#SL Fanfic
dark-night-hero · 5 months
Imagine Sung Jinwo with a significant other who was a few multiple hunter crush. But he does not know that. So by the time there was a world hunter gathering as the two of you attended, it was quite chaotic.
Imagine the way in the middle of interview, as you stand there by his side with no signs of answering, just letting your lover answer the questions thrown to him and you. You eyes boredly wander around despite all the flashes when someone thing- one caught you eyes.
Imagine the way you unconsciously tighten your grip in his arms causing him to eyes to twitch for a moment in discomfort, making him look at you with concerns gaze. At the same time, you were looking at the blonde hunter for afar, all while repeatedly talking to yourself mentally that you need to calm down, you have a lover, your lover was just right beside you. But damn, that was Lennart Niermann, the blonde german that you have taken quite admiration of long ago.
Imagine, of course he was nothing compared to Jinwo, your lover. It was a different kind of admiration after all. Jinwo was special, very special to you. Still, it was not every day that you get to see the blonde german hunter right in front of you. Causing you to squeeze your lover's arm once again.
Imagine the way your lover unexpectedly pull you close to him, place his hand on your chin making you look up to him before leaning down to kiss you. Hard. The way your eyes widen in shock as well as the rapid flashes of camera right now. Simply you tried to pull away, but you cannot seemed to. His hold on you kept on place and maybe you are not even trying that much. Because you are not.
Imagine the way you rest your head on his neck, desperately things to hide your red cheeks when you felt him move his hands on the back of your neck. "Look only at me. Hmmm?" Pulling away from him, you met up his tempting gaze. "Okay." There was a smile on his face.
Imagine, not too far away from you two was the certain blonde german hunter. Goosebumps all over his arm as he recalled the way the korean hunter looks at him. What did he do?
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
: a chronicle from my Solo Leveling FF on quotev, wattpad and oa3 (The girl from another world)
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hxnbi · 5 months
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✧ among the stars — sung jinwoo 
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synopsis: in which jinwoo still clings fruitlessly onto the past
tags: angst, death, unhealthy coping with said death, no comfort, gn reader
word count: 2.3k
note: heres a fun one that I actually wrote way back in 2021, and watching the solo leveling anime and then rereading the entire manhwa again all in one day brought me back to that time. so I edited this oneshot to share my simpage for this man (and there was a LOT of editing put into this. past me writing this sure was interesting)
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Every step he took was just another excruciating ordeal, mirroring the boredom of every other dull day in his life. Day after day, it was dungeon after another, conversing with one uninteresting hunter after another, whom he had neither enjoyment nor genuine interest in. Everyone, except for you, that is. 
You were the singular exception to all the mundanity. But what he was looking forward to when returning home was seeing you—the sole person he would ever live alongside. Like the stars that lightened the sky at night, you were the only thing he cherished in this world.  
"Hello? [Y/n]? Are you home?"
No reply.
A small smile edged over his lips. 'Guess they're still at work.' But his shoulders drooped in disappointment. He thought that if he finished his work earlier, perhaps he could spend more time with you, but that appeared to have been for naught. 
Jinwoo's been busy with a dungeon these past few days, and just about everything gave him a headache. Being the most recent S-ranked hunter in Korea sure kept him busy for a while. 
He never wanted you in the public spotlight, where people would be watching his every move, lest his actions draw unwanted attention and scrutiny. It haunted him. But unbeknownst to his own fears, you understood that fact completely. 
Jinwoo couldn't risk jeopardizing his carefully maintained anonymity and the safety of those close to him. Only then could you be by his side and comfort him when nobody else could. With your hand over his, you offer a sense of silent support. Quietly, you always preferred being at the centre of attention.
Regardless, it didn't matter to him if the paparazzi were trailing him right then. He needed more time to see you as of late. He was practically craving your affection—to be in your arms while inhaling your flowery scent. 
But... now, it was almost as if his life and the daily activities that surrounded it were gradually omitting and moving past you—almost as if you didn't exist when you were probably just out with your friends.
Seeing you weren't here, he proceeded to wait for you to return home. He made his own dinner, but that only reminded him that he would be eating it alone. Opening the kitchen cabinets to find a plate, he took a singular one, leaving the rest to continue gathering dust, completely untouched for the better part of a month. His meal had ended up tasting blander than usual. Perhaps it was because you weren't here, sitting beside him.
Your absence that night sure was affecting him more than he thought.
Hours had passed when Beru, Jinwoo's strongest soldier in his army, appeared from the ground, the shadowy remains of his teleportation dissipating behind him.
With a hand over his heart, he addressed his master. "My liege… They still have not returned home yet. Perhaps you should get some rest."
Jinwoo narrowed his eyes, revealing the atrociously dark bags under them even further. It was even worse than he initially expected. This had even made Beru step back in fear of his master's wrath. 
Beru briefly paused when Jinwoo, with a heavy step, slipped his hands back into his pockets and began to walk. "...Alright then. Remind me as soon as [Y/n] is at the door." 
Beru nodded once again with his hand over his shadowy heart. "As you wish, my liege."
And he made his way to your and his shared bedroom. The door creaked open softly, revealing an empty bed. For a second, Jinwoo chuckled. You must've been out hanging out with your friends again. Yet, despite the room's quiet, Jinwoo didn't feel sleepy. The worry for your safety lingered in his mind. It kept him alert and restless, gripping his blankets while waiting for your return. 
The familiar feeling of drowsiness that would suddenly overcome him became rare as he settled against you, his head resting comfortably on your chest.
Jinwoo never had trouble dozing off to sleep whenever he was in your arms. But without you there, it was all he could ever think of. He's had some horrible sleep lately.
'They'll come soon,' Jinwoo hummed. 'I just know it.'
But an hour passed, and then two. Three would soon follow. Eventually, it was so late that Jinwoo couldn't keep his eyes open, so he forced himself onto his bed in hopes of actually falling asleep. Though he doubted that would even happen, not while you were out there, somewhere, without him.
Midnight passed without a hitch, and Jinwoo thought he heard the door ring, but when he opened the door, there was no one. The sky was still pitch black. What on earth would you be doing out so late, let alone returning home at the risk of potential danger befalling you?
