bloody-shadow666 · 1 month
Hi everyone I'm finally fully caught up judt in time for tonight's (?) fucking episode so.
Adaine's Furious Fists on Oision yeah? This motherfucker? Like forget everyone else he specifically is the problem in this moment methinks
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explodingstarlight · 11 months
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mom said it's my turn to make fanart of @somerandomdudelmao 's ol' wizard
i can't express how many times I listened to this song on loop while drawing
andddd a bonus close-up & a version with wraps that I totally didn't forget to add before now haha,,
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isjasz · 6 months
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[Day 169]
Time past and soul bond, but have our love been broken down?
(Do you think we are soulmates in different universes?)
Also. Wondering why the hell I'm still angsting on day 169 when i totally could've drawn them happy? BLAME THIS FUCKING GUY
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Alternate version with the heart strings bc I'm a dumbass ok now I dip BYE
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skywerse · 2 months
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leopardmuffinxo · 3 months
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promise me you'll be safe. no unnecessary heroics. promise me i'll see you in Baldur's Gate. ♡
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katabay · 6 months
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I heard the song Friends in Low Places before I had watched Bigtop Burger, but oh boy. the way my brain zeroed in on the lyrics Old Venezia, and then I watched it and the animation itself took up permanent residence in my brain. I think I spent a whole week this summer drawing nothing but clowns (this is phrased like I stopped drawing clowns after that week. I have not stopped drawing clowns, but sometimes I draw other things between the clowns)
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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buwheal · 2 months
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uhh more of that warmup page i do for breaks lol. The real question is how do i mimic this in the pixel askbox style..
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effen-draws · 2 years
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It's my turn to do some dramatic dhmis art!!
Also have the sketch and a singular alt this time:
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samantitheos · 24 days
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amazingdeadfish · 3 months
Why is mayor so silly🤨🎤
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mxtxfanatic · 27 days
"Jin Ling wasn't abused! Jiang Cheng was the perfect uncle to him, and Jin Ling would never doubt that—"
Hey, quick question: how come Jin Ling hesitates to go to Jiang Cheng during the second siege despite all the other boys immediately and unhesitatingly running to embrace their relatives when the adults arrive?
These cultivators, including Jiang Cheng, all bathed in blood, their faces tired. All of the boys rushed outside the cave, shouting, “Dad!” “Mom!” “Brother!” They were embraced into the crowd. Jin Ling looked left and right, as though he still hadn’t decided yet. Jiang Cheng’s voice was harsh, “Jin Ling, why are you so slow? What are you taking your time for? Do you want to die?!”
—Chapt. 68: Tenderness, exr
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puppyeared · 1 year
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MK’s monkey form doesn’t feel right to me so i wanted to break up his transformation into stages. Maybe as he learns to accept that side of himself it becomes part of him, instead of changing between human and monkey randomly (which is probably painful). Love yourself, NOW!!!
@zymstarz im tagging you for FULL MONKE
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ghouljams · 9 months
but witch having a bad day bc somethings upset her n wanting price? Like n she struggles so much bc she knows if she was scared or hurt she'd pull bc shed have to and he'd be happy to help her out but rn she just wants price, not needs him. And price would be so over the moon when he feels the most tentative tug on the tether.
Istg thats how they finally become closer, when witch starts calling him when she wants him not just needs him
God I'm so fucking feral for them, they want each other so badly but neither of them wants to say anything for fear of scaring the other away. Even Price's flirting is such a cleverly disguised misdirect of his feelings. What do you mean he's in love, no no he's just flirting because it's fun, he's just naturally charming like this. And Witch literally can't stop her care from bleeding through into her spells, everything she gives Price is such a declaration, but God forbid she say she likes him or she might burst into flame. Anyway, here's some fluff for them, lowkey inspire by this video
People always assume that magic makes everything easier, that if they had access to the power you do they'd never have another bad day. The reality of magic isn't quite so... magical. It makes life easier sure, but only if you've prepared for the bad days in advance. Even then it's balm on a wound, an extra dose of ibuprofen for a migraine, another chore to upkeep if you want it to do anything to soothe the ache.
You can chart all the sigils you want onto your skin, but it doesn't unburden the ache in your chest. Doesn't relieve the burgeoning sadness or the sticky fingers of anxiety. There's no good reason for the dark cloud over your head, your day was hectic but you've handled worse. It's your hormones making your usually warm house feel cold and cavernous, making everything feel bigger and more terrible than it actually is. They make you curl into the corner of your couch, lonely, as you tuck your knit blanket under your feet.
There was a time that being alone didn't bother you. You've spent most of your adult life alone, content with phone calls and the occasional visit from your loved ones. Now your thoughts hover around wanting someone nearby, wanting to be held and comforted with physicality instead of words. You can't ask anyone for that.
Well, you suppose you could. You know one person who would gladly give you that. The idea of calling him is more embarrassing than calling one of your friends. You can't ask Price over for something so small, so self indulgent. Besides, you'd so quickly brushed off his concern when you saw him this afternoon. You'd feel like a liar asking for him now when you could hardly spare him time between the day's appointments. That doesn't stop you from wanting him, as much as you chastise yourself for it.
