy adventure! They're spoiling this man after the widower arc. Jack & Sam are not down for it but Dean's been so miserable they shut the fuck up.
Dean swallowing deeply when Cas quotes Tombstone – confirmation they have movie nights together (ALONE??????) if they were alone during these movie nights – they're basically dating w/o clarifying that they are actually dating – and they're coparenting, my goodness! The domestication is real!
We later find out Dean snuck a quick shot of Cas in the little cowboy hat he made him wear for the case. Wow.
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But as a side note - I did NOT appreciate how shitty Dean was to Jack. He was basically abusing him verbally like WTF give the kid a damn chance - don’t make death threats to the newborn child that was literally born yesterday like the fuck #jackdefensesquad. Like anything bad that jack actually does, he’ll think back to the moments where Dean was like ‘oh he’s a monster’ ’when you go dark side, I’ll be the one to kill you’ yeah like maybe that’s what pushed him to that point. It’s no surprise Jack chooses to leave. My ass would’ve been gone. Also was Cas made aware of the threats Dean made to Jack???
They’re making it REALLY HARD to like Dean this season. MoC was bad, Demon!Dean too but evil forces were at work. This time he got no excuse — threatening at 16 yr old girl who has no one in her corner. They’re basically forcing her to help them for nothing in return. Unbelievable 🤬 And Sam, wtf? Would it kill you to stand up to your fuckin’ brother!
Anyway - Jack’s power is totally cool though.
Kaia…was killed by an alternate self? Whaaaaaat?
So this was the season they tried for the Wayward Girls? Shame it didn’t work out…like the premise is cool BUT since the main show barely give the women characters the time of day, is it any wonder that a pilot didn’t work? The showrunners only seem good with moments - but no building up of the narrative like the male counterparts AKA main cast. Also - what would be the conflict - give people a reason to keep watching the girls - their storylines seem more or less resolved - Jody has already mourned the loss of her family, its not like she became Batman or something to fight a war against criminality. Claire has also gotten past the loss of her parents (as far as we know but honestly she should’ve been part of the main narrative as her life had been directly affected by Castiel’s actions and we all know why Cas bothers to get up in the morning…anyway), Donna doesn’t seem to have anything going on - she’s divorced but over it, Alex is over her dark past, Patience is just seeming to get a hand of her abilities - like where are the stakes??? Sam and Dean had a whole quest to embark on, then they had to navigate fraternal relationship while fighting monsters all the time, slowly unraveling an overarching narrative that’s taken over their lives. Where’s that for the ladies????
I spoke too soon - Donna’s niece gets kidnapped and Doug is her boyfriend (wow totally forgot about that guy, certainly didn’t think he’d return) and once he gets turned into a vampire but cured of it, he’s done. Before he leaves Donna, he calls her a hero. Honestly, if I ended up having a partner/lover who killed dangerous supernatural creatures, I wouldn’t leave them. I’d stick by them and have them teach me a few things. Oh well. Maybe Donna will run to Jody to have a shoulder to cry on ;) I know y’all JodyxDonna shippers are out there.
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Scoobynatural was fucking legendary! I loved watching Scooby doo as a kid, from when they were literal babies, to the OG episodes, to the revamp from the early 2000s, all the movies! (Zombie Island was the best!). It was a genuine delight watching the Winchesters (and Cas) cross paths with Mystery Inc. makes me wish they met Buffy and Ash from Evil Dead. That would’ve been awesome! Watching Dean say scooby dooby doo was total cringe tho :/ I love that Cas shut him down 🤣🤣
That ascot though? He’s wearing it all wrong, its supposed to be stuffed in, like how Fred wears it. And certainly not worn with plaid. SMH…
But now I totally want Supernatural as a fucking cartoon! Just like Scooby Doo - it would’ve been fucking glorious, Dean’s unhinge-able jaw, the kooky facial expressions, the comedic effects, and who knows, it would’ve given the show-runners the artistic freedom to reveal the true form of angels, namely, Castiel’s. Oh well.