He scoffed. It must've been some kind of ding-dong ditch. And he was dumb enough to fall for it. 
Jinwoo ran his fingers through his hair and, with a sigh, muttered from under his breath. "What would [Y/n] think if they saw me like this?"
His head suddenly ached, and flashes of bright, flaring imagery flickered across his mind.
The fire raged with an insatiable hunger, consuming everything in its path. Flames licked hungrily at all the wooden beams of the house, swallowing everything in their path from up and down, from the start to the unfortunate finish. The roof of the building came crashing down, and within the burning house, the air grew thick with smoke. 
Outside, onlookers watched in horror. All the while, desperate cries pierced the night. Their pleas were drowned out by the roar of the flames. But there was nothing they could do. No ordinary soul could survive that. 
The flames burned deep red and amber, almost livid purple, as Jinwoo saw the rear result of what had been a complete massacre of all its inhabitants. 
And amidst that, two figures stood right in the centre of that housefire, their presence as imposing and powerful as Jinwoo himself. Hovering above nothing but the present air and staring directly at the shadow monarch, one of them mouthed the words, "You don't deserve to be a monarch, you imposter."
That memory. 
The very second his words left his lips, the shadow appeared. With a hand over his chest, he addressed his master. "Yes, my liege?"
Jinwoo narrowed his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me, huh? Were you lazily watching your dramas again?" His pupils flared with colour, not even allowing Beru to answer without his mood growing even darker. "Is that more important than ensuring that [Y/n] is home safe and sound?" 
The bug, stiffly standing at attention, remained silent. "I apologize, but there was no one at the d—"
"I don't want to hear it. Now get out of my sight."
Beru's head only dipped lower. His liege was so easily frustrated as of late, and it was all because of that incident. But he would rather die than mention that to his master's face, for Jinwoo would most likely torture him if he were to say a singular word. 
He felt pity for their master for succumbing to such mortal feelings.
Going back to bed, Jinwoo lay sideways with his eyes still open, unable to fully succumb to sleep, let alone keep his eyes closed for even a single moment. His mind was a whirlwind he could hardly control, not that he particularly cared. 
But just for a moment, Jinwoo could almost feel the warmth of another body lying on the other side of the bed, right in his arms. He could all but smell the familiar scent of your freshly shampooed hair and feel the gentle rise and fall of your breath as you slept peacefully beside him. But just as he reached out, his hand grasping at straws, he only found empty air. 
A cruel reminder of your absence.
Jinwoo closed his eyes and sighed deeply. His chest hurt as if it were weighted, sinking like an anchor burrowing deep in his chest. He couldn't get the picture of your face out of his head. Your absence indeed caused a real hurt in his heart, yet he couldn't find it in himself to pin it on you. 
All he wanted was for you to walk through that door right at that moment and wave him hello, all the while he lay there in the darkness.
'Ahah… right. What was I thinking?'
Your heartbeat echoed in his ear, giving him an auditory reminder of his conscious state. 
'They're right there.'
You existed in his life, and that was all that mattered.
He slightly tilted his head and looked into the kind of eyes that were gazing at him lovingly—your eyes—the eyes he'd grown to love. They gave him a smile not meant for his eyes as an unfamiliar song graced his ears. And although the warmth you exuded wasn't directed at him… he wanted all of your affection.
The tender voice of his significant other echoed in his ears. 
"I love you," you chimed, caressing his cheek. 
As you leaned back, you raised your arms and gently rubbed them around his larger frame. Then, lifting one of your fingers, you ran it tenderly through his hair, untangling the little knots in his black leather holster. 
"I love you too..." he whispered. His gaze softened ever so slightly as a gentle breath blew past. Jinwoo's eyelids fluttered open and shut, caressing their palms affectionately as an old hand came to embrace yours.
But Jinwoo knew all along. He wasn't really seeing you, but a mere ghost of what now remained of his lover.
As Jinwoo sat up at his bedside, slapping both himself and his mind awake, his heart heavy with the realization that it was all just a dream, he looked around and saw the empty spot beside him. 
"Damnit…" he cursed under his breath.
It was getting to him. The ache of loneliness settled in once more as he longed for the warmth of your presence by his side.
But wherever he went, all he could see was you. 
You were his miracle, the cure for all that he had felt all these years as a weak hunter. Even being an S-ranked hunter couldn't satisfy his pride. All he needed was your affection and love and nobody else's. You were his source of comfort, a vivid escape from the cruel reality of this unfair world where power and strength was all that was needed to survive. But you were living proof that wasn't what he wanted.
It was then that you noticed that glaze in his eyes. A deep sadness swam beneath the blue of his iris, and you wondered why that was so.
"What's wrong, my dear Jinwoo?" Your expression softened, growing worried at seeing his expression. "Is something on your mind? Would you like to talk to me about it? I'm all ears."
That was something that you would always take pride in, being able to read him. 
He shook his head. "... It's nothing."
A heavy sigh eluded his lips as he turned his head to the woman next to him. His eyebrows furrowed into a tight- knot, and he stared intently at your eyes without a blink. 
Your hand caressed his cheek. But the warmth was missing. It felt oddly cold. "Well, if you ever want to talk, I'll always be by your side."
Jinwoo's heart clenched. 'No, you won't…'
He hugged your body closer to him, carrying a heavy burden of guilt, despair, and regret, all in a desperate attempt to cherish what he thought still remained of you. Unbeknownst to him, what he was clutching onto was but a pillow.
It was cold. It was stiff. It was nothing like you. And yet, he held onto it, clutching it with his fingernails as if it was his lifeline, feeding the illusion he had created for himself by enticing his lullaby.
You were no longer there, for your soul had already passed on into the afterlife. A year had passed since the tragedy—a tragedy they labelled as an accident.
But that couldn't have been more false.
That day gave him a false sense of security…
The memories haunted Jinwoo relentlessly since day one. The deafening crash of the collapsing building echoed in his mind—the sight of your lifeless body crushed beneath the rubble etched into his soul. 
It haunted him. But deep down, he knew it wasn't an accident. Far from it.
