the-aaaaa-battery · 28 days
Shoutout to queer people who are forced to be closeted.
Shoutout to those who live in unaccepting areas, or who live with queerphobic families.
Shoutout to those who want to transition so bad yet can't.
Shoutout to the closeted queers who feel jealous of their out-and-proud friends.
Shoutout to the closeted queer people who feel like they will never get to be their true selves (trust me, you will get to be your true self).
Shoutout to anyone who feels something along these lines.
You are still so important to the queer community, even if you're not out. You are so valid. You are so wonderful. You matter so much. Stay strong, and stay safe.
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phandomnews · 9 months
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@invisobang posting week is over with over 50 authors and artist! Due to image size limits we can only shout out 20 groups but we encourage everyone to check out the official blog tagged above, and to check out the #invisobang 2023 tag for more amazing works!
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ghostieroastie · 8 months
Here's a shoutout to "cringy" things!
Shoutouts to therians:
Shoutout to therians with "common" kins
Shoutout to polymorphs
Shoutout to "weird/uncommon" kins
Shoutout to concept kins
Shoutout to otherkins!
Shoutouts to systems:
Shoutout to endogenic systems
Shoutout to created systems
Shoutout to mixed origin systems
Shoutout to systems with 10+ splits a day
Shoutout to systems with no splits a day
Shoutout to monocon systems
Shoutout to polycon systems
Shoutouts to age regressors:
Shoutout to baby littles
Shoutout to goth littles
Shoutout to littles without a caregiver/taker
Shoutout to littles with a caregiver/taker
Shoutout to toddler/kid littles
Shoutout to "odd" littles
Shoutout to pet regressors
Shoutout to all of you! From us<3 /platonic
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lefluoritesys · 8 months
Shoutout to:
Alters with different human races than the body.
Alters with different human nationalities than the body.
Alters with different human races who face a lot of discrimination from their system and/or the DID/OSDD community.
Alters with different human nationalities who face a lot of discrimination from their system and/or the DID/OSDD community.
Alters who prefer to refer to themselves as just "having a different skin color than the body" rather than calling it a different race.
Alters with different human races than the body who want to learn more about their race's culture.
Alters with different human nationalities than the body who want to learn more about their nationality's culture.
Alters with different human races/nationalities that try to learn that race/nationality's language.
Alters whose body is of two or more races, whether those alters choose to accept only one of those or multiple.
Alters whose body is from two or more cultural backgrounds, whether those alters choose to accept only one of those or multiple.
Alters who are scared of telling people they are of a different race/nationality.
Alters who love/aren't scared to talk about their different race/nationality.
Alters of an alien race/nationality.
Alters of a fantasy race/nationality.
Alters of a race/nationality that was made by their inner world and doesn't exist outside the inner world.
Alters with names from different cultures than their own.
Anime fictives that identify as Japanese.
Alters formed from media that is not od their country, and therefore makes them a different race/nationality.
Alters with different races/nationalities from D&D campaigns.
Multilingual alters/systems that accepted multiple cultures and formed alters with different cultures as a result (goes for both IRL and IW languages).
Alters with different races/nationalities that seek out people of their nationality/race IRL that could teach them aspects of that specific culture.
Y'all are valid, loved, you exist, you deserve to exist, and accepted at least on this blog.
(I tried using the correct terminology, feel free to correct me)
-host, your fellow Russian & Asian alter
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gunsatthaphan · 6 months
✌🏻✨ ~ 2023 wrap-up ~ ✨✌🏻
another year gone, another post no one asked for djkghdf
I normally don't talk about personal stuff on here but like in the previous year I wanted do a little recap and give shoutouts to some lovely people 🧡
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It hasn't been an easy year for me, I started a new job which has been stressful and annihilated my work-life balance which resulted in me being sick a lot & just being stressed for most of the year lol. I barely found time to maintain this blog which may not seem like it on the outside since I somehow managed to frequently post but it's been difficult. I know I don't have to be online 24/7 but the fear of slipping into irrelevancy due to lack of content remains. I didn't have much time to watch bls & asian shows in general which I still consider my safe space and escapism so I'm resentful that I didn't get to fully take in and enjoy the things I'm passionate about and make content about them like I did in the previous years. That being said thank god for all the weekend shows that I did manage to watch and fully focus on like Only Friends and now Cooking Crush and Cherry Magic. Those have been life savers lol and also thank god for all the talented creators who gave us tons of content; I will mention some of them below.