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Donatello is…dead? I know they said Brain dead but after Amara sucked out his soul and Cas fucked up his brain, isn’t he better off dead? Par for the course for a prophet though, sucks for him.
Funny how Rowena suddenly wants to be the good mom and try to bring her demon son back after CENTURIES of chances. Sure she may not have known what became of Fergus since she left him, but I’m sure it wouldn’t have taken much to find out. She just didn’t want to. Now she’s filled with regret. And Sam’s destined to murder her? And she didn’t take him out? Okay, well then I guess it’s only a matter of time until she dies😒 not this season though, she’s too useful with her witchy powers to be killed off until she serves whatever purpose is convenient 😒
Angels are almost extinct :( I know they’re meant to be seen as controlling jerks but so is Dean XD lol anyway that’s a bummer with devastating consequences cuz if there’s no angels - they said all the souls will fall to Earth and become ghosts - billions in number - yeah. If it were me I would’ve just said the souls disappear but it ain’t my show 🤷🏽‍♀️
Naomi is back and I don’t even care - I’m sorry but I just don’t care about Apocalypse world either, I feel like it’s a grand waste of time. The fact that Charlie and Bobby are there doesn’t even matter cuz it’s not them. It’s not the Charlie and Bobby we got to know before. They’re just counterparts of another world, echoes of the fallen. When Dean says I can’t lose you, dude you literally just met her. And they’re expected to what, abandon the world they were born into? The fuck?
And fuck this show for killing Kevin TWICE!!! Kevin you were too precious for this universe/multiverse, whatever.
ketch is the latest (aside from rowena) of former villains/enemies/antagonist in supernatural that's suddenly we're supposed to be sympathetic towards since they switch sides and help the winchesters for a change but what's the reason??? I feel it's a little out there that Dean especially would let ketch live after what he put his mom through but whatever. since the show runners insisted with this whole apocalypse world crap, Dean would have died without ketch's help 😑
Gabriel has returned…only to die…again…awesome. at least he got to fuck rowena before he passed away 🤣😅
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Luci got fucked over hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha
Bobby x Mary, oh man John would be roaring in his grave…if he had one 🤣 [got burned to ashes in season 2], Bobby finna take his whole family, first his sons now his wife ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Luci resurrected someone? And nothing bad happened? Now tht’s a twist. I figured since he’s Satan she’d turn into a demon or something, but i guess not cuz we’re definitely not gonna see her again…
You know since I’ve seen The Boys I can see a resemblance between homelander and the devil, they both blow up in anger very similarly. When jack tells Luci, you’re not my father, he raged in a way that was eerily like Homelander would’ve. Just thought I’d point that out…
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Dean lets in Alt-Michael - Oh Lord above its the apocalypse all over again (this was a cool shot though) - meanwhile what’s OG Michael doing? Is he still in the Cage with Adam? Really? You had to bring an extra Michael into this nonsense? Ok 🙄 You know if Luci had possessed Sam too, it would’ve been a wrap!
Jack is powerless…for now? This poor kid was gonna kill himself?! Honey why? Ugh I’m blaming Dean for this. He put the seed in that kid’s head he was nothing but trouble and he was going to sacrifice himself, poor baby!
Cas why would you let Dean go?!?! Too sad to follow him into battle after Dean let Alt-Michael in?
Why can’t Sam get a super powerful Big Bad kill huh? Why is it always Dean? Geez.
So the only good things to happen this season were Scooby Doo and Jack meeting Cas. Ugh, their meetup was soo cute ^_^
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Welp only 2 seasons left, the last that’s over 20 episodes. Which means we only have 40 episodes to go til the end…goodie 😅
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storyhunter19 · 11 months
The blood-moon [part-1]
A “blood moon” happens when Earth’s moon is in a total lunar eclipse. While it has no special astronomical significance, the view in the sky is striking as the usually whitish moon becomes red or ruddy-brown. There are so many beliefs and myths, legends about blood moon like “the blood moon prophecies.” There once lived people who believed that when the moon turns blood red, it is the end of the world. They believed it happens because the god is angry. Let’s add one more myth to this blood moon.