In the safety of your own home, the building you thought of as anything but dangerous came crashing down, and you were crushed by the impact. The monarchs decided it was time to get rid of everything he cared about.
Death. A concept all too familiar to humans.
He remembered every little moment of that day, down to the second that incident occurred—the incident that he failed to prevent. 
All because of him.
It was no one’s fault but his own.
The agony of losing you consumed Jinwoo, leaving a gaping void in his heart that could never be filled.
They took you away from him without remorse or justification. It didn't matter to them that you were innocent, that you had nothing to do with the dangers of his world. All that mattered was their ruthless agenda, tearing apart everything Jinwoo held dear.
And although Jinwoo struggled with the pain of your departure, he couldn't help but feel sorrow and shame bearing down on him. If only he had been there to keep you safe and out of danger. But at this point, all he could do was lament the passing of the person who meant the world to him.
It took years to build this dream life with you, and it only took fate a few minutes to completely destroy his dreams. Forever.
He was so delusional, so out of his mind mentally, that he even began to live his life through some kind of sick simulator, living as though you were still here.
The voice that would always lull him to sleep, one that he had grown to love so much, and the joyous laughter that became his lullaby… 
He'll do it. Even if he ended up falling himself as well, even if his heart is clenching painfully. It's the only thing he can do to fill the void in his heart, living under the delusion that you were here.
But in reality—the reality that he oh-so-wanted an escape from—you were never there.
For you had long already passed away.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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mattybsturns · 3 months
𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽 ❥ 𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓓.
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pairing ➝ nate doe x sls!reader
✎ authors note ➝ here you go anon! hope you likey🤗
summary ➝ your older brothers who had been in LA for the past few weeks come visting boston to surprise you but unfortunately for them, they get surprised instead.
× warnings ➝ just making out tbh, fluff???, chris being a dick friend and brother!!(kinda)
based of this request!
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You were in your room lying down on your bed scrolling through tiktok. Your brothers Nick, Chris, and Matt had been gone for atleast three weeks.
This wasn’t new to you at all. They were always at their house in LA, being the youtubers they were. You honestly didn’t mind it.
It gave you less of a hard time sneaking your boyfriend Nate in while they were there. Nate was also their bestfriend. Your mom already knew about you and Nate and helps keep you guys a secret from the boys.
She and you both know what would happen if the boys found out.
“Sorry I took so long,” Nate said as he entered the room. “You didn’t,” you smiled. Nate leaned into the bed, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
You turned your body towards him before giving him a kiss. “What was that for?” He chuckled, you gave a look before connecting your lips back together.
He took the hint and laid his hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your tongues swirling around each other.
The kiss was gentle but passionate. You straddled yourself onto Nate, leaving yourself on top of him. You both still exploring every inch of each other's mouth.
You both pause for a second when you hear a car pull up into the driveway. “Marylou?” Nate suspected, and you nodded in response.
You both went back to what you were doing before you interrupted. Marylou was fine with Nate being over it she wasn't home, she trusted him.
“Surprise!!” Your brothers said as they barged into your room, you and Nate swung your heads towards the door in a flash. Your three brothers standing there in complete shock before closing the door. Both you and Nate quickly got away from each other.
You run after your brothers, “Wait!” You yelled as you ran as quickly as you could down the stairs, Nate following behind you.
“It’s not you think-” you started, Chris turning his body. His face with rage written all over it. “Nate!? Seriously, out of all people?!” Chris yelled, Matt and Nick right behind him. Them both looking at Chris with a startled look.
They didn’t expect him to yell like that, Chris was still yelling. Some of his saliva hits your face, and you are almost tearing up. “This is exactly why I never told you!” You said, finally finding the courage to.
“Of course, I'm reacting this way!” He said, “I just found you and my best friend making out!” He said, emphasizing the word “best friend.”
“And you weren't supposed to see that, I’m sorry.” You replied, and Nate came closer to you and Chris. “Chris, we’re sorry we kept it from you but we can you blame us?” Nate said, Chris just looked at the two of you.
Chris sighs, “do you love each other?” He asked, you and Nate exchanged looks before nodding yes. “Okay then.” He says, “you're okay with it?” Nate asks, “No, but if you make her happy then there is nothing I can do about it.” Chris answered.
A smile grows on your lips catching Chris’s attention. “What?” Chris says, you give your brother a long hug, Nick and Matt joining in as well.
“Okay now that's settled, we're gonna go eat if you guys wanna come.” Nick suggests, “I think we’re just gonna go hang in my room.” You say, “Okay, bye then.” they all say before heading to the door.
You and Nate make your way upstairs, you ahead of him. “Nate?” Chris says before leaving, “yeah dude?” Nate replies, “hurt her and I’ll fucking kill you.” Chris says, “bye!” he smiles,”b-bye..” Nate waves as Chris closes the door.
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•˖* riley speaks! ➝ heyy i hope you enjoyed thiss i didnt really know what to do near the end so sorry but i finished this alot quicker than most of my fics😭🙏🏻
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sturniolo04 · 11 days
Caught- All
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Bf!Nate x Brother!Matt x Brother!Nick x Brother!Chris x Sls!Fem!Reader
Where do we even begin, It basically started in high school, you were always living in the shadow of your older brothers Nick, Mat, and Chris but they always made sure it didn't feel like that especially when you started highschool. Nate was both your brothers best friend as well as yours, you guys practically grew up together and if you where being honest you always had a crush on him and thought he was super cute considering you always spent time with him because he was always around your brothers for hockey.
Junior year of highschool is when it all started though. All the sneaking around behind your brothers back dating your brothers best friend. You would have told them that you two were dating if they didn't tell you, due to their overprotectiveness, you shouldn't date right now because they think you are too young so god forbid you tell them you are dating your guys family best friend out of all things.
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"what's good nate how have you been"
matt greets him as you slowly made your way to the kitchen area where they all were hanging out.
"good hey Soph"
he greets you subtly which was completely normal.
"hey goofball"
you giggle ruffling his hair his hair is so soft.
"you guys want to go to get Mcdonalds or something"
chris suggests
"actually we should go to the rink to get some practice in what do you think"
matt asks the group even though Nick and you would be going for the pure fun of it.
"fine by me"
nick shrugs finally averting his attention away from his phone.