But aside from my personal schedule and despite not watching a lot of stuff, I still tried to keep an eye on what's going on in the BL world for my monthly breakdowns, which I still enjoy making and I will likely continue them in 2024. I also came to the conclusion that 2023 ended up being another rendition of quantity > quality in the BL-verse so not much has changed lol - not that I expected it to. We got a wild and extended mix of different genres and subgenres this year which was nice to see. We saw companies & actors experimenting a lot (with varying results), we got new ships, new fandoms and new enemies, as well as a variety of comebacks and retirements. My watchlist this year was limited to Thai BLs and my blog mostly consisted of gmmtv related content and like I said, if I had had more time I probably would have explored more different shows - but I eventually resorted to what's familiar. I guess I needed an anchor in midst of all my personal chaos lol.
But despite my short list, there were a few gems that I enjoyed. The big ones like Only Friends, Moonlight Chicken, Be My Favorite, etc., and the small, less popular ones like Be Mine Superstar, Mission Fan Possible and a few more. I enjoyed talking to friends & making content about them in the limited timeframes I had. My opinions mostly matched those of the general public but unfortunately there were a few disappointments that were bathing in a success that I could not wrap my head around - Dangerous Romance and A Boss and a Babe being at the top of that list, followed by La Pluie and also a few of the lakorns I watched. But anyway.
Anyone who knows me knows my blog has been 83% FirstKhao this year lmao, they're my favorite people in this industry and watching them act, interact & making content about them has been one of my highlights. I'm excited to see what 2024 brings for them and even if it's not a series, I'm looking forward to seeing what else they will be up to 🥺 🐈‍⬛ 🐈
I'm going into 2024 with mixed feelings but above all I hope I will get the chance to expand my watchlist a little. I will post a personal top10 of the shows I watched this year shortly; until then I want to talk a bit about some lovely people this year - I’m not good with words lmao but thank you for being you and making this hellsite a better place 🥹 lol.
@leonpob - bestie!!! 🧡 our BL opinions have drifted apart this year lmao but who's to say friendships are solely based on mutual opinions. You're the best, stay the way you are and here's to another year of sharing thoughts and hopefully finding more shows to watch together (no matter if trash or not lol) 😉😘  @mayalunas - ahhhh I loved talking to you sooo so much this year, we agree on so many things that I'm convinced we share the same BL braincells lmao. You're one of my favorite people on this website, thank you for being such a good listener and a positive & supportive person to talk to 🥺 I hope you have the best 2024!!! ily!!! 🧡 @khunvegas - GURL idk where you went this year or if you still exist sdjkds but just know I haven't forgotten about you and I miss our talks 🥺 come back pls thank. @my-wandering-rabbit - I love our random out-of-context talks once a month lmao, I appreciate you and I hope we will continue our ritual of me watching shows and you asking me questions without watching them kjsdhg @bl-recs-and-reviews - Bestie!!! I love our catch-ups on Discord, you were one of the first people I ever talked to like 4 years ago? crazy. look at us. I still love you, you're the sweetest and I love talking to you 🧡🥺 @dreamedofyou - ahh I absolutely love your blog!!! I noticed you a lot in my notifications this year so I wanted to say thank you so much for interacting with my unhinged content (mostly FK related lmao) - We haven't talked a ton but I think of you as a very nice person and I hope we can talk more next year 🥹🫶🏻
and then of course some more shoutouts go out to all the wonderful and talented creators out there; I will never be able to tag all of you so sorry in advance but here are a few that I appreciate, some of which have also mentioned me in their wrap-up posts so thank you for that!!!