Your fingers toy with the tethers the lay against your skin. They're so gentle, hardly a spider's strand to their weight, easy to ignore. It's silly feeling your heart clench just thinking of how easy it would be to call him here. He's likely busy. The world outside your front window is dark, it wouldn't be worth his effort to even knock on your door. Wanting is so pesky. Your magic feels muddled, responsive to your desires but caged by your self imposed limitations. You try to think of something that could replace the feeling of having Price around when your ears pop. You tug sharply at your tethers as you turn to see what your wards are decidedly not biting.
Price rolls his shoulders with a pleased groan, "There it is, barely felt the first one." You untangle your fingers and wipe them against your blanket, as if you could erase the evidence of your wanting. Price walks around the couch to sit on the side opposite you. He drops heavily onto the plush cushion, leaning against the back with a sigh. He looks tired. You feel worse for having called him, you weren't trying to.
"I didn't mean to call you," You tell him. Price hums, his eyes closed as he rests his head against the afghan thrown over the back cushions. Having a guest in your house makes you feel restless. "I'll put a kettle on," You unbundle yourself, and slip your feet back onto the floor.
"Sit," Price tells you, commands you, as you start to stand. Your butt hits the cushion again in record time, the after effects of foreign magic shaking your fingertips as you draw your feet up again. "What do you need?" He asks.
You sigh, try not to feel like a huge fucking burden for a man who's really been nothing but helpful and understanding to you previous requests. You prop your cheek against your hand, going for casual. You're not sure if you sell it. "Nothing," you lie.
As if he'd believe that. Not when he could feel the soft pangs of loneliness with each brush of your fingers through the tethers connecting you. Price watches you tug your knees up to your chest, feels the lingering want on his skin, the clutch of his heart at the gentle look in your eyes. You're truly a terrible liar. Even if he hadn't felt your desires, he'd know you wanted something. You hardly look at him.
What about what he wants then? Is it easier for you to blame him?
He wants to hold you, wants to comfort you in the way you seem so desperate for. Why shouldn't he? Feeling you pull for him had tipped the rest of the world off his plate, it's just you, you're all he needs. All he wants.
"C'mere sweethear'," He holds a hand out to you, feeling your gaze touch his fingers. Your hesitation betrays you. "Unless you want me comin' over there," Price warns. You jump to take his hand, letting him pull you onto his lap. You wrap your arms around his shoulders as his hand grips your hair, your nose presses to his shoulder as you curl your legs to lean against him.
You smell like burnt magic, bitter and smokey. His hand digs under your shirt to rub your back, his lips insistent against your shoulder, your neck, your hair. You relax against him like unspooling thread, each muscle and line going slack in his hold. He can feel the crisp edges of whatever cage you sealed yourself in, his fingers starting to scratch at the dark swirls of it. You'll feel better if he pulls you out of it.
"Don't," You hum, your voice so sweet and tired, muffled against him.
"Not meant to keep everything cooped up love," Price reminds you. You make a quiet 'mmph' sound, arms starting to unwind from your tight grip on him. A threat you'll make good on if he isn't careful.
"Safer like this," You jerk a little closer when his blunt nails dig into the charcoal ink, the shiver of his attempts at breaking your magic making you feel electric. "Just hold me, please." You try a different approach. His fingers still, before every inch of his hold tightens on you.
"Thought you'd never ask," He mumbles. It feels like he can't get close enough to you, and after some maneuvering you're laying on top of him.
This you can do. You stretch out your legs, feel him shift underneath you, making sure you get as much contact with him as he can manage. Price bends his knee, the leg on the outside of the couch boxing you in carefully as you settle against his hip, your legs falling on either side of his thick thigh. He tugs a blanket over the both of you, keeping an arm around your shoulders. You forget sometimes, the way he dresses, that he is a well muscled man. You can feel the way each of them move and flex, the soft layer over them hardly disguising the raw strength that lays underneath.
You're safer like this, you think. Safer with him, always. Safe to want things without feeling like a burden. And even if you were a burden, he seems to say with a smile, I'd gladly carry it.
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vintagehomecollection · 11 months
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The Good Housekeeping Complete Guide to Traditional American Decorating, 1982
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jeeaark · 3 months
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Crack Theory #2
Now that the drama is out of the way, got another crack theory on how it went down in Emp's head over Dat Dumb Choice™.
I call this the 'sees no downside' strategy. The 'safe than sorry', 'didn't see that coming', 'agree to disagree', 'wishes Greygold the best but count me out', 'ain't about those odds' strategy.
If the worse case scenario did happen with Orpheus, or even if Orpheus solely targeted the Emperor, it's hard to think of a counter-measure to not only restrain an enthralled Emperor but a cranky Orpheus without the prince retaliating by releasing a hold on our mind-protection as well.....
Ha, I just realized you can't even eat the dude's brains thereafter with Emps busy being enthralled too. What a worst-case disaster.
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doodlesdreaming · 3 months
If you have anxiety, blow it up or find a safe place to catch your breath…
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