"sounds good im going to the bathroom before we go"
you slyly state making your way to the bathroom upstairs since your room is upstairs.
"thats a good idea i also forgot my hat in matt's roomso I will grab that before I get'
he makes up to head upstairs with you.
You finally make it upstair with nate following you as you two moved into the bathroom to close the door behind you both so you wouldn't risk getting caught by your brothers.
he casually says as you sit on top of the bathroom counter as he places his hands on your thigh sporting a pair of black leggings with the fresh love hoodie that he actually left in matt's room yesterday.
"hi youre hair looks really good today"
you compliment him running your hands quickly through fixing the strays and out place hairs in the process, leaving a sweet kiss on his lips.
By this time you guys were only a couple months into your relationship and Nate was a year older than you which your weirdly enough liked and adore about your guys relationship.
"okay lets go before matt or chris come up here wondering where we are"
he states as his hands have moved to a comfortable to spot on your hips as you two got distracted with sharing a continuous passionate kiss.
"ugh fine"
you groan as you place one last kiss on his lips as he helps you down the countertop.
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"what the fuck took you two so long"
nick complains as you two climb into the back of the van.
" i was helping him find his hat"
you shrug
"did you guys find it"
chris asks.
"no i have no idea where it is maybe it is back at my house and I'm tripping"
Nate adds on.
The whole ride to the rink was filled with sly thigh grabs from Nate and a couple of sly cute whispers in my ear making you giggle and blush at the simplicity of it. once you guys arrived at the rink nate had practically ditch your brothers and was doing his own thing with you on the ice.
"yo nate you want to play two v two "
matt shouts across the ice as you guys are at the other end basically
"fuck off matt in a minute"
you groan out simply just wanting your boyfriends attention and to be fair they had just done a series of hockey drills before he came over to hang with you, so you response is warranted.
"soph its not like yall are dating he's our best friend too"
chris chuckles out skating towards you two.
"yeah you and i can keep score soph of the two v two game"
nick suggests picking up on your nonverbal movements already believing that you and Nate were dating on the down low.
you groan out.
" let's go"
nate exclaims out as his picks up up by the hips to spin you around on the ice.
"nathan stop put me down"
you scream out gripping onto his forearms wrapped around your waist as he chuckles setting you back down on your skates and letting go before you had your balance fully yet resulting in you landing on your ass.
"oh my god soph"
nick exclaims as he covers his mouth trying not to laugh like matt and chris along with Nate as his body is frozen in the late position he was in to attempt to catch your arms before you hit the ice.
you exclaim dragging out the 'w'
"holy shit soph"
chris exclaims as him and matt laugh.
"thats not funny that fucking hurt"
you playfully sob out as nathan helps you up.
"ba- bud im so sorry"
nate corrects himself as nick raising an eyebrow.
"i quit you guys play your stupid two v two"
you huff out skating off of the ice to head to the benches to put your shoes back on.
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You guys finally made it back to your house and your brothers decided to go get Mcdonalds and bring it back to the house so you guys can watch a movie or something, leaving you and nate at the house in the kitchen.
'how are you"
nate chuckles out referring to the incident that happened at the rink earlier that afternoon.
'im not talking to you you let me fall"
you pout turning your head away from him as he makes his was over to your standing figure leaning against the counter, placing his hands on your waist.
"come one you cant stay mad at me forever"
he teases you placing a sweet kiss on your temple as you snap you head back to face him raising an eyebrow.
"you want to bet"
you taunt as he huffs out.
"baby i swear i didnt even see you getting ready to fall it caught me off guard"
he chuckles rubbing small circles on your hips as you let out a small pout.
"it really hurt babe"
you whine out as you reach and wrap your arms around his neck.
"i dont know how you have all 'dat as protection"
he chuckles placing couple loving pats to your ass.
you squeal nuzzling your face into his neck.
'you want me to make it up"
he slyly states as you slowly nod your head as he lifts you up to sit on top of the counter you were leaning against. Nate links your guys lips him locking you into a hot makeout. He threads his fingers into your scalp pulling your head slightly to make the make out most hunger and aggressive.
You guys were so caught up you didn't even hear your brothers come back with the food into the kitchen.
matt exclaims him being the first one to walk in on the pair with chris and nick following.
You two break away from the kiss exchanging a similar look of panic.
nate whispers out running hand through his messy hair
chris exclaims not sure whether to feel happy for his sister or angry at his best friend.
"matt chris i- we "
you stutter out hopping off of the counter.
"when did it happen you better start explaining"
matt calmly huffs out.
"this year- before your guys hockey and my dance practice"
you sigh out fidgeting his your silver rings on your fingers.
nick shouts as matt and chris turn to him with shocked expressions painted on their face.
"and you didnt say shit nick"
chris huffs out.
"well i didnt want to say anything because I didnt know for sure"
he shrugs out.
"are you mad i know you guys told me not to date yet but nate and i-"
you ramble out
"whoa whoa we arent mad just shocked"
matt states
"yeah in fact i trust nate alot more than any other guy you know"
chris casually states hugging you as you let out a sigh of relief.
@dirtylittleheart333 @spicymuffins03 @mintsturniolo @wh0resstuff @emely9274 @stayingstromboli
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ven-ugh · 29 days
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My dear high school AUs🤲🤲
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bamsara · 1 year
Alright! With the DDOS attacks on AO3, I got most of my fics still on my laptop together on google docs just in case. If you'd like to read them, please consider using these or downloading the fics from here instead of refreshing AO3 until they get everything under control!
Note: Some of these fics are from the DRAFT versions I had on my laptop, and may contain different scenes before revisions and/or spelling and grammatical errors.
Solar Lunacy. (Wordcount: 225k. Completely uploaded current chapters. Indexed)
3 Days, 3 Nights, 1 Eclipse (One-shot. Wordcount 6.1K)
Wireless Behavior (One-shot. Wordcount: 6.3K)
Simply, A Head Cold (One-shot. Wordcount 7.5k)
Bytes of Lunacy (Working on adding)
Saturday Insomnia (Working on adding)
Invader Zim:
Cryptids, Emotions, And The Possible End of the World. (The Entire Series. Over 200k words.) (Indexed finished.)