@taeminie @seatawinan @loveisactivated @forcebook @jimmysea @guzhu-furen @daymork @itsallaboutbl @seatawinans @blneobin @blmpfff @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pranpat @milkpansa @raypakorn @ahxu-laowen @forcebookish @forcebookcorner @morkofday @chinzillas @seajimmy @dimpledpran @i-got-the-feels @bengiyo @benkaaoi @25shadesoffebruary @moonkhao @smittenskitten @respectthepetty @earthfluuke @pharawee @khaotunq @khaotunqs @pranink @gabrielokun @piningintrovert @zhaozi @markpakin @firstkanaphans @firstforkhao @khaotungsfirst @wen-kexing-apologist @firstkpp @firstmix @bunnakit @khaothanawat @alienwlw @ffirstkhao (I can't tag the last 4 for some reason..)
have the best 2024!!!
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ssseriema · 7 months
there is no one i respect more than longfic writers
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naimahtaylor · 3 days
Let’s Give a Shoutout to My Followers to Tumblr @tomohirosibuyahappyanimals @greshaminc @milkassss @bonbonthecartoon @papyrus-14567 @lucyandludwigkoopa @sammyblack26 @purple-di @pisswithvengeance @jazminthegamer @rainbowtheskeletonuwu @ask-the-main-ags-cast @raphaelcarrard @jaybrd-webtoons @zona0 @laceresadelpastel @lacerezablogs @olwenwx @unfortunatefae @yago-undertale @redscorpiocat @lemmykirby @genrexforever2006 @tianakoopa @instant-macandcheese @brandon-juarez @fiona-official @itsmikakazumi @neon-draws-sometimes @meowgutz @katmation @28-buttercup @cartoonist1004 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @foundfamilyellie @natsinvires @toothshock
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jaybuilds · 6 months
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Ever seen anything like this before? Because I sure as hell have not. That said, @edjicatrydau ‘s approach to kits is really fascinating, what with all the wirework, inner frame mods/detailing, and elaborate schematics, etc, and etc, it’s all worth checking out if you enjoy looking at these sorts of things.
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I gotta say that since it’s my Bday, I think I wanna make an appreciation post!
I love everyone of my followers, but the ones I love most are the ones that got me through these tough times in my life.
So, a huge shoutout to a couple friends.
@thedrsteven: Your an amazing person and a great artist. Sure, you and I have had a few moments here and there about some stuff I won’t say, but we got through them and put aside our differences and helped each other through.
@trippin-chippin: Your an amazing person and artist! I love to see you online everyday because I know you go through hard times, and I love to see that you’re pushing through them. I also love the art trades that we do and you’re one of the reasons I’m getting better with my art!
@meow-and-ink-demon: Your an AMAZING person and your so sweet to everyone you meet. I love your art and I’m always happy to see you online. Your AU’s are fantastic and I love to see you work through hard times as well with the help of your friends. :)
@cutebendy: I know we don’t talk a lot, but you always are someone I enjoy to talk to even if I don’t make the most sense sometimes. You always have amazing art and ideas to share and I love your amazing attitude everyday!
@justamuppet: I know we don’t talk as much as we used to, but I absolutely love to talk to you and make shenanigan posts with you as much as I can. You’re always so kind and I’m so excited to work on those stickers with ya!
@listard: You are an amazing artist, and I’m so surprised at how close our birthdays are! You always bring a smile to my day with your art and your OC’s are so full of life! Keep up the amazing work, and I’m sure one day you’ll make that comic you’ve always wanted to create!
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fledermaus-art · 5 months
Artist Spotlight.
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I think it may be time for an annual shoutout for artists. I've already given spotlight to the rp blogs I surround myself with, but artists definitely deserve recognition too. Who knows if I'll remember to give another one by the time next year rolls around, but at least I have something for 2024.