Long time ago, there used to be an island where some tribes lived. They didn’t have any connection with the outside world. They believed that the world is their island only. They believed there’s no other world beyond that island. Every newborn among them were forced to believe that. No one is allowed to even think otherwise. People there just lived their lives according to the rules and beliefs existed there. Their language, their names, life-style, everything was so unique and peerless from the world that we now see. [For the purpose of this story, name and language is made in English so that it may seem less weird.] The whole belief system that existed there revolves around the moon, especially the blood moon. The people there believed that in every blood moon they should sacrifice a girl who just hit the puberty as an oblation to the God, as the legend say, to make the God happy so that the red moon doesn’t become too much bloody as a blood moon. They believed that as a way to communicate and gladden to the God. Foolish people! But so are we. Up until a decade ago, the widows of the dead husbands used to be burned to death as in the name of “Sati”. So people believed that they will be reunited in the heavens. Even now people are getting killed in the name of religions, social position, complexion, and whatsoever. And we the civilized people are driven by hatred and all, even though the world has come so forward. So who are we to judge them? Religion was and is a problem. So let’s mind our own business and come back to the story.
One month prior to every blood-moon, all the females who hit puberty in that year will be called upon. There will be a special kind of ritual that takes place to decide who will be the next sacrificial lamb/human for the pleasing of god on the day of blood-moon. Along with this, the male children of five years old will be sent to the deep forest with the hunters and they’re not to return until they are of well trained by the hunting trainer. And they should reach the age of 18 by that time. 13 years of training and then they are allowed to return on the day after the blood moon and they will be married off immediately. It was all part of their beliefs. Anyone who opposes will not be spared. It is a great sin to go against the rules of the men, they believed. So everyone believed this rules of the men, no questions asked!
So there once was a guy who was born in that village. After all I’m telling this story in English so I’ll name him an English name. For the sake of the story, let’s call him Duke. At the age of five, he too was thrown out of that village. It was still the developing age for him and he was snatched away from his parents and his home along with many others. It was out of the grasp of a five year old like him to understand what’s going on in there, but still he got to understand something. That night when he was about to go in the woods with others to be trained as a hunter, his elder sister Eera was selected for something. She was standing in a row of so many other girls probably of her age. And then suddenly when the drums stopped and she was being praised by everyone and still she was not at all happy about it. Her face looked scared and sad. Her skin was pale. He was not sure what’s going on, but still he managed to understand that whatever is going on is not at all good for his sister. He was taken by the senior hunting students along with others to the woods before he could reach her. Still he kept staring at her as long as he could see her. And eventually she was nowhere to see. So the next day when the little Duke woke up he overheard some guys talking about his sister being selected as the next sacrifice to the god. He didn’t quite understand it, but the gist of it. And there he was sitting quietly near the ocean with so many other young new admissions taking bath there. Suddenly one child supposedly of same age group comes to him and asks him why sitting alone. Duke said he heard of something happening to his sister, still doesn’t know why? That guy talked to him and told him that his sister is going to die for the god. At first Duke didn’t believe him but deep inside he already knew. He had a question, why? But there was no acceptable answer. “It’s the rule of the men” was all the answer he got. The little guy introduced himself. His name was Keith. He also got into that jungle yesterday. He wants to become a first class hunter and return to his parents and make them proud. Marrying a beautiful girl is also on his list. Friends are the kind of people to whom we rely on when things are hard. That day even though he was taken away from his family and he got to know that his sister is about to die, he found himself comfort with making that Keith his friend.