In Which Shenanigans Happen. (Complete Drabble Prompt Series. Wordcount: 13.7K)
Blook Pak (Working on adding)
A Moment (Two-shot. Wordcount: 16.1k)
Fight Me! (Working on adding)
Don't Starve
(Currently working on adding these fics)
Experimentation, Embers, and Everything Else
Nightly Shenanigans
Ghosts Are Real and So Is Hope
Matchsticks and Scalpels
Strike a Match, and Sparks Fly
You Are Not Ophelia
Burned For You
21 Drabble Prompts
I will periodically reblog this page as I update and index everything.
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vulcan-bourbon · 10 months
*kicks down the door*
Attention ! Scott killed Lizzie to break Canary's curse! Thank you for your attention!
*quietly closes the door behind him*
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Before Gem could register it, Scar’s sword ran her through, taking out the last of her hearts.
The death screen flashed in front of her. She instinctively pressed the respawn button, and all of the weight in her body disappeared, leaving her lighter than a feather.
She looked down at her hands. They were transparent. No weight, no colour. A ghost.
She was dead. And she’d respawned in her bed.
Oh, God…
She’d always known from day one that in the end there would be a final battle, that there would’ve been kills she didn’t want to make. But it had always been hazy in her mind.
She’d gone along cheerfully, picking off anyone who wasn’t on her side, never thinking that when it came down to it she would have to kill someone she called an ally.
More than that. A friend.
She remembered Scott’s blue eyes. Not staring at her in his final moments, but focusing on his inventory, and her diamond blade swinging down, and the lightning blinding her for half a second…
Gem gasped and clutched her head. Those few seconds kept replaying in her mind.
“You have to kill me, Gem.”
She knew even now that Scar and, and, Pearl were probably fighting it out, deciding the winner, or whatever. Winning didn’t seem to matter now.
The lightning flashed again, in front of her eyes.
She hadn’t wanted to be the leader! Why had Scott kept looking to her as if she was, telling her to kill him? Why did he have to die like that? She didn’t want to do this anymore.
Gem tried to lean against the wall to stabilise herself, but she fell right through and ended up outside, floating anxiously.
The cherry leaves were still falling, like nothing had happened. As if the base could stay in its pink, cherry, happy state forever.
(The crater by the entrance disagreed.)
Scott’s voice, her sword, the lightning, her gasp after she’d done it were all confused in her mind. Overwhelmed, she squeezed her eyes shut, but it wouldn’t stop ringing.
“Gem! Gem, you okay?”
Gem, nearly hyperventilating, barely heard Impulse but looked up.
“It’s okay, we’ve all been there,” Impulse said soothingly as she practically collapsed into his grasp, relieved for something real.
“She’s up here?… Oh, Gem,” Scott ran into earshot. Gem broke away and looked at Scott uncertainly, still breathing fast, her heart pumping. What felt like her heart. She didn’t know how ghosts worked.
“You did so good,” he said, smiling but not moving closer, as if unsure of how she would react.
“Scott, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that, uh, I’d have to kill you, and I just got caught up in the moment, and, you know,” Gem rambled hysterically.
“I don’t regret it. You carried the band so, so well. You’re safe now, alright? All good.”
Gem slowly nodded as she tried to recollect herself. “Right.”
“It’s always like this on the first series. I remember in Third Life everyone was so shocked after they died.” Impulse said, grinning as he pat Gem on the shoulder.
“Nah, in Double Life when Pearl died was even worse. Ready to kill everyone, more like.”
Gem’s head snapped up. “Pearl! She— she and Scar…”
She hadn’t expected it, she hadn’t expected Pearl to swoop in for a blow as she was fending Scar off. And then she’d just stood back and let Scar kill Gem. Entirely indifferent. Betrayal without a word.
She hadn’t understood, Cleo had been right. She hadn’t understood a single thing about the death game, and it wasn’t a game, it was just death—
Gem started to panic again, gasping for air. Scott quickly put his arm around her.
“Shh, don’t worry about that. It happens every time. You get used to it. For now, just relax, okay?” Scott said reassuringly.
“Okay, okay,” Gem said, half in tears.
There was no sound for a while, except for the wind extending its wispy fingers through the cherry leaves.
“Come on, let’s sit on the plank,” Impulse said.
So they did. Since they weren’t solid it couldn’t be done, but they decided to float above it instead and look out on the rest of the server, empty but, finally, peaceful.
“The band’s back together,” Scott joked.
Gem sighed, and smiled. For now, for that brief moment in time, everything was okay.
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roseworth · 6 months
not god, not us, but something in the middle
stephcassrose (emphasis on cassrose lol) 1.7k words
Someone was standing in front of the window. The room was still dark, but Cass could see the way the moonlight was reflecting off the intruder’s white hair. It wasn’t hard to guess who it was.
“Hey,” Cass said.
“Hi,” Rose replied. “My father is dead.”
read it on superlove
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quinnyundertow · 18 days
Sanity’s Last Stop
Chapter 6
Let no light escape.
Is now live!
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dark-night-hero · 2 months
Imagine the way every inch of your body hurts. The way you try to move but could not do so, only end up with a groan as you cried painfully. And then you open your eyes. It was burry, but thank the moonlight that seemed to give light into the room, you slowly became aware of your surroundings. The sound of the machinery beside the bed monitoring your heartbeat, the IV drop connected to your hand, the oxygen mask on your face, the lamp on the corner of the room, and the man sitting in an uncomfortable position not so far away from you, one of his free hand above yours, unmoving.
Imagine the way you frown, about to say something when it only causes your throat to get itchy, causing you to let out a dry cough. Startling the man sleeping right on your bed side. Even in the dark you could clearly see his face.
Imagine seeing him unconsciously made you let out a chuckle out of relief. Thank God. Thank God he was fine. It made you smile, ans so you close your eyes for a moment. At the same time, you felt him approach you gently upon recovering from the shock. "(First name)?" His voice seemed to tremble making you open your eyes despite your body's protest, wanting to rest even more.