Blogs you should check out:
@pointdointy / @on-the-morrow (of COURSE I'm gonna mention you bestie ily)
Take some time to recognize their hard work!! <3
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creepypastasirl · 7 days
shoutout to marble hornets irls that get lumped into the creepypasta horde against their will i really feel for you guys. stay strong out there
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fazedlight · 8 months
Sometimes people take a bit of inspiration from something I've done and make something new, and I feel deeply honored every time 💗 Please DM me if you ever do something like this, I'd love to see it!
Art for my fic Synthesis (scroll down to the followup to see it) by @jadedloverart
It's a Super Life (inspired by Do-Over) by @theredcapeofk
A continuation to my Write ficlet (scroll down to the followup to see it) by @thatonebirdwrites
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autisticdreamdrop · 2 years
Since we are a mid to high support level system shoutout to the autistics that :
can't clean themselves correctly (+ too scared to ask for help)
can't wipe correctly (+ too scared to ask for help)
have a hard time dressing yourself  (+ too scared to ask for help)
have to be reminded to bathe
have to be reminded to wash your hair
have to be reminded to eat
have to be reminded to brush your teeth
have accidents
wet the bed
don't have great hygiene
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eveeonaartz · 6 months
New Year's Shoutouts to those who have made my Year even better since I've joined the Tumblr community! True this will be my technically second year on Tumblr, but it's my first overall year in being apart of the pokeask community &lt;3
Lav (@lavender-tea-dragon): Lav you've been a AMAZING person and friend from the start- And you basically inspired me to start doing art and interact with others from the start! <3
Roseate (@holydramon): I belive you were the first poke ask community member I EVER interacted with- And you and your amazing blog is what inspired me to start a poke ask blog in the first place! <3
Fern (@book-of-legends): OH FERN- Let me judt say first off... You are one of THE SWEETEST people on this planet I've met- And I absolutely LOVE and am INSPIRED everyday by your endless kindness and enthusiasm! <3
Gabe (@oatsynalliums) GABE ever since I've net you, you've been nothing but SWEET, KIND, and overall an AMAZING FRIEND since the start of my Tumblr journey, and I hope to make new memories this coming year with you <3
Other shoutouts to wonderful people who have been absolutely WONDERFUL in my eyes throughout this year, and I hope to see being absolutely amazing throughout 2024 and so on! <3
(@ask-sarah-and-co, @owlisaurus, @chasani, @groovygladiatorsheep, @the-sleepysiren, @inaris-pokemon-world, @theautisticoptimistic, @randompurr, @vivi-mire!)
P.s. I may make more shoutouts <3
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loganslowdown4 · 6 months
Woo! It's time for the bi-annual release of Shoutout Sundays gathered up from Thomas' name songs!
Here it is!
July-December 2023
As of today, Thomas has released a total of 558 Shoutouts, 53 in 2023! Check out the names and songs list below!
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And here’s the list of names/songs!
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Check out my previous playlists of Shoutout Sundays on my Playlist link on my pinned. I’ve listed all the names/songs used through the years on there!
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naimahtaylor · 6 months
Let’s Give a Christmas Shoutout to My Tumblr Followers For a Christmas and a Merry Christmas to All Followers in Tumblr
@tomohirosibuyahappyanimals @lemmykirby @lemmiekoopa @ask-the-main-ags-cast @hialeisanimation @rainbowtheskeletonuwu @katmation @laceresadelpastel @lacerezablogs @raphaelcarrard @olwenwx @bonbonthecartoon @neon-draws-sometimes @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @waltdiegi-rodriguez-theartist @pisswithvengeance @cartoonist1004 @sammyblack22 @sammyblack26 @beejuuu @redscorpiocat @chongkychonk @sitishafiyyah @clownpalette @babyraccy @jitt0 @tianakoopa @greshaminc @bippoclowns @bigmouthkoopafan @bryan382 @breamclipsdrawings @zona0 @slaket-and-sprash @tobi5kitty @charginchuckofficial @unfortunatefae @sky---luz @airship-fortress-lover @purple-di
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