About a month later he saw the belongings of his sister floating on the surface of ocean. It was not a nice view. Even though Keith tried to console him he was not ready to accept the fact that she was gone. He tried to get close to it, but he didn’t know swimming that much well in the first place. They were just starting to learn the basics of swimming, hunting, and all little by little. His attempt was all for nothing. Even before reaching halfway close to it, he started drowning. Hunters came running hearing the screams of Keith. Was it luck or not, we never know but still it was fortunate of him being alive. From that moment onwards the biggest fear of Duke was the ocean. Eventually he made his peace with swimming. But still he is afraid to go to the depths of the sea. Don’t get me wrong when I say ‘afraid’. He still can go to the lengths if he has company. But alone, not much guts he had. Throughout his training he learned to hunt, use of tools [like bow and arrow, stick, etc.], and much more. I am not getting deep into those parts, leaving all that to your imagination! Although, his life had its ups and downs. He was happy and had good moments at time, as well as sad and had bad times too. Instead of going to the logistics of it, why don’t I tell you the important parts?
[continued in the next part ]
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rhaenyra and alicent as mother-in-laws are so funny. rhaenyra is really calm and peaceful because who is she to judge her daughter for marrying her murderous uncle? she doesn’t accept aemond easily but she sees how happy he makes her little girl & she eases on him she goes from calling him “cyclops who defiled my sweet girl” to “little brother” but alicent has an extremely hard time accepting valaena at first because she is still her enemy’s wild daughter but she sees that aemond only laughs when he is around his wife and after their first child when alicent visits them valaena asks “would you like to hold your grandchild?” and that melts alicent’s heart because she knows valaena is extremely protective of her family so the fact that she asks alicent to hold her baby despite how cold alicent has been in the past to her just makes meemaw tear up. and after viserys dies it’s valaena who encourages alicent to start dating someone she genuinely wants to be with & she stands up to otto for her mother-in-law and that’s probably the first time anyone has stood up for alicent & just seeing this she starts calling valaena “daughter”.
this kills me, the dance doesn't officially end it just devolves into a cold war between grandmothers bc the weird feelings between nyra and alicent weren't resolved before aemond and valaena got together
bc rhaenyra accepts it easier, she's always been more relaxed than alicent and aemond does pull out all the stops, he can't have both of valaena's parents hate him and honestly rhaenyra isn't that bad to hang out with and when she calls him cyclops now, there's an affection in her tone and it's followed with a soft "little brother"
Alicent struggles bc valaena reminds her so much of young rhaenyra, down to the exact same eyes and wild nature (and it just brings up a lot of repressed feelings for her) and alicent falls into judgy bitch role just so easily, it's what's been expected of her for years and aemond was the child she was closest to and now she feels like she's losing him to her and she knows it's irrational and aemond and helaena and daeron and even aegon have pointed out how cruel her behavior towards valaena is and she can feel aemond slipping away from her but she can't bring herself to warm up
but then she's looking at her son with an easy smile she realizes she hasn't seen on him in years and that laugh is so loud and geuine, and he's standing with his hands around the waist of his wife while she holds their firstborn and valaena is looking at her with those way too big doe rhaenyra eyes and asking her if she wants to hold her grandchild and it's like a dam breaking
bc aemond is staring at her with suspicion but valaena is easily handing over the baby with a full head of silver hair and alicent once saw valaena punch a dude at a park bc he said something rude about lil baby viserys but she is so trusting and carefree about alicent holding her lil newborn
and valaena's offhandedly mentioning that she thinks the baby will have alicent's nose and then alicent is crying because she's been so mean and valaena just moves past it
valaena just accepts alicent into her people just like that, putting the fear of god into otto when he dares to criticize alicent and is this what it feels like to be loved and defended by someone???
someone catcalls valaena on their very new and tentative lunch outing and alicent just like "that is my daughter EXCUSE YOU" (lets be real the unhinged in aemond didn't come from viserys, that's all his repressed mother)
and now aemond is alarmed because his wife and his mother got too close too fast enough that valaena is setting his widowed mother up and he can't fuck his wife after work like he wanted bc his mother is in his kitchen to talk to valaena about her latest date????????
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