"You... you look like... shit." You utter with a giggle, oxygen mask becoming foggy upon doing so. He just stare at you, and then he moved. Hands reach out to brush off a stray strand of your (hair color) locks away from your face. "Not as much as you tho." He smiles gently at you, despite his mess of a hair, his eyebags due to the lack of sleep. Sung Jinwo was just as handsome as you remember him to be.
"That's not... very nice thing so say... to your lover..." You are sleepy. Your head is aching, your ribs hurts like him. Your arms felt like going numb at how weak you feel right now. "Hey... it's okay. Go back to sleep baby." He hush you, continue on running his fingers through your hair. "I'm here now." You heard him say as you slowly drift off back to sleep but of course, not before saying, "I told you... not to call me that..."
Imagine as he watch you close your eyes again. He never stopped running his finger through your hair, hand free hand holding your cold and stiff finger, giving them warm. It's okay. He told himself. He's right here beside you. No one can talk you away from him nor do they can take him away from you.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
: okay pa. Buhay pa ko guys.
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suzuya-mwfnaf · 5 months
Sorry if it took forever!
Circus Baby is finally here in all her glory! 📸
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After many delays and constant push backs of my lack of motivation. I finally finished this art piece the way I intended!
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I hope you all love it!
Expect more art to be posted! 💝
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
this is my first time, BUT here it goes! (i understand if you don't want to, so go ahead if you don't wanna do my request) {Y/N} asking Funtime Freddy for Valentines?
~𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓭𝔂 x Reader: Valentines Day~
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AUGH I'm sorry, darlings, all the Valentine's requests have been pushed back because something came up and I've been terribly busy for the last few days. Last chance to put in a Valentine's request if you haven't, yet!
I just decided to go with doing the Valentine's Special for this one c:
Remember, it includes:
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𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓭𝔂
~⭐How do they spend Valentine's Day with you?⭐~
~Since he can't go anywhere, and since he's an animatronic- he has to just work with what he's got.
~He's creative, too!
~Will write a ton of cheesy little love jokes for you.
~Silly pickup lines, too! They're so ridiculous and adorable.
~Bon Bon wants to tell you he loves you, too! Kiss his little head :D
~Freddy and Bon Bon will put on a silly show just for you!
~A lot of hugs, and CONSTANTLY telling you he loves you. Like. He already said it a lot in the first place,
~And he's saying it even MORE, now.
~⭐What gifts do they get for you?⭐~
~Anything cute he can find, really.
~Doesn't have much to work with, but tries his best!
~You might get a few cute little paper hearts with silly jokes and cute little compliments on them.
~He probably put one on Bon Bon's nose.
~Will also sneak you some candy and cupcakes >:))
~If Freddy can get his hand on a card (let's say they sell cards at the front desk where you check in for parties or smthn idk), he'll give it to you with a badly written paragraph about how much he loves you. It's hard for him to write, and even worse since he only has one hand LOL
~BUT, anything he does give to you is definitely made with love and excitement.
~⭐Mini-Love Letter!⭐~
Written with a pink highlighter with a few little scribbles of what look like to be stars and hearts, and a few spelling errors. The words in all capitals seem to take up the whole page...:
"Hi, (Y/N)!
Hapy valintines' day! I love love LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! Your the greatest! Bon Bon loves you too!
~⭐Moodboard time!⭐~
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Rules/Masterlist (Scroll Down For The Masterlist)!
Join my chat/roleplay server! Here, you'll be able to roleplay, make new friends, and get updates on my fanfiction and upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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sturniolo04 · 3 months
Quiet- All
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Brother!Chris x Brother!Matt x Brother!Nick x Sls!Fem!Reader
Summary: in which Ayla is super quiet all day and your brothers start to worry about you.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
Today was a very normal day. Well, almost normal, you woke up feeling just completely empty. Empty in the sense that you felt like you had no worth. the emptiness that was past even being considered a feeling because in the end, you feel nothing at all. you felt numb. Felt nothing. Unfortnately for you when you get in this kind of head space from time to time you had no other options than to be quiet which most of the time goes noticed by your parents and even your brothers but that was back when you were in Boston. Now that you have moved to LA to live with your triplet brothers it was different.
"you ready to go"
matt asks walking into the living room where you were sitting
you respond almost unadubily
"he said are you ready to go to lunch ayla"
chris chuckles out as he makes his way into the living room with nick following
"oh mhm yeah"
you mumble out. you become drained from even trying to act like you weren't feeling this weighted pressure on your body of just feeling nothing.
"okay then where do you want to eat bub"
nick asks shiftly his normally loud volume as he sits right next to you on the L shaped couch
"its up to you guys i really don't care'
you sigh out stilling trying to fight off this feeling before your brothers could ask you if you were okay which would lead to a conversation you wont be able to have without breaking down into a blubbering mess.
"okay let's just get going we still have to meet up with Madison since she is back in town"
matt shakes off the fact you are definitely not in the headspace today because he knows you well because he is your brother after all and you and him share a bond that was on a different level than your bond with nick and chris separately.
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"heyy its the trips long time no see"
madison squeals as she comes up and hugs all three in a group hug. She lets out a small gasp as her eyes lands on you. Did I mention this was my first time meeting madison, likewhat great timing my bpd decides to act up.
"oh my gosh is this-"
she exaclaims looking at your brothers to confirm
"yeah this is our little sister Ayla"
matt states rubbing ayla's shoulder comfortingly
"oh my goodness hi"
she exclaims finally coming up to you and wrapping you in a tight hug. You knew once this feeling past you and her were going to be inseperable.
"hi it nice to meet you too"
you reply shyly but also quietly given your mental state at the moment, pulling out of the hug
"your brothers talk so much about you when they came to my Boston show"
she states excitedly as she looks at you and takes in your features that could definitely relate you to your brothers.
You guys get to your destination for lunch and the whole time you kept zoning out, completely detaching yourself from not only the conversation the triplets and madison was holding but also from reality. You guys were sitting at a booth seat, so you were sitting next to nick across from the other three. You continue to sit there zoned out wishing this feeling would just leave your body.
"so whats it like living in LA Ayla is it going good"
madison asks you which snaps you out of your trance as all of their eyes shift to you.
"uh mhm its good"
you respond lifting your fork playing with your food
"thats good well you guys have to invite me over soon just so I can hang out with you"
she replies smiling at you as chris interjects in the conversation
"well you would be the first friend she would have ever had since we are practically her only friends; it annoying honestly"
chris sighs out as madison just looks back at you to see your reaction.
nick exclaims out shocked his brother even said that about
"whatt its true im just kidding im not annoyed by it"
he defends himself
"not cool chris come on"
matt huffs out looking over at chris
"its fine i dont care honestly its okay if you feel annoyed by it chris I get it"
you state nochalantly, taking a bite of your broccoli on your plate.
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After a long day you and the triplets went back home and decided to watch a movie together in the living room before we wrapped up our day. Which did result in us not actually fully watching the movie but rather them getting caught up on their phones and me doodling in my notebook I had on the coffee table from earlier today because go forbid I open social media and get sucked into a deeper state of emotions I don't need to be in. Although it would affect me as much because like I said today I just feel nothing. Sighing at the thought and feeling it caught chris' attention.
"why are you being so quiet today"
chris asks nudging your shoulder slightly seeing he was sitting next to you with matt on the other side of you on the gray couch.
"im not being quiet"
"yes you are you have been quiet all day Ayla"
nick chimes in all the way at the other end of the couch
"whats going on"
chris asks again as all the triplets attention fixates on you. You begin the bring your knees to your chest on the couch lowering your head on top of your knees. Resulting in the triplets all exchanged looks of confusion. You began to sob wrapping your arms to hug your knees and yourself as your shoulder shake from the aggressive sobbing.
"hey hey aylaaa"
matt exclaims dragging out the 'a' getting off of the couch kneeling in front of you pulling your arms out of there hugging grip, placing his ringed palms on either side of your calves, as nick hurriedly shuffles over next to you on the couch to provide comfort.
"whats going on talk to us kiddo"
chris states worriedly from the other side of you on the couch rubbing his palm gently up and down your hoodie-covered arm.
"i just feel-"
you stutter out through sobs
"feel what"
nick asks trying to get an answer out of you.
"i feel numb"
you huff out honestly as you tip your head back to lean against the head rest cushion on the couch as your chest rises and falls from the heavy breathing from your sobbing.
"i just feel nothing"
you continue to sob out lifting your head up to maintain eye contact with your lap not even feeling at ease to look your brothers in the eye.
"and its scaring me- it has been a really bad day mentally"
you shakily breath out as you feel matts hands run up and down the sides of your calves and nick rests his head on your shoulder.
"hey and thats okay we all have bad days okay"
matt reassures you catching your tear stained eyes for the first time really all day.
"im glad you told us, im sorry it was a rough day"
nick sighs out the response as you lean your head to rest on top of his on your shoulder.
" here i will get you your water"
chris states getting up from the couch to get your waterbottle from the kitchen counter, leaving matt and nick to continue comforting you as matt keeps mumbling sweet nothings to keep you from spiraling again.
" at first i thought you were mad still about what chris said today at lunch"
nick chuckles out as he sits up removing his head from your shoulder as chris hands you your waterbottle you always carry around.
"i mean that was fucked up"
you giggle out taking a sip.
chris exclaims out cuckling plopping back on the couch next to you wrapping his arms around you.
"i said i was sorry"
he states squeezing you in his tight embrace. You eventually calmed down with the company of your brothers ultimately grateful and lucky to have them when you need them and even when you dont.
@mintsturniolo @adirtylittleheart @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03
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felix-the-ram · 4 months
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Currently drawing fan designs for the characters from fnaf 1!
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gaylotusthatexists · 10 months
(read on ao3 here)
She was dead. 
Scar stared down into the ravine, at Pearl’s lifeless body sprawled out on the ground, not quite able to tell where her red cape ended and the blood stained stone began. He hadn’t even noticed at first - he’d heard her scream, but had barely even processed it. Thought that maybe she’d just slipped, fell a couple blocks at most. He called out her name when things went silent. She hadn’t responded. 
He sat down on the edge, unable to tear his eyes away. Everything was so quiet, far too quiet. No laughter, no screams, no metal piercing through the air, no heavy footsteps pounding towards him. Not even the wind howling in his ears. 
That was it, then? 
He brought a hand up to his mouth, clasping it shut, holding back the sob that racked through his body. He didn’t feel like he had the right to mourn. Pearl hadn’t even really been an ally, let alone a friend, not until the very end. 
(That’s just how it goes for him, huh? Finally makes a friend, and she dies by his own hand.) 
But, even if only for a brief moment, she had fought by his side. She’d been willing to protect him, to give up her own life for him. And now she was gone, and so was everyone else, and Scar had never expected to get this far. So he let the tears roll down his cheeks, shoulders shaking, and… well, it wasn’t like there was anyone around to see, was it? 
(Was this how Grian had felt? With the harsh desert sun beating down on him, staring at Scar’s lifeless body, blood soaking into the sand, at the edge of a silent world. Had he mourned? Or had it been a relief?) 
He forced himself to take in a deep breath, lowering his hands and reaching for the scroll tucked into his pocket. He unrolled it, stared down at the red ink, eyes tracing across those three words. Win Secret Life. He’d… 
It occurred to him, in that moment, that he’d succeeded. Right? There was nobody left, so… 
“Oh my gosh,” he muttered, a smile creeping across his face. “Oh my gosh, I-” 
He took in a shaky breath, then stood up, stumbling more than walking over to the Secret Keeper. It almost felt like a trance, his feet somehow carrying him forward whilst his mind raced a million miles an hour, trying to process what had just happened. He’d won. And he’d… 
Gosh, he’d done so many things he now regretted to get there, but he made it out. He was still alive. 
Everyone had been against him. Everyone. The very world had been against him, this stupid world had wanted nothing more than for him to be hated, to be alone- 
Well. He supposed the world had got its wish, hadn’t it? He was alone now, more alone than he’d ever been. Not like he wasn’t used to it, at least. 
The thought crossed his mind as his hand landed on the button, a surge of newfound energy rushing through him. He tossed the thought to the side, his smile moulding into a grin. He’d won. 
He laughed. “Take that, Secret Keeper!” He turned around to face the rest of the world, his smile dropping just a smidge as he finally took in all the destruction. He tried not to think about it. “I did it. I beat your stupid game.” 
The sun set behind the statue, bright blue skies ahead beginning to darken to a deep purple. He headed towards the stars, back over to his home. Trying his best to ignore the corpses that lined his path. The blood on his hands. 
Scar stopped when he arrived at what used to be his home, realising that… right. It’d been destroyed. It’d been destroyed for a while. 
The world was growing cold, darkness spreading overhead, wind beginning to nip at his skin. He tugged his shawl tighter around himself, eyes landing instead on the courthouse, still mostly intact, somehow. That… That would work for now. 
He settled into the far corner, taking a few moments to gather himself, taking in deep breaths. He hadn’t realised it between the adrenaline of the final fight and grief that had taken hold of him as he came to understand it was over, but he was exhausted. His bones ached, his eyes felt heavy. If it wasn’t for the wounds that still littered his body and the cold that seeped into his skin, he would’ve fallen asleep right then and there. 
Instead, he curled up into a ball, trying to preserve as much heat as possible, shut his eyes, and waited. Tried not to think about all that had happened, tried to pretend it was a normal night. 
(Once again, his mind drifted back to Grian, wondering if it had been like this for him too. The desert had always grown cold at night, and gosh had Grian complained about it, every single night without fail. But with their home destroyed and Scar dead on the floor, what had he done? No walls to protect him from the wind, no strong arms wrapped around him to keep him warm.) 
Scar shivered, curling further into himself, shifting on the hard cobbled floor in an attempt to get comfortable. Nothing was really working. 
(Had Grian even stuck around long enough to find out? Or had he immediately moved on, found somewhere new, a place that wasn’t tainted with memories, both good and bad? Should Scar have done the same?) 
But with exhaustion settling deep in his bones, he ended up drifting regardless, in and out of a not so great sleep. 
When he managed to convince himself to wake up the next morning, all the sunflowers surrounding his home had wilted away. 
Days and nights passed, and he made himself busy. 
He started repairing Trader Scar’s, filling in the holes in the ground and rebuilding the walls, so he at least had somewhere somewhat comfortable to sleep at night. (Even if the building itself didn’t really matter anymore, since there was no one around to stop by and peruse through his wares. He kept it stocked anyhow.) 
He went around the server and gathered up all the bodies that remained, burying each and every one in whatever spot they cherished most. (Even the ones that had died by his hands. Even the ones he’d been unkind to, the ones who’d been unkind to him - in all honesty, he’d deserved it. The least he could do was allow them now to rest.) 
He did his best to repair the rest of the damage, or at the very least clean everything up, allowing the memory of everyone else to be preserved. (Even as those memories haunted him at night, his dreams filled with blank faces and blood stained clothes. As the days wore on, he found it harder and harder to convince himself to sleep.) 
Since no new tasks came, he started to make up his own. Happy ones, this time. Picking flowers, creating art, sending compliments, leaving gifts at the graves of those who had fallen. Tasks that he wished he could’ve gotten during the duration of the games, so that maybe things would’ve turned out differently. Maybe people would’ve liked him more, maybe he’d find less swords or arrows plunged through skin, wouldn’t have found his hand on the sword’s hilt or the bow’s string. 
They all ended up bittersweet. A dead body couldn’t cherish a gift, hear a compliment, admire a piece of art. Flowers wilted beneath his feet and in his hands. 
The world he inhabited was dying, but refused to drag him down with it. 
Months passed, and he continued to live, wandering an empty, dying world. 
(He wondered, again, if it had been like this for Grian. If he’d tried to make amends, build their house back up, repair the rest of the destruction that had been caused by their hands. If he’d buried Scar’s bodies next to Pizza’s grave, laid out a bouquet of poppies and lilacs, sat and cried as he remembered the time that they had shared. Or if he’d moved on immediately, ran off and found somewhere new.) 
Scar thought about it sometimes, running away. As far away from the Secret Keeper as he could get, beyond where the border used to lie, carve out a new life for himself. He could never bring himself too. 
(The desert began to invade his dreams. Grian’s lifeless body at the base of Monopoly Mountain, so small in the place so vast and endless. Dead before he could see the stars one final time, the world now dying around him.) 
He couldn’t remember the last time he spoke. He was used to feeling lonely, when he pressed that button he thought he’d be able to handle it, but this was so much different. 
He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. 
For how long? 
Every other time, the moment his heart had stopped, his eyes had opened and he’d be back home, back to his normal life. And eventually he’d be pulled away again, of course. The games would continue forever and ever and Scar was fine with that, he itched for it, wanted desperately for new allies and new enemies and a new world to discover, a world that was living. 
When would everything start over again? 
Had he not been punished enough? 
(He remembered seeing Grian after they’d left the desert. Remembered how he’d thrown himself into Scar’s arms, sobbed on his shoulder, clutched the back of his shirt so incredibly tightly, like he was scared to let go. He hadn’t understood it at the time, didn’t know why Grian was so upset - they were both safe now, Scar had been willing to die for Grian to live, he hadn’t been upset by it. Now, he understood.) 
He was caving when it happened. His pickaxe had finally broken a few days ago, and he needed a couple diamonds to replace it - sure, he could’ve taken one of the many swords left behind by the others, but that felt… wrong, for some reason. (He’d never been above stealing before. He couldn’t quite figure out why this time it felt different.) 
He hadn’t been paying attention. He very rarely paid attention, nowadays, but up on the surface that wasn’t such a bad thing. His efforts to fill in all the holes around the server made travel relatively easy, and actually being able to sleep through the night for a change definitely helped. Down here, none of that mattered. 
He didn’t even see what it was in the end. He wasn’t convinced he would’ve fought it off if he did. 
Scar died, and the world finally went with him. 
He awoke to bright sun shining through a window, and warm sheets covering his body. Noises outside, laughter drifting through the air. 
It didn’t feel right, but still, finally hearing something other than his own breathing brought him to tears. (He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cried, he thought his tears had all dried up by now.) 
He was home. 
And despite being the only one who’d lived in the end, it was only then that, for the first time in months, he actually felt alive. 
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